PORTLAND June Established 23, 1862. Vol. 10. PORTLAND,

The Poruano nullj Press MEDICAL. BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Is published every day (Sundays excepted) bj of American born citizens weierefused. The the A DAILY police were active m Portland PRESS. particularly hustling out Publishing Co., Advertising Agency. liberals, while they carefully supported Mor- atlantTc^ in ATWELL & Middle PORTLAJN mons tickets at At 108 Exchange Street, Portland. Safe and Profitable CO., 174$ Street, Advertise- 1>. engaged distributing the ments inserted in papers in Maine and through- Later came the citizens from Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year iu ut the at the polls. Sessions, advance Mutual Insurance country publisher’s lowes rates. and other settlements near the city, who did INVESTMENT. Comp’y, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1871. not forget to obey counsel, or, in other words The !>lnine Agricultural A State Press IN Implements Seeds. to at the the church (ORGANIZED 1842.) SAWYER A support polls |canilidut(s. WOODITOKD, No. 118 Exchange St. It is but charitable to that re- Is published every Thursday Morning at 51 Wall comer New The French Canadians. suppose they First st., of William, York, their return to their $2.50 a year; il paid in at a Mortgage Bonds frained from voting ou advance, $2.00 Auctioneer. The French Canadians, as we find them year. Insures Against Marine and Inland Navigation Risks. to! home; but be that as it may, they had no No- 327 Auction are To a CongresaSt. Sales day, very different people from what right to vote outside of their pre limited amount, upon a railroad which is well And will issue Policies making LoeS'payable in e'eTy K™mng. Private Sales they respective Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, England. .luring the Jay. and to exercise located for and has been were fifty years ago. With respect to the cints, their coming to the city in length of constitutes a business, already largely column, “square.” their of on the very face 75 cents constructed with the funds ol its Stockholders, can- Agencies for state of commercial and right franchise,wears $1.50 per square daily first week. Sewing machines. education, enterprise, ot it a week or not be otherwise than sate. This is Its Assets for the of its Policies are more than suspicious hue. per after; three insertions, less, $1.00; security increas- Security $13,000,000,00 Ml,lr tor her insertion, Company * Printe,> hangs conutenadce, which, clamoring “rights.” Hear Miss each subsequent insertion. March 13, 1R71 dlm-eodilm&wtiw is oiten relieved Offer tor t-nKfe'1 however, by a pleasant ver ; Address all communications to sale a bond which combines these advan- SMALL A Phelps SHACKEORl), No. 8S Plum street. satility ot expression peculiar to the French PORTLAND tages to an unusual degree, The route lies between In the of a stout-hearted if not very PUBLISHING GO. endorsed and prescribed bi character. The hair is remarkable for its lux- capital more leailiug than Mobile, Alabama, and Houston, Texas—passing ETO iroad-shouidered little New England State, Are Physieians any otherTonic 01 LET. Bonnet and Hat uriance, darkness, and to curl. Hflniuant now in use. are Bleacher?. tendency me of the best blacksmiths in the is said They through New Orleans, the New York ot the South. _WANTED. H. B. No. The French city UNDERWOOD, 310$ Congress Street. Canadians manilest a heredita- 0 A SURE PREVENTIVE Ot the whole llue ot 475 about two-thirds are be a youug woman; site works side by side BUSINESS CARDST miles, House to S. SAWYER & CO., 131 Middle ry pride in dress. The class dress with- For Fever and Rent, Bleachers, street. upper vilh her of whom she her Ague, Intermittent*, Biliousness and aireauy mini, ana toe siocKDoiaers nave expenueu out fault; bnt the father, acquired all disorders tiom malarious DESIRABLE House pleasautly located in Wanted middling and lower clashes .rade. arising causes. They TEN MILLION DOLLARS in tbe work. the Immediately. are recotum. nearly Western part ot ihe city; house contains 10 Carpenters and Builders. veige upon the A JK. A. highly tided as an Anli-Dymepdc, vulgar. French servant In one ot the territories we tind two O’BHION, The bonds now are a finished will be let with or without the will young Slid in eases ot Iniligration ate Iu valuable. As offered secured by mortgage rooms; WHITNEY & MEANS, Pearl the gill appear on and church holi- —WITH— ture. Also a to and st, opposite Park. Suudays a blacksmith’s on and and all that ol the line west ol tA good stable on the premises Steady employment goo l in all colors of the vomen, sisters, running shop Appetizer Recnperant, in eases ot upon part New Orleans, days let with house it desired. of 50 MEN. iainbow,-enormous their own account. In the crude cou- (general Debility they have uever in a in- the Inquire et ipon single which has «n enormous traffic as-sured to it from JOHN O. PROCTER House. chignon, crinoline, cetera, in the most ex- PRESTON & srauce failed in producing the most results. * Dye lition of the the was as SPRUANCE, CO., happy this the rail connection which aug!6 d3w 93 travagant extreme. region undertaking They are particularly start, being oniy by Exchange St., 50 eral Housework. F. 8YMONDS, India l adies Cloaks cleansed or Butcher-boys and cab- GIRLS St., men srtut around in lecessary as it seemed natural and they the-cotton, corn, cattle and other productions of Tex- «he dyed for one dollar. conspicuous suits of the Commission Merchants, BENEFICIA1, TO FE1HAI.E8, Two Good Rents. EMPLOYMENT & HEAL ESTATE lave made it The dress in as can reach New Orleans. AuauLr, 351 st. brightest yellow, brown, and with black respectable. girls Strengthening the body, the and j Congress auglg lw velvet, 1 invigorating mind, Two rents on Waterville rooms IWkntlttfl Bloomer and shoe a horse with giving tone and to the whole So is this road considered to pleasant Street, six uiayiay ui oro- costume, • 7 elasticity system. The important Louisiana, for two small “j-g.7 pure Chamber of Commerce, House cum each, families. Apply to ide. The Kilters ire pounded wilti the greatest that the State has made liberal in aid ot DBS. EVANS A STROUT, 8 Oon, poorer classes strive aud strain to and no tonic stimulant has ever very grants WM. H. JERRIS, Real Estate Agt. w A Clapp Block, I think it is the ILL. care, before been E I> ! up appearances their and Detroit which boasts of CHICAGO, ottered to the so the enterprise, direct donations, endorsement aug!6 dlw»Next East Hall. JOSIAH HEALD, No. 10B Mlddl, Street. beep beyond means, public PLEASANT TO THE by Vy City JV_T woman who took out a contract macad- the French censure for TaM’E and at the same time so of its and to the stock » a as DR. W. R. periodically clergy their Will give especial attention to the purchase and combining many bonds, by subscriptions ot the Lady, position accountant or book-keep- JOHNSON. No, 13*, Free Street. amizing a road, engaged her remedial agents endorsed by the medical To Let, er. For at tbe extravagance from the The of workmen, kept shipment ol Flour, Grain ami Provisions tor East- fraternity Company, amounting in aJJ to over million paiticulars enquire Press Of- PACKARD A HARDY, Fluent Corner Con- pulpit. days them to and as the best known to the It eight Bce, Best of references. Block, time, conducted them and her ern account. jyl3 dGm Pharmacopoeia. costs OOODM STORK. Inquire or aulStf gress and Exchange Sts. beef-moccasins and home-spun cloth have but little to give them a fair trial, and dollars. road safely and her DRV EASTMAN BROTHERS, vauished, even among ihe laborers. The inter- successfully through Should The Fiist Mortgage aug!6tfNo. 332 agreement. Kvery Family Have a Bottle. Congress Street, Boy Wanted t Furniture—Wholesale &n