September 08,1886
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PORTLAND DAILY. PRES& PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL. 24. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1886. filtfiSSSB 420 00 PortlandTrust Co476 70 BODWELL'S for several CITY VALUATION AND FOR "aok, Cumber- Bradley, W L Pierce, Anna L, 40 SPECIAL. NOTICES. DAILÎ OURS. CHARLESTON MORE HOPEFUL. MR. CENEROSITY. Bates Manufacturing Company TAXES W.3HO 00 Preble, SophiaE, o96 THE PORTLAND PRESS, 'and Xari 294.00 Brock, Geo Fierce,Arthur 813 SO a director of the Lewiston Machine 1886. Lewis, 475 50 Preble: Win Pitt, Published every day (Sundays excepted) the years, Mer- Brown, Chas A Pierce. 234 00 by 605.10 Chaa D Jolill B, 304 60 Preston. John Ç, An Old Neighbor States of since its organization, a director Brown, Pike, 00 PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Heat Won the Swift Incidents Company 210.00 Plurmner,Charles Pullen, StanleyT,213 The First by Another Slight Shock Yesterday, but The assessors have completed the assessment Burbank.Doug Wm L, 010 20 AT 97 ExCHANO* STREET, PORTLAND, Me. His Kindness. of the Exeter Manufacturing Company of «arbour, j„i™ 231.00 lass & Co M, 613 30 Putnam, for the year 1886 and haye committed tho lists Address all communications to Mayflower. No Damage Results. Ν. for several a director "arker, l'ew 391.50 Burgess, Fobes Exeter, H., years, and Collector. to the City Treasurer & Co 360 PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. An old neighbor of Mr. of the Boston and Maine Railroad from Geo Qièlnn & Co, Apollinaris Bodwell, in a let- The valuation for the current year is Real a'i, com! Burnhain, 70^ Yankee Yacht Shows Her Heels The and ter to the Kennebec 1872 to 1884, and a director and agent of the ,0ηβ|Ή 378.001 heirs "THE QUEEN OF TABLE The People Reviving Courage Journal, relates these Estate, $21,571,000, an increase from last year » 501 Robinson, Jao" WATERS," THE WEATHER. Ι*«!ϊ ρ 408.30 Burrows, Ε Τ Rackleff. JamesL307 to the British Cutter. instances of the kindness and of Franklin Company for some time. In the Personal $11,862,200, an £ftrrett, 349.60 Burrows, F Ε Beginning to Cain Confidence. generosity of $363,000. Estate, Chas 4.1» 20 311.70 A U John F «33 00: liters, B, the Republican candidate : war for the Union he was one of the strongest increase from last year of $102,675. Butler, ÎSnd 235.20 Moees CAUTION. 8. is SP^p Butler, Washington, Sept. m view of the recent libellous attacks supporters of the loyal cause. He repre- The actual increase, it will therefore be seen, 208.80 31 heirs is ire1· s? s An Immense Crowd of Wit- The upon Άχϊ*'·> awte 10 " The indications for Maine, New Hamp- People Country Responds Cenerously the character of Mr. I deem it not in the in 18G3 Redlon, Luthe", 248 70[«ο1Ιΐώ ^AAun.,313 Water with is Bodwell, sented Lewiston Legislature $465,675. C. Rollins. Franklin polluted sewage poison." shire ness a Race. less a than a to Rice, Dexter 8, 205 60j and Vermont are fair weather and Remarkable to the Calls for Aid. duty privilege refute those and was of Lewiston in By an ordinance of the City Council a discount Cobb, John C 265 00 and substantiate andl8G4, mayor Rich, Samuel S, j charges such denial one on Coleswo r t h Samuel, 244 50 stationary temperature. by He took an active in the of one (1) per cent, will be allowed all taxes CteC"a, y, heirs, 770 70 Round», New or two of the many instances of his 1873. part securing «^heire.Oeoο on. Samuel H 10 York Times, July 20,1885. gener- assessed for the on or before the Richardson, Kos- Russe II. John,h'rs648 The indications for next hours and year 1886, paid *£Cahutor 420.00 Coleswo r t h twenty-four The Calatea Beaten by 12 Minutes Chablkston, S. C., Sept. 7.—Charleston osity kind-heartedness that have come building of the Lewiston and Auburn Rail- y, well M. 809 40: 30th day of October next. π., » 8 L 685.50 Samuel H .Tr Jr'212 10 " commencing this morning for New England was again shaken by an earthquake today. under my personal observation. In the sum- Ricker, Sarah M, 512 40 «β'0"1 The and 40 Seconds. road. on the r?ïletOD'κ V 244.60 AVm purity of APOLLINARIS A about was felt mer of 18— a man then a resident of The rate of taxation is $2.10 $100—be- Colligan, are fair weather, nearly stationary tempera- shock, lasting five seconds, young ^arney, heirs the best the in the at 11.42 this forenoon. this State decided to go into the BASE BALL. ing the same rate as that of 1885. offers security against dangers ture and city sheep-rais- 600.60 Conant, Pat- Sager, Eliza. 677 60! Smith, Susan H, southerly winds. of business in the West. the for the cur- 636 ou which are common to most the The Hon. William A. Courtenay, Mayor ing Lacking the nec- The sums assessed upon city 277.20 rick A Co Sanborn, WH&Co 210 00 Trustee. of ordinary Cheers Civen for the Callant Lieut. he laid his Charleston, S. C., arrived in New York on essary capital, plans before Mr. The New rent year are as follows: 236.10 Conlev.J & Son Sargent, Edw'dll,332 70 Smith, waters." I.OCAI. WEATHER REPORT. his aid. With England League. &- Consolid a t e d WBS 00 Tibbetts*Bo4oo drinking Henn and His Charming Wife. the Etruria of the Cunard line from Europe Bodwell, soliciting character' For State tax $114,226.07 lS?rMChadboura Sawyer. Co,210 7, 1W80.B istic he 609.00 Elect' Schlott erbeck, Snow. Augusta iOKTLAND, Me., Sept. yesterday, and went to the New York Hotel. generosity advanced the money— For county tax 17,698.24 Light London Cha<n»ickfhÎ,n<laJ! T Co of Me 1*. 34Γ» 30 L.^ Medical Record, 7 A M 3 V M 111 r M When the boarded the steamer with a sum, too,—taking the young man's LADIES' DAY. For Auguetug 217 20 I I pilot goodly City Purposes 588,045,00 heirs 485.10 Everett Win & 0<) Snow, Lucien, has and received note with the that he should Cook, Seuter, Co,252 Barometer 130.335 30.228 30.191 New Yokk, Sept. 7.—This been the papers mails. Mayor Courtenay understanding Today will be ladies' day at the Portland j ρ 721.20 & Fennell 840.00 all if Min. Wat. his first intimation disaster to his hold an in the flocks until the note $719,969.31 Of Grocers,Druggists, Dealers, Tliermo'r. ( 75.8 07.0 greatest yachting day New York has ever of the interest instead of The Portlands Complin, A 732.90 Corey, Eben 632.20 was as In grounds Friday. Amount of overlayings 10,894.89 Dew Point 03.0 05.4 02.0 seen, and another day of glory for Boston native city. He received a basketful of let- paid, security. the severe storm ^οαρΙΐη,ΜC J 362.10 Corey, Ε & Co 693.00 the and a fine will un- BEWARE OF Humidity.. 89.0 70.0 184.0 ίor the yacht Mayflower ha» won the first ters and telegrams from Charleston. He of the succeeding winter every sheep was will play Lynns, game rh?pQlaD> « Corey, WACo 346.50 IMITATIONS. Wind SW S SW starved or $730,864.f0 race of the international series against the learned that his family had been forced to frozen to death ; and when, after doubtedly be played. Madden and Reilly 378.00 Corser, S Τ 414.60 210 00 jy!7 Velocity... 8 10 10 The number of Polls returned this year is 9,- fean· & Co, British cutter Galatea, with a steady whole- abandon their beautiful h<»me in Montague days of isolation and suffering, he worked 792.60 Cousens Line Steam- Weather.. Fair Clear I Clear will jftobably be the battery. The game as 236.10 Tomlinson 808.60 Co, 630 00 Star sale breeze from the southward permitting street, and after nights of terror and suffer- his way back to civilization and his home in 589, which is 308 less than last year. boat Co, 210 00 Mean usual will at 3 and it will be Cox, A F & Shaw. Hammond daily bar...30.251 Maximum tlier... 83.3 each to carry all their sails. The ing were waiting in a carpet tent on the Maine and to Mr. Bodwell's home, and told begin o'clock, The income of the city is estimated this year at ChS'^MS 945 00 Steadman, Ε H & Mean ther..09.9 68.9 light 770.70 Son 936.60 & Carney, daily Minimum ther.... 40 lawn near the house for the arrival of the him of his and loss and conse- called at that time. & 346 50 Mean Galatea was beaten 12 minutes and sufferings promptly $88,000, which added to the amount to be raised Άη""»Chase, κ ρ 786.30 Cram,Ellen M 476.70 Shaw. Son Co, daily d'wpt.03.7 Max.vel. wind....l2SW a meet the its ma- 23100 Stephenson, Alex- B. actual or 12 minutes and 2 husband and father. The Mayor said to quent inability to note at 6: amount re- c 234.00 Cram, M 703.50 Hawkes, DR. Ε. REED. Mean hum....81.0 0 seconds, time, PORTLANDS, LYNNS, 0. direct taxation, makes the whole Chase, Ε Mary dally TotaiDreclP by ander 43S 50 saconds corrected time, the Mayflower hav- reporter : turity, his great heart was filled with sym- John w (.'rocker, F C 345.30 Shaw.