Advances in psychiatric treatment (2013), vol. 19, 212–220 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.111.010082

article Recent developments in the management of delusional disorders Christopher F. Fear

Chris Fear is a ‘jobbing’ general condition and most people with it manage to avoid Summary psychiatrist. His MD researched coming to the attention of services. Although this cognitive processes in delusional , rare in clinical practice, suggests a degree of insight or mindfulness, those and obsessive disorders and he remains one of the most enigmatic conditions who do present have often come into conflict studied cognitive therapy with in . Linked to spectrum delusional disorders. He has with those around them on the basis of their disorders since the mid-20th century, recent retained an obsession for these work has confirmed 19th-century notions of an incorrigible beliefs. The rarity of such patients areas for nearly two decades. in clinic practice is often compensated for by the He is also interested in psycho­ aetiology based on attentional biases and per­ pharmacology, transcultural sonality dimensions. Unfortunately, the literature strangeness of their circumstances, making them psychiatry, electroconvulsive therapy exists largely as case reports and series, often common as subjects for case presentations and and palaeozoic fossil fishes. published as ‘curiosities’, and therefore lacks the curiosities in journals. Correspondence Dr Christopher rigour of formal diagnosis. This article reviews Delusional disorders are difficult and unreward­ Fear, Consultant Psychiatrist and Associate Medical Director, 2gether current thinking on aetiology and epidemiology, ing to study. Individuals are reluctant to cooperate NHS Foundation Trust, Albion considers diagnosis, and reviews recent work on with treatment, often fail to take medication and Chambers, 111 Eastgate Street, physical and psychological therapies. It concludes can be frustratingly garrulous during therapy Gloucester GL1 1PY, UK. Email: chris. that delusional disorder is likely to respond well to sessions. They offer endless evidence to support [email protected] treatment with standard antipsychotics, often at their beliefs while creating ever more elaborate low doses, but that adherence and concordance remain particular problems. Cognitive therapy ways of refuting evidence against them through has been shown to be beneficial but is time- appeals to coincidence, misunderstanding or consuming and resource-intensive. Selective alternative interpretations of the ‘facts’. As a result, serotonin reuptake inhibitors may profit further and despite limited research evidence, individuals investigation. There remains considerable scope with the disorder have continued to be classified for investigation of this fascinating condition. on the basis of delusional content, derived from Declaration of interest the many early eponymous ‘syndromes’ (see Enoch 1991), and are placed within schizophrenia None. spectrum disorders. Both DSM-IV and ICD-10 (World Health Organization 1992) agree on the essential charac­ Delusional phenomena, so clearly described in teristics of delusional disorder: the presence of psychiatric textbooks, are rarely unambiguous persistent , independent of any transient in practice. The textbook characteristics of in- mood disorder and not fitting criteria for schizo­ corrigibility, demonstrable falseness and cultural phrenia. There are, however, notable differences incongruity are rarely clear-cut in real life, and between ICD and DSM criteria: DSM requires 1 normal beliefs pass into a continuum of - month of stable delusions, whereas ICD requires 3 like experiences, overvalued ideas, preoccupa- months; ICD will allow transitory tions, obsessions, partial delusions and delusions in any modality (including auditory but not ‘third proper, which can exist at varying levels of convic- person’ or ‘running commentary’), whereas DSM tion and bizarreness. Nowhere is this complexity will allow only tactile and olfactory hallucinations. more apparent than in the diagnostic category of In the proposals for DSM-5 these are unchanged, delusional disorders, resurrected from Kraepelin’s although the confusing subjectivity in deciding ‘’ in DSM-III-R and continuing largely whether the behaviour is ‘non-bizarre’ has been unchanged into DSM-IV (American Psychiatric removed. The only significant change proposed in Association 1987, 1994) and, reportedly, DSM-5 DSM-5 is to distance delusional disorders further ( from a promising line of evidence that may link them to obsessive spectrum disorders such as body Boundaries of a syndrome dysmorphic disorder by specifying that delusional Many psychiatrists will rarely encounter a patient disorder cannot be diagnosed if ‘the disturbance with true delusional disorder. It is a secretive is not better accounted for by another mental

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disorder such as body dysmorphic disorder or delusion-like experience occurred in approximately obsessive compulsive disorder’ (DSM-5 Task 8% of their study population (n = 8841) and was Force 2011). more common in individuals who were under In fact, unlike the other disorders in the schizo­­ situations of ‘non-specific psychological stress phrenia spectrum, delusional disorders are not [but] otherwise well’ (Saha 2011). It has since associated with symptoms of thought alien­ation, been found that there is an association between passivity and negativity. Patients with these symp­ post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma toms cannot, by definition, be diagnosed with and delusion-like experience (Scott 2007), with delusional disorder. The limited work on the diag­ a positive correlation between traumatisation nostic relationships of delusional disorder include and intensity of delusional ideation. Negative a study of monozygotic/dizygotic concordance cognitions of self were associated with level of rates for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, which delusional ideation, preoccupation and distress, found that delusional disorder is unlikely to be whereas negative cognitions about the world related to them (Farmer 1987). This is supported were associated with paranoia (Calvert 2008). by more recent genetic research evidence, which These findings would support a model of delusion- suggests that delusional disorder has no relation like experiences arising from a ‘pathology of to the dopamine D1 receptor gene (Debnath attention’ in which individuals are sensitised into 2010). There is a school of thought that considers a particular belief system by a real experience, delusional disorder to relate more naturally to a subsequently attending selectively to perceptions currently disparate group of disorders that contain and experiences that support those beliefs through both obsessional and delusional components a mechanism that might have parallels in the re- (Fear 2000; O’Dwyer 2000; see also Hollander experiencing cues of patients with PTSD. This (1993) and Hollander et al (2011) for detailed is supported by findings of the centrality of self commentary). within the discourse of individuals with delusional disorder (Noel-Jorand 2004) and the feature of Constitutional vulnerabilities self-reference found in 40% of a sample of 370 Kraepelin distinguished between dementia people with the disorder (De Portugal 2008). praecox (later renamed schizophrenia) and It seems likely that delusional disorder, in its paranoia (later called delusional disorder) on pure form, is a condition based on constitutional the basis that the former comprised incoherent vulnerabilities that are part of an intact delusions in a disintegrating personality, whereas personality. Under variable levels of psychological in the latter the personality was intact and stress, vulnerable individuals develop delusion-like the delusions coherent. Jaspers (1923/1946) responses which offer scenarios that allow them subsequently made a distinction between the true to manage the stress. The core cognitive bias is a delusions of schizophrenia, ‘which go back to pathology of attention in which a preoccupation primary pathological experiences as their source, with an idea is supported by cues, codes, checking and which demand for their explanation a change and situational expression. Sadly, the lack of in the personality’ (p. 106), and the term delusion- rigour in DSM’s approach to delusional disorder like experiences which is ‘reserved by us for those has allowed a large variety of case reports claiming so-called “delusions” that emerge comprehensibly to describe delusional disorder where the delusions from other psychic events and can be traced back are clearly secondary to other pathology, such as psychologically to certain affects, drives, desires multiple sclerosis (Muzyk 2010), mania (Vicens and fears’ (pp. 106–107). Sérieux and Capgras 2011) and Wilson’s disease with alcoholism postulated a hypertrophy of attention in which (Spyridi 2008); it has, in turn, ignored the clear the individual focuses on particular issues to the links to obsessive spectrum disorders. The clear exclusion of others, recalling the 19th-century parallels between obsessional and delusional concepts of idées fixes (for a review, see Fear forms of jealousy, body dysmorphia, somatoform et al 1998). Kaffman (1981) investigated this with disorders and even anorexia nervosa are discussed people with delusions, finding true experiences at later in this article. the root of delusion-like experiences. Recent reviews of two specific types of delusional Over the past two decades, these theories disorder have proposed the distinction of ‘primary’ have been supported by data from studies of delusional disorder, where the diagnosis can attributional, attentional and reasoning processes, only be made in the absence of other (psycho) including ‘hypertrophy of attention’ in such pathology, and ‘secondary’ delusional disorder, individuals (Fear 1998). The Australian National where the primary pathology may be another Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing found that psychiatric disorder, organic brain disorder or

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personality features, were younger at disorder Box 1 Medical, neuropsychiatric and other associations with delusional onset, showed poorer long-term social functioning disorder and were more likely to have the diagnosis changed Syndromes Medications and Other associations later to schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Women showed poorer initial social functioning, • Dyslexia intoxicants • Pregnancy/childbirth • but regained functioning through their better • Intellectual disability Alcohol engagement with therapeutic interventions; • Anovulants • Fragile-X syndrome they were more likely to receive medication but • Steroids • Head injury their disorder was less likely to remit, although • Methylphenidate • Cerebral ischaemia they were more able to compensate and live • • Meningioma Venlafaxine independently despite the delusions (De Portugal • 2010; Wustmann 2011). • Epilepsy Radiotherapy • • Dementia (any cause) Chemotherapy Diagnosis • HIV Interviewing a patient with possible delusional • Asperger syndrome disorder poses significant challenges. The patient • Wilson’s disease rarely attends assessment by choice and may be • Parkinson’s disease (After Kelly 2005) encountered only when facing criminal charges or significant domestic difficulties as a result of their beliefs. Faced with someone who is, in all respects (other than their delusional system) induced by psychoactive substances (Box 1) (Kelly entirely ‘normal’ and will probably be socially 2005; Lepping 2007). For clarity, this review has, skilled, it may be difficult to understand where where possible, considered only treatment reports the delusional symptomatology lies. It is entirely relating to the treatment of primary delusional plausible that their partner may be unfaithful; they disorder. may try to convince you that the celebrity they have been contacting has valued their contact and Epidemiology come armed with polite messages from them to DSM-IV estimates the prevalence of delusional suggest that this is the case; it is conceivable that dis­order in the USA to be about 0.03, suggesting the authorities have behaved prejudicially towards that it accounts for 1–2% of hospital admissions them or that the doctor missed that one diagnostic (American Psychiatric Association 1994: p. 299). test that would have clinched the diagnosis. Subsequent large population studies have shown a Interviews are likely to be a time-consuming prevalence of 0.18% in a Finnish sample aged over mixture of standard psychiatric history-taking 30 (Suvisaari 2009), which equates with a finding and dancing around an area that the patient is of 2% in 378 982 out-patients and in-patients at reluctant to discuss. The process may be time- a hospital in Thailand between 2003 and 2007 consuming and is unlikely to be productive in the (Kosiyakul 2008). In the UK, of 227 patients pressured environment of a standard psychiatric presenting to an early intervention service over a clinic. 3-year period, 7% were found to have delusional disorder (Proctor 2004). By contrast, the 467 out- Differential diagnosis patients with DSM-IV delusional disorder found It is essential to take time to establish that there in a case-register study in a south Barcelona is no other mental or physical health problem that population of 607 494 (0.08%) indicate the elusive might better account for the presentation. The nature of the condition. The most frequent differential diagnosis includes a myriad of other subtypes were persecutory (48%), jealous (11%), psychiatric conditions, some of which are detailed mixed (11%) and somatic (5%); 23% were classified in Box 2. It is essential to exclude schizophrenic as ‘not otherwise specified’. Nearly 9% had a family and affective disorder symptoms and to distinguish history of schizophrenia and 42% a comorbid Axis from obsessive–compulsive spectrum disorders II diagnosis, with paranoid personality disorder such as body dysmorphic disorder. This is done by predominating (De Portugal 2008). a process of excluding other symptoms until there Two studies have looked at gender differences, is a focus on the delusions as the primary issue. finding a female:male ratio of 1.6:1 (De Portugal In practice, it can assist the building of rapport 2010) and 1:1 (Wustmann 2011), the difference to exclude symptoms of mental health problems between studies probably reflecting sample sizes. first rather than becoming mired in the delusional Men had more schizoid/schizotypal premorbid system from the outset.

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Understanding the delusional system Box 2 Differential diagnoses of delusional disorder When approaching the delusional system, it is essential to establish a position whereby you neither • Affective : delusions are mood- into a clear belief system may be comorbid accept nor refute the content of the beliefs. This is a congruent and the affective component with delusional disorder genuine position since it is by no means certain that is clear • Obsessive–compulsive disorder: usually the person before you is deluded. The cultivation of • Anorexia nervosa: low weight and ego-dystonic repetitive intrusive thoughts an alliance in which patient and clinician agree to disordered body image are diagnostic with ‘undoing’ rituals work together to establish the truth or otherwise of • Body dysmorphic disorder: preoccupation • Schizoaffective disorder: as schizophrenia the beliefs is more likely to foster the individual’s with appearance specifically excluded but significant affective component willingness to share their ideas in a setting where from delusional disorder classification • Schizoid personality disorder: cold, they feel less likely to be judged. Occasionally, it • Dissociative disorder: abnormal reserved, aloof, lack of emotional will be found that the beliefs are based on a true experiences occur during dissociative engagement (may be comorbid) situation. This does not remove the possibility of state only • Schizophrenia: auditory hallucinations, delusional disorder since the circumstances in • Emotionally unstable personality disorder: thought alienation phenomena, negative which those beliefs were formed may make them characteristic identity and attachment syndrome delusional even though true. For example, in the issues, risk-taking behaviour and • Social phobia: loss of insight occurs in preparatory training in cognitive therapy for a pseudopsychotic experiences from late social situation or situation of public research trial, a patient’s therapy for delusional teens (may be comorbid) performance • jealousy was affected by his wife’s revelation that Panic disorder: loss of insight occurs as • Somatisation disorder: history tends to be she was, in fact, leaving him for her lover. Although part of panic reaction only vague and multiple fluctuating symptoms a serious problem to be managed in therapy, the • Paranoid personality disorder: general as opposed to a clear delusional jealousy was still delusional, given the basis on suspicion and mistrust; when formulated explanation which the ideas were formed and their elaboration into a delusional system. Often, a definitive position as to the truth of the symptoms diagnosed as schizophrenia prior to underlying belief cannot be established. In such the condition’s re-recognition by DSM-III-R, there circumstances, it is necessary to proceed on the is limited published evidence concerning efficacy. basis of available evidence, especially where the From the early 1980s, a case has been made delusional belief is causing serious distress to the for the enhanced benefits of the diphenylbutyl­ patient or their family. piperidine antipsychotic pimozide following ‘the serendipitous response of a small number of Engagement with treatment patients with the somatic subtype’ noted by Munro Having reached a diagnosis, it is necessary to (2006: p. 235; the whole chapter on treatment is engage the patient in treatment. Again, this can be worth reading to understand and reconsider done without being perceived to take sides. Some the claims made from the studies). This led to patients respond to an invitation to try treatment a number of case reports reviewed by Munro & on the basis that they may be unwell and have Mok (1995). They were able to extract data on 209 nothing to lose: if the medication improves the individuals, the majority of whom were treated condition, then all will be well; if it does not, then with pimozide and of whom they claimed recovery they may have another piece of evidence to support in over 50%, partial recovery in a further 28%, their beliefs. and no response in about 20%. It is difficult to It may be necessary to move to compulsory know what to make of these claims, however, since treatment. In these circumstances, it is important some patients were tried on a number of drugs to recognise that the timescale for which treatment without full details being available, and all data is required may be indefinite and the likelihood of were obtained from anecdotal reports, mostly of a patient being taken seriously by the police, health single cases or small series with an inevitable bias providers, etc. will be affected by their diagnosis towards publication of reports in which benefit and compulsory status. This is not a decision to be was observed. Nevertheless, this was sufficient taken lightly and must be a balance of risks. evidence for pimozide to have an indication for monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis Pharmacotherapy (now delusional disorder somatic type) added to its datasheet and to continue to be used in spite First-generation (typical) antipsychotics of concerns about cardiotoxicity and sudden Although most antipsychotic medications have unexplained deaths. Three years later, a study probably been tried in delusional disorder at some reported on a series of seven patients who showed time or another, either intentionally or to treat no response to pimozide treatment (Silva 1998).

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The case for pimozide as a treatment for to suppose that atypical antipsychotics would delusional disorder (and schizophrenia) was be any less effective than typical antipsychotics, subjected to critical evaluation by the Cochrane provided the patient can be persuaded to adhere Collaboration on the basis of all studies identified to treatment. to July 2005 (Rathbone 2011). Although there Goreishizadeh et al (2010) appear to have had were 35 studies relevant for schizophrenia, none more success in recruiting into a study 68 patients were identified for delusional disorder that had (54 male) with delusional disorder, mainly sufficient rigour to draw conclusions about efficacy. persecutory (n = 36) and jealous (n = 26) types. They This would appear to offer a significant challenge report treating with ‘new generation antipsychotic to Munro’s claims for the drug and, in view of the drugs like risperidone’, with a complete response in toxicity concerns, to render pimozide a choice 4.5% and more than 50% decrease in symptoms in of last resort given the variety of medications, a further 84%. Unfortunately, there is little detail particularly atypical antipsychotics, that are likely in the paper on dosing or duration of treatment, to be both safer and better tolerated. Atypical no standardised assessment tool used to measure antipsychotics are now used so universally in improvement, and no placebo control. psychosis that reports of treatment of delusional Manshrek & Khan (2006) identified 224 cases disorder with typical antipsychotics no longer of delusional disorder reported in the world feature in the psychiatric literature. literature over a 10-year period to 2004, but could An interesting dimension was added by Herbel find sufficient treatment and outcome data for & Stelmach (2007), who reported on the fate of only 134 individuals with predominantly somatic 22 offenders with delusional disorder who had (35.7%) or persecutory (38%) types. Of these, 45% been declared incompetent to stand trial and were treated with pimozide and the authors found were committed for psychiatric treatment aimed a difference in recovery rates, favouring pimozide, to restore competency under US federal law. that approached significance (P = 0.055). Looking Sadly, the details of the delusional systems are not solely at the sample with somatic delusions, the recorded, but the age range was 18–59 years, with results appear to favour pimozide, although the a duration of untreated psychosis from 10 months number of patients treated with this drug (47 to 24 years. Of those treated with first-generation out of 64) and the small sample size treated with antipsychotics, 12 offenders received monthly other antipsychotics make the observed statistical injections of haloperidol decanoate (25–150 mg), difference (P = 0.0004) questionable. The most with all but 1 person (on 150 mg four-weekly) important observation from this review, however, improving, while 2 failed to regain capacity on is that nearly 94% of patients showed a favourable 12.5–25 mg of fluphenazine decanoate fortnightly response regardless of the medication used. There and 1 improved on perphenazine 16 mg daily. In were five case reports of patients who benefitted two cases it was necessary to add an antidepressant in decreased intensity of symptoms with clozapine for post-psychotic depression. Of the seven patients treatment, following lack of success with typical who received atypical antipsychotics (see below), antipsychotics. two failed to respond and one of the fluphenazine Case reports of primary delusional disorder con­ non-responders also failed to respond to cerning a further 20 patients have been published olanzapine at 10 mg daily. The results suggest since 2004: 17 of these cases were somatic type, that delusional disorder can be improved with delusions of infestation/parasitosis accompanied effective antipsychotic treatment. Nothing can be by tactile hallucinations. A further somatic type, inferred about choice of drug except, perhaps, that again with tactile hallucinations, involved the adherence may be an issue, with benefits favouring delusion of reduplication of the patient’s lower the use of depot medication. jaw with evidence of a possible temporoparietal abnormality on a positron emission tomography Second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics scan (Akahane 2009). There was also one case The position of atypical antipsychotics is very report each of delusional jealousy and erotomania. much where first-generation drugs were at the time Of the nine English-language reports where drug of Munro’s initial studies. Like Munro, I found and dose were specified (details available from that patients’ ‘inherent suspiciousness and specific the author on request), four patients apparently rejection of psychiatrists’ (p. 229) prevented the responded to olanzapine (2.5–10 mg), four to completion of a double-blind placebo-controlled risperidone (1–3 mg), one to aripiprazole (jealous trial of risperidone in the early 1990s, adding, type; 30 mg), and one to quetiapine (erotomanic instead, a further single case report to the type; 150 mg). A further three each responded to literature (Fear 2002). There is, however, no reason risperidone and aripiprazole, two to olanzapine

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and one to quetiapine, with no doses stated. A baseline phase of information gathering and report of response of delusional parasitosis to before therapy actually started. Conviction was aripiprazole in combination with antidepressants significantly associated with belief maintenance may simply reflect delusions secondary to factors in all three individuals but there were no depression (Dimopoulos 2008). From the study consistent associations. Affect associated with the of compulsory treatment to restore competency, belief, willingness to talk to others about the belief, cited earlier (Herbel 2007), one patient responded negative behaviours and insight were associated to risperidone (2–4 mg), one failed to respond with conviction in some, but not all, patients; to quetiapine (200–700 mg), and one failed to preoccupation and acting on the belief varied respond to trials of these drugs at similar doses systematically independently of belief conviction. and to olanzapine (10 mg). More recently, a Canadian group (O’Connor 2007) has compared cognitive–behavioural Other drug treatment therapy (CBT) v. attention placebo control in 24 Two single case reports of response of somatic patients with delusional disorder over a 24-week delusional disorder to paroxetine (Hayashi treatment period. Eleven patients completed the 2004), and to an unspecified selected serotonin CBT treatment, whereas half dropped out of the reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) (Alexander 2010), offer attention placebo control group. In addition to a further evidence of the lack of rigour in applying lower drop-out rate from therapy, CBT produced the diagnosis to patients whose mood-congruent a greater reduction in affect relating to belief, delusions of body odour and halitosis were highly strength of conviction and positive action on likely to have been secondary to depression. belief subscales of the Maudsley Assessment of Although there is no evidence for the role of SSRIs Delusions Schedule. Although the delusions were in the treatment of primary delusional disorder, not abolished by CBT, the positive changes provide as will be discussed below, the evidence for their a strong basis for further work on managing the use in other monodelusional conditions suggests individual’s response to their delusional systems, that their investigation in delusional disorder is improving social inclusion and reducing risk. overdue. Electroconvulsive therapy Cognitive and behavioural therapy Although Fink (1995) considered electro­ The work of a number of groups during the 1990s convulsive therapy (ECT) to be an ‘antidelusional focused on the management of individual psychotic agent’, there have been few reports of its use and symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, the reported benefits may have resulted from the in isolation from their underlying conditions resolution of underlying depression. A case report (e.g. Rankin 1995; Sharp 1997; Garety 1999; of somatic delusional disorder responding to ECT Bentall 2001). Although these could be criticised did not sufficiently exclude an affective component for missing the point that associated affect and (Ota 2003). Furthermore, given that the response psychotic experiences can have a profound effect of psychotic phenomena in schizophrenia to ECT in maintaining an individual’s delusional system, is not long lasting, there would appear to be no they were invaluable in providing an evidence base indication for the use of ECT in delusional disorder for exploring and challenging a patient’s abnormal (for a review, see Fear 2005). beliefs. Previously these had been avoided, either through the mistaken view that exploring the origins of beliefs provided validation and collusion The spectrum of disorders of attention bias or through the misunderstanding that all delusions There are a number of conditions that involve were, by their nature, un-understandable. There a preoccupation with a single aspect of an is now overwhelming evidence that delusions can individual’s experience, including: morbid and do respond to lengthy and intensive individ­ jealousy, where the core issue is a partner’s fidelity; ual cognitive therapy, but few study samples body dysmorphic disorder, where the focus is on comprising only patients with delusional disorder appearance; somatoform disorders, involving (for a review, see Freeman 2008). illness; and anorexia nervosa, where the issue Aside from single case reports, two studies have is body image. Each of these has a fundamental undertaken work with patients with delusional issue of attention bias and can show a range disorder. Sharp et al (1996) reported on a series of of pathologies from obsessive preoccupation, six patients, three of whom responded to cognitive through delusion-like ideas, to true delusion. In therapy. The key factor predicting response was the case of anorexia nervosa, it is not usually a reduction in conviction from 100% during the accepted that the incorrigible distortion of body

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image represents other than an ‘overvalued idea’, of attention, it may be worth using higher doses although there is evidence that such ideas reach of SSRIs in a way which is well-evidenced for delusional proportions (Steinglass 2007) and obsessive spectrum disorders. respond to olanzapine treatment (Dunican 2007). Indeed, there has long been a school of thought that Conclusions recognises the apparent link between conditions With the third revision to DSM since delusional involving obsession and those involving delusions dis­orders were resurrected as a diagnostic entity (Fear 1995). Nowhere is this better demonstrated dis­tinct from schizophrenia, there remains than in morbid jealousy and its delusional version considerable confusion about their place in the (Kingham 2004). A variety of mechanisms have psychiatric pantheon. It is perhaps only human been proposed for this, including loss of insight and nature that has caused a focus on the many and resistance to obsessions, depressive change and varied delusional contents, rather than underlying the finding that some individuals with obsessive– psychopathological form, even though these offer compulsive disorder have similar attention and no prediction of likely response to treatment. attitudinal biases to those who develop delusional Looking to the phenomenology, the meaning of disorder, a ‘delusional diathesis’ (Fear 2000). delusion in delusional disorder has undergone The possibility that delusional disorder may considerable change, and is more akin to delusion- arise from a similar pathology of attention to like ideas which have been shown to arise from obsessive disorders offers new ground to explore in cognitive biases, especially a pathology of attention pharmacotherapy. There is considerable evidence that recalls the 19th-century notion of idées fixes. for obsessive–compulsive disorder and related Although there is evidence that true delusional disorders, particularly body dysmorphic disorder, disorder is unlikely to be related to schizophrenia, responding to SSRIs (National Institute for the inflexibility of classification systems does not Health and Clinical Excellence 2005). Although allow a condition that has delusional pathology the published reports of response of delusional without any affective disorder to be considered disorder to these drugs are few and can be other than as a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. explained through comorbid affective disorder, There remains considerable confusion in the litera­ the potential of SSRIs to improve delusional ture as to what constitutes delusional dis­order disorder is worthy of serious exploration. If the and which comorbidities are ‘allowed’: it would conditions are, indeed, linked through a pathology aid study greatly if journal editors and reviewers were more rigorous in their publication of papers purporting to describe these fascinating conditions. Box 3 Treating delusional disorder Cognitive therapy has established a place in the management of delusional disorder but is time- Medication and monitor taking, or use depot/long- consuming and the outcome data are limited. The • No randomised controlled trial evidence acting injection increasing evidence for dysfunctional cognitive • Case reports suggest that the disorder is • No evidence for duration of maintenance styles at the heart of delusional disorder suggests amenable to treatment with any effective treatment and it may be lifelong that further research into psychotherapeutic anti­psychotic drug but that attention to Psychological therapy interventions is merited. adherence is important and patients may In respect of pharmacotherapy, a randomised • Evidence only for cognitive therapy, which default on treatment without telling the controlled trial is still awaited from researchers clinician has trial data but is intensive and may not be cost-effective able to overcome the significant challenges • Drugs amenable to plasma-level assay involved. Without this, we are left with case • Psychodynamic/psychoanalytical therapy allow monitoring of adherence reports and series which appear to demonstrate has no evidence and may be harmful • Use a second-generation (atypical) response to antipsychotic medication, although as it requires the patient to revisit their antipsychotic for preference and begin experiences in detail, thus re-affirming the not the specific response to pimozide that was with a low dose to reduce discontinuation delusional belief previously reported. The nature of the condition due to adverse effects dictates that concordance is likely to be an issue • Symptomatic work based around anger • Increase the dose as required in accord­ management, social skills and living skills but, where patients were known to be adherent ance with product recommendations may be beneficial but will not address the to the medication or it was given in the form of • It may be necessary to try different drugs core delusion a long-acting injection, there is good anecdotal before finding one that the patient is evidence to suggest a response. There is no prepared to take ECT evidence to suggest that first- or second-generation • If treatment has to be offered • No evidence for long-term benefit unless antipsychotics are likely to be more effective at compulsorily, use an orodispersible form there is underlying affective disorder controlling the symptoms, but ease of use in a reluctant patient would tend to favour atypical

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over typical antipsychotics (Box 3). Experience Garety PA, Freeman D (1999) Cognitive approaches to delusions: a critical with obsessive–compulsive spectrum disorders review of theories and evidence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 38: 113–54. with delusional components to them suggests a Goreishizadeh M, Farnam A, Mortazavi A, et al (2010) Delusional disorder: possible further line of treatment with SSRIs, but clinical and demographic features and outcome. Shiraz E-Medical Journal there is, as yet, no evidence. It is hoped that new 11: 87–90 ( Accessed generations of researchers will come forward to 28 Feb 2012). study these intriguing, but frustrating, patients. Hayashi H, Oshino S, Ishikawa J, et al (2004) Paroxetine treatment of delusional disorder, somatic type. Human Psychopharmacology 19: 351–2. 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MCQs 3 When assessing a patient with suspected 5 The following type of hallucination can Select the single best option for each question stem delusional disorder: occur in delusional disorder subtypes: a a police officer should usually be present a visual 1 One antipsychotic drug with a licence for b it is essential to challenge the delusional belief b ‘third person’ auditory treating at least one delusional disorder from the outset c passivity experience subtype is: c the presence of first-rank symptoms confirms d Capgras syndrome a olanzapine the diagnosis e tactile. b paroxetine d it is important to establish a rapport based on c pimozide impartiality d flupentixol decanoate e a family history of schizophrenia is not relevant. e methylphenidate. 4 The following psychological therapy has 2 The following is not a DSM-IV subtype of an evidence base for treating delusional delusional disorder: disorder: a body dysmorphic a psychodynamic b jealous b cognitive c erotomanic c anger management d grandiose d rational emotive therapy e persecutory. e psychodrama.

220 Advances in psychiatric treatment (2013), vol. 19, 212–220 doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.111.010082