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Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS


Cnairman of \the Committee

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1 am deeply indebted to Dr. S. P. Yang for his assistance, guidance, and encouragement in compiling this thesis and to the other members of my committee, Mrs. Clara Mcpherson, Dr. Sujit K. Roy, and Dr. L. Louise Luchsinger for their helpful criticism and assistance. I am grateful to Mrs. Margarette Harden for special assistance and encouragement. My thanks and gratitude are extended to Mr. Leon Harris, Miss Susan Myers, Mrs. Helen Chen, Miss Carmen Castro, and Mr. Alphine H. Freeman III for enabling me to conduct, collect and evaluate data for my consumer survey. In memory of my parents, I am grateful-for the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Billinger.







The Triticale Grain 6

Triticale and High Gluten Flours 8

Supplementary Value of Glandless

Cottonseed Flour 12

Food Acceptability 17


Chemical Tests 22

Calorie Value 22

Determination of Protein Content .... 24

Total Lipid Content 24

Moisture Content 24

Amino Acid Analyses 24

Biological Tests 28

Statistical Analysis of Data 30

The Acceptance Study 30

The Location 30

The Opinion Survey 31

Analysis of Results 32

111 IV

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 33 Chemical Tests 33 Biological Tests 36 The Acceptance Survey 44 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 50 Summary 50 Conclusion 51 LIST OF REFERENCES 53 LIST OF TABLES

Table Page 1. Composition of Triticale-Cottonseed Bread 23 2. Composition of Diets in gm Per 100 gm 29 3. The Opinion Survey 32 4. Content of Triticale and Commercial Bread 34 5. Amino Acid Content of Triticale Bread, Commercial Bread and FAO Amino Acid Pattern 35 6. Growth Data of Young Rats Fed Various Experimental Diets for 28 Days 37 7. One-way Analysis of Variance of Weight Gain of Young Rats 39 8. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test for Determining Differences Among Weight Gains of Young Rats 39 9. One-way Analysis of Variance of Food Intake of Young Rats 40 10. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test for Determining Differences Among Food Intakes of Young Rats 40 11. Analysis of Covariance for Final Weights of Young Rats 42 12. One-way Analysis of Variance of Fecal Nitrogen of Young Rats 43 13. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test for Determining Differences Among Fecal Nitrogen of Young Rats 43 14. One-way Analysis of Variance of Nitrogen Digestibilities (%) of Experimental Diets 45


Table Page

15. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test for Determining Differences Among Nitrogen Digestibilities (%) of Experimental Diets 45 16. Results of the Acceptance Survey 47 17. iTie Relationship Between Bread Accep­ tability and Ethnic Group 48 18. The Relationship Between Ethnic Group and Bread Cost 48 19. The Relationship Between Sex and Bread Acceptability 49 20. The Relationship Between Sex and Bread Cost 49 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

Undernutrition and are serious nutri­ tional problems facing many people whose diet consists mainly of cereal or carbohydrate products (1). In order to assess these nutritional problems, the causes must be known. Undernutrition is a pathological state arising from an in­ adequate intake of food and hence energy, and malnutrition, a pathological state resulting from excess or deficiency of one or more essential . Data obtained by the Third World Food Survey showed that approximately 20% of the popu­ lation were suffering from undernutrition and about one- third of the population were suffering from protein malnu­ trition (2). In total, undernutrition and malnutrition are occurring in about 60% of the world population. Evidence appears that cereal-based diets generally provide adequate quantities of protein for the adults as long as they meet the energy requirement. However, if total energy intakes are inadequate, dietary protein may be used for energy and thus would not be available to satisfy the protein need (3). Children are most vulnerable to protein malnutrition because of the large quantity of protein needed for rapid physical growth and mental development. Studies showed that extreme mental apathy and permanent retardation occurred in children suffering from kwashiorkor or protein-calorie malnutrition (4). Due to the bulky nature of the home- milled grain products, regular cereal-based diets often will not satisfy the protein or energy needs of infants and young children. Infant mortality up to one year of age in developing countries is six times greater than in developed countries. Children under five years of age in Brazil make up one-fifth of the deaths. In the United States, children of the same age group account for 8.8% of the population and 4.8% of the deaths (3).

Malnutrition is not only caused by ignorance, pov­ erty, cultural practices and social and economic depriva­ tions, but also by inadequate protein distribution and increasing population. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the earth will be inhabited by 13 billion people. Lack of food supply is not due to population density alone, but also is attributable to poor cultural practices and to the failure to utilize crop land appropriately resulting in a marked decrease in food production (5, 6). In order to meet the growing demands for protein, one must consider current food supplies, nutritional quality of the food products and financial resources in making a product available to the country for which it is to be used. It has been demonstrated by the nutrition survey conducted in ten states in the United States that the prevalence of malnutrition was the highest in the segment of the popula­ tion with the lowest income (7) . Bread and other cereal-based products are often reasonably satisfactory as carriers of nutrients not only because they are widely consumed but because they are rela­ tively inexpensive. They provide a mechanism for the de­ livery of nutrients to those with limited income, the popu­ lation group most likely to be living on inadequate diets. In Great Britain, for example, the National Food Survey Committee reported that of the 75 grams of protein con­ sumed per person daily, 22.4% came from bread (8).

As the cereals are low in protein content, various methods have been used to increase the protein levels. Through the addition of flour, nonfat milk solids, whey solids, or cottonseed flour, the protein content of bread can be increased by 30-40% (9). Researchers at the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama devel­ oped a product called Incaparina, a bland cereal mixture of corn, sorghum, and cottonseed flour with mineral and vita­ min supplements. Clinical studies with children having kwashiorkor or protein-calorie malnutrition have demon­ strated that the nutritional value of Incaparina is very similar to that of milk (10). A bread flour, distributed world-wide under the Food for Peace Program, is being up­ graded as the result of research in the fortification of wheat flours with soybean flour or other protein foods. Nutribun, a bread of high nutritional value containing 12% soybean flour, has been fed to the children in the Phillippines (11).

Recently, efforts have been directed toward the development of new varieties of cereals. The research in cultural practices and selective breeding have resulted in quantitative and qualitative improvements of cereals. Triticale is a man-made cereal produced by cross-breeding of wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale). It has superior nu­ tritional qualities over wheat and superior baking quali­ ties over rye. Studies showed that under certain ecologi­ cal conditions, triticale outperforms both wheat and rye. It appears certain that the varieties of triticale will soon add to the world's food production potential. Be­ cause of their good protein and amino acid properties, they may also play a role in correcting protein malnutri­ tion among cereal eating nations. Various oilseeds have been used as a protein sup­ plement to cereal-based products. Cottonseeds, one of the major oilseeds, has a relatively large quantity of protein. Because cotton is grown primarily for its fiber, the re­ sidual protein is more economical than those from other oilseeds (12). However, it contains gossypol, a pigment gland which is toxic to non-rumination animals. Recently a liquid cyclone process (LCP) has been developed for re­ moving 85 to 90 per cent of the gossypol in cottonseeds. The degossypolized cottonseed flour contains more than 65 per cent protein with about 67 per cent recovery of the original protein in the seed. LCP cottonseed flour has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption and contains much less than FDA's limit of 0.04 per cent free gossypol (13). Smallwood (14) developed a taco-flavored cotton­ seed flour cracker which has a high degree of acceptability when tested in Lubbock, Texas. Since nutritionists have found that consumers are unwilling to trade acceptable food quality for nutrition, it seems highly desirable to develop a bread containing triticale and cottonseed flour with high nutritional value and to determine consumer acceptance in the city of Lubbock, Texas. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE

The Triticale Grain

The concern about population growth has led to an increased interest in the role of plant proteins in meet­ ing human nutritional needs and triticale has been sug­ gested as a valuable protein source (15). The name, triticale, is a combination from two generic names, Triti­ cum (wheat) and Secale (rye). It is a polyploid produced by doubling the chromosome number of the sterile hybrid resulting from a cross between wheat, Triticum aestivum (group aestivum) or Triticum turgidum (group durum) and rye, Secale cereale. Researchers found that a polyploidiz- ing agent, colchicine, caused doubling of chromosomes to permit a fertile cross when applied to living plant tissue (16). The name triticale for Triticum x Secale amphiploids was apparently coined by a German plant breeder, Tschermak. Kies proposed Triticum triticale as the designation for hexaploid triticales when the D genome of common wheat had been replaced by the R genome of rye (17) . Wall et al. (18) used new techniques of protein analysis and found changes introduced by genetic manipula­ tions into protein of wheat and other grains. Data indi­ cated that the manner in which amino acids are linked to­ gether to form individual proteins is regulated by separate genes. Secale cereale has only seven pairs of different chromosomes whereas ordinary bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, has 42. Cytogeneticists consider T. aestivum as hexaploid because of the arrangement of the chromosomes into three sets of seven pairs. Each set is designated a genome. A, B, or D. The homoeologous chromosome pairs, numbered simi­ larly in each genome regulate the same functions and their comparable genes of homoeologous chromosomes result in synthesis of different proteins. Durum wheats are tetra- ploid and lack the D genome.

The seven pairs of chromosomes of rye are homoeo­ logous to the corresponding pairs of each genome in wheat. A and B genomes of durum wheat combined with rye chromo­ somes to yield a grain genus, Triticale (17). Triticale grains are high yielding, semidwarf wheats, which can be grown in wheat growing areas of the United States and other parts of the world. Because it is a longer maturing crop, it requires more water and fertil­ izer and will outperform wheat or rye. A massive root sys­ tem enables the triticale to withstand strong winds. Triticale has a high crude protein content as well as high glucose levels. Researchers have found the high protein content to be associated to some extent with the rye genome as was the shriveled kernel characteristic. A relationship has been found between high crude protein content and a dry growing season of some wheat, rye, and triticale varieties. 8 However, triticale contains the protein components of its parental species, wheat and rye. Octaploid triticales are produced from the combination of six genomes of common bread wheat with two genomes of rye. However, recent re­ search has been conducted on hexaploid triticales because they are believed to be the optimum polyploid level (18, 19, 20).

Triticale and High Gluten Flours

Evidence for essentiality of the D genome in baking was observed when researchers eliminated D genome chromo­ somes from a wheat by selective breeding (20). Chromosomes of the other genomes were also known to contribute to dough making and baking properties of hexaploid bread wheats. In order to determine the kind of protein in triti­ cale. Wall et al. (18) investigated the protein classes in wheat. Four classes of protein were found to be important. Albumins and globulins are soluble in water and salt solu­ tions, respectively, rich in charged amino acids, and have free sulfhydryl groups. Their molecules are highly folded and globular. The gliadins are soluble in 70% ethanol. They consist mainly of single chain amino acids. Glutenins can be dissolved in acetic acid. The glutenin molecule con­ sists of amino acid chains linked by sulfur atoms of the amino acid cystine. Thus, they may form high molecular weight polymers and are probably elongated. All classes of protein play a role in grain structure and dough prop­ erties. The water-insoluble glutenin and gliadin are the major components of wheat. Rye and triticale were found to have a very low glutens content. Their proteins con­ tain a high level of salt soluble globulins, small amounts of gliadin, and insoluble proteins. The high levels of water soluble high albumin contribute to the high lysine content and nutritional superiority of the triticale grain. Triticale flour contains small amounts of gluten which is responsible for structure formation in baked foods. Un­ fortunately, rye and triticale flour alone make breads with poorer loaf characteristics than wheat (1, 3, 18) .

The percentage of various proteins in a flour gen­ erally serves as one standard of quality. The protein of wheat is composed mostly of glutenin and gliadin. When mixed with liquid they form gluten. It was noted that the strength of gluten and dough was a property of the hydrated glutenin. Mixing characteristics of flours appeared related to the nature of the glutenins. It was found that the solu­ bility of triticale glutenin proteins in the presence of salt varied in a manner related to the quality of wheat flour for baking. Therefore, the mixing characteristic of dough is related to the tendency of glutenin molecules to adhere; this property can be measured by their insolubility in the presence of salt (18, 21) . 10 Further studies showed a relationship between mix­ ing time and molecular aggregation or size. A study using gel chromatography showed the highest molecular weight of a hard wheat flour variety to elute first. This relation­ ship between the glutenin molecular weights is consistent with mixing times for formation of doughs from different flours. Apparently, the larger the glutenin molecular ag­ gregates, the tougher the dough. Glutenin can be reacted with certain chemical reducing agents to break its disul­ fide bonds and release its component subunits. Wall et al. (18) used a polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis technique, which required a detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate, in the media to separate glutenin subunits and to determine the different sizes. Bietz and Wall (18) demonstrated that gliadin protein, on the other hand, contained subunits with a molecular weight of 34,000, but less amounts of polypep­ tide chains of 44,000. A major component of glutenin has a molecular weight similar to the 44,000 molecular weight component of gliadin. The triticale pattern has glutenin components typical of rye and durum wheats, but also low levels of high molecular weight bands associated with bread wheats of a softer variety. The latter component was in­ troduced during the crossing of triticale with hexaploid wheats. Not only do the proteins of wheat influence baking properties of flour, but they also affect milling 11 characteristics of the milled products. Two methods are commonly used for milling cereals. Dry milling requires a clean separation of bran and shorts from the flour. Anderson et al. (22) milled a straight triticale flour of 12.1% protein on a moisture basis. The triticale yield was lower than that usually obtained from hard wheats. Wet milling by a Bench Scale procedure has been used mainly to remove starch and gluten. The grain is steeped in 0.3% sulfurous acid for 24 hours at 37.7° C. Steeped grain is processed by milling, screening, and tabling. When this procedure is applied to different grains the tempera­ ture is adjusted due to difference in gelatinization tempera­ tures of cereals (23). Wet milling studies have shown that wheats yield a superior quality gluten for use as a baking supplement and triticale offers a high-yielding source of protein and a cheaper source of starch. A process of air classification separates the fine flour fractions from the coarse flour fractions. Soft kernels of a triticale variety of high protein content have given a yield of 29% enriched protein fraction. These same kernels have a low protein starchy fraction of 0.27% (18). Because triticale lacks strong gluten which is necessary for good volume of many bakery products, a high gluten wheat carrier must be used. The high gluten and high protein content are factors contained in the tail-end of the milling. A first clear flour mix of approximately 12

15% protein and 0.75% ash is being used as a carrier to bake regular bread and rolls. Flour emerges at a number of points in the milling process. The process begins with chemical inspection and wheat classification. Different mechanical equipment removes stones and sticks, light im­ purities, foreign materials, roughage and iron or steel articles. Grains are washed and tempered to toughen the outer bran coats for easier separation of the endosperm. An Entoleter machine breaks and removes unsound wheat. It is then ground in a grinding bin and corrugated rolls break wheat into coarse particles. The rolls reduce purified, granular middlings or farina to flour. At this point flour can be classified in several ways. Straight flour is all flour mixed into one. Bread flour or "extra short" or "patent" is 75 to 80% extraction. The remaining 20-25% may be run together as "first clear" (21).

Supplementary Value of Glandless Cottonseed Flour

An adequate supply of low cost, high quality protein food is needed to aid in eliminating protein malnutrition. The projected world protein deficit, by 1975 is 2,157,000 metric tons. With projected population growth, the protein deficit will double by the year 2000 (24). Because it is one of the principle oilseeds in the world, 24 million metric tons of cottonseed are produced 13 annually. Data from the United States Department of Agri­ culture's Research Cost Analyses reports that of this amount, 20% is protein, which represent 6% of the world's total supply of edible proteins. Most of the cottonseed currently is used as animal feed.

The development of a liquid cyclone process (LCP) by the Southern Regional Research Center, U. S. Department of Agriculture, enabled glanded cottonseed to be introduced into the nation's food supply with the quickest and most reliable means (24). Research efforts of this center led to a minor alteration in preparation for processing of the cottonseed kernel and to a simplification of the liquid cyclone process. Cross sections of a glanded cottonseed kernel showed the kernel containing gossypol. Essentially all of these glands can be separated by the liquid cyclone process (24). Glandless cottonseeds, on the other hand, present fewer problems than glanded kernels to the LCP. With cottonseed kernels from glandless seed, a high-protein cottonseed flour somewhat lighter in color than the flour from glanded seeds can be produced. Grains Processing Corporation, Muscatine, Iowa, reported the protein content of five lots of LCP flours to approach 70% on wet basis. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged from 2.51 to 2.67, compared with 2.50 of sodium caseinate. 14 Drying of whole and cracked cottonseeds is the first step in the LCP production. The purpose of drying is three­ fold: to remove water which prevents rupture of the pigment glands; to toughen the pigment gland; and to make protein- aceous material more friable. Without adequate comminution or milling of the dried kernels, the yield of flour would be low; with severe comminution, the pigment gland would rupture. A sieveless, wide chamber, Alpine American Con- traplex unit was found to be effective as comminuting equipment. Hexane is added to the milled meats to produce a slurry suitable for centrifugation in the liquid cyclone process. A commercial size cyclone is three inches in diameter and ten inches high.

In operation, a 20-22% solids slurry is pumped under an optimum pressure of 40 pounds per square inch. The slurry enters tangentially into the upper portion of the cyclone. The centrifugal forces generated within the cy­ clone yield two fractions—a light overflow slurry contain­ ing 13-15% high protein, gland-free solids and a high gossypol, coarse meal underflow slurry containing 43-45% solids. In a commercial installation at the Plains Co­ operative Oil Mill, Lubbock, Texas, an additional cyclone is used to recover entrained fine flour from the underflow slurry fraction, thus enhancing the yield of a high protein, low gossypol flour. 15 Several institutions have conducted research on various aspects of cottonseed application in foods. Cot­ tonseed flour has been used in textured vegetable protein products and recipes for institutional feeding, and a variety of baked foods. LCP flour has been used at levels up to 8% in beef patties and up to 6% in sausage. In these products, frying losses were reduced; and desirable flavor and texture were developed. In baking evaluations, a re­ placement of 3% wheat flour with LCP flour produced excel­ lent white bread with only slight darkening of the crumb. In devil's food cake, a substitution of 10% LCP flour pro­ duced a product with good color, flavor, and texture (24).

Triticale—Potentials as a Food Source Most proteins are made up of 21 amino acids, eight of which are essential for supporting nitrogen equilibrium. Wheat flour is low in lysine, one of the essential amino acids and the human body utilizes protein only in propor­ tion to the amino acid in short supply. Studies have shown that the addition of lysine to wheat flour increased the utilization of other essential amino acids (25). Laboratory tests have been performed to determine the protein quality of triticale, wheat, and rye. Knipfel (26) compared the protein quality of the three cereals using male weanling rats as test subjects. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) of triticale was equal to that of rye whereas 16 wheat was significantly lower than the other two cereals. Supplementation of 5% triticale protein with 5% casein raised the PER to a value equal to that of casein (26). A similar increase in PER was obtained when rye was supple­ mented with casein, whereas the PER of wheat supplemented with casein was lower than that of supplemented rye, triti­ cale, or of casein alone. Examination of amino acid con­ centrations in test diets and in blood plasma of rats fed these diets indicated that lysine was limiting in triticale and wheat, but less limiting in rye. The superiority of triticale to wheat was believed to be due to a higher con­ tent of lysine and sulfur containing amino acids.

Kies and Fox (25) fed human subjects 6.0 grams and 4.0 grams of nitrogen provided by wheat or triticale to compare the protein quality of these two grains. Compari­ son of nitrogen retention of the subjects dependent on triticale flour or wheat flour indicated that triticale was the better source at both levels of nitrogen intake. Human subjects were also used to determine the first-limiting amino acids in ground whole triticale grain and in ground whole wheat grain for maintenance of nitrogen balance. Diets of 4.0 grams of nitrogen from wheat and triticale, without or with L-lysine, L-tryptophan, L-methionine, or a mixture of these three amino acids as a supplement showed a significant improvement in nitrogen retention resulting only from lysine supplementation of both grains. Results 17 of this study indicate lysine to be the first-limiting in these cereals. These findings are supportive to Knipfel's study of protein needs of the growing rat fed triticale and wheat grains. Since an improvement in nitrogen balance is interpreted as indicative of improved protein value, triti­ cale is assumed to have a slightly higher protein value than wheat for meeting the nutritional need of humans (15).

Food Acceptability

Weisberg (27) studied motivation in product selling. His results indicated that before a new food can be effec­ tively marketed, there must be motivated purchasers. Thus, the consumer should have both money to make the purchase and the motivation to spend the money for an acceptable food. In developing countries many people do not have money to buy nutritional food products. However, their food buy­ ing habits are imitated when feasible. The existence of a middle class often influences the buying habits of the lower class population. For example, money seemed to be found for the purchase of soft drinks in almost all developing coun­ tries. The term, acceptability, not only refers to choice of individual foods, but also to having an adequate variety from which to choose in the marketplace. The average American supermarket carries 7,800 items. Almost 3,300 to 3,500 new products are introduced each year, of which 58 18 survive over one year period. For a product to be consid­ ered new it must serve a better purpose than any other available product. Individuals will pay more for a product if it gives them greater value, but the other dimension of marketability is the number of consumers who will pay more. Hall (28) reported that consumer buying habits of the average American housewife are influenced by nutrition, safety, value, and convenience. Thus it is an important guideline to search for the design which will maximize the price of the product and the number of users. As a general rule, a product is likely to get into the market faster if it is a better product rather than a cheaper one. However, in the introduction of new products, the degree of newness depends on the adjustment in habitual behavior of the con­ sumer (29) . Studies by Pilgrim (30) and Dudley (31) showed that patterns of eating behavior and attitudes toward a food determine to a great extent the measurement of food ac­ ceptance (30, 31). In measuring food acceptance social or economic status must be considered. Sensory assessment of food texture, people with higher education, social or eco­ nomic status, and those exposed to a greater range of foods are generally more aware of food texture than less cosmo­ politan people (32) . Various tests have been used to determine food ac­ ceptance. Consumer acceptance tests are used primarily for 19 evaluating a new product, improving a product or process, or determining the effect of product changes. Consumers are defined as persons who customarily use a certain type of product or who might be potential users of the new product. Preference acceptance tests evaluate the opinion or likes and dislikes of the consuming public and are con­ ducted using consumers. The consumer panelists should ac­ curately represent the population for which a product is intended, therefore, a large panel is required (32-33).

Preference acceptance tests with a product or proto­ type, or on a hedonic-scale have been used to measure the acceptance. Ellis (34) reported that preference is often used interchangeably with acceptance. The two are related, but not the same. Acceptance has been defined as an experi­ ence characterized by a positive attitude, actual utiliza­ tion or purchasing and eating of a product. It has been estimated that preference accounts for 35-60% of the vari­ ation in the consumption depending on test conditions. Perhaps the most used form of consumer tests is the paired comparison test. A pair of samples is given to an untrained person with a request to indicate which sample he likes better. Various rating scales have been used in food testing. Schutz (35) developed a 9-point food action rating scale (FACT) for consumers to indicate whether they would or would not use a product. The criteria ranged from "I would eat (or buy) this every opportunity I had" to "I 20 would eat (or buy) this if I were forced to." The FACT scale was found to be more sensitive to food differences. Another effective rating scale, the 9-point hedonic scale, was developed by the United States Army Quartermaster Corp for the purpose of determining food preference as predic­ tors of army food acceptability. Its criteria varied from "like extremely" to "dislike extremely." Elimination of the neutral point in a preference rating scale precludes the possibility of "no preference" voting and forces a choice. However, it has been noted that many respondents indicate a preference even though they really have none and should be indicating "no preference" (34, 35) .

The development of the acceptability questionnaire is dependent upon certain factors. If consumer surveys are to predict consumer behavior in a way which will help management to make marketing decisions, they should be able to provide quantitative findings. This is why more emphasis is placed on reaction to stimuli rather than opinions, attitudes, and preferences. In order to get such results the method must be scientific, hence, experimental. Thus, it must start with a hypothesis and the validity of the hypothesis must be tested under controlled conditions. The experimental de­ sign should be the guide of which information can be se­ cured between observation of verbal responses and people and products. A more conventional way is to introduce a 21 variation, such as price, in the circumstances representing the factor to be measured (36).

The ordinary questionnaire is not sufficiently flexible to be used for research involving the motives behind consumers' actions. This gap is to be filled by motivation research, based on the depth interview. No formal questionnaire has been used because the interviewer must be skilled in his field and must have some idea of what is to be discovered. Thus the formulation of ques­ tions is left to the interviewer (37). CHAPTER III MATERIALS AND METHODS

The forroula for the triticale-cottonseed bread (Table 1) was developed by a trial and error method to provide a loaf with good volume, texture, grain, color and nutritional value. Triticale flour was used at the 30% flour level to enhance the protein content. A liquid cyclone processed cottonseed flour was included at the 10% flour level to contribute to the protein content and color of the loaf. To determine its nutritional value and poten­ tial as a marketable product, chemical and biological tests were used to compare the nutritional value of this new bread with that of a commercial bread sold in local super­ markets. A consumer acceptance test of the bread was also conducted in supermarkets in Lubbock, Texas.

Chemical Tests

Calorie Value A bomb calorimeter was used to determine the energy value of the triticale bread and the commercial bread. A weighed portion of each sample was placed in the calori­ meter, and a measurable amount of heat was given off during combustion of the samples. Total calories were determined from the measurement of the heat released (38).

22 23



Ingredients Procedure

103.2 gm Triticale Flour-*- 2 34.4 gm Cottonseed Flour Stir in 206.4 gm High Gluten Wheat Flour"^ 10.0 gm Dry Active Yeast 236.0 ml Water Dissolve

30.0 gm Nonfat Dry Milk 26.0 gm Honey 26.0 gm Molasses Add 48.0 gm Vegetable Oil 4.6 gm Salt Knead 10 minutes; ferment 30 minutes at 35 C; shape and put in greased pan; proof (preferably 30 minutes in 35° C water bath) and bake 30 minutes at 191° C.

^Ground sample of Variety 72S, from World Triticale Collections was provided by Triticale Foods Corporation, Muleshoe, Texas.

LCP cottonseed flour was provided by Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Depari:ment of Agriculture, New Orleans, Louisiana.

•^Provided by Hubbard Milling Company, Mankato, Minnesota. 24 Determination of Protein Content

Nitrogen contents of the breads and other samples were determined by a macro-Kjeldahl procedure (39). The protein content was calculated by multiplying the nitrogen by a factor of 6.25 (40).

Total Lipid Content

Fat content was determined quantitatively by an ether soxhlet extraction. The procedure used was that described by Lees (41). Ground samples of each variety of bread were dried overnight in a vacuum oven, then weighed. Three samples of each bread were then subjected to ether extraction.

Moisture Content

Approximately 2 gm (39) of triplicate samples of each bread were weighed and placed in a beaker which had been dried and weighed. The weight of the combined beaker and bread samples were recorded. The beakers were placed in an air oven at 110° C for 48 hours and dried. The dif­ ference in the weight of the beaker before and after drying was used to calculate the percentage of water present in each bread sample.

Amino Acid Analyses

Amino acids were determined by the use of a Beck- man Model 116 Amino Acid Analyzer (42). Samples containing 25 7.0 + 0.5 mg of protein were hydrolyzed with 2.0 ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid. The samples were inserted in a dry ice methanol cooling bath. After solidification samples were vacuumed and placed in an air oven of 105° C for 22 hours. The samples were then filtered and evaporated to dryness using a Buehler rotary evaporator. Samples were made to a final volume of 5.0 ml with a 2.2 pH buffer. An aliquot containing 0.2 ml of hydrolysate was introduced into each column for determination of amino acid content.

The cystine and cysteine content was determined by the method described by Moore (43). Samples containing 0.1 mg of cystine and cysteine were mixed with 2.0 ml of cold performic acid to oxidize cystine and cysteine to cysteic acid. After the solution kept in a refrigerator overnight, 0.30 ml of a 48% hydrogen bromide was added to prevent overoxidation. Approximately 20 ml of 1 N sodium hydroxide was added to a receiving bulb flask to absorb the bromine which distilled over. The evaporation of the solu­ tion to dryness was completed in approximately one hour at 40° C. Hydrolysates were prepared in a Pyrex ignition tube of which 2.0 ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid was added. After solidification samples were vacuumed and placed in an air oven at 105° C for 22 hours. A 0.2 ml aliquot of a 5.0 ml solution containing the 2.2 pH buffer hydrolysate was ana­ lyzed on the acidic column of a Beckman Model 116 Amino Acid Analyzer. The cysteine content of the samples was 26 calculated by using aspartic acid as a reference. Tryptophan was determined by a method described by Kohler and Palter (44). A 6 mg protein sample was placed in a polypropylene bottle and mixed with 400 mg of starch, 5 gm of barium hydroxide, and 8 ml of distilled water. After the top was securely tightened, the bottle was put in an air oven at 100° C for 16 hours. The mixture was cooled to room temperature and the walls of the container were washed down with distilled water. While being stirred rapidly the solution was neutralized to pH 7 with 1 N sul­ furic acid. Then the mixture was transferred quantitatively to a graduated cylinder and diluted to 100 ml with distilled water. The solution was thoroughly mixed and approximately 40 ml was poured into a centrifuge bottle and centrifuged for 2 hours at 9,400 rpm. A 25 ml aliquot of the superna­ tant was pipetted into a 250 ml Pyrex round bottom flask and dried at 40-50° C with a rotary evaporator. Five ml of pH 2.2 buffer were added and a 1.0 ml aliquot intro­ duced into the basic column of the Beckman Model 116 Amino Acid Analyzer for tryptophan analysis by using lysine as a reference. For determining the mineral composition, 1 gm of dried, ground sample was ashed in a muffle-furnace at 550 C for 8 hours. After cooling to room temperature, the ash was wetted with a small amount of water. One ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid was added and the mixture was heated on 27 a steam bath until almost dry. The residue was treated with warm 0.6 N hydrochloric acid and filtered through a Whitman 2 filter paper into a 100 ml volumetric flask con­ taining 5 ml of 5% strontium chloride and water in 0.6 N hydrochloric acid. The solid residue was repeatedly ex­ tracted with warm 0.6 N hydrochloric acid and filtered. The combined filtrate was allowed to cool to room tempera­ ture, and made to the volume with 0.6 N hydrochloric acid. The phosphate content of the acid solution was de­ termined by measuring the yellow color developed to a 10 ml aliquot by addition of ammonium vanadate and ammonium mo- lybdate solutions at 475 mu with a Spectronic 20 spectro­ photometer (45). The calibration curve was constructed from a series of standards containing analytical reagent grade potassium dihydrogen phosphate in 0.6 N hydrochloric

acid. Potassium in the acid solution was determined by its emission at 770 mu using a Beckman DU flame spectro­ photometer. , magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese and copper were determined using a Perkin-Elmer 305 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Standard conditions furnished by the manufacturer of the instrument were followed. All the metallic standards were prepared using the analytical reagent grade chemicals and 0.6 N hydrochloric acid as the solvent. 28 Biological Tests

Sixty 21 day old male weanling rats, weighing 50- 55 gm, of the Sprague-Dawley strain, were used in this study. They were housed in raised, screened-bottom cages, and given a laboratory chow and distilled water ad libitum for 48 hours. The rats were then randomly alloted among six diets of ten animals each. The rats were placed in individual cages and received experimental diets and dis­ tilled water ad libitum for 28 days. Diets 2 and 3 were prepared to contain approximately 10% crude protein (40) from the triticale bread and the commercial bread, respec­ tively, while diets 4 and 5 contained triticale bread or commercial bread as the sole article. Diet 6 was an other­ wise adequate but protein free diet while diet 1 contained 10% crude protein from casein. Corn oil was added to equalize the lipid content of all diets at the 8% level; cornstarch was added to bring the final weight to 100 per cent (Table 2). Food consumption during the experimental period was measured by subtracting the weight of food left from the food supplied at the beginning of the experiment. Feces of the last seven days of the study were col­ lected from each rat in an Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid. After autoclaving for 2 hours under 20 pounds of pressure at 121° C the sample was cooled to room temperature. It was then poured through a 1 mm 29

VD o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -P 0) 00 rH iH in o in o CNJ Q) ro O •H 00 o O ^ V CM Q o O •ri •ri •H U rH in TJ H O I rd m rd u ^ O O in O o (1) •* in 04 O o o • CM N •P I •H •H cy> -^ H U I 00 in rd i I iiH iH OH o o w o W w O in CM o o in o o +J in o o in o o O •H •H i -P B W 0) o ^ rH H CM ^ in o CTv I O C +J rd •H o !2i o CM H •H •H •H U Q > m PL| tn\ •- I W & ^ O h^l EH •H • • Q) m CM PQ W o < H •H CN in o o r*« vD o o O H o • o ^ H Q 00 o o O 00 o o o rd cr> CM I H * •H ro ffi CN U4 •P rH r- iH 0) iH H ^ (T> in o O o o •H 5 I u o •H o u CM 'sf O Q (U CM rd c o u 00 « •H o O rd Q) in •ri P PM H O •H EH OOOOrHOO g CO OOOOVDOO O rd U & CN W O O •P •H O •H •P I cr> 00 in in o rd O > •H O O OJ }H • O •H C iH :3 r^ B P O * •ri 4-> CM TJ U U Q B o 'si' X C rd rQ •H * rd o ro I •H g -ri 04 ^ O O :3 U O rd CM 4J P o o rd U ffi o • c TJ •H •H ui in •H > CM ^ ^ w c: m U c C •P >< • 13 0 U O m •H :3 U •H •ri rd •H H CM 04 00 T3 rd U -P 04 g r-i O c - C (U -H 0 u O rd 13 O r- H g -p (U r-i C -P rd U •P -P }^ rH 4J O in O.-H ui ^ p •H W 5-1 rH u u U W EH 30 sieve and made to a final volume of 250 ml with distilled water. Duplicate 10 ml aliquots of each sample were used for nitrogen determination by a macro-Kjeldahl procedure.

Statistical Analysis of Data

A one-way analysis of variance (46) for a randomized block design was used to test the significant difference in food intake, weight gain, fecal nitrogen, and nitrogen di­ gestibility for diets of 10% triticale bread, commercial bread, or casein, or triticale and commercial breads as the sole article. When differences were found, Duncan's New Multiple Range Test was applied to determine the differ­ ences between means.

The Acceptance Study

The Location

Supermarkets were selected as the survey location because of better accessibility to the consumer. It was decided that a consumer may be more interested in tasting a new food product while actively purchasing foods. There­ fore, three supermarkets in three ethnic areas—Caucasian, Blacks, and Mexican-American—of the Lubbock area were chosen. The sample of supermarkets was selected with the expectation of securing a representative sample of the city's population. Survey dates were arranged according to the busiest day for consumer shopping. Most managers 31 reported that Saturday and Wednesday, a double-stamp day, were the busiest two days. Therefore, these two days were chosen as survey days. A pre-survey was conducted in each supermarket to record consumer taste reaction before the actual survey.

The Opinion Survey

To test the potential marketability of the triti­ cale bread, a simple questionnaire (Table 3) was developed. This simplicity possibly resulted in some inaccuracy, but it was considered the most reliable and quickest means of securing the desired information. The criteria for sub­ jects used were limited to three basic factors: sex, age, and ethnic group. Since adults are usually the family decision-makers of food purchases, only male and female adults and teenagers between 13-19 years of age were used in this study. A brief, oral introduction concerning the definition of triticale bread was given before questions were asked. Raffensperger (47) found that taste discrimina­ tion could be influenced by a person's knowledge of what he is tasting and his expectations about it. After tasting a sample of triticale bread, the respondents were asked whether or not they liked it and would buy it. Cost was the determinant factor for consumer buying. In order to be less prohibitive of customer flow in the supermarket, all responses were recorded by the interviewer. 32


Male Age Female

Ethnic Group

1. I will buy if it is: a. the same price as white bread b. cheaper than white bread c. slightly higher than white bread d. under any circumstance 2. I will not buy this bread

I like it Neutral I do not like Comments:

Analysis of Results

Each response was placed into groups on the basis of sex and age. The groups were then subdivided according to ethnic groups. Results were tallied and analyzed sta­ tistically by means of a chi-square test to examine possi­ ble significant differences between the groups on the basis of sex, age, and ethnic group. CHAPTER IV


Chemical Tests

Table 4 shows the nutrient content of triticale bread and commercial bread. Moisture, crude protein

(N X 6.25), and fat content were 30.0, 19.6, and 13.3%, respectively for the triticale bread and 33.8, 13.6, and

5.0% for the commercial bread. Triticale bread contained

5.1 kilocalories per gram and commercial bread contained

4.5 kilocalories per gram. Triticale bread was higher for phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, and manganese. Com­ mercial bread contained more calcium and magnesium than the triticale bread. Both samples contained the same amount of iron.

The amino acid composition of the bread samples is shown in Table 5. Triticale bread fulfilled the FAO amino acid pattern requirements for all essential amino acids except lysine, the first-limiting amino acid of cereal grains. However, the triticale bread contained 2.9% lysine compared with 2.4% for the commercial bread. The methionine content of the commercial bread was lower than those of triticale bread and the FAO pattern. The commercial bread contained 4.1% valine and .4% tryptophan compared with

2.2% and 1.2% of the FAO pattern.

33 34



Nutrient Quantity

Triticale Bread Commercial Bread

On Wet Basis

Water, % 30.0 33.8

On Dry Basis

Protein, % 19.6 13.6

Energy, Kcal/gm 5.1 4.5

Fat, % 13.3 5.0

Calcium, % .12 .14

Phosphorus, % .38 .15

Potassium, % .7 .3

Magnesium, % .2 .4

Iron, ppm 70.0 70.0

Copper, ppm 6.0 2.0

Zinc, ppm 37.0 16.0

Manganese, ppm 18.0 6.0 35



Amino Acid Triticale Bread Commercial Bread FAO Pattern

Lysine 2.9 2.4 4.2 Histidine 1.8 1.7 Arginine 4.4 4.1 Aspartic Acid 5.9 4.4 Threonine 4.0 3.4 2.8 Serine 5.4 5.4 Glutamic Acid 36.4 41.7 Proline 17.2 20.0 Glycine 3.9 3.1 Alanine 4.1 2.7 Cysteine 2.0 1.9 2.0 Valine 4.9 4.1 4.2 Methionine 2.2 1.8 2.2 Isoleucine 5.0 4.6 4.2 Leucine 8.8 8.4 4.8 Tyrosine 3.4 3.2 2.8 Phenylalanine 6.1 5.2 2.8 Tryptophan • 5 .4 1.2

•^gm/100 gm Protein. 36

Biological Tests Table 6 contains the growth data of the young rats fed an otherwise adequate but protein-free diet or the same diet supplemented with 10% protein from casein, triticale bread or a commercial bread, or triticale and commercial breads as the sole article. Protein efficiency ratio (PER), determined by

weight gain, gm protein intake, gm

for the diets containing 10% protein from casein, triti­ cale and commercial breads was 2.71, 1.56, and 1.20, respectively. Food efficiency ratio (PER), determined by

weight gain, gm food intake, gm

for the diets containing triticale bread or commercial bread as the sole article was 0.33 and 0.18 respectively. A one-way analysis of variance for a randomized block design was used to test the hypothesis (1) that there was no significant difference among blocks and (2) experi­ mental diets 1-5 equally affected weight gain, food intake, fecal nitrogen, and nitrogen digestibility. Blocks were randomized according to initial weights of the animals. Due to the death of one rat receiving triticale bread as 37

ro >i •P •H H -H in o O 00 VD • • • • •H 00 CM r^ VD CM o -P 00 00 00 00 0^ o >H cn < Q) Cn X Q •H 00 Q 04 CaM o o rH 0) VD O O rd tn^ o u O tn O ^ O cr> w Q) U B O CM cr> iH c 1 H •H C *—• •ri ,i^ < rd H rd O 0) -P EH c c •ri ,i^ C +J •H rd rd rd H Q TJ M in r-i CM ro 00 "^ ,£: (U O -P u W O rd rH iH ro O ^ +J C 0) C! O -P CM CM CM ro CM iH •H 0 +J H fa (U fr4 (D }H rC Gn fi4 C O W H ^ 04 TJ •dH 0 JH EH II (U 0 c +J ^ P4 0) •H 0 II en O •H II O -P >i u rd 0 •P •P •ri 4-» 05 •H •H O +J 13 >H >i rd •H U OJ PL4 C •ri rd B 0) >. •P U o rd •H (0 o (1) uC (U fa u en-' EH •H CJ MH -H •H I Q m u •H w MH C rd MH Q) -P •cH W O Q) O H Ul 4J TJ }H O O o^ o o 0 0 •P C 0 iw rd U 0 •H Q) 04 fa :zi 0 oi r- c 4 ro O U -P •H •sf in vD

No . CM ro Die t 38 the sole article, an entire block was eliminated. The first hypothesis was accepted at the 0.05 level of sig­ nificance (Table 7) indicating that there was no differ­ ence among blocks due to initial weight. The second hypothesis was rejected at the 0.05 level of significance, indicating significant differences among weight gains due to the various treatments. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test showed (Table 8) that rats consuming the triticale bread as the sole article had an average weight gain of 103 gm in four weeks, which was greater than the average weight gain of that of rats fed the other diets. Weight gain of those animals receiving the diet containing 10% protein from the commercial bread was lowest of all treat­ ments (P < 0.05). It seems logical to attribute the sig­ nificant differences in weight gains to food intakes. To test the hypothesis that no significant differences existed among food intakes, a one-way analysis of variance for a randomized block design was used. The hypothesis was re­ jected at the 0.05 level of significance, indicating sig­ nificant differences among food intakes of the various treatments (Table 9). Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (Table 10) showed that rats consuming the triticale bread as the sole article had the highest food intake and that food intake for rats consuming the commercial bread was the lowest. 39


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean F- Variation Freedom Squares Squares Value

Blocks 8l 624.48 78.06 1.06

Treatments 4 36211.02 9052.76 124.03* Error 32 2335.58 72.99

* P < 0,.05 ,•

One block was eliminated due to the death of one animal.


Treatment Means"

Triticale Bread, only 103" |b,c 10% Protein Casein 70 b,d Commercial Bread, only 43 b,d 10% Protein Triticale Bread 37 10% Protein Commercial Bread 25b,d,e

•^Means with the same superscript indicate no signifi­ cant difference (P < 0.05). 40



Source of Degree ci f Sum of Mean F- Variation Freedom Squares Squares Value

Blocks 8l 7205.90 900.74 1.76 Treatments 4 53271.20 13319.30 26.54* Error 32 18064.40 501.79

Total 44

•k P < 0,.0 5 • •'•One block was eliminated due to the death of one animal.


Treatment Means- Triticale Bread, only 313* b,c 10% Protein Casein 275 10% Protein Triticale Bread 261b, c b,d Commercial Bread, only 238 10% Protein Commercial Bread 212b/ e

•'-Means with the same superscript indicate no signifi­ cant difference (P < 0.05). 41

An analysis of covariance is a procedure used to control or reduce experimental variation by measuring a related variant (47). An analysis of covariance for a randomized design was used with x being the initial weight (covariant) and y being the final weight (48). The results are shown in Table 11. Final weights varied from 178 gm for the triticale bread treatment to 67 gm for the 10% com­ mercial bread protein diet. The sum of squares due to the regression, r^ = 0.1238514, showed 12.39% variation due to the regression of y on x. Thus, the differences in weight gain were not related to initial weights. An analysis of variance for a randomized block design was used to test the hypothesis that no significant differences existed among fecal nitrogen. In Table 12 the hypothesis was accepted that no difference existed among blocks, but was rejected for the various treatments (P < 0.05). Duncan's New Multiple Range Test showed that the rats fed triticale bread as the sole article had the greatest fecal nitrogen. The fecal nitrogen for the 10% triticale bread protein diet, and commercial bread as the sole article were similar (Table 13). Fecal nitrogen values for the diet containing 10% protein from casein or 10% commercial bread or commercial bread as the sole article were similar, but different from the 10% commer­ cial bread protein diet or commercial bread as the sole article. 42


rH t I rd O fa > in

0) in o U 00 ro •H a rd t • CO rd j3 ro CO in r-i Q) S CO 00 U

Pi O CO g •P (U o 13 iH in O SH 0 ro ro t7> (U O rd (U SH Q fa O O •H P CM Id fa Id g •H VD o > ro •H CO • (U w EH Q ro ro rd in in O o CM 0) H I vx> rH ro CO O CN 4H O ro ro H * • Ul rd fa O 00 r-\ 0) w ro in Id TJ Oi CM in o '^ VD 0) o rH in ro g EH fa (0 ro 0) w V^ c u rd 00 CM ^^^ o o r> 00 CM <: D^ >1 • o 00 ro rd H CO X :3 00 0) m I in o 'd i in in tP g 00 o 0) O CN 00 ro ro -P • O fa CO g rcd o o CO rd •H CN CO tP g H •H CO -H >H -P Q) (0 (U 0 43 TABLE 12 ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF FECAL NITROGEN OF YOUNG RATS

Source of Degree o. f Sum of Mean F- Variation Freedom Squares Squares Value

Blocks 8^ 21212.20 2651.53 2.17 Treatments •Je 4 440319.40 11079.85 9.06 Error 32 1223.24

Total 44

* P < 0..05 ,•

^One block was eliminated due to the death of one animal.


Treatment Means, mg"

Triticale Bread, only 389.5' 10% Protein Triticale Bread 199.8 10% Protein Casein 167.7^'^ 10% Protein Commercial Bread 125.2^'°'^ Commercial Bread, only 120.2^'°'^

••-Means with the same superscript indicate no signifi­ cant difference (P < 0.05). 44 Table 14 shows the results of a one-way analysis of variance for a randomized block design used to test sig­ nificant differences among nitrogen digestibilities. There was no significant difference among blocks, but differences existed among the various treatments (P < 0.05). Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (Table 15) showed that the commer­ cial bread fed as the sole article had the highest digesti­ bility among all the treatments. Digestibilities contain­ ing protein from commercial or triticale bread or casein or triticale bread as the sole article were similar but different from the rest. The digestibility values for the diets containing 10% protein from casein or commercial breads or triticale bread as the sole article were similar but different from the 10% triticale bread protein diet which was lowest among all treatments. Thus, it may be assumed that animals consuming less food tend to develop a higher digestibility to utilize nutrients in the body than those having a greater food intake.

The Acceptance Survey

Of the 300 responses recorded for a taste evaluation of the triticale bread, there were 173 Caucasians, 67 Blacks, 57 Mexican-Americans, and 3 Chinese. A total of 105 males and 195 females were surveyed. Two hundred eighty-five respondents liked the flavor of the bread, 11 were neutral, and four did not like it. There were 101 responses to "I'll 45 TABLE 14 ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF NITROGEN DIGESTIBILITIES (%) OF EXPERIMENTAL DIETS

Source of Degree of Sum of Mean F- Variation Freedom Squares Squares Value

Blocks 8^ 145.34 18.17 1.62 Treatments 4 497.14 124.29 11.11•k Error 32 356.97 11.19

Total 44

*P < 0.05

•^One block was eliminated due to the death of one animal.


Treatment Means Commercial Bread, only 92.5^ 10% Protein Commercial Bread 87.6b ' c b c 10% Protein Casein 87.3 ' Triticale Bread, only 86.8b 'c 10% Protein Triticale Bread 82.1 '

^Means with the same superscript indicate no signifi­ cant difference (P < 0.05). 46 buy at the same price as regular bread." Sixty-four said they would buy if the bread sold cheaper and twenty-four would buy even if it were slightly higher than regular bread. Overall results of the survey are shown in Table 16.

A chi-square test of independence was used to test the hypothesis that there was no relationship between ethnic group and bread acceptability with three degrees of accep­ tance (like, neutral, and dislike). Table 17 shows that the hypothesis was accepted that there was no difference between ethnic group and bread acceptability (P < 0.05). A chi-square test was used to test the hypothesis for significant differences between ethnic group and cost (Table 18). More Blacks within the 13-19 age range and fewer Caucasians and Mexican-Americans of that age group would buy the bread at a cheaper price. When all ages were considered more Caucasians and fewer Blacks 20-29 years of age stated that they would buy the bread if it were the same price as regular bread or under any circum­ stance. A greater number of Mexican-Americans than Blacks or Caucasians 30-39 years old would buy if cheaper or under any circumstance. More Caucasians would buy under any circumstance in the 50-70 age range or even if slightly higher in the 20-29 age range with fewer Blacks and Mexican- Americans of those age groups. Chi-square was used to test the relationship be­ tween sex and bread acceptability. The hypothesis was 47 accepted at the 0.05 level of significance that there was no difference between sex and bread acceptability. Re­ sults are shown in Table 19.

A chi-square test was used to test the hypothesis that there was no relationship between sex and bread cost. The hypothesis was rejected at the 0.05 level of signifi­ cance (Table 20) . More female than male Mexican-Americans would buy if the bread sold at the same price as regular bread.


Degree of Acceptability Number Percentage Like 285 95.0 Neutral 11 3.6 Dislike 4 1.4

The Cost Factor

Will buy: Under any circumstance' 101 35.0 At the same price 99 34.0 If cheaper 64 22.0 If higher 24 8.0

'Refers to if higher or cheaper or at the same price. 48



Age Group Degree of Freedom x2 - Value 13-19 4 .44 20-29 4 7.80 30-39 4 2.80 40-49 4 1.44 50-70 4 .07 All Ages 4 3.54



Age Group Degree of Freedom X^ - Value

13-19 6 27.86* 20-29 6 12.39 30-39 6 9.45 40-49 6 6.49 50-70 6 4.20 All Ages 6 20.04*

P < 0.05 49



Ethnic Group Degree of Freedom X^ - Valve Caucasian 2 .32

Blacks 2 1.22 Mexican- American 2 .15

All Groups 2 .08



Ethnic Group Degree of Freedom X' - Value

Caucasian 4 3. .91

Blacks 4 9, .13 Mexican- American 4 13, .80*

All Groups 4 9. .27

P < 0.05


Summary A triticale bread of high protein quality was developed and tested to have potentials of becoming a marketable product. The bread contained approximately 20% protein on a dry basis. Amino acid analysis showed that the bread contained more essential amino acids than the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) amino acid pattern. Lysine, the first-limiting amino acid in most cereal grains, was low. However, when compared with a commercial white wheat flour bread sold in local super­ markets, the lysine content of the triticale bread was higher than the commercial bread. When young rats were fed diets containing 10% protein from triticale or com­ mercial breads or casein the protein efficiency ratio (PER) of the triticale bread was higher than that of the commercial bread. Feeding of triticale bread as the sole article resulted in a higher food efficiency ratio (FER) than did the commercial. A one-way analysis of variance for a randomized block design showed significant differ­ ences between the triticale and commercial diets for weight gains, food intakes, fecal nitrogen, and nitrogen digesti­ bilities. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test indicated that rats fed the triticale bread as the sole article had a

50 51 higher weight gain, food intake, and fecal nitrogen than any other diet. Higher nitrogen digestibilities for the commercial bread diet were probably attributable to a lower food intake of the animals.

A consumer acceptance survey indicated that the triticale bread had a high degree of acceptability among three ethnic populations. When cost was used as the determinant factor in buying, the survey showed that people tend to buy a new product because of its flavor and nutritional value.


Present research is aimed at a possible solution of the world protein deficit and protein malnutrition. Because of its genetic makeup, triticale grain offers a cheap source of high quality protein. Its acceptance lies in the successful introduction of triticale products to the world's food supply. Results of a consumer acceptance test in the Lub­ bock, Texas, area indicate a triticale bread to have po­ tential for market. Since people, in general, are more nutritionally aware, success, to a great extent, depends on advertising and selling of nutrition education. Not only do people buy because of good taste and appearance, but nutritional consideration and cost are also becoming important factors in the decision of consumer choice. 52

Continuous research should be aimed at keeping a variety of nutritionally adequate foods in the marketplace Chemical analyses and consumer surveying have shown triti­ cale bread to have a high nutritional value and accepta­ bility. It seems evident that the production of similar products will be successfully marketed due to such a high degree of acceptance. LIST OF REFERENCES

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