German American Annals
•?; UNIVERSITYy^ PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARIES <4 (5crman Qmcrican Ctnnals CONTINUATION OF THE QUARTERLY AMERICANA GERMANICA A BI-MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE * Historical. Literary, Linguistic, Educational and Commercial Relations OF Germany and America ORGAN OF The German American Historical Society The National German American Alliance The Union of Old German Students in Atnerica EDITOR, MARION DEXTER LEARNED, University of Pennsylvania. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: H C. G. Brandt, Julius Goebel, Hamilton College. University of Illinois. W. H. Carpenter, J. T. Hatfield, Columbia University. Northwestern University. W. H. Carruth, W. T. Hevvett, University of Kansas. Cornell University. Hermann Collitz, A. R. HOHLFELD, Johns Hopkins University. University of Wisconsin. Starr W. Cutting, Hugo K. Schilling, University of Chicago. University of California. Daniel K. Dodge. H. Schmidt-Wartenberg, University of Illinois. University of Chicago. A. B. Faust, Hermann Schoenfeld, Cornell University. Columbian University. KuNO Francke, Calvin Thomas, Harvard University. Columbia University. Adolph Gerber, H. S. White, Late of Earlham College. Harvard University. Henry Wood, Johns Hopkins University. New Series, Vol, 7. 1909. Old Series, Vol. 11. published by THE GERMAN AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY E. M. Fogel, Business Manager, Box 39, College Hall, University of Pennsylvania IPbUaDelpbia. 3iSerlin : IRew l^orft : Xcfp3ia : MAYER & MOLLER CARL A. STERN F. A. BROCKHAUS XonOon : IPads ; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TROBNER & CO., Ltd. H. LeSOUDIER CONTENTS OF GERMAN AMERICAN ANNALS Continuation of the Quarterly Americana Germanica. New Series, Vol. 7. Old Series, Vol. 10. 1909. Pages Community at Bethel, Mo., The 257, 306 Deiler, J. H., Eine Wiirdigung 277 Germans in Texas, The 3. I03» 164, 208, 235, 283 Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana, The .34, 67, 123, 179 Vereinigung Alter Deutscher Studenten in Amerika, Philadel- phia Zweig 280 PUBLISHED BY THE GERMAN AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY E.
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