CENSUS, 1951





Pt. YAMUNA_LAL DASHORA, B.A., LL.B., Superintendent of Censlls Operations, .and Ajme ...

PHINTEI) AT TllE G()\EH"t-{ME};'l' IHEbS LIST OF CONTEt'rrS. S. Nv. Particulars

1. In~roduction , i - \~i -I

2. Heview of popuIc~tion figures '1-/

3, Schellle of CCll"US t(~blcs ,)c'

4, Definitions and key to sywbols \)-lU

5 District cenSUtl d(Lt~t at a glance 11-)3

G A_General Population tables_

A - I A rC'a" Houses alld Population

A - If Y:ui:ttioll in population dming tifty yC

j_ - fll Town:::; aml classified by populatil)n ]f) -17

A- IV TOWll:) clasdifieu by poputttion with variation since 1\)01 1h

A- V Towlls tHmngoc1 tCl'l'itl)l'ially \vith populrl,tion by livelihood classes. 1D

7. B_EcGnomic Tables--

B- I Livelihood cIa:::ses and :mo-chLf:ises Q-l '27

13 II bcconuM,Y melLQS of Ii vdihood

13- HI Elllployers, employees and independent workers in industries ,Lwl services by divisions ,Lud sub-divisions . 3b-00

H, C-Household and Age (samp/e) Tables-

C- I Hmlsebold (size and COllI position' . (j 1

U 1 r Li\elihoud classes hy age groups

c- III Age H-m1 civil ('ollc1itilJD ,

C-- I Y Ag3 and , (N 71

(j- V Single 'ye~tr age returns

II, Social alld Cultural Tab/es~

})- I (i) :\[uthcr tongue

(ii) Bili llgllaIi~llJ hI

1)- II Religiun

D- III Dcheduled C~ltitcS [lIlel tidwdulcc1 triboti

'--'_I D-- IV Migrants (~ -I

D- \' (ii) Disl) lrtGed pel'HOllS by Ii vel ilwod chssos

L") D- VI Non-Indiall Nn,tionals n,)

D - VII Educational Standards

10, E- SUllllllary figures by administrative units • 8(H:l7

11. Local ('-Ii) Infirmities • 88---Hf)

District Iudex of Nou-Agricultund Occupations. 91-10'-' PREFAOE.

The Census Reports in olden times were printed one f0r the. whole Province of Rn.jputana and another for Ajmer Merwara·. Some of the Principal. States now merged in RH.jl1sthan published their own repOl·ts. This time the' State· Census Reports h~Wf~ been pnbli8hed in the following volumes;-

I. Part I-A Report.

2. Part I-B Subsidiary Tf\;bles and District Ind8x of Non-Agricultural Occnpations.

B. Part I-C Appendices.

4. Pari II-A General Popullttion rrableR, Household .and Age (Sample) T:1.bl(;:-i, Social and Cultural '1\.bI88, Tab~e E Summary Figures by Adrninistra.tivc' Units, and local 'KA' infirmities.

I). Part II-B Economic Tables.

rrhey oonta.in sta.tistic;s down to the district level.

The idea, of preparing the District Oensus Handbook separately for each district was put forward by Shri R. A. Gopalaswami, I. C. S., Registrar General, , a,nd ex-Officio Census Commissioner of India, as part of a plan intended to secure an ef'fccti va method of preserving the census records prepared for areas below the district level. He proposed that all the district census tables and census abstracts pr~pared during the process of sorting and compilation should be bound together in a single manuscript volume, called the District Census Handbook, and suggested to the State Governments that tlw handbook (with or without the addition of other useful information relating to tile district) should be printed !tnd published, at their own cost, in the same manner as tbe statistics in the past. In acc6pting this suggestion, the decided to print and publish the more important portion of statistical data relating ,to the district and to preserve the rest of the records in a manuscript volume for any futUl"e use, to which they may he put.

~ebis Handbook contains five General Population TIl,bles of A SerieR, three Economic 'rabies of B Series, five Household aml Age 'rabIes of C Series, seven Social and Cnltuml Tables of D Series, one table E giving summary for the district Ilond tehllils, a IO(,rtl table 'KA' showing infirmities by age groups and a.n Index of Non-agricultuml Occupations. Each table contains an explanatory note necessary for the proper unden;tanding of the figures. The numbers given to the tables in this Handbook correspond to those gin'n . ill State Census Reports.

Vi ll:.tge Directories ,vere published fol' the first time in U)31 by a fow Rta.t08 of Hnjpntn.on.. 'rho example \yitS follovi'ed by all the States in 1941. They contf1ill(;(l fOf eacll village the population figures by religion and also Rome other useful ill(Ort~lfl,tioll. They were bound in H, volume one for each 8tH,te. 'fhii time the Village Dil'f~ctol'J08 rtre also incorporated in thiH Ha,ndbook under the name of" Primary Census Abstract ;md Village Dirertory" which show the basic population figures separately for each villll'2;cl or town-ward classified by livelihood cbsses instead of religion and also sOllie informatio!l of general . .

Opportunity has been taken to put in a short introductory note detailing the s::),jient points connected with the district, such as the physical features, climate, minfall, irl'i­ gf\;tion and drainage facilities, roads and other communications, agricnltnre, odnca,tioo, industries and other matters of general interest. The informH.tion contained iu tlw introductory note is b!1sed on the material furnished by Collectors of districts and DE'pa.l't­ ments of Go\'ernmel1t.

In addition to the above, some figures of general interest and a reviow of POpuhltiC>ll figureR baye alRo bren incorporated. 11

The scheduled date for the publlcfttion of the Handbooks as prescribed by the Registrar General, India, \Vas," Not latel'than March, HJ52" but practieal experience showed its publica.tion by that time an impracticability. Even the compilation of the tables together with its final touch could not be completed by that tinle. rrhen came the question of printing which proved to be a huge ta.slc There are 25 districts in Rn,jastluw and 1 in Ajrner. The tota,l number of printed pages turned out to be nearly 9000. 'l'he Government Presses were already over burdoned with the printing work of other depart­ ments and in the printing of census publications priority was given to Central Govern­ ment Publications i.e. the Sbate Census Heports. The result was that till March, 1954, for 14 out of 26 districts the P. C. A. and Village Directof,r could not be printed specially becf\,u~e the press h}l.d no gtock of small type which was essential for their printing. It was, thr.refoJ'c, decided to publish the handbooks in two VOiUffi[\S. Part I, conBiRtfl of intrr)(luction, a brief review of population figures and,

(t) Gener::tl population 1;a.hler-; ( A·I to A·Y. )

(2) Economic Tahles ( B-r to B-TH )

(3) Household and Age ( SfLmple ) 'l'abIos ( C-I to C· V )

(4) Socia,] and Cnltuml Tablef; r~ D-I to fl- r II )

(6) E-Sumruary .ogureR by A(]winistl'n.ti \'(.' Unit~

(G) TJoca.l Table' KA ' iniirmitie.s, and

(7) District Index of Non-Agricultural OccupatioIlR.

Part U mmtains only Primrtry Cfmsus Abstracts and Yillr1ge Directory.

The Handbooks of the Ajrner, Sil'Ohi and .Thn,lawar Districts ar8, however, being publisbed in one volume beca,use they have heen completed by this time.

,Vhile every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of figures and vi l1age Jl:tmes, certn,in mistakes IJlight have crept in. I shaJJ he grltteful if they nre brought to my not,irp.


INTRODUC'rIO~. I - Pby sical Aspects,

1. The District lies in the ex.treme south-west of Rajasthan, compmnng of the three 'rehsils of J aiore, J aswantpura and Sauchore. It is situated (I) Position, area and between 24"'30' and 25°'45' north :Latitudes and '10%4" and 73°·6' boundary. east Longitudes. It is bounded on t.he east by and Pali districts, on the south by on the weRt by Thar Parkar. district of Sind (P11kistan) and on the north by Barrllar distriot. Its area is 4,923'6 sq. miles as supplied by the Surveyor-General of India.

2. The forms the eH.stern boundary of the district, the eminent peak being that of SUll(la Hills of J aswantpma, 3,'253 ft, above sea. (b) Configuration and level. rrhere are a number of detachments of the range lying hills. within'rehsil Jaswantpum which serve as water rmpply Bouwes for the low-lying conn try. Another group of Hills liflS in the nentre of known as Songiri Hills (2,408 ft. above sea level). There are still other minor clusters of hills near BorGa and Led!;Lrm~~re to the north of .

3. Besides the hills a.nd rocky out-crops, rivers pla,y an important part in this trs.ct. ~rhe Lllni River enters at the northern border of rrehsil (0) Riters. and flows l:Iouthwards to drain its water into the Bunn of Outcb~ While thus flowing thtougb. 'rehsil Sancbore, it floods some' areas oli its banks in villages Guda Hema, Keria, Uhita.l wana etc. 'rho flooded area, known aq N aid (Rei) is one of the best alluvial lands which produce excellent wheat crop. An()~her ri ver viz ,Ja.wai flowing through J alora joins the Luni Hi ver. 'nle fore .. t-olad hills of Jaswantpnm are the sOllrce oi s8veml other strerHn-lets and one of those rising from the Sunda Hills, viz. "Sagi" is perennial and it flows throngh the village Chitrodi, Ktlandl1 De val etc. throughout the year in a. nRtrfOW bed. r_tlhe rivers a.nd hili torrents bring abundant Wetter by peroolation into the IlutnerOUd wells which lie along thoir banks.

(d) Botany. 4. It abounds in trees like babool, Neem, Sandeshra, Khejri, Ja1, etc. (e) Fauna. 5. , leopa.rds, jackals, pilSs,

II. - Ristory.

7. J Itlore W:t8 held by the Paramarf~ clan of Rajplits till to\vfl,rcls the end of the twelfth century wllen the Cha,llhan 1ho Rirti Pal (or Keytu), the fifteenth in dOlilc(\ut from Rao L",khfl.n (or Lakshrrhn ) of Na.dol, took it and made it his capital. Hill grandson Uda,i Singh surrendered it to Shan1'1-ud-din Altamsh about 1210, but it WitS immediately restored to him under the following circurm;tances, as related by HftBart Nizarni in his Taj-ul-maasir: -" 'rhe king took his way towa.rds JaJewar :Ja10re) by the aid of God, and by rea!';on of. t,he sca.ntine~s of W:1oter Rond food it \vB,S ll. niRotter of danger to traverse thn,t desert, where one Irjight have thought tha,t llothing but the faces of demons and spirits conld be seen, and the meallS of escape fror!i it Nare not even writtf'[l on the tablet of providential desigtL Udai Ba,h, the accursed, took to the fom walls of J alewar, an exceedingly strong fortress, the g:ttes of which ha,(1 never bp8D ~)pened by allY conqueror. When the plR.ce was invested by ShR.ms-ud-nin, U dai Shn, requested some of the chiefs of the. royal arrrly to intercede for his forgiveness. While the terms of his surrender were under consideration two or three of the bastions of his fort were demo~ lished. He came with his head n.nd feet naked, placed his forehead on the efLrth tmd WRoS received with favour. The Sultan granted him his life, and restored his fortress, and in return the Rai presented respectfully a hundred oamels and twenty horbes, in the name of tribute and after the custom of service. it [ ii ]

8. About a hondred years a.fter this event, Ala-ud-din after a lengthy siege, captured 'he place from Kana.r Deo (third in desoent from Udai Singh~, a.nd .. three -domed mosque, s9.id to have been built by him, is still in ~ood repair and da.ily use. 'fhe Muhq,mmadans appear to have rema.ined in possession till about 1510 when both the fort and distriot were acquired by RloO M~ldeo but only Eor a short time; the emperor AkbJ.r

and his imrnedi9.te suocessors undoubtedly held sway here t though not uninterruptedly, and it is interesting to read tha.t an aacestoi' of the rlller of held the district, as a gra.nt from , from 1682 till 1689 wh.en, "bein.g unable io withshnd the inrceasing power of the R~thors of ", he Was" oompelled to quit the country and retire to Palanpur It. It is probable that the town and distriot of Jalore beoame perm .. - Bently a pad of the State soon after Aurangzeb'8 death in 1101. III, - People. ·T.\vDS aDd villages. 9. The a.re 4 towns and 686 villages in this distriot Language. 10. The principal language of the people is Ma.rwa.ri, a. dialeot of Ra.ja.sthanL

11. The staple food is Bl\jra and Moth but weU .. to-docla,qses use whea', Rond rice alBo. Dhoti, and .Potia (head dress) constitute the dress of the 'ood and dress. rura.l ma.le population and that of the females consists generally 'of Ghagra (skirt) and Kanoh!i (bodice) who put on Odbni as their head-dress. 1n towns the people use finer t:ltuif aDd adopt va.rious· s;Jrta of ia,shioos of dress,' tnough ordina.rily their dresi consists of Safa., P cIogri or C,I.P, Kurta., Coart and Dhoties.

12. In towns the houses are mostly Pucca (stone built) though the poorer sections still live in Katoha. houses, plastered with oowdung and olay with Dwellings. thatcbed roofs, Katoha huts of Akra nnd Khimpra are the dwellings of the peopJe of the rural area. The following proverb re.veals the . true picture of the people of this di8~rict.

. U Akra.-ka.-Jhunpra-fl.Ut-kanta-ke-bar, Bajra-ka-sogra-aur motha-ki-daJ. Dekhi Raj" Mansingh tharee Marwar" (the cottages IDnde of Akra. shrub fenced with kanta (thorny Ihrub) for their dwellings and oakes made of bajra. to be ea.ten with Moth-ki-dal. Snch is the sight presented by your Marwar, 0, Man Singh.)

18. Rituals a.t birth, marriage and death are the same as in the other districts of Jodhpur Di\7ision. llituala.

14. The people in the distriot observe the S11me festivals as in the whole Jodhpur Divi~ion; among the , floli, Dewali, Raksha Bandhan, Akshai , etc., and the Muslims the two IdB etc., are the common festivale. IV .. EconomiC.

15. The principa.l oOQupation of the people is a.griculture. . The soil in this di"trict

(i) The Thai oircle includes the extreme northern-western portions of Tahsils JaJore and J aswantpura. and the entire area. of Tehsil Sanohore which is sandy exoept the belt of alluvia.l lands along the in villa.ges Keria, Guda. Hema" e

(it} The .gooq sa.ndy oircles or the middle belt is an admixture of s1tndy a.nd loam Boils. It coverli the middle portion of the Tehsils J a.lore and J aswa.ntpura. Here we nnd better vege~a.tion.

(iii) The loam in the south-eastern portion in this district is ditectly influenced by theAr~valli Range and its off-shoots which supply water and soil to this land.. rr1he region is semi-mountainous covered with thick ~egetatioJl. It is full of wells ha.ving abundant water.

16. The average annual rainfall is; 14" in Jalore, 19H in Jaswa.ntpura. and 15" in banchore but it· is preoarious as in the most parts of the Jodhpur Rainfall and climate. Division. 'rhe stability of agriculture in the good saudy and loam circlei'! depends on the flow of the rivers consequent upon a copious down.pour, while in the rrhal area what is essential is a regular and timely ra.infall for the crops to mature.

rrhe main agriculturA.I communihies in this tra.ct are Kalbies, Bhils, Bishnoies,

Kheti-har-kumbhars, Bllambiesl Minas and Ra.jputs. J ats and Malies are found in III tiwali number.

The climate is generally healthy. That of Sanchote is dry except tha.t tbe "Rel " flooded villil.ges of GudHo Heffia) Keria., Uhita.lwH.na etc., are malarious. Malaria. ha.s taken a. large toll of the population of this tract. J alote is very bot in summer but J a.swantpura is comparati valy cool due to its fertility and forestolsd Hills. . IIl'iculture statistics. 17. The normal acreage a.nd food production of the district are as under:- Normal production Estimated produ,,· Onp Acreag, p,t acre ,iun in tou, Xbarif Crops. BBjra. 682,662 2t l\Ids. 58,809 1,870 JO 668 Cotton ..... 2,409 ]0 " 8GO Til .... 70,695 ~t " 6,097 Ja.war },562 3t " 209 Pulses 16,170 2i " 1,443 Rabi Crops. " Wheat 52,415 15 Mds. 28,079 .... 5,5GG 17i 3,478 Gram 88 5 " 15 Rapeseed 2,002 21 " 178 " 18. Indebtedness is believed to be high in J alore and J :tsvvn.ntpura as in donble crop growing :ueas, the mouey lender has a fast hold on the Banking facilities. cultivators. In Sanchore) the Bisnnois and Kalbies are not so much indebted.

During recent yen.rs the condition of the agriculturists has improved on account of higb prices of food grains.

19. Cooperative Credit Societies have been establishecl in severn.l importn.nt villages and towns which are expected to rnuitiply as their benefits are manifested to the people.

20. Sanchore tehsil is principally pa~toral and is famous lor its fine breed of bovine cattle. ~rhe Sanchore bullock is a short bony anim!t.l and Live Stock. the Ranchori cow a good milker Lltrge hf'rds of these cltttle are reared by the who find a ready market for them at the . fair held in the month of April in Tehsil .

21. For itttroducing up-to-da.te methods of Qultivn.tion and saving the crops from 1amage by pests, locustl etc) the Agrioulture Department is active, as -a result of whioh t iv ]

'he conditiotts ha.ve considerably improved. For ensuring the heaah of oattle thete a.te veterinary hospitals at important centres viz. J a10re, Bhinmal and ;;a.nchore.

22. The rents payhle by the peasants in Khalsa villages a.re easy ones in cash based on low prices of the slump period. rrhe rents in J agir area. (b) Rent, wages and are paid in kind i. e. a snare of the actual produce. rl'he prices prices. of agrioultural products are very high. The wages of skilled labour V:1ry from Rs. 2/:. to Ra. 5/- while those of unskil1ed labour vary from Re. 1/- to Rs. 2/~ per day.

23. Forests in this district are sC:1nty a.nd are confined to hill slopes. rrhe pro~ (0) rores t ducts are fire-wood, char;.coal, gUill, honey and bamboos. 'l'hera is no scope for further afforestation.

94. Thera is no industry worth mention which is commercially sound. J alor. is famous for its "Reza" and "'l'ukri" and Bhinmal for its "Shoes." (d) Irts & Manufature. Reza and Tukri are not in demand in competition with mill-made cloth imported from out-side, and the industry is dying out. ~rhe number of small Scale Industrial establishments in the district aooording to 1951 Census is 3,615 with 11,729 persons working in them.

25. Owing to adequate rail and road faCilities, Mandies exist at J a.lore, Bhinma.l (e) Commerce and and Sanchor. trade, g6. A railway branch line runs from to through rPehsils Jalore . . and having principal stations nt Jalorel and BhlIlfiml. (I) Means of eommuni- A secondary road connectlJ J tdore with the Pali-Surnerpur sec~ion eation of the 6haIlli Trunk Road. rl'here is a road from Bbinillal to J aswantpura and Rani wara to Sanchore. 'rhuB the entire tract is acoessible by Rail or Roa.d exoept in rainy season when the tract beyond Sanchure village upto Bakasar becomes inaccessible owing to the swampy nature of the land.

(g) Post Offices. 27. A list of Post Offices in this dIstrict is given iIi Appendix 'A'.

V. Administration. 28. The collector is at the helm of the general Administration of the District. Hei is both a full-fledged Revenue Officer and a District Ma,gistmte. 'l'he Civil work is of course dealt with independently by MUQsiffs controlled by the High Court. rrhere a,re Assistant Oollectors 01' S,D.O.s at Jalore and Bhinmal who are Revenue Officers a.nd bt Class Magistrates. There arc 3 rrehsill!! in this District viz. J alore, J aswantpura and Sanchore. 29. The Khalsa. villn,ges are cash-rented and regularly settled There are two kinds of tenures viz. Bapi and Muafi. 'fhe Muaiidal's are Hept-free Land Revenue and holders of land, e.g Dolidars, Bhomias, J u!1ajagirdars etc. 'l'her6 'tenure. are two sorts of tenants viz. Bapidars and Ga,ir Bapidars. rl'he Bapidars aro Patta holders who pay a fhed annual rent 9.t rates evolved in the course of settlement. Their interests in the holdings are heritable and trausfemble. They can m~ke transfers of lands permanently, rmd also temporarily but for a oeriod of not mtlre than 3 years. This restriction of sub-letting ha.s been imposed in the interest of the real tillers of Soil with a view to check all intermediaries indulged in pro­ fiteering. The Ghair Bapidars are year to year tenants. rrheir ri!:{hts are not transferable. Patwctries are responsible for the collections of La.nd revenue of the Khalsa villages. rrhere is a rdguln.r Tenancy aud Revenue Act for the propet' functioningoI the land Admillistratiou.

30. In thii diitrict the Jagir area is 10 times that of Khalsa. No ·income accruos from the Jag-it areas to the Government excepb Rekh, Chakri etc ( Tribute) pa.yable by the J agitdars. 31. The Kha.riff cultiv3.tion depends wholly ort rains. If the rains are good, a.lmost all lands :fit for cultivation are voluntarily brought under the plough Grow more food by the cultivators. Since there is uncertainty of rains every year, activities normal Kha.df ~ultivatien cannot be guaranteed year in and year out. t , ]

32. 'fhe Rabi cultivation depends upon the strength of wells and Bundhs. There is great soopa for extensive Babi cultivation in Tehsil Jalote if the Jawai Project is speeded up and water is given for Nehri Irrigation. There are about 30 villages of Tehsil .J alore which f~111 within the commanded a.rea of the J a.wai projeot. All the Bamni Lands in the Tehsil are lil\ble to become N ehri. This is the only guara.nteed souree for growing more food crops. YI Public works .

. 33. The staff of the Rajasthan Government Public Works Depa.rtment looks a.fter the Government Buildings and roa.ds. There a.re no Public Works at present worth wentioning-. yII. Protection.

34. In addition to the military posted on border, there are regular Police Forces stationed at Police Stations for internal pea.ce and safety. A list of Polioe Stations is given in Appendix "B". VIII. Education.

, 35. There ar'e two High Schools at Jalore and Bhinmal, fOllr Gouernment Middle Schools al J aswantpura, Sancbore, .Mal wars and U medabad and Primary Hohoola at a.U important villages. A list of Sohools is given in Appendix "c", II. Public Health.

36. There are Allopathic dispensaries at J a.lore, Bhinmal, Malwara and Sanohore alid nine Ayurvedic Anshdhayaln.yas at Ahore, Bltkra, Gura. Halotan, Bagra, Siana, J nn vi, Jbab, J ,\swarntpura. a.nd Bhinmal. 'there is also a. proper a.rrangemsnt for periodiQlLl vaccination. X. Local Self Government 37. There are Municipalit188 at Jalore and Bhinmal and 57 Panchayats functioning in important villages. These local bodies are yet in inia-noy, because the people are backwn.rd. 'rhe public does not take as much interest a.s it should. A list uf village Panchayats is gIven in Appendix: "D".

XI. Miscellaneous. 38. This town lies at the foot of 80ngiri Hill crowned with a fortreBIi 2,408 feet above sea-level. It attl~ined eminence in olden times when wMfare 1alore Town. and feuds wore comlllOll, owing to its strategic importance and ensured safety to the rulers. It was one of the most famous forts in Rajasthan. Built early in the Christi[Lll era by tbe Paramara , its wallA com­ posed of huge masses of cut stouP, remain even DOW in a perfect state of prf:'servation, although the place has been lIlany times besieged. rrbe fort is about 800 by 400 yards in extent and acce'lsibte only by an asc(mt of 3 mites, over a gteep and slippery stone roadway passing three distinct lines of defence, [til of considerable strength, it is amply supplied witb good drinking water from a oouple of tanks within the walls Ilond pOBses8es savant.! handsome and as well aR the tomb of Malik Shab, a noted Mohomedan Saj?-t. It posseSSOR a combined Post & Telegrapb Office, High Schoo! and a Hospital. Acc­ ordlllg to the 1951 Census it cOllta,ins 9, B87 inhabitants. 39. The old name of the place wa'! Srimal or Bhillaniala ( the Pi-lo:.mi-to of the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen rrsiang). It was the ancient capital of Bhinmal Town. the Gujt-trs between the Gth and 9th centuries, but very few traces now remain. One of its s8vemr gates the Gujrati dltrwaza, though in ruins, is still distinguishable. A do:r,en 01(1 ta.nks and welh;, the stone image of a killg seated 011 a sinhasari ( lion-supported throne) ancl a numher of temples n.re of B.ntiqun.rimi interest, and seveml SaORkrit iURcriptions referring mostly to the time of the Pramam and Chauhan rulers, have been found. It owes its iluportance to its being the Gead Quarters of Sub-Division. It was far more importlHlt in olden days when it was the centre of business, flourishing tmde and populated with moneyed people known as Shreemals, which bet is corroborated by the results of excavations where in images of antiquity have been found and bricks are even now unearthed when required for building pnrposefl. It is Raid that due to some natural oalamity, the old town was buried under-ground and the present town sprang up in its plaoe, Owing to Rail and Road faoilities, Mandi or market of grain has sprung up at Bhinma.l a.nd it is Ilo fa.irly importa.nt Mandi in this district. [ vi ] APPENDIX A. List of Post Offices in the .

1. Ahore. 5. J aswantpura. 9. Rani warar. 13. Sirona. 2. Bhinmal. 6. Malwara. 10. Sanchore. 14 Umedpur. 3. . 7. Madron. 11. Sayla 15. Vadgaon. 4. J a.lore. 8. Movslim. 12. Sia.na.


List or Police S~ations in the Jalore District.

1. B"kha.sat. 4, BhinmaL 7. Modran. 10. Sanchore. 2. Bagorq,. 5. Jalore. 8. Nosra. 11. Shedwa. 3. Bhawatra.. 6 J aswantpura. 9. Raniwara, 12. Umedpur. 13. Babatra..

APPENDIX C. tlst of Schools in the Jl\lore District. High SohooZ::""" 1. Darbar Iligh School, J alore, 2. Darbar High School. Bhinma1. Govemment Middle Schoal:- 1. Datbar Middle Sohool J a.swn.ntpllra. 2. Darbar ,i SanchorH. 3. Da.rbar " M0.1 wsra. 4. Darbar " " Umedpur. " ." Government Boys Prima"y Schools ..•. 55. Qovernment Girl, Primary Schools 3 . .Aided BOY8 Primary SchooZs ...... , 3.

APPENDIX D. List of Gram-Panchayats in Jalere Distri()t. Teh.il J alor" 1. Ahore. 11. Sankhwali. 21. Mandwla.. 31. Umedpur. 2. Bhuti. 12. Chadri. 22. Bhenswada.. 32. Alasara. 3., Bhwari. 13. Akoli. 23. Mengal wa. BB. Wavtra. 4. Wagara. 14. RaithaI. :34. Alana.. 34. Charau. 6. Saila. 15. Oth wala. 25. Ptwata. 35. Goole. 6. Wnla. 16. Wakra,. 26. Bal wada. 36. Jiwa,ra.. 7. . 17. Thanwala. 27. Res wana. 37. Khehra. 8. Gl1dha-balotan. 18. . 28. Panthedi 38. Birans.. 9. 13ha varani. 19. Kabrada. 29. Dudli. 39. Surana. 10. Padardi. 20. Dayalpura. 30. Sakrana. 40. Tiloda. 'l'ehsil Sancho". 1. Sanchore. 2. Gudha llama. 3. Vakasal'. Tehsil J a3wantpurrJ.. 1. Wadgaon. 5. Raniwada Khurd. 9. J unjani. 13. Sikwada. 2. Malwada.. 6. Ra.msin. 10 Moreseem. 14. Wagoda.. 3. Mandoli. 7. Dhur. 11. Na.rBanaa. 4. Rani wa.da Kalan. 8. Dumadiya. 12. Tawav ...... --- jALORE DISTRICT


1. The district lies in the extreme south-west of Rajaijthan. It is situated between '24° 30' Bond 25° 45' north latitudes and 70° 54' Itnd 73° 6° east introduction. longitudes. It is bounded on the east by Sirohi and Pali districts, on the south by Palanpur (Bombay) and Cnteh, on the west by '~rhar Parka.r district of Sind (Pakistan) and. on the north by .

2. It comprises the three Tehsils of Jalore, Jaswantpura and Sanchore.

3. This district consists of 4 towns and 686 viilages, having a population of 459,467 persons, (rna,leR '210,220 ltIld females 219,247 ) of ,,,,born Population. only 28,051 persons or 6'1 per cent reside in the urban units :wd rest in the rural ones. rrhis di::.;trict stands 16th ill respect of populntilm among the districts of Rajrtsthan vide Annexure "A". A nmjority of villages are of tbe smallest size with a popuhttion below 500 persons. There are ,1 towns Jalore, Ahore Sia,nlt, and Bhinmal.

4, The popula.tion of this district as composed on throh 1. 1951, according to 'Census of 1941, was 399,570 (males '207,989 and femft!es Hll,5Hl). rrhe last dec!'I.de rms witnessed an increase of 59,897 ,i. e. 15'0 p'or efmt. This distrir,t ocellpi(ls 13t,}. ~)()Bitif)n in the districts of Rajasthan with respec~ to growth of popn1a,t[oI;, vide ,,<'l... nuexnre dB". Its growth is above the average growth in Hn,jR,sthan by (lJ pAr C(lIlt, This growth 111 :the urban uuits has been as high :18 f:H'3 per cent ,vbite in the rura.[ uliit:i it is oIlly 1'2'3 per cent.

5. The are~ of this dir'ltrict is 4,9'23'6 t;q. mile8 (supplied by 8urvflyor Genflm! of India). It thus co verB 3'0 per eent of the toktl arGn of tbe St:'tte and Area and DenGity. 8ta.ndslOth in respect of ftrefl, when compared with the other districts of Hajasthan, vide Annexnre ··U". rrbe Director of L[~n d Recm-ds, Ihjaf

6. rl'be !lnmbpf of occupied hotl:-!es in thi ... district is 86,959 whi~'h are inhabited hy 'Occupied h:m,es, 93,l'J6 hOllseholds; (79,G55 housos oc(mpiHl by (4)181 hOllsflllOlrli-; in households, family rnral area" ?ud 7,404 houses occupied by I:) 145 hO,HICholds in urban composition and sex units). -ratio.

7. '1'he number of persons per occup1cd bouse is {j'3 (5'4 in ruml and 3'8 in urb~n units) and tibe same W~1S the proportion in 1941. 'l'be average eompositioll of a bOllSf)­ hold is 5'1 persons in rural and 3·4 in urban units. '['he hOll::;ehold pOpU1M.ioil of th(~ district i~ 459,163 (431,112 in fnml and. 28,051 in urban) i. e. 304 leAS thR.ll the totR,t population. rrhis last figure represents the hou~eleBs persons and inm::t,tss of institutiom. etc The number of females per thousand males in this distriet is DI3 in tot~! populatil>n and 912 in household population. H was 921 in total population in 1941 vi.de Annexure "E". In the rural units it is 909 and in the urban units it i~ 964.

8. The number of total literates is 18,461 or 40'2 per thousaIld (males 16,801 1'. e. Literacy. 70'0 per thousand, females 1,660 i. e. 7'6 per tlWUf.!tlld). Th~ condition is different in rural from urban units !loS is depicted in tIle inset table, Number of lltors,'es per thouRll.nd of

,__ ~er~on_~ !... Mlllos I Ferttllo)911 .Rural I _'1 30' ~~ 650 ~ II .. _ ,.. :': TJrban ._ 185'0 30fi'O ~ .. ~ ------9. The strength of persons depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture is 33\),385. fl1hey form 73'9 per cent of the total population and if we :Frincipq,l means of take out of consideration those \vho :11'e not directly in tonch with livelihood. land 'i,e" nOll-culti vating owners of land and their depen<.1an ts, the perccnt,1,ge of actual agriculturists and their depelldants comes to 7'22. Among the agriculturists the hrgest percentR,ge i. e., 5-1':3 is that of culti vrttors of Irmd, wholly or mR,inly unowned, and their dependants, Uuiti vators of lana wholly or nminly owned and their depondftnts form a percentage of 1:3'4 onl,Y, The cultivating labourers and non-cultivating owners of bnd are '1'5 CLnd 1'7 per cellt respectively.

10, Non-agricnltnml category forms 26'1 per cent and n.mong themselves the Jarge lll~jorjt.Y depend upon "Other services and rniscella,neous sources" who forIll 1l.~ per cent of the geoeml population. Industri:.\ists comprise S'O por cent, trn.ders are Li'7 per cent and transport industry supports 0'2 per cent only.

11. In the rural units the agriculturrd classes form 76'S per cent of the total rural population and the non-i~gricuitul'u;l classes form 23';) pel' cent, of whom cultivfLtors of mVlled land and their dependants form J3'8 per cent, cultivators of unowned land alld their dependants form 56'6 per cent, cl1lti vating labourers and their depeud

12, Of the non-agricultural cn,tegory the largest rrmjority belong to the "Other services n,nd m.iscellaneolls sources" chAs being ] 0'0 per cent and those deri vmg tbeir principn,l means of li\Telihood from jndnstri~.l activities rank second bf·ing 7'4 per cent. Traders come next a,s they form 5'7 per cent. '11ranspurt stands last with a percentage of 0''2.

13. In the urban units the owner cultivators and the cultivn.tors of unowned land .are 7'9 ancl19'1 per cent respedively of the total urban population. ~1he cnttiv(1,ting Ltbourers and nOll-cutti vatiug ownerfl of }:.wd are 1'3 and 1'6 per cent respecti vely. 'rhe non-agricultural cll.tegory forms 70'1 per eent. The largest group depends upon "Uther services and miscellaneous sources" forming 2rl'U per cent, tmders being ~2 0 per cent and industrialists 17'0 per cent only. 1''2 per cent of the population are engaged in transport industry.

14. Economically inactive persons can be grouped into two categories-(a) Those who 8R.rn their Ii velihoocl without any activity e, g" pensioners, Economically inac- stipend holders ll.nd receivers of rent from land or buildings or tive persons. interest and (b) those 'whose activities o.re uneconomic in their nature e· g., beggars, prostitutes etc. 'rhe number of such persons in this district is 3,'232 (2,349 males and 883 females). They form 0'72 per cent of the total popUlation of the district. Their further details are gi ve~ in District ECJn()rni~ 'ra,ble B. IIi. Employers, EmpJoyeefi a.nd Iudepel1dent Workers m IndustrIes and Servlces by Divisions and Sub-divisions.

15. The principal langua.ge of this district is Marwari which is really a dialect of Rajastbani. It is spoken by 445,512 persons i.e., 96'98 per cent. or Language. the other languages or dialects spoken in this district, 'vVestern is spoken by 11,444 persons or 2'0 per cent of the population. The number of speakers of other languages is insignificant being less than one per cent.

16. A vast majority of the people of this district n,re Hindus being 89'6 per cent, next come Jains who are 5'5 per cent, Muslims rank third being Religion. 4'9 per cent of the population. and Christians combined form even less than one per cent. 17. The Scheduled castes population enumerated in this district is 17,240 ie" 3'75 per cent of the total population and there is none belonging to Scheduled Castes. Hchednled tribes. A notified by the is appended as Annexure "G". 18, Of the persons enumerated in this district 97'1 per cent are born in the district itself, while those born in other districts of Rajasthan are 2'4 per Migrants. cent. For districtwise details of the above items see District Table D. IV (Migrants). Perilons born in India outside Rajasthan are 1,384 that is 0'3 per cent and those born in countries in Asia beyond India are 796 i. e 7 0 ~ per cent only. 19. The number of disphced persons in this district is only 829. All have imn~i­ grated from \Yest Pakista,n (587 in 1H47, 77 in l~JiS, DD in ] 94\), (jj Displaced Persons. in 1950 ~,nd 3 in 1951). Majority of them 548 i_ e-, 66'1 per cent are traders. 60 i_ eo, 7-2 per cent earn their livelihood by 'Other services and miscellaneous sources '. IndustrIalists are 45 i. e, 5'4 per cent. rrhose ,yho are engaged in transport are 14 i, eo, 1-7 per cent. Cultivators of owned and of unowned land are 18 and 144 i. e., 2'2 and 17-4 pel' cent respectively.

20. In this district the total number of persons afflicted by infirmities (the blind, the delli-mutes, the insane and the lepers) arB 1,968 that is 4'3 per Infirmities. thousand. Blindness is the most prominent, the number beillg 1,G26 that is 3'5 per thousand. Persons afliicted by the rest of the il1firlilj~ ties are 0-74 per thousand only. 45-2 per cent of the total blind persons are in the age group 55 a.nd over. Similarly 18'6 per cent of the total deaf-mutes, 11'2 per cent of the total insa.ne and 12 per cent of the total lepers are in this age group. 4

ANNEXURE "An. Districts of Rajasthan arranged by Population.

S. No. District 'l'otal Rural Urbal1

1 .... 1,656,097 1,186,885 469,212

2 ... , .... .'! .. 1,191,232 1,043,263 147,976 :3 Bharatpur ...... 907,399 757,177 ]50,222 4 ... , .. ... 861,993 763,155 98,838 5 Kotah ... -. .. , 766~981 639,230 'J 26 ,!:fEl8 6 Sa waimadhopur ...... 765,172 6G8,943 96,229 7 ... 763,829 664,250 99,579

8 Bhilw>tra ••• .~ . r/~7;356 659,851 67,505

I) Jodhpur ••• 691,7t:16 463,399 228,387

10 .- ••• 677,782 529,498 148,284

11 Pali ...... t. 660,856 570,7~7 90,129

]2 Gangfmagar .... -. ••• 630,130 539,217 90,913

13 .... ••• 588,621 443,295 J40,326

14 Chittorg:uh ••• 537,724 524,570 63.1fl4

15 Churu ••• ...... 5'23,276 338,174 J85,102

]6 Jalore ••• ••• 459,467 431,416 28,051 17 Banner - 441,368 408,601 32,767 18 Tonk - ... 400,947 332,268 68,679 19 , . .... ••• 373,810 330,826 42,9.')4

20 ••• 356,559 336,874 ~9,685

21 ••• ••• 330,3:29 ]81,341 148,988

22 ••• 308,243 286:501 21,742

23 n. • •• 280,518 232,760 47,758

24 Sirohi ... ••• 237,362 209,502 27,860

25 .J aisa.lmer ••• 102,743 9;j,717 8,026 5 ANNEXURE "B",

Districts of Rajasthan arranged ac~ording to Percentage of Growth of Population,

Growth Growth ,.. J ___, ____" S, S, r _}_----, No, District Actual Percentage No, District Actual Percentage

1 .hipur, .' +365,537 +28'3 14 Churu ,· +68,148 +15'0 2 Tonk . · .+76,202 +23'5 15, · +()6,8!),1 + ]'2'8 3 Barmer • . of· 78,071 +21'5 16 Bunni +31,H4 -1- 1'2'5 4 Jodhpur · +118,103 +20'6 17 Dnngarpur +33,~61 ~-1'2'4 5 Sirohi , · loi +40071, +20'3 18 SawfLi Madhopur +82,647 +El'l III +]O'j 6 Jhunjhunu · v +97,750 +HlH 11) J ai 8R,1 flr +U,4D7 7 Pali , t 105,270 +18'9 20 Silmr + 61,868 +10'0 8 Banswara · .+56,646 -t 18'9 21 Bikaner -HW,4!J3 _/_ s,r? 9 Ganganagar , .+96,156 +18'0 22 Jha,la"mr. +26,781 +7'7 10 Udaipur , 7178,051 +17'6 23 Kotah · +39,041 +5'4 11 Nftgaur • +107,452 +lG'4 24 BhR,mtpur · +46,058 +fY3 12 Bhilwftra · +96,262 +1 [)',') 2{) A 1war , + lG,oO] +2'0 13 Jalore · +59,897 + l:J'O


Districts of Rajasthan arranged according to Area.

Area in square 8, Area in square S. District District No. miles No. miles

1 15,967'5 14 Sawai Madhopnr 4,'203 I) '2 Barmer 10,15:)'5 15 r:ronk . 3,!581'(} 3 Jodhpur 9,43,1'4 16 Alwar 3,215'3 4 Bikaner 8,446'6 17 Chitt,orgarh 3,281'2 5 Glmganagar 8,2'2:5'0 18 Bharatpur 3,13'2'() 6 Udaipur 6,957'5 19 Silmr 2,% I'~) , I'i 7 Nagaur • 6,898'8 20 Jhalawar 2,:311'] 8 Oburu • • 6,512'4 ;21 Jhunjhunu 2,3JO'G 9 Jaipur 6 ,'295'4 22 Bundi '2,1;)b'9 10 Jalore 49, 0... 3'6 23 Banswara l,H53':3 11 Kotah 4,784'6 24 Sirohi 1,671'1 12 Pali 4,750'7 25 Dung'ftrpur 1,4otr:3 13 . 4,671'5

• Total 130,:20(j 7 6


Di~tricts of Rajasthan arranged according to Density per squa.re mile with variation since 1941

S. S. District HJ41 1951 Variation. District 1941 1951 Variation. No. No.

1 Bharatpur • 275 290 +15 14 Sirohi • 118 142 +24 2 Alwar · 260 '266 + 6· 15 Pali • 117 139 +22 3 J aipur 205 263 +58 16 Bundi • 117 131 +14 4 Jhunjhunu · 212 '255 +43 17 Tonk 91 112 +21 5 Sikar 209 230 +'21 18 Nagaur 95 111 +16 6 Dungl1rpur I;. 187 210 +23 19 Jalore 81 93 +12 7 Sawai Ma.dhopur. 162 182 +20 20 Churu 70 80 +10 8 Chittorgarh · 161 182 +21 21 Ganganagar 65 77 +12 \-) Banswara 154 182 +'28 22 Jodhpur 61 73 +12 10 Udaipur · 146 171 +25 23 B[l,rmer 36 43 + 7 11 Jh::da war 150 162 +12 24 Bikaner 36 39 + 3 12 Kotah 15~ 160 + 8 25 .J aisalmer • 6 6 '13 B hil wara • 135 156 +21


Districts of Rajasthan arra.nged according to preponderance of females.

No. of females No. of females S. per 1000 males in S. per 1000 males in District r----...J___----. District r----_,,__~ No. 1941 1951 No. 1941 ]951 1 Dungarpur. · 970 1,003 14 Kotah 919 926 2 Bauswara 996 983 15 frank 903 925 3 Sirohi · 947 973 16 Jaipur 914 919 4 S kar 920 972 17 Jalore 921 913 5 uuaipur · 9-1:3 960 18 Bundi 918 913 6 Ohittorgarh · 944 958 19 Jodhpur 887 899 7 Jhunjbunu. · 881 956 20 Alwar 890 896 8 JhalR.war 925 952 21 884 879 9 Pali · 943 946 22 Barmer 869 869 10 Chul'll 908 939 23 Ganganagar 814 836 11 Naga.ur 912 936 24 Bharatpul' . 840 835 12 Bhilwara • 943 934 25 J aisalmer 807 813 13 Bil{aner · 866 929 7


Density of population per square mile in the Administrative Dilnsions of the State of Rajasthan.

5. No. Divisions Density per square mile

1 Jaipur 228

2 Udaipur 173

3 Katah 154

4 Bikaner 64 i Jodhpu.r • G2 -- ANNEXURE "H"

Scheduled Castes.

Published in the Notification, Gazelle of India, Extraordinary Part II Section 3. No. 27 dated 11th Angust 19W Order No. S. R. O. 510 dated 6th Sept., 1960.

1 Adi Dharmi 12 Chamar 28 Kapadia Sansi 34 Nut

2 Aheri 13 Chura '21 Khangar 35 Pasi

:1 Badi 14 25 Khatka 36 Raigar

4 Bagri 15 Dhankia 26 Koach Band ~7 Ramdasia

; Bajgar 16 Dheda 27 Koria 38

6 Bansphor 17 Dome 28 Kunjar 39 Sarbhang

" 18 Gandia 29 40 8 Bawaria 19 Garancha Mehtar 30 Majhabi 41 Sansi

9 20 Godhi 31 Mehar 42 Thori

10 Bhangi 21 J atia 32 Mehtar 43

11 Bidakia 22 , 33 44 Valmiki 8 SCHEME OF (;ENSUS TABLES.

Census Tables Prepared this time fall under 'he following six broad groups:-


There are five Tables under General Po~uJation Tables. These are:-


Economic Tables comprise of three, separate Tables. These are:-


There aTe five Tables in the GroJp of Household and Age t( sample) Tables. These are:--


Social and Cultural Tables consist of seven Tables. These are:-


There is only one summary Table:-


There is only one local table:-


. ., Tract:-,-In past censuses the cerrsus figureS' were tabulated by administrative units i e., districts, tehsils etc. 'rhis time in almost ftll bbles tlie figures Imve been represented by nnits which hlwe been technie::Jly Ci\,llcu "THACT8". Traets Rl'e (Jf three killds, (11 all Yillages of a fmb-division kLkcl1 tOgCU121' fO[,111 on8 rllral tract.; (2) [tIl towns (\vhich rtre not cities) in a district takel1 together form f1ll ., nrb;m non-city tn\~t" and (3) every city is (t'l "urban (lity trant" or in Rhort "city tl'(1,ct ". A ESG of tracts comprised in eacu district has been given in the handbook of tho district.

Town:-A "'rown " has been defined as every municipality, every . or every village which had a population of 5,000 or over in 11JM 01' any other village which wss treated as a to\vn for special reasons by the State Oensus 8uperintendent.

OitY:-A " Oity" is normally d~fiued (l,S a town with a, population of one lac ~r over, but this definition has beon relaxed in :Rajasthan, and towns with a population of 50,000 pr,over have a180 been tre.'tted as cities, to bring tbo definition in uniformity with the one adopted in the Municipal Act. .', . ,

.. Vzllage:-A" Village" means a revenue mauza whose revenue is realised under a separate name. It includes all h1tmlets att[tched to it. " Hou~e;-A "Honse" has been defined a,s every structure made of any material whioh is actually used as humn,n babitation or if Dot so uRed, is capable of being so used, which has separate main entrance from the street, lane, by-lane' ek. It includes structures of all kinds such as residentinl houses, temples, mosques, offices, etc. The minimum, which was necessary for qualifying a structure to be abssed n,s a honse, was at least two walls and a roof made of any material.

Occupied HOllse:-" Occupied housos" were those which were used actually for the residence of human beings.

Household:-A "Hou8shold" has been defined to mean and include all persons living in one and the same house and dining at a e01l1mon mess irrespective of. 'their blood relationship e.g. serv::mts residing with their masters and taking meals in their kitchen ,;vere treated a,s members of the master's household. On '. the contrary even nearest relatives as husband or wifo wore treated as separate families if for any reason they happened to live in separato buildillg8 and dine at separate kitchens. ;_:

Household PopuJa#on:-"Honschold Popula,tion" 111eans porsons living in numbered houses as members of fL c0!l1111eIJs:11 f:l,mily inoluJing guests and serv!tllts. It does not include (a) houseless pemon:;; or (b) inmalies o£ jnstitutions like jails, hospitals, hostels, dak bungalows, boarding houses, orphanages, sarais, dharmashalas, police lines, military lines, asylums, etc.

bisplru;ed persor;:-A "Displaced person" was (iefined '\1S a person who migrated from Western Pakistan after 1st lYI arch 1947 .(,)1' fron? Eastel'l1 PakistGn after 15th October 1946 due to commnnal disturbances or fe~~r of disturbances or uue to partition of Iudia and Pakistan. ~. Ohildren born to such persons after their migration to India, were not to be treated as displaced persons.

Ward:-A "Ward" was defined as municipal ward in case of municipa,l towns. In non-municipal towns wards have been made arbitrarily by the Oensus Department.

Means of LivelillOocl:-In fOl'mor censuses it was customary to represent the basic population data by commnnity or religion. This time an innovation haos been made ltud in most of the tftbles tho figures are pnblibhed by 1\[ e~~llS of Li veliLood groups. All occupations have been cl[tssified under eight bl'O~td c]a,SSGS and given code numbers which are as follows:-

I .. Cultivators of land wholly or ma,inly owned and their dependants. 10 II Cultivators or land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependant&. III Cultivating labourers and their dependants. IV Non-cultivating owners of land, agricultural rent receivers- and their dependants. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from :~

V Production other than cultivation. VI Commerce. VII Transport. VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources.

N. B.-In most of the Tables, the mil 01&s9 number s only gi1en instead of describing the class. Oode No.:-In the enumeration stage a set of location code numbers was prescribed to identify each inhabited spot, whereby the districts were numbered serially within the State, tehsils within a. district and cities, towns or villages within a tehsil. Similarly houses were numbered within a village and households within each house. Hamlets were given sub-numbers under the number of the parent village. Key to Symbols. MIL Mea.ns of livelihood. T ... Total. R Rural. TJ Urban. p Persons. M Ma.les. F Females. S.D.R. ... Sub-Division Rural

Letter "M" when used with the name of a. city indioates "Municipality", letters I'T.B." ...... Town Board; ·'N.A" ...... Notified Area. 11


Code No. and N am6 of Sub- Region 2'4 Desert Sub-Region. Code No. and Ni1.1l1G of Nfttl1r:ul Division 2'41 Rtjasthan Dry Area. Divlsion, Code No. and Name of District :- (1) According to ~ak1ml Begion 2'416 Jalore District, (2) According to Etl1lmercl,tion Location Code. 14 Jalore.

1. Area in sq. miles 4,9236 Proportion to total area of the State 3'8 p,e.

2. Population :- p, C. ot total Persons Males Females Femn,les per populntion 1000 males of the Stn.te.

4.59,467 240,22) 210,247 913 3'0 1951 431,416 225,~HO 206,476 909 3'4 {~ 28,051 14,288 13,771 DG4 1'1

3~J9,570 207,989 191581 921 3'0 1941 384.100 19O,888 184,212 92:3 3'1 { ~ 15,470 8,101 7,369 910 '8

3, Denaity- per square mile in { 1951 93 1941 81

4i, Variation in population Actual Percent:lge

1901 - 1911 + 31,471 + 10'7 1911 - 1021 - 23,308 - 7'2 1921 - HJ31 + 47,709 + ]5'8 19:31 - 1941 + 49,326 + 14'1 IDn - IDS1 + 59,897 + 15'0 1901 ~- 1951 (in the hst 50 years) + 165;095 + 56'1

5. Mean decennial growth rate during 1941 - 51 ... + 13'9

,6. Towns and villages classified by population. p, O. to total No, Population population of Females per District 1000 mides

Cities 'Oi ••• rrowns other tha,n Oities ... 4 28,051 6'1 9G4 Villages with a population of:- Over 5,000 2,000 to 5,000 21 58,478 12'7 960 1:000 to 2,000 101 131,030 285 925 500 to 1,000 217 150,880 328 H05 I Less than 500 347 91,028 1~),8 -8','0 Total , .. 686 431,416 93'9 DOa 1'1

1. Occupied Houses and Housl:!holds.

:No. of ocellpil)d Persons per Persons per No. of hon~eholds IJllll';('~ occupied bom;e household

T ;~~;. U;j!J Hi3,126 50 5'0 B, 1\1 ..);-);) fH,!=Jt)] .5'0 5'0 U ~. tIJ4 t),14!) 4'0 3~0

8. No. of household.,; per 100 Occupied Houses. 107

9 No of displaced persons.

P (In,on r;;. Mnl\:,s. Females.

]i 82!1 436 :)\)8 I: 571 30!) 266 r :2riN 131 127

10. Disbibution of population by MIL Classes per 1000.

Total Agrinnltllml I II JII lV

, '1' .139,3Sf) 7:-H:I 6L5fn 134 249,378 543 20,689 45 7,851 17 l R B;-W.900 7fiH 59,344 138 244,014 566 20,2~6 I 47 7,406 17 u 2,223 79 5,364 191 363 ]3 445 16

Total V VI VII VIII N 011- A gri(' nItu rrd I ~-_~A-e~~~!_~_~~: __ -i 1,~~;;~) I-~~tu~l-T;~t~o IAetnal 11~~~ -, Actual 11~foTA~-~ l,~~~

l' ]20,082 ~,; I 36,~77 i tiO 30,732 67 1,081 I 2 51,392 112 H 100,4'26, 2::3:-3 32,113; 74 24,567 57 732 2 43,014 1,00 U 19,6561 701 4,7641170 I 6,165 220 I 349 • 12 .8,378/ 299

11. Distribution of population by Religion-

Religion Persons Percentage of totaJ population of the Distt. Hindus 411,736 89'6 Sikhs 6 Jains 25,130 Buddhists ZoroR,strians Muslims 22,435 4'9 Christians 160 rees than on~ Jews Others ••• ... H

12. Literates :- Actn1t1 Percentage Persons Males Females Persolls Males }!\nnales T. 18,461 16,801 1,660 4'0 7'0 1'0 R. 13,275 12,430 845 3'0 5'0 0'0 U. 5,186 4,371 815 1St) 31'0 6'0

13. Distribution by Economic status: -- Self-supporting persons.... 184,945 Eaming depend;mts 46,962 Non-earnin!S dependants "" 227,560

101. Average population per Tehsil 153,t56

15. Average area per Tebsil 1641'2 squilre miles.

16. Industries:- 1. Industries Establishments 1,010 N umber of 2. Non-'l'extile Industries Establishments 2,605 13. Handioollls in rrextile Industries 1,015 17. Towns with their Code No. - 14, 1/88 .J alore M. ]4j!/153 Ahore 14/ :/ 177 Hialla. 14/2/68 BhiJlm~1 ]\f.

18. Tracts com.prised in this Di6triO~:- No. ;\:I.lne 60 ,Ja:Jore Sub-lJivision Rural. 61 Bbinrrml Sllb-Di viRion i~,ural. 62 .hlore District n rba,Il 1\ OIl-City.

19. Tehsils with their Code No.-- No. of Household House­ Literates population holds Males Females Males Females ]4/1 Jalore 40,709 96,604 90,454 7,866 1,137 14/2 Jaswftntpura 30,159 78,948 72,076 6,574 373 14/3 Sanchore 22,258 64,553 56,528 2,861 150

N.B.-Figures in item No. 14, 15 a,nd 19 include the figures of Urban :treas of tho Teh~ils concerneo.



A. I-Area, Houses and Population


'rhi.~ tn,blc shows the numht~r of villages, towns, occnpied honses and rnrn I popula­ tion for each of the tehsils of tho District. SPri:d No. 1 cont:tins the aggrcgnJ,o COl"l'es­ ponding ngures for the district as a wllo\e,

'riw ngnres of area, aga,inst each unit have been ente-red HS supplied by the District Officer. They represent the total of unit" rural as well as urban, atl separate ngurrs for urban units were not avaibble. 'rite total area of the district, as supplied by tl10 f-innf'yor General of India, has been given within the bra,cl\ets [l,gainst the I1allle of district, TIle tehsilwisfl area. could not be made available from Surve.ror General's Oilier.

There are three Tebsils in this District.

ll) J alore Tehsil. (2) Jaswantpura'l'ehsil. (3) SanchoreTehsil.

POPVL\l'IOX Area Occupiort ill Village,; 'l'oWIlIi 'J.N". ,U.millistrativ8 Unit 8'1' houses ]>"1'00118 2.Ialc·" F"m~l.,~ mil('~ (0 (~J (en (4) (5) (iij (7) (1') (j ,!)23'G) 1 JllJore District Total 4,7JO 6R6 86,959 459,467 210,220 219.247 Z Jafore District Rural 4,730 686 " 79,5.'i5 431,416 225,940 205,476 3 Jalore Sub·Division [lural ... 1,.5';2 128 32,453 168,365 87,052 81,313 ~2k 3J ,1 G:~ 4 ;Jalore rL'ehsil Rural 1,552 f IGS,365 &7.0f,2 ;--\ 1 •~1 J :~ .; Bhi'nmal Sub·Division Rural 3,178 -/58 47,102 26.7,(]51 138,888 12·/,/6.1 G Jaswluitpunt 'l'ehbil RU!"itl J ,:,liO :!J5 2G,111 141.970 r;-J,g:-~~ 67,f):'\i)

'j Sanchu1'(t Tehsil Rural 1 ,i~lK 2:3~\ 20,U~1 121,081 M/,:,3 bn.r;~s 8 Jurore District Urban 4 7,404 28,051 14,280 13,7i/ -----

A.. II-Variation in Population during fifty Years.


This table compares the popubtioI1 of tbe district as compoRed on 1 Rt March, 195: with those of the last five censuses.

'rho figures of past Censusm; Imve been taken from Provillci:d Tn 1)1e - I of the report!". of the Pftst Censuses.

(Jensua Ye1\X Persons Variation lIIabs Variation Females Tarhti.n'l (Ii (2) (:.1) (4) (5} (ii) (7)

1901 294,372 155,073 139,299 1~11 325,843 +):1.471 170,097 + 15,O:l.f 1;';.5,746 + ](;,447 19~, 302.,535 - 23.g08 1.58,272 -11,825 1~4 J(;'\ - 11,41':, l!I:H 3;'>0,244 -H7.709 183,416 +25,14-1 J [,C. R~~ -t* :!~155f)

l~JH 3\)(t, 570 +4!l.3'26 '207,!l8:1 +24,573 ]'Il,B81 -+ ~4,71i~ 1%1 459,461 +5n.S97 240,220 + :12,231 111\),24. +'l.7,6tW, N.: Vilri,ltiut. l!/Ol·HIJt +IG5,OC15 + 85.147 + 79,941S Hi

A. III-Towlls and Villages .


r.rhis t~tble dmtls with towns :18 ,ycll :1S vi IllLges t:L1ICIl together. They ha vc been cl~Lssified auJ villages belonging to mwh ebss, ;",lI(l thr'ir p()plll~ttion SCXWiS8 h[we been shown s~pf1rately for the

1'herc is no village with a population of :),000 and over in this District.

-; ~ 'I'(lt~t popul:lLioll TowliS alld ViJhtgos with less than 2,000 populalion

.-5r::: _~ ___ A. _____._ .~ ~ r----'~--...... AamiDi,tr~tivD Total Lcs, than 500 500-1,000 1,000 ... 2,000 Unit °w ~o ~" ..-- ____'- __....,~--.~,.,---- ...y __--A.. ______, ,--_._~ _...A-. __. ., ~.:;.;;; ~ Pen"JIls ~Ialcs Females ~~ c...' ~ ~.._, ...:;;- r' (l) (:») (II (6) (7) W) \lu) {ll) (J~) (1:J) (14i (If)) \lli) (I?)

r J lore District ... 690 459A57 210,220 219,247 665 195,\)+1) Itj·993 347 48,668 12,360 217 79,200 71,680 tOl 58,078 62,952 2 ..; 110re Sub·Divisioll 231 187,.)62 1)6,719 90,6.jJ 216 69.6-13/)/,416 99 1'£,036 I Z,29f 75 27,453 25,219 42 28,154 26,906

:; r.. ,loro 'rehsil 2;)1 187,::)G2 Qli,71U !lO,lill 21G C:Jii·/:l IlUIG !l!) 1 WaG Z B,~91 75 27,4(;3 2.1 ~l~ {~ 2HJh4 :llJ,go,

4 8hinma/Sub.DivisiQn4S9 111,I05U3,501128,60-1 449 126,303112,576 U8 34,632 ,;(),069 J42 51,747 46,461 5939,924 36,04'

:j J:\s1f"n tp 11m Tehsil... 226 151,O2± 7'1,\)48 ~1,O76 2:lC Hi ,484 61.123 10~ 1;),'\:"\2 H,625 ~7 2~,~54 ;l(i.OH :-34 ~:J,578 ZI,45~

Ij SaU(:lore T"bsil ... ~3:3 121.0Rl G4,5fJ'l 56,5:28 22q 58.';19 ;;lAG:) HI ]D,l:-lO : 1(),H4 (iii 15':'93 :20,4J7 ~[j IG,24G 14,5'2 17 'Classified by Population

acconling to the popula.tion in the classes ;;,; :1)1),\11 ill tlle: !lcfLding of tll(~ tabk. TIIP :ilililbel'o{ to,;YDS District as a whole ana for each of the teh,;jls ur '1:0 1)i~:'rjc:t.

Towns and Villages wit,h n population of ~ ,000-1 O,Qui)

~ ______-_A_- ______._._

Total ~,OO1-;j,OOO 5,000-]0,').)(1 10,000- ~Q,OOO 20,OOO--!)O,OOO o Z

____..A.. _____.--.,...- __• __ ._A._ ___~~----'----- r- ______'_.____ "..- ______-A-.

~181 (1\)) (:ZO) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) '11)) (~l) (2')) (l'J) (:ji)) (:JJJ \il2) (3:3) (.J ij

25 44,274 42,255 23 34.694 33,394 2 9,530 6,85I ... 15 27,076 26,227 14 22,109 21,807 1 4,967 1,42/1 2

10 27,076 26,227 14 22,109 21,807 1 4,!JG7 .1,420

~., " IO 1'l,198 16,028 912,585 J 1,587 I 4,ti/3 4,nr ~

!l,5]:'l - '6 11,461 10,953 5 6,831 1 4,613 4,4.11 ... 6

, 5,73! 5,075 ~ 5,7340 5,075 ('. 18

A. IV-Towns Classified by Population with Variation since 1901 EXPLANATORY NOTE

This ta.ble ShOiYS; the popuhtion of the towns of the district for the last five Censuses by sex. It aLw give8 the va,riation in popllhtiou from dou.de to decade a.long with the net variation sinee 1901.

In this table, the cities and towns have been claSRified and arra,ngcd fuccording to population under six classes namely:- I 100,000 a.nd over. IV ]0,000 to lO,O()O 11 50,000 to 100,000 V 5,000 to ] O,O()O III 20,000 to ,150,000 VI Less than l5,OOO

Tho cbs::; in which theindividua'\ town falls is shown nnder t.he WVII(~ of the 1.('\\'11.

rl'he naturd of the local body functioning in f),wh Lmrn IS showll ill the bm('kc~", after til(- 1l:11H8 of the town wherever such body is functioning.

tn this (listrict tw(t fresh towns luwe been added in this ccusus wtltwly. lr Ahara 2. Slana,

Town Hlld yea.r l'crson. \' ariatiou Hal~~ \-ariation F~malp" V"ri"tioa (1) (3) (l) (5) ((;, (,) 8 Urban Population (Distt. 'rot[11) 1901 11,980 6,D70 li,018 UHl 1'2,838 +850 (),3b~) + 41 !) (i,44D +431 19'n 11 ,00~ -1,536 5,631 - 8;')0 ;):771 - 678 l::3,l!lti +1,894 6,7!)!) + i ,:2(;0 6,~~97 +t:i26 11141 15,470 +:3,:n4 0,10 l + I ':;OJ 1,0(iD +~J72 HJf)l 2o,051 + 12,581 14,280 +0, Ii!) 10,771 -H~ .402 Net Ya,ri;ttion +lG,OG3 + tl,310 (lS)Ol-l!J51). Jalore ( M) Jalore (Ch~s V) 1901 7,443 3,675 :j,7()O UHl 7,624 +181 3,70 l +llli :1,83:; -~. [i;-) 19~1 G,270 -1,:351 0,08S -jOn :{,18b -- (iUS l~Jl 7,114 +844 3,t>65 +;)0:3 :-;,449 +:l() t 1941 7,9G7 +053 4,2J .G + !)!)(} :3,75J :1( );-l lWH 9,387 +1,420 4,9Wi +752 1,1]() -" (jH +1,8·H + 1,'2D2 + (ViJ Bhinrual (M) J aswantpura, ( Cllts::; V) 1901 ,1,5:15 2,:2~JI '!,2J() 1911 5,214 + GW 2,ij\),S :201l', +:l{i{) 'J") 1\)'21 ;),032 -18~ 2,4:1B -11') -- OJ;) 1931 (),082 + l,USO :-U~~,l +(;8.) :J ,~J4,'_' +:iij.") 1941 7;503 + 1,42] 3,t)o() +7r):. ;),017 + {)(i~) 1951 9,054 + 1,5:; 1 4,613 1,441 .. ;'{H + J,;)OD +~,l:)l Ahore Jalore (Class Vl) 1951 4,991 Siana Jalore (Class VI) 1951 4,619 r";'1 tQ c;,


...... c 1- [­ L-

1.L"::­ :::I)

>-, o r:j 0: o L- ..0

o cc' o ct:>

cr:' I- CC

I"!')- .--


1. In the 1951 Censw:;, the Economic olassification wa.s substituted for the la.ssiiica.tion ba,s(lll on RCjligion.

2. The people have been J.ivideu into two broa.d livolihood ca.tegories, vi~, ih{. Agricultural Classes Md the Nou-A<:;ricultural Classes.

3. There are four Agricultural Classes, defined as below :-

I Culbi vntors of hnd, wholly or m:1inly owned, and their dependants.

II Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unowned, and their dependants.

III Cultiv!1ting l::tbourers and th(',ir dependants, and

IV Non-cultivil,ting owners of hnd; (l,gricultural rent receivers, and the. dependants.

4. There are fOlll' Non-AgricLdtllra,l Ch;..;se;:;, defined a.s compnsmg all persons (in­ cluding dependants) who dr;ri ve their pl'itwil.)ll,l means of Ii velihooll from :-

V Production other tlmn cultiv:1tion. VI Commerce. VII Transport.

VIII Other services, and miscellaneous source!;,

5. All tbeqe chsses have been refnrretl t~ as :\[eans of Livelihood Classes or in brief MIL Classes.

NOTE.-(a) Lan

(b) A "Cultiv

6. Livelihood Sl1b-Classes :-Ritch of the eight MIL Classes ha,s been ~ c1i vided)ntc, ~hree sub- classes, ,yith reference to their economic stactus as below :- (1) Self-supporting persons;

(ii) Non-earning dependants; and (iii) Earning dependants.

:Economically active, semi~active and passive persons ;-

7. All non-earning depeIllhnts nxe economically passive. They include peri'Jons perfor­ ming house-work or other domestic or personal services for otbor members of the same family bousehold. Hnt they do not incluue "unpaid family workers or persons who tah:e part along with the members of the family bousehold in carrying on cultivation or a home industry as a fa,mily enterprise". .

8. All earning dependants are economically semi-active only. 'rbol1gb they contribute to the carrying on of economic activities, the m(l.gnitude of their individual contribution is deemed to be too small to justify their description as economically active. 21

9. All self-supporting persons are, ordinarily, 3conomically active. But, there ~r& ,certain classes and groups whicll constitute an exception to this rule. Tbese are men-, ,tioned below :-

(i) The self-supporting persons of fLgrieultural clasR IV.

(ii) The following group,," of s81hnppoftiug" persons who [He included in non-agri­ cultural class V [1 I :tnd (le1'i ve tlwir prillci p:d moans of livelihood from rniscellaneous sources (otherwise than thpugh economic activity) :-

(a) Non-working owners of non-'l).;ri f 'llltllrnl pr()p~rty,

(b) Pensioners and rmnittallco holders,

(0) Persons living Oll c:,n,rity a,nd ()th~r persons w,th unproductive­ occupations, a,nd

(d) inmates of pen:tl institutions ~nu ~\'sylums.

Classification of Economic activities and Econoluically active persons:-

10. Economio activities lllay be defiued u.s iuuluding all aotivities of which the result. is the production of useful commcJdities or the performance of useful services but not inolud­ jng the performance of domestic or personft,l services by members of a family household to one another.

11. The most important n,mong n,11 economic activities is the cultivation of land (or , the production of the field crop;q). It stands in a category by itself. All other economio activities may be regarded as f~.tlling in [mother clttegory which may be referred to as " Industries and Services". All theso [Lctivities may be classified with reference to the nature of the commodity produced or service performed. Under the present scheme, all industries and services are classified in 10 divisions; and these divisions are sub-divided into 8'3 sub-divisions- 'l'he scope of fwtivities included in efl,ch sub-division is indicated by its .

12. Economically active persons engaged in culti vation, are either cuI tivators or culti­ vating labourers i. e.) they are persons of snb-cJf\.ss (i) of agricultuml classes I to III.

13. Economically active persons engaged in Industries u.nd Services are classifiable in the divisions and sub-divisions. All persons innluded in each sub-division ai-e further divisible into three sections viz.,

(i.) Employers.

(i1:) Employees, ~nd

(iii) Ind ependent \Vorkers.

11. In effecting this chssification, no ~econnt btu; been taken of wllether the classified pAl"ROn \V[ttl aetnn.lly employed or nnE11llployd 011 the d:\,te of ellnmeratioll. He bas been allocated to thu,t particnhr description of (~e()nomje adivity from which be bll,s been in fu.ct deriving a regnln,r (thftt is non-c?tsllftl) inr:0me, ftS llis principnj means of lirclihood.

The Tables.

15. The Economic tables for the StR,te as a whole with bma,k-np for N a,tum] Divisions ::Lnd districts will be found in Ueport Part II n of the CellSI1S of Imlia 1951, Volume X, Raja,sthan and Ajmer. It also cont~inR a flll! discussion of the Indian Censtls Ecollomic Cla.ssification Scheme and its comparison with Illtermttional Rta.llchrd Industrial C]f\.ssi- . cation Scheme evolved by the United N n.tlons Organisation. r£hiR Handbook eon tains the ab)73 t90bles for this district in which thev are Dublisbed down to tract leveL 22

16. The replies recorded in the census slips against census questions 9, 10 a:s.d 11' lla.ve been used for classifying every enumerated person within the framework of Economic Oiassification of people described above. The results have been exhibited in the three tables.

(a.) Economic Table I Livelihood classes and sub-cla.sseR. (b) Economic Table II ... Ser,ondary means of livelihood . (0) Economic Table III Employers, employees, and independent workerg. -- in industries and services by divisions and sub-di visions. Economio Table 1.

17. This table is the result of the record of replies to the cellS us question No.9 (1) .. It shows the distribution of population in the eight livelihood classes and a sub-classes of each livelihood cb,sf:. A complete picture has been presented of economina,lly :LctiVA. semi-active and passive persons.

Economic Table II.

18. It specifies the number of self-supporting persons in each of the 8 classes mentioned above' who have more than one means of livelihood and Cf(Y4f; classifies them a,ecording to the nature of suoil seconda,ry means of livelihood under the same eight classes. It also displa,ys the number of en,l'lling depencb.nts who supplement ( \vitlu their own activities) the resources provided for their maintenn.nce br the persons on whom thoy are dependant. The economic activity of the economically semi-active persons whereby they supplement ~ the above resources has been shown in thiR t~tble. The replies recorded in the slips aga,inst census question 11, showing the occup~.~tion of semi-active persons as alw the secondary mea.ns of livelihood of sclfsupp(Jrtill~ pers::ms ( with more th~tn one occupfLtion ). other than the principal means of livelihood, :~re the basis of this table.

Economic Table. IlL

19. l'his table is limited to economically active persons ouly. belf-supporting persons engaged in Industries a,nd Services have been classified under 10 Divisions and sub-divisiOllR thereof. rrbey have beeu further divided under e:1Ch division and sub-division into thre(~ oategories "Employers" '·l'jmployees", and "Independent Workers".

(a) MIL Clltss V (PrOduction other than culti vation) corre",ponds to Division 0 to ,1 (O.Primary industries not elsewhere speeified, I-Miniug and quarryi ug; 2- Processing and manufacture-foodstuffs, leather and products there of; 3-Processing and manufacture metals, chemicals and product3 there of;. 4-Processing and manufacture not elsewhere specified).

(b) MIL class VI (Commerce) correspond" to Division 6 (Commerce).

(e) MIL class VII (l'mnsport) corresponds to sub-divisiollH 7'J to 7'4 of division 7 (Tra.nsport, storage and communimttions).

(d) MIL class VIII (Other "('nices and miscellltneous source,,) inclndcs Division 5 (Construction nncl ntilitips), Division 7 (Trl'lollspol't stomge nnd COIlJIDU­ nication) with the excpptioll of sub-division 7·1 to 7·4; Division 8 (Hea,]tb, education and public a.dministration) and Division 9 (Services not else­ where specified). It also includes other miscellaneous Rources of liveli­ hood e.g. income from investment, pensions and family remittances. proceeds of begging and other llllproductive activities. Tbese are not, however, included, in Economic Table III which is limited to imlustries and services. Hence there is a difference to this extent between the total self-supporting persons of the non-agrieultumi classes in l£eonoIllic Table 1 and the total of this table. rl'he reconciliation has been affected by entries of economically illneti\(' rnsons with the following further classifieation . at the end of the table \columns No. 798 to 807). 23

Persons ii ving principally on income from non-agricultural property.

(U) Persom~ living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and funds

(iii) Inmates of jails, asylums and alms-houses.

(iv) Hecipients of doles.

(v) Beggars and vagrants.

~ vi) All other persons living principally on lllGOme deri "ed from non-producti \'e acti vities.

20. '1'he Unit of Classilieatioll is the organised" Establishment". The cOlllmodity proG.uoed or tile service performed as a result of the work of tho organised establishment is the criterion tor dassifying the est~1blishl1lcnt. 'rne classification of tbe establisllll](~llt is the classification of every member of the establishment.

21. As regards" Employees ", n,ll persons, engaged, in produetiol1, COllllllet'CC or transport (and not being domestic servants) hfl,'i'f~ been classifieullIHlrJ' the appropriato sub­ divisions with reference to their own ;;,ctivity, and without reference to that of their employer. Domestic serva.nts have all been classed in CDe sub-division without reference to tbe nature of their work. All other employees (including all mana.gerial ana snpervisory em­ ployees, clerks, messengers, \yn,tchlllcn [tUa unskilled bbourers of every doscl'iption) have been classified with reference to tll(' cOUllllodity produced or services rendered hy their employers.

22. In this table occnpationa,l returns under some of the suo-(livisiolls are nil and the columns pertaining to such sub-divisions haY8 been omitted for tile sake of eeollomising s1_)!1l'e. hence thflrp. are breaks in the sel'iaillumber of columns. SJ4

B. I-Livelihood Classes



0 Aamlni~tmtive Unit S. C.(i,)Self-sup- Z Tctal Population Total ~Iorting persons -t.t: .....;... (l) (- ~\...._-----., r-----J.. --., r----_A_--.... 00. Persolls :\[aJ()s Females Persons Males ]1-'emales l\laJes Fe- males ( 1) , (2) (:)) (1) (5) (Gj (7) (1:\) (9) LORE '>J Jt 1 Jalore District Total 0159,467 240,220 219,247 339,385 179,852 159,533 97,071 49,007

2 Jalore District Rural 43t,416 2~5,940 205,476 330,990 175,312 155,678 94,621 48,278

3 .Taloro H. D. R. 1ti8,.365 87,0:):3 .')1,.31.) 11:3,97!) 60,502 fJ!:3,473 33A20 16,183

4 Blliuma\ S. D. R. 263,0.51 138,888 ] 2J,1 ();3 217,015 114,810 102,205 () 1 ,~Ol ;-n,OB5

5 Jalore District Urban " 28,051 14,280 13,771 8,395 4,540 3,855 2,450 729


II-Cllltivator~ of land wholly or 1l1ainly unowned a.nd their dependants

A'lmini8tmtive S. C. (i) Self-snpportlng 8. C. (iii) Ear· ulli. Total 8. C. (ii) Non-eaming perf'ons dependants ning dependants Z" ,.~..__ __ ------~ :-§ _----.. --- __ ._------.. ______.J~_ ...... ---.----- Fe- ',JaJ.-s F('male~ ~!:tle.~ Females jo'emaleg },!,.le. w" MaJes ..IIalell

(1) (~:l) I~J) (~4) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) -J 1 Jalore District Total 132,8l1i7 116,531 72,195 35,699 51,286 62,290 9,366 17,542

2 Jalore District Rural 129,973 114,041 70,6a 36,296 50,209 60,673 9,150 17,072

3 .Jaime S. D. R. 10,233 3~,JOl JLI.il U,896 16,452 21,296 1,G30 3,009

4 BhiulIl:11 8. D. n. 89,740 7f),R40 -18,'1f!3 26,400 33,757 39,377 '1,520 14,063

5 Jalore District Urban 2,87~ 2,1\90 1,581 403 1,077 1,617 216 470 and Sub-classes

Clas~es . .A. __ I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly .clasbes owned and their dependants }._------. r------'------, S. C. (£1.) Non­ S. 0. (iii) S. C. (i) 8el£·~ S. C. (ii) Non- S. C. (iii) e:lrnmg Earning Total supporting earmng Earning dependants dependants persons dependantR rlependants I ,-...J.....____.,. ,_ -L__ , r----L--, ,--__L_, ,---~----, r------L------. Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- . Males Females Fe- MaJes males Males males Males males j!{ales maieR ~fales males (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) DISTRICT

70,068 87,41~9 12,713 23,077 33,118 28,4419 18,4142" 6,943 12,552 17,564 2,124 3,94Z

'68,285 84,956 12,406 22,444 31,817 27,527 17,769 6,739 H,99S 16,959 2,055 3,82G

24,733 33,000 2,349 4,'&90 12,847 11,029 7,688 2,693 ·1,76;,) 7,7f)ti 394 630'

43,G52 51,956 10,O!J7 18,154 18,970 16,498 10,081 4,046 7,228 H,253 ],661 3,199

1,783 2,493 307 633 1,301 922 673 204 559 605 69 113


: q-Non cultivaiing owners 01 land, agricultural rent Ieceivere, III-Oultivating hlbourers and their dependants and their dependants

S. C. (£) SeJf- 8 C. (ii) Non- S. C. (iii) Earnin" S. C.(i) Self- S. C. (ii) ::-Ton- S C (iii) Earnillg Tot'll " Total supporting earning . d" . d ' otlpportillg p,lI'sons earning dependants dependants persons dependants epen ants

___.__ ~ ~ ______..______...A---.. ~ ~ l{ales r~~~ies 3hles :t~~S Males !~~s Malos :a~~s Males ::=ie~ Males ~~~s Males Females Males n!':~.

(30) (31) (3:J) j (0:3) {:H} (:35) (aG) (,J7) (38) (39) (40) )41) (42) (43) (44) (45) 10,01710,572 4,488 4,597 4,6194,660 910 1,315 3,870 3,981 1,946 768 t611 2,935 313 278

9,77910,4147 4,3111 4,589 4,5454,561 893 1,297 3,743 3,663 1,897 654 1,538 2,763 308 24R

5,901 fi,675 2,826 3,280 2,8582,868 222 527 1,521 1,568 755 314 t)G.') 1.130 103 124

3,873 3,772 1,515 ] ,:)09 1,692 1,09;) 671 770 2,222 2,095 1,142 340 ))7.5 1,fl,33 205 122

238 125 1217 8 74 99 17 18 12. 318 ~9 114 73 172 5 32 26 B. I-Livelihood Classes

Non-Agricultu ral ------

All- Olasses

... r- .A. :; le- }'e-

I. Jalore Distt. Total ... 120,082 60,368 59.714 30,789 8,078 25,829 44,214 3,750 7,422 2. Jalore Distt. Rural ...100,426 50,628 49,798 25,657 7,I49 2[,715 36,236 3,256 6,413 a. J!Iolore S. D. B. 54,390 2G,0flO 27,fHO 12,855 ;3,413 12,37! 20,869 1,324 8,558

4. Bhinmal S. D. It 4G,08G 21,07t1 21, ~1;)0 12,802 3,736 9,SH 15,367 1,932 2,855

5. Jalore Distt. Urban 19,656 9,740 9,916 5,132 929 4,II4 7,978 494 1,009

Non-A gricultural

______Persons.A- (including dependants) WflO___ derive their_

1'1 [-Transport.

..A.. ______--, ;.. .-

I~ Jalore Distt. Total 593 488 240 16 330 430 23 42

2. Jalore Distt. Rural 426 306 156 8 255 275 15 23

3, Jalol'e. S. D. 1\. 20R 1:1(; 90 3 116 122 2 11 ,. (, Bhinlll"l S. n. H. ... 218 170 66 u IR9 153 13 12 5. Jalore DisH. Urban r67 182 84 8 75 155 8 I9 27

and ~nb.clayes-CcJlcld.

Glasses ____ ------..1---Persons (including dependlmts) who derive their principai means of Ii .'elihood from

Y -Production (obher than culti vatiou) VI - Com ill ere e

-----_...... "..._------..., ----- :;:;. C. (i) Self- S. C. (ii) S. c (Iii) S.C. (i) Self- S. C_ (ii) S. C. (iii) ToLll supporting Non-earning BRrning Tota.l supporting ~ olHlllfning Ktl'lling persons dependants tlependants persons dependants dependant~ _____ ..... __ ....J-.... ___ -""\ r-----, r-:---.-.--.-.-~,---...L---,r----l.---.~~ (~.,_._.A._.~" r-_.A.. __ ~~ Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- ll'\l- Fe- I·'e- Yales Ma.les Males MaleR Ma.Les 'M:lte~ ~LtleB MaJes males males ma.lol'.( Jj lI~lelJ males males lllale~ lIHLles {55) (56) ~57) (58) (59) (GO) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) ((;G) (67) 1GB) ((ii) ) (70) DISTRICT.

19,584 17.

17,181 14,932 9.700 2,654 6,385 9.RI4 l,og6 2.464 12,163 12,404- 6,856 785 4,889 Il,140 4(8 479

H,;{9:~ 7.270 5,005 1,099 3,055 5,150 33J 1.021 5,ti49 6,417 il.lB~' 362 :\,582 5,088 ' 78 117

8,788 7,662 ~,695 1.£)55 3,330 4,664 7Ga 1,443 6,314 5,\lti7 ;i.66i

2,403 2,361 1,305 220 1,004 1.776 94 :i65 3,024 3.141 1.517 129 1,412 2.912 95 100

Cla.sses _. CM'I

VIII -()tber services and miscellaneous sonl'ce~ , ,---

S. C. (I) Self-supporting H. C. (ii) Non-mlrning R. C. (ili) Rill Ding Total persons depennants de}JeIH/ants r . .A.... -. .-___.A.. , ,---""'-- ", ,_._.----,' -, lhles Females Males Females Males FCLDftle, Males .Fannies (79) (SO) (81) (tl21 (R3) (84) (SG) (86)

25,004 26,]88 II,171 4,274- II,809 18,142 2,024 3,972

20.858 7:2,156 8,945 3,702 10,186 15,007 1,:27 3,447

B,lOO H,017 4,571 1,949 6,618 ~)J59 911 2'!()~! i

[;5,788 8,139 4,374 1,75:~ 3,568 [J,34~ 81C I,03H

4,146 4,232 2,226 57'! 1,623 3.135 297 525 E. II-Secondary Means

Number of JlIIfS

Li ,'dihood Classes Self-~upporting Tot:tl Self-supporting E:ominft depen(i;.uts 'l'oW persons f> ______...._pers(ln~ ~ _____..,____ ---.. MaieH Female. Males Female" Males }i'emale" Males---­ Females M~t1eg ]<'Clllalec (2) (3) (4) (6) i7) (B) (S) (0) (11) JALORE

Total All Cli:l.sses (b,)th Agri­ 3,549 3,623 ~,4s56 278 2~ 3,3~5 10,458 U,595 3,067 878 cultural & Non-agricultural). AU Agricultural C1ass(}s . 2,669 3,234 857 178 1,812 3,056 7,339 12,942 ,400 68 I Cultivators of land WllOlly 1,391 2,576 1,391 2,57t) 255 69 214 12 or mainl \' owned, II Cultivat,;rs of land wholly :)90 512 36U m 21 415 6,788 12,729 or mainly u~lOwned III Cl1ltivating labouren, ,141 18 Hm IH 273 ~n7 140 184 55 IV Non-cultivating owners of 4'-17 12B 820 fic) 1:27 60 4 1 'l 1 r .../ hud; t\ grioultn ral rent l'E'cmveJ's. All Non-agricultural Classes 880 389 599 100 281 289 3,119 1~653 2,667 810 (Persons who derive their Principlt] mea,llS of Ii \'clihood frOlll '. V Prodnctioll other than :-3~6 '250 1)1 158 2,242 1,121 1,n45 606 cldti v'ttiOll. VI CCHtlltlCrCe .... (10 45 1 15 222 100 ] 8f) 3:J VII 'l'mnsllOrt .... ••• H 11 2 24 8 20 1 VIII Other serVICes nnd no sma ;)8 114 631 424 513 171 Illiscclhncons 80Ill'Ce:-;.

N umber of pet'SOIlS deriving the.ir

----~------.---- -, ---_--_._------PI'Odlldion other than culti\'at.inn Com

I:.iy,·!ihood ChlEses ~------~r-Self-,;upp()r~illg , fielf-supporting fot~l PP"SOdS Ea.rnmg dependants Total persons __.__ ,..---.J'--.., _------....__, ~ ---.. Alale~ Females III Illes Females Males Females Males Females Mab\ FemHles

(-.!Gj (27) (30) (:11) (3~) (a3) (34) (d5)

Total All Classes (both Agri- 9,610 5,636 7,903 1,653 1,707 4,030 1,992 979 1,488 238 cultural & Non-agricultural). -- All Agricultural Classes • 8,651 3,658 7,648 1,565 1,003 2,093 572 507 491 199 I Cnltivntors of land 951 '14.'3 867 94 8"1 :'l4~) 61 70 'J8 26 \\ holly or mainly owneo. 1I Cl1ltlYn,tiol'f) of land 7,526 2,865 6,667 1,3Q7 85() 1,468 478 168 \~h.QllS Q\' m\\'~'\~:f \_\tl- owned. ' III CultivH,ting Ia,boun~rs . 143 :) 0 08 6f; 4;) 2r:4 17 5 8 4: j I V ~ou-cultiv~1ting OWllers 31 ~3U 16 J{S ~'3 16 ~J 13_.. •. I of lit~d; Agricllitural rent receIvers. All Non-agricultural Classes. 959 2,028 255 91 704 1,937 1,420 472 997 ()1e1' ..,ons who derive their Principalllleans of livcliboou froIll \, V Pro(11lction other than f)25 1,677 45 35 580 1,GH IHO 96 148 cultivation. VI COlIlmerce 126 102 21 30 81 1,1'29 351 757 12 VII rrrausport , 4 14 3 14 4 2 4 1 VIII Other RerVlCes a.nd '204 235 91 ~OO 107 23 88 4 miscellaneous sources. 29

of Livelihood.

____sQcl)udal'Y m(la.n~. ______;)f livelihood (,om. ______L _____ 1II11owllNIlalld Employment as Dultivating labourer Rent on :tgricuJ------turallanu iEarning dcpendlluts Tot;ll Self-supporting Earning dependants Total 8df·~upportitlg Barnin" dependanls persons • __persolls'------., _____.J o._____ --.. ,--J--_ ~~_~ }bles Yemalo5 Males W·).ualo,; Males___.,____ Females lbles Females Ma.les.... '-Femlltles Males Fem'bloB Male:> Females (B) (13) (11) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (25) DISTRICT TOTAL

7,39113)717 3,633 3,691 1:598 443 2,035 3,248 1,619 846 1,249 179 370 667 ~ .:....-- ,6,939 12,874 3,041 3,090 1,302 349 1,739 2,741 1,542 828 1,179 169 363 659 41 57 GOI 20M 290 4~ 37J 160 945 655 on; 5(;7

'6,783 12,7~i) 2,203 1,972 1,001 295 1,202 1,67'{ 222 88 214 77 8 11

113 88 15:) 90:2 153 902 334 4 4 '245 g 2-1 tI 6 13 2 41 81 41 til

843 592 601 296 911 296 507 77 18 70 10 7 8

515 264 269 181 41 80 228 12 9 12 6 ....

3.)'" 68 36 34 8 '2 28 32 4 2 4 4 7 ~ 7 4 1 7 1 '1 118 253 287 291 100 51 187 240 60 7 5:3 7 3

secondary means of livelihood fr<)m

merce ~'ransport Other services aud miscellaneous ,(\nre(l~ r------~----______Sclhmpporting Self-suppf)rtillg Earning dependants Ea.rning dependants E,unil)g t1ependants --­ Total pet'!:'ons. -----"--..., ---'. ~ _--. _. __,.______, ~ ..------...... ---~ -./.,,----- M.lles FC[lH1les I1hles Vemales Males t"cm:tlos Males females Males ~'elllales 'Males ~"'lll",lrs 111 ale:; l"emales'

(;}G) (87) (38) (;}9) (40) (41) ~42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (1b) (49)

504 741 217 62 191 38 26 24i 6,667 5,783 4,330 1,056 ~ 4,727

81 308 189 57 174 37 15 20 4,332 2,206 3,571 880 761 1,326 13 44 :28 7 ::j5 7 ;3 910 318 788 12g 152 189

5(j 255 149 25 1:37 5 ]2 20 2,766 1,539 2,341 57'3 425 967

9 1 25 12 25 72 70 ., 254 118 182 18 .J 8 _.. 372 231 260- 131 112 100 423 433 28 5 17 1 11 4 2,335 3,577 759 176 1,576 3.1lO1

74 1 3 1 303 248 2'38 40 75 200 37:3 330 8 1 G 2 1 134 55 101 14 33 41 1 8 2 [j 3 2 ]5 10 6 1 9 9 19 H) D 1 1 6 .... 1,883 3,264 424 121 1,459 3,143 B. II-SecondaIY Mean.

Number of persons d~riving their

OultivaUon of owned land Cultivation of elihood Cla8lel ------_..------_ ------..., Tota.l self;r~~~~ting Earning dependa.nts Total Self::!~~:tillf ... .. ~ ___..,__ ___....-- Ma.leM Fewlos )bles Fema.les ---Males Fema.les Maleli Femal.s MlIlei l<-e'llales (2) (3) (

Total All Classes (both Agri- 3,468 3,558 1,1'27 278 2,041 3,280 10,053 14,256 2,821 834 cultural & Non.agricultura).)

All Agricultural Classes ••• 2,617 3,171 856 17~ 1,761 2,993 7,221 12,771 396 68 I Cultivatorsof land wholly L340 2,513 ." 1,340 2,513 254 69 218 ]'2 or mainly owned. II Cultivatorsoflaud wholly 390 512 ;361l 97 21 415 6,669 12,558 or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers .. 440 18 167 1.8 273 294 146 181 5[}, IV Non-cultivating owners 447 [28 820 63 1'27 65 4 1 2 l of land; Agricnltmal rent receivers. All Non-agricultural Classes. . 85l 387 571 100 280 287 2,832 1,485 2,425 766, (Persons who derive their Prin- cipal mea.ns of livelihood from) V Production other than 369 219 243 (il 126 158 2,12d 1,0591,836 588- cu[ti vation. VI Commerce 57 W 4;)_, 1 15 15 186 64 168 29 VII 'rmnsport... 9 2 (; 3 2 D 5 9 1 VIII Other services and mis- 4] 6 150 280 z\~ 136 112 511 357 412 148 cel!aneous sources.

Number of persons derivlllg their ------~------Produotion other than cuhimtion Com': Li velihood Classes Total Self-"upporting r . d da t Tota.l 8olf'HUJlPortillg peraoll;; ,aromg epen n S per,dns _____.__ ___,______.._ ____...__ ----- Male. Femflle~ Mrtloti Female, ;\!ales Females Males ]<'emal"s MaJe.~ FellHtlei

(1) ,. (~6) (~7) 28) (2\)) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) Total All Classes (both agri- 9,301 5,333 7,696 1,614 1,605 3,719 1,584 738 1,201 193 cultural & Non-agricultural.)

III "gricultural Classes .... 8,490 3,593 7,510 1,547 980 2~046 425 352 380 164

I Cultivators ~f land wholly 925 429 81 I 8S 84 341 39 46 36 ~() Qt. mainly owned. II Uultiva,tol's of land wholly 7,:i98 :3.817 65()O 1,38;'; 838 1,432 35n 298 827 ] ~~{) or mainly unowned. , -III Uu!tivatill~ labollrers .... 137 317 H3 lit; 44 (J51 17 3 8 3 {) IV Non-cultivating owners 30 30 16 K 14 2'3 ]3 10 ... ;, of land; Agrirnltnl'itl rent rerei yen;, 411 Nou-agricultural Classes. • 811 1,740 186 67 625 1,673 1,t59 386 821 29 (Persons who derive their Prin- cipalllleans of livelihood from)

V Production other tnnn 539 1,436 15 ~l 524 1!415 161 85 134 22 cultivation. VI Commerce lOt) 94 78 17 27 77 959 293 6!)O 7 VII ~rranf;port .... 1 1 ... ••• VIn Other services and mis­ H17 209 93 211 74 180 39 8 87 caUaneous sonrees. 31

of Livelihood-Oonid.

secondry moans oj lirclihood from

unowned land Employment as ~ultivating labourer fAnt on agrictl It-ural lalld ...... ----"------Self·supportilJ<' , ' Sol! ~l;ppOI't:lIg , Earningdependants Total b Earnmg dependants 'I'otal l<'arlllllg uopnnclants persons l'"rsons __..,___.__ ..----"----...... ---"---. -----'----- ~ ,~~ _.---j, lhleo Feml'oles :!iIales femalM lVlales Female, Ma\e-s !"emaies l\bles Femfoies Male" F"male~ 1\1nl""

(12) (13) (H) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (20) (21) u3) (~5\ DISTRICT RURAL

7,232 13,422 3,588 3,a69 1,570 tHO 2,018 3,229 1,599 818 '1,235 178 364 640

6,825 12,703 3,000 3,073 1,278 347 1,722 2,726 1,538 803 1,171 169 361 634

41 5'7 64~ ~OO '274 40 368 15,4 94:) 655 Hil 88 5C7

fi,Gt)!) U,558 2,196 1,970 994 295 1,202 1,(:i7;'; J2J 77 11

l1:j 88 139 895 ..... 139 89G 334 4 ~45 2 23 8 10 13 '2 on 56 ;)9

407 719 588 596 292 93 296 503 61 15 58 3 6

290 471 283 JGS 183 41 1)0 ~'M ~) 3

18 35 36 34 :3 :38 3~ 4 4 ... 4 i) I 1 7 1 1 99 20W ~84 290 50 ]87 240 47 4 4,l 3 1

secondary means of livelihood from

mercc Transport Other servic0s and mi,cella)l(OllS ,,'nrce, ,------'----- Self -snppurtill\! , ' Selt-,;upporl,lllg Earning dependants Total persons ' lCflflllng dependants Tot"l

..----.'-~-... ,_~ __..A.______~~-~ _, ----.. llalcs.. Female" Males F'ellmles Males Fcm~les ;1["1(',, Females Males fomil,Ie, 1.1alos i

45 188 89 44 77 36 12 8 4,033 1,981 3,333 835 700 20 12 7 11) 7 K9S :;00 701 EB 1fi 17.

29 ]63 12 55 4 10 810

9 25 12 243 III 17;1 70 g - ;)(J;') 2:Z7 '2;)'-, 131 i 10

338 357 14 3 6 1 8 2 1,889 3,000 590 134 1;299 2,866

27 63 2 1 2 ... ' 1 :318 l()5 Hi\) 40 ]29

309 286 4: 1 2 2 1 89 39 70 :i ~) 31 5 2 3 9 10 8 9 8 3 1 1 ;) 1,:')73 2,786 350 1,2'_);'~ Q,fiD7 32

E. II-Secondary Means

Number of persons rleriving their

Oultiva.tion of owned land Cllltivation vi ------_------Self-s\1JlPortin".. Self-snpporting T o~"l b Earmng dependants TaLal persons • IWcBons ___.....__ ..--.--~------..... ~ - .-"- Males .I!'emaleB ~hles Fema.lo:i '1la.Jos Fema.les l\1a.les Females 1Iiales Females

(1) (3) !4) (;,) (7) (ti) (Ill) (11) JALORE

Total All Classes (both Agri­ 'in 1,008 568 137 176 871 2,237 1,873 1,179 262 cuUural & Non-agricultural) All Agricultural Classes 390 919 311 99 79 820 1,111 1,312 202 29 I CultivrLtors of land who­ 41 411'3 ,U 418 lut 28 136 11 lly or wrLinly owned. II CLlltivator~~ of land. who­ 273 41:34 2/)7 DO ](j 3H4 8:)6 1,179 lly 01' Iwtinly unowned. III Cillti v:l,ti ng labourers ..• 12 1 :) 110 1015 M 18 IV N,'n-eultiv;Lting owners 6t1 1(i HJ t:l"'1 2 ..... of land; r\gl'iculbmall'ent reCGI vel's. All Non·agricultural Classes 35ljj 89 267 38 97 51 1,126 561 977 233 (Persons who derive their Prin­ cipal means of livelihoocl from)

V ProductlOn other than 172 27 45 822 3;)5 71:3 155 eultivn,tioll. VI (;ommerce 23' 11 J9 11 08 32 ~)n 7 vn 'l'r'l.wiport .. 5 15 f) i) 201 1U4 l(j~) VIII Other f\ervices amlmis­ 1GB J 24 Hl 11 ·J8 I 71 cell it rwo LlS so urues.

Number 01 porsons aeriying their ProrilJetiol1 Oth01' t.b:1Il cnltivation r------'--,.--Com- Li \'Dlihood CJlISS6~ Se;) lInforting E . d d tS Tota,l Sclf.snpporting Total pf~r'F:On~ 2Jftrnlng cpen an persons ~~ ___...... ,..___ ~ ______...___ .--.-... Males b'em,,,,," ~la,les J<'olll:tl·,s ~LtICH Femal()s Uales Females Male,; ~'cmale,

(1) (26) (27) (2\l) (:30) (31) (3:3)

Total All Chases ( both Agri- 2,741 2,021 2,331: 770 ~07 1,251 533 218 467 75 cultural & Non.agricultural) All Agdcultural Classes 2,540 1,3~2 2,235 732 305 610 151 113 140 60 I Cultivatorsoflancl wholly 92 6·) 84 :)1 8 :3'1 10 3 9 :3 or mainlv owned. II Cultiv~1t~rf'ofbnawholly2);320 1,lGJ 2,050 (j()5 ]24 104 121 57 or m[1illly unowned. III Cl11tivating labourers "" 112 !J2 flO 31 :2] r;1 7 1 3 1 IV Non-cultiv::tting owners J6 2:) 11 5 [> 18 10 Tj 7 of la~d; Agricultural rent recelvers AU Non·agricultural Classes 201 679 ~9 38 102 Ml 382 105 327 15 (Perso1l8 who derive their Prin- cipal means of livelihocd from)

(> V Production other than 81 599 ,) 17 7,) :'")8:2 101 63 77 11 ell I ti rRtion V j UOlulllorce 45 20 40 5 6 266 37 '237 4 vIr 'frR.nsport 1 1. VIII Othor services and mis­ 75 59 51 7 21 !J2 15 5 13 cella.neous sources 33

of Livelihood-Gonid.

5econdary Illoaus of livelihood from ---r-----~ .. . _------.------unowned land 1<}mployment as cultivl1ting labourer Rent on agriculturall::lnd Ordll-supportitlg -Earning dependants 1'otal Self-supporting Earning dependants Total l~arning dependants perS0ns persons ....----..-.. ------,------. ______...___ ~ ....-.~ ,-----"----.. lIiales .Females Mate,; ji",nales ~hles Fomfllos J\hlcs Females Males Females J\hlcs Females ]\J01le9 I<'emales

(u) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (113) (19) (20) (21) (22) (24j (25) SUB-DIVISION RURAL.

1,058 1,611 1,461 1,394 551 190 910 1,204 484 88 468 70 16 18

909 1,283 1,049 1,031 3'69 1~4 680. 893 457 80 443 65 1lJi 15 25 17 316 92 87 33 229 59 362 65 355 61 7 4

836 1,179 ;')\17 G:22 278 109 319 513 43 8 ;-H) 4

46 87 12.5 125 321 50 4' 1 ..... \)) 1 I 4 2 7 .... 2 3 ... 2 3

328 412 357 182 46 23{) 311 27 s 25 I) 2 . 3

109 180 166 110 117 4U Hl 1 2 1 2

8 25 35 80 7 '2 28 28 2 2 2 ." 2 o 6 :) 6 32 123 2UK ~ll 2:) 15:3 186 24 4 :3 2 1

seeo!ldary means ()f livelihood f"olll

Tmll~pnrt Other sorvices ltnd misce"ilaneon ~ f;Olll'ee, -_.------, .------Eal'nillf-{ dependants Tot.,J.) 8elf-,,;u\!PQl'ting I'~atnill" dependa.nts Total Self-suppontufi Earning depelJd;mts PPl'';dDS b per~(lllS ,--- -~--'---...... ---"'-- ______.,..-----....., ~ ..---~ ~ -.-_ _,.---~~- - --~ M"jfos ,,'elIulc; Male., Females l\Iales Females Males Females Males rem'tles !:tmles Feme.los

(dr.) (37) (:38) (:3(J) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (17) (48)

66 143 5'7 33 46 30 11 3 2,637 3,245 1,608 498 1,029 ~!,747

11 53 52 31 45 29 7 2 1,668 1,047 f ,3M 433 341} 614 1 1 U 7 391 179 310 82 81 97

3 47 38 G 4 5 925 595 748 2~6 177 369

4 5 25 5 95 80 74 ~2 21 58 ;J 5 ·"t" 257 193 192 103 65 90

90 5 2 1 1 4 1 969 2,198 284 65 685 2,133

21 5'2 1 1 ." .. 128 114 95 25 33 89

1 1 33 13 29 2 4 11 1 ... 1 ... 1 5 1 1 4 5 3 1 1 3 ... 807 2,066 160 37 647 2,029 34

B. II-Secondary Mehns

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of velibood Classes Total Self·supporting E

(1) (2) (3) (i) (5) ~6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (111 BHINMAL

'TotaJ All Classes (both Agri­ 2,7211 2.550 141 1,865 2,1l09 7)81612,383 1,M2 572 cultural & Non-agricultural). All Agriculturai Classes 2,227 2,262 545 79 1,682 2,173 6,11011,459 194 39 I Cuitiy:ttors of land J,2!JH 2,m)5 1,'299 2,095 93 41 7'i 1 wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land 117 2H 112 7 21 5,83311,379 wholly or lllaillly uu­ owned, III Cultivating ll'l.bourers . 42R 17 l[)t; 17 270 184 38 117 31 IV Non-cultiva,ting owners :3S3 112 275 55 108 5, 1 1 of land; Agrienltl11'al ren~ receivers. All Non-agricultural Classes. 497 298 314; 62 183 236 1,706 924 1,4~8 533 (Persons wbo derive their Prin­ cipal meallS of Ii relihood from)

V Production other tha.n 197 HiS I 1(; 81 131 1,301 724 1,123 cultivation. VI Commerce 34 1 11 ·1 8S 32 78 ~:;>. VII f{_'ransport f) 2 Ii" 3 2 4 5 4 1 YIII Other ;;erVlCes and '::!57 126 88 99 BI0 163 243 77 miscelhmeous sources.

N umber of perbol1 s deri Villg their

Production olher thilll clilLivation Com Livelihood Cla.lics Total fHrRllpportillg Lunill d 'ts Total SeU-'ll)lpOl'ting perWllH ': g epellu

(1) (26) (~7) (28) (2\)) (30) (31) (32) Ul3) (34) (85) Total All Classes (both Agri­ 6,560 3,312 5,362 844 1.193 2,1l68 1,051 520 734 118 cultural & Non-agricultural. All Agricultul'al Classes • 5,950 2,251 5,275 815 675 1,436 274 239 240 I Cultivators of lalld 8'33 364 7fi7 57 76 307 29 43 26 wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of lA.Ilc1 .5,078 1,G55 4,510 7~O 568 93;) 232 194 206 78 wholly or mainly Ull- oWl1rd. II I ()ulti vating labourers • 25 225 0 :i,j 22 ] 90 ] (J 2 5 IV Non-cnltivating owners ]4 7 5 ;) 9 4 3 ••• 3 of land; ;\ gricuJ tu ral ],('llli receivers. All Non-agricultural Classes. 610 1,061 87 29 523 1,032 777 281 494 14. {Person:;: who derive their Pl'in- -cipallUe~ns of livelihood from)

V Production other tbtl,n 458 831 7 4 451 833 60 22 57 11 (mltivation, VI Comnwrce (lO 74 3B 3 22 71 693 256 413 3 VI I 'rransport ... VIn Other serVICes and 91 Ii':O 42 22 50 128 24 3 24 miscella.neous sources. 35 of Livelihood-Contd.

$econdary means of Ii relihood from ____.__unowned land :B:mployment ~s cultiv:\tin~ hbourer Rent on agrieilitumilftnd Self-, upfon ing Earning dependants Tot:1I

(1~) (1:3) 114) (15) (1(;) (17) (18) (l!l) (~O) (21) . (2:1) !~l) (iu)


6,17411,811 2,127 2,275 1,019 250 1,108 2,025 1,115 730 767 108 348 622

5,916 11,420 1,951 2,036 909 203 1,O~2 1,833 1,081 723 734J 10~ 347 G19 16 40 326 108 187 13 139 9G 581 590 519 ~7 02 :')6;)

5,83311,379 1,599 1,:-348 716 186 88:) 1,162 17D l:\O 17;,) 77

67 1 14 574 ... 14 574 284 40 12 6 6 4 G 2 37

268 391 176 239 110 47 66 192 M 7 33 1 3

181 291 Dr 155 66 2Z ~~l 133 8 7 8 4 3

10 10 1 i 1 4: 2 :2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 67 8() 76 7~ 42 25 84 54 23 1

B~ond~ry means of livelihood from

merce Transport ~ Earning dependllnts Total 'Self·supporting Earning dependants ~'ota,J Be)f·supporting Earning der"llrlalJt8 . persons pet.ons ~ ______...._ ~- ~ ------'-.~ . .----"'-..._ _,. }lllles Female; Males Females Males J<'cm:lles Males Females lIl"les F~mf\le" ------;vI~les j;'nmall's Mal", }"'lU,i)e,

(36) (37) (38) (40) (41) (4~) (43) (H) (~5) (4(;) In) (F\ ('i~) 317 402 46 14 37 9 7 3,285 1,736 2,315 471 9iO 1,265

34 135 37 13 32 7 6 2,365 934 2,009 402 356 532 ;) 19 3 7 3 7 507 1:}1 ~41 41 (iii 80

26 116 27 6 22 ... 5 (j l,G02 748 1,40G 307 lU(i 411

7 HH '26 108 28

283 267 1 5 1 920 802 306 . 69 ~33

3 11 1 1 1 1 DO 51 7J 11 Hi .; I)

2RO 253 2 2 5(; Q() ,~ 1 ];'j 2 2 K :) 1 7 G 3 ... 7fiG 720 I ~)O 57 (j (i()k 36

B. II-Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Cult.iviltion of owned hmd Oultivation of

Livelihool C1asscH Sclf-supponin u - . Solf sllpportl'ng Tota I . 0 Earnmg depSll(bnts Total -. POfoOl1S l",r,OllS ______....J--.. _~ ...----"-_ ~ __ Males Fem.les ~1alcs FeUl~les }[ales J1 omales Males Females ~L~l'ls Feln'tles

(1) (2) (3) (1) (r.) (G) (7) (8) (\J) (10) (11)

Total All Classes (both Agri- 81 05 52 61) ~05 339 2Zl6 cultural & Iion -agrlCult ural) .

AU Agricultural Classes 52 63 1 51 63 118 171

I Cultivators of land wholly 51 63 51 1 1 .... or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly .... 114 171 or mainly unowned. III Cultiv~1ting labourers .... 1 1 ... ' 3 ' ... 3 IV Non-enltivating owners ...... ••• .. . . of land; Agricultural ,rent recei verso All Non-agricultural Classes. 29 2 28 ... 1 2 287 168 242 (Persons who derive their Prin­ cipal means of Ii velihood from) _, .. V Production other than 7 7 .... 116 109 18 cultivation. VI Commerce 3 3 36 :36 21 3 VII Transport .... 5 5 If) 3 11 VIII Other services and mIS­ 14 ]3 1 120 67 101 23 cellaneous sources.

'Number of persons ded"ing their

Prrdlleti01l other than c'l1Hivatioll Com- IJivelihoo\l Classes ~~elf snpp0rtl :)(f • Total o E" rnIllg depend,wts 'I'otal ~el£-'iupportiJlg perilous p"rRons ....--"--/'---...... ~ ------'------~ ~­JlL1le3 Forn lle~ ~1' 1,n~ J~nrn t1 '3 :\[ de .., l::!'em.J..!f_\.~ ~LLl(j:l ~'enl1les :\f1thlS J'emale,

(1) (26) (27) (28) 0:)) (0) (HI) (32) ('33) (3,)

Total All Classes (both Agri- 309 353 207 ~2 102 311 403 241 287 45 cultural & Non-agricultural).

All Agricultural Classes 161 65 t3B 18 23 47 147 155 111

I Cultivators of land wholly 26 14 2G () 8 'M 13 or ml\\1l1y owned. II Cultivn,torR of land wholly 128 4H j07 12 21 36 122 125 95 01' mainly ullowned. III Oultivn,ting labourers .... 6 ;) 5 1 2 IV Non-cultivating owners 1 1 4 3 of bnd; Agricultnral rent receivers.

AU Non-agricultural Classes. 148 288 69 24 79 264 261 86 176 10 (Persons wbo derive their Prin- ci p~t11llc;tIls of livelihood from) V Production other th:W 86 241 30 14 56 227 19 11 14 cLilti n1tion. VI Commerce 21 8 18 4 3 4 170 58 107 5 VII 'l\'~lllSp()rt .... 4 18 1 3 J3 4 2 4 1 VIn Other services and l.l~is- 37 26 20 6 17 20 68 ]5 51 4 cellalleous sources. 37

of Livelihood-Concld.

seconda.'y meflns of livelihood ftom --'------~------'------... ------llnowm:d land Employment as cultivating labourer Rent on agrj,~ultnr:tllaud ...... ---'~ 89 f ·supporting. Total Self·,upporting Earningdcpendrlnts Total 11 persons Ea,rnmg dependants persons .------"'-- ~ ~ ____..,_ ~ ----'-_ -----"---- ::.rales ~'eml1les Malel Feml1\es '1Iales Females 'Males Females Males Females lI1:t\es ~'emaies lIfales Females

(12) (13) (H) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (28) (H) DISTRICT URBAN

169 295 45 22 28 3 17' 19 20 28 14 1 6 27

114 171 41 17 24 2 17 15 25 2 2 25

ID 8 16 3 6 2

114 171 7 7 2

14 7 7 1 1 '2 25 25

,45 t24j 5 4 1 4 16 3 12 1 4 2

7 44 1 1 4 3 ... 3 .....

, 15 33., ...... ':l: .) ... .. , 19 44 1 3 1 13 3 9 1 4

second~ry means of livelihood from .-.------.------~ Tra,llsport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Self 811"IJOrGing Self '!;Ullportill,," F:trning c1npemlants Earninr!~ dcpcndaut.s Total .persons - E'arum g d epe uda. n t S Total perwns ______.-----.., ----~ ~~.~ ------"----- ..---_...... ~Ltlos ~'em>tles )\ohloR Vomn,loH Males Fem>tles }[ales ~'emales :\Iales Wemales M"les Females ~laleB _-_Females (:30) (37) (,l8) (:30) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (<17) (48) (49)

121 196 114 15 108 1 6 tll! 7~5 802 407 87 338 715

36 120 100 13 97 1 3 12 299 2to 238 45 61 180

16 15 1 42 18 37 6 lZ

92 84 13 8~ 2 12 239 196 187 39 52 157

1 .... ••• 11 7 9 2 7 3 .... 7 4 5 2 4

,85 76 14 2 11 ••• 3 2 446 577 169 42 277 535

11 1 1 85 83 59 4 . 26 79

'63 53 4 4 45 16 31 6 14 10 1 ;) :-3 6 5 1 11 6 3 3 310 478 74 32 236 446 38

B. III-Employers, Employee. and Independent Workers in IndustrIes and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions

All Industries and Services

----_).._--- - ... -~ .-;1_ ~ Independeut 0 Total Employers Employees ;zt Administrative Unit Workers '-" __ _}._ __-' ,-_~L_-, ,-_~L_ ...... -Gil ,--_}._----, ~ G) Per- Fe- Fe- Fe- Male:, 1 Males Males Males Fe- rJl sons ma es males males males. (1) (2) • (in )4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 J dore District Total 35,63528,440 7,195 74 7 3,872 1,03924,4946,149 2 J alore District Rural 29,80623,488 6,318 19 6 2,693 72220,7765,59() 3 J alore bub-Division Rural 15,546 12,284 3,'262 6 1,463 244 10,815 3,0 l8 4 Bhimnal Sub-Division Rural .... 14,26011,204 3,056 13 6 1,230 478 9,961 2,572' 5 Jalore District Urban 5,829 4,952 877 55 1 1,179 317. 3,'718. 559

Division 0 Primary Industries not else\'i'here specified ,--- ~L ______...... " .. 0 fl'cJtal Employers Employees Independent Z Administrnti'le Unit Workers ,-_~L. __...... r--_}._-...... ,--_}._-...... -d ,-~-) ·c Fe-

Sllb-eli vision 0'1 Stock Raising . r·· r------_}._------...:.- ...... o 'rotal Employers Employees Independent Z Administrati ro Unit .Workerf' ,-____.L_ ...... r--.....L_-, ,-__L. __ -, ,---_}._----, Fe- . Fe- Fe- l\la.les Femrdes .l\hk-B I Malek Males ma es males males· (1) (19'1 (20) (Ql) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) .i J alore District Total 4.474 1,329 16 6 34 16 4i,424 1,307 2 Jalore District Rural 4,276 1,288 15 6 26 16 4,235 1,266: 3 J alot'e Sub- Di vision Rural 2,046 387 fj 2 2,03D 387 4 Bhinmal Sub~lJi'vision Rural .... :J.:.no 901 10 6 24 16 2,191i 879' S J alore District Urban 198 41 1 8 189 41 39

B. III--Employers, Employees and Independent Workers In lndustries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Contd.

Sub-division 0'4 Forestry woodcutting and collection of Products not elsewhere specified -L ------, Indepen de'm 0 Administrative Unit Total Employers Employees t Z Workers ,--_-L_---, ,-__-L_---, ,--_-L_---, ~ ,------, .....:;.. lli I;lfl- Fe- Fe- Males Females Males Males \11 ma Ies Males rna 1es malef7 (1) (43) (44) (45) (4G) (47) (48) (49) (50) 1 J alore District Total 52 93 ••• 1 1 51 92

2 J alore District Rural r'.,. 36 89 N. 1 36 88 3 J alore S ub-Di vision Rural ••• 3(i 81 ;;G 81 4: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural ...... S 1 7 5 Jalore District Urban 16 4: 1 15 4

Division 1 MiDi~g and Quarrying ,-----~------.----~~------.---, o Total Employers Employees Independent Z Administrative Unit vVorhers ,--_.-L__ ___, ,-_ _!.__ .. ______, ,--_~L _ ____., (---...).._-~ MaJes Female\". Males Fe- 1\hleR Fe- . Fe- IDa les . rna 1es Males ma 1es (1) (67) / (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) 1 J alore District Total . 6f)' ••• 1 65 2 Jalore District Rural ... 3 J alore Sub-Division Rural .... ••• 4: Bhinmai Sub-Division Rural ...... 4) Jalore District Urban 66 1 65

Sub-dirision 1'5 Stone-quarrying, clay and sand pits

------.~----.------.-. Independent o Administrative Unit Elllpioyers J'~mp:.oyees Z Workers ,--_~\.... _ ___, ,--_. ..),______, ,-_-"-_---, ,--__ _A___, . Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- l\bJes llla Ief' Males rna 1es 1bles rna Ies Males ma Jes (1) (lUi) (lHi) (117) (118) (lH)) (120) (121) (1'22) 1 J alore District Total 66 1 65 2 J alore District Rural .... 3 J alore S ub-Di vision BUl'tt1 ...... 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural ... 5 Jalore District Urban .... 66 1 65 .... 40

B. III - Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-Oonta.

Division '2 Processing, and manufacture-Foodstuffs Textiles, Leather and Products thereof

__~L ,---,- . -. Independent 0 Employers Employees Z Administrative Unit Total Workers ...... -L _ _, r--"---, ,-_-L_-, ....c6 ,-_-L ::.. Pe- Fe- Fe-· Fe- Cl.l Males :;'Vlales Ul Males males males rna 1es Males rna 1es (1) (139) J (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) 1 J alore District Total 3,187 875 2 20 24 3,165 851 2 J alore District Rural 2,506 715 ••• 5 24 2,501 691 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 1,474 380 ... 5 17 1,469 363 4 Bhinrnal Sub-Division Rural .... 1,032 336 ... ••• 7 1,032 328 5 Jalore District Urban '681 160 2 15 664 160

Sub-division 2'0 Food Industries otherwise unclassified

~L AI --. 0 Independent Z Adrninistrati ve Unit Total Employers Employees Workers' ..-. ,-_-L _ _, ,-__-L _ _, ,-_-L_ _, ,-_~L _ _, ~ .~ Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Cl.l Males Males . Males Ul Maels males males males mftles (1) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) 1 J alore District Total 9 2 7 ... 0 2 Jalore District Rural J;J 2 3 Jalore Sub-Division Huml ...... () _. 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Hural .:J ...... 2

5 J alore District Urban 7 ... H •• 2 ... 5 ...

Sub-division 2'1 Grains and pulses

.--- ~L -, 0 Independent Administmtive Unit fl' kul Employers Employees Z o Workers .-. c: ,-_,~ __ '~ _ _, ,-_ ..-L _ _, ,--.-L_ _, ,-_-L. _ _, .~ Cl.l Fe- Fe- Males Males Fe- M 1 Fe- Ul Males males lImles ma I es It es ma I es (1) (l5i) ) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (Wl) (162) 1 Jalore District Total ... 19 14 3 16 Hi 2 Jalore District Rural 5 4 5 4

3 ,T31ore Sub-Division Rural 5 \ 4 5 4 4 Bbinmal Sub-Division Rmal 5 Jalore District Urban ... 14 10 3 11 10 41

B. III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-Contd.

Sub-division 2'2 and dairy produots

_~L 0 Admimstrative Unit 'rotal E 1 Independent ~Z._ Employers mp oyees Workers ...... ct: ...--_.....L_--. ...--_-"-_--., ...--_-"----., ,--.-A---. w1-< Fe- Males Males Fe- Fe- Fe- w males males Males males Males maleR (1) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) 1 J nlore District Total .... 134 41 ... 134 41 ') ·N Jalore District Rural 125 35 .... 125 35

3 J alore S ub-Di vision, Hura!' 68 20 68 20

4 Bhinma.1 Sub-Division RUl'al 57 15 .... ,u 57 15

·5 J alore District Urban 9 6 .tt 9 «) .~". •••

Sub-ai vision 2'4 Beverages ...--._--- ,__ _,L. ______"'"""\ .0 Administrative Unit 'rotal Employers Employees Independent Z Workers ...... ~ ..-_~L_--. ;-_-"-_--., ,.--"-_--., ...--_ _,L__ 1-

Sub-division 2'5

,'--" ______~L ______.___ """"" o Independent Z Adrninistrnti ve Unit 'l'otal Employers Employees Workers ...--__-'L_--., r---A----., ...--_-"-_--., ,..-__.....L_--, Fe- FA- Fe- Fe- Males males Males rna l'es Males rna Ies Males ma. 1es (1) (J87) (188) (189) (190) (191) (192) (193) (194) :1 Ja10re District Total 3 1 3 1 2 Jalore District Rural 3 1 3 1 3 J alore Sllb-Di vision Rural ... 1 1 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 3 3 ,5 Jalore District Urban ...... 42

B. III--Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions.-Oontd.

Sub-division 2'0 Cotton textiles ______...L.

r- ~ <:) Independent Total Employers Employees Z Administrative Unit Workers ,-_...L._-, ,-__},__-, ,-__L_--., ,--A_-...... -~ ~ (]) Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males tIl males rna Ies Males rna Ies Males rna Irs (1) (195) (196) (197) (198) (199) (200) (201) (202) 1. Jalore District Total ••• 960 328 1 9 17 950 311 2 J alore District Rural ••• 691 230 5 17 686 213 3 ,T alore Sub· Division Rural 504 116 5 15 499 101 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .••. 187 114 2 187 112 5 J alore District Urban 269 98 1 4 264 98.

Sub-division 2' 7 Wearing apparel (except foot wear) and made up textile goods _]~ r- --.- ---~ 0 Independent 'rotal Employers Employees Z Administr:ttive Uni. Workers __. _L .....ciI , ,---"--, ,-_-L_-, ,-_..A-_--.. ~ Fe- e» Males Males :Fe· Fe- Fe- til males rna 1es Males rna 1es Males rna }'es· (1) (203) (204) (2g5) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210} 1 Jalore District Total ••• 888 319 1 6 887 31& 2 Jalore District Rural 777 293 6 777 287 3 J alore Dab- Di vision Hural 317 162 ... 2 317 160 4 BhinmalSub-Division Rural .... 460 131 ••• 4 460 127 5 J alore District Urban .... 111 26 ...... I 110 26,

Sub-division 2'8 IndustrieB otIlenvise unoLassified Textile_ . ...L. r---- ~-----,. 0 Independent Z Administrati ve Unit ~I_1otal Employers Employees , Worken< "';:e._ ,.....-_...L._, ,------"------, ,----'---... ,--_)----, M (]) Fe· Fe- Male::; Males MaleR Fe- Ma Iel:! Fe- in males males males males (1) (211) (212) (213) (214) (215) (216) (217) (218) 1 Jalore District Total ... 22 16 ••• 22 15 2 J alore District Rural 22 15 22 15,

<, u Jalore Rub·Divisioll Rura.l ••• 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 2] 15 22 15· 5 Jalore District Urban ••• 43

B. III.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Senicts by Divisions and Sub-divisions- (Jontri.

Sub·di rision 2' D Leather, leather products & footwear

,-- -"- ---~ () Total Employers E 1 Indf'pendent Z Administrati Te Unit mp oyees \'t. or k en;; ..- ,---_..J~ __--.... I I ,--_...-L ,--_.._,--~ ._~ ,---~~-.. ~ .... t) Fc- Fe- Fe- }fe- Males Males ~hles l\I:1! es 0C1 males l1lales malt's males (1) (219) (2:30> (221) (22:1) (293) (224) 0:35) (2:26)

1 Jalore District Total 1,1~9 157 1 5 1 1,143 156 2 J alore District RUl'al 880 137 1 880 136 3 Jalore Sub-Division Ruml ••• 579 77 .. , ••• 57!) 77 4 Bhinmal Sub-Di vision Rura.l 30h\ 60 ••• 1 301 59 S Jalore District Urban ... 269 20 1 5 263 20

Division 3 Processing a,nd Manufacture-Metals, Chemica.ls and products thereof ..A.. ____ .., 0 Independent Total Employers Z Administrative Unit Employees ,Vorkers r ___ ..A..._.., ~...... ,--_...-L_---., ,--_;__.., ,----"------., .... Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- .. Males Males Males 00 males males 1\1 a1 es Males M' nJ Ies (1) (227) (228) (229) (230) (231) (232) (233) (234) t J alare District Total 539-1 92 5 2 532 92 2 J alore District Rural 478 90 1 477 90

3 J alore Sub-Division Rural 160 25 ••• ... HiO ',2;3 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 318 65 1 317 65 5 Jalore District Urban ... 61 2 5 1 55 2

Sub-division 3·0 \iannfactnre of metal products, otherwise unclassified ,__ ..A.. ______-,--___. __

ci Independent Employers E lllp 1ovees f· Z .!dmini::;tl'a.tive Unit J \\ orlien; r--"---. ,---~I~- _----, ,---_-"-_--." ,..-_..A.. __ --.. Fp- ll~e- Fe- Fe- J\fa,les Males 1\hlcs 1\1:1:1'8 mn)ns ma,)e,,>; lIm)e:, lII.'l,Jes U) (235) :2;)(;) (237) (238) (:33f}) (~40) (211) (2-l:.D 1 Jalore District Total 40() 90 5 1 394 90 2 J alore District Rural 342 89 1 341 89 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 24 24 :>4 24

'l' - 4 Bhinmal Bub-Division Rural ••• 318 65 1 .J) j 6;) 5 J .. lore District Urban 58 1 5 53 1 44

B. Il(-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries aDd Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-Gontd.

Sub-division 3'1 Iron & Steel (Basic Manufacture) r- '"""'"\ Independen 0 'rota} Employers Employees t Z Administrative Unit Workers ...... ~), .....c:3... ""---., ..-----'----., (]) Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males Males ' rn males males males Males males (1) (243) (244) (245) {246) (247) (248) (249) (250)

1 ..l Jalore Distriot Total 128 128 2 Jalore District Rural 128 ... 128 3 .Ja,lore Sub-Division Rural 128 128 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural ... S Jalore District Urban I)....

Sub-division 3'2 Non-ferrous Metals (Basic manufacture) r-.------_L --- "") 0 independent Z Administrati ve Unit Total Employers Employees Workers r--_)._-'"""'"\ ,-__L_-, r--J_--, ,-_)._--, -...... ~ oJ) " Fe- Fe- Fe~ rn Males Females Males males Males males Males males (1) {251) (252) (258) (254) (255) (256) (257) (258) 1 J alore District Tota.l· 2 2 ... 2 J alore District Rural 2 ... 2 3 J alore S Llb- Di vision Rural 2 2 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural - 5 Jalore District Urban ••• ...

Sub-division 3',) 'rransport equipment

____~ ______~L ______, ----1 r- 0 E I Inpependent Z Administr:ttive Unit Total Employers mp oyees Workers -.....~--. oJ) Fe- Fe- Fe- 111"" Fe- lE. Males 'l"le8 ~"rales lnales 1 umles .n (U· males ~1. males rna es (1) (259) (260) (261) (~62) (263) (:364) (265) (266)

1 dalore :District Total 2 ••• 2 2 Jalore District Rural 2 ... 2 3 Jalore Sub-Division Huml 2 ... 2 ••• 4: Bhinmal Sllb-Division Huml 5 dalore District Urball 45

B. III - Employers Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Oontd.

Sub-division 3'5 Machinery (other than electrical Machinery) incl uding Engineering Workshops. --_._------o Administrative Unit . rrotal Employers Employees Independent :z Workers Fe- Males l\.T 1 Fe- M 1 Fe- 1\IT 1 Fe- maIer;) ~].a es males J.1 a es males ma es males (1) (275) (276) (277) (278) (279) (280) (281) (282) 1 Jalore District Total ... 2 2 2 Jalore District Rural ... 2 .... 2 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 2 2

4 Bhinma.l Sub-Division Rural ..•...... •••• S Jalore District Urban ......

Sub-division 3'6 Basic Iudustrial Chemicals, Fertiliser and Power alcohol ~I_- ,... ~ 0 Independent Administrati ve Unit Total Employers Employees ._Z Workers ~ ,.-_... L __, r--..),_-", ,.-_.. L-.--.. ,--..),_--., ...... Cj) Males Fe- Fe- M 1 Fe- M 1 Fe- w males Males males a as males a es males (1) (283) (284) (285) (286) (287) (2S8) (289) (290)

1 Jalore District Total 1 1 ••• 1 1 2 Jalore District Rural .0' I ...... 3 J alare Sub-Division Rural ,., .... Ill', 4 Bhinmal Sub- Di vision Rural ... • ... ·5 Jalore District Urban 1 1 .... 1 1

Sub-division 3'7 Medical and PharmllOeutical---- Preparations 0 -Indedendent Z Administrn,tive Unit Total Employers E mp 1oyees ...- Workers ttl .... (J.l Fe- Fe- Fe- ·Fe- w MaJs Males Males Males· 1 males males males rna e8 1 (291) (292) (293) (294) (:391)) (296) (297) (298) 1 Ja10re District Total 1 ••• "'! , .. I 2 Jalore District Rural ...... 3 Jalore Sub-Division HUfa} 4 Bhinmal Sub·Division Rural 5 Jalore Di.strict Urban 1 1 46

B. III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-diiisions-Contd.

Sub~division 3'8 Manufacture of chemical products

.______otherwise .J_ unclassified______r---- o Total Employers Employees Inc1ependent Z Administrati va Unit Workers ~.... .,.---'------._ -~---._ ...Q) Fe- Fe- Fe- :Fe~ til Males Males Males Males 1 males males males IIH1 es (1) (299) (300) (301) (302) (303) (304) (305, (306) 1 J alote District Total 3 1 1 2 1 2 J alore District Rural 2 t ..... 2 1 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural '2 1 .... 2 :r 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Ruml ... 5 Jalore District Urban ... 1 1

Di vitiion·i Processing and Mlluufacture-Not elsewhere specified r------_A_----.------, o rfotarl Employers Employees Independent. Z Administrative Unit . Workers r----_..A.-_, r---_..L-...... ,---L-...... r---..A._--:-, Fe- Fe- Males Fe- Fe- Males males Males males ma Ies Males males (1) ('a07y (308) (309) (310) (3] 1) (312) (3B) (314), 1 Jalore District Total 2,687 485 12 7 5 2,668 480~ 2 J alore District Rural 2,404 472 6 5 2,398 467 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rura.l 1:289 226 1,289 225· ,4 Bhinmal Snb-Division Rural .... 1,115 246 6 5 1,109 241. ~ Jalol'e District Urban ... 283 13 12 1 270 13,

Sub-division 4·0 Manufacturing industries otherwise uncI assiiiec1 r---______J~ ______------., Independ(mt 0 Total Employers Employees ...... Z Administrative Unit vYorkers .....~ r----..J...----;,---.J,._- r-----"----..r---~-- -., I-< ll' Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males Fe- MalotI fI2 males males ina 1es Males males (1) (315) (316) (317) (318) (319) (320) (321) (322) I 1 J alore District Total 850 69 12 1 837 69, 2 J alore District Rural 699 69 699 69

3 Jalare Sub-Division Rural ••• ~n8 26 328 26, 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 371 43 371 43 5 Jalere District Urban ••• 151 12 1 138 47

B. III-Employers, Employees and Indepet'ldent Workers in Industries and Services by Diflsions and Sub-divisions-Oontd.

Sub-division 4'2 Bricks, Tiles & other stuctur~l clay productR r------.. _)~---.------.." o Total Employers EUJl)loyeea Iudependent Z Administrative Unit 1: Workers r--..}._----.." r--_)__ ---.." ,--J_-1 ,..--_._,\__-,

U' 1 '1.11" 1 Fe- Fe- , a1 cs L'cma es .LfL~~ es ~'l}1'''s 1'J l '" Fe- M lllaies ~V cul<:. males 111 a. e"males (1) (331) (332) (333) (8:31) (335) (336) (337) (3;~8) 1 Jalore District Total 26 8 2 24 8 2 J alore District Rural 22 6 2 20 6 3 JalOl'e Sub-Division Rural (j .. , Hi (j 4 Bhiumal Sub-Division Rural .... 4 5 Jalore District Urban 4 2 ... 4 2

Sub-division 4'4 Non-metallic mineral products r------~ Independen 0 Total Employers Employees Z Administrabi ve Unit Workerst A- .. ____.L.---.-... .----'---.,. ~.... '"""' :-. Fe- Fe'

Sub·di.vtalo[l 4.'6 'Wood & \VaOlt pro1iucts ot.hr t.h~U1 furniture and fixtures ,.-- .....- ---_)~ ------.." Independent C Administrative Unit Total Employers Employees Z Worker~

,_L_---, ,-_ __!,.___---, ,..--_L_-, ,..----'- -~- -, ...... d ,_. .Fe- Fe- Fe- (J) ~hles Females Males 1V1 ales ::\Ialcs iJ2 males maJes maleg (1) (303) (364) (36G) (366) (::307 ) (3Go) (360) (370) 1 J alore District Total 88t 113 4 1 877 112 2 J alore District Rural 795 111 4 1 791 110 is Jalore Sub-Division Rura.l 448 34 44M ~+i 4 Bhinm:tl Sub-Division Rural .... 347 77 4 1 34:; 76 5 Jalore District Urban 86 2 ... 86 2 48 E, nI-Employers, Employees and Independent Wvrkers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-Contd.

& Division 5 ____Construction. __ _.cL ____ Utilities r- -"----- • c.. 'fotal Employers Employees Independen~ Z Administrative Unit Workers .. ...--"--...... -----J------...... ~... -~ Q) Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- },I~~les ~lales Males U1 Malet> males m:.tles maJes males (1) (395) (.':HJ6 ) (:397) (898) (399) (400) (-101 ) (402) 1 Jalore District Total 385 181 ... 112 120 273 61 2 Jalore District Rur:tl 377 179 111 118 266 61

<) 0 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 190 108 [jt) ~H 135 15

4 BhiuUlal Sub-Division Rural .... 187 70 55 ~4 1:j1 46 5 Jalore District Urban 8 2 1 2 7

Sub-division 5.1 Construction & maintenance-Buildings ~L . , r------....._ 0 Total Employers Employees Independent Z Adillinistra,tive Unit Workers ...... r:e .».._-~.---.. ,,---.--.-~I- .-. ",..--..---' -----...., ::... ll) _Fe- ]3'e- F\)- Fe- Males Jiales I I w males rna es Males mn. es lVla18s males (41::3) (1) (411 \ '412) , ' (414) (415) (4Hi) (417) (418) 1 J alore District Total 52 52 2 Jalore District Rural 49 49 3 J:1,lo1"e Sub-Division Ruml 3t) ;38 Ll Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... n ... 11 Jalore Distl'ict; Urban 5 ... 3 v .. 3

Sub-division 5·6 Works &; Serv.ices - Domestic ana Illclustrin,l water supply ____. ____L _____. ----~ 0• . Independent >-r Total Employers E,mp 1oyees '~T1 I f<-< Administrative Unit \''1 or {ers -.....ct: )... ~ fe- 1"e- Fe- Fe- w. Males I Males , MaleR , 1 }\[ales I UHL/es lllfl, Ies m,t (IS mn. e~ (1) (45J) (4G2) (453) (454) (455) (45()) (,157) (/J58) 1 Jalore District Total sj 6 2 J alore Distl'ict Rural 6 ... 6 3 Jalore Sub-Division RuraL ••• ... 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 6 ••• 6 '" .; Jalore District Urban ... 49

B, lII--Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions- Oontd.

Sub-division 5'7 Sanitary Work and services-Including scavengers r--.---- J_ .------. 0 Total Employers Employees Independent Z Administmtive Unit Workers '~~ .A. , ...-----'---...., ...... ~ l-< Q) - Fe~ Fe- Fe- c Pe- Males Males U1 ill1:lo1es IDa 1es Males IDa Ies 1ilales rna 1es (1) (45~)) '460) (461) (462) (463) (464) (465) (466) Jalore District Total 327 181 112 120 215 61 2 J alore District Rural 322 179 111 US 211 61 • 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 152 109 1)5 94 97 - 15 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rurali ... 170 70 56 24 114 46 5 Jalore District Urban . 5 2 1 2 4

Di vision 6 Commerce -L ~ Independent. 0 rr' otf:.i ' Employers Employees Z,_ Adm~llistl':\,tive U'lit Workers ctl ~ ;.... ~ Q) Fe------Fe- Fe- Fe- .Males Males Males 00 MaJes ma.les males m:1,]es males (1) (467) jU6S) (J69) (470) (471) (17'2) (473) (,174) 1 Jalore District Total 8.373 914 22 1 103 9 8,248 90~ 2 3alore District Rural 6,856 '185 1 54 I, 6,801 778 3 J alare Sub-Di vision ltural 3,189 362 18 5 3,171 357 4 Bhinuml Sub-D.i vision Huml ,.. , 3,6t;7 ,:l:2S 1 ::36 '2 3,630 421 5 Jalo:re District Urhan 1,517 129 21 1 49 2 1,447 126

Snb·division 6'0 Retail trade otherwise UIlClassified _j__ ~ . I· ... ------(.) Independent Employers Employees Z i.-;ti';l!;ive Total Workers ,_.., Adl1ll11 Unit .....cd ,..--_-L_~ r---~-___ --_L_-, --)~--, .... ,."':j; C) Fe· Fe- l\f.1 Fe· Fe- w 1'.1::,.los ~Irtles . 1 a es 1 J\fales males mMBS IDa, eR males t-] ,) (':1-7 ;j) (el7G) -(477) (478) (479) (480) (481) (482)

2~9 1 J alol'e District Total 2)"'~"'" ,2~4 3 30 3 2,189 241 :3 Jalore District Rural 1,966 206 ••• 21 1 1,945 20.5 3 JaJore Sub-Division Rural M9 42 ... 5 1 D·H 41 4 Bhinmftl SLib-Division Huml .... 1,317 161 16 1,30t 164 5 Jalore District Urban 256 38 3 9 2 244 36 50

B. tIl-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Oontd. Sub-division 6'1 Retail trade in foodstuffs (including beverages and narcotics) _J~ 0 r ----... '\--~ Independeu t Z Administrative Unit Total Employers Employees J~ Workers .~ ...... ______,_ ar ....- --'------00. ]'e_ Males Fe~ Males Males Fe- Ma 1 es Fe- males males males males (1) (4t!i:$) (484) (4t!5) (486) (487) (488) (489) (490) _, ·1 J alore District Tota.l - 1,984 251 8 22 2 1,954 249 2 Jalore District Rural ••• 1,485 2118 9 2 1,476 246 3 Jalore f:lub·Division Rural 641 109 ••• 3 1 638 108 1: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 844 139 .... 6 1 838 138,

a J alore District Urban ... 1199 3 8 •• I 13 478 a.

Sub-:1i"ision 6'2 Retail trade iu fuel (including petrol) 0 {'---'--- -_!~------. Z Employees Independent .- Total Employers ~ Administrative Unit Workers .....,... r~---L----. ,-_~L_-, ,,--_-''-_---. ,--_ _,L_---.

4 Bhinmal Sub-Di vision RUl'3il .... 16 18 , ... 1 16 17 5 J alore District Urban 89 51 1 ••• 88 51,

Sub-division 6'3 Retail trade in textiles and leather goods . ..)._ 0 r- --, Independent Z Total Employers Employees ,_d Administrative Unit Workers ;:... ,..--..)._ { _ _,L_-, ,-_..),__-----, ,-_ _,L_-, mClI Fe- Males Fe- Males Fe- :M 1 Fe- MnJos males males ma 1es .I. a es rna 1es (1) (499) (500) (501) (502) (503) (504) (505) (506) 1 J alore District. Total ... 1,164 90 8 1 29 1,127 89 2 J alore District Rural 859 87 1 9 849 87 3 Jalore Sub-Didsion Rural 434 53 ... :J 432 53

4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 4:35 34 1 7 1.1 Lil7 34 5 Jalore Districlt Urban 305 3 7 1 20 - 278 2, 51

B. ID--Em.ployers, Employees and I.lldependent Workers in Industrles and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions -Conid.

o Sub-\livision ~'4 Wholesale tmde in foodstuffs z ,-___ _,I__ .. _- - ~ Independent 1 Administrative Unit ~rotal Employers Emp oyees Workers r--_~L_-, ____,I__ ~ ,-_-'-_----, ,---_,I_--~ Fe- Ve- Fe- 11'8- Males Males Males ]' Males males males rna es males (1) (507) (508) (509) (510) (511) (512) (513) (514) 1 dalore District Total 101 3 2 99 3 2 dalore District Rural 94 3 94 3 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural ...

') 4: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 94 U H4

5 J alore District Urban 7 It. 2

Sub-division 6'5 Wholesale tl'adr, in commodities other than foodRtllfIs r ----"-.. _------, Z Independent .- Administrative Uni~ Total Employers Employees ....Ii: Workers ~ ,-__..)__--., r---..J.__---, ,-_-'L_---. ,--_,I_-- IV ':J] :Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males Females Males males Males males males (1) (515) (516) (517) (518) (519) (520) (521) (52g) 1 J alore District Total .... 236 17 7 229 17 2 .J alore District Rural 232 17 'I 225 17 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 63 3 (j:i 3 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 169 14 7 16:J .14 5 Jalore District Urban 4 4

Sub-di vision 6'6 Real Estate

c5 1 Independent Z Administrative Unit Total Employers Emp oyees '\Vorkers ._-~ ------:-. IV .Fe- Fe- Fe- l\!f 1 Fe- rJ~ Males Males Males I l\la es I males ma1 8R mfL es illn, e (1) (523) (524) (52[» (526) (527) (52~) (529) l530) 1 JaloIe District Total 4 2 2 2 Jalore District Rm'al .... 2 2 3 Ja101'e Sub-Division Rural 2 4 BhiIlmal Sub-Division Rural .... i dalore District Urban 2 2 52

B. III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Servioes by ]}jvisions and Sub·divisions -Contd,

Sub-division 6'8 Moneylending, Banking and other financial business 0 r- ---.. Z Independeni Administrative Unit Total Employers Employees -.....tfl Workers ~ (!) - 00 -- Fe- Fe- MaJe.a M t Fe- Th Fe- ~bl~!il, ma'les rna'I es i1, ~ rnal es Li1,te.a ma1 es (1) (53D) (540) (541) (542) (543) (544) (545) (546) 1 Jalore District Total 2,503 236 2 10' 3 2,~91 233 2 J alore District Rural 2,148 202 ... 7 3 2,14i1 199 3 J alore Sub- Di vision Rural 1,346 151 7 3 1,339 148 4 Bhinmal Sub-Divitlion Ruml .... 802 51 802 51 5 Jalore District Urban 355 34 2 3 ... 350 34

Division 7 Transport, Storage and Communications <) r- ..... Z Indepenc1en' ..... Administrati ve Unit rl10tal Employers Employees ....ciS Workers ~ iLl. Fe- Males Males Fe- M I Jj-'e- M I Fe- males rna I es a es ma I es 1 a es ma I es (1) (547) J(548) (549) (550) (551) (;)52) (553) (554) 1 J alore District Total 259 16 8 126 10 125 6 2 J alore District Rural 172 8 1 99 4 72 4 31 Jalore Snb-Division Hural gg 3 1 fi5 3 43 4 Bhinm:tl Sub-Division Rural .... 7,1 5 44 1 29 4 5 Jalore District Urban 87 8 7 27 6 53 2

Sub-division 7'1 rrransport by road

0 Administrative Unit Employers Emplo 'ees Independent Z Tutal Y vVorkers .;:::~ eD Fe- Fe- ]'e- Fe- 00 Males Males I Males I :Males males ma os Inft es males (1) (563) (564) (565) (566) (567) (568) (569) (570) 1 Jalore District Total 171 14 8 38 8 125· 6 2 J alore District Rural 92 6 1 19 2 72 4 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 53 2 1 9 2 43 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural ... 39 . 4 ••• 10 29 4 5 Jalore District Urban 79 8 7 ... 19 6 53 2 53

B. III~·Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Division,t;; and Sub·divisions-Oontd.

Sub-di vision 7'4 Rail way transport ,- ...L -- -. 0 Independent ,. rrotal Employers Employees Z Adminishrati ve Unit Workers ~ __...L_--., 'ce..... ,---_,I__---., ,-__}._---., ,-_...L_--., ~ 0) Fe- Fe- :M I Fe- M I }i'e- Males Males I J. a es a es w males ma es males males. (1) (587) (588) (589) (590) (591) (592) (593) (594) 69 2 2 , 1 Jalore District Total '" 69 .. 2 Jalore District Rural 64 2 64 2 .... - 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 37 1 37 1 - 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 27 1 27 1 5 Jalore District Urban ... 5 5 .... •••

Sub-division 7'6 Postal Services ,---_._------. o Total Employers Employees Independont .Z Administrati ve Unit Workers ,.-__ A_--., ,--__ .A. __--., ,--_..A..-, ,--_..A._.\ Fe­ Fe-. Fe- Fe- MaJes ma,les Males males Males males Males males (1) (603) (fJ04) (605) (606) (607) (608) (609) (610) 1 Jalore District Total 19 19 ... 2 Jalore District Rural 16 ...... 16 ••• ••• .. . 3 J alore Sub-Di vision Rural o ...... 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .. ,. 7 ... 7 ••• ...... 5 Jalore District Urban ... 3 ••• 3 ......

Division 8 Health, EJncation & Public Administration.

,------.----"------~ o ~ Independent rrotal EmployerR F_.rnplove8s H, k Z Administr~tive Unit " H or -ers ,.-__-'- __--., ,--__ A.. __ -, ,--_)----., ,--_..A._-, Fe- Fo- Fe- Fe- Males ~1ales Malos .,'dales nudes mn.les males males ('\1, .f (Wl!l ) /(fnG) (fB7 ) (fW3) (G39) () 10) (D41) (642) PI!I"'I 1 Jalore District Total 1,533 39 lJj 1,433 39 96 ~ 2 Jalore District Rural ..- , 1,146 12 1,068 12 78 ••• n i) J alore Sub-Di vision Rural 8:2'~ 8 74t'j 8 76

3'}) 4 Bbinmal Sub-Division Rural .... ;J]4 4 ~..J 4 2 .5 Jalore District Urban ... 387 27 4 ••• 365 27 18 54

B. III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Oontd,

Sub-division S-l Medical and other Health Services

r---- _A_ --... Independent 0 'l'otal Employers Employees Z Administrative Unit Workers ...... J..._~ ,-_J.__, ~ r----.A.-, r r--..-L-, -i:: Q) Fe- Fe- M I ]'e- I F~- .L a es Ma es CI1 Males males Males males males maJes (1) (643) (644) (645) (646) (647) (648) (64!=) (650) 1 Jalore District Total 60 3 4 33 3 23

2 J alore District Rural ... 20 •••• 8 12 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 13 1 ••• 12 4 Bhinmal t)ub-Division Rural .... 7 ... 7 ... 5 Jalore District Urban ... 40 3 4 25 3 11

Sub-division 8'2 Educational Services and Research

-_}'-._-- 0 Z Independen~ Administr[ttiv(' Pnit Total Employers Ell! ployees -.....OJ Workel's QJ'"' (l} Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males males Males males Males males males (1) (651) (652) (653) (654) (655) (656) (657) (6,58) 1 Jalore District Total 270 18 197 18 73 2 Jalore District Rural ... 193 8 127 8 66 3 J aIOl'e Sub-Di vision Rural 92 4 28 4 (i4 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... 101 4j 99 4 2 5 Jalore Distriot Urban ... 77 10 70 10 7

Sub-division 8'4 Police (other than village wn,tthmen) r------..,.. ------") <:) Indrpenc1ent Z Total Employers Employees ..... Admilli-lt,rativ[' linit 'Workers :.. , r--_L _, r---...A_---, r--~'~---., ~~--, Q) ,---' .~ Fp- }_1""1e- Fe- Fo- rn 1VI:tles Males I Males I Males ' males ro!l. os ma e~ males, (1) (6m) ( 668) (669) (670) (671) (672) (673) (0 i 4) 1 Jalore District Total ) .. 225 2 225 2 2 Jalore District Rural 111 1 111 1 :) Jalore Suh-Division Hnral 1 1 4 13hinroal Sllb-DiviRi(ln Rural .... IlL ••• 111 ." .Q Jalore District Urban 114 1 114 1 55

B. III-Em.ployers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Contd.

Sub-divilolion S'5 Village officers and servants including village watchmen ,------o Independent Total Employers Emplovees UT k Z Administrative Unit U nor ers

_Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Males Males males rna Ies Males rna Ies l\hleR rna Iell (1) (675) (676) (677) (678) (67D) (680) (6tH) (68:J) 1 Jalore District Total 35 3 ... 35 3 2 Jalore District Rural 35 3 35 3 ...... 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 13 3 13 3

4 Bhimnal Sub-Division Rural .... 22 22 H. ••• 5 Jalore District Urban ...

Sub-division g'6 Employees of ::Uunicipalities & Local Boards --- ._------Independent 0 rrotai Employees Z Administrati ve Unit 3ilmployers Workers ~ .~

1 Jalore District Total ... 28 12 ••• ... 28 12 2 Jalore District Rural 3 \ JaIme Snb-Dirision Runtl 4 Bhinmal Sub-Dirision Rural ...... 5 Jalore District Urban ... 28 12 28 12

Sub-division 8'7 Employees of State Governments

0 Independent Tobal Employers E mp 1oyr8s W 1 Z Administrative Unit or \eI'S .....~... ------Q) lile- Fe-. Fe- - Fe- 00 Males Males, J Males I :JI.IaieR I rna, 1as rna es lllrl. PS lWI PH (1) (691) (692) (693) (694) (695) (696) (GU7) (()9~) 1 Jalore District Total .... 908 I... 908 1 ...

2 Jalore District Rural ••• 785 ) .. ... 785 3 J alore Sub-Di vision Rural 704 ... • •• 704

4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural .... HI ••• 81 ••• S Jalore District Urban 123 I 123 1 ... 56

B. III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers·in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Contd.

Sub· division 8' 8 Employees of the Union Governments - Independent 0 Total Employers Employees Z..... Administrative Unit Workers as ....I-< -- C) Fe- 11'e- Males Males Fe- 1\1lacs I Fe- Males Ul males males males males (1) (6D!)) (700) (701) .. (702) (703) (704) (705) (706)

1 J alore District Total 7 •••• <'- 7

2 Jalore District Rural 2 ' ... 2 3 .Jalore Sub-Division Rural ... 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 2 2

5 Jalore District Urban .. 5 '0 • 5 ...

Division a Services not elsewhere specified L -"\ Independeui 0 Total Employers Employees Z Administrative Unit ~Torkers cti r--- r--~ ~ _~L_---, .....;.. C) ]:i'e- Fe- Fe- Males Males Males Males Fe- m ma1es males males males ( 1) (715) , (716) (717) (718) (719) (720) (721 ) (722) 1 J alore District Total 6,885 J 3,171 5 2,033 815 4,847 2,356 2 J alore District Rural 5,237 2)680 2 1,323 535 3,912 2,145, 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 2,979 ] ,681 ... 582 117 '2,397 1,564 4 Bhimn::tl Sub-Division Rural ••• 2,258 999 '2 741 418 1,515 581 5 Jalore District Urban 1,6"8 491 3 710 280 935 211

Sub-division 9'0 Services otherwise unclassified -,----'--., o Tot~l Employers Employees Independent Z Administrative Unit " Workers

Fe­ Fe- M 1 Fe- '\ 1 Fe- Male,; 1\1 ales ra eR ) J,f f\, es . IuaJes ma Ies ma eR mides (1) (723) (724) (725) (726) (727) (728) (729) l730)

1 J !tlors District Total ~,69~ 2,774 1... '" 1,211 649 3,482 2,125

2 Jalore District Rural 3,979 2,379 .. -. 1,080 433 2,899 1,946 3 J alore Sub-Division Rural 2,332 1,503 373 45 1 )959 1,458

4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rum 1,M7 87~) 707 388 940 488 8 JaIore District Urban 715 395 1 131 216 583 179 57 B. III-Employers, Employees arid Independent Workers in Industries and 'Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Oontd,

Sub-division 9'1 Domestic services (but not including pervices rendered by members of family households to one-another) ------Independent 0 Administrittive Unit Total Employers Employees :z Workers ~ ------_ ------''''';..

Sub·division 9'2 Barbers and beauty shops .---- Ci Total Emp10yers E 10 Independent 'Z Administmtive Unit .:

4 Bhinm~tl Sub· Di vision Rural 310 5 2 317 5 .5 Jalore District Urban 35 2 18 17 2

Snb-division g'0 I.li1Itmdries a,nd lanndry services ------___:...------o . . Independent ToL:vl Rmployers Emplovees H! k Z Adrnll1iRtmtive Unit J n OJ' CJ;:; ------';: Fe- Fe- Fe-

5 Jalore District Urban It. 42 19 5' 19 37 58

B. llI--Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions - Oontd,

Sub-division 9'4 Hotels, restaurants and eating houses -)__ ,------~ 0 rrotftl Employers Employees Independent Z Administrative Unit Workerss .---< ,-- _ _L_~ r--'_ _L_--, ,--_ _L_~ .....til ,--__L_--.. ~ Males Females Males Fe- 1\1 1 Fe- M I Fe- rn rna Ies ' a es males a es males (1) (755) (756) (757) (758) (7 G;-)) (760) (76J) (76Q) 1 J alore District Total 55 5 4 29 2 22 3- 2 J alore District Rural 2B 2 2 25 1 2 3 .T alara S llb-Di vision Rural 17 17 4 Bhinmal Snb-Di vi sian Huml .... 11 2 2 8 1 2 5 J alore District Urban 27 3 2 4 2 21 1

Sub-divisioll 9'5 Recreation services . ------....__--- 0 Independet Administrati ve Unit Total Employers Employees Z Workers --' til .,_. .... ,- ___...__ ~ ..------'------...... ;... a;: Fp- MaIrs Males ,Fe- M I Fe- :Males Fe- rn m:"11es males "' a es males males (1) (76:i) \ 7ti4) (765) (766) (767) (768) (769) (770} 1 J alore District Total .... 357 i4l4 .... 39 4 318 14(} 2 JA.lore District Rural 299 125 26 4 273 121 3 .T alore Sub-Di vision Rural 119 72 26 93 72 4 Bhinmd Sub-Division Rural .... 180 53 ... 4 180 49 5 JaJore District Urban 58 19 ... 13 ~5 191

Sub-division 9'6 Legal and business services


0 Indepellden~ V8 Employers Z Adminis~rftti l_I nit Employees Workers .....------"'- ,..---...____ ....--'~------...... d ---- ~

B.IIl-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Contd.

Sub-division 9'7 Arts, lotters and jonrnalif;lll ---.•.. -_ .. ------,---- Independent ci Administrative Unit Total Employers E mp Ioyees \\/ k Z H or -ers

.~~~-. Pe­ Fe- 1 Fe- F8- Males J\[ales 1:?IIn, es 10 :Ha1ps I Inn,les 1mt eR llJ[l" S nlt-"t 8S (1) (779) t7bO) (781) (782) (183) (784) (78:3) nBU) 1 Jalore District Total .... 126 9 i5 8 HI 1

2 Jalore DistrIct Rural .0' 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 4 Bhinmal Bub-Di vision Rural . 5 Jalore District Urban 126 9 15 8 111 1

Sub-division 9'8 Religious, charitavle and wcHnre F;crvices --., 0 r- Z Iudependent Administrative Unit Totrd Employers Employees .-ce Workers ...... ______~o __ '"Q) ~- rn Fe- Fe- Males Fe- Males -;\IaleR Fe- . Ables males males malrs mf11eS (1) (787) (708) (789) (I gO) (,m) (IU~) (iDo) ((9J) 1 J alore District Total 384 33 113 9 2'71 ~~4

2 J alore District Rural :... 326 23 106 1 220 22 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 251 11 leO .. , J oJ 1 11

4 Bhinma! Sub-Division Rural 75 1~ G 1 ('n)" 1l 5 Jalore District Urban 58 10 7 8 51 2

(i) Persons living (ii) Persons living principa,llyon pl'incipaJly Oil rrotal income from non- pensions, remit~ - ci agricllitund tances. sellohr- Z.... Administrative Unit property ships Ilnd funds .....~ i-; Q) Per- Fe- FA- Fe- 1\1 [I,les Males 1hlcs UJ. sons Tllfl,lcs males males (1) (7th)) (7nG) .. i7H7) ( i fl8) (iDD) (8UO) (t:0l) 1 J alore District Total •.. 3,232 2,349 883 6 20 58 S 2 Jalore District Rural .... 3,000 2,169 83t 4 20 58 3 3 tT alore Sub-Division Rural TlJ 571 151 20 r;s 3

4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 2,27K 1/)~)8 680 4 Ij Jalore District Urban 232 180 2 2 60

E. III-Em-ployers, Em-ployees and Inde-pendent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-Goncld.

(v) All other persons ( iii) Inmates of (i v) Beggars and living principally on jails, asyl liIllS Vagrants income derived from almA-houses and non-productive 0 recipients of doles ~ Administrative Unit activities ce...... ;.., c:Ll Males Fe- Females J\hles CJ males Males Females \1) (802) (803) (804) (805) (806) . (807) 1 Jalore District Total ... 2,285 8441 16 2 Jalore District Rural .... 2,107 808 ... 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural ... 513 128 4 Bhinmal 8ub-Divisi'11l Rural .... - 1,594 680 fj Jalore District Urban 178 36 16 61 C.-HOUSEHOLD AND AGE (SAMPLE) TABLES ,Expictnrdory N,ote :-This series consists of the following tables:- O. I Household (size and composition). C. II Livelihood Clttsses by Age Groups, O. III Age and Civil ConditIOns. O. IV Age and Literacy. O. V Single Ye~r Age Returns. All these tables have been prepared on sample basis. In table C. I nearly 1 in 1000 hom;e· holds hfl.s been selected as sample from the .N ationai Register of Oiti",ens. In other tables 10% sample has been t:1ken from the enumeration slips penaining to general populatiou excluding dis­ !.placed persons population. C. I-Household (size and composition)

EXPLJ.NA TORY NOTE: -Tbis tabla shows for each census tract the total number of h~useholas, household population, the sa.mple house- • holds populaticn, a,nd the size and compQsition of hou$eholds in the sa,mple household popul;;tion. The figures lOre arranged under two broad groupl:­ ( i ) biz6 of househDld •. Iii) Composition of ho~ueholds. in ( i ) households h,we been c&lled, (Il) "S1lla.Ll" if the number of inmates is 3 or less. (h) "Medium" if the number of inm>ttes is behnen ~ and II • • (c) "La.rge" if the number of inm.tes is between 7 and 9, (d) "Very large" if the number of inml\tes is 10 or more. ill (ii) .he inmate. ill a household are discribed under three heRd., (a) Relatiouship to 'he head of the household. (b) Number in brol'od age STOUpS, (<1) Oivil ~ondilion,

Adlllilii8trl~lV' Unit Total No. of Total household population Total ~o. of sample households S. households ------No. Perwns lI1:alfis Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) I J.flore District Total 93,126 459,163 240,105 219,058 71 2 Jalore District Rurld 84,981 431,112 225,825 20.S,287 73 3 ;fa-lore Sllb-Division Rura.l 34,576 168,061 86,937 81,1~4 32 , lShiamal Sub·Division Rllral 5040.1 263.051 138,888 124,163 41 .5 Jalore District Ur.~ml (l,145 28,051 14,280 13,771 5

Sample houNeli.olds

----'-- .~-----~---- Size of houleholds

Sample of household Small Medium La.rge Very large Aaminls~rlltivt Unit p')pulation ------3 Membets 10 Members {·6 Members 7·9 Members or less 'or above s. ------.----- No. Perlilllls 1>blss Females No. Persons No. Pergons No. Person. No. PersonE! (1) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (H) (15) (16) (17) Jalare District Total 361 198 163 30 62 33 172 J.! 94 3 33 I.,-, JaJare District Rural 350 193 157 26 55 31 168 12 94 J 3.1 E J:tlore Sub-lJiviRion l{ura.1 146 80 66 13 27 14 75 4 3d 1 11. 4 Bhiumal Sub-Division Rural 20<1 113 \J1 1:1 28 18 93 8 61 2 22 i) JalOl'e District Urban 11 5 6 4 .. 1 4

Sample households

Oomposition of household~

Adminiltratin Unit Da.ughters of Other male Other fema.le Heads of households Sons of heads heads of relations of relations of and their wives of houBeholds houaeholds heads of heal'ls of S. ------t------households households No. Males Females 'IJ) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) J Jtdoro DIstrict Total. 75 51 95 61 28 45 Z Jaloro District Rurlll 71 .54 94 59 28 44 3 hlore Sub-Division Rural 31 26 43 28 6 n 4 Bhinmal Sub-Di"fision Rural 40 28 51 31 22 32 J Jalor~ DistrIct Urban 4 3 1 2 1

Sample households

Oomposition of households ------~------Infants, non-adults and a,dults in households Civil conditions AilminilTa~ive Uni~ ------Infants (ago less Non· adults (age Adults (age Widowed or 21 Unma.rried :r.fa,rried Divorced ------than one year) ------1·20 years) -----years and over) -----_------1<'e- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- S. Males Mi1les 1>fa.les Males Males Males No. males ffi!l.les males males males males (1) (24) (25) (2G) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (a5) 1 Jaiorc District Total tJ 8 108 75 82 80 113 75 85 87 1 2 J.11ore District Rural 8 8 107 73 78 76 112 73 81 83 I 3 Jalore Sub-Di"ioIOIl Rur".! 4 3 45 33 31 30 46 31 Sol 35 11 Bhinmal Sub·Division HUlal 4 !5 62 40 117 46 66 42 47 ()8 1 5 Jafore District Urban 1 2 4 4 1 Z 4 4 62

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«J "i'I lQ <:0 r:- Cf) 0 0 ...... --I C1 <0 O';l C'1 I:- ti.! Cl co ...... l.:';l <:.0 C1 !'- co <:0 ~ "i1 cY:l Cl rl ¢l" r-tj G)

"'""~ ..; .;J .p r-i ;'-1 CD '<:11 l.tJ :.0 l- a 0 ~ "'" ...., I ~C.J ~ - I I I 0 I I I I C) M 1.0 lQ lQ 11) IlJ 10 lQ lQ ~ Cl CO "i1 J..t";l <:0 l:- bn """ ~ 66 C. IU-Age and Civil Condition.

Eltplll1\lltOf'Y Note :-This table contains the information with regard to age and civil conditions of the gener&l popul>ttion (e1Ccluding displaced: persons) on the basis of the sample slips. The figures for the divorced and widowed persolls h,Lv~ b

SAMPLE POPULATION Age. O. ---- <) Total Unmarried Married Widowed or rrotal Z Administrative Unit divorced ~ ------~.-- .~ Fe- Fe- :11'e- Fe- Ji Persons Males Females Males Males ~Iale8 Males males males males maJes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 10) (11) (12)

1 Jalore Distt. Total 45,298 24,342 20,956 11,792 7,804 11,525 10,918 1,025 2,234 618 441 2 Jalore Distt. Rural 42,585 22,987 19,598 11,065 7,245 10,905 10,322 967 2.031 574 391 3 J!l.lore S. D, R. 15,612 8,144 7,468 2,674 2,072 5,085 4,776 385 620 146 167 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. 26,923 14,793 12,130 8,391 5,173 5,820 5,54G 582 1,411 428 224 5 Jalore Distt. Urban .. '. 2,763 1,405 1,358 727 559. 620 596 58 203 44 so'

Age. 1~ 4 Age.. 5-14

ci Z ,Vidowed or 01 Total Total Unmarried Mnrried -;:: Administrative Unit divorced m(l) Males Females Males I!'emales Males Fema~es l\fa.les Females Males Females· (1) (13) (14) (Hi) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

1 Jalore Oistt. Total 2,561 2,263 6,382 5,202 5,702 4,685 667 508 13 9 2 Jalore Disil. Rural 2,395 2,104- 6,022 4,886 5,381 4,383 628 494 13 9 3 Jalore S. D. R. 629 591 1,683 1,366 1,211 I,ldS 440 179 2 4 4: BhinuL:11 S. D. R. 1,766 1,513 4,339 3,520 4,140 3,200 188 315 11 5 5 Jalore Di,t( Urban 166 159 360 316 321 302 39 14

Age. 15 - 24

ci Z Married Administrative Total Unmarried Widowed or divorced ],._, Unit (J) w ---~- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 1 Jafore Distt. Total 4,369 3,507 2,125 351 2,203 3,120 41 36 2 Jalore Distt. Rural 4,139 3,280 1,975 315 2,123 2,932 41 33 3 Jalore S. D. R. 1,574 1.245 453 100 1,088 1,134 33 11 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. 2,565 2,035 1,522 215 1,035 1,798 8 22 5 Jalore Distt. Ur6an 230 227 150 36 80 188 3 1J'

Age. 25-34

0 ------Z Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced -.;S,... Administrative Unit

3 Jalore S. D. R. 1M 1,341 1,269 121 18 1,170 1,188 50 63 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. 2,152 1,881 374 9 1,716 1,772 62 100 5 Jalore Oistt. Urban 216 212 26 1 183 198 7 13, 67

C. III. -Are and Civil Condition-Oontd.

Age. 35-44

'6' Z -;; Tohol Unmarried l'Ihrl'ied Widowed or divor€ed ·c Admini~trl1tiTt Unit 0 rfl Males Females Males Females Males Females MRles Females (1) (39) «(0) (n) (!2) (43) (44) ( 45) (46) 1 Jator, Dis". Tofal 3,124 2,581 113 22 2,780 2,100 231 459 2 Jator, Diltt. Rural 2,956 2,410 IDB 12 2,628 1,975 220 423 q t) JalOffJ S. D. R. 1,293 1,096 37 S 1,179 946 77 H2 4 Bbinmllli S. D. R. 1,663 ] ,314: 71 ! 1,449 1.0:l9 143 ~1 5 Jalor, Oi8tt. Ur'.n .. 168 171 .5 10 152 125 11 36

Age. 45-54

0 Z To.e.l Unma.rried Married Widowed or

1 Jalorf Distt. r8tal 2,231 1,692 107 4 1,841 1,11g 283 569 2 Jator. Di,tt. Rllral 2,125 1,588 14 4 1,760 1,071 271 513 3 Jalore S. D. R. 86" 757 22 2 756 6~3 87 132 4 Bhinmal S, D. R. 1,260 831 72 2 1,004 4-48 184- 381 5 Jalo,., Diltt. Urball 106 104 13 81 48 12 56

Age. 55-64

0 Z ..... -rotal Unmarried M[c1'l'iccl Widowed or divorced .;:;cO Adminil!!trE\ti va Unit ... Cl) ------_ _-- _- w Males Females Males Females Males Vemltles lIf ales :F'em:tles (1) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (tiO) (til) (62)

1 Jolor. Di,tt. Total 917 1,252 92 6 70a 589 182 657 2 Jatore Distt. Rural 840 1,178 30 5 642 571 168 802 3 Jalore S. D. R. 409 567 20 308 414 81 lii:l !l Bhinmll.l S. D. R. 431 611 10 5 334 J r.7 87 44!1 5 Jatar. Distt. Urban 77 74 2 1 61 18 14 55

Age. 65-'74

0 --- z Tot .. l Unmarried Marri.,d \YidoIYed or di'OI('nl Administrative Unit ~:... <:) ------w Males Females Males ]lemales 1\Jales .F'emales ~LtlH~ FOII"tle'l (1) (63) (64) (65) (66) (C7) (68) (69 ) (701

1 Jatore Distt. r8tal 340 482 12 2 214 255 , '4 225 2 Jatore Distt. Rural 314 447 12 2 197 250 105 19j 3 Jalore S. D. R 161 297 4 1 .d7 226 ,;0 ,0 4 Bhinmal S. n. R. 1GB 150 8 1 SO ~H 6f) ] ::-) 5 Jator' Distt, Urball 26 35 17 S 9 30 68 c. Itt-Age and Civil Uonailion_':_Conc!d.

Age. 75 and over

ci Z -- .... Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced .;: Administrative Unit i: ------w. Males Females Malell }I'emales MaJes Females l\blelil Females (1) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) 1 Jil/ore Oirtt. Total ... 91 174 I 11 48 89 42 103 2 JfI.lorlJ Distt. Bur •.' 79 164 1 2 41 89 37 93 3 Jalore S. D. R. 43 113 1 g ~7' 66 15 45 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. 3G 51 H 3.. 22 48 5 Ja/ol'e 0;8t1. Urban 12 10 7 5 10 ... I .. Age not stated

ci ------Z Tot:11 Uumo,rried Married Widuwed or divorced d i\ Dmin\str!llti va Unit 'i=: CD ------w ------~hleB Females Ma,les Females. Males Females MlI,les Females (1) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86)

1 Jalore Dittt. Total 2 Jalol'lJ Di8tt. Rural 3 .Talore S. D. R 4 Bhinmal S D. R. 5 Julore Disit. Urban ...... 69 C. LV...,-Ag8 and Literacy

Bxpl.tllllt8". Note:-This tabl. shows the literacy by age groups of the sample population. The figures of illiterates Include thof;e of partially Iiterate~ i. e. those who can read II simple letter in any script but cannot write one. Literate means one who can both read aud wriw a dmple letter in any script.

'l'otal Population

0 Z Admiuistrative Unit Total Literate Illiterate or.~ ------._ 0) rn Persona Males Females :;\1 ales Females Males Females (1) (2) (3 ) . (4) (5) (6) (7 ) (~) 1 Jato,.. Oi,tl'ict Tot


Sample Population Age 0-4 0 ------Z Administrative Unit TQtftl . Li~t6 Illiterate Total ]... ----- _------'--- CD {[J Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (9) (10) (llJ (l~) (13) (1~ (15) 1 Jot.", Di.tl'ict f.w ... 24,142 20,95& 2,1 7 246 22,2'~ 20, 10 3~1Y9 2,t04- 2 JafrJl'e Oi.trict RUf'a! .• 2',937 19,598 ',694 201 21,243 19,be, ~)9B9 2,495 3 .hIm'\] S. D. R. .S,144 7,468 837 160 7,307 "'1.308 7'75 ~5B <1 Bhinrnft.} S. D. R. 14,793 12,nlO 857 U 13,9B£ 2,1g4 1~37 .5 Ja/ore Diatrict Urban" • 1,405 1,358 433 45 972 12i8J7, t 210 09


. -;;; .. Age 5-9 Age 10-14 0 ~ Adrninistmtive Unib .- Total Literate Illiterate Total Literate Illiteratl .;:


Age 15 - 24 .. ~ --.----~ .... Aaministrative Unit Total Liberate Illiterate 01 -~. ---'-'-- 'j:; II) til Males Female~ Males Females Males ~'emaleil (1) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (3~)

1 Jalore Oistrid Tofal ... 4,369 3,507 358 51 4,011 3,451 2 Jatore. District Rural .. 4.189 3~280 271 41 3,888 3,23g 3 hlore S. D. R. 1,574 1,945 U5 29 1,429 1,216 4 RhinmllJ S. D. R. 2,561) 2,0:)5 126 12 2.439 2,023 5 J%re O;,trict Urban'"... 230 227 87 10 143 217 70

~, IV-Are and Literacy-Oontd.


_------Age 25-34 Administrative Unit Total Literate Illiterat~

Males Female. Males • Females Males Femtles (1) (35) (36) (37) (as) (39) (40) 1 Jalore District Total ... 3,709 3,362 441 52 3,268 3,310 2 Jalore District Rural .. , 3,493 a,150 382 44- 3,131 3,106 3 Jalore S. D. R. 1.341 1,269 166 36 1,175 1,'.0133 4: Bhinm\\.\ B. D. R. . .. ~.1i? 1,881 196 B 1,lJ5(} 1,Sn 5 Jalore District Urban ... 216 212 79 8 137 2H


----~--- Ago 35-H

o Administrative Unit Z Total Literate Illitm.te ~ .~ rIJ UaIes Females Males Fem:l.los Males :B'~male~ (1) (41) (~2) (43) (4:4) (M)) Wi) 1 Jalol"Di,tl'ict Total,,, 3,124 2,581 427 36 2,697 2,545 2 Jalol" Di.triot RUI'af ... 2,956 2,410 3S7 34- 2,591J 2,376 3 Jalore S. D. R. Ul93 (,096 170 28 1,123 1,068 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. ... 1,663 1,314 187 6 U76 1,308 5 Jalore D;.trict Urban ... 168 171 70 2 98 169


Ago 45-54

o Administrative Unit Literate Illiterate Z Total

Males Females Males Females M~des Felllnks (1) (t7) (48) (19) (50) (51) (:)2 ) 1 Jafore District Total ... 2,231 1692 316 38 1,915 1654 2 Jalore District Rural ... 2,125 1,588 283 36 1,862 1:552 3 Ja101'e S. D. R. 805 757 l~~ 33 743 n-t 4: Bhinmal S D. R. •.. 1,260 B31 141 3 ],119 828 5 JIlIore District Ur6an .• 106 104 53 2 53 102

SAMPDTI. ._------_ Age 55-64

Administrative Unic Total Litrerato Illiterate ------Ma.les Females Males F~ma.le8 }fales }i'0lII itles (1) (53) (~4) (55) (56) U)7) (Btl) 1 Jalore District Total ... 917 1,252 133 14 784 1,238 2 Jalore Oistrll:t Rural,., 840 1178, 103 11 737 1,167 3 Jalore S. D. ll. 409 567 .)1) 11 354 5b~ 4 Bhinmn18 P. R ... 431 6It 48 383 Gil 5 Jalore District Urhan .. 77 74 30 a 47 71 71 6.IV--Age and Litetacy-Cundd.


Age 65-74 ---- <.) Administra>.in Unit Z Total Literate Illibemfe ~ .~ -- Q) 00 Males Fema.les Males Felmdes MaJer> Jl'emales (1) (59) (60) (61) (02) (63) (64)

t JiJ.tor~ District Total ... 340 482 61 8 '279 474 2 Ja/Dre District Rural .. 314 447 52 8 262 43!1 3 Jalore S. b. R. 161 M7 36 7 131 290 4 Bhinmal S. D. R. ... 153 150 22 1 131 149 5 JiJ.fore DislriCf Urban ... 26 35 9 17 35

SAMPLE ------Age 7[; and over

0 Admini8trative Unit Z Total Literate Illit,er~te .~;::; ------. cD U1 Males }!"emales MoIse Females Males Females (1) (65) (66) ((7) (68) (69) (70) i Jator' District Total .. 91 174- 12 79 174 2 Jatar" District Rural ... 79 164 9 70 164 3 JaIme S. D. R 43 113 .( 39 ]13 4 Bhinme,l S, D. R. 36 51 ~ 31 51,· 5 Jatore District Urban ... 12 10 3 9 10

SAMPLE ---_. Age noli stated ------ci Administrative Unit Z Total Literate Illiterate - .;'l-,_. ------_._------Q) 00 Males Fem~t!es Males Females Males FelllfileR (1) (71) (72) (73) (741 (75) (1b)

1 Jalol'6 District Total ... 2 Ja/ore District Rural ... 3 Jalore Fl. D. R. 4 Bhinmal 1:3. D. R. 5 Jators District Urban .. 72

C. V-Single Year Age Return.

EKPr. ... N.iTUtHr NOTE:-T:lill t;\ole iiilo\'fs for tile !\\tnple POlllll~~ion ~ho fig'lTeq by sIngle yeaTS of age as mentioneil in lh, slips.

Age Returns ~-

0 ~rotal 0 1 ~ Administrati YO Unit ~ 'C Per- Fe- -- Fe- Fe- lli :Malelt Males Males 00 SODS males males lllaies (I) (2) (3) (4) (:3) (6) (7) (t3) 1 J alore District Total 45,298 24,3~2 20,956 618 Ml 453 364

2 Jalore District Rural Hf 42,535 22,937 19,598 574 391 ~23 335 3 J alOl'c Sub-lJi vision llund 15,Gl:.3 8,144 7,468 14ti 167 131 120 "1 lJhilllnaJ :-lub-Division Rllfal .... 2:',9:33 14,793 12,130 L128 '2'24 '2D'2 '215

5 Jalore District Urban .f. 2,763 1,405 1,358 44 50 3~ 29

Age Hetul'l1s ,- - __.-L_ 0 '2 3 4 5 z Adillinistrative Unit _....___ .. .. " -'S:: Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- • Males Males l\Iales Males 00 l1Jalc~ males males ma,]es (1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (1 !j) (16) 1 Jalore District Total ... 650 588 713 652 745 659 794 674 2 Jalore District Rural 601 f3l 6i4 C05 697 625 751 651 3 J:110l'0 Sllb-Divisi(ll1 llll 91 1 .... 146 VB 18) 16l 167 173 188 1(13 4 Bhitllllfd Rltb-Divisioll Dural .... 45:3 c106 48\1 411 {)30 45'4 5C3 481) 5 J.lIOrd District Urban ... '~J 49 39 47 48 34 lJ3 23

Age Returns --_).,_ --_._ ---. ci t - 6 7 8 ~ ,/, Administrati ve Unit _____.__.... :i.l ...... Fe- l1'e- Fe- Fe- Cl Ma,\E's I Males l\J ales Maks W mn fS lU:II(IS mnlpR malf's () ) (17) Pt') (ID) (20) (Jl) ('22) (23) (~H) 1 Ja:ole District Total ... 559 756 5-25 372 748 710 ~42 292 2 J alore District Rural 5'1(, 73~ ~n4 sao 705 675 320 26i 3 Jctlure Sub-Division Rural 1()\) IG5 1()G 114 171 135 104 8"3 4 Bhinmf\1 Rub-Divi, ion rural.. .. 371 t67 388 :216 531 540 216 ~7R 5 J llore Dif.tri(lt Urban ... 19 24 31 42 43 35 22 3t 73 C, V-Single Year Age Returns-Gontd,

Age Returns ,------_-"--...------0 10 11 12 13 ~z Admini"t,,'n,ti \'e Unit .~ ~~ 'i:: Fe- Fe- Fe- v Mn,1es Fe- Males Males Males w males males males males (1) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) 1 J alore District Total 1,101 810 356 254 901 613 527 361

2 Jalore District Rural 1\042 758 328 24d 8~3 559 500 333 ;) Jalore Suh-Division .tlurai 285 /lOS 135 79 223 150 139 127 4 Dhinll1al SlIb-Division Rural. 757 550 ]93 162 620 409 361 206 5 Jalore District Urban 53 52 28 13 58 Btl 27 28

Age Returns ,--______...... _-L ----~ 0 It Z Administr:ttive Unit 15 16 17 ~ ...------'----- ____.,_____ ' ...... <:l! Fe- Fe- Fa- Fe- (f) Males Males Males Males males males males males .( I) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) 1 Jalore District Total 529 360 762 420 358 469 246 170 2 J alore District Rural 499 846 723 393 322 lJi3lJi 233 167 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 163 137 208 137 171 146 126 80 1. Bbinmal 811b- Di vision Ruml . 336 209 515 256 1St 288 107 77 ~ J alore 'District Urban ... 30 14 39 27 36 35 13 13 .

___... Age__ --L_...... --. Returns ____, . { (_ Z Adminifltmtive Unit 18 19 20 2l .....~... ~ <1) Fe- Fe- Fe- Fe- w l\f rtlt,s Males Males .:vrales III :1,le8 males males males ( 1) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) 1 J alore District Total 419 367 217 168 902 990 251 224 2 Jalore District Rural 388 337 200 162 863 920 243 215 3 Jalore Sub- Di viRion Rural ]8t III 87 89 . 315 285 91 101

4 Bhinmn,( Sub-Diviflion Rural . 201 226 113 73 548 635 15~ Hi 5 Jalore District Urban H 31) 17 6 39 70 8 9 , . 74

~ , . .. . . " C. V-Sing'le Year' Age Returns-Contd.

Age Returns r- _L Q 22 23 24 25 Z Adwinistrati ve Unit _...... -~ ~ ....I-< Jj Males Fe-" Males . Fe-. Fe- Maleg Fe- males males Males males mfiJos. (1) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) 1 Salore District Total 347 346 2:,8 174 694 179 952 1,076 2' Jalore District Rural ••• 321 322 264 167 582 173 886 997 3 Jalore Sub-Diviflion Rural 138 1'36 121 82 133 88 340 398 4: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural.. .. 183 196 143 85 449 85 546 5D\} I) Ja.lora District Urban 26 24 9 7 12 6 66 79

Age Returns ,------'------0 Z Administrati ve Unit 26 27 28 ~9 ~..... ~ ~ .~-.... Fe- Fe- '"a> " ~-'e- M.· Fe- Males Males w Males rna. Ies ales ma res males InaJes (1) (57) (~8) (50) (~b) (61) (69) (63) (64) 1 i ~lore Diatrict Total ..... ~~7 157 156 103 286 273 124 43

2 J alore District Rural .t• 217 147 1~2 93 269 255 122 37 . . 3 Jalore Snb-Division Rural 77 73 50 38 106 98 50 29 4 13hinmal Sub-Division Rural. 140 74 92 55 163 157 72 8- 5 Jalore District Urban 10 10 Hi 10 17 18 2 6

Age HetUrtlR ,-- ._---- ___._...A. c5 Z A

~ .~ _..-'------._ .~ (l) . li'e- Fe- :Ffl- Fe- w R :iVhleil Males Ma,les Mltle mn,les maIeR rnn,]es male~ (I) (65) (6(;) (67) (68) (G9) (70) (71) (72) 1 if alore lSi~trict Tbtal 1,025 1,158 199 143 278 220 185 100 2 .t alore District Rural ... 952 1,092 194 141 261 203 178 99 3 Jalore Sub-Division Ruml .... 373 383 60 65 142 7'2 -74 CO 4 J3hinmal Sub-Di vision Rural. 579 709 125 76 110 ] H1 101 30 5 J alore District Urban 73 66 5 2 17 17 7 1 75 C. V-Single Year Age Returns-Gontd.

Age Retul'lls ,....------.. -""""-----.,..______,---~ 0 34 Z Administrative Unit 35 36 07 .- _..._ ...... c:e • ______..__ -~ (1) Fe- M Fe- Fe- Males Males Fe- 00 ales rna 1es Males rna ]as males males (1) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (7U) (80) 1 J alore District Total 277 89 776 811 170 128 144 73 2 J alore District Rural 272 86 715 74' 164 125 138 88 3 Jalm'e Sub-Division Rural 60 53 288 293 69 88 52 57 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 212 33 427 454 95 :)7 66 11

5 Jalore Di.trict Urban 5 a G1 64 6 3 fS ~

Age Returns ( _..J...._ :>• Z 38 39 40 41 Administrative Unit ____,______..______.,__---.., ...... 1-0 ~ ]:I'e- Fe- M I Fe- M Fe- Males 00 a es rna Ies ales rna I es males Males males (1) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (8i:l) 1 Jalore District Total ... 269 149 117 71 815 1,095 118 62 2 Jalore District Rural ' 267 139 116 69 744- 1,O2~ 114 60 3 J alore Sub-Divisioll Hural 134 93 91 53 355 372 63 35 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 133 46 25 16 389 G52 51 25 6 Jalore Di.trict Urban 2 10 1 2 71 71 4 2

Age Retums ,----_._---...... ------, 0 42 Z Ac1ministrati ve Unit 43 44 45 _A ___, __.__ ...--"--... -.....d '"'Q;) M 1 Fe- Fe- Males Fe- Fe- r:/1 a es ma 1es Males nm 1es males Males mail'S (1) (89) (90) (91) ,9.1) (93) (94) (05) \ 90) 1 J alore District Total 245 16 196 70 274 116 600 472 2 J alore District Rural ... 237 71 191 64 270 43 568 436

3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 98 30 77 50 6c)/' 25 229 187 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 139 41 114 14 20-1 18 329 249 5 Jalore District Urban 8 5 I) 6 4 3 32 36 ,76

. C. V:..o..SiJlgle Year AIG 1.(\lm.-QonJd.

Age _.A-.Returns ..... __ .___ . r--- (J Z 46 47 48 49 ...... Administrative Unit ______._.___ .....~ ~ I-< ll) Fe- Fe- -Males Fe- Males Fe- Males Males w males ma,les males males (1) '(97) (~8) (99) (lOG) (101) (102) (103) (104)

1 J alore District Total lO~ 46 1()7 58 138 72 73 45

2 J ~lore District Rural 103 44 l()S ~3 134 68 71 45 3 J a,lore Sub-Division Rural .•.. 72 28 . 83 .40 . 66 38 54 36 4. Bbinmal Sub-Division Rural 31 16 20 13 68 30 17 9 5 .T alore District Urban 1 2 4 ... 4 4i 2

() Ag9 Returns Z r- ..."... __ ,..._,__._ .....~ I-< 50 51 52 53 CD Administrati ve Unit rD. _,_.>-_ -'-. Fe- ,Fe:. 1\1 - Fe~ 11: - Fe- Males Males ales ma 1es ales rna Ies males males (1) (lOa) (iO~) {107) U08) (109) (110) (Ill) (112) 1 Jalore District Totai 74s 828 76 50 110 48 72 48 2 J alore District Rural 695 770 74 49 i05 44 11 4;

~ JalOl'e Sub-Divislon Rnrai ... 283 309 17 ~5 22 31 15 43 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 412 461 57 24 83 13 56 4 5 J alore District Urban 53 56 2 1 5 4 1 1

Age Returns ,------.-. -- .. --....,;.._ - 0 54 56 57 Z j\ (lministrative 11 nit 55 ..., ,-____'______~ ~ I-<'" ~ Fe- Fe~ Fe- Fe- 1\1 ales Males Males r:n mn, , f'S J"hlrs ma h~ s males mrdes (1) (113) (U4) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) 1 Jalore District Total £03 32 .226 208 40 30 31 32 2 J alore District Rural 201 82 205 193 36 26 37 30 3 J,t\ore Sub-Division Rund 24 20 77 80 Q3 18 17 26

4 Bhinmal Sub-Dirislon Hnral 177 12 )~8 113 13 8 20 4 5 J alore District UrbRn 2 20 15 4 4 ... e 77 c: V- Single Year Age Beturns-:.Oontd. Age Returns (-- _, ...... _----._...)...._------, ::> 58 Z Adminifltmtive Unit 59 60 61 ~ _...___ ~- ~...-...... ~ tJ.l Fe- Fe- M Fe- Males Males Fe- rn M!:lJes males' l: t),les males males males (1) (121) (122) . (1~3) (124) (125) (126) (127) (12e) 1 J alore District Total 37 59 23 30 386 741 38 42 2 J alore District Rural 35 58 21 30 343 693 36 41 3 Jaiore Sub-Division RurB,l 13 4t 17 19 IS9 277 24 23 4: Bhinmal Snb-Di vision Rural . 22 17 4 11 154 416 12 18 5 Jalore District Urban 2 1 2 43 48 2 1

Age Returns

;;;:;;.&'- ' __ . ------_ ...... ti t)5 Z Administrative Unit 6~ 63 64 ,___...____ -,_, .l= -" .. ~ ~ "

Age Returns

,-_ ---______...A.... ______~

0 66 67 69 Z Administrati ve Unit 68 :e.... -----. _,.____ Fe- ~ Males Pe- Ma Ies Fe-' Males Males 1!'e- w males mitl~& males males (J) {137} (138) (139) (14O, (141) (142) (143) (144) 1 Jalore District Total 13 15 7 23 11 16 11 15 2 J alore District Rural 13 15 7 21 11 15 10 14 3 Jalore Sllb-DilTision Rural 11 11 6 19 4 12 6 11 '1: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 2 4 1 2 7 3 4 3 8 J ill ore District Urban 2 1 1 1 78 'c. V'-Single Year Age Returns-Contd.

Age Returns ",.._ ___-.... ______...I't.... ______.. __~

0 70 71 72 73 Z Administrative Unit __,.______, .~- ...-----'-----. ·c Fe- Fe- 'iJ Males Fe- Fe- 00 Males males Males males males Males males (1) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) 1 J alore District Total 91 169 17 16 16 26 t9 to :2 Jalore District Rural 81 153 13 16 15 25 18 10 1 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 44 98 12 14 6 22 9 10 4 'Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural . 37 55 1 2 9 3 9 5 J alore District Urban 10 16 IJi 1 1 1

. ,. ______- _____Age Returns..A.. ___ ,_ ____ '______-...

<) 74 75 76 77 Z Administrative Unit _,._ ---- -___...... _-_ ....--.-----"-- Fe- Fe- Fe- ]'e- Males Males Males males Males males males ruale~ (1) (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (lflO) 1 .Talole District Total ••• 31Ji 15 32 50 3 6 2 Jalore District Rural 34 14 31 50 3 5 '3 J alore 8'ub-Di vision Rural 3 13 17 46 2 4 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 31 1 14 4 1 1 ...

5 Jalore District Urban • 'It .... 1 1 .... 1

Age Returns ------A~------1 0 78 79 80 81 Z Administrative Unit ,." -...... ~ ctl ~ __,.______, ---"'----- ...... C) Fe- Fe- Fe- Fc- tr: Males Males Males Males males m~les males males (1) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168)

1 J alore District Total Mol 2 1 n. 2 23 78 1 9 2 J afore District Rural ... I t 2 16 72 1 8 ~ Jalore Rub-Division Rural ...... 1 6 40 1 7 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rllrai . . 1 1 1 10 3:;>, :1 5 Jalore District Urban 1 ...... 7 6 ••• 1 79 C. V-SiDgJe Year Age ReturDS -Coutd. Age Returns ------~------~ 0 82 83 84 85 Z Administrative Unit ....."2 ~ Fe- Fe- Fe- ""CD Males Fe- w Males rna 1es Males rna. 1es males Maies males (1) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174) (175) (176) 1 J alore District Total 4 5 2 1 5 5 7 2 Jalore District Rural 3 3 2 1 I 5 7 3 Ja.lore Sub-Division Rural ... 1 2 ... 4 6 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 2 1 2 1 4 1 'l 4) Jalore District Urban 1 2 ... 1

Age Returns --______,Jt..... ___,______~ c 86 87 Z Administrative Unit 88 89 ____.-'-_ ~..-.-A- ... I Fe- Fe- Fe- l!'e- Ma es rna 1es Ma.les rna Ies Males males Males males (1) (177) (178) (179) (180) (181) (L82) (183) (184) 1 Jalore District Total 1 II 2 J alore District Rural .... 1 4i 3 J alore Sub-Division Rural ... 4 4 BhinrnR.l Sub-Division Rural...... -" I) Jalore District Urban .... '" ....

------....,..,_------_._Age Returns

2 J alore District Rural 4 2 .... ' 1 3 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 3 ...... 1 3

4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 1 2 f ••• 5 Jalore District Urban 1 ...... 80 c. V--Single Year Age Retn'rns-Ooncid.

______Age__ ReturnsJ_ ____ • ______,---- , o 94 95 z Administrative UnIt ______,_____ ~ Fe- Fe- M~hiB ~~e- Males Fie~ Males Males marles males males males (1) (193) (194) (195) (196) (197) (198) (199) (200) 1 J alore District Total 1 4 2 J alore 'District Rural 1 4 .... 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural ..... 1 1 ... 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 3 5 J alore District Urban ...... Age Returns __.A._. ~.------.. 98 99 Administrative Unit 100 and over Age Not Stated

(1) 1 lalore District Total .... 2 Jilore District Rural H Jatore Suo-Division Rural ••• 4: Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural. 5 Jalore District Urban

EXPLANATORY NOTE:-Table D. I. has been prepariJii in two fJa,rts D. 1. (i) Ilnll D: I. (Ii). h. I. (i) shows I8ngtiages sporen as mother tongue together with the number of speakers split up into sexes. Languages Persons Males Females

1. Rajasthani Total , .I. 445,806 2a2,956 212,850 (a) Ajrneri 4 4 (b) Bagri or Sllekhawati 10 1 9 (c) Marwari 445,Cl2 232,702 212,810 (d) Mewari 34 7 27 (f,) Dhado 246 246 2. Western Hindi Total .... 11,444 6,142 0,362 (a) Hindi .... 11,313 6,053 5,250 (b) 131 89 42 3. Bhili or Aboriginal Languages Total .... 547 260 287 (a) Bhili 547 260 287 4. GUJRATI 764 402 362 5. MARATHI ... ••• 52 52 6. PUNJABl ••• 35 1 34 7. TELUGU ... 1 1 8. RINDHI 814 1106 408 9. KASHMTRI 4 1 3 Total of All Languages 459,467 240,220 219,247 ai D f~(iij fiilinkludism .

EXPLANATORY NOTE :-It shows the .:nother tongue and sU'bsidiArt languages niOB~ eoDimon1y spoJi:en aiiiiik with .theru. .tJi~ fttother tongue of infants has been considered to be the same as that of their mothers. Total persons 0 returned as ::z< Total -a ...:. Mother Tongue ' speaking a ell Speak(;i~ Western .~ d! language .J:I :E w '):l ...

    S Telugu 1 i ••• lO'

    9 Rashmiri 4 4 4 ttl ••

    D. II-Religion.

    BxplsnatbrJ Note.-Thie ta~le shows the distribution of population by main religions found in this district.

    Total population Hindus Sikhs Jains Muslims Christians 0 ~-~---.------._----_ .,..,Z !dminiiltrative Unit Persons Females M. M. F, • ....~ Males M. F. F. M. F. M. F. 0> co (1) (2) (a) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    ~ . . 1 Ja/ore District Total ... 459,461240,220119,247 jt3,i f319S,583 4 2 12,492 12,638 11,483 10,952 88 12 , . 2 Jalore Dlstrl,t Rural ... 4.U,416225,940 205,476105,536185,399 1 9,763 9,887 10,556 10,125 85 64

    3 Jalore S. D. R. 168365 97,052 81,313 80,754 75,031 ... 5,035 5,189 1,263 1,090

    t Bhinm31 S. D. R. 263,051 138,888 124,163 124,782 110,365 •. , 1 4.723 4,698 9,293 9,035 85 6t .; illiore Distrid Urban Z8,(},H 14,280 13,171 10,611 10,184 -4 I 2,729 2,751 927 821 3 S

    D. III-SCheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

    EXPL.1NATORY NOTR:-It shows the strength of the Scheduled Castes and Scheiuled Tribes as notified by the Government of India. Their names etc. can be seen in Annexure "G". No area. of this district has been decla.red as scheduled hence there is no return of Soheduled Tribes. . Scheduled Castes 0 Z ~------~------~ Administrative Unit Persons Males Females w. (1) (2) (3) (4)

    1 J alore District Total to. 17,240 7,811 9,429 2 J alare District Rural 111,223 5,991 8,232 3 J alore Sub-Vi vision Rural ... 3,655 1,486 2,169~ 4 Bhinmal Sub-Division Rurn,j. ... 10,568 4,505 6,063 5 dalore District Urban ... 3,017 1,820 1,197 82

    D. IV-Migrants.

    EXPLANATORY NOTE:-This table gives the distribution of population enumerltted in ~his district Il.ccording to their places of birth. 0 Z District, State etc., Total popula.tion of persons enumerated ...... or Country where born • in Jaiore Distrio5 ....ciJ ,-_----..A.. ~ w.CD Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 A-I.-Districts within the State- 1. Jaipur 298 80 218 2. Bharatpur 1 1 3. Bikaner 99 28 71 4. Ganganagar ..... , 15 15 5. Jodhpur 6,099 2,431 3,668 6. Barmer 1,380 286 1,094 7. Jalore 446,029 235,526 ~10,503 8. Pali 1,390 246 1,144 9. Nagaur 74 52 22 10. .Jaisalmer 36 7 29 11. Sirohi 1,712 243 1,469 12. Udaipur 132 44 88 13. Banswara 1 1 14. Bhilwara ... 12 10 2

    15. Kobah I." 3 2 1 16. Bundi .... 6 6 Total 457,287 238,977 218,310" A-II.-States in India beyond the State- --- I. Ajmer ... 47 24 23· .') "". West II' 1 1 3. Bombay ••• 1,032 623 409 4. Hyderabad 113 73 40 5. Madraiil ••• 16 9 7 6. 7 5 2 7. Mysore 1 1 8. 25 11 14 9. 120 66 54 10. .... 19 11 8 11. 3 1 2 ------Tota.l 1,384 824 550 B.-OouTttries in Asia btyond India- ----

    1, Pakistan 796 419 377 ._------419 377 B. Total 796 --_._- Grand Total of Population 459,467 240,2~0 219,'2H 83

    g 00

    00 00

    H H P- I I o I <0 I M C)l I

    I VJ -c:l C o -.tJ -IS Z I C c:l 'Q -t: • -C zo t ->

    lI') 11') Q -._-- ...... I ;;;- I Q I I 1

    :!:: ~ ";e III .. a ;.. CIS 'iii "c; ::> CIS -..... ~ .. .p ~ 0 "" ::l = ~ !: 3: foI ~ 0 ::;,"" '" ..... d ·oc'" 'a CJ ...(J 0 ..... ·C ... :§ :~ .~ ·s :- C., 1-0 ...... '" -.H 11') 84

    D. VII.-Educational

    EXPL.1.N.4TORY NOTE·.-lt "how'!, ed.uoo\lonal i!.talldllord~ of ~opu\aticn.. ~rS()M ~b.o do not eOIn.1I upto any of tb.(', IIt'

    Total Literates 0 Z Administrati ve Unit --._ ...... ctl l>ersons Males Females Persons Males Females ...c:o t 00 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    -0 -~ 1 J alore District Total .... 18,821 t7,16~ 1,664 18,293 16,635 1,657 2 J alore District Rural ••. 13,571 12,726 845 13,4111 12,569 842 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 5,290 4,822 468 5,212 4,746 466 4 Rhinmal Sub-Division Rural 8,281 7,904 377 8,199 7,823 376 5 Jalore District Urban ... 5,250 lIi,431 819 41,882 4,067 815

    . 0 Degrees or Diplomas Graduate in Arts or Science Z .....~ Administrative Unit Petsons Males Females Persons Males Females OJ ro'"' (1 ) (17) (18) 09) (20) (21) (2~)

    1 J alore District Total', ... 60 59 1 20 20 2 Jalore District RuraL .. 141 13 1 7 7 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural - ••• 6 5 1 1 1 J Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural 8 8 6 6 5 Jalore District Urban ••• ~6 ~6 13 13

    . 0 Agriculture Veterinary Z --- ...... ctl Administrative Unit Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ...Q) rJ2 (1) ( 32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

    1 J alore Distriot Total. '" 2 J alore District Rural ...... 3 J alore Sub-Divi8ion Rural ' ..

    4 Bbinmal Sub-Division Rural: jj •••

    5 Jalore District Urban en. Standards.

    the Toible and who a ,3 Iibarate are uLwsified under tbe first GiI~eg0ry "li~erata". I.ibera,tils do not include partially liter~tes i.e. tboj!6 who can only pUblished in t~ P. O. A. or Villa.~e Diroc\oty htlve baou oopied from the <\bstraets of Naotiona.1 Registers o£ Qitizens prepared by the enu-

    Middle School Matriculate or S. L. C. Intermediate in Arts Highet Secondary or Science "------"------Persons :Male~ Females Persons Males Fellla,les Persons Males Females

    (8) (9 ) (10) (ll} (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

    314 a09 5 139 138 1 i5 15 115 113 2 29 29 2 2 53 5:3 1 18 18 1 1 62 61 1 11 11 1 1 199 196 3 110 109 1 13 13

    Post Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering "----_ ...... _------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Ml:tles FelrlfLles "

    (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 ... 1 1

    Commerce Legal Medical Others --"------PCf- M I Fe· Per- l' a es Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femal.as 50;\,\ m~des sons (38) (39) (40) (41) (4'2) (43) (44) (45) (4.13) (47) (48) (49)

    1 1 27 27 4 4i 5 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 J 1 1 1 25 25 2 2 5 5 E-Summary :figures by

    ExpllSMtory Note:-In this table area, popula.tion, density, and the distribution of population by livelihood The figures of area against each unit have been entered a~ Bupplied by the District Officer. The tota.l area of the district There are only 2 sub-divisions in this district, The density of 1941 ha.s beeu calculated on the preseut area. figures of the District. figures of most of the towns "'ere not available. IJIVELIHOOD

    Population Percentage Density Variation .Agricultural

    <5 lZi Admini~tra'ive Area in 1941· 1931· 1. Cultivators of II, Cultivators of :! Unitj sq. miles 1951 1941 1951 1941 1951 1941 land wholly or land wholly or .,... mainly owned and mainly un·(,wned til their dependants and their dependants ------Persons Males Females fersons Males Females M.les Females

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

    JfJlore Distrid-(4,92,3'6) 1 Total --. 4,130 459,461 240,220 219,241399,510 +15'0 +14'1 91 84 J3,118 18,449 132,641116,531 2 Rural 431,416 225,9!l0 205,476 384,100 +12'3 +l4'0 31,817 27,527 129,973 114,041 3 Urban .•• 28,051 14,280 13,771 IM70 +81'3 +17'2 1301 922 2,874 2,490 Jato,.. Sub-DMsioll-

    4, Total 1,552 181,362 96,119 90,643114,464 +704 121 13,963 11,804 42,040 35,15(}< Ii Rural ... 1,551 168,365 87,052 81,313 156,711 +7'4 109 12,847 11,029 40,233 94,201 6 Urban .. , 1 18,997 9,667 9,:}30 17,753 +70 14,613 1,116 775 l,tJ07 1,1549·

    Jalore Tehsil-

    7 Total .. , 1,552 187,,362 96,719 90,64.1174,464 +1'4 121 13,963 1',R04 42,040 35,150 8 Rural 1,551 168,365 87,0/1\1 81,313 156,711 +7'4 109 12,817 11,029 ~O, 233 '; 34,201 9 " ·Urhfln .. , 1 18,997 9,667 9,330 17,753 +7'0 14,613 1,116 775 1,8071 1,549 Towns-

    10 Jalore 9,387 4,967 4,420 7,967 817 505 742 63B 11 Ahore 4.9111' 2,413 2,578 4,910 87 76 438 401 12 Siaml 4,619 2,287 2,332 4,876 212 19,1 627 510 Bbinms/ Sub-Division-

    13 Total ... 3,118 212,105 143,501 128,604219,231 +2N'·· 86 19,15.5 16,645 90.801 80,781 14 Rural 263,051 138.888 124.163 211,734 +24''2 18,970 16,l98 89,740 co 79,840 15 Urban ... 9,05! 4,613 4,441 7,503 HO'7 185 147 1,067 \141

    Jaswantpura. Tehsil-

    16 Totsl , .. 1,360 151,024 78,948 72,076130,710 +IS'S 111 12,830 11,400.: 43.001 38,685 17 Rural .. , 141.9;0 74,335 67,695 123,267 +15'2 12,645 11, 253 .~ 41,934 37,744 18 Urban ... H),OB4 4,613 U41 7,503 HO'7 185 147 .:..: .1,067 941 8anchor Tehsil-

    19 Totsl , .. 1,818 /2/,081 64,553 56,528 88,461 +36'9 67 6,325 5,245 47,806 42096 20 Rural 1,818 I'll ,081 64,553 56,528 88,467 +36'9 67 6,3~5 5,245 47 ,806 4~,096 21 Urbltn ... 87

    AdmUii~fl'ltive Units

    classes are sho~n for the distrt~tl abd ellDh teheil wlth the corresponding rural and urban break-up. liS supflied by thEl, ~ufVey:or I}~~elal IndIa lias Deen €liveIi against the name.of the district within brackets .. Densl'y :ligures for tehells have llMn \Yorked out for total area. of the tehsll only wIthout rural urban split up beoause &he atea CLASSES ------.lasse. Non-agricultural classes ------_'_ ------<:) III. C1rltivatln't IV. Non-oultivatlng PerSODS (IncluMill depend~nt8) who derive their principal means of i7l l"bourers and their ownersofland, agr!cu!- livelihood from ';i 'J< depeitdllnts tura! rent receivers, ------4) and their dependants V. Production other VI. VII. VIII. Other 8&r'fices II! than oultivation Commerce Transport and miscellaneous ------sourees

    1bies .femrdes Kales Females Ma18s ]!Ieinales Males Females Yales i'emales M~1e8 :r1l1illfI. (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (lIl) (22) (liB) (2~) (~51 (116)---

    10,017 10,512 3.'10 3,981 1,9514 11,293 is,;81 i5,.s,j'; 593 lIB 15,.fJ84 28;318 1 9,'179 10,''7 3,H3 3,003 17,181 l~,93il 12,163 12,MU 426 306 20,808 1l1l,IIS6 ~ 238 iii 121 318 2,t03 2,361 3,02t a,ltl 161 182 t,H6 t,1l31l 3

    6,091 6,112 1,629 1,363 9,953 8,111 1,624 3,,303 316 244 1$,091 11;U5 5,901 lI,ti75 1,521 1,568 8,393 7,270 5,849 6,417 ilos 136 a,lOO if,01'1 9• 196 91 IDS 8f)O 1,660 1,507 1,775 1,886 108 108 !,997 3,108 6

    6,091 6,112 1,629 1,868 9,953 8,111 1,624 8,303 .n6 244 i5,tJ§t J1,115 7 5,901 1,1I1~ 1,591 1,568 B,393 7,270 5,S.9 6,417 208 136 12,100 H,011 196 91 lOS 300 1,560 . 1,507 1,715 1,886 lOS W8 2,997 3,108 •!I

    ",. 15 91 2H SS~ 833 BOO 700 85 85 1,4BB 1.'180 10 16 9 5 39* ;:178 699 6U 20 16 85' 1,051 11 1111 7B 12 26 2B4 296 976 449 (I 7 660 777 12

    3,920 a,Iq, 2,141 2,113 9,631 8,5.16 1,563 1,242 211 244 9.907 9,263 13 3,878 8,779 2,:J22 2,005 ,7138 7,662 61814 5,987 21B ]7D 8,758 8,13P H 42 28 19 18 8~3 8540 1,1I49 1,255 59 74 1, as 1,1114 If)

    2,669 2,109 1,201 1,110 6,611 5,991 5,315 5,3" 204 174 1,10; :6,61' 1~ 1I,!i21 2,681 1,182 1,092 5,778 5,137 ~,061i U33 145 ]00 5,958 5,495 1'1 U 28 19 18 843 aM 1,1149 1,t5.5 59 74 I,H9 1,1~4 18

    1,151 1,091 1,040 I,(J~ 3,010 1M2'; 1,24& 1,1154 13 10 2,800 1,644 19 1,251 1;091 1,040 1, 3 3.010 2.521) 2,iI~B Il8l)~ 73 70 9,900 9,6H :10 ... - it 88


    Total Total Infi~lUitids ------0 Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper Z Anmbistrative Unit ------r-;e .;:; ill P. M. F. M. F. M. 11, ]'. M. F, rJ1 ]" (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) i Jalore District Total ... 1,968 1,045 923 812 814 125 58 95 39 13 12 2 J a. lore District Rural ••• 1,902 1,020 882 791 778 123 63 93 39 13 12 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural ••• 880 477 40;:; 380 353 48 23 44 24 () 3 4 Bhinmal Sllb-Division RuraL. 1,022 543 479 411 425 75 30 49 15 8 9 5 Jalore District Urbal+ 66 25 n 21 36 2 5 2

    Age 10-14 Age 15-24

    Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper Blind Deaf-iVlute Insane Leper Administrative Gnit

    M. F. M. F. M. F. ~I. F. M F. M. F. M. F, M. F.

    (1) (37) (38) ra9) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) ((9) (50) (51) (5~)

    , 1 J alore District Total ••• 50 26 21 4i 10 6 2 1 55 48 19 , 22 6 1 2 2 Jaicre District Rural .... 49 23 21 4 10 6 2 1 54i 47 18 '7 21 6 1 2 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural '20 10 7 1 3 3 ...... 25 9 3 4 9 5 '2 .( Bhinmal Sub-Division Rural.. .. 29 13 14 3 7 3 '2 1 29 38 15 3 12 1 1

    1 i Jalore District Urblln ~ 3 ...... I.' .... 1 1 1 .... 1

    Age 55-64 Age 65-74 ------a Blind Deaf·Mute Insane Leper Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper Z Administrative Unit ------:; ci 11. ~' M. F, M. F, M. F, M. F. M. F, 111:. F. Ai. F. (1) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92)

    1 Jalore District Total 208 190 6 5 8 4 1 1 141 10ll 7 6 1 1 1 2 J alore District Rural 197 178 6 5 7 4 1 1 141 96 "/ 5 1 1 1 3 Jalore Sub-Division Rural 99 130 4 3 2 2 1 61 50 4 1 ... 1

    4 Bhinmal Snb... Division Rural.. .. 98 48 2 2 5 2 .... 1 80 46 3 4 1 1 "- 5 Ja10re District Urban 11 12 1 ...... 8 .... 1·-:... ~ ... :~:. 89 Infirmities.

    Age 1-4 ------Blind Dellof-Mu~e Insane Leper Blind Deaf·Mute Insane Leper Blind Deaf·Mute Insane Leper

    M. F. 1(. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ::VI. F. M. F. M. ]'. M. F. M. ]'. M. F. M. F.

    13) (H) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (~O) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (~8) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36)

    6 2 2 ...... 8 18 4 4 4 4.... 2 32 28 11 6 , 2 2 8 2 2 -. 8 18 4 4 41 4 ••• 2 31 27 11 5 7 2 2 ...... t 5 9 3 '2 3 ...... 12 5 4 1 2 1

    6 2 .... 2 ...... 3 9 1 4 ~ 1.... 2 19 22 7 4 5 1 2 ...... 1 1 1

    Age i5-1)~ ------.------Blind Deaf·Mute Insane Lepllr Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper ------~------M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M.. F, M. F. M. F. 11:. 1',

    {53) (M) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (7~) (76) (711) 45 70 17 9 14 6 2 76 105 17 7 17 2 3 .... 114 178 18 3 11 6 4 a 45 69 17 8 14 6 2 72 100 17 5 17 2 3 .... 113 175 18 3 11 6 4 3 18 27 8 3 13 4 45 27 6 3 6 1 '2 ".. 60 47 9 2 6 4 2 1 27 42 9 5 1 2 2 27 73 11 2 11 1 1 .. .. 53 128 9 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 4 5.... 2 ...... 1 3

    Age 75 and over Age not stated

    Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper Blind Deaf-Mute Insane Leper

    Y. F. M. F. M. F. M. ~F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

    (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (10'1) (108)

    83 4i1 4 5 1 ... 1 ••• 81 39 3 5 1 ... 1 35 39 5 1 46 3 ... 1 2 2 1


    District Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations.

    rnlis Table is prepal'ed from the Sorter's Ticket 2. rThis is a sort of supplement to Economic Table B. III and provides further details of the occupational groups mentioned therein. rrhe Sorter's Ticket '2 was prepared in accordance with the instructions to the Sorters reproduced below :--

    1. i'repamtion.-You have to prepare Sorter's 'ricket :2 only if you have slips relating to any of the livelihood class V, VI, VII or VIiI. You are to deal only those slips which relate to self-supporting persons. 'I'he slips relating to non-earning dependants or earning dependants would have been separated already and should not be used at this stage.

    2. First op~rajion.-You have first to deal the slips with reference to the Principal means of livelihood recorded agl1inst question 10. Your Supervisor will give you a list of "MJL (Means of livelihood) suh-groups lH< in the order of importance fDr which you have to sort. Select not more than ten Pigeon-holes and affix htbels bearing the names of the tI MIL sub-groups" (written out in full) as given to you. rThe nUlllber of MIL sub-groups given to you will generally exceed ten. You should reserve one or two Pigeon-holes for throwing slips which are not covered by the M/L Hub-groups shown on the lables. You should then deal the slips with reference to the answer recorded against question 10. In doing so, put together slips contailling entries which are written in either identical or very similar terms to each of the labelled .' MIL sub-groups." If you are in doubt whether an entry, in any case is very similar or not to the labQlled MIL sub-groups, consult the Supervisor. Pinish the sorting for one set of MIL sub-groups. Then distribute the slips of one set into individual occupations. Now count the number and" enter" the name and number in columns {2) and (3) of Sortor's rricket 2. Keep the unsorted slips separate. This completes the first stage of the first operation. 3. Pirst uperation (succeeding stages).-You should then take up the slips that remain to be sorted. You should deal them again for the remaining MIL sub-groups given to you in s~me manner ~s in the first operation. The operations ~hould be repeated successively until all the slips are sorted for all the MJIJ sub-groups gIven to you. You may find slips where the MIL as recorded in ques,tion 10 does not fali under any of the sub-groups given to you. Yon should deal these slips separately in the manner explained above and enter the name and number in the Sorter's Ticket. rnlis completes the first operation. You should keep separate the bundle for each MIL sub-group.

    4. Special instructions regal'diu.q non-productive means tlj liveldwod.-Livelihood class VIn will contain slips of persons who derive their income otherwise than through Productive activity. They include ::dl self-supporting persons a,gainst whom the answer to question 9, Part two, is '0'. rrhey should be treated as a distinct group, not falling under any of the prescribed divisions and sub-divisions; and sorted under the following sub-groups, viz.- (i) Persons living principally on income froUl non-agricultural property. (ii) Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and funds_ (-iii) Inmates of jails, asylums, alms houses and recipients of doles. (iv) Beggars and vagrants. (v) All other persens living principally on income derived from non-productive activi~ies.

    6. Second operation.-For this operation the slips mentioned in Paragraph ~1 are excluded. You have to dea.l the remaining slips with reference to the answer recorded in the second compartment of qllestion 9. Affix labels to three Pigeon-holes, the labels being marl,ed "Employer 'i"f\" Employee" and "Independent worker n. Take the bundle

    ____'---~-- .. ,~ ______e_~~·, ____ ~ ____ _ ':: List 0/ MiL sub-grollps.-Separa,te lists of sub-groups should be preparod for use in sorting ea()h 6f the four different livelihood classes V to V1II. These lists should be COIDIJiled on the basis of~(a) scrutinizing of entries found to occur frequently in the Nationa.l ~esister of Oitizens and (b) results of tda.l soroi~ by 8ullirvisQl !lind Compiler-checkers. 92

    for each MIL sub-group and deal them into the three Pigeon-holes. You will find "J.if" for "Employer" "ift" for" Employee" and "~" for" Independent workor" recorded in the second compartment of question 9. If you find that there it; no entry you should take the order of your Supervisor. When you have completed the sorting for a MIL sub­ groups you should count the number in each Pigeon-hole and enter in Columns (4) to (6) of the Sorter's Ticket according as the Pigeon-hole relates to "Employer ", "Employee" and "Independent worker" respectively.

    6. Second operation (succeeding stages).-You should ~ake each of the other LUlldies for MIL sub-groups and deal them in the same manner as in the second operation; you should enter the result in the relevant columns of the Sorter's r.ricket.

    7. Oonclusion.-You have now completed all operations necessary for Sorter's rricket 2. Re-combine all the male slips and all the female slips.

    If you are sorting sample slips or slips for displaced persons you should proceed to Sorter's Ticket 3.

    If you are sorting general slips you should proceed to Sorter'~ Ticket 6.

    After the Sorter completed the ticket and after due cbeuk by the Compiler-checker and the Supervisor, the ticket was handed over to the tabulation clerk to fill in the Group Code numbers in column (I) of the form of Sorter's '£icket :2 given below.-

    Form of Sorter's Ticket 2.

    Gr07l:p Oode Il'ull name of means of livelihood ']local E'fIlllloyer Employee Independent Number (sub-yl'oupS and occupations) worker 1 2 3 4 [5 6 -_ --~------_

    The group oode numbors were adopted from the Inuian CollSUS Economic Classi­ fication Scheme given in Part II - B of the Report.

    Accuracy of Figures.

    A perusal of this index shows incredible figures, against certu.in occupations. 'l'hit:l in duo to vague entries in the slips regarding the occupations contrary to instructions in some cases and entries with correct details in otbers. The result was that in the tabulation stage the only slips which contained correct details of occupations were sorted under the correct sub-group and its details, while those with vague entries were placed ill the wider groups.

    Another point to be borne in mind is that not all persons following an occupation have been shown against it in the Index, but those who followed it :1::; a Principal means of livelihood. 'rbus if a Iricket Collector derived a greater part of his income from rent of agricultura.l or other la.nd or building and some income ouly frow his services as Ticket Collector, he would not be shown as rricket Collector.

    The third point to be kept in mind is that these ligures, represent only self-support­ ing persons and not those who are partly dcpcllchnt.s, thus It young boy who sits at a ' Pan shop' and gets SOllie pay from the shop keeper whwb is not sufficient to support him, he has to depend upon his father's income mostly. Such a man would not appear under the occupation" Service on Betel Shop."

    The last but most important defect in the figures is due to difference in the termi­ nology prevalent in the di~erent area.s of Rajasthan descr~bing an occupation and also partly due to want of exermse of proper care m the t:LlmlatLOn stage that nalliO showing dalIle and similar occupations have been shown as different occupations for example 'Halwai's shop" and" sweet-meat selling" have been shown as different occupations. In order therefore to find out the actual strength of self-supporting persons following a partjcular occupation as their principal means of livelihood, figures against all such occupations should be totalled.

    On the whole, this index removes the defects pointed out in the Census ~rables published in the previous Census that they do not show actual occupations but their group only. ,Index of Bon-Agricultural Occupation •.

    PerSOD-8 deriving their income as principal means of livelihood from occupatiOD.i given in column 3. J a.lore District S. Cod~ Number of occupa· N a.me of oeou pstioo No. tional group Persons M80les FemAoles

    1 3 4 6

    Tota.l of all divisions . All IndnRtries and services . 36,635 28,440 7.195

    '2 Divisioll () Primary Industries not eh;e- 5,948 . 4,526 1,422 where specified.

    ;) Sub-Division 0'1 Stock Rn.ising 5,803 4,474 1,329 ,0 .J. . 4 rrotn.l group 0'11 Herdsmen and shephflrclR :;,62tj 4,416 t210

    ;) Group 0'11 Cattle grazing 3,480 '2.'J10 1,210 . .., 6 Group 2.,146 '2, 14f.i

    . ~" 'i 'rotal grOIl p O'B Breeder~ a.nd keepers of cattle 1{j~ 51 117 and buffaloes.

    8 Group 0'12 Cattle breeding 6] 117

    H 'rotal group 0'10 B reeders and keepers of other 9 7

    large anim&ls ineluding Tta.tl~: : .. I sport a,nimals.

    10 Group 0'10 grazing ..... ",j.fr " ; 11 Group 0'10 Breeding of Transport anima.ls 4 2 rund Pigs etc.

    12 Sub-Division 0'4 Forestry and wood-cutting 145 i2

    13 Total group 0'42 Collectors of forest produce 1 and la.c~ .; ~,'

    14 Group O'4~ Fhylatbus embii.ca..bllll'k OOIBl·... ' ] ., . , , ...... 1 ting.

    15 r£otatl group 0'43 ~Vood cutters 143

    16 Group Q'43 Wooo cutters 148 "92

    17 Total group 0'40 Plaating, replanting a.nd

    18 Group 0'40 Officers Forest Department 1 1 .... 19 Division 1 Mining and q ua.rrying 66 66 - 20 Sub~Division 1'5 Stone-quarrying, clay andsa.nd 66 (j6 ... .. pit6.

    21 Total group

    ,t,,: S. Code Number of occupa.~ Name of occupa.tion ,Jalore District No: tiona.} group .. -Personfll Males Females

    4 5 6

    . -.. ,.' .' :..2) • ..\:I'roup-1'1., ." '. '5 Stone qua.rrying .66 66 ·-:' ... 1 : 23 Division 2 Processing and Manufjl,cture- 4:062 3,187 875 Food stuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products there of

    24 Sub-Division 2'0 Food Industries otherwise un­ 9 chl,ssified.

    25 Total group. 2'00 Other food Industries 9 9

    ~. " ., 26 GfO-tIP 2'QO Halwais 7

    ~7 Group· 2'00 Confectioners 2 . 1 33 l~ 14

    . ~ ," 29 Total, group. :a'il Hand pounders of rioe and 14 14 othe:r persons engaged in manual dehusking a.nd fioUl' grinding.

    30 Groap 2'11 Flour grinding 14 ... 14

    31 Total group 2'12 Millers of cereals and pulses . 1'1 17 32 Group 2'12 Flour milling 17 17

    33 Tota.l group 2'13 Grain Parchers and makers of 2 2 blende'd and prepared flour & other cereal and pulse prepara­ tions.

    34 Group' 2·13 Gram Parchers Z 2'

    35 Sub~Di.visioD 2'2' Vegetable oil a.nd dairy products 175 134 41

    3f} Tota.l group· 2'21 Vegetab-Ie oil pressers a.nd 175 134 41 refiners-

    _·37 Gr()(l:p 2"21 Oil Pressing 175 134 41

    ;38 Sub.. Divisioo·, 2'4 Beyerages. 3' 3

    ,.39 Tot3.1 group' 2-43- Ice ma.nufactures . 3 3

    40 Group 2'43 Ice-manufactures , 3 3

    41 SulrDivisi()J1l 2'5 'robaceo , 4: 3 1 42 Total group' 2·51 Manufactures of bidis, " 3 1 43 GrQ-up 2'51 Bidi makers • 4 3 1 ,. ~\ . _, ...... 1.-. 44 Bnb--DivisioD • 1,'lSS 900 3'1S

    45 To6i11 group-:::.: 2'61 Cotto~ glnningt cleaning and 58 45 13 pressmg.

    46 Group. 2'61 C~tton giHuing • 58 45 13 B, Code N:.umber of occupa- N arne of occupation ,J;a.lo~e. Distric~ No. . tiopal group PelS_fn" Males. Fema]es,

    1 3 4

    47 Total group :2'62 Cotton spinning, slzmg 'and 859 605' 254 weavmg,

    48 Group, 2'62 Employees Textile mills I" 32 17 15 '. . ~, 49 Group 2'02 Charkha spinning. 15 15

    60 Group '1'0.2 Cloth weavmg 809 ~.' 585 224

    51 Gronp '3 H2 Shf1wl manufacturers 3

    52 Total group 2'63 Cot,ton dyeing, bleaohing",prip­ an 81 tirig prepara.tion and ~pongihg

    :)3 Group .• ' 2'63 Cloth dyeing and printing 371 310 61

    54 Sub-Division '};7 Weaving apparel (except 1007, 88t\ 319 footweA,r) and made-up textile . goods, ,.

    '\.. .. '. 65 rrotal group 2'71 lors, miilinerb, dress Il}.akets 1,207 888 819 and darners. . " ;

    56 Group 2'71 rrailors 1,207 888 319

    .57 Sub-Division 2'8 Textile Industries otherwise'" 37 22 15 unclassified,

    :)8 1'otal group 2'81 J ute pressing, bailing, Spl~ 4 4 ning nnd weavi?g ~ .\

    59 Group 2'81' Jute works 4:

    60 Total group 2'82 'Woollen spinning and weav· 18 15 mg,

    61 Group 2'82 Wool weaviilg 33 18 15

    62 Sub-Division Leather, leather products a.nil:- 1,306 1,149 157 footwear, . ,

    63 Total group 2'91 Tanners and all other w()rket:~ 4 in leather' . ,

    64 Group '2'91 Leather ~ranIlerA 69 65 4.

    65 Total group 2'92 Cobblers and all other makers 1~190 1,084 100 and repairerfl of boots, sboe&,. sandals and clogs. ' ..

    • ~ \. J

    t56 Group 2'92 Leather shoe makers ". 1,190 ,1~984 106 j. i' .~ ~...... , 67 Tota.L group 2'90 " l\{a.kers and repairers.of a.ll other. 47 ._ ..,. , ' , ) .' ,j leather product~ ,.' , . .

    68 Group 2'90 Leather Work . . 47 ... 47 .. Name of occupation

    1 2 3 4 [)

    ti~ Di ViSloll ~ Processing a.nd manufa,cture­ f;31 539 no)n", MetrtlB, ohemioals and pro­ dncts thereof.

    70 Sub-Division a'o Mallufacture of metal pro-­ 490 400 duets, otherwise nllclassified,

    71 '. Tota.l g.rOtlp Blacksmiths,. and other 455 88 workers in iron and makers of implements. 72 Group 8'01 Iron work (bla.oksmiths) 455 367 .' 73- rrota.l group 3'02 Workers in copper, bra.sl:I and 25 25 bell metal.

    74 Group 3'02 Bronze and brasF; utensils 25 makers.

    '10 'rotllll grol1p 3'03 Workers in other metals [) .... 76 (troup 3'03 'rinners .

    77 "rllotal' gtoup. 3'06 Makers of arms, guns etc, 2 including workers 10 ord­ nance factories. 78 Group. 8'qt. Anow and bow makers ... 79 Group 3'06 Knife makers 2

    ~o Sub~Divis.ioD '. 3'1 Iron ahd' steel (Basic M'auu­ l~ 1~8 facture). Manufacture of Iron and steel, including all proc~sses such as smelting a.lld refining,. rolling anddraw~ ing, and alloying and the manufacture of castings, for­ gings and other Basie forms of fer rOllS metals.

    81 Group 3'1 Iron M·achinery workers. • 128 128 ... 82 Sub-};.)lvision 3"2 Non-Ferrous Metals (Ba.sic 2 2 ... Manttfll;cture), Smelttng and' renning, rolling, dra.~1ng and a.lloying of toe basic manu­ facture of castings, forging a.nd other basic forms of non­ ferrous metals,

    83 Group S"~l 'Founders., 1 1 ... 84 Group 3'2 BraBs smelting and working . ] 1 , ...

    85 Sub.:t)iViiiOD 3"3 Transport· equiprnent 2 .~ e~ Tot.r group m Mallufa.cture, aSllembl! and' 2 2 , .. , repa.ir of rai l'way eqUipment, motor vehicles, bicycfes aud \oco 'worksltop. It

    .,. .' i~q~ri)f~ S, Code Nambe~';o{ ocoupa­ N arne of o(l'CuptIotion No, . . ,,~-·-tiomtt'group P~lsorm; : JIlI.ttas Fem!lle~ ,;. .. 1 3 4 5

    87 Group 3'32 Bicycle repairers

    88 Sub-Division 0'5 Machinery (other than elec­ 2 trical machinery) including Engineering workshops.

    89 Group 3'5 Machinery work 2 2

    90 Sub-Division 3'6 Basie Industria.l cheri'licals, 2 1 1 fertiliser, and power alcohol.

    91 Total group 3'02 Dyes, explosives and firewor.ks. 2 1

    92 Group 3'62 Gun powder makers 1 1

    93 Sub-Division· 3'7 Medical and Pharmaceutical' 1 1 preparations.

    ~J4 Group 3'7 Chemists 1

    95 Sub-Division 3'S Manufaoture of chemic:,.a1 pro­ 4 3 1 dncts otherwise unclassified.

    96 rrotal group 3'82 Soaps and other washing and 1 cleaning compounds.

    97 Group 8'82 Workers in Soap factory I

    98 Total group 3'83 Paints, varnishes, & If.\'cquei'~ 1 and polisheR.

    99 Group i)'sa Varnisbs makers I

    100 Division . -1 Processing and manufaobure-~ 3,172 21689' not elsewhere specified.

    101 Sub-Division 4'0 Manubcturing industries 919 S50 oth-erwise· unelassilied. ' 102 110tal group ·1'03 Repair and ma.nufaCture of 3 watches and clocks.

    103 Group 4'03 Watch repairers 3 3

    104 Total group 4'04 Workers ill precious stones, 818 768 50 precious metals and makel'f! of jewellery and ornaments,

    105 Group 4'04 Gold and silver ornaments 818 768 50 makers. 106 Total group 4'09 Toy makers ." 2 - 107 Group 4'09 Toy makers ·2 2 f •• ".

    108 Total group 4'00 Other miscellaneous manufac. 96 li turiDK industries includmg bone, iv-ory, ~n,' shell, etc.-

    109 Group 4'00 Ba.ngle makers 39 •.;Jg s... COde Nuttlber of ocoapa­ Name or occupation .J aJo}'c District I No:.--"' ... , tional gro-up' ,---...... -----~ PerFlOns :\fa,lrs l~emales

    1 3 4 G, (j

    J JO (hOllp 4'00 Ivory bangle UH1,kel'R 39 2fi 1:3

    .' 111 Group 4'00 Ivory sawyers. 18 18 .,.,

    llJ Sub-Division 4'2 Bricks, tiles, n,nd otllf'f stru­ 84 ~fi ctural prodncts.

    UB Group 4':l Brick m!tkers 34 8

    114 Snb-Division 4'4 Non· metallic mineml prod uets. 1,225 930

    lUi rrotal group. 4'41 Potters and makers of earthen 1,22:2 927 295 ware.

    lUi Group 4"41 Potters 1,2'2'2 027 29G

    117 rrotat group 4'40 Makers of other miscellaneous 3 3 non-metallic mineral produrts,

    GrOltp 4'40 Mill stone menders...... 118 "" ... 3 3 119 Sub-Division 4:6 Wood and wood products othel' 994 881 113 than furniture a.nd fixtures,

    120 Total group' 4'ul Sawyers • 77 77

    121 Ororip 4'm Sa wyers . 77

    1~2 rrotal group. 4'62 'Carpenters, turnel'S and joiners. 879 773 106

    4'62 'Vowen work 879 773 106

    \24;. Totarl gft?Up .~ 4'64 BaBket makel's . ~ 3

    12:) Group· 4'64 Basket and window ma,kerR • 3 ..... j"9:R rrotal g110UP 4'6() - Other industries of woody 7 materials, including leaves~ but not including fu:rnituHl- and fixtures. .

    127 GroUp 4"60 'Vinnowing oosIl'et makers iS1 24 7

    128 Group 4'60 Leaf plate makers 4 4 In

    129 Division 5 Construction and utilities 500 181

    1H0 Snb~DivisioJ.] 5'1 Oonstruction and maintenance­ 52 B1l1Udings,

    f::n Tota.l group 5'11 Masons and brick Iaye1'S 10 10 ......

    132 Group 5'11 Masons (R~pairers 01 buildings). 10 10 , . 133 Total grollp 5'10' Other persons engaged in the 42 42 construction or maintenance of buildings other than building~ made of bamboo or similar IDA,terials. g&

    J alpl'e . Distriot 8: Code -Number of occupa- Name of occupation Nb; tional group. Per$ODR Males Female!!

    1 2 3 4 6 6

    134 Group . fdO Hepail'ers of hOUf;es 42 42- ...

    135 Sub-Di vi!1ion fi'6 Works and services-Domestic () 6 and industria} water supply ..

    181] Group ;')'0 Water bearers (I (I

    137 Sub-Di visioll 5'7 Sanitary works and services in- 508 327 181 eluding scavengers.

    138 Group 5'( Scavengers 508 327 181

    139 Division 6 Commerce .. 9,287 8,373 914

    140 Sub·Division 6'0 Retail trade otherwise un- 2,466 2,222 244 clftssified.

    141 Total group 6'0 Hawkers and street vendors. 2 2 .~. otherwise unclassified. 142 Group 6'0 Street vendors and hawkers 2 2 .- 143 Total group 6'00 General, store keepers, shop· 2,464 2,220 244 keepers and persons employed in shops otherwise uDcht,Bsified'

    144 Gronp 0'00 General merchants 1,490 1,304 186 . ~l :-~ '" •. _ " " ]45 Group 0'00 Sellers of Pedlars goods ,3154 326 28

    146 Group f)'OO Hardware sellers 10 10

    147 Group WOO Gold ftnd silver mercbants 314 3fJ6 '8

    148 Group 6'00 Brs,ss [tnd copper mel'Oh~ • 55 ~5 t ,~ 1.-,.'" 149 Group 6·00 Grocer:;; 1) !j

    1!)Q Group (i'OO Bangle sellers !) ~ t •••

    151 Group (HlO i.lotot' dealers 1. 1

    152 Group' (i'OO Fligree and lace shops 4 ' . 1 3 153 Group. 6'00 Dealers in bone 1 1 .... 154 Group 6'00 .Commission Agents shops • 110 97 13 155 Group 6'00 Knife etc., sellers • 7 7 ...

    :) - 156 Group .\ 6'00 Jewellery traders • 2 "2 ••• 157 Group 6'00 Lac dealers • 8 f) ,J'"' 158 Group 6'00 Brass dealers • 23 23 15!} GrOup 6'00 Brick aea.lers 2 :2 . ... 166 j Group \;::r 6'00 Utensil sellers • • 9 a 3 16(} J [dore District S. C~& ~ ~ occupa.. It<;l· " -" - ti(ilifij .g~~p _,- -: :. Persons _ Males Fema.les

    1 3

    161 Sub-Division 6'1 Retail trade in Ioo.dstuffs in- 2,235 1,984 251 eluding be"erages and nar- cD,tics,

    162 'Total group tnl Retail dealers III grfl,in and 2.188 ) ,939 249 pulses, sweetmeats, suga,rand spices, dairy products, eggs

    , ang PQij.ltry; animals for foou t fodder for animals other foodstuffs, vegetn.bles and fruits..

    163 (}roup, 0'11 and curd sellers Z

    164 Group. 0'11 , Grain. mercha,llts 143,

    165 Group, 6"11 Sugar fmo gUt' sellers 1 1

    100 . Group 6'11 Veg:etarble sellers 66 51 15

    167 Grou~. 6'U Ghee &ndoil S(1Uers 122 40 82,

    168.. Groupi. ,,~ 6'11 Salt and chillies sellers 19 17

    169 Grou.p; awu Sweetrueat sellers 31 5

    170 Group 6'11 Trade in grain 438 438 171 TotaJ group; tH2 Vendors of wine, liquolS, aerated 30 29 1 wafiet's, and. ice,in.shops,

    27 1 .' 173' Group , 6'12 Ice OJ'earn sellers 2

    " ~ 174 ' 'fota.l gro\I()' 6'13 Retail dealers in tobaccor 16 15 1 a.nd ganja,

    175 'Groupr 6'13 Tobacco dealers 8 8

    176 Group 6'13 Opimn oontractol'S " 8 7 1

    177 TotaJ IIrou~ 6"15 Retail ~:ale;£l in -Pan, Bidis. 1 1 and cigarettes,

    178 ' Group t'15 Bidi cigarettes- 1 1

    ,J 179 Sub·Division 6~'l Retail trade in fuet (including 232 159 73 petrol)

    18Q~. Total F>UP' Ret-ail dea.lers (including 232 159 73 hawk&s and street vendors) in firewood, charcoal, coalr cowdung and all other fuel

    ,', ... ~ flxeep~ petroleum.

    181 Group 6'20 Kerose~e oil &hop ., 1 1

    182 Group',. 6'20 Firewood sellers· 231 ltS9 72 . .. .. S, Code Number of OCCUpft- Nams of oceupation No, ,ti~naLgro.up

    I 2 3 4 5 6

    183 Sub-Division 6'3 Betail trade in teiWHe Mid 1,254 1.Mij ·90 leather goods -Retail trade (including street venddrs and hawkers) in piecogooru" wool, cotton, silk, hair, wearing rtpparel, maida-up texbile goods, skin, leather, furs, ·feathers ek, lR4. Group 6'3 Dealers in leather • 42 39 3

    185 Gl'OUp #l'3 Defilers in wool 212 167 45

    186 Gronp ir3 Coarse ,doth dealers 4 lR7 Group o'B Cloth dealers 975 935 40

    188 Group 0'3 IJea.ther shoes 'dealers 4- 1 ]89 Gronp 0'3 Cotton yarn seUers 15 ...

    190 Group 6'S Co.tton mercha;n'ts • ••• 1

    191 Bnb~Diviflion ()'4 Wholesale trl:\de itl' foo4t!tnJfB'!­ JOL Wholesale dealers III grains and pulses, ewootmea,.t8~ sugar and spices, drtir.r prodncts, eggs and; pouhry; auidlalslfor food" fodder for animals. other 'foodstliffs~ 'lwholesal~ dealers in tobfWCO, opium and gallJa.

    Hl2 Group (;'4 Wholesale dealers in~g'l.%in 104

    183 Sub-Division' 6'6 Woolasa.le ;:brade in !~mmo­ 253 dities other than foodstuffs,

    194 Group ()'O Wholesale dea.lers in cloth 4 .....

    195 Group· 6'0 Wholesale dealers in donkeys ~ 78 78 ...

    196 Group S'I) Wholesale dealers in cattle . 1M 189 17

    197 Group 6'5 Wholesale dealers in bones I 12 12 198 Group :1 3 ... HW Sub-Division 0'6 Real Estate-Houses and 4: 4 ... esta.tes ttgenhs and tent reeei~ vers €xcept agricultural hwd.

    200 Group 6'0 HOlIse rent collectors 4 ....

    201 Sub· Division 6'8 Money lending, banking, and ~,739 !,OO3 other tinanei.allntstliei;S.

    202 Group S'B Money l\lndiag '.3,723 2,487 203 Gronp 0-8 Commission ,agents .•. . . Ii ". J02

    JaJOl'e District S. Onde.Nu'nibef of occupa.­ Nfttne of oceu.pfltion N.o .. ;· . ,. tio.nltl. group' PersonR. . Males Females.


    6)'8 Bank empTo:vees 1 1 .. "

    200. Division 7 Transport, storage and com­ 27 f), 18 municll.tions.

    :JOt), Sub·Div:ision 7'1 'frarlSpOl·t by road-Owners~ 18/5- 171 14 managers and employees con­ nected w'jth mecoonically driven :!lnd other vehicJe& (excluding domesbic SerVnlDt)

    PalkL etc. bearers and owners t pack 'elepban*, came}r mu-le-, a,ss and bullock owners and dri verB,. porters and messen­ gers, persons enga,ged in 1'03.<1 lll'ansport oot othel'wiseelassi­ meat including freight trans part by r0a.d, ~he operfll­ tiOll of fixed facilities for road tmnsport such 1),8 toll roads r highway bridges, tel'minalB­ and parking facilities.

    ~'1 ~rotor driver& 1'2' In

    20B Group· t 1

    -209 Group, ~'l BuIlocl\ cart drivers. 32

    1'1 Earth tIond stone C"ltrriers

    :211 Group, 7'1 Cycle hir~ shop 17 17

    212 {houp: 7'} PorterS' • 4 4

    213 Group.: 'E'} Employees in Bus Servioos • 11 11

    214 Group, 1'1 Transport on oamels. 3-1 1 .. :315 Group> 1'1 Mule cart drivers , 9 .. , '216 Group' 'l'I Employees of Motol' Association, 4 'J17 Sub·Divisiolll 7'4 Railway transport .

    ~'41 Railway employees of all kinas except those emplc>;yed on construction works.

    219 Group' 1'41 Railway telegraph clerks • 2" 2 7'41 Employees in railway 30 29 1

    221 Group, 7~41 Station masters 6 6 ....

    222 Group· 7-41 :Railway JR.mR.dIU·S • 2 2

    223 GrOtIp" 7'41 Railway trolly men 5 5

    ~~1 Groltp' 7~41 Railway eDgine driverF; ] 1 •.... IDS

    g. Code Number of occupa~ Name of occupation J a,lor. District '_..). No, . - tional group· r- """\ Persons Males Females

    1 3 4 5 6

    220 Group 7'41 Railway fireman • 1 1 226 Group 7'41 Employees on Railway Stations. 11 10 1

    227 Total group 7'42 Porters , 18 13 .... 228 Group 7'42 Railway Station POI'ters 13 13 ....

    229 Sub-Di vision 7'6 PORtal services H) 19

    230 Group 7'0 Employees in Post Offices 19 If.)

    231 Division A Health, Education and Public 1,572 1,1533 39 Administra.tion.

    232 Sub- Di vision 8'1 Medical and other health 63 60 3 serVICes, 283 Total group 8'11 Registered medical practi- 13 13 .... tioners. 234 Group R'll Dootors 13 1~ .... 23t) Total group 8'12 Vaids. Hakims and other per- 19 19 sons practising medicine without being registered. 236 Group 8'12 Vaidyas 19 19

    237 Total group 8'14 Midwives ' .. 3 a 238 Gronp 8'14 Midwives .. 3 3 239 rrotaI group HO]!) Vaocinators 4 4: .u

    240 Group 8'15 Vaccinators 4 4 ••• 241 Total group 8'16 Compounders 5 5 ....

    242 Group 8'16 Oompounders J) 5 ."11'1 243 Total group S'lO All othel' persons employed in 19 19 .... hospitals or other public or private establishments ren- dering medical orother health services but not including scavengers or other sanitary staff. 244 Group 8'10 Employees in Hospital 19 19

    245 Su b-Division 8'2 Educational services and re- 288 270 18 search. 246 Total group 8'22 All other professors, leoturers 267 250 17 and teachers, 247 Group 8'22 Teaohers 267 250 17 . 248 rrotal group 8'20 Managers, clerks and servants 21 20 1 of educational and research institutions, including libra- ries and museums .tc. 191

    s eode'ltUnlb~r ~f oaol1pf\- 'Name of occupation No. .. -fto,na.l gron p . Pe~OhS 'Mi\.1M FemRles

    1 2 3 4 (i

    21H ({ronp 8'20 Employe~R in Eduration De­ partment. 21 20 1 250 Bub-Division ~d Police (other tho.n village ·watchmen), 227 225 2 8'4 EmployeeFl Police Department, 227 '125 :2

    252 Snb-Div1SAOD 8"5 Village OtllcflfS n,nd servants in'eluding village wfttob'men, 38 3 253 Group 8'0 ErnpJoyel's village p:mchayat ' 38 3

    254 Sub-DivislOQ R'6 Emp.!oyees of Municipalities a.tid Local 'Boards (hut not indnding persons clnssifiable onder any other diyiRion or su b-di vision). 40 28 12 ~'6 EmploYE'9S in Municipalities. 40 .2R 1'2

    8' ~ Employees of Rtate Govern­ ments. (but including persons elassitiA. blennder finv division'

    or sllb-division). W 009 ] 8'7 Om:',tom~ ont post clerk,) 2

    8'7 Government Employees, 784 1

    2:59 Hrollp 8'1 t.peons, 16 11)

    '460 Sroup. 1 I

    4 4

    ~'7 Wa.tchmen in Agricultural De­ partment 81 81 If_ ... R'7 Employees in Customs Depart­ ment , 4 <1 '3H4 Group' R'7 Govetnment Service 4 4

    285 Group· 8"7 PRotwA.ris 4 4

    266 GrOll}} 8"7 EmpIoyees in'Revenne Settle- ment Office • , 8 267 Sllb·f)tvisioD srs ~~~ye-es of ,-the "Union -GOVernment (but not includ­ itj_g l)eJ:Sons classlfiable-under aiiy'~ivision or j:n:i~aivision). 7 7 .. , .. 268 Group st8 ~1t1Iip1oyeefl> of Gov~rnment 01 Jlridifl" 7 7 ••• r.l69 Division 9 Services DOt elsewhere speci­ fied. 10056 6885 Sli} 'J70 Sub-:Dtvisiotll 9'0 8el'vioos otherwiM unclassified. 7468 4694 2774 271 Group 9'0 Astrologers. 52 50 2 272 Group \rO lAbourers. 7416 4644 -2772 273 Sub-Diviswl'1 9'1 Domestic Services. (but Dot . . inehi(ling services rendered ,;bY'members of family house­ "hOfaf;i to one an<>ther). 502 345 157 113

    8 Cod:a Rum_ ,Q{ occupa- Nwe of O~iOll , '~j;'; ,J.... W . •. _r.~ ·"1 *_ No. 'ttOI1 !\r group Perstms . ;' Jf\l,feg Female'S

    1 '2 3 4

    ~7 4 Total grwp 9'11 Private motor drive. "ind 13 .;, a ... cleaners, 275 Group 9'11 Pl1ivaie motor drivers. " .. 13 14

    27G Total group 9'12 Cooks. 77 74 '~

    '217 ' Gron}) , 9'12 Cooks, 77 74

    278 frotal group 9'13 G.g;rdeners,

    279 Group 9'13 Gardeners, 2

    280 Total: group 9'10 Other domestic services 410 266 154

    281 Group 9'l{) BQIIlfiiio il~tt. 410 256 154

    282 Sub-Division 9"2 Barbell aDd heamy _ps­ 556 --027 28 Barbal1~ h&Dr dna_ and . ~ig~, -\arooem, aam­ pooers, bath ~.. ' ,

    283 Group' 9'2 Barbeta. oi5 527

    284 Sub·JJm.:iioll 9'3 La;1HlIIiri'tli _ Lattmdl':J Hl'vi ... 63 ,,',.a. cas-washing and cleaning.

    285 Group 9'3 \Vashermen. oS 42 21

    :386 Sub-Division 9'4 Hotels, restaurants and eating 60 65 {) houses. , "

    287 Group 9'4 Employees in Hotel. 60 55 5

    288 Sub-Division 9'5 Recreation servioes-produotioll 501 357 144 ami Iil~Il of "on. pictures and the ~n of Oinemas and allied services,

    mMI~;tlB, Imi fBl~ of, 'Ju':~ •. :.-\ ~66t '~ >1ies, etc.,,11ll!fI!lici.. , IIdmIl,.tlancers, etc., conjul'ers, acrobats, wrest­ lers, reciters~ eKbibitGn of Quriosities and wild animals, rMi~~~~. (

    289' Grout:> 9'0 Enterta.inmea.t fim 34 30 ~

    290 Group 9'5 Bards '.11 1 291 Group 9'5 Music 437 809 128 292 Group g' 5 Snake charmers .' 6 6 .... 2U3 Group g'5 Tbeatres employees 20 9 11

    294 Group 9'5 Acrobats 3 S ... ' 8. Code Number of occupa­ N~me of occupation J alore District :J: o~~ ~;~. co':·' tiona} group c:: c PerRon A Males FemaleF!

    L 3 4 5 fi

    \d95 Sub-Di~ision 9'6 Legal and business servioes • 355 355 tt' 296 Total group 9'61 Lawyers of all kinds including 79 79 Qazis, law agents and Mukh· tiars. '297 Group' 9,61 Pleaders. 79 79

    298 Total group 9'64 Public Scribers, Stenographers, 41 41 •••• Accountants, Auditors . t 299 Group 9'64 Acconntants 41 41

    300 Total group 9'65 Managers, clerks, servants 235 235

    and employees of Trade ASBo- < ciations, chambers of commer- ...... ) •... <. .. < cial board of trade, labour organisations and similar orga.nisations of employers and errlployees,

    301: _ Group _.. 9,65 .Jute commission agentA 235 235

    302 : Sub-Division ," 9'1 Arts, letters and journalism l35 126 9 303 Total grou}? 9'71 Artists, Soulptors and Ima,ge 131 123 8 makers.

    -~.; 304 Group 9'71 Sculptors 131 123 8 ... ' <:.: .... • < 305 Total gronp 9"72 Authors, editors, journalists 4 1 and poets ;.:- 306 !1roup 9'72 Poets and writers . 4 3 1

    :. ,~. J. 307 Sub-Division 9'S Religious, charitable and weI­ 417 384 33

    < i1 fa.re services,

    308 Total group 9'81 Priests, Ministers, Monks, Nuns 417 384 33 Sadhus, Religious mendicants and other religious workers,

    809 Group 9.81 Worshippers 376 352 24

    310 Group 9'81 Heriditary Household services. 31 30 I

    311 Group g'Bl Sages (Sadhus) • 10 8