I live in Upper Point and use the bus service every day apart from a Sunday. I’ve heard that the 5pm run is being axed, this run is one of the busiest runs with a lot of workers using this run. I can't make it to the meeting next week but I would like to make this point. I finish work around 4.45pm that means not getting home until 6.50pm. Please don't cut this run of all the runs that would be cut it shouldn't be this one. ______These proposed cuts to rural bus services in the early morning and late in the evening would leave me unable to get to work on time and stranded in . What is the council's proposed replacement for this? ______Please don't reduce the timetable of the Ness/Stornoway and return bus. My partner catches the 2.30pm bus at Lower Shader to go to work at Westside School. He has no other means of getting to work and if the bus is cancelled he will have to give up his job. He is in his mid-50's and can't drive so he relies on the bus. If he had to give up work it would be a huge financial loss for us. I myself am disabled and only able to work part time. PLEASE KEEP THIS BUS RUNNING, I BEG YOU. ______I have seen the recent news about the possibility of the evening buses being cut. I live in Back and this would affect me greatly, I often use these buses so that I can stay out later after school with my friends. If these buses were to be cut I would have to pay the £20 taxi which would mean I would have to go home earlier meaning I would not be able to socialise as that is just too expensive. ______This is just a ridiculous thing you are doing to all of us living outside of town areas. You are cutting us of by stopping the late buses. Please think hard about what you are doing and reconsider this stupid step. How are our children meant to get home if they are doing activities in town and there’s no buses?

______Those cuts would hit especially those who are not able to drive, which are typically societal groups that are at a disadvantage already: Those who are unable to obtain a licence, those whose health bars them from driving, and those who are too financially deprived to afford the purchase and upkeep of a car.

These vulnerable groups will face additional costs and difficulties in getting medical care. It is possibly not even a stretch to say that these cuts put lives at risk as GP appointments won't be sought due to the increased barriers of actually getting to the practice and hence critical illnesses will probably be spotted later when treatment is more difficult and success less likely.

The bus services are also important for tourism as they allow tourists to get around the island without the need of hiring a car. This is especially important for hikers and cyclists who can travel easily to/from the end points of trails. Without bus services, those tourists might decide to go elsewhere, with knock-on effects on the island economy.

There is also a number of workers who depend on bus services to get to and from work - and not all of them are working 9-5. Cutting services for them might put their very livelihood at risk. Given the special circumstances on our island, this will have serious consequences for those individuals.

2 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


All those negative consequences are themselves attached with potential costs for the council and need to be factored in into any final decision. It is well known that good transport is an important factor for the local economy and weakening transport infrastructure means weakening the economy overall. At the end of the day, there is possibly more to be lost than to be gained.

It is worth noting that - although the challenges faced by the Comhairle are probably somewhat greater compared to mainland councils - we have some of the lowest Council Tax rates in . If a moderate increase here is needed to keep our bus services, so be it - although I can only speak for myself here, obviously.

______Please do not cut The Maryhill/ Marybank Services. Buses etc., as I work and do not drive. This is a lifeline service for residents of this area. I use the bus service most days and rely on it. ______I see the bus service has made the headlines once again and routes are under threat, I just need some clarity on what service times will be cut from the Bayble area, my daughter uses the early morning bus to get to work for 8 am and we heavily rely on this, can you advise what timings you have talked about.

We as a community are forgetting about social care and we all have to play our part, I see many elderly people who may not see someone from one end of the week to the next chatting with random people on the buses, the social service for the elderly should be a priority in our community.

______Below are a few points I would like to put forward, in no particular order.

 People who use the bus service do it because they HAVE TO not because they fancy a jolly.  Reducing the service traps them at home.  How do they get their food/electric?  How do they keep their jobs?  How do they get to the doctors?  How do they visit relatives especially older ones? I use the service as much as I can afford. I work full-time from home but I do need to get to town for business purposes. My mother is a pensioner now and can’t drive either. My sister looks after her grandchildren with no other transport available to her. Her daughter also needs the bus service – All of us for buying food/electric etc. I do need to visit my pensioner parents.

There has been suggestions of using minibuses. What an AWFUL idea!!! Where do the grocery bags go? Where to the prams go? How do you escape the alcoholic, with his verbal aggression, who wouldn’t shut up and leave people alone? How do I get a seat even? How do people with inabilities actually climb on them? I am the last person on my run – minibuses wouldn’t give me a seat (certainly not a guaranteed one). How do I make a doctor’s appointment if I might not get a seat? How do I arrange to meet business people? I don’t know how old people get on minibuses either but I already know how hard I find it – with my weak knees - with my grocery bags, travel bag etc.

Speaking on behalf of my sister and her grandchildren. They are very reliant on public transport. They also get travel sick. Minibuses will be extremely difficult for them to use.

3 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


Bus services ARE life-line services even more so than ferries and everyone goes on about them not being good enough but that’s mainly about holidays and visiting places and people. Bus services are about jobs and food and heating.

I know the buses are travelling almost empty, so perhaps changes can be made such as –

 Using ‘Hopper’ buses instead of the bigger coaches or the horrible minibuses. People can use them and keep their ‘dignity’ and not feel like nuisance cattle being ‘transported’.  Revising the timings of buses. I know in wintertime I can’t use the morning and evening bus because there are no street lights and it’s pitch dark (unless they are expecting you to be there the buses go right past you because they can’t see you). For the most part I’m actually happy with the times but other people aren’t, apart from the two hour wait in the middle of nowhere when you need to visit the doctors that is. ( surgery)  If you put on hoppers for the evening run instead of minibuses maybe families could use them too. As it is no one wants to sit that close to drunken teenagers and alkies or ‘the boys’ or girls on their night out. I remember the Uig evening ‘hopper’ bus that came back from Uig on Friday and Saturday nights even with ‘the boys’ and alkies on it was a safe and not unpleasant journey into town. ______I'm a young person who doesn't have a full driving licence, only a 125 cbt for a motorbike. I've looked into the potential redesign of the bus services and I believe that taking away buses after 6pm would be doing a disservice to those who rely on this lifeline in order to maintain a standard of living whereby they're able to get around using said bus services.

I myself rely on these buses in particular during worse weather as I don't want to be taking my bike out on wet roads in scary driving conditions. I'm also aware of other people who are in a similar situation to mine. As someone who doesn't have money to be spending on taxis home every time I'm out and about after 6pm during 'not so great' weather, I am disappointed to hear that there is ongoing talks about taking such bus services away.

______I am submitting my views on the proposed Transport Services cuts, as even with the existing service provision it is not possible to attend an evening meeting and return home using public transport.

Since retiring I have used the bus service once a week to shop in Stornoway and with the existing service levels it is difficult to travel to town and return within a reasonable time, either rushing to catch the next bus or having over an hour to wait for the following one. For the last two months I have had to visit the hospital Day Surgery twice weekly and again it is very difficult to find a time when there is a bus to Stornoway and a connecting service from the bus station which passes the hospital and of course appointment times are set by the NHS, not myself. I have already stopped attending evening functions as public transport is so poor then.

The proposals admit there will be no middle of the day services for shopping, health care and social or leisure activities and no evening services from Stornoway. The bus service should be seen as an essential element in combatting social isolation. Reducing provision and forcing all who are able to use private cars is only helping to marginalize the disabled, the elderly, mothers with young children and those who cannot drive, at a time when increased use of public transport should be actively encouraged to help reduce carbon emissions and climate change.

My recent enforced increased use of the buses has allowed me to observe those who use the service and the bus station waiting room. To withdraw middle of the day services will severely impact

4 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


anyone wishing to attend a medical appointment, greatly inconvenience mothers with young children and reduce visits to town for shopping which will adversely affect the local economy.

Rather than close the building, the bus station should be promoted as an information centre, perhaps in conjunction with Visit Scotland. In addition to those waiting for infrequent buses in fairly pleasant surroundings out of the wind and rain, it is the first port of call in town for many foot passengers from the ferry seeking information for their onward journeys and to leave luggage. To close the bus station waiting room for a relatively small saving would be a serious mistake.

Surely transport around the islands at any time of the day should be available to everyone, not only those with a private car or the money to pay for a taxi. I hope the great hardship that the elimination of middle of the day bus services will bring to an already largely underprivileged section of the community will ensure the contract is awarded to someone willing to continue the current, or even an improved, service to all areas. The worth of a good public bus service cannot be measured in financial terms many of the benefits will not be quantifiable until the service is withdrawn when it will be too late.

______I understand the financial pressures but urge you to consider the impact that losing bus services would have on communities in Ness.

I am no longer able to drive and have to rely on buses when I'm on my own in the house so I appreciate their value. I meet several elderly passengers on board who use the services for shopping as well as for medical, dental and opticians' appointments and to visit banks or other services. Some are visiting relatives in hospital or in old peoples' homes. The current daytime services provide a lifeline for many and are an extra social service as people talk to each other on board and can travel to meet friends and family as well as doing their errands.

Taking night buses off will affect people who work in town in the evenings and could even result in more people taking the risk of drinking and driving as the cost of taxis is very expensive. There would also be a potential impact on young people wanting to take part in after-school activities in town.

Parking is an increasing problem in town and could become even worse if more people are diverted from buses into cars. Links with the ferry should also be considered. Anyone arriving in Stornoway at 8 pm without being able to get a lift would have to spend the night in town if they couldn't get to Ness.

I realise that hard decisions have to be made, but I would also like to commend the service that the W1 drivers give. They know their passengers and provide an excellent service. It is sad to think that their livelihoods might be affected.

The option of using smaller buses at quieter times might be a suitable alternative but keeping some regular services throughout the day and evening is vital.

______I have seen the recent news about the possibility of the evening buses being cut. I use these services regularly this would affect me greatly, I often use these buses so that I can stay out late after school with my friends. If these buses were to be cut I would have to pay the expensive taxi fare which would mean I would have to go home earlier meaning I would not be able to socialise as that is just too expensive. ______5 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


Hi I think you should keep the services because how are people supposed to get from a to b with no bus services.

______Please don’t stop any late buses, this isn’t something I ever expected the council to consider as there is already a lack of buses at night leaving Stornoway. As someone who gets the 7:40 and 9:20 bus home frequently from Town to Tolsta, I depend on this bus so much to be able to go to and from work 5 or 6 nights a week as I can’t drive due to my physical health. If these buses stop I don’t even know what I would do, I’d have to quit my job, which I could never financially afford to do. I hope you will consider the fact that getting rid of these bus times will affect many people financially- tourists, families etc. Which is so poor considering the amount of council tax we pay.

______I am a sixteen year old with vision problems and I, as well as everyone in my house and family, rely on our already limited bus service to travel to and from work. I have been told by many people that a bus service I use daily shall be cancelled. I cannot afford to pay twenty pounds five days a week to travel to work by taxi, that is almost half my weekly wage taken already. The bus service is at seven o clock in the morning, every morning I have been on it over the last few months the minibus has for the most part been full. With my vision problems I may never be able to drive myself so this situation is concerning. Everyone that goes on my bus in the morning starts work at eight o clock. This won’t be possible for any of us to get to work on time which is extremely unfair and discriminatory. A lot of local people share my views. Actions such as cutting vital bus services will cause distrust between the public and council if complaints such as this are not listened to and a compromise is made. I am sending an email to you as I cannot attend the meetings due to bus services being scarce when I have finished work.

______The proposal to stop services to Stornoway before 8am, how do you propose a great many workers who work in Stornoway are going to get to work, what about hospital workers, staff who work in supermarkets and shops etc, not all are public servants like your council staff who have their wages topped up by the Island allowance, many are young people who cannot drive or get just above the minimum wage and can’t afford a car. Let me remind you that council services are there to support all inhabitants of the island, not just those that work in the council offices that start to 0900.

______I often use these buses so that I can stay out late after school with my friends. If these buses were to be cut I would have to pay the expensive taxi fare which would mean I would have to go home earlier meaning I would not be able to socialise as that is just too expensive. It would mean a lot to a lot of people on the island if the busses ran later than 6pm.

______I live in , Ness. I do not drive, and so welcomed the efficient buses and pleasant, helpful drivers (bar one). The recent survey, I felt, was poorly constructed (especially the silly question of 'If buses cut, would you use them less?' Of course, if they don't exist!) so I shall indicate my usage of the service here.

Routinely, the most useful for me is the weekday morning 0946 to Stèornabhagh, returning on the 1300. The return 1430 is useful for extra time. If I go down on the 1146, then the current 1540 back is very convenient (M - Th). If this were cut then I am hanging around until the 1715. It does not

6 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


really address in a positive fashion the provision of disabled facilities by withdrawing the service! If you have to have wheelchair access (and I don't necessarily agree with some of the more extreme rules), then you should accept the responsibility and provide it - the government must provide the resources to do this. They make the laws!

Evening buses. I admit I do not make a habit of going out in the evening, but to withdraw all services would remove any option to go anywhere. Not just for me, but for older people relying on buses. MOST IMPORTANT. If I were to leave the island for any reason (holiday? visiting?), then I would obviously be returning on the evening ferry. (I cannot afford to fly). Returning in the evening, as I did several times before the permanent move, I have the 2030 bus with later backup, or the 2140, to reach Fivepenny. With no evening buses, I would be faced with getting 'home', only to have to pay for b&b in Stèornabhagh before getting home! I would regard this as extremely disrespectful by the council regarding its obligation to cater for residents' needs. After all, you encourage houses to be occupied by council tax levies - are you to drive people into towns by withdrawing access to them?! The publicity would look very negative. It could even be publicized as a new form of Highland Clearances. That would not look good. And could well make national news.

That's the problem. Now the solution. The simple solution to this, which might allow some cuts, would be one bus at around 2100 to 2130, perhaps specifically to connect with the ferry. That is, as on other islands, for a small delay, the bus awaits the ferry. The bus could be timed for 2100, with proviso to await the ferry until 2130. It should not be beyond modern communication that at 2105, if the ferry is not in sight, contact could be made to establish if any passengers require the bus. If not, it could go. At Oban, for Mull, trains and ferry communicate and connect. I hope this has been read and not deleted!!

______I live in Tolsta and this would affect me greatly, I often use these buses so that I can stay out late after school with my friends. If these buses were to be cut I would have to pay the £30 taxi which would mean I would have to go home earlier meaning I would not be able to socialise as that is just too expensive.

______I live in and these cuts could possibly hugely affect me. I rely on these services to get to and from work. With my work my start and finish times can differ, I cannot rely on one bus in the morning and one bus in the evening. This could potentially force me to quit my job, unless I used a taxi which would make it not worth my while working since the taxi fares are so extra expensive.

______I currently get a mini bus from Parkend at 0720 each day. I cannot drive and am over 60. I feel it unfair that I should be cut off like this. Also my work is to start finishing at 8.30. Some days. So this would mean I would have to walk home in all weathers and in the dark or pay for a taxi each time which I cannot afford. This new times would in all probability result in my having to give up my work

______I live in the north lochs area and often work until 9.30pm I think it is very unreasonable to stop bus services at 6pm for those who work shift jobs not everyone works a 9 - 5.


7 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


There is an ageing population in Harris/Scalpay and people depend on buses for appointments or on days that banks open (limited times), to a post office (none in Scalpay), shopping and appointments. Not everyone has a car, not everyone has family to help. Don’t isolate people anymore than they already are.

______While I understand the need to save money, people have to be able to get to work before 8am and home after 5.30 or 6pm. We also need to remember many kids work evenings till 9pm, not all parents have cars. We must also support environmentally friendly transportation and not force more cars onto roads. Cycling is not an option year round up here nor are the roads cycle friendly. The impact on bus companies and jobs will be huge and detrimental to local economy. We will centralise to Stornoway and push people out of villages. Pressure on housing and schools in Stornoway will increase. Older people will become more isolated and young people unable to work.

______While I appreciate that buses run almost empty at times I must point out that a large number of elderly people including myself would be virtually housebound especially if the feeder buses in rural areas were stopped. Would it not be more sensible to put on smaller buses at less busy times. Mini buses could be used in evenings as stopping service at 6 pm is ridiculous.

______I presently work Day shifts from 8am - 8pm. How do you suggest I travel to and from work, from , if there’s no longer an early morning or night time service?

______I wish to express my concern at the cutting of bus services, particularly those concerning travel during the day, and before 8am to Stornoway. I am yet to pass a driving test, and have used the earliest bus service to reach my place of work (in and previously ) for all my working life; travelling from anti-clockwise. I know of several who also rely on this bus on occasion. This service seems to be at risk as it is the return route from the feed for those heading into Stornoway first thing. Working and living on the Westside without means to travel independently of the bus service, means I am directly impacted by the cutting of services for appointments, driving lessons, and, most crucially, reaching and leaving my workplace at the appropriate time.

______Just as my teenagers are becoming more independent, using buses for socialising in town and part time evening jobs, you want to take this independence away? Do they have to give up their jobs? Instead, I will have to do 30 mile round trips, several times a week, over and above the same to work each day. With fuel prices high, I could not afford to do that. So, looks like they will have to quit, let someone who lives in town earn some money. NOT FAIR.

______I start work at 8am some days and have to be in my place of work before this time to open up. On these days I get the 7am bus from Bayble and arrive in Stornoway at 7.45am. There are also days when I finish work at 6pm so I get the bus that leaves Stornoway at 6.05pm. I know others who travel at these times for work purposes. Surely having a bus leaving 5 minutes earlier is not a way of saving money. Surely it would make more sense to cut out the buses throughout the day that have much fewer passengers, or maybe have mini-buses for the less busy runs instead of big buses that 8 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


are being used just now for the quiet runs. Maybe you should consider talking to the drivers and getting their views on this matter as well.

______I live near town and don't have much use for bus transportation but I still feel strongly about the proposed changes. This is going to kill the town. Restaurants, Cinema, hotels, Festival and any seasonal events will suffer with these changes. Pupils attending after school events will be unable to attend or not find ways home. Not every household has a vehicle to collect stranded people. Does the Council want vulnerable children stranded? What about tourists who enjoy travelling by public transport while here? How are they going to get to their next destination. B&Bs will also suffer. The local economy is the main element which will notice these changes. People work shifts in supermarkets, hospital etc and will need to have their employers change their shift times or lose their jobs. This is taking us back 30 years and they call this progress?

______I’m writing on behalf of my elderly uncle in who relies on the bus service to get him into Stornoway for his food shopping, socialising at the lunch club in town as well as his weekly doctors/hospital appointments. Cutting the buses from outlying villages will have a huge impact on him leaving him vulnerable, isolated, unable to get a food shop and the impact on his health could mean he ends up in hospital and possibly going into care. He does not have finances to fund a care home so the costs would have to come from the Council. So money this service will gain will end up being spent by your social policy service. My uncle is just one resident in Lewis and it’s so narrow minded for you to think that you can do this without a huge negative impact to our society in particular those most vulnerable in our society. Are your services not meant to be targeted at protecting those in need? I hope you are listening and take note of the wider impacts that this will create. This will not save the Council money

______I live in Newmarket and have two children who catch the bus on a daily basis. One child catches the Nicholson bus outside our house along with three other children, these children use this bus service every morning and most days coming home from school. Without this bus service my son and the other children would indeed struggle to walk two and a half miles to get to school, then be expected to have a full days education. More so as per a previous argument a few years ago as the pavements are not legal measurement on this route, this has not been rectified, and also the vast amount of cars that are parked on the pavement means that my children have to endanger themselves by walking on the road.

My son also uses the bus regularly in and out of town to get to the various after school clubs he attends, most of which don't actually finish until 8pm or 9pm; to cancel all buses after 6 p.m. would have a severe detriment on his attending these clubs.

My daughter will be attending the Nicholson next year and as you can imagine an 11 year old would never be able to walk over 2.5 miles to school every day and then home again. I would have to take her to school, adding to the already congested traffic on the roads at the most busiest times of the day, and then go and fetch her when school ends - I would much prefer to pay her bus fare instead of taking my car out twice a day.

The buses passing our house are indeed a life line, not only the school bus but the public service also. Most other councils are trying to encourage the use of bus services instead of unnecessarily using private transport, adding to the pollution and already congested roads. 9 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


I am more than happy as I have done for the past few years to purchase bus tickets for both my children so that they can be entitled to an existing excellent bus service.

______I regularly use the W10 service. I often travel back and fore to Inverness by bus and ferry rather than take my car across each time. Important to me is the 11.30 service from Tarbert to be in time for the ferry to Ullapool. Similarly the 14.20 from Stornoway to Tarbert is suitable as the ferry from Ullapool comes in around 1pm. Hopefully these services are going to remain.

______I have two children who use the service bus to get to and from school. I have friends and family who know the bus timetable and feel confident in leaving the house, knowing the routine and feeling safe to follow it in order to make a medical appointment. By taking this service away, the local people are being starved from a fundamental structure which keeps us together. Yes, the visitors benefit from this service too, but personally it’s the children and elderly that will be affected the most. Why is everything down to money? Why can’t someone sit back and have consideration and empathy towards those that will be affected? I see how cost cutting has impacted my children’s education with joint head teachers being introduced to save £10k, classroom assistants being used for children with extreme needs to support inclusion at a huge cost to those with other needs. The system is wrong. It’s about time that everyone is treated with more respect and money should not be the key issue.

______Asking children to walk to school is ridiculous especially in our winter conditions not only is it unsafe in the dark mornings and afternoons but weather conditions are sometime most of the time treacherous.

______I live in Newmarket and my son attends School, and will attend The Nicolson in 2020. For children to be expected to walk to and from school on a very busy road, and usually in poor weather concerns me greatly. Currently we pay for a bus service to Laxdale school and I would encourage you to consider continuing providing our children with this service. Congestion at Laxdale School at peak times is also a concern and will only worsen should bus provision be withdrawn.

______My daughter who has special needs uses the 2-30pm from town to Ness 4 days a week. I hope this service will continue as I would have to collect her from Stornoway. Due to her vulnerability there is no way she would be in town till 6pm.

______I wish to express my concerns on the cutting of bus services especially on the Westside routes, Ness, , Carloway, . I do not drive and rely on daily buses to get to my place of work in Callanish for 8am start. It would impact me massively if the services were to be cut or changed. I travel from Barvas each day and get a mini bus service up to Carloway and transfer to another bus to get to Breasclete/Callanish for 8am. My finish time of work is 2pm and I rely on the 2.30pm bus that leaves Stornoway and reaches Callanish at 3pm to get me home. This would very much impact me and my job.


10 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


My partner and I work three jobs between us to raise our two young children under 3. With the proposed cuts, he would likely be unable to keep either job as one job starts first thing in the morning and his primary job consists of evening work and he takes the final bus of the evening home. That would leave us with the 18 hours I currently work which is not enough to sustain a family of 4. Unless of course CNES fancies seeing a major increase from folk across the island putting in applications for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction.

The employers for evening staff are already bending over so to say to accommodate those who rely on the bus service (for example, ordinarily my partner would be working until 10 but they agreed for an earlier start and finishing at 9 to catch the 9:20 evening bus). If the buses are cut, they may have no choice but to make those reliant on buses redundant. And as stated in TAS report which I have read through, there is a "significant number" of work trips in the evening, unlike Comhairle sources which have stated only a few use these services.

You would also be limiting access for kids to after school activities and after school employment. My partner had worked since 16, and worked after school at 4/5 until the last bus in the evening. This is one way that many younger school folk use to save up to go to university or save for later in life or even support their families in some cases.

I regularly hear of the lack of younger people on the island, but you are not helping the case with this. My brother has just started an apprenticeship and has to be in the yard at 8am. If the bus he usually takes is cancelled, well, he's out of a job then. With no job here, why would he stay?

No evening services affects cleaners as well. My sister for example, has some cleaning shifts that last into the evening, cleaning up after people who work 9-5. Cleaners aren't paid well, might I add. Definitely not well enough to afford driving lessons (even between 3 jobs, my partner and I can only afford for one of us to learn right now).

My mother in law will also be out of a job, as will my sister in law. My partner's grandmother will be stuck to her house and require transport to her healthcare appointments and then soon, like many other elderly folk who will be confined to their homes, require homecare. This puts further strain on your home care services.

It's not even a case of, "just find another job." Jobs aren't easy to get anywhere, and there aren't always that many. Here, most require transport of some sort as job sites may be out of the way. And that's mostly part time jobs too.

You're also limiting those who don't drive for various reason such as those who medically can't (e.g. epilepsy sufferers who have regular attacks), those who are not comfortable driving for any reason, those who want to reduce their carbon footprint (surely you have seen the protests taking place worldwide in response to global warming).

After reading through the report by TAS, I realised they hadn't suggested cutting any services. Rather, they commented on the marketing (our timetables do need to be clearer, as even the specialists couldn't make it out exactly), and suggested a slight, more regular price increase for tickets (though I do not see the point of commissioning a report if you are going to ignore it and all the facts presented in it). Perhaps you could market it as a means of saving the planet? Or, like suggested, increase 10 journey tickets to a month? I have no doubt that a green campaign with perhaps a loyalty scheme and even more frequent services would increase usage. Surely, there must be something - after all, not everybody has the luxury of driving or having someone who can ferry them around the island.

11 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


What about the tourists who come to the island? We are, to some, seen as a backwards island. Would this not further increase that? Even to our own young folk, that's what we are. Cutting these vital services only enforces that view.

______I am opposed to the severe reduction in service for the following reasons:

1. A lot of people who use the buses do so because they are dependent on public transport and have no other means of transport.

2. Our rural communities are already struggling with depopulation and removing the means of public transport will further exacerbate that.

3. Many vulnerable members of our community are at risk of isolation. For elderly and people with disabilities, public transport can be their only means of transport. Adequate public transport can enable them to maintain their independence for longer by, for example, going to Stornoway to attend groups, meet people, shopping, etc. I have a particular interest in supporting people suffering from neurological conditions where isolation is a significant issue. For those who are unable to drive, often as a result of their condition, they are wholly dependent on public transport. The proposed cuts would result in increased isolation and loss of independence for many vulnerable members of our community.

4. Not all jobs are 9 to 5 so the cuts to service will mean some people are unable to get to and from their work. This adversely impacts on them as well as our fragile rural economy.

5. With our increasing knowledge and awareness of the environment, there should be a drive to support and enable more people to use public transport, rather than reducing the service.

______Whilst I appreciate the need to review services and make financial savings, this exercise seems to be wholly about Comhairle finance. These changes will have wider economic impacts. Some peoples' employment choices and employability will be affected by reduced services.

The Comhairle as a local authority and community planning partner stated its commitment to sustaining and supporting rural communities. What community impact assessment has been undertaken as part of this service redesign? Social isolation, loneliness and exclusion are all recognised and cross generational issues which are particularly prevalent in remote and rural ages for all age groups. This service redesign will exacerbate these issues and then impact on other public services.

I foresee chaos and increased potential for accidents at schools. As the reality is pupils without access to a bus service will not walk but will be taken by car to school to be dropped off/ collected. Our current roads system does not sufficiently support all pupils cycling to school. Is it realistic for pupils to walk up to 3 miles to their school in all weather's, get soaked or chilled and then be able to effectively learn? No.

Further, what will the impact be on local bus contractors be at a time when the Stornoway Port Authority is investing £Ms in new cruise port facilities. Will there still be coaches and drivers amble to serve this market? I'm sure effective scheduling could support commuter services, school buses then freeing these buses for servicing the cruise ships. Has the service redesign exercise modelled for this predicted new market demand which could help sustain the other lifeline and cores services?

______12 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


I use the 12 o’clock bus every Friday to go to my cancer group. I don’t drive and I use the Ness buses different timetables to go to hospital appointments for my cancer and other appointments. If the 12 bus is cancelled I would have to go at 10am and be in town all day till 6pm. This group is vital for me as I have support there for my well being and mental state. Also I have a special needs daughter who uses the 2-30pm bus from town 4 days a week. Due to her vulnerability she can’t be in town till 6pm. She would have to be collected or take a taxi which would cost 45 pounds.

______I attended the Community Conversation meeting in Lionel School last night in the room I could see a number of people whom I also see regularly on the 19.30 bus from Stornoway. Without that service, they have no way of getting home from work and also there were young people who participate in sport with their team members in Stornoway. They need that service if they are to continue representing our island nationally. One of the youngsters present has brought back many awards, including a gold medal. As an older person, I may be able to give up my evening work but I feel so sad for those who really will be badly affected.

______The Comhairle and HHP have a Development Plan and a policy to develop more social housing in rural parts of the island. With sites being developed in Ness, Breasclete and Lochs. The housing planned for the 'Stornoway Area' (Parkend/) is over a mile from the Stornoway centre and one would argue outwith reasonable walking distance for someone carrying shopping. How can the Comhairle promote a development plan which pushes the vulnerable and those on low incomes into areas where there are very limited transport links?

The reduction to the bus timetable will adversely affect the old, the young, those on low incomes and those with disabilities; the most vulnerable in our community. These groups are already disadvantaged by their rural location and their access to work and services will be further restricted.

With the decrease in bus services more people will have to rely on private transport, mainly cars. This will result in higher numbers of cars in the town. This has both an environmental impact on carbon emissions and a practical impact on where all the cars going to park when the Comhairle is already reducing and restricting parking in Stornoway.

The increased reliance on private transport puts greater pressure on the road network which is particularly challenging in bad weather.

______Concern that these changes will impact on those who don't drive, on visitors to the Island trying to make ferry connections and on young people's mobility and independence.

______The options presented in the Transport Service Redesign appear to be in direct opposition to the strategic priorities set out in the Comhairle’s corporate strategy (e.g. “Ensure that the are recognised as an attractive place to live, work, study, invest and visit’; Support local businesses so that the ‘quality’ of local tourism is improved”) and the OHCPP’s LOIP (e.g. The Outer Hebrides retains and attracts people to ensure a sustainable population; The Outer Hebrides offers attractive opportunities that improve the quality of life, wellbeing and health for all our people).

There appears to have been no impact assessment undertaken on how the proposed options will affect fragile rural communities (especially >25 yr and +60 yr age groups) or local businesses that rely

13 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


on staff coming into work early (i.e. hospital, hotels and shift workers); the numbers may be small but the multiplier effects are large.

Have the options proposed been discussed with partner agencies at the OHCPP to see how the proposals may impact other services or whether there are opportunities to work together for solutions to particular transport problems, i.e. transport to college, hospital, places of work? Have partner agencies such as Transport Scotland or Highlands and Islands Enterprise been consulted for their views or suggestions? We talk a great deal about working together but I cannot find much evidence of this.

I would also question the consultation methods employed and ask how the responses, both written and from the workshops, can be collated, analysed and presented to the Comhairle in less than 24 hours in any credible fashion. I appreciate that difficult choices have to be made but the consultation is not robust and does not employ the good practice principles set out in the Scottish National Standards for Community Engagement. Let’s not call it a ‘conversation’ if it’s one way and rhetorical.

The answers may well be out there in the community but I do not feel the Comhairle has taken the time or effort to listen to them. The online/paper consultation exercise, undertaken some months ago, gained a very small response rate and asked about bus usage but did not allow space for suggestions or ideas. Instead of purely number-crunching I would have liked to see consideration of innovative solutions (e.g. perhaps partnership working with the Royal Mail to reintroduce community postal bus services on rural routes or Visit Scotland / local tour operators to cover the ferry link ups in the summer months) rather than comparisons with case studies that have little relevance to our islands e.g. English Colleges and Cities. What are they doing in rural areas of Norway, Canada and the Faroes? Clearly I am no expert but someone out there may have been able to help.

I could not find a section in the report that looks at taxi expenditure for school runs and what the costs are per pupil for this service and what it is based on (physical/social need of child; geographical location of house; inability of bus to negotiate route).

Given the amount of money levered into the Outer Hebrides on the argument that we need to support our fragile rural communities I would like to see every decision the Comhairle makes about service provision properly scrutinised against its strategic priorities and assessed for its impacts on rural communities and wider local economic impacts. We are expecting the Scottish Government to undertake island impact assessments and the Comhairle should be applying the same principle for its rural communities.

Some of the rural villages in Lewis and Harris have had very little expenditure on them, with no daily bus service (other than dial a bus which is a life line to the elderly residents who utilise it), poor broadband, no social housing and very little in road repairs or improvements. When service providers talk of rationalising services, particularly education and transport, it seems to be a purely financial assessment, with no consideration of the social, cultural and wider economic impacts. Where is the innovation, where is the effort to find a solution that work for our islands? I’m sure it is there but this consultation does not demonstrate it. It won’t be easy but properly engaging with the community and partnership working with other agencies is a good place to start. Difficult choices will still have to be made but at least it will be done together and we wouldn’t feel alienated from those who make decisions that impact our lives.


14 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


I am writing on behalf of a number of constituents who have raised concerns over the proposed redesign of bus services for Lewis & Harris.

The first concern raised is the lack of any meaningful consultation with the affected communities, indeed this latest 'community conversation' exercise gives people less than a week to respond. Even some of the public meetings take place after the deadline for submissions.

The second concern is that all of the options bar maintaining the status quo see evening services and early morning services taken out - this will have a major impact on those living outside Stornoway both in terms of access to employment and socially. When this is combined with the proposed reduction of daytime services across the network, this will also impact those who work part-time as well as the elderly and vulnerable in our community. The reduction of daytime services will also impact the tourist sector - a sector that the new ticketing proposals are supposed to address and take advantage of.

Many of my constituents are also concerned at the fact that these proposals are, in essence, forcing those who live outside Stornoway to use a car for all their journeys. I appreciate the real pressures which exist on budgets in all part of the public sector just now, and realise that there are no easy choices. However, given the current push to try and reduce emissions from transport by increasing the use of public transport this seems a particularly backward step for the Comhairle to undertake.

I and my constituents are disappointed that the most ambitious option proposed by the Comhairle is simply to keep the status quo - our constituents deserve better. I also believe that the Comhairle should give consideration to increasing the use of request services/dial-a-bus services as this may help better manage capacity.

Any changes should at least involve a proper, meaningful consultation with the community before tendering rather than the rushed last minute process as is currently taking place.

______As a regular bus user and non-driver I write to express need for a good and reliable bus service to get me to and from work (7am and 17:15 services in Ness in particular). I and other family members are heavily reliant on bus services to and from Ness-Stornoway during the day and evenings. The Comhairle has given people less than a week to respond and the local authorities have obligations to promote sustainability, develop the local economy, protect the interests of the elderly, the young and the disabled.

______I cannot make the meeting tonight in Sgoil Nan Loch but would like to lodge my opinion. Many of my neighbours rely on the bus service as they are elderly and do not drive. They use the buses regularly, particularly the 10am and midday service into town. My children use the 8.15am service and sometimes the service bus if they have after school activities. My husband uses the 7am service for work as he starts at 8am so losing that service would impact heavily. I realise cuts must be made but these bus services are a lifeline to many people. I'm sure a slight fare increase would be preferable to cutting the service altogether.

______Yet again a lifeline service is threatened to be axed with only a short time for local communities who are affected to respond, and yet again it is the vulnerable and those in our rural communities who rely on this service who will undoubtedly be affected. Tourism is thriving in our island and instead of improving the infrastructure we are going in the opposite direction. At a time where when we have 15 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


population decline and we are desperately trying to attract more to our islands, we are making it more difficult and less attractive to live and work here. I would urge you to seriously reconsider the drastic cuts to our bus service, which as a lifeline service, is needed in the rural areas of Harris for those who are utterly dependent on it.

______Reduction in day services would greatly affect rural communities as this is their main means of transport.

 the ageing population who might not be able to get around by driving themselves.  restricting the movement of young people towards towns for activities during school breaks  restricting people's abilities to complete shift work Currently, I do not use the bus service very often as the timings are not suitable for many of the activities as I've got a young child but I would like the younger generation the option of being able to go to town without relying on an adult driver. Withdrawal of evening services would mean that even less people will be visiting Stornoway for a meal out or general entertainment purposes. It is going against the regeneration mentality that seems to be the direction the council wants to take for Stornoway. However, I do support the possibility to reduce the size of buses for all runs except the peak hour runs and school runs.

______There is a Health and Safety issue with parking at Laxdale school as it stands at present due to lack of parking spaces. The reduction of a school bus service will make this even more dangerous and therefore the Councillors need to take this seriously into consideration before they cut any bus service to the school.

______I think it is important to keep our bus service as it is for people who don't drive or cannot afford car. They rely on buses to get them to and from work, appointments through the day and shopping. Cutting bus services could mean they aren't able to work, can't get to important appointments and need to rely on taxis for shopping, which they might struggle to afford. It will affect shops in the town and people who live in rural communities. It will affect elderly people without cars and young people without licences. Even if smaller buses were used I feel it's important to keep the services as much as possible.

______With no other options for people who do not drive to be able to attend appointments in Stornoway costs for taxis would soon mount up. The present timetable already imposes restrictions on those without their own transport to attend appointments.

______This Screams of just a tick box exercise by CnES, as I can not see how you can correlate, type up responses get all information to the committee who will be sitting at 12 noon on the next day after meetings on the Tuesday night. How will we know everyone has sufficient time to read and make an informed and educated decision on the bus contracts that will affect a large part of the population and tourists, in such a short space of time this.

All options except 5 will place rural people in a position of not be able to go to town unless they drive. People with low income, disabled, elderly or trying to get appointments in town should not be

16 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


expected by council members to stay in town for 7 or 8 hours any other option except 5 will mean we do. We simply can not afford it.

For many years South Lochs residents have not had a bus leaving Stornoway after 6 pm. Anyone wanting to go to town by bus can not after 5 pm including weekends.

These contracts seem like CnES are targeting rural areas again. Workers not being able to get to work on time because you want to cut the early morning service is absolutely ludicrous, many of whom probably work for CnES ,or is this your ploy so you can make them redundant and save yourselves more money.

______I am responding to the current consultation on the Transport Service Redesign. I accidentally came across this consultation and as a bus user I find this unsatisfactory. I would have liked to attend the meeting today but with such little notice of it taking place and as I unfortunately have a prior engagement I have had to put my views in writing.

My understanding of the current status of bus services is :

"...The Transport Act 1985 made substantial changes to the model for bus service delivery across the UK by deregulating bus service provision. The Act does not allow local authorities to provide bus services directly. It states that they shall not have the power to provide a service for the carriage of passengers by road which requires a PSV operator’s licence (though this does not apply to Islands councils: Section 66, Transport Act 1985). The following authorities currently hold a PSV licence in Scotland: Argyll and Bute, Western Isles and the Shetland Islands." Scottish Government

Transport authorities (local authorities, or so-called ‘model III’ Regional Transport Partnerships for their regions) are responsible for ensuring that bus services in their area meet local needs. Under the Transport Act 1985, they have a duty to subsidise services that they deem to be socially necessary and that would otherwise not be provided commercially.

Proposals currently being made by the council give rise for concerns for a number of reasons.

1. Current bus services do not meet local needs. Current proposals by the council would be to the further detriment of all communities.

2. I believe proposals to be discriminatory.

Duties under the Equality Act 2010

Policy changes to bus services in the Western Isles requires the council to pay due regard to the need to: eliminate discrimination, victimisation, harassment or other unlawful conduct that is prohibited under the Equality Act 2010; advance equality opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and  foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic. These three requirements apply across the ‘protected characteristics’ of:  age;  disability;  gender reassignment;  marriage and civil partnership;  pregnancy and maternity;  race;  religion and belief; and  sex and sexual orientation.

A human rights and equality impact assessment would have assisted the council in ensuring that the council did not act unlawfully. An Impact assessment as far as I am aware has not to date been completed but it would appear from comments made by the general public to date and publically that there is evidence that there would be a negative impact on older people (myself included), children and young people, people with disabilities and women and possibly others.

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3. With regards to human rights law it would appear that the following articles might be violated, namely

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights – right to respect privacy and family life This right exists to protect four things: our family life, our home, our private life, and our correspondence. This has been raised in other similar cases in the UK and has not been challenged or so I believe and

Article 14 The Right not to be discriminated against

Other international treaties might be violated by introducing these measures including The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights There are legal obligations to make sure goods and services are available, accessible and adequate for people to realise their rights. And there are obligations to not allow regression when it comes to rights, nor to allow anyone to fall below a minimum floor of protection. 4. These are by no means an exhaustive list of international rights that might be violated nor is it an exhaustive list of duties under Scottish and UK law that might be considered as not being complied with should these proposal go ahead. 5. There are also a number of national and international considerations e.g. poverty and climate change to name but two. Poverty and Inequality Commissions Study recently made 13 Recommendations including that Public Transport must be more affordable and accountable.

What is being proposed would also be detrimental to our environment and to the well being of our communities. What we need is a bus service that takes us where we want to go, when we want to go, is affordable, is safe and can be trusted. My own experience of staff is positive but the service infrastructure needs investment. e.g. simple things like signage at the bus station in Stornoway. No attempt has been made or so it would appear to "sell" these services to the local population or to tourists. Do councillors use public transport and if not why not? It would generate income as well as saving the council money. A win/win situation!

I attach some links that might be of assistance to all concerned. Interestingly enough the first article is about a rights based approach to public transport. Such an approach was suggested to the council some years ago and had it being considered and implemented this current exercise might not have been necessary thereby saving the council much needed funds.

References: those-living-poverty announced

______We wish to express our concerns that as parents utilising the home to school transport since our son commenced school in 2010 and subsequently paying for this invaluable service since its implementation in 2011 that it is at risk of being discontinued. 18 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


PRIMARY CHILD This unique bus route from Marybank/Newvalley to Laxdale Primary School has been in operation since 1967. It is disappointing that there has been no correspondence to advise parents of pupils in the area that the school bus provision to Laxdale Primary is at risk of being discontinued when the school closes for the academic year on Friday 28 June 2019. During the 52 years the Marybank/Newvalley to Laxdale Primary School bus service has been in operation, there has been a significant growth in the catchment area due to the increase in private and state housing being built; which was highlighted and demonstrated by the building of an extension to the school to facilitate a nursery and new gymnasium this current academic year. The school role for 2018/19 was 165; of this approximately 30 pupils or 25 households used the school bus in the Marybank/Newvalley area. The withdrawal of this school bus service would have the potential of:  25 additional vehicles using an already congested ¾ carriageway through Newvalley  25 additional vehicles in the traffic flow around the Laxdale bridge and Laxdale school resulting in long tailbacks and traffic being unable to exit junctions onto the main carriageway  as there is no designated drop off/pick up area at Laxdale Primary School, with the exception of the bus stops  there are only 21 spaces in the school park and no disabled bay  11 spaces are situated across the road at the Laxdale Hall, which are occasionally used by the general public to park their vehicles when car sharing  over all increase in the carbon footprint with the additional vehicles transporting children to and from school If my daughter was to join the other 29 children currently using the Marybank/Newvalley to Laxdale Primary School bus and walk, there are several issues to consider:  Junctions – my daughter would have to cross: o Bennadrove Road where there is no designated crossing o MacGregor Park housing scheme entrance o Guershader junction o Craggans Corner/Laxdale Lane – which is currently staffed with a road crossing warden  Allt na Broige river – children would require to dismount the pavement and walk on the narrow bridged road back onto the pavement; there is insufficient safety barriers on either side of the bridge and if children require to wait for a clearance in traffic may be at risk of slipping down the embarkment; this bridge is not adequately lit and would be a higher risk to children in the winter  the pavement is so narrow in places that single file is required  obstacles on the pavement – several households park their vehicles on the pavements necessitating a child to dismount the pavement and walk on the road past the vehicle and back onto the pavement  access to properties – there are 27 accesses to properties with 4 of them accessing more than one property

19 Ag Obair Còmhla airson nan Eilean COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Working Together for the Western Isles


 access to business – there are 5 business operating on the pavemented side of the route – Campervan hire, Quick Cabs Taxis, 54 Newvalley Chalets, Signature Car Valeting and Laxdale Caravan Park  Streetlighting – there are 16 streetlights along the pavement and 11 on the opposite side of the road; 5 being hidden by overgrown foliage SECONDARY CHILD Since our son commenced The Nicolson Institute in 2017 we applied and he was allocated a spare seat on one of the service/school buses passing the Marybank junction. There are in the region of 25-30 children or approximately 20 households waiting at the unsheltered and exposed Marybank junction. These pupils area also present as a hazard by causing an obstruction to drivers exiting Bennadrove Road onto the A859 in the morning. Our son has come home once having slipped in the icy conditions resulting that he was socked from head to toe. Due to safety reasons the homeward journey goes through Newvalley and Marybank as these 25-30 pupils were being dropped off on the main A859 carriageway opposite the Marybank junction where there was no pavement for them to disembark safely onto or to stand until the bus pulled off resulting in pupils standing on the road and/or erratically crossing the road with oncoming vehicles approaching. CONCLUSION We trust that you will vote favourably for the ultimate safety and wellbeing of the children within your constituency to retain the current bus service. ______Link for petition

Please ensure to read all the comments on petition before making any kind of decisions, and to consider all other options. The community asks you to empathise today as no one is prepared for what could be a life changing event from this potential cut back. For the working and socialising people of Stornoway, it will cause many issues. Travel issues for work and even the inbetween. Finding yourself stuck for hours waiting on the next buss. It's not suitable for a lot of people, especially the elderly.


How about cutting back on the museum? There's not really of great need to be open every day, as it's of interest. And not need.

Maybe some kind of fundraiser, A community fundraiser. All you need to do is create an event and the locals will help to raise funds

Schools, they could bake cakes to raise funds?

Events in the town hall such as music could be another way to create funds. By charging entry fee, and having various other money makers inside I believe it would be a great way to create cash. To bring the Community together in a positive atmosphere, would be for the greater good of happiness, as well as money


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