Oct 11, 2012 11:38 BST October 29th Will See the New LG Nexus 4 Pure Launched

The phone has been on many people’s lips and chatted about on forums and news posts for a few months now, but it’s finally been announced that we will see, touch and be able to buy it on the 29th October. Perfectly timed for Christmas the new Google phone shows that the search engine giants want a piece of and Apple’s market share, especially as it will most likely favour the best and latest Android updates so that other smartphone makers are lagging behind. This is a shrewd move from the firm and one that will hopefully upset the two main smartphone makers.

The LG Nexus, as it’s going to be known as, will be made by the electronics firm LG. Meaning, Life’s Good, Google wants to employ the firm to make the to their specification and not have to lean on Samsung for its expertise. Bringing LG back into the fold, it shows that the electronics giant has the capacity and knowledge to take on Samsung in another market and not just the TV, DVD and home entertainment system field. Of which, LG has not only been a thorn in Samsung’s side but it has overtaken the South Korean giants on many an occasion.

The LG Nexus 4 will most likely be sold in the Carphone Warehouse once it is released. We will be able to detail exactly what Carphone Warehouse deals will be available for the LG Nexus 4 and what colours; at the moment black and white are the main ones that are tipped for the initial launch date. As the is going to be a hit in the tablet market, especially with the festive season coming up, we are bound to see the LG Nexus 4 carry the same amount of sales figures if not more. The LG nexus 4 will have a 4.7” display, which pitches it right at the new iPhone 5 and the S3.

Although the 29th October isn’t exactly official from Google, many news channels have stated the same date so it’s fair to say that if it wasn’t the date then we will hear on that date when the actual release is. If your contract is up at the start of November then it’s a good idea to not just snap up any old Samsung and look towards the future. Google are always at the forefront of technology and have the to back up any new technology that is released. As we’re waiting for 4G LTE in the UK by the end of the year, it’s highly likely that the new Google smartphone will include this as it would be mad not to.

The festive season looks to be a battle of smartphones doesn’t it? It’s no wonder as people get into the frenzy and buy anything and everything but as we’re still in the midst of a recession you should be wise with your money and compare the Carphone Warehouse deals and contract comparison so you can save a little.

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