TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Date of Issue: 2018/02/20

Lithium , pure grade

CAS-No. 7790-69-4

EC-No. 232-218-9

REACH No. 01-2119968667-16

Molecular Formula LiNO₃

Product Number 401110

APPLICATION - strong oxidizing agent - corrosion inhibitor, e.g. in absorption coolers - additive in fire works


LiNO3 min. 99.5 %

H2O (200°C) max. 0.1 %


Appearance Crystalline powder Color colorless / range ca. 255 °C at 1,013 hPa (Information taken from reference works and the literature.) Flash point (Not applicable) Decomposition from 450 °C temperature Density ca. 2.37 g/cm3 at 20 °C Bulk density ca. 1,130 kg/m3 Water 1,020 g/L at 20 °C 560 g/L at 30 °C

The information presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but is presented without guarantee or responsibility on the part of Albemarle Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and to provide for a safe workplace. The user should consider any health or safety hazards or information contained herein only as a guide, and should take those precautions which are necessary or prudent to instruct employees and to develop work practice procedures in order to promote a safe work environment. Further, nothing contained herein shall be taken as an inducement or recommendation to manufacture or use any of the herein materials or processes in violation of existing or future patent.

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Lithium Nitrate, pure grade Page 2 / 3 Product Number: 401110 Date of Issue: 2018/02/20

Molecular weight 68.95 g/mol

Thermal Stability onset of decomposition: 450 °C

Additional Physical Solution enthalpy: + 300 cal (18 °C) Properties


Handling Pay attention to the official safety regulations.

Storage Store under dry conditions. Product is hygroscopic, tends to time consolidation and forms agglomerates under prolonged storage.


UN number 2722

ADR Class: 5.1 PG: III Label: 5.1

RID Class: 5.1 PG: III Label: 5.1

IMDG Class: 5.1 PG: III Label: 5.1

IATA_C Class: 5.1 PG: III Packing instruction (cargo aircraft): 563

IATA_P Class: 5.1 PG: III Packing instruction (passenger aircraft): 559

Hazard pictograms

Signal Word Warning H&P Phrases See Safety Data Sheet Labelling The labelling is according to EU-GHS classification ((EG) 1272/2008) and may vary in other countries. Please refer to the respective Safety Data Sheet for your country.

The information presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but is presented without guarantee or responsibility on the part of Albemarle Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and to provide for a safe workplace. The user should consider any health or safety hazards or information contained herein only as a guide, and should take those precautions which are necessary or prudent to instruct employees and to develop work practice procedures in order to promote a safe work environment. Further, nothing contained herein shall be taken as an inducement or recommendation to manufacture or use any of the herein materials or processes in violation of existing or future patent.

Technical data sheets may change frequently. You can download the latest version from our website Please contact us at with questions.

Lithium Nitrate, pure grade Page 3 / 3 Product Number: 401110 Date of Issue: 2018/02/20


50kg polyethylene bag in fibre drum or 4 x 25kg polyethylene bags in 100kg fibre drum.


Further Related Safety Data Sheet Documents

The information presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but is presented without guarantee or responsibility on the part of Albemarle Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and to provide for a safe workplace. The user should consider any health or safety hazards or information contained herein only as a guide, and should take those precautions which are necessary or prudent to instruct employees and to develop work practice procedures in order to promote a safe work environment. Further, nothing contained herein shall be taken as an inducement or recommendation to manufacture or use any of the herein materials or processes in violation of existing or future patent.

Technical data sheets may change frequently. You can download the latest version from our website Please contact us at with questions.