Anne Gracie | 320 pages | 03 Jan 2012 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780425245798 | English | New York, NY, United States Bride by Mistake - -

Goodreads helps you keep track of books Bride by Mistake want to read. Bride by Mistake to Bride by Mistake saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Bride by Mistake and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling Bride by Mistake about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Bride by Mistake by Anne Gracie. Eight years ago, Lieutentant Luke Ripton made a hasty wartime marriage-in-name-only to protect a young girl from a forced union and left her protected in a remote mountain convent. Now, Luke is Lord Ripton, but he has been unable Bride by Mistake obtain an annullment. Bride by Mistake leaves him no choice but to claim a wife he doesn't want. For nearly a decade, Isabella has waited like a princess Eight years ago, Lieutentant Luke Ripton made a hasty wartime Bride by Mistake to protect a young Bride by Mistake from a forced union and left her Bride by Mistake in a remote mountain convent. For nearly a decade, Isabella has waited like a princess locked in a tower, dreaming of her handsome, dark-haired prince. Her dreams are shattered when Luke reveals himself not as a prince, but an autocratic soldier, expecting her unquestioning obedience, which is something Isabella's fiercely independent nature will not tolerate. And while Luke and Isabella's fiery personalities clash at every turn, they remain bound to their vows, never expecting that the passionate fury they share could become passion of a different kind Get A Copy. Bride by Mistakepages. Published January 3rd by Berkley first published January 1st More Details Original Title. Devil Riders 5. Luke RiptonIsabella Vaillant. London, EnglandUnited Kingdom. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Bride by Mistakeplease sign up. Is there going to be another book about the eldest Renfrew brothers- Marcus? Hazafa Asif I loved Marcus. He was a strong character. Wish there had been more about him! See 1 question about Bride by Mistake…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Bride by Mistake Devil Riders, 5. Dec 31, Jacob Proffitt rated it really liked it Shelves: steamyromance. I enjoyed this book very much. Most of that is down to Isabella. What a fantastic heroine! I liked her courage, determination, and her open heart. I particularly liked how she couldn't help but dream of better things even as she recognizes them as just dreams. Luke was less appealing. He wasn't so much autocratic as outright dictatorial and that made him less attractive Bride by Mistake far. Fortunately, he learned to roll with Bella's defiance he took being forced to chase her sidesaddle very well, and that' I enjoyed this book very much. Fortunately, he learned to roll with Bella's defiance he took being forced to chase her sidesaddle very well, and that's an image that still makes me giggle in remembrance and work with her and, eventually, respect her in ways I love to see in a romance novel. Which means he ends up very attractive, indeed. The plot of this one was relatively basic and leaned a lot on Bella learning to match Bride by Mistake to reality while trying to take care of her past. It was simply way, way too much of a coincidence and felt very contrived. And the contrivances permeate that encounter pretty heavily Bride by Mistake beyond simply finding her at a random dinner hide spoiler Bride by Mistake. Still, I was invested in the characters enough that a minor disconnect didn't greatly affect Bride by Mistake enjoyment. In all a wonderful romance, if only because I fell almost immediately for Bella and remained engaged with her through the entire Bride by Mistake. A note about Steamy : This was pretty high, though not outside my tolerance. There were three explicit sex scenes. And though they weren't terribly long, they weren't exactly short either. And I'd have been down with that except that some of Luke's more egregious autocratic moments showed up in his pre-game plans though fortunately never actually manifest during Bride by Mistake event. View all 4 comments. Sep 24, Susan rated it it was amazing Shelves: romancehistorical-romancebooks-read. Very good book. Luke married Isabella when she was thirteen to protect her from her cousin who wanted to marry her for her fortune. It was the middle of a war, so he took her to her aunt, who was a nun, intending to get the marriage annulled when the war was over. When he finally got around to it, he found out that it could not be annulled, so he Bride by Mistake to Spain to claim her. He didn't want to be married, but figured he'd deal with it. Having been raised in the convent, he expected a quiet, ob Very good book. Having been raised in the convent, he expected a quiet, obedient girl who would be no bother. Isabella had been left at the convent for eight years, part of that time during the war. She had been raised almost like a boy by her father, so she was intelligent and independent. She had also been waiting for Luke to come Bride by Mistake her, dreaming of the time she would be his wife for real. She was devastated by his attitude when Bride by Mistake did arrive. She stood up to him, insisting she wanted to return to her old home to check on her half sister. When Luke refused, she sneaked away intending to go on her own. When he followed her, they ended up doing as she wanted. As they made their trek, Luke was drawn to Isabella in a way he didn't expect. He found himself wanting to be nice to her and to take care of her. But he is tortured by memories of his wartime experiences in Spain, memories that make him feel unsuitable to be anyone's husband. I loved Isabella's independence. Her escape from Luke to go find her sisters was hysterical. I loved the way she turned the tables on him. I also Bride by Mistake her realistic attitudes. She had accepted Luke's statement about not loving anyone, and decided she would make the best of her new life - after she was done in Spain. I liked the way that she could see Luke's pain and wanted to help him deal with it. She wasn't whiny or obnoxious, she was simply determined. Her method of dealing with his shirt was clever and it worked. I enjoyed the way they worked together to deal with her sister's situation, and again when they met up with Luke's nemesis. The conclusion was great, and I loved the events leading up to his sister's ball. Mar 29, Pamela AllHoney rated it liked it Shelves: military-or-ex-militarymarried-couplevirgin-heroineloc- england-great-britainhr-georgian-regencynuns-and-convents. The fifth book in the Devil Riders series. Lieutenant Luke Ripton interrupted a man assaulting a young 13 year old girl and then to protect her he married her and left her in the care of a convent. Now, years later he goes to Spain to collect his bride, but Isabella is not the obedient bride he expects. It started Bride by Mistake pretty good and I had high hopes but it didn't quite reach them. It had it's moments but overall it was just a fair Bride by Mistake for me. Bride by Mistake () - IMDb

Norah is very rich, owns her own shipyard and has Sylvia double for her at all outside functions. But Sylvia is now married and wants Bride by Mistake go to Washington with her new husband while Norah's For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Get the IMDb app. According to the insignia on his uniform, Donald is Bride by Mistake U. Army Captain, and is in the Bride by Mistake Command. Norah Hunter : Darling, I understand your feelings, but we still have to go to breakfast with him. Near the beginning of the film, when Captain Travis goes to Norah Hunter's tea party, in some Bride by Mistake he is wearing his wings incorrectly below his medal ribbon and in other shots it is above the ribbon correctly. See the full gallery. Sign In. Critic Reviews. Anthony Travis. Laraine Day. Marsha Hunt. Allyn Joslyn. Edgar Buchanan. Michael St. Marc Cramer. William Post Jr. Bruce Edwards. Nancy Gates. Bride by Mistake Summerville. . Director: Richard Wallace. Facebook Twitter E-mail. I have been watching a lot of old movies recently Bride by Mistake TMC and this is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time Yes its old Yes its Sortof Campy but i really enjoyed it, i first saw Alan Marshal in "Married and in love" and something about his cheesy charming act was entertaining, So i watched this film also. I am of an entirely different generation born in the 80's there is something timeless about this film, Screwing up everything with love is relatable, i wont give away the ending because the film keeps you guessing till the end and from what I've seen from that era that uncertainty of the plot for the audience is a rarity. Well this is a good Bride by Mistake i recommend it to anyone. Did You Know? Trivia According to the insignia on his uniform, Donald is Bride by Mistake U. Quotes Norah Hunter : Darling, I understand your feelings, but we still have to go to breakfast with him. Goofs Near the beginning of the film, when Captain Travis goes to Norah Hunter's tea party, in some shots he is wearing his wings incorrectly below his medal ribbon and in other shots it is above the ribbon correctly. Storyline Plot Summary Genres Comedy. Contribute to this page Edit page. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. More To Explore Search on Amazon. Bride by Mistake by Nicole Helm | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble®

Sign In. Bride by Mistake Hide Spoilers. And this one works as well as the first one did because Laraine Day is just as perfect for this role as Miriam Hopkins was. Bride by Mistake played the Bride by Mistake a bit Bride by Mistake -- or maybe it's just that Laraine Day can't help shining like an Bride by Mistake bulb on camera! Poor little rich girl Norah Hunter can't find a man who will love her just for herself, as opposed to her vast wealth. Used to allowing her personal assistant to pose as herself in public she decides to try out this "prince and the pauper" style switch in her private life as well and see if the man she's falling for can love her for herself alone. In both films Bride by Mistake a tightwalk characters and audience tread as the "he loves me--he loves me not" twists and turns wrench us gently this way and that like an old fashioned roller coaster. The supporting cast in this later film have more fleshed out roles -- and comic bits -- than the original and play them with verve. The plot was made contemporary for the WWII era by making the love interest a pilot and surrounding the radiant Day with handsome enlisted men who have both manners and dispositions which practically no one in our culture seems to carry anymore. Krasna was always trying out variations on the "no one knows I'm really rich or a princess or a star or whatever -- and will they love me just the same?? But there's something perfectly simple and charming about this particular variation. So much so that two delightful Bride by Mistake comedies were made of it. And why not -- it's great fun! Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. MountainMan 13 October There certainly weren't any surprises in this fun movie, and you could practically predict the plot all the way through. Then bring in the absolutely gorgeous Laraine Day and the movie really has some energy in it. I Bride by Mistake old movies and hadn't watched much of her, but I can see why she was so popular in her days. I have to say that I think Marsha Hunt is great too. Majuro 14 January The result is mixed, but Day is so lovely, supporting cast is lively, that it makes for a pleasant hour and a half. Day plays an heiress who's boyfriend dumps her because she's too rich yeah, right. Day switches places with her secretary, hoping to find true love that way, and complications ensue. Marsha Hunt and Allen Joslyn are particularly appealing as Day's Secretary and her new husband, forced to carry the charade to the point of breaking. A nice 40's wartime romantic comedy, not too taxing on the mind. This isn't a put-down of the film; I enjoyed it, and star Laraine Day has a timeless, fresh-scrubbed beauty that can Bride by Mistake win hearts, in our more jaded times, but don't expect it to be released on DVD anytime in the near future The film features a terrific supporting cast, including ageless Edgar Buchanan as Day's guardian, beautiful Marsha Hunt who never achieved major stardom, but SHOULD have as her secretary, ever-reliable Allyn Joslyn, hilarious as the mid-western Mideast linguist secretly married to the secretary, and especially Slim Summerville, Bride by Mistake a small but memorable role of the caretaker observing all the monkey business. Not a 'classic', but enjoyable on it's own terms, "Bride by Mistake" Bride by Mistake a happy little time-passer This is a rehash of "The Richest Girl in the World" and maybe a few other films. Day plays the world-famous heiress Norah Hunter, but no one sees her. Her secretary Sylvia Hunt poses at her at ship christenings, Bride by Mistake. Sylvia is engaged to Phil Vernon Joslynand she gives her notice so that she can be with him, as he is changing jobs and leaving town. Norah is due to marry soon and decides to move up the wedding so that Sylvia and Phil can attend. It doesn't work out because that night, her Bride by Mistake dumps her. She's too rich. Like I suppose that happens. When Norah meets Captain Anthony Travis, she's interested, but she doesn't want him knowing who she is - he might fall for Bride by Mistake because she has money. She tests him by throwing Sylvia at him. And it turns into a big mess. Pleasant comedy, with Day totally radiant and beautiful. I don't know why MGM couldn't come up with more for her to do - instead she was constantly loaned out. Marsha Hunt is delightful as Sylvia, and the Bride by Mistake of the cast is very good. Great film high-life 1 September I have been watching a lot of old movies recently on TMC and this is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time Yes its old Yes its Sortof Campy but i really enjoyed it, i first saw Alan Marshal in "Married and in love" and something about his cheesy charming act was entertaining, So i watched this film also. I am of an entirely different generation born Bride by Mistake the 80's there is something timeless about this film, Screwing up Bride by Mistake with love is relatable, i wont give away the ending because the film keeps you guessing till the end and from what I've seen from that era that uncertainty of the plot for the audience is a rarity. Well this is a good one i recommend it to anyone. MartinHafer 26 August Aside from a few updates here and there such as making the Bride by Mistake man an Army Air Corps flier recuperating from some unnamed illness or injurythe story is the same. There is a super-mega-rich lady Laraine Day who is a bit of a recluse. And, to shield her identity, her personal assistant Marsha Hunt poses as the rich heiress. However, when a dashing officer Alan Marshall begins to show attention to both Day and Hunt, Day is smitten--but unsure who he will choose--the one with the money or her who actually has all the money. It's all very slight plot-wise and I still think the original is better--and more original! But the actors all do a good job particularly Edgar Buchanan in a Bride by Mistake role and it's a nice pleasant diversion--a decent romantic comedy with some nice laughs and a very game cast. By the way, while Alan Marshall looked quite nice in the film, he was an inexplicable choice as he was an Australian. Why this guy would be in the US military and not the Australian one is Bride by Mistake puzzler Homeric 26 November I really enjoy watching lovely Laraine Day and bought this movie basically because she's in it. The movie fails on two accounts: first there is no chemistry between Alan Marshall and Laraine Day therefore their 'romance' seems unbelievable, secondly, Marshall's character pursues someone else during the whole film and does not appear to have any interest in Day's character therefore the Bride by Mistake when they get together seems rather bizarre. Had the two actors been more compatible and the script had him actually chasing her and her playing hard to get, the film could have been much much better. Just don't buy it thinking its going to be a forgotten gem. It is average at best. After looking at the other reviews here, I guess I am the dissenting vote. I found this film to be disappointing. I think the script creates some wonderful characters, I Bride by Mistake wish they had been in another film. The story revolves around a wealthy woman, Norah Hunter Laraine Day who has her secretary stand in for her during official ceremonies. She wishes to meet and marry Bride by Mistake man who appreciates her for herself, not for her money. She gets the bright idea of having her secretary, Sylvia Marsha Huntpose as her during a social event. Bride by Mistake throwing the faux Norah at any who show her attention, she can weed out the unworthy. The problem is the Bride by Mistake suitor, Tony Travis Alan Marshalwho is a lunkhead with ambiguous intentions. He is drawn to the money like a fly to honey. I won't mention how the story resolves, but Tony is not worthy of Norah regardless, so any tension is dissipated. The story feels like the product of Bride by Mistake writers who resolved their differences of opinion by flipping a coin. Too bad; it could have been funnier and more engaging. This is cinematic proof that fast moving action and sarcastic dialog does not make for a good comedy. In this case, it's the story of mistaken identity that may have seemed funny on paper, but is dull on screen. Marsha Hunt is wealthy Laraine Day's secretary, but assumes Day's identity to help her boss avoid the press and keep Bride by Mistake anonymity. This creates romantic complications that has an affect on the men around them and ultimately their working relationship. The problem is the two women seem to actually despise each other in spite of the fact that neither woman is really nasty. Jealous Day tries to soak Hunt and soldier Alan Marshal with her sprinkler system but gets soaked herself. This scene is actually pretty funny, but the maliciousness in which Day acts at this moment comes out of nowhere and out of character. Poor Edgar Buchannan spends Bride by Mistake much time on the phone throughout Bride by Mistake film complaining about the situation going on that his ears must have been numb for a week after he completed shooting. With comics Allyn Joslyn and Slim Summerville thrown in, you'd expect more, but this is like a cake that has all the ingredients except the yeast to make it rise. Our movie list. Movies Watched. I Wake up dreaming. Share this page:. Clear your history.