The Sabal November 2019 Volume 36, number 8 In this issue: November program p1. Native Plant Project (NPP) Board of Directors Species for almost-instant gratification p2 Fall & Winter Nectar & Pollen p3 President: Ken King Winter Fruits p4 Vice Pres: Jann Miller Secretary: Angela Rojas Coma p5 Treasurer: Bert Wessling Arroyo Bank Blooms, Sapindaceae Vines p6 LRGV Native Plant Sources & Landscapers, Drew Bennie NPP Sponsors, Upcoming Meetings p7 Raziel Flores Membership Application (cover) p8 Carol Goolsby Eleanor Mosimann Plant species page #s in the Sabal refer to: Christopher Muñoz “Plants of Deep South Texas” (PDST). Rachel Nagy Ben Nibert Editor: Editorial Advisory Board: Joe Lee Rubio Christina Mild Mike Heep, Jan Dauphin Kathy Sheldon Ann Treece Vacek <
[email protected]> Ken King, Betty Perez Submissions of relevant Eleanor Mosimann NPP Advisory Board articles and/or photos Dr. Alfred Richardson Mike Heep are welcomed. Ann Vacek Benito Trevino NPP meeting topic/speaker: “Soil 101” by Mike Heep Tues., November 26th, at 7:30pm A talk by native plant nurseryman Mike Heep is always a treat. This month he’s agreed to talk with us about soil. We’re losing topsoil around the world at an alarming rate, paving it over, bulldozing it away and blowing it to who knows where. Mike lends his years of teaching experience at UT-Edinburg (now UTRVG) to each of his presentations. He has studied our soils and native plants for most of his life. Mike Heep is first and foremost, a dad. Thanks to Ciara Heep for his photo! The meeting is at: Valley Nature Center, 301 S Border, (Gibson Park), Weslaco.