Cylindrical Bragg Mirrors on Leg Segments of the Male Bolivian Blueleg Tarantula Pamphobeteus Antinous (Theraphosidae)

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Cylindrical Bragg Mirrors on Leg Segments of the Male Bolivian Blueleg Tarantula Pamphobeteus Antinous (Theraphosidae) Cylindrical Bragg mirrors on leg segments of the male Bolivian blueleg tarantula Pamphobeteus antinous (Theraphosidae) Priscilla Simonis,∗ Annick Bay, Victoria L. Welch, Jean-Franc¸ois Colomer, and Jean Pol Vigneron Research Center in Physics of Matter and Radiation (PMR), University of Namur (FUNDP), rue de Bruxelles, 61, B-5000 Namur Belgium ∗[email protected] Abstract: The large male tarantula Pamphobeteus antinous is easily recognized at the presence of blue-violet iridescent bristles on some of the segments of its legs and pedipalps. The optical properties of these colored appendages have been measured and the internal geometrical structure of the bristles have been investigated. The coloration is shown to be caused by a curved coaxial multilayer which acts as a “cylindrical Bragg mirror”. © 2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (330.0330) Vision, color, and visual optics; (170.1420) Biology; (050.5298) Photonic crystals; (060.4005) Microstructured fibers; (230.4170) Multilayers. References and links 1. M. F. Land, J. Horwood, M. L. M. Lim, and D. Li, “Optics of the ultraviolet reflecting scales of a jumping spider,” Proc. Roy. Soc. B 274, 1583–1589 (2007). 2. A. L. Ingram, A. D. Ball, A. R. Parker, O. Deparis, J. Boulenguez, and S. Berthier, “Characterization of the green iridescence on the chelicerae of the tube web spider, Segestria florentina (Rossi 1790) (Araneae, Segestriidae),” J. Arachnol. 37, 68–71 (2009). 3. R. I. Pocock, “On some genera and species of South American Aviculariidae,” Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 11(7), 81–115 (1903). 4. R. G. Breene, D. A. Dean, J. C. Cokendolpher, and B. H. 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Express 19(4), 3144–3154 (2011). 1. Introduction Some spiders are known to have evolved photonic structures for coloration. Nearly perfect Bragg mirrors (i.e. dielectric multilayers) are found, for example, on jumping spiders [1] and tube-web spiders [2], resulting in brightly colored metallic-looking spots. In this work, we examine a different type of spider: a neotropical tarantula. Tarantulas form a group of more than 800 species of spiders and are frequently large and hairy. All belong to the family Theraphosidae, which is one of fourteen families in the in- fraorder Mygalomorphae. Mygalomorphs are distinct from the so-called ”true” spiders (Arane- omorphae) and differ in certain morphological details. These include the presence of patches of specialized bristles (called”scopulae”) in tarantulas that help with the adhesion of tarsi and metatarsi to the surface supporting the spider, or assist the functions of the tarsal claws.
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