COLUMBIA Ministry of Employment and Investment Energy and Minerals Division Geological Survey Branch
BRITISH COLUMBIA Ministry of Employment and Investment Energy and Minerals Division Geological Survey Branch GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE TASEKO - BRIDGE RIVER AREA By P. Schiarizzs, P.Geo., R.G. Gaba, P.Geo., J.K. Glover, P.Geo., J.I. Garver and P.J. Umhoefer Contributions by D.A. Archibald, T.P. Poulton,H.W. Tipper, F. Cordey, M.J. Orchard, J.A. Jeletzky, J.W. Haggart, J.F. Basinger, A.R. Sweet and R.M. Friedman BULLETIN 100 Canadian Catalominp,.. in Publication Data r Main entry under title: Geology and mineral Occurrences of the Taseko - Bridge River area (Bulletin ; 100) Issued by Geological Survey Branch. Includes bibliographical references: p. ISBN 0-7726-3044-5 1. Geology -British Columbia - Taseko River Region. 2. Geology, kconamic - British Columbia - Taseko River Region. 3. Mines and mineral resources - British Columbia VICTORIA - Taseko River Region. 1. Schiarizza, P. 11. British BRITISH COLUMBIA Columbia. Minisy of Employment and Investment. 111. CANADA British Columbia. Geological Survey Branch. 1V. Title. V. Series: Bulletin (British Columbia. Minisq of Employment and Invescment ) ; 1W. FEBRUARY 1997 QE187.G46 1997 557.11'31 C96-960332-0 The Taseko -Bridge River map area covers about 3200 rocks, formerly includedin the Noel Formation,that are here square kilometresof mountainous terrain centred200 kilo- assignedtotheinformalGunLakeandDowntonLakeunits. metres northof Vancouver. It lies between latitudesSO"45' These rocks are included withinthe Cayoosh assemblage,a and 5l'lS'north and longitudes 122"OO'and 123"3O'west, thick coherent succession of clastic metasedimenlary rocks and covers NTS map areas 920/2 and 920/3 and portions that conformably overlies the BridgeRiver Comp1,:x to the of map areas920/1,92J/14,92J/IS and 92J/16.
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