Selected articles concerning Israel, published weekly by Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim’s (Baltimore) Israel Action Committee Edited by Jerry Appelbaum (
[email protected] ) | Founding editor: Sheldon J. Berman Z”L Issue 90 1 Volume 2 1 , Number 3 3 Parshias Ki Savo August 2 8 , 2021 Afghanistan dominates DC's attention, but MidEast eyes are on Bennett By Omri Nahmias August 25, 2021 Between a twice - daily Pentagon press briefing, the US presidents were often focused on the Israeli - Palestinian State Department's daily briefing, and the White conflict. However, it seem s this time that is not going to Hou se one, the visit of the Israeli prime minister is be the case. not dominating the news cycle. Lucy Kurtzer - Ellenbogen, director of the Israeli - Prime Minister Naftali Bennett arrived in Washington Palestinian conflict program at the US Institute of Peace, amid the United States’ final act in Afghanistan. On told the Post, “While the Israeli - Palestinian conflict will Tuesday, US President Joe Biden clarified that he wished certainly be on the agenda, it will likely be superseded by to move forw ard with the plan to complete the US other issues, with Iran, COVID and China no doubt withdrawal from the country by August 31 – just six days among those items topping the bill. away. “This is a function of both leaders’ acknowledgment The Pentagon and the State Department are working and agreement that a push for big Israeli - Palestinian closely to coordinate the evacuation of remaining diplomacy would be neither desirable nor fruit ful,” she Americans, alongside US military and Afghan personnel.