symbols of faith and unique works of art, are being promoted. Further, byzantine frescoes, priceless mosaic-works of art, are peeled off and removed ίη such a scientific manner ίη order to fetch high, admitedly, prices ίη european and american markets. Tens ο( Christian Orthodox churches ίη have been transformed into muslim mosques. Thus, for example, as we aΓe informed by foreign visitors, and as 1 personally have reported a few years back now to UNESCO, the church of Ayios Andreas ίη Neapolis quarte~ of has been converted to a mosque. The Church of Chryseleousa, Katokopia has also been converted to a mosque - as we have reported with our document to UNESCO and to the World Council of Churches οη 2/2/83 and with the relevant photographic material which we have given to the Cypriot press οη 29/1/1983. According to the same information the crosses have been removed both from the old church of the village as well as from the newly-built one bearing the same name. The churches of Panayia at Palekythro, Ayios Nicolaos at Limnia, Ayios Loukas at Famagusta, Panayia Chrysospyliotissa at Famagusta, and Ayia Paraskevis at Lapithos have been turned to mosques. Το a mosque has been converted also Panayia Glykiotissa near Kyrenia, as well as the Church of Ayia Paraskevis at , as ίt was reported to me by the minister of the holy Church of Ayios Mamas Morphou, with a document refeήng to the latι-r case (dated 26/3/83), which we have forwarded to UNESCO, the World Council of Churches and made public to the Cypriot people through the Cypriot press. The churches of Archangelos Michael - a very old church dating back to the 12 century - at Yialousa and the church of Ayia Triada ίη the same village, also the churches of the villages Voukolida, -Famagusta, Panagra have been converted to mosques - after they had been turned into pens during the first days - and that of Ayios Konstantinos and Ayia Eleni at Livera, as we have reported to the Cypriots with Νο. 10 official communique of 18/1/83 and thereafter to the World Council of Churches and UNESCO. The church of Prastio village near Morphou, as well as the churches of Harthakiotissa of , have been also converted to mosques. As we have reported ίη the latter case (Official Communique Νο. 3, of 8/1/ 83) the conversion of the church into a mosque had been completed two years before the date of the official announcement, according to reports of Turkish deserters-and the church of Timios Stavros at Chrysida - Kythrea, as we have also reported to UNESCO and the World Council of Churches ίη June 1985, charging ίη addition the destruction at the cemetery and the removal of its cross and also of its belfry. The church of Archangelos Michael at Koma tou Yialou, and the churches of the villages ofTavrou, Vathylakas, Ayios Andronikos-Famagusta, Archangelos Michael at Lefkonico, Ayios Demetrios at Leoranisso and