Plasmid Copy-Number Control and Better-Than-Random Segregation Genes of Psm19035 Share a Common Regulator
Plasmid copy-number control and better-than-random segregation genes of pSM19035 share a common regulator Ana B. de la Hoz*, Silvia Ayora*, Izabela Sitkiewicz†, Silvia Ferna´ ndez*, Renata Pankiewicz†, Juan C. Alonso*‡, and Piotr Ceglowski† *Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologı´a,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas,28049 Madrid, Spain; and †Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland Communicated by Donald R. Helinski, University of California, San Diego, CA, November 10, 1999 (received for review July 10, 1999) Transcription initiation of the copy-number control and better-than- (RNA III) that induces transcriptional attenuation within the leader random segregation genes of the broad-host-range and low-copy- region of the rep mRNA (11, 15–17). In the absence of Cop, the number plasmid pSM19035 are subjected to repression by the auto- increased (derepressed) transcription of rep mRNA interferes, in regulated pSM19035-encoded product in Bacillus subtilis cells. The cis, with initiation of transcription of RNA III (convergent tran- promoters of the copS (Pcop1 and Pcop2), ␦ (P␦), and (P) genes scription). Thus, the Cop protein limits the amounts of rep mRNA have been mapped. These promoters are embedded in a set of either either directly (as a repressor) or indirectly, by affecting the intensity seven copies of a 7-bp direct repeat or in a block consisting of two of transcription necessary to produce RNA III. The factor(s) that 7-bp direct repeats and one 7-bp inverted repeat; the blocks are would control the synthesis of Cop has not been yet described.
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