PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES DEPARTMENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES PARLIAMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL annual report 2018 l ANNUAL REPORT 2018 REPORT ANNUAL LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Parliament of New South Wales Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Ph (02) 9230 2111 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CONTACT US The Honourable John Ajaka MLC Legislative Council President of the Legislative Council Parliament House Parliament House Macquarie Street Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 SYDNEY NSW 2000 Email
[email protected] Dear Mr President Switchboard • (02) 9230 2111 It is with pleasure that I submit for your information and presentation between 9.00am and 5.00pm weekdays, excluding to the House the annual report for the Department of the Legislative public holidays Council for the year ended 30 June 2018. As you are aware, the Department of the Legislative Council is not @nswupperhouse legislatively required to table an annual report. However, as has @nsw_upperhouse been customary over previous years, the opportunity to provide information on the performance of the Department is embraced. The content of the report incorporates the reporting requirements of the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985 and the Public Finance ACCESS TO THE CHAMBER and Audit Act 1983, particularly in regard to the Department of the The Legislative Council Chamber and public areas of Legislative Council’s aims, objectives, operations and financial Parliament House are open to members of the public performance. from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, every weekday (excluding I commend the report and hope you find it informative.