Ziegler Genealogy
ZIEGLER GENEALOGY Nicl1olas -- -- Michael -- -- Peter Family Tree Compiled By JOHN A. M. ZIEGLER, Ph. D .. D. D. fvlinister - Author - Writer Sponsored By The PETER ZIEGLER ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR Glenn Printing Company Huntin~ton Park California Introduction For a number of years, my ambition has been to trace n1y ancestors to the one who came from Ger many. I knew it must have been in the Early Colon ial period. When publishing "Father and Son," a life-sketch of my father, Rev. Dr. Henry Ziegler, and of myself, I could not say that my father descended from a certain Ziegler ,vho came across at a definite time. This, therefore, was my problem. Collecting material for our Family Tree began. in a leisurely manner, more than thirty years ago. The Author The serious effort, however, was started about two years ago. Plans were completed the past summer for an extended visit to Pennsylvania, in order to form the acquaintance of our numerous relatives. and to visit the places where great grandfather, Peter Ziegler, and my father lived. A Ziegler family reunion was held in Hasson Park, Oil City, Pennsyl vania, August 26, 1933, with more than two hundred present. A Peter Ziegler Association was effected, Captain Harley Jacob Ziegler of Franklin being elected President: E. Willard Ziegler of Oil City, Vice President: Miss Nora Bell Ziegler of Oil City, Secretary-Treasurer. The Association unanimously ·; agreed to have the "Tree" published, the writer being the compiler. Subsequently, I visited Center, Clinton, Huntingdon, Blair, Snyder, Perry, York and Lebanon counties, Pennsylvania, also Baltimore, Maryland, From the York.
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