CCCM Cluster | South | Bentiu IDP Camp Service Mapping | July 2021 Key areas of Intervention

POPULATION DEMOGRAPHY IDP CAMP CCCM WASH Health MHPSS NFI/ Protection Child GBV Education Nutrition Communication Food/ Shelter Protection with Community Livelihood 107,130 Total IDPs living inside Bentiu IDP Camp


Bentiu !


CAR Camp GENDER & AGE DISAGGRIGATION Blocks Camp Blocks \! DRC TOTAL IDPS KENYA FEMALE UGANDA MALE 107,130 52% 48% Individuals Buffer Zone Below 5 yrs <5 years BOYS GIRLS 52% 48% 1

26,919 (25%) Humanitarian Above 5 yrs Log Base Camp Blocks MEN WOMEN 14% BOYS GIRLS 51% 49% 80,211 (75%)


130,000 114,499 114,330 113,695 107,130 110,000 100,441 100,441 100,441 95,980 90,000


50,000 Humanitarian 30,000 Hub 10,000 BORE Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21 Jun-18 Jun-19 Jun-20 Jun-21 0

Data source: Service mapping-DRC, IOM, UNHCR & Other Partners Population: IOM/DTM as of July 2021. SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Coordinating services (delivered by NGOs and other service providers) Bentiu IDP Camp - To all IDP’s Name: Mahmud Naief • Monitoring the service delivery of other providers in accordance with agreed All sectors and Humanitrians Title: Camp Manager standards within Bentiu IDP Email: [email protected] • Communication and Information sharing with the community regarding service Camp Call sign: BM 9.4 Camp delivery and camp governance Cell: +211912370577 Management • Complaints Feedback Mechanism - service provision • Establishing governance and community participation /mobilization mechanisms IOM • Large scale camp operations - Relocation • Dead Body Management • Information management (data and maps) for, or providing, key services in gap areas • Stand by teams to register new spontaneous and organized arrivals • Biometric Registration • Ensuring the maintenance of camp infrastructure • Construction of community infrastructures • Site planning Common • Flow Monitoring and Gate Count tracking @ Southern AND Western Gate Bentiu IDP Camp-All To all IDP’s Name: Victoria Nyawara Services IOM • Biomteric registration, maintenance, authentication and verification Surveys Sectors and Humanitrians Title: Programme Officer within Bentiu IDP Email: [email protected] Camp Call Sign: BM 4 Cell: +211912379594

• Hygiene Promotion (HH visits; jerrycan cleaning;clean-up campaign; Menstrual Sector 5 All sectors All IDPs in the speci- Name: William Karinga 2 hygiene management, for cluster coordi- fied location Title: WASH Programme • WASH Facilities Construction and Maintenance- nation Manager • Latrines,Bathing shelters,Garbage boxes,Hand washing stations Email: UnityWASHEng@con- • Latrine Cleaning Call Sign: BZF 4.1 • Solid Waste Management, Cell: +211916248425 • Borehole O&M-Water Supply,repairs and maintenance of water reticulation sys- WASH Concern tem including water source. Worldwide • Water Point Management-Tapstands • Water Quality tests and analysis • Capacity building • Health and Hygiene Promotion ( Sector 3 blocks 1- 16) Sectors 2 & 3; con- All IDPs in the Name: Sherman Mutengu • Water Supply (Sector 3 block 1 to 16, Sector 2 block 1 to 8, 15 to 17) tingency BH in S4; specified blocks in Title: Project Officers IOM • Sanitation (S3 B1 to 16,S2 B1 to 8, 15 to 17 ) + Liquid Waste Management in Desludging Activities stated locations WASH PoC for whole IDP Camp Email: [email protected] Call Sign: B.M. 6.4.1, 6.4.2 Cell: +211912379618 • Solid waste collection and disposal, land fill area maintenance Sector 1, 4, 5 Solid All IDPs in the IDP Charles Abe UNICEF waste collection for Camp and in specific WASH Officer all IDP Camp locations for O&M [email protected] 0914274248 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Borehole Operation and maintenance Sector 1 All IDPs in the men- Name: Santino Chawei (OiC) • Water point management Sector 4 tioned locations Title: WASH Project Officer • Distribution water network maintenance E-mail: schawei@mercycorps. • Latrine construction and maintenance org WASH • Shower construction and maintenance Call Sign: B.X.I 4.1 • Laundry construction and maintenance MercyCorps • Hand washing construction and maintenance • Garbage boxes construction and maintenance • Hygiene promotion • Solid waste management at block level • WASH in schools • Menstrual Hygiene management Operate in Sector 1 and 3 Clinics in IDP Camp providing the following services: Sector 1, 3 and 5 All in IDP Camp in Name: Forward Makonese 1. Primary Health Care Services: mention location Title: Health Officer • Adult and paediatric consultations Email: [email protected] • Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) Call Sign: B.M.4.6.1 • Health Education Cell: 09148911326 • Community Outreach through health promoters 2. Reproductive Health Services • Antenatal Care • Maternity Health IOM • Postnatal Care • PMTCT - Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV 3. TB Services for all 5 Sectors • TB lab diagnosis and treatment through direct observed treatment (DOTs) 3 • HIV testing for TB patients 4. Support running of the outpatient clinic at Bentiu State Hospital: • Adult and paediatric consultations • Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) • Health Education • Outpatient consultation Sector 2 Name: Yupet Denis Modson • Maternity/ANC/PNC services and PMTCT/family planning services Title: Acting Area Coordinator World Relief • Nutrition-OTP Email: [email protected] • EPI services Call Sign: BZQ 4.1.1 • Laboratory services offering( RDT,urinalysis,VDRL/RPR) • Health education/ patients follow up through the home health promoter SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Outpatient services ( under 5 and over 5 years ) Sector 4 Blk 11 All the IDPs in the Name: Muni Safi Musa • Ant-natal care services PoC Title: Health Manager • Routine immunization and growth monitoring Email: [email protected] • Nutrition ( active screening and referral to nutrition services ) Call Sign: BYI4 • Post natal services ( Post Natal Care, Immunization, Exclusive Breast feeding/ Cell: 0915595084/ IYCF, FP, Nutrition) 0921418783 • Health education IRC • Family planning services • Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/Aids • Laboratory services • Maternity services • SGBV services through existing referral pathway

• Secondary Health Care in Bentiu IDP Camp All sectors All the IDPs in the Name: Joris Van Oss • Life/Limb saving surgery, Maternity (complicated obstetrics, neonatal care) IDP Camp Title: Project Coordinator • ITFC (inpatient therapeutic feeding centre) Email: [email protected] • IPD ward Cell: 09156550 • TB ward (<5 yrs, TB patients that need hospitalization) 30/0920770242 MSF • Isolation ward (measles, Hep E) Title: Hospital coordinator Health • Peadiatrics ward Email: bentiu-hospco@oca. • Outreach team for active case finding, follow up of discharged patients 4 • Monthly headcount Cell: 0915655029

• Overal Health coordination Both inside the IDP Name: Fredrick Beden Loro Camp and the entire Title: Head of Sub-office WHO state E-mail: [email protected] Call Sign: B.H.1

• Lead / Coordinate GBV Sub-Cluster activities both prevention and response Bentiu IDP Camp - All IDPs within IDP Name: Alona Bermego UNFPA • Conduct capacity building activities /trainings related to GBV prevention and All sector Camp Email: [email protected] response Cell phone: 0914364584 • Advocacy to local authorities and other clusters Call Sign: BN 49 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Individual counselling S1, S2, S3, S5 All mentioned Name: Kueth Geng bangoang • Group discussions locations Email: [email protected] MHPSS • Awareness sessions Cell phone: +211912370683 IOM • Recreational and income generating activities Call sign: B.M 1.8.4 • Trainings/guidance on MHPSS mainstreaming • Remote MHPSS services through toll free hotline

UNHCR • Targeted support on NFIs to the most extreme vulnerable HHs Bentiu IDP Camp Targeted Name: Nagwan Soliman Title: Protection Cluster/SWG Email: [email protected] Cell: 091234978 NFIs & Shelter Name: Teshome Yigezu Associate protection officer Email: yigezu@[email protected] Cell: 0912103418 Concern • Shelter construction and reinforcment, NFI distributions Bentiu IDP Camp - All IDPs Name: Peter Mewar Gatkouth Worldide All sectors Title: Program Manager/Acting SNFI Cluster SFP Email: peter.Me- [email protected] Cell: 0915382949 5 • Protection monitoring Bentiu IDP Camp - To all IDP's Name: Gatwich Stephen • Protection case management All sectors and Humanitrians Title: Protection Team Leader • Fast tracking of vulnerable persons during service delivery (GFD, within Bentiu IDP Email: gatwich.stephen@drc- • Relocation and any NFI Distribution Camp ngo Protection • Capacity building for community and agency stakeholders Call Sign: B.Z.D 4.1.8 DRC • Provision of information aligned to access to services in the POC (all sectors) Cell: 0916653088/0929331349 • Protection Desk services (all sectors) • Indivvidual Protection Assistance • Distribution of NFI/CRI for most vulnerable persons with specific needs

• Lead/Coordinate GBV Sub-Cluster activities both prevention and response Bentiu IDP Camp - All IDPs within IDP Name: Alona Bermego • Conduct capacity building activities /trainings related to GBV prevention and All setcor Camp Email: [email protected] UNFPA response Cell phone: 0914364584 • Advocacy to local authorities and other clusters Call Sign: BN49 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Identification of PSNs Bentiu IDP Camp - All IDPs within the Name: Nagwan Soliman • Referral All sectors Camp Name: Teshome Yigezu • Capacity building of community through trainings Title: Protection cluster/ UNHCR • Advocacy on Protection mainstreaming in all clusters SWG Tittle: Associate prt. Protection • General protection monitoring officer • Awareness raising and information dissemination Email: [email protected] • House to house visit Email: yigezu@[email protected] Cell: 091234978 Cell: 0912103418 • Psychosocial support to affected children through Child Friendly Spaces and oth- All the IDP Camp All IDPs within the Name: Samuel LUNY Women Vision er activities Camp Title: C.P Coordinator • Case management and counselling of children survivors of SGBV Email: swomenvission@ Cell: 0915593223

• Family tracing and reunification Sector 4 and 5 All IDPs within the Name: Daniel Wal Greater Upper Camp Title: C.P Manager Child Protection Nile Email: danielgunoss2017@ Cell: 0911999244 6 • Family tracing and reunification of unaccompanied,separated and missing children Sector 1, 2 and 3 All IDPs within the Name: Zachariah Manyang CCO (UASC) in the community and awareness raising on child Protection risk,and the Camp Puok importance of prevention of family separation Title: Child Protection Coordinator Email:zacharia.cco@gmail. com/childrencharityorg@ Cell: 0915533818/0923601760

UNICEF • Family tracing and reunification Sector 1, 2 and 3 All IDPs within the Name: Franka IMOYA • Case management and counselling of children survivors of SGBV Camp DAVID • Birth notification Title: C.P Officer Email: [email protected] Call Sign: BC 6 Cell: 0915621092 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE TO FOCAL POINT CONTACT

• Provide survivor-centered case management services Sector 1,3 4 & 5 All IDP’s & Name: Poni Rose Modo • Skills building session for women and girls Humanitarian Title: Program Manager • Individual and group psychosocial support session for women and girls. Email: [email protected] • Provide trainings on GBV and human right topics to increase knowledge and Call Sign: BYI 15 capacity of various stakeholders and community members Cell: 0915386582 Gender-based IRC • Support for age appropriate adolescent girls groups on Girl Shine curriculum violence through dialogue sessions. • Improvement of e access to essential services for survivors of GBV • Engaging men and boy through accountable practices to end violence again women and girls MSF MSF provides confidential and private space for survivors; women access services Sector 1, 2, 3, 4 All IDPs Name: Niladri Chakma/Alice through the Women’s Gate (Gate 3 – designated with a Yellow Flower) and 5 Maitland • PEP kits Title: Medical Team Leader • EC Email: [email protected]/ • STI medication [email protected] • Hep B vaccine Call Sign: N/A • TT vaccine Cell: N/A

• Construction and rehabiliation of TLS. and benches making in classrooms Sector 1 block 7 The service is for all IDP Name: Luonyjiok Dagey Mayen 7 MercyCorps • Construction and reabiltaion of sanitation facilities at schools Sector 2 Block 5 Camp school children Title: Senior education project • Teachers training on pedagogy, EIE, PSSS and life skills Sector 3 Block 6 Officer • School management committee and PTA training Sector 3 Block 7 Email: [email protected] • Parents/ caregivers training, Call Sign: • Ccommunity awarensss raising on child protection and GBV Cell: • Radio leraning campaign Education • Distribution of leraning materials for schools World Relief • Distribution of learning materials/ECD kits Section 5 block 7 The service is for all IDP Name: Malish Isaac • Back To Learning campaigns Camp school children Title: Education officer • Conduct sports activities & trauma healing sessions Email: [email protected] • ECD (Early Childhood Development) integration into nutrition OTP pro- Call Sign: BZQ .4.8.1 gramming

Windle Trust • Validation of girls to receive the Cash Transfer for Ten schools both Poc and IDP Camp All IDPs Name: Stephen Bijany Kuol out side Title: Liaison Officer • Supervision on the daily attendance Email: bijanystephen@gmail. • Preparation for the ground for the school to receive the Capitation grant com Call Sign: Cell: SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • Setting up of 4 TLS (8 classrooms), 1 fence, 10 latrines (5 for girls and 5 for boys) Sector 4 and 2 To all IDP's Name: Urmila Upadhyaya 2 gates, 1 offices/stores for 3000 children Youth activities all and Humanitrians witin Title: Program Manager • Benches for 4420 children sectors Bentiu IDP Camp Email: programme1.uns. • Rehabilitation of the centre fence and TLS for 4500 youth [email protected] • Training on “Roles and responsibilities of PTAs and tools for daily school man- Call Sign: BZA1 agement” for 39 PTAs members + 30 teachers Cell: +211917602104 • Equipment or recreational items provided for 200 youth and 5000 children, 45 teachers • Monthly 1 day workshop on Girls Education for PTA and parents (150 people) followed by awareness raising campaign among the community for 2800 people • Promotion of “Schools as zones of peace” for 4000 people (3 months of aware- ness raising campaign) • Refresher training on teaching skills with elements of EiE knowledge for 45 teachers • PSS training – level 2 for 45 people • Youth representatives meeting to discuss issues affecting youth in the PoC, to be conducted on monthly basis.for 25 youth • Training on peer education tools for 30 peer educators • 4 Monthly preparatory workshop for youth led awareness raising campaign for Education INTERSOS 25 youth • 4 youth led awareness raising campaign on the same topic of the preparatory 8 workshop (peace building, GBV, health and hygiene, nutrition) for 2000 people • Training on Peace building and conflict management for 50 youth conducted by an NGO/UN specialist from INGO or UN • 3 preparatory workshops for PTA, teachers and parents to raise awareness in community on SGBV information, Mine/UXO risks, HIV/AIDS, nutrition for 45 people followed by awareness raising campaign organized in collaboration with PTA, teachers and parents on the same topics for the community, particularly addressed to children and youth (at least 1000 people) • Training on Art craft works/activities and decorations. {10youth all girls plus 1 trainer} • Indoor games and reading sessions for 150 youth • Screening show on weekly basis for 3600 youth • Regular practice of sport on weekly base and workshops on sport management and code of conducts for 50 youth SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO • OTP & TSFP for children under 5 years Sectors 1 and 5 All IDPs residing in the Name: Gitau Nicholas Chege • PLW screening and TSFP location Title: Area Manager CARE • Community Outreach/Screening/defaulter tracing Email: [email protected] • IYCF activities in facilities and communties Call Sign: BXZ1 Cell: 2

• OTP & TSFP for children under 5 years Sector 3 & Sector 4 All IDPs residing in the Name: Moses Kombo Odera Concern • PLW screening and TSFP location Title: Nutrition PM Nutrition Worldwide • Community outreach/screening/defaulter tracing Email:moses.odera@concern. • IYCF activities in facilities and communities net Call Sign: BZF 4.3 Cell: +211916347180

• OTP Sectors 2 and 5 All IDPs residing in the Name: Yupet Denis Modson • PLW screening and referral location Title: Acting Area Coordinator World Relief • Community outreach/screening/defaulter tracing Email: [email protected] • IYCF activities in facilities and communities Call Sign: BQ 4.1.1 Cell: 0915875210 8 9

• CEN implements the Communication and Community Engagement (CCE) Bentiu PoC - All IDP Community in the Name: Puot Panyuan Tuor program, aired on Kondial 97.2 FM. sectors and BBR Bentiu IDP Camp, BBR Title: CEN Team Leader The communicating • The program acts as a tool of empowerment, locations locations and partner Email: panyuan.puot@cen-ss. and communities Community • encouraging civic engagement among a diverse set of individuals inside Bentiu organizations org engagement (CCE) Egagement PoC. Cell: +211 [0] 915 448 177 Program Network [CEN] • The feedback shared sets the agenda for humanitarian actors and the Call Sign: BYN 2.1 government - we cover all communities inside and outside camp to ensure that communities get accurate, timely and actionable information to save lives, reduce suffering, provide a platform for their voices and engagement. • Create a bilateral communication platform for communities and partners to facilitate effective and efficient service delivery. • Air live radio programmes or pre-recorded material on Kindial FM and boda boda talk talk [BBTT]. Form community Listening groups and focused discussion groups and facilitate weekly listening group meetings to collect feedbacks. SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FOCAL POINT CONTACT TO WFP • Support the storage, handling and transport of food commodities for IDPs Bentiu IDP Camp - To all IDP’s and Name: Edward Moyo in the IDP Camp All sectors Humanitrians within Title: Area Manager • Coordinate timely delivery of food assistance to PoC clients Bentiu IDP Camp Email: [email protected] • Carry out distribution and post-distribution monitoring activities to ensure Call Sign: BF.1 that food assistance provided Cell: • Monitor IDP Camp market situation and act as resource focal point on food security situation in the IDP Camp WHH • Distribution of General Food Rations for WFP, based on IOM registration Bentiu IDP Camp - Bentiu IDP Camp - All Name: WHH Team Leader • Cash Assistance for milling grain received from Food Assistance All sectors sectors Title: Nutrition PM Email: baraza.aggrey@wel- Food Security and Livelihoods Call Sign: BZN 3 Cell: +211916348274

• Conflict, Climatic Livestock Emergency Resposne Project (CCLERP) Outside IDP Camp To all the counties in Name: Mabor Simon Mead • Provisions of veterinary services through treatment, Vaccination and de in the counties State including Title: Project officer, worming of livestock in cattle camps and villages Levels except public the Rweng Administra- FSL-Inchange. VSF-S • Training of Community Based Extension workers and Community Animal health awareness tive Area(Host, IDPs Email: simon.mead@vsf-suisse. Health Workers(CAHWs) that include Camp and Returnees commu- org • Community dialogue and public health Awareness on zoonotic diseases -One nities) Cell: +211915553247 10 Health approach • Conflict mitigation among pastoralists through dialogue and peace building sessions • Support to Livestock institution, Livestock trade, markets and marketing systems • Support to Gender and their roles in livestock sector • Livestock disease surveilances, monitroing and reportings