FOR NORMAL PEOPLE “Calm & Bendy Home Sequence 3”

This is the third in my series of home sequences that can be done anywhere. This will help to keep you calm and bendy in my absence. This is an opportunity to practise on your own, which as very important aspect of any yoga practise. Mr Doodle will help you through your poses. Enjoy!

/HW·VJHWVWDUWHGÀQGVRPHWLPHIRU\RXUVHOIPDNHDVSDFHLQ\RXUKRPHDQGJLYHWKLV sequence a try. Don’t forget to breath calmly and slowly. Settle yourself comfortably and start by breathing slowly for one minute. Uttanasana – Standing forward bend: beginning in , Mountain, H[KDOH \RXU DUPV GRZQ E\ \RXU VLGHV WKHQ GRZQ WRZDUG WKH ÁRRU ZKLOH keeping your back straight with no rounding, initially. Make sure your neck is straight as well and your head is aligned with your spine. Bend your knees if necessary. Stay in bent position for as many breaths as you wish then inhale yourself up to standing, extending your arms out to the sides, taking care to keep the spine straight. Repeat 4 times. 6XU\D1DPDVND$ PRGLÀHG ²6XQVDOXWDWLRQ$: 5 rounds of this sequence. If you cannot do Four Point Staff Pose and Up Dog, substitue with knees-chest-chin- down and cobra respectively. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Uttanasana Uttanasana (Forward Bend) (Forward Bend - Looking Forward)

Plank (No Sanskrit name)

Urdhva Hastasana Adho Mukha Svanasana (Mountain Pose - (Downward Dog) Arms Extended) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Chaturanga (Up Dog) (Four Point Staff Pose)

Tadasana Uttanasana (Mountain Pose) Uttanasana (Forward Bend - Looking Forward) (Forward Bend)

Urdhva Hastasana (Mountain Pose - Arms Extended) Janu Sirsasana: VLW RQ WKH ÁRRU ZLWK \RXU EXWWRFNV OLIWHG RQ D IROGHG blanket and your legs straight in front of you. Bend your right knee, and draw the heel in toward your perineum. Rest your right foot sole lightly DJDLQVW\RXULQQHUOHIWWKLJKDQGOD\WKHRXWHUULJKWOHJRQWKHÁRRUZLWK the shin at a right angle to the left leg (if your right knee doesn’t rest FRPIRUWDEO\RQWKHÁRRUVXSSRUWLWZLWKDIROGHGEODQNHW )ROGIRUZDUG over the extended leg. Hold for 5 breaths and then repeat on the left side.

Jathara Parivartanasana – Belly-turning pose: lying on your back, lift \RXUOHJVXSDQGÁH[\RXUIHHW.HHSLQJ\RXUULJKWVKRXOGHUGRZQGURS \RXUOHJVRYHUWRWKHOHIWNHHSLQJWKHPVWUDLJKWDQGIHHWÁH[HG+ROGIRU a few minutes and then switch to the other side.

Viparita Karani:OLHRQWKHÁRRULQIURQWRIDZDOO:RUN\RXUEXWWRFNV to touch the wall, extending your legs up the wall. Remain as still as possible for 5 to 10 minutes – this also acts as your Savasana, rest pose.


You have now completed a home practise. You deserve a cup of refreshing home brewed iced- tea. If you would like the recipe for the Tranquility Tea that I serve after class, it is available on my website. Look for the tea section.

“Fear isn’t an excuse to come to a standstill. It is the impetus to step up and strike.” Anonymous

+65 9781 3403 [email protected] 5000G Marine Parade Road, #04-29 Laguna Park, Singapore, 449290