Issue #11 • April 2016 • Nissan 5776

“אבל גדול ליהודים” מיד הצמיח להן הקב"ה ישועה ... "ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה." (דברים רבה ואתחנן פרשה ב) אמר רב יהודה: אורה - זו תורה, וכן הוא אומר (משלי ו') "כי נר מצוה ותורה אור." (מגילה דף טז:)

long winter has gone by and it seems like quite a while ago that Yehoshua Berman as an aliyas neshama for Rabbi Twersky, zt”l, .שפתותיו דובבות בקבר many of us saw each other at the ’s annual Dinner. At and a kiyum of Athat most powerful Dinner, in addition to the tribute paid to the You will also read of other Ner Michoel gatherings that honorees – including alumnus Reb Mordechai Golombeck and the happened over the winter and of the recent Siyum HaShas by Class of ’97, we experienced many powerful moments of remembering Rav Avidon Soroka. Ner Michoel has deep feelings of talmid .הי”ד זצוק”ל ,our Rebbe – HaGaon HaRav Mosheh Twersky nachas from his accomplishment. In the months since then, Ner Michoel has quietly gone about its The winter will soon be behind us. The darkness will dissipate and business, planning current and future events for our Alumni. Many even in –אורה זו תורה .the spring sunshine will warm us with its rays of the events that you will read about in this issue happened over the bleakest moments, the Torah shines forth and shows us the way the past winter. Some of them happened during the period of Rabbi out of the abyss. .s yahrtzeit, during the time leading up to the Dinner’זצ”ל Twersky .together ,אור של משיח צדקינו May we soon see the The theme that emerges from these pages reconfirms the feelings and words expressed by Reb Zeev Berkovits in one of the articles “that the Ribbono shel Olam is pleased with the talmidim’s response to their rebbi’s petirah, the Siyum HaShas and all the learning…” You will read of the Siyum HaShas, commemorating Rabbi Twersky’s yahrtzeit in Eretz Yisroel, and parallel events in America. You will read of the recently published Kovetz of Rabbi Twersky’s Torah on Chanukah and the sedorim during which talmidim learned the sugyos, once again with their Rebbe, zt”l. You will read of the new Vayigdal Moshe website, and really the “Vayigdal Moshe movement”, spearheaded by alumnus Reb Rabbi Daniel Sinowitz Rabbi Shmuli Weiner LIVING EACH YOM TOV AS HE TAUGHT Warm Response to Publication of Rav Twersky’s Torah

s his talmidim are well aware, Rav halachos. With the approach of each Yom Zikaron was published and distributed Mosheh Twersky, zt”l, lived with a Tov, Rav Twersky would allocate some of the among the many talmidim and alumni Avery powerful, vibrant connection to time he spent with the talmidim to deliver who delight in his Divrei Torah. The first the Torah calendar; each Yom Tov and its special shiurim on these sugyos. He would section is comprised of the special shiurim season was a palpable, living reality. On infuse these shiurim with the rich essence he gave on a yearly basis during the weeks Yom Tov itself, he was transformed into a of the Yom Tov and its deep meaning; they leading up to Chanukah on the sugyos in different person; his entire being radiated were a very central part of his influence on Bameh Madlikin dealing with the related the unique flavor and magnificence of that the talmidim and people around him. halachos. The second section of the Kovetz particular chag. He instilled in his talmidim is a collection of various chiddushei Torah In honor of the Siyum Kesivas Sefer Torah the principle that for a ben Torah, a vital which Rav Twersky submitted over the Rav Twersky, which took component of experiencing a Yom Tov l’ilui nishmas years to Tiferes Tzvi, the Yeshiva’s Torah place at the Yeshiva’s Dinner, a Kovetz is to delve into the sugyos underlying its periodical, on various masechtos. Rabbi Continued on page 2 Connections Issue #11 • April 2016 • Nissan 5776

Continued from page 1 Avi Lowenstein and Rabbi Matis Feld yahrzeit were said. Talmidim had originally collected and distributed excitedly began learning from it; that a limited edition of these chiddushim at Friday night there was a seder l’ilui the Siyum HaShas Melava Malka l’zecher nishmaso, during which everyone nishmas Rav Twersky held in Yerushalayim went through several simanim. last winter. As part of the Kovetz, this is now A number of avreichim gave available for all the alumni. chaburos based on the Kovetz. The following Sunday, when the While the second section originated from talmidim traveled to visit the Rav Twersky’s own submissions which kever, Rabbi Matis Feld gave a he felt were fit for publication, the first shiur from the Kovetz on the bus. section came from audio recordings of his shiurim, with some augmentation from the A group of talmidim learned the notes written by many of the talmidim. entire Kovetz, at a pace of one Rabbi Lowenstein and Rabbi Naftali siman per day from the yahrzeit, Meiselman spent many hours listening to completing it in time for the recordings and transcribing them in a Chanukah. Rebbetzin Twersky, manner that would be as faithful as possible who was very pleased with the to the original, retaining the unique publication of the Kovetz and “feel and flavor” of the way Rav Twersky the talmidim’s warm response, would explain a concept. They asked Rav hosted a special mesibas Twersky’s son, Rav Meshulam, to review the Chanukah for this group work for accuracy and authenticity; he, too, in her home. Rabbi Matis listened to the audio several times, adding Feld, Rabbi Avi Lowenstein and replacing words and phrases that he and Rabbi Sholom Tuvia Gordon spoke Twersky thought would better reflect his father’s about how meaningful it is that the Rebbe’s exuded when a Yom intent. While the original shiurim were Torah was learned before Chanukah by Tov approached, have expressed their presented in the flowing order of thedapim his talmidim just like it was done in years joy at the opportunity to be able to relive of the Gemara, it was decided to arrange past, during his lifetime. The singing and this experience and reconnect with their them in the Kovetz in the form of simanim dancing – accompanied by Moshe Ziegler Rebbi’s Torah through the Kovetz. Many by topic, for greater clarity. on the guitar – made it a memorable and have responded with their comments inspiring event. and insights, and are looking forward to The newly printed Kovetz arrived in Yeshiva the publication of his Torah on the other on Thursday evening, the 24th of Cheshvan, Talmidim throughout the world, who vividly Yomim Tovim and the weekly parsha, when hespedim for Rav Twersky’s first recall and still feel the excitement Rav currently in preparation. TALMIDIM COMMEMORATE FIRST YAHRZEIT OF RABBI MOSHEH TWERSKY

n Motzei Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah, a crowd of close to 200 the closing of this difficult year brings with it a comforting sense talmidim, family and friends of Rav Mosheh Twersky, zt”l, gathered of accomplishment. Recalling how Rav Mosheh, zt”l, constantly Oat the Ahavas Torah Hall in Yerushalayim for a Melave Malka and encouraged his talmidim to learn and review the entirety of Shas, Siyum HaShas in his memory. The fact that Rav Twersky’s firstyahrzeit they emphasized that tonight’s siyum demonstrates that we have fell on the preceding Shabbos – ruling out any hespedim taking place attained a degree of success in emulating him and putting his on the day itself – was understood by many talmidim as an indication lessons into practice. that as sad and troubled as they were by their rebbi’s tragic petirah, it After Rabbi Zev Klein completed the last piece of Gemara and said was now time to focus on moving ahead and trying their best to emulate the along with some , Rav Meshulam Twersky his ways. hadran divrei Torah recited the kaddish. Although the was already in Participants listened attentively as Rabbi Yehoshua Berman, Rabbi America for the upcoming Dinner, the event was graced with the Eliezer Niehaus, and Rabbi Avrohom Twersky spoke about how participation of the Mashgiach, Rabbi Abramowitz, Rabbi Samber, 2 Continued on back cover recent Siyum Hashas by Rabbi Avidon ASoroka, a Toras Moshe alumnus who is now a Rosh Chabura in Lakewood, brought inspiration and incentive to many people who Alumni Happenings participated in the celebration or heard about this worthy achievement. Staying This Siyum was a culmination of what began over eighteen years ago, when Rabbi Soroka atznea leches – modesty and humility were was a first-yeartalmid in Toras Moshe. “My Ha hallmark of Rav Mosheh Twersky’s, zt”l, inspiration was certainly drawn from the essence during his lifetime. The shocking Connected rebbeim I had there,” he says. “The Rosh tragedy of his petirah al Kiddush Hashem created Yeshiva is fond of saying, ‘Shas is long, and a tremendous yearning among his talmidim and Shas is hard’, and I realized early on that you beyond, to keep his influence alive by studying really have to be in it for the long haul, with a his Torah, his mussar, and his avodas Hashem. strong goal and a firm commitment. I was also abbi Daniel Sinowitz, who was in the zocheh to be in the ‘daled amos’ of Rav Mosheh RUnited States for a family simcha, took the Rabbi Yehoshua Berman, a devoted talmid Twersky, zt”l; he constantly pushed us to learn opportunity to visit Yeshiva Ohr HaChaim of Rav Twersky, conceived and created as much as possible, and to want to know kol in Queens, NY, where a large contingent of, a website serving as hatorah kula. He had it on his fingertips; he Toras Moshe talmidim are currently learning. a resource center for everything about his was fluent in every area inShas , and he urged ”Visiting these talmidim,” says Rabbi Sinowitz, great rebbi, bringing his priceless lessons and us to aspire for the same degree of familiarity. “was a very special experience for me. I had influence to all who seek inspiration and long to hear his voice once again. The website is a strong connection with them while they “The Yeshiva was learning Bava Metzia back well designed and user-friendly, with separate were in Eretz Yisroel, and I was really happy then, and I set a goal to learn the perakim we sections for divrei Torah, a categorized audio to see them thriving so beautifully in their weren’t learning during the sedorim, so that I library (linking to, pictures new yeshiva. Rabbi Doniel Lander, the Rosh would know the entire masechta. For the next and videos, memories, and information about Yeshiva of Ohr HaChaim, graciously invited few years, I tried to finish themasechta we many other projects, such as a comprehensive me into the bais medrash, where I spent some were learning in yeshiva, while doing small biography scheduled to be published in the time with the bochurim. He then allowed us to Mo’ed masechtos on the side. I realized that if I near future. The video section features the use one of the shiur rooms so I could say some kept this pace – learning about 100 blatt a year, touching memorial video that was shown divrei chizuk for them.” I could hope to finish Shas before I turned 40. at the recent yahrtzeit Siyum Hashas in When I completed the ‘yeshiva cycle’, I started Rabbi Sinowitz shared an inspiring vort on the Yerushalayim. on the other masechtos; I joined the Kodshim weekly parsha of Vayechi, pointing out the chaburah here in Lakewood. As time went on, differences between life in America and Eretz New, exciting sections are being constantly I started doing it with more and more of the Yisroel, and offering insights on how to make added, such as “Window to Brisk”, and “Bursts of Tosafos, and filling in the ‘gaps’ I had left out. the necessary adjustments. We all go through Profound Insight”. “We are trying to categorize During some years I covered a bit more, others different stages in life, he told thebochurim ; the Rebbi’s Torah in a way that it will appeal years a bit less, but I stayed focused on my the key is to live in the present, and try to be and be accessible even to those who weren’t goal, which ultimately allowed me to achieve your best at whatever stage you’re up to by zocheh to know him during his lifetime,” Rabbi it – to learn through Shas with a satisfying making the right choices. Berman says. “The response so far has been very positive, and we hope to continue to bring degree of shleimus. I still have a lot to learn, Special thanks to Uri Klein and Eli Bienstock merit both to ourselves, as well as to the lofty and iy”h during my next time around, I hope for coordinating the visit. neshama of Rav Twersky, zt”l. to take it to the next level!”

The Rosh HaYeshiva Giving a Shiur in Lakewood The Rosh HaYeshiva Giving a Shiur in Baltimore

3 American Friends of Toras Moshe 1412 East 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 11230

Continued from page 2 Rabbi Avrohom Meiselman, and Rabbi response to their rebbi’s petirah, Naftali Meiselman. Rabbi Yonason the Siyum HaShas and all the Sanders, founder and dean of Bais Tova learning. After additional remarks girls’ school in Lakewood and a friend by Rabbi Katzenstein, Rabbi of the Twersky , addressed Yehudah Eisenstein shared a dvar the event. Also in attendance were Rav Torah on the current parsha that Twersky’s mother, and his rebbetzin, who he personally heard from Rav was very involved in the planning and Twersky many years ago, on Erev preparation. Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah following the petirah of Rav Shach, A moving, emotional video portrayed zt”l. Mr. Shelly Lang of Neginah some memories and sparks of spoke about his impressions of Rav greatness personified by Rav Twersky, Twersky, with whom he became highlighting the message that while he acquainted through his son Rabbi is no longer physically present among Yechezkel Lang, a of Rav his talmidim, the flame of his legacy Twersky for many years. Rabbi Nesanel Twersky, a nephew of Rav continues to burn brightly. Mosheh, zt”l, was also present at the Melave Malka. During the inspiring event, momentum quickly gathered for Alumni in Baltimore marked the yahrzeit when the Rosh Yeshiva, participating in the next Siyum HaShas, to be held iy”h in time Rabbi , visited Yeshiva Ner Yisroel. The Rosh for the second . People began signing up, and most of the yahrzeit Yeshiva began with an approach to the parshiyos in Sefer Bereishis, masechtos were committed on that very night. A talmid, Rabbi Yisroel which describe the triumph of our forefathers over other individuals Wohlgelernter, was called upon to begin Shas once again, with the first who may have attained great heights in understanding, but failed to Mishna in Masechta Brachos. put their proficiency into practice. Rav Twersky’s greatness, the Rosh On that same Motzei Shabbos, alumni in Lakewood gathered for Yeshiva emphasized, came from the fact that his vast Torah knowledge a Melave Malka at the home of Dr. Yosef Polinsky, who completed influenced his every move; this is what he succeeded in transmitting to Masechta Nazir with his chavrusa, Rabbi Yosef Katzenstein, l’ilui his talmidim as well. their Rav Twersky. After making the , Dr. Polinsky nishmas rebbi, siyum Wherever they find themselves, Rav Twersky’stalmidim continue to spoke briefly about his and offered some examples rebbi’s hashkafa bring nachas to his exalted neshama by continuing to build on the of how he personified these lessons. Rabbi Zeev Berkovits expressed strong foundations he established. his feelings that the Ribbono shel Olam is pleased with the talmidim’s