New CMC Ltgen
Marines Reservists meet active duty challenge Page A-2 march in Merrie Gulf heroes add twist to fun fair Monarch Page A-6 Parade Page 8-1 Comings, goings in life of military child Page A-7 Vol. 20, No. 16 Published at MCAS Kaneohe Bay. Also serving 1st MEB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii. April 25,1 New CMC LtGen. Mundy nominated fly Cpl. Jason Erickson mr.11 Mena Ste WON, The next Commandant of the Marine Corps has been nomi nated, approved by President leorge Bush,and is now up for confirmation by the Senate. If given senatorial approval, I Allen. Carl E. Mundy Jr. will take the helm of the Corps from present Commandant Gen. A.M. Ilray. At time of press, a date for Ionise of command had not yet been announced. LtGen. Mundy is currently the LtGen. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. 'ommanding General of the Fleet general in April 1986; and to lieu- Marine Force, Atlantic; the II tenant general in March 1988. Marine Expeditionary Force,and the Allied Command Atlantic LtGen. Mundy is a native of Marine Striking Force. Atlanta, Ga. He is a graduate of the Marine Corps Command and He was commissioned in second Staff College, and the Naval War lieutenant in 1957, following College. graduation from Auburn Univer- sity, in Auburn, Ala. He served in His decoratione include the Vietnam between 1966 and '67 Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, first as operations officer and Purple Heart, two Navy Com- executive officer for the 3,1 Battal- mendation Medals, and the Viet- ion, 26th Marines, 3r1 Marine nam Cross of Gallantry.
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