IONISPHERE 17 JUNE 2019 Journal of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau. Ionisphere (IO) is published by John Thiel, 30 N. 19th Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47904, reachable at
[email protected] . Our staff is as follows: John Thiel. bureau head. Jefferson Swycaffer, pro contact, POB 15373, San Diego, CA 92175-5373.
[email protected] Jon Swartz, fan contact, 12115 Missel Thrush Ct., Austin, TX 78150,
[email protected] Jon Polselli, ground adjutant, 861 Sebastiani Court, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123. Jeffrey Redmond, promo, 1335 Beachwood NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505,
[email protected] The purpose of Ionisphere and of the Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau is bringing science fiction fandom into a close relationship and maintaining good possibilities for interrelating among fans, writers, editors, publishers, and artists specializing in fantasy and science fiction. Ionisphere provides a contact for the bureau with the membership and with casual readers who visit the NFFF site, and is a visible way for us to maintain our activity. Jeffrey Redmond maintains fan pages on Facebook, John Polselli contacts paper fandom, Jon Swartz keeps information moving, Jefferson Swycaffer provides support, and I keep a watch over internet fandom, with a view toward stimulating fan and pro interrelations, and also get pro interviews through Facebook with writers who have Facebook. CONTENTS Editorial, John Thiel, page three Author Interview, James Van Pelt, page five Behind the Scenes, Elements for Writing Science Fiction, Jeffrey Redmond, page fourteen A Personal Convention Review: Norwescon 42 (Sea Tac, WA, April 19-22, 2019), Steve Fahnestalk, page twenty-one Editorial Taking Care of Business, Taking Care of Business…Taking Care of Business the Old Hard Way.