Of 1 Executive Board – 11 September 2019
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Executive Board – AGENDA Date: 26 February 2020 13.00hrs – 17.00hrs Venue: Stanford Hall Rehabilitation Estate Office, Leake Lane. Stanford On Soar, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Membership: Sir John Peace (SJP) Cllr Philip Atkins (PA) Leader Staffordshire County Council, Prof. Alec Cameron (AC) President & Vice Chancellor, Aston University, Cllr David Mellen (DM) Leader Nottingham City Council, Cllr Simon Geraghty (SG) Leader Worcestershire County Council, Cllr Martin Hill (MH) Leader Lincolnshire Council, Cllr Barry Lewis (BL) Leader Derbyshire Council, Anthony May (AM) Chair Operating Board, Prof Edward Peck (EP) Vice Chancellor Nottingham Trent University, Kevin Harris (KH) Chair of Leicester & Leicestershire LEP, Cllr Chris Poulter (CP), Derby City Council, Andy Street (AS) Mayor West Midlands Combined Authority, Cllr Ian Ward (IW), Birmingham City Council, Rachael Greenwood (RG) Midlands Engine Programme Director, Rowena Limb (RL) Area Director Cities and Local Growth Observers: Nick King, ME Advisor, Simon Hall DIT, Marian Sudbury, DIT Director for UK Regions, John Henderson, Leader Staffordshire County Council, Anthony Everitt, Programme Manager Midlands Engine. Apologies: Andy Street, Cllr Ian Ward, Ian Curryer, Mark Stansfeld (MS) Chair of Worcestershire LEP, In attendance: Sir John Peace, Cllr Philip Atkins, Prof. Alec Cameron, Cllr David Mellen, Cllr Simon Geraghty, Cllr Martin Hill, Cllr Barry Lewis, Anthony May, Prof Edward Peck, Kevin Harris, Cllr Chris Poulter, Cllr Bob Sleigh, Rachael Greenwood, Rowena Limb, Nicki Jenkins, Maria Machancoses. Guests: Chair: Sir John Peace Minutes: Gayle Aughton Item Timing Topic Paper No. Lead Lunch 13.00 – 13.30 13.30 – 15.00 Presentation on the National Rehabilitation Centre and Tour of the Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre ‐ Led by General Sir Timothy John Granville‐Chapman GBE KCB Matters of Governance 1 15.00 ‐15.30 Welcome, minutes and declarations of EB2.20.1 Chairman interest Reports from the Operating Board: • Financial update EB2.20.2 NJ/RG/AM RG For discussion 3 15.30 – 17.00 Midlands Engine – Communications EB2.20.4 RG and emerging new narrative Midlands Engine Economic EB2.20.5 RG Observatory and Independent Economic Review Any other business 4 Date of next meeting: 22 April 2020 14.00 – 17.00hrs KPMG Offices Birmingham Page 1 of 1 Executive Board – 11 September 2019 Minutes for the Midlands Engine Extraordinary Executive Board Attendees: Name Position Sir John Peace (SJP) Chairman of the Board Anthony May (AM) Chair Midland Engine Operating Board. Chief Executive, Nottinghamshire County Council Rachael Greenwood (RG) Midlands Engine, Programme Director Cllr Philip Atkins (PA) West Midlands Councils. Leader, Staffordshire County Council Cllr Simon Geraghty (SG) West Midlands Councils. Leader, Worcestershire County Council Andy Street (AS) West Midlands Councils. Mayor, WMCA Cllr Martin Hill (MH) East Midlands Councils. Leader, Lincolnshire County Council Prof Alec Cameron (AC) Midlands Innovation Universities, Chair Maria Machancoses (MM) Midlands Connect Programme Director Rowena Limb (RL) Cities and Local Growth Unit, HMG Regional Director Simon Hall (SH) Department for International Trade, HMG Regional Director Richard Blackmore (RB) CBI, East Midlands Regional Director Helen Turner (HT) Midlands Innovation Universities, Director Gary Woodman (GW) West Midlands LEPs. Chief Executive, Worcestershire LEP Neil Rami (NR) West Midlands Growth Company, Chief Executive Iain Gillespie (IG) Midlands Innovation Universities. Pro‐Vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise, University of Leicester Jo Dilly (JD) Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire, Managing Director. John Sinnott (JS) Leicestershire County Council, Chief Executive Jenny Kenning (JK) Midlands Enterprise Universities, Director Observers: Anthony Everitt (AE) Midlands Engine Interim Programme Manager Nick King (NK) ME Consultant Dominic Murphey (DM) Hanover PR Dan Gilbert (DG) Hanover PR Guests: Name Position Alex Gardiner (AG) Metro Dynamics, Associate Director Apologies: Cllr Ian Ward (IW) West Midland Councils. Leader, Birmingham City Council Cllr Barry Lewis (BL) East Midlands Councils. Leader, Derbyshire County Council Cllr Chris Poulter (CP) East Midlands Councils. Leader, Derby City Council Cllr David Mellen (DM) East Midlands Councils. Leader , Nottingham City Council Kevin Harris (KH) East Midlands LEPs. Chair, Leicester and Leicestershire LEP Mark Stansfield (MS) West Midlands LEPs. Chair Worcestershire LEP Prof Edward Peck (EP) Midlands Enterprise Universities. Vice Chancellor, Nottingham Trent University Deborah Cadman (DC) West Midlands Councils ‐ Combined Authority, Chief Executive Professor Iain Gillespie (IG) Chair Midlands Engine Innovation and Enterprise Group Angela Joyce (AJ) Chair Midlands Engine Skills Group Ruth Carver (RC) East Midlands LEPs. Chief Executive, Greater Lincolnshire LEP Ian Curryer (IC) Midlands Engine AB and Chief Executive, Nottingham City Council 1 Introduction & apologies The Chairman welcomed members to the Midlands Engine Executive Board, with particular welcome to members of the Operating Board. 1.1 There were no declarations of interest. 1.2 Apologies noted above. 2 Approval of minutes 2.1 Approval of the Minutes The Board approved the minutes from the meeting held 17 June 2019 without amendment. 2.1 Matters arising None recorded. 3. Chairs Opening Remarks The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and welcomed Operating Board Members who had been invited to join this Executive Board meeting. The Chairman confirmed since the last meeting of this Board that James Brokenshire MP has since stepped down in his role as Midlands Engine Champion and he noted he had extended thanks on behalf of the Board and Midlands Engine Partnership, referencing the significant support provided by James Brokenshire in this important role. The Chairman confirmed to the Board that the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick (Secretary of State for Housing, Local Government and Communities) had been confirmed as the Midlands Engine Champion and commented on looking forward to working closely with Robert as the partnership moves forward. 4. Strategy Refresh The Chairman invited RG to present an update on the Midlands Engine Strategy Refresh and to provide an overview of progress over the summer in gathering input from across the partnership to shape the forthcoming strategy refresh. RG presented a summary of the emerging priorities for the partnership including four key areas of focus on which partners were generally agreed it made sense to act together regionally to address. RG responded to questions and points of clarity raised by the Board and gave an overview of next steps. It was agreed that the next iteration of the document would be shared with the Board for their feedback, prior to lodging an updated document, incorporating Board feedback, with the government. Members of the Board provided feedback and commented on the importance of presenting government with both a strong evidence base and compelling narrative around additionality brought by the partnership, opportunities for tackling productivity and the unique offer of the Midlands Engine partnership. Members noted the progress since the last meeting of this Board and acknowledged the significant work undertaken by partners in helping to shape the emerging strategy planning. Page 2 of 3 5. U.K. China Regional Leaders Summit The Chair invited AM to provide an update on plans for the China Regional Leaders Summit, currently scheduled to take place in the week commencing Monday 17 February. Members commented on the significance of this as an opportunity for building even stronger links with China, culturally, economically and socially. Members noted the initial progress, agreed the proposed governance arrangements which AM put forward including Steering Group ToR and requested that an update report be bought back to this Board following the event in February. 6. Any Other Business The Chair requested that NR provide a brief update on the Commonwealth Games. NR reported that a global viewing audience of 3‐4 billion is expected. The focus of this opportunity will be on maximising the legacy of the games in terms of trade, tourism and investment. 7. Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the Executive Board scheduled for 26 February 2020. Page 3 of 3 Security Level: Confidential Restricted Unclassified Commercially Sensitive Meeting & Date: Midlands Engine Executive Board ‐ 26 February 2020 Subject: Financial Update Attachments: None Author: Accountable Body Total no of sheets: 4 (incl. cover sheet) Papers are provided for: Approval Discussion Information Summary & Recommendation: Summary This report sets out on behalf of the Accountable Body of the Midlands Engine: Financial summary for year end 2019/20 (reporting Q3 actuals and Q4 estimates) Accountable Body Transfer Recommendation To note summary and actions required, including: 1. To note the forecast year end position and consider further, on meeting, partner contributions 2. Update of ESOL and Mental Health Contracts for 2019/20 3. To note the update on the transfer of the Accountable Body Financial Summary Forecast end of year position The financial position for 2019/20 is reflected in table 1.Current spend against budget is £1,646,102.44 with outstanding commitments of £1,129,470.23 as at January 31 2020, against a planned budget of £2,775,572.67. This leaves £331,371.78 of unallocated income, with the agreement in principle from MHCLG established that the Midlands