RASPRAVE. Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 41/1 (2015.) UDK 811.112.2’367.63:811.163.42’367.63 811.112.2’367.63:811.111’367.63 Izvorni znanstveni rad Rukopis primljen 12. III. 2015. Prihvaćen za tisak 25. V. 2015. Mia Batinić Marijana Kresić Odjel za lingvistiku Sveučilišta u Zadru Anita Pavić Pintarić Odjel za germanistiku Sveučilišta u Zadru Mihovila Pavlinovića 1, HR-23000 Zadar
[email protected],
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[email protected] THe inTenSifying funcTiOn Of MOdAl particleS And MOdAl eleMenTS in A cROSS-linguiSTic PeRSPecTiVe The aim of this paper is to analyze the intensifying function of german mo- dal particles and equivalent modal expressions in croatian and english. Our hypothesis is that some modal particles in german and their functional equi- valents in croatian and english can express different degrees of intensity and types of intensification. The presented study comprises two parts. first, the use of intensifying modal particles by a group of speakers of l1 croatian and l2 german/english is investigated. On the basis of the results obtained, and by means of a previously conducted corpus analysis (cf. Kresić and Ba- tinić 2014), an intensification scale with respect to the inventory of german modal particles and corresponding particles in croatian as well as equivalent english expressions is suggested. Some german and croatian modal partic- les and equivalent modal elements in english can be classified on the upper and partially on the lower part of the proposed intensification scale when compared to the norm, i.e. an utterance unmarked by a modal particle.