Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Hikes and Rambles Spring/Summer 2015 Calendar of Hikes/Rambles/Walks Welcome to our Tuesday and Thursday series of day hikes and rambles, most within two hours of Lake Oswego. Information is also available at LO Park & Rec Activities Catalog . To recieve weekly News email send your request to
[email protected]. Hikes are for hikers of intermediate ability. Hiking distance is usually between 6 - 10 miles, and usually with an elevation gain/loss between 800 - 2000 ft. Longer hikes, greater elevation gains or unusual trail conditions will be noted in the hike description. Hikes leave at 8:00 a.m., unless otherwise indicated. Rambles are typically shorter, less rugged, and more leisurely paced -- perfect for beginners. Outings are usually 5-7 miles with comfortable elevation gains and good trail conditions. Leaves promptly at 8:30a unless otherwise noted. Meeting Places All hikes and rambles leave from the City of Lake Oswego West End Building (WEB), 4101 Kruse Way, Lake Oswego. Park in the lower parking lot (behind the building) off of Kruse Way. Individual hike or ramble descriptions may include second pickup times and places. (See included places table.) for legend. All mileages indicated are roundtrip. Second Meeting Places Code Meeting Place AWHD Airport Way Home Depot, Exit 24-B off I-205, SW corner of parking lot CFM Clackamas Fred Meyer, Exit 12-A off I-205, north lot near Elmer's End of the Oregon Trail Interpretative Center, Exit 10 off I-205, right on Washington Street to EOT parking lot by covered wagons Jantzen Beach Target,Exit 308 off I-5, left on N Hayden Island, left on N Parker, SE corner JBT Target parking lot L&C Lewis and Clark State Park.