The Word April 2011 Holy Week and Easter shared with his disciples, and how rative again, and offer solemn prayers he told them to love one another. at 7:30 pm. We do not have Holy Holy Week begins on April 17 this The Church commemorates the Communion on Good Friday. year, Palm Sunday (which is also Last Supper as the first Holy Eu- called The Sunday of the Passion). On Holy Saturday our Altar Guild charist. In this of- Our services on Palm Sunday are at and Flower Guild transform the sanc- fers himself, he becomes the sac- the usual times of 8:00 am, 9:30 am, tuary with flowers, banners, and white rificial lamb in a New Passover, a and 11:00 am – but we begin our fabric on the altar. new covenant. And it will be our journey in the parish hall rather than last supper, our last Holy Com- Easter Sunday is April 24 and, along the Sanctuary. After the palm branch- munion, until the Easter feast. with Christmas, Ascension, and Pen- es are blessed, we will walk to the tecost, is one of the great celebrations Sanctuary for the rest of the ser- of the Church! Services will be at vice. In the course of our Palm 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am. Sunday services, we will hear the The music will be amazing! During entire passion story, recalling how each service, children will be invited Jesus entered Jerusalem from the to cover a cross with flowers – Mt. of Olives, and all that tran- which the Church will supply but spired – betrayal, arrest, mock trial you may also bring flowers. And we and beating, his crucifixion, and will host an Easter egg hunt in the death. Our services on this poign- front yard of the Church (the Van ant day remind us that Jesus was Buren Street side) – weather permit- willing to give his life – and did - ting, at approximately 12:30 pm. to demonstrate the love of God. One thousand eggs will be placed We will have a healing Holy Eu- for the occasion. And, if the weather Friday in Holy Week (April 22) is charist at 12:15 pm on April 20, Holy is inclement, the egg hunt will be called Good Friday – not because Wednesday. A priest will lay hands of moved indoors. Jesus’ terrible death on a cross is a every person who attends, anoint good thing, but because his death We will have childcare during all of each worshipper, and offer a prayer. accomplishes a great good. He our Holy Week services. The priest will come to each person becomes our sin and dies, and we in the pew to anoint (etc.), and serve rise with him on Easter to the Holy Communion. Gifts to Glorify the Lord new life of grace. By his suffering Thursday in Holy Week (April 21) is and death, we are absolved, Fairly soon now St. Timothy’s will called Maundy Thursday. The word cleansed of all our sin. We will launch a capital campaign to raise “Maundy” comes from the Latin observe The Stations of the Cross funds for a new organ and to make “Mandatum” which means at 12:15 pm (our “stations” are general improvements to our Sanctu- “command.” We will hear the story unique hand-painted works of ary. We will also conduct our annual of the Last Supper, which Jesus art); we will hear the Passion nar- Stewardship campaign to raise funds


for our mission and ministries. And St. Tim’s STRIDES for MS During this time we will provide in- both of these are critical. National Capital Challenge formation about the National MS Our Tracker organ is almost 150 Walk Society, team volunteer roles, regis- years old and requires more mainte- Informational Meeting - tration, fund raising, and training for nance than it is worth. A new organ April 10, 2011 the walk. Past walkers can also will last at least as long as the Track- share their inspirations and experi- er and will raise the spirits of God’s ences in taking the challenge. We people for many generations. It will The Multiple hope to walk again in 2011. serve us, and be a great legacy for Sclerosis Please contact Chris Brock at our children, grandchildren, and National Capital great grandchildren. While we raise Challenge Walk is September 24- [email protected] or 703.437.3968, or Hollis Colie at the funds for this we will continue 25, 2011. The Capital Challenge with all of our ministries – mission Walk MS is a two-day, 50 kilome- [email protected] or 703.499.7936 trips, Sunday school, youth activi- ter experience that tests your with any questions. We hope to see ties, Sunday and Holy day worship, strength and spirit, and makes an you on April 10! care for neighbors in distress, sup- extraordinary difference in the port for recovery groups, etc. It is lives of the 400,000 people living essential that we support our capital in the United States with multiple New EfM Sessions campaign and our annual steward- sclerosis. ship campaign. Therefore when you Education for Ministry (EfM) is pledge (I hope and pray all of our The walk is about reaching beyond planning to start a new weekend or church family members will) please your limits: physically and philan- evening EfM class that will begin in maintain or increase your giving to thropically. The event is not a September. If you are interested in the general fund (the annual operat- race; it is a journey of love, com- participating or have questions ing fund), and make an additional passion, determination, and sup- about the program, please email pledge to the capital campaign. We port. Through hard work in train- can succeed with the capital cam- ing and fundraising, you will have Janet Koch at [email protected] or Rebecca Page at paign without compromising what the chance to experience some- [email protected]. The current we now do. thing that defies explanation. Not Tuesday morning EfM class will only is this an opportunity for Please accept my thanks for every- continue, beginning each academic great personal achievement, but it thing you do that makes this Chris- year in January. tian community – St. Timothy’s – is also an achievement you will such a wonderful, grace filled place share with everyone else who ac- to worship and share our gifts. God cepts the Challenge. bless you! VBS 2011 St. Tim’s STRIDES for MS Join us from June11-14 for this -Fr. Brad (Steps taken regularly in devotion ending year’s Vacation School, “Shake suffering for MS) is a team of church it Up Café!” Children 2 1/2 (potty- members, family and friends who trained) up to rising 6 graders are have come together in past years welcome. The cost will be $35 per to take the challenge. We would child, or $70 per family. Sign-up will like to invite you to an Informa- begin on-line and at church on Sun- tional meeting on Sunday, April day, April 17. 10, 2011, at 12:30 p.m. in B-1.


Boy Scout Update Lakota On Sunday march 6th three We- The dates for the trip are: depart- mission trips. belos bridged into our troop. On ing on the July 30 and returning on March 19, the troop went camping the August 6. We have posted the Given the abundance of opportuni- at Camp Highroads. forms for this year’s trip on the ties to help others, there are many St. Timothy’s Boy Scout Troop 159 website. ways to further St. Timothy's mis- sion. Of course, it is important to held a special Four-Scout Eagle Court of Honor on March 19, give to our General Fund, but it is 2011. They are MJ Johnson, Nick We are looking at having an organ- also important to donate financially Woo, Chris Papas, and Jon izational meeting at the beginning to the many other projects that St. Grove. They have been together of May. Also, we will also be con- Timothy's undertakes. And we can since Cub Scouts and have achieved ducting our tool inventory to de- give of our time, which is just as Boy Scouting’s highest rank! The termine what needs to be replaced valuable as money; serve on a minis- invocation was provided by Craig and remarked. try; help out on a one-time basis for Dubishar, who was fortunate church functions like Welcome enough to have backpacked with Back Sunday; offer to host a coffee MJ, Nick, and Jon at Philmont Please check the weekly bulletin hour; or attend a newcomers' get- (over 100 miles on the trail!) in and the WORD for upcoming together to welcome new members. 2009. events relating to this trip. Congratulations to these fine Scouts One of the beautiful things about on a well done! St. Timothy's is that there are so If you have questions, suggestions, many ways to provide Steward- or wish to volunteer; contact Chris ship. I encourage everyone to pay Brock christo- attention to your bulletin for oppor- [email protected] and Cas- tunities that fit your schedule abili- sandra Riedy cassandrar@- ties. -Kathy Lombard, Senior Warden by sending us an email. Organ Update and Gifts to Stewardship Defined? Glorify the Lord Campaign

Stewardship is a word that is often Information difficult to define. For me, Stew- ardship at St. Timothy's means doing what I can to further St. After many years of study and pray- Timothy's mission. er, this month Saint Timothy’s will finally initiate a capital campaign to It's not hard to see evidence of our replace our failing 145 year old mission if you look around. The Tracker organ, make needed im- Dungannon Youth Mission church hosts dozens of meetings provements to the building and cre- Trip every week, from 12-step pro- ate a contingency fund for current grams to Boy Scouts. We host a and future facility expenses. It has top-notch preschool with reasona- been a long journey since 2002 just The youth group had its first fund- bly priced tuition. We contribute getting to our kick-off. Here is a raiser: the Shrove Tuesday pancake time and money to many local timeline of where we’ve been and supper on March 8. Rick Wilson charities, including the Loudon where we’re going: deserves great thanks as well as all Abused Women's Shelter, the the others who helped to make this Jeannie Schmidt Free Clinic, and  2002 St. Tim’s initiated a study event a great success once again. Reston Interfaith, to name a of the viability of the Tracker organ We were able to raise approximately few. And we support communi- after notification by then-Organist $1,000 for the Dungannon fund. ties further afield with such pro- John Ackley of numerous problems. Thank you for all who supported it grams as the Dungannon and A variety of experts recommended by purchasing tickets. 3

that repair was going to be contin- You can also contact “Gifts to Glori- Open Arms Q&A uous, difficult and expensive. fy the Lord” Co-chair Randy Karn at Q: At Communion, do I have to 703-404-1991 or email him at take the wine? If I don't want  2004 An Organ Committee [email protected]. to, what do I do? was formed with new Musical Di- rector and Organist, Peter Wag- A: No, you do not have to take the goner, to study options to replace wine (or the bread, for that mat- the organ. Visitations were made Gifts to Glorify the Lord ter). If you would like bread only, to churches with various types of Benefit Concert hold out your hands for the bread, organs, and the committee consult- and when the wine comes to you, ed with organ makers. Saturday April 23, 2011 fold your arms, crossed across your  2008 After 4 years of thorough 7:00 p.m. chest with hands at either shoulder. This position is also used if you study, the Vestry voted to accept On Saturday, April 23, St. Timothy’s would like to come up to the rail to the Organ Committee’s recom- will host a benefit concert as a prel- receive a blessing, but do not wish mendation to replace the Tracker ude to the official start of the capital you take Communion. If you with a pipe organ. campaign, which is designed to im- would like to receive both bread prove the sanctuary acoustics and  2009 Miller, Beam & Paganelli, and wine, you have the option to install a new pipe organ. Inc. was hired to provide an acous- consume both separately (eating tical study of our Sanctuary. The program will feature the works the bread from your hands and  2010 Kirby-Smith Associates, a of Handel, Buxtehude, Saint-Saens, drinking from the chalice), or you professional fund-raising company, Babajanyan, Navarro, and Maksin may consume both together was hired to assess the congrega- performed by violinists Mark and (holding your bread until the wine tion’s ability to conduct a success- Monika Dorosheff, cellist Ian comes to you, and dipping a small ful capital campaign. The feasibil- Maksin, pianist Marina Chamasyan, corner of the bread into the wine.) ity study was positive and the and organist Peter Waggoner. “Gifts to Glorify the Lord” cam- Tickets are available for a suggested You may drop your questions in paign became a reality. donation of $25.00. All proceeds the Question Box located on the will benefit the capital campaign. wall outside the Sanctuary, below  2011 The campaign is sched- the photos of the . The uled to be held over several weeks For more information or ticket sales, members of Open Arms look for- in May 2011, with three year pro- please email peterw@saint- ward to answering more of your jected timeline for planning, de- questions in this space. signing, and building.  2012 The order for a new or- gan is placed, with 50% of neces- Partnership with St. sary funds collected. Mathieu’s in Haiti

2014 Installation of organ, im- provements made for lighting and St. Timothy’s continues to be acoustics, and reserve funded for blessed by our role in supporting future capital expenses completed. the students of St. Mathieu’s. For more detail on the Organ Since September of 2010, we have Committee report, the Feasibility donated over $4,000 to provide Assessment, and other aspects of uniforms, books, and backpacks the campaign, please take the time for eighteen students. The congre- to read through the various reports gation has been generous in on under providing the funds needed to sup- “Giving,” and prepare your ques- port the students for the 2010- tions for the Q&A after services 2011 school year. Because of this on May 1, May 8, and May 15. generosity, we have committed continued support over the next


several years until the youngest of siderable benefit in allowing St. does a fantastic job at keeping our these 18 children has completed Timothy’s to support St. Mathieu’s water clean and drinkable, there primary school. successfully. simply is not enough to go around. Growing populations also When the program was initiated last Since establishing the partnership stress and strain the government's fall, one of the greatest challenges with St. Mathieu’s, many obstacles ability to provide sufficient drinka- was getting the money to St. have been overcome. We began ble water. Individual conservation Mathieu’s for use as it was intend- with the names of the students and efforts (shorter showers, non- ed. With all the obstacles Haiti fac- a limited list of requirements and watering of home lawns, low-flow es, it would not have been surpris- costs; since then we have defined faucets and toilets) are very im- ing for funds to be diverted to oth- specific expenses for each child portant but the real water users (and er needs. In recent months, chang- and established regular contact abusers) are corporations, industry, es by the Diocese of Haiti have with the local priest and with the and failed water management prac- simplified communication between director of the school. And, with tices. During the summer months, St. Timothy’s and St. Mathieu’s and continued donations and support huge amounts of water are wasted streamlined the process for donat- from the congregation, we have every day by corporations for land- ing money. The of Haiti been able to send eighteen children scaping needs. Who hasn't seen the established the Partnership Pro- in Chapoteau to school, many of classic automatic sprinkler running gram in late 2010. This program whom may not have been able to at a local company's site during the pairs groups or individuals to a attend at all. In coming months middle of the day (most evaporates) priest partner in Haiti. The priest we look forward to knowing the or during a rain storm (duh)? This provides regular reports to their students of St. Mathieu’s in more water is the same drinkable water donor partner and updates the do- personal ways. As we continue to that comes from your tap. What a nor on news from the parish. The learn about the community of waste. What to do? Long-term so- program also provides a simple and Chapoteau and St. Mathieu’s, we lutions must be implemented now in safe method for sending goods and welcome the opportunity to share order to have a positive im- funds to specific recipients in Haiti; with you. An updated Frequently pact. First, become educated about donations are sent to the diocese at Asked Questions sheet has been water and its use. See http:// an address in Florida and, from placed in Henry Hall near the St. there, the Diocese of Haiti takes Mathieu’s display, and a Haiti page water/world-water/world-water- responsibility for ensuring delivery has been added to the Service Min- da y / (S ee a l so http: // to the designated parties. St. Timo- istry page of the St. Timothy’s thy’s partners with Pere Michelin website. Please contact Shon SOC_Resources/) Second, practice St. Louis. Pere Michelin, who as- Beury, Service Ministry chair, or individual conservation efforts. The sists the priest in charge for any of the members of the Service Diocese of Virginia's Stewardship of Chapoteau, Pere Lafontant, com- Ministry to learn more about our Creation Committee has also pre- municates with St. Timothy’s on St. Mathieu’s outreach. pared a "Water Conservation Tips" behalf of the St. Mathieu’s director St. Timothy’s Service Ministry ~ Put- sheet that is available at http:// and the parish of Chapoteau where ting Your Faith to Work (or re- St. Mathieu’s is located. quest a copy from St. Timothy's Steward of Creation at wcdu- Father Brad and members of the World Water Day was [email protected]). Next, contact your congregation have been communi- March 22, 2011 local elected representatives and cating with Pere Michelin via email corporations and industries de- since September 2010. Father Brad manding more responsible use of was able to meet with him briefly Concerned about global water sup- our water supplies. (A Message during his recent visit to Haiti. As plies? Maybe not. Concerned from St. Timothy's Steward of Crea- there are no computers or electrici- about your local water sup- t i o n . ) ty in Chapoteau, and the director ply? Absolutely yes. Water has does not speak English, we rely on become one of the most Pere Michelin as the intermediary. "endangered" resources globally The Partnership Program is of con- and locally. While Fairfax County


Earth Hour was March 26, The days and times volunteer assis- through 5th grade who cannot 2011 tance is most needed are Tuesdays find the help they need at and Thursdays between the hours of home. Both organizations en- 10am and 2pm, although it would courage reading and would like Last year, the World Wildlife Fund's also be welcomed at any other time. to offer books for the children to Earth Hour 2010 had hundreds of Volunteers who speak Spanish take home. Your help is appreci- millions (no joke!) of people who would be an extra help, but the abil- ated. JSFC also requested your participated worldwide. Wow! This ity to speak Spanish is in no way a help in collecting the following year the event was Saturday, March requirement. All volunteers will be supplies: pill sorters (strip of day 26th, 8:30 p.m. local time and was warmly welcomed and appreciated. by day compartments), 500 mg called "Earth Hour Plus!" There was Suggested “shifts” are 10:00am- Tylenol Extra Strength, wide ace even a new 60+ app released by Ap- 12:00pm and 12:00pm-2:00pm; bandages, narrow ace bandages, ple for the iPhone! What did people however, a shift of less than 2 hours toothpaste and toothbrushes. To do? Turned off lights for an will also be gratefully accepted. All learn more about these organiza- hour. Why? Over a million other volunteering for this ministry will be tions visit people worldwide made a statement welcomed. or about energy conservation and pro- call 703.956.6722 . tecting the Earth's (hey, that would If we get enough volunteers, we are be God's) resources! What's the also hoping to schedule volunteer Helpful Links "60+" for? Go beyond this one pairs for each shift, to assist each, hour and practice even more energy other with tasks as well as keep each conservation! See http:// other company when there are no visitors. Perhaps you already know free-clinics.asp a n d h t t p : / / of someone you’d like to pair up Even the Dio- with! cese of Virginia's Stewardship of Since these volunteers will be locat- Creation Committee had an excellent ed at a table (hence, the name of the list of energy conservation tips ministry) just outside the church of- ( (or fice, a few other tasks may be asked eventView.asp?EventID=83 request a copy from St. Timothy's of them in addition to assisting the : Steward of Creation at wcdu- hungry visitors, such as signing for [email protected])). (A message from St. Tim- ages delivered and directing other http:// othy's Steward of Creation) visitors If you are interested in help- ing out with this ministry, please contact Katie Mazza for more infor- Food Table Ministry mation at [email protected] The year's at the spring or (703) 421-3979. And day's at the morn; The Food Table Ministry is a recent- Morning's at seven; ly formed ministry at St. Timothy’s, The hillside's dew-pearled; created to address a growing need in Book and Supplies Drive The lark's on the wing; our parish. Many hungry visitors The snail's on the thorn; come in to the church during the Jeanie Schmidt Free Clinic (JSFC) and Vecinos Unidos, of the non- God's in His heaven - week in need of assistance. As their All's right with the world! numbers have grown, the clergy and profit partnership Connections for ~Robert Browning parish administrator have identified a Hope, are seeking donations of new or gently used children's need for volunteer assistance in di- recting these guests to the food pan- book. Please consider giving to the- try in the kitchen for an immediate se two worthy organizations. JSFC hot meal, handing out grocery store provides books for children seeking gift cards, or distributing bus tokens. medical services at the clin- ic. Vecinos Unidos provides after school homework assistance and summer programs for children


2011 Vestry Terms expire January 2013 Eugene Nkomba Terms expire January 2012 Ms. Allison Dodd Stewardship Kathy Lombard-Senior Warden, Finance 703-715-8667 703-862-6731 202-365-7595 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rick Wilson Patrick Hobson Duncan Hutcheon VoCoSum Treasurer Stewardship 703-435-1925 703-464-0405 [email protected] 703-376-8288 [email protected] Donna Cornwell [email protected] Christian Education Cheryl Brock Ted Mankin 703-478-6910 Worship Junior Warden/Service [email protected] 703-437-3968 703-476-7251 Services [email protected] [email protected] Sundays Jeanne Bennett 8:00 a.m.- Holy Eucharist, Rite I Liz Ward Alternate 9:30 a.m.- Holy Eucharist, Communications Rite II 703-442-8542 703-435-8886 Children's Chapel [email protected] [email protected] Godly Play, ages 3-9 (Nursery Care Available) Beth Lumnitzer Term expires 2014 11:00 a.m.- Holy Eucharist, Sandy Wright Alternate Rite II 703-262-0403 AdHoc Sunday School Godly Play, ages 3-9 [email protected] 703-716-9094 (Nursery Care Available) Rose Berberich [email protected] Wednesday

Registrar Mike Colie 12:15 P.M.- Holy Eucharist And Healing Service 703-471-4988 Building and Grounds [email protected] Office Hours 703-787-0272 Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. –5:00 a.m. [email protected] For appointments, please call 703-437-3790


Our Mission: As people of God, we joyfully worship God, spread the WORD of God's love, treasure all people, and serve others every- where in the name of Jesus .

Therefore, with God's help, We: St. Timothy's newsletter, The Word, is published monthly and emailed to members and friends on the Open our doors to everyone, first day of each month. It also appears in full color on the website ( home open our hearts in worship, page under Downloads. If you wish to receive a copy by mail, please notify Keith Nelson Stroud in open our eyes to the Spirit's gifts and the church office ([email protected]). Copies of The Word are also available in the office. open our arms to embrace God's work. The deadline for submission of material for the next issue is: Friday, April 15, 2011 Questions, articles, or ideas for The Word are always welcome as are your comments. You may send materials via email to [email protected] and put Word in the subject line. Photos are also welcome; please identify key people in photos. Articles or letters may be edited for brevity or appropriateness. Church Information Seminarians The Reverend Wisnel Dejardin Rector 703-437-3790 The Reverend Brad Rundlett Mr. Peter Doddema 703-437-3790 X11 913-660-9422 [email protected] [email protected] Associate Rector Christian Education The Reverend Leslie Chadwick Cassadra Riedy 703-437-3790 X12 703-437-3790 X17 [email protected] [email protected] Music Director Parish Administrator Mr. Peter Waggoner Keith Nelson Stroud 703-437-3790 X16 703-437-3790 X10 [email protected] [email protected]