Manuscript received 1 May 2020 Revised manuscript received 11 August 2020 Manuscript accepted 14 August 2020

© 2020 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 23 September 2020

Paleomagnetic constraints on the duration of the - connection in the core of the Nuna Uwe Kirscher1,2*, Ross N. Mitchell3,1*, Yebo Liu1, Adam R. Nordsvan4,1, Grant M. Cox1,5, Sergei A. Pisarevsky1,6, Chong Wang1,3,7, Lei Wu1,8, J. Brendan Murphy1,9 and Zheng-Xiang Li1 1 Dynamics Research Group, The Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR), School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University, Bentley, 6102, Australia 2Department of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Tübingen 72076, Germany 3State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 4Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong 5Tectonics and Earth Science (TES) Group, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia 6Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk 664033, Russia 7Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland 8Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3 Alberta, Canada 9Department of Earth Sciences, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5, Canada

ABSTRACT et al., 2019), suggests that the original proto- The Australia-Laurentia connection in the to supercon- SWEAT connection is valid at ca. 1.8 Ga, but tinent Nuna is thought to have initiated by ca. 1.6 Ga when both were locked in a a reorganization between ca. 1.7 and 1.6 Ga proto-SWEAT (southwestern U.S.–East Antarctic) configuration. However, the longevity of would have led to a slightly modified (proto- that configuration is poorly constrained. Here, we present a new high-quality paleomagnetic SWEAT) configuration. Given the inherent pole from the ca. 1.3 Ga Derim Derim sills of northern Australia that suggests Australia and paleomagnetic uncertainties, the reorganiza- Laurentia were in the same configuration at that time. This new paleopole also supports a tion between Australia and Laurentia in Nuna connection between Australia and North China and, in conjunction with previously reported could reflect either (1) a connection between data from all continents, indicates that the breakup of Nuna largely occurred between ca. the continents at ca. 1.8 Ga, followed by dex- 1.3 and 1.2 Ga. tral shearing or a divergence-convergence motion that led to separation and reassembly INTRODUCTION the configuration and longevity due to a lack of at ca. 1.6 Ga (Betts et al., 2016); or (2) that a The hypothesized connection between high-quality paleomagnetic data and uncertain small ocean existed between the continents at western Laurentia () and east- geological correlations (e.g., Morrissey et al., 1.8 Ga that closed by ca. 1.6 Ga (Betts et al., ern proto-Australia (Australia- shield, 2019). 2008; Pisarevsky et al., 2014a; Nordsvan et al., hereafter referred to as Australia), initially pro- Zhao et al. (2002) proposed that Nuna 2018; Kirscher et al., 2019). Nevertheless, this posed for the latest Paleoproterozoic to Neopro- assembled between ca. 2.1 and 1.8 Ga during a reorganization indicates that assembly of Nuna terozoic, is one of the most intensively studied period of global-scale orogenesis and broke up was a protracted process and took place until at connections in the between ca. 1.6 and 1.2 Ga, placing Australia in least 1.6 Ga, which is supported by concurrent and Nuna (Dalziel, 1991; Moores, a SWEAT (southwestern U.S.–East Antarctic) orogenesis in eastern Australian and western 1991; Idnurm and Giddings, 1995). In super- configuration (Moores, 1991) with respect to Laurentia (Pourteau et al., 2018). Nuna (also known as Columbia), it is Laurentia. Based on paleomagnetic data, the Although the refined proto-SWEAT con- thought that Australia and Laurentia were con- original SWEAT fit was refined to a “proto- figuration between Australia and Laurentia is nected throughout much of the Mesoproterozoic SWEAT” configuration for the 1.74–1.59 Ga supported by ca. 1.58 Ga paleomagnetic data, (Zhang et al., 2012; Pisarevsky et al., 2014a). interval, with Australia located further north the breakup age is poorly constrained (Evans However, critical uncertainties exist regarding in a Laurentian reference frame (Payne et al., and Mitchell, 2011; Meert and Santosh, 2017). 2009). Reinvestigation of the available paleo- The formation of ca. 1.5–1.2 Ga basins along *E-mails: [email protected]; magnetic data for roughly the same time inter- the western margin of Laurentia has been used [email protected] val, including new data for ca. 1.8 Ga (Kirscher to argue that Australia rifted from ­Laurentia

CITATION: Kirscher, U., et al., 2021, Paleomagnetic constraints on the duration of the Australia-Laurentia connection in the core of the Nuna supercontinent: Geology, v. 49, p. 174–179,

174 | Volume 49 | Number 2 | GEOLOGY | Geological Society of America

Downloaded from by guest on 03 October 2021 A 130° 133° 134° 136° 137°E B p 0 100 200 km 12°S 1361± 21 Ma Darwin 1312.7 ± 0.7 Ma DD8 1417 ± 29 Ma 13°

Maiwok Subgrou DD7

N AMS n = 98 9 11 14° 10 p McArthur ROPER GROU P 12 2 W E Katherine 43 13 Basin K1 1 15° 1492 ± 4 Ma K2 5 Sites by number K3 8 Derim Derim sills outrcrop S Derim Derim sills drill core 7 Galiwinku dike outcrop Collara Subgrou Mesozoic- Paleo- Fluvial Mesoproterozoic Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Marine sandstone basins orogens formation Galiwinku dikes Derim Derim sills Re-Os black age Marine mudstone and - AMS results by site fine-grained U-Pb age Drill core Main ma p Marine mudstone Drill core sampling Plume center Carbonate Dolerite N Up,N NRM Up,N NRM Up,North NRM F Site Mean directions 500 mA/m heating of Derim Derim sill 570 E site 390˚C 600 13-2 sites and overall mean site 500 unbaked baked 9-1 110mT East 520˚C cooling ) E 400 -6 W site site 40mT 300 Derim 9-1 declination 9-1 drill core

χ (SI x1 0 H 300˚C inclination 200 site 1 A/ m Temperature (°C) G 580˚C 100 DD7 500˚C 20mT 100 200 300 400 500 700 D E 100 mA/m S C E

Figure 1. (A) Lithologic map of the North Australian with aeromagnetic expression of the Galiwinku dikes. Sampling sites (see Table S1 [see footnote 1]) indicate directions of magmatic flow inferred from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results, where K1, K2, and K3, respectively, refer to the maximum, intermediate, and minimum axes of the triaxial ellipsoid of magnetic susceptibility magnitude (Table S2; Fig. S1). (B) Stratigraphy of the Roper Group with sills sampled from drill core and age constraints. (C–E) Thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of the Derim Derim sill samples (see also Fig. S2). NRM—natural remanent magnetization. (F) Thermal susceptibility results of a Derim Derim sill (Fig. S3). χ—magnetic susceptibility (in SI units). (G) Directions of baked-contact test conducted on drill core samples. (H) Site-mean directions of high-temperature component of the Derim Derim sills (Table S3; Fig. S4). See the Supplemental Material for details. Triangle—overall-mean direction.

­during this interval (Zhao et al., 2004). However,­ DERIM DERIM SILLS ­uncertainty) with the 1325 ± 36 Ma (2σ) Gal- ­detrital populations in many of the Lau- The Derim Derim sills intrude the ca. iwinku dikes in northern Australia (Bodorkos rentian sequences are thought to have been 1.5–1.35 Ga Roper Group of the McArthur et al., 2020). Aeromagnetic expression of the sourced from Australia (Link et al., 2007; Basin in northern Australia (Fig. 1) and are poorly exposed Galiwinku dikes reveals a Medig et al., 2014), suggesting that the basins gently folded with tilts of <5° (Abbott et al., radial pattern that projects to where the Derim were likely intracontinental (Davidson, 2008). 2001). Thermal modeling of Mesoproterozoic Derim sills intrude the McArthur Basin, fur- Paleomagnetic data indicate that Australia and natural-gas occurrences reveals that the Roper ther indicating that both sets of intrusions are Laurentia were together at ca. 1.58 Ga (Betts Group probably never reached temperatures part of the same large igneous province (LIP) et al., 2016) and that the breakup was achieved >∼300 °C (Hoffman, 2016). U-Pb geochro- (Zhang et al., 2017). by ca. 1.2 Ga (Pisarevsky et al., 2014b). Here, nology for the Derim Derim sills yields ages we report a new high-quality paleomagnetic pole of 1327.5 ± 0.6 Ma (isotope dilution–ther- PALEOMAGNETIC RESULTS from the ca. 1.32 Ga Derim Derim sills of Aus- mal ionization mass spectrometry [ID-TIMS] We collected 170 oriented block samples tralia and discuss the configuration and breakup on baddeleyite; Bodorkos et al., 2020) and from nine sites of the Derim Derim sills, where of the Australia-Laurentia connection and the 1312.9 ± 0.7 Ma (ID-TIMS on baddeley- each site corresponds to one sill, in two outcrop­ implications for the Nuna supercontinent. ite; Yang et al., 2020), both coeval (within areas (Fig. 1; Table S1 in the Supplemental­

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Downloaded from by guest on 03 October 2021 Material1). One site of the Derim Derim sills conducting the test. Two sedimentary host-rock (2) rock magnetic studies of the drill core, which was obtained from a subvertical drill core samples near the contact with the Derim Derim reveal the presence versus absence of pyrrhotite (Altree-2, drilled by Pacific Oil and Gas Pty Ltd.; sill (3 and 8 cm above) yield similar directions to in the baked versus unbaked zones of the sedi- 15°55′28.698′′S, 133°47′7.980′′E), where sam- the sill (Fig. 1G) and also have similar inclinations mentary host rock, which indicates metamorphic ples of the sedimentary rocks from the overlying to those obtained from Derim Derim outcrops, changes in the mineral composition of the host Corcoran Formation were also collected for a indicating that the sill sites within the drill core rock due to baking (Fig. S5); (3) starkly con- baked-contact test (Table S4). One site of the likely retain a primary magnetization direction. trasting paleomagnetic directions of the Derim Galiwinku dike was also obtained from outcrop. Another three samples from the sedimentary host Derim sills compared to the next-younger unit For all samples, measurements proceeded with rock of the same core but ∼30 m stratigraphically with , the ca. 500 Ma Antrim anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), above the contact show a well-defined ChRM with Plateau Volcanics (McElbinny and Luck, 1970); followed by natural remanent magnetization, a completely different direction from that of both (4) geomagnetic secular variation, which can then demagnetization using thermal (80% of all the sill and the baked samples (Fig. 1G), consti- be assumed to be sufficiently averaged given specimens) or alternating-field (AF; 20% of all tuting a positive baked contact test, i.e., the sill the number of sampled cooling units and a specimens) treatments. Standard paleomagnetic ChRM was acquired at the time of cooling. reasonable estimate of paleosecular variation laboratory and analytical procedures were used Combining eight site-mean directions of (S [angular dispersion of poles] value of 21.51; (see the Supplemental Material). AMS linea- Derim Derim sill outcrops yields a mean ChRM see the Supplemental Material) for the paleo- tions range between northwest and northeast and direction of declination 183.6°, inclination 46.2°, latitude; and (5) the presence of antipodal site-

define an average flow direction consistent with and α95 (95% confidence for spherical distribu- mean directions that overlap within uncertain- the orientation of the coeval Galiwinku dikes, tion) = 13.7° for the 1.32 Ga Derim Derim sills, ties after reversing the polarity of one site (see supporting the hypothesis of a plume center with a corresponding pole position at 76.5°S, the Supplemental Material for details; Fig. S4).

located north-northeast of Australia (Fig. 1). 120.2°E, and A95 = 15.0° (Table S3). The Gali- Rock magnetic studies of the Derim Derim winku dike site-mean direction was not included AUSTRALIA-LAURENTIA sill samples indicate magnetite and/or Ti-poor due to its large confidence interval (Table S3) CONNECTION titanomagnetite as the main magnetic phase and rock magnetic and directional differences. The paleomagnetic inclination of the Derim (Fig. 1; Fig. S3 in the Supplemental Material). The Derim Derim sills pole ­demonstrably Derim sills indicates that Australia was located Prominent single-domain and/or pseudo-single- ­represents a primary thermoremanent magneti- at a paleolatitude of ∼30° at ca. 1.3 Ga. Com- domain signals in most of the samples indicate zation, and can thus be used for paleogeographic paring these new data with coeval poles from that the sills carry stable remanence. Baked and reconstructions. This interpretation is based on: ­Laurentia (Murthy, 1978) using the modified unbaked sediments in drill core show slightly (1) the paleomagnetic results from the drill core, Australia-Laurentia fit from 1.65 to 1.58 Ga different magnetic mineralogy (Fig. S5). The which constitute a positive baked contact test; (Euler rotation­ of Kirscher et al. [2019]; Fig. 2; degree of AMS is generally low (<1.06; Table S2; Fig. S1), typical of mafic intrusions (Ferré, 2002), and indicates the absence of any signifi- ABca. 1.6-1.3 Ga C cant deformation after the emplacement of the A sills. The Galiwinku dike is characterized by a ca. 1.25 Ga different magnetic mineralogy, showing a prom- L A inent low-temperature phase potentially related L C A C L to maghemite (Fig. S3i) and much weaker mag- S B S tectonic S netic signals (Figs. S2e and S2f). C rotation Thermal and AF demagnetization of the Derim 1.65 Ga B B Derim sill samples yield well-defined and compa- Nuna after assembly Nuna tenure Nuna breakup rable directional behavior leading to high-stability HD characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) Xi GF directions that are generally well clustered (Fig. 1; Bl Bu WB DD Ta NA ZZ Figs. S2 and S4). The ChRM directions are of CD DD VF LT one polarity except one site yielding an antipo- FC Mac WC Wo dal direction. Due to the lack of chilled margin Du 1437 Ti PC Ya To contacts in outcrop, a baked-contact test was car- Yi MtI Em Ya1 Ya Bl ried out in a drill core where chilled margins are Ya1 MB Ya2 DEMa StF GRV F exceptionally preserved. The azimuth of the drill core is unknown, so the drill-core sites cannot be Figure 2. Paleogeographic reconstruction of supercontinent Nuna including its core con- used in the mean direction calculation. Nonethe- stituents (L—Laurentia; B—; S—; A—Australia, including Mawson; C—North less, the drill core has an azimuthally consistent China craton) at assembly (A), tenure (B), and breakup (C), and associated paleopoles of the reference line, so all drill core samples can be ori- five continents at roughly the respective interval (D–F, respectively). Poles plotted include: ented relative to each other, which is sufficient for GF—Gnowangerup-­Fraser dikes; MtI—Mt. Isa Metamorphosed dikes; GRV—Gawler Rangev; Bu—Balbirini Dolomite, upper part; Bl—Balbirini Dolomite, lower part; Em—Emmerugga Dolo- mite; To—Tooganinie Formation; Ma—Mallapunyah Formation; WB—West Branch volcanics; 1Supplemental Material. Materials and methods, FC—Fiery Creek Formation; Wo—Wollogorang Formation; PC—Peters Creek volcanics, upper five supplemental figures, seven supplemental tables, part; HD—Hart Dolerite; LT—Liaoning and Taihang area; Ya—Yanliao mafic sills; Ti—Tieling and references providing further detail on paleomagnetic Formation; Ya1—Yangzhuang Formation; Ya2—Yangzhuang Formation; Ta—Taihang dikes; Yi— and rock-magnetic results, sampling descriptions, Yinshan dikes; Xi—Xiong’er Group; Mac—Mackenzie dikes grand mean; NA—Nain Anorthosite; performed analysis, and reconstruction data. Please VF—Victoria Fjord dolerite dikes; ZZ—Zig-Zag Dal basalts; StF—St. Francois ; WC— visit https://doi​.org/10.1130/GEOL.S.12935030 to Western Channel ; MB—Melville Bugt diabase dikes; CD—Cleaver dikes; Du—Dubawnt access the supplemental material, and contact editing@ Group. Stars with red A95 intervals (NCC), circles/blue (Laurentia) and squares/yellow (Austra- with any questions. lia) indicate the studied continents. See the Supplemental Material (see footnote 1) for details.

176 | Volume 49 | Number 2 | GEOLOGY | Geological Society of America

Downloaded from by guest on 03 October 2021 Table S7) indicates­ the two continents were in 60°N

a similar configuration at 1.3 Ga. We propose BH Albany- ) part (Antarctic

that the Derim Derim sills pole, showing that ca. 1.3 Ga part (Antarctic Mawsonland

Mawsonland Fraser Yilgarn

Australia and Laurentia were in the same proto- Mawson

SWEAT fit at ca. 1.3 Ga as they were at ca. )




1.6 Ga, strongly suggests that this configuration SAC C WAC C a th a y s ia Pilbara was maintained throughout that time interval. l 1 a tz NAC Although published 1.6–1.3 Ga paleomagnetic a z ? a i W a yo- poles from Australia and Laurentia permit this M p a Gawler v min T a g a proto-SWEAT configuration during this inter- Y T lt ra s W 1 n o op 6 s- n m 30°N val, comparative data are not always coeval, and Hu a Kimberley d y s 4 S H 2 - u o T eno p n some are of low quality and/or have significant e P ean er H k i a E o S r r L age uncertainties (Table S5). This new pole, G n 1 O la

e 2 v R N r e Y a being coeval with poles in Laurentia and show- a n Trans-North e 2 e 8 g t z China orogen n e ing the same configuration at ca. 1.6–1.3 Ga, Angara v 3 ? i provides robust support for the proto-SWEAT l 2 1 3

l NCC e Akitka interpretation at ca. 1.58 Ga and, by implica- Tungus tion, the correlation of the ca. 1.6 Ga Racklan 4 3 n and Isan in northwestern Canada and Magan N Al northeastern Australia, respectively (Thorkel- da 2 0° 1 n son et al., 2001; Nordsvan et al., 2018; Pour- Olenek McArthur- Yanliao Gulf teau et al., 2018). M la Pre-2 Ga A Ko lga- Collectively, these data suggest that fol- S Vo 5 craton v a L e rali lowing their amalgamation at ca. 1.6 Ga, c K u o arelia 2.3-1.8 Ga

C n

o orogen ­Australia and Laurentia were contiguous in the S r Sar- 7 3 Sveco- matia same proto-SWEAT configuration for at least 1.8-1.1 B Goth fennian ∼300 m.y. This interpretation does not support Plume orogen the correlation of ca. 1.5–1.4 Ga A-type gran- center Cover ites in northern South Australia and Mexico 30°S (Morrissey et al., 2019), but instead agrees with the interpretation of northern Australian (e.g., Mount Isa inlier)–derived detrital zircon Figure 3. Paleogeography of Nuna at ca. 1.3 Ga including its core constituents Laurentia (L), Bal- in the ca. 1.5–1.4 Ga lower part of the Fif- tica (B), Siberia (S), Australia (A, including Mawson, M), and (C). Main orogens teenmile Group (PR1 unit; Yukon, Canada) of are indicated. Large igneous provinces (LIPs) emplaced during Nuna breakup are also shown with associated dike swarms (lines) and proposed plume centers color-coded by age (stars; northwestern Laurentia (Medig et al., 2014). Table S6 [see footnote 1]). See Table S7 for Euler rotations. McArthur-Yanliao Gulf is outlined The divergence of ca. 1.2 Ga paleopoles from (Collins et al., 2019), also known as the Gulf of Nuna (Mitchell et al., 2020). NAC—North Austra- Australia and Laurentia indicate that the conti- lia craton; NCC—North China craton; SAC, South Australia craton; WAC, West Australia craton. nents were separated by that time (Pisarevsky et al., 2014b), constraining the breakup age of the proto-SWEAT connection at ca. 1.3–1.2 Ga. larly from the North China craton; Wang et al., et al., 2014a). If the final collision between 2019). Lithostratigraphic similarities between Australia and Laurentia occurred at 1.6 Ga, AUSTRALIA–NORTH CHINA the McArthur Basin of Australia and Yanshan then the previously formed core of Nuna might CONNECTION Basin of north China (Zhang et al., 2018; Col- represent a precursor large building block of the These new data also support the connec- lins et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019) suggest Nuna supercontinent, just like was to tion between northern Australia and the North that the two continents were neighbors from at Pangea (Nance and Murphy, 2019). China craton, as proposed based on the correla- least ca. 1.8 to 1.3 Ga, and detrital zircon in Our new paleomagnetic pole shows that the tion of paleomagnetic poles (Zhang et al., 2012; <1.2 Ga North China craton sedimentary rocks ca. 1.6 Ga Nuna configuration of Australia and Pisarevsky et al., 2014a), ca. 1.4 Ga ­oceanic indicates they might have been together longer Laurentia (Pisarevsky et al., 2014a ; Kirscher euxinic events (Mitchell et al., 2020) and ca. (Yang et al., 2019). However, in contrast, new et al., 2019) likely remained until ca. 1.3 Ga, 1.3 Ga LIPs (Zhang et al., 2017). Our proposed ca. 1.2 Ga paleomagnetic data from North China implying that Australia was a stable part of the configuration of Australia and the North China indicate that Australia and the North China cra- Nuna core. While the connection between Lau- craton (Fig. 3) is similar to that of Zhang et al. ton had started to break apart at this time (Ding rentia and Siberia might have persisted longer, (2017) with the modification that the North et al., 2020). paleomagnetic data suggest that significant core China craton is rotated slightly clockwise rela- components of Nuna were disassembled from tive to Australia. This modified configuration is IMPLICATIONS FOR 1.3 to 1.2 Ga (Fig. 2C) (e.g., Cawood et al., more compatible with the paleomagnetic data SUPERCONTINENT NUNA 2010; Pisarevsky et al., 2014b; Ding et al., from both continents (Fig. 2; Table S5), while The core of Nuna, traditionally including 2020). Therefore, the ∼300 m.y. duration of a inferring a plume center related to the Gali- Laurentia, Baltica, and Siberia, is thought stable Nuna core between 1.6 and 1.3 Ga, during winku-Datong dike swarm to the present-day to have been assembled by ca. 1.78 Ga (Wu which the supercontinent exhibited a slow coun- north of Australia (Zhang et al., 2017) (Fig. 1). et al., 2005). Paleomagnetic poles from these terclockwise tectonic rotation (Fig. 2), is strongly The exact amalgamation age between Austra- three core continents support the configuration supported by paleomagnetic data from several lia and the North China craton is still unclear in Figure 3 from ca. 1.7 Ga, although other continents and implies that Nuna was the longest due to a lack of paleomagnetic data (particu- arrangements have been proposed (Pisarevsky lived among the three known supercontinents.

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