Quarterly Journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association

RUSSELL F. WEIGLEY Editor Department of History Temple University Philadelphia, Pa. 19122

ALFRED D. SUMBERG DONALD H. KENT Associate Editor News Editor East Stroudsburg State College State Museum Building East Stroudsburg, Pa. 18301 Harrisburg, Pa. 17108

NORMAN B. WILKINSON, Book Review Editor Box 3942, Greenville, Del. 19807








COUNCIL The Officers and


HE Pennsvlvania Historical Association is designed to serve as a Co- ordinating body to aid, supplement, and make more effective the efforts of the local historical societies and their federation and to stimulate the interest of teachers and other individuals who are concerned with the history of the Commonwealth. Its general aims are to promote scholarly activity in the history of Pennsylvania and the teaching of state history in the schools and colleges of the state. It is planned to accomplish these objectives through annual meetings held successively in different parts of the state and through the publication of articles, books, and source material pertaining to Pennsyl- vania history. The Pennsylvania Historical Association publishes PENNSYLVANIA His- TORY, its Quarterly Journal, to make available articles embodying current historical research on Pennsylvania, news of historical activities, and reviews of books which will be of interest to historically-minded Pennsylvanians. The News and Comment section of the magazine serves the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, the county and local historical societies, and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, as a clearing- house for news of their activities. Annual membership dues are $5.00. INDEX

A Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- lin, The, ed. by Leonard W. La- Abel Parker UPshur, Conservative baree et al. Review by Charles Vir7ginian, i790-I844, by Claude H. Coleman Sellers, 221. Hall. Review by Ollinger Cren- shaw, 104. Adamns, Henly: The Phase, B by Ernest Samuels. Review by William Raymond Smith, 449. Barrett, Eugene A., "The Civil War Alexander Hamilton and the Con- Services of John F. Hartranft," stitution, by Clinton Rossiter. Re- 166-186. view by William Raymond Smith, Beers, Henry Putney, The French 102. and British in. the Old Northwest. "Alexander Hamilton and the Report A Bibliographical Guide to Ar- on Manufactures: A Suggestion," chives and Mlanunscript Somrces. by Bernard Mason, 288-294. Review by Meredith B. Colket, Ambrose, Stephen E., Upton and the Jr.. 441. Army. Review by Samuel R. Benjamin Franklin, An American Bright, Jr., 348. ]Hant of Letters, by Bruce Ingham American_ Feminists, by Robert E. Granger. Review by George P. Riegel. Review by W. David Winston, 440. Lewis, 224. Benjamin Franklin and Pennsylvania , The, by Hugh Politics, by William S. Hanna. F. Rankin. Review by John E. Review by John Cary, 339. Selby, 100; Smith, Loyalists and Beyer, George R., "Pennsylvania Redcoats: A Study in British Germans Move to Kansas," 25-48. Revolutionary Policy, 444; Wain- Boatfield, Helen C., et al., eds., The wright, The Irvine Story, 341; Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- Wolf, "The Politics of Fair Play," hin. Review by Charles Coleman 8-24; Wood, tr., Ezell, ed., The Sellers, 221. Vezu Democracy in America: "Book Reviews and Book Notes," Travels of Francisco de Miranda ed. by Norman B. Wilkinson, 97- in the , 1783-84, 101. 111, 220-235, 339-353, 439-452. Andrews, J. Cutler, "President's Boyd. Julian P., Number 7, Alex.- Page," April, ii-iii; (R), 226. ander Hamilton's Secret Attempts Angle, Paul M., Crossroads: 1913. to Control Anterican Forcign Review by Robert V. Bruce, 109. Policy Review by Clyde C. Gel- Anthracite mining: Broehl, The bach, 446. MfollY 1llaguires, 350. Boyer, Melville J., ed., Proceedings Antislavery movement: McPherson, of the Lehigh County Historical The Struggle for Equality, Aboli- .Societv, Volume 25. Review by tionists and the Negro in the Cizil John Ward William Loose, 232; Wl/ar and Reconstruction. 448. (R), 98. Architecture: Cary, "Park Planning Bradley, Erwin S.. The Triumph of and Historic Resources: The Militant Republicanisnm: A Study Upper Delaware Valley," 113-129. of Pennslylvania and Presidential Archives: Beers, The French and Politics, i86o-1872. Review by British in the Old Northwest. A Richard 0. Curry, 347. Bibliographical Guide to Archives Bright, Samuel R., Jr. (R). 348. and MloanuscriPt Sonurces, 441 Broehl, Wayne G., Jr., The Mollh "Placing the Date Stone of the Magnires. Review by Marvin W. William Penn Memorial Museum Schlegel, 350. and Archives Building, May 20, Bronner, Edwin B. (R), 439. 1964," 1-7. Brown, Ira V., "The Woman's iii Rights Movement in Pennsylvania, Franklin, An Aminerican Man of 1848-1873," 153-165; (R), 340. Letters, 440; Hall, ed., The Glo- Bruce, Robert V. (R), 109. rious Revolution in America, 439; Buying the Wi1nd: Regional Folk- Hanna, Benjanmin Franklin and lore in the United States, by Rich- Pennsylvania Politics, 339; Klein, ard M. Dorson. Review by Albert Old Lancaster, Historic Felnsyl- J. Wahl, 233. vania Comnmunity, from its Begin- uings to i865, 98; Labaree et al., eds., The Autobiography of Ben- C jam/it Franklin, 221 ; Lemay, Ebene--er KinnerslCy, Franklin's Canals: Tarr, ed., "Philo E. Thomp- Friced, son's Diary of a Journey 340; McMullen, "The on the Founding of Social Main Line Canal." 295-304. Libraries in Cary, John, Pennsylvania, 1731-1876," 130-152; "Park Planning and Peckham, The Colonial Wars, Historic Resources: The Upper i689-1762, 99; Wax, "Negro Im- Delaware Valley." 113-129; (R), 339. ports into Pennsylvania, 1720- Civil War Guns, by William B. Ed- 1766," 254-287; Willard, "Pioneer Geologic Investigation in Pennsyl- wards. Review by Edward C. Ezell, 106. vania," 237-253; Wolf, "l1 he "Civil War Services ot John F. Politics of Fair Play," 8-24. Hartranft, The," by Eugene A. Colonial Wa'rs, The, i689-i762, by Howard H. Peckham. Review by Barrett, 166-186. Milton W. Hamilton, 99. Civil War: Ambrose, I pton and the Conservation: Cary, "Park Planning Army, 348; Bradley, The Triumph of Militant Republicanism: and Historic Resources: The A Upper Delaware Study of Pennsvlvania and Presi- Valley," 113-129. denttial Politics. T86o-18,72, 347; Constitution, United States: Rossiter, Alexander Hamilton and the Cotn- Craven, An Historian and the Civil War, 226; Curry, A House Di- stitution, 102. Coxe, Tench: Mason, "Alexander vided: Statehood Politics and the Hamilton and the Report on Copperhead Movement in IVest Manufactures: A Virginia, 447; Fischer, Lincoln's Suggestion." 288-294. Gadfly, Adam Gurowslei. 343; Hassler, "George G. Meade and Craven, Avery, An Historianand the Civil War. His Role in the Gettysburg Cam- Review by J. Cutler paign," 380-405; McPherson, '[he Andrews, 226. Struggle for Equalityl,Abolition- Crenshaw, Ollinger (R), 104. ists and the Negro in the Civil Crossroads: i9I3, by Paul M. Angle. Review by War and Reconstruction, Robert V. Bruce, 109. 448; Cultural history: Dorson, Nevins, ed., Lincoln and Buying the Get- the Wind: Regional Folklore tysburg Address. Coninuicmorative in the United States, 233; Granger, Papers. 345; Ross, The Empty Sleeve: A Biography of Lucius Benjamin Franklin, An A-merican MIan of Letters, 440; McMullen, Fairchild, 228; Taylor, "General "The Founding of Social Libraries Hancock: Soldier of the Gilded in Pennsylvania, 1731-1876," 130- Age," 187-196. 152; Sack, History of Higher Edit- Clarkson, Roy B., Tumult on the 1141ountains: Lumbering ill Vest cation in Pennsylvania, 223; Smith et al.. The Pennsylvania Germans Virgintia, I770-192o. Review by of the Shenandoah Valley, 443. Paul A. W. Wallace, 451. Coddington, Edwin B. (R), 343. Curry, Richard 0., A House Di- vided: Statehood Politics and the Cole, Charles C., Jr. (R). 448. Copperhead Moveumenit iii West Colket, Meredith B., Jr. (R), 441. Virginia. Review by Harold P. Colonial history: Beers, The Freuch Hancock, 447; (R), 347. and British in the Old Northwest. A Bibliographical Guide to Ar- D chives and Manzuscript Sources, 441 Ernst and Stoudt, eds., Ephrata, Delaware River: Cary, "Park Plan- A Historil.. 97: Granzer.Of . Benjamin. ning and Historic Resources: The iv Upper Delaware Valley," 113- 129. F Democratic party: Taylor, "General Fair, Daryl R., "The Reaction of Hancock: Soldier of the Gilded Pennsylvania Voters to Catholic Age," 187-196. Candidates," 305-315. Diplomatic history: Boyd, Number "Fair Play, The Politics of," by 7, Alexander Hamilton's Secret George D. Wolf, 8-24. Attempts to Control American Fairchild, Lucius: Ross, The Empty Foreign Policy, 446. Sleeve: A BiographY of Lucius Dorson, Richard M., Buying the Fairchild, 228. Wind: Regional Folklore in the Fineman, Helene H., et al., eds., I he United States. Review by Albert Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- J. Wahl, 233. tin. Review by Charles Coleman Drescher, Nuala M. (R), 229. Sellers, 221. Fischer, LeRoy H., Lincoln's Gad- fly, Adam Gnroseski. Review by E Edwin B. Coddington, 343. Folklore: Dorson, Butying the lf'ind: Ebenc.-er Kinncrslec, Franklin's Regional Folklore in the U'nited Friend, by J. A. Leo Lemay. Re- States, 233. view by Ira V. Brown, 340. "Founding of Social Libraries in Economic history: Broehl, The Pennsylvania, The, 1731-1876," by M11olly Maguires. 350; Clarkson, Haynes McMullen, 130-152. 7 tnult on the Mountains: Lam- Fi aiklin, Benj ami, An American beritg in West Virginia, 770- Man of Lettcrs, by Bruce Ingham 1920, 451; Mason, "Alexander Granger. Review by George P. Hamilton and the Report on Winston, 440; Benjamin Franklin Manufactures: A Suggestion," 288- 1adPennsylvania Politics, by Wil- 294; Unger, The Greenback Era: liam S. Hanna. Review by John .4 Social and Political History of Cary, 339; the Autobiography of American Finance, i865-1879, 349; Benjamjin Franklin, ed. by Leonard Wax, "Negro Imports into Penn- W. Labaree et al. Review by sylvania, 1720-1766," 254-287. Charles Coleman Sellers, 221: Education. Sack, Historv of Higher L e m a y, Ebenezer Kinwersley, Education in Pcnnsillvania, 223. Franklin's Friend, 340. Edwards, William B.., Civil War French and British in the Old North- Gans. Review by Edward C. Ezell, 7west, The. A Bibliographical Guidc 106. to Archives and 111amnscript Beers. Fair, "The Reaction of Sources, by Henry Putney Elections: B. Colket. Pennsylvania Voters to Catholic Review by Meredith McKenna, Jr., 441. Candidates," 305-315; French and Indian War: Peckham, "The Negro Vote in Philadelphia The Colonial W1ars, 1689-1762, 99. Elections," 406-415. Empty Sleeve, The: A Biography of Lucius Fairchild. by Sam Ross. G Review by Ari Hoogenboom, 228. Ephrata, A History, ed. by James Gara, Larry (R), 341. F. Ernst, John Joseph Stoudt. Re- "Geared Iron Horses in Pennsyl- view by Russell W. Gilbert, 97. vania," by Ivan W. Saunders, 355- Ernst, James E., and John Joseph 365. Stoudt, eds.. Ephrata, A History. Gelbach, Clyde C. (R), 446. Review by Russell W. Gilbert, 97. "General Hancock: Soldier of the Evans, Frank B. (R), 349. Gilded Age," by John M. Taylor. Ezell, Edward C. (R), 106. 187-196. Ezell, John S., ed., Judson P. Wood, Geology: Willard, "Pioneer Geologic tr., The Newu Democracy in Amer- Investigation in Pennsylvania." ica: Travels of Francisco de Mi- 237-253. randa it the United States, 1783- "George G. Meade and His Role in 84. Review by Victor L. Johnson, the Gettysburg Campaign," by 101. Warren W. Hassler, Jr., 380-405.

v Gettysburg Address: Nevins, ed., "Hartranft, John F., The Civil War Linco/bb and the Gettysburg Ad- Services of," by Eugene A. Bar- dress. Conmmemtorative Papers, 345. rett, 166-186. Gettysburg c a In p a i g n: Hassler, Hassler, Warren W., Jr., "George "George G. Meade and His Role G. Meade and His Role in the Get- in the Gettysburg Campaign," 380- tysburg Campaign," 380-405. 405. Hellerich, Mahlon H. (R), 223. Gilbert, Russell W. (R), 97, 443. Iletiry Adamts: The Major Phase, Glot ious Revolution in America, The, by Ernest Samuels. Review by ed. by Michael G. Hall. Review by William Raymond Smith, 449. Edwin B. Bronner, 439. Historian, Ani, and the Civil War, Grand Army of the Republic: Ross, by Avery Craven. Review by J. The Empty Sleeve: A Biography Cutler Andrews, 226. of Lutcius Fairchild, 228. History: Craven, Aui Historian and Granger, Bruce Inghaam, Benjamin the Civil War, 226; Samuels, Ft anklin, Att Amttericant M11an of Henry Adamns: 7 he Major Phase, Letters. Review by George P. 449. Winston, 440. History of Higher Educationm in Green, Constance McLaughlin, Penntisylvania, by Saul Sack. Re- Il'ashiugtot, Capital City, i879- view by Mahlon H. Hellerch, 223. i95r0. Review by Louis B. Wright, Hoogenboom, Ari, "The Thirty-third 107. Convention of the Pennsylvania Greenback Era, TIe: A Social and Historical Association," 66-72; Political HistorY of Amttericaas (R), 228. Fittancc, i865-1879, by Irwin House Divided, A: Statehood Poli- Unger. Review by Frank B. tics and the Copperhead Move- Evans, 349. ment itt West Virginia, by Rich- Ginms, Civil lt or, by William B. Ed- ard 0. Curry. Review by Harold wards. Review by Edward C. B. Hancock, 447. Ezell, 106. Hughes, John: Lannie, "Profile of Gurowski, Adam: Fischer, Lintcoltt's an Immigrant Bishop: The Early Gadfly, Adatti Gttrozuski, 343. Career of John Hughes," 366-379.

I H Hall, Claude H., Abel Parker Up- Intellectual history: Lemay, Ebe- sltttr, Conservative V/irginiant, i790- a a z i Kinnersley, Franklins Friend, ,844.Review by Ollinger Cren- 340; Sack, History of shaw. 104. Higher Education itn Penttsylvatia, Hall, Michael G., ed., The Gloriouts 223; Samuels, IHentry Adams: The Revoltttiott in America. Review by Major Phase, 449; Willard, Edwin B. Bronner, 439. "Pioneer Geologic Investigation in Hamtiltoun, Alexander, and the Cont- Pennsylvania," 237-253. stituttott, by Clinton Rossiter. Re- Irvine Story, The, by Nicholas B. view by William Raymond Smith, Wainwright. Review by Larry 102; "Alexander Hamilton and the Gara. 341. Report on Manufactures: A Sug- gestion," by Bernard Mason, 288- J 294; Boyd, Nttttbcr 7, Alexaander Johnson, Roger T.. Robert 31. La Hatmtilton's Secret Attempts to Follette, Jr., and the Decline of ControlA. ictricalt For eignt Policy, the Progressive Party itt Wiscotl- 446. sin. Review by Thomas J. Kerr, Hamilton, Milton W. (R), 99. IV, 231. "Hancock, General [Winfield S.] Johnson, Victor L. (R), 101. Soldier of the Gilded Age," by Jurisprudence: Wolf, "The Politics John M. Taylor, 187-196. of Fair Play," 8-24. Hancock, Harold B. (R), 447. Hanna, William S., Bettjamin Frattk- K lia and Penznsylvasnia Politics. Re- view by John Cary, 339. "Kansas, Pennsylvania Germans vi Mlove to," by George R. Beyer, Allan Nevins. Review by Fred- 25-48. erick Tilberg, 345. Kent, Donald H., "News and Com- Lincoln's Gadfly. Adaon Gurownski, ment," 73-96, 197-218, 316-338, 416- by LeRoy H. Fischer. Review by 438. Edwin B. Coddington, 343. Kerr, Thomas J., IV (R), 231. Literature: G r an g e r, Benijamin Ketcham, Ralph L., et al., eds., The Franklin, An Amnerican 11Man of Autobiography of Benjain Frank- Letters, 440; Samuels, Henry Ad- ill. Review by Charles Coleman aijis: The Major Phase, 449. Sellers, 221. Locomotives: Saunders, "Geared Kinnersley, Ebeue1'er, Franklin's Iron Horses in Pennsylvania," Frienld, by J. A. Leo Lemay. Re- 355-365. view by Ira V. Brown, 340. Loose, John Ward William (R), Klein, Frederic Shriver, Old Lan- 232. caster, Historic Pennsylvania Coin- Loyalists and Redcoats: A Study in nnnitv, froni its Beginnintigs to British Revolutionary Policy, by 1865. Review by Melville J. Boyer, Paul H. Smith. Review by Henry 98. J. Young, 444. Kvger, M. Ellsworth, et al., The Lumbering: Clarkson, Tumnnlt on Pennsylvania Germans of the the Mlonn tains: Lumbering in West Shenzanidoah Valley. Review by Virginia, 1770-1920, 451; Saunders, Russell W. Gilbert, 443. "Geared Iron Horses in Pennsyl- vania," 355-365. Lyons, William E., "Populism in L Pennsylvania, 1892-1901," 49-65. Labaree, Leonard W., et al., eds., I he Autobiography of Benjamin M Franklin. Review by Charles Cole- man Sellers, 221. McKenna, William J., "The Negro Labor history: Broehl, T he Molly Vote in Philadelphia Elections," llaguires, 350. 406-415. oL Follette, Robert 311.. Jr., and the McMullen, Haynes, "The Founding D)eeline of the Progressive Party of Social Libraries in Pennsyl- in WVisconsin, by Roger T. John- vania, 1731-1876," 130-152. son. Review by Thomas J. Kerr, McPherson, James M., The Struggle IV, 231. for Equality. Abolitionists and the I ancaster, Old, Historic Pennsyl- Negro in the Civil War and Re- minia Commununity, froan its Begi- construiction. Review by Charles 8 6 niings to I 5, by Frederic Shriver C. Cole, Jr., 448. Klein. Review by Melville J. Main Line Canal: Tarr, ed., "Philo Boyer, 98. E. Thompson's Diary of a Journey Land policy: Wainwright, The Irvinie on the Main Line Canal," 295-304. Story, 341; Wolf, "The Politics Mason, Bernard, "Alexander Hamil- of Fair Play," 8-24. ton and the Report on Manufac- Lannie, Vincent Peter, "Profile of tures: A Suggestion," 288-294. an Immigrant Bishop: The Early Mayer, George H., The Republican Career of John Hughes," 366-379. Party, 1854-1964. Review by Rob- Lehmgh County. Historical Society. ert K. Murray, 342. Proceedings of the, Volume 25, ed. "Meade, George G., and His Role in by Melville J. Boyer. Review by the Gettysburg Campaign," by John Ward William Loose, 232. Warren W. Hassler, Jr., 380-405. Lemay, J. A. Leo, Ebenever Kinners- Military history: Ambrose, Upton ley Franlklin's Friend. Review by and the Army. 348; Barrett, "The Ira V. Brown, 340. Civil War Services of John F. L ewis, W. David (R), 224. Hartranft," 166-186; Curry, A Libraries: McMullen, "The Found- House Divided: Statehood Politics ing of Social Libraries in Penn- ald the Copperhead Moveumenut in sylvania, 1731-1876," 130-152. West Virginia, 447; Edwards, Liicoln. and the Gettylsburg Address. Civil War Guns, 106; Hassler, Commemorative Papers. ed. by "George G. Meade and His Role vii in the Gettysburg Campaign," 380- 0 405; McPherson, The Struggle for Equality, Abolitionists and the : Warner, Progressivism in Negro in the Civil War and Re- Ohio, 1897-1917, 352. construction, 448; Peckham, The Old Lancaster, Historic Pennsylvania Conmunaity, Colonial Wars, 1689-1762, 99; from its Beginnings Rankin, The Amreican Revolution, to 1865, by Frederic Shriver 100; Smith, Loyalists and Red- Klein. Review by Melville J. coats: A Study in1British Revoln- Boyer, 98. tionary Policy, 444; Taylor, "Gen- eral Hancock: Soldier of the P Gilded Age," 187-196. "Park Miranda, Francisco de: Wood, tr., Planning and Historic Re- Ezell, ed., The Neuw Democracy in sources: The Upper Delaware America: Travels of Francisco de Valley," by John Cary, 113-129. .i-iranda Peckham, Howard H., The Colonial in the United States, Wars, 1689-1762. Review i783-84, 101. by Mil- Molly Maguires, The, by Wayne ton \W. Hamilton, 99. G. Pennsylvania: Birthplace of a Na- Broehl, Jr. Review by Marvin W. tion, Schlegel, 350. by Sylvester K. Stevens. Re- Murray, view by James H. Rodabaugh, 220. Robert K. (R), 342. 352. "Pennsylvania Germans Move to Kansas," by George R. Beyer, 25- N 48. "Negro Imports into Pennsylvania. PennsYlvanlia Germans of the Shen- 1720-1766," by Darold D. Wax. andoah Valley, The, by Elmer 254-287. Lewis Smith et al. Review by "Negro Vote in Philadelphia Elec- Russell W. Gilbert, 443. tions, The," by William J. Mc- "Pennsylvania Historical Associa- Kenna, 406-415. tion, The Thirty-third Convention Negro history: McPherson. The of the," by Ari Hoogenboom, 66- Struggle for Equality, Abolition- 72; Incomplete List of the Mem- ists and the Negro in the Civil bership Committee of the Pennsyl- War and Reconstruction, 448. vania Historical Association, 219; Nevins, Allan, ed., Lincoln and the "President's Page," April, ii-iii. Gettysburg Address. Coinmmemnora- Philadelphia: McKenna, "The Negro t:ve Papers. Review by Frederick Vote in Philadelphia Elections," Tilberg, 345. 406-415. Newc Democracy in America, The: "Philo E. Thompson's Diary of a Travels of Francisco de Miranda Journey on the Main Line Canal," in the United States, 178?-84, tr. ed. by Joel A. Tarr, 295-304. by Judson P. Wood, ed. by John "Pioneer Geologic Investigation in S. Ezell. Review by Victor I. Pennsylvania," by Bradford Wil- Johnson, 101. lard, 237-253. "News and Comment." by Donald "Placing the Date Stone of the Wil- H. Kent, 73-96, 197-218, 316-338, liam Penn Memorial Museum and 416-438. Archives Building, May 20, 1964," Northeastern Pennsylvania: Cary, 1-7. "Park Planning and Historic Re- Political history: Angle, Crossroads: sources: The Upper Delaware 1931 109; Boyd, Number 7. Ale.x- Valley," 113-129. ander Hamilton's Secret Attempts Northwest Territory: Beers. The to Control American Foreign British and French in the Old Policy, 446; Bradley, The Tri- Northwuest. A Bibliographical umaph of Militant Republicanisnm: Guide to Archives and Manuscript A Study of Pennsylvania aud Sources, 441. Presidential Politics, s86o-1872, Number 7, Alexander Hamilton's 347; Craven, An Historian and Secret Attempts to Control Amer- the Civil War, 226; Curry, A ican Foreign Policy, by Julian P. Holuse Divided: Statehood Politics Boyd. Review by Clyde C. Gel- and the Copperhead Movement in bach. 446. West Virgini'a, 447; Fair, "The viii Reaction of Pennsylvania Voters by Hoyt L. Warner. Review by to Catholic Candidates," 305-315; Robert K. Murray, 352; Timber- Fischer, Lincoln's Gadfly, A dain1 lake, Prohibition and the Progres- Gitrozuski, 343; Hall, Abel Parker sive Movee11nelt, 1900-1920, 229. '7pshur, Conservative Virginian, Prohibition and the Progressive 1q90-1844, 104; Hall, ed., The Movement, i10o-i920, by James H. Glorious Revolution in America, Timberlake. Review by Nuala M. 439; Hanna, Benjamin Franklin Drescher, 229. and Pennsylvania Politics, 339; Johnson, Robert 3l1. La Follette, Jr., and the Decline of the Pro- R gressive Partiy in , 231; Lyons, "Populism in Pennsylvania, Railroads: Saunders, "Geared Iron 1892-1901," 49-65; McKenna, "The Horses in Pennsylvania." 355-365. Negro Vote in Philadelphia Elec- Rankin, Hugh F., the Anmerica,, tions," 406-415; McPherson, The Revolution. Review by John E. St ruggle for Equality, Abolition- Selby, 100. ists and the Negro in the Civil "Reaction of Pennsylvania Voters to ll'ar and Reconstnuction, 448; Catholic Candidates, The." by Mason, "Alexander Hamilton and Daryl R. Fair, 305-315. the Report on Manufactures: A Reconstruction: McPherson, The Suggestion," 288-294; Mayer, The Struggle for Equality, Abolitionists Republican Party, 1854-1964, 342; and the Negro in the Civil War Rankin, The American Revolution and Reconstruction, 448. 100; Ross, The Empty Sleeve: A Religion: Lannie, "Profile of an Im- Biography of Lucins Fairchild, migrant Bishop: The Early Career 228; Rossiter, Alexandcr Haimil- of John Hughes," 366-379. ton and the Constitution, 102; Report on Manufactures: Mason, Smith, Loyalists and Redcoats: A "Alexander Hamilton and the Re- Study of British Revolutionary port on Manufactures: A Sugges- Policy. 444; Taylor, "General tion," 288-294. Hancock: Soldier of the Gilded Republican Party, The, 1854-1964. Age," 187-196; Timberlake, Pro- by George H. Mayer. Review by hibition and thle Progressive ilfove- Robert K. Murray, 342; Bradlev. aent, I900-1920, 229; Unger, The The Trinumph of Militant Reputb- Greenback Era: A Social and licanismo: A Study of Pennsylvania Political History of Atmerica,, and Presidential Politics, s86o- J'inance, i865-1879, 349; Warner, 1872, 347; Fischer, Lincoln's Gad- Progressivism in Ohio, 1897-91i7, fly. Adamn Gurowzski, 343; Ross. 352; Wolf, "The Politics of Fair The Empty Sleeve: A Biography Play," 8-24. of Lucius Fairchild. 228. "Politics of Fair Play, The," by Riegel. Robert E., American Fem- George 1). Wolf, 8-24. inists. Review by W. David Lewis, "Populism in Pennsylvania, 1892- 224. 1901," by William E. Lyons, 49-65. Robert M1y.La Follette, Jr., and the, "President's Page," by J. Cutler Decline of the Progressive Part ' Andrews, April, ii-iii. ii, Wisconsin, by Roger T. John- Proceedings of the Lehigh County son. Review by Thomas J. Kerr. Historical Society, Volume 25, ed. IV, 231. by Melville J. Boyer. Review by Rodabaugh, James H. (R), 220. John Ward William Loose, 232. Roman Catholic Church: Lannie. "Profile of an Immigrant Bishop: "Profile of an Immigrant Bishop: The Early Career of John The Early Career of Johi Hughes," by Vincent Peter Lanmie, Hughes," 366-379. 366-379. Ross, Sam, The Emipty Sleeve: A Progressive party: Johnson, Robert Biographv of Luci,,s Fairchild. ;lI. La Follette, Jr., and the De- Review by Ari Hoogenboom, 228. cline of the Progressive Party in Rossiter, Clinton, Ale.xander Hainil- l'Tiscon sin, 231. ton and the Constitutioni. ReviexN Pro gressivism in Ohio, 1897-101I7. by William Raymond Smith, 102. ix S chives Building, May 20, 1964," 5-7. Sack. Saul, History of Higher Edu- Stevenson, James B., "Placing the cation in Pennsyl>vania. Review by Date Stone of the William Penn Mahlon H. Hellerich, 223. Memorial Museum and Archives Samuels, Ernest, Henry Adams: Building, May 20, 1964," 1-2. The Major Phase. Review by Wil- Stewart, John G., et al., The Penn- liam Raymond Smith, 449. sylvantia Germans of the Sheian- Saunders, Ivan W., "Geared Iron doah Valley. Review by Russell Horses in Pennsylvania," 355-365. W. Gilbert, 443. Schlegel, Marvin W. (R), 350. Stoudt, John Joseph, and James E. Science, history of: Lemay, Eb- Ernst, eds., Ephrata, A 1-Jistory. ene-er Kinnersley3, Franklin's Review by Russell W. Gilbert, 97. Friend, 340; Willard, "Pioneer Struggle for Equality, The Aboli- Geologic Investigation in Pennsyl- tionists and the Negro in the Civil vania," 237-253. War and Reconistruction, by James Scranton, William W., "Placing the M. McPherson. Review by Charles Date Stone of the William Penn C. Cole, Jr., 448. Memorial Museum and Archives Building, May 20, 1964," 2-5. Selby, John E. (R), 100. T Sellers, Charles Coleman (R), 221. Tarr, Joel A., ed., "Philo E. Thomp- Shenandoah Valley, The Pennsyl- son's Diary of a Journey on the vania Germans of the, by Elmer Main Line Canal," 295-304. by Lewis Smith et al. Review Taylor, John M., "General Hancock: Russell W. Gilbert, 443. Soldier of the Gilded Age," 187- Slavery: Wax, "Negro Imports into 196. Pennsylvania, 1720-1766," 254-287. "Thirty-third Convention of the Smith, Elmer Lewis, et al., The Pennsylvania Historical Associa- the Pennsylvania Germans of tion, The," by Ari Hoogenboom, Shenandoahs alley. Review by Russell W. Gilbert, 443. 66-72. Smith, Paul H., Loyalists and Red- "Thompson, Philo E., Diary of a coats: A Study in British Revoln- Journey on the Main Line Canal," tionlary Policy. Review by Henry ed. by Joel A. Tarr, 295-304. J. Young, 444. Tilberg, Frederick (R), 345. Smith, William Raymond (R), 102, Timberlake, James H., Prohibition 449. and the Progressive Movement. Social history: Angle, Crossroads: I900-I920. Review by Nuala M. 19I3, 109; Brown, "The Woman's Drescher, 229. Rights Movement in Pennsylvania, Tock's Island: Cary, "Park Planning 1848-1873," 153-165; Clarkson, and Historic Resources: The Tionult on the Mountains: Lmn- Upper Delaware Valley." 113-129. bering in West Virgin;a, i770- Transportation: Beyer, "Pennsyl- I920, 451; Dorson, Buying the vania Germans Move to Kansas," Wind: Regional Folklore in the 25-48; Saunders, "Geared Iron United States, 233; Green. Wash- Horses in Pennsylvania," 355- ington, Capital City, 1879-I950, 365; Tarr, ed., "Philo E. Thomp- 107; Riegel, American Feminiists, son's Diary of a Journey on the 224; Smith et al., The Pennsyl- Main Line Canal," 295-304. vania Germans of the Shenandoah Travel: Tarr, ed., "Philo E. Thomp- Valley. 443; Wood, tr., Ezell, ed., son's Diary of a Journey on the The New Deniocracy in America: Main Line Canal," 295-304; Wood. Travels of Francisco de Miranda tr., Ezell, ed., The New Deioc1racy in the United States. i783-84, 101. in America: Travels of Francisco Stevens, Sylvester K., Pennsylvania: de Miranda in the United States, Birthplace of a Nation. Review by 1783-84, 101. James H. Rodabaugh, 220: "Plac- Triumph of Militant Republicanismi. ing the Date Stone of the William The: A Study of Pennsylvania Penn Memorial Museum and Ar- and Presidential Politics, z86o- x 1872. Review by Richard 0. Curry, West Virginia: Clarkson, Tumult 347. on the Mountains: Lumbering in TumIult on the Mountains: Lumber- West Virginia, 1770- 920, 451 jitg in West Virginia, 1770-1920, Curry, A House Divided: State- by Roy B. Clarkson. Review by hood Politics and the Copperhead Paul A. W. Wallace, 451. Movement in West Virginia, 447. Westward movement: Beyer, "Penn- U sylvania Germans Move to Kan- sas," 25-48; Tarr, ed., "Philo E. Unger, Irwin, The Greenback Era: Thompson's Diary of a Journey A Social and Political Histori of on the Main Line Canal," 295-304. American Finance, i865-1879. Re- Wilkinson, Norman B., ed., "Book view by Frank B. Evans, 349. Reviews and Book Notes," 97- Upshur, Abel Parker, Conservative 111, 220-235, 339-353, 439-452. Virginian, 1790-1844, by Claude Willard, Bradford. "Pioneer Geo- H. Hall. Review by Ollinger Cren- logic Investigation in Pennsyl- shaw, 104. vania," 237-253. Upton [Emory] and the Army, by "William Penn Memorial Museum Stephen E. Ambrose. Review by and Archives Building, Placing Samuel R. Bright, Jr., 348. the Date Stone of the, May 20, Urban history: Green, Washington, 1964," 1-7. Capital City, i879-1950, 107; Mc- Winston, George P (R), 440. Kenna, "The Negro Vote in Phila- Wisconsin: Johnson, Robert Ml'1.La delphia Elections," 406-415. Follette, Jr., and the Decline of the Progressive Party in Wiscon- V sis, 231. Virginia: Smith et al., The Penn- Wolf, George D., "The Politics of sylvaria Germans of the Shenan- Fair Play," 8-24. doah Valley, 443. "Woman's Rights Movement in Pennsylvania, The, 1848-1873," by Ira V. Brown, 153-165. W Women, history of: Brown, "The Wahl, Albert J. (R), 233. Woman's Rights Movement in Wainwright, Nicholas B., The Irvine Pennsylvania, 1848-1873," 153-165; Story. Review by Larry Gara, 341. Riegel, American Feminists, 224. Wallace, Paul A. W. (R), 451. Wood, Judson P., tr., John S. Ezell, Warner, Hoyt L., Progressivismo in ed., The New Democracy in Ohio, 1897-1917. Review by Rob- America: Travels of Francisco de ert K. Murry, 352. Miranda in the UTnited States, Washington, Capital City, j879- 178?-84. Review by Victor L. 1950, by Constance McLaughlin Johnson, 101. Green. Review by Louis B. Wright, Louis B. (R), 107. Wright, 107. Wax, Darold D., "Negro Imports Y into Pennsylvania, 1720-1766," 254- 287. Young, Henry J. (R), 444. PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY STUDIES

The Pennsylvania Historical Association has available copies of four numbers of the Pennsylvania HistoricalStudies, including the new booklet by George Swetnam reviewing the history of Pennsyl- vania Transportation.These Studies will supplement reading as- signments in Pennsylvania or American history courses in both colleges and secondary schools. They are valuable guides for li- braries, historical societies, museums, and the general reader.

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Enclosed please find a check payable to The Pennsylvania Historical Asso- ciation in the amount of $ for the following numbers of the Pennsylvania History Studies:

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POPULISM IN PE-\NSYLVANIA, 1892-1901 -_William E. Lyons 49


NI'WS AXI) COMMEINT Donald H. Kent 73

BoOI REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTES NoIrman B. AN ilkinson 97 JA\Il.S E. ERNST, JOHN JOSI.PH STO I)T, ID., Ephrata, A H-istory, by Russell W. Gilbert FREDERIC SIRIEnR KLFIN, Old Lancaster. Histo ic Pennsylvania C 1ainnilnnit, frolmt its Beginnings to 7865, by Melville J. Bover HO\ARD H. PECKiIAMI, 1 he Ca/a,, al I1OIs, 1689-1762, by Milton W. Hamilton H1-GoI F. R NIN, 1The American Revolution, by Johnl E. Selby JLDSON P. WIVOOD,TR., JOHN S. EZELLI ED., The Neno Democracy in America: Travels of Francisco de illiranlda in the United States, T78 ,-84, by Victor L. Johonson CL1NTO.\- RoSSITER. Alexander Non/milto and the Constitution, by William Raymond Smit h CLAU -DI H. HALL, Abel Parkeri pshir, Conservative Vi gillianl, r7go 1884, by Ol: nger Crenshawx XXWILLIA.m B. ED\ ARDs, Civil Wnar Gins: 1/ic Coinlpcte Story of Federal and Con federatc Smiall Arms: Design, Vai11aofactlre, IdCnt ificationi, ProcurIIment, Issue, Ebinployniejit, Effectiveness, and Past oar Disposal, by Edward C. Ezell CONSTANCE McLA GHLIN GRI E-T, Washinigton. Capital Cit-i, ih89- i9jo, by LoUis B. Wright PALL M. Ar-C;i.I, Crossroads: i9i.?, bY Robert V. Bruce

Copyright. 196S, by The Pernlsvlvania Historecal Association