Manchester Police Report ) Saturday at 8 P.M
The weather Gearing today with highs in the mid inside today W. Increasing cloudiness tonight, lows in up^r 20s Tuesday cloudy with snow 10-12 MACC news... ..3 Precipitation ..13 MCC Calendar ..3 protability 10 per cent tonight, 90 per’ Ettptttng llrrali ..13 Obituaries___ . 14 cent Tuesday. National weather ...4 Sports............. 69 forecast map on Page 11. Manche$ter—‘A City of Village Charm ...5 Suburban ....... 67 FOURTEEN PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCRJl, I»77- VOL. XCVI, No. 144 PRICEi FirrEEN CENTS New voting law discussed WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Carter’s cabinet meeting came of Fairfield, Vt.; and Jose Hingosa Carter met today with his cabinet to participants to make more practical shortly before he welcomed another who grows cotton, grain sorghum and discuss a variety of matters, in use of their time. foreign visitor — Japanese Prime vegetables near Edcouch, Tex. cluding details of the ad The President instructed Sunday Minister Takeo Fukuda — for two After the Fukuda greeting on the ministration’s universal voting School and attended services at the days of talks on the the world south grounds of the White House, package. First Baptist Church Sunday, along economy, nuclear proliferation and Carter arranged a private meeting The proposal will be unveiled with First Lady Rosaiynn, and their other mutual problems. and a “working dinner’’ tonight with ’Tuesday by Vice President Walter daughter, Amy. It is the second time the Japanese prime minister. Mondale, who drafted it after con Carter taught the adult Bible class. Today also was American Following the prime minister’s sulting key members of Congress Agriculture Day, and Carter invited arrival at the south grounds of the from both parties.
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