Constitution of the College Democrats of the University of the Wisconsin Stevens Point

PREAMBLE: We believe that the ultimate future of the lies in the effective ​ participation of young people in the political process. This participation includes campaigning for candidates in whom we believe, as well as working in activities which will transform our beliefs into action. We are convinced the College Democrats of the University of the Wisconsin-Stevens Point have a distinct political point of view to express, and all of our activities shall be directed toward the most effective expression of that point of view. In this mission, we call for full participation without regard for sex, age, race, ethnic origin, religion, physical handicap, Socio-economic status, sexual orientation. For these ends and upon these principles, we, the Democratic students of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, do hereby associate ourselves and adopt this Constitution as the College Democrats of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

ARTICLE I- NAME AND AFFILIATION Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be the College Democrats of the ​ University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, hereinafter College Democrats or College Dems.

Section 2 - College Democrats shall be affiliated with the Portage County Democrats (PCD), the ​ College Democrats of Wisconsin (CDW), and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW).

Section 3 - College Democrats may choose to work in conjunction with the PCD, CDW, DPW or ​ other progressive organizations and pledges itself to support the philosophy of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, College Democrats declares its intention to support efforts to increase participation of college students in Democratic affairs. To these ends, the College Democrats shall educate and train its members so that they may be better able to: 3.1 Educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic Party; ​ 3.2 Run effective grassroots based campaigns to assist in the election of local, state and national ​ Democratic candidates; 3.3 Work with Democrats across the state and nation to achieve the legislative and political goals ​ of the College Democrats, PCD, CDW, and DPW.

Section 4 - Organizations that work with or are affiliated with College Democrats shall not be ​ allowed to impose directives which violate the College Democrats constitution or usurp the power of the members of College Democrats and/or its Executive Committee.

ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 - Membership shall be open to any student currently enrolled at the University of ​ Wisconsin and who wishes to be known as a College Democrats.

Section 2 - No applicant shall be denied membership based on race, creed, sex, religion, gender, ​ physical or mental ability, marital status, Socio-economic status, Sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, arrest record or conviction, or Wisconsin residency Status.

Section 3 - Membership must include at least five (5) members. ​

Section 4 - Regular Members are Students who attend College Democrats meetings. To become ​ Regular Members, a student must: 4.1 Be enrolled as a student at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point; ​ 4.2 Be a member on the College Dems S.P.I.N account ​

ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS Section 1 - College Democrats shall meet no less than once a month during the fall and spring ​ semesters and at a time and location to be determined by the Executive Committee no later than the second week of each semester.

Section 2 - All meeting times and locations must be publicly posted the day of each meeting at ​ least 3 hours before the meeting time.

Section 3 - Officers are required to attend all meetings. If an officer is not able to attend, he/she ​ must notify the chair at least one (1) hour prior to the meeting.

Section 4 - All meetings and events held by the College Democrats shall be open to both ​ members and non-members unless the executive decides to “close” a meeting or event. 4.1 Closed meetings or events shall be announced no less than 48 hours before the meeting or ​ event is to take place. 4.2 Regular Members, Executive Committee Members, and Advisors shall be allowed at all ​ closed meetings or events. 4.3 With approval from the Executive Committee certain non-members, guests or speakers may ​ be allowed to attend closed meetings or events.

Section 5 - College Democrats Executive Committee members shall be no less than once a ​ semester and all officers must be present unless given permission by the chair.

ARTICLE V. VOTING Section 1 - Decisions Made By the Executive Committee ​ 1.1 Decisions which the constitution dictates to be at the discretion of the Executive Committee ​ must be approved by a majority of Executive Committee members in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. 1.2 If the Executive Committee can not reach a majority decision within the timeframe that the ​ constitution dictates such as decisions should be made the College Democrats advisor will be allowed to cast a vote.

Section 2 - Decisions Made by Voting Members ​ 2.1 A Voting Member is any Regular Member who has attended at least two (2) meetings, during ​ the current academic year, prior to the day of the vote. 2.2 All decisions made by members must be approved by a majority vote of present Voting ​ Members in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. 2.3 All members wish to vote must be present during the vote. ​ 2.4 Votes occurring before four (4) weeks after the first meeting of each semester will only ​ require a member to have attended one prior meeting.

ARTICLE VI - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1 - The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, ​ Treasurer, Recruitment Director and Communications Director.

Section 2 - The Executive Committee shall determine the agenda and policy of the College ​ Democrats.

Section 3 - The Executive Committee shall have the power to create ad hoc committees as ​ needed.

Section 4 - The Executive Committee shall meet no less than once a semester. ​

ARTICLE VII - OFFICERS Section 1 - The officers of College Democrats include the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, ​ Recruitment Director and Communications Director.

Section 2 - Officer positions are restricted to students enrolled in at least nine (9) academic ​ credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

Section 3-Duties and responsibilities of the President: ​ 3.1 Be the Chief Executive Officer of the College Democrats; ​ 3.2 Call, prepare an agenda for and preside over all College Democrats meetings; ​ 3.3 Act as the official voice of College Democrats; ​ 3.4 Serve as College Democrats liaison to PCD, CDW, and DPW; ​ 3.5 Carry out the mandates, policies, and directives of the Executive Committee; ​ 3.6 Delegate responsibilities to other officers and active members. ​

Section 4 - Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President: ​ 4.1 Act as Chair when the Chair is temporarily unable to perform their duties; ​ 4.2 Promote all College Democrats meetings and events; ​ 4.3 Organize College Democrats events; ​ 4.4 Assist the Chair in coordination of College Democrats recruitment efforts. ​ 4.5 Be the official PCDP liaison and be at executive board meetings. If unable to attend, must be ​ responsible for finding another committee member to take their place.

Section 5 - Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary: ​ 5.1 Take and maintain meeting minutes for all College Democrats and Executive Committee ​ meetings; 5.2 Assist the Chair in promotion of all College Democrats meetings and events; ​ 5.3 Maintain the College Democrats email distribution list. ​

Section 6 - Duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer ​ 6.1 Develop an annual fundraising strategy for College Democrats; ​ 6.2 Coordinate College Democrats fundraising activities; ​ 6.3 Maintain accurate and current financial records for College Democrats; ​ 6.4 Assist the Chair with organizing College Democrats events; ​ 6.5 Apply for funding from SGA and handle the disbursement of SGA funds; ​

Section 7 - Communications Director ​ 7.1 Maintaining all social media pages and accounts; ​ 7.2 Write and send press releases; ​ 7.3 Work with any local or national news sources ​

Section 8 - Recruitment Director ​ 8.1 Coordinates college democrats recruitment efforts; ​ 8.2 Assists in outreach for new members; ​ 8.3 Responsible for tabling efforts on campus. ​

ARTICLE VIII — ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1 - Elections for officers shall occur prior to the last meeting of every spring Semester. ​

Section 2 - No one individual may serve in two (2) concurrent officer positions. ​

Section 3 - Officers shall serve one (1) year terms with no term limits. ​

Section 4 - Voting rights for officer elections shall be granted in accordance with Article V. ​

Section 5 - Candidacy ​ 5.1 Each candidate shall have no more than five (5) minutes to address the electorate on the day ​ of the election. 5.2 Candidates must comply with eligibility requirements outlined in Article VII Section 2. ​ 5.3 If a person who wishes to run for office and is eligible to do so is unable to attend the ​ meeting on which elections will be held, they may appoint another member to address the membership on their behalf. 5.3a Members speaking on behalf of a candidate will only be allowed to read a word for word ​ written statement prepared and signed by the candidate. 5.3b The length of this statement is not to exceed five (5) minutes, spoken. ​ 5.3c Members speaking on behalf of a candidate will not be allowed to answer questions or ​ address the members in any way beyond the candidate's written statement. 5.4 Members who do not address the electorate personally or by written statement on the day of ​ the election shall not be eligible for office. Section 6 - A simple majority of legal ballots cast by those voting shall be required for election to ​ the College Democrats Executive Committee. 6.1 If no candidate receives a majority, the top two candidates will have a second, runoff ​ election. 6.2. If there is a tie in the runoff election, the candidates will be considered co-officers for the ​ given position.

Section 7 - All elections must be held by secret ballot, regardless of the number of candidates ​ running.

Section 8 - All ballots will be counted by at least two (2) present Voting Members who are not ​ running for elected office.

Section 9 - A seven (7) day public notice is required for the election meeting. ​

Section 10 - The Executive Committee will appoint an Election Official to preside over the ​ Executive elections no later than one (1) week before the election date. 10.1 The Election Official must be a Voting Member. ​ 10.2 The Election Official cannot be a member of or be running for an executive position. ​

Section 11 - All objections, or appeals to the election must be addressed to the College Democrats ​ Advisor, whom is the final ruling body on the matter.

ARTICLE IX. OFFICER REMOVAL AND VACANCIES Section 1 - All College Democrats Officer's shall be subject to removal from the office for ​ misconduct, negligence, or upon other grounds as determined by members or the Executive Committee to constitute good and sufficient cause.

Section 2 - Officers who lose their eligibility for membership or office during their term will be ​ automatically removed.

Section 3 - Removal of Officers by the Executive Committee ​ 3.1 Officers can be removed by at any time through a vote of no confidence by a majority of ​ members on the Executive Committee, See Article V Section 1.

Section 4- Removal of Officers by Voting Members ​ 4.1. In order for members who are not on the Executive Committee to remove an ​ officer, 2/3 of all Voting Members must sign a petition stating they are dissatisfied with the performance of a specific officer and why. 4.2 Petitions can only address the performance of one (1) officer at a time. ​

Section 5 - Officer Vacancies ​ 5.1 Vacancies Due to Removal, Resignation, or Loss of Eligibility ​ 5.1a Should the Chair position become vacant, the Vice Chair shall become Chair. ​ 5.1b Should any other posting become vacant, the Chair shall appoint a successor, pending ​ approval from a majority of the Voting Members present at the meeting following the Chair's decision. 5.2 Vacancies Due to Lack of Candidates ​ 5.2a. If no one runs for a certain position at the time of elections stated in Article VIII Section 1, ​ a second election shall be held for the position at the second meeting of the following semester. 5.2b If the position remains vacant after this time, the vacancy will be dealt with using the ​ procedures outlined in Article IX Section 5.

ARTICLE X- ADVISOR Section 1 - College Democrats Advisor must commit to attending at least one (1) meeting per ​ semester. Section 2 - Advisor shall have the final say in settling disputes regarding elections and/or ​ constitutional interpretation. Section 3 - The Executive Committee may seek to find a new Advisor at any time for any reason. ​

ARTICLE XI - FINANCES Section 1 - College Democrats may request Student Government Association funds. ​ Section 2- If the organization is dissolved any SFO funds will be disbursed between the Portage ​ County Democratic Party and the UWSP Foundation. SGA funds will be returned to the SGA Main Reserve.

ARTICLE XII — CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW & AMENDMENTS Section 1 - The Constitution shall be reviewed no less than once every four (4) years at a date set ​ by the current Chair. Section 2 - The Constitution can be amended by a majority vote of all present Voting ​ Members. 2.1 Amendments must be submitted in writing to the Chair prior to the meeting on which they ​ will be voted upon.

ARTICLE XIII — RATIFICATION Section 1 - To be considered valid, the Constitution shall need to be ratified by a majority of all ​ present Voting Members.

Constitutional Changes Occured on 02/08/2019 by a majority of the Executive Committee