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WEIRD TALES The tiny familiar twitched and was sud . "Some call him that." . - denly balancing on its two legs. It moved "Did he leave earth?" abruptly, impossibly fast, zoomed, up - to "Bless you, yes! Mankind has had iio devil Kamael, where it nestled in-the crook of his but himself these last twenty thousand years! arm. And suddenly it began to grow and Biit we'll be ready for the Old One,, now." change. Great golden feathers sprouted from There was more sun, there ^ere more its naked hidCi and a noble crest. It spread colors in the world as we walked badk to wide wings. Its plumage was an incredible town. - purple under its golden crest and gold-tipped - "It was the Phoenix!" breathed Claire for wings. We stared, filling our minds with a the twentieth time. "What a thing to tell sight no humanbeing alive had seen—of all - our children." - birds, the noblest. "Whose children?" " "Good-bye," said Kamael. "Perhaps one "Ours.'' day you will, know the size of the "Now look," I said, but she interrupted have done. The One who imprisoned me me. "Didn't he say I was to have what I will come back, one day, and we will be wanted most?" ready for him." -I. looked down at her, trying hard not to "Satan.>" smile. "Oh, all right," I said. Buy ARKHAM HOUSE Books Now! », • • ARKHAM HOUSE offers collections of the best fantastic and macabre short Btoriea and novels by Frank Belknap Lonff, H. P. Lovecraft, Au^st Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, Algernon Blackwood; A.
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