December 2014 1 2 December 2014 Editor Gary Skentelbery Production Paul Walker Editor’s Comment Advertising IS Frodsham Foundation’s as anyone can set up a Facebook Asked if they ever viewed the James Balme e-newsletter and Facebook page for free and an e-newsletter Foundation Facebook page or Nick White page worth £10,000-a-year costs virtually nothing. e-newsletter, 74 per cent said “no” FreephoneTony Record to Frodsham Town Council? Of course, the Foundation and only 26 per cent said “yes”. 0800Freephone 955 5247 The question was asked at a says it plans to make its online Asked if they had ever used either 0800 955 5247 council meeting by Cllr Mike Pusey, communications sustainable, so to look for a job, a massive 97 per Editorial wearing his recently acquired it should not be necessary to ask cent said “no.” 01925 623631 Frodsham Foundation director’s the council for more money. If this Need we say more? hat. proves to be the case, then the Email
[email protected] Perhaps the question should Foundation will have discovered info@warrington- have more accurately been: “Is the Holy Grail. It will have achieved it worth £14,167 a year” for what huge, multi-national media On behalf of all the team at what the Foundation was seeking companies have been struggling to was an extra £4,167 to keep do for years – made money from Frodsham Life we would like to wish all our readers and advertisers its communications work going the internet.