PraneethReddy E[o Iharteredhmuntants @


(Pursuantto section109 of thecompanies Act,2013 read with Rule21(2) of the Companies(Management and Administration) Rules 2014) To

The Chairman, Virinchi TechnologiesLimited 10,SRK Colony,West Marredpally, - 500026


I, M PraneethReddy, Practicing CharteredAccountant , was appointed as Scrutinizer for the purpose of scrutinizingthe poll taken on the below mentioned resolution at the 25ft Annual General Mteeting held on 30th September,2014 at PadmashaliKalyana Mandapam, West Marredpally, Hyderabad at 12.30P M. We submit our Report as under: 1. After the time fixed for closingof the poll by the chairman,the ballot boxeswere openedin my presenoeand the poll paperswere diligently scrutinized.The poll paperswere reconciledwith the recordsmaintained by the companyiRegistrarand Transfer Agents of the company and the Authorizations/ Proxies lodged with company. A"?l,yq-

PlotNo.4, UBI Colony RoadNo. 3, Hyderabad- 500 034r T: 040-65894757 E: [email protected] 2. The poll paperswhich were inco and/or which were defectivehave beentreated as invalid kept separately.\ 3. Theresult of poll is asper the

Thanking You Yours faithfully,

\&ruy M.PraneethKumar Reddv Practicing CharterodAccountant MembershipNo. 224706 Place:Hyderabad Date: 1" October.2014 a =!2 ;> ;.= o\> -o a c.)



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and pursuantto section 08of [Pursuantto clause358 of Listing Agreement (Manageme and the companies Act, 20L3 and Rule 20 of the companies, Administration) Rules,20141


The Chairman, Virinchi TechnologiesLimited 10, SRK ColonY,West MarredPallY, Secunderabad- 500026 35Bof Sub: Passingof Resolution(s)through elecltronicvoting pursuantto Cla 3, read Listing Agreementand pursuantto Section108 of the companies Act,20 with Rule 20 (3) (xi) of the companies(Irfianagement and Administrati Rules, 2014

Dear Sir,

(The Pursuantto the Resolution passedby the Board of virinchi TechnologiesLi Company) on August 30'n , 2014 .I have beqn appointedas Scrutinizer for t e-voting processas mentioned under clause (rx) of sub rule 3 of Rule 20 of the es (Managementand Administration) Rules, 201)4.Isay, I am familiar and well with the conceptof electronicvoting systemas prescribedunder the said Rules andthe SEBI Circulardated 17th April,2014 issuedin this legard.

PlotN0,4, UBI Colony RoadNo, 3, Banjara Hyderabad- 500 034 T. 0/in-A5Rq/t757 The Companyhas appointedCentral Depositorry Services () Limited as the Service provider, for extending the facility of electrronicvoting to the shareholdersof the Company. Aarthi ConsultantsPrivate Ltd are the Registrar and share Transfer Agent (RTA) for the Company.The serviceprovider, had provideda systemfor r6cordingthe votes of the shareholderselectronically on all the items of the business(both Ordinary and specialbusiness') sought to be transactedin the 25thAnnual GeneralMeeting (AGM) of the CompanywhiLch is scheduledto be heldlon Tuesday,the 30th day of September, 2014, at 12.30 t'.M. at Padmashali Kalyana Mandapam, West Marredpally, Secunderabad-50002,6 .The serviceprovider ar;cordinglyhas set up e-votilg facility on their website.The companyhad uploadedall the itemsof the businessto be transactedon the websiteof the Companyand alsoits serviceprovider to facilitatetheir shareholdersto casttheir vote throug;he- voting. As on the cut-off date there were 7916 shareholdersof the Company. The service provider had sentthe Noticesof the AGM by email to 3466shareholders whose email id was made availableby the two depositoriesarrd for thoseholding physical form to the extent it was availablewith the RTA. In respectof 4450shareholders the noticeswere sentby the courier.

The cut- off date(record date) for the purposeof identifyingthe shareholderswho will be entitled to vote on the resolutionsplaced for approval of the shareholderswas. 30,h August,2014. As prescribedin the aforesaidR:ules, the e-voting facility was kept open forthree daysfrom Septemberr6th,2014 at 9,00A.M. to Septemberlgft,2014 at6.00 P.M.

At the end of the voting period on Septemberi[ith,2014 at6.00 p.M, the voting portal of the serviceprovider was blofked forthwith. On Septemberl9'h, 2014.the votes cast through e-voting facility were duly unblocked lly me as a Scrutinizer in the presenceof Mr'E' Pranay Teja and Mr. Ch.SrinivasReddy,who acted as the witnesses,as prescribed in SubRule 3(xi) of the saidRule 20. w{s dulY As a Scrutinizerthe reportof the e-Votingcanied out by the shareholders complied,the detailsof which are as follows: w$o have There are in all 9 shareholdersholding 1405892equity sharesof the Company, participatedin the e-Voting processcarried out by the Company. shareholdQrswho It can be seenthat in respectof resolutionno.1 to 11, there are some number votes have castpartly in favour and partly against.As a consequence'the total $f ctst their polled is more by a few numbersthan the number of shareholderswho actually who votes. Thereafter,the details containing inter alia, Iist of Equity Share Holdefs, put to vo[e, were voted ,,for",..against" and "invalid" on eachof the resolutionsthat were of the generatedfrom the e-voting website and basedon suchreports generated, the resuflt e-voting is annexedas Annexure I

ThankingYou Yours faithfully, 14 k$44* M.Praneeth-KrlmarReddY PracticingChartered Accountant MembershipNo. 224706 Place:Hyderabad Date:1'tOctober.2014 an EE .'Y> i= 'o (a rO (B O\)

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