Community and 2

The age range for B​ orderlands ​is 25­39 years old. but, I disagree with this age range because of the cell­shaded nature of the game and the over­exaggerated violence and madness I think appeals to a younger audience. I think that the audience that suits this game would be 18­25 years old. although I do feel that some of the over sexualisation of some of the characters (E.G. Mad Moxxi) and some of the complex leveling up systems may draw an older audience into the game.

The age range for C​ ommunity ​is also 25­39 years old but i think that the age range is wider than that i think that it should be as wide as 19­39 years old. this is because it fits the range of people that would be in university or in work, so some of the situations people would be able to relate to the show. it would also attract both genders because of the strong female roles in the show (such as Britta and Annie). But other than the show range being too narrow, I agree with it.

the majority of the people watching C​ ommunity ​are female (56%­44%). even though the majority is female it is a pretty much an even spread, this is probably because of the spread of male and female characters it attracts both genders. Also the episodes and always revolving around one person, all of the characters get equal screen time. This shows that the equality in the show translates to the viewer base. I agree that the viewer base could be majority female but not predominantly female or male.

the majority of the people that play ​Borderlands 2 are male (about 60%). I believe that this is because of the prominent theme of violence throughout the game and some of the oversexualisation of some of the femail chariters like mad moxxi. Although the games main player base is male there is still quite a few female players of the game. But even with the violence and over sexualised female characters, the game isn’t only revolving around a male protagonist. There are infact two playable female characters (including the DLC character). this allows the players to choose a character that fits with the same gender if they so wish. also, i wouldn’t say that the game is in any way sexist because it has some very strong female characters (possibly some of the strongest characters are female). but, with the over sexualised characters that style fits with the character. for example moxxi is over sexualised but is known to have married about 6 times that we know of. so i believe that although the main player base of borderlands 2 is male that there is a strong female player base and the game does not cater to just one gender.

the social class of the viewership of C​ ommunity i​s A,B,C1. this shows that the program appeals to the higher class of people with high paying jobs like teachers and doctors. I believe that this is due to community being set in an American community college. the show also revolves on how bad this community college is (or possibly, as hinted within the show, most are) this plays on the natural thing of making people feel good watching other people in worse situations than them, the whole idea of sitcom really. I agree with this demographic.

The social class of the player base for B​ orderlands 2 ​is ,like community, A,B,C1. I believe that this shows that people that by this game have the money to spend on games. but i don’t think that this game has been made with any social class in mind. borderlands is a game with childish comedy for example you get a quest that is to “kill 5 BONERFARTS”, that doesn't really say target audience teachers and doctors does it? i think that the games social it has been categorised in is circumstantial and not representative of the entire audience.

In regards to ethnicity C​ ommunity t​ends to side on the multicultural having white, black, indian and chinese people in the main cast but it is made clear that the show isn’t about the cultures but of the people themselves. Although their cultures to factor in to some episodes, I don’t believe that it is main part if the show. It is more about the people than the colour of their skin. I think that the equality of the show is what draws people in.

In B​ orderlands 2 I​ don’t think that the developers had any sort of ethnicity in mind for their target audience, or at least it doesn’t seem like they did. Although throughout the entire game there is only one black character and everyone else in the game is white. On the other hand I feel that the game might have suffered if they tried to add multicultural characters for the sake of adding them. This means (makers of the game) went for satisfying game play before focusing on multicultural elements.

the focus sexual orientation for Community i​s heterosexual. this is because all of the main cast is heterosexual and there are only heterosexual relationships that develop within the show. Although there are some hints towards a character being homosexual. The dean with his flamboyant attitude and his obsession with the main character (Jeff Winger) strongly suggests this. But although the show seems like it is has a purely hetarosexual audience thereis a large space for a homosexual audience. within B​ orderlands 2 I​ believe that the target sexual orientation for this game is leaning very far towards the heterosexual audience. In the game there is little to no reference to anyone homosexual. This game feels like it avoids topics that could be taken in a bad way to avoid shedding bad light on them. this feels like it is in complete contrast to community, community is very open to addressing these topics whereas B​ orderlands 2 ​trys to play it safe when it comes to it so that it won't get bad a bad reputation of ,for example, displaying gay people in a bad way.