12/1/2017 at X Games Minneapolis - What to watch for

Rocket League at X Games: What to watch for 143d - Ian Faletti

Valve must solve two Pro Circuit problems 11h - Alan Bester

Lessons from Samsung: Sticking to the script 14h - Emily Rand

KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's team 20h - Young Jae Jeon

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN

A year in review: Lessons from 2017 League of Legends 2d - Kelsey Moser

From Overwatch to PUBG: A conversation with the king of games 4d - Young Jae Jeon

How the first ever F1 Esports championship was won 5d

Trine University builds esports into its plans 7d - Sean Morrison

Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best moRve ocket League at X Games: What to 8d - Tyler Erzberger watch for Seoul Dynasty coach Hocury: 'People are underrating all the non-Korean teams' 10d - Young Jae Jeon

Sources: Zaboutine joins OpTic as head coach 12d - Jacob Wolf http://www.espn.co.uk/esports/story/_/id/19964780/rocket-league-x-games-minneapolis-watch-for 1/8 12/1/2017 Rocket League at X Games Minneapolis - What to watch for

Rocket League at X Games: What to watch for 143d - Ian Faletti

Valve must solve two Dota 2 Pro Circuit problems 11h - Alan Bester

X Games will host a $75,000 Rocket League event in Minneapolis this weekend as a part of its annual action sports Lescsompetitionons from and Samsung: arts and ent Stickingertainment to festival. Psyonix the script 14h - Emily Rand @ £ KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's League of Legends team 20h - Young Jae Jeon Ian Faletti 12 Jul, 2017

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle This weekend some of the best Rocket League teams in the world will head to 9d - ESPN Esports Minnesota to compete at X Games Minneapolis for a share of a $75,000 prize A year in review:pool. Less onsThe fr event,om 201 which7 will be streamed on ESPN3 and the ESPN App, is the League of Legendsfirst time Rocket League will be at the X Games. 2d - Kelsey Moser

From Overwatch to PUBG: A EDITOR'S PICKS conversation with the king of games 4d - Young Jae Jeon X Games to host Rocket League invitational Action sports competition X Games will host a $75,000 FACEIT Rocket League event How the first eviner Minne F1 Esportapoliss next month as part of the arts and entertainment side of the event, championship wcasalled w onX Fest, X Games announced on Wednesday. 5d

Trine UniversityRiding builds on esport rockset int fuelo it -s Rocket League and esports plans Part sport sim, part video game, the rocket-powered Rocket League mixes soccer and 7d - Sean Morrison RC cars to create charming, appreciable experiences. But can it break into the esports mainstream? Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best move 8d - Tyler Erzberger Here's how the teams should stack up heading to the premier offseason tournament. Seoul Dynasty coach Hocury: 'People are underrating all the non-Korean teams' EnvyUs, formerly known as Northern Gaming, is the reigning world champ and 10d - Young Jae Jeonwill be looking to continue that impressive run in Minneapolis. Envy brings a

Sources: Zaboutinelineup joins change OpTic toas its first major Rocket League event with Marius head coach "gReazymeister" Ranheim replacing Nicolai "Maestro" Bang. GReazy was 12d - Jacob Wolf http://www.espn.co.uk/esports/story/_/id/19964780/rocket-league-x-games-minneapolis-watch-for 2/8 12/1/2017 Rocket League at X Games Minneapolis - What to watch for recently released by FlipSid3 Tactics, and is returning to play alongside Remco "Remkoe" den Boer. The move appears to be as a substitute since Maestro is not attending the event. GReazy stepping in shouldn't change a lot for Envy, so expect a solid squad that will contend for the title.  FlipSid3 Tactics will also be attending on the back of its impressive win at  Dreamhack Sweden. To fill in the shoes of recently released gReazy, FlipSid3 Rocket League at X Games: What to watch for has recruited Rocket League Championship Series runner-up David "Miztik"  143d - Ian Faletti Lawrie. FlipSid3 will be flying high and looking to continue its impressive offseason run into RLCS Season 4. Expect a top-tier performance from the Valve must solve two Dota 2 Pro Circuit problemsformer kings of Europe, led by Mark "Markydooda" Exton and Francesco 11h - Alan@ Bester "Kuxir97" Cinquemani.

Lessons from STheamsung: third Sticking European to team is the new "superteam" formed by Gale Force the s°cript 14h - Emily Rand Esports. Led by superstar Courant "Kaydop" Alexandre and filled in with RLCS £ champion Pierre "Turbopolsa" Silfver and Jos "ViolentPanda" van Meurs, Gale KSV acquires SForceamsung has Galaxy' beens turning heads in weekly tournaments. League of Legends team 20h - Young Jae Jeon The Final European team attending the X Games will be The Leftovers, which The 2017-2018 hasLeague decided of Leg endsto try out a new member in Kasper "Pwndx" Nielsen, one of the Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN Esports highest-rated free agents currently available. This relegates fan favorite Victor "Ferra" Francal to the bench, but, according to tweets from the team, the move A year in review:is L notessons permanent from 2017 yet. This roster definitely has the potential to go far, but with League of Legends 2d - Kelsey Moser a new member anything is possible.

From OverwatchMoving to PUB G:onto A the North American teams we have . G2 comes to this conversation with the king of games tournament off its solid victory in the Brisk Summer Series 1, with an 4d - Young Jae Jeon impressive performance -- especially from Dillon "Rizzo" Rizzo. G2 will look to How the first evkeeper F1 Ethatsport momentums going, but, with the addition of the European giants, this championship was won will be the first true test of a revitalized lineup. Whether G2 can truly compete 5d for the title will rest on the back of Rizzo. Trine University builds esports into its plans Next up are the RLCS bronze medalists, NRG Esports. Coming in with an 7d - Sean Morrison unchanged roster, NRG looks to be the most promising team in North America. Pulling in PobeltDespiteer is Liquid' its ssomewhat best uninspiring offseason, NRG should turn up for this and move should return to its RLCS level. NRG will truly rely on Garrett "GarrettG" 8d - Tyler Erzberger Gordon playing at his best to push for a title here. Expect another steady Seoul Dynasty cperformanceoach Hocury: 'Pfromeople Jayson "Fireburner" Nunez and Jacob "Jacob" McDowell, as are underrating all the non-Korean teams' well. 10d - Young Jae Jeon The third team from North America is the rising star and crowd favorite . Sources: ZaboutineWith joins the OadditionpTic as of Isaac "Turtle" App, the dynamic duo of Matt "Matt" Dixon head coach 12d - Jacob Wolf and Emiliano "Sizz" Benny have truly come into their own under the Rogue http://www.espn.co.uk/esports/story/_/id/19964780/rocket-league-x-games-minneapolis-watch-for 3/8 12/1/2017 Rocket League at X Games Minneapolis - What to watch for banner. Forming under the name "Atelier" during RLCS Season 3, Rogue has shot to the top, having a decent run at the RLCS Season 3 World Championship. Following that with a playoff run at Dreamhack Sweden leaves Rogue looking good going into X Games, but perhaps below the level of the top teams attending.

The final North American team is Selfless, bringing in a new face in Kyle Rocket League at X Games: What to watch for "Torment" Storer. If he can mesh well with his teammates, especially Chris 143d - Ian Faletti "Dappur" Mendoza, this new Selfless roster could truly be a giant killer. Torment has been tearing up the weekly tournament scene in North America Valve must solve two Dota 2 Pro Circuit problemsalongside Dappur, taking games off teams such as NRG. This tournament will 11h - Alan Bester be our first chance to see how well Selfless can play against the big teams with a full roster, having played most of the world championship with a sub. Selfless is Lessons from Samsung: Sticking to the script hard to place, but, barring a miracle, it should struggle at the X Games. 14h - Emily Rand

KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's League of Legends team 20h - Young Jae Jeon @ £

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN Esports

Comments A year in review: Lessons from 2017 League of Legends 2d - Kelsey Moser

From Overwatch to PUBG: A conversation with the king of games 4d - VYoungalv Jae Jeone must solve two Dota 2 Pro

HowCir the firscuitt ever F1 Esport prs oblems championship was won 5d

Trine University builds esports into its plans 7d - Sean Morrison

Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best move 8d - Tyler Erzberger

Seoul Dynasty coach Hocury: 'People are underrating all the non-Korean teams' 10d - Young Jae Jeon

Sources: Zaboutine joins OpTic as head coach 12d - Jacob Wolf http://www.espn.co.uk/esports/story/_/id/19964780/rocket-league-x-games-minneapolis-watch-for 4/8