Stable homotopy theory Notes by Caleb Ji These are my personal notes for a course taught (over Zoom) by Paul ValKoughnett in 2021. The website for the course is here and an outline of the course is here. The recordings of the class are posted here. Sometimes I will try to fill out details I missed during lecture, but sometimes I won’t have time and thus some notes may be incomplete or even missing. I take all responsibility for the errors in these notes, and I welcome any emails at
[email protected] with any corrections! Contents 1 Overview of spectra1 1.1 Suspension.......................................2 1.2 Generalized cohomology theories...........................3 1.3 Infinite loop spaces...................................4 1.4 Formal properties of spectra.............................4 2 Cofiber and fiber sequences5 2.1 The homotopy lifting property............................5 2.2 Cofiber sequences...................................6 2.3 Fiber sequences.....................................8 2.4 Group and cogroup structures.............................9 3 Spectra 10 3.1 Reduced cohomology theories............................. 10 3.2 Defining spectra.................................... 11 3.3 Homotopy groups of spectra.............................. 12 4 Model categories 13 4.1 Lifting and weak factorization systems........................ 14 4.2 Model categories and examples............................ 15 4.3 Homotopy and functors of model categories..................... 16 5 Cofibrantly generated model categories and the The levelwise model structure on spectra (VERY INCOMPLETE!) 17 5.1 Some set theory (?)................................... 17 5.2 Sequential spectra................................... 18 6 Homotopy groups of spectra (MISSING) 18 1 Overview of spectra Lecturer: Paul VanKoughnett, Date: 2/15/21 1 Stable homotopy theory Plan of the course: define spectra and give applications.