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7-18-1872 Republican Journal: Vo. 43, No, 2 - July 18,1872

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The telegraph a day or two ago report- People Who Should not Smoke. ed the escape Irom the Indians ol a wo- man named Amanda Barber, formerly ol an ar’i- .• .»n fie medical aspect oi Millord, Mass., who in a lit of romance married a Sioux Indian chid at ■_ > flu V xi.i Journal, Dr. u> ling- ton a lew ago, and asks years accompanied -:»> him to hi- home in DakotaU, with the idea ov- ... :niiriou>v" This is un that she could perform the role of a mis M»r. api t • be put by patient? -ionarv among the savages ol that region. -- '!-. T :l,f bretd qu« Miss Barber arrived at Ivan*as Mo., •• City, •! ,• k>.> 1. :• ■ too U:\ui. many in a steamer, on the gsth ult., and the •• o a ns we veil ms t a< biih -»f b« dug T.mcs of that place gives the following •i'll \ t' — »r : > \ medical man, who A Elsie Drew. what walks wlnit “But let us the Wrecked Menagerie. garden! by moonlight! join ladies. The daughter The Domoevatie National .and wln'n those were ready to sarritiei* per-on- narrative of her not •• very pleasing experi- .- ... m -i m i. -ate smoker and rides at sunset! It was a existence. and am al preferences and on tin1 altar of the fairy pretty attractive, though not. I prcjudiee- ences : From the Now York Sun, July f». BY (JKORfrlAN \ T. 1U LI.. i ;!:• ell*. of The habit. Oil himself Hut in the sweetest country, he hoped their brethren elsewhere * cup of'pleasure, xiin/it constrained to say it, over well-bred." Convention. 1 Md John Robinson** would do the same, “Miss Barber created a sensation v r- whit he believes memigerie. :u|iiariuni. j [lircat cheers.] quite mv ’nmrtri at the bottom The evening otV well, the mu-, uni and circus showed in Bridgeport op EUlc Drew grow up by ulii/in'i!—and coiling passed pro!tv S E After the chair had announced the result of in the Ivistern States bv her m i. riage with w. r * the question. j C O J* ■» II A Y. Vues,lav an I a • to life like a beautiful flower. of his beaker of bliss a the tastelul of Miss on '• afternoon night. For week Upholding lay serpent, performance (irevling the ballot, Mr. Wallace of took a m'bl be an Pennsylvania young Indian named B**ar, ;-t '!i-iv understand- thev to That the watch of the warm that al! this the Squatting previous had been billed appear in New sleeps through thought fairy scene would piano soothed the troubled ot [Special Dispatch to the Boston Herald. the platform, and was received with applause. who to i:i *\ it j spirits a of Sioux it i ,• ttie tobacco to tie 11 a ven. J night-tide. accompanied parts u!\ md 4. After the perfonnanee in i soon vanish like a summer dream. all her auditors. But when the hour for He s.vd, in obedience to a division of public to a hour. day RKASSEMBLIXr, OF THE CONVENTION. in 1807. Miss was at V.a I viz rank, iutoxi- Bridgeport the and and And opens life in single sentiment in hi- < i-t Washington Bather quickly spangles Tights gauze With the birds and the Mate,their delegation had and flowers, Urey retiring arrived, the that t me a »' _i -and tobacco certain and lights that bewild»*r the circus at- Her burning thoughts shone through lings unpleasant feelings of their vote the who bv clerk in one of the prostrating youthful j Baltimore, duly 10. The attendance of au- part against gentleman department* ! would be had three months ot ot tin1 two seniors were revived. and ti-ndant disappeared, and all, from the through gone—he usages and custom- of the I»emoeratie i- at in a secured fu- tg ivctidish, for instance.) manager ditors and spectators is as dense as yesterdav, pari) Washington, position to the stable began to The thin white veil of sensitive elnv. before him. Three months! “I trust will the with now its nominee tor 1 i I. ill '.*' IV W a 11 b,.y, packing prenaratorv enjoyment you pass night everv seat and the Presideney. They ller (ieneral to her smoke arch of blue standing poin t being occupied. by Butler. According tin* move to New Haven. Tents were struck, Like a star that looks from the he had not four and hours. us." said Mr. I would yield to this decision and aecept the re- ci- i1 b m.i!!v. it least with twenty (irevling. civilly. he doorways are stuffed full and everybody own statement, made yesterday to our re- boasts housed, and concern was a tissue of smoke, with a steady ray. sult which the readv to Through The next forenoon was “W inside is a th u re at hisrli court of appeal ofthe s « loo u u to Bellenden stroll- hy. when* else should l it ?" taking Turkish hath. The eonven- she was .rnard .ill intity. move. after the manner of pass porter, with the energetically m m- t'ou was railed to order ten party had decreed. In conclusion, by in.-! uc- firmly impressed 1 A gleam there was in her golden hair, in the tor Miss drey- •A erv well, sir," at minutes past 10 g s;ti"k to ex •css. w ill, ;i-ri d ne*di ru eiivus, bv rail. A train ing garden, waiting replied (irevling, tions of his he moved that the nomi- reality and ot the red men ot special A in her violet ■ o'clock, ami the Divine blessing was invoked delegation, perfection ♦ ■ is holy light eye. to him. when T\ hen are by :*. »it mi- o lie smoker, " provide*!, of one locomotive ling join theomnilms you I to nation be made unanimous. cheers. tlie She re- consisting and A< it she had the of stopped ready, wilMigh! you Kev. Dr. Lahoyer of Baltimore. [Wild plains. had read everything t w* caught spirit prayer. a : -. w ;iv < nt \-s.-ven box and at the door, and out of that omnibus—a room —the blue Mii-ie, “Battle cue or Other. M platform, stock cars, and | With visions of by. your chamber." Pry of Freedom.” followed bv lating to the Indian tribes from the t w*» angels sweeping repoits c\ ■ cf- passenger coaches. It takes nearly half a vision "1 am much preliminary nrsixEss. I fail to tin* a- of c\ees-ive siliok- And her delicate ear was strained to greet of dread -alighted Mr. Bellenden obliged to you, sir," re- (’hief.”] ot the Commi-sioners of Indian All'airs mglit to embark a circus of this < )rder restored. the motion of Mr. W il- \\ .c -a d c-ent 1V magnitude, and notes a hvmn senior. torted The President announced for the convenience being p The far-otf of wonderful Bellenden, “but if it is all the same down to the latest dime novel. In a tit of u was :! o'clock on the morning of the J.l when of all lace that tin* nomination be made unanimous • man well a came subdued and solemn and that all the chair should g bad appetite will. That sweet. “Vou here, sir!" exclaimed the voting to you I to select own parties addressing lb*- loading was On the first car, a perter my sleeping was put and earned With one or two dis-euis enthu>i i-m or she — completed. their names and insanity. m >-' i'-ur. d!v eat -till less From the lips of invisible cherubim. give State. temporary platform, were sj\- the man. apartment • ‘111 v. cages, containing white Den. of Arkansas asked that a sur- offered herself md became the wife ol '• a '11v bid tor smokers and others Capped md *.<» on. Next was Her were white and thin. "Vou sir'" exclaimed the father. “Sir, 1 wish a excited vva> tin* scene when the an- bear.Jeopard, iiartbeest, taper lingers here, you very good night !" plus of live delegates from his State he admit- (ireatly Bear, a junior chief in the Lone ».g -aw a-: illness or “otf their the Squatting mg tickef-wagon, loaded on a The Ami tinet with veins of purple hue. came said ted to the nouncement was made. Hat-, hands and voice- platform. “Ilow you to think of the (irevling taking a and floor of the convention. The request H u n band of Brule and with him W itcV.T cause. ticket-wagon a an in opening up lamp, went Sioux, Tills etVeCt of is splendid new vehicle, just Ami audible pulse beat <|ui»kl\ was granted. up together, while the band played. “Hail house? Did yon get word I was coming ?” sweeping out ot the room, followed and his to the Yankton \ wav. w hi t* an evil to the turned out an expense of #1.V'0. exclusive of The electrical heart of Elsie Drew. by to the (’hief.” party returned j but 1 bis wile and THE COMMITTEE ox RESOLI 1TOXS report furniture. After this were more with We did not rail her handsome and fair. “No, sir, you wouldn't when* she was dulv initiated into i! a if' anmc eat enough, becomes I platforms thought daughter. A PICTl UK Of Till': WHITK IIOt'SK agency, ages in dislike it.” containing one of the host collections of As one would speak a civil way. “I*.\traordinaia !" Bellenden. THE Cl NCI.XX AIT PLATFORM. her new life as a white Her ro- arve. man. whoeannoi get, j growled was at dn- at the squaw. animals ever more But she had a graee of her own: and an air point ili-plaved rear ofthe that took the road. Tlien “Not at all! not at all! You’ve, saved “Hang me, it 1 ever saw. or to V!i :! stration of this was | read heard Mr. <'. Burr of ('onneetieut. the chairman, stace and added to lie- mantic idea of Indian life seemed to have ll*is with cent oars with Thrice refined from enthusiasm. re-polos and cordage, purity's day. me a deal of trouble. Servants here? ot siieh cm 11.i' French and (b-rman immeasurable imnudenee !" announced that the Committee on Kesolut.iou* motion w.a- then reced ed a terrible shock since her intru- ; <':inv;is>. stock ears with horses and ponies, flats Pennsylvania’s pa-sed. Elsie Drew 1 see no more “Yes, sir.” I he next Mr were readv to report and that was at once m< v \\ ;r. ,\ iain, no man railed upon the sides for the camels morning, Bellenden senior report <1U.\T/ Itttou X XO.MIW IKl> H»K V 1CK-1'HKM- du lion to her new home and relations, elephant we wove wont to read. When the was with iis w In the places where meet. let’s out of was preamble read, -.i h- iia- a dirty tongue, a bail and other large animals, and last, the two pas- “Well, well, get the sun,” up betimes, and walked in t ho garden. iu:m oni she endeavored to fulfil her She has sailed the sea to another shore. allusion jo Cincinnati, there were tremendous though ■ c-*rs with He was I-, c a w« tk or disordered senger tilled men. This show em- Mr. Bellenden, soon joined bv Mr. who A motion to B. find/ Br-uvn for mission as a to And treads the of a marvelous street: replied impatiently-. fowling, j cheers. rl Im wa* the same noniinat* teacher and 'oil men. and manv of gold platform precisely missionary o'\ sii*'ii case he cannot ploys them were scatter- “Due sir. I leave some to have \ iee-Prc-ident bv aeelamalion wa- ci i-d do " rel- She sees the she used to moment, friends appeared passed a feverish as that at Cincinnati. the read- tie* l*‘*st of her abilities, her ed along on the tlats. stock ears or boxes, look- angels night. adopted During progress ap- lr should be a rule with me The two old ing the and. the roll of States wa- etilled I’ln- re-ull golden ing out for the In clearer light; and joins the hymn slaying —very respectable people gentlemen saluted each, references to the settlement ot past pears to have been as slow as the animals and guarding the prop- of the ballot was a- progress that tlie or cigar which That swells the waves of the sea I other ditlicuities, ‘lie one-term for Presi- follow-: pipe erty. o'er jasper assure you. sir—the Greylings—do you stitlly. principle "f civilization on the •k. i with a relish should not invisible cherubim. dents, thesixih and seventh States. Brown. Stevenson. Blank. plains. he A SI AIM REI’ORE HAVRRKAK. From the lips of know them?” he added have resolutions.relating anxiously. hope you passed a to Arkansas. 1 _• She says that her first .» good night, taxation, and the reference to our re- great surprise Indigestion in foreign ** every shape The start was made at “No, nut I’ve heard the name.” sir." said Mr. Alabama, vi was J.JO on Wednesday Bellenden. lations were being required to mount upon a wild mgi i\ i'.c :>v -nioking, but most warmly applauded. lc especi- morning and a of tin* tired men soon “I’ve cried Miss “I did not a California, vicious majority kept you waiting,” sleep wink," said Mr. THE Conned pony, and travel without saddle I f hi ot it commonly known as a t- li asleep. (Jil Robinson, the Treasurer, betak- PLATFORM lUSCESSEI*. icut, j, “To Be Let---Furnished.” dreylir. f, down lhe of the (irevling. 1 >a la •n attention over the Irom the n.d a running steps Mr. ware, country rotupanieil with flatulence. ing himself to the ticket wagon to escape the Burr, after explaining the unanimity j in a “but “Indeed I am Florida, to a i> o beat piazza charming walking dress, distressed to learn it." with which the Missouri 'he While Ivirth river, *fi- v'. \' the -mokers. There are peo- j and confusion. Prior to the start, the elc- “Anything over to-day ?” asked with a resolution had been adopted in Ceorgia, I am now She “Mr. vi taiiccol a m allV 'ai.oii of the was to see; quite ready stopped Bellenden. sir, it is evident committee, moved there hv the con- several hundred miles. Her in- tobacco, however smoked, j wagon top- taken, significant and ironical emphasis, a young ry adoption Illinois. i' I whether any wen- than the locomotive’s and blushed on a that, son and I vention, and on this he moved the previous :o to q v pi .-on, causing, even in small higher j and briefless Kit Ham- suddenly perceiving although your agree very Indiana, ability make the journey provoked smoke stack*. 'This is ;t lawyer, named, question. A from D laware Iowa, 1 precaution alwavs well delegate inquired ng, pallor, and stranger. together, you and 1 cannot exist mirth among her husband's alarming pros- t to mer! on, of another and if it was the intention a lo companions. ik'-n. insure safety in passing bridges. In equally young under the to introduce gag law in Kansas, >m h never “My father, Miss same roof." ,*! and Beat !»• <>p’e get seasoned * his ease nothing on the train reached within briefless “limb," Bill Bellenden, as he Greyling.” Democratic convention? This was met with Kentucky. | finally asperated Squatting is “I am to see sir. “Indeed! Louisiana, I«; :l- even after repea’ed trials; and iwo inches of the top of the stack. The rail happy you, Won’t And I said Mr. cries of No," "No," and confusion followed. i until he bound her with a e to the po- sauntered into the latter’s room which had presume." Maine, 14 r«»t ■ vvi-e will let it alone. track passes West Haven, a vil- walk into the house?” Bellenden, ironically, “that are Mi*. Burr was to withdraw his mo- and on they They through pretty a air—a filled you y-m about requested Maryland, in | m.y's back, led th« animal himselt on tin* shores *>f very professional rusty grate tion that the 1 i-phtv still further wisdom not lage New Haven harbor and muttered Bellen- to the minority might he heard. Mr. Massachusetts. jo he ny pre- of a “Very hospitable,” suggest of my taking j westward trail. She was Mill more ilie Sound, and with scraps paper and cigar ends, expediency j Burr that he was instruc- nil to laws adjoining the of New 1 replied acting under make tor others who have city den, “seeing that it’s my own house.” up my quarters elsewhere. From what I Michigan, -m-prised to find her hu>band Haven. The train went along safely until it table littered with law-books and sheets tion* <>f 1 i* committee and could not withdraw Minnesota, lo possessed ti- sam- iiliosylierasy. “Miss said saw ot conduct t wo roaoln d a point about two miles distant from of floor leather-bottomed Greyling,” young Bellenden, your ve*terd ly, I should it. The Delaware gentleman then to Mississippi, pi other wives, one a vicious, dirtv V mm an or smoke with foolscap, ditto, j appealed {•■I nioy smoking New “I am that I must the sen-e of houcr of Missouri, an of Haven. Here First avenue intersects the j arm truculent nervously, very sorry judge you quite capable of such a the convention, and cried -quaw forty years of age. the oth. a w!ii out of 'I* it* chairs, very crazy and look- proposi- t. | health. phrase track, the lion." for the There were N’ebiaska, crossing being made bv a single span deny myself the pleasure ot walking with question. cries of all sorts girl ol scarcely fourteen \e.irs. Her life ■ .i' ing. window that looked like thick Nevada, r. | a;- ft,* though it may sound vague, wooden In idge, of an old-fashioned It panes “Mr. and kinds and a perfect babel of sounds, which style. you, hut my father—1—pray, excuse me.” Bellenden. as a must New Hampshire, P< in his wigwam, or wa- not a- : ilii to name a rule, wa- iust about tbe of cobwebs, all as it should be minus a client. lawyer, you the President could not for a time I enough general gray the morning when lie aware long sup- j New "<). certainly, certainly ! Don’t make that I have a <> make it." Jersey, ! ••right aud a- sle> •• it wouio he same time it is usetul to know tin- Inc .motiw and first car the “Anything over?” he right press. New ’l urk, To happy \peeted what, passed bridge repeated. I of “A to safel r. any apologies. couldn’t think going right make it !” North Carolina. c >e. 1 ler husband ab>en<-e was taken ad- ■v. are the parctiuiar disorders and cou- “Over head and ears in love and debt,” I'll K PKK\ IOKS qUKSTION ORI*KRKC. hi: ( now. walk sir. Vou will dine it's, sir, hut J scorn to Ohio, H of to in a!’h in which tobacco HASH. answered “that’s all. I Pray, in, do so, and 1 I ! vantage l»y her rivals to her does Bellenden, O, ll*1 roll of States was finally called on the i. compel I with I hone, sir ?” came to Oregon, «. As tar as the tu n terrible crash vyoke every man and ns, merely give notice, tint 1 matter of perform tie* vilest such writer’s knowl- forgot two dimes and a smooth quarter in you ordering the previous question. and Pennsylvania, .1' drudgery, asgath- beast on the and •1 rather think I shall vacate ”• lies.* have never been speci- train, there was a scene of in- the wafer box.” shall, young lady,” your premises to-dav, leaving all voted in the allinnative except Delaware, Khode Island, ; > '■ring wood, cooking meat and scraping describable uproar and confusion. The bridge answered Bellenden it to sense South (.Carolina, 14 M.-.l d writers as as desir- senior, coolly. your of justice to accord me Georgia, Mississippi, Oregon, Nevada, N»*w ! robes forthe tanning but during clearly h id (alien oil the “And the governor?” -4 process; train. Meantime the train “You’re and tired, said reasonable dersev. Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas Tennessee, was “Has for New York and Phil- dusty father,” damages.” Texas, lii Squatting Bear's presene** at home Miss going ahead and the heavy timbers of the departed and Virginia. The remit was as tollovvs: omnioiiest and earliest elfecfs bridge were young Bellenden, who dreaded a “Reasonable damages!" cried Kellen- Vermont, in Barber to have been better treat- grin ling through the ticket-wagon to he gone for three months, discovery. Ayes, f»2f>; nocs. 1S2. 'The voting was at one appears m adelphia, Virgin in, uni im.-iv smokmg is to make and the wagons on the following ears, “Won’t you come up into my room ?” den, “Haven't taken time ed. Ib*r in a violent lit ot literally lie has left his town house, you know, furiously. you up interrupted by several inquiries as to the West V irginia, husband, pts- > '• •kc. -mashing Thi-gives the clue to an- them into fragments. (;j| Robinson “No, sir,” Bellenden '<>ur here effect of 01 the v i"H. killed and was to reside at his replied senior, quarters bag and baggage— dering previous question, which Wisconsin, his oldest squaw during the o! was but he awoke very preparing country to- the who asleep, The — were •ijKWfPrPit clour i'-'is-uis ought not to quickly. peremptorily. “I want to see how the ordered mv servants about first year she was with the tribe, when, ot Ins wagon seat at K -, was round for ser- appropriated •• lop was cut i.i i. nin lv. persons who have weak, off and forced clear looking wliat Total, the drawing-room looks. With what taste rooms you saw lit to your use—cut IlKI.AWAItK Ol'I’OKKS TUB lT.ATI'iHIM. without warning or notice, she was hurri- > ■ > through Mexican lions' same in tact. The are taken o iiti'Vcs, and sIlifer cage. At the vants, grounds nirc voi k \t \hk. \ >. from giddiness, she 11<)< nets out of Senator wimoi instant the ticket was your poor mother, had been alive j mv garden —sent Bayard, of Delaware, was ae, orded ed olf to tin* main ot the Bruies, n .i wagon nearly pulverized, care of his next, door a presents eamp sight, tremulous hand, tendcu- by neighbor, gar- ten On motion of Mr. Chalmers of Missjs oven its desks ami other furniture the would have lurnished it." ot fruit, and to friends in minutes by Mr, Burr in which to address .>,p n,.- three toward the mount oainm* !-. sharing dener. He thinks now he shan’t be hack vegetables your days’ journey tin. or any such symptoms. And -une late, and the the convention in behalf of the minority of the vote was made unanimous, fragments were hurled a And tossing his hat on the table, he town, acting in a word as it’ were and from thence she thetribe •!,a« d«>es harm till fall !” you on accompanied in mere functional list iiei'ot fifteen 1*0*1. Mr. Committee Resolutions. Mr. Bayard -v oMMU ITK TO NOTin I'llK 1 \\I»!IM!'|- Robinson miracu- walked into tin* tol- master here, and now spoke "ii ils be- v you talk of dam- of annual bidfalo where she ,ikaes-. still less allowable is it in wiih a lew “Of course he came down long drawing-room, the necessity of hone-tv in and hunt, actual lously escaped slight bruises. The handsomely polities parties A from Wisconsin 1 lowed by his son and Miss •:,v at genlleman oifered reso- e •-aim i-.-a-e «»t the lioiis s,*t up a roar, ami their Kit (Ireyling. ages the present time, lie asked if this great or- line sick imm exposure and She system; as, for in- cage was hurled before he left!” remarked whittling lution to tic- ellect that a committee of one from fatigue. datio W!,- re Irom tin ear. singularly “My lather and mother, Mr. Belhm- “Well, sir!" roared Mr. ganization should not he allowed an independ- was left :it a di at then* exists any degree of escapingcomparutively the table with his Cireyling, each Stale he appointed to wait the nomi- temporary ving eamp penknife. ent of his honest main upon unharmed. Next was the zebra cage. 'Phis den,” said tin* before “Haven't 1 the rent in expression opinion, and nees Rawhide where she to 4f'ai>sis other deg. Herat ive in “He me a cheek tor mv young lady, getting paid advance*?” and inform them of th• ir nomination, md river, attempted change was smashed to and gave quarter’s delegates cried ••Yes/* lie said that he was in .splinters, the zebra severe- him and the “life rent in the same was ■ spinal cord The performing ceremony ot in- advance! You're crazy the adopted, the President of the in- e-eape by walking to Fort Fetterman, a improper ly wounded ami wild with made for the allowance in advance,” answered Bellen- minority and did not want the Cineinnali ma-• " pain, troduction. old fellow !" vention being added. does, be\ oin! stion. soiin*- as a was distance of miles. For this (|in ‘U"‘it country. Next came the monkev cages, den. platform whole. Me in favor of amend- sixty attempt S with due nutrition o! nerve rite train was still Mr. had fallen uncon- Rut at this crisis Rel- ment, but he teared the would TUF. MtSKKT I.AXKOt CI.OSIW, P.t SIM'ss sin* was beaten until and moving and the falling “Have you drawn the money?” (ireyling asleep appeared young party go before nearly dead, '' *»• bridge the An 11 ustration of this, familiar timbers sjj j crunching tin* on the ottoman, and sank from a lenden, alarmed, abashed and country without an Mr. Weston of Ohio moved to escort to head- then sold her husband for up cages. There dear tellow. I it all to con- sciously penetent. independent expression by three ponies, ub-:- wet e lift “My require of and in I he of a in medical men, is the monkeys in the cages, which were to a recumbent He made a lull opinion, arrayed clothing Re- quarters the New York and Mi»ouri delega- to a ex- so-called solidate debts.” sitting position, lie start- confession of the trick he ('heyenne chief who sported the a a smashed to atoms. I'ourleeii monk* vs my publican minority much smaller than their own tions with music. am.tur».sis, failure of vision oc- were ed his find and then stood of (\io-Coose. or H.i- i illed, being either “What a up, rubbing eyes. perpetrated, culprit- f"i' es. of ‘•Time.” and “Go Mr. M'r. Smith moved that of pressive soubriquet 11 >.g in \ e ess ive stabbed by spllntes. crushed stupid proceeding!" [Cries on."; the place holding I he smokers 1V« nn mal-tm- “Bless me ! what a ! like, onsides. between ol solecism I’m afraid trembling, and covered with con- Bayard was given ten minutes more to next he left to the \ III ( ■ •• pieces wooil.oj' run over ears, “A sacrifice. creditors speak, eonvention mai ..Ill- 11 mi > t ii veti 11 a. A no r by necessary Mv the cl ass of per- I was to fusion. Che iu ot the < among tlie l ist being <’razv a vulgar enough doze, Mr. Belhm- two old spite opposition of a ’onneetieut dele- mil lee. She was taken North in 1*7<>, ami has :" " li'»t. to ('barley, monkey were 1 had to with gentlemen eyed nigh! Min»ke are those who as > pressing. compound who was pei tin ; until her this when she lam -m h “And I think told me that not laughter, «• escape spring, trouble as palpitai ion, car- screaming with tear or pain, from the you dar- particular point, and Bayard said he would talk and t<> the it /i'ib ot D dtimore for tne sprang sir, I The who payin made her at and claimed tin* t. it. wreck, Thankyou preler walking about," cordially. young scape-grace and argue as he choose, of j appearance p min* til pulse, lia!»ilu.-il cold hounded tip the embankment, some ing to eonlide the state ot your affairs to [Applause.] Mr. expenses til** eonvention. Were pa-d. also Mr. Bellenden senior, “(’nrse had occasioned all this trouble was continued in ot the authorities at Fort Ben- I- and b et. nr chronic : I" ,vbmg on lem-e-ratls, and tin n all you had taken replied par- Bayard speaking opposition to to the President of the eoti'.i ntioli. protection languor, scamper- your father, up your lodg- Federal tstiv theic ing lor tit's, hi any of them to his !” he muttered to his son. doned, and his lather to tyranny as exemplified in State elec- Mr. TIlayei of Nev 'fork made a slrona I toll. i- reason for believing that, clinging tin* ings on the sofa here and din al at a impudence agreed discharge bram-h s ,,| or cheap tions. Me claimed that the called to the habitual li-c ! apple diem trees. :md wildlv with his boots on my cut velvet liD debts on his of a. platform up speech retiring delegate. eulogizing Miss Barber is a woman rather in of tobacco is likely to re house.” “Sleeping pledge making good | plain I atteriiiL: the Iniit. 'Phe eating past issues which should be buried forever, and Greeley and sm res* tor the and cage containing tin- ottoman. A me to be seated in husband to Julia 'Fhe prognosticating skin and black, growth of the sow w -king my (ireyling. young in conclusion said he j appearance, tawny eyes development r\. 1111e | >ea-fow I and ot her rare birds “Exactly so. Kit.” hoped the Democratic tieket. ,!v It '■ nooiie should own Inmse. !” took their abode in the Rellen- small, dark and and voice become a sniok- i was to atoms, amt the birds a ot the ample up Convention would speak with its own voice, President Doolittle r> turned thank t the j impressive, ■ crushed, escaped. pleasant way 1 be i- “I'mph, passing Hen Well past the iod I he cage w ith the ■He i- rather villa, its luxuries and and that the vote on the resolution should be < 'invention for eourtesirs shown ex- rather masculine, she says that so tar us pel ofpuberlv. parrots, maekdaws. eoeka- next three months, certainly.” eccentric,” whispered preferring him, and j e. taken IIJO! .ver. h i\e tio excuse for amok toos, silver and gold pheasants, ami the vulture Belhmden. “but the most amiable comloris to th. chances <>l for separately. pressed of a Sjieedv ;ll*d e nilplele Vie the romance ol Indian life is concerned I shall live like a nabob lor the next young advertising !"r ,!l o.-d was also crushed. Many r« sor rit lory. >p the h ir» 1 wear and ,f the bird*, includ- ot men. father,” he said in a low lodging .ra r r ia i:n i-11ri>. Carolina for cukklky. she found none of it. Her efforts to teach ing the three months, and have a little cast to My it I adult lib-. vulture, flew to the woods, the Mr. KIN A I K. parrots tone, **is odd. very O’Connor of South Carolina regretted and reform tie* young Indian children ami others tilling the ait with tin ir hoot,” said Ibdlenden, addicting Giv\Iing, *" :dt.-i .‘ii initial those who unearthly triumphantly there should have been difference of After the transact of'some lug from screams, but musn’t mind him.” any opin- inn further tr\ ial were treated with indifference and con- hi the cage was the “As how?” peculiar you M-'i’ a-y can not, and those who variety tapir, A Wonderful ion here. All other i--nes should be merged in business, eliieth in the wav ofthank' lo the ab- from whl« h was hurt. “You will dine with us en Escape. She learned the Sioux badly Phe eopiabarra also know now is mov- lamille." the one of tempt.. language a minf of from fender should "You just everybody single defeating the re-election of the oftieers of the eonvention. tin* latter, at !.: d I years 'listained injuries, and its cage was hurled from said Mrs. a but tie- dialect was hard- out of town.” (ireyling, very amiable and present national Administration. Me-aid the past I o’clock, adjourned /'//■ easily, (’heyenne here w ill Si ill be a •be ear. 'Phe tank ing n River railroad. A man than governments Hud to am platform. ;v! -booitmr iimn Tic r,,.r during superior declara- led !- to in lijo.ier tm. s..-.dion’». manl •> about the room, the furniture, tions bv Seva-ra! dies fainted about noon blame for all the and mm ay, w-m ta\« d examining •lanc'd James (’arter of was conventions. } \ p| ip' use. There was and were nearly thieving in, and it I' feared that the sea-lion amt llughsonvillo, J 'II I|C occasionally tin m ,i left as an now b..ian on' ith Hindi del done m tin* white settlements. She season, and will cried Bellenden. j»1;«*■«• «• im i«* i>i (d tea coffee or win.* m -'in I’d amiseo, where if was exhibited for the the same 'hem, and twice witnessed the murder or follows: country probably produces a trunk. a 1 rain hove in the whole nation to defeat the by 'In.liar and ex polled him '■ c \< ti-s, ami Suddenly sight, unhallowed pm t-e I roiu 1 In .r i a voril acquired the name of lien Butler. on 1 shall no “To UK uct Ki unvsiiiI) A elicet you, make p »se- and shill less ol New b t'sey's \ te of.*ighl for P.avard m Del- exeeiiti >n »>l white men, one a Soldier of J he Rout ami back of genteel apohe*v thundering down the track on which Car- policy the present govern- tin* cage containing tin* aware V\ a la for ordering dinner.” And lie rang the ment. An allusion to ilie election caved Wit 11 marked eg pel's si ,,j tlie Failed States Intantrv. hartbeest ami the African wen* country resilience four miles from Stale ter wa- walking. It was an extra prospective Thirty-second antelopes sinaslt- freight ol was dissatjsia. : i *11. and .-vies vv 1. of I. 1 lie In*!!. A smart man servant answered it. Greeley received with great beard "D—n who had been taken while out but animals unharmed. A street, with fourteen rooms, furnished in train, and see applause. limiting, escaped moving very fast. Fo the b» the fifteenth he I hat pesk v lit: le Slate.” ar*"il rent was made in the “Dinner Sam,” said Bellenden amendment, would hi* the who was burned and the others Summer Drinks. cage of the Bengal modern stable, and directly, red and to hear t he la>! When Nevv V nrk was j scalped, style, granary, large glare crashing advance man to attempt to wrest from the four mil- ealle.l lond eheers Anna 1 i-e”, which is one of the finest and most senior. were two teamsters from Fort vigor- stocked with the choicest, kinds ot ot lions ot freed men given, and Gov. liothnan’s before brought ous in the garden the engine was the work of one mo- the right of suffrage. [Great sj.eeeli an- specimens country. With a tierce the man noiini'iug the vote was were at a vvd. r b«* fruit -near a railroad and omnibus station. “James, sir.” replied with applause.] fre.jiienflv McPherson. All three burned should drank but sparingly, roar the tiger hounded fort lie ment; in the next Carter had leaped for intemipted , opening. Equally and with an with applause. Her Vote tor (ireelev e: iciled called ‘Saddler's •-t « \- •>-ii* sU'i-titute was a man Part of the rent will betaken out in board dignity looking air h:\ as \v \nts tin: place Hill,' in tin* Nc for it is pouud- prompt who threw a plank over the inquiring safety upon the other track. Rut it was cincinna i platform, tremeudiioiis to j shouts, hurrahs and waving of lir.i'ka ‘bad lands.’ ’:;k a -mail into gap and sprang upon it to it the advertiser. Terms made known on Mr. (ireyling. of lumps tin* mouth keep down. Other by stumbling from Seyl’a upon Chnrybdis. ] •Judge R>agan Texas followed. Me said it hats. w.,; t'. dissolve men were summoned, ami, alter a “Serve, the dinner, if it is ready, was his Mi's Barber Jelt tin* .steamer Fontetielle upon the tongue. desperate application to W. B-, No. .lames,” The startled man could not for the supposed among people that the Demo- A tlutP r preceded the railing ot tin1 States struggle the hear, * w \. beast was chained to his said Mr. his ratte could not succeed at this to vote for at this and alter a few hours' rest prov r\ refreshing and much cage. Court street.” (Ireyling, smothering indig- ot the party election a* President, and Alabama's entire port, Another lion « age was broken and the beasts Buildings, lrcight train, a new enemv ! a distinct Democratic .Me !.during in i’s eilect. nation. party. Therefore thev ba!!"i ii Gree ey*> favor vva> greeted with im- started mi her wav to her friends at Mil- made frantic efforts to “Zounds!” cried Kit, his that was dost* him. A- he had come escape, all the time bowl- eyes starting upon here to unite with mense as m i- a jumped their brethren from : cheering, was, indeed, everv 'hale -imple and grateful bever- ing Men to out ot his head. “You aren’t to “Confound his said he to tin* ford. Mass." vigorously. rushed the ground and going impudence?” the track, the whole country in such an at that voted for 11 iraee < i i make :t 1J upon up Pacific'express effecting range- reel, y. >11 the lemons on I'lanks over the The himself. “Does he to ineur as ! gaps. alligator and let your own father’s house.” presume give came it at his back, will unite the Demoerjfts with "all The chairman «>t the Tennessee ng !c»rd till t he\ -uake was hurling along upon delegation, become soft.; grate cage broken open and some snakes orders to servants !” inmest of the in “That was mv Bellen- my for miles an hour. Fhe en- opponents Administration. It,1 aunoimeinghervote, promised that she would What a d- ut the iii w ere lust, among them a boa plan,” replied running y was Republican Says. ietnon slices and constrictor, twelve his wisdom therefore to lake the Cincinnati a for den, should the house re- “Hang insolence!” whispered Mr. saw give larger majority Greeley and Drown "•in in -I feet long. Which is in the coolly. “Why gineer (’alter, shut oil' steam and pi'i her a m*w clothes- probably hiding West platform. Why refuse to accept the situation, than even New York or Mi- onri. llaven Phe main for a whole Bellenden to his son. Must he tell '* * a ii- woods. ostrich cage was empty quarter?” my whistled “down brakes." Rut it was too and make the .*r for a >»pice/.-r in lieu of shivered, best of it? Many >outln ners denounced Delaware I'm- i but I lie ostrich was see tire. I after a the new will be what to do ?” " '•* long search. “But furniture people late. Flic of the locomotive* was O her vote, an A X Y -oi- "dl pour oil the spoil- speed THF tXVKN riON IIAS IIKAItl) KNlinilt IAI.K pronouncing her ih>ignilicmi little Brooklyn. republican addresses required Several other cages remain and the Dinner was soon announced. Mr. Bel- \ > I Wat. I. Hid uninjured, ed.” slackened it. on IMF. State, which would never lie heard of sW«*et«‘ll according horses hardly when struck the poor PLATFORM. but for a escaped almost unharmed, as did the senior letter to the Tribune, which he concludes 1 “1 it to a lenden olfered his arm to Mrs. j her ridi* ulous a-'. 1 !.*■ shall let ten- and lie his A 1 erowmg. grated rifor the sake of heavy curiosities. Of these last is the only respectable fellow, and trunk were Hung Mr. McRae ot 'Tennessee, who had lor half lug ele- : The most and as s: < ant.” Bellenden sailed with an been exciting tumultuous scene m follow ■» oouii. ie »uhl be added too. Ater phant which was Groyling. Young feet into the air. hour Irving to make a now Kuipress, greatly agitated, twenty speech, t lie whole < 'on veil! i HI Was and the rear, made another when Wallace uf Mg : leM s. t rlie aside dii't after the shock Kit remonstrated, but. in vain, Bellen- Julia, (ireyling brought up it was a attempt, when the main question i “What remains of the irt\ ..ughly. pitcher for Empress began knocking j Probably thousand to one at Pennsv Iv ania, after a brief address, to republican p down the Other beasts m ir> Mr. Bellenden senior was called for. McRae exclaimed. Am I then proposed 1ie Mir ; then strain the car. Om after an- den assured him that stern com- handed the old lady moment vote Not even the consciousness of liquor through necessity the o! collision that Carter would to be j make tin* lor Greeley unanimous. The degradi other the poor camels went down tinder terrific to her cut off ?” and the house responded with \ strainer, and put ii. the ice. him to the act, and to in- place with great gallantry, and j never draw another breath. delegates leaped upon the chairs, waved bats lion. It seems to be taken tor strokes from the pelled begged Yet he is an almost unanimous “aye.” A grunted I a. ie:> elephant’s trunk. Then Km- 1 [Laughter.] win. lin t it im onvenient, to use form him that his resolution was so un- seated himself to her to the as- and Ians, and roared like a torrent. that tin* whole American pn-s dealt a blow to the opposite alive and well 'Fhe case proposition to take* the vote on the resolutions people have o' < felling buffalo, laid out to-day. proved an v a bi»\ ut lemon no o and of was sugar pre- the three-horned fixed that earth tonishment, indignation, disgus: to one separately hooted down, and amid cries ol nii: woman s fallen with that ox, and finished bv knocking alterably power he ot those astonishing skkkuaihs vha\ih*\ ink them; tln-y represent the ii ii drie an 1 and a > exceptions sugar, little of down the animal then left could shake it. That the adver- old „w In would have broken out “question.” “question,” all further debate was II IT. I». fair American tendein valid : only standing, the evening Grey ling, to ordinary experience that we ins inetive- moralitv and ‘‘ ”1 i« c- water will fur 'acred ox. lav in in remonstrances if his had < ut off and the chair ordered the roll call of the help They heaps about the lloor tisement in the The daughter not call miraculous. When that are about t*» be clothed with a < 11 °l appeared Transcript. ly the Dun- States iu the mam Mrs. Dirnard, managing editor of they m-!i mg drink, and one t hat the 'I'- while I Impress still slashed her ship question of adopting the the w f-h_ next a modest at Bellcnden’s restrained him. Bellenden clutched < new lease of n<» morning tap Young bar was wrecked some \ ears as w iuglon 'lironicle, and Miss D nira lor h iving done dti.ue-s to aveit siek-headaehe trunk wildlv about, apparently that ago olV Syd- resolutions hole. lb am .»t power regretting an en- his in there were no m ire olliee door invitation to napkin agony. she Indianapolis, eorrespoiideut of 1 ('inciniiati :i- well under their great Wash- Mi-u,--s. Citric acid is beasts to conquer. Amonir produced ney Heads, foundered near a sheer NIK YOlK ON I IIK PL ATFOKM. j temptations* obtained among the ; "•her animals which es was ter, and a old Mr. Bellenden senior did the honors of p'*r, appeared mmalists ,M, tlie his hands free from and n I., u i-c of l-iie mi and aped the highly respectable gentle- almost smooth on its I he States that ington kept gift', limes. tapir,7t precipice, absolutely objected to the resolution- siage this morning, and allr iel.'d -ilver lion, the ichneumon and the man availed himself of the tin* table with but all miief ,tten- w s the \ — delicious eopiabarra. permission. easy nonchalance, surface and risin feet I mm were Delaware unanimous choice of tin* beverage made from g eight hundred [hisses], Florida. Georgia, pi t ion, being mi'raken for Susan D. Aullion. and people >nma.Mxt, wmi He was in a the other members of the -I in*- in I mi-: tki<;utkxki* axi- dressed black, with white party labored the sea. On that vote.-; 10 voles; New Mr for re-election Hiant till- his hands with will keep a year or more. smooth wall, far above Mississippi. Jersey equal- Dee.-h. Hooker. Tiiosr twn ludic- w.'i'e M VLS. neckcloth, wore a chain and under a restraint, and the ladies ly divided: T West Vir- .r, but and is the unanimous >ki- '.v pound- of cherries and bruise heavy gold singular tin* reach of any common waves, is a sin- Pennsylvania. votes; looked f .lid not come. The rumor was gilts choice of the Phe scene above ginia, 2 Voles. The result of the vote was a- that thev home mi Mir a a described less than old fashioned and sought the earliest of gone in a state of makers and He has p pint and had of hot water, occupied square, watch-key, opporlunity retiring. gle liny crevice or shelf, a few feet ill follows: perspir- gift politician.*. split a minute, and all the men were out ing disgust n m lor niteeii minutes: promptly shoes and white and “Now. James,” said Mr. Bellenden It was a Ins own from Maim to strain through and at work polished stockings, length. thousand to one when A Y KS, T.2. party, Oregon, by under thediivetion of the CTO; NAYS, A UKUMVN IT: IN > I* *i11ie 1 b:ig. and add three Manager. carried a buff cane with an head, senior “the !” n I I' I- U Tin-: . Robinson. 'Phe first work to do was very “Really, board would be saved. Rut the very fury adopted. leading party iri : Ie- w I. to G1 liquid sink the bottom of a io secure the tiercel’ animals, and then the Boston merchant. but the words choked him ; >v'. II »llman of New York a and is hated tin* entire South as t busi- (Ireyling, fairly of the tempest that the tiRKAT KNTH LSI ASM OYKR 1 IIK presented by 1 destroyed ship RICSFLT. vvat. it with a ness of the “1 of communication signed lb nob (ierman ivm- try teaspoonful of hunting up escaped began. Three called, sir, in consequence Ik; leaned hack in his chair,and unloosened was one by and a tv rant. His nomi- your poor manner's salvation. He V lieu I he made tin* nepotist persistent quid then turn into and or four men started for the zebra, found him. advertisement in the of last his Secretary announcement dents of New York. The omnmnieaf ion d* nation the jelly cups Transcript cravat. The poor man looked was tossed up aito this crevice a mon- that the by republican is an and after a quite by Convention had the Cincinnati clared the sentiment o| the s party, open ver in sharp light got hold of him and adopted German gn< is ,n with paper dipped the while of an declaration ot war 'houted for a evening.” apoplectic. strous wave as as a platform, the announcement was received with in favor of the (’ineinnati partv against tlnee- rope. The zebra wrenched away neatly billiard ball i> ticket, and was re- be seated. You have an idea vociferous a bnirths ot tin* ol before the rope was brought, but after another “Pray Janies handed Mr. Belhmden a bottle shot into a There he insensi- applause. eeiV'i with pi laiise. The roll of signatma s people the whole coim- I o tile drink Tut, a pocket. lay of — prepare spoonful ‘‘base he was of out of town ?” tin* wire was A BALLOT FOR I was unfolded and stretched clear across 1 trv. in captured and tied to a tclesrranh moving cut the cork bounced out but he was found in time to save him PliKSI iK.NT ORIU ■: R KI>. the Washington 17*3, was voted s.'.n, :n into a of and let. ble, dry goblet water, it. | |>oic. in* cassowary was captured after il had lor three months I will (tpera House. non tin* State of “Yes, only. perversely and smote Mr. (ireyling on his and was hoisted to the of the Mr. Ray of Indiana moved that the conven- by Virginia lor his great -tatel about ten minute* ; then stir it up and kic « d down one man, who to seize top preci- attempted drive out this afternoon and see rather Roman nose. tion proceed to vote by States for candidates for services in tin* \\ :ir ol Un» io'volutioii it. Tins bird was your prominent. above. Flu* chance of his in- nil with pounded ire. Currants and rasp- badly scraped on the hack. pice going President and Vice-President. Till, coiii’s:.- or tiik ua: it. The em- home, and if I like it, and the terms are “A random shot. I a thousand to He declined to the then t ries made into “shrub" a Many of the minor birds were not even to he beg the crevice, when ihe Dunbar broke accept princely furnish pleas, Sunset Cox of New York offered as an amend- ol Ma/.xini's recalls the sin- seen, and the not too I think we can make an said Mr. balming body as a trustee, and the oit and drink when monkeys threw apples, cherries high, pardons,” Bellenden bowing. was rather less then that of ment that in votes gift except named iii cooling mixed with ice- up, throwing casting the chairman of each late which has atlenileil the remains and delianee at their pursuers a few of the And he a to gular stitutions of to which it water. Founded ice is also an agreeable Only agreement.” passed foaming beaker the a pea imo a n.m nine in a wail delegation shall rise and east the vote of the learning should monkeys were hut those twenty ef -I, many men. In caught, ciptured in- “What have asked merchant. The amendment was distinguished fact, he transmitted. < Irani takes Mitiun to a saucer of strawberries, family you, sir,” irritated feet oil'. Tin* elianee of Cartel' delegation. accepted. all that is rasp- cluded one of the largest and most valuable, being an volume be with the air of a “I don’t drink IIOICACK (I BKKI.KY X< extremely mteiesting might and rims to the '•etrie-. or currants. Found it until it is Wallace, which was Ilellenden, practiced champagne,” said (Trey- saved when bis was struck (lie >Mi\ A TKD I «»K 1MIKSI- given him, keeps it, sea- brought iiu after a lively body by'the adventures of the almost as line as landlord. l>KN r. posthumous side low and snow, unit spread it over tight. Charles the lame man. ling, testily, “James, give me some seems even less. But when lie among managing politicians McCarty, limped engine bodies of those whose meniorv In n-s With fruit it is an hack to the wrecked train with a mv and re- claret.” The motion to ballot the world with both hands also exeei- valuable turtle, “Only wile, daughter self,” tell it, was on the of tile prevailed, and tin* roll outstretched for more. lore-patt engine. to :riii tor cream. which was ascertained to he a native of a near- the old of Stales was called, with the result ,,f the al- has sought keep alive. There is but substitute plied gentleman. “That, is right. Mr. (Treyling, call for His clothes in what is called the The parallel begins with a renomination. dim caught most unanimous selection of are doubt that the tombs in Water ices are always acceptable. Those by swamp, Homer,who weighs 400 pounds, “And have no objections to what like," said Bellenden. Hoi Greeley. little the I'antlmon and ends there, tirant will lie a you taking you “Noth- “draw-bar,” bis not result was defeated. tried to catch monkey. He didn’t. Leo, who person striking any 'I’hc received with al Paris which are shown as a of lemon, orange, currants, strawber- me to hoard ? I’m not much trouble in a me containing was is the man in the to ing gives greater pleasure than to see of the locomotive at all. when Washington re-elceted. (Irani and spryest caravan, tried catch part Thus, (IKK \ 1 i:\thi si asm. e -. raspberries, and pineapple, are much said Ilellenden. the remains of Voltaire and Rousseau are his "ill a sloth, hut. failed. 'I’lie search went on until house,” people make themselves at home.” discovered, he was across the iron parly go down, freighted with the the stilt beaten wtiites lying veils, cheers, throw mg in the air of in fact rilled n.proved by adding nearly all the animals had been “None whatever. Pray what are “T should think so, hats, fans, empty, having hcjjji during ot a misled and recaptured. your sir,” replied (irev- bars of tin* “vow-catcher” with his head A<*., and music hv the hand. reprobation indignant •d tour eggs to every two quarts of the strange birds (including tin* the one of the periods ot eonservative reaction Many vulture), terms ?” ling, dryly, as he sipped his wine in down and his feet head nation. Tut it in as it is turned into t welve-loot anaconda,and twenty-three up—the being votk BY SI A I KS. in France. Milton's head is to lie quid. just monkeys “One hundred and dollars for the jTHK said in lies a fifty angry gulps. within two or three inches of the rails. Epitaph: Here great and the freezer, and it will freeze in a foam. and a few curious snakes remain at large, aiid The is the vote for President in ol a party season—that is three months. I will al- “The following detail: the posession private collector in Lon- its leader. The will doubtless add to the comfort of the cellar is pretty well stocked, eli, The train dashed oh, Carter putative opportuhtiy ot a Scribner's for duly. they furiously States, (ireeley. Black. Bay ;rd. Giocsbeok. don. So is Cromwell’s. Rent ham's low live dollars a week for board •* Jeremy of people in West Haven and neighborhood. you ray William,” pursued Bellenden, addressing continuing to hang in his Alabama, 20 century statesmanship was theirs, and perilous position bis direction, was stiilled, and. Sevcial animals and a few birds died alter the —that takes off sixty.” his son. until it reached New Arkansas, 12 body, by was frittered awav lor want of genius and Hamburg. Carter suit ol “fhinninq Fruit. arrival at New Haven, including a South Ameri- “Pialaneo, the old “And 1 Mr. Californi’i, 12 dressed in Ids usual clothes, with ninety.” replied gen- beg (irevling, you will bad been seen the liremen in the mean- 12 integrity. They professed reform, and can hog. a boa-constrictor, a sloth, and a casso- by (Connecticut, his hat on, his stick in his hand, and scat- tleman well, sir, if I like name favorites. li all the acts of in re- wary. A tine seal is the animals rising. “Very your What do you say time, and one of them had crawled down Delaware, practiced tyranny among injur- d in his is now in a never the house, I will call to-morrow and ?” Florida, 0 chair, preserved glass In their Ike Southern paper- -ay there ed, which arc despaired of. The inhabitants of pay to Burgundy the engine and seized his clothes, public. supreme devotion to the clasp- Georgia, is case. A lew there was sold at a- till*' in Florida as there are West were in advance.” years ago interests iif black *i ie oranges Haven terribly aroused by the un- you “if you desire Mr. Bellen- with the other arm the At 42 men, they trampled upon Burgundy, ing llag-statf. Illinois, in what was said to he ami that it is owing to a severe usual Many closed their luvses in dis- “As sir.” 30 auction London the the itii- year, uproar. you please, den,” replied (ireyling, with dignity, New the train and Indiana, rights ol white men. Seven years blew oil' three-fifths of may. and others, some in their night-clothes, Hamburg stopper! 22 head of Confucius, the Chinese It gale which nearly name,” said the old “James will Carter was Iowa, sage. alter a civil war was closed, rushed to the scene. “My gentleman, supply you.” taken oil’, lie was insensible, 10 they lived alter were Among those early on the Kansas, was a skull mounted in and was The fruit, just, they fairly as he took leave, “is “Of course he will.” u gold, said and died to its young ground was Dr. Shepard, who rendered all Greyling, Godfrey, replied Bellenden. hilt soon revived with simple remedies, Kentucky, 21 trying reopen momorics formed. The tiermantown Telegraph urges & India wharf. Good morn- lo to hare been taken by all Lnglisli sailor and possible professional aid and attempted to sew Greyling Co., “Bottle of Burgundy, Janies.” and was found to lie unhurt. Louisiana, its festering wounds. Charged with this to lie heeded fruit- absolutely II Summer Palace in a Icssou from by up the wound in the zebra's hack, hut.liis needle sir.” must excuse Maine, from the Pekin when the of the ing, “Von me, Mr. Bellenden,” There was not even a scratch or abrasion lii conduct (lovernment, they of class. “We take up the broke and the /.- bra’s back Maryland, was sacked. In /.( growers every went unmended. One cried llel- 20 that building c/miiin loaded themselves down “Greyling! daughter!” said (ireyling, rising. “I would prefer ot the skin, and Carter lived to tell an Massachusetts, with the of the fruit-growers’ societies in Due excited townsman hurried alter the ostrich 23 •* i'fu! it rx Sain line there is an spoils nqnirts as he his room. “What if the Michigan, by illustration of so fell an with a hut when the ostrich lenden, paced to join ladies.” doubtless unknown, with one otlice, they easy prey to a any "f the community, and note the pitch-fork, turned experience Minnesota, lo drawn with the part be the ot lt Dure real- on him the man with the pitchfork incontinent- it should father the glorious “Do not restraint on your- to in- 1(1 by imaginative new coalition. They died tor great difference of opinion which prevails place any' possible exception any other living Mississippi, shouting creature I met atGloueester last summer. 30 ism oft hat artist, representing the skeleton ot of fruit. One ly self'. Consider yourself at home, while dividual. Missouri, virtues patriotism and magnanimity is to the quality any speaker, lied.__ li •« seated in his The idea ot beneath the same roof are here.” Nebraska, of Charlemagne tomb at Aix- which had ceased characterizes it as food for the being you We believe it is true that a is alive Nevada, (i they to practice, leav- twrhaps. a lady with a crown bis skele- The Cleveland police picked up man with her almostdrives me mad, and atones “1 do so consider I N. lo *• la-Chapelle, upon the doubts of god- while another would give it to Ids myself, assure you,” who lias gone through something of this Hampshire, ing gravest sincerity ot a in the streets a few who for that I have and am stil 1 Now Jersey, 0 p ton head and his hones in the if the state of the facts days ago appeared much suffered answered “and I shall was wrapped death-bed oigsl No doubt, (Treyling rising, kind. This at Cold Spring station, New 70 repentance.’’ to he under mental distress York, robes. This tomb was built hy mild In- ascertained, it would he found laboring great suffering. Greyling! Greyling!” do so while I remain, which will be till some She was the N. 20 imperial years ago. crossing Carolina, lor an but on remedies he His were correct. It Charlemagne himself, and lie was that one had over-crop, and the other applying soothing conjectures Greyling next September.” And he slammed the track in a and was in like manner Ohio, wagon, Oregon, r» buried there. In Otho had the A little accounted to a few on his trees. In the we came to himself and matters. called next the rent and re- door behind him in a !l!>7, III, Danbury girl her ,ut grape explained day, paid pet. Mr. James struck by a locomotive. The horse was 35 21 Pennsylvania, tomh and found the as mother lor various how all writers warn us The that when lie left home ceived the and the after when the *• opened, skeleton suspicious little bites know forcibly Ledger says key, evening followed example id’ his master. instantly killed and the wagon smashed It. Island, S evil of over S. 11 l>ore has it, seated the mni- in some choice against the cropping. The early in the morning his‘wife kissed him lie went out to the villa, he discovered to “What under the sun, cried to atoms. Carolina, depicted upon apples by saying, “per- William,” But the lady, strange to say, 24 e-t cut. away a large portion as is her custom when she wish- his that Julia was no Tennessee, Ide chair which is still shown to the cu- haps, mamma, they may have been frost- vineyardist good-bye delight Greyling Mr. Bellenden, when they were alone, after thrown into the air, was Texas, lrt and assert not. that it being rious. Otho found the and the im- bitten it was so cold last the bunches, only es any errand and then asked other than a very charming girl whom In* “could have induced to invite such a Vermont, 10 body ; night.” of those performed, you caught by the llag-statf through her hoop- aid- tile size but. the quality which and tell her had encountered at Ann Virginia, 22 robes much but, him to go “to the dressmaker casually Cape ill-bred set here 1 Talk of as one the perial decayed, bowing itself, we all know vulgar, stay- skirt—something plays game W. Virginia, H 2 ire left and, in the pear her the season. She was then visit- before the remains of the that she (the wife) had mind, previous until too!” ot on respectfully great follow is far su- changed ing September, “graces”—and carried unhurt. She “I wanfflo buy a sewing now tile large, fat., juicy the with her and whether (iHO 21 15 2 retired and had the doors sealed machine,” said an and would have the watered silk made up ing place aunt, dear stammered Bel- was Total, king, old a the same tree, “My sir,” young rescued as soon as the train could be lady, entering shop. “Do von a ■ •erior to the lean scrub from were wish ma- instead of the and be sure to tell she was conscious of a nascent “he is a and me When Governor Hodman rose lo cast the vole again. In 1165, however, they open- chine with a file effect of fruit thinning is not half poplin, penchant lenden, client, promises stopped, and sustained no injury. This fellerinquired the shopman good or lor of New York her was with ed Frederick Uni more no tier,” said the wife, “that if she thinks it for our hero, some other reason, a business.” delegation received again hy barossa. ‘■((oodness, !" she exclaimed. “Don’t enough insisted on; but such facts as this large case strongly resembles Carter’s, and we want would look better with ten bias flounces she had foreborne mentioning to her three cheers. Order being restored, Mr. Hod- for plunder than for curiosity. Having any of your fellers about me.” ■ do it.” there is d the orauge crop may help to “And makes up for paying fees fancy no other recorded parallel; man disputed Missouri’s promise to give without and below mother having met a young gentlemen by heavy posessed himself of the treasures the tomb pulling, box-plaited by himself and here for and even the experience ot this fortunate Greeley the largest majority of any State in the the which should be with such a dear corsair ex- quartering family contained, be removed the skeleton and equator, gathered in the seaside, The old is less not to incredi- Union, and sad New York’s majority will he When tirsl arrived in fanner in Connecticut is said to have months! fellow’s impudence lady surprising, say as the Napoleon England, his A hem-stitched and down the and such a sweet moustache ! larger than Missouri’s total vote. He also ex- distributed its fragments relics, and adherents gudgeons up pression, beats 1 ever heard of.” ble, than the later one we have been published the most absurd reports of contrived an iufernal machine for the de- everything just his that there had been di- skull some of the bones can still be seams, with gusset between the Of course Ilellenden did not go into pressed regret any and h|s poverty. lie hail, they said, hut a stitching enabled to chronicle. York Times. nothing -tructioii of crows in the of kernel is [New vision of vote here. He knew those who did with hi* wife’s dower an shape seams, she can make it in that town more. Why should he ? He “He certainly eccentric,” said young seen in Aix-Ia-Chapelle, where, other ami estate t > the up way, any not vote for Horaee were belonging of corn which explodes on picked up if Greeley acting con- shown for five Prince Imperial. It now turns out being of the bobinette no client there—and a suit here which Bellenden. “But you knew him as I do, curiosities, arc francs that he is a his instead tinting insertion, had scientiously, hut he desired to appeal to them. they bloated American t.y the unsuspecting bird, and blows excuse his don’t at Our bondholder, and draws $40,- out with as I not suffer to default. What sir, peculiarities.” Why hens lay night? Then New York is a Democratic it a head. Monthly in head the and piecing point applique must go by you’d State; had more [From Gossip, (SH) interest a year from the United States Treas- ilurued eturnul off” without said Bellenden senior. are roosters, of yesterday.” duets at the piano! what strolls in the “Doubted,” they than four huudred thousand Democratic voters, the July number Lippineott’s Magazine* ury. slightest warning. suggested 4 afefr strangy; —v «rc,wWM.i rrantr^ .Cirttsw-yh-wyr, a^ccas* M- Ooolitiic * Speech «ii ire Dutttui»>** iv ; ll< ii*i!i,r*\ ubiot. he >w 01 d [full t) j »i ;* n Tiio Cider fvlr, Shaw s Question. Report Ayain. Letter f rom Huston. (icncrdlitius. Local Ac. I»v preset s ing in ftiil vigor the sacred writ ni REPUBLICAN JOURNAL Hems, National Convention. habeas corpus and I lie right of trial by jury. 1 he little ten in which Correspondence of tin- Journal. M'ii S:i;u, rs,.| « .,. AT• •,11,■:11 A-sf. laii-m lie 1«1 New* of the and f.\ 11 means another tiling, and per- page pamphlet County City. pplanse.] it- annual the most of them all. it nnaiw JULY 1872. Mi lviton Shaw records i.rviiiirr :,i S.v.,wln -an, -lily UHli, IVesident w »' .inducted to the naps imporlanl THURSDAY, is, 4*tlu; short and Host,*x, lb. of in fed- July ainl made choice itir l*\ (i->\ of New Sen- lo arrest the centralization power flu* .»t itio following i• Hi«•«*r- for Hoffman, York, and 5 annals" ot his rum has a Hie after the eral government. h means simple trade, T1IK W RATI IKK. day Kiitimme nomination, h ior Rivard.of Delaware. A* lie reached the [Loud cheering.] PUBLISHED K V Eli Y I'll IJ US DA Y MOKNINCS i!i«‘ n-uiu_. Near. |>r. Man-on of i'llt-lield, to assert the vital of our deal ot meal man from thU was hi a ; itform he \va- greeted w ith dn*ers. M r. I ><»o- principles republican great between its city riding retired part paper All 1 !'i -uIt ni. hi. " in which it lives and moves and Ire it!• ..////, ('-»// r, it/ii'ii. I thank vou notieeable since m\ last, and iu»w his the in their sovereign t o the ex- people hay 'topped hoi and 'aid H tie n* i"i thi' great honor, word' .-an tell how people capacity WILLIAM II. SIMPSON. Mis. it is full ot richness. I»e- Sf, IV ill.i I’; a-iii. r. ot ll,.- hardly S<|tic»u>. can Many ot and limiiing the our .streets will,nut in- anv news hum Hail hum ,- :•'* » was (lie r llllleh. bill VOU w ill lo at oner press pm pose detininiug perambulate ^ >,” allow me pass \x:> rttoritti«:nut, sides the in- o| the were »i. of the government ; reeouimemlations he be j pliN-i.i County | nt. all.I the trom what is t > «*t the great oc- powers jappamse]—p-oveis i> nominated personal speak j eiirring risk of sun stroke or s"'"' ply. "(ireeley That t airioii. o| ail state or national, h means S' r. " lari'iuN li li<|uef.ieiion. •'••ni- in a \. i\ lloiii | casion. the lid \viiieh biillgs governments, i:m.s. In advance.$2.00a year; made t.he unlimited monarch of t he 1 *) i-liiu^r ron. I it i. >n, duty the purpose rallie, citizen ut once descended nia- we wi111i11 tln» w at the oil On showers train liis mow mg us hat are determined that and ar, $2.5o; expirat of the Friday refreshing follow* I here. Two years ago. in arly live years alter presidents j and slate mid year, as notired, there, is chine, swung liis hat the ol the eivil war had closed, governors, congress legislatures, previously appended I anmtel hi' le ad, md bloody period \ i*\*I-:• • ininis l i' iiMS. For one Jays of intolerable warmth, and after Tli.• Kumprau A N. \. Itailro t.l has killed the I and every department ot the government, sliail square, (one a list ol tin* towns honied ••Hurrah fur il.-rd Republicans ol M-s^oiiri [applause] inch oi length in $1.25 tor three Tlie almve is a New ; that last year negotiat- honest old Horace!” Then the constitution. eoinniti,) weeks, purely Knglam them came cool west :i alloth"i Inakeinaii, Ihi- t in.- S min. I Follan-b. ot [Prolonged applause.] ■ winds, teelnig k* •*ni\ ill the evil the proscriptive obey and ••ills tor each subsequent insertion. A trac- forming having relieved his he mounted to It means civil service reform. scene. The warm sun of ed with him Ibr aid and comfort. feelings, Iih also genuine I ion ot a as autumn is shin spiritual .»!' I’rrwvr. who wa- crushed while tests oaths, tin hates a in I the strifes, tin- passinis square charged a lull one. most contrast to the hot south- -h i.-Uino beginning wit I the presided id o||i<.Ap- agreeable 'eat again, and with a chirrup to lu> horses, of the w ar had left upon them long after the I the air is lull of the slumberous ha/.< The record is spread out with .••«t-. It to an end fore\ei to r. r ing. 1 war the means put refreshing ern blasts and moved on. That’s about the it itself had ceased, and leelmg keenly plause.] A I'M IN 1ST i: \ TO Its. K\'Ki TTI’OKS a lid (I l’ AUDI A NS holding sway previously, way goes -mong tain which have grown up with this of the Indian summer, the frosts havi particularity, the representative of this; Mr. Frank I. I>?i.m11*\of t!»• L wi-lon l.nir- executive federal dictation in their local elec- practices ■I"-li’iug their advertisements in the even the administration, which have driven so many of published suggesting an excuse Ibr the poet people. tions. determined t«» organize a movement to Journal will please so state to the Court. touched the leaves that are branch of evi- iiai. has i.‘tin n- I from :• three months the ablest to i<4n this liberal move- sailing down republican philanthropy j absence I restore «jiiuprights to all our citizens [applause Republicans whom last week we were ready to consign Hiring the forenoon of Saturday, a tire was which have wounded the and taking in his work. The 'n I Ii- letter* have been whites as to ment, and deeplv the husbandman is the re dently pride Lump.. very inter- well blacks [applause\. restore gathering to the bottomless tor written discovered in the roof of one of the sheds at- hearts of all ns well as Deni »erals SC BSCHI HI-.Its to have the address of pit having io« a| s« If-goveminent, and to arrest the further Republicans desiring societies in the annual re- ill”'. must state ferns of his care and labor. missionary tached to tin* in this which papers changed, the Post Office to which **< Mi. w hat so rare as a .1 line Houndrv building. I’he alarm rntralizatioii ot Federal power. country, [applause.] practices day !” [Applause], the paper has been sent as well as to which it is ••'.a. I Mali I Hamlin, of was l he\ then never existed under any other administration, Tlie honest citizen as shown i: ports give the number of missionaries hrotln*r senator given and the engines were soon on tin* s;,i,i this thing had gone tar enough. to go. above that was meant. are too well known to all the world, believing duly H a nil 11 i. not too far. The time has come when all which hut sent in, I 11 It mu or on Im-d a » attr a -i. k- hut the his the eeou out, tin- made, and the num- spot, workmen had r|,. and which our nation’s will he harvesting apple crop. With progress extingui'hed honest must .f -to \v and patriotic Republicans halt S. M. Pk t- Nun.I. Sc 6 State Boston oim. ni lire before best consulted not even naming, jt'liei-rs.j Co., St., of his lie is ber ot heathen converted. When tin- they arrived, l! was ralie r vv nd> and reassert the vital doctrine ol by and Park Bow. New are oniy class, making info ridei Republican York, our authorized is now at u I It means also to strength and to Boston its dullest. The re lit hot w it her ha- ilia md had the tlames lairlv vv.iv government, that under the constitution the give stability Agents tor and radical of Maine comes to make |. afrit \ of ice in got under t national procuring subscriptions forwarding the will not in the cellar parly lip our financial affairs and credit by fring- advert iseiueu t apples tlnjt keep v'< NN ^ 1»«iId not have powers of the Federal government are defined finu Iront “Jubilee lias left us with I- I h' II: II I- i:111 — helped being a dcsim, tiv« ii and ti to even its it can state that in the admin- days" t| and limited and cries ot ing honesty, economy lefty rte* s. B. .\n.i s, Xo. 1 Scollav’s Building, Court Hard times and taxes him t< jewels, < .applause “good." high oblige Hving to tin romlnistiliie nature ot ttit* m d* position, federal, state and municipal, where Si., Boston, is am ho: ized to receive ad vet t iseiueu is half-deserted streets, almost no 1 rathe, rtlplr.l. good" and that the people ol tin* States have istration ol the mm business, in a are disbursed. tor this economize. His father, his lather's lather single a|s used in the is t'-e to own do- public moneys collected and paper, building, there no inMirin right govern themselves in their and a air of dullness almost in- laryv carrhm'f la. toi y <•! tC. mn- ,(’beers,I It means also lumes] >1 -,11 I', c. Evans, lrtfi Washington Street, is au it sent out general lirns. mestic oasis ot of payment the n year, through its organized on it, and had it burnt the loss he affair* upon tile eqiialitv all authorized tor this ami all generations since the lirst at would have \ •nr Rciiewefl It. means agent paper. I’ortsiuoiiih, w i- burin .I on Fi id the «-s ( obligations. [ applause.] liven the churches are de- "da Im fore the higher law before the on- tt-aF* (■ P. Kowki.i. Sc 10 Park New thousand live hun- supportable. eottsideraliltf. The oi jin of to tone and to the ad- Co., Row, the name felled the trees, havi channels.seventy-eight the lire >uppov. t an I tin' of men lie fore the give higher greater vigor ^ primeval stitutioii, c.jialiiy all ork, will receive advertisements tor this paper, at serted; and when the Hub to -luli hw \ or. a w i.low. a -.*«I |, ministration of our and domestic affairs fails till its *•!». ,| .|t,| m to have t*e» i, a -i ark from tin < himii law lads* ot universal amnesty, foreign the lowest rales. 1’heir orders will receive made eider. The trees dred and seventy-one dollars and three > i tp| loyalty, prompt upon which tin Ihf street in so as to command I lie respect and the confidence attention. houses <>l must know’ that its Flan^or. tr.nn heart -Ii suffrage and peace Taking no steps backward, cents worth ol rum. To he worship you S * are those his the Cn.vsi t:' \ \ On ti a* !' of 4hir and of all the iv ili/.ed world. It s*' lioKM'K til that latliei perfect, ■ Monday n.vt taking no right or no which had been people D<*m>, WashingtonSt., Boston, apples grew III. •• traiichise inhabitants are Uoston Sim. I ay Courier \ thrifty means to ui the oili > is an authorized Agent tor the Journal. return-* pious away enjoying them- -ay- '• cm ed the hi a. to place highest ofoiirgov- should the number of drunk- n Survey Schooner -blliman. with her 'loam to Ic. p* Igiug support them lie under them when a give .a'h\. rIf. r't .i m-uranrr on hi- \\ eminent planted, played Ihe’lileot it,* ol in same men of whom all the world will -ay. selves on the of business S all their lull vigor, they at the time ards made, with the state profits which to the amount of ■>t().(NN>. the other it slips paper. apple gathering of the ( teisi ment if that and hrielly form ous, economical and Not I u l\'*l Stirvt serv ee, who i' sell, freedom equal rights should only ot receipt now used. For instance, 15 from the use ol its godlv. that He rail hem. I i-f ha.l it- reward. and w he h luiii r are directly Ii-rnb*rpi oc restored to the white nation, the duties ihe purpose M i\ 71. no ans that the is that spots in his memory. So arc li.piors. I 'i't. d by \ids V. \. N.n-th. I people, [(treat ap- subscription paid to bright *f.Inriin” fop fii-u ral In- i- now ||. Kin/. W u us A rests this would insinuate that all who rem lin at f\'pru-f-. I ail s.- They h).UOO | here, great responsibility upon date-. When a new payment is made, the date will Tin* manner of the. medicinal 'Y'.ic organized nearly strong, the of eider the recording riflicr than he w'a- a week :mo.” s* ISond. H. ( I*rav. and M iM-. convention. It its action shall he su« h ( -md I be immediately to and thus a days making, grinding, •'ailing .1 1 called upon R. Diatz Blown [applause] to changed correspond, home at this crisis, are the reverse in all doubt not it will bet as to an end to the mis- in full is sent with Subscribers ol each customer is as 1». M. Hrovvn. ‘■die i -s revv •; sixteen m- id the tiKiv'eiiieut. Tin v placed him in nomi- put receipt every paper. pressing and barreling, lie remembers capacity municipal In Spriiiirl fl.l. We. I in* m la v venim:. a voiiHi* rule w tor lew in arrears are requested to forward the sums due. these Far from it. tastes nation tor hich the past years had alllieted our particulars. la.Iv w ho wa- -ntiim in a .-ti lir on tin lloilim' Idle schooner h a line new Vess, : *;. governor, and then what fo|lo\ved. the casks of eider in a row in the follows, taking own city as an illus- ,,| I I thousand our beloved country, this generation and gen- ripening The wharf, in hack, It»-t her balance. Fighty Democratic Republicans differ. have contracted a tipping gnin*r with aivommo.latioi:'. The**,- ve's. erations to come alter its will remember with tration— shepherds splemlitl hta is looking upon the success ot that move- Jig- In sending money, state THE POST OFFICE cellar, and that a pitcher of it was nlwni over barkw ai >1 hea.l lir-1 into the water. For- le and itude t he < am veil t ion at Haiti mo re to habit of t<> the eoiin- will be tin* summer in link in/ iiicnt as above lice: i-- pr gral which the paper is sent..?# 'll V o| U.-Hrot making pilgrimages fuua'rh a yomii' law er w a- iifir to employed 'luring any party triumph [< s_. on the And when ''ih of table. the a si to the duly. lamily gath- svr ;; ; -ri/.. In*r feet as I hev vriv di siirv. of ti,o •/ Ived sustain it with th' ii wliole strength o-t <»l li»|t!or< ... tiy or tie1 st•:i shore when the canicular appeal inu under hydrographic upper portion Amid loud and continued iiise Mr. Doo- water :tn*l l-ovc oi country. love ot ^Republican liberty. ered about the lire on winter evenings, Keifs, I nh kin ,V <■.«..;<» succeeded in lamlini? her I’cnobseot little took his seat. For sets in the hea\-< ns, and their Hay. I"'" of the equal rights of ail men. inspired that President, < '.nmni-sion'i.. »■*."»._*T >ign sheep thoimh \e a very moist roinlilion. and in, there were al- A party ot topographers, under Mi Wm mil ind t night men to :n ! together who had neighbors dropped to So that Lelfa t can iisell delight follow’ them. There are saints congratulate .V late la m*.' I’.ranrh it tin inform- an a.lmirim: How. are n- tr ( been politically opposed to each other all their on the hearth a of choice encamped the imp i.ruim The Committee Wait Mr. ways plate ap- who the t hat *•'b-in'ral (. ant’s turnout, M-.s Upon Greeley. on at least to though, prefer which public pre-cni- I upon other questions and in other times, Horace having contributed privileges hev have also a party at astine. and om His and a of eider. i e.| to him I»v I’om Mtnphy ainl other-. r\. it.-.I ami without \ olatmg cilher honor. con- Acceptance. Greeley, ples pitcher the Hub a (lords even in dull seasons to logic, I'lc an the support of this pat riot ie and sell'-sacri- roM-i-lfruble attention.” Hi- other turn out to Halit, the latter in .-barge ot Mi do!, scjein .• or insistency on either side. This of Now York. And who was the worse for it ? All Nkw Voi;k, 1 die and of travel, the be pre.-enteil him next Fail by the iVinoerat- N M< < lintoek. patriotic union w i' lewd upon higher grounds July tieing of radical dangers exposures drank of and representative morality. iint ot her-, w ill recite more. oin- than ordinal ii\ control action, A little alter noon a it, father, mother, boys girls. ILin^or political ftircut to-day large extortions ol hotel and the dis- Ilnw i-:s* la»\ h.»\ ( in, s parlor “Lost of raptors" may bo an keepers, mcreial. \\ i» Ml \ v..t nil app ui'c. 1. eii those who had ton gill against of tin- Filth Avenuo Hotel was crowded For Vice Frosiilent, All to be men and women, ambiguous grew healthy comforts This great and h othei 111 hallle hand' over item in the hands of an which souls encounter populai establishment is clasped the a ot expert ligurer. thirsty Joseph .Merchant, a rrspeele-l an. well-to-do l\y company distinguished represen- and there was never a drunkard in the bibit in Moody li i'tn renewed applause], and side by from a lack of their favorite farmer re.-i-linir in lielu'ra.le, about this city next Wednesday. \ tative men. Senators and e\-Senators ot B Gratz and what unrevealed “commissions" if beverage. -evenly -ale like brothers.w itli hearts in unison, Brown, If was of heating family. the old family doctor years nu-e commit!.'. I -ui.i.le <>n Ft it lay morn- in Koston during ’•Jubilee week,” md noiw the I nitial States. of Missouri. What for instance, who es- heating’ strong with the same high purpose, tin y Congressmen, editor.', any, may be hidden there, we are unable gentleman, iuir, by han^in'-T. lb* hut become >1 called to one who was a little he impre--. that Koston was full of e\ to hear if" to a and Irovernors were tiom all standing Jubilee helped tlag glorious \iciory. parts of the ailing, to teems a of with the clea that he wa- eomini: to want, amt estimate When Massachusetts estab- glass lager hourly necessary • That, is Liberal dement, and in spite of the attractions of 11..- gentlemen, Republicanism Fnion. Kvery State of tlie republic was would halt the time say that the sick per- ha.l Im come melancholy, often -peakwi ot tak- and that i' Democratic For (iovernor, lished a similar a dozen or more to his existence, or who insists that his p heel's]. Republicanism, or agency, ing hi- lilt* liaiiyriu” coliseum. Howe's «’irciis exhibited to not represented by one more of its most son hadn't drank eider and order by iii. it enthusiasm. 'The victory whirhratne enough, food will not men. were ago, and afterwards found occasion digest unless washed down ihan 1 .son The Journal m loin that union was distinguished They the Com- years In an .nlv. rli-ement a railroad people. says the end of proscriptions. the quantity increased. And the old by company < mittee to hook or eland or of unclaimed •'ood-. a letter from tue **Af a st oath'. of pain and striie and ol all disloyalty appointed apprise Horace Hrce lev CHARLES L. KIMBALL, Ibr legislative investigation, the revela- in Waehonheimer. or dropped ingot it. Midi lime aiiv ordiuarv <-nt« white-haired his wor.l ami -<* the in a w«ud. the real etnl ol the civil war came and IF (iratz P>rown of their pastor would drain glass, lawful. advertisement appro- nomination tions made ol even in a of cider, would tainuicnt o| tie kind Would hive been ignore adulterations, waterings, j perchance glass reads, to whom Ihe-r k.< •*•- with that victory ali i did tint come until then for tin* President and Vice OF PORTLAND. and the cider skill ot Ids priately **IVople pat President. praise making are an to but Ilowe’s establishment s too and ••m- m Missouri. Intense Il redeemed Ac. caused a trust himself in the State of M tine anv- diflHeh-d notified come f-u w ii\l ami ig. applause.] Alter a universal shout of derision brief conversation the Committee the aw ful on the -aim'," that Staff*. It gave tin* rights ol free men to parishioner. The eiderthut was not need- pay charges mmds recognition from it- extent an I general left the hotel twos, and For Members of and condemnation, it was at once ai»ol where. unless in close with the st ventv thousand men who had been bound and by arm-in-arm, Congress. ed proximity exeellenec.’’ for home consumption always brought Mai; Hoyan eloped trom a < 'onneethut Sha- fettered. Mis'oiiri is now a free Slate in this walked to the Lincoln (Hub. in Hast 21st Fourth A ished. and on familiar District—M KPKLLLJS EMERY. “agency” particularly k»• an.I married 11rot In*r daeksun Tin- -t a at the and cinimuiiiiiy. grand stir, t parade to; win h t1, m union with all her right*, dignity and street, where them were Horace good price village store, equality awaiting in over me nsi oi towns mat terms with tin* agent And tin- reminds mi tin* >|\. She i|iiietIv remarked to a friend under tin* ('onstitutiun. and not one murmur ol o-imiring tistlllUMit is so I nn ill' will or. ill III Ul ill Hreeley, Whitcdaw Reid, Hen, Cochran, bought dresses for the wile, linery for the alter the re|emon> : **Yoii ran make V oil r ip- i-M'in is m am. r.v mai uimui me. Not •• have mini1 lo Shaw’s lbr the wherewith to since, a. of this my ol lln* lav ot \ lull it i<» uni t w .. .• v hi I til uis ami lew oilier-. Air. sat in the The Signs in Maine. long gentleman ple-si" and warrant il to keep; hut yah ain’t fc feral «I id at ion in Missouri in I In* i r local elec- triveiey girls, and presents tor the hoys Ii was not unknown to the world «it apples, and you ean’t hile Vm down mi hey w ill In* given at on.* uni 1’. M I’h** -1 tions was ov* rllirown, and !»v that union 'trite back parlor of dm elub lions*, wet their whistles, we liml 1 lint the city, letters, iglit talking one of the most useful ami won't sour on your old rules a!tout profitable crops ■ marrym will he one hour and hate have given to and to with a few triemls, when the ('omniittee and who is of a /< he- opened irliri place peace good Hie of eitv of Portland has been tin* best custo- soinething vvjli. By that union, with meeting prominent liberal re- of t he farm. liberty e«|iial rights arrived, and nt Thesfeamei Kmperor arrivi-d here -1«*rd. Within fh.ui>ainl miles «»i expressed great surprise himsell «>( a to Maine and a our iiy, lived I T all ha' given to tl)* Slat** unbounded mer, in i.r Sti.i’i»* worth,and thought trip ha\ been bv the s-aidoi pros- their in Fori land, last Friday, to take lbit the man buy <*ontrilmtinpj iny toweil up tuy B. d. lie said that lie publicans old who the small lie unlor: .in W s »* and to a early appearance, good planted hoy. inly fin* p. st*s>Ol perity her people joy almost unspeak- visit to old chums. To think was The Kmperor is moored alt \\ hart’. The did not to receive measures f »r *|i‘l to Mr. Sh.uv College Toshyh able. So expect tlie ('ommittee ion with the Demo- orchard help lay up something *»l a win. w i> great v\as their jov and complete their eo-operat has been gathered to his grave on boilers werelosl when -In \\ a w reeked hut -.lep-niothrr v«-i \ in*l to him until late in to act. Hut as he was about to set success, the ol that State the allernoon. .Mr. lor a town ol just >• ■ Liberal (Ireeley that the of The Andover, her enyiue is still in her. She is worth lumh I here use >• Republicans cracy, Stale Maine may be tie* hill-side, and the children are scat- rainy day heiny (or h soilte WI: r .•!«.< were uol without an was content ellort to dressed in an more Ilian she at auetion. ■ making coat, bkek out, he called on a Iriend. who orouylit ; Baiiyor was t a vo alpaca is one of tin* oi (Kford county, on the othei hand, learning red with a r- of extend the 'aim* union of Liberal and Deino- redeemed, most hopeful tered. A new lias arisen, ( oiumeivia I. pantaloons, while on a table to bis right generation wh rate ami w ith it 1 he same < ol h;s intended advised it, in- ell oil.* dav terminated it the -mn time s!i Republicans, bless* the signs of these 'Those he bonyht only y.'S, and eontribuled but trip, against reposed historical white hat hopeful days. gen- professing to wiser than those gone be- Mrs. of t Sehtivlkiil of liberal and to all the Neeley oveiitryville. >. ng peace fraternity asmuch as hi- favorite was did. rile little hoy seeiiiy hi' hoo| mi'tr. s, ’• to the our beverage in other States. Bounds ot As the Committee tiled into the room, tlemen arc honorable fore. Fanatics have into and cents support of triend the eounlv a d or two ayo, while swerpiny the applause. high-minded, men, got power, is" hv the house, ran and it>11 nd a h.»\ o| out. with tils fa Accordingly in the Stav convention on the and almost filled it, Mr. Ureeley advanced various tabooed there, lb* had been there and hull'«■, powder, and thmkniy il "I excellent record. Where a meet their word, and set the seal of the measures” have been imed there lead Ida-liny powd r. The home will he i-huill mol le i’s d> id lid know it' R*puhlie,Us one hand oil the awaited the given their good, healthful beverage of eider. It you ing table, be a fie i* Im funeral. ihem iti Mav That invitation was accepted. the trade elsewhere. P»etween these e\ not to caught in mu-Ii a dilemma, our of his visitors. determination, there they are to be found. is classed with such and and de- «hi Mr IVrkiiis, who w i« diyeiiif I here was indeed a great response. I'liev •• line pleasure liery Saturday, literateur wrote to his Maine Irn-ml tor in- K/.ra 'vnilli, drunk in Un-street in Ban- the Home- are recorded various amounts ol lyiny a Ira in s nv thousands, in such vast numbers that a Tele- Augustus Schell, President of Nn The movement means that maim: is to structive drinks as and in Inc rear >1 on r oilier. while v iy » m rum, whiskey yor on Tuesd.n uiyhl, was rohhed ol In w aleh gate convention of ol all the tioiial Democratic executive < formation. return crime iv representatives 'ommittee. the The of Hath was a Hrompt mail swiiiyiuy hi' pi.-k a\i hrourii1 \ i< r •" ki i>i kmi i>. brandy*. 'The man’s orchard is as elleet- beverages. eily by and wallet, An ■.. hy dohu At woo-1 <>( Winter •‘tales was torTiled both from and introduced Mr. < principle' Doolittle. -hairman ol' the l. Idle royue W Is * ■ oiisi uier to the amount of the Come come at once, and pol arrested, 'impelled t-1 lollies lain- I It. "imlie Unuw'ie i»*• •■** w »s tioln heees'ltv. to give form to it s And no state in the I nion as reply' proceedings. Baltimore Convention, to Mr (ireeley needs politi- ually destroyed though his trees were disyory. and then eommitied lor tri il. Manx of the abh 'l '||- Irhe I a’l.iVe lllUl. He W t« mil* li men of the country’. lately to stand not on the order of astonished Alter cal more. P»eImoiiI had sickness the amount of your coming. it at tie cordial were Messed with a blasted And all h r what lei*' iii Bepubiiean party were there and greetings exchanged. redemption, by lightniug. K N« »\\ If .1.1. 1 -■nil.. I 111 \ K-, A i.llinellse when II..- oiln n vtieuir ot tin* iii'tiiiue n! > am.* Mr. The saints are for -if is the took pait in its deliberation'. 'I’liev were as- Doolittle read from a briel healthful Not in the of for re in cities. (\tmden needed provided only hr-eh-N and Brown r at ili-alioii im-tuiy was manu-eript climate, abundant resources. interest tempera,m e, nor tin mil? 11 hi' hat. He saw the .1 mi- Im! sured that a large number of Liberal as I point R**publi- address, follows: < in 1.7b tor the stomach's sinners who are to trouble; and held here last uiyhl. Il-m. din M. Kleminy, va.».ii.7 of t he lb with S 1 claret.superb lioek, in" his t a Ion- in to- hi lilt for be- l>»r I t A I Inn on ..dil v ed ileal d uni all million or more < That con- rule, has actually retrograded. None will vote in September tor men who will lids, him ami to Von to moot u- hero at this time, and Wo hav« vention presented a platform and presented and rum!” lie went, lie i lli" held until I tkeli pi ison-T. me.lie tl III III. deV o|r.| lo ill' lil t .•mo in a l,o.h to in knew il better than tin* who such foolish and worth ol keyr- and to take it glorious profession indidates to the country—for I’rc'idt place your hand- tin- of- gentlemen sweep away oppressive truekiui^ nt.lloraee eonlid.-ine m all .one notilioatioii. there yet. And his blends hen* arc A twelve \ ear-old voulh at .1 .mesville sent iiispiriny who uud. r his Bresident. B. Lira!/. Brown more enthusiasm ) alarmed. Others, then* are who -how great 1111 tion-- lor the on ore a.eross tin* b t\ holds out its “seductive ting loll : “llof si| — :iniin11>. but 111.*-.- wlc* took of a hi' lei low hart list to do the aim* pl'eseripl maple rop ami d Bread and that convention for tie promotion and only purpose effecting change in hi- mw home II. hash.. .1. .1 m tn- i! part in (belli call ivali/.o Lhr and en Would \ i -it the and one raw eyy a Weak will noek I in mea-d' 'in « e" of tin* cordiality o! ine t' 11re Ins a bri l-'.uehaiifed bind.' principles declared in the plat- men and of Democrats will (’alais lye over thej gladly in** o| l.u kson. Mi. he an. tlm-ia-m vvitli which it wa- resolved'to -u-taiu policy. hire 11:i k ite." city form there enunciated, and tin* support ot the as om* of our Court tied has t lie Liberal nmveuieut, to that, after so \\e see that (I. Hiehhorii i- riv'Pr to Si. St ami lurninv ils lawyers candidates nominated hv that have Bepllblieail e..operate ejon• many years of strug- liddlimr .’plum, up | VI 1 lor ii'r \\ I.I.. r *1 M hi convention, w I- I ( i iliord II \ ears old Ill -Oil o| itti all patri -tie citizen- t«. the your State at tin sea-on. but adopted ,u\ ited and cordially welcomed the support priuei are to on one <»l nose it Shaw, retimed to a designated co-operation < gle. they have that will away his in utterly buy •oi bom 1’oln‘i .)! I-'. 11 r lie Id wliih r< 1111 nin- splendid IlltlV al.-d 'I I’a W hrl e 11 id hi' sup- pies ileolare.l at 'ineimiat i ; and rc-o|v > d, al-o. helpers give string lupbuildiii:- ot all citizens without regard to -i honie e\ -.v I n patriotie pre- :t> then they have no friend who has lien' I’iii-silay eniny brow from ..III- III tl kt I W ith I ir-111 I lit '«• I- the i.o-t and .-urest mode ->i giving ♦ if.-ei to \ielmy. The success of liberalism will the and to '■ "’“iiit. plied he pr. Hi vious .tliliations. Thosi were Hnngor Whig, attempting in- win- party principle' those great lo ina- him* ami killed. lie i.od\ w a- nominal. :,n( >W anv ill’ d .. elearlv i'clv stated in the reconcile the North and the Ibr the treatment that the The record ot agenc\ in oil; led ill a le trio! platform tli. -aine an.Ii.late-. We both wiim o.| m.| South, give apologi >lii|» the plantation ol Ham- it'fit- an* I restated in the letter ol of •- acceptance tell (bat and la rye ipiaiitili of led.-e ui. ie Thi' i- rordialitv einbii-ia-in. confidence and to the interest h is received it tin* hands of lin's Hrant. in (Kford ntiinl is one ol l*o| | | |, \ N wild d.-er has been wanderiny Mr. tireeley (moie cheerio .> ami they are so prosperity general j»iilg v, l-:.. .lor ill O pa> W ell. Mr. < ireel.-v, allow* me to introduce to yon Met 1 III o e ill | .1 up 11» ,i p| || | known to voit all that I will not restate ft II’ 11». ltd’ll' until In* I- ie- c.iuMi oii l.i Inin on* well ol < business of the In his ]»*» y ihe curiosities oi Hus curious |rade I bis |lea) liegm-- tbe member- the 'ommittee. country. Maine it means II III the harbor Uiomtei li'll ha- r< at- -I Ml. II. I' I! ! W Them. For weeks that platform and tlic'e I'Wolllhie\ of >11. lei I' ti I 1 mi w<• i- •il llloll. Il --• in blind, but tin* tacts will remain hat under little census of ill lie-old dt h. I he nomin tired al \ ei al limes, hut candidates have been before the W’lnn the eeretn.niy of ini rod net ion was prosperity all her local interests that community, which l*v tie* j io\ in." li'lnii" 'fa-on a I M « 11 I I. ik. hi'I country. W llh -llt i-rl’ei |. Meanwhile the convention called to nominate Mr. took in I if rule the of this ei•un- tiou of Hrown at Haltimore ! over, (ireeley position the are now SO much < htl* shipping |n7«i Inul but tweiitv lour nu n in its popu- (ireeleyand W eek sent I 'i V If. II polllld tl'olll io ills li'i. iot i • I depressed people <»enei*ui rati hisses) ami to endorse ami con- I' i e \ ah III loll -d Boston i- slated to Ii l\ e III | center of the room, and slowlv and t * * the ex- it I W. ! of I i' spoke under land are ify prospered look from I he * I ,.s7H .‘.(J has matters tin* I'ilelu lhis» Hv. hat ti'hiiif that tinue the and of hi* it, ami Next greatest, possible laliou, amuey s'nnplitieit wonderfully, a e.i-- d lo.oou.ooii iii real 'lale and in principle', practices policy as follows: they moving. 'r pt-i- administration, has done it' work, deliberately tent, and enriched the whole con td ame time that it has sent a thrill of te n- soiiai 11 n the \ear. I lishiny. Hisses.) is to witness a revo- worth ol At the rile of three prope diniie; past 'Im in- I need time September political liipior-’ As between the Liberal and Hie -lioiil.I were 1 t<» attempt lo r. el ea-e .'illl. e-. I lie rale of I a at ion o y I I Republicans about e liner l\ ilaiidm. du«- from I’, .'ton on Tip--. lution in our Maine; while under radical rule it has th the hearts of led cm! o lliee holder followers of the (Jrant administration, the i-Mie ply lilly and fully to tin* and I need bordei dollar- per yalhui litis would amount to rough on $|0ilo. Ii is not eommmiii ilmn. It •lav lnoriiiiu*. did not ar! i\ e until Wi-din now elearlv made up. <;rant or Dreeley. say gralifviiig, mo he and the coast, towns have seen That number of ms wh * have 'day. perished, I i_* * 11« n t large politiei < > in I ram i-eo that I should in a- ami lim* to each A hiiiauian in who Ire Immense enthusiasm and cries ol (ireelev, reply wilting, lud I h ot wonty-live pint yiven In the dense toy, he aim* !<• am hoi off sheep their business die. The of are him i-li as ih murderer (>i ifiielrv.) While these events were lately addi'e-sed a letter whieli lias been wid- lv to Itself. town St.oei.ion jierehed upon the fence, now poising up Sun I.hap- passing, Unjust man. This i- wonderful. Ho tln*v 1 i\« he I land, in ai lie- .-litrun e to the win re hr I dle whom We eini-i.lei'eti the Liberal I’.mvcu- pem |o naiue-l \h Hun:. \ml I do md Pay the l»eUlo< Republicans, reple- by owes the that it had to tin* enlight- for a that their i * growth jump, knowing position -lens, in re.- nd -1 I he 'aim what that name reill lined Ii 111 ll I'll.- d.(\ Iii:- III lit. held their *nvi ntions in all the 'tales. niaV not he necessary. 1 an onlv -as I he Lewi lou Journal has the following up there oil (he plan of Jack l al t itV, win* ! ened ot the ini_-Id The Liberal Republican movement, the e\- now that I aec. pt your nominali«»n. accept il policy Jlemocraiie parly. no longer tenable. 'There are will per imply." relative to a recent article in this ordered lbr hi- a ol wine j Mr. II. II. V Imi', the n w railroad 'l iiion .1 in ol M I'soiiri, the < lieu u at i (brm ami gratefully in tlie same in whieli H wa- paper supper gallon pie plat spirit When that went out ol the also of a 11 ward ol The i ir-i ni -iom* heretofore party power leaning reeley more] -piana--! master in this eu\ has taken i. m M, it' candidates, w itti their letters of olfcred. tb'lieer-i 1 am at pre-cut in a I lie I'.i-H i-I Journal intim ites that it was not ami thri'e worth of I»r* *: p.»--«— acceptance, po-i- penny i«t Oris in ibis -mint s are from I > i I- iml, Nl and '• .— ol Stockton < were all beloiv tie <*on Vent ions, vvhieii were lion which doubtless many u ould r. gai .1 a a jo ai v for the M tint* democratie Stale eon- decline and eonlii ued than one m Tin* A. has had n. ijr<- in tin hii-me" m l will began, prominent Ibqmblie are th> 11 o rt i I nl -oil I h Iron!' of I ir I' i- \pi it a hint those v» ry largely attended by their ablest im n, and proud one, but which i--till an cmbarras-iug v« ill i* *n to resolution, leui- possible that, takiuy from he j»a eomleiiiniug until silent idle mechanics and the Himl clubby its leader’ I n il o| lliese niea-un about eiyllt hundred loii lid an ayia ahl. yi nil. man. The a the amount ioii' In-lore all these con- one, hecaii-c it involves the and I r ni. « I" ■ M il ion, as know- shipyards, breaking lip pal ijll**st temporary, I" "vervhodv where runner- ol Poston i.*r medm- ellbie IT**t. l;-| houses, road m uiayei' ai.- w arm n. llu ii use o the ventions vveie, “Shall v\e this invitation trust o| a inis. on- lit" d"111.r:n -1 tit.I on til" merchants were the feat- ol (1 ha- disturbed the pi accept only temporary, annoyance leui|ieranee «|U'*s- failing leading 1 espousal reeley, in cooperate with tin* Liberal Republican- -ii net mu of mv motives .ai part of -ome \ allied lion. An* w. to under-tan.I, then.that the reso- live measures” h ive been brought t<> hear < olilleel i.-llt should he red ill-1 with the lazi- I iii III UI llf" alld etlieieliev o| M I .< oil Mil'll. W h>. ures of the 'These are facts, and fonts of and rendered €iiflit ‘“diall we this and friends. I am e«*iiiident dial time lution wa- t-i 1 »:«•«I to at<’li place. political scheming, est i- applause*.J adopt plal- iilehmg tein|)ei*anet* voles, as on the authorities of H nulin (Irani. Io in- lisln imail. I'll- in ipie'lion retires. iorm ?” I Loud cries of “yes, yes.” and some done i- necessary lo \ indicate mv iimiius to illlineiled l*v o|ii* of the eolilllliltee, while the the cracked music of the e\-|p* asurcr can- the procurement laee extremely bard. There are rtimors thal -nnpaiiN * we be re Was so makiim -ral m is to a -ljij, sp am *tloi: I iv I A oo| dm v ij. cl ing.) »r, “'hall reins.- to cooperate ?” lb I assured of unieli eu-operat ion limi. liv the way, our itellast eoleuiporarv 'The in New pivp pul up pro. h m_ Orangemen's procession (Jen. Hanks is inclined to tin* new ele\al«»r on I lie iailr>iad whail. al tin w alei < join e So," “And nominate other candidates?” and -yin pat by. I 'beers, The I ime will come, preleii.l- to ha-" Ins tleman.i for a repeal of the an in- ,rl.Howes' i'ireiis m.| Menace; (’ouyressmari ITy< having asserted terminus ol the Kiiom A Kim -dn milroa-l. No. no. <1 lee lev, < i IVe|e\ .” A ml strive to and I tru-t in Hod tbe null \ too, when -h. rill-. iilon "111**111 a. t, on the that York, this year, was let! to tin* that his lie in that J opporl ground contempt movement, sympathies el aim hi ha \ e a In .r lied horse— ; hi' is some thine eieet them over both tickets in the lield?” llm world will see that are no les- some has not his Unties that the (ireeley men in Pcwistmi couldn't you Demo- .I"put\ performetl with which it deserved. A lew of the fanatic- The (Jrani are now l ibonne io -how- direction has been but papers hiiou— The yranile wateinu Ti u_• I. in < (i* iitleinen. lln-'c are which cratic because b avc the course Would he have all long suspected, u- ipic'lions you you pursued you propriety. poliee otliees men I h a I 11 ora- >• i~ nd mod I > nn* il w huh. who strive to old liml in their ranks who knew how to ale to d» e|.|e lie re. That V oil Will decide wisely have, and that I am no less because aholished, all law- against erinn* l»e- keep alive the world to the Con- I'llll llou-e S.juaiv I' III! .1 i. ll rolten VV i! a K"public.m repealed, allhough previous Haltimore ae.-ordiny lo I heir, -In nil-1 h« m a Minn lit I cannot doubt nor can any one doubt who I accept your nomination. ((Mieer-.i in-" some has not his tlulies lire a pain, the (i.r/etie ppves the names ot performed w ir \ H here are Hr- ... u. tends, and to transplant them in our sod. lion he the belie! that hy In readers slnnild ole |..| him. health ommilte. I lie h looks oyer this body of men, representing as jiiili"ioti-ly y expressed (ireeley’s Mr. voice faltered with the lour men who did lire it, all ■a of has ill- lo * [Here (ireeley's inarched in actually i- Op hay leased Iwothlli', ant they do .non.non ot iti/* us, and who feels, as the sheets, lief ween large lollow his 1 Il ruinored I hat d. M. Kind. I | sup- mi- emotion. He recovered himself The editor of the Lewiston Journal is election would nomination. »*y a y om- here mn-t the and and con- le mieni ol ih- M tine < Tutral U iilr-ei I < Iia- 'hll now on.- -on -Irek in feel, high patriotic bodies of wit!, democrats. When similar .erviee i- need- iny.l*iiL prison yy ht«*h \ on. tinued of a police, they crept along, do not that In* will sacrifice his d hi- re-i"nal i-» !•• take pm po'e inspires :] eapaldc discussing with apprehend lesiym hi' position, Inis i.a* duriny tin* hot uni th il v i- question ed at Pcliasl, we can furnish horn our p| sp.-|! < i* n. yv hat mean' lhi- their foolish il- early in < >e|oli«-r utlimi great and rising I am not much in the devices ami mottoes, inspiring ot a re citation to his hahit of receiving nom- ability, after having I airly slated the posi- prospect present asf* where a son struck hi' lather.. V f and blood- tile sijll.ire two nt> h|..w ... |‘w o sudden. an disturhanee I • \. I. tie si llllpoi upon come, at mv humble farm home, where w. i-sue. ns a can- hope In-sr delicate i-i• hoI fi'' Iv' oeein in all it at all. tin Whalen of II-imp-leu. in ol boom so except confession that In* '|n,‘iil Meantime, Kepub- s.» compact, earnest as to surprise its friends passed, ant tluiiys to lememher. that has shall be able toconverse and eonfer more these well ivi* u laled I mi lie-. I >uriiiir one of I lie in- Milton, fell oNerhoaid 11 Im Id mver. ami -Irow taken out a polit y .* and that I’ole A ii.i.iiiU < nines as the wind comes,” yvhieh to borrow a ■ to make you welcome to the best the farm af- are nmv as so necessary to vindi- “I you will rail ii llurare (i V*" 11. therclore, the Journal, instead of man- urged -uppo>r reelcy can’t raise any for ire ayenls lor the a Sew iii i> him V ovei whelm the ordinary cum ills of ■ money campaign pur- Siny iur figure, pub- fords, •-, a (more laughter and cheering.) and so I yvill \ iid lln r\prrlanl moilin', it it's iprl.” lic as the great storin' always run coun- cate freedom, go out. of wilh A Miss Brewer, Boslmi-fre d Id w.-T- eentleman in town thinking Ik- saw a man *i.- u opinion -imply wish you faiewell. fully copying the remarks of this paper. sight | Port land Press. poses. The persons heret.olore depended ter to the surface currents. What means all I his? AI ill'. Inn., n --ill I n eloped wilh a mai led mail the that deserve. a hots.- from hi' h im one a k. d Alter a short contents itself with such as “the contempt they have become either di- ilfeeted or my uiyld, him there are some i.nmgs gentlemen, it does not pause Rlr. Greeley said, garbling Politicians been sometimes spoken upon, have ol In- plaee. \ mil her ol tiraiit' supporters to With a It means no abandonment ot what is the train leaves at x :25 A. ,\1. stop revolver and raiuehear ill.mdin. mean. Belfast Journal intimates,” and “otir Bel- of as “up Sill Itivci,” up I lie spoilt suddenly impecunious. The splendid di- yoin*. true, of what is just, of what is good in human Mr. Doolittle said that the train the funeral <>( hi' son-in-law.• The v e u of leaves fast The Maehias Republican, in comment- Bird < '1111> is < >i‘ (dn. Il«»vev, who r:ivt' (Irani a .t'.nn jhe\ It means no union ol there under- and “run into tin* but the Press of the ■" government. [Applause.] eofemporary pretends,” ground,” cipline wanting. lubilee ha- fiuiit .i the railroad depot at Sign r«>l*e in Isti!». hasn't aimtliiN el. Tin* Hroident and gone, and the rnn-min dead dead issues, hut a union of up- hig sharp. the remarks made at the Ski w- upon living lies the whole a confession ing upon has introduced the into a course* the will he hut s • Mr. the Harlem painful of subject locality money forthcoming, hasn't mix ulti. a> heap :is ■Sunn. -inner- have gone home, and !’. ton now -iu.r- on the living issues of the present. [Applause.] Greeley—At office, and the of returns so as to be weakness. A that, he Conference, says— new. l! have new men will il. and it will come* its It means no union for spoils oliiee [ap- here at (i :2.'>. Mean- paper cannot quote its entirely will probably only supply Two ear loads ol tine Illinois cattle came to loss to the time ot s|.'>.|u planing hut it means a union of men with the editor the the while some who miss that take l>ocs of Journal remeintier over lie* Maine late '. plause] may may opponent’s and to it, has its labor lor its pains. like* pulling teeth. Ikiiiyor, Vnlral, Wednesday. dried apples, tlie sliced art deemed 'll -: same faith the and issues language, reply how the whole Demoeratie upon great permanent the 10: 10 which at press printed, pelted the express stops Pleasant- no his b:iUeri»*s it (JleiUe'OS- —M—— than «jilaitered. \ gent li iii.m in town of the present hour, a frank and equal union of business with controversy. and praised a Seymour prayer made hv dis- -lion. Khenezer Knowlton lias written Butdor opoiieel ville, and I think that some means will lie was anxious for law Im* the men who have tin* sagaeitv to see and the moral The tdigiti-lied 1). I>. in Hie Stale of N. V. in lstis;- 1I«* had ipiite pivv oli-ui to purpose of the is to take to be te»r Saturday cve»nmg. little* to C\.mm:\ in mi Fiiont. Our • to the situation. of 1. get them up to my democracy a letter in which he declines candi- neigh- uf to •oilrage accept [Cries “goo* provided place. do not. And would cruelty animals; hill on ui.jiiiry il \v »- out of the We certainly we good,” and loud cheers, i It means a union of The ceremony ol the com- temperance cause the and In* ball say ol state* matters, hut that little? was boring town ol Camden lias some o| tin* introducing hypocrisy date lor (‘lector, says support found that In- h id not hoen dm-ed.-,mi -u\ men who have the to see wliaf. is as a for sagacity past, mittee was then commenced. Mr. Doliltle which the radical of Maine has earnestly oppose plan making lie has the row" e>l liveliest and most enlhusiasiic Democrats and to deal with the issues of the present and by parly Mr. Hale. significant, ‘whip the e:uise of hi- hair being -hol t i- that he introducing each member as he came tor- churches Democratic ma- lor the future to do their duty to their country, brought it into Mr. Kimball is a electioneering kid glove opponents in his own ranks, to be found* in Maine, and ■fell down and broke it otl.“ Make ha\ while Mr. contempt. At a in Lewiston, Mr.CoTi- prominent their God, and their fellow men. ward, Greeley shaking hand and in chines as the reverse. The true meeting [Applause.] ol the true —one theory and when the* time comes I he >iin -lime-." which not original i- some eases a type temperance men, of will llagedlate* them is our friend Drown. Tin* though The issue of to-day is not tin* of the saying lew words of Li who is a tresh water sail- among repeal greet- is that grosnian ye, • the class whose Christian churches shall abstain flic.Lois o{ company at the < amp at the Missouri compromise north** question ot slavery ing. The first introduced was daily lives are a better them without Butler has Ins was too gentleman or, iti his sails a alter this me»rcy. following dispatch received late in th** Territories, upon which alone the Ite- in from speech ship pond-.\ French drain ha- b» > n pul Mr. ol Alabama. to the cause every way meddling with polities j Sykes help than all the eye on Wilson's seat and his for insertion in our las! issue was organized in lsfrti. It. is penalties straight, < hurch street at the iion ol t publicau party In the middle of the of intro- and themselves in heller style iun. Mtil. to h not that which followed the ceremony that crowd the statute book. >- employ making crooked one* on the and il upon Leconipton The dem i I In* (rovcrnorsliip, (Am i»k\, tunc in. oil the water, i- the -irci ! il that i- duction Mr. an old Ship of si;if(» shiver Ironi stem to point u..vv constitution, tor Kansas divided the Democratic Gr«eley espied friend the men of till An hour after Ihc nomination the names o| political opinions. stern. nut lie- on se<» eratie is full of such men. We breakers the |e:i, and 1 the as in all and wet.\\ are h:n mil -mall el ec t in twain and elected Abraham Lincoln to in the crowd, and made his party Republican party triumphs, (i ice and Hi own were on ion m party impulsively lasted l" the helm Iliis < ’tiief, immovahle and Icy flouting on r good the Presidency in IStiO. It is not the question to him. we used to have no to what will human it will Imre* in Massa- ni.I I *. iitoc al e Hag. We claim I he lirsl llag. union al-oiit this time.The thunder -lorn. way Why, report special authority say Ft.AO Raisino; in-Uanook. On Satur- silent. probability of secession, nor war to put down the rebellion, and will he the haulier town In Novembci ho the lih at together thirty-six years ago didn’t we? be done when the Slate administration Avast e*lnisetts. In* will see-nro the? most e*ovetod Lhiantchacook pond i- dc-. il.. ,1 nor the abolition of slavery in Slates by military a crowd of < men there, shipmate! TI' the man at I. I !. I n« >\\ \. he asked. That’s so, the day evening large Srceley (’h.upp:i<|ua." grind i»\ a visitor at order or by constitutional amendment, indeed, replied \ci.v amp \ |tMi to".... upon shall come, into their hands; but we the wheel is “lashed how place* te>r himself and dictate the* posses Lincoln was re-elected other, hand assembled at the residence of lion. W. II immovable,” I which Mr. in 1st4, nor shaking Greeley's warmly, here are a great many strangers hi tow n. \\ of venture to that such miserable ion of the either. So look out tor Us ! yet is it the question reeostruetioii, or of the and I to come and see you in the predict assist in a the d'Mtse is In* to steer? And sepia We considerable to the hope MeCrillis, to raising campaign going give space ought to have a summer hotel and make or fifteenth lielta-t fourteenth amendment, nor the White House, Horace. This nonsense as the law domestic Boutwe*ll. (Mallin, Hawes, Ri«*e* and gentleman against A was made you’ve got “breakers on the lea.” Webster Hoar, speech ol I’x-Senalor Doolittle, on taking a celebrated question of negro suffrage nor ol the establish- flag. stirring speech by Mr. watering place.Noting ha,- was a delegate from North Carolina. wine and eider will be and that will in* h* the* federal or universal as repealed, “iea’ is a No Washburn how the chair ol the vvlio are a ment of power suffrage MeCrillis, which was well re- says meadow. wonder compelled Democratic National Con going courting, should refrain limit to States When New York was called. Messrs. excellently a condition |»r< cedent th** of the South the which floods knee te» Baal. Mark the* contemptible hypocrisy also your shivers at such nautical murder. prediction. vent ion ll i- a loreible and feeding on the new onion- that are in the rights or an existence even as States Warren and Fowler for- ceived. Speeches were made by Mar ship eloquent having any Thayer, stepped the Stale the market.The the Union. It i* non** of these that these with liquor from legalized ol the political excitement Mags, to tin of questions ward. With each of Greeley shook eellus Col. (Sen. The Commercial wants to presentation political issues now have been issues Finery, Ksq., (SotIfrey, Pangor i** now in issue. All these in at Portland will be known no extent nf a couple ot ’em with u-.The l»o\ hands warmly. rum-shop (Sen. W. F. It is rumored that, ts will before |he country, and will ho read with the great issues sutlicienl in themselves. Roberts, Boynton, Pearson, know why we kick oil' the bed clothes. arrangemen who past, Senator Chestnut of South Carolina, more. Whatever of value the law amuse themselves h\ kicking the dom- Great issues dissolve political parties, because may The be made to semi a force eif ami interest. anil others. Kmmct band discoursed We didn’t do it. 'The man who (irecley ain! stones at the o: than men or hut who was in the Senate with Doolittle, was young throwing window* Itie ideas are stronger parties; have, as demonstrated experience, will by excellent music. (Sen. raised Brown h> this state* at an The a < bad these are all past issues. They have been also received kindly by Mr Greeley. Boynton edits the short, cake department is respon- speakers e*arly capture of ’uhan armed vessel school buildings, better di -i-l or then to the end in forum and th** be ; but no more of .su/c// tem- fought and fought An instance of his lie preserved the the*m Anna who will he en to the > it v memory may applause by giving opening lines of a sible tor t hat. sort .of exercise. Ih? is day, among Ui<*ke*rsein, 1 dl an 1 S. cutter, rather names giv Marshal... I o held, and they are no more in issue to-day than pre- Newport by as the < mentioned. Mr. Doolittle introduced Mr. perance present party has — of that ol the u. u>, < 'huivli the Mexican war or th*1 war of the rebellion inaugu- near song to answer all kimls of warmly tavors the election ticket. the ollieials at anticipation -treel is being of New campaign pared hard (jues- annoys Washington. They Chever Mexico. Mr. Greeley rated and fostered. covered with a coal of [Appltuse.j \W could not re-open them if we With (ireeley and (Jratz, tan.Lemons amt who was the lions. Try him. —The? l>ears are troublesome* town east. The don't know what to do with her. would, and they falsely our pur- unac<|uinled with gentleman are misrepresent In our remarks its edi- We’ll clean out the rats | hot bring them out. l\emie*hei* Journal. oranges up to such a price as lo he a hixtir\ we would said : liltering through nights [ who say l*hat re-open them if sight, “Chever, is it not Cleaver?” are the —Tin* —There is a of amoim poses by That eating government corn. “Liberal” Convention called at Re I fast great deal stjuinning .I be lire at the was could. This Union, torial inkstand, the Journal That kiml eif bares are not considcrcei Foundry put out before [Loud cheering.] great and Cleaver it turned out to be. completely for I lie litlli. ha* been postponed to the .‘Mill tin* the Democratic papers o\ er the nomination of therelore means no step hack want. the arrival ol the engines.A monkey and [Cheers.] reverses our We said that the an* da\ of the Democratic 4 ’oiurressional 4 ’onven- (.treeley. [ Keiuiehcc doin nal. is the word meaning. A distinguished party ernising about elangerous--not very. “Forward,” [loud cheering;] and tioii. I-. anybody to In* swallowed ? I'aivor hand organ, with a man to do the work, ma.|. for all Bold Bank | We liavn’t noticed if. Dut next Nov»*m- tirst of all it means to-day the other .States Robbery. law sheriffs under the di- Penobscot Ml. Desert, and m*w present places Bay, along Whit?. Ceil. Waldron’s paper, the* Lewis- Mime very poor music on the street it lias done in Saturday. of the South what already Mis- her our radical friends will he sgii PuoviPENCE, It. I. 1:1. The resi- rection ol the (lovernor, and asked if the shore in the steamer Fire-lly. Hale the* name* inning .tJravel tor is souri. [Cheers.] Instead of proscriptive test July Speaker Yes. is to be swallowed up in a ton Gazette*, hoists of Greeriey the streets hauled from the dence of K. W. election. And tin ver- of habeas and Hay ward, Cashier oil he in to search under his popular lurther of when that is oaths, suspension corpus military Hampden sheriff, demanding Blaine, Senator Hamlin, Senator Morrill, 1 >emo4‘ratie and Liberal victory. and Brown, and lully commits itself to end the bridge ; exhaust- it. means Ireedoiu for the Blackstone National bank in despotism, personal Uxbridge the acted under the of dict will he “let 'em s«|uirui." ed there i- a above Brooks that might tie for lady's trunk, directions Senator Chandler Michigan, ami Repre- the* liberal cause, the* pit individual and republican government all. Mass, was entered this morning between At tin* (iranl. in Portland including aelvoeaey Instead of ol meeting used.Mr. John tJilmore who has been tor [Loud applause.] negro supremacy a (lovernor Perliam. To that we have sentative Hale are of the It is said of Kimball’s 1 and 2 o’clock through chamber win- party. last in his Mr. election. The ball is Meeting of the Democratic Executive Com- by proscription and (lie bayonet, it week. Dr. Loving speech said some time located at Staten Island. N. Y. bar upheld dow live men who after bind- never had an answer. Will the Journal that Mr. Chandler likes the looks of the mittee. means rights to all men, white well as by disguised equal ^ “A well.behaved people m»ed have* no rolling. hor, has returned home on account of ill health. black. Instead of governments, or- ing and gagging Mr. Hayward and fami- it ? if the thieving Fifth District, and — give good impression tear eei» teller to room, canvass, including took the his ungagged the tinue at Portland. Win. IL M«*< one* of our elbow grease.Our B. B. t’lub have received formed lu the ideas, arts, habits and despotism President, and issued an address to the ures for the construction of the Dex- The (tcneral Hospital ’rillis, Rsep, tribution «d documents. whole and them a drink ol at to the* Baltimore* < Nmventioii, arrived of life—in-tead ot this it means a peace family gave large* a letter from the Boston ( tub stating that ou military A resolution was ottered ter and Brownville Railroad. Alter dis- having been liberally endowed, the Or aevoimt lion. Samuel d. Randall, chair trained in the water, then and left them. The Democracy. here last owning, lb* gives a glowing being President [cheers] ideas, arts, regagged account ot the of some ot their is now to be eif the enthusiasm with wlinli iin* nomination man ol the Ivania Democrat ic com indisposition blessings and republican simplicity of peace condition ol affairs was discovered about and for the of a com- cussion, the meeting adjourned to phan Asylum provided for. lVimsy adopted appointment August of »V. Brosvn is ree-erived all along the* members they will not here on the lGlh. and universal freedom cheering;] of peace traces. A Greeley mitteo, resigned the chairmanship of the play [loud The robbers left no — daylight. mittee to secure the attendance of dele- Oth. This is a ot interest to Bel- Island is the of summei route* from ll»e Momimemlal riiy to Bangor. Tin* not enchained of liberty, not under arrest await- subject Pig place Democratic committee, Lots ofoiir boys who have been away to school satchell was found this near the Slid are* Congressional a drum- morning tires III 1X*2X, 1S40, and I again Umdled, trial and sentence and execution by to a at Louis- and some trout this recreation for tin* of (lardiner. It when lien. was to till tin* are at home now on vacation. look as, ing bank and bur- gates National Convention fast, representation people and the whole d In'aveiis will soein lie* Slocuiu elected They bead court martial, but that liberty and that containing fuses, powder politic* ville. should be lies sow-sow-east from that alive with their glow. | B ingen- Commercial. vaeaney. the’ they might write a work ou “what l know peace which the constitution secures by placing glars implements. city present. city. >'- /**»'^^Xr’yf-c^'V^svt^SG'.--j« *»^*^:*. ~ aao* •Tr-iKri‘^B*taiwri n -T^iargim'ifrrriii rrriTn-rfr-hr -r ■-, ;*&2a0m£ jy^w^niaarliti itftwnp^ i-tagg^^jpofemi The Railroad Meeting. Probate Court. Meh> rune 20th, is7*2 BOSTON rilODUCf MARKET- reeled in the vicinity of the Shoe Fact >ry this I a Asa 1 mi'kuo: We the undersigned, were present at an ex- iiere was ami enthusiast ie <.h, Judtf.' u. 1'. •. dl.Field -lI'avvl-eiTit are large rail- Fiki.d, Register. Mon r>A duly 15, 1S72. about gone. We hibition of the Meadow LOOK! IS road meet ing in Mayo’s Hal! on Saturday King Mower, this day. R' ITKR —W\ plot e line New York ami VermolU COMING! m ae. Mint tnr 'Hide lot ol them... \ n,..A Tilt* following business was transacted at the ! butter at -5a2l.erii and vvdU to the lower steamboat \vh-rl makes : Term of suit! Oourt- 20, medium at 18c, bakers* llal2c. g il d to hiliiding the Dexter and lhown 1 lie Agent—in the tield of Mr. < M. Whittier, <’1IKI.SK -We .piot- line New York and Vermont (ii AUi'iA.Ns Ai’i'iuNTiin \V. over f \ the heart* ol 11 a veller* t lilt her.Mr. 1 -Abijali Hardy lo.iltu. Ohio do at 'da Choice Du 10c viile railroad. The President and in j 10c; dairy per lb, Direct- Lillian M. minor heir of S. Mercer. Part of the grou mi was very and common do 5.i?c a:{o tor choice Northern 1 be il is also a >i\ • n huill forthwith. very easy riding machine, and n i-eluent.... Frol. Stearns* p-y.-ledogn-al Several speeches were an insane person. easy end I'< ist* lair to good $2da25. Straw at $27a$-'!0 made, the vast resources ot the i N'V liNTOKl Es work for a team. the ( per ion. ,lVtiii'--s a e altrae ive. and bits of fun is le- showing KlI.HH ON INSTATES Ol H. I., Though lipner Mower LOOK FOR IT! and facilitit for a late of u a- *pe.|.And ...iw tin deii-iou* strawbeprv ‘■minty supporting Keen, Moniville, Thomas L. Sargent, late ot present, ahd did good work, wo unhesitat- lirst class railroad. It was shown that Searsport ; Lewis K. late of ; fhc Meadow melted a Way :u it* own and is a Littlefield, YVinterport ingly give King the preference. ripeness, the SPECIAL NOTICES. He\ter and Prownville route would Benjamin F. Trussed, late ol Belfast; Fanny K. P». T. Field. Alvin/.v ding ol the past.Ford big stallion died (Signed) Whitcomb, I». (Lay*- be the natural outlet tor all these resour- Carter ot als minors. ii Whitlior, d. F. Ilr-avn. Rogers, Friday, IV.mi the ••licet* of work in the e\- Henry ces, that on its route are situate the best Accoi:nts Allowed on Kstatksoi- CAUCUS! Stephen you have a salve combining soothing and me heat- The fellows that sit on the fences -late quarries in the world with slate Ausplund, late of Frankfort; Hubert Driukwater, SEE IT! HKRKhealing pi »pei ties, with no dangerous ingred- rilllK OKHOCUATS ol arc to M i.nig the street- of evenings, are late ol r.^.imtMl A remedy at lian.l for the many pains and watching for in them to market in Liucoluville; Daniel Doyen, late ot Lincoln 1 meet at the court on SATUUPA the enough supply every RETURN OF DR. GAGE. House, Y, s, wounds and bruis. s to which flesh is heir. -pie to go out, so can in at the it vide; K. minor; Lewis 11. Colson ot 20th inst., at o'clock, 1‘. M., tor the purpose ot I- more they -lip hack the world, that would find water poIv- Mercy Terry easily applied than many other r«-medio*, six to attend the te a-, minors; Albert YV. minor: Ida M. electing delegate.- Congressional BARGAINS \< r producing a b id e licet, but and .-tea! I. rd. in m. m her ‘- : on License to Ski.i. Heat. Kstate of-Allred J. Chairinan City Com. " •!■! >1 own extensive treatment '-"'t"i -kilt eight "! i- mediately the north of us are timber II I II I T .» T *.f the sick, tor long, whi»ii to be Pellasf, p-72. tweof- Black, late of Stockton. duly It., years, with gn at success. ’•died for a forests other until we 1 parlor ornament.The new -eh. j unequalled by any Dr. Dago, the known principal diseases tor which this salve is rec Allowance Made to YY'idows on Kstate oi widely Natural Physi- reach the forests of the oniniend. il an-, chilblain*. mi. lied from Met i i! j great Northwest. cian, whose success throughout .Maine tor the Rheumat. an. Me*, veryy ard, ha- been Nathaniel ot 1 homas L. Sero/ul /, ii Tin-sd a\ dulv thirtieth, at " Sale s an Child, m Saturday, another ami sur- v ices. It is evident he lia/aloethod of great I speaker, 1" o'clock, \. M to HominaL a ll tn-v* fails to cure Rheumatism e-. immediately late ol Frankfort. candidate for Kep- Rockland, if went 23, properly and down the on a cruise in Ausplund, merit from tin* crowds bay visiting him I e o < rounded by the best resources in the State olA*aticiVjs re.- hi at »ngEand a candidate (or Kleel or Tuesday applied. Rub it oil well with the band tim e times List ok Claims knkd Kstate of—James Kkti daily, and the Minr-s a -m- a< b! Formic. but this cvtraordiirtary he has in I ol I’n -id. nt and V'ice-President. dav In ral eases it has cured palsied limbs through territory there would pass treatment of YVhite, late of Belfast. the all nnnnicr of »-hrauiic or lin- Kieli City, I'oivn and organized Plantation will For Rde* it lias been discovered to be a sure rein- WIN I I at no one of tin* ItPOK I distant^ day, greatest •gcrinif disease,man; or his cures almost border- be entitled to ..;n d. Icgah and an additional dele i\ Persons that have been afllii «•« 1 for year-* I a\e t -it* lor x ... voi.•> cast Dr he " b.-i-u reli.-v- .1 a few For d< “I live cent bushel horoughlares in the world, meaning a To and Subscribers. ing on the IN>r the satDla* tion of cry Democratic candi- by applications. Fry p’T potatoes closed Correspondents miraculoyiv. >i it works "onie we date *io\eiiior.M fh.•Spite Khction ol and Belfast, sipelas .venders, rdlav ing the inflammation line of at tin* Strait subjoin Hie follow ing as a Jest of his 1871, 24, w.a a an additional and the atient. For ( k, though lew an be had of .1. Lord | railway commencing YY’e have received a letter a sum of di-h pati lor a (i act ion ot .'Cxotes. Wednesday .juieting happed Hand* if 1 containing to cure ! most stubborn and ability Ife compli- ! >• -duces a cure of Canso and Westward to the ieli must be a resident ol t he < it ow li pr Let those with Salt am! two extending — delegal v, I immediately. nothing nt- a bushel “to boot.** money, without date, signed F. H. YY'eaver, 11 Mr. cated diseases <■ ", .ibtain Lakes and with the or Plantation which In- Aim- to represent. this Salve, and apply it freely, and f' great connecting < h- v hi find it invaluable li.iv op look* fm !y. Mo*t ol the tanner* YVeaver will unweave this mystery and let us know C. Ronr ui Waldo. FOR It is good in cases of To the “ .s', Northern Pacific Hail the Afflicted. <>. I» e >/■:/■, and Tumors. Canmr* have been cured rv way,thus making where lie lives his case will he altended to. W. k i; v Knox. bu-\ some are through cutting, eoii- with it I In- best .-halve diortest and most direct route* across the A. A. P. \ K i.r; i, Hancock. 25, ever invented for Swollen J. M. Liucoluville. The was sent P> 1:1.1 dune R :d s ,, ,'"-n' 'v tin* -ale for M- adow Dickey, paper vst, *20, I<71. A. II. \V(m»i*<’o< Winferport, uni SippT. s. No way injurious, but and k. Thursday Kings continents. He said that it is the aim of Washington. immediately to Carver’s Harbor. Fell Air. Condon KnrrOJl dm iinaI,:—Allow im through he *’ur'*' * afford relii Sort or \v, •! Byes— Kub it agues ha* “gone on the : ds i'l up.” he Maine Central to this medium of your paper, to make Known to the gently, on**- twice a da\ fu res deaf corporation tap to call tor it. — n in the ars *.n -t loyal” eiti/en* remembered the the Dexter a 111 ietei I, the great hem lit I derived from the •> pulting a piece cotton great thoroughfare by building M. Searsmont. The of the Journal 48 / “is Fo- ir to I.assed, price treatment of l>r. when lie was m IjAYS ! superior anything known to the breeze their eam- t.age, tills I'/'11 browing am! Hrownville road. Convention. HOWLS' R this ad- like a charm. K .r Burn* for the is hoe. If one offers it for llv about one I Republican GHEAT -/y< campaign any year ago. bad for twenty years mX- ugii flag, but the *hower that afternoon di- lb* was followed ex-Gov. aids, apply tin- S ilvi- at nice and it give-* by Morrill, he must make the difference. been troubled with a disease of the The Comention less, up heart, pro- ot Republicans to the i-onie.ila’ r--lift. For Old Soc once a of who opposed a, apply -!■ lii tlag th«* names of (.rant and Wil- said that it is one of the cer- ine most alarming as elect ion Ol Hale in the L0HDON day. things The poem “Lucie” is received. It will be publish- ducing symptoms, >ucli Pitth District is postponed CIRCUS irom the Will, and will he held A XI» X -I am .Mg the l.-a-f *-f the in*, '<-r> abruptly. \ young troublesome urchin tain that the road would be built.. He fainting, straiigling. etc., whieli had debilitated at P.dfast on ihe .'loth aluahle proper: i- « ed, and attended to. < t > accompanying requests inst. All to arbitrary dictation \llss PI ini S XI.Vi: are its beiu-tieiai we me v ei*' much. Immcdiatcl; receiving opposed ot ollieial effect-* my lii- le ad (i claimed that to have the road. upon are li‘! For .say “ab and Frow n ought The Journal is the saint* only is* !'•>" invited to itteild, I he ol ' Rubbed on the in or recley campaign paper, the trca.niciit of Dr. (iage. I commenced im- basis Represeii s scalp five six Alter a few a was tMiion in tlie convent Sanger 11 1 pai is. u the 'bake remarks committee sued tor a short term to ion will be one 'or each town English Menagerie promotes grow ill the ii tw you harder Ilian that next \ovem- special subscribers. and I can I derived more i.t- proving, truly say and and one pirn. n turning gr r. -1 .„i bald chosen to confer on the and the plantation additional foi every hundred spot* it pr-/ subject, A letter from a correspondent at (iardiuer, accom- benefit from him than from all other v«>ti lor 4iov<-rnor ’*ew growth -t ban Physicians Perliam in 187o oy, v tr ie No lady should be was to the Util of Au- combined: from Ins success i~ GREAT " 1 l"lil lb'- ‘lualiie meeting adjourned panying a list of subscribers, gives a glowing ac and remarkable in tion ol li It > entitled to one vote. BARGAINS Trained Animals. tiele as an indispensable 11 c ! -1 the case I can recommend him P\ order >| Com. chosen at K Hits i’ 'JKASt.N in i: > p.-f-t, | erali- at.-s dandrull in gust I lover< Ibserver count of on the Kennebec. YVe my conscientiously Is worth. \sti-;!;n s .-gs vm: i J political changes --'"•* Mi<- h- and Supreme Court as a Phvsician worthy the confidence ot the D. K. CHASM, Calais. <;m-: \ r i.xnir.n u■ \ > m .;\i i. id, blotches and mmole* Assignment. regret that the space at our command will not admit from the face. public. Yours with gratitude, •N A. IO \ 1 111 s w o r t h. Campaign Notes. of its publication this week. But tin are N As. IA K MR. licit ast. i'lu following of terms to people Mks. A. d. How A HI). I \ ■■hi'.t '<■/• ■>■ll'' July MttH.i; Is your lftt« c hei n made— [Communication. lant cv.-p- just Tin! limes to-morrow will the J 4 4 A ■ 1.4.1-'. Flic ri ■ i.h.l w... tfUl .. publish Bki.kast. June 'JO. ls71. Democrats of Swanvilh "f v-ry >-.u I.. In are 1 :l 1 1 < im S%1 requested to meet at the I iwu «' •’ " “"I ‘:i ITnimu:—Say Saturday, duly JO, at /. I*. to eiioost 1!. •:.'I .. tj, n-nowiit il 'I'1!1'' I t-- ti,v dressed to L. t : o’clock, A!., liuhbumj I\11*»\ :1.1 in M. Revis of his cured b\ Dr. (i.iire about one of what It. to 'I'llUKK \N IL!) •• Tuesday September. city year a.yo, deleg the Disi rict Convent ion at Belfast ot TWAIN .ilXX |t>. „„.J I .intailn 41 h in 1 think on was a Cancer which was the doth. IVr Tuesday October. that reflection you will not This succssful practitioner is now making his pronounced threaten- order Town Com. '•v dI*». i -t Tu. in J my the destruction of one | I, lua li-ir ,1- t hat I -d.av annarv. think it advisable tor me to write a of my eyes. haii w, ... public fourth visit to Maine, and is greet- b.-tli l.mtnl it tt. In- all. le.l.-rul, l-t in A everywhere several hut all to no It I’O4. ami .uur.thun Tue.-day pril. on a employe*! physicians. pur- I’Im Democrat-1 <•! Stockton ar< letter matter to which von call atten- ion recnmmrntl Itlobr. liuvi- luiil m ed with of new patients, and the bless- unlil I consulted Dr. who sted to meet at the it the lim.ily 'I im.k \\ u.ton. st\re.s pose. (iaye. cured School House, in Di-t Ml- six tion. Mr. (ireelev and have been No. > Ill's, Itn-l I,:,.- n-.-l .1 I, myself and ml of hundreds who have been me as above slated, and without medicines. 1, Friday livening, duly ID, at r lor tin 1,1,1 ,V||.UI< \ .Hru- ings graph o’clock, ''"'ll / "■ la uggin, 2.| 'Tuesday in September. thi- pm pose of three dt to tin /.», fellow laborers in We were Hoping brief statement may prove a bless- choosing legates ’..ngr.s 11 l"1 :l many things. restored to and "'iik ■".■! s 1- III..' .. .-hartii. ,-niiebee. '.<1 Tuesday in < > tuber. happiness through his sioii.-il Convention to he holdm at do, born in the same 1 honor health ing to the atllieted, I remain. S ours 1 Belfast, duly .. >'■-! him very ruly, Also to elect a town -.t,,s iiiIm laml. 2nd'Tiie>.|;t\ in year. committee tor the ,V < January benilieent instrumentality. It is not < cu-uing year hi tit i/, atiil '/Mt t necessary M Its. M \ 1: Y '<»«»K and i„ '/ ’■(■ ‘0,1, Uier-et “.d v much. Pictween him and another transact any other business that may ■' rue-.! 111 M areli. person properly in for Us to give an Extended notice, for wo have, Come before said IVr “Three / trembly A ;t N -euL' 2 meeting, order. k.'-.-p, toll .III 1 TllesdaV 111 A who shall be nameless, 1 am for him earn- Forty Days! li'-.ilf.! .111-1 takf- .t tin pril. Chin \. M1 .. •_*:t, ls70. r.i!amtuation. pnuui it will he siil- duly I>em. 1 own (inn. j >u ■ remembered, already published (1 •1J ‘!|,i •!■'* » I 1. Ill .ii im.i-: owroi: in, ed iy. /'-< Whom a Concern : I. Aaron V .ill that I,. »,I Mot/ 1 •“* " '• lieient evidence Irotin in our midst whose "**«'“ 1 '• a k'.H .I Ilia,. tlniihr-i parties Da\ is. of the town <»| State 1 itrutlali". 2d China and of Maine O H'l’li I*OiC'l'. The ,T h.n .• I, -I Tuesday in August, Dmiocrats of Nouth I I IS,• it fill V>-| V Mr. Reedier says (Jen. (Irani is “hon- do V"1 tililikj I t b\told. 2d m cannot which hereby tcrlily that my wife was cured of a I are to meet at A. 11 l«»v;UUal.|.- i11 ,i Tuesday September, veracity heIqueslioned. certainly NT port requested A. Fletcher's 41uMs",,'r fain.Is- Its.,, ,-.w, ,)lit est-minded. Which be true, but it cancer on the left breast Dr. when at store, .01 S it iir.1 ay the ‘7th, it 7 !,|l“ •’ r. uilil-t Hand. 2d Tuesday in O. tuber. may entitles him to the confidence of the i>y (iaye, C. M., to choose ''*»“■"> t.^.-th. u„| hi h. a,, I ]>uhli( to tlie District vice \..ii ai- uner-ei 2.1 in I>, if i- he has a for Auyusta, about one year ayo, wil hold the ap- delegates Convention at Belfast, duly toy.-u, \.f|. a,in. I’m-day -eeinber. capacity being imposed his Treat system oi cure as men may, it chal- of or 30th. LVr order <'oin. • >ur-. -\ KU/, ABLTli '\foi2 l iie- lav in Man ii. upon that is sublime. plication Medicines Surgery. We ha*l ivt>vjsrrr’ a3>to COoMb.i ■ absolutely Mu'All in c Malien, k. Tuesday in April. lenges investigation ;Vt> rAults are to In' seen c«»n-nlt< <1 Physicians said to he skilled in that :iii| .,,„i ii v, i, S. (' a branch, bul she -beulilv yrew worse. At a last, !•' I. V| 4ft 4 I lie Democrats ot Belmont ate TO THE ! EEl !, Mr. Taber, member of the (Jrant on and walk the avenues MOTjOCK ! TED. il'lHIKClTriMI. every hand, huVli^Ts > i- me. resort we 1A .iiiestrd to in Caucus at Tiber’s '"■I In-1 10:1.1 1! liKNi; 1 l< i I 'f v,",r r*t is Slate Committee ol *;on-ullcd Dr. (;aye, who cured her Hall, 'GREAT ! ,,f Sulw. Is '• New York, has with- duly at six o’clock to BARGAINS 'ty-'^ist an,| „l- A r«"'-t**"k. I in of life to-dav healed oAnseases which had de- as i*. I', A!., choose *'*1. *'»*1 Hnv.-rits Tue-day September. above siate«|, and I am to not a delegates ■ ~i11’I’11 -!is,- ,vtits a happy say to tin I \’ :»».lirfitt-J ::’*iatin. ; I >. drawn Irom it. ami in letter, "strict Convention at Bellasi, doth. ■i i,f " IVivisv a Tuesday in I ■einb.-r. published fied the best and we have rea- w-liye of lh<» disc as*.* remains. duly wii.".io.jfViP1"SP.'c P? h.tx l.\ it tu.'iiiruh IVr < id*-e,it. l-i in ays he shall medieal^All; >ider Iniviii/ '/./■» .-f..I..! ■ .if Tuesday January support (ireelry. A.ahon Dan is. I m I ’* sons to thank Cod time has come when .. /in i/ lv-' I n|' in T.iix',* Tlnx-n ,t f»0 iiub-eu!. !-t Tue-day in February. tl^rtlil Wc. acquaintances and neighbors ol Mr. rents h i l-i The l-.xeeutive Committee of the Labor are to ll 4 IJIO. file Democrats of Waldo, are re- A »•'H'« •••v i. iM.-w.-m. ,l lanklin. Tiiesdav in Mar. li. people begin nfln; liiuk for t.heiiHtdves, Da\D, do le eb\ that hi- Drove of Five ‘ '"‘"‘r *** certify statement is TV 'ed to meet at the IN Elephants, ^A \N I am lih lo rs -J“• Byan School House, in BLEACHED AND BROWN I.l;, oln. Tuesday in \ fonin at San Francisco has declared and are themhaekles which have tin*-. I'i.i.inii K* uiia: \j. A of IG 1, M pril. throwii^yotf strictly is, .in., |». -aid town, on Saturday, duly J.Tli, at h o’clock, I’M. Troop Performing; Ponies.} /*!; ROM BINS, Wholesale < 1. v < < uiut Retail •if tail m. d. 1. vkk. Sn i*iiK.\,.\t 1:1.1.11: to (lu.os, d- i.‘gate- toalteml tie- l-'illh District Con CO Mimmo'.h Flemish Horses. DtUHvist, Rockland. Me. ^Talse D v\ is. A. C. c,.e\. he t eratie on the Paeilie Coast has ae- Ronii: is. gie->i..ual ntion, to h.d.len at Bella? * Full To a m > iallklill, nil I in journal disease. mode of IrtMlmenl is based on duly ofiJ Spotted "• i- -M k‘ lie-day September. ing 3". I*'.' I*, r order Town Coin, Donkeys *Bi:!\S I.... U .11.i Ml A ald<*. 2d I t we 1 i -am •/ ■■ 1" ii ill i i"' I 'i .I ne-da\ in October. In* Rah inn ieket. ■ IH> \ eepled the* most ot har- NS 1 \ I.! Mill S.M \ |-' is I striet/prineiples slencc, and in IT*H**)\ Mu., Any. n. ls70. SOLD LV K|m»\,2u. llesdny ill i»ee, |||ber. > Ai-'- 1 *\ l.i.l; s MKMi /" II horm 1/ C(t/i.i i'ru II.I The Wl !. i X i •; i ;:: ,\ s, I iMs:-. A '-bn. -r i, An address to the with all Natural II Mo>/ This .a-rtities Democrats ot Monlville |-t Tin -dav in January, Liberal mony LasvA strengthens t’lwki'l. !«l II II Republicans are o to unit at b that I nn as eiired ol a about lie* heart re.|iiesi< the North Badge "iinebee. I-1 in Man-li. o! Nebraska has been issued over and the removes ditliciih> DAMASKS lvin.vt:,. SpI. ,1 i! i,iw 'Tin-day the equalizes vital forces oAiatiire, Meeting on sig- • il I went \ live \ b\ Dr. lion-.-, Saturday, the ‘J71It day ofdulv, •Id". :;,| in A (;2.T) ear--landmy, (iti'e. at 'Tuesday pril. natures ol a list ol names, ohstrm lions to the nervous restores o’ldock, r. .M., to choose delegates to attend the I »i‘i i h ■. long among llnM<. and when at August,1 al>oiit one year a^o. 111 I < n in,i Congressional Convention to he holdm at Belfast Al’i.f y which arc those of /.. 151 11 Or HORDED prominent Republicans the circulation to every organ (Athe body, thus 1:1:111.!.h, I* M. duly do. IVr Order. HORSE cf Africa, Tackle ! 1 V .... Fishing i'eiM»i)-aa»t. 2nd'Tuesday in in of the Stale. The address mu August. every county giving the secretions a healthy Mtion, n -vilal- mnej-ei. ;.! Tin-day in •"• pi. mb.-r. calls “all riot ie I IIstio upon pat citizens, without the functions life tone Cure of Chronic Diarrhoea of Seven Years’ VC. 1 lie Democrats ol Searsiuont Halie.Mk.2lei Tile-.lav ill iziug of and goring and A 'i '. mil’’ .■uii! It. atij ila October. to former alll SKare r«.jtiesied t.» ineel at tiilinui'e's II all, on Sat- -sppe f \ <»rk t remind political Nations,” to \ to Standing. -t In e-day in J anna \ igor the whole system. The treatijient is urday, dub, •’«), :it O’elork, i*. M., to elect r f i i : i : \ x t >. join in forward the work ol delegates I\ nux. 2nd in M in i:. aiding reform. t" dim I t lie iM.'oii Vent ion to he liehi Or tin* (■ ,.»ni \ i! H u f*. | ri*:i. Tin-day not to the with no indelicate Dal v in I?. of Y in a | (’ougression jH- unpleasant patients Villa!, ilhavvn. Me., 111 i.-ted at « < tiuiberlaiid 2nd i m sdav in Bellasi, lues.lav, duly 30, at 10 A. M iMl Ii Til I. > ii- April with chronic liarrlco *, a o’clock, M.,to and in instances no ••.. and wlm 11o111 i 11.111 :i ca e 1 exposure, many medicines d.-bildy, n.I tor B« present alive to < I !l«* Wi tin! .1 •' « ii Stokes Trial. The ’ongres- Days! III i 1 j ii. l»«;i-: ki n r. Jury Disagree. wa- r(«ctlv tailed I.n a Fort.y-Thr9e p« Dr. Cayc in Auyii-t, camiidate tor eh etoi ot IVr-idriit and \ ioe-|*i esi whatever arc administered. The Doctor will CA/.Kivi bj Art »;!,;.Bcu-k at:i4|in-. 2nd 'Tin-.lav in |s»;'.». w riles a fohow-: •*My health i- yood, dent. l’ei order Town Com, Ni w 1 e. ember. House from duly 17lh until about August M. you think you will 4 4 4* l'44 94 fl\ fin- Democrats of I rank the hArte ccst, ^ ndi <»-•■. and all Fisk’s chillies, which re- have a yn:il mull' frSE tiiis |,,r hut air In inert at the iggin, id Tin-day in January. reijuested place, th«*> 1.^*5 re.(ijr-led School House, Al I i" h No. on duo Y&ilNHN T,0i’A!il>, E. A. ‘b'ljlli-. la-l Tile-, la V III I'ebnial \ jin ,-t was tliink t Imre is 110 one do tin* y'< -ion 11 oiiy ml ion loheholdeuat d help, and many loVc me 111«- Belfa-t, ul> THE GREAT AFRICAN JA No. SO Main Street. H i-4.1 i; -. no c\polled relapse. '•"Hi. I’, '.UAR, VlllS.W there ot their ■ ror.ler. being prospect, agreeing • lire ha\ my beet, -*» A was df-id <\ Iml thank GRi-CAT BARGAINS in every ■•'U. b. e, | -I Tlle-daV III recess was French marquis riding out one da\ A 111411' 1. taken the court till tomor- tori 11 lie I tin -till Well. Whciilvoii arc al Roek- MAGNll US,.! rtC.v by when lie d an old we sell lor I.IPNS, .4,1-1 I m —da III a pas-, priest riding along en- 15 4 IT ttfi IIOItH Kl nit 111 l;. Inrly-thi'»*e Sejitemb, row al I a ip I pic .-e write me. and I nn iL -end the I A < : U I AMT U O V I lie onl\ in (hi- citv where you emi get v morning tente,||\ ni) a alHi« ICH, phot good I -i I « donkev. “Ha, ha!" excSaiimal i<>orlin. lit- i.l i-bingtun, n.-day in ».-tuber. < d to in. \ • till's \a rv 1 A Fi-lmig K.mI-, l.niilv.l silk, Linen TIN at 11 K«l- the y truly, Ihi II is lie-1 Wilderness 15 ,0 ivT ul e .. Sunday morning o’clock, “how goes the ass. good tattler.'' Hair D\i the in tin- world y ■ "'~i"uk, la-i in Tebrnarv maiqllis. c pel'll ml (‘olton ,iin -, I’.i-kel I,'• i-l-. It ut lluxes, and I’m-day N l.\ It. V I \ N I .;'. :i : .■ ward S. On liUl'lllle--, t'ellahh and i 1) I a II t .1 neon.- I.a ti.i >1 .lio< l-i d Stokes was into Court. horseback, 111 V son," replied the pliesl, |\ pert.elly no all -i es ot * iiii-l.- hin-e\ Limerick it ml Kirbv ue-.lav in A pril. brought W he I'cbv eerlifv that t lie inosl I. iu I .! I loreyoilii* -1,1, tiis ippoi ni nr ml m» ri. lie uli ms tints or disagreeable *-!•« Hooks. ■' b. I Tm— in M took his on the day av. Judge Ingraham place < ’l.Al’-rirAi* ani* 1 \ N'T. Invalid inetd of Mr. Yinal is sirietlv odor the A. reader, it true, ami that h> genuine Win. I'■alehelof’s Hair Dye Also Smith uni Wes-on"- Kcwdvcrs ami Singlo bench, and tie* who had von are unwise i- now in our e 111 ... | MM in 1 II. a mb. I Black or jury, been lucked enough to put yourself outside plo\ a well man. pro. pie natural I’l-tol- M : a I ic r urtridge-, P.e-t Sporting Powder. Brown, I. ivr- the hiir in all night, were sent for. ol anv of tin' m in-/: t<'* e particle .>t lead or coni- Question. I lie cotin was almost dirt'.i- ... nit, ; ,,.i will in,., ii. \ i 11 a 11ei i'ii M any lliptrioiis \-c., Jfce. Um4'J as crowded as on •-•old ■ l‘"""d v alt tnuggisi-. e 11 > i y 11. Bond hl.v come to grief. A'k sour phvsi. ian if :m\ lbe week the trial The is S 1 I. f.l. I ,\ A. I ,11- past during p. dc-iituto ol y p Thu Ft.nn Frcs- n or!wo liquid prcparalion, stiumlatinc Another Witness for Dr. Gage. Praccsisiun. y'- day ago. began oner looked much as Til. pretty usual, there properties, is worths ot the name ot a tonic. .1.-1.1 »|| < in thi- no e\ < 111 n \. Mr., 1 .. 1 (i agging way being idencc ol his having passed a He will tell you no. Slum all -m b nauseous duly Du. n*,k. sii X> I*. YX A7VT. Pol 1 |q \m\ihi\ Ii ita I -aw noii at the M msi.m Ib»u-c, in \nu-l a, M s-iuiri v\ ili iunablv be toiunl in sleepless night The on the itehpeuiiies. i:us, he most OraiHl mujue-t jury contrary II is t iken nth.-. o ei \ I' I Me N S $1,000,000. i's*i$>‘«.!pSi:i! I’ana'an! wholesome ms in the owes I id A11 'ii -l. I told il | yol w e|| o| in\ Co’s,, h ion '*< e. < ..a igoraiil world, Ihe you N«- *yiy -nil, t i-n-'th Shawls! ini lie \ l, an a Veil \\ i 111 lie w hole We-l all looked and on pale ■ l\endii-keag B tiigor where he re- fatigued. I illicit' you -It' hi Id hear Irom me I r.rid-'e, will ! «•: li •■ rapidils with which it relieves tIk* disordered ayain. I'll I tie d of (ir.tut and Wil-un. I’hibulel- in iin uni il N• •. it. I h. e o in the " wishing t consult him Judge Ingraham addressing jury stomach and the shattered nerves i.> c itll'i led with llleer- oil IHN limit- amt GRAND flia Press, the diffus- deep Cali .In so tree •■! Iiarge. SECOND -iid I understand, that lameness which had me to gentlemen, you ive agent which <-<»nve\s its medicinal ingredi- e.impelled walk nn iI It Bangor, May lo, I-. .in 11 I which th. poll Springfield Kepuhlican ha ve m»! agreed ? ents to the seal of Ihe complaint. That agent ‘•riitfhc- fifteen v«*ar-. 1 will now inform v*m The Performances is the of the tint n oil made 1 feel cure in u»\ the Ring •'lose editor was in “Hie Foreman No, sir; there is no spirit sugar cane, the niosi nutri- pt-i case, Philadelphia possibil- -«»re- l-'« »r«*ii i«»- 11 >111 ■ Shawls! tious and ol all the varieties ,,| alco- heal ill" wilhoiil a of Medicine. You j. i it t in a I: •nt mt an 11 ! -,|i that we can. agreeable drop ''e ity I'lillia.ii a in.' "Irian -in, day,"* and knows whereof lie allinns hol. 'rite medicinal ingredients ot tin- Hitters, an publisli thi-, if you please, ami if :iiin one ^1,. 'Dai lia v r 1 a m \ a i- ,i.. ., u.a in- Judge feel at to dis- a*, ilisbelleN es the -I al *‘ll|e 111 I will send VO|| in!i hardly liberty valuable the) are, would be s. Is tile BI.IMI ID a- dm- Ids the cal .nit <>t 1 In* 1 law omparal warn in: and tor the bench t of It.! lari hi l.i ■(,.j., bag. The ease has useless this name- *1 a tio/.en wiln*—-cs to it- charge you yet. witiioiii distributive basis. Tic s prow truth. 1>l "•mg ni. n ami ol her- w Ii ■ suiter f rom Ncrvou* ha-' occupied AS-it* AI.ll retired in order to two svould ferment and sour. a- sam Yoiir< Mi:s. A ll \\s*>\. D.-tuiit v, I...- ol M eii IN All* niStt'lllC IS, good Kuropo. nearly weeks, and was v#ry fullv tri- Beware, hope truly. iulioo.l, ., supply mg M '♦If ed, and the time have tor Ibr health, of the horrible compounds of refuse IHI MEANS OF Judge Forney, what is tin- use of you had consid- SELF-CURF. ll drugs in a state of Icrmciilation svhieli Another Cure Dr. Shawls! humbugs by M mien one W llo III ru I i I T ■■ Ilk. that, when know that eration has not been very I can’t Gage. h\ cured II i ill-‘ 11, a (I el IIII de!'going PUBLIC LIBRARY A 1'iliiv k. 1.1 1 I ilfoi in, t ,,'fo mg" you long. are to endeavoring loist upon the a (’Oils1.1. ihle :llid sent ‘It l- ‘‘i\ ..I ,, see public .(Hackery, lire on receiving a KE/TUCKY ..I n..- -l.i ur reader- know that arc P” to now. \ 1 \a 1.11 av i-:\, Mi-:., duly .M, ls7<>. Du. C nck. At LoiiiMilltlli# you “lying any way discharge you medicines. post paid directed en\ elope. Dear Sir: since your M’llo ii know you didn't talk in this absurd Foreman We stand just the same as treatment «»t my wile at Addle--, N A I'll AN I F.l. M A VIA Ili Brooklyn. ^ authority in the act ot incor MAT;IF!, A tanner saw an thJfc^jRsiature I:itl. s ln*r ir;v n I’m. A. vv advertised recipe to prevent Rockland, for a1 .id coiiyli. general dehililN Ac., N. A > tin* PUBLIC pal 5 in lii.-h h ha-= l,ui >■ when von and before. hluPdsji ]> porating LIbMCkY ni Ki:N Hawley and Met Mure wells and cisterns fnun lie I I < K 4 k'\s r.\ freezing, sent bis -In* has . Another ini a... ni. : I■ 1, lUliflll bv the »f tin illiiii' J, 11 11 in h \ All this that can send Im- me and lire.” Your obedient ant. Smith lliifki.vs. ||.,i |, ,,,, t!iiI1,.' heyamd peradventure. you any time, ■III. .. :,t Ui.'playiii:; li.- ull.ili.ii": ami :iri 1. : i, i' mind us ol ..ue I lie counsel will be sent fur. hi Ihi. .InI\ Grand of Isaac P ti nes1 stories Fxhauslion and degeneration follow tin* c\ .Iv, l.y l;.-v. \V. I Krmvn, Mr. < ces-ive use of the More Evidence! IJr. Skill .Him. Iv. lirirr .Mi- If..-. I.. in the Ureal Gif/CoUcert J tie* I l.»r and a-- A fa.ith- The t<> their Senses, without due inters als Gage's W.) iumltli, l.otli llall of the Librai in campaign. jury great disappointment, "t this Italic ^kuilding, Jjow ! of rest lor city. on I*ricos ■J 1 democratie were then locked repair. In order to maintain tin U \\ l.ouisviUE( Ivy., partisan from the country up again m. R. ellmaii' Rockland, had been Ai tin-New fdii! land Ii ..ic. in 1 h is cit .1 wonted energy, the Iona* whether of \■, uly 13, «h.-d before election and 'I'm. Ji m l>i < ii Aia.i.n. ()n expended, a III if ted with liver co. Ac., h\ Bev. U I, I'.row n, Mr. Klislia d. 'l ower and just inguinal Monday hods or mind, must he rheumali-111, restored. When the •Mi.-- Ci hsija \. Moody, both ol Saiimlay, Wp pi. ias, Vc/y). TI. H JOHNSON & CO. the looked. Said as no seemed which medicine failed Vve; restored in a l.incolnville. thing” Pal lies, agreement probable, the expenditure of brain matter and other nervous in duh very short lime. Morrill, 11, by David Nash, F.s.j. Fugene 100,000 of v«*u want mv or mv jury were stood l life itself may be looke I for as the Bo..duly Callahan, Mr! $5;^uartcr opinion “Well, have charge murder, and 1 contracted limb -j\ ; wore an artificial tickets $2.5o; 11 wmSle tickets tor $loo; vs PROBATE NOTICES. result of such Tin* Natliani< ! F.lwell ol No, thport, Mr md Mj., Marv fnfljte25 I for degeneration. ingredients » •’"< for ll.'ttfr 285 hen. -aid Panic-. “my public manslaughter. limb years; I wo o -1 t'Hki and was walking A. «iallagh* of B. $‘>o0. $1,000; for $2,; i,,r composing Fellows' Compound of to $■» ooo. No on less than wiA ot is that torn < ’a-- w i 11 be Syrup Hy- about the all. In Monroe, duly H.klt.H. Mr. (lis^lnt $iuo !111114.11 elected aiv such as asl.mis^heiiAl Flanders, F.s.,., tickets at a tiunr pophosphites. constitute healths' *•(•■ An Allen M. .»t Morrill and .Mis- d Momlav. and y, li®l«-dauyhter allli*-t«*t| Daggett Aim.da d. At a PndiMJu t :.uirt held at lb It a.-’ w chili and toi high dry Why, lie Politics in Portland. blood, establish sound nerves and senses, and RoelJpmi, Bol.ert- ot with three di sores a Brooks. o ehaijpny upon thiyh It rye the Waldo on tin oiul Tuesday ot 2-1!! iiie.-e Slab’s” a will consequently not this exhaus- In Bos.-oe iiiiu;^ submitting only prevent ■'*- hand; perfect hr heah-d in a short time. Mrs. Seal-sport, duly .('apt. B. Carver and in Fn n ( ’’owns. duly, A. 1». •1 Iu;ri.A\i». 1J. The in Miss ot s. $50Q$00 I o- tion. hut most cases dennie both -hi 4*4*-1< »ll It hs ol the whole I'nioli, July Republicans restore such as is lost. da-, damc-oii. Uvart Curtis, duly 3, Mr. I.other Currenc^ \MIN{'0 lit*: !• i-|, ,.,vu disease, cure*!. Mr-, i». Benson and Miss Kale C. will he the holders of A. ^iv ot William Kent held their first ratification Woodman, both d Flank giveifto tickets hy distribution .1!-: Ila.- ", v illi tin ii electoral couutc»| on grand meeting A Harbor, \ inalhaveil, ciirrl .»! catarrh. dr., in said ot figure- up lad in Hartford, whose tilth hirthdas oe- Geo. tort. by lot ot ONI. 11101.8 A Mi (il KI as SHJNolf. *\ I i,..- ,i \, County • n S, lollows AI.Mi | T. Hall to The liasscti. ( cured Waiilo 't !• nil-i ot -a he turned out about one hundred svould oil and wars Mrs. Win. Cross- Mis- Flla Ii. Bollius of I I'lil.Te IS !li- -1 ml |- may appoiuted • in c-lie on and keep that (lav, “they didn't body stamlin.!;. .iue.dnville. • it, sir." “Yes, but strong, adding, One irami (lift, A«l in nisU rat or on -aid r-tnte. man, <'hina. tumor on face In Bock la ml. d u ne 30, Mr. Nathaniel (Vnsh, $iuo,ooo '•l r. I i, n • in the ball the Portland Rand on Washington’s lb years, removed. Spear and » >ne T r»<» J i" your now P1’ furnished birthday.” Mi.-- faIna f (irund (iilt. (’ash .io’ooo Ordered, That tie give notice to all private opinion, Mr-. dell* r.son. Me., i.tme for a Cal.lerwoud, Imtli ol \ i• 11htive»i. duly the music, lion. John was Meservy. Ion*; 1 25,000 Cash ilit• rested l>\ c; ol this order to h\ chosen 3, Mr (’.( loss and Mi-- Ada i. ^Jilts $2,000 each, 8,too 1 ''• i. a a., ia w persons opy m\ -aid Lynch The safest method of cured two IT Knight, both ol B. *• ‘Ally |O' In- ii I,.* ,i| private opinion.” Panics, effectually getting rid lime; by visits. R. Prescott, t 20,000 1;>V“ I he thr. e w ee in the In Vinalhaveii, 0, Mr tiro. H. 1,1-iu* 15,000 1 II- l.ll- 1 11 " 1 S ‘• I'« puhii-heil Kepub vv chairman, but said a lew ex- of bladder and (Mima, duly I'urner, of I I l.|S Tl t S-Oll |;-»A l.T *|cly bi- \t»icc below the only words, kidney, glandular diseases, dia- enlaryeiuent in*I size of an ey", 15,000 20 «HlO Its HI lican may ati- ding ordinary •Viuterporl and Mi-- Fannie i.. Mills id \ inalhaven. jot A. lin.VK.ll I.N .v a,'I *, n| dournul, printed they “* that he was not and then betes, gravel, mental and and « un tl. Wm. < lam** 1 10.000 21 800 8(H) at a Probate Coni' witUiu •'k even, “is that the man plaining well, physical debility 'ooper, Ibirnham, shoulder, dune dei'onie Ii. Thomas o| North Id’, !• <>»’ <\ :* il- »• in -: •. * -'I I pear ‘(last, old will be 17, Haven, and 1 Stum rsau 11 s, complaints incidental to tiie weaker sex is conh 1 not baud to head, cured. \. 9,000 25 700 » .mil lor said -Tuesday ot t introduced Dr. (leo. R. of Salem put Mrs. M. Behecca \1. Caldrrwood of \ inalhaven. 3, 17,500 !11' *“-r ill'i.i ! i •. 11. — I County, outrageously licked.” The value of Loring .July 1 35 \ li(J() ... at tin clock in tore uoou, and \nDi-m's Brem It tones and Driest. IT. \ a-salboro’. doliu F. Yiual o! inalhaven and 8,000 21,000 * 1 i: August next, t'-n/id as the first as gently impaired vision, cured. dennie it. Merrick I’ ;i. l.\ :j Wilson 7,000 17. <>itl,,Ii-liftI cause, it thei line. w ihe ot lilt U* story lies in il4s ion to speaker, Henry stimulates the entire nervous system, and D. d. Russell. ot North Haven. j*>2,.‘>< 10 -1"1’ r»l .. Ii j shew any prayer applieal tms- Warren, wonderfully helped ol 1 ^^500 >1..-. »r..l,v, l,,.-,-- could not Dr. a 0,000 50 said siiouhi not in- *.• r,-»nt< ii. ol appear. Loring made cures all maladies of the heart disease ^LtO ‘*/20,ooo "'•'"•‘‘•'I' ■' ’» mi, i, petition Forney. itirrlij urino-genital and neuralyia. Mrs. IT. Richards, 1 5 000 00 'M ASA I II l Kit >1 'ill, ot an s 18,000 "Ul 1 II,I r 1. II, I::,-. i, !■ I. 1 I .h„ Judge. speech hour duration, in which he organs of either sex. \ in.alhavcii, Me., liver and t. ,1. stomach derauye- 4,ooo too -jY^r M1)>ou)i A trin copy. Atte-t—l’. P Inin, Kegister. (Irani and the in**ius, general weakness and on 1 >1 C,1 >. 1 012 eulogized Republican prostration 3,000 01,200 1 I"* "'"!l 1 •' i mm the Portland party, An unsuccessful politician says that the most I. li Midi \\ li Advertiser, July Utli.J at little exercise, cured. Hundreds of eures laughed Greeley and called the Demo- <*ef til < ii -r Ii mi j. I: n-. Al Prohalt ( null drill it Belfast. within ami tor the vacan- ei it Total 1,000 all ‘•nits | ally wonderful could he given, hut we have Gifts, Cash, JR^fc t i.mi opprobrious names. It was discon- cies in his own stomachs. (Oltihiu i'i/ nitfirrn, hrj/uinf the Dutr, A 'it me. amt. The Hon. I nns. K. Bit \ m lk th'- ol Waldo, ou the seeoud Tuesday ot rhe Libera! Movement. family’s o Ayr. tw, Into Skvernor of Republican already occupied sullieient space, and lie red must hr mil idiij^U nected and and a tew /will fur.) Kentucky, has consented to th Air us tees rambling, trains Renne’s evidence to sustain his claim to the con- re^Psent I I SIMLA. ljain-Killing Magic, oil is just the ample In .Inis- in the d this suMml Grand will this city, *i. Mrs. 1*. management cKt Cou- *1“* ■•‘-"•ni' :'ii lr Kxecutor of the last of wheat to a bushel of chaff. Alter he article to in the fidence of the alllieted. Nancy Burgess, aged !■.■•**. L;n iv Tt i. L Unit keep house io relieve any kind <'•{ and ■* mouths. 0-t, and lie will personally that the timn^ ot Rutiis Wflate ol iu s iid We aie informed tlial the at the years »H .n \ ! N I |; C1llAl:!.i:XsAKi;i.N(^Uiuore, Monroe, meeting had concluded, Hon. Lot M. Morrill made <>l pain, to cure a cold, Sore throat, In June the sale ol Tickets is deposed with tlie «il his oreroup.or Lhieago, 1, Capt. Leorge Whitney, for- Trealfcer, t ttM’ .. !!,. |i County Walt^Ldecofix-d, having presented I'm !de Home last was a en- a or cholic An ot that the is fairlwbndu and the Ms second and filial "t !• lor allow- evening very that was more of the pains, cramps, and lameness of anv Extraordinary Cure. merly Norlliport. drawing :ted, • \eculordop speech character awarded and ’ill' I I 1-5 f '! ! ; ; ! :m ,\ | at^^mfll 'LuMa-.tic one, about kind. and with- In Albion, Jul> <•, Mrs. Auve'ia justly promMly paii lorty gentlemen he- of an oM-fashioned Try it, reader, you won’t he Webb, daughter I K..S III ,1 courteous oration than «>( Jesse .'Is t he will taktiflace in Da>:- l.l I IN in I In il- llori ■ out it to ijse in A. Mon'iiok, Mi*:.. June, 1st, isTI. the late laylor, aged years. drawing pi bile, in full victl mil* That Kxecutor notice Iron* all ot the stale, iu- your family. S. Ilowes & ol he and I I I. n i Ordered, give present parts a and was free from all vi- Hu. <*ac»i<:. Hear Sir: lit answer to In Lewiston, July l, L*tov I. audience, the immediate l/^y stump speech, Co. wholesale agents. your Carcelon, formerly \\^or supervi*^ j* rr s .• to all persons :l copy ot this Iudin(’ol. I S of 1 Ion. ot Ml and > inontlis. ion and direction of tMotlioers and Trustees ot the I. t. iutofe-dcd cfc^cau>ing Lang Augusta ; At its close there was letter <»t I am to inform that I'rov, aged ordei to l.r iiir»« in thr tuperation. sin«r- inquiry, happy you Public of and the ■; pulilis|#i| successively A D Maieon ol A < I In Koekliml July l, Mrs. Ko\ai;u Crockett. Library following named toiii Bangor: lion. Win. Pliil- a alifornia obit nary : “The deceased was a still have the perfect use of my limit, and am July Kentucky Republican mil, llas!, that they ing by and tin* closed. i. J.din Ldilie .» eminent and disintere^ed who have con- prinled^n^JW quartet meeting ('looker, aged mouths. July a, Mr. citizens, 1 :d a wo hate at Heltasl i> K and \\ M I ,. talented man of a romantic nature, lb* entirely cured of my lameness, and I know not uni) appear t'oiirt, Io^*J>'M Brown, of Skovy- It was not an placed Kohert Jameson, «»0 sented to be present and see that all is done: ! lvsq., enthusiastic, allair at all. aged year*. July s, .Mr. James fairly vv ii s»d on the second the butt of his gun in the lire while how to mv to Idr Hon. K. II it hi and lor County, 'Tuesday an M 111»i' .1. \\ of Ken- lie looked express gratitude you. had it aged years. Jnls *.», Mrs. I’ranees it. M. AUDI N .Judge Court Appeals, Ky. ('hanniug The h ill was and tin* not Murray, I Veil ot Aligns! tie At Jit tell ol the flock before UOOU, amt crowded, down the and lienee heen for aid I ...» Hoii,,I. PROCTOR K NO I late M. galleries muzzle, departed spon- your timely should have yet Mei ril I, aged years. I', C. t.eb’n Dm. it tin same !air- Mill B. A oft; trdin- In. ., .1 shew cause, any have, why the should Neal, Fsij.. were tilled with ladies. taneously.” heen a a** I had heen f. In lien. I. K. Hon. II. VV. HKUCE. Judge Ninth .ludicial L)is. I.\ M ; !! cripple, lor years.' | Boston, July I, Kimball ol Kook Ky. not he allowed, Deli. I Ml F HARP U t, J. S. L\lonl o| Lewiston ; Hon. F. A. would also inform vott licit a ed !>s \.-ars and 7 mouths. KKA L. S. Marshal, Dis, T.O 'TV U3APTKV; Alter the Hon. Lot Mr. Morrill is my itm-ie, Jaeoh laml, ^11 Ky. A S A Till i: l.OI (ill, Judge l meeting Rover.y had. but the worst kind of poverty In New lath Frances wile ol ilou. I’. KAN, ('lian.X.ow. Chan. Court. "Mi .... II, ike ot Calais; John \Y Lane ol Randall, ol China \ illage, who you cured of York, insl., Clarissa, ^^COCII A true copy. Attest I?. I*. Fiti.n, Register. York; and Dr. were serenaded is ol Hon. E. I'1'-" 1 •• Loving by the poverty the blood: this makes a man “poor is still lxdward Livingston, and daughter ot Mayo Hazel- D^’ANDIFOKD.l/esidem Farmers’and I ; \ I, \| li 1 dyspepsia, enjoying good' health, lie rik. f ■I I,. .. laiiilen, Knoeh and W. band indeed,’ lor it takes his tine, lormerlv ot UP* Drovers^ i.MKS si I ... ,,, Knight and Continentals at the Falmouth. away strength, courage lie never has seen a eity.agid years. >-*.\s sn.k day since your Hon. JOHN I’lyi ,1, .t i-.l ! i.i d« K Chapman ol Portland: F. M. Peed and energy; but enrich the blood with its vital nager Koval Insurance ,.f i, At a Probate Court ’ Belfast, within and lor 'Lhe with Col. T. treatment last Live " -I Greeley Republicans, January. Co., the County r. C. G It A llAM, G raham Halt House. n. Ill llll-lnlill, .1 |„,, ..... mon and others. Me. IN, Manager ol K Kano late ot in Monroe, et<- .'i li i-.i ■■ \\ Marv s, Kiucolnv ille, night, and it is said will call a of Dr. I. S. llKLL -dical University, Louis- mi n ,i ,. r, 11 w.a~ meeting The word love in the IMHtl OF ll»:i.FlKiT. saio ot Waldo, deeraxd, understood ;it this Indian language, is ville. Y.'I< ssrs County having presented distinctly all Liberal soon to unite with jL FAUST nuil ECTOR haul account ot on sai.i Republicans How it Hon.J.ti. It his lirsi and Administration oe img that ii was a Liberal “eheiulemlamotirlehwager.” nicely A.yi'Fit, Mav^%Louis\ ilie, 1 *.li I i'll 11 y 111 11 :l 1 l.l1; fit Republican the Democratic would HKi.rtwr piiriirnt. Hon. T. L. estate tor allow® party. sound, whispered softly in a lady’s ear— AKKI V 1.1). ItlLRNETT, City attorney. Till! movement not under the. control of the HFNItV Biotin 3.A (LAIHT! Ordered, Ilia" give notice “I ehemlendanioiirtchwager you.” Corrected fur the WOT. FORD, Treasurer Louisville. " ,U snii^dministrutnr W'eelcly Journal. 111• lil,II: ,iv l,,:is | III'. to all persons ii y ciusing a copy ot this Democracy, bill a separate July I-. Sehs N. Berry', New York; A.ti. BKANNIN, 1’res. Manufacturers’ ttuuk. organization Pendleton, mu ii.i-: t u.\i order to he puldi ee weeks successively iu Belfast Police Court. If you feel dull, have Iti*:i.i-ast, 1.S72. Mm y Farrow, do, to W. P>. Swan Si 1 ’ll 1 LI I* .1IID(»F, ol tin* Louisville Hotel Co. allogplhei albeit as the Democrats have drowsy, debilitated, Wednesday, duly 17, Small, (coal Co.) the Republican .lot rioted at Belfast, that they headache, mouth tastes Adaliue; Darby, Boston, (corn to Pitcher & tjor JAMES lilt I DDF. FORD, Pres. 2d National Bank. MASTER frequent badly, poor 50 to H HMRY iu i\ at a Pr to he held al tlieii candidate and RKFOItR JUIH1R Hour, $‘> Round 7 to s W.C. D. 1,1 1 .| 1 appear ourt, Belfast, eeepted platlonn the JOHNSON. and are llog, bam); Nation Clillord, Shiite, do. WHIPS, Prop. Willard Hotel. dlM‘r-M\ Kij! m appetite tongue coated, you sulferiiig Corn Meal, >*5 to oo Clear S’l Is within and tor said on the second 'Tuesday Pork, $10 to I t. Sell-- J. C. I’res. Trailers’ Bank. I Ills tll.-dl HU li.- I' •vm will have no Irofn Liver or Boa/., Foss, Boston Henry, Carter, Bos- .JOHNSTON, .1,1, the clock before organisations ditticulty •Iri.Y 1(». Warren Frost, who a Torpid “Biliousness,” and noth- Rye Meal, l.lo to 1.15 .Mutton per ti to s II. t-taHii.- V'n ot August next, at f,n of noou, keeps pro- It*., ton. VICTOR NEWCOMB, firm of New'conib, Itu ...ri,,.. ...HUM The ing will cure you so and Rve, ‘ Lamb and slow cause, if they have, why tire same working harmoniously together. vision in the speedily permanently per lh., into 12 II. Sehs Lizzie chauan & Co. Pi>rcHfc and ny shop basement of tlie Telegraph so to on hn Poor, Dickey. Philadelphia ; (ieo. iErHYUUb, not he • was an one tor as Dr. Pierce’s Holden Medical Corn, key per lb., 17 to 2n B. IIFNRY Pres. Herman should alloWfd. '•cting informal eonfer- Discovery. Feigu-oii, Ferguson, Boston. DEPPEN, Bank. l‘\ Mr .1 Ki:; n| '.i' M M i’ Building was before Parley, ‘.Hi to I.*niChicken oo | ASA I III Rl.ol till, Judge. brought the court, duo. per lb., goto I". *»ch ANDREW OKA HAM, Tobacco ami Cotton Mer- nil.. f n e and discussion to a State charged Cameo, McCarty, Boston. TlM,«.rf..r-- :.-l v. Hi. Mi Kin -Hi preliminary Peans, .‘k2 »to 3. 5 I>uek goto on chant „du(vd A true*copy. Attest B. P. n, Register. wiili the serious oll'cnee of offensive and per Hi., r selling Vegetine is now .Marrowfat Peas, Oo to l.oo < iei se ||> is gaii i/at ion. The other parts of | lie State acknowledged hv our l»e*t per 15 to SAILKD. Dr. NOKVIN GREEN, Pres. L. & C. Short Lim- unwholesome meat. Hals, #o to on 11 r *5 i:ii Ail * Frank A. Cottrell was to he the only sure and safe ay p. ton$ to ?ts it. It. mi’i’Oijf; t M vne iViM-lared alive to the Liberal physicians remedy I t. Sell'i: To the Honorable Judge ol 1‘robate lor the County fully Potatoes, to 00 July (Jen. Meade. Boston. .... ih*> for all diseases Lime, $ 1.45 to 0.00 Patterson, VOL. Adams k.u, m complainant. Mrs. Cottrell testitied that on arising from impure blood such ROSE, Agent Co. I,,.i,-11.i..i, . and this section I >ri< «| Apples, h) to I Washed no Express Republican movement, as scrofula and scrofulous humois. Wool, do to “fdll;''* S:ifurday night she a Cooking, do, no to oo Unwashed 45 to oo NOV ”■ *' 1.1.A Franklin 'Treat of *vas considered rather cool since it has bought piece of lamb, THOS. E. [M.Y*''" A I N TREK KSPKc\ represents yet Putter, 2o to 22 Pulled BRAMLETTE, tint In* is Uuardtaii ol Waldo P which on For female in or «,n to 7(1 i > i; A 1> Frankl(>lt, iketi no decisive getting home she found tobe complaints, young old, mar- M A TIC steps. In Bangor and maggotty. Cheese, Is to 20 Hides, KtotSl-l Ikl.tA \ t\E» licit, non coiBnos meuti', amt sou ol Robert Treat, ried or single, from the advent of womanhood 1’ulilic of I’uli. Sal.aS I. g was It was in tin* and on K to («i Call oo Agfiit Lib. || s. ul in said that Belfast it. stated mass conven- placed cellar, Lgi-'s, Skins, Is to Library Kentucky, ■ J Ian* Franklwt, County, deceased, grand Monday to the of Biiiltliug T" v\ ill (1,111 | changes life, Duponco’s Holden Pills 1 Mo II I,III,. ill, is is sei/.< d ot it to l*ard, Sheep 1.5oto2.5o I.OL V. * I1;'11'..« *aid non eouipiWkinenl aniVpossessed iens were to be held within a a hoy sent, with Frost’s shop, who refused Skins, lsVII.I.K, rfUNTUCK * 111 i« I k;l ii I week and are without equal. h' < I, s to 1 li 5 oil! I ||H> d real estate in the Wood, liiird, $5.5o to (i.(!0 R ill will. L iln* | r. ,- ...i the lollowiug dt*^krd>< jgiuated EADINGS! *tf-Uirculars, giving full particular,,, mut on *""1 ‘'liI.,, I..- one the Paid A appli- a | adips will be called at Portland ; to refund money. Mr. Cottrell and his win, p'I *, O.Oo I«»0 00 Wont I, $.4oo to "*l‘| and Comities ot Aroi®ook uni mid that it probably soft, cation. “ 01 ,iuM will PCcatapis, The following strong certificate as to the Veal, 5 to r, I»rv 5 to r» ‘*'ii|.aiiy appear. would be tor the h®rtit ot said mentis a it b in a fort night. mother also testified that Hie meal had maggots Pollock, R. T. DURR ETT, Prest. ukjM compos curative of Miss Sawyer's we from Dry Cod, 7 to m Straw, $15 to oo In the solicitations of that the same sold and m\v proceeds there ; Salve, clip many W. N. Vice-Prest. shouh^^p Col. Lang at this rose to ex- and smelled Mr. Frost, who man- the H. Crass, 4 .:5 to 5,0o t'lover IIALDEMAN, id out and seeureflLo him crest. vi/ One- meeting offensively. Patten Voice: Seed, 12 to If eomplianee^^^i JNO. S. CAIN, Sec’y. put oj^iil Main. He said that the | Salmon, 25 to 3n 1 hall e, swore that he found no Reward oe Merit. We are to lay Mr. w2eow FARMERS’ & DROVERS’ Treas. nKiislii|i^io. happy Alfro^LT. Alonroo, BANK, ■ one-halt ot *.♦, R. 10, same motives hail been He before our readers the effected |Ui-, inie-t^fclitli^rNo. «juestioned. wished in the meat after it was following cure, «'oiint A Iso one-halt ot seven t went) maggots brought hack, the use of ti,y’ Uil1 ,avor 11 aykokd y. o^woatiirds » state that about two by Miss Salve. had years ago lion. J. that he it in and his Sawyer's BRIGHTON CATTLE MARKET. n"yi*i tl‘jfu>llie’ fourths*. No. R. x, AroinAk County, having put pickle, wife afterwards Mr. Silas of lor Blaine wrote to him Bryant, Sherman, has been af- Commissioners’ a very desirable oiler Sanborn the sum ottering him the llirted for '1'iii‘NilaT July {J, Notice. troii^K. baked a part. He laid the meat upon the table years with what the doctors pro- of lour thousand dollars.hcrcfore he prays that eosiuou o! Collector of internal Revenue nounced a scrofulous Wkonkshav, 1S72. TIIK been to sell the saiuc in front of the The court that cancer. He consulted the July to, with an himself, consist- ERS, having appoint he may he licensed and^^l ®fi/«*d Judge. thought, At market this week— ;to*K and entertuinmeu^peculiano eit tin su ITAN Kl.IN 1RKAT. at a that he said would most skillful in Cattle;-sheep mg ot Select liana WE by Thurlough. Esq., to re- at sale. Augusta, position physicians vain, and was finally logon Dickens, private either the testimony or the meat was to Lambs; Swine; 5'Jti Veals. Past week 2(it»o Mark I Heading* Siii^kspean;, ceive and exami claims ot creditors to the n to some six or strong induced try ftfiss Salve and now wain, Bret ami authors, Mr. seven Sawyer's (•attie; (Uh».'{ and 11000 otlu^kiopular estate of Willard late w bring Lang Sheep Lambs; Swine: '*70 w Jpirte, s, ol Belfast, deceased, At a Court of Pro hejd avlh-ltast, ithin ami (‘Hough to warrant the of Frost for after using the fourth he H interspersed it hrtmpersouat ions im Joseph Jetl'er- bap thousand dollars a Col. de- holding trial, Imx, entirely cured, Veals. represented insol notice oiAhe seeoud year. Lang and son, Dickens, W/fllaok and others. hereby give that six for the County olrWahh*, Tuesday and he was ordered to enjoys perfect healtlj. ttbO from Maine Yentrilo«piism, moiittis are allov creditors to I>. clined the A short time recognize in $f>00 bonds -Nothing. Delineations «>rlIrish, Dutch and Yankee Characters. bring in and of July, A. appointment. Prices ol Peel Cattle per hundred lbs. live prove their claii we shall attend that Ijip. for trial before the weight I nutations of Animals, See., \c. The v\ lode to con- [at the tor That the ago Mr. Blaine ottered him the berth of Supreme Court. The offence Dijtciirr’s Lightning Extra quality, $7.5<>as.on; KirM "5a7 25: service at the Kc ids in Upon oping Petitiou,^L* Commissioners ... ability energy, upon adju- purchasing “White's M DAVIS V v''1 1 1 that they appear at a Probate CiVbt, to be held Skins $1 ; Hairy Skins $1 25 skin. I.a.l (M-, l.irig a jffiy onl us all a Specialty for per 11 2 at the Pmb it e otlice In Belfast on the y help but secure to a dicate upon little iiupleasantness which Dyspepsia” expecting to find Working bxim Put few in " •••■•'! « A„a. yourself hap- pairs market, and not WOKDiN.G II v v,"'■••I",l >1-■aim atoBgaid, it. a beverage containing aleohal, like the vile much call for Insolvency. H second 'Tuesday ot August next, at o’clock in prosperous future.” These letters Mr. at the Head of the on the them. Lost. I Belfast, July 11, 1872. pened Tide, f»lh, be- li the forenoon, and shew cause, it any tuB have, why “Bitters” advertised, (wbu only aggravate the Store Cattle—Nearly all the small cattle are Hold on tile at home will tween B. O. .. same not he ® Lang keeps and pub- Maiden and Thomas Benner. disease, and bring on others) will he (or fleet. From the the should granted. disajijmint- wharl abscriher, on the night U ( T I » ! lish if Mr. Blaine Maiden 1 " ASA rilURLOUUn, Judge. presses the matter fur- applied unpleasant language to Benner ea*iH); Ordinary [SHINO DOKY, painted nirt III nil l-vprv P. 3w* and itie latter struck him twice Store Cows $IOa5n bead. ^ "i'll A true Copy, Attest—Ii. KlKLD, Register. ther. The Colonel states that this says and knock- scientific taken in per cream colored, but jr good deal worn; bud a ALL . posi- principles, tcaspoonlul doses, and Lambs PERSONS are hereby notified and warned A.II “..."••■mm ed him down. Benner says la* struck Sheep -Western Sheep cost (5a7e hunt wood false eash and one oar. "}\.. iioti was also ottered to three him and has proved to he the only C14KK tor the dis- per bottoj spruce against picking blueberries or cranberries on other gen- lb. Lambs $4a(> per head. Whoever will lion ol said bout will be my TO I.KT ! gently, and he fell down Fined $* and costs. ease ever forward. For sale all give premises situated In and around the tlemen but to a brought hy drug- Swine Store 01-2a7 preciuts ot really fourth. Pigs,wholesale, l-4c; Retail suitably rewarded/ MUliN U. LONDON. Pond. * |>4MMI given Appealed. gists.—3 m 4 9 tt Toddy JAMES NICKERSON. over l-2a'.»c, Kat Hogs 4 2 4u5c per lb. Bellast, July lr, 187^,—Jwii ;.*i ml ... *. HI K P UK AS ANT ROOM immediately Swauville, July 10,1872.—3wl* ilou.a Isaac Allard’s Store. at this office. tt o|icu ut I u ml .,,'.1,1,1. !•. II. Apply

** ™------I wi mil in T~ 1 maiiwi iumn* wiranTTiM, mwoffim A Child of Earth. -i I inWv 'V 7N\>av-T| p* «ONV VK -f «*-» 5

Public notice is her* V given that I h.iv* for h I w nli r< d li. II. EDD long be- -li t.ln alien wale;-.. F O H Y, v on.son-rat ion -o..i to iiiv minor *<*n, •• no i',,r 'iiiinin'1 "li11s we!.‘ Warm, and wind.* i 1. Kilns, hia t mi until lo- shall he ot legal ay* witt* w.-iv d A NEW £HA \H JOURNALISM. the ad; QU SOLICITOR OF PATENTS light t n nstu alt Lil in .** m hi- own n inn Fields Ian a- war. lrebhing •lust received 300 dozen and rigtit e;*s pr.-*•»- Ladies’,Misses’, ot -* inf. Hostou .iouniai. eveiy ii< ri|»t i..n, ami shall herealLr pnv no Gents’, lfnr debts ot hi* .lOSKI'l! KIM". Forbidden path-w re pleasant to my tread. Inventions. Trade Marks, nr l>esign?. contracting. ENLARGED »U EHiR TY-.JiX COLUMNS. Attest—.1 o>i".i• 11 K. Ki vs. I r.'in b«m _•ti- that S A UAII < I i.>| >. hung between me and the Price Reduced to s Per Annum. I L O S I E 11Y ! No. 7G Stato St., opposite Kilby Sf.. Roston heavens 30 DAYS! Kelmont, April I. is; -. ! .• tliered -mnmcr fruitage red and goi (; Three Cents. From to 00 doz. or from to 75c mi I'xteusivi' ol w : Single Copies, $8 per 8c per _ pramita' u: of I'1'1 an- JAKERi Use idle i-nre; tEBRATEDJ continues to siug-as -aug pie pair. VKTKItty years, secure Patents in the 'ppci'.m-n Oopii -*•..; on application. S uited also in M> da\s Went by 11k■ -t.u'ii that are told. States; Croat Britain, France, and 1 he Plain Bam! (-loves. IlniMliterchieG. other foreign American Sewing Machine, (orsris, countries. Caveats, Spreibcat ion-. ar • recently improved at n reduced Pi mv rose-tree ros 's Assignments, and all t.*r PLATING grew for my pluekiog, It Will papers Patents, ex-oured \ sort with X»«.y Hiitions, Cotton 'I'riiia- ou reasonable price, cover, is one oft ho red a- iove, or a- lender terms, with despatch. Research-'- pale pain; \ n v ad i v.- man or w* mi in w< il to sell Mir IVom*«*- most, beautiful, ligiit < <>kTN i.F** I made to determiiu' the and utiMtvol P.i».r-?,- ! running 13! t > "ie. i no ihorns t<> \. \ me in my iarl.iiub; huM 1 -. 111, lo »*M-r>no r, Highly iningii. Briiiils, validity and Finely finished Ma- ot Inventions, and legal and oilier advice rendeiaal I la lid iv w a- good,and not hi iu biooin.. i iii sidor.-vf h. |'i,i »• low. » ’emmission liberal. Send REAP chines made. and a assortment of Goods. in all matters the same. \ '• complete Staple Fancy touching pic,- of the I \ .iii;. l« i -ci j il IV; Pamphlet Jj claims S i 1 v o i* A l-o iOditrereni of FI 50 of furnished bv I is ncari' N- km if i*.- il .■ nn-.-t Plating li<»UAci-. KIND, iT.omp-onvillc, Conn. -tyies KS108, do/. Ll.NKN any patent remitting one dol- stMeii nnd Tv I lO‘,\ F.i.S and N A i’K I X» that 1 wi>h to close out lar. Assignments recorded in l.'iii,in >i I. n ) 'in iici' lias [aliult that I S ntu times i dhi. a- a to Washington. 1 the in dream, music, No A'!! and will s< li iliein less than tiie wholesale price. I.IUUETTi Agency in the l uited States posse--.--' -u»f p>r mu' all the fi'ud points, and do j A\ll 1% And k tune with a' •••. Mi ... ■ i• kept 111111• many living feet. for m• is. fill- insian. <• IIAIU GOO 1JS ot every real or imita- c^EDjCAL^ facility obtaining Patents or a.-(a riainiii'1 up description 1 Alii -.Min on piai-ed me m tin- mu-ie’s pati-es, Di3intl3.ra.lle cl.” tion. pateut ability of inventions. a not a new and improved •'luit- t *• !-■ .a Ik- thread. > And wa- and All a M ( ) I K > very Noting life, love wasswe.t. 1 «it «* .inied lor this new ami r. markahle Reader while in ot visit necessity of journey to to Ji 'M IT A ! J, i ) •,»•#» pursuit Fancy Goods, Washington pro- Tin* shuu:, li s a riickiiur motion, instead oi tin 'll % ai ieir More, where will find eure a Patent, and t he usual Inm»u. 11 is 1 ru«-,sir uge iut« you* ^DiscoM:e,^ great delay an sailing, a" 'ii "I-1 hem we ir absorbingly resting. there, .siyk* machines. e.dut-s not How on Id 1 list.-n to the low voire I- tiling— here » desire ii- wide circular 1011. core.-, can nearly all t.nit heart can wish or savedinventors. I ia i.-. in is more l>v A11 art ielr* to win' M iek* I I’Li i n/ »*.'• leig\iiu-n tongue ™gypress. Intend out, their entire at :i ! \: >• ni it) l.'not :unl H erb* which almost in vari- easily adjusted simply turn appin oun hitner.leave the nm-ie and stock s. Iii> mirth?" be 1 u seii<»ol .ii strict Address closing inc a rev, Mu- uf: "hi'h tim thread wind ) in 'In- best uml II eDse ti -mid every Kespectfull^yours, ably cure tin* billow iug runs*, maimer, »ua How rouId 1 to complaints vesu an v l N I I I- 11 ■ > slop hear oi tar-oif Heaven? CuLL'MBlAN iUMjlv Co,, Hartlord, Ct. X nn. hilc m o'i" machines'' Nil K I. I. >. V N 1 in \ h W \ »I. i. i Sacrifice in TEtiTi.flOX K .ait tin thread [in .ii”h ni"it- «.r less holes in the lived, alnl loVed. and w a- a ehlld of earth. great prices. ,i IA. shut ttjrvMaliU.ueiuri-rs o r..,i-t>.i *o V .* i. th*ii **? '•!*«• heart I’ln- Ma H in less "oikine si .* i»nia. Kuril, Liver Complaint, ami “1 Mr. ns one parts than any lv. i,i tin- twilit i. a r, regard Kddy of the most anti a i- I 1 '°'s *d capable r. It t-inis ,• ..r, so lien .aine a hand and took away t leas lire, 3?o XX S-v XX jLm m. Appetite cured by taking a lew bottles. siicceHstul hiiiKes. 'ou can easily oil my practitioner- with whom I hive hid oth- a n! "lean ", Fimined my line gold, and til n,\ ro-.-tret .‘comi '1, st ll'ater l*ov« **r i 11 F.istern land, eial intercourse. tjll Mary ARI.F.S MASON, (h.miui I 'i't i*:. i- ,ii vr.Mit.) turns I'.u k so the d *vvn. ju.i iio1 m itered abundant l.;iK«i■ or gr. tielils brow n ; informali^T otherwise, eiiri d readier by loliow ug the directions early HIM-. ('"VKIM, "-S' Ma. HIM $; 1' i'll it. 1.—3iu44 ami " ii!i < ■ PER iNTEREST. AM,1.' Weybossct e, on favorable consideration it the hnx nn his tie-, •• 10 CENT. St.,^^>vid 15e sure and a Dress Pattern while tin bottle. f' Patent Oifne. 'oyt-n. //-- as " 11 a * l w get "t’.i-r siiii-c it is r.-a r"u ie. aiknc* Ion. a\ through ti e empty plan's li you \\ i'li 1o get lb per cent, interest tor your KhMiMi Krif'kr. mauiimsi .nmm-. mi M a mechanical ai N\ Mo in. and Itave and interest secured b\ Late ( oinmission- ol !>> sinipl-.t anu-.-m", I. n»-'<-r l» CARRIAGES! here lo\i- and I more ne\, | KLuidTr s Patents.’1 principal are marked down so and I». rati go men t in- ["i" a. kept liolnlay, they low. t'rin.iry i-omplisi d. uiakitnr "ith. th< ..k .- real estate worth from t wo lo three times the -uni -111111 M> "ad e\es growing a'miled lo the darkness, V:»riabl\ cured, flue Iiot I |e w ill convince the most “Mr. R. II. Finn has madefor me over I 1. ri"N iini.K II I RTY smvii ns occasion r«'|iiirc. O' 11 loaned, send lor our I; linois is a ical. urns Hein-Id anew light -liming far :i«:iv, pamphlet, Place, kepi applieat lor Patent s, having b- eii -ncce-tul in A-'ilN<;- 1 Mhi:-*i01 ..ivi «.s mi. 1 f. .1 .md "oil,,:,. Ot i nve-t meutAddr*-~ Wll.SON \ Ti CMS, deal almost ni-rr, urn-os mu. is every case. Such unmistakable prool ot great and mi, 1 m>n n a.i.i; er- in lo-al C.-tate and School " oi'iM" ':..n to m" I inv Securities Bonds, —s—1— d from the without the talent am! on his me every kind ol in it done -n anv oim-r >1 w ,n And could bear hopes should lie around e\pr!b sy*1em ability part, leads to n commend CARRIAGES! HI. least .Machine. me Bloomington, ddUcultv. Cat ients *infcring liom this prev.a- -\i-1 inventors to applv to him to procure th.-ir pa- \s "V id.-ncf- nt the sa disease will see a ot lb" nun-hiii' M >■ re- marked ehangt toi the better tents, as may be sure of tin most tail ti- iority pleasure in announcing to the j*e».pl. Head like mv fl.iwi r-, fallen before their Jent they having " 1' t t la- 1 it l_-'s a 1 in l.'I" 11 I in their rendition ml list i'ia 1 |-.s position in alter one bottle. Worm lul attention bestowed on loir ■ ITAKKMainethat 1 it-hav<-on iiuml tl.. B LACK S I L taking t ea.-e-, a ml at v « time. KS ry :""inna!" ncrc ma. v..,s a ie* are suca-ssriil.-om dstlieult more prevalent Ilian i* reasonable .JOHN T f »i grnerullv sup charges. lAtPiAiM.’ I' -Hid "i" aim'd ! 1, |. M hl»AI., " il ak well I knew some t n ler would nisei 1 III the sp< spring COPPERAS I young, and they will liud the Quaker Boston, .Ian. 1, 1S72.—1 \ *g«- ini' tselt. Largest and Best Assortment rai-e t hem From to s.’i.PO Kilters a sure rein. dy. l>> FOR DISINFECTING. S1.2o per Yard. bright, blossoms in that lar-otf riime. The .Iiidet's dn hereby declare that the Seuiiu Ma- it I Ibis economical ami ellieient so lav r a aii maim Neuralgia. Ac., *peed- orabiv recommended Use public prints, and improvement, 1 in- cn an-st -i us, several new "here shim the light of an morn- ily relirvi d. Variety n, style* >bl t.\ no i>ther concern unending Pictured by the New Kut'! < 'hemic .1 M luulaelur- in ioiistrin To Females in Delicate "ork.e-iual tioii. "•-rlinmnshin and d,-11.11 sale at redin ,1 non It I. -- Until ing. Health, to greatly pro 11 g at the « Md \ ermoir. 1 upper a.- Works, -()- any and all ot!,. r-. is t A unman l’.nuoit Hole elass M hen tail Company, B4li«‘niii;iti*ni. Swelled Joint* and all Scrofula t'amagcs niiln pinch.i«ed lR. DOW, Physician and Surgeon, No. 7 I'.n-li- place in Ni vv Kurland. And tin- glad r<»"r of a < ele-hal \VM. li. Treasurer. t dawning by HuSThK, aluable nit ilieiue co:t street, Boston, is consult. .1 tor 'I he madum-s 'all and examine t•• lore elsevvl.. HOSIERY A SPECIALTY ! daily all diseases 1,-adini: re ahh handled in rompet' pun iia-inir f liisln s th.- li« ,t\ nlv eternab incident to the female 1i"li. and ’hi1 •• Kook* ot heights system, Prolapus 1 :t i or Kxposi'iou a- the sm test e'er cuts, with prices, M ilt tie. to pel *-■■.- Cold, n f illing of the Womb, Fitter AIbus, desiring to pm eha-e, Age. 9E4»M4 liiti*. < atarrl onv ill«-ions, ami 11 v terics ^ {Suppression, ami other Menstrual ! are or >erangoments, all treated' WILSON UNDER-FEED The host on in Bol- cured much relieved. framed O'er 11*0 1 III bargains Hosiery on new and P< .and the factory is ..Ilf pathological principles, speedy n 1m I and t to 1‘ast. a ,.ay ni^li :| 11 1. -r,I t.t 1 ,-at dt t, -r Having guaranteed in a s. So i u certain is purchased largo ■ *i lew-lay s a llitii 11 t he 1 Scene in Private African Slave Mart. Itreailnnu. Pain in the Sole variably liuu'h;,i"- an i.t.-ucc o 11 h.-ir .s, Lungs the new mode of treatment, p-.pnl.iiii' an.! rfoll Lot <>| th«‘S(‘ wo that most’ obstinate * an,i „s. Shuttle Machines goods, and Chest almost invariably cured by taking a lew'u— who use 11, an 11,v v v them K Sewing complaints yield under it, anti thcalUicted the pr- ienau <•. a.irtouni, A Irie.-t t■,• F». l«* sp< eial < 'orrespondeuce «'omb m more and essential elements an* to moot tin* bottles ot the Quaker Kilter*. person C. P. KIMBALL important ,a- prepared soon rejoices itt perfect health. K*P"'"‘nd rail jot circulars and •' 'v,.rk- ol tie .X.vv York Herald. Phan 1 Machine in the samples 1 any oth world. Dr. Dow lias I Tt wants ol evory ous- ill iiiftw-tilr no doubt had greater experience in eiipu-,1 l'einale I>erangemenl.*, .almost I IH'.WT.V. ‘«* the cure ol diseases ol women thau other ncrul toe >«•» PORTLAND, MU. 1 he women, tin- \ of are PRICE FIFTY DOLLARS. lomor in invariably cau*ed violation of the any phy- II am49 illagers Berber, print* i»y organic laws,) sician in Boston. ttfluud. '*>5 h aktiiii^tioi St., Huston Send tor Circulars and so prevah lit to the Ann ladies, yield readily to Aiab, negro ami I’lie Arabs Descriptive Samples, OPENING-! and Boarding accommodations for s wuo Abyssinian. quality. this invaluable medicine I he Quaker Hitters. patient may um iU"s;l\ lioin the lower Nile, nr ln- AGENTS WANTED wish to stay in Boston a lew days iiiiderhis treat- ment. For Sale. in in New in 7M7 O PL. PL to tin F«1 i lull ii lie ol tile Solid an every town Kngland. ill I |mi t it** of the lilood and diseases o*ng dusky Dr. Dow, since 1S45, confined his whole 1 incident to the same cured the having at- ‘'iii:«■* tiie llil’.KAh IN Dt CFMHN IS <»FFKR KD. always by Quaker tention to an oil v5^. negroes ami an it taken ice practice tor the cure ot Private A <:,»•)!» 1 inst,iuv iiucsR Abyssiniai.s Hitters, according to the directions. —*-— Disease.- « tiie of -lave in tin* Sou- R. J. BELLAMY & CO., General Agents, and Keinah Complaint s a- know ledge.-uo ti Union St. Terms easy. WINTER ARRANGEMENT ju»•<* in .mllillgton. ItOMtlMI. BOUND PRINTS Igt-il (Quaker Hitters just the I # 7 1-7 -t ing anxious Berber dotnes- N. B. All letters must contain on-- articli tliey Maud in need of m their declining dollar, or years, will not i»e 11*.til\, jusi a- it is. 1 caused it to lie re- li the tdood and diet r.* the and they answered. 'piickens mind, « liiiuteil. s maKe more 11 ion Mice hours from s A. M. to ‘I P. M. AND AM'KI! NOVKMKKR I*. tiiat i \v ished to buv a lemaie slave. Agent Cents Per 1'ouiid. paves the passage down the plane inclined. poitetl .1 o I ram- will l*-av« It -t I n Vtf«E.VI'*at work Pir u- than at anything else. Bu>i- Boston. uly 25, LS71. 1 yr;< Scientific and Popular Medical Works ON ny* Tn hr 1 lo re u a no so and all public market s, 1 became ; ne-s light ami permauent. Particulars Iree. Cmtin ON places intermediate on this road hi \ M ■« Mixed I ruin at R I’. M c m at w. 11 ju ai ii led with a >’ met chant, wiio m'.n &. Co., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. my M i.m d Train lor U ater\ ille. and l'as-eny< 1 Irani l< bad been one a of Sold liv all l>ni”“ists and Healers in lletlicine, Rail Road. niontli resident, Berber. House ! I Manhood, W omanhood, & Many- and til Station- l-.a-t. • r w. v. «•»•!«•«» course I can sell you a slave," said j (tOQA 1!. II. JOHNSON BURNHAM STATION. I'-iin- will he due in In Hast from Ho-tun, I* U> J. \«» AgcntN. CirualarH JU *LCO. land, aid ill Station- interim dial* a 7 :■>> 1* M i.e in French. “U lnae ate ?" Tin* REMNANT COTTONS Nervous they Dr. Diseases, Mixed I rain from I'.urnham «*«»un* .-ting with irai H. S. FLINT & The is lMliLlHIIED BY THE merchant w as seated ill his store, tin* most CO., Proprietors, above House now opened for the from ITmyorat 1 T \ M aceounnud lion of the "1 he wi- ♦ a nt in town, 8 cents Yard. travelling public. New Ifin. in t n l>un\ilh :iml rumberluini leg drinking a sherbet and per Providence, R. I. I he subscriber strict attention hopes by j will then he opm yi my p i-,-enyers tor Portland ... a chibouk, lb* rose to of his to receive a '•looking aecoinpa- t<) the wants giiesis full share of to y<. eitln-i w i\ without h .nye .»•***••» <1 >i\ ot their ■kameiKicti. I'lanneh, I'ercalen, out our Stock ;it Cost. ivoes, oppressive '.ixation. Closing a p»>li‘-e-restmints, high interests, no mon- 1% iiiu* (lioailw, l*t»|»lins. l ace THORP’S PATH NT *'> tlal trade -with only that W li**n tin* Itaisid's with rockit lik' ( Milk*. |»jlaaaHsl importance ui'taiiMi, viol, vert and hieh a can assume who has no uce !.» |h< head, causing hot tin-dies, igo INSTITUTE person i MASS. d11u11* ss sight, it i-a c. rtaiu -igu that a mild, *V<*., tic. SiUSIOl RUM ENTS 34 TEMPLE PLACE, BOSTON. i» ai to redress a COOKING ST07E! power grievous wrong. salubrious, and laxative re cooling rquujr/iiig LINEN SUITINGS! For C< >RN F.TS, Al.' aS, and all used in The in this Institution 1 told them and lAKIiAXr’s la 1*1.1: v KS» i- M.l-I/II. object establishing significantly that I won id re- Ijiiil'd. WIticli Bunts Kri'iiscni' Dil without ft ft j * l»*. ForVIOLl ,< >.N<'I. I.l,< >>. and llo. 4 ion in th * A lit: kn should he at once re-oi d to. Bui finch St., was to attain the perfect ti-«-t upon their ( .mscious ol all used in OIK II For til I f A R>. Boston, greatest petitions. S.>t»(. SniuLt* or Sun*11. Kxi, (Opiiosilr Ittvcre House.) use of ! SOLD liV ALL DKl'titi IS I S. i- id tin as .\ct m;i Fi.r ff.s preparation, practice and Vegetal being mighty in their midst rather in the Every Variety and Style. s,fi Medical A nowledijt for Ereryl-ndy. Two Million FFAC FOLK I S. For .MKMUiKOXS, lit*medics, and to secure a uud-i ot their Coj'ies Sn-'d. permanent p!a« imaginations -1 out AND For STRINGS for and all passed SAFE RELIABLE! uitars, A IJnidt for I'vcrv 'i jii. w here Families, Invalids, or any person coul I th* — needed in 11 ».f Musical I -hop. their reverential things ttie prii-.WK of i.m:. .m fflf pkkskrvation. rei defiling by 1 obtain tin* best medical advice, ami -ueh ( in Instruments. For I Music, and A -alaams not one man stand mi your kil• lien taIde and do .ill your Al.-.ii; ,ij Tr 11 -e on (In- ( ails** and Cur.-of Lxri.U’siE!) Probably in the ©dies as each without the u- Cooking a! I'• r>Iii>:«i ‘I''1 hraneli-' ol cooking h-nliug, hroiliug, ly Li JOlf% <13 ft ft \ »’K < O niri I»I. .ink ;n M vn, N n:v r> .m> I’m ■ ,\L ©f poisonous drugs. ue :chant, who was a SILK • \ ami tin id smonl 1 ham.i: II I'd-iionmua ii.a ail -leek irro- POPLINS! akuo’, ■., heating 1 other di.-in-c* Syrian, I>o not snilcr your l.ung*t to In como di-< a-ed hv hing-irons, •Tl Court Court Boston arising 1'r. fireeno has been Physician of the In-ui and Goods. to The St.yHippO'itc House), t.oin the OF i" ■ : to a 4 (M. to l,ee. seat uids Milliner) Fancy pi-r'.ortned perfection. concent ration ol the Ki:Rous Y<'t;rii. oKTiir IN!'!' .o>' r K:. atmg himself the ol (ireek allowing IF me -d. Thou- tute since its now more than nationality II tin* md i* direct 1u the hot tom ot cesses of mature a foundation, h iv died l*rem.ituie heath- t he \ TctilllS ot Con application the year* Thi* i< indeed hook t..r even l«*i tie «»f an In Short at 'Yard. purpose £1.00 per uti nsil- ovre-mo tie nuisance ot radial which man. 1 ">;!i ediii.>n, niivh enlarged, illustrated; h,.uud in Few men have had ephemeral respeeta- sumption by neglecting a cold. Lengths, ion, twenty-five- years. 1 in .-itminu i; hotli md a ’ lie!' !, I'l 'l'-. I*;-,, .. 1V J. ■, diiy. then conducted me a lew y ards dis Doll.. \ anl«‘ii llalM. extravagance supertluil v ; ain large expert- nee in the treatment of chrome Former price SI .V •a Idle tin* combined--clioii of t lie water intensities Easy! A S3«»«tl. for Mterv Uoniam 'aat. down a narrow _J __ dm- as I >r. t lreene is in his lane, knocked at a SI > fifty It «M* il «**•». hoi h tin- power and tin- direct in---: ot the tiuine, t lius KnfiMe : \ \i. 5 M1 Y 1' 11 a 11. Y -»K AND tifth^yeai Un-UN, ■ Wm. HalFs < Hi to this I ranch of h tumbh down and we walked into Dr, M-edit ii. its and const DISK VxKS; -r, \V..\i-,n im.u. •: v a i.i.v and has devoted his life gate, work, ijueiitlY producing 1 HI,KrrTS I'reiicli FlAivei'N. fA AN;» !’ar.u > in Imalth and dis- .sr from Infancy we believe i- with the midst of Ids harem. It was the first profession, anti his success, I In- Most l‘.i'iiii!!iiiii';il Stun- in lIn- II nrlil, Am with ea-g-mf I’H *tr.\ rtvi: Knuravinus. 350 tune I had e\a r beheld Lacei. liU>l»t»iit. (’..-lung out 1. human beings ol BALSAM nil; IITNGS plir.i’S, Imiind in eauiiiu f reii-di 1 a n. Price .>2.00, parallt Its extreme devoid ot the to which he es- hi- harem lor -a e implieity, being entirely s Hook for Gaen ImuIv. Among diseases The first object 1 saw li Ml 4ai Mil eN, PILE SUPPOSITORY! gives intricate ineehtn miii make it il” Will Cure <'oiagli*i. and 4 G HEN Al) INES! ea-ily operated; Tin I;, lie. I.a- ju-t published a new Bo.,!., treating attention Vie noticed 4’aneer, Ser- : wa- a in lace o pecial may monkey whose I delected a surer amt thail other It u t- Iri doni Iroin liahitil y to I out ot order, its rum- c: -In -o. !\ > !»!*!. . an aiii'.-im nI irnl it iup and cout me t.Ia, t'atarrh, Con-umj ay e«| -hadow o| -id lies-. named near by hruggists. ph-te lading Barter! Munulacturing Coinpanv, South ni.uip. 1’" t; 'loth. I*i i.. 'I ou, .a- all thr. I.k.- sent on I.. MII.VV I .N *. < -I Hi. >1 111,. ■ A i.osi,. oj llisease, Asthuia, V u.-nc him was a beautiful desert, IrAit Triiiiiuillhr. splendid line of these goods, in ilir^d, cpfiijum N. .J. None genuine wit mir Written Signa- ri"-cipt |.ai l. Neuralgia. ga/elle, which .iduiil'ahle and n m u a^fcdjf it m n< ol all the Rlaek and White | ture ,01 the outside \V rapper ol P.o\. Th.-e are. la on., all ensupaii-oM, the most extraor- Rheumatism. Pnraly-is, Spin d lh*-n-c- h\ xe aItei ward Iftotiiert. Ac.. tV« Steel, v H ..I a » for the sum ot plain o.iking ■v,t«T, e-miiiiin- to pronounce This is hm L- .>n I'l *. >i ver Tlu-re is bought remedy conli.h nth oilered a~ mir-ly n< w dinary published Liver Female C a the a in. mp and all desirable it loii: sought ol III. noiliilie v I. .f. v t >. o n Sin.a r. of pej.* Complaint, An Kklmin dog, v\ 11i<• 11 altenvard cut lu- UK WA Ri) Stripe, sid^^^Lm in its composition and ol application. and that lo- AI KiriiER < Faint Stomach. While Swell,;. \:\ one that has tlius e .■ ran iih. h t- know. But w hat i- f Erysipelas, iii i-or- into the styles, only 1 7 cents l-otys \t\ 1 11-cured ry to winch it ully of Mr. Morris a c <• leg I’or any iso of Itlind, has h. en It has been x|11.iiin 1, and in 11 o r- t 'a.- in -.«i Bo.f and Salt fa MISS tlAHDXKK has returned .t O tl ^ ?? fl' 4 SA. il. for Btiiov. applied. just introduced with imjml Jllieum, Canker, PeafitiesH, Kidney i.»!_o-. or just per Yard. ’. •• du. to v. ferocious beast -was en- deeding, (telling I leer sucres', in this v ieinil are r. iiitell■ -fi[i,' eliar hit r> d Iii.h no alnmion haggy. 3 I *■ .k 1*1«». 4 kdllfkl *«*•». great y. t*liy-deians | tas-o Seminal Weakne-**, N t he liarein ated fib | hat I 0- Cl n« with 1h** I'ashions, and will he scribing it. even an I-.* found in any oilier w.-rk- ui our language his hideous yells. S|iriiig ■ i r tertaining by Ci !■. K to tin)- 'll to him t >i ■ l»r tireene’ Medical \11-.UV tails cure Ur.lers#cnl IToniptly attended Sold by S. A. HOW I S iS: mid at no other All lie Nr I ..f ii,.. ig whose experience Pamphle!. 1 hi- w as a «» •- CO., of the in a It i' 1o asrd t<» show to -I, ..It i‘ Hell if 1 1.1 la Bet f. I I r. M.e B of w portion scenery prepared expressly |»h 1li«’stylus and novelties plac.e n t his virinit v. mu 11 J*r.-t... > any Ilian, tivt of diseases and their propt rtreatmt ut, I i .uble conn ot a mud cure 1 tie Ci I, -, and nothing are "iv. ii in fail, !i\ to l.iti (.« ;Sp. rn. ii.*rr- palace in the city oi tin* •'(•ason to all. be tent free to i rival ids. Cric« $ l.oo. hi.i, Ii.ipoi' -my S; i- .r Barren A** ot lb lb. r at o'c lock in the gistK. per'-.U K. (iKF.l M atlcniouii. A Y E R rleaild Be without ti..-.. 1111 .Hi. 1.1... Th.- -s.-; Address. NIL If, SUMMER S |.r- What kind of a -lave do you waul?” SKIRTS! Fanil For Sale. thr.ui" f >• oit f to e.n un tl.I rev. and tl,-- i... li.-.d la. ailty ! *14 Temple 1'la a Roalon., Mfhs*- tl. |- l.ii-iilv e\ o’, tie —• Ol |-.| m e-1 1 U-- inf works, asked I In* iiierehant. FI I, Ilil M F 02 1C 9 >m g. iil.V j \yr, Hie Uh'i riher oilers tor -i\o the ■ IFF. I will give < Mie I ioll.iv lor the < SA HSA PA at m V« plaint mu,A I'll if I si .on Well known < irilliu so Ill'll rh-.-L loo',. •• of dej vviuleii aiidiess vv i t h st a in ojunv >nly (arm, railed, | J I- ij.i price. \ p iidy orgeiilh I <» tiC ■ 1 a in Not t Saul I arm e.».n on- n o ;i,n., N B. I a eh i'-i.• ,n -.1 ... I;. ,1 works i- Hut male or female le.i ii -u vviih (• tint'. I tin um it i- hi or Neural hport. |;in,|, tiering local eO < hi lie -lag. road lieh.e. o |1. he-1 :i 11 ■ :i in to. >i.i i« Pi; •; •. in Pi ll’. ant .u, A bmale ! mi. hr. .1. III.ALLV, No. die.-, P H II 1 V I. JN (t 'I' II ]•: 1 wi-li- .Uoutgonei' B Ii O O L>. deli. K\teuding Irom Bellas! I'. w. t wardlv, ami 1 IN ST ITT Tl i \ of... replied promptly, C.-ton, Mass. • ng to -ee the mcrchaiidi-c. is divided into highly cult i v it. d ii* Ids, |i,is» m e and ! Ho- reunify, v hi I- uilly 1, at. I th u-:il*d* the A mu ., and one mile nort h ol the Nort .hport I these l»....ks, aid v--s !ii-i wli.-ie .un-ntion o. .o-. ■1 o »•1 d the < round. It is almnd.iut ied and !•» tin wh-■ in -. e ill him ad -eeuiid court, and there I saw OII<«Conditi ms vvhieii impaii vii iliiv positive not \ \ i: S \ i:s \ i* \ i:i i.i.a Camp I\ suppi w it It water I »i]*..;. vie- Tie-grand ol I .. .-. he a in it i’ a elect makes cure from two w.-lls a nd numerous In. hmi-e cerct hi sn.i vast l-d./.- ..f aiise-. ..( ininl-ome da rk-haiivd Woman ol about g icily prool licit lile is vol ve.| with positive of vpiiugs. j -- s out. union id tobacco :i -i i. ot i two stories with an I.., mt | d ll-.-<--aih.i.-uts Hid I..- s’,'. 1«1\ r--i;i"\in- then. the 1 inllm-i.e. .| nil and Call and see out* assortnient, and hear complaints, high sple j -in rounded lour »*■ »i.stitnt i. is. by eoal-idaek ne |. ho- photic diet -modern treatment ot dis- w iiieh are alwa\> aliliel* conniianding a hc.tiititul view of the Bay, an 1 o- ! petvu 1 -- • a well for a Sr M M i.i: Ristm-.M t. or a Bay Dr. \V. 11. M. n.B ..f the it ,1 .-ll.-g. f ! east stricture and varicocele, and arte -i >d develop- Ii> meet (lie wants customers in the Pi iees i: V, lul loo niton tatul. adapted PAUICKl!, It.' I < ii to It I Slid: 11 n't [■: I.. her wit h 1 Wo barns rat tle-slied Surgeons. I 1 \l.-.l; o|- lil, S. A AV hat is '” ment : 1 I' ct u11 his private -m ch il ela t., labour put Hies lie Mood, I'oget IlSpCCt your price Idr this one 1 Hon.>rir\ M-aiiB l! Vit rican M* li. d nml KhWAi(i) II. hl.\O.N, ,M. !>., M i!th A.eiiui. this department, MrsWOinsscy has taken j»ut out t lie lurking work-shop and wood-lion-.-; all conveniently ar- Faculty, "aid, to the ami in he insure .1 at a low rate. Hie Assistant |M,vh« to inform tier cus- on all diseases -kill a ad la- f.. v. all She I hat's wile." I l-.v- ry line tt-om tin pen of hr. hi xon is of great vv lueli Ulidermiiie health property is offered at a mod. rat. price t ol.i within exp. my I e< rn u! I I*.- Mr -r t-. PI.ADODY value to the whole human race. II..race «.re. |. >, and -ittle into trouble* a limited hue. For furl her i n formal ion a. I dress F. sp-ai.l. m it. j tomcrsmiid all wlniwill a Alter mg 1 he due oriental favor her with .at MKDiiNM. INSITl'l Tli, No. I I; !, St apologic tone di-orders. Krup- BIFFIN, Fast North) Al Huston, Al^dd- : ,r < /* TOILET Feb. 1-K72, 117:.-, Lsviola:;i.! ki w ,i;.d iXIUAIN KfcLIiii my .-///. I wa- presented to the ea.ll. tluinhc will i‘M, til. ami make ladies’ QUILTS! 1 ion ol tin- -kin aia- the 1.5, / Bts: IT n IDKtl tuto }» ot ii set u! u ad a in * appeal me. oil tin -ui’laCe She was ail but y to all. .'sent tree lor two Kgyplian, ig- knowledge stamps, Dres.cs Md short and in eu mm Sackf^lil notice, oi lilt Hi >r ii -Ik H. hi In* lii'll Me Mi uni. nored the wit. lather i Address hr. v I*A i: I-1*. Co,, Cinelunut i, Ohio. '' s] than other- From to spt.on I uti lia! il r.iiiL;' iii' i'i ii** Ur ili'lerinitiation ol x <; i :< >!:< ri;s hoti-: i liking the latest Parties West a .-e to iiei t hese -ante hunuM s ( -«>m.* internal oruan or us. Going expo-e lace to the admiring >I.»iu M.. '3'Ii4»ii».ihIoii. whom at tioii In ill r.ih a.i'l w In*• -:il>-.|:iina* lin y i/e ol men. I he merchant and his lad\ < >ur imuM large sales and small ItrClvSI'OUT < i -1 a -i' .uni ili -iVoy. AYl.I.'S S.MlS.M’Aini.I.N ex- b*"n e.tiled w no ,v > out the -Java to be inspected, profits. Gold l l.onds purchased as pels t lii'^i* Inmi'M-s I'ioiu lln* l»iooil._ W Inii tin. are hi'

• < d f he luid'T-i 1 lei' lin y were timid, and had -eattered in ”«mii*. Ho* (lisor-li iln > pro liioi* »^!iji|m*ar, such as uy g tied. and -on re no usual. Ul:t I In rations ot the Liver, stomaowK idiiey-, vat.-d, ia* III 11 ll d id t ii n shed now "O.-ued B ; 0 direc Lungs, tions, with their laces to eiif t r.oi -1 o u 1 >< TWINES & standing LINEN TOWELS! l.ruptions and l\!'t|di\e Oma-Jr and. 1: will I a nip' NETTING, h' wall I or 1 111 * I«* -j 1’us 1 >ETR< SA( i I with ail III.if is tor roiuB ii hey Would not come KinalU A nt lion \'s I* ii.-. liose l.rysiWias, j >TT, NA\V, supplied ner.-s-ary the M:mut:ietiir- d by > o Tetter and Salt ami ronvenii uce ol its mad.line lln CALL I LKM ot thi.- popular Institution tides, I 1 t eh -, patrons. per-uaded the a lit rmni«p Also connected wil' lit.- Il-del youngest, will open cents each. arc «iu ‘I! < CHICAGO, \VM. K. 1IOOPKR & SONS 1 .u-old >. by Ah\--inian, to pic-ent .Opening Kill uniat ism, Neuralgia, tin* s, Side, ... iate.1 in 1 iti**n I'.! k clianiln r** over Kai^Wn \Y t !e I '1 it- She \\ a- and I > male \V' a k Leucorrlnea M. ook'.- -fore, .tuniodioii- uni lor eo\e|ed with but a -i11- Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1872, Mead, :n*sj|KtrriIit y, Milwaukee, Omaha, or San Fran- c.-ntral, j#ff-Seml lor l’ri-f List. Ihi'.timon M arising Irom internal and uterine disease, the uceommodation •>( .>\i mi.m \ Aui-.n s. liltiosoC lo. -e She was ulceraj^Ki gh- garment directed to and hold lourteeu weeks. gentlemen ami o. I and tieneral The un I. -.gio- i o d and friends at Young .Ahnson’s l»ro|.-y, s|iep-ia, l-aii.-^Kat ion, cisco, Etc., Etc. tie*pi teiiude hcr-ell oi 1 ladies i tending to l.aeh. or to enter Coll, or to With thei health returns. the I i. i ■ House, where in- lias ollicijtcd a- Click thi-;l»ut instantly in- ge, II ■ IMdliiy. > I. I. I A^|>;«ure e u g i. in v oeat ion a e. meat VI It V si tun it- will lake notice of his it not w to any re.|niiing good ion, opening, please \,w p''-«•«|. i.-hing allow even an\ w dl lied In-re the best of laeiliii.s for accomplishing G OO D C 11 A S II ! IIaldt.ilion. He w ill !».• happy to im-e them. NOTICE! • "STEAMBOAT 4 % * , ■ .«»»* > |*o'toiiaI eurio.-ity to insult the eldld’.- he ir vvoi k of pleparation. Catalogues turnished E r E O E ET I III U m°'. «‘ll. ,Ua**.. 4fj < o tcIn > take pas-.-uger* lo and lioin Hn ou By via the o.mi> 1 «ii lly ol pel ui. gratis appliiation totiie Crincipil, Ki-.v <«ko. Practical and \MnlUcal (Micniists. purchasing cars. A good Livery St iBB- i.-d with the I' * m:-. v ill Luck sport. iiyfonl llloclt. I'lkA'c li Nt. at S cents Yard. 11oiisi-. W .M. K. I• 1Ci\ I-'OKD. I low much lor her per SOI.!) IJV Al.h DKI E YKK V Wil KKK. 1 w I CY1. US S l < )N I'., Secretary. Jfin|K Thomaston, Nov. 1, 1S71. I Ft UR TRIPS PIR \\ I IKK )’S will.- awake Milliner, MSS FANN 1 F —• Gland t" Trunk li jii"t retimed from Uostcu, where she Ra;lwaf, 1. seen lor only herself ^ Do not he deceived by unjust reports. The Ora ml ! Special TTotice. S T E A M 1( R S How Lost, Restored. Trunk is now in excellent coiulilion. Ila- SPRAGUE THE LATEST Manhood: low running eutire ioute. Ihe 1 (-l»ra(«‘il K*- expin-*-. — < also across crowded cities cre avoiib <1 l.\ .. AMiimix.i-: *.i«> 'll 111 radi- a 1 cure (without inedi- hacking I .*,11, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Curs, Cortland to Chicago, can In- se.-ured. Appl> v 1*. 11iu« i11 manu iniwjuitesl .•\liilni DRESS-MAKING -• •- .Shipp, i- that ate u-itig old Darrels and ion, known to Marriui/o. etc.: also, ion. K.pih psy, or Pits, to \VM. KEOW EIES, Eastern’Agent, O. f. Railway require lurther iuWbducl ion.— tl f*> Tonsunipt Dags, are n.pie-t*.l 1.. i-im-.- all old mark-. An) l.ul I li.-r to Vsist. induced hv self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Company, T,’ W'cst Market Square, Bangor. mothyldn The [ii-ii-,. Boxes, D. ilia Is or Day- have mile thill oil* ift)-Price, in a sealed onlv • > cents, Tii Kills for sale at Belfast at the Bookstore of .1. ot this vv:i-- /.on francs. Alter envelope, mark t hereon, will not Be i. <•■ i ed m -l.ipn. d. f girl look- The celebrated in this ailmirahle C. rAhDWEhh ami at the YY. .J. COE author, essay, Depot, by o -f'l All lull-I he ! m k. -i e I f he ms ovi r the other slaves I MOWER! LAMA LACE SHAWLS! f.m.'H l-'ia-iylit propel left the troui a years’ .successful BURN. K AT A II 1)1 PL house, -- clearly demonstrates, thirty ('on-iguee. Positively no IriiglU r* c. 1 unl< NJ tub <»t that the cons. of sell- loathing lortlu* monster who was practice, alarming t|uences COnlunuable to rule- a- above. ahuse be cured without the W ;i may radically dangerous “I h 15* lla-t ho Go-inn tv. iv a .. in die accursed I had From to SiVi.oi). t LO. i.. VV KLL.S, Agent. M I engaged trallic. $K.o<) use ot internal medicine or 1 lie of the \\ .h,< -.1 i\ Tlmr-d iv application UA L US, .Lilt. IS, 1>7 J. tfg.s ;iu.| .Saltird i\ -cen tin- toni a mode ot emeat once system by which intelligent knife: point mg (»ut simple, Ih iurniuy will h .v.- r.o-tui. < k Wuidiy. lu certain, and etfectual, hv means of which every suf- d tv, ; 1 i' •" tub. -, mi-erabl v G i:t» <- tl t ll clad and IW1, thrust cure hi use 11 cheaply, privately, and radically. ftXciii nil.. It..- he 17. l-P. |.ei.s ..t a Levantine cugau.l sold if^-fiie Lecture should in the hands ot every ii Ain P.elfust, May BLACK LACE and rvny mail in toe land. .Mo whatever w the youth STEAM-MILL pay Sent, muter seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- CO., Ietche.lness^pll The Lightest, and (’hi U’KM' Mowm: MAM I’AI’I KUK.liS UK prolitot loo trail.-'. Snell the .Strongest dress, on of six or two RENEWER. every- e\ invent. ii. postpaid, receipt cents, post d .\ jgjfut 41il» I S I |)K eoiuiiii.n domestic of a Ber- Maxing ino\v<*d fields ni one ton to the acre with stamp. Every year increases the popularity ol this valu- N L I X 1 ]! kdfniery Also, l»r. ('ulverwell’s “Marriage Guide,” price 2f> Ts/L TS2 ^ L ! ber hearth. less th hi loo II.s., dratt which it to he the able llair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. proves cents. easiest mimin Mower in the world. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept tally AND I»K AI.KKS IN Address tlie publishers, 1‘oe.M mind what others s it which up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable yourself, OATS AND RYE I 13AMG-0 II iln* Won't o you anything. Sold hy Shetland Shawls! ( II ttt. It IJVE A ( o.. and perfected preparation lor reslorim; Gi:.\i oi; CORN, MEAL, During lad\,^otti*n < passing L. A. A Waldo. \:7 New York. I'ADi.n IIaik to its youthful color, making it soft, *!■ >UI eot to I.DKlLVOiil), PostMice liox Itowery, a*r'l KA i. it S;■/.->!un M;irk. a I'rh-i unt .t. liwn tl y*»rthrough th\ ward a. s 11;<»i r, ifeita-t. lustrous and silken. The scalp, by it s use, becomes TURK 1-7 TRIPS PKR. \\ KKK li.ispe From 1..'»() to Iyr41 to shipp.-r- a I lh uharv. without M % lal wa- -lio.-ked I., hear a II. II INOKAII AM, Korklaiid. $ $c.o(). ; white and clean. It removes nil eruptions and dam! laugh t ii t »t«* k. soldier K. INCKAIi \ M, Ingraham's Corner. ruIf, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hail mg at her. and turned h.’. All order* prompt I v a 11 .• ml. I t... prove him. It. I'. M A ITII.WS, Liiicolnville. from falling out, as it stimulates ami nourishes the A\ « no. % !• t. b\, look here, madam,'1 said the sol- II. P. TAPER, lielmout.. Carriage Making. rp pp ~yp hair glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and .July 1>, In; l. y r LOCK der. < *1.1 VER K. I'.TTI.KIt, \pph Ion. In baldness, if restores t he I.AM>, ML. '•you have given me a trai l on the stronger. capillary glands .1. M. SNOW, Wiuterport. to their normal vigor, and will create a new growl Ii, sm ..t when dancing I've m.t l.otii lems S. <; Noli I ON, Palermo. except in extreme old age. It is the most cconomi shot oil." S A M U L L K KN OL I. L, Stocktoil. HOOP SKIRTS. MEADOW KING cal II All< I>KKSSlNt; ever used, as it requires fewer .1. C. L. CARL I ON. and the hair a Wiuterport. ! applications, gives splendid, g*ossv AMOS Will MOWING MACHINE A, A. **l INLY, E. Oixmonl. appearance. Hayes, M. 1)., State Assay* I II K I A Vlll.'i IK s | | . ai Kl; A Head Quarters, PIERCE’S PEL FAST. A at Low Prices. Massachusetts, “The constituents arc and woman living near ()., while PLOCK, Splendid Variety !9laiMifii«‘(iir<*«l in A* It I! (« (.< A (' O., says, pure, Dayton, Parts furnished hy sill the above Agents.—tl4«» carefully selected for excellent quality; and I con- eatrying in an aiuiliil ol wood, the other Tiiiniaiishiirg, .Yen York. sider it the Prkpaka ri**N tor its intended CITY OF RICHMOND! dar was l.iilen on the what she purposes.” leg by < a|»‘ < K I I II l sii j .pi i'e.1 to liave been adFattlesn.ake. Sold by dll Dnnj Friday »-.\. niuj; aj in o’clock. ,»n, and ol Repairing faithfully and promptly done as KID GLOVES! IIK nearly dying was discov- by good Ill-lily M ill.lav, 'il ilisl., |«*r H-inyiU a workman as the state affords. Wheels of ttviichiu.f ered tleh^i every IT IK 1.Ml. I. ’a ii. that her a of Lincoln villi', H, Scar-;, piece description made to order. C. TKKADWKLL, ^ a-sailaM^Jas BUCKINGHAMS DYE! ‘•oly I'oint, Liick«junt, an.| ll i, barrel hoop. She CASH PAID FOR WOOL AT Belfast, .lune 1, 1H?^.—Jlm-IS «7 cents per pair. Every pair Wiuterpori .mp naM^rcd. FOR THE WHISKERS. Kotiiriun^ will leave Kaiitfor even Mondav. W n.-.lay ami Friday mornings at r. ..’dock, loucluu; Warranted. a« the The Chinese are A aliovc naiiinl I iintin^s, in Portlm.t lovers of S. S. As our Rcncwer in mauy cases require* too Ion Standard I'rep.iritlinn, eiulor-< d h\ tin most re arriving pas\.nate ILEllSEYhS, at a 1’. \l For a and too much or l.o 1* *1 Iiaii|> and it- o'clock, t'uriln r particular* u. (nu kite Some ol their J. iles are PURE CIDER! time, care, to restore gray Physieians, astonislmi" curat i\»• now tly ng. stnui.' ot Wo-- ^ Muriliv ml, IT'.* < 'oiniin rcial Stria t 7S Main Si root. Whiskers, we have prepared this *iye, in one pre els it t esl n| by | hoii- lids \\l|o Ii a e n d it. w nli eai-ot, and out a Sw’JS 4 J¥ II i, \ Kl S SIT K I > I \ \ A give musical This Mower ; which will and *' •" ft in. d\ tor NT. Leu. cut. sound, having been in use six seasons—suf- paration quickly effectually --111-*-, ipiiek all di-eas«sof the « t d IU»S I* A I’KKm »N lor wlneli .an I... beard a ficiently to enable us to this result. It is and Organs existinif in male or Agent KelfuM. lor half mile, long correct all imprerfec- plisti easily applied, produe* rinary Innate, Irrita I Cidor to a color which will neither rub nor wish oil', hold ti »n or t .d 1‘ortlaml, April L 1>. s. tions in iilent the coustr net ion ol a new ntlaniiiial ion or irav.-l liny ml written tin in, to PAPER COLLARS. machine, Kidm-ys ,< prayer.-, lip by Brothers we oiler to tanners the MKADUW KING sis the by all Druggists. Price Filty rents. I >i;i *’«*!« s, Ii. d dish S.- lim ell ill I'line t I..- eairi.-d Cooper A T lliiek, '|ond> away the ot the most ami mower in use. t line, Mueoii and I iiv.ilnntai v by messeijo^rs Nave simple practical aim furl urtMl II. I*. If tl^l.. A C’O., Discharges from just finished :i fine lot of UL’O- n lit th IJSTSIDTl CARRIAOKS, The present at ions ami voluntary letters of re- la, Ket.iiti'Ui or 1 nconl i lienee ol 3L.XIVJIJ <»I P.s, KM' Portland and 2 Boxes for 25 cents. lyeowikS IA8IIUI, II. If. Kline, lUKihlliS, Oroeery commendation from all sections where used, speak Chrnnie t'atarrhof 1*1 adder, and all (Mironie .Mala r no u which lor are NVACo.VS, style and durability not ol this mower in the highest terms. dies ol th< ino »i< Organs. t tin1 excelled. Those to well evening in eon- wishing purchase would do For sale all Dealers in company, ^Turing to examine their We to ndio used the MT. A 1)0 IT hy Diu^ish.uid Medicine work before buying elsewhere, as refer parties Belfast Bank. ever\ where. ... n gentleman the ex- tln ir work is American A Savings iv|y .|UKIed warranted. They also have on hand Notice. IXO last Seasons PORTLAND 10 Ml, DESERT pression tl,a\ Mail m;< ond-iiand wacons. JJoyd’s prouiTes and Cod For strength, simplicity of construction, I « ■ 1 light- TIME TO II North Sears mold, .June j,x7j. <'»!'*• n. If. IIA Rl{ I MAN of of NOW IS THE DEPOSIT . LEWISTON! purtneBniipkwith “Oh, la ls7-i. inn r n i running equally any position, Vto 12 A.M. May k L \ #1 I I *iAKING horizontal to }< s, said he, for |W| \ \ department perpendicular. JOHN Cant. DKKKINii. ‘‘J»'ve together L L I U any the satisfaction ae- This novel THIS MAGIMNK 11.QU1MBY, Treas. ASA FAUNCE, Brest ^.eli IflllOl Ll O^L invention, upon On and after o, Is. », and until time; I the doctor's curl'd to each custom- makes Belfast, July 13, 1870. May irt.lier notice, e-Vy JW ONI.Y, the only flexible linger bar y* t in- Will leave Bail road Wharf, Cortland, every Tu,-.|ty :^ays er in make this iRumrtincut w..rk home w I.M. it is doinV1 REMOVAL !’ prices ancratyles lively. vented. REFRIGERATOR CARS and Friday F.veuings, at 10 o'clock, or on arrival ,>l ol Goods sent to address The Samples any by return adjustable wheel at each end of the (’utter Kxpress Train from Boston, lor Bock laud, last in,. Dor Hie | ran at ion ol A1 A1 IT! post. liar, together with the flexibility ol the liar, « liable Co-partnership Notice. port .-at between Itosrox 1 »e« r Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor (Mt. DesertL As a man is time to secure extra SKDWiiiai burying hisVife, he said SMALL, M. D., Physician and JOT Now the bargains at it lo conform perfectly t<» uneven ground. 11 E i:\M.oi:, \N, FAKMINi; ro\, and inter- AI and Surgeon, UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a mediate will he illbridge. .Ion,-sport Al.achiasport. to his the J I tel fast.. Me., Residence corner Miller ami (Con- The knife has a quick motion and short stroke, rp point-. run as lollows, viz l.eave Bet liming -Will leave “Alas! FULMER X. co-partnership, under the linn name ol II. lor Machiasport every Alondtx tiien.JBn graveyai^k^ over the macbiiic to do work moves Itau^or Ito-ton, via at l.:so gress Sts. Of lice Caldwell’s Mam tl44 enabling good when if. II. Johnson & la-wistou, A. M and mornings, at 5 ai teel than 1.” Pookstore, Co., and will continue the wholesale Leave Sko\vhe«*au Thuraduy o'clock, touching you le.Jfnol ‘•'nL nujuh- Street. in Mitchell’s Pluck.) as slowly as horses or oxen walk. for liostnu, via at the above named (Formerly Prompt usually and rotidl dry goods business at the old stand. M Auj'iisla, landings, arriving in Cortland in bor.” said friend: “I We invite tanners to this machine v\. ; Leave Daimin-rton lor lor JBe nughfl||o teel attendance given to night calls. .‘twlHH GEO. W. BURKETT & cordially give II. II. Hostou.via Hriinswiek. ample lime passengers to take the early morning A. I, U CO, an JOHNSON, at (»..{(' A M. ; S. CJ K cxumin.-ition. Monday and Ihursd iik.i in lJT:ne two wives buried C. E. JOHNSON. every iy niu ■, train arriving Boston at 1U.-I.I. happier, here!11 for a of its merits and arriving in li.wlon :.( Ill A. Hi.- Tin* Lewiston will description "peculiar” ake Notice. All that are indebted to II. II. M., tolh.wing touch at Bar llarhor (Mt. features, also see our morning. l.i-ive fur tin- each Counsellor at Law recoiniuciidations, descriptive Johnson are to make at once. It.-turning, nuints Desert), trip It om.I unearth to 10th. I circular lor requested payment mint...1 ;iT . .... September n swell while so QAVTIOI! to be had ot our local agents, or Imve, f. M. in addition to her usual at So. West Young*, usually wine ALL Hayford Belfast, April !7, 1*72.—tl43 On-Mu landing Harbor, PERSONS are hereby notified and warned Block, forward free on application. Kulrtgerator .‘ur-. ir- litt.-.l in a lirst- during which time she will their wild oaks. But ulaiM up leave Machiasport at T i» they always shrink against picking blueberries or cranberries on mv maimer, uml w.l! In-fully umirecialeil 11.<- instead of 5.00 A. At. TO LKT ! by For further particular# last when the devil into premises situated in and around tile ol FRED alii|.|H-r» tiller trial, lit. I'll KM 1 ol Boss enough steps the precints B E JL F ATWOOD, Wintnrport, inquire & Sturdivant, or Pond. JAMES NICKERSON. J^OOM .1. M. I.UN (inn’l field in the autumn to harvest the Toddy BIT Special attention given to All General lor I, Kiip’l. Cl BUS SI UBDIVAN lien. crop. collecting. Agent Maine, New Itrunswick and THE PLEASANT BOOM over l‘, Agent, Swuuville, July 10, 187A—Jwl* monies collected promptly paid. immediately A. II KttKKY, tten’l Freight Ag’t. W Commercial Jy33 Nova Scotia.—till Isaac Allard’s Store, Apply at this office, it Street, Cortland, Me. J Augusta, May gu, lb?g_tH? Curt laud, June 5, la;;*.