TUB STANDARD THE ATL ANTJS CONSTITUTION SOVTHBRtf;] Vol. XL VI.—No. 208. FRIDAY: M' 9, 1914. —immTEEfT PAGES. -^ •,: '^ SUti OF $797#48£00 LOAN $£?ARKTOLMAN Dark-Eyed MyhebNot LAND BANKS SPENT LAST YEAR TO YtE^D $500,000 FOR WAR VESSELS FORCED LOANS 4 TO GETIS^ FREEDOM But There Was Romance a Plenty; -. Washington, January *.—Just JT97,- L'bany, N.- -"Tv January 3. — A n«w A Wild Ride With Lots of Love IN CITIE WILL BE CREATED Ai BEING MADE- position , ,_ ifoje/^the ^pardon of Daniel 948,900 was expended last year in con- struction by the seven naval power* Tolman, WozSsr-lfDder, who 5s serv- ot the world, the stand- ing a six mon^js: £erm tor usury.; t« ins second In the ifat, with appropria- under • consideration by Governor Glynn. It,, amplifies, >the previous of- FOR RESERVE BY UNITED STATES tions of $140,800.643. Great Britain BYGEN.HUERTA spent $235,713,489, while QermafV. was fer of Tolman and;, bis assignees, inas- not far behind the .ffnited Stag?" '•'ith much, as It proposes" to surrender un- conditionally ' .a^prccciraately $500,000 an expenditure of I111.270.02S.,/'• -.'-V». Selected and In- Measure to Enlarge the took last place, having spent but » Mexican-Dictator Is Resort- In notes, entbracing:' .principal and in- 1*5.151. terest, in. return, forv.the remission of dorsed as the Ideal Loca- Credit Facilities of Fann- These facts appeared in the navy ing to Desperate Methods the remainder of tti,e sentence. The year book for 1913, issued by the sen- notes are 'those: of Dearly 20,000 bor- tion by Ten Cities and ers Is Ready to Be Pre- ate naval committee. A large amount tp Get Money- to Keep rowers from Tolman^sn thl» state. Tol- of other information regarding the rel- man's terovhas^ lit&e, more' than -twjp Towns. >, ; sented to Congress. ative strength' of the navies of . the Himself in Power. months to run.* It&iS-'. said .the new world, furnished by the naval-intelli- proposal, If accepted^ "will "remove the gence office, is'carried. * possibility of any1 fittttre attempt to Great Britain held her place as jthe realize on the njites.^ ' . first naval power, with 2,531,391 ton- FAILURE TO GiVE MONEY Governor Glynn, -jit . is understood, STATE BANKERS ASKED U. S. FISCAL OFFICIALS iisise. - Germany ranked second, -with •has been disposed (& -favor clemency a tonnage of 1,228,208; the -United for Tolman; but has ijjofr acted because TO MEET HERE JAN. TO SUPERVISE BANKS States te third, with 921.844 tons; IS SEVERELY PUNISHED he feared some wasp iriish-t be found France fourth, with 876,155. and Japan to push the claims. ^""•i- fifth, with' 702.099. • The persons wfio>afemifcted the prop- osition to the governor today said the Senators and Congressmen Land Banks to Have Federal Property Owners Who Re- judge before wttom OToIman was con- victed was in TfavoT''

The support of Atlanta for the ap-1. By John Cofrlgnu, Jr. Mexico City, January 8.—In line with Washington, January 8.—(Special.)— President Huerta's announcement that pointment as the location for a federal; President "Wilson's promise of supple- Worry Over Eyes Caused he would get money where and how he reserve bank, foi* the southeastern ter-i« mental legislation which will extend could, reports of forced loans are be- ritory of the United States on Thurs-*' to the farmers the facilities for cred- D. A. Graddy to Kill Self, ing received with greater frequency. day grew to proportions even greater its which the new currency act places In Morelos, the center of Zapata ac- than the joint committee from the At- tivities, it "is said property owners have and Airy. Mike Xajour, who ' are just JIK" Iiuppy as they can bf, and are at the disposal of commerce and Indus-. State Officials of Macon telling their friends that there was no kidnaping to their affair. lanta Chamber ot Commerce and the been notified that they are expected to Ovid V. Shaw Complains to Atlanta Clearing Mouse association try, is already in process of redemp- /National. contribute more than one million pesos It wasn't a kidnaping, after all, in her youth, had been abducted in her tion. (?500,000). In Zacatecas, the quota the Department of Justice. which caused the mysterious disap- native home by a band of Syrian ter- had hoped for In sii early a stage of Bill Ready for CongrrMs, has been fixed at 270,000 pesos. Citi- pearance of Myheb FeckouT-y from her Its campaign. Macon, Ga., January S.-—D. A. Grad- The United States commission of ag- zens of MIchaocan also have been noti- Charges Gro&s Abuses Ex- home at 261 Kast Hunter street Wed- Atlanta's position, it is believed, will dy, paying teller ax the Macon Na- claii. She procured an interpi-eter and riculture credits has unanimously nesday nigrhf, but a thrilling romance tional 'batik, shot and killed himself fied to contribute. ist in the Atlanta Prison. hurried to police" headquarters, where be greatly streng-tnened when, on Jan- agreed upon a measure •which -will be In all these cases a warning accom- which had to do with matrimony, plain she told Chief Jett ot the case. The uary 1!», I.ee's birthday, and a legal at his home in Vineville this after- chief assigned' two plain clothes po- introduced in con&resa next week. The noon at 3 o'clock. panied the notification that -failure to clothes men, a wild automobile ride holiday, when all the banlca in the - comply would be regarded as proof of By Job* Corrlgnn Jr. and a love — the kind of which always licemen in the rase, measure was prepared after an ex- Graddy '.left the bank at 2 o'clock The plain clothea- men, armed with state will close, the president or some haustive study of European systems of this afternoon, went directly to his unfriendliness ;to the government and "Washington. January 8.— (Special.)— finds a way — that just positively re- a description of the girl, caught sight representative of every bank—>both rural credits by a commission appoint- home, where he shot ftimself. It is be- that enforced service in army would Ovid V. Shaw, a fowner convict guard fused to be foiled. of the automobile ot AI. Feckoury, of state and national—will be invited to-, lieved tliat failing, eyesight caoised the be the penalty. employed at the Atlanta penitentiary, In the beginning-. Myheb. who is a Roswell, a cousin of Myhe-b's, In which ed under authority of congress. come to Atlanta as the guests of the' suicide. Hardly Any Small Change. who is now living in Washington, has beautiful girl of 14, with character- she was being carried to Roswell. The Atlanta Clearing House association. The commission consisted of Senator Graddy was formerly paying teller The government today announced its written a statement of his experiences istic Syrian loveliness —black , hair that policemen stopped the car and de- In Georgia there are 115 national Duncan TJ. Fletcher, of ; Rep- at the Fourth National bank, and ac- manded that the' driver run to head- intention to coin and' distribute half •while a guard, whicti he has* presented falls in a perfumed cascade almost to banks and over 600 state ban-ka. which; resentaive Ralp W. Moss, of Indiana; cepted the place witU the Macon Na- 1 quarters. Feckoury gave orders to tional three months Ago. The Macon pesos, equivalent to 25 cents In United to. the department of justice. It charges her ];nees, deep, flashing eyes and olive proceed rapidly toward Roswell. The will mean that at this meeting o-ver; Colonel Harvie Jordan, of Atlanta; 1 (National is one year old, and this is States money, to the number of 200,- favoritism and lack of discipline at the complexion—wa s scheduled to marry policemen clung to the machine. My- 700 Georgia banks will be represented. Dr. John Lee Coulter, of the bureau Andrew Deeb, a Syrian, some time he' blind In one eye, and he feared that he ment.. A portion of this Is to be turned was held under - suspense. because of care to marry Andrew. He was yond the city limits, and that police Here are the principal provisions of bankers upon the operation and advan- would lose the Qther. charges preferred ? against m* T>y a wealthy and liad a prosperous busi- jurisdiction had been passed several the measure these gentlemen have de- into coinage which will revert partly tages of the new currency l*,w. Mr, Graddy was married, but leaves to the miners in the form of payment clique, while these opargres were helng ness and was soon planning- to return yards beyond. The plain clothes men vised: no children. • to sunny Syria, but somehow- her heart This meeting won decided upon, at- in coins. considered by the abpartment of jus- prudently dropped' the street and Farm land banks to be created in the tice, "Washington, D| C., the only way fastened to iMike Najour, who a meeting of the clearing house asso-t various states to supplement federal re- Fuel Oil Very Scarce. 1 wasn't quite so wealthy, but who man- waited for a trolley car. Myheb and ciation on Thursday. The invitations'- jn which I could g«f back home with her friends continued to M. Feckoury's serve system of Glass-Owens currency The problem of supplying fuel oil has my wife and child softer my dismissal aged to get along and put away a tidy to the Georgia bankers will be -mailed,' law. HeadofSlainBldck grown more serious. Although reb- was upon the mercy of the board of savings account every month. Some home, -where she and Mtke Najour were day Mike had planned to g-o back to married at midnight by Rev, W. M. on Friday. Commissioner of farm -land banks to els have not entirely cut off the sup- charities. Warden 'Moyer would not Black well. Cnrrcney Association M«et«. -'; permit me to enter tjie prison in order the vineyards and hill country of his have, general control as a federal offi- ply. It is realized that at any time Syrian home. They remained at the Feckoury home Coincidental -with, the Trieeting or the cial and federal fiscal agents to supe.r- Sent by Parcel Post they may destroy wells In. the Tampico to get my mail when; I was under sus- In Koewell until Thursday, when they pense, s • Didn't Want Andrew. Georgia backers In Atlanta will be ' vise operations of each of these land and Tuxpan districts. WorK Is being returned home. 'The. mother* refused 1 - . "This treacheroui Kclique, - consisting — Tine date of Myheb's propoaed --wed- the annual-,, meeting of ,-th.e National mortgage banks. jtushed to reconvert locomotives Into to- admit lier,- . at the home of other rd of Captain Tuckers^ Guard Guemey, ding grew near. She was hooked to Syrians near by, the .bride .. groor Currency Association of Georgia, which. Banks to have federal government eoa! burners and cargoes of coal are Guard Evans; Gjlaa^'d MeClur*. Guard marry .Andrew, and she didn't want to. charters like present national banks, held a merry feast for friends .through- •was orgunfzed under t&e Aldricli- being hurried to the republic from out- C&bb and Night Captain Schoen and Wednesday night a woman friend, wha out the day, dining, drinking '-and mak- Vreeland bill. This lav remains in These banks will issue debentures as others, is there yet to abuse the conr spoke Syrian, consulted with Myheb side points. Mexican mines are locat- ing- merry until nightfall, when the operation until July, 1-815. and under their direct obligations, the proceeds Marshal of Helena Ships vipts. I saw'Captain Tncker strike a in her mother's modest shop on Bast mother came over and ag-ain took the ,ed In the rebel territory and the coal it a reserve fund of $500,000,000 is of such debentures to be loaned to being imported is. from the United prisoner on hie knee with his cane he- Hunter street. Myheb stole away and daughter into her arms. cause the prisoner had his knee pro- met the' woman .and three male ac- available should financial conditions farmers on first mortgages. Gruesome Package to a States, mostly from South Carolina. The Feckourys — mother and dau Profit of the New Banfca. jecting out a little from the table upon quaintances on the corner. They climb- ter —cam e over from Burrouth, Syria, arise which would require it. At the The cutting- off of the supply likely which the prisoner was eating." ed into an automobile and sped a-way only a shprt time ago. The daughter's annual meeting of the currency as- Farmers' mortgages to bear higher Sheriff in Florida. . would embarrass the government a toward - interest rate than the debentures; and Kllllmff of Gnard Connors. betrothal to Najour was made years sociation, officers will be elected and good deal, as it would necessitate ap- Feckoury. upon missing the ag-b in their native home. .He runs ; the difference to constitute the prof- He refers to the incidents preceding the possibilities of Atlanta as a re- Jacksonville, Fla., January 8.—in a plication to markets further -removed, girl, feared kidnaping-. She herself, dry goods sftoD at 222 .- it of the new banks. the killing by J. E. Vance of a fellow- friana-1 reserve center will be discussed long-diatance telephone conversation thus delaying receipts. guard, L. M. Connors on June 24, 1912, Banks may either be formed by pri- 1 He says Vance was indicted for murder and forwarded. vate capitalists or on the non-profit- this morning . City Marshal Powell, ot Helena, Ga., stated that he had for- and is now confined at Mllledgeville. The number of Georgia cities guar- seeking^ca-operative basis. NO MEXICANS WITH L1ND The killing grew out oC an attempt to anteeing Atlanta their support by Securities of these batiks to-be ex- awarded by parcel post the head of Dugg.er Harris, the negro •who •was WHEN HE MET WILSON get an increase of pay to J100 a month POOR TYPE OF WOMAN formal action of their • chambers of empt from taxation. for the older guards and to decrease FOSTER AND THE GIRL killed in a revolver battle with former Pass Christian. Miss, January S,—It comm erce and clearing houses ou Farmers to repay their loans through new men to ?60 a month. Thursday increased to ten. •with the amortization, that is, in small, fixed City Marshal Yancey, whom he fatally is believed here that the visit of His statement continues: Charge O'Shaughnessy to John Lind at prospect -of at least that many more annual installment^- shot Tuesday, to Sheriff Bowling here "From April 4. 1912, till September 13 Vera Cruz was an outgrowth of the of last year (excepting- a few weeks FAVOREDJY FASHION FLEE AFTER ARREST for Friday. In the meantime the At- for identification so that the widow when I was suspended) I was guarding recent conference between President lanta joint committee received assur- of Tancey may claim the re-ward of- "Wilson and his personal envoy to during which time a general complaint fered by ,the state of Florida for his was made by prisoners to me and other ances of the strongest possible support' Mexico. guards about their not having enough Dr. Smith, Speaking- on Race Disappear After Giving Bone ' death or capture, "Whatever ideas the president and Mr. to eat—no sugar and their bread raw. from. Senators Smith and. Bacon and. i Harris was wanted here for the mur- Xand may have exchanged bearing: on Our prisoner in particular, whose name Betterment, Says Thin-Cheat- on White Slavery Charge. Congressmen Howard and: Hard wide. | der of Deputy Sheriff Johnson. His the Mexican situation now are expect- is Bunyan Bradley (454), with whom I ed Female Is Defective. Besides these, press dispatches from body was burned by -the enraged peo- ed to he transmitted to Mr. O'Shaugh- came in dally contact, because he was Couple Found in Mobile. nessy. ' engaged in mowing grass about the New York show that the greatest fi- ple of Helena, only the head beln: I>enial of press reports from Mexico warden's lawn and field where I was nanciers of the country arc strongly in HAS YIELDED TO DEATH City stating that two prominent Mexi- Battle Creek, Mjch., Ja nuary 8,— saved. guarding prisoners, stated that he could Mobile, Ala., January S. — Neither Joel favor oC Atlanta as the reserve bank* cans were aboard the scout cruiser hardly stand upon what: he ate for "The imperfect or defective type of Another JVeero Arrested, Chester when she came here recently breakfast—a few "grits." » M. Foster, president of the Interna- ins center for the southeastern states. were todav 'authorized at the presi- "Because of this faction, dissension •woman Is that represented 'by the very tional Poultry Farms o£ Browns Mills, The cities in Georgia which had in- At the Age of SO Soldier of Philadelphia, January 8.—"When the dential cottage. Attention was called arose among the guards and subofn- Two Wars Passes at His steamship Berkshire, from Jacksonville to the president's informal statement rials and persons living in proximity slight, thin chested and nervous wom- N. J., and son of T. J. Foster, of dorsed Atlanta by formal action of and Savannah, arrived here today. Ben- Saturday that nobody accompanied Mr.' of the prison because tney were de- an, at -present so favored 'by .fashion," Scranton, Pa., millionaire, president of their commerce cham-bars and clear- Home in Kentucky. jamin Pope, a negro dock hand, was I.ind. pendent upon the guard for a li veil - the International Correspondence arrested on suspicion in ' connection President "Wilson today took occasion hood, in that they ran boarding houses declared Dr. Richard Root Smith, of schools, nor Miss Delilah F. Bradley, Ing- houses Thursday night were Co- to say that Mr. Llnd had spoken in the lumbus, alacon. Aithens, Rome, La- with the murder of Peter Johnson, a exclusively for them, and consequently, Grand Rapids, In an address tonig-ht 17-year-ol1 d girl .of Pemberton. N. J., most cordial terms of Charge the whole prison was thrown o'ut of who were found today by federal au- Grange, Forsyth, Griffin, Kewn«n^ --J .Lexington, Ky., January 8.—General deputy sheriff of Jacksonville. The O'Shaughnessy at the recent conference harmony, involving the murder of Con- at the national conference on race bet- thorities at a local hotel, coul'd be lo- Simon Bolivar Buckner, formerly gov- arrest was made/by request of Florida aboard the cruiser Chester. nora, the prosecution of Vance and my terment, which opened here today. Dr. cated in Mobile tonight. Dalton and Cordele. authorities, who ask*d for the appre- The president said there was abso- dismissal from the service. ernor of Kentucky and candidate for lutely no foundation for the published Smith added, however, that "we have Foster is held under $2.000 bail to ConKratalationa Offer**!. hension of Oscar Harris. Pope denied Senator Smith Wants Probe. await an examination January '14, be- vice president on the gold democratic report that Mr. O'Shaughneesy and Mr. no rea.son for believing- that -woman is fore the United States commissioner The following encouraging aspect of that his real name ja Harris. Lind were not working In harmony and Senator Hoke Smith today backed up national ticket in 2896, died at his that the removal of the former from worse off now than she has been for here, on the charge of violating: the Atlanta's position was received -from Representative Howard in demanding many generations." Mann white slave act- Miss Bradley, home In Hart county tonight. Mexico City was under consideration. an investigation by the civil service who was his former secretary, and a Senator Hoke Smith on Thursday: General Buckner had been in ill- commission of the discharge of seven Other speakers tonight included H. Sunday school teacher in Pemberton, "J. 1C Orr, Chairman, Atlanta, Ga.—<. H. Laughlln, superintendent of the held under .$500 as a witness. health, due to his advanced age. for MARINES FOR U. S. SHIPS guards from the United States peniten- Foster and AJJss Bradlev registered Sentiment here generally recognizes - COL. JOSEPH M. HULL tiary at Atlanta in December. eugenics record office at Cold Spring about a^year, but his condition did not Harbor, New York; Dr. Lillian South, at the hotel as "J. M. Foster and wire, Atlanta as the city in the southeast in become alarming until Tuesday, when IN WATERS OF MEXICO He wrote a letter to the commission of New York," on December 23. l Washington, January 8.—Four hun- Bowline Green, Ky.T and Professor R. which there will be located a. regional he became unconscious. He died at 9 citing the fact of the discharge of Miss Bradley's father is a bagrgrage dred marines in the Panama canal zone the men and suggesting that it was a D. Von Klelnsmld, secretary of the master on the Pennsylvania railroad, reserve bank. I congratulate you o'clock tonight at his home, Glen Lily, today were ordered to Join American American Association of Clinical Crim- and she was thought to be engaged PASSES IN SAVANNAH warships off the east coast of Mexico, case which called for ' investigation. near Munlordvllle. Thts inquiry will be independent of inology. Jefferson villa, Ind. to a prominent young farmer there. which will double the marine guard Deterioration of Womem* Foster's wife and 16-year-old daugh- Genei al Buckner's hody will be aboard the vessels. ' the one the department of justice is ter are at the Foster home in Scran- burled in the state cemetery at vFranls- If He Had Lived Until Febru- Secretary Daniels explained that the making: of conditions at the prison. In his address on the "deterioration ton. • Reports received here tonight say Weather Prophecy fort. transfer was for the health of the Senator Smith has just returned from of civilized woman," Dr. Smith as- that this is the second escapade o'f FAIR General Buckner was the last sur- . ary 1 He Would Have Been men, who have been on the isthmus a visit of several days at Atlanta. serted that modern methods of living this kind -that Foster has figured in, viving lieutenant general of the con- for many months, and whose duty the first it is said being- a few years ' SI Years Old. there ended when the war department have not -proven more disastrous to ago ivhen • he eloped with a" young1 federacy. recently aent regular troops to perma- women than to men. The speaker Philadelphia girl. Georgia—Fair Frldayj Saturday part-* nently garrison the canal zone. ?Ret said the most perfect type of woman Poster is about 40 years old, and -was ly cloudy, probably rain uotrhtvcat por- General Simon Bolivar Buckner'bad HOLE IN HER HEART, tion. Savannah, Ga., January S.—Colonel said the action could not be connected Is "that' represented'' by individuals connected here with "W. J. Mayer, a a long and distinguished career as a in any way with> the recent visit of Joseph M. Hull died at the home of his compact In build,. cTeep chested with Cnicag-o real estate man, who furnished Lowest temperature 36 aoldier, having served in the Mexican John Llnd to Gulfport. GIRL AIDS MOTHER steady nerves and fleshy enough for his bond. and civil wars. In both of which he. daughter. Mrs. F. W. Hazlehurst, No. This official statement, was issued: Highest temperature 69 14 Fortieth street, east, at 11:45 "The recent approved recommenda- the anatomical angles to be nicely Mean temperature .. ,. ,. .. .. 48 was promoted for hravery and sol- IN THE HOUSE WORK rounded out." Normal temperature 42 dierly qualities.^ -He was horn on- a. o'clock tonight. tion of the geenral board for the re- Rainfall in past 24 hours, inches. . .0(1 The immediate cause of his death distribution of marines provided for Dr. LaughHn urged - Bterll Ization for ' farm in Hart county, Kentucky, April the withdrawal of the .marine detach- preventing the reproduction of degen- Deficiency since 1st of mo., inches. . .85 1. 1S23, and graduated from the Ignited was pneumonia. He had heen sinking ment on the Isthmus of Panama to Baltimore, Md., January 8.—Physi- Deficiency since Jan. 1, inches,..* .85 rapidly for several days. erates and declared that it had met States milttary academy In. 1844. , unite with larger commands. Recent cians here are interested in the case of with great sucoeaa in' prisons and else- Report* from Various StaiioM. -During the Mexica-n war he was ,Few men in Savannah were so we31- reports of unhealthful conditions un- 10-year-old Nettie Schatz, who appar- known as Colonel Hull. If he had der which this detachment is operating where, "' i 'STATION'S AND Temperature. 1 Bain brevette'd for bravery at the battles ot ently ia recovering from an attack of Dr. South,', spoke of the hookworm State ot •1 £4 hr< - Contreras, Churubusco and Molinp Del- lived until February 1 he would have has led the department to decide on WEATHER 7 pirn. | High I laches; been 91 years oM. He is survived by their immediate withdrawal. These heart trouble caused by a puncture." disease. .She recently has completed TO EUGENICS IN SCHOOL Rey. He remained with the army in: marines temporarily will be distrib- Atlanta, clear . . •SI four sons, Joseph E. Hull, J. B. Hull, "When the X-ray revealed the hole in an Investigation through the hills of Birmingham, clear 52 various positions until 1855. when he uted ,among the ships at Vera Cruz." eastern Kentucky. resigned. When the civil war broke A. B. Hull and RoberC M. Hull, and Reports to the state department in- her heart the girl's case was consider- , cloudy . , 3S one daughter, Mrs. F- W. Hazlehurst, dicate that contending factions In Mex- "Society, by Its sale or tobacco and Thinks Matters Are Too Deli Brownsville, clear. 76 ,. out he joined the confederate army : ed hopeless. However, under medi- Buffalo, cloudy . 36 -.00 •with the rank of. brigadier,, general* He and toy a number of grandchildren. ico are taking a breathing- spell in liquors, encourages mental defection preparation for a series of general en- cal treatment she began to show im- .which results in crime," declared Dr. cate to Be Handled Charleston, clear. 50 €0 .00 •was at FoK±-£>oneIson and was made Colonel Hull served on the staff of provement and now le permitted to as- Chicago, cloudy . 42 .00 ! the governor of Florida throughout the gagements all along the border and as Von Klelnsmid. "Whatever may be) Denver, clear . . 23 52 .01) prisoner wn'eh the stronghold was sur- far as Tampico on the gulf. sist her mother in house work. said in the way of excuse for the mod- by Teachers. rendered to General U.. S. GraMit. He -Civil war. ' - None of today's reports told of fresh ]>es Moines. coludy 32 36 .00 was successively made major general battles, and, in the onlnion of army ex- erate use of alcoholic beverages and Galveston, clear . 64 66 .00 tobacco among- adults, there can be Hatteras, clear. , 54 .00 and lieutenant general, • ' ^ perts, federals at Ojinaga, Nuevo La- WHEN HIS PLACE BURNED Savannah. Ga., January ' 8.—M. L. Havre, cloudy . . 5? 32 .13 He was governor of Kentucky from redo and Tampico are busy with pick no Justification for the use of these Brittain, of' Atlanta, state superinten Helena, clear. . . 36 .04 and shovel strengthening , defenses, drugs by adolescents.' 52 62 .00 1887 to 1891, and served as a 'member ' while constitutionalists are waiting for HE RAN FROM CREDITORS dent of the public education, atatec Jacksonville, clr.. Study of Kansas City, pt- c. 48 52 .00 of the Kentucky constitutional'conven--, ammunition and reforming their lines here today that he is opposed to the ICiioxville, pt. c. . 50 56 .00 tion in 1891. After being a,, candidate for another attack. New Tork, January 8.—The identity He urged a scientific study of crim- study of eugenics In the public schools Louisville, dloudy. 54 5*1 .00 for vice president on the sold derao,- of "Harry J. Meyers," accused here of "SO 64 1 ! inals, instead of punishment. "There [ Of Georgia, declaring that the' sub- Memphis, cloudy . .00 cratic ticket In 1896, he retired to h'i^ REBELS CONCENTRATE forgery and grand larceny, as Harry J. Is, however, a danger of excessive sen- j ject deals with matters too delicate to Miami, clear, . . . 62 68 .00 Mobile, clear . . . 52 .00 farm in Hart county, but continued to Mercer, formerly a prosperous mer- timen-tality in treating criminals," he be handled by teachers, 54 ' take a lively interest in public 'affair*", TO ATTACK OJINAGA chant of "Los .Ang'eles, waa appa/ently Montgomery, clear .00 : said In conclusion. "I refer to inef- j "I feeZ that the study of eugenics, New Orleans, cl«ar '58 .00 until the time, of his death. . . ''. -Ojinaga, Mexico, January 8.—Return- disclosed uy the man's own confes- fectual efforts of some who are trying i Is rather too delicate a nature to be X'ew York, cloudy. 38 38 .00 ing today to Ojinaga from a recon- sion In the county court in Brooklyn to work reforms.'.' > ' taken' up in the schools," he said. "H Oklahoma, clear . 54 G(i .00 noltering trip, ten miles inland. General •today,- when he pleaded guilty to At the day session Dr. Stephen , is, something whlch-should be handled .Phoenix, clear.. . 66 70 .ou 600 Clerks Vote to Strike. ] Pascual OroKco, commander of federal Pittsbarg, cloudy. 40 44 .00 volunteers, said he had encountered falsely signing deeds to property and Smith, presidenfof the conference, de-, by the. parents of tlie children, Geor* Portland, rain . . 40 46 .33 Detroit. Mich.; January 8,—James, only; tlie outposts- of the -rebel army. selling lund that did not .belong to dared the normal age of man isr 100jgia schools c'ertainly are not ready for Italeigh, clear.- *. 52 60 .00 Hosan, sent by the United States de- ' The retoels'were believed to be concen- him. " years, in spite, of the fact that only i it,yet. .It Is the opinion of a great San Francisco, clr. 54 56 ,011 trating under personal - direction of Mercer declared that up. to -four St. Louis, pt: cldy. 56 66 .partme'nt of labor as conciliator he- months ago he did an* extensive -busi- three men in a-thousand reach that I many that the mere knowledge of the ..-on. Vtween 'the Fere Marquette railroad General Francisco Villa, to present a age. Dr. Smith Is weSr and active at 'S^iSS ^"^t under the head of -'• St. Paul, clear . . 36 40 : .00. solid front when they again march on ness In bottling and: selling, honey and geaictt ot (.afford protection: . Shreveport, clear. 62 70 -.08 and Its clerks, will meet represejrttttV Ojinaga. > • " _ ' jam In tos Angeles. A fire leveled his the age of &2. "So I — as the simple truths' brought Spokane, cloudy.. 38 40 .00 tives. of the road and its employees All-nine generals who remain In the bottling plants, -Merce r: said, 'and. los- Among..,,., the other .... ; sneakers today out in ,the i study of physiology -go, I Tampa, pt. cldy... 56 «4 .00 .tomorrow morning-.-Six hundred elerfc» trenches here with the 4,000 JHuerta ing courage, he did not remain to were:.. Drl' Louis.. F-j-BlshjOp, Fordham say ye,a—^teach them. But I think that Toledo, cloudy. . p>s 44 have voted to; so on strike' if their de-' soldiers.- said every hour, of . ^elay face his creditors. university; Frederick Hoffmau, some truths;-In regard to sex such —. Washington, p. c.. 38 46 .Mercer was remanded for a month emphasized" during iho-l^st few months znand foi aa incr«aa« in waares IB re* to give liiui an ocJMHrtunity to make Newark, N.. J.. .and Creasy ' Wilburfi; .-should, not be. tati'gEhf'TU"itt ~tb*' public C. K, von EJERKMAKN, " J • ot ika bu^esiu $t the

jjr J-^, ' WSFAPERI NEWSPAPER! 3ANtJAR¥ A. 1914. '.two'. t TMM CX>W±Ti'l)T10N, -ATLANTA, had withdraw^, from .th,*. rac«,in £avo£ -ran'-; of Mr. Morgan. -,:. : : , - , - > . I do, an<£ of Connie, 'Atlanta . Assistant^ SuperfntenS^rit I* M. IAH- HOKE . late in my diBtrJot pmd tb» capital of. drom was^- unanimously chosen secre- .RE BURIED ^SS^Sr^^r.'^ Atlanta, :<3i^. WILSON FREEWE my »tate, T-'ajS» «cU«u»ia»tIc In mfTtt- tary of the board. WILL ATTEND H<;w,rd-» tortx to lecureJtWs b*nls*>r Atlanta. fcofcit for Itfcaflon/of regional The -aalarfafi cfit tb* -ttachers at the V*nk£ formal resolutions Girls' sUgKt school were .raised from *?nKre«winan _Ko.warS, sent ^asd hSv p££ty» aj| 7011. • OF EDUCATION|40 to $60 'after 'Superintendent Slaton m'ng letter Thursday: • are probably: in^are. will arriv» in At- "President lAGrange'Chamber of*Cruary to take, - Jtnerc*. FOR A LinLI died Wednesday morning, will tase action fce taken. \ee. Atlanta Chamber1 at Commerc* evidence relative to tie e*t»bli*hnj«ivt . ,- Salary of Teacher* in Girls' " The folloTving' -committeea were also Place at 10:30 o'clocK Friday, nwrnin*, of thi» bank, and 1 knowv that Atl'anta • "Hon. JSpVert JB>- - Maddox, Atlanta, from his residence. 266 J?eaolltr«» Atlanta Clearteg Hou»e; Annocia- Oa.: The associated banks of Athena Night School Raised to named before the board adjourned: street, and .interment will follO*T; m _, AUanta, Ga-^My. irear Mr. \3ir-. 1. will teake.sucb.a.splendid, showing at by roBolution heartily approve AOan- Nursed Schools and' TeacherSh—A ; C. Morgran, location o^one of ^g^e^rve chairman; Mayor Woodward, James L. Oakland cemetery. Dr. JHush K. Wal- E^'Just In receipt ol your letter of the this, hearing that ghe ,wiil prove berself '•^'. *$6O Per Month. ker, pastor of 'the First Presbyterian entitled-to the one DaJvK to. b» $ata,o- BIjrei to Strength, arid Key» Dr. J. ST. Pierce,, . Major R. 3. r. instant relative to the estab.Iifh- . Ga." Gulnn, George-M. Hoi>e, president and churoh, will officiate. jt of a regional reserve bank in the Hahed ini? thlB section of thef-country. . Maddox, Chairman, Atlanta. : ; Those acting as pallbearers will Be, ; Ga.: Forsyta banks unanimously in- ed fet esid$fit-jto1jet l^;; -^he bami&e of. --new---officers, the ex-offlcio member^ T. Perkerson. John S. ClMUje- of Atlanta- , "• '•-• 'ABsurjtng: you that I .hbld'<&xyself in dorse Atlanta for reserve banl^ ^aU- : Finance —Da n Green, chairman; Wal- t resolution*. "W. C. HOLT, raisintt:o£ Oje pay.qj tiiaohers.-In the Charles F. Bice, Virgil AladdoX, :j«Jhn Jo one realizes the great import-,. readiness to. co-operato . io,.any con- ; ter Tiich, Claude Buchanan, \V. H. F. Ridley and William McCarthy. AJx>>« "President Monroe County Bank. toC its Cdpi^axiions. • • ,r GlrisV night' ?chool'i«ii OMS ap'poirifirient Terrell, J. M. McEachem, Jesse Armi- one hundred prominent men will IOI™ lii'e of the establishment of this great. ceivable way for tne success of this Foiwytti. Ga," of committee* for;1914, was the pr-o- movement, X am, as ever, J. K. Ottley, Atlanta, Ga.: Newnan stead -and George M. Hope, president aa honorary >escort from the residence Clearing: House association unanimous- KTwm carried . thfoustt~*t the meeting and ex-offlcio member. to the cemetery. "Faithfully 'yours, 1 Pass Christian, " Mlj^.y of the Atlanta board of education on Mr. Wylie was a man to -whom Die" "(Signed? ••; • , -. :• „ ' ly adopted -resolutions, indorsing At- 1 lanta as site for ^regional bank,: Copy President TVdo^ro^ ^U ,- stoptff P?* Ih-arE^&y. afternooii.' .• . ' ' . , '. '• were devoted and he will ever remain "W 11 .TjTAr.Hif Kt It-t II.Tg'V' HOT^ARD. of resoluUdn th« veranda ofv>i^;cott at 'flunset The liew-bffieers'swi^Foienibers of .the Mr. Hich introduced a motion be- in the hearts of many Atlantans. • , board follow: -GeorieiM., Hope, presi- fore the board to take up tho ad- Seek Aid of All. " , / • "President Newnan Clearing; House As- tonight^ and, sta&Hg -a?: dent; Allen-P. Morgan, vice presiaent; visability of instituting in the eighth sociation. a little* br&wii-^ai'pfea^ ichopl girl, re- grade of the grammar schools a course SUMTER AND CRISP MEET 1 .By .telephonic .and telegraphic com- "Newnan, Ga." . leased "& w&ftdr sJove irhoae //broken in "practical salesmanship." which he munication. 'and in'; many cases by Individuate Al»o AI4. wins sKar had-iniBE* abaclc to strength, said was already in may of the universi- TO DISCUSS NEW BRIDGE sending: special committees "to other The blr^muttBwOJjtQt.va rmomenV tiien ties and some few grammar schools. cities, the- joint committee^ of the At- In- addition to tbese communications paused on a lieavy-ltmtoed ,oa&,' .as ir He urged that the vast majority of Americas, Ga., January S.—for-a ipngfpT^ht, aiid eoon boys leaving school enter into this Representatives of tho Cordele Cham- Atlanta Clearing Houae-Assoclation are tial individuals offering their support was lost ' fn the ' evening;', shadow*. business without any essential knowl- ber of Commerce and board or coffimis- of Atlanta; The incident was A . se«ael .to^ the edge of it. The motion was adopted , putting- up ,tt ^tren,uoue fight to include Just before Rome 'took her formal <*ioner of Crisp county conferred to- in this list every city in the state and. Breslclent*s 'motor Hd^-today Ibtbuglx and the committee on schools was ap- day with the Sumter county commis- action, President Wright Willineham, Gulfttort. -: School -chtjdren -lined, .both. pointed to investigate the ways and sioners relative to the building of a southeastern, territory r ' ' of th'fly3ftome Chamber of Commerce, in sides or ^the main. =• -street* -sioeins means of such a course. Steel bridge spanning Flint river and From all assurances* ifroi Washing- ft. letter- to Chairman McCord, of the "America,", and; eJsopte tame flocking connecting Sumter and Crisp counties. ton and New York, best Atlanta 'joint committee, saia; from stores "and- sfcafcs. as the presi- The proposition was discussed at con- information that the 'ijoitrt cotnmlttee "I "ca dent's car slowed, down: A pretty, YOUNG MESSENGER BOY siderable length, and while as individ- has been able to; get— ^alj^A'Jt has an ' dart-haired »lrl;bf{ 13 handed the na- uals the Sumter county commissioner* tion's chf&t '..executive a box and a let- CAUGHT BY ELEVATOR expressed themselves favorably, no of- astonndinK' mas^bf it-— A,tt^|r»,ri^r th.fi ter, whiijti She- aafceid- nim not to open ficial action was taken. It was agreed only city in the '^uth«*iterii- states until he? readied .hptoe. . . Waycross, Ga., January 8. — (Special.) to refer the subject flrst to the Sumter which .stands a chaocfe f oir^th&Vapp^lnt- , ., , •• ,i Tie tittle Girt'* Letter. county^srand jury. Araeri-cus city coun- m ent by itte tera^qtary; : iwganliatton 'J, -JC. Orr^ Chairriian, Atlanta. Ga.: Witli his risftt foot caught betw'een cil and Americus Chamber of Com- committee as the re|fibnalrreaenre:'ce:n- When -tho president arrived, ne rea$ the elevator and a 'door, Kusus Davis. merce for indorsement, hare your letter 'of recent date in the following: 1 Such1 a structure waul-d cost J15.000 ter. For, this r.eas^n uthe commitfefe which you etate that Atlanta and the "Dear Mr. President: You will find 14-year-old messenger boy. today or $18000 Sumte- citi/.ens would pre- is particularly anxioiis to. gain the sup- adjacent territory will make an effort in .this -box a real, live dove. It flew checked an elevator in an office bulld- fer a bridge at another point con- port of as many, cities" as poasJble in- to have one of the regional reserve in the door and broke its wins several inK and caused one of the supporting venient alike to CYisp and Opoly This Special dorsing her for this appointment. Oth- ban&a located in the southeast, and months ago. "We "have cared for it, and caSles to break. His foot was seri- counties, and openinp a direct route to Guaranteed wbije our board has not taken any now that it is well; my mamma says ously mashed in the accident, tout Vienna^ Byromviiie, Dublin and Haw- erwise there, is the possibility- that the action- relative to .pur becoming- a We must give it -freedom. If you will amputation has not been found neces- southeastern territory niay .be divided member of the association, yet -we sary. kinsviUe, as well as to Cordele. into two or more sections, giving one shall be glad to render -whatever as- do me -the honor to ojjen its prison and P.N. sistance is possible in the direction let It fly away to find companions of regional reserve .center to Or- of having one of the districts situated its kind, I shall toe very grateful. CORSET leans, perhaps, and another to Cincin- In the southeast, the bank to be lo- "Lovinsly, nati, Louisville, ' Richmond or - some cated in Atlanta. There Is Only One other city In .the northern: part of the "We will be prepared 'to advise you *"(P- S. —Jua t a HtUe Tennessee grirl $1.00 southeastern territory. • what action our board takes in this enjoying the beautiful southland.)" WILL NOT RUST matter in the near future. Tours The president asked Representative It is such %a possibility as this that truly. JAMES S. PETERS. Harrison, who was riding with him. to Cork Protected Cl**p» the committee is ^striving the strongest "Manchester,. Ga." find out the little g-irl's name, as he "Bromo Quinine" Styk 850 to forestall';-- .-•--' •!- -:, TJuuife Jttacon for Aid. .* wished to write that he had complied Aak your dealer In this Connection'; frorn'.,Willis - B. with 'her wish. After diligent inquiry Taht is Powell, secretary rof the Columbus The Atlanta Chamber of Comme among- the school children, the con- 1 o,n Friday mailed a letter to the Ma- ressman learned that the donor of the , r. NEWMAN &. SONS Board of Trade-, comes the news tliat con chamber and clearing house 'thank- f ove was Miss \\Vilia Green. She had ' 222 Fourth Avenue New Yorfc Florida -is throwing all her influence Ing them for their g-enerous support modestly/ signed her initials because, Laxative Bronte* Quinine to hav*» Atlanta made the center of the of Atlanta. Other letters to other as she afterwards said, she didn't reserve region in which that state will want anybody to know anything about COLONEL GEORGE M. HOPE. • Used the World Over to Cure a Cold in One Day be placed, ;.„"•<,.. - '' . "Mr. "W. E. Dunwoody, President Ma- Mr. Wilson found thfe outdoor air so Favor Atlanta. con Chamber of Commerce, Macon, Always remember the fall name. Look J& ff\ Ga.—My Dear Sir: In the absence of inviting that lie did not work all the Walter Rich, Claude Buchanan, W. H. (Secretary Powell said Thursday, on afternoon, as has been his custom, but Terrell, J. N. McEachern (a new mem- : President M. R. "Wilkinson, of this took a short auto ride. The weather tor the signature on every box. 25c. ClO jA his return fronr.- a Florida trip, that chamber, I write to express to you and was like a summer's day, with the sun ber from the seventh ward, succeed- Jones Cash Stores ths general sentiment in Florida -fa- the members of, th© chamber of com- hot enough to make heavy clothing ing Marcellus Anderson), Dan Green, vored Atlanta's^ the logical' location merce the hig-h appreciation of the At- somewlmt uncomfortable. 1 lanta Chamber of Commerce and our Dr. J. M. Pierce, Major R. J. Guinn for a regioirsi,! bank. Pnzzlc to the People. (succeeding- Colonel W. R. Daley, for- Announce That a Full Line of "I- talkeQ*- -with representative b-usl- citizens generally for -the cordial sup- „ ^ ... _ -r- L „, inw't WHICwhicHh mthee macoMaconn cnamoeChamberr oof So carefully has Mr. Wilson follow- mer president). Mayor "Woodward, ness men_Sn Jacksonville and Tampa j Commerce and the Macon Clearin ed a consistent program of work pro- Jesse Armistead (a new memb,er of on tlie subject," he said, "and, without —Hous e• •have given to Atlanta in its ef- portioned with exercise and rest that council and chairman of the school Meats am Poultry exception, th"ey.: -favor Atlanta." forts to secure the location of a re- che people of this section hardly real- committee of council), and James L. Today and Tomorrow gional reserve bank In this city to The action of Columbus, as announced ize that the president ef the United Key. on "Wednesday, in indorsing Atlanta aer\-e the southeastern states, States has ~- been dwelling- in their Has b-en addtd in the 1 'The committee which, went- to your midst — an inconspicuous tenant of one H. "W. Davis, cashier of the Lowry Marietta Street Store foV the regional reserve appointment city gives a flowing account of the of thoso numerous cottages that look National bank, was elected treasurer, Bring your savings deposits and get 4 PER CENT was made stronger on Thursda1 y by the handsome treatment -It received there out on the sparkling- waters' of the to succeed Dr. "W". J. Blalock, president Phone: Main 368. adoption of the following resolution by and the people of Atlanta 'feel very Alexican, gulj. • ' • interest calculated from JANUARY 1, at the the Columbus, r-ioard of Trade; , . grateful for the generous support To Uie people of the string of towns of the Puaton National bank. 138 Marietta Street. 'Resolved,1 Tlin.t we indorse^ the ap- which you have -given to our city. and hamlets along, the southern coast, Colonel Hope was elected to head "We shall look forward to an oppor- the president has been more or Itss the board. He was nominated by Wal- 124 Whitehall. Main 428. . plications o-'f the bankers and business tunity 'for reciprocating this great uf a puzzje. lie said he appreciated ter Rich, and his election quickly fol- men of Atlanta for the location there kindness and co-operation on the part their desire to entertain him, but lowed. No. 10 Silver Lea of one of the federai regional banlcs. of Macon. declined their invitations to inspect Morgan VJj-e President. Trust Company of Georgia Lard (no limit) . . A. thorough and impartial considera- "1 'am, with high, regard, their schonls. vie^, places of historical tion of the subject drives -us to the "Yours very truly. interest, attend ^alis, theaters and The balloting for vice president was Capital and Surplus $1,8000,00 /Jo. 10 Compound conclusion that Atlanta Is the logical "W. G. COOPER. those divers social- entertainments of for a time at odda, Mr. Morgan being: "Secretary." which soutnern hospitality boasts at finally elected after Walter Rich,, nom- Trust Co. 6f Ga. Bldg. Pryor Street Lard ...... : . location, and as such, will be most this season ol" -the, yeai-, inated by Claude Buchanan, and Dan convenient to the largest -nuro'ber of Knowing that the president came Green, nominated by Dr. J. JM. Pierce, 20 pounds Pure. Cane bankers a~nd business men* as well as RICHMOND ISTWORKING for a res;., tli» residents thought he Granulated Sugar .... . to the public g-enerally." FOR A REGIONAL BANK would Ue.cline Invitations generally, 24 pounds Rostell's Other cities in Georgia are rap-idly b-ut they thought he might ac- following the example of Colam'bus. 1 -KichmontJ, Va., January 8.—Rich- cept some. The Mississippi legis- Elegant ...... 1 mond bankers who are on a tour oi lature, for instance, invited him La;te. Thursday afternoon a telegram the Carollnas in an effort to enlist to attend a session- of that' body on 24 pounds Tawco Best « £iC3 are In their support of Atlanta. ginia and North Carolina cities have Few persons have seen him; in fact, . . -Cordele I^endn Support. strongly indorsed Richmond, and the only those who have caught a glimpse No. 1 Baby Lima . Beans, Sun- delegation in the field will proceed o£ him as he motors to and from the In a dispatch to The Constitution early next week to South Carolina. golf, links. If he minales with the beam brand, Thursday night came the first news Raleigh, N. C., January S.—The Ral- people at all, it will be at one popu- The January Clearaway dozen $1.35 of Cordele's support, as follows: eigrn Chamber of Commerce tonight in- lar reception just before he goes Cordele, Ga., January 8.—(Special.)— dorsed Richmond for a federal reserve away — an event which Representative New Crop Georgia Cane Syrup, regional bank location, the Goldsboro Harrison is trying to arrange for 100 per cent pure, The Cordele and Crisp-County. Chaonber Chamber of Commerce did the same Saturday at Gulfporc of Commerce, Louis Spencer Daniel, this morning, as did the executive com- To those who know the president, gallon . . : ---- '. secretary, heartily recommends At- mittee of,the North Carolina Bankers his attitude on invitations is nothing association in session here todayT new Hundreds and hundreds of re- of Kid Gloves lanta for-" regional' bank. Secretary A committee from Richmond is tour- Daniel, oj local chamber of commerce, ing the state, addressing the business quests have come to him in tie last is a -personal.friend f gjecretarle^s Mc- men at the leading places. A feature two years to attend banquets and O of the meet-ing here tonight was the make addresses at public functions, Ad-oo and Houston, and. has written a address of Congressman A. J. Monta- but his acceptances have been con- up strong- personal letter io Washington gue, former governor of Virginia. In spicuously "few. When congress is in urging Atlanta as the leading' city, both Goldsboro and Raleigh the Rich- session he believes he ought to be at This Morning at 8.30 O'clock Maxwell House and promising the support of the mond committee was reminded that his desk at tlie white house, and Coffee Oc south. Nor*h Carolina did not like Rh:h- breaks '-the rule only to address an moijd'c'intervention in its fight for occasion of extraordinary importance. Arfoucfkle's Coffee, The following letter from Fuller E. terstate freight rate reduction. The president's life in Pass Christian CaZlaway, president of the LaGrangre h:ia- b-een peculiarly simple. Except pound '.... 22c National bank, is' exceptionally strong: tor a daily game of golf he has been $2 Short QQ "Joseph Ai M-cCord, Vice President BANKS^ACCEPT at home moat of the time.. He, never This store will not move from Thir£ National bank, Atlanta, Gi^--— NEW MONEY SYSTEM has spent an evening awuy from the O ^/ Short Kid Gloves this location, as announced last Four LaGrange banks have jointly family oir<:le. There have been no Kid Gloves Washington, January S.—At the end uniformed aides here, no ceremony aa week. This store' will be entirely telegraphed Secretary McAdoo HS fol- LoniH'ht f>f the second weok since the he has gone forth ^11 an afternoon remodeled and leveled to the lows: 'Srongly urge establishment approval of til*3 federal rtserve at-t, the stroll or motor ride, no policemen, Twb hundred seventy-sis pairs of new grade, in the near future. of regional reserve bank for this sec- ' treasury department had received from none but the plain clothes secret serv- Included are Trefousse 's glace kid, t-inn at- A*>'TTI"> rt i« nm* Tiaj-nr-ii \-.T,t,m nutjonal banks in forty-five states ice men, and not a -single evidence of $1.50 gloves—"The Navarre" 2-clasp t!on at Atlan^. ft. is oui natural busi- ;tivso notifications of intention to enter tlie f xo en Live poWer, P. K. and suede gloves. Three hun- ness and geos:rapnical center and all \ the new currency system. Assiatant The president came primarily for a Interests of our section will be best Kfcretary William's announced that the vacation, but he, himself, has been dred eight.y-seven pairs; cream, tan, glace,.and "The Dreadnausht" P. Iv. servejd by location of the bank in At- New KnB'land tates had presented lOb able to perform many hours of unin- lanta. Believe sentiment throughout notifications; the eastern ptatt*s .'t!4 terrupted word — something almost im- slate, navy, red, green, black arid sewn. Sixty-four pairs of $1-25 glace the southern states 280; tire middle possible at tho white house. He has 113-15 Whitehall — 104 Decntirr. the radius to b<* served by regional •western states -119; the western states done more work .here in the last few white. Included with these are a gloves; one hundred pairs of the fa- bank: for this territory practically 109 and the Pacific states 52. days than he often has accomplishe -? unanimously In laverlng- Atlanta as More than pix hundred national n'two weeks at Washington. He ha few "Fownes" $2.00 gloves. It would the proper, most convenient and best bunks have notified the department' of -auglit up with neglected details in mous "Solitaire $1.00 glace gloves; SEWELL'S location for the -regional reserve bank.' . the passage by their boards of direc- lis study of subjects thrust aside in be wise to buy by the half-dozen SPECIALS FOR TODAY. "FULLER CALLAWAY. tors of formal resolutions approving .he maelstrom of the tariff and cur- black, white and colors. ^ l , the new law, and Mr- Williams said a pairs. "LaGrange, ,Ga." 'large mwnber of state banks and 'trust •IMK-V imitation, and he will go back - The banks of LaGrange aiding At- companies throughout the country have u ti'ip viMiital witli his mind made up SUGAR 95C lanta arei LaGrange National bank, forwarded ncrtifi cat ions of their ac- in many a. subject" of prime impor- Fuller E3, Call away, president: La- ceptance of the provisions of the new HJK-'U. Grange Banking: and Trust company, act. E66S30icDoz, J. E. Dunson, president; Bank or La- A report from the acting comptroller A "Little" Sale of Hats and Untrimmed Shapes Grange, Lewis J. Render, president; OE the currency sh,ows that since Du- ROME CLEARING HOUSE Gfovernor's Cap Coffee, II*. 22&-e LaGrange'' Savings Bank, L. H. Adamg. cumber 23 state banks in seventeen GIVES 'INDORSEMENT No. 3 Can Bent Apples ..... Tlfec cashier states have notified the department of lOc Can Tomatoes ...... ?%c Many .Telegrams Comingv. their intention to nationalize. Rome. Ga... January 8'.—(Special.)— From Estelle Mershon. The Savings Are Large The only states from which the de- At a. meeting of the Kome clearing 7 Bars Llsbthonse Soap, ... . v -25c The following telegrams were re- partment had not received notifications house this morning- unqualified in- Ten-Dollar Orders Delivered. ceived Thursday: from 'banks of their approval of the dorsement -\<-as eiveii to Atlanta as the "John K. Ottley, Atlanta, Ga.: The new' system are Arizona, Florida and oirital location for a regional reserve four banks of LaGrange indorse At- Nevada. lank The clearing: house is composed >( tlie First National bank, the Ex- .hanse National bank, the Cherokee National bank, the National City bank, At $5 /^ At he State Bank of Rome, the Citizens' lank and the Commercial and Sayrnirs jank. The action indorsing Atlanta was unanimous. $20 g $25 Hats s $10 Hats The call for the meeting came at the suggestion ot The Rome Tribune- Horald. which has the following edi- Seventy of these, and Twenty-three of these, orial In its this morning-'s issue: • The Alfred Benjamin Tribune-Herald suggests that the scattered among them and at $1.00! mnkers of Rome aod our chamber of commerce call a meeting at once and are a, number of original Black, brown and blue nclorsn Atlanta as the Proper place for Suits and Overcoats lie location of one of the reBional Paris models. Others are hats: plushes and vel- >anks provided for l.y the recent act of I cinEress known as the currency bill the work of the smart vets; small and'medium "Unquestionably Atlanta is the "Correct Clothes for Men" jroper place for the location ot such Estelle Mershon millin- shapes; trimmed grace- nstitution. that city being the largest Is the slogan made famous by Alfred Benja- and most important commercial-center ers. Hats you will like; fully with wings, feath- min & Co., New York. Having such a" slogan „ tan'e Sou'th^antfc «?*«-*™-£ that you will want. ers, quills and ribbons. iVa%.Prc°rS^'dOI1mSSt0naJ'«.lClb^" fS °.U The thrifty woman to live up to, it is to be expected that the and all for Atlinta as the proper place Fresh 'styles for right- suits and overcoats made by his famous firm for the location of the regional bank now wear, too various to describe will hardly take the chance of com- , are the Correct Clothes for Men. for this south Atlantic section. but in a general way. Plushes and ing late for. one of thesei HUSBAND ANfTwiFE velvets rule; medium small shapes. Every suit, every overcoat, has all the KEEP SUICIDE PACT Feathers, wings, ostrich sprays, Also $7 to $12 marks of perfect style, all the standards of fruitpjiumidie and ribbons are used Shapes Are $1 quality. -, artistically as trimmings; black, One hundred three untrimnied blue,tapgo, greeii—about all colors. velvet,'plush and .felt sha.pes, in * The selling of such hats at $5.00 black, brown, blue, green, purple, Sold exclusively in Atlanta by ;ha.t both were sufferers from tuoercu- is a very rare and fine opportunity. tango and gold, duplicates of which ™:rT out "the suicide .P^i ^SI£$e'JS[5 ' The price is purely arbitrary— were the basis of the success of three weeks ago when SbTirnajrh s was rert to crive UB his position ?as aBlp- a clear-away price—aind >has noth- Estelle Mershon millinery this sea- rlt an Shoe * clei*f whlolThe-natt hetu for twen- ty ^years. The couple owned their ing to do with the value of tile hats. son, are $1.00. " liorae and bank books showed deposits at. $3.000. . •_ Co. See "The Blindness of 36 Whitehall Virtue" tonight. No sug- gestjve nor improper fines, to ChambcFlln" Jlinsoii-DuBdseCo. i-caus^-W. e" a blush.^ *\tfvS.» i»-,AW c.

J*_ ^^^V^CTfl... '<^?

iNEWSPA'FERr - ^v '"'i* » THE OOUSTffCiaeN, ATLAfrT. GA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1014. Page Ti "JIM" PRICE SPEAffiR Kermit Rooseoelt ar AT "BACKBONE" IUNCH Mi ME MOW, Watch for Our Big Silk% Ad Men May Make Feast a Ponce de Leon Sewer*, Newj Weekly Affair—National City Map and Spring Street ^ Sale Next Monday, President to Come. Grading Claim Attention.

James I> Price, commissioner of Graham West, chief cleric in the city agriculture, spoke on "The Backbone comptroller's office, stated yesterday January 12th of G orsria" at the Ad Men e * back- that the first mee,tlner of the 1914 bone luncheon at the Winecoff hotel > ester day afternoon Commissioner finance committee will oe held at 10 Price gave Georgia the foremost place o clock Monday rooming The meet- am ne the states of the country in ing as well as several others which agricultural resources He spoke in will follow TH ill be devoted to the hear- the most glowing terms of the spirit ing of the needs of the public Don't Buy An Inch Until Then. of h ad men throughout the coun tr> and urged upon those who w ere W G Humphrey who was re-elected at the luncheon, to boost Georgia s chairman of the committee, will return fa-mine inaustrj to Atlanta in time for the meeting The luncheon marked the first of a Councilman Claude L. Ashley and B*n*-s of gatherings planned by Chair- Alderman Albert Thomson, of the It's To Your Interest. man Julian Boehm ot the ' new stunts' committee It is the aim of the com- fourth ward will appear before the mittee to mafcft the backbone* lunch- committee representing citizens of the eons weekly affairs At each luncheon fourth ward A demand will be made tht committee -will ha"\ e some promt nent speaker to deliver a tw ent>-min- for more money to close the open sew- ut»- talk on «ome li^e subject. ers at the Ponce de Leon baseball park President "William Woodhead of the at Fifth street it Jackson street and Jsational Association of Ad Men s Club0 at Fonest avenue is due in Atlanta on January 15 to ad C ouncilman Ashley stated Thursday that thousands of people living in the Watch dre^y the club President Woodhead cornea from San Fr«tiieiisco where he w«ird have submitted to the deplorable publishes The Sunset Magazine conditions until their patience ia ex- J* or the entertainment of the presi hausted He said that the people will Daily papers for the flash dent of the national association the not stand for any more excuses vtla-nta Ad Men s club will have a About $oO OOu will be required from dinner at the Hotel Ansley Members the city to complete, the work on the of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce open sewers The county commission- of the Brand to be used and the Rotary club have been invited ers have agreed to co- operate with the to meet the big chief of the Ad Men s city the city to furnish the materials association and the county to furnish the convicts on our Groceries and in the A number of prominent speakers will to do the work be heard, The Atlanta Improvement association will ask the finance committee to give Delicatessen — Thousands $10 000 to have a new map of the city The commission will ask council to See "The Blindness of adopt a permanent plan for civic im- pi ovements The improvements -frill to be gone over yet, takes Virtue" tonight. Xo sxig- include the plaza project and other work gc btrv e nor improper lines to The Spring street improvement will 6 Spools J. 6 P. Coats Thread lor 25c time. also be brought to the attention of the a blush. committee Blackstock, Hale & Morgan T) Today at 9 O'Clock 1 MISS BELLE WILLARD, 2, KBRMIT ROOSEVELT. The eng-agcpient la reported of Miss the wedding in New York of Miss Belle Mallard daughter of Joseph E Ethel Boosevelt to Mr Derb> Ker- Willard of Richmond \ a American mit Roosevelt is 24 Sinte the summer ambabsado11 to b>pain to Kermit Roose of 1912 hr has been in Brazil and is velt second son of former President now an officer of the Anglo Brazilian Theodore Roose\ elt The wedding it Iron company in Sao Paulo Kermit Sale s stated will take place In the spring- tall and »e!I set and has won honors probably in Richmond Miss Willard as an athlete He inten upted his Jiermit Roosevelt and his sister now studies at Harvard in 1S09 to accom Mis Richard Derby were guests of the parrv the colonel on the latter s Afn WUIards on a long1 motor trip through can hunt as photographer to the expe- Virginia and ending at Hot Springs a dition In the fall of 1911 lie resumed Adler's Collegian Suits and little OVH a jear ago Miss Willard his studies at Har\ard and was gradu- was one of the guests last winter at ated in June, 1912 AH— Overcoats LACE SALE! $25.OO Suit and Overcoat Values $18.75 JACKSON WILL TULL WATERS NAMES $22.5O Suit and Overcoat Values $16.75 That's enough! When we announce $2O.OO Suit and Overcoat Values $15.OO NEW MUNICIPAL $18.0O Suit and Overcoat Values $13.5O Announces This, Following In- Smith and Anderson on the a Lace Sale, every lady in Atlanta and junction Suit to Prohibit the $15.OO Suit and Overcoat Values $11.5O Finance Committee With Payment of Salaries. Waters as Chairman. surrounding towns knows there is some- These suits 2nd overcoats are all thin season's newest styles and patterns. Come in and look them over. A new mo\e in the effort to discredit Chairman Tull C "Waters of the legally the standing of the municipal i board of county commissioners, on thing doing. Our buyer has bought many court of Atlanta was made late Thurs jThuisday afternoon ga^e out his com day afternoon following: the filing of 1 mittee appointments Blackstock, Hale £? Morgan an injunction proceeding- on Thursday . The h«.t follows morning:, which sought to stop the pa> Finance .Legislation and Minutes— and bought well for your Spring sewing— of the judges and attaches of the new Waters chairman Anderson Smith 5O and 52 Marietta^Street tribunal when Attorney R R Jackson Public Works—Anderson chairman declared that he would at once take Waters "Winn "The Distinctive Clothiers and Fu«ni*hers** several of the ca&es left over from the I ublic Buildings—Turman chairman Better come early today and see if it isn't justice couits directly to the superior Andei son \\ aters courts of the county and entirely ig Police C. aratitino and Sanitation— nore the municipal court Smith cha^rmar Turman Winn If the superior court takes cogrni \lms and Ju\emles—Winn chair the truth—Seeing is believing. ^an e of the c tses Judge Jackson be man \\ aters Smith lie\es that he has established the fa,Lt that the municipal court has no juris In announcing the committee mem diction outside of the city limits beiships Mr -\\atets stated th it the Attoriiej s Gober and Jackson or riamet. would speak for themsel-ves Vc 10,000 Yds best Laces ever in any store in Atlanta \ cordmr to custom the chairman of the Thursday filed a petition enjoining board is chairman of the finance com the county commissioners from pas ing mittee at such prices. You want a low price. You have Your the salaries of the new court officials \t a meetirg of the boaid to be The rx-tltion recites that the establish held batuidaj the new committees to have lots of them, and you want Laces that will ment of the new court is unconstitu uill take up then various duties It Choice tional. both in a t>Ute and national Is believer! that there will bo little 01 s«.nse no departme from the method of han wear and give satisfaction . ,.. \ev* i.aw Point Ralticd. dlins cotinU business with the incep tion of the new commit toe men of These Ihc point of law on whirh the suit IK bioug-ht has never before been Round Val. Laces. All match sets—range from raided locallj- The petition cites that Laces it io illegal on the part of the county < omiriissioners to lev> on all of the %-inch up to 4 inches in width. You'll say they taxpijers of Fulton county to sustain ATLANTA'S OLDEST for a court which. onl> serves & portion of are pretty -t the count\ Such taxation so the petition recites | s ab^olutelv unconstitutional Yard The petition U&o bets out that the i French Val. Laces. Real Cluny Linen Laces in jourt 13 unconstitu tioral because in the constitutional amendment sub mitted to a vote of the people i ecentU match sets na mention was made of the abolishing- Starts the New Year With a of the office of constable in th« justice courts "•" Rush of New Accounts—Jan- Jordan Still Holds Court. >• uary Interest Being Paid. Machine Torchon Laces The petition was signed by D H McWilhams, of East Point a taxpayer Amounts Deposited On or Be- and while no mention is made of the matter it is known that the petition fore January 10th Draw In- follows the hint g^ven last week in Big, wide, All-Linen Torchon Laces, for under- The Constit Hion that Justice W T terest From January 1st. Jordon would flpht the new municipal wear, Pillow Cases and for Curtains court on a constitutional basis belf«v 5c mg that the new law did not effect his as his court was situated m two The G-eorg^Ia Saving's Banlc and Trust counties Justice Jordon Is still hold Pompanv lequests all its depositors tc ing- court despite the recent establish bring thei^ pass books to the bank i~ ment of the new municipal court. soon as c nvenlent to have the Janu -L-dffar Watkins president of the At «irj intoe^t credited lanta Bar association and Luther Ros Also Applique Val. Sets, all widths, from % inch J Yard aer county attorney declared that the attack on the new court was not based on g-ood law and would undoubtedly up to 5y inches. Fine, close-woven Vals. Fine J be thrown out of court when it is by the z taken up lor argument on January 19 Torchons in match sets. Fine Cluny sets i lOc savng a resove a of the Extra Trousers BUSINESS STIMULUS mike this jour banner year The success you attain in the future may <3eoen<1 on the amount you save RECEIVED AT MEET noT* W*- will help you by accepting deposits as small as $1 00 OF COCA-COLA MEN This bank has over one million dol The great "first aid" between lars asseta and its officers and dlrec Price the tors are well Known to you They are seasons is the extra pair of trousers. George M Brown President John W The convention of the Coca Cola Grant Vice President Jobeph E Boa Yard Pattern They relate admirably to the exten- company bianch managers and sales ton Seci«-tary and Treasurer Fred B men from eighty five different cities Law Kljlah A Brown Arnold Broyles, Dress Flounces siorf of your suit service. In the United States Canada and Joseph A. McCord ana John W Tye — Cuba came to an end late Thursday afternoon at the Hfctel Ansley The delegates discussed business problems 45 inches wide—3 1-3 yards to each pattern. It's the small investment that af- during the afternoon The closing aes sion of the convention was executive Ratine 45-inch Flounces fects the big tide-over, and keeps The members 01 the sales divisions of the company expressed their satis the busy suit up to a gentlemanly faction In h-ivlne attended the meet Voile 45-inch Flounces ings and declared that they had re OUT appearance. ' ceived great stimulus in their woik The ^convention really came to a Crepe 45-inch Flounces . . *. Instead of climax on Wednesday night at a din ner elven by is C Dobbs, of the Coca TO-DAY Suitable for dresses. $6.98 7 When acquired in time they fit in Cola company, at his home on Oakdale road. 411 of the visiting delegates attended the dinner, which was served most conveniently between pressing by the members of the trips and alternate advantageously Girls club __ Southern 'Jashions thru the long life of the accom- "HUB" T ALLEY CONVICTED Rush your mail orders in for all these panying coat. GETS TWELVE MONTHS ondMotorMimber The citj court attorney has suc- laces—Atlanta ladies, call our Shopper, ceeded at last in convicting the no Blue, black and gray stripes ,tortous Hub Talley on a blind tiger charge This was accomplished Thurs- i day morning when he was given a VOGUE Main 1061; she will fill orders; or come, ?4, $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8,50 and $10. : sentence of twelve months by Judge Andrew Calhoun Tally was offered the alternative of: a fine of $150 He ' has failed so far to make bond in an and she will help you select them. effort to ccrtiorari the case and may have to serve out his sentence "This is about the last of Hub,' said Geo. Muse Clothing Co. Assistant Solicitor HiH on* Thursday .af tertioon ' Out of torty-eigtit state U. S. Sub-Postal Station Open 8:30 to 7 P. M. i ca»eB made against him, Oils is \the '•firfct time we nav*^ev«r toortatiiYout. a conviction. He always alia out be- fore." . M. HIGH CO. —J- M. HIGH CO. COKSTlTimo CONSTITUTION mtMMt Housekeeping A Story of ihe Moment STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER several times as tanr two years for stealing article* "worth less By WALT MASQAT. thin . Tfc* Famous Pro*« Post, AlHwe of Uie pardoning power, taking dARK HOWELL. - the forms of "susceptibility to political or sorter makes me feel GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE BRASS BAND CHARITY. Editor and Gcacnl Manager sentimental pressure, is one of the foes tff at Jjome W L. HALSTEAD Seems like the bees are TEC" justice IB the United States. We hare "Will ou* "Efficient Housekeeper" please Mr Doodelheimer the grocer I am deal- brows in the larks are in tlie loam. give a reclne very soon, for grapefruit mar- ing with npw is one of natures noblemen vivid Illustrations of it in the work of malade1* is ^the request in today's mail This Boby RobTnfcon. And o er the new-plowed said "Mrs Jiggers. This afternoon when I - J*- a. R- Blade. H. w "Pardoning Blease" of South Carolina. is grapefruit season cornfields I bear the was in his store a poor man with a guiltv old time song— and so X hasten to tell Over the urgin of the look in his face came in and explained that Aide- mule—the Gee-haw" you how to make thla EUGENICS- RUN MAI). •* Git along1 delightful sweet, pun- he couldn t pay what he owed for he had gent preserve been sick and out of work That s all right, of Ti Tor to plow or to hoe. The state of Wisconsin is just now pre ^ Trim off the outer said Mr Doodelheimer >oull ne\er see m« Or to reap or to sow oppressing an unfortunate min Come and Illef senting the country with a moving illustra Or to be a farmer s boy * rind in as thin strips tion of the fact tnat a little legislative as possible so there will U paj me when >ou can and don t worrj about Oh just a breath o' springtime m ciowded be no bitter white lin- it in the meantime I call thit practical city streets— That '/ knowledge may easily become a dangerous ing attached Cut in chant} that <> wortn nnore than an> quanttt\ It sets jour soul a dreamm—unfolds a thou- thing Wisconsin enacted a law prohibiting sand sweets little squares and cook of indiscriminate gUmp marriages unless the license is accompanied The rain on sand} countrj roads—each lo\ed, until transparent in I \enture to saj comme ited the star by % physician's certificate of physical fit unfadin scene— salted water then GreabTrials boarder that when Mi Doodelh-eimer gave The tinklm of the cattle bells o er meadows mince Into tin* bits utterance to such ioft\ sentiments he raised ness for both parties, and preseribmg"the cool an green' Scoop out all the pulp his \oice so he could be heard three blocks from the grapefruit physicians fee at ?3 The statute did not and I take it for granted that the store waa And— To plow or to hoe and make a syrup oi halt at an ordinary or superficial examma Or to reap or to sow tw o parts gi anulated well filled with oust >mers He ^iw an op tillered at the postoltlce at Atlant Or to be a farmer s boy eecond-clasff roaf! matter tion. It provided numerous blood and other sugar and one part portuintx to prt_t «*omt, free ad\ ertising and g-o\crned himself iccordin^lj The fact that POSTAC.JS KATES tests such as would have cost the conscien Eon t want to think I m dreamm —seems like water Boil this until United States and Mexico tious physician $25 at the lowest, and which tig \ery Spuns it begins to thicken Histom his scheme worked iur 10 to JU-page paper., ic, U Co S Shouldn t be surprised if now a mockin bird then add the pulp and enthusiasm mi rtear Airs Jipr^er-- "Without paper*. 2cs 34 to J»-»«se paper*. Sei would it properly conducted, have extended should sing the cooked minced rind spending: a c**i t >r «*\\ eatinpr 1 hair this paper*, Se. ^ over a period of several months I almost hear the music of the hidden whip Cook carefully without Mr "Doodelheimt r has acquired a reputation poor wills IMPEACHMENT TRIAL OF stirring until it is like is one of nature s noblemen "\ ou will ob The law has been in effect for a trifle An the lull song of the rivers slow slippin ATLANTA, GA., January 9, 1914 jell\ Pour into marmalade crocks and leave ANDREW JOHNSON. servo that he didn t releise the unfortunate past the hills min from his debt he mei el\ told that more than a week, and county clerks the uncovered o\er night then secure with melt stricken gentlenan to come At 1 piv up when. HATBS. state over report that applications for Oh To plow 01 to hoe ed paiaffme Oranges or orange juice ma> U»e United States and Mexico be cooked with this and make a richer pre The trial in which an attempt was made he could and I have no doubt th it the strick Br Mall licenses have ceased almost entirely But Or to reap or to mow eti prentleman in question is tellinp: his faml Invariably In advance ) And to be a farmers boy serve to impeach the seventeenth president of the 1 mo 6 mo 12 -ma lv at this moment what T. prr-uid and nobl* another factor, and one fraught with danger, * « « * » Shaddock pomelo and grapefruit all be- tnited States Andrew Johnson was the cul philanthropist this Doodell enner is has obtruded itself into the situation Rcmnrlu of the Family long to the same family and come originally minatiou of a struggle between the execu .:::: K ' •& We called this past Christmas Father s from China \I1 mv dTv s I ha\ < been hearing and I4>0 Prominent Wisconsin attorneys have been When fully ripened these fruits are sweet tiv e and legislative branches of the govern reidiner of people who do groo 1 b> stealth Tri- Weekly Day but it was so unusual for him to ment of the United States over the problem giving it as their opinion that the state have anything- like a day that he tried to and pleasant and full of a rich juice that is but I ha\ e ne\ er seen a nmn thus engaged invaluable for easing the thirst of fever of what came to be called reconstruct on \\hene\er I <-f>e i citizen dompr good T re supreme court would recognire as legal crowd a TV hole years enjoyment in it, and At an earH period of the Civil \\-ir he has been two weeks recovering from It patients A splendid beverage la made from alize at once tf at he has an ax to prrmd and month or 14 cents per week. marriage any agreement between the con the juice similar to lemonade and orange portions of certain insurgent states \\ bich it doesti t take me loi K to locate the ax but the seven doctors and four trained were swept cleai of the eriemv and contained trading; parties, provided the same was duly nurses say that if there are no further com punch It is said if these uses had not been w hen I tm < uri )us> enough to look for it so much appi eciated bv sailors the grape an apprti able number of adherents to the People do ill b stealth b it tliej nevei registered In other words, the elaborate plications he will probably be up and out cause of the Lruon frameworks of gove outside A^anta in time to celebrate Jul> 4 next. fruit would never have been imported But do good that w -\ Tl e mil who desire* machinery set up for the enforcement of sailors used often to refuse to embai k with ment weie set up and were recognized as to lienef t his fellow creatures makes sure lie address ol tue Wasnlnston Eureau.Jm ou£ a supplv being put aboard their Bhips such b> the authorities at Washington that he is proing1 to ha\e an audience before No 1727 S Street N W Mr John Corrlfian. a eugenlcal marriage law is thwarted at with which to quench their thirst at sea On May 2J 18bo President Johnson is getting to vi 01 k Jr staff correspondent IP cnarge the start by the so called "common law Dr Shaddock planted the first trees in the sued a proclamation Riving" the terms where Last 5 oai a man w nut irnund with a CONSilTUTJON 1« on sale »» marriage. Whether or not that form of DISTRACTING- ^est Indies and afterwards a few in I-lor b> the people of the southern states could paper askins: people t> ontrib ite to a fund ceremony is held legal its general adoption ida and they are named for this well known be lestored to then civil rights as citizens for the puipose of bu\ ing hobb\ horses and missionary of the United States It was soon seen that roller "katos for poor children who were is midesirable The "common law mar California is improving the character of the piesident was disposed to be exceedm suie to be o\erl ol d bj ^ant-t Clans Near er iwenty ninth street and Broadway riage. offers all sorts of opportunities for the fruit each season and the reputation the lenient and liberal towards the states and U e\er\bod\ sipned the paper ind chipped fruit enjoys of being a splendid digestive citizens who had been n icbellion i whit th<_^ ci Id t-pi e I loiscied up to o Coultltutlon is not responsible lor elopements seductions and at the very RECOLECT^ on account of its percentage of sub acads and Much dissatisfaction w as found w ith the the extent of fifu cents m self "VIrs Jig ce payments to out-ot-town local car best, impulsive matches destined by their ANY RIGS FOR. RENT quinine makes it in great demand president dur ns the bummei ot that \ear sers and ^ hen I signed mv n ime T made it dealers or agent*. ^ very nature to wind up in the divorce court When selecting grapefruit choose those and when congi ess reassembled in December as lai gre and flourishing is possible I j AROUND HERE — of good 11 ze and heavy weight The riper he was asked by the senate to furnish m wanted e\er\bod to know tl at m\ heart Pew enough safeguards hedge marriage the\ are the sweeter jou will find them formation as to what he had been doing to is in its i pht p]ic.e e\ en if m> nobe does GEORGIA MUST QUALIFY under the most auspicious circumstances, YOU KIM WALK OUT If > ou like them for breakfast prepare wards reconstruction His information was slope to one side Representative Gordon L>ee of the sev them tbe night before b> cutting each one unsatisfactory and things drifted on until The average oontribut 11 wab a d illar but even these few help to instill a little TO 1 in half across the middle and icmovlng the the spring- of 1SG6 a v ear after Johnson be But one inaj e^t $10 "\\ ho wns this lai ge enth congressional district, serves timely caution into the contracting parties pulp Put this in a bowl and cover with pow came piesident when a bitter controversy hearted citizen I\ei>bodv wondered He warning tbat there are various formalities Throw down these restrictions and eubsti dered sugar and a lid Set in a cool place arose between the president and congiess didn t siftn his name He just wrote Cash until morning Membeis of his cabinet began to resign be $10 "V\ h*,n I biw that ri^cr ption I thought •with which the state of Georgia must com tute the "common law marriage and we Remove all the membrane and inner 1m cause they "could not sustain the president I had, at last r m aci oss the man who does ply before she can hope to participate in have the possibilities of a situation beside Ing from the shell When readv to serve In this crisis of his political life Mr good by stealth bu h modestv mov ed me which the non eugemcal marriage would be you can return the sweetened pulp to this Johnson exhibited a want of spirit and de almost to tears I \\ ondered w itlun mj self federal appropriation lor road building, holder cision which astonished those who were fa how an> man could lot louse such a princ* 1\ miliar with his antecedents Finally charges which the congressman believes may he paradisaical sum, as 510 without wanting to \\ rite his In other words the well meaning but ill- were brought against him the gist of w lich name in red ink I felt that all mj theories available before the end of the present was that he had violated a law of congress were overthrow n mformed legislators of Wisconsin appear in FAVORITE RECIPES OF by removing Secretary of "V\ ar Stanton or But within twenty four hours e\erj.bod\ session issuing an order for his removal after the their desire for reform xto have flopped DISTINGUISHED WOMEN in town knew wl o f,a\e the $10 and was A host ot bills involving lederal aid are senate had refused to sanction his suspen too modest to sign his name It was A.l^L.1 from the frying pan into the fire They By MARIE; *,oi isi: BAKROI.I,, sion non Silversmith No =001 er had he made the nd-w pending, in committee They carry have incidentally taken the quickest way Wife of Commander Henry H Bur roll, fti the ai tides of impeachment thei e were great sacrif ce than he w nt hime and told U. S. N. many features that are conflicting But it to disgust sensible 'people with the sounder other charges against the president the most his wife and sent her out to cunf ie the se serious of which were that he had dehveied cret to a few of her fr ends Mi bilvei is likelj that before many weeks have features of eugenics Having had the experience of keeping intemperate inflammatory speeches which smith did her w ork w ell She called upon house Jn several countries I have learned to were intended to bring into contempt the her female f i lends and hatter! about one passed congressmen in favor of the general congress of the United States and duly en thing and another and then just as she was principle ot federal aid will get together, prepare a number of dishes which I find acted laws His private conduct in "Washmpr leaving she casuall> brought r the mattei A WOftLD-WIDE HEALTH PACT. helpful in giving tnat much sought change ton was carefully scrutinized Men were of the subscription paper and ml n ated that reconcile differences and place a large sum The port of Guayaquil, in Ecuador, South always so greatly aesired bj our American employed to invebtigate his public and pri she was almost -vexed at her 1 usband for at the disposal o\ the larious states housewives So Interested have I become in vate character In Tennesfeee but nothing giving $10 as he realH couldn t afiord to be America, ilf having a lesson in compulsory the subject that I have written what I style was found to his discredit so generous It is the consensus that any "legislation cleanliness and health The United States an 'Around the World Cook Boo^c The formal presentment bv the house of Within a week e\erjbod\ wis referring that may be passed will stipulate two pre has intimated to the Ecuadorian authorities In all countries one finds much the same representatives of its impeachment against to Silversmith ab a magnificent creature material fish game meats fruits and veg the president at the bar of the senate sitting whose heart was solid Rold \ l w weeks requisites to tederal aid (1) The indivld that unless the port is redeemed from its etables so after all it is the manner of as a court of impeachment, was made on the later when spring was approaching he an pestilential reputation the products of the preparing the food its seasoning and flavor oth of May 1868 The answer of the presi nounced himself a candidate for the council ual state must maintain a road building de- dent was presented on the 23d the trial from his waid and everybody rallied to his country will be denied access to the Panama The devil he said in the brand New Tear ing which gives the variety partment or a highway commission (2) the In Italj and Spain one finds a lavish use opened on Monday the 30th of March and support. That was what he had in view from As he crossed his legs in a brimstone chair closed on the 26th of Ma> following individual state must show that it appro canal A British firm has been retained to And brushed the live, coals out of his hair of garlic and olive oil while in India and the beginning 31rs Jiggers, He Is a man generally throughout the Orient much use The trial was a v ery interesting one who looks far ahead and Ia\ s his plans undertake the job The question is whether I ve just returned from the little old earth not only to the people of the United States priates a sum from its own treasury toward "Where they re celebrating the New Year a is made of curry powder, saffron and other well and he figured that $10 given anony the work will be done thoroughly or to the but to the people of other countries It was mousl> with a certaintv of his identity be birth hot spices road building This latter provision is the first instance m the history of nations ing dibcovered w ould buy more enthusiasm satisfaction of the American health officials, And I heard the colonels old and gray It is difficult for me to decide which is equitable, since the central government can of the trail of a head of tbe government than $500 spent in the usual way \nd he such as would have been the case had it Swearing off in a frightful way, absolutely my favorite recipe One how before one of the biancheb of the law mak was right He was elected b> a beastly ma \\ ith never again ever which I especially prize, and which is not be expected to extend its aid to any 1 ing power sitting as a judicial tribunal on jority and is one of the worst aldermen we been in charge of Colonel Gorg_as At any Never ag^m always attractive to m> guests is the fol charg-es preferred b> another ever had state that is too indifferent to help itself rate the old town is to have the first thor And smashed old demijohns strew ed the lowing recipe for preparing camoronea or The presiding officer was the chief jus The system whereby Georgia places con ough scrubbing and fumigation it has en plain Brazilian Shrimps tice of the supreme court balmon P Chase joyed since its founding which event took Till I said My work down here is vain, Brazilian Shrlmpa The counsel for the president consisted of vict labor on the highwajs constitutes a And I bid -v ou all good morning' Shrimps 1 pound (or 1 can) p"lace eighty five years before the landing Henrj Stanberry Benjamin R Curtis Wil JUDGE LYNCH. legal compliance with the second provision II Tomato juice 1 pint, liam S Groesbeck "VA illiam "\L Evarts and By GEORGE FITCH. 1 green pepper, Thomaa A K Nelson The senators of the of the Pilgrim fathers at Boston Author of "At Good Old Slw above mentioned Before the abolition of The exigencies that bring forced clean Oh I felt it was time I should retire 1 onion, various states were the juo The managers the lease s> stem Georgia s convicts were 1 So I signalled quick for my steeds of fire 1 tablespoonful of butter to conduct the impeachment for the house [mess to Guayaquil illustrate the manner in But ere I had entered my chariot red 2 tablespoonfuls of flour were John A Bingham George S, Eoutwell Isext to John Doe Judge Lynch Is the returning to the state treasury each year which trade and its expansion are breaking And given my flaming coursers head 1 teaspoonful of sugar James r Wilson Benjamin F Butler Thorn most famous disreputable character IR. the se\ eral hundred thousand dollars That I heard those gentlemen moaning loud— Cut the pepper and the onion in long thin as Williams, Thaddeus Stevens and John A United States He is a nativ e citizen and down international barriers and giving hu A desolate joy forsaken crowd strips and place them In the stew pan with Logan 1 cannot be charged up to Immigration either Gum is still being expended bv the state the manity under every sun a common health Alas for the trouble of New Years Day the tomato juice Let this boil about lo The result of the trial was a failure of Tudge L\nch holds court in many states And O for the jugs that we cast awa> ' the impeachment The senators who voted onlj difference being in the method it is interest For many decades ships that put minutes and then add the shrimps chief I> in the south but wherever enough Tor the rude winds scold Cream the butter and flour together and guilty were thirty five in number—being- citizens can be induced to lay aside their- expended now on road building instead of into the Ecuadorian port were compelled to \nd tis bitter cold add these to the mixture and allow the less than two thirds of the whole—against brains and civilization for a few minutea and And a ju-c 1*5 a friend to the gr&> and old nineteen Of those w ho voted against im for the purposes authorised before the abo run the gauntlet ot disease ranging from whole to boil together until it thickens and elect him His court room is the open air yellow fever on up through the milder in And when I bade them a last goodby Is smooth peachment seven were reoublicans The the prosecuting attorney a masked mob lition of the lease sj stem Several other Thej w ere clinking their glasses—on the opinion of James G Elaine in his Twenty leader and his jurj a rope The method of Sections There was no alternative unless sl\ Years in Congress is that the sober reflec ***** ascertaining the guilt or innocence of the states use their con\ icts similarly A tion of later yeais has peisuaded many who defendant Is i erv simple The defendant Is the countries doing business with Ecuador favored Impeachment that it was not justi clause in the forthcoming federal bill chose to forego their profits and steer clear To the Rear With Them hanged with the rope If he hangs down he The Independence Reporter would elim GEORGIA MEMBERS OF Sable on the charges made and that the Is guilts If he hang-s up he is Innocent should and doubtless will take cognizance of Guayaquil The sanity and courage of mate these things in 1914 president was impeached foi one series of Thus far no defendant has been found in CONTINENTAL CONGRESS misdemeanors and tried for anothei of thib tact otherwise it would put a pre Huerta whisky eugenics affinities ear- nocent—at least not until long after the ;he United States found a way out of the rings knockers deadbeats demagogues difficulty The health authorities of Amer coroner b verdict miutn on the state going back to the lease fourOushers ' booby prizes town slog-atfis Editor Constitution The Manuscript Judge Lvnch hangs a hundred or more side whiskers open letters paper napkins bj stem ica "with the backing of the. administration Division of the Library of Congress is the MEDICINE. citizens each \eir Generally he pickb out put the screws on the South American coun stage ministers obituary poetry autobiog destestable villains who dfeserve to die but •Vs to a highway commission Georgia raphies vegetable soup dancing masters, repository of a great number of official and By GEORGE: MATTHEW ADAMS. sometimes for amusement he hangs horse try with the strong hint that unless it made weather prophets flat topped derbies men private documents and papers of rare inter is inexcusably remiss and should forthwith thieves chicken thieves and negroes who safe the transaction of business for other onlv meetings revenue evangelists onion est and great value collected therein for Few of us like to tak^ Medicine for our speak disrespectfully to white people When remedy her neglect Se\eral legislatures eating bat bers addresses of welcome white safe keeping- and which will be of inesti Bodies \lso few of us like to take Medl the judge grets tired of th* rope he uses peoples it would have to relinquish what slave lecturers theatei pests stick ups and mable value for historical research in the cine that the world hands us for our A,il tcerosene and fuel have approached the issue and stopped ever of advantage accrues to the use of the slit skirts bichloride of mercur> articles future Mr Gaillard Hunt the chief of this ments And vet it is rare thit a Medicine After he has burned a poor shrieking more than a column long division informs me that he is anxious to is taken into the Physical Bodv without \ illairt civilization in that vicinity goes H Georgia is to secure trom the federal [sthmian canal ***** locate the papers of all of the members of some part of that Bod\ ha m^ to suffer down 100 degrees and remains there for a go\erament the aid to which her own initia What happened in Guayaquil is happen Good Riddance the Continental Congress from Georgia The in order that the total Bo JiH health may generation tive entitles her the oversight must be rem ing in every important nation on the globe Its no use to swing the sign Broken Library already has all the official papers gain thiough that Medicine icting upon Judge Lynch doesn t know any law and Resolutions Mended "While You Wait said of the Congress but wishes to form as full Some vital Ailment Good al \a\s comes doesn t care to He can hanj? a man without edied beveral methods have been sug and, on a smaller scale, in cities In cities the Old Philosopher for jou couldn t get a collection as possible of the personal pa from the suffering of the tew that the many [aw In this he has a distinct advantage gested the details of which can easily be dirty and careless individual is mcreas em to wait two minutes they re perfectly pers of the members may be made happj o-\er an American court which usually cant mgly estopped from menacing the health of willing to leave em in cold storage The inclosed is probably a complete list Take your Medicine w hen it is handed aang 3- man even -with the assistance of threshed out by the legislature The main ***** of the Georgia members and Dr Hunt de you twenty law books weighing six pounds his more scrupulous brethren In nations "Best World Under tbe Stnrn " desiratum is to qualify, and qualify quickly. stres^informatton that will help him to lo A JSation ig held top thor b\ the conV apieco Vfter Judge L> nch has looked on cities that form common meeting ground for Though a fall from the New Year wagon cate papers written by these Georgia con sciousness in everj Citi/ci that whatsoever while a prosecuting, attorney has spent fl\e Aside trom getting in line for the state s Your resolution jars gressmen and perhaps still in possession of is done for the General ( oud is done for or si's, \e-iis triing'to get a rapist or mur citizens of many countries ar^e compelled to Am t it a world to brag on" living descendants him And if the Citizen is bi0 enough to dered into thp penitentiary and has failed shaie trom the government, a duly cons,ti clean up or get off the commercial map ' The best one under the stars The information desired co-vers a very in lecognize this fact as true he is a Good Clt right alcins because the color of the wbis tuted lughwaj commisison would comprise The development is among the healthiest teiestin^ period in the historv of Georgia izen and a credit to hU <- ountry /Kvery kers of tl e man who made the paper on Though still we re a hundred miles fiom therefore I take the liberty of requesting w ealth— business organization i& held together by which the indictment was written i^ uncon a splendid stimulus to highway building in signs of the times In view of its preva The Constitution to give the matter state stitutional he- smiles a contemptuous am fie Not speeding In auto cars this principle Manv an employee lias to Geoi gia lence we see vaguely foreshadowed the wide publicity Very respectfully take Medicine intended for another in order and does the job in an hour "We left a glass to the old worlds health CHARLES W HUBNER. If Judge Lvnch had more competition he day when countries as well as cities and Best world linder the stars that the entire organization may be kt,,>t ***** List of memltert of the Continental Congress Intact and efficient •wouldu t have so much business If men individuals will no longer be permitted to Sermon on "Spirit* " from Georgia, 1774-1780 Take > our Medicine w hen It Is handed were punished for their crimes in this in ONE LAW FOR ALL. endanger the health of those who associate Tiduble about what is called the .New Abraham Baldwin, 1735 1788 Nathan to you « with them With that day there will be Year Spirit savs the Experienced One is Brownson 3776 1778 Archibald Bullock There ib no idea greater thari that we Governor Slaton is to be commended for th it too mucr- of it comes out of the gallon 1776-1776 Joseph Cla> 1778 1780 "William are all a part of the Brotherhood of che continuing the precedent fixed by Governor ushered in a health pact wide as the world jug and while that kind lifts you up it Few 1^80 1782 178o 17S8 William Gibbons World 2ind that the greatest principle ever never fails Jo let >ou fall with the ancient 1784 17S(» 1776 1777 Ly it culcated into life is the G Iden Rule "What Brown to tne eftect tnat there should be one dull thud man Hall 177a 1779 John Houstoun 1775- vju are is the result of whit others have pardon law, for rich man and poor man. They say Huerta IB an Indian, and if the * * a * * 1777 William Houstoun 1784 1787 Richard. Given and Taken This princ pie works out Better Hide Out « Howly 1780 1781 Noble \Vimfaerly Jones as soundly for you as an Indiwdual as fo- Governor Slaton s most recent enunciation rebels lateep pressing him he 11 soon be a Advice of Brer "Williams—who is some 1775 1776 17S1 1783 Edward Lang-worthy the Race good one what of a weather prophet 1777 1779 William Pierce 1786 1787, Samuel Take your Medicine when it Is handed ot this principle was with reference to an Stlrk, 1781 1777 1779, 1780- to you appeal for pardon coming up from Bibb You better stay off dar Miss Spring 1783 1*76-1779 1780 1781 A literary magazine announces that An larn ter know yo place John Walton 1778 1779 Joseph Wood 1777 Old Mother Hubbard. county 4. man aged 70 years had killed Br f r \\ inter des a waitin 1779 John J Zubl> 1775-1776 many American authors are touring Europe Tcr slap yo rosy face (From The Indianapolis News) his wife -while intoxicated He has served They have to get the foreign stamp on them A iare disco\er> has been made m the two years of a life sentence, prescribed as A Mute War Witness. ealm of literature—nothing less than the before they look like literature to us Chinese Soldiers Good Fighters minor of Old Mother Hubbard, whose clemency by the jury In place of capital Fifty years ago a federal recruiting off! ines unprotected by copyright, were ap- (From The National Review Ch na.) cer in Kennebec Me persuaded men who Till within the last fwo years or so propriated b> successive editors of Mother punishment His application for pardon Though he has the reins of government were working in the fields to enlist in the ose without the least bit of a thank was generally signed the Mexican president isn't driving all be the general impression was that the Chinese civil war and one of them placed his scythe soldier w as intended to run away The In the crotch of a tree when leaving -^The There have been tunes in Georgia when fore him. revolution of 1911 dissipated some of this The discovery of the name of the au- scythe remained there, and although the or was made bj a clei gj man of the Church conclusive evidence of a man's "pull" would absurdity The events of the present 3 ear wooden handle has rotted away the blade have dispersed the remainder It is now England the present vicar of Tealmptou, "The prosecuting attorney" have weighed powerfully m his changes tor remains imbedded In the tree trunk, which Count> Devon who has given trie news The film men are in hard lines trying to recognized tbat th«re is no finer material s now twenty inches in diameter a pardon Such arguments have no influ- than that which could be selected from ui his happy findings to the press He ordmately free country he would soon be "snap" the Mexican generals who are compelled to sell out below cost and go to ence with Governor Slaton. He states can- breaking the speed limit to the border among the sturdier of China's sons Nor is says that the author was Sarah Catherine there any province lacking Nothing is Sufficient Excuse. Martin who wrote the imperishable rhynae Mexico or Central Africa But as long as didly thai" he recognizes this man's "popu- wanted but training arms of precision good •ore than a hundred years ago and that the techmcalitj. can bob up serenelj In everv leading and a good cause With these China (From Judge) [other Hubbard herself was housekeeper trial and keep justice waiting like a freight larity ' But be says too, that the jurys After Brother Bryan's prayer for peace could well hold its own The Improvements How did she happen! to turn her ankle** that have been made during recent years > the square of \ealinpton The pronuncia- tram with a dead engine on a side track act lt^ commuting the sentence^ to life they should invite Huerta to the mourner's Jn such things can be appreciated only by Oh her ankle waa well turnedr and :on of this name is not given but taking- reckless people will continue to speak with t--jujpnsonment was m itself sufficient those who know what the old troops from there was a handsome /young doctor stop- le hungry dog of the poem into account, scorn of the ordinary judge and patroujz* bench and swat him when he gets there. the Bannermen downward, were like ping at the same hoieL| ne may guess it o'ff as yelp too. the old scoundrel.

\ 1FWSP4P&R! EHE SALARY INCREASES MUZZtESTOBEPlACED, No Fence-Hides LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT SttDON INJUNCTIONS I ON U.S. ARMY OFFICERS . On Pryor Strew: Side Now FOR CHARLES W. MORSE ARE DECLARED LEGAL CONSISTED CHU TECHNICALLY DEAD | "They Will Not Be Allowed to Not Likely Congress Will Or- Superior Court Judge *>f Chat- Delicious "Fruit Laxativef Mayor Woodward Holds Discuss Publicly "De- der a Probe of Financier's ham Hold* Saloons Can Be Can't Harm Stomach, Conviction. doted as Nuisances. Liver and Bowels* Aldermanic Action in Case batable" Matters. By John Corrlgwn. Jr. Savannah, Ga,, January 8.-—(Special.) Every mother* realizes, after glvi of Turner-and Malone Was Washington, January 8.—Officers of Judge Charlton, of the. Chatham su- her children "California Syrup the United States army in future will Washington, January 8.—y the aldermanic board, are "tech- not undertake such an attempt, nor •proper, according to Judge Charlton, undigested food passes out of the ' writer in the employ of the infantry ror citizens to proceed against near bowels, and you have a well, playful nically illegal" la the point Mayor isoclation. will he represent Mr. Morse as counsel beer saloons and close them by In- child again. When its little system Woodward has raised in hia refusal to Demit With Mexico. in any damage suit cases h* is re- junctions, alleging they are nuisances. is full of cold, throat sore, has stom- ported to have under advisement. ach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic sign the aldermanic board papers. Some of the matter referred to ia —remember, a good "inside cleaning" Mayor Woodward's" attitude is that said to have dealt directly with the Sentence Too Severe, S»y» Htttdteocfc. should always be the first treatment there was no special call by him for Mexican situation, though, much of it Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, to- ROADS MUST PROVIDE was made ot interviews with officers day indicated that he thought Mr. Millions of mothers keep "Califor- the meeting of the 1913 aldermanic INDIVIDUAL DRiNK CUPS nip. Syrup of Figs' h3nd> , they know board. He cites the city code in sub- _„ the movement for a larger army Morse was treated with un necessary- and certain reforms in organization— a teaspoonful today saves a sick child stantiation of his contention, explain- severity, and that his sentence was out Harrisburg. Fa., January S.—Rail- tomorrow. Ask vour druggist for ft ing also that the Jaw requires the board the objects of the infantry associa- of proportion to the moral obloquy road companies engaged in passenger 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup pf tion. involved in the offense. He had no traffic In this state by an order is- Figs," which has directions for babies. of aldermen to meet on the Thursday In his memorandum to General sued by the public service commission children of all apes a.nd grown-upa following the meeting of the general purpose to ipose as a champion of the Wood, Secretary Garrison said: former hanker in the senate, how- tonight are required to provide indi- printed on the bottle Beware or council. City Attorney James I*. May- 'Please look into the case suffi- vidual* sanitary drinking cups. The counterfeits sold here, so don't be fool- ever. order also requires that water and ed. Get the genuine, made by "Cali- son's opinion differs with, the mayor. ciently to ascertain whether officers Senator Hoke Smith, who was asso- cups shall be provided In stations. fornia Fig: Syrup Company." Ho says that there Is a special charter of the army are furnishing matter to ciated with counsel for Mr. Morse provision which, calls the aldermanic the newspapers concerning questions when the latter waa seeking to secure board to' meet immediately after the of policy under discussion between the department and congress, or any other a pardon, will take no part in the recess of council at its final meeting. matters not strictly within the Una present effort to have a congressional The city attorney says that the su- of duty of such officers. probe. i preme court has decided the very ques- *'I feel that the best interests of the If it could be shoWn by Mr. Morse country and of the army would he that there was any misconduct on part tion raised by Mayor "Woodward. He, served if officers would not Indulge in of government officials and judicial states that a decision of the court holds public debate or discussion, or in any officers, and that he waa made a vic- that no special call for an aldermanic sort of a public propaganda, -with re- tim while similar offenses by other board meeting i» necessary. spect to army matters of a debatable bankers were winked at. there would AIn»t Show Mayor. nature. undoubtedly be a resolution of inquiry "I would like to suggest the formu- introduced in the senate or house. .Mayor Woodward had not signed the lation of some regulation which will Mor«e*« Opinion ot Sentence. aldcrmanic board, paper late Thuisday advise officers of the proper attitude Mr. Morse's own opinion of his sen- afternoon, and he intimated that he I think they should assume toward tence was expressed in these words •will not- this matter/' as he -was about to enter the peniten- "I will have to be shown that there General TVood'a Reply. tiary in January, 1910: is a lunoan, an Amer- for this vear wero announced by the reference to discussion of matters per- new administration today. $950 have been approved by Mayor "Wood- taining to the service or publication statement of its inabilty to pay drafts ican dancer, and their governess, all ward before the old aldermanic board for approximately $500.000, held by of whom were drowned, today was sen- John S. Walker succeeds Jerome of articles concerning the same." the bank. The statement issued this Cra-wley as city attorney. The -street adjourned sine die. I am informed morning: was as follows: tenced to six montns' imprisonment that the papers did not go to him until "At the close of business yesterday and to pay a fine of }40. Miss Duncan work is placed in charge df John L. after the board had passed out of ex- GOVERNOR WILL ADDRESS we disoo^ered that an unuausl num- interceded in behalf of Morverand and Youmans, the office of city engineer The Overland is racy and dignified. istence." ber of depositors had withdrawn their sentence was suspended. a -.olished, John Beation made engineer ATHENS FARM STUDENTS accounts in full. Following this, ru- at the waterworks vice T. H. Finn vlt looks like the thoroughbred that it is in every hue. Precedents Cited* mors that the affairs of the bank were and a park and tree commission Judge Candler explained that it has Athens, Ga.., January 8.—(Special.)— n bad condition began to be circu- WILSON IS PRAISED elected as follows: H. Lester Marvel, On the road jt proves its wqrth. Watch the man who drives been the custom of former councils to Governor John M. Slaton has accepted .ated. Realizing; that these rumors Andrew B. Estes, C. H. Redding, R. L. one. See how he fairly pats the 'sides ot his car as he would the hold their final meeting on the day an invitation from Dr. A. M. Soule, .wobabJy would result in a run on the BY SECRETARY BRYAN Single-ton and Allen James. To succeed president' of the State College of Agri- »ank if it opened for business today, J. A. Tomberlln as a memtoer of the Hanks of a favorite racer. Men grow affectionate over their set for it by the city code and instead we decided to close its doors. We have sinking fund commission J. B. T. of adjourning when all businebs ia culture, to speak to the students of Chicago, January S.—Secretary of Bowden was elected. Only two sala- Overlands. No other inanimate object so grips the outdoor man that institution on Saturday morning, notified the comptroller1 of the currency transacted it has been the practice to the 10th. There are 300 extra students ind now are awaitng his directions. State Bryan, in an address tonight to ries were given boosts. The city re- as does this new motor car, The Overland 1914 model 79. take a recess until later in the evening here for the short courses, in addi- Withdrawals of accounts by depositors (Jie Chicago real estate board, praised tains its treasurer as a salary of one to hear the annual message of the tion to the regulars, and they are an- ?robably resulted from 'the fact that President Wilson as the leader and dollar per year, giving Waycross the :he bank held large drafts on Crow, inspirer of legislation for the common distinction of retaining the lowest mayor. . In the interim between the ticipating the visit of the governor good. salaried officer in the country. time of declaring a recesa and the ad- of the state with great pleasure. Rudolph & Co., of Liverpool, and that "We have a progressive president, Overland Southern Automobile 1 * Dr. Bradford Knapp, of Washington, this firm had issued advices that it journed session, it has been the custom head of the extension work of the could not pay these drafts. The bank, and no obstruction to immediate leg- for the aldermanic board to meet. It agricultural department of the govern- lowever, was making what we had slation remains except the ancient Company has alao been the custom for the mayor ment, and Dr. Butterick, president of jvery reason to bejfeve and still be- rules of the senate which permits the See "The Blindness of to meet with the aldermanic board and the general educational board, New " ieve wduld be adequate provision -to active minority to extend debate- al- York, are both to- be here for a visit protect these drafts, but the circum- most indefinitely," said Mr. Bryan. Virtue" tonight. No sug-» 232 PEACHTREE STREET take up such d-Idermanic papers as- next week to the State College of stances mentioned preciptated matters "President Wilson/* he. said, "follows were passed upon- In the event the Agriculture. so that the measures we have taken 11 s conscience, and is in sympathy gestive nor improper lines to mayor vetoed a paper the board would could not be made effectual in time." with the masses, thus combining the still be in session and could appoint a There was no excitement here over two necessary qualities of a leader." cause a blush. conference committee to adjust, if pos- the failure of the First National to LYNCH QUITS AS CHIEF open this morning. Other local banks sible, any matter not meeting hia ap- were i Tentacola, Fla., to look into the Oue provided for increasing the sal- graphical union, and was succeeded fuYairs of the First National bank of by James M Duncan, of New York city, Pensacola, which, failed to open its ary of Cit1 y Electrician Turner from doors today. No detailed information $1,800 to $2,400 per annum. The oth- first vice president. Mr. Lynch has as to the cause of cessation of busi- Attend Cloud-Stanford's Clothing er provided for an increase of $300 a been head of the typographical union year in the aalary of John. Malone, one since 1900. He was guest of honor ness by the bank has reached the of the city tax assessors. Another at a farewell banquet tonight, tender- treasury department. The last repjit paper provided for an increase in the ed by international officers and mem- on the condition of the bank sho *ved salary of Stockade Superintendent Lan- bers of the Indianapolis Typographical .ts capital at $500,000; deposits $1,34),- ford from ?1,SOO to 52,000 a. year. 782; given assets $2,951,SOO. iSale Today—a Real Sensation V. H. DAVIS INDICTED FOR MURDER OF WIFE Brunswick, Ga., January 8.—(Spe- cial.)—V. H. Davis, who has been in All Goods on Main Floor of the Glynn county jail for the last Atlanta's best selection of Finest month charged with the niurder of his wife, has been indicted by the grand jury-and he will be tried during the present session of the Glynn superior Our Art Department on Sale court. It is understood that some strong circumstantial evidence was presented to the grand jury in the in- Overcoats and Suits vestigation of the case. This Month at Half Price. The wife of Davis was found near :his city on November 14, her body laving been secreted in a bunch of high This pre-inventory sale provides a great opportunity to grass about fifty yards from the tracks of the A., B. & A. railroad. She was get card prizes, wedding presents and decorations for your last seen at her home near Nichols 011 home at prices much Jess than cost. * October 22, leaving on that date for Brunswick. After investigation by the This sale includes Fine China, Glassware, Silver Deposit. coroner's jury warrants were sworn Chafing Dishes, Percolators, Brass Goods, Bronzes and out for both Davis and his brother. Wonderfully Reduced The husband was arrested the follow- ing day and placed in jail, but the of- Marble Pieces, Electroliers, Carved Ivory, Bric-a-Brac, etc. "icers have never been able to locate his brother. Mrs. Davis was sueing Here are a few specific values to whkn -we direct your her husband in the local courts for al- special attention: imony, and this is believed to have Large Bronze Figure, "Commerce." A copy of a Paris Salon started the trouble which caused the prize-winner, 34 inches high, 15^-inch base, was $100, now $50. murder. Fine, large Carara marble figure, "trie," 30 inches high, was $175, now $37.50. MRS. PROCTOR REFUSES Just Note the Prices Large Bronze figure, "Labor." Another copy of a Paris Salon TO ACCEPT $7,5OO prize-winner; 32 inches high, was $100, now $50. Washington. January 8.—The fact Large Bronze Electrolier figure of "Inspiration," 58 inches high, that Mrs. Redfleld Proctor, wife of the with 20-inch bronze shade; has 6 lights; was $75, now $37.50. late senator from Vermont, has con- All $2O.OO Overcoats and Suits Now . . $12.45 sistently refused to accept ?7.500 ever Bronze figure, "Enfant Vlctorieux," 30 inches high; was $50, since It was voted her by the senate now $25. shortly after the death of her husband. March 4. 1908. came to light here today. Genuine Bronze "Mercury," 33 inches high; was $50, now $25. It is said to be practically the first time on record where a citizen has re- All $22.5O Overcoats and Suits Now . . $14-45 Bronze "Cupid," 16 inches high; was $25, now $12.50. fused to accept the government 3 Castilina marble "Napoleon," 24 inches high; was $50, now $25. money. Since 1908 the money has re- mained in the treasury department as Large CastiliMa marble bust of Napoleon, very slightly dam- an unexpended balance, and all ef- forts to get Mrs. Proctor to accept aged; was $75, now $25. it have been futile. It Is an invariable All $25.OO Overcoats and Suits Now . . $16.45 A fine collection of genuine Vienna Bronzes in classical subjects, custom of the senate upon the death from $5 to $85, less 50 per cent discount. of one of its members to vote the sen- ator's yearly salary to his widow. Electric Lamps which were from $15 to $35, now $7.50 to $15. Mrs. Proctor was very wealthy in her own right, and has steadfastly declined We have three beautiful Crystal and Gold Lamps witfi cut crys- to accept the money, in spite of urgent All $30.OO Overcoats and Suits Now . . $18.45 tal shades; farmer prices $30, $60 and $100; now $15, $25 and $50. appeals from the treasury officials, who wished to avoid confusion in A fine Japanese Uncut Velvet Screen, four folds, 66 inches high; their books. The widows of many former price $100, no* $37.50. wealthy senators, it is said, have ac- A Vernis-Martin Cabinet 72 inches high; was $50, now $25. cepted pensions without hesitancy. All $35.OO Overcoats and Suits Now . . $21.75 A Gold Cabinet, 54 Inches high; was $100, now $50. 'POSSUM DELAYED WORK A Gold Cabinet, 54 inches high; was $62.50, now $31.25. ON THE PANAMA CANAL A Mahogany Cabinet, Chippendale style, 54 inches high; was $52, now $26. Washington, January S.—The story All $4O.OO Overcoats and Suits Now . . $24-75 of how an 'possum seriously delayed Beautiful Vienna Vases and. Plates, with exquisite decorations, work on the Panama canal JS beins ranging from $10 to $160, less 50 per cent. tald by Lieutenant Colonel Chester Harding', of the army, now engineer Goods sold at half-price or less will not be taken back or commissioner of the District of Co- lumbia. Colonel Harding saw more All $5O, $55 and $6O Overcoats .... $33.5O exchanged. Nothing reserved except Hall Clocks and the than five years' service on the isth- P open stock catalogue numbers. According to Colonel Harding, the You are cordially invited to inspect the various lines, •possum crawled intc* a tunnel on the so-called automatic railway, and there- whether you have a definite purchase in mind or not. by completed the circuit between the two rails. It was a lose time before Write for 1914 illustrated catalogue. the trouble could be located, and, in the meantime, the railway was out of commission. Finally after consider- able delay the carcass -was discovered Cloud-Stanford Co. MAIER & BERKELE, Inc. and operation of the railroad resumed. I Art Importers, Jewelers, Every girl of 15 or more 61 Peachtree Established 1887, 31-33 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. should see "The Blindness of Virtue." No lines vto • \ ' ~±_J cause a blush. -' IN £>V SPA PERI CNSTITUTION, ATLANTA, JANUARY

of th« National D. A. H.'»; Mrs. John 'A. Perdue,' rodent of 'tb« chapter: Mrs.. Managers of Haverty Former Atlanta Girl S. .(X Dinkirn, Mrs. Wiliam H. Klser, 3ffrs. Harvie ' Jordan; alternates, Mrv. MRS. IDA BELLI Stores See Prosperity Lauded as Hetoine in William Worth. 'Martin, Mrs., TV. a Teates, Mrs. 'Allison Green, Mrs. Henry Collier. Mrs. J. ,W. McArthur, Mrs. TV. - ; ,; In Plenty for South New Orleans Runaway D. White and Miss Marian Perdue. KATMA TQTHEJMED STATES The iXew Orleans Times-Oemocrat A pleasant"evening and a Ions stride WINBURN-BRIDGERS. toward .closer organization of the com- has the following^ ,-eport ot * ^f~ j thrilling runa-svay. .accident in ^ i Gainesville, Ga.. January S.—(Spe- Widow of Late C. W pany was the result of-the entertain- Greece Sends Son of American t ment tendered at his home Thursday illss Dorothy Hebert, formerly or -•"•• cial.)—The wedding of Miss Aline Win- lanta, but now ot New Orleans, maae burtt and Rev. Luther Burgess Brids- «rath— Was Widely night by J. J. Haverty, president of Citizen Who Discovered the Haverty Furniture company, to a thrilling eicape: . „, ers, of Portsmouth, Va., which occurred Woman and Site of Old Troy. "Miss Xiorothy Hebert. daughter oi Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the managers of the company's ten the First Methodist church was a stores, who are now gathered ia At- Paul O. Hebert. had a tlirillins. e»» r rieiice on Wednesday mornins. a°°u^" beautiful event of this week. Mrs. Ida Bellingrrath. for thiHy-five lanta, .for .their annual meeting. Vienna, Austria, January S.—Aga- 1 ner ro ' ,'The ceremony -was performed by IDr. The Haverty Furniture company's, o'clock. when returning to tswr'V^ g ,.- Papoi Clear T. R. Kendall, pastor of the First years a resident _ of Atlanta. s^nd a memnon jSchliemann, who represented in Peters avenue and Coliseum r~,,,, meeting began Thursday and will last Larissa, iii the,Greek chamber of depu- Methodist church, the ring ceremony t member of the Tabernacle Baptist from the reception given by Mrs. J on,; bein-—g used. [church, died at her home, 455 Litckie until Saturday. This annual meeting ties was appointed Greek minister to A. Morris. She escaped uns.cathS~_aS,, = is for the purpose of an exchange of Washington to succeed I* A. Coromilas. her friends are congratulating "i?J™t French Drama's New Note of'fij. barn£e ^^^"^nb^nf^a' f^^™? ^ternoon. She ^as ideas,, a, review of the year's business according to a telegram from Athens. her bravery during a trying moineni ma and a discussion of the plans for the "As her carriage iv^s being Vnt< £££"£ we as %5SSl "nSifm Surviving MVs. Bellingratu are Jour year. • Agamemnon Schllemann, newly ap- in St. Charles avenue, it was run '">•, and beauty. She is a graduate of' daughters, Mrs; Harry Price, of Berke- pointed minister of Greece to the by an unknown automoDiie, " ™h President Haverty says that all the United States, is 39 years old. Twelve japred the driver from his seat. £?" ' • Henri Bernstein, as .the exponent of and Donnay' had known and practiced 'Brenau college-conservatory, in the Hey, CaL; Mrs. James. Awtry, Jtfrs. J. H. w Stores during the last year have had a years ago, soon after his marriage, he automobile continued on its ^\_ ^ the new note -in the French arama, this the utmost*- niceties of the ., • Frencb, piano and organ and she holds a voice i I^atimer, Jr.. and. Mrs. James S. Har- oh tongue. Bernstein . is 'crude in thiB diploma from Shorter college.. She - Is ] rison,, of Atlanta; one son, Cbarles I*. very pleasing business and that the spent a year in the United States. He horses became frightened and a?J""-J new- note the -bringing of the commoner a. member of the choir of the First • Bellincrath. of Atlanta. speaks English almost as well as he up the avenue at break-neck =Rgf" use or it, shocking In .his effects wtth year .of 1914 bids fair to toe even more speaks Greek and is familiar with for the first time to the fore, 'was the Methodist church. In token of their 1 Mrs. Beltingrath was formerly of prosperous. The same opinion Is ex- then turned into a side street. r£t-', appreciation, the women of the First (Montgomery. Her husband, C. W, Bel- the problems that confront his coun- Hebert, sitting there alone. e^Pf^i^ theme of M. Benedict Papot's lecture Some of his greatest .successes, The pressed by his managers. trymen in America. He received his Tiler,," "Samson,," "The Atrtack" and Methodist church presented the bride i ling-rath, previous to bis death was the every moment to be hurled ™HK?' .yesterday in Cable hall, this the fourth with, a chest of silver. senior partner in the hardware-firm of The stores and their managers are education In Germany and France. His death. She saw that the only "«".'« now ""The Secret." -have been played as follows; wife, the daughter of a Danish mer- to do was to stop the frantic animal- in his series under the auspices of the on the American stage with success, Mr. Bridgers, who is an evangelist * Hunnicutt & Bellinsrath, which was Main. Atlanta store, .Clarence Hav- and M. Papot spoke with special en- of wide reputation. Is a native of located at Peachtree and Walton chant, but a native of Athens, is con- and to do this she had to cumj Drama Jeaerue. Portsmouth, Va. As a man, as well , streets. erty; Decatur street store, Atlanta, W. sidered one of the most beautiful wo- through the front window, and gj }> thusiasm of "The Attack,'; .which -he , . J. Renan; Marietta. Ga., store. W. J. V The dramatists he had dealt with described 'as breaking -every canon of as_ a_ minister. . ..., he- iis 'popupular in Gaines- •Mrs. BellingrratZi has many friends men in Greece. She is a social leader the driver's seat, while the ?"S" •heretofore had dramatized the thought, vtlle. Mr. and Mrs. Bridgers left on 1 . the city whoo aree deepldei—'—y grieve—' — d-"" a-~t Fearce; main Savannah store, 'S. ,B. and was prominent in work organized was madly careening up the street. »ni art -Ironi-tnp- structural standpoint, but Rustin; second Savannah store. E. E. by the women of Greece during the rKe< the feciin^ of their characters. . holds the. interest "and 'is » great play. the afternoon train for Virginia to I he_ r• death andd feel that hers is a pr Anally reached one rein, and J« V.?°' visit relatives and friends. that cannot be filled. The funeral •Matox; Charleston store, IX R. Rus- Balkan war. horses up on the sidewalk, wnece tne. Bernstein dramatizes character itself. He read mortf from the drama in his have not yet been an- tin; main Memphis store, A. D. Paton; •The new minister is one of the He chooses for his subjects lowly pe'o- lecture yesterday than on any .previous .second Memphis store, David Lee; younger Greeks chosen for the re- came to a.- halt. . occasion, and perhaps it would be flat- "The occupants of another carrlEae j)le, but ipeople of action, M. Papot ex- Dallas, Texas, store, B. T, Stanford; generation of Greek politics. Although following that of Miss Hebert, wit iplained, and he. brings more of democ- tering for the lecturer to know that LIEUT. STROTHER WEDS Houstotfi, Texas, store, R. D. Macon. this is his first diplomatic mission, he the general comment afterwards indi- The general offices of the company has ta'ken a prominent part in affairs nessed the collision and the runawaj racy on the French stage than i.t had cated thait the audience preferred those MISS MARJORIE BROWNE SIMS IS FINED $300. are in Atlanta and* the business of all of his country. A large part of his and started in pursuit, comins up l' ever known 'before. • .lectures which embodied more Papot the stores is directed from, this office. wealth consists of lands in Thessaly. Miss Heberfs carriage Just as she n«' And Bernstein's chief fault,, it was and Papot.. Philosophy* and less 'drama. J. J. Haverty Is president of the com- His father. Dr. Heinrich Schleimann, Buccesded in stopping ' her norses not surprisins in consequence to heheara . ,. The . usual appreciative audl«nc» was Columbus, Ga., January 8.—Lieuten- Former East Point City Clerk pany. His son, Clarence, is vice presi- the great archaeologist, namod him They found the young woman cool anc Is his language. Brieu^, . Hervleux present. ant Weyman Strother, of the, battle- dent and general manager. E. E. Dun- after the ancient Greek chieftain whose collected,- notwithstanding ner e^crt ship Texas and a cousin of United Asks Mercy. away 5s assistant manager of the At- tomb he uncovered at Mycenea, ing'exeprience and took her In tne» States Senator Bacon, was married here lanta store. Dr. Schliemann was born in Ger- carriage back to the scene of the coi tonight to Miss Marjorie Browne. many in 1822 and was the sou of a lision. where the unconscious drive her home on Juniper street in compli- The couple left tonight for Newport was 'found., lying where he haa peei To Mrs. Kilpatrick. ment to Mrs. Edward Hovey, of Spar- Making a plea through Attorney J. poor Lutheran pastor. After a quar- hurled when the automobile ran int< In compliment to Mrs. Ringlandtanhurg. S. C., the guest, of Mrs. -W. News. Va. "W. Humphries, J. R. Sims, the former ter of a century of struggle during 1 REWARDS OF $1SO EACH which he was a grocer's apprentice, a them. He was taken in the carriage i Fisher Kilpatrick, of New Tork, who H. Smith, and for Mrs. Joseph Hall, of r «lty clerlf at East Point, received the the Toui'O infirmary, where his mju is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. G. Baltimore, who is visiting her parents, cabin boy on an ocean vessel, a book- Oglcsby, .Mrs. John E.- Murphy gaVe Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Winkle: The i leniency of the superior court before 'OFFERED FOR NEGROES keeper and a clerk, he made a for- ries were dressed. He was not sen a beautiful luncheon yesterday at her guests included a group of old friends ! Judge Ben Hill on Thursday and was tune as a military contractor during ously hurt. , of the honor guests, who formerly lived MEETINGS let off with a tw'elve months* sentence Rewards of $150 In each case were the Crimean war. "Neither Miss Hebert nor the friena offered by the governor yesterday for During his travels in 1850 he spent who cn.me to Her rescue, noted tlv On * .Wednesday Mrs. Edward KL in. Atlanta. • • to the chaingang, with the alternative number of the automobile wni CJ Barnes save a matinee party, fol- of a |300 fine. Relatives paid the fine the arrest of Joe and Henry Mackey, some time in California and ho be- later in the day. two. negroes who are wanted in Wayne came and remained through life an caused tho accident, but they do tumi lowed by tea a't the Capital City cltzfe. The monthly meeting of the Women's county- on a serious charge. Joe is the least the joyriders could have don' Dunson-Willingnam. Relief corps will be neld at the home It was stated to the court that at the American citizen. He turned his at- Mr. and Mrs. Walker Dunsou have time Sims' shortage was discovered his alleged to have attempted an assault tention in 1868 to the Homeric cities would have been to st<^p . and ofie of Mrs. James O'Donnell, Xo. 92 East some assistance." To Colr and Mrs. Lawion. issued invitations to the marriage of Ellis street, Friday afternoon at 3 wife was ill, aJid that there were other on an aged white woman. , When the and began investigations in Asia .Minor, Mr and Mrs. Frank S. Ellis will their daughter; Jane Edith, to Mr. Wil- o'clock, January 9. extenuating circumstances in the case sheriff f went with deputies to arrest which resulted in the discovery of the liam Baynard Willingham, Jr., Thurs- which might have caused the East him, he took refuge in tl« house of his site of ancient Troy. .Later he laid entertain at luncheon Saturday' in com- Point official to\ overstep legal lines. father. Henry Mackey, and the two bare the remains of Mycenae, estab- pliment to Colonel and Mrs. Alexander day, January 22, at 8:30 o'clock, at the " Atlanta chapter. No. 57, Order of COLUMBUS BUSINESS MEN Law-ton.' of Savannah, the guests of Secpnd .Baptist .church. A consent verdict was taken ift the men opened fire on the officers, lish ing- himself as one of the leading A reception at the home of the bride's Eastern Star, will hold its regular case, and Judge Hill then imposed the wounding one of them. The negroes archaeologists in the world. ORGANIZE ROTARY CLUB Mr. and Mrs. John IX Little. parents in Analey Park will follow meeting Friday evening, January -j, fine. succeeded in getting away and in Dr. Schellmann married Sophie the ceremony; 1914, at 7:30 o'clock, at Masonic Tem- making their escape from the county Costromenes, the daughter of a 'well- le. All ofncers-elect are requested to next day, which was December 28, they known Greek banker, who at one time Columbus, ^ia., January R.—(Special.] To Recent Brides. Ee present for installation. Visiting shot and seriousli' wounded Glover was the largest individual sharehold- A rotary club was formed at a meet- Twentv young women *cere the, New Chapter O. E. S. members are always cordially Invited. SAYS JEWS WILL BE Manning:, the watchman on the Alta- er in the Pennsylvania railroad. Mrs. ing of prominent business arid : pro- guests. of Mrs. Forrest Adair, Jre, at Tuesday evening Mrs. Hose M. Ash- maha river bridge of the Seaboard Air Schliemann, who survived her husband, lessional men here tonight and begins luncaeon'at the Piedmont Driving club by, worthy grand matron, O. E. S. of The Georgia L.lbby circle, of King's SALVATION OF WORLD Line railway. is one of the leading women of Greece. life -with a representative membership- yesterday, the occasion 3 beautiful ex- Georgia, instituted a new Eastern Star Daughters and Song will hold a busi- On the request of the sheriff, D. S. Her learning was of great value to Dr. J. E. Humes is temporary chairman, pression of hospitality and a compli- chapter under the name of East Atlanta ness meeting ort Friday afternoon. That the Jew'lsh race will eventu- Price, and the solicitor, J. D. Thomas, Schliemann in his archaeological work and Clarence M. Davis, temporary sec- ment to Mrs. Harrison Jones, Mrs. Chapter U. D., in. East Atlanta. There January ' 9, at 48 Carnegie way. As the governor issued a proclamation of- and her position at Athens has aided retary. Ruefccr McCarty, Mrs. 302 ton Dargraa, ally prove the salvation of the world were fifty-four persons eligible to this Is the flret meeting of the year, to Christianity, when at the second fering the rewards. the career of their only son, the new- -Jr.. and Mrs. Marion Smith. membership who presented themselves therefore, an important one, all active y appointed, minister. The centerpiece "was a square silver for charter membership in this chap- members are urged ti> be present. coming of Christ'they accept Him with E. T. POUND TO EDIT mirror on which rested 'a carved ivory ter. Mrs. Lessie McWilliams was elect- open arms and then join with the rest HEAR CLEMENCY PLEA urn of pink and lavender sweetpeas ed worthy matron; Mr. Carl Owens, The regular monthly meeting of the of the Christians in bringing about the CORDELE DISPATCH showered with valley lilies, the mirror worthy patron; Mrs. Grance Fincher, mMlenniu-m, was the belief expressed Alpinist Almost Frozen. wreathed with smilax. Parent-Teacher association of the last night by Dr. W. R. Dobyns, of St. OF 2 MURDERERS TODAY Geneva,, -Switzerland, January S.— associate matron; MisS Gertrude Ow- North Avenue school will be held Fri- Cortiele. Ga., January S.— (Spscial.) At intervals were small French bas- ens, secretary, atid Miss Lucile Minor, day, January 9, at 3:30 o'clock. Joseph, Mo., who spoke in the revival Five English Alpinists, including a kets of sweetpeas and Dresden shaded treasurer; Mrs. Lydia Boatenretter, series of the North Avenue Presbyte- Clemency applications in two mur- girl and a boy, were .found today al- J. I-:. Pound, who for the past fivt candlesticks, and every detail was har- conductress, and Mrs. Loftis, associate rian church on the theme, "Shining or dc.- ci*.«es will be heard by the prison most frozen in a. snow hut near the monious. conductress. Shading." commission today. In both cases it is summit of the Dole, one of the highest Mrs, Adair wore a becoming costume This chapter is composed of members Taking as his text the passage from1 sought to have the death sentence com- peaks of the Swiss Jura, They had: in 'black and white. of E. A. Minor Lodge, F. & A. M., and the Sermon on the Mount, "Ye are the muted to life Imprisonment in the been overtaken by a blizzard. The i-'uunu. recently or 011*31r 1 their wives, mothers, daughters, wid- SOCIAL ITEMS light of the world," Dr. Dobyns spoke "enltenfiary. I. B. Hall, a w,hlte man, tourists were transported on sledges maniian. . Kdir>ujLit M Pound has gone to Ma li ows and sisters. Much interest and of the, Christians in the world as be- from Tlft county, is onone of thee memen to a hotel. They probably -will recover. sonion, , Fla., wli**ro he becomes the edi- Orphans' Aid Society. enthusiasm was evinced and this chap- ing in the relation of lighthouse to cy, ' while William Dunt-an- , .or and man-is'i-r of a new p iper to t )6 established there. " Thc~"Orphans Aid society, an organi- ter gives promise of being, one of the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mason have re- the rest of humanity. a. Houston county negro, is the other. Ring gold Home Burns. zation that has. for the past twenty strongest In the state. turned from their wedding trip to Sa- He then spoke of the advance of Both cases have gone to the supreme years, supplied 'the children at the He- vannah and Florida, and are 'at home Christianity over the world, and it was court and new trials have been refused. Ringfiold. Ga., January 8.—(Special.) Invigorating to t ho Pale and Sickly brew Orphans' home with wearing- ap- for the winter •with Mrs. Mason's par- in this connection that he referred to In the Hall case the governor declined Fire visited Ringgold last night burn- The Old Standn.nl K*'ni>-.-al strengthening tonic parel, is planning- to give one' of the M. Papot Entertained: the Jews, say ing: "We as gentiles to appoint a commission to inquire ing a dwelling house on Lafayette GROVE'S TAKTBL.KSS chill "-TONIC, drive ents, Colonel and Mrs. Albert Howell, Jr. street owned bv "W. C. Mathews. The most pleasant affairs of the new year • Mr. ana Mrs. John Jv. Ottley invited **i» owe a great debt to the Jews." into the man's sanity. Both men are out Malaria. enric}m» tho blood, builds u on JanuaYy 23 at the Ansle'y hotel. It a few friends to meet Alons. Benedict Mr. W. T. Warren, who was the guest Friday morning Dr. Dobyns will sentenced to be hanged the latter part loss is estimated at $1,400-, wfth insur- the system. A true Tonic. For adults an> will 'foe a card party and the details as Papot at dinner last night, the occas- s-peak On "The Commission to Scry-of this month. ance of $800. children. 50c- o01f Mnis brotheroroiner,, Mrivir. Ht±.. KL.M. Warrenwarren, in 1 lce^*"=An a. t «*th• e 11j- "c ^vnim*iaai\tu iu u«^ «• planned will assure all a most de-, ion a happily informal one. ' FiUgerald, for the holidays and later >" o'clock meeting, which, fightful time. Mrs. Joseph HIrsch is of Mr. and Mrs. T. Warren, of Atlanta, '""*last"s 45 -*««*-minutes« . A* i-larg« e nu-mbe* r o*f chairman and is ably assisted 'by a returned Tuesday to his home in Dunn men,' as well as women, attended this number of prominent women -who are To Miss Woodward. X. C. service Thursday, and warm commen- working1 for the cause. Beautiful Mrs. Julius DeGive gave a pretty *** dation of the service has been express- prizes will be given. card party yesterday in, compliment to Mrs. W. F. Slaughter and Miss Lot- ed by a number of well-known Atlanta Miss Bessie Woodward, the occasion tie Slaughter, of Talladega, Ala., are people. Friday ni^ht Dr. Dobyns will assembling sixteen of Miss Wood-' isiting Mrs. W. S. Duncan on Four- deliver a special sermon on "Prayer," For Mrs. Mason. ward's close friends. After the game teenth^atreet. stressing its relation to the individual Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Mrs, E. A. "Williams entertained at a few other guests joined the play- man as well as to the .modern world. beautiful luncheon yesterday at the crs for tea. , Mrs..*..«. J... T_. Wright is ver._.„y ill at her The sermon will be preceded by a song Piedmont in compliment to Mrs. J. C. Pink roses and narcissi were the | home. 314 Williams street, service, led by Ho ard Wade Kim soy, Mason, who, befox^ her recent mar- decorations, and pink was the color! *** of Lathrop, Mo., beginning at 7:30 riage,' was Miss Kate Kowell. prevailing in tasteful detail. i - J Mra. M. P. Cooledge has returned o'clock. , The centerpiece of .the table was a prizes were a boudoir from Washington and New York, plateau of KUlarney roses. The can- lamp shade, silk stockings and crepe j *** d#l shades were rose and the almonds de_ chlne_ lingerie. ~ _ ^ j^_ Miss Edwin Behre has returned from j WARE COUNTY DOCTORS *nd mints were in little rose baskets, Mrs. DeGive was gowned in delft Here's a New Nemo Cor- and all other details of the pretty ta- blue chiffon velvet trimmed with VOTE THANKS TO PRICE ble were in white and rose. skunk, and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Miss Erna Eiseman has returned to Mrs. "Williams was gowned In black Westirt oreland. receiving with her, school in 'Washington, D. C. charmeuse satin' with black hat trim- wore browti velvet. -That the work that is bei?.insn done med in white plumes. Mrs. Mason was Miss Sarah Gibson Chenault. of Lex- by the state department of griculturi lovely in a blue cloth gown with hat ington, Ky., is the lovely guest of her experts in inpecting dairies, markets set That Will Delight to miitch. To Mrs. Kilpatrick. ' sister, Mrs. Keats Speed. and other sources of food supply, is There were fourteen guests. Mrs. Junius G. Oglosby, Jr.. invited, being well appreciated, is shown by A reception will be given next week twelve guests for bridge yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Logan have the action of the Ware County Med- at the Christian church in West End meet Mrs. ' R. J'\ Kilpatrick, the oc- returned from the west and are at ical association. Commissioner Price tov the members in -honor of Mrs. Ma- home, 196 Juniper street. was in receipt yesterday of a letter won, who is a popular member of the casion a delightfully informal one. «•*» from Dr. B. H. Ml n chew, secretary Every One Who Tries It congregation. Mr. E. D, Newman, of New York, is of the association, to the effect that ' Miss Willie Kate Travis and Miss El- at the Imperial for a few weeks' stay. the association had received a report la Mason will • be among, those enter- Annual Social Meeting. • of the work done in Waycross and taining in the near future for Mrs. The annual social meeting of the i they were so impressed wyth it that Mason. Third Ward Civic club will be held Mrs. Joseph Hall, of Baltimore, is this afternoon at S o'clock at the visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. they had it presented to the mayor home et Mrs. E. P, iJurns, 311 Grant Van Winkle. and council of the city for preservation street. • ' ' *** in the city archives, after having Informal Tea. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Peoples will copy made for themselves. Mrs, W. C. Jarnagin entertained in- Mrs. Samuel L/umpkin, president of Then they expressed their gratitude formally at tea yesterday afternoon at the City Federation of Women's. arrive the last of the week from their Clubs, will address the meeting1, and wedding trip and will be at the Geor- to the commissioner and his assist- Duplex a unique feature will be an address by gian Terrace. ants bv a rising vote of thanks. The 'Mrs. Fletcher, of England, on club **» doctors declared that they would never life in England. Miss Julia1 Dunning Miss Katherine Mattingly, of Louis- have imagined that such conditions will play. ville, who has been, visiting Mrs. Cole existed, if their attention had not bee The Choicest Yields The public is invited. Morgan, is the guest of Mrs. William F. called to them by the report of Pure &palding. Food Inspector Methvin and State FROM *** Chemist Stallings. I \ Story Tellers' League. Miss Rebecca Hill, who spent the Self-Reducing The Foreign Fields holidays with her parents. Judge and The nest meeting of the Atlanta Mrs. Bejamin H. Hill, at the Georgian Story Tellers' league has been post- Terrace, has gone to school at Mt. de GRANITE CLUB HEARS poned from the second Saturday until Sales academy, near Macon. the third Saturday wn account of the **» DR. OWENS LECTURE lectures of Monsieuer Papot, before the Mr. John Temple Graves has returned Carnegie, library Saturday, January from New York, where he spent the The members of the Granite club Drama center of Atvanta. The meet- holidays, and is at the Georgian Ter- were delightfully entertained last OST women thought that the splendid Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets of I ing Will be -held- in the lecture room of race. night at the home of Phillip. Weltner, '17, at 3:30 p. m. A most Interesting *>* in Park Tjanp, when Dr. William Rus- last year were the final word in stylish and comfortable corsets for program is being prepared by Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fitzugh, of Leav- sell Owen, as the guest of honor, read Dona Bailey. enworth, Kan., -will spend the winter in a paper on the life oE -Toan of Arc. M medium and stout figures; but we are pleased to announce this Atlanta, and have apartments at the The members of the club, all of Imperial. whom attended the meeting, are: Maxwell House To Mr. and Mrs. McBurney. *** Wightman Bowden. Dr. M. L. Boyd, Introductory Sale of a new Nemo, showing a new invention which makes Colonel and Mrs. Robert James Mr. C. M. Wier, of Omaha, Neb., will Thomas W. Oonnally. Hal F. Hentz, Lowry will entertain at dinner the spend the winter at the Imperial. Harold Hirsch. I. S. Hopkins, JV., W. C. it more valuable, stylish and comfortable than even the best of former Blend Coffee evening of January 14 at the Piedmont *** .Tones, R. K. Rambo, Dr. S. R. Roberts, Driving club In honor of Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Harry Alexander and baby are C B. Shelton, A. T3. Sims. G. R. Solo- Nemo models. Edgar' Poe McBurney, who will arrive visiting Mrs. Alexander's parents in man, A. D. Thomson. W. D. Thomson, home next week. Richmond, Va. A perfectly delicious *** Philip Weltner and E. I... Worsham. Nemo "Duplex" Self-Reducing Corsets Mrs. Edward Hovey, who has be/en combination of the fin- Dodson-Abbey. the guest of Mr. and Mrs.' William H. Miss Jessie C. Abbey, of Saint Smith for several weeks, will return TIGHT CLOTHES FOR MEN George, S. C., and Mr. William N. Dod- to her home in Spartanburg, S. C., to- No. 327—with low bust . 00 est cupping coffees in son, oi Stockbridge, Ga., were mar- day: PREDICTED NEXT FALL ried-Thursday a>t the residence of Mr. No. 328—medium bust the world." H. J. Abbey, by the Rev. Dr. T. C. *Mrs. Alex Smith will entertain in- Baltimore. Md.. January S.—Men's Tupper. They will make 'their home fo i-mally at bridge Monday afternoon outer clothing next fall, excepting at 186 Fulton street. in compliment to Mrs. Marshall John- overcoats, will be of light weight tex- These corsets have the improved Nemo Self-Re- Tasting Is Believing- son, of Macon, the guest of Mrs. Rich- ture and tight llttine. and cloths will ard Johnson. be modest in color and design—what ducing front, with curved front steels, which insures Sealed Tina at Grocer*. . D. A. R. Delegates. art critics call low key. This was the, The Jopep-h Ha-bei-enam chapter, D. Mrs. James R. Gray returned Wed- decision reached today by delegates to A. R,, will be represented at the con- nesday from "Washington, D. C.. where the convention here of the National unequaled abdominal support. The great novel Cheek-Heal Coffee Co., vention of the State Daughters of the she has been the guest of Major and Association of Clothing Designers. American Revolution, which meets in^ Mrs. E. D. Pearce. The overcoat will approach rivalry feature is a new arrangement of the semi-elastic .Macon next month, by Mrs. William with women's garb. Plaids and rough Lawson Peel, vice president general Miss .Emma Kate Amorous hag re- cloth will be used. Sleeves will be ^^To \\ »T>>. bands at the back, which give turned -from Washington, D. C. on the order of the kimono. A^ • - • iV an ultra-fashionable slender Mr. and Mrs. -\V. A. Parker have e moved to their new home at 66 East Fourteenth street. DISCUSS CITY PLAN /\ -L. V shape when you stand, and _ Miss Lucile Tottiiigon, of Savannah, AT MEETING TUESDAY I • j Hlg||j a make the very long skirt js visiting M-r. and Mrs. C. G. Bradt EVERYBODY UP! * 96 Piedmont avenur. A meeting of the Atlanta Improve- I ft^Wfell® H flexible an for the new Crawford W. J-.ong hos- Columbia Grafonblas will play Victor | ?n t?rmft?e s% ^.£ (g&1£? §l*!pital» , which is located at 197 Cherokee Wn't "ride up"; and the ends of bones can't show through . Records. ' , er was in-hfs nineti, w avenue. The institution is the only well known in the south, having- served one in the south dedicated to the even the thinnest gown. ' The. Wax Manakin will, give a special more than twenty years as a member memory of tho discovery and demon- ot congress from this statj. He was gtrator of anesthesia. the greatest value ever offered in a $3.00 corset; and these Children's Matinee at ;3 o'clock m our win- ;aWinn formei "wJr attorner ,* •£„y? £general'oeneral, off MlsataMissis-- The hospital occupies i fifty -room .

. I. BRANHAW HEADS ucn ... of Columbian Life mhout the *tt» to "hew MAXIMUM SENTENCES AMERICAN BOOK CO. MIS COMPLYING XW Uiumln MoColtneB, Raster ot 0 FOR THIS TERRITORY th& Baptist Tabernacle, urill deliver nla I.TpaS Is Optimistic of the South thousand-dollar lecture 09 * Dcatd Best Lump Coal GIVEN PICKPOCKETS M TAX REFORM LAW I>iona at the East Side T«b«rnacle to- night- I>t StcConnsUjK a lecturer of The American Book company an- the Alkahest "System ftltfl should draw "Piedmont Co^l Co., nounces that A. I Bran ham, who has Many Have Chosen Auewora E Childs president ofc the a combined capitalization of more than a larce nous* room the east side Hoffman, Fine and Gozzollo been In actual charge of the com- hoian National Lifa Ins urance $10 000 000 and he is interested in a Plead Guilty—Get Year pany'* bUBiness at Atlanta for the past Within La»t Week—Good any, of Boston. Mass is. in At number of other large corporations few months, will remain in charge of Men Selected. for severs, days oti bis way to throughout the country "When Been Each or fl,000. its soutnern department permanently IB his rooms at the Georgian Terraca from and after the first of Jan ta,ry, hotel, he said last ni^ht T ha.^. e been very glad, in loofcing l&J* Th* Atlanta office la the bead* Since- the publication atoozit a week o\er The Atlanta Constitution to note Three pick-pockets. "WUUa.ro Hoffman. quarters of the American Book «jm- ago of the fact that many ot the coun- Mat Fine and Louis Gozzollo, whose its tone of optimism It Is my firm pftny for the states of Georgia, Flor- ties had been tardy in selecting t,ax belief that this attitude ia entirely BIGGEST SHOE VALUED struggle with the police when they ida and South Carolina. assessors as provided for by the tax justified by present conditions We •we e arrested recently all but made equalization act of 1913, and that only n..ro no\v on the e\e of a tremendous h story In the local police department, about 50 per cent had acted up to that ousiness revival and this revival, tn TYPOTHETAE DINNER time, quite a number of the counties stt-ad ot coeing along- shallow or spu T\ere heavily dealt with before Judge i lous Hne , is going; to be found to be IN ATLANTA have got busy and provided themselves so substantial that It will be perma ( Ben &I11, In the crimitTal branch of the PROVES HAPPY ONE with assessors ent IT superior court on Thursday t when Judge John C Hart, state tax com The enactment of the- currency leg each of the three was sentenced to The Atlanta Typothetae held its first missioner IB in receipt daily of reports IB Iatlon. w-as a tremendpua stride for dinner of the new year last -night at front county commiBaioners or ordina the betterment of the country at lar&e one year on the county chaingang, Personally, I have always believed in OUR ENTIRE STOCK with the alternative of paying a 11,00.0 the Kim ball house ries gi^ mg him the names of the men the policy of decentralization The Co The occasion was marked by the who have been selected to act as as- | iumbian National Life Insurance com number of employing printers of the sessors i pany is operated on this basis, ha\ - The sentences mark; the high tide city -who turned out and the general Tne assessors are elected Djr the mg its \arious departments over the OF of punishment meted out in a local air of pood fellowship which prevailed board of county commissioners in those country with investments in each in criminal court in years by any pre The menu (was one of the best the counties which have such a board ano • propoi tion to the premium incomes Aside from the enactment of the cur siding- Judge for a, similar offense Kimball chef ever assembled and the In the other counties they are ap 1 Recently twel\ e indictments were music interspersed between the courses I pointed, by the ordinary It is be rency law there are other vital fea Lurjes working out for the wholesome returned against the trio and rather added much to the enjoyment of the oc ieved that within the next month or MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S t,asfon six weeks all the counties will ha.vt» Itttciment of our national life than fight the case they pleaded guilty Colonel John S Prather supermten acted and tha,t thq state eomniiesioner Those who flrst doubted President to one indictment. The others were dent of Byrd'a print shop made a short will have m his possession a complete Wilson and scouted his candidacy as nolle prossea talk on the printing; business, review list of all the county tax assessors that of a mere school master or theo ins its progress during the past quar- The law requires that the assessors rist have learned that In the working tet of a century in a delightful man shall be freeholders and it is espe- out of his plans the gradual uplift of ner cially important that they should be the whole country Is going to be ef Dick Magill of the firm of B*-an & men of the best type which the coun WANTED asill the pi inters spoke on the out Lies can furnish The county boardp Tho south moie than any other look foi the printing? business for the h have acted, so far have generally section has this year added its in Men and Women coming year His address wag received shown a keen sense of their responsl Crease to \ alues, Rei ent depressions Selling Agents with marked attention bility m the matter by selecting the have been brought about largely by best men that could be found in their the wiping out of values to the amount SHOES to represent the largest concern of \t» counties 3(3 assessors of $1000000000 in the Balkan wars kind in the -world in Atlanta and. poiqts It will take sbme time to get these tn deorgia Enlisted Men Give a Dance, values back again but the south has We make to meaflare men a and worn There will he a *ta.nee uiven by the added its millions of increase to the <>n a- gults and coata at a aavlrs of Regimental Social club of the Seven DECISION NOW NEAR nation s money supply and is going ibout one third tji« prices ehar*ed by tee nth United btatea infantry at the to have its proportionate share Jn the retailor for ready made garmenta of post gymnasium at Fort M-eFherson IN NASH-OBEAR SPLIT prosperity to come Has been grouped for Quick Sale. We elmtlar finish, a-nd material commencing; at 8 o clock sharp to I have been asked sev eral times Our customers make their selections night The music ^vill be furnished by Governor Slaton announced >ester w ha.t I thought of Atlanta a& a lo from Style Sheeta Issued new every the regimental band and refreshment^ day that he would decide the contra, cation foi one of the regional banks month, showing: the latest .pCew Yorls will be served with the Cabaret in full versy ovei the office of quartermastci and have expressed mi self \ery em do not want to carry over a single pair of »id Paris styleJf and fabrics swing aa usual. Invitations may be general as soon as Adjutant General Phatically dn that point. Atlanta is We attach to every garment a bqnd procured from any member of the T Van Holt Nash returns fi om south the logical point It IB the center Of i sued by a bonding- company with over club Creorgia where he has been all of this t \ait empiie (jeographieallv- it has 9 000 000 assets guaranteeing materl week on official business It is vei > no equal from the standpoint of serv High Shoes. al warkmanstifp flt al "Welch ladies choir an Gate City Rental Rooms organisation of twenty persons w»U COMINGS OF HfS VOTE E appear at the Auditorium on the night 14 1.2 Whitehall Si. Over Brown & Alton's of January jiO under the auspices of DISAPPOINT YOU. the Atlanta Music Festival association fhanv Main I7O8 The organization is touring the Fire Board Will Offer Resolu- Death of Advertising Man United States In concert and hails from Cardiff Wales tion Carrying Out Mayoi's From St. Paul Caused Our Special Prices: The singers appeared before King Men's Shoes Ladles' Shoes George recently by royal eomm-and at Recommendation. by Severe Blow. Windsor castle They have since $2.48 $15 Gold (Lift been entitled to the use of the title No. at .,.$2.89 Lot No. b ,jt of royal singers A resolution urging that thief W Ma-con Ga Tan larv 8 —T C Carter $2.89 Dust Plates .. . H»*w Madame Melba after hearing the Lot No. at $3.39 Lot ATo 7 at choir pronounced it to be one of the B Cummnigs be i emoved as a voting advertising represf ntative of st Paul Lot No 8 at $3.39 Crown and best she has ever heard member of the boai d of fne masters Mnm died at the Mac on hospital at Lot No. at . .$3.89 t will be introduced at the next meet T o clock this morning oC i rupt ire of at $419 Lot No 9 at $3.89 (Bridge Work $3 ing of council it was announced yea the stomach caused it is behc\ ed b> Lot No. Grand Jury Meets Today. teiday The fire board -will offer the a be\ eie blow Lot No. 11 at... $4.79 Lot No 10 at $4.19 The new grand jury will hold its 1 he poll e are inv estimating- a mid Teeth resolution It is in lire with T. rccom nig-ht c image ride th it Gaiter us said second session today in its rooms in mendation made by Mayoi Woodward Lot No. 12 at ...$5.29 Filled ... . SOcup the Thrower building in his annual message to council If to have takt-n Tuesday in wlaich a Children's Shoes There will be no probe into the al the recommend ition is adoi ted b\ fctranfec man took part Carter s male legred murdei of Joshua Crawford as companion on the nde has not been Painless this inquny has now been postponed council an amendment to the law will Boys' Shoes Lot No 0 at .. 79c until January 31 he necessary 1 Extraction 5Oc Only routine business will come be It is> uudeistood til it a majoiity of I In the opinion of physicians Carter Lot No 1 at .. 98c the members of council agree \viUi the wis either pushed or fell out of the Lot No. 4 at .. $1.79 fore the body todaj Solicitor Gen 1 utS~v \ letter from Carters wife Examination Free^^-Lady Attendant eral Hu*rh Dorsey will have direction mayors recommendation and th it is dated Jat ksonville Fla- »aa found Lot No. 5 at $2-09 Lot No 2 at ... $1.19 of evidence coming before the body a strong likelihood that the icbolutionj will be passed M VQI Woolvtard con , in h s effects at the hotel owing to the illness of his assistant ! Cartel entered a local hotel late Lot No. 6 at $2.48 Lot No. 3 at $1.48 A E Stephens *" tends that no head of a depai tment should be allowc 1 to b( a member oL 7Mefada> night and said that he had Lot No 4 at ... $1-79 a board which supei v bes him AH 1 his >een t,tru k while owt for a bugg$ r de Lot No'7 at $2.89 department Cljief Be ivqrfa h is no fe iid tut appeal to be suffering much Lot No 5 at $2.09 \ote on matters wU1t,h deal with the -t tl t time Wednesday he was una police department uid -,n,eithcr b fa le to leave his i oom and a doctor Hosiery $2.48 Manager Zode Smitft o» "Manage; I> in .ttended him Late last night he was Lot No. 6 at C*arey a vote at tht meetings of. the akcri to a hospital wheie doctois $2.89 water and parK boai ds I :estioned him He could not remem All $2 00 Hose at $1.79 Lot No. 7 at" The new fire "board has approved the >* i at th t t me an> thing about a hug 1534 budget of I he fne lepartment ,\ ride and did not Know who he han* All $1.50 Hose at $1.29 whUh was submitted bv Chief Cum ioen with on Tuesday night He was Order By mines Councilman Ashley offered a ulrering £ieit pain anjd the oppration All $1.00 Hofee at 89c i esolution urging th, it $-000 be aided vi^ decided upon to the appiopi iatlon toi the pui chase All 50e Hose at . 43c PARCEL POST of rubber boots for the fuemen Here totqre it has been the policy of the dt All 25c Hose at . 22c partment to compel the men to pur fudge Hill Warn* Pistol chase their own boots The fire department budget asl 8 for S8l 000 to build ind equip n w stations "Toters;" They Will Get The lump sum foi opeiath g expenses is practically the same as last year Twelve Months on Gang UNDER-PRICE BASEMENT

MORE GOOD WEATHER Judge Ben IT Hill in the criminal 1,000 Pairs Women's Fine branch of the supenor court on Thurs $]95 PROMISED TO A TLANTA da> i citerated his recent (statement that he would not deal lightly with Shoes; $3 to $5 grades, pr... The -vveathei go.d& whoever they pei faons who ca,me befoi e hirti and Tnay be ha've pionnsed Atlanta another glorious day They have made then eip found, guilty of carri ing- pistols records at the weather bureau i ead The court carried out his asbertion so tliat today It seams will surpass by imposing a t\\elve montht. chain the magnificent weather of Ihursdiv f,ang sentence on a negro brought pe The whole state Is at am in the foir- him on that charge The negro 3 'good weather aonc faun shone in attjuiev as,ked for the courts leniency nearly every pait of the south Thura Judge Hill then said day and a continuance of the de ibht There is no excuse foi pistol toting ful weather is promised bv the weath might as well be understood right er forecasters in answer to theii hint now that every man regardless of itnitecf eailiei In the week that Xt w mid be a oi or age will be given the limit m this o it -when thev appear before great deal warmer before it tui ned me ronv eted of suph a charge cold again fao far as ran he seen * the good The limit on a pistol toting charge weather will be with \tianta foi at n Georgia is twelve months m the ham gang or a nne not to exceed least three or four days to come HI 000 CLARKE UNIVERSITY Federals After Tyler, HAS CONCERT TONIGHT I o-well Mass January 8 —Geonge Tyler left handed pitcher of the Bo The ft rat annual musical of Clarke ton ISatibnals &aid toda> that he *iai FRED S STEWART CO university will be held in the uni received three offers from the Federa verslty chapel thih, evening at S lo leagut Tyler safd he would not leav o clock Sidney W ood\\ ard who has the Boston Nationals but would ac ATLANTA, GA NASHVILLE, TENN. an extensive reputation as a tenor eept the flattp-- ^, offererss o f thee FeFed will airtg- The Daughter of Jail us and erals if he were tiaded to St Jxiuia The Sacreci Cantata by fatamer Sidney "Woodward and the baritone Jinger W S Beeves will be sup ported by the Clarke university chorus of steel, consisting of seventy five \oiceb The university glee club will also render From wintry blasts to Califor- a num-bei of selections An admis sion fee of So and 25 cents will be nia's summer charms is an easy charged ^ ^ journey and a quick one* if ywu Sidney Landon Coming. Our *18 Suits go Santa Fe. On the way Sidney W Landon chai actenst was announced yesterday as the next num ber on the \lkahest Lyceum course at you can see the Petrified the Tabernacle auditorium Monday evening- Mr Landon ranks as one of i Forest, picturesque Indian the best character entertainers in the Are Good Ijceum field and a delightful evening- is in ptore for 1> ceum patrons and | pueblos, and that glorious others who enjoy this character of en r tertalnment His program includes noi $18 doesn't seem very much for a good suit Well, it isn't gulf ot color, the Grand only chaiacter sketches of great and famous men but also many humorous much —bu t $18 will buy a good suit here today — sketches of character found In the Canyon of Arizona. everyday walks of life The Taber And —you'l l have a broad range from which to make a nacle choir mil give a vocal program The California Limited is an »ll-»teel FulImM preceding Mr Landon s entertainment selection — llhe v tram, exclusively for first-class travel. Rum daily between Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Remanded to Volunteers. Fancy mixtures — multi-mixtures —p m and club stripes — San Diego, Oakland and San Francisco, with Pullman for Judge Andrew Oalhoun in city court, plain grays in both cheviot and worsted fabrics — Grand Canyon. Fred Harvey dmmg-car nieah are served. On Thursday afternoon remanded to the care of the Volunteers of \merica Henry Stokes a 15 yea* old lad from These suits at $18 are splendid fitters — they'll retain their Four other Santa Fe trains to California. Three tun Cleveland Ohio w ho was arrested daily, these carry standard Pullmans, tounrt slesp"* »™ here about a month ago for beating shape— and give you excellent wear — his way on passenger trains The Vol chair cars; all classes of tickets honored unteera ti in attempt to locate the boy s Relatives in the northern city Have you ever worn an $18 suit from our shop' The Santa Fe de-Luxe, between Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles runs once a week in winter; Amer- Caiman Kilts Himself. Slip in today and slip on one or two — ica's finest tram — "extra fast, extra fine, extra fare.' Union 3 C . January 8 —The body Of Frank Caiman 38 j ears old. was You'll be surprised at their goodness in quality —styl e found near his home on the outskirts The onlv railroad under one management through to of Union today Vie had apparently and fit — ' California double-tracked half way, «*fety block-signals been dead many hours A coroner s 3ury returned a verdict of suicide by "all the way " shooting Galman had been missing Dandy Overcoats, too —$1 5 up — > since Tuesday night, when hQ left his Jmo D Carter Sou Pius. Act., home apparently to go hunting" No '"'* cause for his act is known Remember the Panama Expositions at Every father and mother San Francisco and San Diego in 1915 m Georgia should see "The Parks- Chambers-Hardwick Blindness of Virtue." It's 37-39 Peachtrec Atlanta. Ga. an education and nothing1 therein toak$s

THE J&A% IUIDAY, .JAGUAR?: 9, •* T 75 M FATHER AND DAUGHTER MR GOES FOR RAID ARE MANGLE&BY TtUOff Patterson, I*n , JJwuiarj S —Seems hi» G-\ enr-old daughter wandering a!t»- ON MAJOR LEAGUES lessly on a railfesia trarfe with *-f**t train ^.PSroachanST, t:ii Bersrerson l*»t msht rushed onto the track to ***• her and both were killed Mrs Bers«*- He Leaves on Trip to Try to BOU witnessed the accident from a poran •^ Induce Players to Desert of "her home near me station Why Does L/mpire to the Federals. Elliott Dent Is Pleased WHERE YOU GET IT FOR Lt»» BAIL PLAYERS PLEASED Chicago January S—The long prom ised raid on majbr leagues for baseball BICYCLES, SUPPLIES Bill Klem Object\ talent has began in earnest b\ thof With Contract He Signed Federal league, according to Joe AND REPAIRING WITH THEIR TREATMENT Tinker, manager of the Chicago clnb, We Are 25 to 100 Per Cent WILL NOT JUMP To His Nicknam& who left tonight on a trio he --aid nould take him to the homes of mam Cheaper on Everything man to return hi* contract signed Members of Fraternity Issue rt SIGNED UNSIGNED CRACKERS. With Dent s contract came a nice plaj ers wb hare won fame in the Than Other Dealers . Offer Him $10,000 Signed. Unsigned. letter to President Frank E Callaway One of the mjsteriea of baseball is: Statement in Regard to the National and \mericail- leagues. Otto Elble McCozmell After wishing every one a happy New- "Wh> does Bill Klem. National league Knabe, of the Baltimore club and M Dent nanagan Tear and passing other pleasantries umpire, oblccta to being called 'Cat- National Commission. Brown of the St Louis club -will soon JOHN D. MILLER CO. a Year for Three Years Walea Jslxon of the day, Dent said t>> start on similar pilgrimages Tinker 33 25. fPor«»y«t-» «*••••* Walsh Long "If Manager Smith and the directors fish " Bill never Jiaa vouchsafed an said Welchonce Alpermann of the Atlanta Baseball asssociation answer, but the facf remains that it's Tinker refused to sa^ where his first Bott> and $10,000 Bonus—Wood Reynolds Chapman are as pleased with my work during almost as much as a civilian's life Is New York, Januarj 8—The commit- stop would be It w as reooi ted e 98 Phones 93 Munch Dunn the coming season as I am with the tee w hioh represented the Baseball Perryman Doescher worth to mention the word "catfish" Plasers' fraternitv before the national would *ro first to Kansas Cm wheie City orders called far and Deliv- and Miller Refuse. Schmidt Jennings terms of the contract, there is nothing with Bill in the neighborhood, while as commission in Cincinnati this w eek he would try to get the signatuit ol Broadwater Scirwind to it but another pennant." for a ball player, well— * issued a statement tonight expressing Clarence Hendrltks to a conti ict. ered. Out of town orders Slndlar Kiracber Thfis listens mighty good and as Last summer in New York a mem- •satisfaction at the granting of so Tinker has said he beliei es Hendncks j •hipped promptly. "Wood Xjawrence Dent is in splendid form, the big right- to be a pitclier -with a future , Chicago, January 8—Walter John- ber of the visiting team, after Klem large a proportion of their demands Klaainger hander believes that he is going to get had made a dec is Ton against him, look- and pleasure at the attitude of base- Tinker left the city a. few hour* I son, the famous Washington pitcher. Price off to a good start during the Coming ed in the general direction of Klem after the return here of President Mu- I has refused an ofler of a salary of campaign, breaking all his former rec- ball's highest tribunal toward ~the phy, of the Chicago Nationals from \ $30 000 for three years and a bonus or and murmured something about "cat- players. Regret was implied that the ords Dent has usually been a. slow fish " Klem whirled around, pointed fraternity did not meet with more suc- the national commission meeting v *10 000 made by Joe Tinker, manager starter, losing his first few games The club president asserted h« „„ Of 'the Chicago Federal league team. hia finger at the player and roared. cess for the minor league members and then going like a house a-ftre "You to the clubhouse." before the representatives of the lower learned at Cincinnati, that Tinker s ' ' Tinker announced today - Johnson said front the middje of the season to the disregard of rules govornmp: druiUn AMUSEMENTS *ir-, "wa, sorry, but had already signed This irritated the teammates o£ the class organizations The statement e ie end chased player So they set about heck- reads WHS one of the reasons whv he was re his cont-act with "Washington, and \Vith twelve meo. signed, much prog- ling Bill In their dug-out they began leased by the Cincinnati club v.ould not .jump" The signed contract of Elliott Dent, ress Is being made by the Cracker "We believe that In the Cincinnati i A similar offer was made Joe Wood a conversation in which, one faction de- conference of January 6 the ball plaj - "Last season was rm. most successful the star rlght-faanaer of the locals, chiefs in getting their men lined up clared it was very fond of catfish, and ers won a victory which a year ago in baseball and if I thought m\ «u< T0 HT the Boston American pitcher, but he was received at baseball headquarters Alpermann has returned his contract the other stated that catfish weren't cess was due to drinking I would also declined because he had already could not have been dreamed of ATLANTA ."??« 1 Thursday morning, making the twelfth unsigned McConnell is kicking- on fit to eat. Louder and louder grew 'Twelve of our requests were grant- spend more time at the bai was signed up with his team "King Col", Cracktr to sigrn h£s contract and the coming south These are the only two the catfish argument until it reached Saturday Matinee and ftlffht. who gained lame as a member of the ed, three modified and two withdrawn Tinker s rcplj second of last year's team. Captain men who are not certain of accepting Klem s ears At once he halted the Eight or ten of them were opposed Cuts' pitching staff in 1010, and who Harry "Welchonce bemer the other old terms and reporting here satisfied game, walked over toward the bench, was drafted by the New Tork Ameri- glaring at two of the players who very vigorously but with the utmost The Blindness of Virtue cans from Columbus last fall, was just then were debating loudly on the frankness and good feeling- PROJECTILES FOR NAVY tloKt Talkcd-of Pli Tod«T. ~ today by Manager Tinker 'We met far more opposition from catfish question Bill snarled the minor league representati\ es than ARE CHEAPERJ-HIS YEAR « buvKeative Line. Miller Will Not. • Hev, you two—the clubhouse for from the national commission, and Mzhtii, . to »1.50; Mat.. 25c to you * and then looking at the rest of were, therefore, unable to do as much Newark, N J, January 3—John the men on the bench with a cold fishy Washington Januarv S —Secretary Miller, one of the Baseball Players' JACK JOHNSON HAS NOT AUBURN QUINT PLAYS eye Bill said "You fellows keep that for our minor league members as we MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY. fraternity representatives at the Cin- talk up another minute and you'll eo had hoped But even as it is, they Daniels announced todaj th it bid? MATINEE WEDNESDAY will be materially helped just submitted foi the manufacture of cinnati conference, returned to his to the clubhouse, too " projectiles for the navy showed - (J•»•e> COHAN <£. HARRIS PRESENT- home here today He stated that he "These repiesentati\e^ felt Tvere with had not been approached by any rep- sincere their belief that an undue crease of $S80 825 resentative of the Federal league RECEIVED CHALLENGE HEREONSATURDAY rardship"Vou1d be*p1laceT\ipoa"theni ! prices paid last > ear If t^e ^P3^.1 BROADWAY JONES •while recently Jn the west. He met a LEA URGES RADICALISM unless some request.,, s were modified_ j ment _takes__adyanta*re_ of the -,,-nt Smartest Geo. M. Cohan Comedy representative o£ the St Louis Na- and, as we had no disposition to bring to Increase ordei s by 20 p*i cent Sec tional league club, to wlil-ch he had TO DEFEAT SOCIALISM this about, we waived the points retarv Daniels said a savins? of M Ofai Srats IV ow Selling; been traded by the Pittsburc Na- But Champion Wants $3O,OOO Donahue's Boys Tackle Atlan- The treatment accorded us except 730 for the go\ ernment will be the XIKht«, 2Bc to |tl.5O; Mat., S5o to 91 tional league club, and satisfactory St Louis, January 8 —"It is the duty in the offensive attitude of one of the result of the restoration of optn ind terms having*been offered, he said that to Fight Either Langford or ta Athletic Club Saturday. of every one who reverences the tradi- conferees, was all t5»a*. we could have real competition between bidrteis he esjpected to sign his contract -with tions of the past to do his part in mak- asked We weie met In a fair cordial Contracts to be Jet call for tht, man St I/ouis as soon as It arrived. "Gunboat" Smith. Play in Columbus Tonight. ing: the redoubts against socialism se- and dignified marine: which in view ufacture of 3500 14 inch armor pierc cure " said Senator Luke Lea, of Ten of the strained relations pre\iously Ing shells 1 500 IJ inch ahelK and ATLANTA'S BUSY THEATER. nessee, addressing the City club here existing, was gratif > ing in the e-v 30 000 4 and 5 inch common shells tho t*Q VTU »aily Matinee 3:$*. Paris. January 8^-^ack Johnson, the The Auburn basketball team coach- today ' This can be done" he con- treme' annual "food* supply for the nivv s Kd ¥ 111 EteSlngs at 8-30. tinued, "only by each contributing his The statement was signed by John negro heavyw«lsht pugilist whose arm ed by that wizaid athletic director Competing: firms include the Had Lasky's REST CURE With Alan Mike Donanue, will be the opponents pai t towards the success of the P Henry Cdward M Reulbach Jacob is still in splints, today said he had radicalism of today in which lies our E Daubert, John B Miller, Ray W field Steel Foundries companies Ltd, Brooks and ExoaUsnt Company GJ. A. QUINT PLAYS not received any cable ofifer of money OJ the Atlanta Athletic club quintet safety for tomorrow, Collins and David T^ Tultz of England, and the Krupps of Ger for a Hffht with. "Gunboat" Smith, on here Saturday night "Discontent and unrest have walked the Mexican side in Lower California Tonijrht the Auburn boys will tie abroad. For the last ten years signs The Bethlehem Crucible and Mid "I am ready to fight if the offer up witn the Columbus "i oun& Men s have been evident that foretold a SO-CALLED KNOCKOUTS vale companies underbid all others Irf>rralne and l>udlw, Merkel Slater*. meets my terras, which are $30,000." Christian association team, basketball period of «mflict Such a period can including foreign firms The 14-inch A\D OTKFE FEATDKES COLLEGE ALL-STARS he said —The fight roust be subse- be postponed only by some leader com shells were quoted b\ the Crucible champions of the south, at Columbus ins into power with the knowledge of NEARLY ALL ON PAPER company this year at $315 each Last quent to that definitely fixed to tatee On Saturday night they will play the investments of capital, with sym- place In Paris the first week of June year's price was $490 1 Saturday night at 8 o'clock the baa- here House and Francis, two club pathy with the requirements of labor, Secretarv Daniels was higl 1> against Frank Moran For this en- members, will entertain the spectators Los Angeles January 8 —"Virtually ketbd.ll team of G M A., a member of g^ageinenrt William As tor Chanler is with courage to deal frankly and even all of the so-called knockouts are on pleased with the reductions "The fipr THIS Evening* •:!&. the local Prep league, will play their sruaranteelng me 535,000 I expect to- between halves with acrobatic stunts harshly with the people of his environ- paper, prize-fighting or boxing is not ures speak for themselves he said. LYRIC « EKK Too. Thorn. Sat. M«t. jmtfa.1 game, their opponents oems a ward the end of June to meet Sam The usual dancins" feature will be en- ment and with the confidence of those a brutal sport ' Charles Eyton ief- "I" am delighted tUat American bid- team composed of plaj ers who have Lansford, provided the $30,000 I de- eased in after the game \\ ho are seeking a correction of the eree of the Jess Willard- 'Bull Young ders are able to 'hold their own so NORMAN HACKETT •tarred on college fives in recent years mand be forthcoming ' evils that made them restless and dis- match in which the latter met his well against foreigners I alwa\ s The G M A team has been practic- Johnson said the splints on his arm contented death testified today in the trial of have believed the American manufac- STOCK COMPANY ing? m^rd ever since the end of the foot- are to be removed Saturday Viewed from a non-partisan point "Willard and nine others on a charge turer would be found able to care for ball league and are In great form for and measured by the patriot needs of of 'prize-fighting in -violation of Cali- himself against the markets of the In a Perfect Production of Mr. Hackotf« the game tonight. This team starts -Waiting «n JoliiMoiL'a FIs*t*. the hour, our present president is such fornia laws Eyton gald PacKey Mc- world * Best Success, the Great American Pla7» their official schedule nekt Tuesday San Fraj>c!sco, Car, January 8 — FEDERALS a man Parland was an example of a man afternoon, when they meet the Boys There will be no further negotiations There can be no real prosperity who seldom •won by a knockout "CLASSMATES" for a flght at TIa Juana, lower Califor- •when a nation is divided by law into When- the prosecution read a list of 1 The line-up of the two elevens -will nia, between Jack Johnson, heavy- two classes, those who spend their Every father and mother time In planning- how to spend thefr men v horn McTarland was reputed U to OWS wefgrht champion, and Gunboat Smith, to have knocked out, defending coun *V k JL Position ALL-STARS. until the outcome of Johnson's othei GET THEIR LICENSE swollen fortunes in enjoying tomonow sel conferred with Harry Gilmore once in Georgia should see "The Porter . .. < R. R. . t,uok two prospective fights is Ttnown and those who plan how to earn suf- ficient to live tomorrow ' •> manager for McFarland and then an- Rodriguez I* F Reed The plan was that Johnson and nounced that Gilmore had just told Blindness of Virtue." It's •Wright » .. C. .. .. Marshall Spimgfield. Ill, January 8—License Senator Lea in an address at the Cobern R G Sheffer Smith should fight across the Mexican Jackson day dinnei of the Tennessee him that he had invented most of Me Better Business Barr *. ... L G Kaufman border from San Diego on July 4 to incorporate was i&sued to the Fed- society tonight predicted that this or Tarland s record, of knockouts to make an education and nothing eral League Baseball Club of Chicago the next generation would see interna- it look formidable and to make the today by Secretary of State "Woods tional disputes settled by an interna- boxer a drawing card therein makes one blush. Requires GRANT AND SUPERIOR Uhe capital stock is $200,000 C A. tional court of arbitration with power Uyton described the fight by rounds , SOCCER FOOTBALL. Weeghmaii J A G-llmore and W M to enforce its decrees saying spectators considered it a farce \VaIker aie incorporates "Battleships will be built ' he said, until the eighth round, when Young: | More Help. MEET AT COLUMBIA Chicago, January 8 —The Chicago "and navies maintained but thc> will became the aggressor The blow that To the Lithonia Plays Foote & Davies Federal league ball park will have a be the police to keep peace between na- knocked o-ut Young, he said did not j Beating capacity of 20,000 and will be tions Soldiers will be enlisted and travel more than t>ix inches, and came Best Men Saturday. THEATER SATURDAY larger than several in the majoi armies mobilized, zut they will be the as a surprise to spectators leagues, according to plans announced marshals of the international court to "Witnesses testified before an~v fig-lit enforce its orders," was started in the Vernan arena the PANAMA Come Through today The strong- Lithonia team comes to A boxing treat is to be handed local Architects yesterday presented plans text of a decision b> Superior Judge the city on Saturday for their first fans every Saturday night The man- TV hich. call for a single deck grand- Frank R ^ illis was read to the prln Want Ads in local same in the Georgia State league. agement of the Columbia Burlesque stand with a seating capacitv of 33,000 NO CONGRESS PROBE ctpals This decision holds that Wol •»phen they meet the Foote & I>aviea theater, 14 Central ayenue, has com- of which 3 000 will be box seats Pa g-ast and George Aleinsic in their pleted arrangements to put on a si^- meeting- here two 3-ears ago. took part CANAL team \ilions at either end of the main stand WANTED BY NEW HAVEN Both teams are reported at full round boxing exhibition every Satur- •will give 4 000 additional seats and in a 'boxing contest and not in a prize t strength, and a fast and interesting day night between Atlanta bojs, and 'with the bleachers it is believed more light $125 UP Same- it, sure to be the result, will endeavor to get some of the best than 20 000 can be seated The new- "Washington January S —Efforts to Judgre Craig will rule tomorrow The Lithonia team is going fine this material available ball park will be ready for the open- secure general consent that no steps whether the decision shall be admitted. From Jacksonville, Fla. 3- ear, and it looks like they are the For the opening s'low tomorrow ing- of the 1914 season will be taken toward a congressional The 'Vlasnificent New Plant Liner best in this section, from their show- night Jimmy Grant, the -classy little investigation of the New Haven rail- ing1 -JU the games played this year, bantamweight, is booked tp meet Kid load s affairs, until the department of THREE WORLD RECORDS all of which they have won by good Superior and a rattling go should be •justice has had a chance to work out EVANGELPNE margins and in which they displayed the result Both boys won their POLO IN JUNE. its plans for reorganization of the BROKEN BY SWIMMERS "W HI make six grand cruiseh dating from splendid form The Foote £, Davles bouts at the Auditorium- Armory last property, are being made by Attorney d«iys team, too, is at present traveling at a Tuesday night. Superior stopping Kid General MoReynolds and Howard El- nd on at Ha jirood clip, and while tlrey are some- Brooks In one round, while Grant English Challengers Will Ac- liott head of the New Haven system Chicago January S —Three world -5 iptlonal opportunity fourteen do what new to the same, they ha\e riro- kn <*ked out Soldier Hoe in the third Correspondence that has passed be- records, the 120 yards 200 and 220 llghtful days on tropical t-eat, \\ ith. ample cept the Tentative Dates, tween the attorney general and mem- time for sifi-ht seeing at each port fopt> ij] THE ATLANTA CONSTJTtTIOJj 5fressed wonderfully and are capable of session yards, were broken tonig-ht in the first train will meet EVANGL.LINC at Color Sl^Jne the Stonecutters a hard game, The Columbia management made a bers of congress interested in securing *wim for the Central Amateur \thletic con\ ej Ing tourists- .icroga the lathmut. 1 or The last time they met, at Lithonia, great hit by booking these boys for a public investigation Indicates that Union championships first honors gx>- I eauUfully illustrated booklets and. all the game resulted in favo*- of the their opening show, as the little boxers New York, January 8 —Although no resolutions probably will be withheld ing to the Illinois Athletic club H Information apply to the Lithonia team, 3 to 1, after a hard are clean cut fellows as well as classy acceptance of the dates IP June, as for a time at least. J, B Hebner and Perrj McGiIUvra> Phones Atlanta 5001, Mam 5000 fight orers named for the International polo cup President Elliott had conferences yes were the record-breakers PLANT LINE The line up of each team will be The usual Burlesque show will also terday with Senators "Weeks and Norris Hebner won the 220 >ard race in 2 Southern Div Jacksonville, Ha publi&hed later, as neither has been be put on, the boxing simply being an matches by the Americans, has been regarding a proposed investigation He minutes 21 seconds The record was decided upon but the best teams will added treat. The management plans Deceived from England, H L Herbert, also has urged that a public inquiry at held by C M. Daniels of New York, be out for the two clubs The game to put on a show every Saturday night chairman of the polo association, said present mlprht so disturb financial con- 2 25 2-5 •will ibe called at 3 o-t-look sharp, and something that should prove a good today that no friction was anticipated. ditions as to embarrass the proposed Hebner also lowered the 200 yard those wishing to see the game at its drawl npr card. reorganization record in this race making the dis- Formal acceptance of the dates is ex- No announcement as to New Haven best will do well to be on hand pected at any time, he said. tance in 2 07 2-5 against C Healy s The IjeagTie Standing. matter was made when today's confer- former time of 2 11 1-6 "In anticipation of the international ence between Attorney General Mc- Perry McGillivray won the 100-yard Games BLUE RIBBON TROTTING matches the committee Is going right Reynolds and Mr Elliott ended at noon, raco in 56 seconds, lowering Daniels TEAM Played TV L T Pts ahead with its pians,' Chairman Her- further than that ' progress had been record of 1 10 Litnonia. 2 2 0 0 4 EVENT'S TIME CHANCED made" Mr Elliott went to New Where can you get the best Atlanta . 2 11 0 2 bert said ' While none of the players York tonight to attend to business Fooot &, Daviea 1 01 0 0 Detroit, Mich, January 8 —^The Mer- who may be chosen for the defense of there tomorrow, returning later to Stone Mtain. .1 0 1 0 0 chants and Manufacturers' stake of the cu.p will go to California for the Washington NO CONCERTED ACTION \ $10,000, the blue ribbon event of horse tournaments that are about to beg-in The New Haven railroad has made racing here, and generally considered I there, the pony committee will be in formal application to the interstate AGAINST THE FEDERALS book on the Panama Canal? the classic of the trotting turf, has touch with the officials so that any commerce commission for a hearing to ATLANTA FIVE ACCEPTS likely mounts may be brought eaat. been changed from the 2 24 to the 2 14 determine whether or not it shall foe New York, January S —* The major class. The announcement was made i " The handicap committee Is prepar- allowed to keep control of its present >£•• '£•• DATE WITH BIRMINGHAM ing the early list and this will be leagues will take no concerted action <&> this afternoon by officials of the De- steamship lines after July 1, 1914 The against the Federal leag-ue, but each troit Driving club The Merchants and acted upon at a meeting held within action is apart from that now pending the next two weeks The list ol goal club will be expected to look after its Birmingham, Ala., January 8—(Spe- Manufacturers was established in 1889 In the department of justice and was own interests, President Harry Hemp- cial.)—-The basketball quintet of the and has brought together so-called ratings will be formally passed upon made necessary by the law of 1912 at the annual meeting of the associa- stead of the New York National Birttningham Athletic club will -meet green trotters More horses will be which prohibits control of 'competing" League club, asserted today, upon re- tb,e flve of the Atlanta Athletic club eligible under the new arrangement tion, which will be held In New York water lines by railroads after July 1, Right here—cut this coupon. on February 10 After that meeting turning from the recent meeting of here on January 17 A telegram was than under previous conditions 1914 except with the approval of the the National Baseball comrait>sion in received yesterday morning by Man- the real activity of preparing for the interstate commerce commission aver Guy Wharton from Joe Bean, the cup matches will begin ' Cincinnati Atlanta physical director, accepting "Though the Federal league may get the same with, the local team on Jan- S. /. A. A. RULE BOARD. a major league plaj er here and there, uary 17. The game will be the first NAVAL STORES PLANT $1O,OOOJOOO GIFT MADE it cannot be taken a-5 anything more of this year's series between the two Constitution and By-Laws With than a minor organization ' he said clubs, the second to be stag-ed in At- CLOSES FOR REPAIRS BY ANDREW CARNEGIE Sixteen of the Giants have signed lanta some time In February. All Changes Just Issued. their 1914 contracts, Hempstead an- For the past several vears the rival- New York January 8 —Andrew Car- nounced Brunswick, Ga , January 8—(Spe- COUPON ry between the two clubs has been In- negie recently reduced his fortune by tense and the games staged have all cial )—Announcement was made that $10 000,000, it became known today, in been hard fought affairs However, the The constitution and by-laws of the the maftimoth plant of the Yaryan Na- making a sift of that amount to the DOGS WERE NOT IN FORM, - club has managed to come off victo- Southern Intercollegiate Athletic as val Stores company, over which there Carnegie United Kingdom Trust in Save it for a Copy rious in a majority of the battles soctatlon is ;iust from the press is such a great fight being: made at Dumfermlme, Scotland. "' AND DERBY UNDECIDED staged. During the 1911-12 season We are in receipt of the handy little present by rival stockholder a, will At a recent meeting of the trustees the local players captured both the booklet, with all the recent changes close down on Saturday night, not be- of this trust the fact waa disclosed came played in Birmingham and the embodied therein cause of any intention to remain closed that Mr Carnegie s rift of $10,000,000 Grand Junction, Tenn, January 8 — one in Atlanta. Last year the Bir- on account of the present Iitjg-ation, but in bonds of the United States Steel cor- Failure of the dogrs regarded as con- mingham Athletic club team defeated in order to make a number of necessary poration, designed for the fund, had tenders m the derby of the United A the Atlanta players* on their own floor, GEORGIA BOY RUNS repairs It was stated todaj that the been registered in the name of the Car- States Field Trials club to locate but met defeat in the Cracker village factory would close on Saturday night negie Dumfermline Trust, which, is game made today s races IndecisH e, The rivalry between the two clubs THREE MILES IN 17.25 and remain shut down for two weeks, distributing Mr Carnegie s generous and tonight announcement was made still exists and the two games this during tthich time it will be partially benefactions in his old home town that at least one brace, possibly two, year promise to be hard fought, as the overhauled in preparation for an in- Steps were taken to have the bonds would run second heats tomorrow be- j The Atlanta Constitution, Jan. 9, 1914 Atlanta boys are anxious to g-am a de- Wajcross, Ga , January S —(Special ) creased business transferred to the United Kingdom fore the event is decided ' 4 cision over the locals on their own Establishing what is believed to be a The lumor that this great plant, em- Trust The setters, Willie J, owned by W * world's record for a 3-mile run, Emer- ploying upw-aids of 1000 men was to This means that Mr Carnegie fur- J Shaw, Brownsville, Tenn , and Count * floor. son Mitchell, member of tbe Waycross close for an indefinite period caused ther curtailed his personal fortune to Patrick, entered by J W Sherwick t Colonel Goethals says: "Accurate and Dependable high school, and only 17 years old, to- considerable trouble in th» city but the extent of $10 000,000 instead of Washington, Ind, will be sent to the * dav ran 3 miles In 17 minutes, 25 sec- the definite announcement made by calling upon the Carnegie corporation field as the first brace tomorrow Wil- SINGLE PAID MANAGER onds» nmil Schlenker, physical direc- those in charge today that the shut- of New York, in which he has set apart lie J, winner of the national and I tor of the Y, M. C A., acting as time- down was only for two weeks, came millions to supplv benevolent funds southern derbies at Letohatchie Ala, FOR BULLDOGS' TEAMS keeper as good news to the people generally Mr Carnegie last night said that he last month ran for an hour in the last The last mile was covered in 4 min- This is the first time that the plant has felt the gift would be appreciated more brace of the first series dogs today ^!ew Haven, Conn.. January S.—A utes, 55 seconds, the best known record been closed day or night, since it was if, it came from his own pocket than without finding birds Count Patrick for a mile being 4 minutes, 15 seconds put into operation two or three years single paid graduate manager for all ago from the New York corporation ran Ms first series race yesterday the athletic teams at Yale In place By his record run today, young Mitch- Jersey Doc, owned by F Reilly Phil- HOW TO GET THIS BOOK of the thirty-four men now occupying ell won the A. M Knisht, Jr, trophj adelphia, and Geome F, owned by managerships or assistant manager- ACCUSED OF SWINDLING George Foster, of Calgary, Alberta. ships for the various branches of AGENTS OF EMPIRE LIFE both setters, have also been ordered On account of the educational value and patriotic appeal of this sport is advocated by The Yale News AMERICUS MANAGER WHOLESALE MERCHANTS made ready for another tryout tomor- today. MEET IN JACKSONVILLE row book, The Constitution lias arranged to distribute a limited edition SIGNS Jtf/S CONTRACT Lady Mohawk Whites tone setter, Philadelphia, January owned by W \- Johnson, Chattanooga, among its readers tor the cost ot production and handling. Jacksonville Fla. January S—(Spe- charge of having used the mails to Tenn, ran with tjie setter May Blos- Americus, Ga.. January S —{Special ) cial )—The Ely club, of the agency defraud wholesale merchandise dealers som, the entry of J C Bannister, Kee- It is bound in heavy cloth. It contains 400 pages, 100 illustrations Dave Gaston, newly-elected chief ot force or the Empire Life Insurance and manufacturers out of many thou- the Amertcus Muckalees, signed this company, Atlanta, is in session here to- sands of dollars, Charles I* Greenfield, wanee, IU, in "the second series late and diagrams, an index, and two maps (one of them a beautiful bird's- afternoon hfs contract to manage the day and tomorrow Forty member! Samuel Brown and Myer Bowman, resi- today Neither found birds Americus team next season after a from -all sections of Georgia, Alabaim dents of this city, arrested last night, eye view of the Canal Zone in four colors). IT IS ACTUALLY A conference with the board of directors were today held In heavy bail by a $3.00 VALUE. of the Americus duo Both the di- United States commissioner for further "HELLO BOYS" TO TAKE \ rectors and Gaston are well pleased hearing January 19 At today's prelim- with tho prospects of the Americus inary examination James T Cortelyou, PLACE OF "HELLO GIRLS"} Cut the above coupon from any issue of the paser, present it with outfit during: the coming season chief postal inspector for the Philadel- 50 cents at our oftice, and a copy o£ tlie book is yours. Fifteen cents phia district, testified that many com- Pittsburg, Pa., January 8—Scventj,- extra if sent by mail. Giants 4, White Sox 3. plaints had been received against the five young- men today entered the accused men in thlg and other cities school of Instruction of the Pittabure Melbourne. Australia, January 8 — Golf at Pinehurst. According to postal inspectors, the and Allegheny Telephone company, an_ OUR GUARANTEE. This is not a money-making scheme. The The New York Giants today defeated accused men established the Great? within a few days will begin work as Constitution baa undertaken the distribution of this book solely . _GRANTON the Chleagro WKite Sox, 4 to 3, la an Pinehurst, ^f C, January S—George Western Jobbing house in St. Louis and night telephone operators They will WHITE STRIPED MATHtAfl eleven-inning game C Dutton, of the Belmont club Eos- a store in East St. Louis, and had goods displace girls who are prohibited un- because of its educational ment and whatever beneat there is to bwere manufacturers in different parts of the night. Adelaide. ' ^ _ winners in the second round of match country. They failed to pay for the Constitution will cheerfully refund the price of the boob to »ny play at the annual mid-winter g-olf goods and when the Great Western purchaser who is not satisfied with it. tournament today In the semi-finals Job-bluer house was forced into bank- ARROW Hoppe v* Sutton. tomorrow Dutton -will meet Becker^ ruptcy, the creditors could not find any Caritch Refuses Federal Offer. Chicago, January S—Willie Hoppe while Risley is matched with Slater of their goods Investigation resulted Minneapolis, Minn, January 8 —Fred ' and George Sutton will play 1,500 \V JE Trusdell, of Poxhills, H V in the discovery that the merchandise Carisch_ catcher for \the Cleveland PRESEHT OWE COUPON FROM THE CONSTITUTIOlf COLLARS points 18.2 billiards here February Sergerman, of Englewood, N J Robert had been shipped to BhIIadeiphia and American league basehkli team, who CENTS EXTKA. II-SENT By MACL lor 29 cents 23-25 for a stake of $2,000. Sutton an- Hunter, of Weeburn, Mass, and W. H. other cities. is visiting here, said today he had re- nounced today that Hojjpe Had accept- Faust, of the Buffalo Country club, re Greenfield was held in ¥12,000 bail fused ft'n offer from the Kansas City &n in tbe consolation Tf 1EWSP4PERS 1EWSP4PERS MUSTMEASURES IGENIAINDSO P^FORCONEKESS TO THEUNITEOSBg -DEUVM-tAIR Soule, Worsham and Haden "I Have No Platform Except Bills "Have Been Prepared in Heavy Shipment* Received at First Regular Service ii» WO! Tell Crushers How to That I Want the Office," Accord^jtce With View* of New York, and Others. World I* Inauugwwt Movement Launched for a President Wilson. Are to Follow. . • . Atlantic Beach. Millions-Dollar Monument Combat Boll Weevil. 'Says Macon Man. . " New York/ January 8.—Nearly 300,- Jacksonville. JFla., Januar}' ;*!—, to Andrewr Jackson-^-Be- Much .interest is felt in the special Macon, Ga,, January, 8.—(SpeciaL);—' Washington, January S.—The admin- Hrst mail and passenger service meeting of the Cotton Seed Crushers' J"ohu R." Cooper" has ' announced'for istration anti-trust legislation, program 000 bushels of Argentine corn were congress in the sixth district. In his was completed today BO far.as the pre- being- unloaded.in tlijs port rtaday and aeroplane in the world, was succe feated British 99 Years Ago association of Georgia, which has been announcement he ' declares" that -^'noth- Jimina'ry . worlp by the house commit- millions more 'from the "South Ameri- fully, inaugurated this morning -I called to meet at the Ansley fcotel this ing but death" will keep him out of tee on judiciary is considered. Bills can republic are under contract. Tlie tiveerT-pnbio Beach 'and Atlantic Bea morning for the purpose of consider- the race. He asks his friends to have been - prepared covering every Importations are the direct result of " i- Aviator George 'A. Gray. The im Nashville, Tenn., January 8. —O n the ng plans to fight the boll weevil. "stick to him," accordingly. - phase of the trust question and are the removal of-.the duty.on the staple aacli iv-as dropped from an elevati' 92 th anniversary or the battle of New The meeting will be called to order As to his platform he says: "I have ready for submission to the full- com- linder the recent tariff act. of about 100 feet directly in front^ mittee soon after congress reassembles the mnin entrance of the AtlaTu^*! Orleans, of which he ;^va» the hero, no platform except that I want the Monday. The Judiciary committee mem- More than 1,000,000 bushels have been Beach hotel by the aviator, who then formal steps to erect a monument to office,-and it I am elected I, w^U do bers, will confer nest week with Presi- received in the United States since the circled about, landing his passenger at my best to get everything I'cari for the dent "Wilson and the anti-trust legisla- tariff went into effect, and already the entrance from the lawn. former President Andrew Jacfcaon were pepple of my district and I will en- tion, details will be made clear. competition with American corn has The biplane -with tho aviator and on« taken at-a brilliant oan&ie$ ^tven here. deavor to represent all classes alike. Representative Clayton, of Alabama, forced a decline in'cash values. passenger left Atlantic Beach at an tonight at the Hermlta.se club. The Of- course I am in favor of electing chairman of the committee, authorized Thirteen ships arc either on. route federal. judges by. the people, and I j the announcement that In co-operation .here or loading with corn from the Ar- banquet was attended by 150 repre'-, would like- to go to congress just long' with Representatives Carlin. of Vir- sentative" men,- corning from,^ many enough, to make .one speech against the ginia, chairman of the subcommittee g-entine and one American concern power of the federal judiciary." / J on trusts, and Representative Floyd, of which uses corn in manufactured states and including in its personnel He declares, in fa-vur o£ woman suf- * Arkansas, he had finished the prelim- products has 5,000,000 bushels from inary work of the committee on the that country under contract for de- both republicans and democrats. f rage and of - rotation in office. He •• subject of trust legislation. He said A resolution was unanimously adopt- also declares in favor of the repeal of that "bills touching every phase or the livery. ed authorizing Major' E. B. Stahlman, the .peonage .law. , J subject have been prepared". and that The corn already here found the rail- •It -is said that Congressman Bartlett, upon the return of the full commit- roads unprepared to Uandle it and the who presided at .the meeting, to ap- of.. this district, will run again, ^.rid tee to the city the bills will be taken port without adequate docking: facili- point a committee of twenty-five to •within "& scratch ,of being elected,. last up for consideration. ties. torm the Andrew Jackson- National within a scratch of being eletced last The views of the president and of The fact that hitherto practically no time, has already made declaration of the democratic party as expressed in corn has ever moved west has also Monument association. Articles of In- his candidacy. In the last election it the national platform have been fol- confronted the railroads with a new corporation are to be taken out and was thought for a whole day ,that Wise lowed " in the prepn.ra.tion of the, bills, rate problem. had. .defeated' Baj-tlett, the news an- Corn Price* Drop* NERVOOS DYSPEPSIA, trustees, appointed from every state Mr. Clayton said. He declined to give nouncements having gone* out to that details, but said the Sherman anti-trust Chicago, January S.—The recent In the'- union. The monument Is to effect. Belated retuvns from remote, law had been left intact. He also sharp decline in corn prices here went be erected in Nashville, twelve miles precincts' in Bibb county,. however, stated that one bill would cover inter- a penny further today, due to the re- distant from "The Hermitage," where save Bartlett. the 'nomination by a; locking directorates. This bill has moval of the tariff duty and accen- president. Jackson lived, and where his few votes. . been drawn so it would not take ef- tuated by . a decline in the Buenos fect until two years after its passage. Aires market. body reposes. President Woodrow WiU This is to permit corporations to ad- Argentine corn in New York is sell- son has ,. already _, assented to become CORDELE POLICE CHIEF Just themselves to- any necessary re- ing 4 lo 5 cents under -the price at "Pape's Diapepsin" Settles the honorary -president of the associa- organization. Members of the commit- which Chicago shipments, can be sold tion. stipulating.- however, that no ap- FREED OF DRUNK CHARGE tee believe that other large interests in that market, according' to James A. Sour, Upset Stomachs in propriation Is to be aslced of con- will follow the example of J. P. Morgan Patton, for many ve'ara recognized as SECRETARY M'ADOO. & Co.. in withdrawing from directorates the biggest corn dealer in the Amer- Five Minutes. :. gress. CoVdele, Ga., January 8.—(Special.; in other large concerns. ican market. Covernor Hooper OB Jncfcwon. On a charge of being drunk and unfit Secretary of the Treasury William G. Mr. Patton said that in due t ime W. H. M'KENZIE, for duty on the night of December 4, One of the notable speakers at the Chief of Police L. M. Sumner was jMcAdoo becomes one of the most pow- he looked for the appearan-ce of for- Time it: Pape's Diapepsm will ai- banquet was Governor- Ben W. Hooper, Woo will s-peak at meeting of Cotton brought to trial' and acquitted before erful men in the financial -world through FATHERS AND SONS eign corn in western markets and pre- aest anything yo« pa1- and overcome a- Crushers' association. the city council yesterday afternbon. the provision's- of the new currency act, dicted that in two or three years the soui- sassy or out-oC-ordec stomach of Tennessee, a republican, who said which makes him virtually the chair- TO GET ACQUAINTED cheaper feed would increas e xproduc- in part:. - It being- the time for the -nnual elec- man "of the federal reserve board. -This tion of beef. . sureiv within five minutes. by Vice President P. D. McCarley at tion or subordinate .officers. Chief board will have absolute control of the If your meals don't lit comfortably, "Amon& the .presidents of this na- Suniner was re-elected to h'ls position Cleveland, Ohio, January 8.—Robert or what you eat lies like a lump of tion; there have been .many great men, 0:30 o'clock. Dr. Dunbar H. Ogden within a few minutes after his ac- national banks of the country. lead in your stomach, or if, you have . but to the p'opular mind only three will invoke a blessing and the address quittal. E. Lewis, secretary of the Cleveland Y. M. C. A. WINS SUIT heartburn, that is a sign of indiges.- of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Several witnesses were examined, Young- Men's Christian asociation, who stand out with marked distinctiveness. Woodward, to '-which response will be among them J. J. Warren, assistant, originated the "Father and Son" move- TO GET SUBSCRIPTION *Get from your pharmacist a flfty- The virtues of 'the others may always made by W. H. McKenzle, of Monte- chief o£ police, who was the only wit- U. P. MELON-CUTTING ment, has received letters from the cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take bo known to the close and scholarly zuma. ness to testify that the officer was mayors of more than phe hundred cit- Savannah, Ga,, January S.—(Special.) a dose just aw soon as you can. Thefce student of history, .but successive, gen- Addresses on the boll weevil' situa- drunk at thy time allfegeU. Warren CAUSES COURT FIGHT ies* stating they nave issued proclama- The famous suit brought by the Y. M. will be no sour risiiiss, no belching of erations of American citizens will most ion 'will be made by Dr. Andrew H. 'was an op-ponent of Sumner for chtef tions . calling upon citfeens to partici- C. A. against the estate of the late uncUge.sted food mixed with acid,, noi vividly behold the clearcut figures Soule, president of the State'College of in 1912. Some of the witnesses testi- New York, -January 8.—Action to re- pate in the movement to draw fathers Colonel J. H. Estill, to collect $500, the stomach kas or heartburn, fullnessl Lgrjculture; E. L. Worsham,. state en- fied that the police chief -was drinking:, strain the directors of the Union Pa- and their sons into'closer Union. amount Colonel Estill is alleged • to or heavy feelingr in the stomach, nau- of Washington; Jackson and Lincoln. ; omologist, and C. J- Haden, .president cific Railroad company from distribut- "Father and Son" movements have sea, debilitiHincr headaches, diszlness f the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. -which was admitted* by him. thoug-h have subscribed to the Y. M. C. ' A. "This memorable day which is beg none said that -he was incapacitated ing its holdings ot: Baltimore and Ohio been formally launched in San Fran- buidine fund, was today decided in or intestinal griping This will all go, ins observed throughout our republic A committee will be appointed to far duty.' stock, par value $£2,000,000, to the cisco, "Washington, Brooklyn, Balti- and besides, there will be no sour draft resolutions embodying the con- road's common stockholders was begun more, Chicago, Long Beach, CaL; favor of the Y. M. C. A. Judge Charl- is one in which Tennesseeana may clusions reached by the body as to the Sumner had returned from Ocala, ton. In the superior court, directed a food left over in the stomach to poison • Fla., on the night of Ms. alleged in the supreme court here today by a Westfield, N. Y.; Grand Rapids, Mich,.; verdict in favor of the institution. The your breath with nauseous odors. justly feel a peculiar 'sense of pride. most feasible W£(.y of combatting the group of preferred stockholders head- Middletown, N. Y.; Marion, Ind.; Mari- Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure drunkenness, where he bad-been after on, Ohio: Racine, Wls.; Elmira, N. Y.; Estill estate fought the suit on the "While the tiublic service and the lllus- weevil. a negro prisoner. Tfae- negro escaped ed by James T. McCadden. Summons ground that the alleged subscription for out-of-order stomachs, because -it . trlous fame of Andrew Jackson -are a-t Sparks, Ga., and it was claimed and complaint in the case were served Chagrin Falls, Ohio; 'Athoi. Mass. takes hold of your food and digests it _ 1 upon Otto H. Kahn, of the Union Pa- Among other letters Mr. Lewis re- was not made in writing. the heritage of our whole nation, it •that the escape was due 'to the alleged cific's executive' committee. ceived one from John Purroy MItchel, just the same as if your stomach wa£ into the warp and woof of Ten- SERVING LIFE TERM, fac>t that the officer was under'the in- The plaintiffs submit that as share- of New York, in which ho gave the wasn't there. nes'see history that his life was most •^uence of intoxicants. '. ' ' lolders of preferred stock they are en- movement his hearty indorsement. W. O. Patterson Held. Relief in five minutes from all stom- intimately -woven. What would An- VIOLET GOOLD DIES titled to an squal share of Baltimore Mayor "Wallace G. Nye, of Minneapolis, ach misery is waiting- for you at any drew Jackson have been without Ten- and Ohio preferred and common to be issued a proclamation in which he said Savannah, Ga., January 8.—W. D. drucr store. Montpelier, France, January 8.—(Mrs. LOCKING UP JAILER, distributed. They allege that the dis- home should be "more than a mere Patterson, of Tampa, Fla.,- was arrest- These larg-e fifty-cent cases contain nessee as . a field of activity and op- Violet Goold, who, with, her husband, tribution involves the 'issue of $12 in place in which to sleep and eat," ed here this morning and is behttf enough "Pa-pe's Diapepsin" to keep the portunity and how robbed of warmth Vere St. Leg-er G-ooId, was serving1 a PRISONER ESCAPES >ar of Baltimore and Ohio preferred In Chicago aJl the branches, of the held for the authorities of the Florida, entire family free from stomach dis- Ife term for the murder of Emma and $22.50 in Baltimore and Oliio com- Young Men's Christian association are city. It is said Patterson is wanted orders and indigestion for many and color of the history of Tennessee months. It belongs In your home. would be without the radiant renown jevin1 in the summer of 1907, the crime mon for each share of Union Pacific planning fathers and sons banquets. in Tampa for embezzlement. being known as "the Monte Carlo Athens, Ga,, January 8.—(Special.)— leld by the recipient "tlius proposing of Andrew Jackson? Coming- to Ten- trunk mystery," died in prison today. Robert Harris, the ma5or domo of the ;o Issue to holders "of common stock nessee at the age of 21 from North city hall and custodian of the city a dividend amounting to $37.50 payable Carolina, which was then a part of The trial of the Goolds' in pecem- •prison for twenty years, was 1locked In cash and Baltimore and Ohio stock." LEE GRAMLING INJURED Tenneysee, he- immediately became a ber, 1907, attracted great attention be- In the city prison this morning about The plaintiffs also allege that the vigorous factor in the life of the rug- cause of the manner' in which the .mur- sunrise by the one .lone .prisoner of Jnion' • Pacific Railroad company's BY FALL FROM WINDOW Finest Cattle and Hogs on Earth Can be ged pioneer colony upon, the banks Qf der was committed, and the dramatic the city, who was in. for a state of- loldings of Southern Pacific common the Cumberland. arrest of the principals, who were fense till he could oe .transferred to stock formed part of the capital in- Waycross. Ga.. January 8.—(Special.) taken by the police while seeking- to the county jail. Harris went Into the vested in the union Pacific. Since this ^"ailing- from a second-story window, Raised in Brooks County, Georgia. Nune of Tennessee. escape with a trunls contain!ns por- city jail to ascertain the number of stock was traded for Baltimore and young Lee Grajnlinff, 4-year-old son of "He was attorney general of this' t!6ns of the body of their victim. The (breakfasts needed, saw the cages empty Ohio common and preferred, plaintiffs Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gramling, today territory before It became a state, and victim had been lured to the Goolds' and the .corridors bare." He made a say 'that the stock taken in exchange suffered no other injuries than a HERE'S A CHANCE was a member of the constitutional villa and robbed of valuable jewelry. further search and heard the door constitutes part of the capital invest- broken leg. However, the fracture Is convention which framed Its first or- Her dismembered body was packed slam behind him. The key turned In ment of the Union' Pacific. regarded as very serious. For every home-bred animal slaughtered for home consumption, three ganic law. It was he who in this n a trunk and shipped to Marseilles. the lock and "the warden was a pris- Robert S. Lovett, chairman of the are shipped from other states. convention, first suggested the name The trunk later was found among the oner. His cries Were little heeded by executive committee of the Union Pa- the house officers who thought some cific, said tonight h-e knew the suit $81,016 tor Princeton. Brooks County Is ideal for raising these food animals. If you are experi- of Tennessee for this g-oodly common- baggage of the Goolds. early drunk was letting off steam. »ad been started. "But I don't care a enced, you can make a fortune here. Nobody wants cold storage stuff if wealth, and he was its first represent- ,Mrs. Gdold originally -was sentenced snap about it," he declared. • Princeton, N. J.,. January S.-^-Cash you can furnish the real article. ative In the federal congress. He ,was .o he guillotined and her husfaand to After hours he was released. The real g-ifts of $81,016 to Princeton univer- eucc'essively. a judge of the superior ife imprisonment. The woman's sen- prisoner had been perched on top of Directors of the-Unldn Pacific railroad tence was commuted to penal servi- 'the cage and the warden, like a,par- today approved the plan recommended sity were announced at the winter Come to Quitman and look around. Easy to convince you, court and a member of the United tridge, had not looked up. He has by the road's executive - committee meeting- of the board of trustees, today. or write for full information States senate, and yet,he.-had bu^. lit- tude for .-life, -vbecaoisjB. of jtthe outcry not1 been recaugfit. .. 7, Tuesday for -distributiop to the com- The appointment of J acob Gould tle liking for civil office'* ana avoided against an execution' in the-principal- mon stockholder's o£Ci€s..?S2^000,000 par Schurman. president of Cornell uni- rather than sought it. He resigned ly of Monaco. value Baltionoj-a.. and Ohio stock, to- versity, to the Stafford Little lecture- Brooks County Industrial Club, Quitman, Georgia a' seat ' both In the houge and senate gether with #3 per share la Ocash, and ship for 19J.4 was confirmed by the of the nation, an example which has DOCTORS TO INSPECT for the reduction of..the Uni'on Pacific trustees. not, been emulated by any modern NO FIGHT IS PROBABLE comm.on dividend from 10 to 8 per statesman in this dominion." BIBB COUNTY PUPILS cent. The distribution will be made Other speakers were Major E. B. ON SCOTT AND BUNN April 1 to stockholders of record Stahlman, toast-nastar; John Trotwood Macon, Ga., January 8.—(Special.)— March 3. a Moore, poet and author who read an Washington, January 8.—(Special.) Medical inspection in the schools of original poem appropriate to the oc- Asked today about the postmasters' Bibb county was put in force yester- casion; -Finis J. Garrett, congressman cases^ at Baintoridge and Waycross, day, following the action of the board from the ninth district of Tennessee, Senator Hoke Smith said there was no of education at the December meeting BIBB COUNTY ATTORNEY Joseph W-. Byrns, representative In indication of any flgrht over the con- in naming; Dr. A, B. Jemlson super- congress from the sixth Tennessee dis- firmation of J. M. Scott, at Bainbrldge, visor of medical inspection, and Dr. J. GETS SALARY INCREASE trict; Hilary E. Howse, mayor of and H. C- Bunn, at Waycross. P, Holmes and Dr. Charles H. Rich- Nashville; C. P. J. Mooney, ot Memphis; Mr. Scott was recommended by the ardson as assistants. "Macon, Ga., January 8.—(Special.)— editor of "The Cormnerclal Appeal. Dr. late Representative Roddenbery, and The principal object of the inspec- The salary of the attorney for Bibb James I. Vance, pastor ,of the . First when, on his death, Representative tions will be to find the physlca.1 de- county has been Increased by the Presbyterian church, of Nashville, of- Pranlc Park soug-ht to fill the place, 'he fects in the children and try to remedy county commissioners to $1.200 a year, fered the Invocation. was advised that the postoffice depart- them. Regular reports are to be made this being the fourth Increase in the ASK THE CONSTITUTION From President AVilson. and filed with the superintendent of stipend for this office in the last four ment had closed the matter. education, and where defects are found years. The office is held by W. G. The following- telegram from Presi- In the Waycross case, Mr. Bunn was that can be remedied, the .parents of Smith, who has served in that capac- dent "Woodrow "Wilson was read by the Indorsed by Representative Walker. the children will he notified and told ity for ten years. toastmaster: He was a strong supporter of Senator just what steps to take. His first salary was $300, which was WHERE TO LIVE ."Wilt you not give to the diners at Smith, and, although a fight was made later raised to $600 and again to ? 1,000, the Jackson dinner my moat cordial on him by some of the patrons of the followed by the recent increase to greetings and say that I wish most office, Senator Smith will interpose no $1,200. Bibb county has been a party sincerely that 1 could be present in or- objection- to his confirmation. WANT HUTCHENS TO RUN to litigation in the -courts only two O YOU seek Hying accommodations? der to join in doing honor to the great or three times In the last four years. democrat who served the country with FOR SENATOR OR JUDGE so high a courage." SECRETARY W. B. POWELL Ask The "Constitution's Bureau of Among others .who . sent telegrams Rome, Ga., January 8.—(Special.)-— •wore Attorney General J. C. McRey- RESIGNS IN COLUMBUS Hon. G. R. Hiutchens is being strongly ATHENS COTTON DEALERS Boarding and\Rooming House Infor- uolds, Judge Horace Lurton, Secretary importuned here to mafte the race for TO PAY ALL CREDITORS of the -Navy Josephus Daniels, "Uncle Columbus, Ga., January S.—-(Special.) the place on the court of appeals, and . Joe" Cannon, Congressman Cordell Willis B. Powell resigned this after- also to make the race for the United Athens, Ga,, January 8.—Griffith & mation. Hull, Senator Luke Lea, Champ Clark, noon as ereneral secretary of the Co- States senatorshlp. Welsh, .cotton dealers, who. on Janu- Congressman Clement Brumbaugh, the lumbus board of trade, a position he In all probability he will announce ary 1, filed a voluntary request for Call up Main 5000 oV Atlanta 5001 and ask Tennessee Society of St. Louis. William has filled since July 1, when be gave tor one or the other of the two places, bankruptcy, have arranged to pay all Jennings Bryan, Senator "W. E. Chilton, Up a similar position, at Tampa, Fla. though at this time he makes no defi- creditors in full and will wlthdraw Senator Ollie James, Nicholas Long- Mr. Powell resigns for personal rea- nite statement as to what he expects thelr bankruptcy petition, according to the Bureau Clerk whenp rooms and board may worth. Secretary of "War. L. M. Garri- sons and will return to south Florida, announcement by the firm tonight. son. Postmaster General Burleson, Mel- locating* temporarily at St. Peters- | It is reported here that he has the ville E. Stone. John Temple Graves, 1 be secured. Governors Colqultt. Baldwin, "West, Mc- burg , ttis plans for the future have I matter under serious advisement, and Creary, Lister. Senators Foindexter and not been formed, although he has' re- • that he may announce for one or the Eastman Lodge Remodeled. Works. • Hundreds of other congratu- ceived several attractive offers. Mr. other of the two positions -within -the The Constjrtntieflt-x^-operates with boarding latory messages were also received, in- Powell has done effective work for snext few weeks. Eastman, Ga., January. 8.—(Special.) cluding- the following from Samuel the Columtoua board and his resigna- The work of remodelipg- and Improv- and rooming/ house keepers to maintain a list Jackson, of Carrack Fergus, Ireland, tion ' was received with deep regret ing the Eastman Masonic lodge ibuild- the nearest living relative of President and accepted only on his insistence. CRISP STILL CONFINED Ing was completed a row days ago. Jackson, who cabled: Eight feet, three stories high, wa-a of good places where you may be comfortably "Samuel Jackson BaJIycary sends TO HOME BY LA GRIPPE congratulations." ... LAWYER'S FEES $664 , \ a new .entrance entirely separate from Indiana Democrat* lor Monument. '- Americus, Ga., January S.—(Special.) the space occupied by the postoffice and satisfactorily domiciled. Indianapolis,. Ind., January • 8. — A FOR HIS FIRST YEAR Congressman Charles R. Crisp eontin- on -the second floor was provided. movement launched by Tennessee dem- l ues confined to his home here with If yoir want to move ask The Constitution ocrats to erect a national monument to- Cambridge, Mass., January S.—The la grippe and fever, having been ill Andrew^ Jackson was indorsed by dem- fees of a lawyer for his first year's for two weeks, or since -his return hero ^ "The Blindness of Virtue" to help /'ou locate. There is no charge to the 1 ocrafcs of Indiana a't a banquet h,ere practice average only $664; his earn- for the congressional holidays. • His tonight. Governor Samuel M. Ralston ings after ten years' amount to an aver- illness will prevent his return to is a comedy with, an educa- read a •telegram received by Thomas age of $5,000, according to a compila- Wasiiinsrton next weeK for the recon- public for this service. It is one step further Taggart, democratic national commit - tion o£ the incomes of Harvard law venine of the congressional session, tion. No lines are immodest iteeman. from Indiana, from Tennessee school graduates announced today sby .though he will hasten back to his post that The Constitution makes in the Public Serv- democrats In Nashville,, proposing" that Rlenard Ames, secretary of the school. [at the earliest hour possible. or suggestive. the democrats of the united. States learnings of young lawyers west of erect thfi monument^ The plan- ' was the Mississippi were found to be ice. It is for your benefit. Make liberal use of beartny, indorsed and a telegram to greater than those of- graduates in the that' effect was sent to th$ Tennessee east. Average earnings of graduates FIGHT ENDS TUSSLE EDUCATIONAL democrats.. - In, New England were found to be'less the privilege. . Mr.. Taggart took : the place on v the ttian in any other region. OF FATHERLAND SON program at the banquet that had been WEALTHY WIDOW BUYS Macon. Ga., January 8.—(Special.)— If you are from out of the city call at The reserved for Representative Carter A J Cherry and his son are so proud Glass, of Virsrinia, who, was unable to HOTEL IN SAVANNAH of their physical strength that they Constitution building and the Bureau of Board- oe present. Mr.. Taggart -declared the boasted of it to each other this morning democratic -party under; leadership ol and finally got into, an argument,, the Woodrow Wilson waa " '-redeemin- g al-- ' -Savannah, <3a., January -8.—Mrs. father losing his temper and a tussle Center S.. Pryor and Hunter Sn.. AOanta, G» ing and Rooming House Information will direct made - at- the Baltimore -con- Hannah S. Whildln, the wealthy New followed whiich ended in a knock-down vention. Jersey widow who recently figured In and drag-out fight. . • of the moat attractive hostel- to shoot his son. He .was later fined i»roj»iet6rfc in vcraon, Cstalomi* Few* tor Thomas P. Gore, Oklahoma: Sena- rles in the city. $10 by the recorder." tor James A. Reed, Missouri, and, 'Sena- Every person from out of town may feel that tor .William 'H. Thompson, Kansas Political workers from all' parts of they already have a FRIEND in Atlanta who Missouri attended a banquet at wlilch the speeches were delivered. Sena-tor Reed said the laist national- will look out for their interests. If your son or election "broke the strangle hold of the beneficiaries of special -privilege.' "The. question," be- said, "no longer daughter is coming to Atlanta among strangers is what do tfae-manufacturlng classes desire, what do the financial classes ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS direct them to call first at The Constitution's desire, what do the political boses de- mand, but what is for the general wel- fare? The difference between the two Bureau of Boarding and Rooming House In- policies is immeasurable. We have Made at this Bank on or before January 1 Oth abandoned an .old policy and returned to a still older philosophy — the philos- (SATURDAY), will draw formation. - '..•'-' ^ ophy that all Just government must be for the benefit of all the people. JV«iv Orleans Aemember* Jaelt. . Index to Want Ads, Pagefll, Column 6 New Orleans, January 8. —Citizen s or Louisiana are observing as .a. -legal holiday this, the ninety-ninth anniver- sary of the -battle of -New - Orlearia. Interest from January 1 Graves of soldiers buried. at Chalmotte, below the city, are decorated. Many amateur -athletic .events . Tyill be THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION turea of the celebration. At( 4 Per Cent "The Standard Southern Newspaper" ' • •-'.','•_ p . GalvestonSeventh, InfantrTexas,y Remember*January S.—I. n ommemoration *>£ ; the battle.. -- of ^ New Orleans,, Seventh United T3tates-ih-- fantry. which was the only organiza- tion of the regular army participating In. the historic, conflict, Jield th£-cere~ many, "escort to the. colors:*, an. the. Peachttce it Walton; Branch. 297"Marietta: parade ground at Fort Crockett, near GJLlveston. tttis afternoon., iNEWSPAPERl WSPAPEM pSfPsfSplS^^

KANGM IN COT TON PVTVRSS. WAS10; HEAVY SLUMP IN STOCKS WEAKENED AGED WOMAN ACCUSED Holiday at New Orltan*. (Corrected by Fidelity Fruit and ^Produce Cprnpany, 67 South Broad Street.) OF MURDER ATTEMPTS . 12.05-08 12,05-us N»w brleun, J»mi»rV S.—No markets to- 12.«2 12.05 !>-»» 12.01 12.04-01. 12.04-Jt dayay.. Holidaay on accounc t o* anniversary ' IN LATE Tl o* th« ol New Orl«»on. PRICES OF f ?mp...... \..*6.oo Mrs. Mary Logan, Jailed for .. .. „. ., .. .. ,„ ,. T.S5.50 sax s— "•• r * Alleged Attack on Chil- Were Lower Wl . ' Market Closed Heavy, One Market Showed Strength Aba»ka . dren, Gains and Holiday in New FLORIDA and One-Eighth to One Early in Session, But in FANCY G BEANS, preen, drum. and One-Half Cent Off. Afternoon Prices of Some Accused of attempting' to murder the Caused the Dull BONDS. Was ., .. .-, f STQCKS. red, bag two youngr children of ^Ir^. M. Steejp, Issues Declined. •Mrs. Mary Logra'n. a woman of 65 veers- Vr«». [J, S. ref. 2s, registered .. .. CABBAGE, cra.te, pound .. 2^4c Wheat Lower. Plch. kow. CtaB". Clone. do. coupon . - . .S5o@siino who was put In police headquarters , Copper . . J3% 71* W4 «» XJ. a 3s registered ••?!.-IJ:; POTATOES,°rtd."Duahei *. .* ..Sl.VO Wednehday. was freed yesterdfiy. $*" .... .50 do«u.. vuui'ucoupon .- ,^ •» -• •• •• * ••* • * ~J? ***? it '- White, bushel .. ,...... -S1.1^j-.0m Chicago, January 8.—One break fol- New York, January 8.—Although ThUTew York, January S.—-The cotton -,-Am_. Agricultura__--,_,._—l U. S. 4s» registered HI a j JLEJJktONS, box ...... $4.50® 5 00 of forts were made to . Kave'.her conwjm- *ket wag very quiet today &nd Am. Beet sugar-. 24 84 2414 EC G lowed Another today In corn. Expand- there \vere symptoms weakness in A i Can U* 30 i 30% 813 do. coupon -" •• --Jis i * PI./ANT, .crate ., .T ,- .. -- , .53.50 ing competition from the Argentine various quarters at the outsi-t today, ted to the state asylum for the.in3*&" ft»» fluctuated within a range of • ' •*5Jf 22 " »0« 90% s Panama 38, coupon ...... ,- • • --10aa0 l TOMATpEJS. fancy, crate stock. .. ..$3.50 I American Agricultural Be, bid ... — --• ' was chiefly responsible. Prices closed the general movement uf the tatocK at MilZedfireville. ', ilnts. the close being stesujy, net W-IAW c£rV] 45 44% •- —tA : V.IHMWH...... [email protected] . heavy, i^i@l^ to 1%@1% under last "'- faa.n*ed to 5 points Jov/er: xnu Cotton 8* American Tel- & TeL ev. 4s ofd. . ••,?«* CUCUMBERS ;. ..-.. ..53.00 b market was upward. Reading espe- Police Surgeon Martin, however, 38 3?« S7 American Tobacco 65, Wd . - ,. -. . ••'JSm LETTUCE, drum .. *2.00 nis-ht.. Wheat suffered a net loss of cially was in active demand. The mar- upon making1 an examination, pro- Business may have been »oroewh»t,AmT icV'ISc- 24 Armour A Co, 4%s ASH- %@% to %, and oats a decline of % to 'Itet failed, however, to maintain its . uatrlcted by the holiday In New Or- | Am. Mnwea . . 10 1I0 " 93% ?SS yl'o™ •- • i- --'2.00 J nounced that tl)e prisoner was rational- Atcftlsoa ren. 4e - - • ,* &">)». In provisions the outcome was Strength and during tho latter part tans, bat local traders regards*, U>5 | Am. Locomotive _. 3394 She denied having1 made any attempt ,„.,.»,„= as Indicating that scattered Am. Smeron* & *.- do. cv. 4s (1980), Wd ' sSS* PEPPER.' "s-'basket" crate ". .". ." ". ." "- .' »2'5a0 rise of 12^s@I5 to 37%. j of the day it slipped backward u-ntil ccounta Had previously been well 63% da. cv. 5s ., •' - • - • • S?» OKRA, crate, tender .. . .*3,00, Argentine corn, which had been prices in some instances were de~ upon the Steele children, and declared 99 Atlantic Coast Line lat 4a, bid • •• Jjg SWBBT POTATOES, ^.us^iel ., SOU bought for gulf ports at the Chicago i pressed below yesterday's close. that her arrest was caused purely on vetied up for over the report • of the Sugar B»(|nlDB.106% 102'A 103 107 Baltimore & Ohio 4s •May quotation, was being hedged fcn i Reduction in the Bank of ICngland's ensus bureau at the opening tomor- Tel. ft Tel. *,lis3 115% 11894 111* do. 3%B .. • • account of personal grievance. ow, and about the only trading 1 ea- I *JJ- ^baito ' " 3J3 244 Brooklyn Tfanal cv. 4a , the pit here wi.th other cargoes from • fliscoant rate from 5 to 4 1-li i>er rent "iSl^l e ns fOVLTHS ANJ> EGGS.. the South American republic said to exerted an important influence on sen- She had been living with, the Steele ure was some selling of July here | Anaconda Mint Co', iiii siii 33* 33 Central of Georeitv &s, bid - - "97% ' ?? . ' Mve, pound '"'" family at 27 Fortune street. For a »rty In the day against purchases In Atchlson ... . . 94* 8494 84'A 94 Central Leather gs ,. .. .. -. . ' pound ...... , ...... i he pressing for /sale. Deferred ship- ittment for a time, assisting in the up- rfverpooL- do. pfd ..-,'. Chesapeake & Ohio 4}&u .. .. - ments from Argentine, it was saiQ. turn. The effect of the change in the considerable time she had been an Cables were rather lower than due, Atlantic CoVs't Lino.'.li?" lieu 116 do. conv. 4Hs .. .. ,- .. -. • were tendered at below th,e Chicago. discount rate was increased by the inmate of thp paupers' home. She was Wt after opening steady at a decline —-—------Cnlcaarohlcago . &B . Alton& Q., ^oinbid t 4s May basis. Buenos Atrea disnatch.es strong showing of the bank's weekly unable to .provide a living for herself, 1 to 3 points, the local market rai PROVISION MARKET. told of a sharp setback in prfoeea 'statement, disclosing: an increase la and depended entirely for a livelihood do. een. 4a .. . _ .. -. • • • (Corrected by White Provision Co.) there, and of active liquidating sales the proportion of reserves to liabili- Chicago, M». & St. P. ex. 4%8 .- by holders, the result of prospects, of ft upon a pension from the government Chicago, R, I. & Pac, R. «. col 4a Cornfield hamc, 10 to 13 average 1 ties from 33.39 to 49.34 per cent. There Chlcaffo. B. I. & Pac, Ry. rfg. 4} Cornfield hams. 13 to 14 average... record-breaking crop. Added to the was evidence of improving: conditions for her husband's service -in both 'the Cornfield skinned hams, 16 to 18 av i?* weight of other corn on the market In the domestic money market also. civil ami Spanish -American w'ar. 11 U',4 Colorado & South, ref. & ext. 4% Cornfield picnic hams, fi to S avepagr 13 Delaware & Hudson cv. 4s was a volume of reselling: from Shorts '•Call loans were renewed at 3 1~'2< per Morris Max, uii attorney, upon hear- CornfleTd bacon, 1-1 b. boxes, 12 t who covered yesterday. -Mild weather 1 cent and lower rates weru quoted tor eports of an easier flnancial situation Paul 101H 100'A 100% 100% do. ref. 6a 63'A ; Cornfield bacon, 1-lb. boxes. 12 to ing of thH case, made an' effort to have • foroad. • Chi. and N. West- _iatIJIera' SB, b}d - case , . . , ?S.3fl that promised a. continuance of slack time loans and mercantile discounts. There was no snap to the buying, ern 128% 128'i 12S'A 128% Brie prior Hen -Is • Grocers' style bacon, wide and narrow .17'£ demand from feeders tended further Tho afternoon recession in stu-'ks her released. Chief Beavers atso t^ok iowever, and the relative steadiness, Colo. Fuel & Iron .. 31 30 >^ 29% .30 cv. 4s aerlea "B" Cornfield fresh pork aausage, link or to make bearish sentiment more radi- •was influenced by several developments a personal interest in the aged woman, _ _la Central 1st ret. , 4s, Did .. 4 cal. Tlallies wore brief and feeble, which exerted an adverse infliiem-r. orapared with Liverpool, appeared to | Consolidated Gas . .131 130 ISO JSOji Interborough-Met. 4}&B i> bqlk, 25-lb. buckets and she grained freedom- Her case has ttract some straddle selling of the °o"» Products.. . . 9% 9% SM 9% Cornfield Prankforts, 10-lb. cartons., •i' w'ith. fina.1 values at almost tho lowest The monthly capper statistics showed been put in the hands of the city war- Mlldson 1 5 Inter. Merc. Marine 4^. bid -^ .- Cornflpld' bologna. 25rJb. boxes point of the day. B-n increase in stocks of 43,;>oo,000 Ummer months. These offerings very g'-S?'! M^., 1 },, ^i^ p 'den, who i« caring for her. Don weakened prlce_s.and the; tnarket """'"* O O log 16% Kansas City Southern ref. 58 .. •• Cornfield IMn^heon ham, 25-lb. boxes. Although steady during most of the pounds, a much larger falling off in Cornfield smoked link sausage, 25-lb. session, wheat ultimately responded to consumption than had been exported. luring the middle of the morning sold Dlstlll?ra' SocuritieB. 17^4 Lake Shore deb. 4a (1«31) .11 1 (bout 5 to 6 points net lower. Brie ..... -"• Louisvnie & Nashville Un. 4s .. '* boxes " " • the collapse in corn. A strong close Dames tic deliveries were the smallest Cornfield smoked link sausage at Liverpool, small receipts, every* of any month of the five years in which The close of Liverpool, then shut out dp, lat pfd . Missouri, Kan. & Texaa 1st 4s ., -. pickle, 50-lb, cians MISS ELEANOR JOHNSON business. ?ind ther^ were do. 2nd pfd . do. gen, 4 %a .. • Cornfield Frankforts In pickle, 15-lb. where and the disappearance of sn-ow the producers' association has been moderate, rallies on scattered covering", General Electric . Missouri Pacific 4s. ofd • kits 1-85 throughout the w inter crop states, issuing* reports. 'Copper stories, whieh SNATCH THIEF VICTIM 1 Great Northern pfd, do, coriv. PB, bid failed to check a selling flurry that held up well in the forenoon, suld off list prices b^jpg \vithin a point or two National Bys. of Mexico 4%s, bid Cornfield pure lard, tierce basis .... 12% f yesterday's closing* figures on more ex-dtv. . . . . '„ Country style pure lard, 50-lb. tins .. ieveloped In the last hour, aptj that sharply on the appearance of the re- Great Northern Qre New York Central gen. 3%a .- -• A nother snatch thief case wg.s re- ctlve positions. do. deb. 4s, bid • Compound lard, tierce basis «a-^ left the market in a rather nervous port. Ctfa . . ,^ . . 34V r,4-,i 33% 23',i .. 69 ~ X>. R Kstra ribs 12% condition. Two Minneapolis millp were Another disturbing: feature was the ported at police headquarters yester- Spot cotton' quiet; mlddlteg* uplands TIKnota Centr*! .109 JOS'A 108% 10S N. V., K. H. & Hartford cv. S^Aa • 2.30; gulf 12.55.. : Norfolk & Western lat con. 4s .. .. 94% D. S. Bellies, medium average 13 reriorted to have closed down because acute weakness of American SuRar,' day, when Miss Bleanor Johnson, 0^ XnterborouBb-Met . 55«4 14% 14% 15 . .100 D.-S, Rib bellies, light average .- .13& 1 which sold off over 4 points. Now Ha- do. pfd . , ., . S1H 61 60% «1 do. cv. 4e, bid of a laol?. of ship-ping directions for 1 4!H North Jackson stroet, told au^hor- Northern Pacific 3s .. ijour. ven also declined abruptly, uw ing lo 1 Inter Hqrvaeter .108% 107% 107S4 108% GROCERIES. ities of having been robbed of a ch,ft;t*- Inter-Marine p<*d 15 13 Oregon. Short Line rfdg. 4a Selling of oats reached a. Jarger the poor showing of the road's Novem- 1 COTTON MARKETS. .International Paper.. 8>4 % Penn. cv. 3Vss (ISIS) ' {Corrected by Ogleaby Qrocery Company.) botal than usual of late. One of the ber statement- luiitr metsh feus' containing $4 apd W International Pump do. oon. 4a, bid .. .. r principal houses on 'change was con- Bonds were Irregular with an up- amount of valuables. v !" I Reading gep. 4s .- •• •- Axle Grease—Diamond. $1.75; No. 1 Mica, Atl£|pta. January 8. —Cotto n ateady mid- KansaJs City -3outh n 25 34% 25 J5.25; No. 2 Mica, 84.26. spicuous in switching from the bull ward tendency. Total aales, par value, The robbery occurred as she left a ~ " ~ Gas...... St. JjOUJs ^ San. Fran, fg. 4s .. • - Cheese—Alderney, 17%. side. $2,750,000. United States twos ad- ling, 13S. 1491A 149% do, gen. 6s • • • • • 52 I'once tie Leon avenue trolley car near v St. H-Quis S'western con. 4a, bid Red Rock Ginger Ale-s-Quarta, J9; pints, Higher prices for hogs put backbone vanced 1-4 on call. Panama threes her home. A negro boy, darting from t^uiS^Ile * "Naahv-.niE' 134% 134% $10. Red Rock Syrup, ?t-BO per gallon. _nto provisions. Packers took an coupon fell 5-8. &tlnn., St. P. and S't Seaboard Air Line adj. 6s ws Candy—stick. 5%; mixed, 6% ;'chocolates, the sidowalk, snatched the bag" from St, Marie . . . ,12T Southern Pacific col. 4s active hand in the trading, but seem- her fingers and fled up Jackson street. i^p. ed to have widely differing views in Mo.. Kan. & Texas Southern Pacific cv. 4a .. , - . • - - IV*80J4 Salt—100-lb. bags, 53c; Jco cream. 60c,- ^IIKS Johnson save chase, but was Ilssourl Pacific 24% 24^4 34 Southern Pacific R. R. 1st ref. 4e Granocrysta, SOc; No. 8 barrels. 33.25. regard to the market prospect. Co/fee. quickly outdistanced, Blhcuit . ,123 123 122% 182 Southern Railway 3s, - - 103'4. Galveaton —Quiet ; middling, 1211-16; net 73^4 Arm and Hammer Soda—S3.50; keg poda, National _. 44% 44U do. en. 4a SQ ; .Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb.. ?4.30; % Chicago Quotations. New York, January 8.—The coffee market tcelpts. 19,643; errosa, 19,643; aales, 1,337; Kat'l Rys. , f Mexico Union 'aciflp 4s 95% Tho following: was the range of prices on was more active today and there was a, >ocU. 2S4,91>5; eXROrts to continent, i;o$5; lb., 85.00; Horsford's, $4.50; (_lood Luck. sharp ' advance on covering ami bull sup- 2nd pfd . . . 9% do cv. 46 • SS.76; Success, $1.80;'Rough Rider, $1.80. .he Chicago market yesterday: Whit? Way for Tallapoosa. " ,?»Bt7?e»r TorTorfct Central. 91% 80 tt 1st and ref. 4», bid . - . port, apparently inspired by aUva^ico in liie N. T,. Out. and Weat- U. S. Rubber 6s • Beans—Lima, 7 ^c; navy, $3. Articles. cost and freight market and higher Euro- Tallapoosa. tia., January S.—(Sper N Ink—Per crate, $1.20. Ope High. Low. Close. Close". pean cables. The opening wa.s firm, 3 to 11! cial.>—Tho city commenced 'installing* «r. Orleans—Quiet; middlinff,, 18% : net I __ ern IT. S. Steel 2d 6s Je)!y-=-SO-lb, pails, $1.36; 4-oz., 52.70. WHEAT- tceiists. "(9,47fi; „ , „,„„,8,594;, MWgal.les,V 1.. Virginia-Carolina Chemical 6s . higher, and active months ao)d jft io 38 net a "white way" today and has a. larar* Norfolk & Western. 101% 100 Spaghetti—»1.$0. May ..... 31% .01 higher' during the early afteruuou. Slight lock, 203,731; esparto to Greatt ^Britain. North' 'American Wabauh 1st and ext. 4s .. . - - July ..... 87'^ .80% .87% [orce of men at work. The lights ar* Northern Pacific. ..Ill Western Maryland 4s ,. .. -, . .Leather—.Diamond oak, 4Be. reactions occurred !at«r with the *-loae io be put uii all the principal businese Pepper—Grain, 16c; ground, ISc. CORN— steady. 12 ttt 17 net nigher. Satoa 13-1,003. Papiflc Mall . . ..34 WeBtinghpuee Electric cv. Sa, Flour—Elegant, ?7.00; Diamond. 55.85; May ..... fi6 - -6«H .68% streets. Mobile—Firm; middling, 129-J6; net rer Pennsylvania Mall .110 Wisconsin Central 4s, bid - - July «•!% .6514 ^63% .63% including switches. klptB, 3,994; KTOBS, 3,»3«; Rales, 1,500; stock, People's Gas T" eet Self-Rising, $5.75; Mytyfyne Self-Ris- Spot steady; NO. 7 Rio 9%; No. 4 Santoa g, ? 5.35; Monogram, $5.50; Carnatipn. OATS — 12 &. Mild quiet; Cordova' 13 @lfi. nominal. S.208; exports coastwise, S. " ' ' " Pittsburgh C. C. and May ... .33% .39% St. Louis . Money and Exchange* , j.lQ; Golden Grain, $5.00; Pancake, per Havre V& franc higher. Hamburg ^i pf«n- :ase, S3.00. •213 -38% nlg higher. Rio unchanged. Santos, spots See "The Blindness of Savannah—Steady;" middling-. 1244 ; net Flttsburs: Coal New York. January 8.—Call money Laxd and. Compound—Cottolene. ?7.75; 100 higher; 4s 5$400; 7s 4$70Q; Santos fu- iceipts, -1.9SS; gross. 4,928; sales, 990; stock. Pressed Steel Car.. 27% at 2"£@3; ruling rate 2%; plostni Snowdrift, cases, $6.50; Flake White, 9; tures 7!> to 100 higher. Virtue" tonight. No sug- ".494-. ' * Pullman — ~-- Tljne loans weaker; 60 days onths 4*4 @4 Leaf, 12i&c feasis. Brazilian receipts 47.000. 1 SepubHc days 4V, ~" -5Hc to 8c; grits, J2.20. Futurea ranged aa follows: gestive nor improper lines to Charleston—Steady: middling, 13%; net Iron and Mercantile paper 6'®5%"-" ._ , , «acA. , Gherkins—Per crate, 51.80; Icegs, $12 Open. CJose. . iceipta, 313; groa^, 312; sales, none; stock, Sterling exchange strong; 60 days 4.8350, @15; ewact miscd, kegs, |12.50; ottves, 90o January .. .- . eta r demand 4.8870.' RIBS-— cause a blush. Rock iafand Co," , '. 1314 i: 1 .o $4.SO per doaen. February .. . 9.19 Commercial bills 4.82 A- Extracts—10c Souders, fl5c per dozen; 25c Tan i March . . "Wilmlnjgrton—Nominal: ' net receipts, 699: do. pfd. . . . .20*4 2< Bar silver 57%. May ... .April .. .. ,, . . ross, 599; ^lee, nuiio; etocfe, S^,379. Et. i^puia And s&.n Mexican dollars 44%. - a Souders, $2 per doaen. Fran. 3nd pfd. : 7% 7% 7 Government bonds irregular; railroatrna d Sugar—Granulated. ?4.80; light brown, May , , 9.52 bid &;-dark brown, V,ic; domino, SVic. in Chicago. June 3.60@ 9, iVarfotk—Steady; middling, 12: net re- Seaboara A(F Wn«. IS IS 17Wi bonds irregular. Ksti mated July , . 9.7S bid Hots. 1.623; grogs. 1,623; aales, 1,061; stock. - <3fo. bfd . . / . . 48 47% 47% Articles. Today. Tomorrow. August . . ., , 6,539; "exports coastwise, 3473- Wheat, cars 71 15 September . . $10,000 Treasury Statement. ATLANTA LIVE STOCK MARKET. •rn, cars 307 165 October .. .. S.DSiJft 9.99 Baltimore—IComlnal; midd(ins. 12^4 ; Southern Pacific '. ". 92" 91%? 611% 91% Washington. January 8.—Tho condition (By W. H. "White, Jr., of the "White Provis- its, cars 132 65 Nov-ember .,' , 10.00(3)10.Ot Southermthern Railway . 23% ~"23U -23i'& 23W • Ion Company.) Hoes, head . . ..30,000 H5.QOO lock, 6,G43; exports to Great Britain, 920. do. pfd , . . . . 76% 76% 76V- 75\S •of the United States treasury at the begm- Degemb&r .. 3 0,17 & 10.13 annexe Copnor .. 33% 33% 32- % 33% Good to choice wteers, 1,000 to 1,200 Ts'ew Tork—Quiet; middling, 1S.30; net re- n >imds, $0.00 to $0.50. Primary Movement. *lptu, 102; gross, 1.283: sales. 3,310; stock, Texaa & Pacific ... 13 13?i 13% 13% Total *ece^pts yesterday *M4M36. Wheat — Receipts. ,"7-1,000, against 1.122.- 157 1S7 15R% Total payments yesterday $2,54.1,681. Good steers, 800 to 1,000 pounds, ?5.75 to 000 last year; shiprnontB. 340,000, against MALTA LODGE ELECTS 93.799: exports to continent, 1.ISO; coast- 83% S3% 82% $6.00. TIFT COUNTY The deficit thts fiscal year is 516,318,647, 515,000 last year, 54 53 53 Medium to srood steers, 700 to 850 pounds, against a deficit of |4,S36,&2T last year, ex- $5.35 tq $5.50. Corn — Receipts, I,flrtS,000. against 850.038 OFFiCERS FOR 1914 Boston — g. 12.30. : net receipt*. 124: S8"4 5S% 68% clusive of Panama canal and public debt at year; shipments, 733.000, against 766,000 5&% 58% 58% transactions. Gqod to choice beef cowa. 800 to 900 teas, 684;. sales, none; stock, 11,638; ex- 107 107 107 paundtr. flla.OO to ?5.r>0. orts to "Great Britain. 205...... Utah Copper ... .. 50% "49% 49% '49% Medium to good cosvs, 700 to 800 pounds, At the first meeting' of the year, Ga.--5'$ Va.-Caro!|h.a Gheml- Estimated Argentine Shipments. held at ilasonic Temple Wednesday Mining Stocks. 14.50 to $5.00. rffe;alne estimated shipments; Wheat, 1 Philadelphia — Steady; middling-. 12.55: net 2fl 3i 28 29% Gqod to choice heifers, 750 to 850 pounds, evening , Malta lodge, Free anJ Ac- rceipts. none; gross, 1,263; aales, " none: "Wabash ! 2 % Boston, January 8.—Closa mining: Arizona 400,000, against 72,000 last weak and 1,400,- 2^i 000 last year. ceptod Masons, elected the follow Ins do. pfd ...... 8% si 8"4 Commercial 4V4; Calumet and Arizona 63*4; Jaedium to good heifers, 650 to 750 pounds, officers for the ensuing vear; ROBINSON-HUMPHREY* "Western Maryland . .. Qreeue Ganama. 30%; North Buttct 27H- 4.35 "to $4.50. Corn. -',550,000, seai/ist 1,233,000 last week ' Texas City—Xet receipts. 3,241; „ , Western Union. . . 6Q \i f,9 t and ^.SDS.OOO last year. Dr. B. S- Wallace, worshipful master; 1241; stock. 28,482. — -- - 66 The aboye represents ruling prices of A. Brittc Chap-man, senior warden: Dr. , % w$ London Stock Market. good quality of beef cattle. Inferior grades W. A. tlpchurch, junior warden; Robert WARQUWGO, Total receipts Thursday at ajl ports, net. >w Haven ". /'.' '. 76% 75# 75% 76;% London. January 8.—Money was plentiful and dairy types selling lower. S. Hayes, senior deacon; Carroll B, ATLANTA, GEORGIA I.04J. Fotaj sales for day 307,200 shares. today. JOlscount rates weakened sharply o» -- -- moh steers, if fat, 800 to Grain. McG-aughey, junior dea-con: Professor Consolidated, five days, at all ports, net, turn and the lower bank rate. 900 pounds, |5.00 to $5.50. W. Vernon iSkiles;' senior steward; John 14.970. . recording; sales of 10,000 and more The new bank rate strengthened f I It- Mixed to en mint n cows, if fat, 700 to 800 red, 06@97: No. 2 hard, 8Sfe@89tt: No. ^ N- McTJK>nald, junior steward: .T. "W". Total since September t at' all ports, net, shares were: edge securities on the stock exchange and pounds, 54.50 to 55.00. northern, 89@&0 to 2(30 pounds, $7.fiO to Oata, standard. aSU^SB'A- $7.75. Retiriris Tv'orshipful Master Walter ,125; to" continent, 2.235. ' - - • .. 30.500 prove ou covering operations. Kaffir^ open- Kye. No. i!. 61",^. R. Bush was made the recipient oi" a Bonds for In vestment ,. 37.300 ed weak on labor troublesl but recovered Good butcher hogs, 140 to 150 pounds, Barley. 48(§i73. ' Interior Movement. later. $7.26 to $7.50. Timothy. *3. 75(95. 2p. handsome past master's jewel, pre- High-grade municipal, Houston—Quiet; middling, 12%: net re- American securities opened around parl- Good butcher pj&s, 100 110. ?7.25 to Clover, Sl^[email protected]. sented by the lodge through J. I-eroy eJptfl. 10.523: ,Rross, '10,523; shipments, 10.- y and advanced from 34 to H under the SI. Lou!a. January 8. — i.'agh: Wheat, .No. Ouncan,' past mastor of Gate City lodge railroad and public ser- l&; sales, 2.446; stock. 186,123. Dry Coo Js. ead of Canadian Pacific during the fore- Light pigs, ?6.75 to $7.25. 2 red, .97'/i©)98H; No. a hard. 87@'J3. No. 2. New Tork.' January s.—Cotton goods -mar- Loon. Later the market sagged under Wall Heavy rough hogs, ?G,50 to 7.25. Corn. No. 2, fltili^eT; No. 2 white, 70.' The installation ceremonies were vice corporation bonds, Augusta—Steady; middling-, 12%; net re- :ets -o-cre steady today. Some fair-sized con- :treet offerings and closed quiet, a fraction Above quotations apply to corn-fed hogs; Oatf= N'o 2. 3S'^@-ia; No, Z white. 40 1«. conducted by Thomas H. Jeffries, past .efpta, 568; grosg, 093: shipments, 1,309; Tacts havey been boolced, on gray cloths for above the lowest. mast and peanut-fattened. Ic to iy>c under. St, Louis, January 8. — Close: Wheat, May, grand master of the state of Georgia, lies," 1,252; stock. 90.897. 1 91^riptin(r and converting . Yafrris were easy. Cattle receipts light. Market quiet. Some Corn. May. 40; July, 89. assisted by Joseph C, Greenfield, tren- Send for Lisl of Offerings law silk was. firmer. Men's wear was quiet. Foreign Finances. setter assortment and a relatively better Kansas ' City, January 8. — Cash: "Wheat, eral secretary of the Scottish Rite and Memphis—Steady: middling-. IS'^: net re- average price. A couple loads of light feed a thirty-third degree Mason. eJfltS," 1,086; irross. 2.39S; shipments, 4,031; Parla, January S. — Rentes, SG franca 20 lot steers were the beat straight car (oada No. 2 hard, S3«,@'88^; No. 2 red, 02 g® ties, 5,400; stock, 255,S94. time&. Eschajige on London 25 franca received, although there was a sprinkle of Cotton Seed OIL centiiriea. Private discount 3%. desirable stuff in several mixed loads Corn, No. 2 mixed, u; No- 3 white, 68^69. Harris, Forbes & Co. Berlin, January S.—Exchange on London Kansas City, Jwn ary S. — Wbest, May, Suooauors to . St. Louis—Doll; middling, 13; not receipts, :Me.w York. January 8.—Cotton seed oil through the' yards. Trade continues in- S6H©863H MONEY IN WHEAT Totals—Net^recelpfs, 15,309: gross. 19.734: futures ranged as follows: 3ank of England: 38c; Oklahoma red rust-proof oatu, 60':; •ftipments, 19.970; sales/ 9.09S; stock, 641,- Opening-. Closing, Georgia rye, 2 &-bushel sacks. $2.10; Ten- meals to stranded men. women and ?10.00 Buys Puls or Calls on le.oee'baahela Reserve increased £2,692,000. children, gave lodsinss to U8:t persons, 'anuary :... 6.7B®fi.77 6.75©7.SO Circulation decreased 565,000. nessee barley, seed rye, 2-bushel sacks, Movement of Grain. nf \vhea,t. No 1Further Klob. A movement' of February 6.80®6.S3- 6.85©6.87 Bullion Increased £2,127,260. $1.20; Tennessee barley, 1.00. gave aivay 1,000 veliffious papers to 5i; from prlc* given you chance to take St. Laula, January S.—Receipts: Flour, $500.00; 1v, ?iOfl.OO; Sc, JSOO.flO.' etc. Writ* March ; 7.01.^7.63 [email protected] Securities decreased 20,405,OOp. Grain, Sacked, Per Bushel—Corn, bono : 000' wheat -11,000; cnrn, 70.000; oats, llt>.- prisoners and inmates of county insti- April [email protected] [email protected] Other deposits decreased 14,543,000. dry. No. 2 white, old, 96c; corn, white, new, tutions, spent 204 hours visiting su-U for partfulars. Comparative Port Receipts. lay ...... [email protected] 7,26(3)7 27 95c; corn, choice yellow, old, 95c: oats, fancy 000. 'Shipments: Flour. 11.000; wheat. 5$,- TUB CKNTRAI, STOCK & GRAIN CO.. 1 Public deposits decreased 3,071,000. 000; corn. 24.000; , *2.!i5; salt;.red fcrt year. Tin weak; spot and January $26.40<§>3tf.70; Shorts, Bran and mill Feed—Shorts, white, rock, per c\vt., $1.00; white rock, per cwt.j New Orleans, 5,000 to 0,500. against 4,011 February [email protected]; March [email protected]; 100-lbl sacks, 41.85; shorts, fancy, 75-lb. OOc; salt, ounoe.^per case, 30 packages, 90c; |at year. Country Produce. sacks. 51.80; shorts, P. W. 75-lb. sacks, salt, granocruat. case 25 packages, 15c; salt. Chicago, January 8.—Butter lower; crea Lead ekay at' [email protected]&: London £19. $1.70; shorts, brown, lOfl-lb. sacks, 31.70; 100-ib. sucks, 53e; unit, 50-lb. sacks. SOc; cry, 22@31- -- Spelter quiet at $5.25® 5.40; London £21 germ meal, Homco, 100-lb. saoks, $1.6, sal t, 25-lh. sacks. 18c. The American Audit Company John F. Black & Co. " F3, lower; receipts, 3,088 cases; at ms 11s 3d. New Tork. January 8.—It -was a waiting included, '27@31%; ordinary firsts. Antimony dull; Cookson's [email protected]. Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. lar-ket today. The bears were busy trying »«i(a)30; firsts, 31%. Iron quiet and unchanged. ft educate the trade • to. expecting a ginning Cheese unchanged. London markets closed as follows; • fcport tomorrow lower than'the same bears Potatoes lower; receipts, 30 cars; Minne- £BCopper quiet; spot £63 12s Gd; futures F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. Kpect It -rolll be. but their missionary work sota red, C2@65; Michigan and Wisconsin A Progressive Bank In the Lending City at the Brewing South THBO. i:OCHBfc, JR., V. Preii. and Sec'y.—A. F. LAFRE3JTZ, T»u. Fent for little. The market closed about Tin quiet; sp£: firsts, 33@33%. beeves. $G.70(^9.40; Texas steers, [email protected]; BRANCH, 1O15-37 Fonrtb National Bank BoildlB^. Kansas City; January 8.—Butter, egta ftnd N*WI York, January 8.ht—In response to stockers and feeders, [email protected]; cows and • iwer cables, our market; opened from 1 to poultry unchanged. heifers, 43.50®8.40; calves, $7.50®12,00. Talk \vith our cashier at once—in confidence. ' Mints • decline, which were recovered on New York, January 8.—Potatoes steady. Sheep—Receipts, 1 s, ooo • steady- natives. C. B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vic» President. t-'vfiry dull and spiritless market waiting Cabbages, steady, and unchanged. •Tell him your plans; what you can do and Telepbone Mnln STS. Cable Addre*», Andlt, New York. . fcr the ginner"s .report tomorrow, in der St. LDUla. January 8.—Hoers—Receipts, II.- what you want done. Milt of something- else to anticipate. This Provisions. 1Q centa • expected to be under 500,000 bales and .S°vS> ^ hlsher; ptgs and liffhta, feme" believe that exhaustion wilt fellow. Chicago^ January S.—^-Pork, $20.76. [email protected] : mixed and butchers. $8 10®8 8BI You'll get a cordial welcome, and should fh* market is well evened -up, speculation £>ard, 10.80""A """ gaoa heavy, [email protected]. l "not attracted at present and the move- Cattle—Receipta. 2.600. Including 600 Tex- you start an account here no bank will give you better tout ' is "from local operations, only, the fli 10.to 15 cei>t" hleheri native bees ateen tayln* - today being: to cover earlier sales »[email protected]: COTVB and heifers, (4.25198.60; ALGISZORlCHARDSON&COi dv-TOool reported a fair business, but the Groceries. stockera, »6,00®7.50; Texas and Indian i treatment. klclnifs from September to January were St. Louis, January S.—Flour quiet. steers, »5.75®I 40; cows and heifers. J4.OCXS' r«H ander last season. tdverpoot wag a New" York. January 8.—Flour steady. • 6.00; native calveH. ?6.00ig)H 50 ! Capital . . i. •. ., :.. .., ,.. ,., . . $6OO,OOO CERTIFIEDPUBLICACCOUNTANTI toder&te buyer here today and with the Sheep—Receipts, 1,100; 15 to 2u cents »uIHC AMERICANNAT'LBANKBuimmO t bearish on general condition*!, b«t ia un Naval Stores. eo NC3 tab)* and open to new Influence. T kansna City. January S.—Hoee—Receipts, Savannah, Ga., January - S, —Turpentin e 7,600; steady to 5c higher; bulk. S7.75@a 10; ATLANTA "5S3c?«S PtNSACOLA.FLA. firm at 44@44%; sales 152; receipta 109 heavy. $8.1098.15: packers and butchers ahlBineflts 6; stpcHsi 30,157; «pain £|rm Jay, Bond & Co. ISias 1.001 ; receipts, 1444; shipra^nta 13S ([email protected]; light, [email protected]; pigs, $7.00© AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK New Tork, .Tanuary S.—Steadiness 0* to stock* 171,458; A, B, C. D, E, F 53.87^4; Q Cattle—Receipts, 2.COO. including 500 toys market is due to the belief that dl«- M 13.90; I *4-«0:K 14.60; M $5.50; N ?6.35| soutberns; steady to weak; prime fed steera I Alabama and Broad Streets AUOIT OO,, Ino. Dpointment is probable, tor- those who ex- window Blasa $6.56: waterwhlte $e.SB. 58.5009.10; dressed beef steers, 57.10©840- Met tomorrow's census.report to show largo WllmUiKtpn. N. C., January 8.-T-Spfrita southern steers. $6.00®7.-90; cows' 14 n5fi> i tnnlnva; also, and perhaps more- directly^ turpentinj? ate ad y at 43 ; recBlpts 10 catiks. MARION R. MILES, President eteadinemt of southern spot markets. Rosin steady -at $3.60; receipts :6 barrels. 7.25; heifers, *6.&0®9T00; stockera, Js.'So^ ' Officers: Directors: Tar firm at $2.50; receipts'.** barrels. Crude " Sheep—Receipta. 700; steady to 10 cents' W1IA.IAM L. PEEL Prea. 209-210 Empire Building Atlanta, Ga. turpentine firm at $2.00, ?3,OB and ^3, 00; re- higher; Iambs, [email protected]; yearllnga, J6.25® ROBT. F. MADDOX V. Pre». . M. BI.OUNT ceipts 23 barrels. • 7.25; wethers. $5.40ilg>6.0fl; ewes, [email protected]. i IHQS. J- PEBPLES... ..Cashier The t*stile trade la lacking in aev- LouJsvUle, Ky., January 8.—Cattle—-Re- I IAS. P. WINDSOR. ..Asat. Cub. important «leroents of celpts, ICO; quiet at 52,50 tb 58.00. ' , - 3. f, ALEXANPUK.. ,Aaat. C»»l. . Vt. H. JCISEB Petrolearnt Hides, Leather* HoBa—KepolptK, -,SOO; steady to .5o lower I AU27IT OOWIPAWY OF TH£ SOUTH 54.50 to J3.3«. ' . . .. . I JUMK lletx, O. *•. A, eaaditmt. Keceipts-—Sheop, 35; sto^y; latnbs. 7« Unltad Stat««, City, Slate and County De «sitary Oown; sheep. 3 KG down. , -^ — • j


Arrival ud Dwmrtur* SOUGH! FOR ATTACK, 1MMEKT CHEATED [SPICY CHARGES MADE TO ACCEPT- ATLANTA'S SIDES f. 1ST TO CLOSE '; ' u . Atlanta. iolimvtog schedule — ' - ' ma iolarinatloii •page TODD GIVES SELF UP OF CUSTOMS DUTIES AGAINST IIL STUDENTS THRONE OF ALBANIA •Sunday Only. FROM DAY TO DAY "RED IHT HOUSES,i Atlanta Termini Sit Charged He Struck J. N. Rich, Witness Alleges Western Fuel Mississippi-Legislature to Probe Situation Too Stormy for the A proposition to bring a colony of Oregon Executive Proposes to; German truck farmers to Atlanta and West ft... &us JIB.. Aged 60, Over Head Company Practiced System Allegations About Conduct of Wied—Albani- Give His State a Good IS Cormbus. 10:65 am' establish them on a number ot truck; 35 New Of. ..11.50 aia With Spade. of Short Weights. of 900 Young Women. ans Are Rising. farms in the vicinity of the city will Moral Bath. 40 New Or... 3:26 pm, he set on foot, in the quarters of the 20 Coliunous." 7.45 ym Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Friday 36 New Or. .,11:55 pm< i laience Todd, the 'young, man who San Francisco, January 8.—How era- Jackson, r, H. P. Salem, Oregon, January 8.—Governor harged attacked J. N. kich, aged , ployees of the Western Fuel company cogmizance of spicy charges, involving: ftung- today isays the Prince of Wied Van Trump, who has promoted such Oswald West started a new phase of Central of Georgia Railway. ' c nspi c (hefeitates to accept the throne of Al- „ The liliiUl Way. 60 years, at his home at Hood's Drive, are alleged to have ? ^?n*°of ^* tthhe conduct of students of the Indus- worfc in Elorida, will meet with cham- his moral crusade in Baker county No. 1 tri | baola and ft is believed in well-inform- ber officials and a committee of real when by telegraph he warnecj Dis- Oakland City, Tuesday night, snrren- j torn/d^es^on inSorte^coa^and bow [ institute and college at Columbus, j ed circles that he •will finally refuse it. estate men. trict Attorney Godwin that- unless he e.» unman lered himself at police headquarters l the'lsyStenT of* s*nort*weis^tini"~steam- | and the administration of H. I*. Whit-j ^Prince William of Wied, who was se- Dr. Van Trump plans to organize the immediately enforced the law relating- j Albany ...'.'' eo a Thursday 'afternoon. era is said to have been practiced by , field, president, was taken by the state [ lected by the powers for the throne of German Immigration society for the to houses of ill repute he would be | Ma^«Qvme- 7 \bout two weeks ago Todd was a the company's weigher, with and legislative investigating committee I Albania, is a brother of the reigning purpose of bringing the farmers here. prosecuted for neglect of duty. aiueou ! "IT" rder at the hom§ of Mrs. Sallie - withouee o£ t thee implied consent of employ- j when it announce^ here tomgat^that I Prince of Wied and is 38 years old. He He states that already^he has the use Governor West said the law provide 11 11 ' = °> steamship companies, was a thorough investigation would be is married to Princess Sophia of SiS^i * ;er, of Hood's -Drive, and came home , ^^ . avid G. (made. President Whitfield will ap- of a demonstration farm* near Atlanta that any officer who failed to perform iiueon the street car with Mrs. Folger n testimony today by D Schoenburg-Waldenburg. for the purpose of showing the truck his duty should be subject to imprison- i Jacksonville" s oa S' Powers, formerl_ y an employee of th.e pear before the .committee tomorrow. There are three rival claimants to farmers exactly what can be done,* and ment or fine and dismissal from office. her daughter, Miss Irene olg-er, , western Fuel. company. Powers f: This college is a state institution, the throne in the field—Essad Pasna. in nis plan has the co-operation of a Orders were Issued by the governor .._, Southern rtailwar. y courtmartial for alleged illegal as- AT THE THEATERS Powers will resume his testimony to- supreme court set aside the first sen- sumption of authority in connection tences and also the sw^orn statements MORTUARY establish in Atlanta a men's clothing with the Zatfern incident. Union Passenger Station. morrow. , of the accused that they meant to re- manufactory to serve local trade ex- At the conclusion of the testimony UNION _. ft flect in no way upon the" digrnity of the clusively. The negotiations for the and the nleas for the prosecution and' court. lease ai e now pending-. _Atluutu,Bii The Blindness of 'Virtue." defense the judge advocate (acting as EffecLivij Sept. 28. (At the Atlanta.) SIX MORE ARRESTS J. J, Darlington and Daniel Daven- Ivennesnvr Aveitne Sale. prosecutor) suggested that Colonel , •^•fttnfivftvk, tV aycrr One ot the most important attractions of port, of the lower court's committee, Acey Teal9 Talbotton. Von Reuter, commander o£ the Nine- ThonMwviu i Le season will be seen at the Atlanta to- OF SNATCH THIEVES asked that the sentences be held. Talbotton, Ga.. January 8.—(Special.) The Martfn-Oa;burn Realty company ty-ninth iniantry, should be sent to has sold for J. L. and R. B. StaWorth !co$sae , 'aycroa« a night and Saturday with a matinee Satur- Acey Teal, aged 70, died this morning to M. Brown No. 17 ICennesaw avenue jail for seven days on the cha-rge of day, when William Morris presents his Fifteen snatch thief suspects have after a lingering illness. He ts sur- wrongful imprisonment. For Lieuten- aud Tkoma jvtUo < ompany of English players in" the four-- vived by his wife, Mrs. Acey Teal; The property consists o£ a six-room act domestic drama of love and life by been rounded up by the police, and will VERDICT IS EXPECTED bung-alow on a regulation size lot The ant Schad he said a sentence of three Cosmo ^Hamilton, entitled "The Blindness of be ip-ut on trial in juvenile court at 3 four sons. W. A. Teal, Herbert Teal, all consideration was $-6,100 This is the days in jail for assault was suffi- t aald l of this place; Clarence Teal, o£ Ma- cient. Other charges were dropped. .-"?£*' , J *? that no Dlay produced o'clock this afternoon. Policemen IN THE HEBERT CASE third sale that this company has made con, and Alva Teal, of Alabama, and on Kennesaw avenue recently. The verdict is to be pronounced Jan~ Georgia RuUroad. ------— lcally Indorsed by critics, pub- Cochran, Evans and Green last night two daughters, Mrs. E-tta Eliston, of C. K. Speer, who was formerly con- uary 10, the same day as that in the No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— Uc «ind tbejejinosi t eminent clergymen In thia arrested six lie.w suspects, three of Columbia, S. C., January 8. — A ver- Griffin, and Mrs. Alice^Manby, of Oak- ap'peal or Lieutenant Baron Von Porst- 3 AEiffiista- 6 *'& am 4 AusustO. 1-:10 n't country. - The theme is one which Is of dic-t may be looked for tomorrow in land, Ga. The remains "will be in- nected with one of the banks of At- ner, who was sentenced to forty-three "- -Uov'to - - n . . 1- 3- 0 •• - - and whom have confessed. the case ag-ainst C. J. Hebert, of Chat- lanta, has taken a place as salesman S3 Union Pt. 9 30 a Novy lork 7 30 am vital importance In every home, and pre- terred at the family buryiftg ground -with the Martin-Oxburn company Afr days' imprisonment on Hecember 19 sents a tremendous Indictment against par- The capture was made in the ren- tanooga, Tenn.. charged with -conspir- Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. "W". Ar- for sabreine a crip-pled shoemaker. i Augusta^ 1 00 prr *Z6 .Litbonltt. 10.30am "?t'V who brl°e "P children in ignorance dezvous in which the flrst prisoners acy and with obtaining $98,000 by false Speer has had considerable business '25 Lii« 'tonlu. 2 10 pit ZS Augusta.. 3.10 pm nold will conduct the funeral services experience in Atlanta and I« popular In .the lower house of the AJsace- 27 r*e*v York 94 Union Pt & 00 I*in meaning of life and certain impul were taken several niglits agro. This pretenses in the Seminole Securities- «it the residence at lo o'clock Saturday Ijorraine diet today, Under Secretai y i no and serious den is a niche in a wall near the Court- Southern Live Stock transaction, which and Aus- 8.20 pn: "10 Cov'ton.. 6.10 pm morning. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Mandel admitted to socialist question- manner i land street viaduct, and is entered by a ers that a syuadrpn of hussars was Louisville and Nuatwllle Railroad. W. G. D. Tonge, Bainbridge. Warranty Deeds. held in readiness to check possible ffective Nov. 1G L ave, j Arrive. $3,000—Guy L. Corley to M. R. Jenkins, lot demonstrations resulting from the .Lg:o and Northwest 1 c Bainbridge, Ga., January S.— (Spe- on southwest corner of HIghtand avenue and court-martials. He declared this pre- cial.)—The community was plunged in Randolph street. 40x102 feet. November 6. cautionary measure had been ta.ken Jvuoxvllib via. Blue ltid.£G ..7 35 cunt B.u pm - _- _ play ______sorrow today when the remains of "W". *80—West View Cemetery association to conjointly bv the military and civil JinoAViJJe via. CiirieruvUle..7.J.£ ami J*.60 p/n _ who creep through life with snatch-thievery. eral sessions court for Richland coun- G. IX Tonge was laid to rest. Mr. S W. Huff, lot 909, section 12. December 16, authorities. The squadron, was subject Knoxvilla via Ca.rt«rs>viUt..5.10 ptnill 3& uui . ertea eyes because of a sense of false The trials Friday afternoon will take ty. The state had completed its case Tonge, a native of Bainbridge, died in to a requisition by the latter. Biiitj Kldtje accommodation*.05 pwllO.05 am medy It is a play whicli deaJa with place in Gloer's court on Central a\ e- In about five hours, and counsel for Baltimore a few days agro and his re- 5875—J, A March bank to J. E. Edmond- .sMbte tragedy, yet Is a comedy. n. lot on south aide Douglass avenue. GO Strassburg's permanent garrison in- the defense announced that they would mains were sent here for interment. 1 r Sim 3on cludes two regiments of cavalry. Seaboard Air One Hallway. have but one witness to place on the The exercises, conducted by Rev. R. F. , ^f ° , P street, 60x176 feet. IBtti-cUve November SO. 1913. ,/ones." stand. This, it was learned later, Sams, of St. John cjiurch, were con- No. Arrive From.— No. Depart T_ would be Hebertt himself. ducted at the famny -s, ..residence on ¥1 and Other Consideration—H. A Kth- Treasurer of Bainbridge Board 11 Ne« York. <• -0 am, llBridm 6 30 am (At the Atlanta.) CA. PASSENGER TRA3N •Idge to W. H Allen, lot-i 1, 2, 4, 9 S6a, U Norfolk... O.-O a.m 11 Memphis. . t, 30 urn (.Gorge XL Cohan's latest play. "Broadway Shetwell street. Mr. Tonge is sur- •I. «. 41, 42. 47, 48, 58 and 51, Piedmont Bambridge, Ga., January 8.— (Spe- 11 Waah'ton.. 6 JO am b New York. 1.40 pm lones,. ' which has proved a "sensation In IS STONED AT BUCKHEAD vived by two children and four broth- Heights, on Rock Springs road, Allen road cial.)—A. S. Conger has been elected 11 Portsiu to. b'20 a.m 30 Monroe. . . 7 00 am .New, iork, -vvjlj be the attraction »r the At- ers, Glenn, of Birmingham, and L, H., and Montgomery Ferry road, September 55, treasurer of the JBainbi-Jdge Board of IT ADbc.E.C.. H GO am 6 Wash'ton.. 1.40 pm AFTER KILLING QUAIL Davis and Herbert, of this city. 6 Memphis.. 1 30pm C Norfolk. .. 1 40 la.Tii.j. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Budchead, Ga., January 8.—(Special.) Trade to succeed B. C. Dickenson. re- 6 B'ham ... 1.30 pm b Portam'th. 1.40 j with a Wednesday matinee. "Broadway MORRIS DROPPED DEAD $5.500—Joseph Buchman to Eunice L. signed. Rumor has it that Mr. Dick- 2.1 B ham. . -12 10 pm 23 B ham. 3 55 i Jones" is positively the best play Mr. Cohan Three r&cks w«re thrown through the .msixn, lot on northwest corner Ormond and enson has formed desirable business l s v r C. C. RobbinSf Covington. Praner streets, 44x112 feet. December 22, 5 Ne\\ y.Q.rlt 4 30 pm 5Bham f45 " - * *" e written, and It la doubtful if a window s of the eastbound Georgia connections in Atlanta, where he will 6 Wash*ton. 4 BO pm 5 Memphis. 4 4G i b»tfer play has been seen on Broadway. Mobile, Ala., January 8.—"When Sam- Covmston, C3a., January 8.—(Special.) soon locate. 5 Norfolk,., .. 4.SO pm la Abbe'e,S.C. 4 00 i TJio young: author has put a touch of na- passenger train at 6:5Q o'clock this uel J. Morris, of Columbus, Ohio, Shot Charles C. Robbins, of Covinston, Ga., $3.325—Copenhill Land company to Mrs. 5 portam'th.. 0 pm -^ New York. 8 GE | tura in his latest -work that lives long in evening„ as i._t fpasse d the west sw itch. ,a quail yesterday evening near Home- died at his home Thursday morning at L.ucy P. Work, No. 97 Copenhill avenue. 75x ' am ____8 . 3 D pm *2 Norfolk, .. 8 56 i the menTory of the audience, the comedy One window in each of three coaches wood, Ala., he was not able to ^D 11:30 o'clock. He is survived by two 175 feet. January 6 Clayton S. *S. Association. 29 Monronroe,-e . 8:s:vupm0 Opm 11J2 ±-t>rts.Purism tuth. » £. i • clean and TV!!! appeal to everyone. The 5950—K. S Lumpkin to W. D. Key, lot on City Ticket Office. SB 1'eacntree St. plot Is woven around characters chosen from was smashed. Two rocks passed for it. He asked his friend, Harrison brothers, J. B. Rob-bins, of Atlanta, and oast side Frazler, 10 feet north of Little Jonesboro, Ga., January S.—(Special.) the waJlcs of every-day life. ''t tells a true through the windows on the opposite ! Marriot, to get the bird, and when William Robbins, of Social Circle; street. 42x150 feet. January 6 The second quarterly meeting of the Western and Atlantic Kaflroad. story of how a p.retty ^14 pan inspire the side and the one that lodged in the i the latter returned he found Mr. Mor- three sisters, M!rs. Carrie Stewart and $6,000—IJPV.IS Minsk to >Irs Sara Herman. Clayton County Sunday School associa- Ko. Arrive From-— . spirit jn .1 'man to fierht for his rights and car wus hair tlie size or'a man's fist. ] ns lying- by the side of a log, dead. Mrs. J. R. Mobley, o£ Atlanta, and Mrs, No. 381 South Pryor street, 8bx90 feet. De- tion will be held with the Union Sun- Chicago... fi.25pm thp people who love hfm.. No one was injured. Road detectives j A physician summound" pronounced Charles Merrlweatner, of Chattanooga, cember 27. day school at Ellen wood. Ga.. on D4 Chicago.. S 00 am Included in the cast arre George Schaefer. have been notified, and the meanwhile t death, due to apoplexy. The deceased and one sister-in-law, Mrs. A. M. SI.770—Weat View Cemetery association Saturday. January 17. 73 Borne . . .10 20 am 2 Nashville. S 35 am i tiomas v. Emory, Curtis Benton. Carolyn th-----e local polic- e are makin.....g a thoroug. h. had been at Homewood for three weeksRobbmsv*. of Atlanta, Services will be to Thomas Keleston. lota J33, 234, 235, sec- 93 Nashville. 11 45 am )2 Nashville.. 4 50 pm Lee. George B. Miller, Maurice M Fisher investigation. on a hunting trip. held Friday morning at 11.30 o'clock t'on 5 January 15 1913 I Nashv«Ie. 7 30 pm ilr^. Charles Winard. Frederick Maynard; Mr. Morris was 42 years of a&e. pres- S2.900—Charles H. Stieglitz to Mrs. Lillie 4 Nn=hvI11<*" fl "ft nm iliss Olive Artelle. Miss Grace Morrlsaey. at Newborn, Ga. O. Adalr. lot on east side of Jaokson street, Oeorge K. Henery. Miss Indie Whit«Bidft, ident of the Central Ohio Paper com- 26 feet south ol Cain street, 26x95 feet, De- 5NDEX TO WANT Fraftk ISvans and Charles H. Henderson! MRS. HAMILTON DIES. pany, of Columbus and rep-utecl to be Byrd G. Tarver. cember 22. TAXICABS Seats are now on sale, one of the wealthiest *men in the state $130—Empire Trust and Safe Deposit com- ot Ohio, He leaves no relatives. Byrd G. Tarver, aged 48, died at a pany to Ella G. Roberts, lot on south side Keith Vaudeville. Was Beloved Member of De~ local sanitariuTn Thursday morning. The Page. Col body was sent to Jacksonville, Fla., 50\ir,0 feet. 'December t. Auction Sales ...... 12 7 TAXICABS (At the T-orsyth,) where the funeral and interment will $2,500—Mrfa. 15. A. Barnes to Ben Graham, Automobiles ...... 12 5 Lasky s great musical comedietta. "The catar Baptist Church. JEROME GIVES SNUB be held Friday. Those surviving him lot on south stde of Virginia avenue, 75 feet east of line of land lot 1. Seventeenth Board and Room* 12 7 Keat c«re. is the heaolllne; attraction at TO THAW COMMISSION are his wife, one daughter, Miss Beat- Business Opportunities ... 12 G Belle Isle the Forsytn this week, and Rube Goldberg, rice Tarver; v one naif-'brother, Odis tnct, being- lot 2 of \Vorley subdivision cartoonist extraordinary,, is -the special Mis. Charles A. Hamilton, aged a-', 50x190 feet. December 1. Buainesn nnrt Mall Order a(3de( d attraction. The t Peel, of Norcroas, Ga., and one half- Directory 12 3 helping died last night at her hoone, 65 Syca- Concord, N. H., January S—William sister, Mrs. R- M. Reddick, of Savan- $500—n N O'Brien to Miss Z. D. Burt, IVY 5190. ATLANTA 1598. iderfully to draw packed houses at the Travers Jerome sent word from New • lot on "Jouth =jfde of Oxford avenue 180 Ceet Cast-Off Clothing; ... .12 « popular vaudeville theater all week. Next more street, Decatur She was a mem- York tonight to the commission ap- : nah. He was a thirty-second degree from Washington street, 65x150 feet Jan- Dressmaking and Sewing . 12 tf -•veek. Sophie Tucker, vaudeville's most ber of the Decatur Baptist church and pointed by the federal court to examine Mason. • •* uary G Educational 12 It B j a ?fi,000—lira. Birdie Perry to Mrs. Lillie B F*or Sole—Miscellaneous , , 12 4 TAXICABS—KNIGHT into the mental condition of Harry K. Dunwoorjy, Xo. 7SO Piedmont avenue, 51x197 billffiffi?us,. w«sj ssstJ^rMcommunityS ™*™>^, wher *°°™e her deat»?h ?i ha?-s cas '-„?t Tha« w that he would not appear before Mrs. Robert Coleman, Macon. test. June 27, 1906. For Rent—Apartments. . . 13 3 Ivv 4051. Ivy 1000. them tomorrow, as the commission re- F*or Rent—Desk Space ... 13 3 a paJl over many friends. The death of Mrs. Robert Coleman, ¥1,500—L, S Swords to J. M. Marott, No. For Rent—Honses 13 3 WE FURNISH EXCLUSIVE; SERVICE TO Mrs. Hamilton leaves her husband, quested Mr. Jerome is acting as a spe- of Macon, which occurred yesterday, is 218 Bryan street, 33x185 feet. October 18, THE WINECOFF. ARAGON AND IMPE- Norman Hackett. cial deputy attorney general of New 1912, For Kent—Offices 13 3 two sons, Claud S. and Charles A. a matter of concern to a large number For Rent—Parma HI 3 RIAL HOTELS. (At the I^rric.) Tork in an effort to extradite Thaw. of relatives and friends in Atlanta. $2,350—J. T. Eevil to S. W. Carson et ai., "Classmate^" this weeft at the Lyi Hamilton, Jr. ; four daughters, Misses Jerome's decision not to appear, it Is Mrs. Coleman was the Tnother of "Wil- lot at corner of a 20-foot street and. Beech- For Rent—Rooms ... 13 1 Norman Hackett and his excellent Ida, Isahelle, Jane and Adelaide Ham- believed, means an early termination er street, 150*691 feet. January 6. For Rent—Housekeeping- LOST AND FOUND liam Lee Ellis, of Macon. and Lieuten- $2,200—Morns Srochi to S. Zimmerman- are making a world of friends, whi ilton: four brothers, A. H. Steward, of of the commission's inquiry, which is ant Commander Hayne Ellis, United RoomM ...... 13 2 to return each week to see the for the purpose of determining wheth- No 324 Eaat Pair street,! 23x77 feet. Au- For Rent—Typewriters . . .13 3 •w. onderfuonderf Ull repertorreriprtnryv of plays they have ob- Fort Pierce, Fla. , Jon L>ean Steward, States steamship Connecticut, now in gust 28, 1911. Help Wanted—Male . . . IS 1 t? deputy clerk ot" the federal court in er It would be safe to set the slayer Mexican waters. She was the daugh- $2,500—K E La^rDTice to same. No. 249 AD\ ERTISE FOUND ARTICLES. ned rights to put on in Atlanta, for t"he of Stanford "White at liberty under I Help Wanted—Female . 12 2 t few months. "Classmates" was Mr. Atlanta; C. ' J. Steward, of Augusta, R. ter of the late Judge Henry J. Lamar. Eafat Hunter street, 3Gx,39 feet. May 31 Hclp 1% anted—Mule and THE LAW, from (JeorgJa Decisions: >!*" t kctt's greatest road success, as those B. Steward, of Uecatur, and two sis- bonds, pending the outcome of court 1999. "A finder of lost goods who, hav- proceedings. Female...... 12 2 ing means of knowing the rlirhtful who yaw him at the Grand several years ago ters, Mrs. Hiram Wtll.ia.ms, of Decatur, Mrs. Sallie L. Tillander. 53.S25—Atlanta Banking and Savings com- Horses and VeUlelea .... 12 (t v )n remember. Next week, Mr. Hackett will and Mrs. E. -G. L.add, of Atlanta. pany to Mrs. Luia M. Nichols, lot on south i o« ner. retain them Cor the finder's produce the great drama, "The. wltchine Mrs. Sallie L. Tillander, 38 years side of , 720 feet east | Hotels. . . 12 7 own u«e or advantage. ma.y, upon Hour " Funeral services will be announced of Uynwood avenue, 67x220 feet. January 6 Household Ooods...... 12 6 conviction thereof, be punished for later. old, died at her residence, 385 West a, simple larceny under the !«." s of THREATS OF IDLE MEN Third street, Thursday morning" avbout ?3,000—Victor B Smith to Mrs. R. Y. Rat- Lost and Found 11 7 terree. Jr., lot on southeast corner of Dar- GeotEia.." "A person who fino.3 loiiL LEAD TO MARTIAL LAW 7 o'clock. She is survived by her hus- Medical 12 4 jjoods la legally liable to the right- band, George A. Tillander, and three gan street and Luciie place, 37x160 feet ntoney to Loan 12 T ful owner for their proper care Eddie Black. July IS. 1921. Music and DnnefnK 12 4 Mississippi Bank Fails. children, her father, John Burdette. $2,000—Pierre M. Bealer to Mrs. Lula while in the finder's possession; (At the bijou.) KegUia, Sask., January 8.—In view of The funeral will take place from the Near Beer Lieensws ... 12 71 . and he is legally entltlod to be re- The Village Parson," as represented thia Oxford, Miss., January 8. — The Mer- Belle Quinby, aa trustee, lot on south side Personal 11 7 chants and Farmers' bank, of Oxford, repeated threats Of violence from lead- residence at 2 p. m. Interment at Chambei lain street, 11G feet west of Fitz- Im barbed for expense incurred in ficek at tlie Bijou by the Eddie Black com- Holloywood. Pool and BlUlardn .... 12 4 properly caring for the good* found panj . is drawing- Immense audiences to the gerald street, S0*.159 feet. December 31. Poultry.... 12 6 and may retain them until such popular playhouse and pleasing- better than $3,000—H. J. aaertner to ;x. T JPooJ, Jot on Professional Cards .... 12 2 e\pent.e is paid " Constitution Want •utvthmg that has been offered there of late. east £>ide of 12-foot -lilev. 50 feet north of Ada find lost oroperty or 1L& owner. A\ hi!,- the play itself may not be as sen- Mrs. S. H. Miller9 Way cross. fctevens street. 60x250 feet, m rear of Noa. Railroad Schedules 11 7 *• < rlnna! as others that have been present- Waycross, Ga., January 8.—(Special.) S23 to 347-A Cooper street January 7 Real Estate for Safe . . . i:t a **cl at ttto Bijou, It tells a pleasing: and in- After a brief illness Mrs. Sarah H. Mil- $75.000—J. R, Smith & Co., to E. B. Mar- Real Estate for Sale or trtatme story, and the characters aVe intel- tin. Noa. 12. 14, 16 Trinity avenue, 64x105 Exchange...... 13 3 LOST—One lady's siU er chain mesh ba?r, ler, aged 74, died at the home of her feet. December 29. 1913 IiKfritly worked out. It would look as. it son, T. G. Hilltard here today. The de- Seed and Pet Stock. ... 12 tt :ontaliiine live SI bills and change, hand- some records might be smashed before the ceased was one o>* the most 'beloved Situations Wanted—Male . 12 2 ••_hle£ re< eipl from jeuelry htore. between, end of tne week, A &reat deal of interest Bonds Far Title. Situations Wanted—Female 12 2 necoff hotel and Five Pointt,. Iteturn to Is being shown in next week's offering of women of the country, and was a Thur-=ton Hatcher, 3SV- Whitehall street. native of Ware county. Funeral serv- $5,000—Thomas J, Day to J. L. Cooperrnan Stocks and Bonds .... 12 7 the company, which will be the western because of ill-health. streets Threats to burn the town are No. 352 Fraser street. 32x100. January 1 Storage and Warehouse. . . 12 e melodrama. "The Cow- Puncher," a play contained in the note, which also as- ices will be conducted tomorrow. LOST—Stick pjn, cre.sci>nt wha-pe, flve dia- \\ltli lti>-scenes laid on the borders of Mexi- 512,400—J. P, and TIT. H. Peacock to Mrs. Taxicabn...... 11 7 s and live emeralds a.t Lyric theater serts that the gang" is well armed. Minnie R. Zurline, lot east side North "Wanted—Roommate..... 12 7 ,ocn there and Piedmont and Aragon - o Tho characters will Inclpde cowboys, Boulevard, 300 feet north of Seal place SOx MYxiccuiH and the nondescript inhabitants of Prof. Win slow Upton Dead. Mrs. Martha Ponder. Wanted—Apartment* - . . 13 .'{ HML^I=., Uberai reward ff returned to G. O. thi- horder towns of the ?ar west. It is IfiO June 5, 1913. "Wanted—Board-Rooms. . . 13 I Lo^.e. 405 Peters Providence, R. I., January s —'Pro- The funeral of Mrs. Martha Ponder, Transferred to S. A Albrieht. January 7 Wonted—Miscellaneous... 12 -4 paid to be lull of sensational incidents, tell- fessor Winslow Upton, for nearly thir- GAY FATALLY SHOOTS •who died Wednesday afternoon at the $7.000—J, L. TVomack to W. G. Holly No LOST—-Fox terrier, about ten weeks old. ing a story that will please everybody. The ty years head of the department of home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Gal- 2P del and avenue, 50x126. December 17J Wanted—Money J2 7 •white body, black ears, one tide of face manage ment has made arrangements by HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW Wanted—R«n] Eistate. ... 13 S white and other black, tali cut off; reward •nb.li.-b live beautifully traiped horses will astronomy at Brown university, and lagher, at College Park, took place Wanted—Teachers 12 2 be ridden by the cow boys in a great scene. director of the Ladd conservatory since Thursday afternoon from the residence. S^50—MTH. J. E. Alexander to same lot if returned to 83 Gordon street or call 293-J. here some very pretty hope throwing and its erection in 1891, died tonight at McRae, Ga-, January 8.—Howard Gay, Interment was in College Park ceme- west side Bowell'B Mill road, 91 feet north West. cowboy stunta will be exhibited. Ladles the Hhode Island hospital of pneu- a farmer, shot and fatally wounded his tery. of Beck street, 50x190. May 3, 1912 L.OST—Diamond and sappLIre bar pin be- 'vill be admitted free Monday niffl $1.200—T. C. Homes and E. T. Luckie to it when ra^mia. He was 60 years old. brother-in-law, Sanders Varnadoe, a same, lot north sirle Holmes street. 565 feot tween WoKsheimcr's and Candler bldg.. companied by a paid 30-cent tick >t, pur- farmer living four miles from Lumber Cost of Local or between Hunter and Trinity avenue on chased before 6 o'clock. Dr. Strickland^- Camming. oast of Ho well *& Mill road, 54x145. March "Whitehall, or in Montgomery. $50 reward. City, this morning, the only witness of Call Ivy 6796. •the affair being the wounded man's Cumming. Ga., January 8.— (Special.) $2,000—Samuel Footer to H. A. Cholston, Rose Signs With Yanks. wife. Varnadoe, who was sho-t In the JDr. Ansel Strickland, a noted physician lot west side Ho well street, 2^3 feet south Want Ads In JLOST—On AdamsvUlo road, bet-ween Fopo REPUBLICAN PARTY • New York, January 8.—Chailes Rose, head, was alive tonight, but no hopes and leading citizen of Cumming for of Irwln street, 27x140. December 10, 1913 & Ward's store imd West Haven Springs, the Texas league Ditcher acquired last for his recovery are entertained. Bad thirty years, died at his home here Mortgages. The black velvet handbag w itn lady's watch and fall by the New Tork American league "Wednesday morning and was buried $1,650—G. W. Chamlee to Jasper N. Smith, long chain, small purise and some change. AS DEAD AS CAESAR blood is said to have existed between Reward. Return to Phillips & Crew Co. club, today signed a contract with the men for several months. at the Cumming cemetery on Thurs- lot east side Crew street, 157 feet torth. of X Insertion lOe a line that club for 1314. R. J. Kelly, a local Varnadoe is 25 years old and has a day at i o'clock. Pulton street. 210x53 feet. January 6. LOST—Watch, between West Pej-chtree Des MoineSt Iowa, January S.—"The S201—J. E. Edmondson to Western Invest- 3 Insertion* ttc * line semi-professional infielder, signed by wife and two children. Gay made his ment company, lot south aide Douglas ave- place and J. P. Allen's, or on East Fair republican party is ^ts dead as Caesar,'* the New York Americans, was sold to- escape. 7 Insertion* Be a line car line. Call Main 910, reward; engraved, said Bainbridge Colby, of New York, day to * the Lowell club, of the New Miss Stella Edmonson. nue, 60 feet east of Simpson street 60x175 inside. "Claud to There bla." speaking tonigh^ at the opening ses- teet. January 7. No advertisement accepted for England league. The funeral of Miss Stella Mae Bd- $490—R. R. Mason to Merchants and Me- less than two line?. Count six ordi- IjOS*T—Ladies' gold watcli. marKed F. A. S., sion of the state progressive confer- ttionson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. chanics' Banking and Loan company lot on t>ack, lost between Chamberlln-John- ence here. \ s BOY STARTED FIRES Elmer Edmonson, of Gainesville, Ga., east side Jackson street at corner of Tem- nary words to each line. son-DuBot-e Company and Alamo No- 2; re- Mr. Colby spoke in caustic terms ot who died Wednesday at a local sani- ple avenue; College Park, 190x400 feet Discontinuance of advertising ward.- Phone Ivv 2200. the attitude of. §enator Cummins, Sena- Nebraska Banks Barred. JUST FOR EXCITEMENT tarium, was held Thursday at noon. January G. must be in writing. It will not be tor Borah and former Governor Had- ?30,100—Commercial Acetylene Railway accepted by phone. This protects LOST—Tuesday night on Peachtree. between Lincoln. Neb, January 8 — By an Interment was in West View ceme- fifteenth and Uoorg^an Terrace, small lev toward the progressive party. Philadelphia, January S.—Charged tery. Light and Signal company to Commercial j-our interests as »eU aa oars. opinion of Attorney General Grant Acetylene company, lot north Ride Rhodes blacit bowfenot pliUa !=et witti pearls. Phone "Intellectually they see the vigor of Martin, of Nebraska, given today on a with attempting to set a large depart- Georgian Terrace and receive reward. pi-og-tessive party principles," he said. Nebraska banking law, state banks in ment store on tire "just for the excite- itreet, 50 feet went of Hulsey street, 50x75 M You Can't Bring or At, men of intelligence, they recog- this state will be prohibited from en- ment," James R. Weldon, a 14-year-old Mildred If art. feot, also leasehold Interest in lands from LQST—Brown and white collie, 120 Ltnwood. nise it must prevail, but as men inoc- errand boy, was arrested here today. Central ot Georgia Railway company and ave. Answers to the name of Lady. Lib- tering the federal reserve system. Little Mildred Hart, who died from Southern Railway company to lands of Send Your Want Ad era.1 reward^ Ivy S494-J. ulated with the virtues of officehold- Blazes were discovered in the building burns on Monday, was buried Thurs- •antor herein. November 1, 1912. ing; and by ambition- that can be grati- yesterday and today. The police say day afternoon in West View cemetery, $977—James M, Marrett to -Tame*! "W LOST—Setter dog: white with brown spots; fied only by election to office, the the boy confessed starting both fires. services being held at, the family resi- Degventher, 21S Ryan street, 33xlS5 feet. v- H t-7li nature to 93 Forrest avonue and eventual triumph of a party is not The Devouring Jangle. dence, 500 West Hunter street. Dr. January S. rwcelvft reward. enough. They want its immediate suc- (from "The Caribbean Tropics" by Jul- Dunbar H. Ogden officiated. lover's knot, with flla- cess, pressed in terms of their per-. ius Muller in January Century.) Receiver's Deed. Phone Ivy 36G4. aonal promotion. . Th* tarmer with "a few thousand Fatally Shot in Pistol Duel. $1,730—Central Bank and Tru^t corpora- "There is but . one honorable and Hickman, Ky., January S.—Allison M. Mrs. Minnie C. Meers. tion as receiver of Neal bant to C. W. LOST—Platinum bar pin wit•ith diamond cen- dollars" cannot survive these expenses Chamlee, lot east side Crew street, 157 tor. Reward. Call Main 475 *ogical course for ther honorable men of learning. The vast parade of the Tyler, an attorney, was probably fa- The funeral of iSrs. Minnie C. Meers, feet north oj! Fulton s&reet, 50x210 feet. the republican- party and -that Is unchanging, wildly beautiful davs tally wounded a,nd "Bud" Langford who died Wednesday morning, was January G, e open and courageous identifjca- passes over his fields and leaves them was seriously wounded in a -pistol duel held Thursday morning at Clifton of themselves wl*h the party burned dry. .The painte„ d jung-lej«.»«iw, smoj here tonight. The shooting was the church. Interment was in the church- Sheriff's Deod. _-^, best expresses tneir ideals" lovely to see, pours forth armies off outgrowth of an altercation several yard. $6.000—E. V, Colionay (by sheriff) to Cen- conference tomorrow will ffame *nts to eat his seed or the leaves of weeks ag-o when Tyler was struck in tral Bank and Trust corporation, lot north- INSIST ON GARDNER'S a state„ _T_platform^ . I the crop, and sends forth rats to eat the dead with a slungshot. No state- west corner Holderness and Greenwich POUND AND FRUIT CAKE, f his corn and sugar cane. The rains ment has been made of the circum- •treats. 218x328 feet. January fi. Courteous operators, t&orougtur may come too heaylly, and there will stances which prompted the encounter. Tommy Hawkins, Ringgold. $1,000—J. D. and C, A. Fleming >>t-mi A-V. * »«„„*.„ lit,, «.*".«»»&il Luckie street, 100 feet northwest of Spring phone to accommodate you if your Docs Th^fHe?be r t*s'. H^S' fJjifn(f^ifty"It tlie touch brought mortality. battleship Ixmisiana, for the ground- street. 150x211 feet. January- 5. name Is in the telephone directory. HOUSE PAINTING AMD WALIj TINTING. ' Indianapolis of conspiracy to trans-' ing of that ship in Mexican waters last Other wast ads taken, by telephone No. 17 South Foreyth street. port 1explosivean s Hle^Uy, will be a August was concluded at the Norfolk - One in a Million. are to be paid tor immediately upon Phone: Main 1487. i!*S,. ?. within thirty days was a navy yard tonight. The court sat un- (From Judge.) publication, bill to be presented by p:recUotion of Mrs. Hookln, followir Starting Something: til after dark, in order to finish the Stranger—The whole town seems to JGvery girl of 15 or more mail or solicitor the same day ALL fillings free, for a limited 3. VJSJt Of two hours -with her " (From case and get the recor'ds to Washing- 'be turning out to this funeral. The printed. '"the federal pfison toda£ ton as soon as possible. The navigat- deceased must have been very popular. should see "The Blindness time' hours 9 to 3. Atlanta Den- ing - officers of the ship who, was on Natice—Stranger, he was one man ? duty at the tlme»of the accident is to In a million. After he bought his car of Virtue.' No lines to Eveiyfiomefias Use For tal College, 84^ Edgewood Ave. be tried by coarimartial beginning to- he gave everybody st'ride that he had morrow. «' *>' ^ * , .. - promised to. cause a blush. Constitution Want Ads Continued on N«x| i NEW SPA PER IF unity, Has Taken a LEASE on The 6 CCstitution Classified Colu-iiins AH of 1914 You 'Must Seek Her§ foIAV ?tter Chances. Telephone Today

EPSONAL HELP WANTED—Fern*!* BUSINESS AND MAIL BUSINESS AND MASJ FOR SALE—.Miscellaneous v AUCTION SALES . Tr.Tiai Now located li WANTED—Youne women and «irl« 4e«lr- CARDER DIRECTORY ORDER DiREC N R ST attractive positions WcUiire of em- ash 54 PRYO - H. G. HASTINGS & CO. AT AUCTION IUS CAKE SHOP ployees closely supervised, their -conduct CLOU. Opposite Lowry Bank. SEEDS. PLANTS AND tu^rded by Matron Women Bbp«rvl«orM _T . PBAWTSC8 ___, Phones Bell Main 4155 Sl-PPLJEb !9 SOt-TH PRYOR. «*nd/ Chief Opuator w bo touve complete Belt Phones — Main 2;>t>S OF all lelnda. letteiincs. tracings,, maps, pat- Atlanta 594 Atlanta ~>>itS A FINE LOT OF HOUSE- ,„ rs to Particular People iutl-se Two vvet&a traJnin* course, aalary ent drawi plan* and alterations Kent SJ^n Co 130'.* Feachtl hlle learning balary increased In two OR SALE— Lncalled for suits HOLD FURNITURE •ilade Calce* Our Specially'' •eeks for those becoming efficient, Incrfuis- SHADETREES. CYPHERS INCUBATORS are recognized by ed an they become worthy with opportuni- At AUCTION .... at $10 Try on one \V e can fit the leading poultry men all o\ er the ties tor ultimate advancement to 5S75 per W SMITMaetsou' t shade y be a aa FROM STORAGE FOR- '. lUHE^ ~ fiouaehoid goods, of&co Si of all kinds with a satisfactory jou Lady/ fealtimore month References proving the atundmc tures, anA In fact everything: you want Dundee Woolen Mills, 75 S?rT n^e %£ J?'?oj!. .? »."' S" Cake ox the applicant «eusentlai Lunch room, tee Atlanta. Go. R F I> No 2 that can be bought for a trlrle but MERLY OF A PEACH- fJ retiring room. Carnegie library books. Peachtree street when you \\ant a real Incubator j,et a Pineapple Cake JACOBS AUCTION CO Cyphers \\ e have the exUusl\ e ssile of Trained. N urae and .Physician to visit tne 51 DECATLR STREET TREE STREET HOME, i__G .*•*• Cocoannt Cake sick, Applj to Miss Bell draining School. SHOES HALF SOLED SEWED PURE FOOD from producer to consumer these irachlnes in thla territory and ca.ro -GaSe Tutti Frutti Cake -a Auburn Ave Southern Bell Telephone & Near Klmball Hooae Bell phone 1434 At 100 pounds genuine unpolished or brown . mplet-. —e line o-f- the— m Jn *.tock Come iu K lanta 3S8S • CONSISTING OF A nill Cake Lemon cheese Cake r.eIegr.ipti_Company Atlanta Oa 50 CFNTS table rice with all the heart left on the i ana let us show them Catalogue free i*ecaiTTsut Cake Chocolate Cake FRLfc-—Bright well educated young w Cakes Bread and a hurry' Call Taxicab Company for auto '•-• -- - - J._,-. Ed Cabas!sa. . Bo— x. birds at $* 75 each We sell a 1 of tation with epeedy 1914 model Visible Oliver PANY ground floor Equitable building E rent service Rolls typewriter shorthand unnecessary Oliver birds on a guarantee to make ^ood slut SUIT, COST $450; GAS tell phone Main 5420 , M TV.TTTT &a. iHUNTER—bhoe repalrlnK Work In case they do not me will be fc a.d to Phone Main S407 J Atlanta 3970 iype«rii,er Agency _&_4_Auburn avenue chaugd them .- dlctaphpne operator, state called for and delivered 485 Edge wood BULK ACID PHOSPHATE RANGE, COST $55 • HUM- e experience salary expected Aa JANITORS supplies of all kinds for hotels, avenue Atlanta phone 16^7 KAINIT MURIATE POTASH Nitrate soda. meal hulls and coal In car lots whole NOW IS THE TIME to pu» PHREY WATER 'HEAT- C S^o Constitution public buildings schools institutions etc. plants We have our plants faTEPHEN MOKE—Any information con- Sanitary Supply Compaaj 74 Edeewood ave- sale only W E McCalla, 416 Atlanta cerning Stephen ilorc who enlisted In National Bank building on, \ountjs Island They \\ll ER, COST $S5; BOOK- the cUlt war jn Co * ^9th Alabama regri . nue Phone Ivy S432 DA.N THE FIXER any degree of temperature th mcnt will be thankfully receive 1 by hia fc.D — First clasd cook room on lot $u STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING here By using thibe pi mta j week * none but those with good ref- CHRISTMAS FOLDERS AND VKRSU ME\L' MEAL' j cabbage from three to lour C\SEs CRAFTSMAN LI- eister Mibs CInthy More j&5 Garden st CARDS We s% eep chimneys Louisville Ky nt,ed apply 7 West Stu atreet 121 -Whitehall St Bell Phone Main 2690 FOR home made country cornmeal call {nan by «kiting""to"put "out 1 ot latest deafen and best poetry are sold DeKajb Alllline Co Decatur Go, Bell ' prices "j teats per 100 51 _0 BRARY SUIT, C OST $200; MATEHNITy &ANIT VKILM—Private r*- by bamuel G \\alker 91 N Fryor-_St_ TIP. AND SHEET IRON WORK_ by mall add 10 centi> per 100 fo flned home Ufeo limited number of pa- GIRLS learn millinery beat trade on earUt tlenta cared for Homes provided for in- BRASS BEDS, MAHOG- for a woman pnyu $t*0 to *100 monta J L M'NINCH It 00 $ 00 $g 00 $9 00 and 510 00 solid gold WE CARR1 a complete line of po it fants Infants for adoption Mrs M. T Free scholarship piixn now Ideal School of r Mitchell ^t> Windsor s-treet, ^ORK — Jt will j>ay you BEST work reasonable rlng-s large variety latest^tiesign special get any fc,o of fefd lr m ANY P V RLOR SUIT, Millinery 100 to Whititohali l to see me street Main D276 J irlce S«J 75 Tobias Jewelry Co top floor us and our pricea are aa a i \\ o COHFOU'N.D OXYGL.N — Made daily for WOMEN to make silk bowa at home sent t ork guaranteed Atlanta Isatlonal Bank building deliver promptly to all of iht, citj catjjrh deafness diaeajse of nose and any distance prepaid sample and instruc- L. Y. CARTEK Phone ua your orders (.'OST >*230, MAHOGANY throat and eara Thia la the season to be contractor for all kinds of store and TRUNKS, BiOS AND SUITCASES KE- FOR S VLE—Second hand dictographs in ons. lOc Marsha.!! Co Lisbon Tails, good conditio cured, i Special reduced ratea _D- George office work, counters shelving boolt TAIUEI) AIMU REPAIRED L copy of Ha tines AND CIRCASSIAN WALr Brown vil3 X4 Auntell building and wall cases, office partitions, store ply the feouthe WOMEN—Get government Jobs Biff pay AL Forsyth buildin Spring Cat: e? It is i beaut} and TEN apeciala In human hair switches at J10 fronts 21 ^Peters st., Atlanta Ga I everyone that ha a gardei h >uld have a NUT BEDROOM FURNI- re expensive Write tor list ot propositions now avail ROUNTREE'S, " 1SSI? each Orders taken for furnish men by the hour for any small Phones Bell Main 1576 Atlanta 1654 4.1LAN1 \ SAFE CO copy Phone us nd we will mj.il jou one ones We haye cheaper o stock fa A- job Residence, Main 1771 Office, Main TURE, WILTON AND Clayton Company Whitehall street Barga ns in New and Second hand Safes \V\N1ED—A middle aged woman to keep 1661. _ \VTVDOW_DRESSER Real^L^ck Experts Sate Artists Main 4601 SOMETHING absolutely ne v for Photoplay J M WILbON artistic window aresier £ CAFiiOLA chicken ieed, niade A X MI N 8 T E R ART Writers Tor details Write or call on house and caro for three children Stat« CABINET MAKERS. SECOND HAND safes all sizes home safes wages expected Address J F Cooper upholsterer also take down and store ?la up Hall s bank and burglar proof by Atlanta Milling Co, from Westmoreland & Cooper Suite 1421 Hurt fatatha awnings make and hang draperies and SQUARES, TABLE AND buJldinff Atlanta. _ . ALF <* STALUNGS curtains Phone Main 3333 J safes vault doors C J Daniel 416 Fourth ulRLfc. take course in Miss Sporkman a Im JEWELERS and tobacconist wall caaea National Bank Building high grade wheat, corn and oats proved Millinery school fioe Bcholarship BED LJNE1SS, CHIFFO-' Call Central M E Church special furniture to order Emersency _^j^^^ ONE ?300 adding machine for sale at a An honest feed, made exclusively FOR hot. home cookoO. noon hour meala. oflercd all millinery work done f i ee 94 ^» carpenters Ivy 1796 2% N Broad btreet. WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING great reduction o ily cash proposition con- Phone Main 959 Whitehall street. sidered Address 1 O Box 277 City ROBE, ETC, TODAY, AT to NATIONAL, WINDOW OLD 4.NING CO trom high-grade "gram No grit, HFAR Dr McConnell b 31 000 lecture- Dead \\AN1BiiD — lour or fiv fill out a CARFET office 47 E Hunter St M«Un 1175 At * OR b \L.E — One \V lnchet.ter autolo ing Lions at .bast Side Tabernacle Friday night clasa of china painting Address J24 ORIENTAL, RUGS cleaned like new lanta 1051 shotgun 1 g-iuge good as new ill weed seed or other worthless 10 A M \\_hitehall st repairing and upholstering1 W M take $•>() quick ale Call Ivy 1474 stuff \\rite for sample LADIEb have jour hair marcel wj.ve b A WANTL.D—Reliable maid with, references 14o Auburn avenue Ivy 3135 J GET Ml PIUCE on lumber and mill work Cla.yt.rn Con pany S U Whitehall street %no is not afraid of work ?4 Apply 7 Atlanta Oriental Rug & Cleaning Co MUSIC ANDi DANCING before you place your oraer elsewhere, HARZ MOUNT CANARIES CENTRAL AUCTION CO., ha\e 1 oth French and American operators 9x12 RUGS cleaned $1 50 and up Ivy 3471 PROFESSOR MAHLER S private dancing W L Tray n ham. Main 2880 (Guaranteed faingera.) SMOKE b,k M lOBACCO for Catarrh Bron olored maid for institution, 101S Bell Phone Main 50^7 school 428 Peacntree stre. ' * * 12 E MITCHELL ST. chkls. Asthma and Colds lOc bays Your y bjuiidlng ____ . private and class lessons S1EWART & HUNT $275 EACH druffglst or ED M CO Atlanta. t_a ook and assist house - adults B3 LAST HUNT^ER 3T CAN BE SHIPPED with safety to aoy part THE SOUTHERN ALCTICW AND SAL- y building _ rnade^ to order large selec of the U 6. VAGI ( GMPYNV, at 90 bouth Pryor will 1 _ JDBY brfeom dust' pan a nd cap oood (AKCH—AND— BOB) buy or -jell jour furniture household cooda each TO ^ Peachtree St Mrs Alll fine handles also repal-ing Harry Morning Gem Vacuum hand cleaner for or P'-< o Phont Be I Main 306 her Call Ivy 1966 J & Viaduct place Phone _Main 5100 POOL AND BILLIARDS only tT 50 Phone Ivy 8239 MCMILLAN BROS SA.S.D COMIAVY HELP WANTED—Male and Female Bell Phone Main 3076 Atlanta Pbone 593 CONTRACTING PLUMB'ER SAVE 520 on dell\ ery wagons Buy direc"- FOR bALL.—100 000 one yeur app e tie WANIJ^IJ—atoriett on How i Got My llriil Montgomery Billiard Parlors from factory Any style Catalog Rock grown from \vhole trench bt.ec.lfng: STOCKS AND BONDS Job Not over ZOO words Write on one THE BEoT FLACK In the city Cor gentle Hill Buggy Company Rock Hill S C tail and wholesale \Vrlte \ppalat_hlai side of paper only Address Want Ad 1 eerlea laJlul h Falls Ga, We sell everything needed J tite plumbing men to meet. THHEi. second hand gas fatoves for sale 36 HELP WANTED—Male btory Editor The Constitution Atlanta. Larkin street -UVAW^WWWV^UWWV^AAAAAAAnA rork I-''' 87 PEACHTRBB STREET j SNEED NLRSERIt.3 will mall j ou 550 1 &TOKJSS ANI> OliiCtS. ,R\fil£lNT Joba open to men and worn Over Montgomery s Theater Take elevator •\V 4NTED—Kt,SPO"SbIBL,F MAN TO REP Bic pay Write for list of positions CIRCULAR LETTERS, RtfaL.\T US IN LXERi TOWV IN available Franklin Institute Dept. GEORGIA t OR PARTICULARS WRITE Rochester X Y Iffb, carry a complete line of rteld ,« MDLTIGRAPHING" AUTOMOBILES and flower seed also pet stock J C pyllCHtlon to citj coun H A.LL.L.T Ac DA\ IS 1 IANO CO 50 N Picture Plays SERVICE COMPANY 914 EMPIHB BLDG DR EDMONDSON fa Tansy Pennyroval and Mlllan Jr Seed Company 2 S Jrou ind tra fer of near boor PRiOH STREP! VTLAISTA GA VV.RUE MOTION TELEPHONP IVTfTOO Cotton Root Fills, a t>afe and reliable 1 only from Mono Hawk- "W\MPD—4! >oung man who has good treatment for irregularities Trial box by n Q D c itur street speed on type writer to do billing letter mail BO cents Frank Edmondson & Bros jPOJJLTRY^ writing- and collecting Address C W-i Con solicitors expert Manufacturing Chemists 11 North Broad at Hull on FIRE LIFE BLDG. I\ T 5 ATLAI\TA street Atla/ita. Ga. FOR" S"\LE"—"Vvhite and Buff~6rVl~ LOAN :rences or bond re NOW IS THE TIME TO Cook strain 191- hatch largp n Dill CtOODS cleika «antel $100 montH up quired Apply 10 to 1. a m Chas D 370- RDBIODELING AND REPAIRING Plymouth Rocks and Houdans of b it ward \VrIte for qua.1 fjing particulars Barker 1J „! Peters strc GI\ EN PROMPT ATTENTION _ BUY USED CABS ?10 to Slj a pen Mrs V W McHa Commercial Inatructors Dept "> A Box 718 It YOU need a contractor builder or ex WANTED—Miscellaneous MONEY~WToA5f Atlanta Co. * pert roof man call Cunningham, Office BOY to flay in office 1° to 1^ years o d 24»^2 Peters street or phone Main 237 Re ViAi iKi CALL or \vnte for bulletin list- PLENTY of 6 and 7 per cent mu-^t be fcri^ht and aetl\p Apply to Xo pair work of all kinds All worlj guaran FEATHERS BOUGHT HQ-RSES AND V EH I CUES E"0 t ourth National Bank building after WANTED—Teacher* teed Prices reasonable ___ BLLL PHON-h, Main 3564 Atlanta 2S33 ing all makes of used cars money to lend on improved o clack a m American Mattress Company J.GS 170 FOR faALE — SounJ pair mule-i eigl t 1 00) UlKb-cr CAL.l-.a for teachers of all claused WHEN In need o« carpenter rk call J Peters street. 1 erms can be arranged are comtne c our office ve y rapidly pounds each 7 jears oil $16 Iu s pa.fr propeity, either straight or N* A-*D TRADES A Johnson West 12S8 J estimates on all . t,ound mule - Prompt action d necesMiry salaries J50 to job •\\ork____prices reasonable 1 YES—Prof G O Branning 11 teo^h you SI o South Vt I an. tic leachtirs Agency __ UAilRESbES RENOVATED mate 4 year-i old city 1 u monthly plan. Also for pur- the bd-rber trade (It a easy > Taug-ht in 11^5 Atl Natl Bank Bldg Atlanta Ga. THE LOCOMOBILE COM- fine brood n ares 6 and G years old Pair half time of othei colleges Complete course WE BUY and steam clean feathers Mead large work horses $ 00 fo the yalr \ it and nosUion In our chain of shops $30 Why WANiED—reachers at once several prin FreKch" ows i Rogers Company Phone Main PANY OF AMERICA tur H ^tables If 9 Marietta street chase money notes. Foster pay more' Thousands of our graduates run clpals at $oO to $100 ^ Latin teachers. "> dry cleanlns pressinj: altering and dye 4S40 Atlanta. 1476 P O Box E science 3 teachtra from 1st to 8th Acme e First class shoe shop repairing neatly TOR feALR—\\ e have a load of Indiana & Robson, 11 Edgewoqd ave. nlnff shops or making good wages Atlanta WE PAY highest cash prlcee fa anything1 horses and mares all cit> broke prices Barber College 10 Eoat Mitchell street. Teachers Agency Main 3146 Al£ Atlanta done 288 Ivy stree.1 Atlanta phone 300$ A Pianos household goodgoo s furniture and o* Natlona B kind Columbia electric Detroit open elect PRACTICAI, MILLIN ERY i .. ^ _^ 9 ^? REET Main "87 Atlanta 3015 A Furniture Co 36 fa Forsyth street 1.E ACHES full course millinery In six FARM LOANS—\\e p ace loans ~7n Any WVNTED — or „ C.OD I cabin Modol 49 Overland roadsters Model amount on 1 nproved farm lands In Geo fcaah and door fa.ctory to lea AN iNSWER TO YOLR AD CLEANING pressing nd dyeing Phone us Phone M- 3" Overland roadster G cylinder Mitchell to ueekb Our rates are lover for what we b^ first rluss men Call it 56 Lucile avenue or several of them may be sent In ad late and vie will send agon for your BAGS—\V e \v ant to buv all kinds o* sec ing car Overland faoi Auto Co give *ou thin anj other reputable ichocrt . .^,iii.-i i>iiUH D SOI 1C1TORS Ing a position hold your box number card in CaBtllla, Spain at reasonable terms 1 Jo )QO to $50000 tuo »um» of $1006 each WANTt-D—"Necktie salebmen everywhere and call at or phone to Th« Constitution fre INT need of Immediate cash will sell my will also do trans altoi very reasonable Ad and $^ COO 8 per cent on Atlanta, or aubur aseiitij money makers milliona \v 111 be guentjy for jtt^ least a week DENTISTRY $3 000 National roadatpr fastest an 1 pret dress to Professor Campoanlor No -5 East ban Dunson & Gaj 409 J"quitable Bldg sold, thia year boys, girls come with us FOR SALE—Mlscellane*ua siest car in the state fully equipped ¥-.50 every man buys You can ell a 51 00 set Kills Btreet W \NTED—Attractive and good ih Koadster Bov 13 care Constitution ?'000 PR1\A1IJ money to loan on lirst of Roman gold initial cuff buttons and THE GEOftGIA DENTAL PARLORS, DRAUGHON S Business Col- mortbJ.g i t- 8 per cent 1 McC Browii stick pin to match and three line 50 cent belling line life insurance Will I AM leavint, city will sell my !5 "00 Kno^ "16 Hurt bul ding silk poplin neckties J.U for $1 00 Send 70c lOl^f Whitehall St., corner Mitchell Limousine looks and runs as perfect as lege, Atlanta, Ga No \acation for outfit money refunded 1C not satisfied establish offices and work for the day it left the factory ?S50 cash Limousine C PER CENT LOAJ'.S on Atlanta propertj Noveltj faales Company -36 S Pryor &t offer the to ow'ng pricer for a few Box 1 c re Constitution _ Enter any time Catalogue free J R Outline & Co SOI 4 ISmplro Uf» Atlanta, (. a money there is in the business days ONii. 191- model National touring car guar building "\\ VN^II D—Hustling men and boys to send a-nteed A 1 condition must bo sold a FRENCH S1ONLY to lend on Improved real estate c me their nime uid address on n. postd.1 Vddress \ 802, Constitution bargain for canh or terms to responsible a pa.rti Phone Main 20jl CON V&RSATION taught by a " ^cOehee Jr ,_„ to 624 Empire bldp ait 1 receive f rep b> return mail full par thoroughly experienced Set of Teeth ...... $500 graduate Freni sfi t!cul irs of over fifty llffert,nt plctns, to maki retail b okkeeper utility HAYE TOUR 'COLUMBIA "AUTOMOBILEi EXCHAisLrE Ertn-p ^ nod avc Tj iinil quick Ad ire& Jame-3 man and salesman a position in or out of S2-k Gold Crown ...... $300 2&1 EDOEWOOO AVENUE O Hox 185 ^T-illapoo Ga t> where the str% ice of i good man is Bridge wor* ...... ?3 00 LARGBbl dealers of used cars in the south SPL£,\D1O opportunitj faide line two aam needed in flee parf of time und looking CARPETS CLEANED Watt-c our Jis,t of used cars ip this paper _, - plej t > carry Celery Rye and Nai-ardo tfter outs de business or *.i a salesma-n White Crowns ...... ?300 WILL~SEL7L my $4 -SOTspecIal built 6 cylln Champa&ne \\iie Inducementa to the rtfeht re t of time I am >oung active accurate In your own homes by the HOOVER Pro der 60 H I Phomai Flyer in good condi HAVL \OU \\Y PROPER1 \ A'F can Invett your money for you on first man Vdcircss Ith. refcrenc.es, 3S South an J a business hustler Onlj requeat an in Silver or Amalgam ^il ngs 50 ce^e Brush and suction combined Con tion tiies feood I£ you have $460 in cish mortgage high ciaaa improved property CaHert tre^t Bal^more ^d______terviev Please yrtte V 81" Constitution tracts taken by the hour or day Demon here s ch Lnce of life time Address C 9o7 TO RLN r? HO US I S, It will net you 7 and 8 per cent. 1 Gold Fillings ...... $100 \\ANT~ED^HuSinn's" salesman for \ew~En~ \N \LERT ontrgetlc young business man itratlons free on request. Itution STORES, A P AR1 MEM S, TURMAN BLACK & CALHOUN c>clopae lia tilth clasa pioponition lead^ tge o4 it-he^ position \\itn concern where I HAM a. $ ;asolti upe in perfect faeco_nd_ Floor^ .Umpire furnished salary and commission state FURNISHED OR U N I U R- abilitv in t re labilltv are appreciated Rail FPBMAClh. conditlor \\ lll nd 5800 easily WK CAJ^ PLACE your money on real eatat*^ i a.d real ebtatD tnd insurance experience \\orth three ti H Almond first mortgagea at 6 7 or S per cent, or Can take charge of >fEice .intl handle corre OZIOS NAT'L SELLING ;> 1 eachtret- street^ Iv> -232 _ _ NJSHED ROOMS' LIST II on second mortgages monthly notes 10 spon lenrc C ollege educatloi Will con Tor the Original Moncrief to, "6 per cent Call M. 4189 United BulM 6 ML.N expcrltt ced in conductlne. anc FURNACE phone MoncrleC Furnace Com \\h. have a 5 paesengfi Marmofi \\ II H BET1 S \ \ D man«ii,ins special and balvage sale State •stder ny fair offer Firfat claws city ref in (.^ client ron litlon tha -n € will trade Ing Co^ 400 1 g 3 4 Temple Court building age rerertnces and etperlen e in first let •pren e*t_ \ddre-a \ Tl Oorifatmmion pany 139 South Pryor street Main 285 CORPORATION Call foi S P Monc-rie* or T B Lee for a. \acant lot or g <. d i «si ri prop SAMt WILL BL H \NDLEU LIST \01_n MONEY WITH lb for real Tor I ib ro.1 propose on to ribht men ert> Inyc U lent bales C 817 3rd Nat 1 •state lo A J &. H 3- \\est tlt" u I IKMTIUK KK1' \IK1NU 605-7 Empire Life Building R \C1TR speTiaTly built foi 1 idianapolib PROMP1LY, N O CH\RGL A I I\l "WIKT ilh" u c Accountant and Auditor FXPI RT matize open and * Phone Ivy 8239 •jpeoil vaj ra.cts i rst cla s condition oh^ap UNI IE SER\ ICES ARE REN selling automol lie tires \ itl stigatl ns and rq carpet cleaning southern Furniture and for quick ^alc C L Dul uj a I ea.cht.ree HOTELS entes ran get in on groun 1 ______high clai-s tire proposition S R. Skelton IDERFD M\IM 1680 1 r - tl\f i a. ^entei National aut>moblle In Constitution __ __ \ Idr HOTEL perfect repair to trade for \ icant lot or J 10 AND *~ WALTON STREET \V\NTtD — Intelligent fr J lint. t,alc men for _^ ______. \a ued at 51 500 Ivy HA"VF~>ou an article of merit and do >o t p to date fea SITLAnt N WANTED aa superintendent of FOR CrE N TLEME \ only center of dry. building co-inructlon am 41 years old 26 OL.D HATS MADE ,W — Satisfaction puar l_fil A^k Mi J3j.bbtigG_ need money to handle same If so com near new postotfice Kates SOc. 75c and jl turi-s lo tilers Bit chance anteen Mall ord given prompt atten for work years txperiei'c csii handle any kind of a LI< HT deliver ~~tiucl in i r America AN activ c real cst te bard avenue Oak Park 111 _ ACME HATTERS "0 r HUNTER STREET j Pe c h j*e*« st re«*t_ i *lan 2fl Hous- faOod connection, with r McC Brown 6ECO1ND HAND PPINTIVG MATERIAL >n St Ivy 10G4 Kxcellent table 20 mvais Hurt buildifif, ______ears old energetic an HOME M AI>F. CANDY_ j"^JBJLD~oC Immediate ca h vill sell mj cketo $6 00 Quick and polite Marvlce _ tic ition as city FOR SALE CHEAP Studebakcr coupe 1*»13 model used eight WANTED—Capital for \VAXTLD — High grade e\peri*>nced di play WITHROWS CA.NDY ,2oO C i art iOverti Int. so iuit r \pply Mr rs experience I 90 lower case news caaea. Cull edze coat 60c .are of increased busln ss -\ tninj EAJHOTEL dette 311 14 T l_e rird jj-pei^a bldg SOS Constitutio KITCHEN Kale price lac ATToN \L~1J1 model "i passeng(*r touring ous but attractive return guarunt' , CENTER of city raten reasonable con- T^\ O evperlen I -si e managers on*> ~e^ > ears experience first Galley rack holding ten ealleys up to three vlnclns financial stale n e t offered enlei t lo Union B tat Ion, 42 to 52 Decatur SI OP and sample our home made hand car $bOO cxcellei t on lition C L Du meaning Investors c Courtney 8 Atlanta phone _61S _ perienci.ii aultf. ^.nd cloak-* other general appearance and habits 148 Edge wood columns $1 Puy j Peachtr c btreet mer hand t.^ lOlt C«*_n_t.ury_ _ but! ling _ references. Address A 10 woodei uouble frames coat 98 50 sale A l?i.\V firat laa-* ao esmen lor a lirat t,"aaa pric" ?i 75 SLPPLIKb—\CLESSOIUES. HA\ b YOLt AI*i\ PPOILKlt TO RL,>.T retj eatttt 12 double iron frames holding 12 cases, cost HOU3LS SlOPEfa Vl HUTMENTS I Lit , Mate. peclalty Appl H y 10 to 12 fFD—Po Hion AI chauffeur i $17 uO aale price 110 foreno 31 ndle" r bids' " ; a 01 «p lave had jears e AU10UE.NOUS WELDING. IMISHED OR LNf-I-HMbBLD I OOMb Motorcy le One proof preaa will tcke a three column MACHINE parts of all kinds accurately re LIbT If \\IPH MRb ME11S \ND SAM? 477 PEACHTREE ST. can furnish references Phon galley sale price $10 or ad Irf-ss \ S10 Constitution \PHTM3____ ETtoied and guaranteed also oxy decarbon WII^L BE HAIxDILD PROMPTLY NO tt ANTt-D — \oung man roommate steam Two stones and one stand to hold them. CHARGE UN J IL bLRV ICES ARI RL.\ WANTED—Agents -ell health and accident about a feet l ng sale price $10 izlng of all j»aa engines A trial will con ] eat pri ate batli reasonable rates. Ivy insurance in every countj. in btatc Con BOOKKEt.Pt.lt ants T T?rnmiJiT>Ol MljLTIC RAPHED DtRED_ MAI N 1C&0 7010 e sttauy and a w JL/JCJ 1 1ILIVO *1LLED IN TO MATCH One wooden cas,e lick hold 30 full alze tract to jiUd $-4 to $4S u. xcek Box 50 orker cases t,cat $10 -J.le price $4 METAL WELDING CO WANTEl>-~An idea Who can think of i Atlanta enc"h Phone Ivy 90 L, EMWLOFFS ADDRI SSLD This material i ill be BO Id In lots to suit. <->me simple thint, to patent? protect your ' EAGLE MUT-TIGRAFHIKG CO Pay yoi*r own freight Aadreaa S6 GAIiN.fe.Tr £>r P1- EO U S 5 North Forayth St Phone Main 115H for Needed Inventl is and HOW tu ^t | W \NTED— V bustne&i, nanager \re jou < >ears old desires posit ; of any THE CdSb^ITUTION AUiOMOBILES Your Patent and \our Money Randolph &. j SIDIi the clear hea Ie«l Kng headed statesman printers \ ork preferrtd mpnths ATLANTA. iaA. Co Patent Attorneys \Vash ngton " ' printing Addre^y K 1,8 PEP MINTED like managerial type of business man you C 1PITAL MATTRESS CO 143 RtAL r STATE AC. ho ha I see enjojinj, the confidence usually reposed TOPS reco/ereu and repaired. "Wheels axlea list, of propertj for -\le on his bo k A FREE BUREAU OP Sn tho^e IniruHted with finance and cxecu Pryor M 133 J We do best rrlod man 5 v Ith road expe lowest prices dive us a. trial High Grade and syrii7K3 repaired High grade work virfhes to sell one h Uf i icrest in hia Iu i tlVe responsibility for large intercuts Thib de tre experts 7 M: "W Alabama &fc u nnndd a market McConnell froater v WANTED—If jou want position as fireman betveen Whitehall and Broad Main 6S3 All IAJMP $4.75 THE CBIMO CARBON i £° B r ouSr 100 « Ult. Bids Buffalo brakeman electric motorman conductor outside T, oi h promptly attended t-Q u Landladies! Landlords! colored train or sleeping car porte- first BURN WELL JELLICO COAL claaa Atlanta roads £6a to S 6a month offe: ^^^^ RKJV1OVEE CO., >R S\LE—Old c"td. H hed mail order 89 Luckle whiskey bqsincw ith colored bar In con steady v ork e-'.perience unnecessary no in the movies for results COMPANY. ction For full part culars address BOT Another Constitution strike enclose stamp name position vant \\AXrED-Pofaition a ^al n or clerk by Thursday B ^Ve give theater tickets. Passes and uniform^ furnished when necee, industrious young m in give beat of 427 Decatur bt VUTO TRIMMING sary Address Railway Inst Dept 17 In referenccs_ Add re s A SO' nstitution I WANTED U capital for a ]oan Feature. i-vereil *,et our pricei 30 per cent may ruj diana-poUs Ind C1N you life -i hustling- salesmana jaunt Lei] Phone iViam ^961, Atl 1996 business ^VVsave ;SuVVr>- -Wr»l»o-™je» „<>-'»«„» c/nTt "rofo^oSSl.rST IS" AD\ DRTISE \OUR ROOMS IN THE pay you ?DO ^xonthlj Only ten miii ul > \l\i come well recommended'' carriage repaired repainted and Address \ SIS care Constitution M^ri'l/J 'Te^a 'X'uVKp "comply" pVlJiL^H_> «'»• Ji_Bj>!Ui_611C__L faTITLTION A^D SE.CURE A LIST minutes of yur time dail> requireid All recovered Ivy 30~G Robert Mitchell 227 SAFE CABINETS IIS THE work done in jou home .No canva *BlnB ^ OLiNG MJ* N stenographer desires position 229 Edeewood avenue AH.E United Statofa government at Wash ??^AJ^«^^—_ ^^%£^^s°^^modern convenient;^, ««" ^^'i •• t' Jteeper 7 > ears experience references Embry Construction Company 318 Fourth P\I,\r A.ND REPAIR SHOP Bnrker Circulation 'i pcterx M 46' 3 J ddreja ^_J_ Gen__Dejj\^y__AUanta, Ga. Natton.il Bank Main 1466 Mlamlt.bur« Ohio the yearly award for repaint >our automobile any color like BUREAU OF BOARDING WANTED—A man enjojing the confidence j m rurnlsrttnjj tne Security office safe to the I new before you offer It for sale It ^v II of contractor-i, builders and hardware men best refer consular offices poaval aavlnea bo. ilia gen to handlo a line and a proposition the trade bring more tnd sell quicker Skilled work DRESSMAKING—SEVVnviG^^ AND bral governraeut .^supply tioe this ight mon ppasonable price: \sk our customers J 1 is •waiting for vith palms up It cashes out \velrfht safe at UooKln BanL & Office £atfcTfab 'yATtns?r~^in^™^aTiio7i7ig old nun to vou offering- a dignified life work Ad \LEXANDER & JONES Equipment Co 113 115 M Pryor SLJ At ROOMING HOUSE dress F 5 care Constitution u^ On-* AI LAN IA ELECTRIC CO. remodeled coats relined 101 Capitol av SITUATION WANTED—Female 31 36 JAMEb ST Phone Lv? 1831 J C A, Main 2484 J .. . INFORMATION. MEN \V ANTED—W e need 10 more neat Lthridee and J H dray Props Storage bANC4C1l and plai appearing young men to Increase our pros SPECIAL rates for situations wanted ado, SABLES batteries rebuilt repaired and charged 3 lines one time 10 cents 3 timed lo >nahle Mrs. A SEVEN TIME WANT AD SECURES ent advertising f rce in Atlanta Call at BOUGHT, sold and exchanged. Bank buurk battery \\ork a hpeclalty General THIS LISTING FOR YOU A COMp££of office of Flak \ acuum Sales Co 27V, S cents. To get -hese rates ads must be paid UPHOLSTERING and Elect Ic Auto repairs. Washing and pol in advance and deiUered a-t The Constltu- Carpet Cleaning Co 148 safes, vault doors. Combinations DESCRIPTION LOCATION RATE ETC Prior St 3 Pryor St M 2133 J ishlng STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE NO CHARcJt IS MADi. FOR THIS tXTRA \VANTJEuD—Men who live in a town having changed. UO" ( SERVICE—JUbl INt>L.RT AN ORDINARY "W ANTED b\ a lady \ ho has haO one years ..^^ E. H ODOM BRO CO. V.AIST AD IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR over ->QO negro population can make $60 HAVE your automobile repaired THE We move »tore pack and smp household to § 00 monthly Legitimate Proposition experience in an office a position as u BANKERS' SAFE AND KOOdB exclusively t> a-nd S Madison avenue ONE VVtt-K AND YOU GET THE LISTING stenographer willing to \ ork for ?8 per C F BINDER & SON I>J THfc CONSTITUTION BUREAU OP Bent for 50o The G &. H Co Station E BREAK «6AAUBURN AVB IVT 6»»3 Mnln 1466 -j-no Atlanta 1422 Cleveland Ohio week Can furnish highest references Ad MAXTJFACTURERS of high grade paints VAULT CO. BOARDING AND ROOMIJ.Q HOLSE IN- dress_^ ^_S 1 Con&titution white lead and cresote stains We make WANTED—Railway mail clerks Commence YOUNG t\ OMAN %\ anta entire care of in ready mixed paints to order Corner La No. 35 East Mitchell Street. 1XAV16 6r JONES HOUSEHOLD GOODS JT& month Atlanta examinations soon all Child hospital and private .Trance and I o\vry streets Bell phone Ivy .Automobile ^palrlne, ^^•p^^i^^T^^T^^^t^^^ Sample questions free. Fianklln Institute G85* J Atlanta* Ga SAFES INFOR"MATION Pept 48 T rtovtitister ' *v «»,.^y.. — --^._.^~__-.~ goods planoa and, office furniture c.i?h c Hl nm c tra Auc n railway mail cierk examinations HERRING, HALL, MARVIN R tire specialists, factory dlbtribu- advanced on ™ aaFt f"V.ii '" ' "°, eoon $75 month common education LABI or refinement v, ishes position In do G * j tires oet.our prices and I Company 12_/ Wtchell btreet Bell FURNISHED FREE pull unnecessary For particulars apply tor s or dentist s office r as cabhler New and se^ond-ha id Also save inone" y Ue-- w faout- •h- Rubberi.-^^-r_ C~-o 249 -Phone Mair- ^ *• any position that a lady can fill Re P^htree at Bell Phone Ivy 4564 ' SAAE^ .,., per cent by buylngr your furniture F _ care Constitution,. erencea Call Weot 11SU other makes GOOKIH Bank and TO THEJPUBLIC SECTION FOREMAN—To send name and Ed Matthews & Co 23 B Alabama address name of roademployed on also GENTEEL >oung uoman wants work in of- NEWBANKS, Office Equipment Co, 113-115 N AUTO REPAIR Street: name of supervisor to-'TBox 133 Gulf port fice or store capable and conscientious FOR SALE—Lease and furniture of 11 room Ask The Constitution Mlt.3 Wagner (nith parents)_ 124^Garnet^ t st ROOF le CO. Mis: TTil "VrVTTT?,, »ks. call w B Pryor street, \tlanta, Ga. house suitable for boarders Address BRIGHT YOUXG LADY stenographer with JLP JlUU-KBarnett Ivy 7238 C S33 Constitution where to live. "WANTED—Barbers to Know we ciury full ^ Ants permanent position at line -fixtures and supplle- in stock in. At- SLATE ROOFING CO Main BEST ^kindling in the world I-OK bet.*, bargains In furniture t>ee Jordan lanta. "Write fo- catalogue Matthews & Furniture Co 144 Auburn ave Ivy 4437 NO&TH S1DXL Lively Atlant- oa. Ifilo Repairs and new roofing Al LANTA RADIATOR CO. REPINED cultured Chrlutlan lady. own. Atlanta 965 is rosin chips. You need Automobile Radiator Work Exciuslvely. at. loweet pric lug her own home fine JerseyiSwa. ii- PRINTERS—Before coming to Atlanta, com- ARD& Uanta Pbo»» »il» 7i Ivy Streat cellent yegetable garden and a large lot or J is. LITTLL paints and repairs all kinds municate with Printers Box G70 care __ 9 no wood to start a coal fire FOR bALL—Courier roadster SO horse poultry will turnlxh room \\ltii board at 15 Constitution something important. _ of roofs sells and puts on roof felt and per ueek. H Broaater Albert Howell Jr paint 154 Whitehall Main G14 " _oyerhauJ^ed.^M J300 4 Qceen B pas. cheapt Mv home Is modern In «Tery . stone miller A-l machin- Hugh M Dorsey Arthur Heyman with it. This week $1.35 a particular electritri c llghU. hot and cola-- igt repair man 1018 Century bldg Dor°ey Brewster Bo well & Heyman. water The same board I give would coat Attorneys at-Law SECOND HAND B1CVCL.ES, C#ST OFF^ CLOTHI ING two to three times as much fa I oliir*? at iVR reliable^ colored laborers out of town Offices. 202 -04 205 20G 207 208 21 » barrel. Both phones 1023. VE.S, we «,lean «artx>a from your cylinders place3 Ad 1Q18 Century building „ _.. mer st will buy men tf«Id °u?l?n ^rMa Home, car* Consu- __ - Building Atlanta ua Repair_wor_k a specialty 165 WMtehat^bt. ahoe-* anj clothing Please drop him a ^af d. wi.xi patenutble ideas writ* Randolph Lone Distance Teleph 3023. S02) and Piedmont Coal Co. P«t»nt Solicitor^ Continued i& Next Coiumn, KAGE CO, 12-1* UAdl ' A.IN t>UOf h * 3025, At anta, Gu. Continued In Meat Column. BELL PHONE IVY 141». «B«1 Bin*' Tk« V««Ufe. U< £«wtS^iiU IConUnued on Next -WSPAFI^R IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOB—™RE/ID THE CONSTITUTION WANT ADS Al : : - :, YOU WILL GET THE ONEfYOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR : REAL ESTATE—Far Salol BOARD.AND ROOMS FOR .RENT—Rooms FOR RENT—Housekeeping Rooms ESTATE—For Sale REAL. ESTATE—For Sale FOR SENT—House* NOBXH SIDE. SU>E. SOUTH SII>E- RESIDENCE DISTRICT. -, TWO nlcelr fur. front rooms for llRht . lendidly situated lots,'* togrether on FOB SALE—One lok, 345 feet, front- on cat- 766 PEACHTREE STREET THE PATTEN housekeeping to couple without children. drive. Peachtree Hurat, 51.500 the line. JX.SOO, more than 1 acre in this tot, A FEW select people can Before board In NEWLT FURNISHEp. otcam boat, batt on 385 So&thFryor. Mam 5J.99-J. ^ irt cash, balance notes, no interest. 52 Inma" buildingr. Atlanta. W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSO1 exclusive home, «teara heat, every con- «ver7 Coor; reasonable. 11 Cone St. Ivy TWO or three lurnlehed or unfuralehed May, 10H AubUrn avenue Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVE. Atlanta Phone venience, excellent board* rat»» reasonable*. 6431-L. rooms; all oonvenltoocss; close In. 193 FAKM I^*XDS. Ivy 2774-J, a. -.0. WAUD HECJRO t? ttufjstfi'*— NICELY tor. roonu. all cojivenlence^, ex- Woodwar..i~™,.™.—d avenue—. — —. -^ - *_.—-g:e lot, rent J31 mdoth; 12,500. See INVESTMENTS—30,000 acres, cellent board, gentlemen, couples, or busi- TWO unfur. rooms for housekeeping, all Flscfcer & Cook. 519-20 Fourth National 514 PEACHTREE STREET ness girla, close in. 87 East North ave. conveniences,,, convenient to tjno car lines, i BarOc building^ Main 3g60. ^ ..,.. -.^ south Georgia,' at $6.50 per FOR KENT FOR SALE ROOM with private bath: also room wlffe IT.Y 2423-J. r sleeping porch ana bath adjoining; volt- Atlanta 6677-g. ,7o0 EQUITY in vacant lot. Jnst off mp»t TWO connecting front rooms, TWO housekeeping rooma In private acre, in one body, high and dry; OX beautiful Clefmrna avenue, bet*r««0 KIRKTS OOI> AVE —Ao investment able for young men; excellent me&la. housekeeping, modern house, every con- desirable part of North Boulevard, to ex- Moreland and Highland avenu**, ^re have pavs $44 per month for $5.000. ThJil venience, on car line, near business center. family, no children; modern conveniences. change for automobile, diamond or good railroad runs through this. ^Prop- roperty that has a good future ana IB • BELLEVUE INN 321 Courtland street. . Main 2186-J. ______^_____^ paying di-vidend stock. Phone M. 2D41. one of the most attractive ll-room homes, enhance in value. See Mr. Radforo. MCI3t**Y furnished aincl* or double roonia. THREE furnished housekeeplne rooms; alt NORTH SIX>I3— lot. 100 feet erty suitable for subdivision, also with every modern convenience, meaninr atea-m he*t*d. with or withoout meal*. W convenloncea. West End. W-1265, uoa hemt. 2 haUm, l&rtre sleeping porch .bt TtUrd.^ Ivy 15.8-L. THE ADOLF front, overlookljugr clubhouse, tennis courts. small tracts anywhere in Georgia SP1«ENI>ID1."3C furnished rooms for men, TWO nice, largo rooms for light house- swimming pool and golf courts. Charles J. servant's room, stable and garden. Just WHITEHALL ST railroad frontage that ; ^- front Toona, opening into bath. In keeping. 429 S 3Pryor Metz. 627-628 Candler building. be bouRht cheap For particulars see . private family, with board, vapor heat. e^m beat and bath 10& E. Harris St. or Florida on reasonable terms. a gentleman's home. , Lot !• largo and Cohen. No information over phone. See . js,; c*t r«auit% 75-ACRE FARM near Adamsvllle, with main FRONT room, nicely for.; excellent uirau* front room, excellent mei UuEh J. Cynch. 80S Walton bid*. 6.000 ACRES AT J2.25. dwelling of five rooms. Tenant house, 'urnace heat. Mra. Sullivan. Ivy <7gO-J. Forrest avenue. FOR RENT—Apartment* CUT-OVER 3LAND. but small timber will barn, etc . eood slrons land, with 36 to> R ROoJvI, Heat and electricity;' re- BUSINESS DISTRICT. grow into valuable asset The land Is IP TOTJ WANT Just the prettiest and most 40 acres hi cultivation Balance In wooda - TABLE and nice, largo front FUKMSKED. IP IT Is reat estate 700 want to boy or selt good. For quick cash sale, but sufficient and pasture. Fronts main public road. rooms, wjth dresrimr rooms, furnace heat. Bned hoSeT near Bart Baiter. 314 Court- It will par you to oe* m*. A. 3rav«*. 3« time allowed for inspection and Investiga- modern 6-room bungalow that yon ever Nice place to livo at. Will sell right. So* electricity and goa. 322 WeM Peachtrae land. East Hunter atreet. tion of title, Waddell & Price, 306 Gau- went through, on Jargre. shaded lot. on Mr, E\ e. atreet. Ivy 094'!*. __ ADOLF APARTMENTS dier bull dine. Pnone Ivy 5767. ____ cherted street, with tile sidewalks, and In PEACHREE BACHELOR apartments de luxe. Every- 6UBUKHAN. a splendid neighborhood, let ua show you 15 CURRIER ST. Rp_OM__AAP thing brand new, every room complete BEAtJTIFUIj new 6-room bungalow, best ATWOOD ST "WEST END—Two lots, witfc NICEL.5T furnlahad rooma. clo«» In; an < with bath, running hot onA cold water, section of Decatur, close to car, fine east 475 ACRES of land In Sumter county, near one on Jefferson street. Decatur. Fine all improt ementa dow n. lor $900 each. venlencea. TWO' well furnished tront rooma, very close steam heat. etc. Transients CL a, day. Spe- front elevated lot. Will be worth $4,250 by Araerlcus, 4 miles from a railroad town. car aervice. Price $30. Will exchange for other property. See Mr, In, all conveniences, newly furnished. 66 cial rates by the month. ltt& —300 per year This IB a pick-up. Main 20*1 and. if interested, we are ready to show venience These are the prettiest in tov. n. c,EE US FOR FARM LANDS. JOHNSON you through them. ?6 J50. S7 200 and $7 500 See Mr Martin. West Peaclitree home. Ivy 1959-I* hot water, phono, eentleman or buaineas fOR SALE—750 feet front on street car line jfc YQUXG. 215 JPETEHS BUILDING XE turniBbed warm rooms, heart oZ woman. $16. 40S-B bprins. Ivy 7887. 47 EAST CAIN oiled atreet 8 acres more or less, for 510 - city, hot water rjad phone; meala U &»• BEAUTIFULLY fur. steam-heated FIVE rooms, first-class repair, separate en- 600 Will exchange for- farm of equal value FOR SALE—Georgia lands a BpecSalty. Thorn. aired, for 35c. 2* Caroegi* way. very reasonable, also kitchenette, trance, references required, J25 per mo. 52 In man building, Atlanta. W Jackson 4tb Xat. Bnk Bide- Atlanta. REAL ESTATE—For Sale. REAL ESTATE—FOP Sale I.JUL. furnished room for couple or een- tborpe Apts. 12 Ivy S335-L- Apply Downer), 509 Atl Natl. Bank Bldg. lemen, breakfast and supper. Ill E. Ellis ONE nicely fur. front room, steam heat, FOR RENT—Nice 4-room apartment In the Ivy 7565-J- Bell, corner North Boulevard and Ponoe FOR RENT—Stores second door from Capitol avenue. S37-A, de Leon avenue. Apply Charles F. Glover ROOil and. board In a refined north sWe Fulton street. Realty Company. 2% Walton streat. home, furnace heat; all conveniences. Ivy RENT—Steam-heated, room, connect- 784"_84°__J8 ;J. ing bath, close in, reasonable, gentlemen. MANUFACTURING SITE Cb- PEACHTRBB ST.—Large room for 113 -A Weat^ Peac htree..._ Ivy__7 9 91 - J. couple, steam heat and electric «Ebta. PLEASANT furnished ^ront room, suitable -cjal rates for 3 gentlemen Table board. for housekeeping. 24 JS Baker. Ivy 5469-J. IN THE WHITEHALL AND WEST END SECTION, ri^ht in LARGE! FHONT ROOM with board. TWO beautiful rooms, close in, every con- WANTED—Apartments STORES FOR RENT the heart of the manufacturing and warehouse activity, we offer Feachtree etreet. Ivy venience, reasonable, private family. Ivy UNFURNISHED. 1i pr: 5663-J. a tract of land, a corner,, containing o\er 27,000 square feet of dmily at 82 Weat Peacbtree. I ?y 73 FURNISHED front rorfm, private home, WANTED—5 or 6-room apartment on the A rTRACTIVELV fur. room, wlta OoarO. to modern conveniences 225 Ivy st. Ivy north side. Telephone Ivy 5958 space, 165x165 feet. ons^nia.1 couple. Call tvy 6757-J. 7029-J. furnished room fur one or two FURNISHED roon FOR RENT—Houses ATLANTA THEATER BUILDING young men, with board. Ivy 7826. private family, walking distance J i OOiliS with private bath and board. 21 E. :i I'UUNISIIKIK THE PREMISES contain every CITY advantage—electric lights, t ^ I n don atreet. Ivy__152. Miss Annie Dennis. ONS nicely furnished room, private family. FOR RENT—A ^ell furnished, north side v* T5TTED—Boarders In north sia* b,ome; all conveniences 6 Baltimore place. bungalow. The owner vtould like to havo gas, water, sewerage, street car facilities and railroad trackage everythine first-clasa. Ivy 7099-J. Ivy 4674-J. room and board there Address 1349 Ca.nd- LARGE, unfur. front room, suitable for ler bull dins. REASONABLE RATES on several roads; big alleys on two sides. Being a corner gives SOUTH SIDE. housekeeping-. private family, &3 West WANTED—Students, moat grlvo references; Alexander atreet. liNKOi^>.oH£D. light to a building on four sides. large room, hot and cold water; con- 637 NORTH BOULJEVARD venient. Bath, electric liehts. SIB Wblt»- NICELY furnished room, private home, all 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnace heat, ha.'l atreet. conveniences 404 Courtfand. Ivy SI 89.J nice bath, hardwood floors, new^y painted, table, well prepared; well-kept TWO ^nicely furnished roonia, very close In. will do any necessary repairs. Rent cut BIG EASTERN plants all aroutia it Large tracts of land at a rea- room. Prices reasonable. Close In. 73 31 E. Harris St. Ivy 37*1-J. from $55 to S50. Apply L.ast Mitchell at.. Phoae Atl. 4421, NICELY fur. rooms cl . CHAS. P. GLOVER REALTY sonable price and easy terms, close in, are e ctrcraely hard to find. ^.ir C roam and good board for two sren- ences 39 Carnegie way tlemen, furnace heat, also room for yoanff NICELY fur., sunny front room, close it CO. COME IN, so we can go jnto detail. lady M 2J85, 93 Capitol Square. all conveniences, 26 Eant .Cain street 2^ WAJLTON STREET WANTED—.Young men In private home, ex- NICELY fur room, all conveilejit-ea Pri- GET our Weekly Rent Bulletin. We move cellent meals, all conveniences, close to vate family. 20 West Linden street tenants rentine *1* 50 and up FREE. See 1110 HURT BUILDING reasonable rates. M. 604 NICELY fur. room, very close In. 39 Wes' notice. John J Woodstde, the Renting, WANTED—Several nice young men, close: Alexander street. Agent. 12^Auburn ayeouo. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN in, excellent meals; hot ana cold water. CALL IVY 4823-J, 114 W. Harris, for ele- FOR RENT—9» Weat Twelfth street, near 10.! Capitol avenue* gant rooms, with every convenience West PeacLtree, north Bide bungralow; 203 EMPIRE BUILDING. f OR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms, LARGE], sunny fur room conveniences, pri- hardwood floors, beam ceilings. Owner, 403 v, itn excellent table board. alao want a Equitable building. Phone Ivy 7200 roommate for young roan. Gail Main 4S39-L. vate family. 1^9 E Fine Ivy 7773-J^ TO GENTLEMAN—Koom in private fan FOK JRJ3NT—Mouues, stor«p and apartments. uD — One or two younc men In pri- next to Bath Peachtre^pjaj.g_Jvy_^97 Call, write or phorc for our Bulletin. Boll \ ate ho—m loae In. all conveniences. BEAUTIFUL, sunny front room, heat, every phono I. 2 3 ill*, Atlanta. 5408 Oeor&re P. inn 90 S- J convenience, meals it deaired^ Ivy 6103 Moore 10 Auburn avenue NO. 26 JeEIeraon place. JDecatur, best sec- EDWIN L. HARLING FURNISHED ROOM ard kitchenette, pri- BOTH PHONES 12S7 yate entrance, aingle_room__ 1IP Luckle at. tion, all improvements, 6-room residence, REAL ESTATE. S3 EAST ALABAMA STREET^ JUUNTSHDD ROOM, with or without board. fine large lot a real home, $30 month. W REAL ESTATE—For Sale. REAL ESTATE—For Sale . COTTAGE—On Mlfled&e a.venue"In one"'talockbloc! " of the park we offer a TWO handsomely furnished front rooms, K S Hamilton. Phone Decatur 413 corner lot with a G-room cottage, for S3 100 5300 cash S25 per month for the Atianta phone 2833. 79 Trinity avenue. Private bath, private home Ivy_ 1412-J oVE nicely fur room, all conveniences. 2J3 NO 5 HOPKINS—Second, house off Gordon, balance Room on this lot for another cottage This la a 54000 proposition. Our price Fryor walking distance , Majn 45g8-L. NICELY fur steam heated front room, all 5 roo"ms, modern Improvements. Reduced and terma are for a quick sale If you are in the market for a home it will pay jou onvenience^ 44o I'eachtree Ivy 1941 rent until spring Main 3008 to aee us at once. •MOCL.Y furnished front roopi for couple or convenience'* -*aii j.-_u.i;i»Lre«_ j.*y .LJIJ n, clo^e in. Main 4472 FRONT ROOM, also room sleeping porch, CALL, write or phone for our Rent Bulletin. GEO. P. MOORE SPRING STREET COTTAGE—Close In on Spring atreet we have a lot 60x125 with a heat, conveniences, meats near Ivs R.-RI I2d\v In P. Anbley Rent Dept.. 78 North 7-room cottage that we will sell for $8750 ~\\c will take as the cash .payment ONF nice room, can accommodate couple or Forsvth street Ivy 1600 Atlanta 363. a small, piece of renting property. If jou ha\e anything to offer see us at once a« _ >uug mon. rates reasonable Main 449-J TWO nicelyfurnishi?(l roo. e are in position to givs you a piece of property that is worth 5TOO per front foot In, reasonable ratua Ji Gilmer l LIN-ROOM brick house J3 Forrest i REAL ESTATE AND RENTING ErVCL.Jj-L.EKT board and rooipu. reasonable. ~" nue, one block from Pea htree, three I >r $175 per front foot and trade withjou Xo loan Uobe in M. 4413-J. 9S Capitol avenue THREE nicely Eurnlfabe dT ro" CAST GEORGIA AVENUU COTTAGE—On Cast (.eorgta. avenue wo of Or a modern all convenience^ 63 "~ _ A W Farlinger, 304 f Boulevard I 10 ATJBUEN AVENUE. 6 room cottage on a beautiful elevated lot for J2 500 $jOO ou are look- WA NTE D—Board—Rooms fgrred. ^&3 N. Boulc'v of anything for rent Call for one or let i ing for a home proposition that will make >ou money besides being a delightful place GENTLE-MSN—Tno furnished rooms strlct- us mall it to you. Forrest & George Adalr. to live aee us at once. _ Ii private fanilly 1^3 Webt Peachtr FURNISHED OR mSTFtTKNISHElX $1,350 FRONT FOOT, PEACHTREE HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY LOTS—-We offer four ce FURNISHED or unfurnished, my home, at graves each for $75. They are worth the mone 421 North Boulevard M L Petty, 126 once WELL furnished room conveniences, pri North Pryor btre'et, ^Atlanta, j3a. __ BF.TWEEN Porter Place and Baker street, adjoining Pope- By iyoung inon, farm&hed roo . •v^-te family. 919 E- City Hotel IOS^> South Porsyth at __ __ heat Broad and Alabama st Lot 57x155, corner oC West Eleventh, and Columbia a\enue, highest residential FOR REWT — One nicely fur . steam-heated Will be found by those investing on point in city of Atlanta, Will sell for 522,">00, $1 000 cash, $1,000 each six room in Evelyn Court apt., for one or two A FKEE BUREAU OP I ______FOR RENT—Desk Room months until $12,500 has been paid, balance can stand ten jears, deferred pay- BOARDING ONE nicely fu oom lor one or two DREWRY STREET ments to bear low rate of interest House \acant today and being cleaned out close in all conventeaces and painted Would consider iciiting to de&irable tenant. AND BOOMING HOUSE See the choice lots and nice houses going up then call on "WANTED —On e or two young men or cou- INFORMATION. ple In prHate family, close in 49 Broth- Elkln Drug Company five points'. Use . erton. ______phone Room 3. 9% Marietta St NICE room well fur,, connecting bath, all DESK SPACli for rent at 11 j McKenzie ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. W. T. GENTRY Landladies! Landlords! reasonable price M building: corner Peachtree ana Jamey 610 Third National Bank Building. Ivy 2181. NICEt»Y fur front room for 1 or 2 youne streets. Iyy__1561. Ask Mr Babbage m en Pytyate_ ho e /JJuln 29 Ss-j^ __ ' FOR RENTV-Deslc space on 1A hltehalt st Another Constitution OKE nice Cheap. Apply XC5 Whitehall ^t men or couple DESK room for rent, with ut,e of phone EXCHANGE WEST PEACHTREE FOR etc 301 Fopte & Davles bids Main 177b Feature. SHED —SOCTJ H SII>£. nts> to rent 3 or 4 roorni, Jio A£>\ ERTISE TOtTR ROOMS IN THE CON- couple or young ladles can eet one fur- i SOUTH SIDE STITUTION AND SECURE A LISTING nished room and use of kitchen or can pro 3 BRICK STORES IN THE raeaJs acro^a street >Ialn 519B-J In night of olti . ilii^ WE WILL EXCHANGE a fine Peachtree lot 50x200 lor South Side renttn* with ______AXiL 11ENTLID—Two 3-ioom apartments upstairs One apartment rented Other property. Will not assume loan unless very small. M GOOb~~FARM for rent or bale See apa-rtraent vacant On the noith side of Atlanta Cost S15 000 Owner CONSTITUTION Godbj owner, Colles Parlr Ga neec1;- money $12,800 CASH will bu\ this snap Could sell for $5,000 cash pay- ment and notes for 1, 2 and 3 jeaiM, if sold in ten dajs Owner needs monev WILSON BROS. BUREAU OF BOARDING OK RIGHT NOW There is not an investment in Atlanta to match it Want money THREE unfi rmshed. connecting room<. for REAL ESTATE—Sale, ^xchange AND light housekGLpmg. iLlj,o one nicely fur- "Won't trade for .in> property If vou ha\ e got monej come on and get it. If nished room, near Peachtrees, conveniences. W-VisTDD—Storehouse in eood suburb (witli not don t take up my time ROOMING HOUSE 39 West Ale-bander or without t-tock) in exchange for home ONE DOLLAR A WEEK FOR RB>,T—_ on car line, a rooms \\ater, sewerage, gooii » INFORMATION. bath, either fi 1173-J lot Box 15, East Point BUYS A CHOICE LOT 1ST 1 TO EXCHANGE lor property in College A -SEVBN-TXME WANT AD SECURES ONE farniahed or ^ connecting room -, ~gaa Park or Bast Point, several gooa farms. EDWARD H. WALKER THIS LISTING FOR YOU. A. COMPLETE and Sink, unfurnished. Main 2910 J See Mr. Waddell. 306 Gaudier bids. REAi. EbTATK SELLER. 35 NORTH FORSTTH ST ALTOLOMA DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, RATE. ETC. FUKMSHED—WEST END. THE MAN THAT MADE COLLEGE PARK GROW. NO CHARGE IS MADE FOR THIS EXTRA TWO fur, rooms with connecting bath, for QUARTER-ACRE LOTS TO FIVE-ACRE LOTS. SERVICE—JUST INSERT AN ORDINARY light housekeeping, private family W. WANTED—Real ONWANE TWEE AJDK IN AN THD EYO CONSTITUTIOU GET THE LISTINN FOGR lUo-J 33 West End place JUST BEYOND DECATUR IN THE CONSTITUTION BUREAU OF UNFUKNISHJBD^WEST EXIK WE have customer for three small lots m BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE IN- CopenhHl or loman Parfc. districts Let ui ON STONE MOUNTAIN CAB LINE FORMATION FOR RENT— Four connecting rooms second know \\ hat you ha.\ e at once Fischer &. MONEY JO LOAN floor bath and phone, $12 "West U03 Cook Main 33BO. 519-20 Fourth National AND aEORGIA RAILROAD. Bank building J "WK HA\J3 on hand several amounts to loan, ranging1 from $1 000 \\ e Information furnished to WANTED—At once, a cottage in the neigh- ' to impress that thi& money ia on HAND, and there will be no delay borhood of Spring street, between North 1 FOR TRADE—We have for trade the following propositions W. P. COLE, Manager. the public free* ^•OKi.11 avenue and Fourth street, for a client Ask FOR RENT — Three rooma fui-nlBhed. com- for Mr. \ates United Building Co. M. 4189 TWO NEW BUNGALOWS in Inman Park will rent for $25 each per month plete for light housekeeping . electric 400-1-^-3-4 Temple Court building This is an excellent proposition 408 Candler Building. Phones: Ivy 432, Atlanta 953. lights, gd.-. hot and cold \\ater, bink and. all Ask !The ^Constitution mqde_r_n_conyeniences.__Phoae__Iy______y 1744 L LIST your property with us for quick saie. AN APAKTMEIVT HOUSE on the South Side, Good investment Now rented both city and Eurm lands JT D McMil under lease •where to live. FOR REJS.T — On north side handbome.y fur- Ian, 512 Silvey Bldg - nished first f 'oor , 10-mlnute walk f i rn FIVE-ROOM HOUSE in the Grant Park section Rented for $15 per month J-OKX11 JiWE. center of uty Phone I\y boOG-J, betwee o n FARM . MARIETTA STREET BARGAIN 8 and 10 a ra. and 4 and a p. m __ ^_ WE NEED SOMJ3 FAft&*fc> FOR OUR CUS \ ^Modern Family and Tourist TOaiEKS. WRITE US FUZ*L INFORMA- ONE large room and kitchenette, furnished, TION AND GIVE US YOUR FARMS FOR HOTEL one block from. Peachtree, on car line. SALE. JUST &O IT IS IN GEORGIA. STRAUSS-EPSTEIN COMPANY PER FRONT FOOT—Two lots 50x100 each. This ELECTRIC LJGHTS and steam heat. Euro- Apply^75 ijagt Pine, corner Courtlan PISCHKR A. COOK 4TH NA"T BNK. BLDG ^21 AND 321-A HURT BUILDING PHONE IVY 4666 pean 53 a week and up.. 50c a day and T\\ O roomb and kitchenette bath "hot up Rooms en suite with private baths. water and electric lights $12 jO property is way under the market value. If you are American, $7 a wee1 k and up, $1.50 a day 7491-J and Up Frfee bath ^ on all floors furnlbhed room hall and looking for a bargain, see us about this. kitchenette o\ erlooking Peachtree 5S E OUR line new stores and lofts at 134 13t. INVESTMENTS AND HOMES PEACHTREE INN Alexander corner Peachtree 138 and 12tf Whitehall street als.o-ti9 S 291 PEACHTREE STREET. Broad street, also 61 JD. Alabama st. Geo $3,800—NOS 3S6-SS-90 RAWSON STREET— This is an almost new double apart- Under new management. Clerk and bell TWO housekeeping rooms, partly furnished" W Sciple. 10 Edgewood ave Both phones ment house with ten i ooms and a good 5-room house on lot 110x250 The boy servica nlBbt and day. Phones Ivy modern cunveniuiicen Inmun Park !> yy 20^ ^_ , 31-iS, 67 TWO stores Cor rent, location the heat, s proptrty rents for 5>5,800 and is close to Whitehall street There is room for " OTIS & HOLLIDAY om ana kitchenette for light tine proposal A-3Q5. ca^-e Con^ttuUot^ othei houses Make ufi an ofEer Can make terms K-URLEIGH APARTMENTS housekeeping JL&.i_Coart^s.Jitl_bt^I.Yy Glbi $4,500—rN~WT5S!r~END, just off Gordon street, j. nen-~t,.rociSTTHmgalovf"VitE 18 PEACHTREE ST. PHONE MAIN 175. 333-517 SPRING St. Pbonc Ivy 6658-J. For- FOR RENT—T»o rooms Ci ^...^ REAL ESTATE—For Sale sleeping porch, on lot 50x150 It is up to date, having hardwood floors, nished rooms and furnisnaa 3-roojn axtrts. no chtldren.^gcond floor 166 Courtlj.nd combination fixtures, tile Dathroom and furnace heat We can sell on terms of Gieam lieat. electric llcht and jfcnJtor M»rv- DANDY 3~room housekeeping Japartment^ KESIOKNCE. DI5TKICT. $300 cash and JJSO^a^month ^ completely furnished, close in. iv> Ob60 FOE, SALE—Bv owner at a sacrifice, ?1 000 less than value, beautiful 7-room bunga- Sj 2^ON"~GRANT STREET, on car line, we have a nice 6-room house with l'H£ PICKWICK FOR^RENT—3 rooms fur. for housekeeping" low Jurnace heated beat section north side hall, on laige lot Easy terms TKN-STORZ AND all convenlencca Jvy 7S^S. or ivy 337t 1 FOR SALE t.ru., ,-nem~ci rooniet witto CDlinectuilf ita-Al Only reason for selling —house too small foi Canvenleni ^aowor baths on e»cb Cldor. family. Easy terms Mr. \vniiams GOT ___7_7 rairj^St^.^near Cariigele J TWO connecting rooms for housekeeping ^.ouia bldg Maih 45G4-J Reeidence phon& PIEDMONT VILLA—A 4-apartment, 36-room brick, lot ^ ^^ ft[I conveniences, hot water, gaa and elec- Ivy " W. T. NEWMAN & COMPANY T\VO-IKX>M SUITE, bed room, with prtvat* tric lights, rates reasonable J36 Washine- BBU-, PHONE MAIN 4311 SOS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 100x150 feet on east side of Piedmont avenue, \vith alley on bath, a.nd lurgo loom, 24x3^ feet, sultftb}« ton. Main 33CO for parlor or ot-Ice firat floor PiClrwtcIc. north side and rear of lot, located between Pine and Currier streets. -TWO or three nice, LarKe, bricht rooms, fur- NT—I_area, cpoifortable, well fUr- nished *_r' unfurnished, to couple without Price right, terms easy upstairs ropnir bath connecting. cMldrcn. Call M. 1173 or 407 Capitol ave. hot and coItT \\ater, electric. Il^hta; Oitt cai; FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. N WEST KN.D. 3 rooms lor light hou3«f 9,000 ACRES 4,000 in cultivation, Bafcer county , a body of unusually riqh land. Fif- line, spntlem-in or busmega woman pr»» teen .union feet long; leaf yellow pine. Piles S13 per acre Term**. A LARGE, well-shap.-d residence lot near East Lake, 139x300. ferrcg 4 E. -KJmbatl SC * keeping-, furnace heat1 , every conveni- oces. Call TVest SOS-J. 46 -S. Gordon. 371 ACHES. Sumter county. 6 plows. _60,000 £eet Dine timber No waste l»nd. Will Price $1,500. iot you _-. _ - — exchange ftfr city property. PrJte $30 per acre Terms. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished hiuse- ^ ike rent. Be<» u*. United OTHER larg-o an« small farms 510 per acre and upward. QHESTEBFIELD, ; Co. 400-1-^-3-4 Temple Cpurt bld*c 7-ROOM HOUSE, OaH stteetv West EJhd. S4.000. NICE -rooms c-\-CJuMVely bachelor'afit; coft- keepine' robins, prlvstte iKUtie; -pear In. ALMOST dafly Inquiries for city property and farms Gl\e us a description or your ^Wcirt H»*i:*^ aV Call JMala 2&gg.L ^307 R«.H.son street. property, we will selt or exchanEre It for you, PHILPOT & FULLWOOD WADDEWU fr PRICE Coutinaed in Next Column. Continue^ fy liext U? Nest. . ,, &$ Can (Her BuDdliHC. ' * ~ - NO. 8 AUSTELL BLDG. _ '" '' ' " 1 J " " ~%" SPAPFRf US. COT HEADS IDYER'S STORY er to Make Flying Safe MANY NEW LODGE NOTICE A regular communication of Piedmont Lodee No. 4*7. DEMOCRATIC WOMEN F & \ M mil be held «» Masonic Temple this ill and Mrs John &W Vv Fisher, the forme* Atlantan ™Jtfcmit °y«>r, president of the •Western sioner John W Undse> T\ h ch TV ill Saiidert, Mr and Mrs Charles P . "j/ose accusation of an Atlanta mer- Islatlon upon the pa. r.rty Throughout I Pe aadttor of the will appear that 736 new names ha\ e \ ited to ittend the fuiieril of Cap- the av owed object ot the league to aid tola the g^,^ jury here their verslons tain Jamts> K W -v He Fnlaj, morning **ran proved a fiasco, was found not been approved and added to tl e roll In the congressional campaign ot tne of the deportation episode of Decem- Jaiu Pe ichtree street Tne coming November, and the leagnie ber 26 LeBS tthal n two hours were his brother-in-law by a Jury here this th r c s 1&14 Adding these to the number who owing named feentli men will pleas* afternoon Owing to the sensation leaders held that under . «J ti °" *'; ' consumed In the |grand Jury room, thl t C y a 1 P were paid last >ear 19 536 it will act is pallbeartib a,iid meet at Barclay which Fisher s ill-founded charges m g s°P'la So «n"coSd be ?Snslde«| Ru- men then returnlngl to th_ e hotel In Han- bring the total roster up to ''O 2 2 4c Brandons -46 I\j street, at 10 the Phagan cage caused, a vast crowd mors hav« it that one element wanted cock, whence they were taken a fort- 0 clock Mi John S Clarke, Mr W> This does not mean howo\ e- that T Perkerson Mr Chai let, F Rice, Mr gathered to hear the verdict. to take up the suffrage question by might aero. The nature -- "--•- — ther« will be that many to draw pen The jury went out at 10 J5 o clock resolution but there was no attempt to j timony was kept secret. 1 uvul Middox Mr J< hn F Ridley Mr do so slons this year There were 21 18b on T LJ McC art} Mi I ho mas E Swift. this morning At 1 o clock it reported ~,. ... „,. -„,,. Of I Except for the fact that a We crowd the roll at the beginning of Iq13 «hile Mr \\ lliams McCarth\ The following a disagreement but Judge Fite refused only 19,536 were paid It •« as found named gentl< men \vill act as honorary to dismiss it, e^Lort and meet at th residence at ysu^&3^$Z'3?S^~ttJZ?XZ that 1650 had died during- the j ear 10 1 » a m bamuel Inman George "Witnesses for the state testified that ceedmgs Mrs Charles Morton, of tel in groups, no Incident occurred to nearly 8 per cent of the whole The Washington questioned some rulings recall the Intense bitterness that pre- \\iiishin 1 rank I Block Frank P on the night of November 28, 190S, average sum paid to each pensioner Rice C tpt mi J W !• ngllsh Colonel when Steele met his death, that he and of the chair and Delayed the election I ceded the deportation Both federation by demanding enforcement-or a ?,onf.,:J men were guarded by deputy sheriffs was 95995 R J Lm\ r\ C L. <- ui itr Thomas M the defendant were seen together, and tutlonal provision excmainK^aii out | Except for thefr trtps trom tne raj]_ As the death rate am o n g the old < laik oeneial \ J \\L3t Judge Vk- tuat Fisher had threatened him, but veterans is rapidly increasing a1-, thej T Newnmn "\\ illiam T Healj, Dr . road station to the hotel, and to the Henrj I, %\ iKon. Or IT P tocott JaoU that Steele had stated that he was durining elections. TJw delegates were grow older It is estimated that at able to take care of himself Prior to rwhelmingly In favor of the acting courthouse In Houghton and back to J fepildlni? J G Oglesbs G S Prior. preaiaent however, and the ticket went Hancock, the two made no appearance lease 1323 of those who T*er*, on the \. P stiu jrt T M \tinistead Senator that tJme there had been an alterca- roll last 3 ear will be found to hi\ t, through as expected n in public Hoke -.mith \ n Ad-ur D "W Ap- tion between Tisher and Steele in plet Judgt Caeoi f-e Llillj er, Morris Mrs Edward Taylor, wife of Repre- O N Hilton, chief passed awa>. and that there -n ill be which the latter had sustained a sfight sentative Taylor, of Colorado, was onl> 18949 to be paid this -\ eai Brundoii H H t ibin s- \SA G Can injury but after which Fisher had elected first vice president Mr«* Dun- federation, met the party at the hate! < IPI J (_ mil Pa-jiir John \\ Grant. can U Fletcher wife of Senator and immediately went into conference How Roll Increased L.d^\ ird C Peters, Jool Hurt, l>r R jnade threats asrain&t Steele to various B Ridlt j "\\ ilmt r I M lore \V illiam ^persons, stating that he Intended to Fletcher of Florida, second vice preai with his clients It was presumed that Wlille it may appear somewhat ie dent Mrs John E I*tker Wife of Rep developments m Governor Ferris' in- markable that as many as .16 of tho--e A Spp r Dr F L. Cnnnall^ R F Mad kill ^im reaentative Raker of California third who are entitled to pensions should flox t ->lonel T\ J feel lohn C Hall On the night of the death of Steele vice president, Mrs" L G Hoffman, quiry Into strike conditions were dis- man r J IIiKitowtr Sr C W Hun- witnesses testified that they heard the Washington, D C., recording- secretary, cussed, but no • announcement was have waited this long to appl> for nlcutt Samuel totorkint Clark How Mrs Randolph D Hopkins Washing- made Victor Berger, former Mil- them, a number of causes ma> be as ell Jr Tames R Gra\ John Temp-Ie defendant and the dead man quarrel- Gra\es i- C Bruffev Beaumont I>avl Ing and using abusive language. When ton D C , corresponding secretary waukee congressman, here as a mem- signed to account for at least a good Charles S Hamlin assistant secre proportion of this increase There are ton Charles H LPW b John M Green. the body of Steele was found. In the ber of a committee from the national B B C i *• i\ Goo rse M Hope, Forrest tary of the treasury addressed the socialist party, was admitted to th« somo who have Just qualified by resi northern part of the city, early in the convention discussing the measures Vd nr M, illiam S Scott Dr 'William congress has enacted since President room dence In the state, and there ai o oth Pei rin Nicolson <.' S Nnrthen, George morning Fisher and his wife, who was era, doubtless, whose financial ondi a^ sister of the deceased, were among "Wilson 3 Inauguration He insisted Governor and Moyer Didn't Meet. Muse Henri <* Tohnson I uther Z Ros that they could have been accomplished tion "was such that they never f it It sf i Otn ei noi John M Maton, Joseph the first to reach the body, and Fisher only by use of the party caucus He Governor Ferris and Moyer did not Uhomp^on CSMirge \V F u rott John B meet. The governor necessary to apply for a pension be Is said to have been very nervous and outlined the worklngs'of the new cu*- fore this year Daniel T M rold^mlth 1 horn-as D badly excited, and remarked at that in an automobile early in the after- Mt idol lohn H Goldsmith R. M rency bill, declaring it to be a busi- That there are a number of fraudu- time that he regretted It very much ness man a bill and a part of President noon and did not return for several Olaj ton Hun V* \. \\ i ight Grant lent pensioners on the roll how c^ PI AA Ikins H M \tkinson ! ark Wood as he and Steele had made up the Wilson s gospel of new freedom and hours Meanwhile the federation men compared the new tariff law and its the pension commissioner himself doether witnesses testified that Fisher and financial stability fore the grand Jury The governor mlssloner that body has never seen \A llmgh im V AIoD Mr IHon J S had. coached them how to swear before asked the attorney general to come to fit to give him the power to make a Vkcrs Cha les T 1l\ in Judgo E C the coroner s Jur> and told them that jvont/ TIM Tie^l e\ Pdward Wlhite Houghton to arrange for the return searching Inquiry into the cliims of if thej\ repeated certain occurrences Ti P H fen o t M 11 tin \moroubt Cap FIRE DESTROYS HOME of the federation leaders doubtful pensioners and to purge the lun M T ^m th R«\ High K Wai that he would kill them Two of the An application for protection waa list of frauds Kor -will offimte Inlerment Oakland witnesses on whom the defense relied -OF CONVICTED PARSON granted and two of the largest depu- c en tter? to establish an alabl for the accused ties in Houghton county were Bent last could not be found both being under Rome Ga January 8 —(Special >— night to Chassel, Mich. to meet the M/SS KATE FORT'S WILL riL*L\>W>r 11—Fi *ncN of Mr and Mrs indictment here for misdemeanors Misfortune seems to have marked for train and escort Moj er and Tanner GFM rere A 1 ill Liider and family and Mi The defendant, in his statement, tes her own the Rev J A Thacker a ADMITTED TO PROBATE Fc hn Biidr t ind fimiK are invited former pastor of a circuit of Congre tfack to this '•ommunltj This precau- to attt nd thf funeral of Mrs G A tlfied that he spent the night, after tion appeared unnecessary as only ap- leav-lngr I?ug Steele nlttine up at the national Methodist churches in this Chattanooga Tenn , January 8 —The Tillander this afternoon at 2 o clock. section Fire last night destroyed his plause greeted the union men when will of the late «£»bs Kate H Tort of from the i ealdei ce SR'S %\ est Third home of a friend Whose wife was sick home which was a quarter of a mile they arrived at Hancock street Tntermei t it HolHwood Flow and his s-tatoment was a general denial beyond the city limits and which was this city, who died January 2 was id prs in <*ai e of P T Rloomfiold Co The deputies -Rill act as bodyguards mltted to piobate today Mrs I ranees of guilt of the crime The state intro- w, ithout fire protection The loss as long as the men are here duced as a witness the sister of the amounts to seveial thousand dollars Bro-w n and George Foi t Milton of It was understood that as soon Orville Wnght made seventeen rode 500 feet high with his hands above Chattanooga are na^ied. atestified land was not covered by insuranco was ecn- flights before representatives of the his head apparentlj gavlng no atten- FUNERAL DIRECTORS — — a ^ i ThftckeTnacKerr 1i3s tntnee mamann wnwuu w*x» \i\jn- the grrand jury nas excused the men tion to the mechanism of his powerful The will makes several bequests to that she sat uo at the home of her ^ ,cte| of immoral relations with Miss they will leave for "Washington to at Aero Cluib of America in competition charitable institutions including the sister...... , v, neie Fishe™_,_ r claime,_, d^ t*o- hav,._..e- Emma Hu&hes a young woman who air craft \ minute description of the Swedenberglan or anagre at Kich fniiiiiia, j.iue,i»Dt> u .jv..*.^ i XiTi— j\ tend the meeting of the executive for the Robert Collier cup for the avi- stabilizer has not been made public It BARCLAY & BRANDON CO. been, ar»d she swore most positively came here from Cincinnati Ohio, and ator whose invention brings the great Is described briefly by Wright as a mond. $oOl) Vine Street Orphanage Funeral Directors, are now located that Fisher was not there on the night he spent some time in jail pending council of the American Federation of home $oOO Frances \\ Jllard "\Vorkin~ trial After his conviction he was est advance in the development of the compensating device attached to the In their new home, 246 Ivy street, be states that he was This testimony Labor aeroplane Mr Wright demonstrate-d steering post which when the machine G rls home, $500 and Old L,adies sentenced to six months on the chain home $500 the latter three In Chat corner Baker. Auto ambulance was corroborated b> the testimony of Mn^'wTtoout^tiie'^ilternatlve'of a fine Acceptance of a Challenge. his marvelous new stabilizer, which he dips or swerves suddenly automatically tanoog^a another woman who stated that she [He is out on bond pending the result claims makes an aeroplane practically tips the wings and rudder to the Acceptance of what union labor lead- fool proof and safe foe any one. He proper positions Specific cash bequests are to John ..a- with the sick woman bn the night of a motion for new trial ers regarded as a challenge marked the E Morgan of Memphis $5 000 Mrs Cannon Sticks to Long Cigar. Steele was killed and that Fisher was Julia Dora Ellis of Macon SI 000 close of the hearing which Governor Mrs Kate Fort Ellis Bowden of not there at that time PanUlle 111 Januarv S—With a CHARTER iS GRANTED Ferris todav gave to rep-reesntatlves of they might consider the federals had PLAN FOR WEEDING Jacksonville $1 000 Mrs Hat Tort lonk black cigar In his mouth Toseph Little Blood on Corpse. the mining companies involved In the become excited Codington of Macon $1 000 Mrs G Oannon, former speaker of the na Witnesses swoi e that they had seen TO U. D. C. OF GEORGIA >pper strike 1/ulah H Fort of Mount Air\ $1 000 tin ai house of representatives a-p BAD MEN FROM NAVY and Miss Kate Fort "White of Bui peared on the streets this afternoon the acctis^d man. shortly after the I A L Petermann a representative CHIHUAHUJTCOVERNOR leig-h SaRerton Devonshire Trig] and for the first time since he wag taken finding of the dead body, -wiping of th e Rome Ga, January 8—(Special )— ,. . Calumet and Hecla company, NA1UED BY CARRANZA Wiashinsrton January 8 —A plea for $350 The silver and other personal ill with a cold He Bald staying In something that appeared to be blood \ charter hasi just been granted the called the attention of the governor to the weeding out of undesirable men in property Is divided among: specific the house was the worst punishment from his clothing of the United I>aug:h j Q^r&piijiciea^ betweeh the compan; Maytorena* Sonora, January 8 —Gen- the navy by Increasing the recruiting relatives he had received «A.t the time of the finding of the tSSfit* helVQonfederacy by the superior and those presented the eral Carranza, mog£ of his cabinet min- stations at the expense of the prisons ' body, the head was completely severed court of Clarke count> The division state labor commissioner on the strike isters and the expedition of General has been submitted to the house com- situation ljucio Blancp areyfto their way to Cu- from it, and one arm had been mashed has never hitherto been incorporated, mittee on naval affairs by Rear Ad- off, but there was very little blood but owns valuable property at Rabun He pointed out that the latter*s fig- Hacan below Nogales on the Arizona Expert testimony of a surgeon was Gap and elsewhere and for this reason ures accounted for more than 20 000 border The proposed trip into Chi- miral Victor Blue, chief of the bureau introduced to show that if the body it was decided to Incorporate The In- men whereas both sides agreed that huahua admittedly has been aban- of navigation 0 e "GILT-EDGE" liad been stricken while the person corporators are Mrs C Helen.Plane fiZELS^-iMl- - -- -—--. __,__. „ ^.,„.r« „»„,„„.employe, oud tiMn fcllthBe doned Admiral Blue said there -waft only a was alive and mangled In such a man- Mrs Walter D Lamar Mrs Herbert district when the trouble began He When Carranza s special train left small percentage of na\ y offenders ner it would have bled profusely and Franklin Mrs Zebu Ion Walker Mr•sr , adde-»"~*d tha«~*t ~th e' companie•-s- were willing- Hermoslllo today no one knew until Here is an investment, which, if bought at the pi ice ttould have exhausted iully one half W C Vereen Mrs Louise Haynest Mr:a to submit to an actual count of em- the main line was reached what direc whose conduct involved prison sen- gallon of blood JDr J S Rollins fur Howard McCall Miss Mattie Sheible13;, ployees and would open their books as tion the constitutionalist leader would tences, and that If the} could be sijm we are offering it, will soon show a substantial profit. ther testified that blood would con- Mrs Duncan Brown Miss Jessie Cobab- a source_ of information if the union take By this route. Chihuahua can be marily discharged by the commanding geal to such an extent in from two to and Mrs Mildred Rutherford The or , would do the same reached only by a circuitous journey officer the navy -would be better off On Auburn avenue, just be\ ond Jackson street. Lot ten minutes that it would not flow Jani7ation has no capital stock and ',,ClauClaud O_TayloO Taylor president over the mountains and north again and the government could save a large very much It was further testified will carry out the patriotiatriotic aims and ,[Michiga Mich.gan State Pederation of Labor, toward the Texas border It had been amount of monej in prison expenses runs through the block to Old Wheat street. that the deceaseitd was drinking on the 1 purposes of the xoluntary association promptly said the unions would open expected that General Carranza would If one fourth of the money now 1 spent on prisons was added to the re ji'gpht of his deaith wnlch would cauae heretofore existing fi ™™,? Vmtm „ ._„„._«-_ make an automobile trip to Juarez 104x110 feet—six well-built houses—rents ij>57 per the blood to flow more freely Governor Ferris gave no indication along the Arizona border Maytorena cruiting he said "the navy would be It waa shown that Steele frequently Probing Postal Service. as to whether such procedure would was the stopping place tonight. well supplied with excellent men per month—can be easily subdivided. swung trains near v, here his body be adopted It has been known how- Coincident with the departure from mitting the discharge of the undeslr was found and alighted at his home Pluladclphla Januarv S —What is ever that he has Investigators work- .Hermosillo came the announcement able and dissatisfied This would Price $8,750. Reasonable terms about a mile abot e there which Is up said will be an investigation of the ing under the state labor commission- that General Manuel A Chao an In- make desertions unnecessary A re a steep grade entire postal service of the Tjnlted £r and presumably these men already surgent commander in Chihuahua, had cruit cobts the government $20 to en State! intended primarily to effect hav—~e gone" -*int~o tha""*t phase of "the sit- been named civil governor of that list and $60 for an outfit, while the standardization of methods and an ir uation state This office had been held by average cost of a prisoner is from Jenkinson Red Cross Director. crease in efficiency was begun in this Governor FerrlM Completes Probe. General Francisco Villa, military com- $450 to $500 Besides the service of FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR "Washington January 8 —Charles citj today by a commission appointed So far as seeking Information was mander of the constitutionalists in Chi- a prisoner ts a dead loss I think the Jenkinson lately in the Latin Amen by Postmaster General Burleson The concerned Governor Woodbridge L. huahua It was said Villa would re- punishments are too severe in a great can dix ision of the state department commission will visit the larger cities Ferris of Michigan virtually complet- main as military commander many cases and this subject will re- has been made director of the Atlantic giving attention to local as well as ed his mission to the copper strike Villa has ^requested General Carranza ceive in the v ery near future the se FOR RENT—STORE ROOM division of the American Red Cross. general needs zone tonight There remained the to come to Chihuahua to organize the rlous consideration of the navy depart problem of a settlement, but indica- civil government, wh.lle Villa devoted mentu ' At 97 Marietta street, corner Cone and right in front of John Silvey Co, tions were that the governors activi his time to hillrtary operations ties in this direction might be post- On the train with Carranza were 200 we have a nice new storeroom. This is a good location for business poned He let it be known that if of his bodyguard and aibout the same Viscount Cross Dead. Sunday's Ad Appears on Back Society Section possible he would leave for Big Rapids number of men under command of Gen tomorrow afternoon eral Blanco , Ixmdon, January 8 —Viscoun t .JOIHIM j. AA/OODSIDE: Chief Interest today rested in the Maytorena is the insurgent base 91 years old who was one of the most REAL ESTATE—RENTING—STORAGE prominent conser\ ative statesmen In testimony of copper mine operators It above Guaymas, which still remains in PHONES. BBL.L, IVY 671, ATL 618 12 'REAL ESTATE ROW." largely was an historical discussion the hands ot General OJeda s federals England about thirty years ago died M. RICH & BROS, CO. although emphasis was laid on th e Prom this point the trip must be made here today He held offices in sev opinion of Individual mine officials by stage to Cruz de Piedra, the in eral cabinet*) occupying at various that union labor as such was not re surgent outpost south of Guaymas and times the secretaryship of state for pugnant to them They, however thence by rail into Slnaloa the home department the secretary made It plain that the "Western feder- shir> of .state for India and the (post of WEYIVIAN & CONNORS 2,487 Sample Garments of the ation could hope for no consideration lord privy seal He was a member of from the company sources They de- CEN. MANCILLA DENIES the house of commons for twenty-four clared tills position was unchangeable > ears, and sat in the house of lords LEND ON REAL ESTATE, IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED, AT Harvard Mills Underwear After the conference with the mine THAT HE'S A DESERTER for twentj eight > ears, having been men the governor met a delegation of Jan Antonio, Texas January 8 —Gen made a peer in 1886 LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. QUICK ACTION. NO RED TAPE. Italian and Finnish nonunion workmen eral Jose Manoilla, who left the fed who came to ask state protection They eral army at OJlnaga, Mexico, and INTEREST OF BORROWERS SAFEGUARDED. On Sale Today : Save a Third told the state executive they were sub- crossed to Presidio, Texas yesterday jected to dally threats and abuse from did not desert his command, but ii ' ' The Blindness of Virtue ' ' EQUITABLE BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1890 strikers They said they liad no use seriously ill and came to the United /"•LEAN, fresh knit underwear from the Harvard for the Western federation or any oth States to seek medical attention This, is a comedy with an educa- er union was the report which Major MoNamee >-• Mills Comparn Includes their samples and surplus Tonight the governor met Victor n command of the border patrol which tion. No lines are immodest lots About everj sty le the Harvard Mills Company makes Berger Milwaukee, Seymour Stedman, took Mancilla into custodj under the Chicago and Charles Edwar-3 Russell, neutrality laws, made today to Gen- or suggestive. is represented in cotton, silk, and wool, or wool and cotton New Tork who are Investigating- the eral Ta3ker H Bliss at department I situation for the national executive headquarters here union suitb, shuts and pants ~ ~~ committee of the socialist party General Bliss has refused General Not many of a kind, but all Mancilla s request to be allowed to School and College Annuals, come with hia son tp San. Antonio for kinds and sizes in the lot reatment unless he resigns from the lum WW»k«y «a4 »»rf« Hablta treated ne or at Sanitarian, Jtoofc OB kvbject FORCED LOANS Mexican army General Bliss has de- . DR. B. M-WOOLL£Y.7 -N, fined to permit officers of either side I S«*it*rlai», AtlUrt* G«aitl*. Catalogues, Booklets 1 ft for •women's 250 to ARE BEING MADE :o come here except under siicn condi 1«7C 35c cotton ribbed Shirts ;ions and they are expected to refrain and Pants Light and medium irorn taking part in further hostilities upon recovery We're specialists in that line, weight. All sizes, from 4 to 9 Continued From Page One. It waa said General ManciHa will ap- peal to the state department on Gen- and have a specialty man "who OO for soc to 650 Union 'al Bliss decision . , Weak, Nervous and Other reports today from Major Mc- •will be glad to call on you O<-iC Suits, shirts in various ___ _ them* opportunity to prepare re- Namee told ot, improved conditions in Diseased 3t>les, knee or ankle length pants, sistance and General Villa would have >residio where the majority of refu- wherever you may be located, fall length tights. had to increase the rebel force greatly gees, camp followers wno came north Men and give you valuable aid in to repeat the six days battle of last torn Chihuahua with the fede-als. week when the rebels reached within Permanently Cured lave returned to tlte Mexican side It Dr Hughes is planning and producing the most ffQ_ for 750 and 850 Shirts 400 yards of the Ojinaffa trenches with- was said the -wounded were proffreBs- out beins able to ta-ke them an an experi- O9W and drawers, wool mixed, ng well ^ enced Specialist, attractive issue you have ever light, medium and heavy weight General Francisco Castro, command who auctieasfully • of the federal regular army, said treats and per- had. cotton union suits. Regular and lie was confident his army never "Would manently cures sxtra sizes. be beaten by Villa He said he was Sheppard Heads Florida Labor Blood Poison well aware that the impending con- Miami Fla January S —C E Shep Skin Dltoa*ea. flict wag of 'momentous Importance to pard of Miami was elected president Nervouimeaa, Var- «yo _ for $i and $1.25 Union the Huerta regime It would settle .f the State Pederation of Labor fit the 1 c o-s-e Volne Foote & Davies Company f «->C Suits. High or Dutch he said a question whether the Mexico •lostfe session of Its annual meeting Kidney and Blad- City government was to maintain its _ _ der TrotibleH Ob aecks, long or short sleeves. Knee iere "today Sanford was selected as structlons Catarrnal Discharges and authority in the north or whether the lext year's meeting place all nervous and chronic diseases or 25 Edgewood Ave. or ankle length drawers. Sizes 'lawless rabble \vhich goes by the Men and \\ oraen name of constitutionalists is to have 4 to 9 I am against high and ettorttoiiate PERFECTION PRINTING " "Harvard full sway ' fees charged by some physicians and The federal commander said his sol- Rate Increase Favored. specrallet-i Vou will find my charges 00- for $1.50 Union Suits, "r"- diers had endured hardships had gone New York January 8—The New veiy reasonable and no more than you OOC wool mixed, sHk and wool Undenvear. without food for days ragged and foot- York Chamber of Commerce today are able to pay for akHlful treatment sore, they had marched over the wa- Consult me In person or by letter and mixed Union Suits, Vests and terless desert as a token of their loy- learn tne truth about your condition and perhaps save much, time Suffer- Pants. (Main Floor, Right.) alty, and he did not believe they would ing and «spenne I am a regular run at the sound of battle graduate and licensed, long: establish- « "We 11 never retreat but all of us ?o°ads°"Stl TlsobeVnc/aTio the entire We have a store at 102 "gorth Pryor street, suitable for most any bii«m«.. •will-die right here in Ojinaara if our business of the United Statesi ^OK^DAYS MY FEE WILL BB that we will rent at a -very reasonable price Heat and water included w.^' ammunition elves out, said General JUST OlsE HALF WHAT OTHER lease Store contains 1 100 square feet and small basement nice wide fro" A Rummage Among Gloves at Castro, himself garbed in a torn and White House Coaple in Paris. SPBCIALISTb CHAROE, WEEKLY dusty uniform, as evidence of the re- OB MONTHLY PAYMENTS AC- We also have two or three eood first Iloor locations In Candler buil cent fighting Paris, Januar1 8—Mr and Mrs CEPTBP rices very reasonable Steam heat and water included with lease u" Regularly $125, $1.50, $2 to$3.50 Reports reached headquarters that - here this X uae tho latent serums' and bacto- 'rancis Bowes i will be rlns for the treatment of chronic con- - PHONE IVY 0274. since their -w Ithdrawal from the battle" ditions which hove failed to yield to early Monday, the rebels had not only ordinary treatment ASA G. CANDLER, Jr., Agent NCLUDES Fownes and Trefousse $1.50 and $2 been strengthened by reinforcements ZS3 CAXDL.ISB BUELDENG. from Chihuahua, but that they also had KOR WEAKNESS LYMPH COM- I Gloves, in gray, cream, champagne, mode, black and obtained quantities of ammunition A^nerican es*«jasBy sshen they arrived, POUND combined with my direct treatment will restore tb« vita! forces wfute; tan walking-gloves J 16 and 2o-button length gloves The federal army has only what am- to tbe fullest degree munition WAS left after the battle and g& P^sSr? &£8S?£V? IN CHRONIC DISEASES my pa- Buy a lot and I'll draw your ulan. and in glace and suede kid in pink, blue and champagne, men's has no means of replenishing Its t is understood they will tients are cured In less time, quickly, furnish specifications for everything C»S stores 3arls until January 20 and Z use the latest Improved, meth- to $2 50 suedes, mochas and heavy capes Just a general A etory of the death o* Colonel Luis od*! Consultation and advice FBEB. lanta. HaveTblg^s'tock5' of^brtck" vSneVr _satv-upof broken lines and sizes Rummage among them, Guilty, relative of the rich Terrazas Call or write Hours 9 a 2 story and bungalow house Diana-' family, who Joined the federal army "The Blindness of Virtue" p m,. (SUNDAYS. » to 1. make selection -Let m—«- tal»~nk- »_»'•»"to you•; ru find the sizes and styles you like and pay just 890 as a. volunteer, was told today by a Oft. HIK>M». •ave you money priest The priest said Guilty, acci- comedy with an educa- ' (Ready at 8:30. Mam Floor, Left.) dentally shot by his own men In last Third !N«tknwl Bank, Sunday s engagement, had requested, Brand- Street, Atlanta, Gm. when dying, that the rumor of hlfi . RICH & BROS. ' kept from (he rebels, as