Mrs Scott P6 Autumn Newsletter

This term we have all settled Homework tasks will be assigned to back into school life. We have your child through Teams. revised many skills in Maths, As before they will have 2 weeks to Literacy and Spelling. We complete the tasks. Homework is a have practised our spelling very valuable revision tool for your words each Literacy session child as it helps to reinforce the and our spelling scores have learning that has taken place in class. improved with many of us achieving 100% each week. We aim to continue this trend.

Keep up the good work P6.  We will begin new novels after the October holiday. They are Carrie’s War and Kensuke’s We have been listening to the Kingdom. We will continue to work on the 6 story of by reading strategies using our books as stimulus for Mary Norton which we have the work. As ever, we want to maintain the high enjoyed. We hope to see the standard of work in our jotters and improve our DVD of the film to help bring fluency and understanding of what we are the story to life. reading. Practise both at home and school will help with this.

PE Days

Outdoor – Tuesdays In Numeracy and Maths we continue to develop our skills in Numeracy with Decimals and Fractions, then move on Outdoor – Wednesdays to Measurement. We hope to be able to use measuring All of our PE sessions take equipment safely to carry out measuring tasks. place outside at the moment As always, we keep practising our times tables and basic due to government concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and restrictions. Please ensure division. that your child has a suitable

waterproof jacket and shoes/wellies for when we are outside.