Submitted to the Board Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department












َ و ِﻣ ْﻦ َآﯾ ِﺎﺗ ِﮫ َﺧ ْﻠ ُﻖ ﱠاﻟﺴ َﻤ َﻮ ِات َ و ْاﻷر ِض َو ْاﺧ ِﺘ ُﻼف أَ ْﻟ ِﺴ ِﻨَﺘ ُﻜ ْﻢ َوأَ ْﻟ َﻮ ِاﻧ ُﻜ ْﻢ إِ ﱠن ِﻓﻲ ذَ ِﻟ َﻚ َﻵﯾﺎتٍ ِﻟ ْﻠ َﻌ ِﺎﻟ ِﻤ َﯿﻦ ( ٢٢ ) ) Terjemahan: Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda- tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui. (QS Ar-Ruum Ayat 22) 2

2Departemen Agama RI, Al Aliyy-Al Quran dan Terjemahannya , (Jawa Barat: Departemen Agama RI, 2005), p. 324



Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin...

Firstly I want to say thank you for Allah subhanahu wata’ala who has given me favor and blessing to finish this thesis. Also sholawat and salam I will send to my Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who has brought us for the darkness to the lightness. Proudly, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father (Ade Suhendi) and mother (Ermawati) I cannot say one by one the thing which you have done for me during I arranged this thesis. I just want to say thank you for your praying and everything that I need. I also dedicate this thesis for my supervisors Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Awliya Rahmi, M.Hum who always support, guide, open my mind and provide a great input for my thesis, I am much obliged for your time, ideas, advices and patience those gave me during writing and finishing this thesis. Without Allah SWT and them, I might not be able to finish this.



Firstly, I would like to say Alhamdulillahirabbil’ alamin, all the prise to

Allah subhanahu wata’ala the lord of all creatures, because of His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now at the end of my study. Peace be upon to our Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam , hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at the last day.

Secondly, I would like to say thanks a lot to people who helped the writer to write this thesis. I would like to say thanks to my supervisors Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Awliya Rahmi, M.Hum who have helped me, guided, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say thank a lot to my classmate ELITE

2014 who have given suggestion and support to finish this thesis.

To accompolish thesis I would give one great deal to many people. So, I would tike to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a Rector of State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, as the vice dean of Academic and Institution

Development, Dr. H. M. Fadhil, MA as the vice dean of administration



ABSTRACT Ekawati, Liani 2018: Slang Words in Fast And Furious 7 Movie, English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Supervisor : 1. Dr. Alfian, M.Ed 2. Awliya Rahmi, M.Hum

Language has many variation in society which is used by many people in this world. One of the famous varieties of language that used by many people is slang words. Slang is one of varieties of language in sociolinguistics used by society to interact each other based on context and used by some communities. The purpose of this research are:(1) to find out the types of slang words, (2) to find out the meaning and the reason of the main characters using slang words. The writer focuses the study on the Fast and Furious 7 Movie. In this research, the writer used the theory of slang words by Eric Partridge (1950) and the theory of meaning by Geoffrey Leech (1981) to answer the problem of the research. This research is qualitative research that focused on qualitative research by Gay (2005). This research used observation method for collecting the data meanwhile for the technique, the writer used note taking by Mahsun (2005) and used pragmatic (identity) method and pragmatic competence-in-dividing technique by Sudaryanto (1993) in analysing the data. The writer found that there are two types of slang words; Public House Slang is the word that used by their communities, not gross and nor cynical; Society Slang is commonly used in daily speaking and connected to the society. There are seventeen words of society slang: Gonna, Gotta, Guy, Wanna, What’s up, Shit, Buddy, What the hell, Freaking out, Chill out, Old skool, Shut your ass up, Yeah, Hell, Daddy, Man, Check , Ain’t ; t wo words of public house slang: Baby, Buddy. The meaning of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie based on type of slang words that used and background of the characters and setting of the scene this movie based on background of the characters and setting of the scene. The writer concluded the meaning of the slang words based on context. And the reasons of using Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie were people wanted to be brief and concise, for ease of social intercourse, to be startling, to reduce the excessive seriousness of a conversation and to show or express friendliness


ABSTRAK Ekawati, Liani 2018: Slang Words in Fast And Furious 7 Movie, English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Supervisor : 1. Dr. Alfian, M.Ed 2. Awliya Rahmi, M.Hum

Bahasa memiliki banyak variasi dimasyarakat yang digunakan oleh banyak orang didunia. Salah satu varietas bahasa yang terkenal dan banyak digunakan oleh orang pada umumnya adalah kata-kata slang. Bahasa slang adalah salah satu variasi bahasa dalam sosiolinguistik yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain berdasarkan konteks dan digunakan oleh beberapa komunitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kata slang, (2) untuk mengetahui makna dan alasan tokoh utama menggunakan kata-kata slang. Penulis memfokuskan penelitian pada film Fast and Furious 7 . Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori slang words oleh Eric Pertridge (1950) dan teori makna oleh Geoffrey Leech (1981) untuk menjawab masalah penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif oleh Gay (2005). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi untuk mengumpulkan data sementara untuk teknik, penulis menggunakan teknik catat oleh Mahsun (2005) dan menggunakan metode pragmatis (identitas) dan teknik pragmatik kompetensi- dalam-membagi oleh Sudaryanto (1993) dalam menganalisis data. Penulis menemukan bahwa ada dua jenis kata slang; Public House Slang adalah kata yang digunakan oleh komunitas mereka, tidak kasar dan tidak sinis; Society Slang umumnya digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari dan terhubung dengan masyarakat. Ada tujuh belas kata-kata society slang: Gonna, Gotta, Guy, Wanna, What’s up, Shit, Buddy, What the hell, Freaking out, Chill out, Old skool, Shut your ass up, Yeah, Hell, Daddy, Man, Check , Ain’t ; dua kata Public House Slang: Baby, Buddy. Arti Kata-kata Slang dalam film Fast and Furious 7 didasarkan pada jenis kata-kata slang yang digunakan dan latar belakang karakter dan pengaturan adegan film ini berdasarkan latar belakang karakter dan pengaturan adegan. Penulis menyimpulkan arti kata-kata slang berdasarkan konteks. Dan alasan menggunakan Kata-kata Slang dalam film Fast and Furious 7 adalah orang ingin singkat dan ringkas, untuk kemudahan hubungan sosial, menjadi mengejutkan, untuk mengurangi keseriusan yang berlebihan dari sebuah percakapan dan untuk menunjukkan atau mengekspresikan keramahan.




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem ...... 1 1.2 Formulation of the Problem ...... 4 1.3 Limitation of the Problem ...... 4 1.4 Purpose of the Research ...... 5 1.5 Significance of the Research ...... 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Sociolinguistic ...... 6 2.2 The Slang Words ...... 7 2.3 Types of Slang Words...... 8 2.4 Pragmatics ...... 11 2.5 The Reason for Using Slang Words ...... 14 2.6 Review of Related Research ...... 17

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Design of Research ...... 20 3.2 Source of Data ...... 21 3.3 Technique of Data Collection ...... 21 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ...... 22

CHAPTER IV FINDING ANALYSIS 4.1 Types of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie ...... 24 4.2 Meaning of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie ...... 41 4.3 Reason of Using Slang word in fast furious 7 movie ...... 51

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ...... 54 5.2 Suggestion ...... 55


REFERENCES ...... 56 APPENDIX I ...... xi APPENDIX II ...... xii




1.1 Background of the Problem

Languages as a tool of communication have important roles in every human interaction. Language is used by people to socialize and interact to another people in society. Without language people cannot communicate, comprehend and make a relationship in their society. In communication there are many styles to convey the language in written or oral form. 3 However, in human daily interaction, oral language is used in every cases because it expresses people’s idea to listener easily.

Through language, people can understand and comprehend what the speaker means.

It means that language has many variation in society which used by many people in this world. One of the famous varieties of language that used by many people is slang words.

According to Richard, the slang words is only known by group itself, it cannot be understand if we do not know what is the context when the group say the slang words. 4 It means that slang is used by some communities. Slang is one of varieties of language in sociolinguistics used by society to interact each other based on context. Slang is popular in daily lives. 5 Some people are quite active in forming and spreading slang, it is seen when they try to create unconventional words or

3 Victoria Fromkin at all, An Introduction to Language , (NewYork: Tenth Edition, Michael Rosenberg, 2009), p. 1 4 Widi Wahyudi, “An Analysis of Slang in How High Movie”, thesis of English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta University, 2015, p. 1. 5 Soraya Nur Latifah, An Analysis of Slang Words In “Deadpool” Movie , English Educational Program, Language and Art Department Faculty of Teaching And Trainer, Mataram University, 2017, p. 6

14 phrases that express either something new or something old in a new way and use it in daily life conversation such as in direct conversation, chatting, or in social network media. 6 For example, people use the terms “awesome” and “cool” to describe something they approve of. Another example is an acronym “LOL”, it is widely used in direct message on the internet which means “Laugh Out Loud” and so on. We can find this kind of nonstandard words everywhere, it is not only popular in informal daily conversations, but also in magazine, radio, song and movie.

Movie provides many characters speaking language based on their community with each other. They consider that languages as a tool for discussion and at the time to make the relationships more effective for the communities. They create their own language structure that are different from the general structure of language. With variety of language they made, it can make their conversation become close and friendly in their community informal situation. Slang is expressed spontaneously and is not bound by a lot of grammatical norms. Variety of such language is not so systematic, interspersed with many regional languages and local dialects.

Slang is used in developing country to communicate each other. Every country has slang style based on their languages. The famous countries that mostly use slang words are America, United Kingdom and Australia, because these countries are places for every people in the world to come and also they study to get science and spend leisure time. People also can learn their language and also

6 Muhartoyo. Baby Samantha Wijaya, The Use of English Slang Words In Informal Communication Among 8th Semester Students of English Department In Binus University , English Departement, Faculty of Humanities, Binus University, 2014, p. 5

15 their habit from any sources, one of them is movie. It can be seen the slang words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie, because this movie tells about the culture from

America, where the culture includes language and habit. Especially in this movie from America and it shows the slang words from this country. Slang is often used in Fast and Furious 7 Movie. It can be seen in the dialogue below.

Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t! Come on man! You throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now! Roman : Look, I can’t do it, okay? Listen to what I’m saying. Brian : Now isn’t the time!

The conversation above happened when all of the team have arrived in land,

Roman still fly because he was very afraid to fall down in land and Brian made

Roman trust with him that everything would be alright. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the social meaning, the meaning of hell as damn.

The writer chooses Fast and Furious 7 movie for this research because this movie got People Choices Awards in 2016 7 and also Teen Choice Awards 2015.8

And then the writer found there are many slang words spoken by characters in this movie, the characters also use slang words to communicate each other like the example above. The characters in this movie show their habit in America, it means that this movie tells the American culture, language and habit which are not all

7, (accessed on 24/11/2017 21:55 pm) 8 teen-choice-awards-2015, (accessed on 24/11/2017 22:15 pm)

16 movie show it. This movie also tells about the race of the cars war which in United

States of America, and his crew became a winner from Owen

Shaw and saved the God Eye’s as the application that can control the world. There are many interesting characters in this film such as Dominic Toretto, Brian

O’conner, Letty, Mia, Luke Hobbs, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker. Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer analyze this thesis entitled “Slang Words in Fast and

Furious 7 Movie”

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the formulations of the problems are arranged as follows:

1. What are the types of slang words used by main characters in Fast and

Furious 7 Movie?

2. What are the meaning of slang words used by main characters in Fast and

Furious 7 Movie?

3. What are the reasons of the main characters for using the slang words in Fast

and Furious 7 Movie?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Actually there are many aspects that the writer can analyze in the movie, but in this case the writer analyze the slang words types spoken by main characters;

Dominic Toretto, Brian O’conner, Letty, Mia, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker and Luke

Hobbs in Fast and Furious 7 Movie it is because the main characters appear more often than the supporting casts of which the slang words is spoken more and varied.

Therefore, the data are taken from their dialogues as the main characters.


1.4 Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problem above, the purpose of this research is

1. To find out the types of slang words used by the main characters in Fast and

Furious 7 Movie.

2. To find out the meaning of slang words used by the main characters in Fast

and Furious 7 Movie.

3. To find out the reasons of the main characters using the slang words in Fast

and Furious 7 Movie .

1.5 Significance of the Research

The significances of this research are:

1. Give additional information and knowledge about slang words to the readers

especially to the students and lectures in English Department who want to

read this paper.

2. The writer hopes this research will be useful as guidance of reference to the

next researcher in slang words and it can give contribution to the society.




2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language use and the structure of society. It takes into account such factors as the social backgrounds of both the speaker and the addressee.9 It means that it is influence by some factors such as social background both of the speaker and the listener, the relationship and the context and the manner of interaction, so it is important to comprehend about structure and function of the language that use in each situation.

Sociolinguistic is a very broad field and it can be used to describes many different ways of studying language. 10 How to explain why people speak differently in different case social contexts, and they concern to identifying the social functions of language and how they convey the concept to society. According to Wardhaugh in his book:

”Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of language”. 11

It means that sociolinguistics is a study of language in society between language and people have relationship that cannot separate because people use the language to interact in each their conversation. So that, everyone can see about

9 Andrew Radford at all, Linguistics An Introduction , (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009) p. 14 10 Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics , (New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2006), p. 1. 11 Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (UK: Fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006), p. 13.

19 social condition in a social community or can see using language that they use. This statements

From explanation above, the writer conclude that sociolinguistics is explain about the relationship between language and society, and the effect to all of the aspects of society, include cultural norms, expectations, and contexts in language that use. Where people give a great contribution to development of language. And the result are to find out the structure of that language and how language functions in their communication. They always use language, when they want to express their feeling, idea, and opinion.

2.2 The Slang Words

According Oxford Dictionary, slang defined as very informal words and expressions used in spoken conversation especially by a particular group of people. 12 It means that slang is an informal words that used by particular social group for informal communication to interact each other. According to Eble:

“Slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish or reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in society at large. The existence of vocabulary of this sort within a language is possibly as old as language itself, for slang seems to be part of any language used in ordinary interaction by a community large enough and diverse enough to have identifiable subgroups.”13 It means that slang is like a fashion or lifestyle that, it changes anytime rapidly depending on decade. Many people use slang, it is because most people are individuals who desire uniqueness, it stands to reason that slang has been existence for as long as language has been in existence.

12 Oxford University Press, Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary , (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), p.415 13 Josef Schmied, Student Slang at IIT Madras: A Linguistic Field Study , (Technische Universität Chemnitz: 2006), p.10


Based on those definitions above the writer conclude that slang can be described as informal non-standard words which tends to originate in subcultures within a society. Slang has no societal boundaries or limitations as it can exist in all cultures and classes of society as well as in all languages. Basically Slang expressions are created in the same way as standard speech. In addition, the words are used as slang that may be new coinages, existing words may acquire new meanings, narrow meanings of words may become generalized, words may be abbreviated, etc. However, in order for the expression to survive, it must be.

2.3 Types of Slang Words

In discussing slang, surely we have to know about the types of slang first.

According to Eric Partridge in his book “Slang, Today, and Yesterday” he states:

“The different kinds of slang are numerous, and I propose to treat of only the twenty four most important: after all there are limits”. 14 In this part, the writer will explain some types of slang words. Some of slang types are:

1. Public House Slang

As the part of types of slang, public house group words and phrases make

up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The

definition of public house slang is considered as public house group words and

phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the

subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical. 15

The examples of public house slang are:

14 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday , (London: Routledge & Regan Paul, 1950), p. 148. 15 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday , p. 159.


a. Favorite Vice ‘strong drink taken habitually’.

b. Liquor , A publican’s euphemism for the water they use in adulterating

beer. In liquor ‘drunk’.

c. Straight drinking ‘drinking while standing in the bar’.

2. Slang in Public School and University

In these type students become the main source, because they are fresh, full of spirit to move forward for their future. In public school as in board schools and private, it happened about more than two centuries, there are two kinds of slang; a slang proper and gibberish. The other kind of slang is almost impossible to generalize, for every school has its special words known to no other school. 16 Here are some examples of public school slang: a. Bonse ‘head’, for example “Look out, or I’ll fetch you a whack across the

bonse” b. Bung ‘a lie’, example; “everything he said is a bung” c. What’s the mat ? ‘What is the matter?’

Slang language in the university different from the slang that use in public school. They tends to leave and replace their old school slang and change it with the slang in the university. They grow into adults and cannot hold back and choose to do new things or ways of thinking in and create their own rules. Now they are accustomed to speak bluntly in their conversation with friends in university. The examples of slang words or phrases that are used in university:

16 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday , p. 202


a. Damn ‘damage’.

b. Leccer ‘a lecture’.

c. Brute ‘one who has not matriculated’.

3. Society Slang

Society slang is commonly used in daily speaking and connected to the society. Every society group uses some types of slang and by association, those words or phrase become property that belong to that group. In the modern world, slang has become so much defining trait of many groups. There are many slangs in the colloquial speech of society, most of the words soon disappear, but a considerable number of them make good their place in ordinary speech. Moreover society slang shows a joyously or jauntily over the object and the practice of the slang user’s own calling. 17

Based on the statement above, the writer conclude that Society slang is commonly used in daily conversation and connected to the society. Society slang is a term that the vocabularies generally show the world, and life. Here are the examples of the society slang:

a. Showy ‘over-dressed’.

b. Vogue ‘means fashion or mode’.

c. Thou ‘a thousand pounds sterling’.

From explanations above, it can be conclude that there are some kinds of slang that used by group of society, so the writer uses this theory to find the slang

17 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday , p. 214.


words types by the main characters Dominic Toretto, Brian O’conner, Letty,

Roman Pearce, Tej, and Luke Hobbs in Fast and Furious 7 Movie.

2.4 Pragmatic

Pragmatics is one of those words that give the impression that something quite specific and technical is being talked about when often in fact it has no clear meaning and focuses on mainly on the investigation of speech acts. 18 The differences between Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics in the context itself, Syntax focuses on the relationship between linguistics forms and how they are arranged in well sequence forms. Semantics is defined as the study of the relationship between linguistics forms and entities in the world. Syntax and Semantics do not consider social aspects of the linguistics.

On the other hand, pragmatics focuses on the relation between linguistics and the speakers of those forms. Pragmatics consider human into analysis, in contrast

Syntax and Semantics do not consider human into analysis. 19 In the real life people do not always speak directly to convey what they want in order to be polite and also respect others. In some particular situations, people would rather to speak indirectly than directly. For example, when a woman is sitting in very hot room with her friends then she says. It is very hot in here 20 .The sentence does not mean that she just makes a statement of the room condition that is very hot temperature but it is an implicit request for her friends to open the windows. She can directly say open

18 Eva Alcon Soler and Aricia Martinez Flor, Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, (New York: Cromwell Press, 2008), p. 3. 19 Alison Wray, Kate Trott & Aileen Bloomer, Projects in Linguistics A Practical Guide to Researching Language, (New York :Arnold, 1997). 20 Michael, L. Scott, Programing Language Pragmatics , (United States of America: Denise Penrose Press, 2006), p. 4.

24 the windows please! But here she wants to be more polite so she uses an indirect request. Furthermore, context in language plays an important role in interpreting meaning. In a particular sentence, different context will derive different interpretation. Such as in this sentence. The meaning of utterances can be interpreted based on the situation or context. The study of language which focuses on the speaker meaning and context meaning is called Pragmatics. This statement is supported by some linguists such as. Istvan Kecskes and Laurance defined pragmatics as the study of meaning in the relation to a speech situation. 21 Similarly,

Evala Alcon Soler and Alicia Martinez Flor also say that pragmatics is study of speaker meaning and contextual meaning where it focuses on the use of human language in communication which is influenced by the condition of society. 22

From explanations above, it can be concluded that pragmatics is about explaining how people produce and understand everyday utterances. Pragmatics is very close to context and situation of the speaker and listener where the conversations take place.

This part discusses some relevant theories which are related to the pragmatics study. In this discussion there are 2 parts of pragmatics are presented: 23

1. Context

Context as any relevant condition of the dynamic setting or environment

in which is a linguistic unit used by the speaker. Furthermore; Lousie states that

21 Istvan Kecskes and Laurance, Exploration In Pragmatics Linguistics, Cognitive and Intercultural Aspects , (Germany: 2007), p. 9. 22 Evala Alcon Soler and Alicia Martinez Flor, Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, , p. 3. 23 Lousie Cummings, Clinical Pragmatics , (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 13


context can be seen in three different sources. First, there is the physical context,

which refers to the physical setting of the utterances. Second type is the linguistic

context, which refers to the surrounding utterances in the same discourse.

Finally, third is general knowledge of the context.24 There are some aspects of

the communicative context. First is the language user: utterance and interpreter.

Second is the mental world. Third is the social world. Finally is the physical


2. Speech Act

Yule defines a speech act as an activity of a participant who communicates

through language, in some conventional ways, to obtain at some outcome. 25 A

speech act can also be defined as the basic unit of analysis in a spoken

interaction. He then also adds that requesting is one type of speech act and there

are two ways in performing an indirect request. They are content condition and

preparatory condition. These two terminologies have the same functions as a

request, but in different forms. In speech act includes the speaker, addresses, and

utterance. An utterance is something that someone says. The function of it is to

express ideas or feeling in spoken words.

Supporting the definition above, David R. Traum and Peter A. Heeman explain that an utterance is a communicative unit which contains some linguistics terms. 26 Those terms are words, clauses, phrases, and clause combinations related

24 Lousie Cummings, Clinical Pragmatics, p. 18. 25 Victoria Fromkin, et al., An Introduction to Language, p. 55. 26 David R. Traum and Peter A. Heeman, “Utterance Units in Spoken Dialogue,” Internationial Journal, University of Maryland, 1994, p. 5.

26 to the context. Chaer says that an utterance does not have a definite linguistic definition. An utterance can be seen clearly in a dialogue, and each statement that is said by a speaker is called as an utterance. 27 Besides, phonetically an utterance can be defined as a unit of speech bounded by silence. In this case, speech events are needed to interpret them correctly. One may simply utter a single speech act in a single utterance, and one may utter some utterances without performing a single speech act clearly, but it allows the hearer to react as, if the request had been made.

From the explanation above, the writer use context because the writer want to analyze the meaning of slang based on the situation and condition when the speaker uttered a sentences or dialogue by the main characters Dominic Toretto,

Brian O’conner, Letty, Roman Pearce, Tej, and Luke Hobbs in Fast and Furious 7


2.5 The Reason for Using Slang Words

Slang can be defined as informal language, which may include words or meanings which are impolite. It is used by some communities and usually spoken rather than written. Because most people are individuals who desire uniqueness, and fashionable it stands to reason that slang has been in existence for as long as language has been in existence. According to Eric Partridge, people use slang for any of at least 15 reasons: 28

1. In sheer high spirits, by the young in heart as well as by the young in years;

'just for the fun of the thing'; in playfulness or waggishness.

27 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum , (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), p. 24. 28 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday , p. 6


2. As an exercise either in wit and ingenuity or in humour. (The motive behind this is usually self-display or snobbishness, emulation or responsiveness, delight in virtuosity).

3. To be 'different', to be novel.

4. To be picturesque (either positively or - as in the wish to avoid insipidity - negatively).

5. To be unmistakeably arresting, even startling.

6. To escape from clichés, or to be brief and concise. (Actuated by impatience with existing terms.)

7. To enrich the language. (This deliberateness is rare save among the well- educated, Cockneys forming the most notable exception; it is literary rather than spontaneous.)

8. To lend an air of solidity, concreteness, to the abstract; of earthiness to the idealistic; of immediacy and appositeness to the remote. (In the cultured the effort is usually premeditated, while in the uncultured it is almost always unconscious when it is not rather subconscious.)

9a. To lessen the sting of, or on the other hand to give additional point to, a refusal, a rejection, a recantation;

9b. To reduce, perhaps also to disperse, the solemnity, the pomposity, the excessive seriousness of a conversation (or of a piece of writing);

9c. To soften the tragedy, to lighten or to 'prettify' the inevitability of death or madness, or to mask the ugliness or the pity of profound turpitude (e.g. treachery,


ingratitude); and/or thus to enable the speaker or his auditor or both to endure,

to 'carry on'.

10. To speak or write down to an inferior, or to amuse a superior public; or

merely to be on a colloquial level with either one's audience or one's subject


11. For ease of social intercourse. (Not to be confused or merged with the


12. To induce either friendliness or intimacy of a deep or a durable kind. (Same


13. To show that one belongs to a certain school, trade, or profession, artistic or

intellectual set, or social class; in brief, to be 'in the swim' or to establish contact.

14. Hence, to show or prove that someone is not 'in the swim'.

15. To be secret - not understood by those around one. (Children, students,

lovers, members of political secret societies, and criminals in or out of prison,

innocent persons in prison, are the chief exponents.)

From Explanation above that people are individuals who desire uniqueness sometimes different and funny. People can also use slang as a way to be friendly, express their feeling and to show that they belong to a particular group or profession also become a secret language that is not understood by others. The writer uses this theory to find out the reasons of the main characters using the slang words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie.


2.6 Review of Related Research

In this research, some researchers were found by the writer discussing about the slang language types. Firstly, the student of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah named Ratna Perwita Sari by thesis entitled “An Analysis of Slang

Language Types in Rush Hour 2 movie”, 29 this research discussed about slang language in the Rush Hour 2 movie. The purpose of this study is to find out the types and the reason of slang language that is used by the actors and actress in the movie. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, where she describes one by one word or phrase of slang language from the movie. From the analysis, the writer selects three types of slang, they are: society slang, workmen’s slang and public house slang. The writer uses some theories that related to slang language and the definition of slang. To find the words or phrases of slang, the writer has already selected fifteen of slang words and phrases from the movie and analyzes them one by one. After the writer explains the theoretical framework, she tabulated data of slang words or phrases. Then, she analyses the data through the perspective of slang types and the interpretation into Standard English. It can be concluded that from the

Rush Hour 2 movie, there can be found the words or phrases of slang such as: hook you up, grabs, shit, bitch slap, bastard, damn, bullshit, you ass off, hell, midget, chips, grand, guys, buddy and kids.

29 Ratna Perwita Sari, “ An Analysis of Slang Language Types in Rush Hour 2 movie” , thesis of English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, 2010, p. 4.


Secondly, the student of Universitas Sam Ratulangi named Kheren Kezia

Adolof by thesis entitled “Slang Dalam Lagu Black Eyed Peas” 30 this research discussed about identify the slangs in the songs of Black Eyed Peas, analyze and describe their forms and meanings. The theory used in this research is by

Bloomfield and this research applies a descriptive method. The result show that the forms of slangs in the songs are abbreviation, facetious, mispronunciation, shortened forms, interjection, figurative expression, and nick name (calling person).

There are some forms that cannot be found in the songs, they are interjection, and figurative expression form.

Thirdly, the student of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya named Siti Nia Mahnunik by thesis entitled “An Analysis of Slang Language In

Song Lyrics Used By “Justin Bieber ”,31 this research discussed about the analysis of slang words in Justin Bieber song lyrics. There are two statement problem (1)

What slang words are used by Justin Bieber in his song lyrics (2) What are the characteristic of using slang words in Justin Bieber lyrics. Slang is nonstandard use of word in a language of a part social group. Slang terms are often particular to a certain subculture, such as: musicians, skate boarders and drugs users. There are four characteristic of slang words, they are Blending, Clipping, coinage and acronym. To reveal the problems that were mentioned in the research problems, the

30 Kheren Kezia Adolof, “ Slang Dalam Lagu Black Eyed Peas”, journal of Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sam Ratulangi ,2014, p. 4. 31 Siti Nia Mahmunik, “ An Analysis of Slang Language In Song Lyrics Used By Justin Bieber”, thesis of English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel, 2015, p. 4.

31 writer used descriptive qualitative method. To collecting the data the writer searching the lyrics songs by Justin Bieber in Internet, after that the writer collected the slang word was found in lyrics and the last find the characteristic of slang words that used in Justin Bieber song lyrics.

From all of the researchers above, the writer conclude that they are using qualitative research. The first researchers has the similarities with this research in qualitative research and using Eric Partridge’s types of slang words theory but in the different object of the research. The second and third researchers has the similar qualitative research but different theory and object in analyzing.




3.1 Design of Research

The design of this research study is qualitative research because this study describes the types of slang words, meaning of slang words, and reason of the main characters using slang word in Fast and Furious 7 movie. Basically qualitative research is research that will find the result of the research based on reality and fact that was happened in society. According to Gay:

“Qualitative research seeks to probe deeply into the research setting to obtain in-depth understandings about the way things are, why they are that way, and how the participants in the context perceive them. To achieve the detailed understandings they seek, qualitative researches must undertake sustained in-depth, in-context research that allows them to uncover subtle, less overt, personal understandings.” 32

It means that, qualitative research explains about the procedure for conducting the data, including when, from whom, and under what condition data will be obtained. In other words, design indicates how the research is done. What happens to the object and what the procedure that used to collect the data. The purpose of the research design is to provide the most valid, accurate answer possible to research question.

32 L. R Gay and Peter Araisian, Education Research, (United States: Pearson Education Inc, 2012) p. 12


3.2 Data and Source of Data

The object of this research are dialogues that contains slang words. This research only analyses public house slang and society slang. The writer takes the primary data from movie Fast and Furious 7 which was directed by ,

March in 2015, with the duration 140 minutes. The writer gets the film from and the script from the .

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, the writer uses the observational method

(metode simak) and note taking technique (teknik catat). Mahsun said that “ Metode simak adalah cara yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan cara menyimak penggunaan bahasa… teknik catat adalah teknik lanjutan yang dilakukan ketika menerapkan metode simak. 33 ” the writer uses observation method because the writer does not involve herself and just observes the conversation from this movie also use note taking technique because the writer listen and write the conversation that the data the writer need.

The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this research more specific. There are some steps of the data collection that will be done by the writer in this research. These are:

a. Downloading the Movie

The writer downloads the movie Fast and Furious 7 from and takes

the script from

33 Mahsun, Metode Penelitian Bahasa , (Jakarta: Third Edition, PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005), p. 92.


b. Watching the Movie Repeatedly

The writer watches the movie Fast and Furious 7 repeatedly and takes the

scenes that related to the research questions.

c. Reading the Script and Marking the Sentences

The writer reads the script and marks the words or sentences that related to

the research question.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses the pragmatic (identity) method (metode padan pragmatis) and pragmatic competence-in-dividing technique (teknik daya pilah pragmatis).

Sudaryanto said that:

“Metode padan pragmatik yaitu bila orang sampai kepada penentuan bahwa kalimat perintah ialah kalimat yang bila diucapkan menimbulkan reaksi tindakan tertentu dari mitra wicaranya dan kata afektif ialah kata yang bila diucapkan menimbulkan akibat emosional tertentu pada mitra wicaranya,... teknik daya pilah pragmatis yaitu adanya reaksi yang bermacam-macam dari padanya disamping kadar keterdengaran olehnya dan dalam satuan lingual dapat dibedakan menjadi kalimat perintah, kalimat tanya, kalimat afektif, kalimat berita, topic, kalimat seru, segmen kalimat atau gatra.” 34

The writer uses this method and technique because between speaker and listener there are reaction like action that the listener do and there is the reason they use slang words. The steps of techniques of data analysis are:

34 Sudaryanto, Metode dan Aneka Teknik Analisis Bahasa, (Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press, 1993), p. 118

35 a. Identifying and Classifying the Data

The writer identifies and classifies the data based on formulation of the

problem. b. Describing the Data

After the data are identifying and classifying, the writer describes the data

based on formulation of the problem. c. Making the Conclusion

After all the data have been describing and analyzing the data the writer

makes the conclusion of the research.




In this chapter the writer describes the findings of the analysis of slang words types by Eric Partridge. The writer also want to find the types of slang words, meaning of slang words, and the reason why the main characters using slang words.

4.1 Types of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 movie

In this research the writer find out two types of slang words from Eric

Partridge. First, public house slang shows a genial, cheery, materialistic but not

gross nor cynical. Then the writer found two words of public house slang such

as Buddy, Baby. Because of the suitability of the characteristic of the public

house slang and their nature of words or phrases are not gross nor cynical.

Second, society slang shows a joyously, or jauntily over the object and

the practices of the slang user’s. Therefore, the writer concludes that society

slang such a familiar and common words that comes from society even has rude

meaning, but is commonly used in daily conversation that easy to change based

the era and trend in society. Then the writer found sixteen words of society slang

such as Gonna, Gotta, Guy, Wanna, What’s up, Shit, Buddy, What the hell,

Freaking out, Chill out, Old skool, Shut your ass up, Yeah, Hell, Daddy, Man,

Check , Ain’t . Because of the suitability of the characteristic of the society slang

and their nature of words or phrases are closely related with the society.

4.1.1 Public House Slang


These are the writer found some of public house slang from the conversation of the main characters.

a. Buddy

The slang buddy found in minute 01:57:23. This dialogue happened when Brian trying to help Dom to breathe back and took the setting in Dom’s car when he got incident. These are in the conversation below:

Brian : Come on, buddy . Letty : Is he breathing? Brian : I want you to keep his head tilted up, all right? Keep it back like this. Pinch his nose, keep his head tilted breathe into him, now. Go. Good. Come on, Dom. Come on, Dom. Come on! God damn it! You come on! You breathe! Go, go! Breathe. Come on. Damn it. Let’s go. Come on, Dom. I need you breathe. Come on! Come on, Dom! Come back! Come on, buddy . Letty : Stop it. Brian : Dom, come on! Come on! Letty : Back off! From the conversation above, the word buddy belongs to public house slang because it tells about the word that is used by their communities and nor cynical based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge. Buddy became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to communicate with their friend in their community.

In formal word, buddy has similarity meaning with friend . Friend is word that usually used by people to communicate or to call another people which they claim as their friend. Like the example below: “ Come on, friend ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ come on, buddy ” from this movie.

b. Baby


The slang baby found in minute 23:16. The scene happened setting in

Mando’s garage when Mia was trying to convince Brian to follow Dom against Shawn to protect their families. These are in the conversation below:

Mia : You okay? Brian : Yeah. This guy’s just relentless. Mia : That’s why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does any more damage to our family. Brian : You know, I just… I’ve screwed up so many things. I couldn’t live with myself if I screw this up, too. Mia : You won’t. I believe in you. I believe in us. That’s all that matters. I love you Brian. Brian : I love you baby . Mia : Just promise me, after this, we’re done. No more jobs, no more enemies. Come back to us. Brian : I won’t let you down, Mia. Mia : I know. From the conversation above, the word baby belongs to public house slang because it tells about the word that is used by their communities and nor cynical based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge. Baby became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to express his feeling to his wife.

In formal word, baby has similarity meaning with dear . Dear is word that usually used by people to communicate or to call someone who their love.

Like the example below: “ I love you, dear ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ I love you, baby ” from this movie.

4.1.2 Society Slang


Below are the further explanation and the quoted conversation used in

the society slang words:

a. Gonna

The slang gonna found in minute 04:13. This dialogue happened between Dom and Letty who arguing about speed and took setting in the race war when Letty want to begin the race war. There are in the conversation below:

Dom : Keep it under 9.000 RPMs. Kid’s gonna fry his pistons after the first 200. Letty : You know that’s not my style. I gotta ride or die, right? Dom : How about you just ride on this one. From the conversation above, the word gonna belong to society slang because it tells about the habitual society of the main characters and it is used in their daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge.

Gonna became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to communicate with their friend in their community.

In formal word, gonna has similarity meaning with going to . Going to is word that usually used by people to assume something became true. Gonna becomes structure word ‘go + participle –ing + to’ and based on the movie all of the characters integrated these word became one word when their said the word. Like the example below: “ Kid’s going to fry his pistons after the first

200. ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Kid’s gonna fry his pistons after the first 200.” from this movie.


b. Gotta

The slang gotta found in minute 07:04. This dialogue happened between Brian and Jack (his son) in the car. Brian asked to his baby for showing the button of the car to open the car’s door when he driven his minivan. These are in the conversation below:

Brian : All right. We made it, Jack. Jack : Yeah, we made it! Brian : Yeah, we made it! Now I just gotta find that door button. Buddy, where’s the door button at? Do you know? From the conversation above, the word gotta belong to society slang because this common words that come from society of the main characters and they use in daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric

Partridge. Gotta became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to communicate with their friend in their community.

In formal word, gotta has similarity meaning with got to . Got to is word that usually used by people when they wanted something became real in their life. Gotta becomes structure word ‘got + to’ and based on the movie all of the characters integrated these word became one word when their said the word. Like the example below: “ Now I just got to find that door button. ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Now I just gotta find that door button.” from this movie.


c. Guy

The slang guy found in minute 11:33. This dialogue happened between

Hobbs and Owen Shawn on DSS-Divisione at Los Angeles at night. Hobbs used this word when he saw someone trying to hack his computer. These are in the conversation below:

Hobbs : Ehem Owen Shawn : Just one sec. Hobbs : You sure as hell ain’t the IT guy . So you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn’t shine.

From the conversation above, the word guy belong to society slang because it tells about the habitual society of the main characters and used in their daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge. Guy became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to express his felling when he saw a stranger man in his room.

In formal word, guy has similarity meaning with man . Man is word that usually used by people to initial a boy who got adult. Like the example below:

“You sure as hell ain’t the IT man .” has similar meaning with the dialogue

“You sure as hell ain’t the IT guy .” from this movie.

d. Wanna

The slang wanna found in minute 57:52. This dialogue happened between Dom and Ramsey in their car, which would be falling to ravine at

Caucasus Mountain, he answered the Ramsey’s question about what should she do to escape. It looked like in the conversation below:


Mose Jakande : I have to say. I am impressed. I would very much like to know the name of the man who is causing me so much trouble. Give us the girl, and I’ll let you live. Ramsey : What are you going to do? Dom : You might wanna put on your helmet for this one. R`amsey : Helm… From the conversation above, the word wanna belong to society slang because this common words that come from society of the main characters and they use in daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric

Partridge. Wanna became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to communicate with their friend in their community.

In formal word, wanna has similarity meaning with want to . Want to is word that usually used by people to hope something for someone who they expect. Wanna becomes structure word ‘want + to’ and based on the movie all of the characters integrated these word became one word when their said the word. Like the example below: “ You might want to put on your helmet for this one ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ You might wanna put on your helmet for this one” from this movie.

e. What’s up

The slang what’s up found in minute 41:38. This dialogue happened between Brian and Roman on their car which fall from the plane, when

Roman afraid to fall from the plane. These are in the conversation below:

Brian : Now we’re moving. Everybody good? Everybody make it out?


Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t. From the conversation above, the word what’s up belong to society slang because it tells about the habitual society of the main characters and used in their daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge.

What’s up became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to express his felling about something that was happening at the time.

In formal word, what’s up has similarity meaning with what is happening. What’s up becomes structure word ‘what + is + up’ and based on the movie all of the character integrated these word became one word when their said the word. Like the example below: “ Hey, what is up man? ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Hey, what’s up man?” from this movie.

f. Shit

The slang shit found in minute 41:02. This dialogue happened on

Brian’s car when his car was falling down and he was fear. These are in the quotation below:

Brian : Oh, shit ! Whoooo!

From the conversation above, the word shit belong to society slang because it tells about the habitual society of the main characters and used in their daily conversation based on the theory of slang by Eric Partridge. Shit

44 became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to express his bad feeling.

In formal word, shit has similarity meaning with dung . Dung is word that usually used by people to slander something. Like the example below:

“Oh, dung ! Whoooo !” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Oh, shit !

Whoooo.” from this movie.

g. What the hell

The slang what the hell found in minute 34:44. This dialogue happened, when Roman arrived in the garage of Mr. Nobody and he looked like shock with there are so many cars in garage. These are in the conversation below:

Roman : This is crazy. What the hell in here?

From the quoted above, the word what the hell belongs to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in daily conversation. What the hell became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to express his astonishment felling.

In formal word, what the hell has similarity meaning with what is going on . Like the example below: “ What is going in here? ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ What the hell in here?” from this movie.


h. Freaking out

The slang freaking out found in minute 39:22. This dialogue happened between Tej and Roman on plane when they would be falling down their car from the plane. These are in the conversation below:

Tej : Hey Roman, you’re freaking out , ain’t you? Roman : No. Tej : Yeah, you are. Roman : I said no. From the conversation above, the word freaking out belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Freaking out , became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to mock someone.

In formal word, freaking out has similarity meaning with afraid . Like the example below: “ Hey Roman, you’re afraid , ain’t you? ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Hey Roman, you’re freaking out , ain’t you?” from this movie.

i. Chill out

The slang chill out found in minute 39:42. The setting took place in a plane, when Tej mocked Roman because of he was fear. These are in the conversation below:

Tej : Listen man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need a cry, just go ahead and cry. As your friend, you know I’m concerned about your well-being. Which is why I took the precaution of putting some adults diapers in your glove compartment.


Roman : Yo, can you just chill out , man? (Everybody laugh) From the conversation above, the word chill out belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Chill out became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to make someone to stop talking much.

In formal word, chill out has similarity meaning with silent. Like the example below: “ Yo, can you just silent, man? ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Yo, can you just chill out , man?” from this movie.

j. Old skool

The slang old skool found in minute 01:36:36. The setting took place on the road, when they tried to run off from the predator. These are in the conversation below:

Ramsey : I think we lose the chopper. Brian : I think we got bigger problems than that! Ramsey : Oh my God. What are you doing? Brian : We’re going old skool . Ramsey : Watch out. From the conversation above, the word old skool belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Old skool became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to say something about style of ride the car.


In formal word, old skool has similarity meaning with old style . Like the example below: “ We’re going old style .” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ We’re going old skool .” from this movie.

k. Shut your ass up

The slang shut your ass up found in minute 01:44:38. The setting took place on the road. When they tried to run off from the drone, which wanted to kill them. These are in the conversation below:

Roman : First the tank, then the plane. Now we got a spaceship? Tej : That’s not a spaceship. That’s a drone. Roman : Oh, it’s a drone? Now, you gonna break it down and be articulate like you already know what the hell is going on? Tej : Shut your ass up and drive the car! From the conversation above, the word shut your ass up belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Shut your ass up became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to make someone to stop talking much and just drive the car.

In formal word, shut your ass up has similarity meaning with silent .

Like the example below: “ Silent and drive the car! ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Shut your ass up and drive the car!” from this movie.


l. Yeah

The slang yeah found in minute 22:30. The setting took place in the garage when Mia saw Brian restless because he worried toward his family.

These are in the conversation below:

Mia : You okay? Brian : Yeah . This guy’s just relentless. Mia : That’s why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does any more damage to our family. Brian : You know, I just… I’ve screwed up so many things. I couldn’t live with myself if I screw this up, too. Mia : You won’t. I believe in you. I believe in us. That’s all that matters. From the conversation above, the word yeah belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Yeah became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to agree with someone opinion.

In formal word, yeah has similarity meaning with yes . Like the example below: “ Yes . This guy’s just relentless. ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Yeah . This guy’s just relentless.” from this movie.

m. Hell

The slang hell found in minute 41:40. The setting took place in their car which fallen from the plane when Roman was afraid to fall down. Below are the quoted conversation:


Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t! Come on man! You throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now! Roman : Look, I can’t do it, okay? Listen to what I’m saying. Brian : Now isn’t the time! From the conversation above, the word hell belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Hell became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to say that there is no impossible thing if they trying.

In formal word, hell has similarity meaning with impossible thing . Like the example below: “ The impossible if you can’t! ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ The hell you can’t!” from this movie.

n. Daddy

The slang daddy found in minute 01:41:39. The setting took place in the hospital when Hobbs’s daughter asked him about what happened in their city. These are in the conversation below:

Daughter’s Hobbs : Dad, what’s going on? Hobbs : Daddy ’s gotta go to work. From the conversation above, the word daddy belongs to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Daddy became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that

50 used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to call someone as father.

In formal word, daddy has similarity meaning with father . Like the example below: “ Father ’s gotta go to work. ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Daddy ’s gotta go to work.” from this movie.

o. Man

The slang man found in minute 41:38. The setting on their car which falls from the plane when Roman was afraid to fall down. Below are the quoted conversation:

Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man ? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t! Come on man ! From the conversation above, the word daddy belongs to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in daily conversation. Man became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to call their close friend.

In formal word, man has similarity meaning with friend . Like the example below: “ Come on friend !” has similar meaning with the dialogue

“Come on man !” from this movie.


p. Check

The slang check found in minute 43:41. The setting took place in the

Caucasus Mountain when they had landed their car from the plane. These are in the conversation below:

Dom : Car check . Call it in. Letty : Check . Tej : Check . Brian : I’m good. Let’s do this. From the conversation above, the word check belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of main characters and used in their daily conversation. Check became slang words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these word to agree with someone opinion.

In formal word, check has similarity meaning with yes . Like the example below: “ Yes. ” has similar meaning with the dialogue “ Check .” from this movie.

q. Ain’t

The slang ain’t found in minute 39:22. This dialogue happened between

Tej and Roman on plane when they would be falling down their car from the plane. These are in the conversation below:

Tej : Hey Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you? Roman : No. Tej : Yeah, you are. Roman : I said no.


From the conversation above, the word ain’t belong to society slang

because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of

main characters and used in their daily conversation. Ain’t became slang

words because based on the theory said that slang is informal language that

used by social group. And from these movie the main characters used these

word to confirm that something true or not.

In formal word, ain’t has similarity meaning with are not . Like the

example below: “ Hey Roman, you’re freaking out, are not you??” has similar

meaning with the dialogue “ Hey Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you?”

from this movie.

4.2 Meaning of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie

In this research the writer had find out the meaning and the reason of the main characters using slang words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie as follow:

a. Gonna

The slang gonna found in minute 04:13. This dialogue happened

between Dom and Letty who arguing about speed and took setting at race war

when Letty want to begin the race war. There are in the quotation below:

Dom : Keep it under 9.000 RPMs. Kid’s gonna fry his pistons after the first 200. Letty : You know that’s not my style. I gotta ride or die, right? Dom : How about you just ride on this one.

The conversation above happened when Dom told to Letty to keep the

speed under 9.000 RPMs because her enemy’s car will fry his pistons after

the first 200. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the

53 movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of gonna as going to.

b. Gotta

The slang gotta found in minute 07:04. The setting on the car, this word said by Brian, when he told to his son that still baby for showing his anomaly when he drives his Chevrolet. Below are the quoted conversation:

Brian : All right. We made it, Jack. Jack : Yeah, we made it! Brian : Yeah, we made it! Now I just gotta find that door button. Buddy, where’s the door button at? Do you know?

The conversation above happened when Brian told to his son where the button of the door, because he did not satisfy to use Chevrolet and he usually used sport car with high speed. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of gotta as got to.

c. Guy

The slang guy found in minute 11:33. The setting in DSS-Divisione at

Los Angeles, this word said by Hobbs when he saw someone tried to hack his computer. Below are the quoted conversation:

Hobbs : (Ehem). Shawn : Just one sec. Hobbs : You sure as hell ain’t the IT guy . So you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn’t shine. Shawn : Agent Hobbs right? Hobbs : That’s right. I’m also the last man on Earth whose computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil, boy. You’re under arrest. Shawn : I don’t care about your computer. I’m here for the team that crippled my brother.


Hobbs : There ain’t no goddamn team. It was just one man, and he’s standing right in front of you. Shawn : The lady was right. You’re a terrible liar. The conversation above happened when Hobbs saw someone hack his computer and he got angry. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of guy as man.

d. Wanna

The slang wanna found in minute 57:52. The setting in the car that will fall to ravine. This word said by Dom, he talks with Ramsey when she was asking what to do to escape. Below are the quoted conversation:

Mose Jakande : I have to say. I am impressed. I would very much like to know the name of the man who is causing me so much trouble. Give us the girl, and I’ll let you live. Ramsey : What are you going to do? Dom : You might wanna put on your helmet for this one. Ramsey : Helm… (take the helmet) The conversation above happened when Dom ordered Ramsey to use the helmet in her head, because Ramsey is the people who can control the

God’s Eye application. Dom and Ramsey is a friend that need each other to find the God’s Eye. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of wanna as want to.

e. What’s up

The slang what’s up is found in minute 41:38. The setting in their car which falls from the plane. Below are the quoted conversation:


Brian : Now we’re moving. Everybody good? Everybody make it out? Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t. The conversation above happened because Brian and Roman was

partner, When Brian asked what happened with roman. Based on their

situation in this movie they should fall from the plane with the car. In this

case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the

meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of what’s up as what is


f. Shit

The slang shit found in minute 41:02. This dialogue happened on

Brian’s car when his car was falling down and he was fear. These are in the

conversation below:

Brian : Oh, shit ! Whoooo! (shocked)

The conversation above happened when Brian fall to the plane, he said shit to express his feel. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of shit as dung .

g. Buddy

The slang buddy found in minute 01:57:23. The setting on Dom’s car

when he got incident. Below are the quoted conversation.

Brian : Come on, buddy. Letty : Is he breathing?


Brian : I want you to keep his head tilted up, all right? Keep it back like this. Pinch his nose, keep his head tilted breathe into him, now. Go. Good. Come on, Dom. Come on, Dom. Come on! God damn it! You come on! You breathe! Go, go! Breathe. Come on. Damn it. Let’s go. Come on, Dom. I need you breathe. Come on! Come on, Dom! Come back! Come on, buddy . Letty : Stop it. Brian : Dom, come on! Come on! Letty : Back off!

The conversation above happened when Dom was helped by Brian to take breathe for a moment when Dom got incident in the car, it caused Dom wanted to stop the helicopter that want kill them, Dom and Brian was be a friend for long time. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of buddy as friend .

h. What the hell

The slang what the hell found in minute 34:44. The setting in Military

place, when Roman saw how much and sophisticated the cars. Below are the

quoted conversation:

Roman : This is crazy. What the hell in here? (saw around)

The conversation above happened when Roman saw the condition in

Military place, he felt surprise with there are so many cars and helicopter. In

this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the

meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of what the hell as what

is going on .


i. Freaking out

The slang freaking out found in minute 39:22. The setting on plane when they would fall. Below are the quoted conversation:

Tej : Hey Roman, you’re freaking out , ain’t you? Roman : No. Tej : Yeah, you are. Roman : I said no.

The conversation above happened when they should fall to the plane, the arrogant Roman tried to express his self to his friend that he was brave but the fact he was coward. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of freaking out as afraid .

j. Chill out

The slang chill out found in minute 39:42. The setting on plane, when

Tej mocked Roman because of his fear. Below are the quoted conversation:

Tej : Listen man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need a cry, just go ahead and cry. As your friend, you know I’m concerned about your well-being. Which is why I took the precaution of putting some adults diapers in your glove compartment. Roman : Yo, can you just chill out , man? (Everybody laugh) The conversation above happened when Tej mocked Roman who was afraid with the highest made he got angry with Tej and Roman asked Tej to silent and stop talking to much. Roman and Tej was a friend and partner in the mission to save Ramsey. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of chill out as silent .


k. Baby

The slang baby found in minute 23:16. The setting in Mando’s garage, when Mia was trying to convince Brian to follow Dom against Shawn to protect their families. Below are quoted conversation:

Mia : You okay? Brian : Yeah. This guy’s just relentless. Mia : That’s why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does any more damage to our family. Brian : You know, I just… I’ve screwed up so many things. I couldn’t live with myself if I screw this up, too. Mia : You won’t. I believe in you. I believe in us. That’s all that matters. I love you Brian. Brian : I love you baby . Mia : Just promise me, after this, we’re done. No more jobs, no more enemies. Come back to us. Brian : I won’t let you down, Mia. Mia : I know. The conversation above happened when Brian tried to make his wife to trust him that he very love her. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the social meaning, the meaning of baby as dear .

l. Old skool

The slang old skool found in minute 01:36:36. The setting on board, when they were run by predator. Below are the quoted conversation:

Ramsey : I think we lose the chopper. Brian : I think we got bigger problems than that! Ramsey : Oh my God. What are you doing? Brian : We’re going old skool . Ramsey : Watch out. The conversation above happened when Brian and Ramsey wanted to find signal to hack the server of enemy and got back the God Eye. But they

59 were chasing by the drone that would like to kill them. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the social meaning, the meaning of old skool as old style .

m. Shut your ass up

The slang shut your ass up is found in minute 01:44:38. The setting on board, when they were run by drone. Below are the quoted conversation:

Roman : First the tank, then the plane. Now we got a spaceship? Tej : That’s not a spaceship. That’s a drone. Roman : Oh, it’s a drone? Now, you gonna break it down and be articulate like you already know what the hell is going on? Tej : Shut your ass up and drive the car! (Shot by drone). The conversation above happened when Roman got panic after saw the attack from the drone to them, Roman was panic and told to much until made

Tej got angry and ordered Roman to keep his mouth. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the social meaning, the meaning of shut your ass up as silent.

n. Yeah

The slang yeah found in minute 22:30. The setting garage when Mia saw Brian restless because of worry toward his family. Below are the quoted conversation:

Mia : You okay? Brian : Yeah . This guy’s just relentless. Mia : That’s why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does any more damage to our family. Brian : You know, I just… I’ve screwed up so many things. I couldn’t live with myself if I screw this up, too. Mia : You won’t. I believe in you. I believe in us. That’s all that matters.


The conversation above happened when Mia saw Brian got worry, she tried to ask him about what happened with him. He asked that he was fine and there were nothing happened with him. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of yeah as yes .

o. Hell

The slang hell found in minute 41:40. The setting in their car which falls from the plane when Roman was afraid to fall down. Below are the quoted conversation:

Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t! Come on man! You throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now! Roman : Look, I can’t do it, okay? Listen to what I’m saying. Brian : Now isn’t the time!

The conversation above happened when all of the team have arrived in land, Roman still fly because he was very afraid to fall down in land and Brian made Roman trust with him that everything would be alright. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the social meaning, the meaning of hell as damn.

p. Daddy

The slang daddy found in minute 01:41:39. The setting in the hospital when his daughter asked what happened. Below are the quoted conversation:

Daughter’s Hobbs : Dad, what is going on?


Hobbs : Daddy ’s gotta go to work.

The conversation above happened when Hobbs saw the burst, he felt that Dom have trouble to do his mission and finally he decided to help with explain to his daughter that he have to work. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of daddy as father .

q. Man

The slang man found in minute 41:38. The setting on their car which falls from the plane when Roman was afraid to fall down. Below are the conversation:

Roman : You just didn’t tell them that this is not for you! This is not your mission! Brian : Hey Rom? Hey, what’s up man ? Talk to me, come on! Roman : I can’t do it. Brian : The hell you can’t! Come on man ! The conversation above happened when all of the team have arrived in land, Roman still fly because he was very afraid to fall down in land and Brian made Roman trust with him that everything would be alright. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of man as friend .

r. Check

The slang check found in minute 43:41. The setting on the jungle when they had landed. Below are the conversation:

Dom : Car check. Call it in. Letty : Check . Tej : Check . Brian : I’m good. Let’s do this.


The conversation above happened when Dom and his friend have

landed, Dom was checking his friend one by one with said ‘check’. In this

case the writer uses context of the conversation in the movie to get the

meaning. Hence, based on the context, the meaning of check as yes .

s. Ain’t

The slang freaking out found in minute 39:22. The setting on plane

when they would fall. Below are the quoted conversation:

Tej : Hey Roman, you’re freaking out , ain’t you? Roman : No. Tej : Yeah, you are. Roman : I said no.

The conversation above happened when they should fall to the plane,

the arrogant Roman tried to express his self to his friend that he was brave but

the fact he was coward. In this case the writer uses context of the conversation

in the movie to get the meaning. Hence based on the context, the meaning of

ain’t as are not .

4.3 Reasons of Using Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie

The writer find out the reasons of u sing slang words like the words Gonna,

Gotta, Guy, Wanna, What’s up, Shit, Buddy, Baby, What the hell, Freaking out,

Chill out, Old skool, Shut your ass up, Yeah, Hell, Daddy, Man, Check , Ain’t in

Fast and Furious 7 movie as follows:

a. To show or express friendliness. This reason all of the main characters used

the slang words buddy, check, yeah, man, what’s up, daddy and baby are to

make their conversation be closed. This word used by the main characters


because there are deep relationship between all of the characters, they

aimed that they are family. b. To be brief and concise. This reason all of the main characters use the slang

words gonna, gotta, wanna, and ain’t are to make the structure of the

sentences to be brief and concise. Because all of the characters wanted to

be faster when they said the sentences. c. For ease of social intercourse. This reason of the main character use the

slang words guy is to make easy the conversation with someone who first

meet. d. To be startling. This reason all of the main characters use the slang words

hell, old skool, shit, and what the hell are to express their feeling when they

were shocked. e. To reduce the excessive seriousness of a conversation. This reason all of

the main characters use the slang words shut your ass up, freaking out and

chill out are to make the situation alive.




5.1 Conclusion

The writer propose some conclusion as follow:

1. There are two types of slang words those found in Fast and Furious 7 movie; (1)

Public house slang is told about the word that is used by their communities and nor

cynical; (2) Society slang is commonly used in daily speaking and connected to the

society. They are 2 (two) public house slang and 17 (seventeen) society slang.

Public slang word which writer found in this film are; Baby and Buddy . Then

society slang word which writer found in this film are; Gonna, Gotta, Guy, Wanna,

What’s up, Shit, What the hell, Freaking out, Chill out, Old skool, Shut your ass

up, Yeah, Hell, Daddy, Man, Check , and Ain’t ,

2. Moreover, the meaning of Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie based on type

of slang words that used and background of the characters and setting of the scene.

From the analyzed in chapter four, the writer concluded the meaning of the slang

words was based on context.

3. And the reasons of using Slang Words in Fast and Furious 7 Movie were people

wanted to be brief and concise, for ease of social intercourse, to be startling, to

reduce the excessive seriousness of a conversation and to show or express



5.2 Suggestion

In this paper the writer would you like to give some suggestion for the next researcher. The writer expects that the study will be useful for references. By providing examples of data and analysis from Fast and Furious 7 movie, this research will be beneficial for those who are developing other similar researches related to slang words in the future. Other researchers who are interested in conducting similar research studies in meanings and functions of slang can use this paper as a reference.

Moreover, the writer suggests to all the readers to enrich the knowledge about standard and nonstandard language that appears in society. Furthermore, the writer suggests that studying about slang words is not only from the books but also it can be through watching the foreign movie to improve the language. Then, the students who are interested in comprehending the slang words should join the group of society which is utilized the slang in improving their knowledge of language study.

Finally, the writer hopes this paper will be useful for the future, especially in improving the English language.



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After defeating Deckward Shaw and his crew and securing amnesty for their past crimes, Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner and other team members have returned to the United States to normal life again. Brian began to get used to living as a father, while Dom tried to help Letty regain her memory. Meanwhile, Owen

Shawn vows to avenge his brother. Owen Shawn made it into the DSS-Divisione building to retrieve data from Dom’s team. Han (Dom’s team) was killed by Owen

Shaw in Tokyo. Dom then visited Hobbs at a hospital, where he learned that Shaw was the one who killed Han and tried to avenge his brother. Dom then went to

Tokyo to bring Han's body to America.

After Han's funeral, there was a car that watched them and Dom chased the car and it turned out that it was Owen Shawn. Their fought, but Shaw escaped when the covert OPS team arrived and fired a shot led by Mr.Nobody. Mr.Nobody said that he would help Dom stop Owen Shaw if he helped him get God's Eye, a computer program that uses digital devices to track someone, and save the creator a hacker named Ramsey who was detained by Mose Jakande’s mercenary. Dom,

Brian, Letty, Roman Pearce, and Tej Parker then jumped from the plane using their cars over the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, ambushing Jakande's convoy, and rescuing Ramsey. Dom and team then headed to Abu Dhabi, where a billionaire bought a flash drive that contained God's Eye, and managed to steal from its owner.

With God's Eye near a telecommunications repeater, Dom tracked Owen Shaw who was waiting in a remote factory. Dom and his team try to capture Shaw, but are

69 ambushed by Jakande and his men and are forced to flee while Jakande gets God's

Eye. Dom and team returned to Los Angeles to fight Owen Shaw, and Jakande.

While Jakande chased Brian and other team members with drones, Ramsey tried to get into God’s eye. Hobbs, who saw the team in trouble, left the hospital and destroyed the drone by crashing it in an ambulance. Brian went to a transmitter to find a signal so that Ramsey could regain God’s eye's control and turn it off. Dom and Owen Shaw were involved in a one-on-one fight in a parking garage, before

Jakande attacked them both. Owen Shaw was defeated when part of the parking garage collapsed beneath him. Dom then launches his car into the Jakande’s helicopter and falls into the ruins of the building. Dom is pulled out of his car and they believed Dom have died. When Letty hugged Dom's body in his arms, she revealed that she had regained her memory, and that she remembered their marriage. Dom regained consciousness immediately afterwards, commenting, "It's about time".

Owen Shaw is detained by Hobbs and locked up in a secret security with high security. At the beach, Brian and Mia play with their children while Dom,

Letty, Roman, Tej, and Ramsey see Brian's happiness with his small family and admit that Brian is better off retiring from his past. Dom quietly left, Ramsey asked if he would say goodbye. Dom said, "Never goodbye." He left, but Brian caught up with him at a crossroads. As Dom remembers the moments he had with Brian, they said goodbye to each other and went in different directions.


APPENDIX II The types of slang words those found in Fast and Furious 7 movie can be seen below:

No Conversation Slang Words The Meaning in the Types of

Movie Slang Words

1 “Keep it under 9.000 Gonna Going to Society Slang

RPMs. Kid’s gonna fry

his piston after the first


2 “Now I just gotta find Gotta Got to Society Slang

that door button.”

3 “You sure as hell ain’t Guy Man Society Slang

the IT guy.”

4 “You might wanna put Wanna Want to Society Slang

on your helmet for this


5 “Hey, what’s up man?” What’s up What is going on Society Slang

6 “Oh s hit !” Shit Dung Society Slang

7 “Come on, buddy .” Buddy Friend Public House


8 “What the hell in here?” What the hell What is going on Society Slang

9 “Hey Roman, you‘re Freaking out Panic Society Slang

freaking out, ain’t you?”


10 “Yo, can you just chill Chill out Calm down Society Slang

out , man?”

11 “I love you Baby .” Baby Dear Public House


12 “We’re going old skool .” Old skool Old style Society Slang

13 “Shut your ass up and Shut your ass up Be quiet Society Slang

drive the car.”

14 “Yeah .” Yeah Yes Society Slang

15 “The hell you can’t!” Hell Trouble Society Slang

16 “Daddy ’s gotta go to Daddy Father Society Slang


17 “What’s up man ?” Man Friend Society Slang

18 “Check .” Check Yes Society Slang

19 “Hey Roman, you’re Ain’t Are not Society Slang

freaking out, ain’t you?”