·, mTiiim~: ~ cc~ · r-­ .·.....en : · ...a­ :~ =-= : cc:: = : ­ca : c: :· c:= :! -=c:c .: ...... :. -CD .! - GENERAL PURPOSES SUB-COMMITTEE 1-4-711 1.\. 11 711 now GRANTS PANEL


Co-opted Members: MH . D. I3LENKINS HIP MR. R. A. HARIUSON MR. H. A. jOHN SON



MR. M. E. BURROWS, .~.H.I.C.S. MR. V . R. WEBSTER, M.A. ANNUAL REPORT , part of our work is ()fll" or Illl" k :,,"1 "1)("('1111'111111". il i" 1111 111'1 ,,11.1101 I'.'I!

INTRODUCTION of our task of gllarding lli l: N(J((illgli:lIlI~liir('11t'1ilal:(', The year covered by this Annual Report has been one of modest growth. The amount of grant aid given has increased substantially from £13,390 in the previous year to over £20,000 in 1978/79. A number of major projects have Bede House Chapel come to fruition including the proposed survey of redundant farm buildings. The plot of land adjoining the chapel has been sold for thl: l:1"(;l:ti0I1 It is pleasing to he able to report that this increased level of activity has been of six old people's flats, built to an agreed design. The prol:ccds of thl: paralleled by an increase in membership which has grown by over one-third. sale are to go towards the restoration of the Chapel itself, which will then be MEETINGS FOR MEMBERS sold for a nominal sum to Newark District Council who will be responsible for The 197R Annual General Meeting of the Trust was held in the Tudor its future upkeep. The District Council intend that the Chapel should be used Barn of the Centre, , on 13th November. After the formal for the benefit of the community so that the future of the Chapel in new and business of the meeting, the Chairman of the Trust, Professor M. W. Barley, viable use is assured. gave a fascinating talk on recent 'Discoveries in the City and its Suburbs'. The talk was followed by an opportunity for members to meet informally over a glass of sherry. The Barn, Keyworth The Spring Meeting was held at Alfreton Adult Education Centre, During the course of the year, restoration work to the Barn has been Church Street, Alfreton, , which was a joint meeting with the largely completed. This major project to restore a very important example of a Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust. Mr. D. Latham spoke on 'The Preser­ timber framed barn has been tackled in a joint initiativt: by the Trust , Rush­ vation of Derbyshire's Heritage' in which he reviewed the work of the Derby­ cJiffe Borough Council and County Council. shire Trust which was largely concerned with the purchase and restoration of buildings using the revolving fund principle. This was followed by a talk on 'Recent activities in Nottinghamshire' by Mr. G . Beaumont, who spoke on the 32 Heathcote Street, work of the Nottinghamshire Trust, together with illustrated examples of This building, owned by Notting­ properties which had recently received assistance. ham City Council, has been standing The Annual Coach Tour was held for members of the Trust which vacant and was falling into a state of provided an opportunity of seeing first hand, the types of property which the disrepair. Agreement was reached Trust has assisted. The properties visited ranged from modest renovated with the City Council that the Trust cottages, such as 152-156 Main Street, Woodborough, to major buildings, would undertake essential internal such as Keyworth Barn and Pumping Station. Lunch was held repairs such as the eradication of dry at Holme Pierrepont Hall by courtesy of the owner Mr. R. G. L. Brackenbury. rot. This work has been completed so PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND LISTED BUILDINGS that the deterioration has been stopped The Trust has been represented at and the future of the huilding has been a number of Public Inquiries during safeguarded. All that is r.ow requited the course of the year. The Trust is a prospective tenant or purchaser ... successfully opposed the demolition of the chimney of Bracebridge Pumping The Manor House, Willoughby-on­ Station and subsequently there has the-Wolds been considerable interest shown in It is with great regret that we report the restoration and re-use of the the loss of the l\'Ianor House at building. At another inquiry, the Willoughby-on-the-Wolds. All that Trust, with some regret, agreed to the now remains is one gable end onto demolition of the Victorian wing of which a completely new development Hall so that the older parts -.,;;, is to be built. The building was listed could be retained. Although this and it is of considerable concern that Bracebridge Pumping Station. The Tru st 32 Heathcote Street, The detailed facade was restored with a grant from such changes could be wrought to a successfully opposed the demolition of the building which we would have con­ chimn ey at a Public Inquiry. the Trust. sidered to be protected. Photograph : Neif Shapeero PhOIOf(raph : N eif Shal'eero 2 3 Linby Lane, Papplewick The Cottage, Road, Farnsfield 3 Lindum Cottage, Main Street, Hoveringham There has been considerable discussion about the future of this house Langford Hall (second grant) Old Bar Farmhouse, Laxton and its associated range of barns built in magnesian limestone. The buildings Wilson Street, N ewark (additional grant on scheme) are now listed and the Trust is looking seriously at a number of options for Top Farm (Plot 2), Stables, W ymeswold Road, restoration, including the possible acquisition of the house and adjoining barn. Th e Barn, King Street, Southwell Sarncen's Head, Southwell Parish Hall, Upton Windles Square, Calverton City of Nottingham The site adjoining Windles Square, which fronts on to Orchard Drive, Hallfields Farm, Village Road, Clifton Village has now been sold for the erection of one dwelling to an agreed design. 11 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingh am Throughout the proceedings, and indeed throughout the whole of the time J2 H eathcote Street, Nottingham that the Trust has been associated with Windles Square, we have received The Rectory, Wilford very considerable assistance from Mr. David Bowler of the University of RllsllCliffe District Nottingham, Department of Architecture and our grateful thanks are due to 2 Cottages adjacent Rancliffe Arms , Bunn y him in large measure. Old Hall Farm, Car Colston Fulwell Farmhouse, Costock Courtyard and Clock Tower, Flintham Hall GRANTS AND LOANS Top Lodge, Flintham H all Dovecote ,Manor House, Normanton-on-Soar Grants/loans totalling £20,025'00 have been made or offered during the Top Farm, Screveton-Barn financial year 1978/79 for work on the following properties:

Ashfield District FARM BUILDINGS SURVEY Chapel Street Farm (Beeley's Farm), 12-16 Chapel Street, Kirkby-in-Ashfield Th e Trust, in conjunction with Task Force North, is to employ a Farm Duke of Wellillgton, Kirkby-in-Ashfield Buildings Survey Team, consisting of four suitably qualified members, to undertake a full-time survey of farm buildings in the areas of Rllshcliffe Bassptlaw District and Bassetlaw. This is particularly pleasing as the same application had been Gateford Hall 49 and 51 Carolgate, made unsuccessf'Jlly under the former Job Creation Scheme. The team will Ordsall Hou se, Road, Retford start work principally in the forthcoming year under the supervision of the Old Grammar School, Tuxforel team leader, Mr. Philip Ibbotson, for an initial period of six months. It is 35 Potter Street, 'h'orksop hoped that the project will be extended, both in time and the areas which are is Broxtowe District ,. being surveyed and early favourable indications suggest that this likely to Ireton House, Church Lane, Attenhorollgh be the case.

Gedling District BUILDINGS AT RISK Ramsdale Farm, Oxton Lane, Arnold Forge Mill, Bestwood The Trust is compiling a register of buildings which are considered to Manor Farm, Arnolel Lane, be at risk for any of a number of reasons. Buildings at Risk are normally 109 Main Street , Wood borough brought to the attention of the Trust by our members as well as the public at M a71sfield Distri(t large. Each case is reviewed to see whether there are any courses of action Bentinck Memoria l, Market Place, Mansfield which can be inil :ated to help safeguard the future of these buildings. It St. Peter's Building, Bridge Street, Mansfield is alarming to find that some of them are listed, including farmhouses and 2 Welbeck Road, Mansfield Woodhouse - Bnrn cottages as well as buildings such as dovecotes for which there is now no use. N e'wark District It is most important that members should continue to inform the The Olel School, Barnby-in-the- Willows Secretary of buildings thought to be of historic interest and that remain Kisimul School, l'leesthorpe H"II. C,,"nton empty for some time or seem to deteriorate seriously. Even if effective action 1 Bank Hous e, High Street, Coli in~h"m proves impossible-- and this is bound to be so in some cases-the Trust High Hous e, Southend, Collin~I,,'m should know what is happening to the County's stock of buildings. Th e Windmill, Elston (two wants) 5 4 CONCLUSION The Council wishf's to place on record its appreciation to the County and District Councils for the donations so kindly given during the year under '-" review in support of its work. The amounts receiveri are shown below. ., ..J I­ £ .J Nottinghamshire County Council 6,500 a:~::::::::::--r::-::-::-:.­--­ .:: Ashneld District Council 100 IQ"

Bassrtlaw District Council 1,026 . ) Broxtowe Borough Council 512 :t \r t­ 0.1 Gedling Borough Council 1,000 .. -, \IV' Maf'sneld District Council 994 ;] Newark District Council 1,000

Nottingham City Council 1,055 ).. I" ~ Borough Council 1,000 0 II \J l In particular our thanks are due to Mr. A. Sand ford, LL.B., Clerk of the :r County Council and Chief Executive . Nottinghamshire County Council for \J ).. 1. kindly acting as our Honorary Legal Adviser and to Mr. J. Furer. I.P .F. A., '- « ::l F.R.V.A., TreasLlrn of Rushcliffe Borough Courcil, for his valu?ble assistance. J 2 as our Honorary Treasurer. 0 I­ Our thanks are also due t(. those Officers, Committee Members, Mem­ .J 1. '" Z oJ l- bers of the Technic;;l Panel and interested individuals who have helped to .J II fu rther the aims and obj( cts of the Trust. ? Last, but by no means least, our thanks are due to the staff of the Co m­ ~z_ 0 munity Council for Nottinghamshire and, in particular, to Miss Margaret Barron, for their efforts on hehalf of the Trust, which so often go unseen, but .u are, nonetheless, e~sentialto our work. .... ~ :J

:1 PROFESSOR M . W. BARLEY, Chairman ::::_­ _-_-_-_-:-_-_-_-_-_-_-:.-_-.. iiI: - _'!!'WI__ --4_ .l DR. R. MIDDLETON, Secretary z C(


Plan- The M anor House, Willoughby-on-the -Wolds

6 7 THE MANOR HOUSE, "VI LLOl/CHBY-ON-THE-WOLI1S LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS 1978/79 mid 17th century hOll se wi th later 'ldditions . . . "'Abbey Gates \Vomen's Institute "'Chesterfield Canal Society Adcock, Mrs. C., Radcliffe-on-Trent Clark, Dr. M., Beeston Allen, Mrs. P. R., South Collingham Clayton, Mr. M. F., Shepsh ed Anston 'Nomen's Institute "'Clowes, Mr. D., Archit ects' Design Group *Collingham Parish Council tAshton, Mrs. G. L., Mansfield Colston Bassett Parish Council "'Aslockton & Wh atton "'Colver, Mr. C. A., Misterton Wom en's Institut e Corder, Mr. J. S., c.R.I.C.S., Auld, Mr. & Mrs. J. S., Farnsfield Nottingham "'Awswor th Parish Council Cotton, Professor R. E., Normanton-on-the- Wolds Bagguley, Miss M., Bradmore Craven-Smith-Milnes, Mr, . E., "Barb er, Mr. & Mrs. R., Hickling Southwell I Barker, M r. J. W., Lowdham I Barley, Professor M. W., M.A., Dawson, Mr. G. A., Willoughhy-on-the- Wolds 1 F.S.A .• Chilwell *Basford, Miss I. N ., Lowdham Derbyshire, Mr. P. N., Rempstone Bates, Mr. R. B., Shireoaks "'Dickinson, Mr. D., Gedling Beardsley & Theobalds, Southwell Dodsworth, Mr. R. C., Beaumont, Mr. G., DIP.ARCH. (P.N.L.) East Bridgford HONS., R . l.B.A., t Duckwo rth, Mrs. K., Keyv.orth "Beckingham Wom en's Institute l1udding, Mr. J. W. M., F.R.l.B.A., Beeston Civic Society UON.V.P.I.L.A., F.S.A.SCOT., F.R.S.A., Bell, Dr. and Mrs. G. D., Lambley Nottingham Bennett, Mr . & Mrs. N., Collingham Durant, Mr. & Mrs. D. N., Bleasby Renoy, Gordon & Partners , Collingham East Bridgford Parish Council Bestwood St. Albans Parish Council East Dray ton Parish Cour,cil Biggs, Dr. B. J., Retford East Markham Parish Council "Bilsthorp e Parish Council Eherlin and Partners, Nottingham 1 Bingham Town Council Education Resources Service, Gedling *Binns, Miss R., Nottingham "'Egmanton Women's Institut e Blarney, Mr. R. W., Southwell "Elkesley Parish Council Bleasby Parish Council *Epperstone Parish Council Parish Council Boden, Mrs. D., Nottingham Fenwick, Miss A. D., Ordsall tBower , Mrs . J. M ., Oldcotes *Ferriman, Mrs. M., Lowdham Boylin, Mr. G., J.P., Ruddinglon Field, Mr. T., Woodborough 1 "Bramcot e "'om en's Institute Flintham Parish Council "Brand , Mr. K., Woodthorpe Foot, Mr. A. G., Laxton *Briggs, Mr. J. W., Chilwell F rith , Mr. H. A. R., Blyth 1 Brind , Brigadier]. L., East Markham *Brooker, Mr . D., Tollerton "'Gamston with West Dravton & Buchanan , Mr. & Mrs. A., Blyth Faton Parish Council . Buchanan, Sir Charles, "Garner, John & Co., Sutton Bonington Sutton-in-Ashfield Buckley, Dr. J., Bramcote *Gedling Village Preservation Society George, Mrs. J. S. B., "'Camcron, Mr. A., \Vest Bridgford Gillespie, Mr. & Mrs. J. Upton Car Colston and Screveton Gotham Parish Council Wom en's Institute Go tham Women's Institut e Cartledg e, Mr. D., Flintham t G ray, Miss E. M., Linby Cartlidg e, Mr. D. R., Wollaton Gray, Mr. M. W., Nottingh am "Catheral, Mr. R. E., "'Greasley Parish Council Mansfield Woodhouse Green, Mr. & Mrs. D. F., South well now, sadly, all that remains, is one gable end onto which a new development is to "Caunton Local History Society "'Greene, Mr. R. C., Attenborough be built . Chambers, Mr. E. ]., Bingham tGregory, Mrs. E. M. Plumtre e s 9 Gringley-on-the-Hill Parish Council Melly, Mrs. R. E., Ruddington Retford & District Historical & Tedd, Mrs. M. C., Car Colstoll Middup, Mr. & Mrg. S., Archaeological Society Thorne, Mr. I. D. P., Hadfield, Miss E., Derby Woodborough Rhodes, Mr. C. G., Farnsfield Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Hallam, Mr. J. B., East Markham Miller, Rev. & MiS. P. T ., tRhodes, Misses S. E. G., & G. M., Tollerton Parish Council "Hardstafi", Mr. R. H. , Linby Nottin~ham Blyth Toplis, Mr. J. F., Southwell Hawton Parish Council "Millgate Conservation Society Richardson, Mrs. D., Oxton Torworth Parish Council Helps, Mr. P. T., Epperstone "Misson Parish Council Rissen-Kent, Mr. A., East Stoke Trowell Women's Institute

Henshaw, Mr. P. J., Nottingha:c1 "Morris, Mr~.D. E., Bec.kinl:ham "Roper, Mr . P. 8., Bulcote Turner, Mr. J., Lound Henstock, Mr. A. J. M., Bingham tMuirhead, Mr. C. D., South Scarle Royle, Mr. E . V., Nottingham Turton, Mr. T. L., Newstead Hildyard, Mr. M. T., M.B.E., M.C., Mulholland, Miss F., Bramcote Ruddington Parish Council Tuxford Memorial Hall D.L., Flintham "Munt, Mr. P. , Beeston Ruddington Village Society ·'Tuxford Parish Council Hills, Mrs. A. J., Woodthorpe McArtne y Associates, James, Rufford Parish Council Hogg, Mr. D., Nottingham Nottingh am Varley, Mr. & Mrs. T., South well HogC(, Mr. N. U. A., Nottingham "McClintock, Mr. H., West Bridgford "Sc arrington Women 's Institure Venn, Mrs. D. M., Hals tead "Holden, Mr. R. H. , Southwell McMeeking, Mrs. M. , M apperly Park Seely, Mrs. M ., Arnold Home Brewery Co. L td., Daybrook Severn, Mr. J. A., R. I.D.A., l.P., "Wal esby Parish Council Hopkin & Sons , Messrs. , Mansfield Needham , Mr . P. R., Warsop West Briclgford Walker, Mr. D. , Rempstone Borrocks, Mr. M . W., Elkesley Newark Archaeological & Local "Sherman, Mr. M. A., Worksop Walker , W alton & Hanson, Hoskins, Mr. & Mrs. K. A., History Society "Sherwood Archaeological Society Nottingh am Woodborough Newark Civic Trust Shrimpton, Mrs. D. M., Ruddington "Yallwork, Mr s. M., .I. P., Beeston Housley, Mr. S. S., l.P., D arlton fNicholson, Mr . & Mrs. M. P., tSkirving, Mrs. I. M., l.P., Langar Walkeringham Parish Council & Howitt., Cecil Partners, Nottingham Alverton Smith, Mr. J. R., Southwell Walton, Mis~M., Nottingham Howitt, Mr. R. C. L ., Farndon Noble, Mrs. H., South Scarle Smith, Mrs. V. M., Bramcote tWarin\t, Mr. N. M., Windsor Hurst, 1\1r. M. G. , Newark Noble, Mr. J . L ., Warsop Vale Smith-Woolley & Co., Collingham tWebster, 1\1r. V. R., M.A., North Notts. Gravel Co. I,td., " Environmental Society Jac.kson, Mrs. A. H . M. , Kirklington Retford "Southwell Civic Society ·Welb eck Abb ey Women's Institute Jenkins , Mr. D ., Chilwell North & South Clifton South '.~·ilford\l\!omen's Institute "White , Miss., C. J., North Clifton Johnson, Mrs. H. A., Carburton Wom en's Institut e "Spence, Mr. & Mrs. J., Sherwood White, Finch & Rider, Mansfield tJohnson, Mr. H. A., Carburton Nottingh am Civic Society Starr, Mr. J. , Cotham "Whittl estone, Mr. D. J., Kirklington

"Johnson, T . H. & Son, ~ladworth "i';uthall & District Local Historv Staunton , Mrs. E. G., Staunton Williams, Mr. I. R. , East Bridgford Jones, Miss B., Park 80cietv . Stedman, Sir George, Oxton Winthorpe with Langfo rd "Nuthall Parish Council Stewart, Mr. R., Sherwood Parish Council Keelan, Mrs. J. E. Worksop :j:Summers, Dr. N. "Wollaton Village Preservation Society "Kinoulton Parish Council Old Mansfield Woodhouse Society "Sutton Parish Council "Woodborough Parish Council Kinoulton Village Preservation Society Sutton Bonington Parish Council \Voodborou gh Women'S Institute "Kirkby & District Conservation Swain , Mr. P., Nottingham Worksop Manor EstateS Limited Society Packe, Mr. W .. Winthorpe "Wyatt , Mr. & Mrs. A. C. , "Kneesall, Kersall & Omptom Parish Palmer, Miss E. M., Lenton Tate, Professor B., Sutton Bonington Ann es ley Woodhouse Council Parker, Mrs. K. E., South well Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. F. C., Calverton Payne, Mr. J. H., Lowdham "Taylor, Mrs. J. , Woodborough Yates, Mr. J. F., Newark Laneham Parish Council Pearce, Rev. F., Kettering Pearson, Mr. W. F.F.A.S., Blyth Langar-cum-B~rnstolleParish Council M., " New M embers t Honorary LIfe M embers f Life Members Lawson, Mr. P. S. ,West Bridgford Peers, Mr s. E., Chilwell Lawton, Mrs. D., Syerston Pennant, Rev. & Mrs. P . V. R., Leach, Miss M. R., Mansfield Sutton Bonin'gton "Lee, Mr. K ., Collingham ·Pickles, Mr. & Mrs. D. R. P., "Lee, Mr. L. G., Wood borough Newark-on- Trent "Lenton Abbey \,yomen's Institute Player & Son~,John, Nottingham :j:Lester, Mr. A. E., J.P., Arnold "Pll"asley & Pleasle y Hill Lester, Mrs. M., Arnold Women's Institute Lewenz, ]\·;iss L. L., Gedling "Plumtree ~lomen'sInstitute "Linby Parish Council Pritchard, Mrs. S. E., Dleasby Lowdham Parish Council Proudley, Mrs. G. M., Bole Pykett, Mr. '\'. J. E., Hawton Mansfield Civic Society Marriott, Mrs. B., Southwell Radford, Mr. P. V., Langford "Marsh , Mr. T ., Screv eton "Rech, Mr. C. P., Aspley Marshall, Mr. A. J. R., Nottingham "Reddish , Mr. M. P., Tollerton Martin, Mr. K. E. , Farndon Reeves, Or. "Y. G., Measures, 1\1r. & Mrs. D., Southwell Cl ipstone-on-the- Wolds 11 10 NOTTINGHAMSHffiE BUILDING PRESERVATION TRUST LIMITED


£ £ p £ P 1977178 INCOME 1977-78 EXPENDITURE [, 19,565·38 £ p [, P 10,100 GRANTS AWARDED ...... NOrrIN GH.'\MSHIRE COUNTY COUNC IL : 100 Less G rants repaid in accordance with 5 year agreement 1,200·00 6,000 Grant 6,501HJO 18,365·38 SUBSCRIPTIONS: 10,000 5,548 Local Authorities .. £ p 6,505·00 MA NACEM ENTS EXPENSES: 474 2,750·00 Others ...... 726·75 2.500 Administrative Charge by Community Ccuncil for Notts. 42 Add Tax reclaimable on Covenants .. 35·03 61 Meetings and Committee expenses .. 26·27 761·78 428 Printing. Stationery and Office Equipment 519·48 7,266·78 50·57 Publications and Publicity DONATIONS ...... lQ9 POStages .. 223·44 nOOKLET 'AT HOME IN SHERWOOD': Bank Charges .. . . ·96 24 Sales 28·60 20 Company Registration Fee 20·00 Less wriuen off 2·98 8 Miscellaneous 15·00 3,605·72 25·62 -1 2 Less amount due Lo Nons. C.C. 14·30 TECHNICAl. ADVISERS: 11·32 2,000 Salary .. . . 2,000·00 [NTEREST RECEtvAI3LE: 392 Travelling Expenses 409·89 165 Bank ...... 73·47 179 V.A.T. on Salary and Expenses 176·42 2,027 Loan to Rushcliffc B.C. 2,419·07 2,586·31 2,492·54 M ISCHLLANEOU S: M ISCEL[.AN EOUS: 223 Coach Tours 56·32 166 Coach Tours .. . . 45·50 Purchase of Plaque 90·37 94 Punch and Pate evening 146·69 Contributions to Plaque 60·24 EXCESS OF [ NCOME QVI'm ExPENDITURE 287·82 105·74 SALE OF LAND: .. Windles Square (net) .. £ p 5,550·75 nede Hf' use Chapel .. 5,500·00 Less written down Asset 2,435·21 3,064·79 8,615·54 1,475 EXCESSOF EXPENDITUREOVER I NCOME £16,010 £24,991 ·92 £16,0 10 £24 ,991·92


1977178 LIABILITIES 1977/78 ASSRTS £ [, P £ p ACCUMULATED FUND: £ £ P £ I) 29,003 Balance as at 1 April 1978 . . . . 27,527·52 PROPERTY: BEDE HOUSE CH,\PEL: -1,475 Add Excess of Income over Expenditure 287·82 27,815·)4 2,294 Net COSt at 1 April, 1978 2,316·41 22 Add Transactions during year 118·80 CURRENT LIABILITIES: 673 Sundry Creditors 1,014·38 2,435·21 1SO Subscript ions in Advance 274·55 1,288·93 Less disposal of land 2,435·21 [ NVESTMIiNTS : 23,000 Loans to Rushcliffe B.C. as at 1 Apri l, 1978 .. 25,000·00 9,000 Add additional loans during year 25,000·00 -7,000 Less Repayments during year 3,000·00 22,000·00 CURRENT ASSETS: Sund ry Debtors : Balance of Land Sale 5,850·00 208 Othe r 975·63 6,815·63 BAr-i I( BALANCES National vVesrminster Bank Ltd.: 2 15 Current Account 166·16/0d 612 Deposit Account 444·80 278·64 [,29,104·27 £28,351 £28,351 [29, 104·27

J. FARRER, I.P.F. A., F.R.I'. A. Honurarv TreaSllrer 12 13 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BUILDING PRESERVATION NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BUILDING PRESERVATION TRUST LTD. TRUST LIMITED A company limited by guarantee and registered in Registration No. 897R22 AUDITOR'S REPORT: I have examined the accounts of the Trust for the year ended 31st March , 1979. I have obtained all the information and explanations which I consider necessary for my audit and in Registered Charity No . 254094 my opinion proper books of account have been kept. I have examined the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet, which acc in agreement with the books of account. In my opinion the Balance Sheer gives a true and fair view of the affairs of the Trust at 31st March, 1979 and the Income and Expenditure Account gives a true and fair view of the transactions for the year ended The Trust exists to help save local buildings of historic or architectural interest on that date. from demo lition or decay. It works by way of grants to encourage owners to keep buildings in good repair and, if necessary, will purchase buildings and restore them to Notes to Balance Sheet a useful life. 1. Contingent liabilities totalling £27,3 55'34 were outstanding at 31st March 1979 in respect of 49 full grants and 7 balances of grants awarded but not taken up. The Tru st invites subscriptions from those who wish to associate themselve s 2. 821 Copies of the booklet 'At Home in Sherwood' were held in stock at 31st March, 1979 (not with this work and to attend meetings and receive reports on the activities. included in the Balance Sheet).

The Trust is a registered Charity and can benefit from Deeds of Covenant made COUNTY H I\LL, G. E. DANIEL, F.C. A., I. P.F.A. , F.R.V.A. in its favour. \N Ii.<;T ARIDGFORf), NOTTINGHAM Honorary Auditor Au.1707!G3

To : The Secretary,

Nottinghamshire Building Preserv~tionTrust Ltd., Registered Office: Link House, 110 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NGI 3HL.

I/We wish to become An Ordinary Member (min. annual sub. £2·00) Corporate M em bers £2·50 A Life Member £20·00

of the Trust and "enclose my first annu al subscription of £ .. " have com pleted the Banker's Order/Covenant Form overleaf.

NAME (Block Letters)


Signed.. Date ..

"Delete as appropriate


(BLOCK LETTERS) of HEREBY COVENANT WITH THE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BUILDING PRESERVATION TRUST LTD., NOTTINGHAM, that for a period of seven years from the date hereof, or until my death (whichever shall be the shorter period) I will pay annually to the said Trust on the...... day of...... in each year such a sum as will,

~fterthe deduction of income tax, leave in the hands of the Trust the net sum of sum to be paid from my general fund of taxed income, and be applied to the general purposes fund of the Building Preservation Trust Ltd. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this...... day

Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said

In the presence of (Signature) .

Occupation This form is so drafted that the payment by the subscriber remains constant regardless of any change in the rate of income tax. Note-- The date chosen for the annual payment must be later than the date on which you sign this Deed. • This amount should agree with the amount entered 011 the Banher's Order if this method of Payment is used.


Bank...... Branch Please pay now, and on the same date in each succeeding year, the sum of pounds ...pence to the National Westminster Bank Ltd., Nottingham, for the credit of the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust Ltd.

Signature ....

Address ....

t Please insert the name and branch of your own bankers 16