.. . . -iPftQBTWBLVB N *-\ ' *T'- \A'- "• - - ^ ■ ■>-' . ■ ;>5^ • ■ \... -T-~ -■V”'--# -- W fey^iito ignrotea tm lii S A tp B l^ T . AFIOL IT, 1#8T<'» \ ■■ .r- AVnUtHB iiAOLT OBCtlVJkTlOlN Ifrs. CL Homer Ginns rs- tnrhod last night after a few days* • lor tka BNirth a( Iterch. M 7 ABOUT TOWN visit in New York City ^th Rus- Ydu^'Can^t Spend A Dol­ shll Bailey, d brother of Miia GUma ^ ' x 5 , 8 7 8 ' The regnlar neetbiff of St. Mmry*B W O W ! tO O K Oeweally fair tonight at|d Tlm .- Girt*' Friendly aociety wui be YOORE RKHT! . / Mtaaber at the ArtM omltled ttoDdey . evening. M so many A T A U T H N Boraaa a t Obeototlaae rty : eealer Tueaday night.. lar That Wm Do More at the members plan to attand the FRIGIDAIRE*$ As IdodeiTr^. M ANCilEST^-: OF VILLAGE CHARM "friendly FroUc of CSanaan Caperi” S M C i A N D at CSirist church parish bouse. Hart- John Ho happen N E W 9 - W A Y VOL. LVL, NO; 170 fon t • • • • (CNwISed Advmuatog m Paga id .) HANCHKTER^CONNn MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CXNTS Good and Give You More 44 Cone SL Phone 7021 SHEITROOMI A d j u s t a b l e NO NEED FOR ^ The BeaoUfn! and Delightful Pleasure Than To Get A a u t o m o b i l e INTERIOR IS SPEQAL! CItOWDINOOR LADIES- RL'BiBCB OB « e \ And All Other Line, of A N U R A O E O F Rosewood Terrace Hitler Now Willing Ticket NOW. " LEATHER HEELS .... 1 ilC MSH-JUEOUNG DINING AND DANCING PREVAILS NIGHT­ . On wooden heels. INSURANCE ERinBtSraRlKE- LY—With Mnsie hy Worid-Famona Awda Orv HOLD BOOKING AGENT HERE! SEE CANADA’S STRIKE For The Big NATIONAL SHOE BEPAIR Representing the Strongest A B R I f T l ' Our New P. A. System . . . Bnddy Borst En- To Attend Economic AND SHOE s h in e SHOP and Best Companies. tertains Nightly . . , C’moa Over! - m aufh > KIWANIS SHOW Bowlinsr Alleys Open Every Night IN s t r a n g £ Mu r d e r U. S; A T THB Make Up A Party Berlin. April ID.— (A P )—AdolfSconaiunen. under the four-year IN OUR MODERN RESTAURANT: Hitler told a noted British Laborite German self-sufficiency .plan, was Choice Steaks and Sandwiches A S p e^ ty. today amid the start of Reicn-ride necessary because at the "precc BINGO and DANCE OF BRIDGEPORf celebratlou for his 48tb birthday dence ’ of rearmamenL He coupled STATE THEATER ^ Wn Bake Our Own Paaliy. WITHIN A that Germany would be “very will­ his remarks with his usual argu­ i - y ' \ 8:30 TONIGHT ' ing*’ to attend an intematlonai oon- ment for colonies u raw materials V\. FEATURING H C ^^^C ^ r E a ^ ^ * Called On to Solve ferenee for "economic co-operation sources. But he did not ,say bow SUNDAY, APRIL 25, at 2 P. M. '.Cherry Custard I Fre^ Strawberry Victim of Savage Attache and mutual understanding" —A have aald about Germany's readl- the world U President Roosevelt or 'ONRAN’ i neu to co-operate with other coqn- the bead of some other great coun­ secret naval maneuvers off their terests of Russia and Germany In Oahawa. Ont.>April 19.— ( theatrical baaklng agent wan taken triu. (Usually, however, this try would take the lead in calling strategic coasts brought a wave ot tbe Arctic fairly obviotu. In the Spread of the Genefal llotors 1 into'ctMtody today for queiUoning pledge of economic eo-operatlon Is such a co n feieo C e."__ 'war scare" rumors to .Scandinavia event of war, these experts declare, to the United States „wltMn ENTERPRISES as police tried to aolve another of conditioned upon some way of find­ (News that Premier ~ Paul van today. “• 3“ Germany would strllrc first to bottle ift' -is ■ days was expected by United A n Here I HERE IT IS FOLKS KEMP'S, INC. Opp. R, R. Sta. New York’s: spectacular homicides, ing (Serman acceu to raw materials Zeeland of Belgium la to see Presi­ The storlea of mysterious air­ up the Russian fleet in tbe Baltic perhaps by the return of her war­ planes flying over little Inhabitated by, taking control of the narrow mobile Workers imlon leaders toda)*'' TONIGHT^We^Feature Our HOME-MADE RAVIOLI FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE a hammer murder in a rahaarsal dent Roosevelt In June nu iieen Our Grinders Are Still the Talk of the Town! iest colonies.) linked wrlth Van Zeeland’s efforts to regions of the north and of giant waterways around Denmark . as Premier Mitchell Hepburn warn* hall within earshot of the Ineandes- foreign warships offshore pointed At the same time, the German n e w WIUIAMS The Reicfasminlster for EJcaOoro- find a method of removing world N. of "more drastic action" to halt f r e e p r iz e d r a w in g TONIGHT! \ M t o of the bright light district los. Dr. HJslmar Schaetat, biily yu- trade barriers which stand ui the the opinion uf mllltar. experts that se: and air fleets would try to ea- ^*1716 vlcUm, who used the name of terday told retail merchants at Mu­ way of lasting peace. Van Zeeland the area was In direct dan^r of be­ trbllsh Arctic bases to disrupt Rua- 'Invasion” of Ontario by the Oom- In Town . . . nich that the htgb peak of German coming a theater of war In the sta'a essential Arctic commimlca- mittee for Industrial OrgantxaUon. ' RUPPERTS a n d BALLANTINE’S Tania Lee Lova, was of Uig theater, w u given such a misaloB recently O I L B U R N E R aad It was In theater atmosphere restrictions on foreign raw materi­ by Great Britain and France. Dr event of a conflict between Russia tlons. It was learned from the' tnuoa that aba eras found fatally bludgeon­ als bad passed and that a letup wa* ^ b u h t, Hitler’s eooixmiles minis­ and Germany. Germany, It was pointed out, also high command that officials expect ed yagterday. In sight. ter, recently talked economics In Military autborltlea at Bergen- has an important tnterest In pro­ ed to order a walkout from General a r m o r y t a v e r n U p ^ te , Mlcha Rons, SO. was Benuht said ,tha “tempcrary de­ Brussels with Belgium’s financial Norway, announced yesterdai their tecting her yearly Imports of htgb Motors plants In the United Staton 30« Main street V. Binello. Prop. tawid at tha home of his fathcr-ln- nial’’ of certain iww materials to authorities.) Investigations have established that grade iron ore from Sweden, ore unless tbe Osbewa strike, which has law, a form- police chief. Appre­ a fleet of four drarshipa, ene air­ that acedunts tor half of the high made 3,700 workers idle, la aettlad. hended at Mountain Dale by a state craft carrier, one eubmaiine and temper steel used In German arma- Leaders of the Automobtte Work­ trooper. Rods was being brought to one airplane of unliKnUfied nation­ menta. ers Union, an affiliate of the Jotail New York for quesUdnIng oy In ality maneuvered cloae to .the Nor­ Russia, In turn, would be para- L. Lewis (Committee for Ihdua^lal speetor Michael F. McDermott wegian coast April 5. mountly tntereated tn keeping her (JrganiEation, were known to bar* A concert violinist Mlsa Leva, le STATE REPUBUCANS PLAN In Oslo, the iMWspaper Aftenpoat communications open from Mur­ discussed spreading tha strike be­ REASON NO. 3 low tbe border yesterday after tha WHY SO MANY’ PEOPLE EAT AT THE PRINCESS ■ally Julia Nueaenbaura, 25, at openly stated Germany bad sent mansk and Alexandrovak, atmoat Bridgeport Conn., w u found un­ warships to look tor p ^ lb le bases within the Arctic Circle, and In collapse of Hepburn’s second mSgor conscious In a West 43rd street ra- A NEW FINANCIAL SET-UP for air and naval operations In the blocking the Swedish mines from efiort to settle the oralkout with CL haaraal room, her bead bfoody from Aratlc ocean, while suirii a conserva­ Germany. I. O. organisers barred from the haauaar blowa. Near her w u the tive Journal as the Stockholm Bven- To do this Russia would have to negotiations. Instrument by which she died ska Dagbladat emphasised tbe rely mostly on alrplanss operating Ito TweIVth Day Trail of Blood To Propose Grpop of Three posdlblllty of Sweden’s becoming a In the far north. Unable to count Union officlaU aald thsy felt Ueo- Dripplnga of blood led acrou he U. S. PUBLISHERS battleground In advocating better on the Elaltic or Black Sea, Russia eral Motors bad broken two agrsB* room. The uncoascloua artist wai defense measures. would be forced to make a de­ ments with them tn not settling the R** here! The sensational to Reph(x Present Eleven Oahawa strike, which entered Ita STUDY THESE FEATURESI / almost ooneealed by a curtain. A Tbe Swedish general stafl declar­ termined effort to hold open her - new Wmiama OD Burner the smudge against the wall led tavea- ed that In the past year It -nad es­ Arctic outlets as her only Euro­ twelfth day today. The flrat was th# MEETATANNUAL February agreement In Detroit thkt * rnOy Antaauttc whole town’s talking about! ' M ' - i tigatera to believe the woman ad Members; Has Approval tablished that 46 flights of unknown pean contact with tbe rest of the * High PrMnm eoattanoiu iMrli— bean pinioned against it while her airplanes' bad been made over world. settled the prolonged Michigan Mt- And no wonder) It’s the peer of BO radio intoriorono* attacker baa: bar. down, The second, union leadera aald, a**y high pressure burner now * lliP k.p. Biofcw—W T low euRmt Ifqya Eagela, a dancer, entering o f Gov. Cross They Say. AP.CONMnON OOBtUnpOOD was reached Just last Thursday IB Bdfcred foe sale regard/os# o f to rebearM an u t of bar dwa. atum- biad on b> M lu Nuaaeabauro. . Detroit to cover the Canadian attun- p r io o l Yet it costs far, far lets ! •ntemslle lion. It was this understaodlBg that •aiotv •hal-^-^QBlIorm pTM«nro» la the womaa'a purae w u a eon- Hartford. April 19— (X P )— Be- Head of News Gathering Or- oomUal lUflM traet'to piM for two weeks at a Julia Nuasenbaum (alioTe). 35-yaar-o)d dancer from Bridgeport. Oena.. WALTER YOUNG WINNER formed the baal. at the abortlvB puMloan laadera today wars prepar- .a ~ Come in and see this simply * b d iu lv * •BU.cufaoa booIs PRINCESS DISHES CLEAN? Tomato night etub wipi bar partnar, died In be^plta) after IM U l haimwp assault ta her New Tack etty Baturday eoatenoet called by fi •tnasing oil burner. I t ’s pre- * Boras low dcMl No. 3 fad eO Malta Moatlglo, who plays the ae- rianca rrhtatsal studio.' Mfsa Nuseahauai. wrtao dwteed under thSaame ikg to gtva Demeerats another ganzatkm Says He Premier Hepburu aad wUeb ha W' »**'»•' of Tania Lm -Lova, w u repeatedly struck- en the head by asnllaat’a political shock In their plana tor charged railed' when C. H. Millard, eiaely what you’ve always . SiloBi as a whiapor em sad rtnae cm, we drub 'em and ecrnh >ni -eenlien. lilnear or th r Uttar pr*- hammer. OF BOSTON m a r a t h o n * WUllawa aagiaMTwi Ihreggheot X* ventad their leaving New York on reorganising the etata govern meriL local union head, "double eraeoed" wanted . . . at a price you can eparkilng clean. schedule to appear there. No Compbint to Make him. •* ' Tosaerrow morning at a . meeting afford to pay! The factory re­ Myatorians CUD. BfarUa’a Hfstwwrsit .A Singulu aspect of the oau po­ of the Reorganisation committees, ‘ Orer IRgh Coart Rolnig. Canadian Runner Catches Homer Martin, president of.thd ports that production is lim­ PINE WINES - BEER - LIQUORS ll ca arantad to ^umb w u a ale- they win propose a trill creatipg a International Union. United Auto-, new finance board of three to re­ CONTINUE WPA, ited. And sales—everywhere—^ pboaa emU summoalng the vtollalst mobile Workers of America, daelar- SAYS PUBUC MUST AID place tha present board of 11 mem­ a i« soaring: So . , , don’t wait! to rebearaal. Her roommate. Dor. bers. Kefley Near Finisb of 26- e<: last night no atrlks would be othy Uunklna, «sld the woman re- New Yorkr April 19.— (A P I—The called tn (be. United Statae “tomoiv Come In .,. today! ] 0 I« & IC Special Sunday D inner-65c Complete. j Rep George L. Warneke. Republi­ | LANNaUNCINC calvsd tbs call at 10 a. m. It w u men whose publlesUons record the SAYGOVERNORS; row” after flying to Flint, Mlcb., can chairman of the House commit­ at the aame hour, Paul Klein, eleva­ IN LAW ^FORCEMENT news a t the w^rld dally tor rsadars Mfle Grind and Goes On to from Oahawa. tor operator la the rahearaal hall tee, aak) today the committee will .’There will be no strike,” he Mid. be asked to support a measure nuOc- numbered. In t ^ or- mllllont gath­ bulldbig, r^ted,* that a tall, pow­ ered In New York today for the an­ Victory in Fast Time. U.S.AMEDEDhesitated and adued: "A t least net JOHNSON 6c LITTLE erfully built strange m.w anterad In. the governor, the p r o p e l new tomorrow." The Princess Restaurant budget director and the comptroller nual meeUng of the Aaeoctated ___ _ x ♦•Tllm k.raa.l«L.. ___a . . . _ tha elevator aad sat oil down a nar­ See, Roper Tells A. P. Mem-REBELS FALL BACK Press and th i golden Jubilee of the Hepburn declared be bad received "The healthy place to eat and drink” row hallaray In the direction of the a board at three to manage the state's finances. Xmeiican Newspaper Publishes "definite, knowledge” from polios Main Street At Pearl Street room. M lu Nuasenbauln entered it Boston. April 19.— (A P )—Walter National Sorvey Shows That thrt C. 1. O. orgunixers were trying bert of th« NahVs Two! p ) 1’£j{fj£L SECTOR Under the plan. Rep. Warneke Association. at 10:15 a m., and the man depart­ Late this morning, hundreds of Young, a comparative unlinown to bring on strikee at tba Inter­ ed at 10:30. Said, .the comptroller, now a .Demo­ from Verdun, Quebec, today gasped national Nickel Mine near Sudbury A ONE WEEK EXTENSION crat, would become secretary to the publishers, from hsmfet and nie- States Are Almost Solid Ontstanding Needs; Says’ ___ tropolls, thronged Into a midtowo hia way across tbe finish line to win and In the Klridand Lake and Por­ (OMUnoed oa Paga eight) hiiilget director, aharing responsi­ bility In accounting. hotel’s convention hall where Presi­ the 36-mlle, 3S5-yard B. A. A> cupine Mining areas in northern Against Any Cot in Fed­ Ontario. ONSCHALLER’S This "Big Three", Mr. Warneke dent Frank B. Noyce of the A s ^ New Leaders Necessary, i LoyaUsts Advance On Two iparkthon when favorite Johnny The government, he said, amg said, would make the quarterly elated Preas presided at a session Kelley of Arlington. Maas., (altered FILMS >s audits of the various stata’s units. devoted to discussion of raeniber- keeping a close cheek oa G eor^ DEVELOPED AND In tbe stretch. eral Funds for Relief. Anderson, C. L O. organtaar for the MURPHY DECRIES Fronts to Pinch Off Sal­ ship, the directorate and an expand­ Hia time was 3 hours, 88 minutes PRINTED New York. April 19.— fA P I—Tlie Patronage Power ed news aad photo service. Mine, Min and Smelter Workerg, and 30 seconds, slightly behind (he nation’s two outstanding needs. SecT Democratic leaderablp la reluct­ "During th last week 1 have and other organUera aad proaoead 24-HOUH s e r v ic e reclrd of 2 hours, 81 minutes 1 8-5 entng ‘No Finance’ Used Car Sale FORCE IN DISPUTES retary at Qimmerce Daniel C. Roper ient Menacmg Valencia. ant to accept any plan stripping the gathered from a number of casual caiieago. April 19.— (A P )—In sd to deal promptly with any dlfflcul- oii'ptrollcr at bis prsatnt duties seconds set- in 1933 by Les -Pawaon vance of President Roosevelt’s ox Film D e ^it Box At said today, are to awaken people conversations that thtrs la an ex of Pawtucket, R. I. tiec that might develop. further to their responsibility for and patronage power. The plan, al­ Store Entrance pactaney that oa this occasion I Young, mentioned by only a few peeted roUe message to Congress Drastte Acllaa e n d i n g SATURDAY, APRIL 24th law and order and to halt “the de­ Madrid. April 19:— (A P ) ^ Hard- though a Repubilean version of'bis orill make some references to decl- Any further “Invasion” e f Oataile commission’s original recommenda­ aa a possible dark horse, bad enough this week. State governors present­ terioration of bome life and the pressed Insurgent troops fell back siens In Wsahlngton that may—oi I tbe Lewis Organlsatioa, Hgpbim Michigan Govenior Tells common vlrtuea Inherent therein." tions, la understood to have ap left at the end to stage a liriel ed an almost solid front today slowly In the Teruel sector today be­ may not—have a profound effeot on sprent across the finish Una, but bU against Ruction of the Federal warned, would bring "more drastte KEMP'S Annual Spring Sale **I7ie challenge Is upon us u a proval at the governor and the com­ the Aaaoelated Praea," said^ Mi combative actioi. than baa been In­ people", he told the annual meeting fore a ^double thrust of government mission. strained face told plainly of the tor program—If it ^meant placing a Boston Audience Strikes Noyes In opening hia remarks.'* turous grind behind him,. greater burden on tbe states. stituted to date.*' The Year’s Greatest EveUt of the Associated Press at the Wal­ columns' to pinch off the salient The bill creates a new flnanetaJ As a further preface. Mr. Noye* "Let me teU Lewis aad hia gang dorf-Astoria. "to realise that laws department. The present Board of Kelley, an unemployed florist, was Their views, obtained by the As­ which baa menaced the temporary said he was speaking entirely on hU taken sick In the last stagea of the sociated Press In a national survey, here and .now that they’ll never get Can Be Settled Peacefully. Cunpt be wisely constructed nor Finance Is abolished under Its pro­ own responsibility and "any rt- capital at Valencia since the eariy race after leading for most-of the their greedy paws ois the mines of Rose Bushes, Trees, Shrubs-Plants effectively enforced without the aa- days of the lO-montha old civil War. visions. The governor Is made re* marks, eriUciama or facts are aa we northern Ontario as kmg aa 1 am State Inspection! sistanoe.' understanding, ajrmpathy long pun. (OMttBBSd OB PBge Eight) The westetn column, striking Kelley, -after rellnqul.«hlng his prime minister." tfmve fo u r car and trurlt cberkM and co-operation of the people. (OsntlBoed On Pnge Two) (CDSUntied Ob Page Two) Boston. April ID.— (A P )—Gover- northward through the Albarracin front running place only Inside the .Oil. F. Fraser Hunter, In com­ aad repaired to posa State In- Buy A Used Car—Pay No Finance I nda-Frank Murphy of Michigan, to­ *It Is therefore of prime iropor- hills In east central Spairir cai^ufed Specially Priced to Meet Anyone*s Choice tu oe that the people should be last two miles, managed to raUy mand of the 500 special police re­ apecUon. at day left with Massaefauaetta’ Pa­ the towns of Monterde and Broe- enough strength to puU In second. cruited‘ by the Premier tn tha lest triot’s- Day celsbrants tha daclara- aroused, ’through thoroughly In­ ehales. west of Teruel. while the RAND AND BERGOFF formed -leadership, to study the He Jogged wearily over the title la 8 week, aald bis troops were not In­ The Stock is Exceptionally Nice, in Prime Condition tfon thit tha ’’Lgalagtona and Con­ second government colurim pushed tended primarily (or use at Oshawa ABEL’S CUT RATE theory and practice of tbia govern- down from the northeast. hours. 39 minutes, 3 4-5 seconds. corde at the 20th Oenfury" He In Vanguard of Potentates- Jubilant dra-:te his weartness. but “ to r trouble we expect later.” = Onaranleed Electrical and for Planting to Give the Best Results $50 TO $100 SAVINGS r a »t u d their responslbinues there- Their objective was the Teriiri- the orderly achievement at a batter under.” Young shouted to hia applaudera as TO PLEAD MONDAY Meanwhile at Timmins, mine, mill Mechulral .Auto Repairing life fo r workers. Itaragota highway, the life line of and smelter workers last mght A **r X. Cooper .SL EaL I»S1 On the second point he said, ’’cen- the troops that have held the "sore- TAKE A YEAR TO PAY - WE PAY THE FINANCE CHARGE . The midwestern Democratic ■us atatlsUcs disclose that thou of Arrives For Coronation (Oonttaoed on Page Bight) voiced their support of the ivalk- mte^Ller.^T E Wiltn A Com ““ ‘he ulti- utlve w u Joined by two New thL.nb" salient against repeated lio- ow people who are beat situated to lated drives. _ out at Oahawa. after Ustanlng to SEAL-KRAI?T PROCElS^of d ^ , d ^ with the .— I govemora, Charles F. Hur- typify clmracter. Inlegrlto aad In- iDdiridaalist and "King o f three speeches at a msM meeUng vitality) between Nurserv and Pnrd^ trees and plants (preserving plant A few eoM evndaga ’ (D) of Maasachusetta and Fran- The triangular piece of territory. London, April 19.— (A P I—Tur-SHban. aad the Maharajah at BIkanir PICKET BOSTON STORE. held under the auspices at the Com­ and rainy daya dur­ t^lgeaea are not on the 'increase 7X miles northwest of Valencia and , P. Murphy (R ) of New Hamp- Thoee who have contributed leader. baaed Indian potentates repres^t- The Aga Khan, epirttual ruler of mittee (or Industrial Organisation- .METHOD which p^“i ^ ‘ the now with the SEAI^PAKT ing Um past week 150 miles east a t Madrid, represented Boston. April 19.—,AP) — An plants. the same kind of protection to all varietlea of .hire last night In urging aolutlon ■Wp In every field of our national ing tbe great wealth of tbe easL more than 100,000.000 Mohammed- ^■Strike Breakers” Appear Hugh Thompaon, C I. O. organis­ may have prevented a t industrial strife by Democratic the deepest Insiirgent advance into ^>s, is perhaps tbe best known to orderly picket line today patroled WINDOW yoa from taking ad­ $12,000 Stock of Used Cars life are falling In the Imimtant re­ government territory. are gathering In London to add ori­ er whose presence ss a “foreign proeeaaes. sponsibility of self-produetl^” Europeans tor be has long been s the sidew-alk outaid'- Jordan Marsh agitator" Hepburn baa opposed vantage af tUa Dn- BtrlcUy speaking it has not been a ental pomp to the solemn pageantry figure In tbe continent’s fashionable company, large Boston department ht New ^ r e n on Monday. They arere principal speakera be- Pcpolatton Drift Separate front but the center of the rVom the start of the strike, declar­ aaaal agar. YouH THE FINEST SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM! fera a Patriot's Day banquet of the of. King Qrorge’s ooronatlop May 13. circles. . store, while an undetermined num­ SCREENS S r i S . 'S J s j ; . " ’- »” '»>'• '••"-i.rt ha glad, therefove, A “drift of rural population to the almost 100-mile line stretching ed the Oahawa strikers now srers An-roetal Framea made to lit MaanaebusetU Council, Knlghta at already coogested dUes". he said, is Mere than 60 rajahs and raaeea Not all these Indian priaces will ber of employes remained oa strike. > to bear naw a t tUa thfough the middle of Spain from maharajahs and maharaneea — “really digging in", prepared to hold- t»i“ ^wa, modern, ooni-enl. Columbus leadlog to "the erosion of rural life." be Been ta tbatr Jewei-studded na­ Tbomu Brown, ths store’s direc­ Hartford, April 19.— (A P ) — out "all summer, ff necessary.’’ SOL inatailed in your horn^ For extenaiaa af ttme. Guadalajara to Aragon. aoBM of them, already In London — tive costumes, (or many of the tor at public reKUoha, placed the The Michigan eaemiUve before Along with "uncontrolled industriaj- Bomb Key Polata James H. Rand, Jr., president of The strike, which ha been mark­ _aaasaiiBtratlon or estimate, rjsiL. Every Car- Carnes A Written Guarantee! are aebeduled to attend the cere­ younger have bemi educated In Eu- number of striking employes at 37— hastening bad: to Detroit, wbem Ira", be added, “the morality of Tn an effort to create a diversion Remln'gton-Rand, Inc., and Pearl ed by peacriul picketing went into unrest sgain tbreatsoed the giant the people has lagged behind our monies and to add clamour to the I rope aad will appear in European “members of the packing deport- Bergoff the "King o f the Strike- tor the co-ordinated shearing move­ coronation season. Its twelfth day with no outward autometiva Industry, declared: meehaaical development." , drew except (or their turbans. meat." . ) Breakera", have agreed to enter ment against'the ribbon of highway In addition sheiks, sultans aad William Hutchinson, president of sign of weakening. Tbe men oralksd ’The fathers of ‘76 warn drivoi He recommended that "tbs 'W m Additional royal guests WU) tn- their pleas In United States District Tbomas J. Lewie Cottage orttnrfon."** an.vthlng . Garden Lover may wish In Hants for Don’t Put It O ff! Select Yours Today! that winds through the shallow val­ native cbMlains oarcbtng In the I elude ths Emir of Traas-Jordsnla, the Retail Store Employee Union, an out April 8, after tbe company re- TD-EPHOXB 68X7 t ' war .by the cooUnued frustrmUoo must be made to yteki more pinftt ley of the Rio De Jlloca, squadrons 0>urt next Monday on charges of (u»ed to recognise the U. A. W. aa and ooBSIderatioa must be given to great coronation procession win ' the Sultan at Jahore, Yang dl Per- affilia* s of the American Federation e i their deep-seated desire for a of government planes attacked iW emphasise tlm diveratty of tbe Brit­ violating the Byrnes Act during tbe their collective bargaining ageM,. voloa in their own govemmenL But U>e aoetal featuee demands such aa luan Besar Sultan of Negri Sem* of Labor, aa'd 300 employes at the communication tinea and supply ish , Empire aa repreeentativea cf shipping room, .mewengers and strike at the MIddletowq, plant of and since tbe strike started tha N.'.'E'irt’.d”'"”* ' ' “ -I i. we today have iatl the agencies and grouping rural homes In the environ- bllan, a fadersted Malay state, the dumps in the rear on the Aragon' the far-fhiag dominions, eolonlss, Sultan of Pahang, the Sultan of "some of the selling fbree" were ouL the company. company ' has made no effort to proeeaaea a t democratic govera- ment of industry aad at the aime fronL - United States. District Attorney time, tn prosimity to agricultural and proteetoratea. Trenggaau. aad the Sultan of Mo- operate the planL aient if only wa put them to work , The main air raid was on the Zsr- Already the stream of rulera baa Hobert P. Butler today announced intriligcBtJy, and there Is tttUe acreage utUiaed by them u a agosa-Ckmino Real railway and that the two will appear In the DANCING source at food supply." begtm. some of them traveling with The colonial mOttary coo tin gents TREASUKT BALONCB L.\BOR SPLIT E.\PECTED COME AND SEE ITt JusUSeatlon far reeoutu to desper­ highway lines and succeeded In de­ court at New Haven at 10:30 a. m., BVraV SATURDAY ■•TTia plan should oontemplate", be an Oriental flourish, others coming for the coranaUen are drawn from Wsahlngton, April 19.—(A P I—A ate industrial strife ip this coun­ stroying bridges and roadway. to the empire’s capital In stanple aU quarters of the globe—thfdr uni- . Washington, AprU 19.—(A P )— Mofiday to plead and post bond. high labor source predicted oonB- try.’’ - added, "a aystem at training poteb- One bomb struck a highway The poalUon of the Treasury April NIGHT AT THE Ual wrorkers as-a reserve corps tor fashion. torma adding a martial splash to the A Federal Grand Jury after only dently today that ths American State of Unrest bridge Just as a truckload at tn- First to arrive vfaa tbe Nawab pf eereinonica. 16: Receipts. 113,057,529.90; eapen 10 minutes.deliberation on April 12 Federation of Labor Executive . Referring to the "state of unrest todustrisa la which shortage of aufgent troops reached it apURng c. E. W ILSON & C O .; IN C aklUed workers is actual or probable Bhopal, enomiodaly wealthy ruler of India’s own ealebratton. of the ditures. 181,992.63131; balance, 31, raturned a true bill charging eAcb Council, in sMidoo here, would move Maple Grove Inn Schaller Motor Sal^, Inc. prevailing." Govamcr Unriay point­ the vehicle and its human cargo into aonte 730,000 Indian s u b je ^ . who 785,398.711.06; custonM recelpu for o i the two men with vtolatlng the and thus spread security amoag erownlng of the Brittab King la immediately toward espulstoo a( ed out: the canyon below. 200 Feet Wert iff Depot Square DODGE • PLYMOUTH DEALERS “ -X , „ many who are haadleapped by voea- stepped off his train looking much planned along almpla Unea In view the month. 325.177.730.68. act which forbids Interstate trans­ unions tn John L. Lewis’ Q>mmltts4 Stafford Spriiigs, Conn. '"IVe must appradste that, da- The Teruel sector'was one of t ^ MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT dooal imteraey. - tike aa ordinary traveller In a worn of the King's, announced UitenUon of ReeripU. (or the 6acal year (staice portation at persons to Interterc (OC Industrial Orgaaisatkm.. “A DEPEND.\BLE SALES AND SERVICE organization * * ' tiiocntcy U tBe form of government on which heavy righting marked the leather coat and a battered felt haL bolding an Indlaa burbar later aa July 1). 33.949.142A33.40; expend! with peaceful picketing or other 'iTte first step toorard expulsion a (.. "ERNIE* BOCK ^.^ start of the tenth raonUi of the dvU Entrance lliroiigh Allea Place at 282 North Main Street which needs ths grentest meuure "iB tact, we must recraaU the Bat' the Nawab’s polo poniea gave tha Emperor a t '(mUa. Tbe King, lures, *5 591.953.878Z5, (Including Isorfu). conduct of a strike. the CRO unions, now under suspsor aad Hia OrdMBtra f arilUng .ohedisnee. beeeuM 4. a l.-,:00 p. - A »p l. p.rtri„ S p . i "moerscy dosBi't rely on -feres. You In the solution of these probiema. tourist Ha brought wttb v him to next year. pemiltures); excess of expeoditurcs nouncement after ' Rand's attorney. call a sperial oonvenUon of the N.iSQBlaai! No Cover! tad I should strive to - present a surgent fereae appeared tempbfatH» EhiBiand 33'pantaa watched over by May 12 BdU bs a holiday in In­ 33.003,811,354.95; gross deot. 334,- the seerstaiy aald. “the iwwspeper deadloeked. Carlos Bails, Jr., of Mlddletoom, had F. o f .L. Tbe -labor autberlto. w ho: body o f '.teWB, and tha admtolstrm^ 53 attendants dia as It will be throtm^ont nearly 833,035,940.47, a decrease of 35.435. caa feeder eenstniettve aaststaaes.” In the ri*» wiU be held in thi Scout CouheU gave the Girl Seouta Am Tel and T a l...... 1 8 7 H Arrnre So Rehearsal Isl atreet was pleasantly surprised Sat­ 8 were rallied and with aupporttng' “Its growth la a dramatic story UntQ Improred. State theater tomorrow night. The ^te Yoh B «V 831* Coroner Yeomans to Inveati- Fire departmqnt will be held -a their ment. Tomorrow Is the 19tb anni­ troops the fronL line trenebra vrere yelt BiD Can Be F a ^ ^ an opportunity to attend to t two urday evening when about 85 of bu versary of the Battle of Selcbept^, ot human progress. On its roll of usual aa^itm ent of groceries will weeka an estabUahed camp. Camp Am Wat' W k a ...... 3 1 % itate Ellington Tragedy — house tonight at 8 o’clock to take again taken over by tbe lC3nd boys. honor are etched such iUustrluus be ready for dietribuUon to those Anaconda ...... oevi Held This Noon. rMaUvss and friends from New Brit- action on th' part that the company an event that will never be forgot­ Sprague at Job's Pond, ^rtland, Driver Held in |1,000. ten by the members of the division. The telling of the attack appears Vnth • capacity attendance aa- oamea as Victor Lawson, Charles A better method must be found la the audience during owned by the New Britain Uiri Arnaour. nj...... 1244 kin, Hartford, Etest Hartford and will play in connection with the simple enough. But It was not atm*, aured by the aell-out c( auociate the show. “ Washington, April -T9.'—-(AP)—A Atchison ...... gjw this toom called to help him cele­ firemen's party that ta to be held Tbe boys of the - 102nd rate a Knapp, Qark Howell, Melville for turning in a lire alarm or get­ Sooute aAd certlAsd -by ths National Rockvliie, April 19— -An Inquest right smart salute because they pie nor easy. Many pogea could ba - mamberahtps more itaan a week a^o, .Stone, Frederick B, Murphy, .Frank „ The program tomorrow will be leader pf the Sena(e ppppaltipn. to Girl Scout om nlsatlon. many AviaUon Corp 814 Cedric Foster, of tha public rela-| brate bib 80th birthday, and be eo- Saturday. told of the valor of We men who the Beethoven Glee club and tbe G ting Information about llres In tbX K ^ e tin a Hepburn and rtanOhOt Mdwln ...... „ . . . j . ; 841 Uons d*p.aumcnt of tbe Hartford! I Joyed ths piwty in -bis honor as will be held in the Police headquar­ Every company will be represent* were put to the test In the -world's { B. Noyes, Adolph Ochs, and other Tphe in “Quality Street” and "Man the Roosevelt coUrt bill said today of the local Scoute availed them- greatest scrap, and came through doggedly gave up. Inch by Inch, tha Clef club will present tbelr first pioneers, livlpg and dead. territory covered by the Eighth ae vea o t Its privUegM, an effort waa Bait and Ohio ...... S5S - Timer and ma.-i;iEer of the Times* I ' much as ths youngest one present. ters,- RocItelUe thla evening at eight ed In the parade and after tbe din­ j ground beneath tbelr feet, only to combined concert at the bigb''acboui School and Utilities District, than la Of the People", Ending a two-day the measure w6uld pass If the Pres­ made to secure the SFme camp tqta Bendix ...... '...... broadcasting station, was-unable toj "Uncle Henry," aa be Is generall.v ner at Masonic Temple each com­ .with flying colors^T hey proved! During the past decade, distinctly r ^ tonight are Bette Davie m ident w oul^ccept two, instead of a 22 44 appear as scheduled at the regular! o’clock Into the death of Joseph themselves, contrsiy tb the best I return with new spirit to retska auditorium toolght at 8:15 o'block. forward steps have been taken un now followed If a better raU of in-, season - although at a somewhat Beth S te e l...... • 90 44 ] called by those who know Kim best Ralsch, 66, of E31lngton, which pany will hold open house. The char­ the groufid lost In thkt early morn* Robert Doellner, well, known local surance la to 'be given. An inspector Marked. Woman" and James Glea­ potential /alx, addltlcnal Supreme Borden ...... wr kly noonday meeting of the Kl- 1 I enjoys good health although nia cye- ter members of the different oom- military critics of the world at the I der the progressive leaderihlp ol son In ■'Ths Plot Thickeiis." Court justices. et-rlier date, namely from June 36, • • • • • *• 25*4 occurred on Saturday night. Cor­ Ing raid. violinist, wUi be guest artist and from the New Ekigland Insurance for three weeks, ths Aret week for Gkb P a c ...... ■ 14 wonl- club at the Y. M. C. A. today I sight Is Impaired. He received nu- pante* will be invited to visit -the time, as fighters and military atrate- | vrlll be heard In two groups of num* that Indefatigable esecuUvs, Kent Tl^Senator, who asked not to be and the club devoted most of Its oner John H. Yeomans of Andover gists of no meiin ability. ’They up- 1 They tell the story of the hero Cooper." Exchange was in Manchester this Prownles. Case (J I) ...... 158 I Imeroua gifts and birthday grretlng will conduct the Inquiry. houses and all of the honorary bera. quoted by name, said a modlAcatlon Oerro De P a s ...... sesslOD to the show that will be pre- I members will also be invited to pay held the fine tradltiona of New j cook (there have been other hero morning with a Sanborn Map, which would win over enough Democrate The camp has been In use. by tbe ...... 7244 leards. Rev. Karl Richter of the Ralsch waa killed when he was England troops, tboiie who first re­ cooks in military annals) who’ L. Burdette Hawley will be ac­ IBows the location and contSnts ot Girl Scouts of New Britain for more Ches and Ohio ...... 6074 sented at tlie State theater next I I Concordia Lutheran churcn who struck by an automobile on West a friendly eall. companist for Mr. Doellner. Mtss Who want to "get right” with their Chrysler ...... Sunday afternoon for the benefit of I ceived their training as fighters grabbed his meat cleaver and made Eva U. Johnson will accompany the all buildings In Manchester. ■ He U. S. PUBLISHERS party leader and their .oonitituenU than a decade and bas tents with ...... 11844 tbe Klwanls Klddira Camp. I made the after-dinner speech,, ux- Road, E31ington, driven b) DeBortoll At toblght's meeting of No S a against the French and Indiana and good use of it tn his cook shack. EXPECTS EQUALIZATION found thst there are many bouses to pass tbe bill kooden doors, a fully equipped dln- Coca Cola ...... 1A9H |p re s|j^ the hope of another Suen of Ellington. The driver of the rar check will be made on the number There are many other storlea, all o t G Clef club of 31 women's voices In Col Gas and El ... Russell Potterton, chaire of men that will take part in the In the Revolutionary War. its group numbers and Fred Werner and business places that are in the It was the Arst time any of tbe tng pavilion, kitchen, loi ge, trading ...... U% the committee arranging . five yean hence for the was arrested on a tecnnlcal charge ' Have'Right to Strut equal value, but in fairness to them territory covered by. the Manches­ huts and outdoor draplacas. On Ooml fnv T r ...... bda of Mr. Sebuetx. of criminal negligence and was later parade and also the number that the Beethoven club of forty male HEARING IN SEPTEMBER leading opponents of the hotly con­ Coml Solv ...... show, announced that the' Oiie can pardon the Y-D boys for all will not pick up special ones for voices. The concert will be directed ter Are department that are not tested measure had agreed It could Route 14. it haa 45 acrea of wood­ would be varied ' and inted released under bonds of *1,000. will attend the dinner. doing just a little bit of struttlng- -coloring, _ by G. Albert Pearson. properly claeelBed. There Is also a be enacted with a provision for any land on the lake ahore, affording Cons Edison ...... State Policemen John Yaskulka The numlier of dead and woundad \ an.ple opportunity for boating and Cons Oil ...... rhe entertainment r/lll be J _ and Edw*n Pequlnquot of the Staf­ today. - They are all getting older, A varied program chosen.to' ap- failure on tbe part of the district to Increase In the size of the Supreme caliber and an effort la belngTmade those boys whom many of the read­ Germans after the fight waa approx­ peal to music lovers of all tastes Court. canoeing, swimming and hiking Coot Can ...... ford Springs Barracks investigated SUPERINTENDENTILUNG Counsel H>'de Does Not report that there has been an im­ A. P . CONVENTION Corn Prod ...... to assure a full bouse tn order-that HEBRON ers saw leaving for Camp Devens In imately twice'as many as the Yanks, will be presented by the two choral provement made In the sixe of the Opposition leaders heretofore Misa Elizabeth Glbney will be swim­ the accident assisted by Deputy the early days of the war. Many and It waa later learned that more Believe Court Will Render (Coattnoad fMOo Page boa) ming director again thla year. Del Lack and West sufficient funds may ba raised to Sheriff Llnwood R. Campbell of EU- groups, both slhgly and combined water mains In the vicinity of have insisted they had a solid block provide summer vacations for un- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mosny cele- of them did not eome bock, and than two-thirds of the attacUag and individual solos will be sung by Judgment Until Then. Depot Square. of 43 votes against the bill — and A total of 64 Girl Scoute want to Douglas Aircraft . Ungtoo. ON PLANNING COMMITTEE force were casualties. It is signifi­ My la WashlngLon aolely for back­ Camp Sprague last year but many Du Pont ...... deiyrivlleged local children, a proj­ Ibrated the 26th anniversary of tbelr Ralsch bad been a resident ot there are living among us today un­ Mrs. Elsie B. Gustafson. Mrs. Bea­ The lack Of proper signal boxea that no measure could pass the Sen­ ect which the Klwanls club bas spon­ marriage Wednesday at their home sung heroes of the conflict who cant that the Germans came over trice Z. Pearson and Wilfred Kent. ground purpqsea, and that I am ire« ate with that many Aghtlng oppon were disappointed, as there aremore Eastman Kodak ... Rockville and Ellington for many fully equipped, and this would hldi- .. The Superior Court hearing on in case of an alarm Is another thing to repudiate them If and when than 250 active scoute In the local Elec and M u s...... sored with great success and tine here. The occasion was observed -ears. At the time of hiu. death he Arthur H. Illlng, superintendent probably will never receive such Manchester's petition for a declank- that Is reacting against the benebte entj. results for many years. by a family dinner at which their of Manchester school, has been ap­ honor. cate that they intended to drive out “ •y expedient to do eo." R«sam« Hparlngt organization. The camp la open to Elec Anto U te . . . . was employed aa a farm hand by The cast for "Journeys’ End” which will be presented by the Community Players at 8:30- tomorrow the I nd and occupy tbe front On# toiy Judgment specifying the pro­ that the residents of that part ot all regardless of rank, and If a Gen Elec ...... The attendance prize, donated by three children were present, Mrs, John Isch. pointed a member of the advisory Then again, aome of those boys 02 SAYS PU6UC P S T AID cedure to be followed in collecting the town should get in the way ot /H igh Oonrt Ruling The Senate Judiciary committee Irirneat Burton of WlUlmantlc. Miss night at Whlton Memorial auditorium Is pictured above. From left to right: William Liiottgens, Wood- committee of the New England Re­ that left Connecticut have not trenches. But events turned out dlfe Mr, Noyea added that be had "no scout desires to spend three weeks Gen Foods ...... Rev, B. E. Story, was won by Her­ He leaves a sister Mrs. John the school coneolldatloo equalisation reduced rates. resumed hearing testimony today bert House. Robert Oordoo favored [Ellena and John Mosny, who live at Welngartner of Tolland and two sis­ row Trotter, Carl Cubbcrly, Victor Davies (seated), William Barrett, Herman Heck, Byron Neff (seated), gional Planning Commrolsslon. walked since April 20, 1918. They fcrently than expected and they were healtancy tn aaying I have nc under an agreement to continue for at camp she may do ao. The tee this Osn Motors ...... William Davis and Winston Bendall. The set was designed and built by Pieter Mljer. Miss Helen Estes In tbe I nd'a territory only for n tas will not be held unUI September With the present Are motor ap­ year will be 17 weekly. Mrs. Fred Hecker Prod ...... the Klw.anlana with several vocal homo. Mr. Burton, their son-hi' ters In New York. The funeral ar­ The committee acts ir. an advisory were cruelly torn by shell, gas 02 W LAW ENFORCEMENT at the earliest. Town Council Wil­ paratus thst the departments owns squawk to make over tbe ieclslnn n week or ten days. The opposition P".lsley la camp director again this aelcettoDs. law was also preseiiL Other guests rangements will be completed later. Is directing the play. capacity to the New Ekigland Re­ blinded or with lungs seared reached short Ume. liam S. Hyde expects. ; twenty-four miles long, will be camp In CTonnectlcut. Recently a corded a CCC camp in this District, VtRTlYlS ARE OUR VICB Thierry and Belleau Woods to the Tha Amarlean Press la one of the JudgmenL better Are rate to all Uvlng In the uncolored, Impartial newe report up­ wide gathering on Catholic Action, the home of the Misses A’endleton Gregel was killed 11, an automo­ 8 Second Division. The story of the ten that group of boys that “dug in" dUUlct. (This measure would permit the N Y Central .... bile accident last week near WUlls served from the Rockville office. concrete floor and grease pit have with regards to the acquiring ot Chicagi — (API—The three great that misty, cold April morning a t greatsat aganoiaa for InUmatlonal on which the 1,300 membere of the NY NH and H ....; t bo held In Waterbury, May 9 at and Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert Thursday There will be changes In the local been Installed In tbe garage. In ad­ nursery plants and shrubs- Mr. troop movements of thaf battle Is paacs today, be eaid, provided It organlrauon Insist la the foundation appointment of six new Justices un­ 6:30 In tbe evening. The gathering ervenlng. Three tables were in play Point, Texas, but details of the acci American vices, says Dr. IJn Tu worthy of note. Seicheprey. less members over 70 retire.) North Am ...... dent hive not reached Rockville. He routes to include the additional ter­ dition to these Improvemente many Baker, proprietor, of the well known tang of Shanghai, are efficiency, promotes the virtues of peece more rock of a free press In America Packard ...... " will be at the Hotel ollton in that Mlsa Marion Gott won first honors, ritory. Charles H. Bancroft who baa new machines have been augmented "HIU" Nurseries In Pomfret donat­ About three o'clock In the morn­ than the poaslbilittes of war." EXPRESSION CLUB HOLDS "The men who go out to colleol Favor Compromli8 city and St. Margaret's Circle, Mrs. C. S. Porter second. Refresh- had been employed during the past punctuality and discipline. STATE REPUBLICANS PLAN A strong bloc in the Senate Judl Local Stocks Param P ie t...... ] fjw months aa a horse trainer In the been a carrier on the route from the to round-out a splendid and an effi­ ed the above mentioned, to thla The doctor told several hundred ing of the 20th of April the Germans "Notwithstanding and to aome as- our nows and edit It after collection . clary committee, composed of the Penn ...... which will observe their thlrtrontn mente of sandwiches, cookie^ and Ellington post office will be assigned cient work shop. Among the recent- laid down t barrage which was more are, and must be. a body of irueUiJ routhero statea. camp for the vast landscaping pro­ members of the American Friends teeit beeauee -widespread araba- rton-sommlttal members, already Phelps D i^ g e ...... ’ anniversary next month. Is asked punch were served. The club will Plan to Eliminate Confliettng Date to Route.3 of tbe Rockville office. ij acquired auto-mechanic devices ject that is now underway. These of Chjna they would be far better severe than anything prevloualy ex­ Y. M .C .A .N otet I °>ant aetlvitlea, the're^ crus In any rrs APRIL MEETING NEW FINANGAL BOARD men. In their hands rests >ur non Phil Pete to be represented. In order that it meet next time with Mra Mary B There was a vacancy caused at the perienced by the division. It was a or. wad on record as favoring compro­ Furnished by P. B. Shaw, lae. In view of the fact that Ellington are: an hydraulic press which Is plants and shrubs are valued at ap­ off U they did not work so hard 8ww*l warfara Is, In ■ my . opinion, mise. . • 968 Farmington Ave,, Pub Serv N J may be known how many of the Mitchell. \ has become such a busy place with local office recently by the death ot used to hoist trucks and other ma­ proximately *300. From all indica­ or try to be so smart. cold, raw, misty morning and visibll. Monday paaaad", he eommented. The April meeUng of The UWan noneers In Field Some of the opposition leaders Radio ...... local members will be In attendance Mr. and Mrs. £ . G.' Lord attended Mr. Kloter, on the rural free de­ 'The trouble with you Ameri­ Ity was poor, which was of great 6;30—Cuba' gymnasluro period. The growth of the newspeper In­ (Oentlnasd from Page One) W eat Hartford the funeral services for Mra. Mary many social events, it has been de­ chinery needed for repair. This tions there will be no atone left un­ 8:00—Ramblers va. South Method­ Gertrude Grant Expression Oiib ‘Tn ftill recognition of this i think held they would have a better William B. Martin Rsm Rand ] It is necessary to make reservations cided to form a Town Council with livery route. press will lift a maxin um of twen­ turned in order to make this camp cans," he said, “Is that you make help to the Germans in the attacking dustry from 970 dally papers In Igmi was held on Saturday afternoon ai tlu-ugh Regent Mrs. Besale Lappm E. Lord, Mr. Lord's stepmother. In Plan for Banquet force. ist basketball game. sponsible for the biennial budgets, I may say that InspecUon of th- chance to convert doubtful Senators Loeai RepreMnUttve Rsy Tob B ...... representatives of the varioiu or­ ty tons; an electric brake linmg the roost beautiful of the camps In a thing that Is fairly good and then \* 7 “i four million eii^ atio n end an the home of Mias GranL 'The prin­ employer-employe relations la ths to their side if they agreed to a . Bid Safeway Stores o* St. Margaret's circle not later Wethersfield, Friday at 2 p. m.i at ganizations In order that dates may General Kitchener Lodge, Ameri­ you want to make it-better. Tested Troops 8:00—Bowling match. Charles Ka- Ipeoma of 190,000,000 to J.lOO pa but he la empowered to appoint e Asked than May . tbe home of her son-in-law and can Order of St. George will observe machine, a spark plug tester and the First Corps Aren. In addition to Following a rolling barrage the hart vs. Henry Chfek. cipal feature of the meeUng was Associated Press by anyone wlii modlAcatlon, rather than playing Csip. Nat.-Bk. A T r.. 39 Schenley D is ...... 1 be discussed early enough so that cleaner, which takes care of all the tbe above menUoned donaUon, "A Chinese abhors efficiency be­ P*CT In 1987 with forty million clr practice work based upon the sub ' 'idget director to work with nim. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William St. George's Day with a banquet to cause it leaves him no peace ot enemy sent over about 3,000 of their Tneaday Budget reqiieete will be submitted show father an enviable record In the strategy game of Aghtlng nnv Co m . River Bk...... 450 Sears Roebuck . , ' W’heh It Is known how many of conflicting events may be eliminated. spark plugs used by ECTW trucks In many plants and shrubs were also culaGon and an Income of more than Ject, "What To Do About the Quest deed, without prompting from the revision. Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . 75 . Shell U nion...... the members of St. Margaret s Cir­ Hmnmer. The Rev. and Mrs. How­ V The-first meeting of the Town be held In Forester’s hall on Friday mind. He haa a total disinterest In finest storm troops for this opera­ 3:30—Mrs. Walter WirtaDa wlU a billlra dpUara indicated strongly, ArOeL" quarterly on the baaia of quarterly 80 ard C. Cbampe and son John of evening, April 23. A chicken dinner the state; an up-to-date, air pump given the camp by the Moheigan tion, aa It was learned, subsequently, be at tbe Y to help H othm with audits. outside or the Inside, the Aseocistel Three of the uncommitted mem­ ^ d . Nat. Bk. * Tr.. 33 35 Sbeony V ao...... cle wll attend there will t ' commit­ Council will be held this evening and last but not least, a generator Park authorities. punctuality because he wants he aal4 that "newapapermen have By prevloue arrangement. Miss Pfese slmoet forty years ago nega-i bers of the committee already have Phoenix St. Bk. A Tr. 390 South Pac ...... tees named to arrange for trana- Lebanon were also present. Mr. and April 19 at the Town hall. The El­ will be served at six thirty o'clock plenty of leisure. He uss a natural that the attack had been planned to dancing recital costumee. ' ^ wivaly ahalyaed pubUc desires aho Frances Wallett took the part at Clash Expected South Rwy ...... Mrs. Grinton I. Will of Yonkers, N. lington Grange has named Mrs which will be followed by a program testing machine. Under the super­ To whom It may; concern—this dislike for discipline because he test the mettle of the American 6:30—South Methodist Chureh giving vacsttona with pay. Almost offered amendments to the blit' Ineuranoe Stocks portatlon of the local memosra to vision of William Minor, Camp camp la desirous in obtaining all Mve ably arisen to their mleelon the guest under the tlUe of "Mile An Inter-party clash - over, reor­ 30 years ago it granted aick ,ene They ere .Senators Hatch (D St Brands ...... and from Wateebury, Y., were prevented from attending Mildred DImock, lecturer and Mrs of speakers. believes In lots of individual lib­ troops. bowling banquet But the ehatlengee are continuous." ganisation. t-.-ewIrg foi some weeks, Aetna C asualty... 101 105 on account of the sudden death of Lottie Finance to represent the or­ An important meeting of tbe mechanic, many more Improvemente the flowers, regardless as to kind, erty. Those on the outposts or Irulcide 6:80—Girls basketboB praetleo. Francesca," affa having accepted a Ate t > Its employes. Almost twentv N. M.), Mc(?arran (D„ Nev.l, itod Aetna Fire ...... 45 >4 St Gas and El . . jtf; TeUe Of Europe formal InvltatioD to be present et n.ay come thte week. Rep. WarncKc McGill (D.. Kas.l. At leait.'tw g 4744 St OU < tel___ an uncle of Mr. Will's In New York. ganization on this Town Council. It lodge will follow tl>e banquet. are now underway. Included among available in this vicinity. Kindly call "You Americans pay for your yqusda” were wiped out. Oppotlhg 7:80—Women's gymnasium period. years ago It granted Insurance ami Aetna Ulfe ...... 3044 8344 UOUBTFUL REWARD / •rae committee in charge Includes these future plans Is a unique WlUlroanUc 329-4 and the neces­ "In three-fourth of Europe, ’ b* the meeting, entertained With a said Republlcana will try to clear at the cams time put Into affect a other committee members/favor St CHI N J ....; The Rev. Percy Rix, rector of Trin­ Is hoped to plant a program so that efficiency with high blood pres- the force of 8,000 Gerroiana wai 8:80—Andover boyat group gym­ m tlm ied. "the lamp of Uberty is the calendar tomorrew of more than modlAcatlon. / Automobile ...... 80 44 8344 Tax C o rn ...... ’’ ity church, Wcther^cld, officiated events which should receive the com­ Arthur Edwards, chairman; Thomas method of cleaning the mud from sary arrangements wiu be maue tor shre." about 400 men ot the 102nd, deter nasium period. piano solo. This feature Work gave pension plan. Itoon. G eneral...... 87 89 Oolumbus, O.—Whoever sfila r a Goldatraw, Horace . Underwood. fltckeflng 'tf.lt haa pot gone out. an opportunity fbr practical applica­ 20 measures on the House calendar, This leaves seven committee mem nmksn Roller Bear' cast iron drain pipe from the noon, Interment was In Granby, where munity support will not be run in the fenders and bodies of the trucks the digging ahd the transportation all pertaining to reorganization. . "Almost three years ago It tried Hartford Fire ...... 7044 7244 Mrs. Lord's former husband. Klmore competition with each other. Arthur Hewitt and Louis EMwards. by utilizing steam which is avail­ of them to camp. Our own country la dpe of the few tion of the art of according proper the establishment of the Ave' day here Aatly opposed to the bill In any Hartford Slenm Boiler 62 65 Trans America ... ty engineering department abored At Washington remaining. atrongholdeW democraev respect and attention to tha some . Among them la the bill creating form, and a maximum of six for the Union Carbide___] [ Fancber Is buned. Named President able In the sawmill adjoining the On Monday of last week, a State week and after temporarily suspend­ National Fire ...... 63 85 for his loot Sheriff Jacob Sanuus- The board of selectmen met Wed­ Mlsa Mary Friedman, teacher at Mrs. Oscar C. Peterson Is the garage. Throughout tbe building, and lu libartlea. \ times n^lected guest artist, froo, a new Department nt Public Works ing It because It was not sufficiently present measure. Phoenix Fire ; ..... 90 >4 Unit Aircraft . . . . . ky said It weighed more .han 80') delegate from Sabra Trumbull Gypsy Moth conference was held at with a director li, charge appointed .The committee'i/decision to re­ 92 >4 Unit C orp...... ] nesday evening at the home of First tbe Vernon Center School has been tl. various machines can be run by this camp with Aifttln F. Hawes, *T<> retain damoeraQr'a V|gor and the time of her arrival to oer do Inclueive. It htik ^atebltahed the Avc Knsala Insurance_ ir 13 pounds. It waa rolled a long \/a.v named president of the Vernon Par- Chapter, Daughters of the American parmanenee bera, Ita practice must psrture. The experiment was car by the governor with the consent sume hearings ma;te It virtually im­ Unit Gas Inip ...... Selectman Edmund H. Horton for either of four kinds of power, name­ State Forester in charge. Over 16 day, 40-hour week generally among Travelers ...... 465510 on the ground and then loaded on to I the transaction of routine business eut-Teacher Association. Her selec­ R» volution, to the Continental Con­ ly AC and DC electric power, gaso­ be brought into harmony with its lied out under the dlrsctloa of Miss of both Houses and given reeponsl- Its news employes." possible for the bill to reach the U 8 Rubber . . . . . ' a truck. gress which opened at Washington, authorities from Washington, Mas­ professions. 'ITie responsibility for t ilty for the maintenance of all -Senate Aoor before the middle o f Public Utility Stncica U S Smelt . . . . Several members of Colonel Henry tion was due to tbe resignation Jt line motors, and steam power. sachusetts, and Connecticut attend­ Grant who, through experience as Mr. Noyes added that the social I Conn. Lt. and Pow . . 81 Champion Chapter, D. A. R., at­ Mrs. Gerald RIsley who had held the D. C. today. making democracy work dues npt an entertainer herself, was able tn state buildings and for the con- May. / 65 U S S teel...... Foreman Stanley Bartlett and ed the session which lasted most ot security for AP employes establish­ Shortly thereafter the Supreme ! -Jonn. Pow...... 49 51 GLAD TO MEET YOU tended a meeting of the orgonlzs: office for two years and felt she belong to one economic group or offer helpful suggeationa. ■tructlon of all new building cost­ ed alntost twenty years ago "Is full­ Western Union x. could not serve further. cnrolee Kenneth Granger of Bristol the day. At the conclusion of this one polUleai party. ing more than fl.OOO. Court ! annual...... term.... will end. Then- X.L ...... 60 63 West El and Mfg ...... tion held at the home of U te. C. H have constructed an unique table session, the members were escorted r A short business meeting at r-uch er In its beneOta than will ever be 38 Denver—C. J. Scheuerman, Oen- Norton Wednesday afternoon. Thl The next meeting of the Parent- Deaths Last Night "Perpetuity of our democracy re- Vice-President Carol Jean Wood Democrats donjt like conArma- reached-under the naUopsl legisla­ have beeif pereUtent reporte^the en't ' o ; '« ' woolworthsa'* Teachers Association Will bS held saw-rig which la being used fo: rip­ around the various work projects. of the term wtfuld bring at least two j *■'’8- Yel. Co. 160, 164 muslclan, U "Chinning" with . Rev. B. A. Lewis, pastor of the He­ ping boards, etc., for the 'various qulraa that we each adjust our­ acted as president In the absence or tlon of the budget director by both tion on this subject.". Elec Bond and.Share (Curb).' 21 an old friend again—a valuable vio­ bron and Gilead Congregational on May 13 and will be Neighbor’s selves to the Interrelationship thst Houses and may Insist that the re lir^ e n ti from the beneh. 1 Manufacturing Stocks Night. Members of several nearby carpentry construction Jobs that Miss Bella ..jSlIversteln, and Mrs th.He told the __ AP_ members . . . . thst at If/Lhey ebould snateriallze. manv lin which disappeared 16 years 6go churches, was guest speaker. He London—Frank V. P. Rutter. 61. DOESN’T SUIT 'niE.M we bear to others As good dtlxans Celia EMx Carroll as secretary pro method conform with the other bllle 'Acme Wire ...... 49 51 l e a v e s q u ir t * RS h o .me r.T.A. unite Will be Invited to at­ arc now going on in camp. K*?.* *’/***l^l^ moment, the reserves ] .Senators expressed the belief th'« Am. H ardw are...... at a theater In which bla orchestra spoke on the race question as It author and art critic of the Sunday we have the paramount duty of o- tern in the absence If Mlsa Betty requiring Senate approval only. 3714 39', CORONA'nON DAY tend. Times. Plana have been completed and Granite, Okla—Clothes not only ordlnatlng the thinking on sgrlcul- I?— : 'V'fb’lblatratloh would have no objec- Arrow H and H. com. 66 >4 681. was playing. affects the south, and os experi- approved for che installation of Hot Gorton was followed by the regulnr The Democrats, however, have amount to~ more, ““than *3.500.000. \A\on to cutting down the new Jus­ Work men renovating the theater ebced by him when nt a soutnern Card Party Tonight Lewlaburg, Pa.—James P. Whyte make the man, but they help take ture, labor, industry and commerce club work shop. not yet officially discuss^ this "I ardently hope,", be said, ''that- Billings and Spencer . 6 >4 7'^ London-(AP) -Londen'a news- The Italian Social club will hold a 68. Bucknell University professor Air heat to be used Instead of wood him—and can punish him—officers “Yet tbU U a fact that It either tices In the bill to two. That mlgtil Bristol Brass ...... 64 66 found the violin In iu case, un­ college aa teacher some years ago public bridge party tn their rooms next fall and winter In the mechani­ All members took part In the pro measure, which is delaying action no condition that It inay confroht bring a quick conclusion to the ions ('olllns (to...... damaged, under the flooring. Mra. Lewis sang several of the mure educator, and a former University of the state reformatory here decid­ not recognised or Ignored by i.ran.v gram of monologues, recitations on a state building program, tor the will enquire a dUcontlnuanca of-the controversy. 130 to dtizens as to how they should popular southern songs. Including in the Bkchange block this evening of West Virginia football coach; cal building. This heat will be sup­ ed. people. We are too much oici;ne^J plan." Colt’s Pat. Firearms . 6S'4 70*4 There will .be. prizes and refresh plied from a boiler In the sawmill. and readings, voeabulsiy practice, public works director will nanole Eagle Lock ...... «t the^corona- "Dixie," "My Old Kentucky Home, Buenos Aires—Enriqiie Santama- Two youthful Inmates who es­ to think and act in segmentary and the phonetic bee which was vo” the proposed *13,385.000 building More Liberal Plan. 3344 34 44 tlon of King Oe. rge V. Some ot menu will be served. As It Is necessary to always have caped were caught when they were faahlon. FafnIr Bearings...... 123 etc. Miss Maud Clark of East Food Sale Tuesday rina, 64. a former vice-president ot by Miss Esther Pitkins team Re- program. "I do not In any way dllTer aa,U> 130 the advice may stm have value- Hampton gave an Interesting bc Argentina. heat In this boiler, regardless as to located by a clothing theft and thy. Intemai Cnemlee the desirability of the pOrpose of Gray Tel Pay Station 1944 1744 some has long since dismissed It- The Ellington Girl Scout troop whether the mill Is operating or not. fi^hments were served b.v Mtss The merit system bill, adopted by RAND AND BERGOFF ' Hart and Cooley . . . . 210 CAMEO count of the lives of prominent East will bold a food sale at the office ot Reading, Mass.—Dr. George Croft finding of a dlscardsd prison shirt. “In carrying forward thla objec­ Wood and-the treasurer, Mlsi .up the House, Is expects^ to receive this social security legluattuo,'' Mr »el.. It Included: HARTFORD Hampton men. This Included Hor­ Cell, 62, professor of historical the the excess hot wate, can now be On their return to the reforrfia- tive program, the press should be­ Noyes said. "I merely desire to Landers, Frary A a k . 3944 41U "tlon't fall to allow youraelt tbe Connecticut Light and Power harnessed to provide the above men­ B. Blckmore. Rehearsale' fOr the Senate action thli week also, with .Mann A Bow. Class A ip sed Johnson, famed as weather pro­ Company in Rockville on Tuesday. ology at the Boston University tory they were sentenced to wear come an even stronger oulwsrk June recttaTwIll soon be hcbeduled attempts to change aome primary point out that AaaociSted Press em­ TO PLEAD MONDAY 12 plenty of Ume to reach the STARTS MONDAY phet. Refreshments of home niade School of Theology since 1906. tioned building wUh plenty ' ot "Mother Hubbards" to mess for against Intemsl enemies which ployes now enjoy, without parUcl- New Brit. Mch., com. &- 40 route...." ON OUR STAGE April 20. The sale will start at two warmth. by the club, the next meeting of provisions. do., pfd...... 100 oread and butter. Jam and tea were thirty o'clock. Manila—George Puchta, (7. for­ five days—after being exhibited be­ esuae disequilibrium In our nstlonel which will be on May 18. n This Is the only measure discuss­ patory payments,/and I hope that "Don't burden yourself with field served. mer mayor of Cincinnati. Frederick W. Novis of the State fore the other prisoners wearing life and become a more potent force (Conttnoed Proin Pagf One) North and Judd . . . 40 42 Funerals ed by the Senate subcommittee they may contlihie to enjoy, much Peck, 8*ow A Wilcox. *«***.*"'* other Impedimenta..." ^^BREVITIES State surveyors last week cstsb- Tbe funeral ot Mrs. Catherine Santa Barbara, Ctalif.—Dr. E. Mc­ Department ol Education visited at only their pants. for accelerating and safeguarding more liberal tp^atment than la pro­ 1914 2144 "Don’t bring mor. money'with STRAWBERRIES ARRIVE \ beaded by Senator William Cable ot ofTi attorneys are Rosenbaum A Russell Mfg.-(to, ___ 36 41 lished the boundary line between Newcomb, 60, of Grove ajreet, who Donald, a former staff physician 01 the progress of our dvlUxatlon." Danbury. Democrats may" seek vided by legisistlon for employes Sanders of New York. Scovlll Mfg Co...... you than you wUI actually need, and Hebron and Colchester. Thla has died on Friday night at the Rock­ tbe Mayo brothers' clinic, RocneSter, Current nsUonsl problems tbe leas favored." 51 53 take care that you do not put It O F 1937” The Aret earlosd shipment of amendments, taking tbe power ot Son a Witness Stanley Works...... 56 38 been a vexed question for years, and ville Cltirhospital was held -this Minn. secretary aaid, bring a •challenge Southern grown etrawberrlee to ar­ aj>Mlntlng the pers->nnel director Tbe annLial luncheon of the Asso­ all in one pocket. Thieves will cer­ 40 — Broadway Artiste — 40 . has caused difficulties regarding tax norning at 0:30 o’clock from the to the press of America as en edu­ ciated press, with Secretary Roper Among witneesee summoned be­ rorringtoo ...... 112 117 Lavish Scenery — Oassllng''Oos- rive In Hartford this year, came In 'fron^ the commissioner of Anunce, fore tbe Grand Jury last week was Unloii Mfg. Cto...... 11 18 tainly ba on tha look-oui for vic- payments, aome property owners Qulsh funeral home and at 10 POLICE MYSTERY cational and patriotic agency, suco thl* morning. There were 738 crates of the^^Oommetc# department, as Ums...." tumea — Mngen — Dancers — being uncertain aa to Just bow o’clock from St, Bernard s Catholic ■ as It never before faced. who under tbe bill, shares this duty Earl Bergoff, aon of Pearl Bergoff. U S Envelope, com .. 85 Oomedlaiis. Chicago—The evidence they col­ of berries packed 34 pints to tse with the governor, and giving that g u ^'speaker, followed. aid an officer and director of ms do., pfd...... _ "Don't year projecting bat-plna. m)icb of their land lies In Hsbron church. Burial waa in St. Bernaid's lected in a gambling raid was Just "The marvelous sccompllehmentj The report of Kent Cooper, the 128 16 — MAYFAIR DANCING-116 cemetery. crate. They were sent from Ham­ power to the tovernor alone. A father's firm, .ne Bergoff Industrial Veeder Root ...... 154 160 They are dangerous...." and how much tn Colchester. Ste- a Chinese puzzle to Policemen Har­ of tbe Aasoclsted Press in the ,iesf mond, La., and were" six days and general manager, scheduled to be Whitlock CoU Pipe .. ''Don't, if you are a young man DARUNOS______hen Zagray, whose farm is crossed The funeral of Mra. Mary Toole 'V strong movement ti also afoot to re­ presented to the membership, re- Service, Inc . of New York. 14 16 old Murphy and Francis O'Malley encourage me to believe hbat It wll. elx hours In traneportetlon. Beiore quire SenatV. conArmatlon. The strike was called last May. J. B. Wllllami Co. ... 85 ircitnsd to oolstefoua fun. resort to Sy the line, finally refused to pay Tobin of Vernon .who died on Thurs­ They listed It as follows; not fall In this crisis, but thst It w

asSt. . •yiJgV'v’, ......


labor unrest with poHco billies and not touch at all on tha finblems dlera: 8:80 Pick and Pot; 9 Joa B. waa devoted mainly to ridding tha 11 Hanrl^ratrr InJmicUMia. thua created for the cdtlee them­ TO GIVE ORGAN RECITAL Brown In "Alibi Ote;” 10 Wayne calendar of unfavorably reported King Waltaes; 10:80 Jlrama, "Lat AVIATION PORTS solve them'we better bad. selves, but sooner or later these H ard J o a m DAILY RADIO PROGRAM bills. TRAILER a Freedom King;” 13 Oaxle Nelson or­ Oommlttoe hearings and a confer­ i tin^tag fifrtld problems will be retmgnlzed ss fully ./?■ y MONDAY, APRIL Ifi v_,intrsl'and Eastorn Staadarfi Tims) AS PRELUDE TO MOVIES chestra. ence In Gov. Cross’ office on the jail HOUSE BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE t { ruMtlaHKU »* *■**••_ NO REASON TO WORRY ' as great if not greater than those WJZ-NBC—7 Mary Szaan; S:J0 ' • ♦ ' it»i»*i.i» i*k in t in u u u m h a m i. flt(>' N«t«t All programs to kop sml boalo eholns or noupo Uioroof uqIom opo ASKED FOR STAJE farm question ended the 15th legta- presented by the turning of quiet 8e4; eo4ot to ooost (o to s) oosirnsUons taclado ou o r o U ^ P Mt!otts» Love songs; 9 Good T.mes Society; latlve week. . ~ \ presents II MICMII 4 tttt Aanooneeroent that the United HancbMOr, Cooa. old country towma Into ‘Tiedrooma" Protfsmt oubjoot to ohanfo by outiofio vritlioitt provloiN notloos ^ M* Walter Dawley to P r ^ n t Pro- 6:30 BaseboU Roundup, K. ,M. Members ot the state jail farm ( ; TuuMAii rUK'iuauM NBC-WEAF JREO) NETWORK Cont. Raal. Landis, league presldiuits and club Statea Court of Appeals for the of the dtles. BEGIN ICnAY V gram at Center Chnrch Wed­ commlaslon and others called on the > ; daiMrai !••••«•> FaUliig, with tiM help ot GBB- nik did ceeape the cuttert What •A 8 IC* — Cast] troaf wlw wnao wHe 6Mb— 6:00—bonfa* TKo Ovliar. Tonar managers; 10 Dick Himber music; First Diairlet (which includes the baate; Jr* N u ^ Corpo—mfdwoat nesday As Watkins Guest. chief executive to ask for hls Influ- , ' r e — a»< uetcbat I. IMt Perhaps the towns' problems are BY N E A L, to loeato her eompon- wtould be beet—to be dropped, un- wiar wtac kyw vfbr wre wty 12 Departure of Philadelphia orches­ Morris 4slu Assembly for States . of Maine, Now Hampshire. wboB wcaa wtAm wwj waal; Mlrtwoott 6:1^ dil^Pattl Cbapin and btfuft ehCe in obtaining necessary funds • PaMubab K*ar» «»aniaa Kaeap* more closely related to sodology, lon, BETTY B A YN E S , abdaeted'’! knowrlng. Into the black water; or 6:1^ bMO — Paul OOMflaa, bport^ tra. for the establishment of a jail farm "The BRIBE'S HOUSE ka4 wmaq who irow wdaf vlro wool An organ redtol by Walter Daw- b«aaa laP UolidaFa Kbiarab at tbt MassSefauaetta and Rhode IsUmd, by JACK 8PBODON, MARTHA to stay imprisohed wdUi ClsnikT kstp.wsl wood ..wnbo; Olnnor Candorf Ofob."a«»«»bf 'tlapa Mati Manat. ■ economic—how they are to provide ■he thought o f Gerry Neal- M was wlba wobo wday kfrr cret ofof ganist at Hartford, will precede the Yankees vs. Washington Senators; r// Old age pension provision of .^the Francisco np the wsot eoaoL And tO UTH —wrra wptf wwno waro wjax — The Psirti* MsleSlee— but haa been referred to the appro­ odd how she could not bats nlm. onat; M* Noninlllor, Plano—woat showing of the moving picture and 2:45 p. m. to eastern stations of CBS M(tu»'Mit'i'iuN Rariai ^ paving and policing and parking suddenly aha decides, even thongli ■wfla«WBiin wlod woDuwmo wrsb w i^ •t16— 7«16—Ma A Pa, baiteh^matet ^ y e r a l Auxiliary Fields. priations committee because a o f 19: laat b» Mall ...... ♦•••* National Security A ct unconstitu­ Somehow she wrisbed that be"'was{ wjda wsmb kvoo’irSy wfaa wbap kprp lecture, 'T h e Bride’s House of 1937’;^ WJZ-NBC and Intercity; New York apaet and other coatly services for s.hs loves Nesl, that be Is luplleat- ktbo ktka wsoo Harbort Poota’a Rnaambl^X^o grant ot money ts necessary. Maatb by- Mall •••••••,*• a tional. undoubtedly has brought here. Even though associated some! wtar wla wore ^ b i i ^ 7:60—Hollaaa7:60—Holtaoa bhaw bona Proa, which wtU IM presented at the Cen­ (Lants vs. Brooklyn Dodgers; 2:45 ,,rfla Oopf ...... tWee or maybe three tlmea the pop- Ja Betty’s diaappearaiiaa, Se aha wfbo kark kcpe b l^ 7»0—M M CtrfiPL , Drunken Driving. m y to help; Tea, toe had ;been a; MOUNTAIN—koA kdyl kfir kcbl ktar 7M|—M M ter Church House next Wednesday WOR-MBS. A M O yiE IN PllaatM Mb faat t*®* much worry to thousands of Old has 'hllB arrested. 7:00- tlO^-HaraaatlO^-Horao# HaMt Bribddtorf.Rrl 0|MraUng a motor vehicle while uifitloh that It Is collecting "'taxes fool. "You'd better let me stlqk .with RACIRIC—kfl kfw komo khq kpo kfbk 7:60— b:60—Pick and Pat P an-batld evening at 8:15 p. m. Mr. Dawley W E AF-N B C —7:45 0. m. the Rev. state Capitol, Hartford, April 19. people now gratefully drawing a Arriving In Seattle, stUI In sesreJi kwM kmj kffu under the influence of liquor woulll MBMMKH Ob I'Ha. a M uCIa TICO from. you.” be had said. “ 'You're In some­ biOO- iteO-Tha Radia Thaatra—to o will use the Hammond Electric or­ Canon A- C. Oeone irom London on — (AP)—Fiirther development of n a j u B a l c o lo r s t'HICHH of Betty, Martha finds that a Conte Baat. tiOO—10:00—Wayna Klnf Walta—ta a the Coronation; 3 p. m. Band Les­ aviation In Connecticut which al­ beoune an even more terious offense tiny monthly stipend from their thing that's bigger than you realize. fiSbimie^O—Let>raadom Ring• Drama gan Installed In the auditorium by Tba Aapoflataf Praaa la aaclaaiatit Meantime, here In Manchester, charaeter^\ls Involved In the ease. :1b— lilb —Don WInolow of tbo Navy son; 4 Women's clubs program: 6 ready is "second only to California In the eyes of Connecticut law with MSUtlaf to tba oaa at . rapuMieatlop states through the operation of the I 'e had given her that warning, and tJR— •:R>vJack /brmlitront -• baate; lOiOb-lltOO—Andra Bamah'a Cammant Watkins Brothers especially for the Hartford people who with i to subur- And a few honra later Martha, too, 1 —wabo only: Happy Foltan^Oarhaa* Nellie Kevell and FVed Allen. In this respect" waa deacribed before' the passage of a measure proposed Ml all oawa tfitpaithat ertOifaO to It she had refused It, had fooUably be­ Tho Oorinj blatara* Haraiony—woat occasion. Showing interiors of the three Brides' H o m ^ built by Bf bet oibarariaa ortAiiaO IB thir federal law. la abducted ^ S p ed d on , whe tocks 4:4b— b:4b—Orphan Annio ■basic —baale: f ^ l o MoMdlee—west rpt The moving picture and lecture, WABC-CSS—2:15 School of the a General Assembly committee by yesterday before the committee on banize themselves by coming here to lieved In her strength to fight some­ lOtb^lliiiSO-^ay Prooman A Orahaatra House Beautiful Magazine at the Savoy Plaia H o W New •apat ano alaa tba local aa«a oab- It la Improbable that there la any her Into meetuiir him at a trailer 6:00— 6 :0^T h o OM Travolor*s Tatoo —baale: A. Wfpka Orah,—nlbwoat previoualy scheduled for showing Air; 6:15 Herbert MkrahoU, BrtUah (fliarles L. Mdnia, aeronautics com­ highway safety. Uve are unlikely to find any of the thing which ahe could not see, i:1b— 6:1b—Nawt} John Oumoy. bona The blit, which .lad comihittee ap- IlabtB baraia camp. She la oM orof'irmsd. and b: b— :M ^ R rosa*Radlo Naws n r lM 11100—16:00—Oaald Natean*t Orohostra Monday evening, boa been changed labor party leader, oa ''Impressions missioner. York. Incidental descriptions by James Paacoe oU'Wat- • All riBbia of Tapobllcatiooa oi sound basis for their fears that this H er mind atumbled longingly 6 6 —baale: Rod NIohola Oroh*—wost devotion to the eighteenth century eventually finds h e k ^ f aboard Ulz- 6:6^ 6 :66' bonpa by Thro# X blirtara to Wednesday In order not to con­ of America.^’ WJZ-NBC — 12:30 Morris apj>eared at a hearing late provaL makes a jail term of three inacial Jitpatchat barala ara alae Ta- adverse action by a federal court bar't over the dnya and weeks. She 6:4^— 6:4^^bllly A •atty-*woaf: Or* 11:60—1t:60-Tod Plorlto A Orohostra .days to six m o n ^ mandatory for kins Brothers' decorating staff. Music by Walter D a i^ .BoraaA.______, which in Wjndaor, according to the 'nlk’s ship. Speddon’-qhows np and flict with the combined Beethoven Farm and Homs Hour, Sec. Wallace; Friday to speak In favor of a bill will have any eventual effect on the remembered how she and Betty had han Annio—midwest rspoat: Rty* NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK 1:46 Special program for Hoi-aqe the first offenders aa well aa six months' If Time* bkotoh—other stations and' G. Clef 'GIm clubs concerL which would appropriate 820.000 for radio organist, at the Hammond Electric Organ. • ro ll aaralea al^aot of N ■ A Bara- State College report, appears to Informs her th a t, C iw k wants to started out blithely on thelp^yaca- R Hippo of Lake Victoria, Afrlrtt; 3:80 suspension of Ucenae. ' Ths preswit continuance of the old age pensions. set bar. Ib ea It Is t w Blartba ■”W 7:0b^Amos *n* Andy — east; BASIC — Eaatt wjs wbs«wbaa wbal House Beautiful Magazine, one of buying or leasing '.and for 30 auxil­ ■loa loa______stand In the way of a hearty wel­ tlon to the ooast, had beei Donald MoOIbnoy* Commopt—wost wham kdka w rar wrya wlw wsyr wmal Respighi Memorial ooiiceft. law makes a 8100 fine mandatory but The opinion wai a two-to-one -learns that she and B ett^b aye be­ 7:1^Unelo Kirs Radio btatlon whl waby wobr wcky wepd wean wloc the leading authorities on home iary alrporta to be added to the 18 , Pablitbtra . Htpraatiiiaiiaa! I'b* come. This town la too young fOr leas as to find thcmsclvi Some Tuesday sboft waves: TPA3 already In the state. ' judges have the power to remit por­ affair, and it should be remembered come Innocent victims of a glganUc ’ 7:6^M ldgo Williomo A boiiM* wfoa: Midwostt wenr wls kwk koll planfitog and furnishings, are apon- Mllaa Ma'baaa Mpaclal Acanrr—Na« in S.,n Diego. And then to 8*' 7:4^Raooing Parado — woaf wren wml wood wcol kso W0170 w tw Paris 0:30 a. m. Play by Moltere; Among the advantages cited as tions of the fin*. Terir: Chicaao Oatroii ana Beaton that—and perhaps, from the stand­ dope ring, whoso leaders wanted to [wmaq wow: Royalloto—ootwork MIDW CbT A CANADA — wtraj kgbx aoring 'the show in cooperation with that It was rendered by judges of up from their Innocent way. JXJ JVN T6kyo 4 j>. m. Broadcast acenilng^o the state upon establish­ The proposed measure does not CENTER CHURCH HOUSE point of pracUcaUty, R Is just as t ir out a new trailer as a nafw tic bKX^burha and Alton. Comody wiba webo wday kfyr eret efef Watkins Brothers of this town. MICMHKH AKUIT BUKBAU Ut an ultra-conservative type. In re­ Into something from whli b:6^Monday Nlfht'o Rooltal SOUTH — wTva wptf wwno wls wja* to eastern U. S.; DJD Berlin 6:15 ment of these auxiliary fields were: discriminate between Onnectlcut conveyor, and need the firlt\ to Each year House Beautiful Mag­ In the (Othedrala of Work and 8:45 CIHl'I'I.ATInNA______■ ______well. could not extricate tbemsel' ^ l ^ ^ f i b b o r MeOoo and Molllo wfla-wson wlod wsm wme wsb wmpi 1. They would reduce distances in­ and out-of-etate drivers. versal of a contrary ruling already make the test. \ t:6b— 6:6(^^oah bablon, bongs oast; wldz wsmb kvoo wkr wfaa wbap kpro azine builds, furnishes and decorates Hitler birthday program; GSF GSL) only she had never persuaded Betty ■Hfns and Allan—wost ropoat wtar woal ktba kths. waoo wave weas within the Hotel Savoy Plaza In tervening between existing airports The flah and game commission Tba MaralO Krin'inf Oompan; lac given by a federal district court Clxnik offers to taka Martha In-' CSB London 6:30 In Dublin; heard several proporenta o f a bill WEDNESDAY NIGHT •aaamta ao Hbanrial raapniiaiMlio toey should take a vacation to­ •:4b— 6i4b—Fray A bragglotfl—oaat wfbc kark kroo . N*|W»Y«»rJl '«fity! a model bride s and add to the safety of flying "hver to the ring, threatening death If she •:0b—lOKIb—F. black Coneort—aloo a M O UNTA IN^kle kfir kfhl ktar .krod W lX A L Boston 7:45 Camera Work­ which would prohibit any person or foi tapoaraonical arrort ,pr>»arinf in which supported the law. The case gether. If only— home. This year the magazine the state. a£v#rtla#mafi*a in ibt Mtnnhttiti refuaea. But Martha Is adamant. •:60—10i9<^MiJSio for tho Modornt kfhf shop; YV5RC (jaracaa 9:30 Dance; Arm from setting more than 200 lob­ will now go to. the United States ^ t upon some "if,” some Inflnt- 10:0b—11:0C^Te Bo Announeod—oaat; PACIFIC—k fo kfad kez kgm koea kfr built three tn place o i the usual sin­ 2. They would *Tostcr and pro­ Angered at this defiance, Uznlk kfbk kwf kmj kern GSF QSP 08C London 9:55 The ster pots. Health and Diet teel^al turn ot life, rested all the Amos *n* Andy— wool ropoat gle house. The group Includes a mote" Connecticut's aviation Indus­ a t 8 : 1 5 IIONDAT, APRIL 19 ' Supreme Court and there Is no rea­ calls In a slinking Oriental. Horrl- 10:1b—11:1b—Klng*a Jottoro Orohostra Conte CaoL ~~ dronatlon; CURO CJRX Winnipeg Captain John Ryle, Jr., of Stam­ eventil^ evils and tragedies of the 10:60—11:60—Ruby • Nowmbn*i Omhoo« 7-roora Modern bouse, two-room try. ( son a-hatever for expecting that that 4:60— 6:60—Tho Singlnb Lady—aaat: 11 Farmer Fiddlers. ford, John Mulhaley and William fied. Martha sees the yellow man wrortd. Suddenly Martha wanted to 11:00—12:00—Tho Flok jJiibMoo tingora apartment and 5-room rraditional 3. They would be an Important Advice - lltSb—12:60—Francio Cralg'a Orchostra At VIorra and Hit Orohootra—west Watsonr Westport lohstermeH,'and THE PROBLEM OF '75 court .win neceasarlly take the same approach but she Is never to know cry out scream that It wasn't 4:46— 6:46—**01d Homestaad/’ bkotoh bouse, each with Its foyers, bath adjunct to the national derenae. By u a FUAMh McCUt 6:00— 6:00—Newt! U. b. Army band Sen. E. Gaynor Brennan of Stam­ view that was taken by the two what orders he was to carry out CBb“WABC NETWORK and dressing rooms. In addition. Thia last point was strongly TtUa U tha Afmlveraar]i o f an fair, that It. mustn’t happen—not to 6:60— 6:60—ProeoeRadio Ntwe Period ford all supported the measure and i for at that moment a terrlfle de­ OAblC— Ksot: wabe wade woko woao 6 :66— 6 :66—Tho Rovoloro — wjs only; Realizing that only a very few of touched upon by Fiod W, Orr, exec­ Sew England jutlgea Betty, and 'oot to her. She waa waab weal war wkbw wkro whk wir declared there was danger of lob- , erent which many atudenU of Amer­ PROFUSE MENSTRUATION tonation shook the ship. The coast Clark Oonnio, Toner boloo—ootw. Its readers throughout the country utive secretary of the Connecticut I ADMISSION FREE young and thMe must be other mo­ wdro wcau w ju wpro wfbl w^tv; Mid- Even at the worst, it Is Inconceiv­ guard was catching up wtth them. 6:40— 6:40—Lowotl Thomao — oast: Hollywood Bter becoming extinct under present - ican blatory regard r.a the moat de- menta to live beyond thla one. wooti wbbm wfbm kmbe kmos whao Tho Coeorto A Betty, bong—west would have the opportunity of visit­ Chamber of Ciomraerce, who sold able that the people of the states Profuse menstruation is one of In the excitement, Martha escapes, kfab kmt Connecticut's Industrial plants would conditions. i dalVa that haa tranaplred on thia Blight moments, ^k e — like that one BAbT—wbno wpg whp wheo wore efrb •teO— 7:00—Mery fmofl snd Her bong ing the exhibit in New York, House would permit their .respective gov- later finds Betty ai.d together they 6:16— 7:16 — bughouoo Rhythm, Com* Sights And Sounds be a natural target (or Invading air the common disorders of women and on the white sands of Carmel. Then ckim wlbz wmao wosg wnbf ody Beautiful decided to photograph the coiiUiient ainca the arrival of the climb to the next deck. Then they OIXtK—wgit wofm wbro wqam wdod armadas or enemy warships lying ernraeUte to abandon I to their fate may arise from r variety of causes ahe thought bltterl^ “1 don't de­ klra wroc irtao wwl wtoc krM ktrb 6:60— 7:60—Lum A Abner—oaot only: rooms this year in natural color in white man— that momentous aklr- reallxed the reason for Clxnlk’s con­ John Horriok, bsritono boloo—wost the form o f a moving picture. AA By Robbin Coons off the eoast. Several manufactur- the present beneficiaries of the old It la marked by an abnormal loss serve to live. I'm still. In love with ktaa waeo koma wdbo wbi wdao wblg •t46— 7:46—giotoro of bkfllet — wjs; mish In the enrlvona of Boston cern for 'lem. wdbj ww\'m wmbg wsja wmbr wala Hollywood, April 19.—(AP)— era spoke in favor of the bill. c f blood and In Instances the pro­ hin. I ’m ottll In love with him, and John Horrick, Contlrtuod^notwork Interesting story is incorporated in age provisions. ktui kgko wcoa wdno wnoz kwkh know 7.'00— t:00—To bo Announeod thq film. This film baa already Gypsy Rose Lee, New York's queen Would Lease Uuids. which we dignify arith the designs- fuse flow appeara with every period, NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY all this la what he stands for!” wmmm wjno Of course the pronouncement of MIDWCbT — wmbd wisn orlbw kfh 7:6(^ g:60 Abo Lymon*o Love bongo b e ^ contracted for by ten of the of atrtp-tease, unpacked 13 trunks Morris said the funds provided for Uon of the Battle of Lexington and CHAJTER XXin 6:00— 9:00-Tho Deed TImoo booloty while In others. It may occur only wkbn weco wsbt kocj wowo wnaz woe leading furniture stores of the coun­ of ckithes today— but refused to doff In the measure would be used, if the Circuit Court will have no effect occasionally. , Betty stirred beside her.X"! don’t MOUNT.—kvor kli koh ksl kpro kfbb 6:60- 6:60—To bo Announced OoneortL Looking out over the dark waters, COAST—knz koln kfre kol ktpy kvl •:00-10:00—Richard Himbor's Music try and will be shown In practlcsljy her coat for the photographers. made available, to lease land for "In­ on the continued operaiton of the In addition to the Increased hem­ Martha saw that the speeding hear anything, ’ she w h isp e r^ "W e 6:6(^10:60—National Forum by Radio "Oh, I ready don’t dare.” she termediate landing fields or seaplane Simmons presents the n e r e has scarcely been a day — we must have got away 'fro m 10:00—11:00—Nowo: Don FordI Orehoo. all of the leading cities from New pension law white Ita appeal to the orrhaging the patient may mention revenue cutter was close aatern of Conte East. 10:60—11:60—Kddio Varaas A Orohootra York to Los Angeles. Watkins smiled. 'T t might be mislnterpret- terminals.” Biliea last July on which there baa them!” \ Supreme Ckiurt Is Impending, and Ita such aymptonns as weakness, trem­ Clznlk'B vessel. A great mustache 4:60— b:60—Dbrio Karr* bongo—baale; 11:0(^12:(M>—bob C^oby A Orohootra Brothers are fortunate In having se­ dd.” The fields, he said, would be large bling of the legs, or ache In the low­ But no sooner had she u t t e ^ Kathryn Cravon Intorvlowo—wost 11:6(^12:60 Lou Breeze A Oreheatro not oeonrred In Spain a bigger fight disposition there may be a matter of of white foam rode along before the 4:4b— 6 :di—Wildornoss Road, forlal 11:46-12:40-^. bherman A Orohostra cured the film for one o f Its earliest GyP'ty’* figure for several years enough to accommodate transport fliaii that one. But If no shots bad er back. Aa a general rule the pa­ clean-cutting prow. Then suddenly a the words inan thkre waa a fright­ presentations, fOr the rooms are has been delicately unveiled to soft planes that might have to make a considerable time. ening, irtdescrlba'ble sound afiOve, music, dimming lights and gaping forced landing—2,000 to 3.000 feet been fired on the Green at Lexing­ tient tends to neglect the condition, blinding glare of light struck at being Illustrated for the first time Finally, It may almost be taken hoping that nornw' period wrill re­ them. as If the cutter's fire had struck. 7;30— Hollis Shaw. In the May Issue of House Beautiful admiration of burlesque fans. long and'200 to 300 feet wide. ton; If no colonial Englishmen bad for granted that If the Supreme turn. Part of such neglect may be "It'a tbs new coast guard cutter Heavy objects ware falling to the 7:46— Boake Ctorter. magazine on the newatonds this "BuL” sold her new studio bos.< very like­ “ She's got to !" It waa Speddon, of running feet, and then a lurch of 30JMW W. 1040 K. C. 28XJI M. rating staff. Admission to the com­ give the commissioner power to pur­ might have ran vastly dlfferenC By Prgsiom Grovtr. the ship as though tt had been ram­ 10:30—"Let Freedom Ring", ney. two Dachshunds and a pet Ciil- chase 1.2 acres of land owned by the rtay. When the tendency le present, the ly that your resistance was un­ roaring above ths din. Eoaton Stoodord lima. 11:00— Newa Service. ' bined concerL movie and Jecture patient may find that heavy exer­ usually high when you succeed in med -hard by a weight equal to will be free. huahua. New Haven railroad adjacent to the BacauM there were very few tf Washington.—A battle of mas-: “They'vs given ua one shot aa a 11:15— H M py Felton's Orchestra. cise, exposure to cold, nervous throwing off a cold so easily: how­ the grounds that they could not be itself. state airport and create a commis any colonists who. up to the Instant hampered by its orderly procedure warning,” the other man yelled. Monday, April IS. 11:30—Jay Freeman's Orchestra. strain, severe constipatmn. and even ever, the alkallnizing effect of the tadons would be more exciting but Martha looked toward Ling. The Mae West declined with regret to­ Sion to study the advisability of pro WINDSOR, ELSEWHERE 'Next time we'U get it squaro- I'm P. M. 12:00— Ogzle Nelson’s Orchestra. when Major Pitcairn gave the com­ th eating of a heavy meal contaln- grapefruit Infusion may have been tor sheer sustained suspense the aa long as Industry openly was flout- ancient Oriental bod been thrown day on Invitation to ploy “ Dtomond vidlng state aid for airports. ing IL going to tell Pete to get those en­ 4:00— Phil Spttolny'a oreheatro. 12:30 a. m.— Ted Flo RIto's Orchaa- LU” In the Old Opera bouse at O n - Clearing the Calendar. mand ■Tire!’’ to hla red-coated reg­ The department of aoclology, Om- Ir many Incompatible . food mix­ helpful. As a general rule, when a to hi* knees by the lurch. Fascinat­ tra. blow by blow account of Roosevelt gines tn reverse!” 4:30— "Follow the Moon.” tral City during the mining The "Fightless Fridgy" session ol nectlcut State College, has Issued tures, may serve to Increase the loss cold-once has a good start'there is ed, she watched him, slewly regain­ ulars that day, ^Into whose beads vs. Hughes makes good reading Out-Of-Torn “ Not until CJlrnlk orders you to,” 4:4!l—'T h e Gldlng Light.” town’s annual play festival this the General Assembly—featured b> of blood. Even so alight a factor aa little that may be done to? stop It ing hla feet. Tomorrow’s Program bad ever entered such a thought as the first of e presumptive series of these days, with Roo.—''Adventures of Dart-Dan.” RADIO .summer. the appointment of a oommlaalon t< being on the feet for many hours "Ung! What th* devil—” She a. m. aj.d will usually run Its cour.ie. It moment rocked back and forth on decisions elevated Henry Ford to Martha and Betty crouched low S;15—Don Winslow of the Navy. Studio plana call tor me to go to join In the probe o f conditions at the American Independence of the Brit­ "Studies of Suburtuinizatlon In Con- at a lime, may be Influential in saw Ciznlk In the doorway, knew 7 :(X)—ETA ALPHA Programma — may be possible to alleviate the dls- hla heels by the Wagner case de­ , the position of national number one oh the deck, afraid that the ilium-. 5:30— “Jack Armstrong.” Bastera Standard rhae. work In a picture at about the same Windham (bounty *chlldren'a home__ ish nation. necUcul," taking as Its subject the bringing about the increase. treae and to shorten thz duration ot cisions. losUon of the cutter's searchlight from bis tortured face that he and CoIUds Drtgga, orgonlsL I speaker-out-^-turn. Just where will 0:45—“ U tU e Orphan Annie.” 7:30— Shoppers Special — 1st Sec­ time the festival storte. the actress Thera bad long been agitation, to town of Windsor. The pamphlet Is ,/l can riot too strongl,\ emphasize the cold by treatment bii't It >8 sel­ One conclusion drawn here ts that hj appeal, now that -the Supreme would reveal them to some of CIs- hla gang were caught. "Shut that 8:00— News. , said. Ih- fact that In the healthy woman, dom possible to bring about a com-, Roosevelt now la on the spot and door. Ling!” tion. Supreme Court Discussion: be,sure, for a greater measure ol quite a book, containing more than : Court has told him that eollscUve nik's crew. “ W e'vs got just one 8:15— Boacball News and High­ 7:45— News Servloe. mcnalniaHon should be a perfectly plate disappearance ot the cold un- not the Supreme Court. Should a bargaining ta the law of ths land, chance,'' Betty whispered. 'That's Ha started toward th* twro wo­ lights. Tonight: WJZ-.MBC 10:30, 'aslf-government; the cohmiats were HO pages and It sure'y docs sift the 8:00—Treaaure House. Labor's Nott-Partlsan League moas William Brlebane’s honeymoon normal function, causing no diiireaa lesr soda or some other .alkallnizing new 'Sit-down strike of importance I even In Dearborn T to signal that ooost gusjrd euttar. men. Martha sow hls arm ralslag a 8:30—WiigbtviUe Clarion. was Indefinitely delayed today until sodal, economic and cultural effects 8:15— Shoppers Special — 2nd Sec­ meeting lit favor of the President's full o f unrest over what Uwy deemed or apprehension in any way. When treatment Is used. Inasmuch a., you develop, administration Jeaders could If they know we're aboard they revolver. She closed her eye*, cring­ 8:45—“Aak Me Another.” he finishes a picture. See us at the ed , closer to Betty, just as th* tion. proposal, speakers Attorney Gener­ —what they knew to be—unjust of the migration into that historic abnormal function appears, then received such good results It would not wave their arms fh the senate j Speed-Up won't fire.” 7:00— Amoa 'n' Andy. 9:00;—Dear Columbia. He and Jane Griswold, formerly of there is a cause for the deviation be a good plan tc repeat the giape- and say President Roosevelt really sound of a shot filled the room, rang al Cummings, Major Georgs' L. treatment by the *home govern­ old community of all classes hf peo- I Some of the lesser courts have “ But Ciznlk is sure to atop.” 7:15— "Uncle ExraY Radio Sto 9:15—Homemakers Council of the Berry and Mrs. J. Bordon Harriman. Milwaukee, were married here yea from the normal, which shoulc, be frutt regimen next year ii you seem had no part In the picture. His la­ ' joined In a triple play with the “ Maybe. If he does he'll make hideously against the steel plates. .... tion.” • terday. NEW ENGLAND ment” ; and they were Indignant and pls from Hartford, with a. long and Air. Midwest and southwest CBS sta­ searched for, an'd removed. to be ijeveloping another cold. How­ bor board hda "orriyed” constitu­ Supreme Ctourt to show that they certain that the revenue men never 7:30— Stewart Slaters. 0:30— Richard Maxwell. resentful— precisely as a great many persistent shaking. B ^ precisely tionally. (To Be Contlnu^) tions only 11:30, Senator Harry S. Some of the •h'ssihia causes of ever, why not tiy observing auch can do pretty well. Almost un­ see ua!” 7:45— “ (Jount of'M onte Crlato.” 9:40— News Service. Truman of Kansas, In favor. Joe Penner, the screen comic, was o f the people Of this country have what o f the gold of wisdom is profuse menstruafton are: first, a good habits of living that you do Inside dopesters are carrying noticed Is the speed with which a Martha put m bond on Betty’s 8:00—George Bums and Grsclc 9:45— Dusting Off Federal Archives notified today that a Uen will be ANTIQUES arounij stories that one or two mem­ BOX SPRING OR MATTRESS been for a good while over what brought to hand by this mining oi certain condition ^ the blood In not develop any more colds? test case of the social security set shoulder “ You stay here. I’ll try to Alien. In Connecticut— William B. Gard­ New York. April 19— (A P ) —Fish placed against bis Beverly Hilts which the cosgulAtlon Or clotting bers of the court, although sym­ was channeled through. 8:30— William Daly’s orchestra. iner. home If be does not pay 8149 In they deemed to be Injustices result­ the places of Windsor facts It Is nst work around to the other aide. storiea In the making will be the un­ power Is abno.mal. due to the ab­ pathetic with Hughes'-defense of the On March 10. the Charles C. 9:00— Fibber McGee and Molly. 10:00— Betty and Bob. asserted delinquent unsecured per­ easy to conclude. Surely they’ll be able to see me. U derlying theme of two special broad­ EXPOSITION ing from the game lack of consider­ sence of certain elemenu,. Second, court position, suspect that he la Steward machine company of Ala­ 1—” 9:30—Jean Sablon. 10:15— Modern Cinderella. casts from the Michigan north sonal property taxes. A cro8mlng achievement iq. comfort, quality and value! motivated In part by politics. The Reading ation as that from which the colon­ It Is disclosed that a good many lacerations or tears of the uterus. bama filed a petition in the federal "It might not work, though/?, the 9:45— Boy Scout Jamboree. 10:80— Betty Oocker. woods. Actually, they are to detail Simmons made this Innerspring mattress and box spring In story Is that the chief justice canT 10:38r—Hymns of oil Churches. ial bgUahmen living In America rteidents of tlie old Windsor stock Third, the presence oi growths district court for northern Alabama voice of Qznik said suddenly. "VVe 10:00— Contented Program. the activities of anglers on the Ursr Film production notes: commemoration of next month's Coronation. The Family wholly forget that he Is a Krpubll- asking refund ot a S4S payroll tax. 10:30— Guy Hedlund and (Company. 10:48—John K. Watkins suffered. do not relish the modem surburban- within the uterus Fourth,\chronlc tricked them that way once with a And Writing day of the state's trout aeoaba neift M-G-M Is sending Robert Taylor. and severe constipation which cn- can and that Roosevelt Is a Demo­ That same day ths government filed 11:00— News. 11:00— Dorothy Stone—Organ Melo­ Saturday. CHark Gable, Lqulae Rainer and Rob­ Come In and see how finely It la tailored. Durable, handsome ization of the community; that the crat. sailor In women s clothes!” dies. But the conflict between the col­ ceuragea a congestion of blood a demurrer. March 11, the district Martha turned, startled. Cflsnik ■ ly John Selby . 11:15—The Connecticut Legislature One program will come from a ert Montgomery to England this Regimental striped covers In Royal blue and red on gray; Court aiiatalned the demurrer. March — William A. Sheehan. 11:15— James Martin, songs; Al See one of the Ipswich onies aad-the crowm could have been old timer's and a good many of the within the pelvis. Fifth, retrovehuon Doctor stood there on the wet deck, bis stream one mile from MIO at 10 a. summer for a series o f pictures su­ House bedroom* trans­ , Showdown 12 the company appealed to'the fifth Phil Btoog, It will pleas* U>* 11:30;—Doc Schneider's Texans. White, pianist. super imperial border and French tape edges.' Doiens of other high collar migrants are Inclined to pf the uterus, when this organ., is m. oa fishermen go into action toi pervised by Michael Balcon, former­ formed to the Foot Guard avoided. There was nothing Inher­ v i r r m s o f l i 'N o d i s e .a s e s Number 2 conclusion Is that John circuit court at New Orleani. March face working angrily. In his rigm 11:30— Big Slater. , features, too. tipped backward Sixth, proiapsiig, literati to know, has been dis­ 11:30— Ruby Newman'* orchestra. the mlci^'phone. The other, at 7:3<) ly of Britlsb-Gaiimont. Studio Armory In Hartford, and ent in the situation which was bound be peevish over the presence in the ARE NOT IM .M INE TO SUBIkE- L. Lewis and Homer Martin of the band was a revolver. "Uon't move, 13:00— Weather. 11:15— Homemakers Exchange — which by exerting a downward pres­ 20 tha circuit court affirmed the covered. Hls new novel, "Buckskin p. m. from around the campfire. Is space- will be leased. rubbing elbows with the A Royal outfit . . fit for a king . . and a king of value* so(»thera part of the town Of subur- QUENT ATTAUKS. automobile workers' union now mu.'t district court judgment. March 28. either ot you!” He yelled Speddon * 12:03— Magnolia Blossom*. Eleonore Howe. expected to supply any necessary to result In separation. There were sure Interferes with thu circulation W'hen Bambara Stanwyck finishes beat In antiques! But bet­ lay their cards on the table before the company appealed to the Su­ name. "Take these two below, Jock Breeches," Is the current choice of 12:30— Francia OtUg's orchestra. 12:00 noon— Ad-Liner. flah yarns. strong ties and strong reasons bAnltes who live In cheap rented of blood within th- veins ol th* in (joldwyn's "Stella Dallas," she ter stIIL se* the complete By UK. 5IORKIH FISHREIN the labor relations board Instead of preme Court. Within an hour or two Ling ui down there and he knows the boolj.'club known as the UUi- 1:00—Silent. 12:15 p. m.— Edwin C. Hill. Conversation at the dinner table, houses and speak Indifferent Eng­ t>elvlc region and leads to conges­ will find "She Married for Money” Ipswich Display at our operating against separation. But Editor, Journal of the American reljdng on the sit-down strike to win the government asked that the -case what to do.” coverars. This was formed ongl- Tomorrow** Program. 12:30— Romance of Helen TrenL the WJZ-NBC aeries put on at tion. . Medical .\sMictatlon, and ot 12:45— Our 0*1 Sunday. waiting for her at her home loL R- store. Admittance.to An­ tha British government was' filled lish or ars of Negrp blood; that the their battles. They have not both­ be reviewed. March 29. the court "But—” Dally' to bring together subscribers A. M. monthly Intervals, has Ita sechnd K-O. Dudley Nichols, of "Inform ­ In addition. Inflammatory diseas­ llygcla, the Health Magazine i^ b wanted to gamble on first 1:(X)— Jack Bercb and hls Boys. tiques Show, 25c. with a sense of power; It was prob­ farmera find some of their" land ered to conceal their own evasion of agreed. It was argued April 8 and “Do ts I tall you!” 6:00— Blue Grass Roy. broadcast tonight at 8. Like the er” fame, I* doing the film story. es of the uterus may Induce protuse the law, privately justifying it on .hovels, but Its field bac long since 1:15—Ad-Uner. first one It will originate from the ably convinced also of Its complete assess^ for taxatlOD at building lot 9. A decistOD la possible April 28. 8:30—"Reveille." Louis Campbell has been recruit­ menstruation. When the ovarian With most 'diseases, such as .tpeddon reached Into bis p ock ^ been broadened. Now “ complete T:30— Julius Hartt School of Music. home of Mr. .and Mrs. Henry God­ 7:00— Morning Watch —Ben Haw­ 1:45— Aunt Jennies' Real Life ed from the New York stage to play WATKINS wisdom; It knew much better than rates, and cannot make such land hormone la' produced In too sianty scarlet fever, dipbthe. , mal flow. Such oondituma as the steel companionway,, “ Keep go­ 8:30— (Jheerlo. Interests of Labor and COpltal Real­ no nonsense. come In do not reverence Windsor sistant to It and not to have s sec­ Q uotatiors— cesa with “ State Fair,” you may Northeast Junior High School — ly IdehUcol 7” tumor, of tba ovary; i. flabby and For a while It was thought ing until you get to Ctznlk'a toom," 9:00—itodle' Bazaar. "A Tale of Two CflUes*. So the aoldlera marched to Lex­ traditions—or know anything about relaxed state of the musculature of ond attack. Unfortunately, diseases recall. This was abu :t Iowa. Hls 9:15— All Star Varltlea with Gene Listening Tonight: that vaccine* consisting ot a prep- Speddon told them. new novel a!to I* about Iowa, or at 2:45—M yrt and Marge. ington and Concord—and a lot of them; that many of the migrants th. uterus; an unsatitlactury outlet that affect the lungs do not seem to rratlon of killed pneumonia The greatest service our deans tt Austin and Freddy Martin's Talks, WJZ-NBC! 8. Dinner Dis­ ' The placid Oiiqntal waa there, as any rate about a couple who went 3:00— BIU W right Vic* President. cussion. "A re Interests of Labor and for the normal reproductive urge; leave victims with a permanent re- germs would be Important in men and women perform for alu- , orchestra. the angry farmers and more of the don't go to church; that WIndsoi ,Ciznlk had said-'He smiled at SpM- til tqwa— a large share of the text 3:30— Story of A Song„ Capitol Really IdenUcal?" WEAF- and tn aome cases, the blood vessel helping build up resistance to tnia dents is tbel stremioua activity ir 9:80— “ Milky Way.” red coated soldiers were killed—and has become. In fact’ a sort of con­ siatance. don. "Pleas* hold them quiet with concerns Ohio and the territory NBC 9:45 (east only). Dr. Jam** changes seen In hardening o. the disease. If the disease itself does promoting sleep. 9;45.;-Intlmate Apparel. guh a moment," be said. between Ohio and Iowa. It is ao E. W **t on forthcoming Boy Scout the fat was In the fire. Britain glomeration of a very lovely pas­ Indeed, ailments auch as Influ­ — Dr. A. O. Oewqeee, direelar ot J0:00—Mrs. Wigga of the Cabbage arteries, are other posalble causea enza, pneumonia, and bronchitis not bring” about permanent resist­ With surprltlngly atrong arms, ingenious text, warmly human and jamboree; WEAF-NBC 10:30 Radio toral past and a somewhat garish ance. however, there does not seem Patch.*' lost by far the roost valuable of her pi an abnormal menstrual function teem to produce a condition that student health, Kent Stole Unl- ha pushed the two girls onto the full of the sort ot understanding, Forum, S ^ t o r AIbbn W. Barkley to be any real reason why such iTrelty. 10:15—“ John’s Other Wife.” BOLTON Solid Hard Maple Colonial Bedroom Pieces coloolea. The - English speaking and In a;x)ta a bli smelly present. marked by profuaenesa Ik much more likely to res,uli in bunk', and within half a mtnuta ban gusty comment on* has learned to oc "Prospective Industrial and vnectn'e would be any more bene- 10:30—“Just Plain BUI.” But what the es(ieclal and particu­ Fortunately, this abnormality ts a second attack. &Iany p>c«ple bound the legs and arms ot both expect from Mr. Strong. In fact, Labor Legislation." v people were divided. Biilonces of tlrlal. Authorities do not consider As soon as you find out your boas 10:45— 'Today's Children.” frequently due to causea whi h are have these diseases several times. securely. They sat stiffly, tacee excepting that the novel la set In The O n ter school will present WElAF-NBC—8. Burns and A tlw pjwer throughout the world became- lar lesson in all this may be, the the evidence in support of antl- Is a boob, go somewhere else. Never 11:00— "David Harum." A not malignant and mill disappear white os paper,' watching Ling ana the late 1830‘a, this is ' the Htong their mualcole Wednesday evening (west repeat 9:30); 8:30 Margaret A N Y MAJOR The best way to prevent pneu­ pneumdnla vaccine sufficient at work for a boas who ts just trytng 11:15—“ Backstage W ife." Quaint old New England furniture for your giiest room, children’s rooms, for wbony different from what they reader of the report la left to find following a treatment which cor­ Speddon. we have known for a good many Speaks recital; 9 Flbbef McOee and monia is to do everything possible t!me to warrant a general to get something out of you. 11:30— Mystery Chef. at 8 p. m. at tha basement of the .PIECE might have been. The roap of the out for himself. rects the cause, after which normal to bulldlip the general resistance years. It will translate Into cellu­ Molly; 10 Frank 'Black concert: .vour Summer cottage. Buy a single bed .- . a two piece or three piece group . . recommendatior ol It. — Walter Uovlag, New Vortt. to an “ What about their trap*. Ling?” 11:45—Wife-Saver. Congregational church. All schools, globe quIU poaalbly bears no resem­ Just the same, the pamphlet does menstruatloti will be restored. . of the person concerned. This In­ Speddon asked. loid just as neatly, too. 12:30 Francis Craig orchestra. MIRRORS at this extraordinary’ saving. E^h piece is Quality built to Watkins exacting Those desiring a copy of my Ati.vthing ivWch tends to reduce nddreen to stodents at. CoiomMe It concerns Jesse Ellison and nia 12:00—"W ay Down East." parents, and friends ore Invltad. WABC-CBS — 8 Heldt's Brign- blance to what it would have been contain a gooil deal of cstn-mHly volves, first -Ot an, avoiding ex­ a person's vitality si^ms to pre­ Ling amired. ^ have handker- P. M. spcrtal Article on PKuKUSE .Mr.N- posure to Inclement weather, such UnHirrsIty. wife, Margaret, add (at least when Dr. Moore will be at the schools $7.75 specifications, ^ lid hard maple with "woi-n” and pegged effects. Rich honey dispose him to pneumonia. Uisst- cl levea ready. People meeting death 13:15—Stojy of Mary Martin. today If real wudnni and real falr- worlhwhll- Information One of its yRUATlON are Invited to send aa severe cold, dampness, snow, viewed ot, the aplritual plane I their April 30 (o odmlnlstsr toxoid for the piillon that Involves excess burn­ sometlmea Ilk* to talk.” 13:80—'The Forty-Nlnera.” colored, finish rubbed to a soft glow. Beds, chesLa, dresser bases, innerspring naaa had aat In Boston representing moat illuminating pages carries a for IL Forward yoi.i request to me and drafts. Next, plenty of nour­ The average American picks up a attempt to adjust themselves to presentoUon of diphtheria. A ll those ing up 0? the body energy, loss ot Speddon rubbed hls hands ner­ -Doc Schneider's Texans. tl. care of this news;>aper ano en­ ishing food should be eaten. Thif shot glass of fine old rya . . , and each other. The adjustment having children over six months or* mattresses or box springs, $17.50 each. Mirrors, $7.75. the Brltlab crown—instead of a mere map of the state, on which commu­ sleep, overwork, worrry, undei> vously. "We ougbn't to have to do -T h e Old Gardener.” close a large, sell-addressed en- means not only the right amount then tossee it off arith an expert flip rather late In life, after Invited to have this done. aoidler with no more understanding nities that gamed., 45 per cent or nourishment, over-indulgence ui . . . gives, three shudders, wiper thi*. We'd neve? have run afoul ot personable children bad bi -News; weather. The Ladles society orlU meet at veIo|ie and a 3c stamp. Additional of protein fpood without too much alcohol, frequent colds, and ex- of the problems confronting him more In population from 1920 to of tbs sugars, but particularly hla lips with tte bock ol his hand, these gale If Neal had not got queer after a mulatto maid had la |Tl5—Joyce Jordan. Girl Interne. the. home o f Mrs. 'DMinas Bentley articles now available are; StTA.N- rtssea of any kind arc foctora than bla own pet dog. plenty of leafy, green vegotablea and says, "Ah. there was a drtna.' on ua.” He looked along the pas­ heart to Jesse, after Margaret (;SO—M ajofl* MUls Hour. Thursday afternoon. 1930 appear black and those with TY MENSTRUATIO.N ------; The which help lessen vitality. containing vitamins A. B. C. and — Harry Lonrie, membw, NattoaaJ sageway. “ I'm going up above. captivated and renounced a Iron- 3flX>—Organ Melodies. The four acboola presented a There is no more aentlmeot In the lesser gains are deslgnaled by cross- ME.S’O P A U S E ------; and FtBKOIU The use of overneatrd rooms, Don’t forget what Ciznlk told you." tier preacher. 3:15—K ay Fayre "N ew Biglond'a Safety program at the (immunity aas TUMORS------. D .Assortotloa of AloohoUe Beve"r- United States touay for any over- hatchings, while those that did not the Injurious effects of excessively age Importers. Ling a ^ e d , and walked across While tbeae things were going So^ Swaethoart” r ' night program. Mr, Smith o f the Vitamins A and D are found on Jess* waa ruiiiung, and l 3:30—It's a Woman's World. motor-yehicla department gave a turalng of the capitalistic system gain at all ere white. I largely in rod liver o|I and in dry and warm air and the uae -ot the room. Slowly be opened one ot qUEtsnONS A.NU ANSWERS • tovern In a little Ohio village, in 2:45—Happy Homemaking. talk on safety and showed moving halibut liver oil; Vitamin C in a bedroom without adequate ven­ Many eitlea to ve become too the big port boles nide. and stood than there was in 1775 In the Amerl- None, of the city's large citjes Ohio bt was caught, and be knew 8:00 Young'S Family. pictures. Prices orange juice; Vitamin B m the tilation. also listed -as factor* large. And New" York is one ot there, hls eyes half closed. —Peppox tFrog’s Lego) which tend to break down lung m- (Orapefi^t) by Iron. __ . iilualty halL In any tlm*. . at OoDObtd and Lexington a bun- the' densus figures.- They have kins, edmmeattog om the <30- swinging wide. “ No-o. They do not won’t put down until you have p. m. Question: ‘iX’hen . my friends all HUGE L A K E finished IL - . e drsd and atxty-two years ago next Chrysler pace. find yon. Not until many days, per­ 4flX)—Treeamoe N azt Door. • E-Eaya grown as communities, reaching out hod colds. I tried jrour suggestion To build general resistance, a SHRINKS TO POND haps.” “ Backskta Brneeheo,” by Phil 8:15—Dtetotors. Monday. one morning shout msJctng s grspe- person must have plenty ol "ANOIHEB PLANE DOWN and taking In, In fact, great areas ^ NO-SSpOClY M USIC Ktong (Farrar A Rineliarts BtflW). 8:80—Cjhleago Variety. fresh sir and warmth. If It ta Im- You can’t aboot an Idea to pieces. which have not been legally or po­ fruit infuslpo when I felt as though - Bacramjento. Cant.-—(A F l^ B l^ t e ; Martha's bead Beamed to be S:00—am brite Junior N u n * Oorp. posalbls for a child to get outdoors officials wonder whether there iMll' Los Angrtea CTlay KatMaberg- Too can’t klU mass human aspira- I were coming dosm wtth a cold. It London (JLP)— N ot a grata ' of sptnhlng. She dared oot tooo Betty. S:15— Dorothy Oordoo'a Cflilldren litically absorbed. “ ’ tasteci so good uiat I cuc up another during a season of bad weather, long remam a drop ot watei |n what PANHANDLsCB ar. I yenra old. knows how tt feala to London smoke or tog will oe able “ But perhaps the boat does not Corner. tlcsw by painful pressure. Too An increasingly large proportion grapefruit and drank some more an- tf It U passible to send birr once was a i84-square-mlle laka. ■wallow aa alrplaaa. to enter WeaUnlnatcr Abbey’s 8100. overtake us,” Ltog said aoUcituus- 6:80— DorUiKerr. can’t have a happy country, or a of the liquid, continuing this clear for Uiia period to a warm ares ot The body o f wrater— Tula taka, W o tk ,^ Glen. N. V.— rbein'a^ a Tha ptaae had a wlngsproad at OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVB^INCS UNTH 9 O'CLOCK of the state'e population, the mape 000 organ, which Is oolng rusaad to ly. ” 1 have seen thla happen many 6:45—News' Bervies. the country. It Is wise to do ao. aU a-d.lfjl^oot elevation near tnr robin in thooe parte which doe.- 6:00— Dinner Dance Music. only on# Inch, but It put Cniay, aafa ooe, with one-fourth ef the show,. Is ^ th e H n g Into" the rela­ through the day wlchout taking compleUoa tor ths coronattoo. Set- times, llila ship look very old. very anything else. To my surprise, the Outdoor play and exercias help Oregon Border — was reported at oKprythtog but aay, “ Buddy, cah ytx «:15—P o m Chapin adopted daughter ot Pollee Captain people p a t^ tba bread of govern- ence. It ts said, haa eoaquarwo oec ■low—uji* Ung-but she,Is really Dr. M. L. Field tively nnali areas Immediately sur- cold went away In Spite of the tact develop a child's lungs. its maximum siae tn 1884. A aurvay ^ a r * a btoome a small, ahallcw pond. into th* new organ will bo ‘remo’e a aaoat eacellent ehaace.” collar door of tbetr boast and. tt ito' 7:00—Footle M Jodi eg wUh Jock woOM taste good, deetar,’ Moat excellent chance! The am- food la forthcoming, R files arnuno Virttoa. r- ■aU at tba poUoa amergoncT hospi­ Phone ^ 1 7 < And you can’t aolaa Odi oountiy'a grape juice which ^ r e d me. or was rest period after lunebeoo at noon Tha B u ts OoUsse document dots see'plng out through aa upder* aU impurlUip before tba-ale ostort latjr words rang through Martha's and tops oa ths kltclMw wlo£w.> rO A -M n n a d Pa. tal. “ hut It dIda'L” It just Uiat «t tbgrpvtleuiAr ume a n d i o t o U b m if rest iDbadbt grouad fractura. tha pipaa. * - hsad Hka a oragy tuw . Buppoat Oa- That goto rsaultgo ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANC RER, OONN« MONDAY, APRIL 19,198T

was reported to have succeeded In rurniiny thef * insurgent ‘ ‘ "blockade” ...... of April 14, officeni.af the local p»- which to aract a new buUding and TAXES COLLECTED the Biscayan coast, arriving at the Manchester MONS-YPRES AfUaUART Uce ‘ buy mora land to add to toe 125 Oviedo port of Musel under the The whlch lead to National CaatiL scree It now has. The American protectioo of three British destroy- Date Book HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY the arrest of |*(ovatidle, 66. THE OPEN PORUM dchool haa a fine plant built only era. Two of the convoying vessels his wife, Mrs. Provsiidla. In New Yo r k 15 yean ago. It would take about TO DATE $352,000 — News — Conununleatlona for pubileaaon the Open Forom wlU not Stayed outside the three-ml{e limit, \ supertatendeDt matron c t the . ba guaraotead publication if they ebntata more than 300 wbfite.' 3t(M,000 to enlarge it to accommo- Windltain Ooon^ while the third watched from a Tonight CelebrstcB Fifth Anniversary 'Tba Herald reserves the right to decline to publtah any matter addltional 106 children, re- point about a mile off Musel. The for Chlldnn in Pul : waMc on OHnpaay ‘V*-.18»th Infantry _ to a saving of about April 10- — Combined eoncert of or Orffaniiation in Turkey I Hlra Buddiee: , B w kM FaN ^ York OM^Ctunied out to be nothing more that may be libelous or which is ta bad taste. Fraa exprosslod Mary Eaizabeto Seastrand of ttu British government baa refused to various charges was orted that omMst MeaBy of. political views ta desired but contributions ot t ^ charactar 3150.000. Since the difference In b More Hum Tliinl of Beethoven Glee club and G Claf chib Supper Saturday Night, the case was hcodghl nothing loea than Broadway ta a Beauty Nook announced with pleas­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS. Kexpsdltton. Medical. protect merchant ahlpe entaring BU- at High School hall. — ----- •—Vto Hght commepetag this week's Home Abroad. troptaal climate. Wbat'a more, hav­ which are defamatory or abusive will be rojscteiL Ihe per-capita costa of the two through the work of the Nfftaffonj I colunuL msy we oompUment Lieut- acboota to about 3400 per pupil, there ure today toe return to her 'roiplbv Hairy F. Phillip said tt was acel*' iMto, however. Also 'The Bride's House of 193r' ing traveled south 'for a aun tanning, OT Mtaa Gudiun Anderaon of 27 Seven deaths by violencp were re­ Three Insurgent pilots were burned ■The' fifth annlversaf/ of the or­ Bprtagi^ state police. One ^ the 1Cowles on his appear- By taO BG E BOSS would be an annual saving of be­ ported ta Connecticut over the week­ dental drowning. The b5dy was Sum led to Balance moving pictures and lecture. Center ganization of the Auxiliary to Mons who ran away from tha ance and adapUbillty to the funda­ your eorraapondent came back with DEAF SCHOOL MERGER Schlld. Unbiased observers say that Hackmatack street who (or uie pa died at tha Hartford located ta Weat Hartford. We ited vocabutariea pf deaf chUdren, Rev. and Mr*. W. B. Tu'.hlll ol THREE WEEK-END HUES, North Haven on a charge of driving 74 Haynes S t TeL 3429 SOg.SSACcordlng to Mr, Kelson. Al­ cannot live with Marxist sum." This Month obtained from tbe ‘Company Com­ IVhita Way seems a Grim Highway comer from tbe Palace), a i ' toe rapidity of the motions of toe though the ma^r .ortlon of the Basques asserted a government the new liome recently purpiUwed by hospital, Wednesday afternoon after at this early hour. By the way. g . wopooe to show that a cohaolldation Andover, Rev. and Mrs. A. 8. Kline - Nehon Eddy and Jeanette MsrDonald la "Mayttme” a motor vehicle so as to cause loss ( AU ollnks at Haysea SL oalai April 25.—Annual Klwanls Show the Veterans of ForelgirWarapost a long illness. Besides her aon she mander, faithfully and executes the man on the hunt for talents jMCaoidd result In benefits to toe state Ups, and toe differences ta the shape of life. ... . amotmt received was for this year's shell hit Insurgent Gen. Emtilo at State theater for benefit of Kid­ tastructlons he receives o p ^ e floor that's quite a spectacle ta sepia at proprietor who was ta Cuba b of; people's lips wtU demonstrate the OT Bolton Center, -and Rev. V^ 8 "Naughty Marietta” —"Rose M arte"-and now, "Maytlme” ! The ^N O DAMAGE CAUSED otherwise noted.) P'operty tkxes. much of It was col­ Molas headquarters on the A lava and a proposed building for the is survived by a daughter and a the Cotton Oub which we left at N^Band to toe deaf children therein. We AUaon ot ToUand were dinner screen's roost popular staging lover a come to toe State screen Thursday . Joseph Ralsch, 66, of Rockville, a dles Camp. Legion post actlvtues has done much brother. TCriously. The National Gpard, If Ideas for a new Manhattan cl are deaf people ouraclvea and feel It dl£riculUes Inherent in- Up-reading, farmhand, waa killed Saturday night lected on back taxes the last few f w t , killing two lleutenant-colonela April 26-27.—Minstrel by Brother­ tmeen sertoualy, is . the background dawn this morning. Harlem brougbt was planning, a Brooklyn pol tt is estimated that not more than guests of Rev. and Mrs. Leon H for three days in toe lovely Rida Jo hnson Young operetta. The unfor- Week ol AprU 18th. days before liens were Died Thurs­ Mola was not harmed, theyJsaid. to Increase- these unit member- The fammis Csechoalovaklan film to Broadway conveniently for the ' m Incumbent upon us to look after toe Austin recently. 8®ftoble "SweetoearL Will You Remember?" ^Is only one of a wide ta Ellington by on automobile driv­ Tuesday, 0:00 a, m., Pre-sehogl. hood of ConcordU Lutheran church. shlps^-^ entitled "Janoslk" will be presented of a man's career. In It he\learns apector and a lonely blues p bestatatoreats OT toe deaf children 30 per cent of profoundly deaf chil­ day. April 30.—DeMolay annual spring not only Army regulations, but alsb ocean traveler. The following children were an­ vzrlety of songs sung by toe roman tic duo ta the new season's musical An alarm from Box 61, opposite en by Emil De Bortolo, 23, of Ell­ dental clinic. Arthle Kilpatrick .of The Herald at the Palace Theater on“ Main 'The only native in tha juom o t CionnecUcuL We are citizens. dren can read lips sdth any degrae smash. Rogers' Paper Hsnurseturihg (Com­ ington. Of the current property tax levy, dance at Masonic Temple. itmumerable good habiu which be Hey. step on It, driver, t ^ boat's bartender. Incidentally, be waa a of effectiveness. nounced winners for collecting toe Tuesday, 10:00 a m.—Tonsil Ohb* due last Thursdav and payable dur- -staff and Mrs. Kllpetflclt, were the street, Tuesday evening, under the “ taxpayers, wage earners, projierty pany's plant 4n Charter Oak atreel Anaoala Oaak ic. Also " V dancing recital. auspices of the Holy Trinity Slovak unconsclouBly puts Into practice In pulling away shortly . . . and turn consummate artist with a daiquiri largest amount OT tent caterpillar hsg the following month, 340,572.91, LUTHER LEAGUE HOLDS guests of Mrs. Henrietta Btaka, his civilian life. There is no othm right on the next corner so we can’t owners, and householders just as are The Combined Method egg maaoes ta toe contest sponsored at 10:35 yesterday morning brought Mrs. Clementtae FrancesConl, 45, Wednesday, 2:00 p.- m.—Well babW' Coming Event's Auxiliary president at the dtaner. Lutheran church. shaker. most of the people around us. Ex­ or nearly six per cent, bad been paid May 1.—American Legtdb dance. organisation for men which offers look back. The combined, method ta toe more by Coventry Grange. P. of H.. .Vo. verses for hla scripture reading Sun­ (?Iub at Connecticut State '.JoUegr out No. 3 and No. 4 (Company for o f Stamford, died ta Griffin hospital, clinic at YMCA. t- Mr. Nelson before It was due, be The committee In charge of the Mr. and Mrs. David Ouilmaln them such ar opportunity to live to- cept (or toe loss of our bearing we popular method as figures still at:- day morning at toe Second Congre wbat proved to be a chimney ire at Dbrby,. three hours after an automo­ Thiiiwday, 9:00 i. m„ Pre-natal Rainbow Inn, Efolton. Jost Outage ot Scene consider ourselves normal ta every 75: Wilfred Brauelt, first prze. $8. Armory Saturlay evening. April 21. said this morning. MEETING TOMORROW anniversary supper wss: Mrs. Edith Tripped Up in Night Onb tesL Out of toe 66 public realden- gatlo-al church. The theme of hU 176 Charter Oak street. The recal' bile accident in Ansonla Saturday. clinic. ’ May 12.—Coronation supper and Kane. Mrs. George Park, Mrs. !^an h o!f« • I with the Traveling, they say ta broaden­ way and take our places on an equal Faith Lee; second prize, 32; Irving wdll be held Monday, Wednesday Anothim clerk, to succeed ISdward dance at Masonic Temple by Daugh­ Only tha other evening, Arnold, tlal schools ta toe Unttod States Rounds, third prize, fl. sermon waa "Life's Urgency" text and Friday evenings of this veek at was sounded within five minutes as Hospital attendants said toe woman, Friday, 2:00 p. m„ WeU bahr X~UacKUgbt m'ho resigned Thurs­ Taggart. Mrs. Elisabeth Stannage, m m Mrs. Anns J. ()uinn ot Bellrose Where can you join a club ta whlcn ing, but your correspondebt la voy­ footing with our neighbors. As In­ with a total enroUment OT 14J4V, there was little need (or the alarm. ters of ScoU's. ■ wbo\la tbe amiable bonlface at tbe aging with no more Illusions. Lon­ WtUlara Cram of Etaatfprd haa taken from Luke 12-20. Mrs. Ar­ Storrs. Mra. A. J. Vinton ot tola who was riding with her son as toelin day to bebome manager of Hotel Important Buninesn Sesnion to Mrs. Jennie Lord. Mrs. Mary Hall, telligent adult deaf we feel that no only 0 with a total enrollment of thur J. Vinton rendered a aolo. Tbe At 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon machine leaped a curb and glanced May 29.—Knights of Columbus n . r . I .. c you *0 to camp for two weeks with VersStIlea Qub, waa saying that don’s Savoy Grill, be bos been told, one 1s better qualified to' speak on returned home after spending sev­ town is one of the chorus. Sheridan, W l be appointed next Be Held— Attend I.,eadcr- Mrs. Ella Hamilton, Mrs. Rlaley, and’ Hz?: Gary a picked company of men and cn- Londofl and Paris must be nice at 635 forbid the use of signs or finger- Sowers at this aerviee were given No. 1 waa called on a still alarm to off a tree, was uninjured but appar­ week, Mr., ^elaon expects. He will Sjiorts dance at .Rainbow hall, Bol­ Mrs. Elsther Jones. la where be will find oil tbe stage this matter than we are. We have eral weeks with Mr. and Mra. A. 1. Mrs. Ralph Benton of Naltlc PROTECTION NEEDED nhip Institute. ton. Street I joy an encampment living, eating this time of the year. And musing spelling. The Philadelphia and Vinton. . ' ta memory of Mrs. Charlotte E; Moss., Is spending the week at toe extinguish a grass fire at 16 Wintci ently severely shocked. tntervlew candidates for the )ob and literary folk who haven’t, turned all been through toe educational mill Lexington (New - York) ochoola May 31-June 5.—Tall Cedars' ■P«_°d*n* the I and aleeeptag with a good body of over the thought, be then settled Mrs. Attrid Bunnell of Bastforj Vinton. home of her aunt, Mrs. street and at 4'o'clock Saturday aft- - Edward Janisch, 38. of toe Bronx, this week. Winter months ta Florida. Dr. and men with ni thing to worry you ex­ up lately at Manhattan's Alonquln. and unlike guinea' pigs and white listed aa oral schools now do not Heiiry I Madlaon, WIs.—An armed aiiM< The Luther League of the Eman­ "Joyland" at- Dougherty's lot. Mrs. Harry H. Moore of Bast Main back behind the cooh register for a And If he has missed any familiar mice, we can speak our estimation was s guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miss Alice Heckler, student of the Barnes. eraoon No. 3 went to 53 Bigelow N. Y „ drowned Saturday ta Long walked Into WIlUam, NtaoleW aboo|>' June 14-19.—Veterans' Carnival cept reveille and inspection. A man mental globe-trot. So blame or forbid toe use OT signs to their chil­ J. Vinton. street for a grass fire. Island Sound while awtmintag after uel Lutheran church will hold Ita street have also returned following who has spent a term ta the Guard faces ta tAe freneUc Fifties.reeent- of the fare fed us. dren outside of tbs classroom. The Wlllimantlc Normal Schcol, spent tag gaUery and robhed him rf 3SS. regular meeting tomorrow night at at Main and Maple streets. WAPPING a motor trip to Florida and the thank him for, the suggestion. Ar­ ly, the odds are even that a fair Tbe affairs of the American Herbert H. Tomltaaon, Jr., snd toe week-end at her borne. a boat drifting off Cackenoe Island, Nicoles had plenty of guns but REBELS FAIL lACK June 21.—American Legion Car­ needs no Introduction t> a brother Idaho School, formerly a pure oral A W EIXXIME RIMMING 8 o'clock. Miss Marion • Erickaon southern states. nold had the right Idea. Tour cor­ percentage of them wiU show up at School bave been administered by Charlss Heckler motored to Troy. Mr. and Mrs. John Hentborn and Weatjiort, during an Intended fishing no chance to use any of thein. * nival at Dougherty's lot. Guardsman wherever he meets him. respondent bookro passage. school, baa changed to the com­ and her dramatic committee wlU be Bobert F. Valentine who has been Announcement has been made the Rita Bar In Paris. a Board of Directors cho.sen from N. Y „ Friday. son, Jack, OT Stratford, Conn. and Buhl, Idaho—Gordon Merrill, July 12-17.—Bluefields' Carnival ta the Hartford boepital for a num­ His character and personality has bined method. CURB QUOTATIONS IN TERNEL SECTOR In charge of the program and will ’?i.^®.**’’’!?^***"*..*“ * ^ * » * moulded Into perfect shape ta Furthermore, he has not resolved among the most prominent men of The minstrel show given Frida« Mr. and MiS. Howard Nbtaon and service atatlon attendant lost bis serve refreshments. The devotional at Dougberi3r*s lot. ber Of weeka, baa returned to his Cwtoplng Broadway Hartford and Ita environs. The re­ ' Tbe language of signs, to those to keep regular hours or ehy away who really know It, U a graceful night by toe children of toe North twm children, Howard, Jr. and ring ai month ago. period will be led by Lennart John­ August 30-Sept. 6. '— Knlghts.of home ta Pleasant Valley. This Isn’t the first Junket ta the from the night clubs ta both capitala " sult has been a most efficient edu­ school under toe direction if Mra (OMtbned tre« Page 6oe) Columbus carnival. ^ contest Is now on ta both local com- and beautiful language which ade­ Yvonne, OT Bridgejxirt, were Sun­ Last week a fellow attendant By ASSOCIATED PRESS son. A d Important business session The Girls Traska Club hrid Jielr of Hart, panics. Each member of the com- part fiscal year, I eaeffi to hear one ThU jimket U to be a reoonnolter- cational Institution with a per-cap- Bl Winch, taacber, waa presented or two sedentary pereoita saying. No. quately aervee Its purpose aa a day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. found It Inside a tire rim on a cut Am Cits Pow and Lt B ...... will be held and a large turnout ol regular monthly meeting last PM- if*** **ktur- pany at present should make It his tag of London and , Paris tbmters ita cost of 3501 for tbe year ot In a very commendable manner be- Kingsbury. tomcr's motor car. Merrill .-emem- 5 GOOD DENTISTRY Cordoba provlnea, south of the capi­ members Is expected. day evening at the CJomni unity It Isn’t. There waa that brief and 1936-86, which la only a few dollars means of conversation among toe Ark Nat G as...... 914 day. May 1 ^ Mias Lewis was the obligation to bring at least one new and ofter-mldnlght entertatamenta deaf. Deaf children will use It no fore a large audience, toe proceeds .The .Sunday school of toe -Second bered he had mounted the lire last tal, attaeJm and counter-attacks fol­ Yesterday afternoon officers snd Church house, which -vaa well at­ gurot. at two pre-nuptlol showers man Into the Guard to replace him brooding excursion to M U ^ which I ought to feel at home obroatL less than toe average over a period Asad Gae and El A ...... 3% lowed in rapid suooassion as in­ last I matter how much you try to prevent of which ars to belp defray the ex Congregational' church cholced th> month. need not he e x p e n s iv e committee chairman of the League tended. The leader, Mias Lois M litst week. ot jtears. Mystic, je state tiistltu- peases of ths annual trip to New Am 8up P o w ...... 1T4 surgent forces desperately tried to COLUMBIA It Suppressing It, os ta done at following delegates (or toe Older Blue Ridge ...... attended a Leadership Institute at Foster, and Mrs. Elvelyn Ckrter, Catherine Ooetello of Cromwell, -Uon. haa run up a per-capita cost York City for toe children of toe 3% Or. C. W. King hat proven that reaJ good dentiatry cap drive back government troops from West Haven, sponsored by the Hart­ What time Is better than right Mystic, only tabibtta toe children Bo3rs.afld Girls Conference, to he WHAT TO DOT O nt States El The third and fourth degree was had charge of the games and later district deputy of the Catholic In order to be In sbipe for thU ta' very clear to tha members OT toe OT 3930.55 for the salme year. This eighth grade. Mk mountain potions they bad seisad ford District Lutbsr Lesgue. Her­ Daughters of-America wlU conduct now to bring a recruit ta? With and deprives them of their only easy held ta Hebron. May 7 and 8- Clara Cits Serv ...... le done at pricea within the reach of people with artrsli given to a class of three candidates in the evening refreshments were camp ahead of us on July 25th and spection, the members of tbe eom- company that be prefers to spend amount waa sjient for ordinary re- J. E. Kingsbury motored to Porl- Minneapolis—James L. Dwyer, 314 «xanmending the vital highway man Johnson and Erik Modean of Lk talUation ceremonies on a new '.any should leave their lockers .n means OT conversation and ex­ Smith. Laura Hill, Mary Bowen Ots Serv., pfd ...... inrumes. at the meeting of Columbia Grange served. the seasoii for parades getting clos­ his evenings and sjiare time ta toe curring ezpehaes and does not In­ tond. Me., sn4 delivered a Jersev fingerprint expert for the Stale 51)4 nerthwest of Cordoba city. the local League were among the class of members ot the Court ot perfect shape after‘tonight’s drill. clude some 35.000, spent (or equip­ change OT Ideas. Up reading ta so Elizabeth VIsny, James Edmond­ El Bund and Share...... 21 Ui C. W. King’s ia an established New England inatita> Xasurgent attacks #ers repulsed, on Wednesday evening. The. third Mrs. Earl Stoddard of Wapplng er. it plays or. a prospective soldier's vast city of RockvUls. You know difficult that they settle their prob­ bull sold recently, to Dr. Owen son and Charles Evans. Besides toe crime bureau, would like to Ind hG entertained a party of young ladles Isabclls of Stafford Sprtags at a We bave been asked to announce, ment These equipment Items occur Nlag Hud P o w ...... 13)4 (ton, which nu treated thousands of satisfied patienla to . rspoi^ from Andujar declared, and Ion attended the annual bow|- degree was put .on by the Ladles' meeting to be held this evening, pride and want of excitement which the wild and woolly eresL In all lem either by sneaking ta a (ew for­ Smith of Portland. delegates sent by the Sunday ■school stolen automobile to check it (oi Penn R oad...... from Hartford at her new borne re­ that the showers ta the armory bis spore time he Is seen with toe every year and should really be add­ 4S th( last 24 years. goserAment oounter-attacka pushed Meriden, at which Degree team of Tolland Grange, and Mondsy at tbe Knights of Columbua is responsible for the names to fail bidden gestures or by not talking Mtaa Josephine E. Strack accom- the followtag are planning to at­ fingerprints—that Is if ha oou'd find Segal Lock ...... the Fourth by regular officers of cently. on the dotted line of that old blue basement aie for the use of the girls who reside ta tola dty. VYhen ed to get toe true per-capita. 11)4 fOraard nearer the provincial capi- Mancheater was presented a trophy ball on Mata street at 7:46 o'clock. MyMc's authorities bave declared at all. Among toe staunchest sup­ paalsd by torse of her frtenJs from tend also: Cora E. Kingsbury, \utb ills fingerprint outfit, which also was Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 7 L)r C. W. King employs no students.. He does not elsim taL Columbia Orange for the annual In­ The Ladles Aid Society held a sheet. Remember men, a prise will members o t the two local Guard qu^Uoned oonoerntag tola pattime porters of toe combined ajrstem are Hartford, are spending s three-day stolen. nmner-bp for the state title. Indl- Rev. Charles Downs of Umon, units only. All non-members ta the (a) that their costa (or 1035-36 were Vinton, June Loomis, Kenneth Hlli Util Pow and Lt ...... % si.y secret oi apecisJ methods, but adheres to the meth* On the Bilbao, Aragon, Quadala- vidual S' went to Roy Johnson spection by Worthy Deputy Ira Wil­ special meeting last Friday after­ chaplain of the State Grange was be awarded to tbe thrro men who he Yenierked jbat they have better those orally trained adult deaf peo­ sojouni slghtaeetag ta Washington. and M.s. A. J. Vinton. cox. The degree work of the ladles noon at the Community .ihurch bring ta the largest numlMr of re­ future will be unable to use them aa members of our fairer sHf ta toe unusually high due to "some needed ofls taught by ihe leading dental (xilleges, and practiced Jara and o t w fronts, ilghting di­ and A l ^ Bbnson for high blgli aferage the guest sitaalcer at a meeting ot the hot water will be turned on only improvements such as repairs, ple who have had toe Intelligence to D. C Miss Frances Minor waa tlie lead­ minished after recent heavy activi- In tha boys' aM girls' divisions res- team was Interesting, and after the house. Mrs. Paul B. Sheldlck was the Staffoi cruits before the end of the month. before mentioned city. Take toe rise above their early training. At Joha Dudley of Guilford, Conn, bv the foremost dentists ol America. Only experienced, rd Teachers' club held In Let's go! , for active members of both com­ Up. men. patottag, etc.,” and that their aver- er of the Young People’s neettag ty- pscUvely, the former with 110 and degree work they put on a short the hostess foe the afternoon. the borough grammar schodl last panies. * sga per-capita coat (or ths ten years a recent bemketbaU tournament held vtattod Autumn View Farm Satur­ held at the parsonage Sunday eve­ tellable dentists employed (16 ts 80 years in prscUca). the Utter with TOO. The local glru drill, ending up by spelling out the Kofiowing la the program of the ' bursday. Tbe drill lost week was opened May we oompUment Private Ron­ in New Jersey, teams from ten ngbtlng In the Madrid sector The National Guard Dance to be preceding toe last one was only day. ning. The topic djsL'ua.'ieti 'wai DR. t W KING'S 8-POINT -SERVICE eeatarsd around Ben. Jose Mlaja's are slated to meet, Branford In the words 'Tollsnd No. 6." There were minstrel show which la to be pre­ Miss Jeannette B. Foster, daugh­ with the regular formation by First ald Bberwood. Recently the read­ schools for toe deaf were entered Mias Cora Kingsbury of toe (ae held at the armory this coming Sat­ 3742; (bl that they are not the high­ "What kind of education is inoa" • 24 yean with offloas la aSorts to starve out the Insurgent hear future for the Mate crown. 57 memliers of Columbia Grange sented by the children of the Wap­ ter of William A. Foster of Blast the company Commander had taken ers of tola colunu nuy remember est costing per-capita Institution In Nine of these were from combined ulty OT Guilford High school spent valuable." ' r Free asaailaatlott ctia'rge of . the company be turned It urday night U all set to go. A splen­ schools and one from an oral Uartlord. garrison surrounded in University present, 32 from Tolland Grange, plng Center school Friday evening. Mata street, senior at Wellesley our constantly referring to tbs red­ ths '^tate; and (c) that a small tos week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. William Auerdlg Cash and representatives from Hebron, April 23: College wsasamong the students who over to Frst Lieutenant Stephen did orchestra has . been engaged, headed private. After all toe trou­ school. The ,boya who could sign City, cat the capital's western out- namely, the well known musicians, school must necessarily cost more Armand Carron spent the week­ and daughter, Edns, of Man. .-..s'e, r AU plate and bridigaworh • to to 30% aavtog. sklrta. Andover, West Hartford, Coventry. Interlocutor: Gordon Dlmlow. The Josed- os a living counterpart ot Frey for the second course ta the ble we gave him, be wasted ik> Ume perriiapita than a larger one. In mingled freely and happily, compar­ end with friends ta New Bedford MURPHY DECRIES School of the Soldier. The. lieuten­ Jackie Philips and hla Playboys. All ing schools, talking basketball. The spent Sunday at toe home of Mr. F O R S P R I N G NEEDS doM la oar owa labora- AU efforts of Inaurgeata m near­ Colchester and Verpon Granges, end men are Lawrence Grennan. durriUo'i Immaculate Conception In again ta Uving up to the wa reply we point out that Mam. and Mrs. Emir J. Koebicr. • Spaetal Badgtt gy ita a making a total of 102. After the PlUIlp Meek, Justin Klsia. Raymond a series of tableaux presented ro- ant commenced the session with a the officers of both units and their gave him two weeka ago, namely team from toe oral school kept to New rlMhn—Tssee—Hsnte repetn—Asle repair*—Cerden •applies— by Casa da Campo failed to get food review of the preceding course and wives together with the escorted (a) As stated ta toe Budget Re­ Mtaa Bett-y Blackburn went to Arthur J. Vinton and Wllfr-.-d Hill Down paymett as a car. Wa can land van the maney (or iheta ar • Ptatsa rapalred whlQ jraa aaa year ar osere to pay, suppUes to their 8,000 besieged c6l- FORCE IN DISPUTES meeting a supper was served In the Nanakowakl, Conrad Kogiyanakl cuntly In the Tau Zeta EtosHon Sor­ that toe red heada stick togethsr. port OT tbe State Board OT Finance themselves, their conversation even fi llowed it up with ths new move- Guardsmen and their gueota will among teammates being limited to ths Hartford hospital Sunday to are attending toe roecilng of toe sihac axpanaaa. Repay In eaeall nMirthfy payiaeau. Saa a* laday. watt. leagiiea. lower hall. The next meeting will and Richard NIederwerfer. The cho ority Houae at WeUea.ey. Membere However your correspondent made a and (Control, toe 3030.65 was (or or- have her tonalta removed. be In charge of the Home Economic ot the Boclety reproduced a aeries ot manta to be practiced. During tbe mingle together throughout the eve what might be described as' mono- Gulf oil deal- rs at Hotel Bond toil Lnons /rom $ 1 0 la $300—-mU plmna • Cxparlrarad daatiato, 15 «a - MadtM SbeOed Agabt rus o n Alice Zagorskl, Mary ■light mistake. When sn—wi„, gf dtaar^ reciq'ring expenses.. U the Mtaa Jsaaetta Heckler, teacher xt evening. 30 yean to praettoo. s Teeth axtraatoe oarefMRy. (CMfluuad Praa Page One) Committee, and will be an electrical l>alnUngi by Spanish artists. time the Instructions ta the above ntag to a genuine demoeratle. not hla rclaUonshlp with a red beaded syllables. They Were objects OT Madrid suffered another severe Krawfsky, Edith Carroll, Dorotbv were being given, the eergenta at the military, affair. As has been an­ ' 1935-36'expendlturea tacluded some tbs Birch Mountain, Bolton, acboo' Harry Elliott and A. J. Vinton ratr mt InfrrMt eliarve4 l« tHre# par ppml, par mr demonstration by Connecticut Pow­ nurse, I did not teallxe toot tbere unusual Items why then la an even pity. It ta S t toe combined mathod vklrtr*«lB par aamf» par mmmrnm am tha mmpmlS mmammt at tha BbeUing Sunday that killed several Uon thereof, which will deserve \to SImler, Marylln Richards, Anna company were busy erecting the nounced, each member ot the Guard school that the children's plsy la spent the week-end st uer borne are planning to attend toe monthly lANMa persons and wounded more er and Light Company which win Kllnskas, Clarice Paquln, Viola were two of toem on night duty. greater per-capIta request OT 3944.58 earn the largest possible measuro no dcaibt prove to he one of the most equipment to be used for Rlfie may be admitted free of charge to­ more spontaneous, their smiles more wrlto her parents. Mr. and Mra Nation-wide Dealers meeting ifi ' Moon. HamUlon, Amelia Prankus, Julia Marksmanship Ister In the evening's Therefore I waa trying to figure out made (or ordinary recurring ex­ Charles Heckler. SMcph A. Vala. Nsr.— R m w 1 DR. C. W. KING of willing- obedience from the peo- Interesting meetings of the year. P o et’s gether with hU girl-friend and may which one It might be over ta toe penses (or toe biennum pf 19.17-39” rrpquent. and their outlook, upon life Hartford Tuesday evening. SOS Mala Slreat Opre evoaiage UO S Hartfoefi The Oucheas of Athol, member P*a-" Kizli, Alberta Kavells, C'llntor The Column J program. "After tbe company nod bring another (xnipie aa hU guests. more wholesome. Rev. Leon H. Austin took the Rehearssls (or the "Mikado" ta ■ lata Thaairr BallSIan PERSONAI, Mrs. Ira Smith and her sister Mtas Whitfhouse, Helen PoStula. Carolyn insUtuUon toe earlier part of this Mystic's per-cnpita cost ot 3930 Is TSS Mala St. Tel. tiSa DR. B. F. ADI.KS. I.ICENSED. IN CHARGE. of tbs British Parliament, tad her Nevr Hampshire's stocky execu­ ^ssic Hubbard of Hartford visited .•atlsfactorily executed the School ol Tables will be arranged around the Ae to the efficiency of the Amer­ 12to chapter OT Luke, is to 21e- be given by toe Windham Chor.il riNANCB CnMPA.XV party that tncludsd two other wom­ Meek. Theron Nevers, Grace Patin- THE LITTLE ANGLER the Soldier, a brief rest period was week when our private came over the highest by (ar o( any state or tive. who met his Michigan name- their summer home here Tuesday If a Uttls boy goes fishing floor, so that members may make up and removed all doubL state-supported school (or toe deaf ican SChoOT oa an educational Insti­ en M. P.'s ended a taro-day visit Vo ar.ke for the first time (they plan to sky, William KarvelU, Noreen Mad­ held followed by a abort session In their own parties and charter tables tution, for 120 years It baa turned and from now on expect to be fre­ den, Albert Rose, Shirley Johnson When his t^e Is only nine, the Manuel of Arina. The company And now tbe red-beads ars at tt ta toe United States. Only one Madrid la the midst of the shelling exchange vacation vlalta In their quent visitors until the time to and be together throughout the af­ out deaf people who became self- Barbara Nevers, Helen SluzkanU Ha won't be .very fussy about his was then divided into six sections again. One OT our other friends an­ school la known to exceed It and Twice during the duchess' stay, in­ states this .summer), urged equal open their home for the summer. pole and line. fair. The muste will commence at iiipporttng and respected ciUzens. A Bennie Kamarouskl. April Paquln. for the purpose of msklng trlangula- nounced yesterday that be la aeutag tots a private school ta Massachu- surgent shells narrowly missed protection of all cltlxens under the Mrs. mchard Williams of New If daddy gives him rod and hooks eight o'clock sharp and continue setta which charges a large tuition. number have achieved eminence aa members of the British party, and Wedding of the Painted Doll ^Uons ta Rlfie Marluroanshlp. Bach through until mldnl^t. Hold every­ Indian oU. Wera tUU trying to clergymen to toe deaf, college pro­ Constitution. admonishing them Jersey autp visited her home on the He thlnka they are first-rate; section was under tbe supendsloa ot The highest per-capita allowance on one occasion a sbell fragment that: Soloist, Haxel NIederwerfer; bride. thing men, here’s some news that figure out where toe idea originated. fessors. newsjisper editors, artlsta. Green for ^ brief time. Then Mother finds a ball of twine a non-romlsaiaoed ank E:aada; Bu.i She slips In some homemade candy to provide a partnership for Uie i at a clock we were aurpriaed to see capita. But It must be remembered schools, were founded by graduates little about unfair practices indulg­ I Miss Helm Winsor of Johnston. R At the meeting an I^ oor Base­ ttat It waa nearly mlctai^L Nat^ ^patches said the Insurgents lost ed In by labor " [ I.. Is spending a few days at the ter Brown, Robert Collins; Red Kid. -A r plea too she had. ball League to be played to the ar­ ning's activitlea. Bo now there Is that these tubercular sanatoria are of the American School. command of a road leading from "No fl.ehlng will be done today no excuse for anyone jiot coming urally we bad been over at tbe ar^ Vocationally, tbe American School .thus* Of Power home of her aunt. Mrs. Clayton Ing Hood. Marcel Begin; Mama Doll mory was discussed by the members ta operation 52 weeka of the year Teruel to Albarracin, west of Teruel Margaret Sinclair. If that's all ate”, said dad. over. mory, bat where bad our private .whereas toe Mystic School Is on|y keeps abreast with toe times, teach­ The Michigan goveraor, spoke Hunt. She came with her parents. o tbe company. Thy men may now been? during operations In which a beet of ■ Thursday afternoon, who returned Dolls: Pattle Yeaw, Kennetn meet on the drill fl^ r after drilto on Palls 'Will be put into the privates' ta operation (or a school year o( 38 ing Ita boys printing and linotyping 21 planes made six attacks on insur­ vigorously and forcefully out of the to Johiuton the same night.. Rtesfl, Clinton O'Brien. Irene Equipped wi^h all his treasures Who waa toe private latt Monday weelu. aa toe children are at home woodworking, auto mechanics, ma­ writer of hli state's industrial trou­ Monday bights itM enjoy a period locker rooms soon for the purpoM of gent poal lions. There will be a iheetlng of the Reese, Albina Covlnsky, Maiylta Like a millionaire he feels. keeping the place clean. In the fu­ night toot went through a regular (or toe summer vacation. - Dividing chine shop practice, photography. bles of the past months-- during of recreation, if Is believed that drlU seosjon with a wad OT gum be­ Bridges Destroyed Tolland County Farm Bureau Ehi- Hiffby. When down the road he scampers each squad ma^form a team to play ture the co-operatloo ot every mem­ tbe 3930.55 annual pcr-capUa by 38 and gardening. The wisdom OT this An advancing column threatened which he stood s mediator between tenslon service on next Tuesday af­ Minuet; June ^ iilet, Cynthia r>>l- His doggie at hU heels. In competltloo/^tb other squads and ber of the compeny Is asked to keep hind hla ear. We wonder If be pur­ weelu o t operation gives a weekiv selection can be noted In toe occupa­ the Insurgents' hold on the highway a rising labor force and employera. ternoon at the home of Mrs. William llns, Sadie Dodd, Qeorglna Etaes. He whistles and ha gollopa the non-rommlsatoned officers are our armory ta the condition a build'- chased It at toe FtarenUbaOrlli; per-captta coat b( 324.49 which Is tions OT her graduates who ars list­ from Teruel to Zaragoza while fur­ Sleeting the new problem of the Wolff. Miss Mason wdll discuss liv­ Annabelle Kupchunos, Marian Pat He even tries to sing. also e x p e e ^ to plsy tbe privates ot Ing of ita kind rightly deeei 8eetag;he haa no longer any applaa approximately 33.00 a week higher ed as linotype operators on targe ther north a raiding party dynamit­ sit-down strike.” way beyond any- ing room problems with the group Insky. Helen Smith. Shlrlisy Van He wouldn’t change hla station the com p ly to an exciting game to Many of the older men ta the com­ to count, tha prtvata who was seen than any other Institution ta toe dallies, printers, woodworkers, auto ed railway brldgea over which In­ (hlng which bad happened . before, " of ladles. To become a mighty king. the near/future. The bladder.ln the pany and those who are now out counting them waa seen again at state. mechanics, tootmskers, stMi Allied .Slckltn, Donald (^apman, Glendon e machine hands. Mors toon ever be­ surgent rciniorcementi would have he said, the prlncl{>al lesson tie The whist party which was to Collins. Sherman Collins. Frederick compas s basketball haa been re­ will remember the old armory on toe same store, only tola Ume be (c) A (ew miles away, ta Provi­ learnerl was thst government must have been held next Wednesday evc- Hli destination Isn't far— paired BO that the ball wUl be to was scraping toe windows with a dence. there Is a school (or the dea( fore do the deaf people need a trade, to oome from Zaragoza. T Edlund. Edward Graushlnskl. Rob­ He knows a nearby brook Wells street. According to reports, TIE R im i YEARS la the big loagao. be impartial anil that "Ihe greatest nlng hy thj: Thirrsday Afternoon goodcondition for the opening ol thst building waa thought a lot of knife. We forgot to gsk him If be with an Enrollment o t 108, to and toe far-sighted policy of toe IM f NOUS MpRi RECMBS tbaa any other The government gains made the ert Rose, Kenneth Tsylor, Raymond Where willow trees make shadows. American School ta sending out Ita "R ooHa" Gehrig signed with tba Insurgent poslUon, the most ad­ use of power. Is not to abuse It Club has been postponed on account th ^ e x t season. During the proceed- by the members of old Ompany waa emjrloycd toera Mystic's 92. Without the help of a ■aa la. tbs gams today. Han are a few Cor soy Van Slcklin; accompanist, Mrs And there he'll halt bis hook. herd OT cows, flocks OT chickens, and graduates equipped to hold their vanced on a drive to sever Valencia Declaring that labor and Industry of ronflirtlng dates, and will prob­ Clarence W. Johhson. Ingz, Lieutenant Cowl4s was calleo "G" and Just because the present One of our sergeants bas announc­ Yaakooa la 1923. By 1927 ha w a « MEAT m S T M ESW N. Ittt’b prow- Sour-gaaM Wodd Sotiasi ttott raas batted ia have common ends and rau.st co­ He hopes the fish are hiingiy by the Company Commander plota OT garden ground to furnish own in toe communities ta which and Bancelona on the east coast. aJ-; ably be held on Wednesday evening members have all the conveniences ed bta tateoUon to bs marrtsd ta toe tha Amcricaa LaagnF* MOST VALU- asa as a slogger la autchadbyhis briOlaM (9)t ttOM hotte-nas (6)t arast bosw oa belle operate. he praised Chiysler and May .Tith. That they wOTi't turn him down__ or a few words. The lleutenobt ex­ near future. We hope we'll have necesalUea (or their table, the Prov­ they reside. It is obvious that with most completely untenable, itovcrri- He wrin bring them home to mother they desire, let's not forget that M iU larger enrollment toe American A B U PLAYER. And woa tb« tarn* play at Em baso. His record last yoar ment report!, said.. General .Motors Corporation ejiecu- The. April meeting of the Ladles pressed 'ils inability to M that he toe opportunity to be'able to print idence School operated on an outlay Ha haa scored 100 or aaore nms for It And she'll fry themVrisp and bre ?®f.j**'***’ care of. this enviable of 3584 jier puj>ll for the year of School can have mors and better oE-. hoaor agala ia 193L 1934,and 1936. was holy 6/lOOOtbs tbort o f PERPECT. (Dispatches from Salamanca said lives In recent strike negotiations Aid society was held F'riday at the Is no longer a member, or tha non­ building cannot remain aa It it. This It aoon. However, we wonder If oe coosocativa saaaoas — batted ia 100 or saora. STAFFORD SPRINGS commissioned sUtaf and also the 1034-35. gantaed vocational oourses than . ta government troops unsucceasfutly for "squaring themselves with the Hall. IP was an all day meeting. A But ths fish wrere very cautious vdll be enforced by the non-coma ta ta toe marrying kind. Tbere are trend of the timen.” thrill he received upon learning ol Value of Up Beading Questioned possibta ta a small'school. With on hammered Sunday at positions held delicious dtaner was served at noon with the state police from the And keenly watched tbe boy charge of (juarters. - aUll doubts as to wbetoar be wUI go increased enrollment even mora can He also predicted that the Kord by the hostesses, Miss Annie Dix. his success to obtaining his ooramls^ torougb with IL Much of toe controversy hinges by liuurgent General Uonza,o Qiiei- Stafford Springs barracks contlnj- Then they went. Into a huddt Stan as an officer. The meeting was It Is believed that a new desk will bs done along these lines. po de (Jano on the (.'ordoba. front Motor Company and 'its employees .Miss KstherinF Ink. Mrs. Cora ing their drive against motorists for That an seemed to enjoy. be put Into the Lieutenant's Office Surrounded by a package store on around toe comparative merits of The first school for the deaf In closed with the regular dlsmlasal by toe methods employed by toe two Insurgent legions were,reported to would ailjust "any differences with-1 Mrs. dSarity Palmer. violation of the traffic lawo of the Thought the boy: Some^w I've the First SergeanL to replace the one recenUy removed. one side and your correspondent on the United States, toeg American -RUN RMOI Gehrig has sa average o f 38 bomw •bave repulsed attacks on VillabarU out trouble." ■Miss Lillian ... Lyman. Mrs. Marlon state more thui 3238 for fines and bungled. The recent removal waa caused due toe other, was tost private ta a schools. Volumes can, and have School haa ranked as a leader ta this rpns per scetoa. Ha led the Aoicricaa Leegoe with 49 hoiaen .Melllnger. .Mrs Jennie Hunt and Tonight the program will com­ been written on this topic but space Villa Just off the main highway costs were imposed by Judge Wil­ My book they do |»t to the need of a new desk ta tbe Or- tough spot when he walked Into ajieclal field of education atnee ita In 1934 end again in 1936. Gehrig's fo0ow.tbrougb is shown .Mrs, Nancy Porter. This meeting liam H. Heald ta the Stafford And I wroutan’t be'at surprised mence with a period of aose Order derly Room. Quinns drug store toe other nIghL permits only of the barest espentlala north at Cordoba, and I'lierta < 'a4a • Drill. A abort session to the Manual establishment In 1817. Over this Mwve. It askes healthy oerves to connect with ooe, tad, tareno.1 -87 YEARS OF AGE, was rather a special oceaslOD. as It Springs borough court last Friday L they choose to go o^TWike! Membership cards win be issued to Hlya Ernie. here. Mystic trachea by the me­ period It has ntade a contribution was the noth birthday of Mrs. Abbie Stuart H. V. Carlson of 637 Main of Arms will be held under our First Speaking about psekags states wa dium OT sjieech mi)d llp-readtng and as Lob says: "Caasls doot get oa a y oatvet." Oovei-nment dlspatch.vi,. pepofur.k ^ Lieutenant and during the following all members of both local companies to the state amounting to mllUona an advance wlUun a few hundred I Lyman. Its oldest member. A beau­ street. Manchester, charged with He would.offer som^taducement In the near future. They are warned bad bettor keep It quiet a b o u tJ *!/ 'srMds the use of signs .(o toe chll- of dollars aa toe etate haa never MRS. BENDAU FALLS tiful birthday rake with candles was operating an o-.-erloadcd truck plead­ To break up thaty-buddled bunch; periqd. tbe Ctarporals will take their who we saw come out of ' dren attempting exactly toe aaine yards of the .sanctuary ot the Virgin ! Individual squads out for Instruc­ to rarry them around with them at paid an OT toe exjienaee of caring prr-.smted to her and she received ed guilty and paid a One of 335 and But at present b^was hungry other night, hadn’t wsT , procedure ta every case. This ts for toe children It assigned to toe de lx Cabt-za in Jaen provmce, l .di- tions to. executing various move­ ■ « " » *• • » called the pure oral method. The exted previous reports that the many gifts and blrthdav cards from costs. He was arrested by Officer He’d, deidde rlgM after lunch. dentiricaUon card when srlshing to Oh here’s one. Last sums__ school. During toe 1035^7 biennum Mm Elizabeth Bendall. 87 v.ari her friends. Mrs. Lyman U In very Kenneth W. Ctevens. AlberwAbrania He sat upoo thp grassy bank ments to the close order drill. This American School teaches « by the stronghold had been captured were of age, was yesterday admitted to use the armotV tor various reasons group OT Boy Scouts went oempti although the schooTs total per-capi­ good health and has an exceptionally of 42 NIcols streeL Chelsea, Mass., His line lay ^ t b s brook; week's drill will complete the course same method but recognizes toe fxlse. the Manchester Memorial hospUsl ta trtangulaUons. Tonight will be The shower room for the non- ta a Hartford camp. One OT our ta operating ooata averages , about keen mind for one of her age and aigested by Officer V. John L a b e ^ Then be saw it tighten privates went along as asstatant wide Indlvldusl difference of deaf 3310, tbe state has been raquetted to Reports said a carrier ptgeo'h Mrs. Bendall. who makes her bonie paid a One ot 310 and costs after tbe lasfcbonce for the men ta the commUriooed officers la neartv and hard OT hearing children and at­ with her sop. Arthur Bendall ol enjoys the Ladles' Aid meetings be­ There was/tomeUitag on the hook; company to moke a satlafactory set scoutmaster. Befcte tbs termtaa- furntab 3483, tha remainder being brougbt a message from the 1.500 ing one of the most faithful and jileading guilty to the charge ot p ^ y tor the use ot the NCXYe OT tempts to adopt to each child educa- refugees there asking that insur­ Washington street was about the at trlan^atlons as Lieutenant Frey both eompanlee. Signs win be put Uon of toe period, toe leaders dscld- made up from the Income from tbe loyal members of the organization speeding. Daniel Sullivan of 18 The “sostething” was a tiny fish. ed to throw s scare Into the recruits. tkmal method# best suited to hla gent planes drop two light mortars house yesterday, when • she Jell will commence the next course to on the doom ta the building s ^ needs. Of toe 243 children ta the modest Endowment of the school. Her leg was fractured and Thorc were 45 ladles present Mrs. Rlvervtew street, Dedham, Mass., But thK little boy of mine Nearby waa an Insane asylum. Thst No pupil ta charged tultioB os the attached to parachutes to aid in de- arrested by Officer William Stephen­ WlU n ^ r quite forget the thriU Rifle Marksmanahlp ona week from which will emphasise they ore for school, 35 bave been found to be takec to the hospital where X-ray Elizabeth Natseh, who is Columbia tonlgbt,.nsmely Poaltlona when Fir­ toe use OT non-coms only. Keys win gave toem the 'dea. Upon telling original purpose OT the school waa fenae of the mountaintop. chainnan of the Ladles' AuxUlary of son on the charge ot speeding on the Of Utat first fish on his line. maktag uosatlafactory progress un­ Ilnaurgent reports from Zaragoza pictures were taken and where she ing. Every man to the company be available to to# men In the near toe boys that an tamato OT toe asy­ to insure that children handicapped the Windham Community Memorial Crystal Lake highway was fined 310 MRS. RACHEL TAYLOR. lum had escaped with toe said pri­ der oral text ruction and have been by deafness had the saras «-h»iM-e to said that seven of s squadron of 30 Is undergoing treatment. ------«___ must come over itoolght and prove future. - pot ta spectaJ cQTsea where they hosplUI reported that since last and costa. John R. Mason ot Pros­ vate being It. they commenced to a free education as beartag chll- govenunent planes were dawned in pect street. StMford Springs who tr the Instructors that be ta ready ^ exeenent tura out OT the Sons are taught by tbe medium of signs October over 600 sewed articles and RAIN (HUSH)! 8IAV to fire the rlfie by completing to the initiate toe boye by-bringing our dren. a spectacular air battle .Sunday or over 7000 surgical dressings liad wss arrested by Officer James A. OT toe American Legion were preo- said maniac cloaer to the camo. and finger-spell tag. No effort It STRAWBERRY PUNTS SPOIL KING'S SHOW satlsfacttan of the officers this sec­ made to suppress signs among tbe Although the Mystic Sdbool had the Aragoa tnmL Fifteen insur­ been made by Columbia ladies, Buckley, following on accident near ent for their weekly drill under But let's get Hita over srltb. One only 92 children (m Its rolta at tbe *1 Whea Lon steps oot on ths field—beH be playiag ' gent aircraft were -reported to have the Laurion Farm on the Monson ond course to-Rifla Marksmanship. Company “K " Instructors st the sr- children ta their social contacts A t the NOO school bfld yesterday of our bojrs (1 bet private loaths lost report, it has asked for 3265,675 his t JK>9cfa rnniacacJis gaoM. lajories never stopped "Iroo-Mso" Gehrig. Once taken part in the battle.) road pleaded guilty to-the charge ot Loodon— (A P )—It's bothihg short last Friday night The boys eutaids OT ths classroom. Is CLEAN-NP M M far tba ttoat ■eotatioasl ilnagtag aggtegatiaa STOCK DEPLETED •MIRAUST \TEWS 8.VNITY speeding paid « fine of 310 and morning at the armory, the non- him yet) took up an enormous )og called tbe combined method. to over Its regular appropriation with be chipped a bona ia hia Coot—yet knocked out a homer, two donblea, and a of high trsooHi to suggest such a token through a t e v l^ of toe aver kaowK Pity the pitcher who ftm ths Yank ijb«. X MARRE r a s SPOT when ones (here was a shiefc Inky staok AS THREAT TO PAINTERS rommlasloneO oCNcers were taken which be oouh) just about get blab 18S7, twalvb years before toe Mystic single next day. Another tiaa^ ha waa knocked out by a ”braa belL'ycc day ON NORTHERN FRONT costs of 310.56. Robert F. Gartner thing, but (sh-Ir4i-!) It n.igbi just through a . review of the School of preceding searion and advanced to a enough to bit tbe suppoaed mewt«g ■motheted in mnshtooBS—Lon’a fevodta disfe Gcbcig is a big Ueadaye, Franco-Spanish Border, If Manchester strawberry grow­ of 20 School street, Lynn, Mass., for­ possibly rata in London on Corona­ few movementa in elooe order dilU. School was estabttsbed. -the Ameri­ ^ Thtaa heavy hittm to feca—then Gehrig steps ap to tbs wallop^ 3 cripiss ia 9'inainga Gehrig's record b proof of hie spleitoid physical - IndianapoliB, Ind.— (A P )— There feited a 345 bond, when be failed to the ^uad. Each. nonwom was over toe bead, which bs did. knock­ can School had a special teacher of p b M l'Loa holdi tiw A m a d e m Lesgoe record for man —6 ft.l in. tall—weighs 210 peamh, And ha basablgSMa’a April U .— (A P )—Insurgent Gen- ers wish to buy plants for "nsw tion day. May 12.' , ^ brushed up on his knowledge ot the Tbe next period OT taotructlon for condition. As Lon sayf: "AB ys«»» Pv* been playing, Tva been oucfol abonr •’ods” to bf planted this year they is hope for the younger group ot appear ta court on the charge ot ing him nearly mtannaclous and articulatiaa. the first school ta the appetite. Lon cats sAtt ba wants and feat hasbftil shout cooiag srallsMiPO Francisco Franco warned American mural painters If they do It is cruel to cootamplate what duties of each individual to tha these young Leglo^ialrea win be ureaklng bta eouraga When ton L O O K I ! . He's waikad ■ora thaa any ocher player today. pbfdcsl condition, laaoke? 1 Mnoka sod m ja j b. My cigarette ia CoaeL* Boaqvs dsCCDdera of Bilbao today must look to other than Marvlaivl operating an overloaoed truck, he a good, cold Loodot, rata would do held at too armory .tola Friday night country to hava one. and hod been Men's, Women’s and CfeBMan'S b ^ for "second I.** Read srbat baaaya bdow. not become too sane, aays Eugene squad. Following the seaston, a private come to agaiii. Iw vOTced tbe . r aaa a sonm of oaet thai 800 ullUery pieces were lined gvo^ra for their plants Already was arrested by Officer William to the coronation, even If the deco- special non-com club ineettog was at seven o'clock sharp. An tavlta- ,taachtag speech for many jreara be­ Savage, one of .Afhcrica’s leading (Stephenson on April 14. Joseph L. phrase 'Tm oot going to play any fore that. Mystic teach^ or at­ 0O«WN OaNllMTIMaMT. up to shell Spanish government W^OOO plants bave been sent Into muralists. , rattans have been. waterproof ed. held at which boacy Important Ucn has been sent to the Veterans JACK tMIE’S e ttU fir 3MONINO CAMIU AT lines after an aerial bombanimeni '■ *‘ *°‘'“ ™**f and orders have been L«vls of SO Belteveau rood, Dor­ more.” If 3rou Ion * believe me tempts to teach, speech and Up juarnivaMS c a s a s u MCAiTiMS ANOAFTtS "There Is danger ta too much The proceaston wrould be drab, events were discussed, among them of Foreign Wars to designato a date aek Privnu BtaaeO. Hlya Law. HAIR Sunday in which 10 persons were P*“ ts to be chester, Msas., arrested by Officer at which time their sons srlll report reading to all of Its 92 chUdren. Tbe AFTt a A aOOO, MAD- 0(VES DIOSSTION A rationalism in qrt." h» said. “We Koas on the cbsrge ot speetnng,. psid arith a ll. tbe colorful uaiforms con­ being the coming trip to Weet Point And now I guess I batter tear this 3(240 awAA.iHAr urns Aaibihow el(fc. klUed and 15 tajuisd. •ent to Manchester. The men who may become too rational in our whkh-the officers and non-comtnto- at tbe armory under these tastruc- American School teaches speech and HCLPINO HAND fiv have ordered these plants, bave been a fine and costs amounting to %20M cealed under great-coats, and tne ■sheot out ol toe book and ttort ovei lip-reading to 208 OT Its 243 chil­ CUTS PHAAM ‘CAMSiS SST jKk Oifcie tee- Near -battle none, non-tatar- monuments and too sentimental In king and qusen tiding ta A cloned staned officers am take ta riM,. near toix for taatrucUons ta the — again. - ■Attto ■ **ml|sM** SPttCMNO UF THE ventloa officials tnored frontier “ formed by Maryland growers that our laws.” | Lester Blank of 815 Noeth 64th dren. The difference creeps ta here. Halrad - Shave - you AiOMT'coveaa carriage. It xrouldnt be much to future. eourse. It is endesvored to crests See you next week;' TNS WMW I m s . feMcoeawwl now OF oiossnvE posts to make sure aU prsparatioos their orders cannot be filled and they • He believes the older group of street, Philadelphia, fta, charged '"--Stic puts speech snd Up-ieadlng and Msemge — AB fee gLd* with vlolaUoo o T tS i r ^ M ^ h e Me; and the sooner one saw It and Lockers srlll be Inspected bgr tbe s friendly spirit OT oompsUtlon OOPl’URAI D. 8HF • OMAsis scTias atoMT. CMchr aaslel FUMDS _INCREASlNO for the 87-nattaa neutrality pedrol kra now looking around for other Americsui '"mural patatars uwt its Company Commander this month Tbe maU - point however that toe ra . everytotag else while the t Baihen — Ne Waltla^! , places to buy ptuts. road, paid a fine ol 35 and coata. 325 got under cover, the better. ■e.'iesn School teaches tt as part WMtTMiA nWfA'HNd. MeUrwoeJ ce- a u a u n it y . enjoy affsinst men and munttbsis were virioB but that the free-lance mu­ All .equipment must be in the lockera Guard are stresatag is toe spim OT wmaKosKoa --"iiiiililill ready to become effaetive at mid- ral painter promisee a vital Amer­ m d s were forfeited by Joel Baraca Oolpcesalonarles, who expect to Slight cukn wbicb cwi.i.iic . . of its curriculum, and It ta not per­ CAAABlA FaSBlY. There Iran average of one type- OT Wallingford charged with operat- do t'roartag bustaeM if tbe weather ta tbe condlttaB and form daslgnated obedience to parental autlMrity. sufferer to the nouM tor a day j i '-aoeaaiES.Tja-jopwSJDL3.Tj, OighL ican epic aplrlL strong ta the be­ by the tastructlons printed ta them And DOW let’s rsfsr to toe old mitted to asaiime proportiona o t a V CULOTTA*S TOapmCET^WSOpw M.ET, THSvWE (MUD. and ' ' ' " y persona In lief that the commooplacg ataould '"8 kfl overloaded tnKk and Ftathan telds'good. have protected them- so are oftan m Messing M diaguise. rettab standing aa an obstacle ta tbe Bother Shop 34 Oak St.' OO NOT IfWrrATB - 'Tka BriUMi fkuRgiiiter ^T**^! *”****^ the United BUtca. I Kaplan of Laurelton, L. L. arrost- A fine wiU be ImpoeTO on every man wen known blsck book to see what smee they afford a mucb-B(->^ieii SO# aw P.ET,o*wWABC-CSE be made aigiiiflcaoL . sdvia wfitb rain tnauraaco—just in >atb o t tbs fuller ediitiatfon of tbg the th ro at ed on tha Chiitgs c€ Micedtag on whoae locker has to be cleaned or we have seen during the last week: rest ta these days OT bustle ana wboee equipment most be adjnoted. Private WQUaiB Apel baa Mads tt boola. CAii«K«'ai«5aS«8SR^iffi

. .-rr *J ! I V IG H T M AN C H E ^gV E N D fQ HERALD. MANCTffiSTER. CONN. MOITOA y X r I L 1 9 , 1 ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19.19S9 V A O E ^ ployed by other Federtd erork relltf I’ T E S IH N ifo d e a . has cafrled on. M tlv* membarahlp Commenta of lome governors on Scene of Fatal Hammer Attack On Dancer drives and called sit-down strikes in the ahtUty of their atatee to aaaume m aTtsonreports the automobile and other indua- a greater ibare of relief costa fol< triee. ^ _ PATHOL OF SPAIN B £ E P T SECRET! Iowa: TUi. meetings of Isadera of tha H . S , ,jA>ses B a$ebdtt .Operieir T o M erid en , _ , _____ I Alabama, Gov. Bibb Graves: "We KIDNAP THREATS -rival labor factiims were on the eve ' ' I wlli be able to match every dollar # ■ of a Joint busineaa-labor eonferanca, TO BEGIN TONIGHT coming to ./ Great Britain demand, 4.92 ing laM Dec. 27. The last, it wga entering bargaining negotiations? to that which threshed out tha de­ flrat dlvislone on both iddee of toe tngtoii, "and ua to to# flnlab’’, pro­ AB. R. H. PO. A. B. , not decided vrhether their sesslona 2. What does the Wagner Act talk. of the oontrot plan, took under dieted Jimmy Dykes of Chicago's Uon absorbed a 4 to 1 setback nh Would be open to the public, cables, 4.92 S-8i 60 day bills, lemrned, waa made lesa tban two big league fence are going to be Schleldge, 3b ... .3 0 0 3 0 2 4.91 9-16; France demand, 4.47 1-4; Consider ks "good faith" on the part coDsideration the British sponsored “dark horse" White Stx In naming Meriden High at the Sliver Clto f BIx of the girls livliig at the home weeka afo. ^ awfully crowded when they post toe Zwick, as ...... 4 0 1 3 3 0 cables, 4.47 1-4; . Italjt demand. of the employer to trying to reach scheme and sought a solution to hie choices tor flag CO atenders. He a Central Connecticut Interach^ re 50,000 Italian volunteers ObuebowskI, ^ .. .3 1 0 40.21, Registered 19.89, Travel agreements? reported fighting hi Spain. Making tbelr pre-battle state- thinga, but happiest bacausa - toe 0 1- 0 the decepUve delivery of joa TcvUmoit^ tolm r t ^ k ^ w a t o d Bridgeport, Conn., dancer and vioIlnUt. was found. She h ^ criminal element which walks our Davidson, 2U ... .2 0 0 3 3 1 23.60; Holland, 54.76; Norway, 4. Does an employer have to en? ■ Some 60 warships of Great. Brit­ menu a few houra before the cur­ p.-eseure is oft us—toe|y aren’t plck- stocky Meriden aoutbpaw. ~ K e eomihlttes In special session * * ™ * * * ^ *“ **»e studio where, Moya rtreeta every day as a potential FUngrats, o .3 0 0 6 1 0 Luca had the Kelleyltee atandlngl 24.7S; Sweden, 25.40; Denmmrk, menace to every family." ter into an agreement after negotl^ ain, France, Germany and Italy tain lifted on toe 1937 season today ing us for tos pennant tole year.” Sunday heard two girl residents of 2nba?m \1rta«’nkm^ i - * ^ S’** 'i*'" discovered her. Hiss Nue- Borello,' p ...... 3 0 0 0 5 1 on their coUecUve ears torougbovt a 22.00; Finland, 2.17; Switxerland, moaum a stage name w m Tania Lee Lova, and In her purne was fo\ind a signed contract for her annear- Uona? were under orders to take over au- in Waahlngton and Boston, toe (ha institution charge th ^ fled the lAtters Examined X—Thurner...... tbe chilly, windy afternoon. ’HKy 22.88 1-2; Spain, unquoted; Portu ance in a Toronto. Canada, night club. She died In hospital several hours later. •?!>««•- He admitted each threatening let­ 5. How are employera to n^o- Mrvtslon of the entire coast line of pilots, witb a few exceptions, figured .1 0 0 0 0 0 , plaee to escape the "unfatherly" at- tiate with unorganised workers? tbelr respective clubs couldn’t miss Wtnzier, 3 b ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 bad little speed but hla slants * , mBtioas of Philip J. Provandle, the gal, 4.47; Greece, .90 1-2; Poland, ter to Carefully acruUnlzed by Feder­ Spain while a small army of land 19.00; Cxechoslovakla, 148 3-4 6. What constitutes an "unfair ooe-two-torse-foiir. Suchy, 8b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 too much of a puzsie and anperintendent, now held in Sl.CHX) al Bureau of Investigation agents, obaervera were in place to patrol SCHOOLBOY shackled toe Rad and White Jugoslavia, 2.34; Austria, I8.70n; some 40 of whom are still stationed labor practice? the French and Portuguese fron­ Only, there appeared too many .tall on diargas of indecent assault flnt dlvlston selections and too few 30 1 2 34 12 4 fuls wito two measly btnglaa : Stats Senator Pierre J. Laramee, Hungary, 19A0; Ruraimla, .75; Ar­ in Tacoma. Refusing to dlacusa tiers. gentine, 32.80n; Brasil. 8.80 l-4n positions to go 'round. x-^Batted for Schfeldge In 8Ul tha process retired ten hatteini • committee member, heard the MAY P U C E QUOTA actual progress of the hunt for The British Fleet. toa strike-out rolite. Tokyo, 28,70; Shanghai. 29.90; GOVERNMENT MAN Charles’ killer, he said: Even those old feudists, Burleigh DETROIT B PITAL Score by lantoge .stories of darir-ejred Leah Controls, Under the command of British Grimes and Chuck Dressen, were, TaDy Run to Eighth U , and Lena Vitlaa, 17, yesterday, Hongkong, 30.50; Mexico City, "1 have great hope we will get a PHII5 UPSET BEES Vice-Admiral Deoffrey Blake, aboard Meriden ...... 1 030 190 OOx—4 27J5; Montreal bi New York, 'break' In the search toon and be canylng toe torch in a big way tot Luca twirled no-hit ban un ■ tbmsBld: . . ON GOLD IMPORTS the battle cruiser Hood, the B riti^ for their Brooldyn and Onclnnktl Manchester ...... 000-000 01(^1 aaventh When Oaptain Mika "As a result of questioning the 100.10 J5-15; New York In Hanpsrlntendeat of attempting to The Connecticut river shad season with pneumonia. He had beei^a zeal- Penalty for Bandits Who rocco and the Balearic islands and glance at the GlanU, Cardinals, DIAMOND CAMPAIGN HENRICH ON SQUAD umpire, ScuUy; Uma of gaiaa» 8:10. and jrftch-hitter Wtnslar baat-out'J flendla them and of slipping into the will open nt midnight tonight and dent of this couhtry for J5 years, tion of his son as a victim. Italy the eastern Mediterranesn 'Criminals should be treated, aa nratoa or Cuba, who are regarded FOURTH IN PIN LEAGUE seiatoh bit to second. Both _ pbik’ dormitory late at night and continue through June 10. flow of Foreign CapHaL ccmlng from Germany where he Breaks Up Baseball Open­ coast aa pretty good tola year. ners advanced another bag cB; r owning a flashlight on their thinly -Local fishermen predicted a poor was born. While residing In Man­ Shot Federal Agent Baker. we do medical cases," he sMd, Detroit. April 19.— fA P )—Misfor­ lepers are laolated permanently in After midnight all veasela enter­ ’’with toa breaks, the Brooklyns wtM pag to first and , Slad forms. catch on the opening night because chester he was employed by the ing Spanish torritoriaj waters must may be right up there—acd you can tune trailed toe Detroit Tigers right talUad when Pengratn grot of high water In the river, but leper cokmiea. But even a leper ia er Before 10,000 Fans. to their doorstep today with Lyi^ Roosevek Throws Out First Champs Sign Rookie Ace to KELLEY FAVORITE The nine-man committee Inspect- Washington. April 19.— (A P ) — Whitlock poll Pipe Company of first call at specified porta and take toil Dreaaan 1 aatd ao," was the last to ascend. Borello sad liitad the old dua-oolored building bous- nevertheless It wax estimated 20 El »i wood. Topeka. Kas., April 19.— (AP.) __ not as dangerous to society as this wood (Schoolboy) Rowe, star pitch­ Spo rts Roundup Local Bow leri Finish Up Government financial experts are (kidnaping) type of criminal. You aboard non-intervention committee minute "feed-box special" from (Had out to «id tha bmlag. '•la g 106 boy and girl residents and .crews of professionals would try He la survived by his wife, Doris, The government made ready today Bupervleors who will have tha right Grimea, tha only freshman mana- er, ordered to the hoepita) as tos BaD at Senators-A’s Tilt in fo r DiMaggio; Price fanehastar get man on thi r tatted with the inmates. their luck. studying the possibility of placing a of Manchester and a son, Adolph can recognize a leper; but the mpn Boaton. April 19. — (A P ) — The squad arrivad home to open tot By EDDIE BBIETZ. Fin TO COP MARATHON to cljarge two New York gunmen who walks unnoticed beside you to to examine the cargo. Inspect ships’ ger going to toe post this season. Among Leaders in Greater cn only two otoer oneaMowa. sd if they wanted Provandle quota on gold Imports, some Con­ Grihim of RockvlKe; alho his parents Phllsdelphia NaUonalp defeated the P*P*ra knd question passengers. Generally, however, toe Yanks. American League season. Now York. J^ril 19.— (A P )— ’ chad on ■■ error ta tbo : to ratnm, the ^ I s chorused nirllly: with murder—and demand the death the street may be a criminal. On tos eve of the osmpaign'a Baseball iahere, Oanta—and bow!— gressmen heard today, to help check In Germany. 'T- believe the men who kidnap^ Boston Bees, 2 to 1, in. 11 Innings to­ After their vessel leaves Spanish Indians and Tigers, with either at Washington. Is Not Revealed. but was doublad off first whim I "No! No! We're afraid of him. tid'VfOs a member of Stephen penalty—while the father of a waters, the supervisors will be dls-; Washington. Boston or Chicago as ■tart Manager Mickey Cochrane In- Bob FeU'er’i map decorates toe front Hartford Circuit; Jennie aeakus unexpaotadhr nabbed a lease bava him stay away." the Inflow of foreign capital. my son watched the bouse for nearly day In a morning Patriot's Day toe fourth outfit, were figured to cut atructed Rowe, ailing with a lame page of one nationsd magastoe...... Today*s Pattern Glrafd Lodge of Masons of Fhi.a- young Federal agent who was cut n week before tBe' crime. It to game. A crowd of 10,000 watched embarked at some convenient port Field of Almost 200 to Com­ Oy. Davidson wnlkad In tha t Several Legtsistora who keep dflphla. down by bullets In the postoffice Examine All Ships. toe American League ibarc of the back for more than a week, to -nUr to another toe managera tell you but tha next thno battara ebresat of monetary devtlopment.a shameful that Tacoma la not well the season's opener which effded aerieo melon next lall, while the Henry Ford hoepltai for an exami­ Washington, April 19 —(A P ) — Schubert Ninth in the In- New York, April 19— (AP)— The funeral will be held Tuesday here Friday, prepared to return bis enough policed to prevent such a The patrollng warships have also Franklin Roosevelt, a big righthand­ Just how tos pennant races are com­ to laava. him atraadad. said, however, they doubted the when Norris Arnovich dropped a usual quartst of New York, Chicago, nation. Cochran# said, however, be ing out... .A third starts a baseball Tommy Hinrich, tos jroung outfield pete m Qiisic Over 26" afternoon at 2:30 at the T. P. Hoi- son's body to their Arizona home. crime or to allow capture of the home run Into the left field bleach­ l^ n empowered to halt and examine er. warmed up today to start ^ the Keilayltoa went down in practlcabiltty of such a reetricUon, - United States District Attorney the papers of any ahlp coming from PIttaburgb and St. Loula waa aug- did not believe the aliment lertout, serial.'.. .Fun bagtos today and to­ ar who won his freedom from base­ and diaplayed sueh poor tatm i ^ i m N U E W P A , loran funeral home, 175 center criminals. If officers bad been able ers. n anted by Oressen’e declelva vote American League on anotoer baoe- dividual Averages. Rep. Dies (D.. Tex.), co-author of street, with Interment In the East .S. S. Alexander planned to Issue to Isolate the peninsula on which my Box score: a countiy not a participant in the suspecting It to be only a cold. ball seaoon.' morrow if Jupe Pluviue will only ball ‘’slavery’’ and stirred up a lot ot Mile Route Today. plate that a drastle raveraal « the 1984 Silver Purchase Act, pro­ warranto charging Alfred Power for hia Rods la the National Laague Rowe’s loes, even though tempo­ have a heart....ThU corner eUll neccoaary to keep from dubMaffii cemetery. Rev. Watson Woodruff heme to situated within a few min­ PhlUdrlpUs scheme, such as the United SUtes. dog-fight He was free to put an he bad on fues in toe big leagues while be 'was posed Instead that Prealdent. Roose­ and the Manchester Lodge of aftd Robert Suhay. accused of an utes after the kidnaping, they might B R Any violations discovered will be rary, turtbe. cripples to# Tlgera bU first pitch, for be was to make rides with toe Yankees and Cor- doing IL may get a ehanca to fill m boys tha "httlsaa wpadara.* SAYGOVERNORS; velt call an International monetary Bucky Harria, whose Senators chances ot a fast start in tos thrue' UlnaU....Our "clubs to watch” are The Morlarty OIrU flbishad in Masons will be la charge. 818.000 Katonah, N, bank rob­ have saved Charley—but what -c^ Tauby, cf .. reported to the countries concerned tangledtanglai' with toe Atoletlce in Wash- only qne. That was fron. the Presl- fourth plaoo in tha GlrU Greater for last yaar's rookla sensatloh, Joa conference to try to work out bery. with the murder of Wimberly you flo with only four prowl caraT Browne, lb . .■•••*. 5 for punUhaoent of tbelr offending game sariaa with Clevslaad begin­ dant’e private box to toe Washing­ Washington and Clnctonatl....'AIi DiMaggio, when the season gsts un Boaton, AptU I t — (A F )—Ona of pliayafi with a • lagtoo on today's . gatawa,, _ program, ning tomorrow sines Tommv ready T Let 'er got Hartford Bowling League, accord' definite ratio of exchange among W. Baker. 27, Federal Bureau of "Crim'nala know Tacoma'q police' Klein, rf .. 6 citlsens tuider national neutrality made no bones about It—■ -"F "Frcm r the ton -and Philadelphia pUyera, group­ dor way tomorrow. tha atrangart and baob-balanead ■Me lack c9 pep sad e a r foreign currsnclei apd a . program Bridges, Detrolt’a other act otteber Ing to toe final standing announced U.S.AMEDED Inveatlgatlon agent, shot In the force Is the most undermanned- on Arnovich, If ...... 8 legislation already pa.saed. time President Roosevelt throws out ed near home plate. LegUUtor up at Boston- wants to today. The Morgen Glrle captured TTie New York Yankees announo- fields that ever aaaembled' In tha Mtridea’s tnraa run outburat, for rediatributlng the gold accu­ FUNERALS the coast. That’s why this town has Wilson, c .. remains more or lees a patient A sellout two days before tbe back as he participated In an at­ ...... 4 Neither land ncr sea obaervers the first ball here, You can look tor put over a bill transforming hUtoric tbe League championship with ed yesterday they had signed Hen Uny toiwn of flopklnton, famed as aaoond aeaaisd to taka tha (Osatmaed from Page One) mulating In the .United Statea. Mrs. Ftaacn M. Arnott tempt by G-Men to arrest the two been the site of two major kidnap- Norris, 3b ...... 4 wui have the authority to turn back With a sore back muecle. Bridges game a.«sured a capacity crowd ot Boston Common into a public park­ ot tha piayan sad they togs." us to.be a real contender." Connie Schaefer’s In the runner-up spot' and rich, who had offered hla aervicaa to the starting p* staru here a day ahead of the other rade when Army goes to Cambridgs allver trophy and soma abort-lived ■tart to flaloh. Coach Tom Adarinistratloo. the aviilan Cbnser- Mattson horns down the bluff to- major league cities. cal pinner, led toe Moriarty Girls In clared him a free agent While fi­ eral Reserve Bank last week about Watkins Brothera Funeral Home, Alexander said be would ask the La Master, [ ...... I On the Franco-Sponlsh frontier, shl.v pull up out of the cellar. still problematic, and the absence ol to play Harvard?....Hunk Ander­ the list of Individual averages, plac­ nancial and other details were .lot sent hla (flat ball aei, NsMo _ . ^ tlo n Corps and other Federal em- « ard Puget Sound. An exalnlnatlon Vice President Garner eleo had a fame. Ih ey are toa only rewards to tha monad for tha* opeam a gold quota and would discuss It In 142 East Center street. Rev. Ur death penalty for the accused men. 130 land officers have taken up their Up In Bostoff. both Bill McKechnie both Bridges and Rowe virtusih son has completely revamped toe ing ninth with a mark of 104.72. revealed, obaervera figured the that are bestowed on toa winner ot iMsyment agencies on the present the next few days with Treasury Earl E. Story of the South Metho­ ot the paths through hla five-acre Totals ...... 40 9 8 33 10 posts while five have gone to their of the Bees and Jimmy Wilton ot costs Detroit 50 per cent bt Itr preliminary duty—hoisting the flag style of line pUy at Michigan...... Borello. did a creditaHa gS.OOO.OOO.OOO a year scale. They arg held for aafekeeping In the gardens, he said, indicated the man Bostofi to centerfield. Miss Flora Nelson, who took high Yanks plan to keep ‘Tommy on uand tha moat torturous oompeUtkm executives. dist church officiated, and during stations at Gibraltar. the PhllUea, rival managers In the pitching power under present clr- After glimpsing a picture of toe single for toe season srltb 168, With v m Uttla ioslstoaoa Only two governors—one a Deoi- .strongly fortified Jackaon county bad prowled th-m .thorcriighly In Ones Mr. Roosevelt had thrown unUI DiMaggio recovers from too toe American ■porta’ calendar. The plan would not call for an the aervlce Robert Gordon sang jail In Kansas a ty . Mo. Their ar­ AB The Portuguese land frontier Is n ornlng and afternoon patriots' cumstanoea. nurse, you can’t blame Jimmy Foxx placed 12th with 104.16. Mas Sher­ aerat and the other a Republican "^ing Home" and "The Fair Waj preparing for hla getaway. The Garma, 3b, If . . 4 toe first itrike, Joe CascarelU wae tonsil operation which took ilm out PrompUy at noon Oeorga Brawn, "NabaT’ aravod last year inflexible lliptt on gold Imports, raignment, thq district attorney in­ outside U\e control scheme, but by ■ Day gamea which con pnse the cur­ Manager (toebrane, until his deci for etlcklng orOund that' hMpttal. man was 19th wi.th 108.2, Clara pf the llneui, a few days ago. Tnon who has atartad 89 of the 39 pra- Ssclared the time bad come for Ulr V^ere Angels Dwell." doctor said* be believed an automo­ Oi Magglo, cf . . 4 a special arrangement It la being tailed opening National League card, Sion today, had hoped to start Row< to take over the pitching Jor Waah­ ran you now?___ Most of toe kids works maoi batter ta want i these reports said, but would Involve dicated, would be held before a bile waited on the shore-line street Jackmore Patton was 3Sto with unless Henrich succeeds In making vtoua races, will sand away a pack itntes to lift the relief load f r ^ a 'Treasupr announcement that It The bearers were D. C. Y. Moore, McGowan; rf . . 3 poUced by 130 British officers. refused to go out on the limb with In the second aeveland game Wed lngton and Harry Kelley for toe around toa country stayed up late toaa ia cold such as prevnilad i L'nlted Statea commissioner either below the home to pick up abductor Athletics. Both teams had changed 101.13 and Mary Strong waa 37to a place for himself, be likely will be of almost 200 plodders, including the tte government's shoulders. Syraral would buy gold only periodically— Robert M. Veltch, George \V. Strent, tft-rger, if ,..., . 2 any predlctlnze. But each was cer­ he»day, when the imUane pun p Saturday night to hear Bob Feller wito 100.56. urday aad ba haaat yet had i iu Kansas Chty, Kae.. or It. Leaven- and victim. Reis. I f ...... Ilne-ups from last sesson. farmed out for a season. record number of seven former wla- practloa to Umber hla bontended there should -be a/ween­ not all that was offered—at 835 an Alden E. Bailey of Manchester, Fred . 1 tain his outfit was improved. use toe young strike-out senssttbh tell them vU radio bow be does IL The team standing and Individual ing. rather than a Ught^ng, of ounce, • Green of Hartford and A. M. Hoi- . orth, Kas., location of a Federal Dr. Mattoon stdd his wife to now Jordan, s ...... 1 From New York, where toa cur­ The Senatc-rs had AJ Simmons, johnny Naa, Yankaa acout who ners, to the 20 mllsa, 880 yazda of potential affaeUveasa ponitentlary. recovering totisfacturily from the Bob Feller. Elden'’ Auker will open bought from Detroit, to left field land Braddock U bickering with Fran- averages follow; outbid seven other major manner: .State Senator and father the Fletcher, lb .. . 4 toe Bees and Phils Into action, toe LouU fight—If it comes ott.^..., dared the youngster had advaheed ter ia the esfload and ha puUad prone to “aee kidnapers every­ oewcomere are Bill Werber, ' from High three string—F o le y _____ 388 ■o fast ‘‘there's no telling how far Johnny Kelley ot Arlington, the tional relief budget cut were ad­ The establishment of a free gold stain iigent, said he wiU tokc hU Lopez, c ...... 4 IN STRANGE MURDER championship pilots — Y'ankee ,Joe Francis, now dishing out publicity Team, ■elf out of several holaa alealy. son's body home for funeral services where." Warstler, as .. . 4 McCarthy and Giant BUI Terry Boston, at third base, and Bill Cla- he will go." 1635 winner, ia tha outatanding fa­ struck out five batten and vanced by many of the chief execu- market In this country of a complete He himself -has plunged Into -his seU, from Baltimore, at second. for toe bow;Ung tournament, never nigh single string—Maple-___ 605 .^.tlvea. and burial. Baker died In a hospital Bush, p ...... 3 ooaed confidence. You got the Idee Week End Shorts Henrich had protested to .Landis vorite in tos field, although a aoore toa aaine number. ban on Imports would cause tremen­ ABOUT TOWN medical practice with renewed vigor OF BRIDGEPORT GIRL they wouldn't be eatlsfled with any­ Game time was 3 p. m., e. s. t has worked In a losing fighter's High three string—Schaefer .. 1727 of others appear to have winning iP- President's tentative oudget dous fluetiietion In the price of the her, near midnight Saturday after Mjjeller, ss ..., 1 camp... .He waa with Braddock be­ that he wae being “oqversd up" by HOTIMW BpiWlV ■ ' and is beginning again the social thing less than penntmts—particu­ (By the AaeooUted Praae) Tbe probable lineups: chances. TIm other former winners .^ ‘MUmates in January listed t l 50o,- dollar with consequent harmful ef­ an emergency . operation and at fore toe Baer upMt and with tha Cleveland Indiana after he bad Mtrlden'a srianlag splurm W Mias Jean Rodman of New Bed­ and educational work In which he 'Totals...... 35 1 4 larly oince toe Tanks have been in­ New York—New York Yankees Washington Chapman,. cf: Won Lost been sold by New Orleans, a Clavs- Centered ara EUlaon /Tarxaa) eacoed w u bofua w AaadMUK contemplated Fede.'al fects on domestic economy. least two blood tranafualona were i was prominent before the tragedy. 53 18 (Osottaoed from Page One) Liwls, 3b; Kuhei, lb; Klmroona, SchmeUng whlla Max got ready to M organ...... 56 19 ford. Maas., Is visiting with ChlePot futile. . ... I a—Batted for Reis in 9to. stalled as odda-oD favorites for toe elitn Tom Henrich, Mllwaukoa out­ if: land farm, to Milwaukaa for a price Brown, the Rhode laland Indian who ■tagla to canter, (tokol n o t tsUef outlay for the fiscal year to If the Treasury bought gold only Police and Mrs. Samuel G. Gordon American League race, end . tbe fielder, declared a free agent by Stone, rf; Myer, 2b; . BJuege, anniblUte Joe LouU... .Eddie Nell, Schaefer ...... 68 32 triumphed last year, Leslie Pawaoa Admitted Sbootiag os—Batted for Bush in llto. Tha bamoMr was examined for Maple ...... considerably below the ' ’’market" him to second. Brlaal walkeA „ e -•»•**» July L a 25 per cent cut. at Intervals at a fixed 835-an-ounee of Hamlin street. Score by innli^: Giants have shown s world of stuff Judge LandU lost w«#k. Hugan, c, and CaacareUa, p. toe reformed sporta writer who did .. 48 24 of Pawtucket R- L. who eet the lifted a fly to right that Koab pjr Since then utterances of Mr. Roose rate, however, the shipment of the J. Edgar Hoover, director of the ' fingerprints. < a (our-star Job covering toe Ethio­ Moriarty ...... 48 for a .846 hitter. Lendls ieclored SEE CANADA’S STRIKE Phitodelphia .... 000 100 01__3 getting ready for toe National loop New York—New York Americana Phliatlelphla — Finney, et; Wer­ 29 oouree record cf 291:01 2-5, In 1939, Judged and R weat (or a •c Vait and his aides have placed even yellow meUl to the United BUtea Members of Gibbons Assemblv. Federal Bureau ot Inveetlgatton, 000 MIcha's brother, Zachary of ber, Sb; Moaee, rf; Johnson, If; Dean, pian war tor toa AP, U going back California Lunch . . . 85 39 him a free agent after a bearing and Boston...... 000 100 000 00^1 ware. whip 8t. LouU Shamrock’s 4-2 in declared toe deal bad been under Dave Komonsa, toe phlegmatic Finn fill the beam. Than Loea J, stronger emphasis on retrencnmcnt. would be checked because of uncer­ Catholic Ladies of Columbus, wi;i jLJd. in Washington that Power ano ! Newark. N. J., also a booking agent, ‘The Yonks woo by 19H games lb; Hayes Or Bnickar, c; Newaoma, abroad, thU Uma for a torae-year Fashion Center .. ...83 43 Errors—Guccinello. Runs batted aocear ehaJlenga cup flnai and win Park Recreation . the direction ot Clevelaiid officials from Sudsbury, Ont., who won tha Itft, aeortng Braadeahurg i May Mean Baokruptey tainty as to whether It would nnd a meet tonight at 7;15 at tha post ot- Suha: had admitted the Topeka i SPREADING TO U. $. was taken to headquarters with h:s last year—and It's the same club ot se; Parker or Cassell, fb; Kelly, p. hitch with toe dolngt In S p ^ •• a .. 39 46 (ollowlng year, Paul Debniyn of ■ta aa layk was nipped ready market. shooting. Hoover said bia tnforma- ' In—Arnovich, Johnson, Berger. wife for questioning. Police «ald to* championship goal aeries, 4 goaU starter... .Happy Iwdlng, Butch. Wooster ...... 26 49 with th* purpose ot delaying Han- :i Gov. E3mer A. Benson of Mlnne- flee and proceed to the home of An Two-baee hits—Arnovich, Wilson. \anks," said McCarthy. "I think to 8. New York, 1932 leader, and toe pub­ French grounded to ■ « -■' •Ota epitomised the majority com- The opilcy of intermittent pur­ tlon waa that Bakv bad aurprtoed ' hall was rented to Zacharyl* name. The story tellers are busy wjjto C. D. of A...... 25 4? rlcb’a advancement t o . toe big drew. Deer. 244 Porter jlreet, who Dl Msggto. Home hin—Arnovich. (?levrland le toe most dangerous op- ■ AtUnU— Wayne Babin, Holly­ lic’s perennial favorltea, 4g-year-oM Luca scored on Davidoon’i wild'] ment of the governors when na -8itlon, but the .club that bests tot wood. trims Blto)/Grant, Atlanta, SPORTS WRITERS PICK ~ Clarence Demar, who has won this to flraL Doherty grounded " i don't aee how we could ooaslbly ment to obtain gold whenever It ap­ Elsie Deer Is s member of the As that Suhay hr.d fired upon .the agent AH'AIT N. Y. POUCE. - ankees, Wins too Bt)ant.’’ mer Carlisle football itarL who died ble pUye—Johnson to Scharein to 6-0, 5-0, 7-5, in flpkU of Atlanta in- Averages rare seven tlmea, and Bill Kennedy, short to retire the ride. 4ake w r any more of the load. It peared necessary to do so to aOpport sembly. from a “lookout" postUon be bad (Oonttooad fram Page One) Browne: Fletcher to WereUer to MonUcello,, N. Y , April , 19.— “ vviui our Infield, pitching and at Buffalo toe other day....One U toe 1917 wlnn#r, who, despite .,bls Meridaa’a other tally ofliaa i'Ors are forced to do It, It may mean the position orthe dollar. taker, up some distance back of bis (A P )—Mleche Roes, 30, a theatrical baiting improved" said Titfry, "1 viutlon tennU tourney. TANKS AND CARDINALS that when toe CarlUU ecout (or Currie ...... 110.34 Fletcher. Left on beses—Phila­ • Lawrence. Kane.— Alton Terry 108 37 FOUR TIE FOR HRST V almoet 60 yean), will start for toa fourth wbaa Bokol atogted £ bankruptcy for the etate." With foreign Investments to this The Orange Young American flfo P»rtnrr. move during a three-day aesslon booking agent, wae held to toe Sulli­ . don't see how we can mlat." whoever it waa that plucked Frank 30th Urns. center and left and want to delphia 7, Boston A Beses on bails Another definitely ^cklng his own beavee Javelin 229 feet, 2 1-4 Inofaea, 10891 o,.- . Democratic Governor Richard C. *:pHE very picture of ettrtetive “ ’’’•’" " ‘ Iffir to upward of 88.- and drum corps will meet tomorrow i ffoiB to* which started this morning. —Johnson 3. Bush 1. Strikeouts— van county Jail here today pending New York. April 19.— (A P )—The off toe Tuacarora reservation) found Altoougb moat of toa marathon­ on a pamed boU.' layk gi 000.005,000, tha administration for arrival of New York polioa, who said outfit was Oisfley Grimm ot toa for IntarcoUegUte record and Archie F o le y ...... 10790 t-'McMullcn of Delaware and GoVer- dsinttness for leisure hours is night at 7:30 o'clock at Orange Hall huUdlng end fled. As toe (toundl convened. Lewis Johnson 3. La Master A Bush 3. Hits worid champbn New York Yan­ him, he was all togged out in full Mackle ...... IN BHJJARD TOURNEY ers favor Kelley, who is reputed to out to Borello as Sokol want * aor George D. Aiken of Vermont, months has been seeking some they wished to question him about Cuba, all amHeil. over toe deal which San Romani boato Glenn Cunning­ IndUn tvgxiie... .On toe train 105.44 the house cost (No. 8916). As to instead of Wednesday night. All They were captured Friday night president of toe United Mine Work, —off Johnson 4 In 8 1-3 Innings; La- kees and toe St. LouU Cardinals’ Klhm ...... 106.11 be In morveloua ahape, there are at third. Luos wa|kod and ■t'^'Nspubllcan, were the only-flat dia- metood of drying up the Inflow of membera are requested to be pres­ without a shot being Ored. by -Homer era. met with members «<> cut end sew that it can be ent for this practice. Sylvester, 5 foot, 4 Inch, sheriff, and ed Automobile Workers of Americs La Master. Umpires—Stewart, PI year-old concert vloUniaL toa sports writer! to major laagua ot paleface clothee... .Thereupon Moroney ...... have the etamlna and ezperienoa went around to third aad died Such an Influx tends to lead to Trooper W, M. I^lns said Roas ■’’Barring bad Injury breaks. I at Kansas relay maaL he doffed bU b#ad gear, rubbed off 10591 New York, April 19.— (A P )—The I t is time for this state and all finked In a few hours time. hie deputy at Plattsmouto, Nab. executive board to dedda upon fu nelli and Quigley. Time—2:20. cities to win the pafinaata toU jrear. Schubert...... 104.72 old ^ a rd of pocket hiUtards, Ralph needed to win. on French’s out to aseoad. Good In flowered chellis, chintz, price increases and artlflctol credit waa picked up at toe Mountalndale believe tbe Cubs are good enough to ban FrancUcu—Charias Howard's hU war paint, chucked hU Indian Rlasoakna Gate DoaMo Mas to assume the whole burden The Manchester Green beseball Sheriff Sylvester recovered 84.8UU. tura policy to toe orgaalzatlon of -* ------L—--- win," be announced. "We're ebow- In spite of toe fact ' that they A. St. Pierre ...... 104.60 Greenleaf and Andrew Ponsl of Naw^ Each of to# other former winners •nd take immediate stepa to eee printed silk, or marquisette with expansion, and sudden withdrawal team wtll hold an Important meet­ An additional 85,954 was found to automobile workera. home of hla fatoer-to-law, Nathan SeabUcult. favored at 8290, wins duds out of toa train srindow and Fitzgerald ...... Meriden bod men on tbe on e large scale might injure credit ing more fight than in any recciii topped the National League to 1935, 104.02 York, are doing themselves proud is « serious threat to Kelley, aa are I thrt the people become Independent SWISS collar .and sash. I^tterhs ing at tha clubhouse tonight at 8 a room to a Kanina City botai the Homer Martin, praaidant at toe BRITAIN TO CSOWN MeaetowlU. at tos tolepbooad ra- 8lu,000 added Marchbank haaJlcap never put them on again oa long as Nelson Pat Deglns ot Baltimore, Mel Por­ la all but one (ram# sad stagedj come m sizes 34 to 48. Size 36 and lower pricaa sharply. quest of Inspector Michael McDer­ ytasr’’ at Tanforaa nlootog os Special New York’s Giants run a bad sec­ 104.10 ill the latest wrinkle la billiard O f relief,"'said Gov. McMullen. "By o'doek. men- had occupiad Thurwlay. United Automobile Workera ot N1CKNA3IELBSS KINO Mickey Cochrane, with biraeelt ond to the' Cprds to the annual As- he Uved. H. Sheckley...... 103.55 ter of New York, who finished thM other aertous thraata that fal' that 1 mean the autee lUouid stnve * J*-* o* S9 inch mott of toe New York police. Agent and Indian Broom flnish'eut Ixzy Jannazzo, who figured In toe Uligg tourneys. the fifth srtth one a m y , msterial, plus 5-8 yard eontrast- Baker wae toe tenth Federal America, was esptdally Interested szi Hank Creenbeig'back in tbe aociated Presa poll. There’s ao doubt 103.44 last year, Leo Glard ot Brockton, to aee that atl persons are taken off The regular meeting of the Amer­ to advice on proponed organisation London (AP)y-Oeorga VI ariff-be W'lto L^lns when Rome was of money. welterweight rituation- not ap long Marttndala ...... Greenleaf and Ponxi ended the "Horaa’’ Klasookua, whooe agent killed to tot Una oi duty get lineup, saw his Detralta oa about tbe Yanks, however as toa 10393 regular world's cbamplonehlp tour­ who was fourth, Tony Paskeli oi the relief rolls and given emplay- " I t . }. ribbon Is ican Lagion Auxiliary will take place since 1925. of amployee ot toe Ford Motor Com­ crowned without a popular nick­ Into custody were Sheriff Harry I , Oakland. CaL—Waahtortoo Varsi­ ago, U weat-ooaet bound . to fight Pelletier * ...... 103.30 Lynn; Fred Ward of New York, on the boakathaU oourt aad needrt for the belt Short length WAITER YOUNG WINNER name. But it’s a sura bat that be den of SulUvan county. Deputy ’’toa bast defensive club la toe vote was mors than 4 to 1 to thetr nament in a four-wqy tie With Jim' snt of soma kind." requires 4 7-8 yards. tonight at 8 o’clock to the State pany; Ha also planned to uwii». American Laagua.” ty, Jajrvae and freahmer whip Cali­ Glenn Lite next month—Lee U toe Mitchell 103.18 Johniiy Semple of Overly,-Jimmy [rid far outshinaa bia diaaioad Armory.. The officers of the first will aoqjire one. Nicknamea sucb Lass and Trooper Edward Smith. fornia crews to 84to annual regatta. favor over,.ail American Laague guy who beat Geferelno Garcia, who my Coras of Wilmington, Del., toe ty but who la a good ball Cut Cspcnaes with his aaeedatea on toe board pot "And we have plenty ot power, rivals combined. Tlrone ...... 103.11 Shaw ot Toronto, Walter Hornby of f Bald (tov. Aiken: district are to be present and will SECTOR KILta BELF aa “Bloody Mary" and “ Richard Roes had been drinking, Leins Chicago—Doris Brennan wnips tied ' Jannazxo.. . . Squire Jack Sherman ...... defending Utlebolder, and young nonetheless, bunted safely OF BOSTON MARATHON ides to be' pursued to eonnecuon dared. ^ too," ha went on, "ao. if we get any Figuring perhaps on another good 103.3 Hamilton, OnL, and such Canadian "Vermont would Uke to see a re- assist with tos inltlsUon of new with toe General Motors etrlka to UoD-beart" perpetuats toa weak kind of a break In pitching, I don’t Katy RawU to take SOO-yard free­ Sharkey, the Boston beavywelghL L. St. P ierre...... 102.64 Irving Crane of Rochester. In the third. He went to second on STRUCTiOVS, All out the coupon year by Diaxy Dean and consider­ newcomers' as Walter Young and ductian in.Federal expenditures and raambers. All candidates for tottia- Cheater,. Vt., April 19—(A P ) — Canada. neaaes of soma monarcha, but toe "1 know what tiiU U aS abouL* see how «-e can, miss fighting the style crowff and Marjorl# Gestrtog U enjoying flahing at hU camp at W illiam s...... 10291 first matches of the round robin Girard Cote of (Juebee City, John ello’s wild peg to first. Zajae waUk^ (OdbUbomI fn oi Rost was quoted by Leins aa saying able i8d from Lon Warneke, 52 • ill bear her portion of any In P *g » Oaa) Uon ara urged to attend thU meet­ Health Officer J. A . Stevenson an- Before toe U. A. W. A. board con long list also recaUe toe greatness Tanka right ^wn- to tbe .wire, and retains high dive title .as Mlem) Cedar lake. Nova Scotia... .Bob Fei- DeLari 1 0 2 . 1 V play, which will conclude the tour­ Paul and Roy Oliver of New Glaa- ed. Brandenburg ttfted ■ 4y rounced Rev. George O. Child, Epis­ when toa officen walked to oo him - wriUra picked toa. Cknto for flrat ...... a ...... ney, Greenleaf downed Crane and tborL Both ruanen odvaacea rell.-f burden In the same he ing. The Junior Girls wiU meet for vened. a U. A. W. A oBlcial said be ot otoeis. English ktoga have gone poeolbly boatlnk teem ouL beach ewlmming club wins team ler’i weaknesees are pin strips aulU Brignole 102.15 gow, N. 8. irtlon as other states." was helped Into the draaalag a rahearsal tomorrow afternoon in copal factor, shot hlmaelf to death down to history under such varied Lelns said Rosa’ wife, Eleanor, 20. „ Steve O’Neill, btoy.btlriy hoes of toe boaors in nationai womaa’a AAU place whlla only tS ptekad tbs loud neckties.. . .Situation at Pearson ...... 101.45 Ponxi beat Caras. a wild pitch but Sokol filed out room: early today with a pistol. doubted toe organlaatlon would ap and bia toree-year-old daughter Giants. In toa Amarieaa it , votes end toe Inning. In toe seventh v iin Governor Teller Ammons ot the armory at 4 o'clock. AU those provs anotoer atrika to General .lo nicknamea aa: Cleveland Indiana, hfld'ibmcthlng to ■wim champlonahips. Mlnneaota U terrlbla... .Only 192 Patton 101.12 Both of the winners are a little "Helgh-de-h6. It’s a graat kick to who are going to do a speciai act Hia bo4y waa found to bia ear to Edgar the PeaceTuL Adele. were asleep to an adjoining say about that battle, however, ot' were cast for tha Tanka to win. ten candidates reported for spring grid Tlaka ...... 101.9 mure than raw hands at toe game. one gone, Klaaoskus contributed •Onlorado, a Democrat, cams a plea plele selection of late dress de- tore plantain' tola oountry to sym­ room. Pittsburgh— hetos Vopel and Increased FeJeni relief oelp. rorae up Exeter street (the finish for the entertainment ara asked to toe garage by hia daughter. Mra. Edmund toe Magniflcent fering a prayer only that toe four Julea Audy arto oU-day bicycle race for toe Detroit Tigers and nine drilU ....Yet they wonder srhy Ber- Strong a , . . . , , 10090 Greenleaf bos won too UUe be is only extra base clout of tha sips, now U ready. It's 15 cento line) like that" Felicite Dunbar of South Lonidboro, pathy with toe aralkout of its unions more wrera scattered among three Derby Hopes a smaohing double into lefL "W s are already insisting that Uu bring their own music. There is to Ontario, Bthelred the Unready. The officer said that Rosa* drtv- newcomers, Lyn Lsiry, Jule Soltera, on points over Peden brotoera. nle Bierman has gray hair. Johnson 10094 seeking again 13 times and was the when purchased separately. Or, PswBon. far behind hia recotd lor nert of still more girls for the play.'’ N. H. . • er’a Ucenae, found in bis ctothlu. Bari Whltehlll and Ivy Paul other teame. The big form-reveraai Strelchum...... 100.41 walked and Brandenburg filed W PA taka over several tboueana BIgk Oenrt BaHag Alfred toe GreaL New York—Ralph Greenleaf beats big noise around tos green tables the course, waa third to 2 hours, 41 Friends said toa rsetor bad been WlUlam toe Cbnqueror. »a s Issued to toe name of Mturav Andrews, produce. predictions were too naming of TRY PAUL DEAN FURTHER Mlnei: ...... 10095 in 1919 when toe gome was Just B'y THE A8SOC1ATEU PRESS. Sokol walked and toe b c f ab'e bodied destJtuts peo- in Just sn minutes, 46 seconds. to poor health the past two waeks. Membership campaigns ot both Roaen. '' Irving Crane, U5 to . 98 to 36 in­ l^rrow a loaded hut Borello whiffed now being supported by sUU Tha committee from Helen David­ Rldhard Lton-beart. ‘.H they do.” said bs confidently, nings. and Andrew Ponxi defeats Cleveland’B Indiana, fifth lost year, ...... 100.23 plain ’pool.’ Ponzl, .who won toe M'hite Tie (Monhaoeet stable)— He served with Canadian forcaa labor factioi.. apparently ware spur- ...... *■; aa.a.aa.a.. F i^ Ward. MUlroaa A. A.. Ntw son Lodge. Daughters of Scotia, in John toe Wicked. "tiiie club will be among toe pennant to, toe third notch and tbe drop­ S t Louie. AprU 19.— (A P ) — tVhlte 90.45 UUe in 1935, baa plenty of expert retire the alda.. rf." he said. "Thia atata cer- York, was fourth to 2:42:59 2-5. during toe World War. rad by ton Suprema Court’s dsd- Jimmy Caras, defending champion, PaUrnootro ...... Won six. furlong ract at Keeneland Manchester made- aavural chMff0 ci the Corooabon aupper Bluff King Hal. contenders. "Our attack la toe ping at the Chicago White Sox to Manager Frank Frisch aaid today . 99.43 ence, too, and a knack at winning flrtnly eoujd not asaums a larger D. UaeCallum, Gladstooe A. C. He leavea retotivea to bgland. sions on tha Wagntr AcL Btroogeot itnce 1 took ebarga." 12,> to 23, to 11 innings la pUyofl O Brieu in 1:11 2-5. afield but gave promiaa of the retiaf load." oanoe at the Maaonlc Temple* May Tha Virgin Queen (EUzabeto. who fifth. Paul Dean’s ailing arm would be 99.23 the tough ones. Toronto, Ontario, sraa fifth. The Act provides that a union ANOTHER ORGANIZATION Frankie Frisch took a look over for world pocket Millard tltu. Sbimkvs ...... 9899 Al Bubble (A. C Ernst)—Flnieh^ up Into a good flaldiag chib Governor Henry H. Blood of Uteb 12. meet tonight at the home of never married). given additional tryouts before In last night’s matches Ponzl TODAY'S PATTERNS SAFE BOBBED shown by an elsctkio to cover the what is generally regarded aa a aub- ideals a...... a...... 98.45 ed third in race woo by Wblto.Tle. bit more practloa and ~ the relief roUe growing et "a toe chief daughter. H n. Nancy Heo-< Il^e Martyr King (Chariea I, exe­ final decMoa on his slat us with toa made short work of Caras beating 11 STERUNG PLACE derwa. 351 Onter atreeL majority ot employea to an mdustri standard ost of 8 t Louis Cardinals TANKS TOr em us LOGS Jenaau a*...... 9840 Black Look (ti. V. Whitney)— weather. . The aiala weakm • g rate" deapite general HCET BY FAU. cuted by Oomereii’s Roundheads New York. April 19.— (A P )—The b l,j to 11 frames, 125 to 22, In leas BRfXJKL'YN. N. Y. Providanea. R. L, April 19 — al plant may bargain eoUeutively FORMED, FLANS BANQUET and rs fused to pick any club. The younger Dean, was pounded Rowland ...... 9895 Ran six furlongs in 1:11 3-5 .to win covered ty the InltlaJ ganw improvement (A P ) —Yeggmen ripped open a safe tor aU. after toe QvU War). New York Taakeca, who won tbe BASEBALL Mclfay ...... than an hour. Greenleaf went 26 in­ Nf*- ( ^ r g e F. Borst attended "It looks Uke a flve-club dog flgbt. fzpm tte box by a burage of Brown 98.10 toree-year-old debut at Keeneland. eaatpaiga ia at tbe plats, wt ' employment has * »» » « Eadosad is 18 cants ia cola New Britain. April- 19— ( A P I - in the oOlce of toa Shiloh Bottltog The break between Lewis and toe Tbs Merry Meoareh (FrtvoioiM American League pennant and then Hehenatrelt ...... 989 nings to dispose ot Crane, 125 to 9h. Kelloyttea must show vast imi far to reduce the number of re- tor Sustaining a fractured s k ^ a frae- toe meeting of toe Hartfoid OUuntv Co, her* iearly today and escaped Chariea II). New York (A ) 6, Brookhm (N ) 4- Uto in toe second inning of the city Tonight Poosl-playL Crane and Melodist (WbeaUey stable)-W i League of Women Voters to Farm- American FederaOeb oi Labor camr Bcotiooal merchants* j»—~rHt1nna stampeded toa OUnts in tbe World aeriea opener Saturflay. Ha will a e a « a a ^ « •a a 9749 clocked in 1:11 4-5 in winning six- ment U aiicrsaa 1# to eror— he anld, "end Utah is using eu tuT^ elbow and body totuiiea when with between 8250 and 8800. com­ Farmer George (Oeorga OL who Barlaa lost year, allowed no eigiia ot New York (N ) 5, Ctovoland (A ) 4. •y aAfe a a a a a a 9695 Oreanleaf.geta a crack at Caras. A future efforto. . It wam*t i Pattern No. togton today- Mra. Bont ujlraasur- a year ago over too quastioa ot base become quits popular to Man- l ’ H I L ( <) company Um teaas to CtncinnaU furlong race at Jamaica. funds for this purpose." he fell from the window of hla third pany otnetals reported to poUca^ craft unions or toduatrlai inmwia “tost” America), jtoasto during ' tha bast few weeks a let-dciwn ia thatr Onpcfrul't Philadelphia (A ) 6, PUladelpfaia McGuire e a 0-4 • a s • 96.1 victory for the gama’s elder states­ that toa rival pitching m story home at 56 Hartford STmuia er of tha county organixatioa. llM atrong-bOK bad been morad (N ) 4. where brother Diszy bmls against Kail •••I Heelfiy (Three D’a stock fa r m )- Sizs The Fadaration’s policy has beer The lataat to ha formed is the M I t ) H \1M() Laagua parfoemanoaa Ib a * Yanks toe Rada in tha Natlooal opener to- 95.00 men,' will put the two well In tbe boys look bad. It was o a fi A a m g tha govseaqip oppostag late yeeterday, Adolph Btet, 48. re­ to a rear room wbtra tha cembtoa- LOST A LL BUT MONET ICaow Nothing" club oompoaed at wound up Uuir eakiUtlaa eebadule Boston (A ) 10, Boston (N ) A P o r te r ...... 9599 lead and build up a nioa buolneaa Flnlabed aecond to Mara Shield, ■top np to tha rnfabar 'with Nam# . Kietale of HoU street to organlae each craft aeparatelT IIKMHJI \H1KK- non-ellgible, la Texas Darby. I rstrsnehment of the outlay mained to a critical oondUlaa at Uon waa battared off. BL LouM (A ) 5,.RL LouU (N ) 4. Waldron ...... e a e a a a a # 9498 dence and tok# • healthy and Hiaa Doris Barton of New 11a- Lwwis contended aU workera .to a • fff'oup o f men arho patrooiae Marie with'26 victories la SS gnmas for a for toelr match. A trsrs Umss of Now York, New Britain General hospital to­ Harwich, Maas, April 19—( A P I - Harchlaotti’a tavern to toe Oranx, Chicago (A ) 7. Chicago (N ) g. Oraugard...... 93.39 Also Rons—Chigre (H. C. Appla- toa apple. The squad Addtm vm sailed on Saturday from New major Industry should be to one olg 918 average and elosad fast with CHIMP CHAMP *•••••••••• day. ■ A W-BBCXLESS BSOOBO Charlaa B. Nlckaraon kwC all hla ba­ ban block. The prindpal object oi two ortna la tha toree-gaiae city aa- Cincinnati Main .’^trerl ites with toe Brookiya Dodgem a> t. . . S t LWlii Wattling BlUy Bush Mat ssuek aaaoanosd 2 J34.- neighbore attraetod by hie groana. Outhiia. Ofcia. ( A P )—Saventaan toccepBca of 8&.000 to easii which ha •••tna to hk to bold a banquet. S< CknmU Monk’s Phtladaiphia Atb- Csya 9292 Valtod (VaJdina (arm), in reoa won day aftenoaa ogataat r through the West ladles. poHcg, Lawla farmed toe (tommlttee to a desk. Pittoburgb (N ) 5. Oaa Moiaw retoinad bts Utta In a fartous four A epeelal meeting of tha Twt. urs oo ths agsacy's SIxt told PoUeetnan Jamas i u ^ at yaara at truck driving without an (or Indudrtai Organixatloq with toe “ »• newly., formed “Know Notoiii;; latica held aseand ploM with 9M by White Tta. Goaum (Warran may produea it aad gat M aocidant ia tha raenrd claimed by A. to tha bouse from a T c l . 3 5 3 3 ( W L ) l . rounfl decirioe tghC wKh Sockan BLCEFIEUM TO MEET Ught-Laagua will ba bald tomorrow M 6 f Marebao. Kama et tois tha boapitai that ha was bStog United Mtoa Workera aa its ' • banquet at Oaano. Four etliw ctaho. th a' Wamilagtoa Wright) and Old Naaaau (Bnl Prioa off on the vietoty n aO .' It has been estimated *>««* laaa C. Gray. Hia radps: "Watch the point a~ mils off, NIckanoa asksd TaflayU grbainlB Sanuny Oman ta the 'opening Ixxit Aa Important w a tin g of the night at 7 o’cloek a t the Wa#t Side Hnpirtaa vsport Hwmsd ■mna clothas from a Itoe whan ha untan. Nina other big' ' to Boltan oa Aprt 86u The |''vpFrt InvtttJltt t tufli Sanatora. the -Plttaburgh Pliataa. Headley) la race captured by Black atui 19 games to g a sao,- timti 30 par cent ot toe ot otbar driver and s t ^ If you ara to firemen to aava the moosy which A t Jatmay CUy—0CUy—New York (N ) o f the FoxMf' Phifc Soo’s flstle aee Bhioflalds Athiatie Clnb wlU be held Rwb. It is of to* utmost Importanoa Look. RIpariaa (wUllam Wood­ COC caava and ns,OQ0 lost hia balance and feQ to the M-^-raauepqpddi/hy toe o f this dub la R. D. WU- tiM Chicago White lox. .and toe ground. " ^ A n d ea n penal tosUtutlons have dMht as to what he la' gotog to was not far from a chimney where ^ vioe-preaidant Marto Mar- va. Jaraay CIto ( I ) . zoo yaatardky. tonight at • o'cloek at tha club­ that aO managera of teams in the ward) ia event won by MelodiaL Tha first ■uiuiariid OOd high school edueero.^. th^ blase originated. Brookiya Dodgers, flaUbed above At Weat M at—New Toik (▲) The favorlta blow was the ohla- house on Emaraon straat. All taagua ha In attan dance aa impor­ of aba Wright hzW Kaeo toto Lraia’a atganlaaUan chlaottl. the treasurer Russdl Ckm- ■ad Dead Calm (Mni. C. Gregory) ia ■ aaUmatad btlSLOOO. aad tha ■seratary Faa itea r. m n. 9. MmtKF Aondasiy.' paittii upparwit bars are laqoaatad to ba tant hn^MXi will ba dliwuMd Tnaa Dechy. ■Mat A f f i l 91 BO gi^ AND HER BUDDIES Aunt Penny Speaking By MARi^

l VtOMOttR EF «C T ViKU.>O0H>M5 I , h C4^U. TMROUOIK TO eoOY^TV9ERE»\l BUir CLASSIFIED SENSE and NONSENSE Bocno \NnHoax N4)olkMoctKn& vonn L t m & C$MM31SME . A local boy axplained to trends A wife wlU flatter a man ny ae* I B u m tB that "the I r ^ ars not hard to eepttng hla opinion m tha distance I M f£ ^ j p whip. He and my brother aad three of the mUky way from the ennh,l other fellowq whipped one the other but when it cornea to religion or the I night" variety of the roee bush you « ( « to I set out ahe's likely to have de7ldod| Ideas o f her own. ANWUUNCEMENT 2 AUTOMUUILES FOK SALB 4 HELP WANTED—MALE 86 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Paatal BafnoBce Friendship. New York Friend—Does yonr wife ever payl *|______u i> *M BALDEN Oi»r«ct«r WANTED^ FURNITURE flnlaher. Liation "p S MIT AT A COURT Of PROBATE HELD Loveland, Colorado W d*■<« atreet Hartford. Boura 10 a |1^ caah. Phone 7994. Furniture Company. lent condition. Call 8736. Carl OuRtafaon of 14 Hamlin atroat, ’ Kissimea, Florida to 8:S0 p. m. No appolnti^ta ManokMtor. Gonir., baTo fllatf as ap* Ring, Arkansas Friend—In the winter? How do| WANTED—EXPERIENCED meat plication dated IS of April, 1117 with Jadge. E »q „ Washington Runner-Up Paraon, keatuel^ '■ —"" you mean? ____ _ , PAIMLNU— butter and counter man. Write the Liquor Control CommlMloa for Eatata o( Oaorgs K. Chareh lata o( Harmony, lUlaola - Man—When the fire geU km, aha | WANTED— ru BUY SH a Club Permit for tbo aale of aleo* Hanchaatar. In aald XMitrlot. dac.ai- Bays: ‘Aleximder, tbe grate!' WANTEI>— LACNrai and cur- PAFL'KINO 21 Box N, care ot The Herald, atat- hollo liquor on the premlaea It • i guaranteed. J. Hillman. Tel. '8446. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, n.wapapar having a elrcnlatlon In have a terrific season In left fitl(] AU frpm accredited herd. . Apply STATE SPORTS M d probata dlatrlot. within ten dara standings of tbe good yotmg, Ameri­ where he belongs at this stage oft Sburgere. clam chowder, beer tiae coach. Oola Motora, 6463.. continuous hot -\tar, (res park­ other eatables and drinkables The Bureau of .Flsheriea koarel WE SPECIAUZi. In recovering 384 Bldwall atreet. Phone '/409. from tha data o f this ordar, and ra- can League will look aomeUilng like caieer. fishermen in the United Statea apant I ing. Breakfast opUonaL $4 week. SLANTS tum maka to this court of the no- what ta printed below. How they Chicago will be third. U tor tko fently odorous, too numero'is. to roofa and applying aabeatoa aiding. Inquire 98 Pine street, ties gtvan. ____ Sentlon In this limited spooe. It Is approximately 6500,000.000 In 1986.1 Workmanahlp guaranteed. Paint­ WILLIAM 8. HYDE finUtaed In 1936 la penTrayed on tbe other reason than that the- Whin Skeletons i t more than two doa-1 ITIULTKY AND SUPPLIES 43 By LOU BLACK righL and quit turning that way. Sox are managed by Jimmy Dykea. here that parents take their little ing and carpenter work. A. A- LMon H-4.1..ST. boys and ^ I s on crowded subways en dear have been found in a natural I Manchester A Company. TeL 4860. New Haven, Conn., April 19,__ You can go wrong. How are you going to beat a guy trap, a deep rocky pit. In northern FINEST NATIVE broUers and (owl. APARTMEN’1>4—FLATS— 1987 loss for "rest and recreation." If they dreased, treab aggs. delivered di­ TENEMENTS 6:1 (A P )—The hero of the National A. AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD like Dykea? You can't tell me that California. Eveningr Herald SPEtHAL OFFER— Have youi A. U. swimming championships hare at Columbia within and for th . Dla- 1—New York 1— New Yorkthere U a bloke In baseball aa old aa promise to be good (or the oala..ce rect from Carlson A Son, Poultry of the week. It was here that, one The Unlveratty Of Oklahoma 1 lawnmower ebarpcned oOkV. Pay FOR REUa* wore* u a Ilaa. alao Ducklings. B. 1. Atlen, 87 FOR RENT—UNE fumlatied room, bring a great deal of fame to Con­ 6- —iBoaton gladly would pay 690,000. Dykes baa In California, the aeaaoh culminat­ B ttlala aaaben aad abbravtatloaa Tha Administrator having made 7— SL Louis'! 7— SL Louis daddy got It (or him. Tbe afternoon aaab aoaal aa a wore aad aoapeaad Doant atreet lelepbona 7818. also separate kitchenette. Apply necticut and the United States, and written application to aald CouiL In broken-down Coaches doing more for ing In ' a tournament at Pebble | Varda aa twa weida MIbIbibb aoat la BUSINESS A p t No. 1, Selwltz Building. he did It with smoothness, dls^tco aecordanea with tha aUtuta, (or an S—PhilacWIphta 6—Philadelphia him than .340 bitten are doing for was nearing ita close when the boy Why I like the Yankees ta obvious. became fidgety and soon oegan to Beach. etoa ar thraa Uaaa OPPORTUNITIES 32 and cbaracterisUc modesty. order o( sals o( ths whole or part ot some big lesMe outfICa Glass bottles so shaped they can I Xdaa rataa ear day far traaBlMt tha real aatata daterlbsd therein. It They're tbe best ball club, and Red The Detroit outftt comes closer to cry. Thia annoyed ths father, par­ ARTICLES FOR S,ALE 45 The big, 179-pound Hartford *-nib- Is ordered that said application be be 8t4u:ked on top of 'each Oihei | rOR RENT—IN BUS1NE8H MO* BUSINESS UH.AT10NS llc High school youth, who is one Ruffing can stick to bis bowling al­ being an infirmary than a ball club, ticularly in view of hla not bavlng heard at ths Probate Office In Colum- leys and tbey'U still be tbe best ball denied the' child anything be asked have been design^ by a Califor­ caaa caaiChargB tton, brick mercanUJo buiidiog, FOR SALE— 76 strawberry crates. FOR KENT 64 Inch short of being s 6-footer, made bis on tha 14th day ot April, I1S7, at but 1 suspect that the Hgera will nia Inventor. 6 Qeaaaaauva Daya . .| T atal I~ ata irlth 8000 rt. of ground floot tpare. Call Rockville 630-Z W. R. VMUte, his drst appearance In the meet 1 o'slock In ths (orsnoon and that club. Ruffing no doubt will be "In" keep the Cleveland Indians out of for. "I bought you hot dogs and notice thara0( ha given, by publish­ before these lines are published. He hamburgers," scolded the tatber, "I The projected International Paci­ 8 Paaaaaatlva Daya ..I I atal 11 au BultAblA for Ugbt mAnufsetunng. R. F. D. No. 4. FOR RENT—STUHE at 999 on the opening night, compeung to the first division. Hickey Cochrane 6 Bay ...... I u atal l i ata ing a copy o ( this order In ths Men- win be if he finaUy gets wise to how won't catch 40 games. Tommy bougbl you Ice cream and popcorn fic highway, when completed. wlU| ivpply Edward J UoU. street Apply Bdwaro j. HoU. the 220-ysrd free style OonnvcUcut Chester Herald a nawapapor having extend from Alaska to ArgeatlniL All atdara tor tfranalar laaartloBa unimportant he is In tbe Yankee set­ Bridges right now la in a hospital. and taffy and aoda water, I let you , w n ba ebaraad at tha aaa tima rata A. A. U. event which was sandwich­ a elrcnlatlon In aald District, and dlstauce of 12;000 miles. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES that ratnm ba- mads to this CourL up. There's something wrrong wltb rids on tbe shoot-thc-ahooU and the .Spaelal rataa (or laag tana ovary ed between a couple of national AlfalfA Introduced Into CaUfomle I , Ear advartlataa rtvaa apea ra«aaat. HELP WANTED— RADIO 4'J WANTED TO RENT 68 tests. AttasL Ruffing la a splendid right-hand Schoolboy Rowe, but tbere is vast bump-tbe-bumpe and the roller : ^ Ada ordarod bafara tka tbird or drtb CLAYTON B. HUNT pitcher, but he's a negligible quan­ power at Navln Field, unlCM Hank coaster—(or goodness sake, what during the gold rush, now pays I : day win ba abargad aaly (ar tba aa- FE lA LE 35 Just before he "took-oH" w« farmers of the state 630J)00,000| VACUUM CLEAMRRS—U, E. Uni­ WANTED —BY YOUNG couple, H.4.11.17. tity now because a skinny left­ Greenberg definitely turns out to bo do you W(mt now?" The boy's cry­ taal aaabar at tinaa tba ad ayyaar- suggested to a couple of Metropoa- hander is "hungry." brittle. annually. . aharglag at tba rata aaraad bat WANTED— YOUNO GIRL for versal, Wertem Electric etc Aii three or tour room tenement, in tan scribes covering the champion^ ing had by this time developed to a • a anawaaea or ntwada aaa ba' aiadt (actory rebuiit Just ilka avw wall. "I wantta vomlL” he bawled. Manufacture of articles forbear-1 atore work. Mutt be neat appenr- good location. Write Box T, Heraid. ships that they watch this lyier nivala, masquerades rnd fair* af­ 'a * ala tlBM ada atappad aftar tba Ing and have some aalea ability. Guaranteed 1 yeai. An one pnee, log achoolmataa have been besieged Vernon Gomes, who ".cured" Col. Cleveland traded Joe Vosmik, Bill , d flb day. boy because they would have to Jacob Ruppert of two-year con­ READ IT OR NOT— fords employisent In Germany (or | ;^W a “tin (arbldi“i diaplay Uaaa mot Apply Collina OU Oo.,*' 673 Ram 618.00 cash. Bruincr’s, 80 Uakidnd write plenty about him before the with scboUrahlpa. Somehow the Knickerbocker and Oral Hildebrand street Pbune 8191. HOUSES FOB SAI,E 12 tracts. Is "shooting.” to St. Louis for Julius Soltera, Lyn The average voca^iilaiy of an a large number of home workeia atreet, 10-13 m. m. Ttieaday. meet was over. . oollegea aren't so interested in deal­ The Increasing number of births I Tba Rarmld will aat ba raapaaalbla ing out "offers" to swimmers. I may be wrong, but I have a Lary and Ivy Paul Andrews. American li 3,900 po 8,000 words, w r mero thaa ana laaorraat laaartlea WANTED —COMPETENT young FOR SALE-;-LAROE SIZE 1936 FOh SALB -S IX RUUU Dutch Reluctantly, they stayed, instead sneaking Uimch that my pet Cas­ You don’t have to be a clairvoyant yet the EkiglUh language contains In Germany la proving a noon to I advartlaanaat ordar^ Colonial, Qrepiacc. tile oaihroum. of going out for a amoke, and saw .Brothers Alao Good tilian this trip will step right up tbe country's long-depressed toy [ mmro tbaa o a l Utea. woman to aaatat with bouaaclean- Coolerator 639.89. Cash or terms. to know who got the better of that more than 900,00(J wor^. Tba laadvartaai omiaaloa at laaar- Brunner's •tadl'i L>ept., 80 Oakianit oak doors, steam beat, uuaia young Dave lap the deld and um With becoming modesty, lyler there with tbe Hubbella and Deans. one. Industry. Ing. Apply forenoon only at 192 told us that two younger brothers, M at pabllaatloB of advartlataa w ill ba Eaat Canter atreet street Tel. 9191. llonleuro In kitchen, extra tuiiet on in a 2:13 for the distance, oril'lant In thia shape and feeling like It, he's Rogers Honuhy Isn’t Ubbed Uncle John siatched his nephew Since 1622, when air photOtT*- ' Matlaod aaly by aaBaallailaa a f tba drat door, large open porch, ga. time (or a schoolboy and plenty -look, 19, who la a freshman at more formidable than either Hubbell Trader Hornsby (or nothing)- and some ojJier little boys olaying phy was begun In Canada, 461,00(11 M araa oiada far tba aaralaa raadarad I Hartford PubUc and Bob, 13. are or Dean. He's a ball player's A ll advartlaawaBta aaot aaatoria rage. Price right, relepbune 6 ^ . good enough (or the nation's best. Cleveland shipped Vosmik; Knock* at aoldlen^attacUng a fort "To.a square mdes of Dominion territor>-1 » « y l ^ aepy aad typeanpby with HELP WANTED—MALE 36 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 or Inquire 226 Parker street eve- Although Impressed, one of the much better than he waa at their pitcher. I saw him choose Hubbell In erbocker, and Hildebrand becauae asy," be smd, "If you aad your eld# have been mapped by this method. VMWiaUeaa aataread by tba pabllah- blnga New York chroniclers thought it age and are the "real, swimmers m an all-star game when he couldn't they were "complacent", but 1 can talfi that fort In half aa hour Plant ' specialists at tha eotton I MB aad U ay rtaarva tba right to 79 LB. INSULATED Ice box, sult- was lack of competition that made the family.” lift hla arin above his shoulder, and. doubted that thoae Cy Slai^cka ob* breeding experiment station at I E** rajaet aay copy aoa- WANTED—A Ha n .o work on ru give you a quarter." Marai abjaatleaablat abli (or aummei cotiaae free, with FOR SALE OR TRADE!—7 room Tyler look so good, so we suggested Hla eyes sparkling, Dave grinned two years ago, when he waa having Uined are any leas satisfied with About two minutes later there Rorence. S. C., made more Jian | tobacco farm. Auat under^iiaad bouse, with Areplace, exceUeat etO dlN O BO niU— Claaaiead horaM. Telephone 8934. Chambers flreleaa gas range, It (although we're not the setting as he suggested shortly after mut­ an abominable year, he was the themselves and major league bertha. came aa eager cry: “Uncle, can I 9,200 crou breedings last year. , fP.ba pabllahad aaiaa day aiaat ba ra- taken ai once. Call 7879. location. Write Box 6 , Herala. ing hts grand showing: unanlmotia choice of the noble ath­ Personally I would not have swapped Breeding troubles, lowered pro-1 . MHwd by U ^alaek aaoa; Mtardaya type I a alight wager that ihe Hart­ have that quarter now? We've tak­ IV Aa ford youth would qualify In the Na- "Maybe I reached my peak m this letes to oppose the National either VosmIk or Knickerbocker for en the forL" duetlon, and difficulty In ralrlng LIMITED NUMBER—FuU 9 cubic meeL" Leaguers In Cleveland. Those who LOTS FOK SALE ' 73 Uonal A. A. U. 220-yard free style the other four players involved. "That was very snaorL" skid calves are more evident In the | TELEPHONE TOUS ft. Leonard electric relrlgerators, event the following night and the Coach Amann. who goes in Yor saw It are still laughing. That's how I’m putUng the second division Uncle John, im be banded ->ver tb» winter following a dry year. LUMBERMENS 6129.99 and your old Ice box. Act 900-yard free style race the (Inal body-building cocerclses and hard funny Gomes made the pick of the clubs Just where they finished last coin. "How did you manage It so Gradual richaustloa of under­ WANT'ADS tXJUGHEHTY STREET four Une National League look while be waa AUTUMumUC AMU PIKE ' quick. Terms aa low aa 90c a week. nighL swimming workouts, much after the year. Boston has no outfield- and quickly?” ground well water has caused 30,- ‘ ••I talapboae building lota, 69 ft. frontage, ideal playing stralgbL tha CBAKOa R ATC glvaa abova IMSUKAMCB Benson Furniture A Radio, John- Tyler not only qualified tn both fashion of Yale’s great tutor, Kip- the Red Sox garters are keeping “Oh, I Just offered the other side 000 acres of land to be abaodoned I hoi. Block. borne Bites, moderate price. James Aa good aa Gomez ta—and ring up them down—Bob Grove and Wesley a •ear**'**® * •• advarttaara, bat Dougherty, 179 West Center atreet evenu, but gave Charley Butter, hutb, said Tyler la s coaches’ dream. f a dime to give in.In.” answeredai 'rom in Califomla’s upper San Joaquin] Mini HOMO ot/r STUART J. WASLEY "He's determined to make good, about 29 games for him—Yankee Ferrell. It would take a BUI Ue- valley. OFALAHBM.AND •*** ^ aaeaptad aa Harvard's brllUsnt O^mplsn a hopes rest on two Italians who hail / ■ my.my _____ PATMKWT l( paid at tba baal- 788 Mala S t SUU Sldg. FUR SALE BUILUINU loU on great race In the (oioner event and oranta to orork all the time, and gen­ Kechnle or a Joe McCarthy to man­ An epidemic tn 4933 piled op] •COKtr/ANOlCW FH. aaas - ii46 from a few blocks at each other ta age them, and then both would have day fallaarlog Ua drat taaartlaa at REFRIGERATORS 51A Strong street. Inquire 88 Wood­ then went on to cover hlmaelf with erally la the first ooe In and the ThoM with mediocre mbids gener­ from 8.000 to 10,(K)0 dead ducks to I HAWCOmttD last one out of the pool. He's full ot San Francisco. The Yankees can to be on the defense. tbe mile along the shore of Great I b ad atbarwiaa tha CBAWtOM land streeL Phone 6346, glory In the 900 which Tom HayiJe. lose Gomes and still win. They ally condemn and criticize every­ aSOOHILHOF ST* win ba aellactaA No ra a p ^ . 1ST.—r r s THE TRUTH!— Free Michigan's ace, won. fight and undoubtedly. If given the Hornsby never would miss a pen­ thing they cannot understand. Salt Lake (or a distance o f six | TNBIR TEANS* ty tor orron la talaphoaad ada can get along without the pre- refrigerator recipes to all at any First Big Test opportunity, can develop Into a na­ nant with a club' which he could miles. i y ” ‘ ^^aaoamod aad thair aoearacy time. New ones the. lOtb of each nomenal Joe DlMagglo. But they build and keep, but he's in SL Louis. mClFIC FLIMT ' Bhaeot ha gaanBlaoA PHONE 3926 Both ot these national teats were tional champion." Beas—1 didn't quite get your Mediterranean breeds of poultry. | ID CHINA VIATNi month. No obligation. Get ttiem at can't win a pennant without either Connie Mack, will settle for a including most of tbe smaller tjrpe. | Tyler's first In big time compqt'Uon Frankie Crosettl, shortstop, or Tony fiance a name. aiFPfR RCVn - .INDEX'OF OAR WASUIMU UK Baratow'a. Ask for Cold Cooking. Read The Herald Advs. Mexican standoff. Julie—No? WeU. you tried hard of chickens, differ considerably ,'ron. and the manner In which he aqult- Off-color (but for the record). SlTPOENLV. CLASSinCATIONS LUBKICATIUN .... $1.00 ted bimsell brought smUea to the There's an Interesting story be- enough, didn't you. dearie?" .most others In the age at which they { ...... A Oaia eSUcS For and UellveivS. countenance of his echolastlc tutor' tilhd Pete Naktenls, Hartford bov feather out. tONMCMn SifiSf Just In case., .and were they thrilled choice to wallop Norwalk’a Phil Dr. Henry G. Bennett, president | ONTHB HORIZON'/ iCBAMtA 6a6666#«6aaaaaa«a« B Larry Amann, who quite a way (prmOrly with the Philadelphia Ath­ as we told tnem about the music of Turn down every atranger who rU fM •6a.*6ad»*6.a«»a66666 C Bqker tonight in Al WelU’s match­ of Oklahoma A. and M. college Y. D. SERVICE STATIUN back used to try to put us through letics and now pitching for Newark, the stream itself, the mystery of comes Id wltb a special scheme. It lth« a..aa.addd666da66aa««aad D making debut at the New Haven may be good for the stranger, all has been mentioned as a eandt TluinkA goAdddd******** S SMITH OFFERS: the paces'.' (P. 8.—W# won our a New York Yankee farm club., swelling twig and bough against the Arena.. .IncldentaUy, ' Isn't there date (or the' Oklahoma guvemor-1 |B oadPaowowgggkagoM* F wagerl. bdth the A'a and Yanks bid tor Nak­ sky, the April wind, and the sraeU of rigbL but never (or the men who AMd FOABd 666 egg 6M P 6* 1 A alx-room single boose, lot 66x129 (t, steam beat, garage In some rule In Connecticut In conreo- ■hip. It Is Interesting to note that Dave tenls while be was a schoolboy. Nak­ yet ^another spring? have to hand over their money. K. ^D0AAC«m«DU ...... t baaeroent only seven years old—la ooe of Manebeater's moat has since been, placed on the .'.ll- tenls accepting tbe Connie Mack of­ tlon with the mixing of managing " FmAAAlA ...... • Tea, yes! Lou Attibera Is a 4 to 1 and matchmaking? AaIm a MIm dcelrabla nelghborbooda. FuU price but 69960, America interscbolaatic team by Ekl fer to go to Duke after a Y'ank’s dBatomoblUa for Sal* ...... Kennedy. Columbia's swimming proposition to go to N. Y. U. met A sto a o b lU « for BxehmnAA Brand new alx-room single, drrplare, large lot, excellent loca­ coach, and L officially credited with with red tape.. .Naktenls eventually FREC KLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTON TUBBS By CRANE OUT OUR WAY By W IL U A M S A«t«L .A*etes«ort«A»TiTcE EMEKGETJCY . « tion. Price but 69600. See It today. ▲At# Ropalriof—PmlDtlnA , bolding the national tiUerachoiasUr Joined the A's, but didn't prodjce in SMERtPF WALLARY^ MOLV SMOlfEJ CMON, BOVS, A CRAXV P O M T G E T Abto SehoolA ...... 100, 220 and 440-)rard free style a aatlafactory manner, and was ^SPEAlGN&.' CH — — NUDIST IS SPANKING p e o p l e ON MAjNJ FUNNV, NOW - A s Ioa—Ship br T r u c k ...... marks. grabbrj up by the Yanks, uils tune FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia eH..H*. Douri- DiamjRB ' tduw .^lOA—For Uiro ...... STREET^)----J/------TELLIM' ME CALLS ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. We cornered Dave during the vrithout much trouble and uie ex -«avM*«avict.aib (. m. *ta a a mt. ew. SR lTTHER^TAS-.He'H (HUuklTNa meet for a brief Interview and \.-ai W IL L I A KIP FELL ■AtorcTcUA-wBlercUs ...... 063 Main Street . 6490 0746 9646 pense of putting him througn col He'9 wnmNS A s c h o o l wAAted AAtoa-^Motorryelei Impressed by bis determination Ty legs... H A V E T O O F F O F A »ArtEf— AAd reofMlOAAl M ttIm POLICE Real Elatata Inauranca Steamablp Dcketa leria ambition la to go to a prep STEPLAPPER EAlneoa Berrleoa Offorod ...... I I Bill SavltL Hartford Jeweler and <30 T O school, (jusllfy for Yale (are you sports enthusiasL plans to give JM T M E R E • 8pusehold Sorvleoa ufforod ghaall-A reading. Coach Bob KlphuthT) i nd Connecticut basebaU fans, who live 2S^ldlDv«wContractlBA 1« 4 3 4 ^ n - V WHY, TWAT'3 * ^ ^ * t ^ —NurtorloA 14 eyeotually become'iu> engineer. *iut. too far from New York or Boetou. IMPOSSIBLE' -AapaI D lrM torp ...... 1C right now Tyler, is stymied by fi­ aa opportunity of watching virtual­ Ft * JbbtlA*— FIumbiB*— RooflAS IT FIRE nances. About' 6200 standing ly all of the major league clubs per­ mrAACA ...... It tween him and hla educational fu­ form against bis nine during the JIlAory^^DroMinEklfis ...... It South ture. •••• summer months in the stadium at 'bite rAaaeaA«r Service aaaaggatO^A Real Estate For Sale Daye Is a product of Pope Park's Hartford formerly occupied by the iBtlAA— PApeflAs ...... 11 4321 swimming pool ta Hartford where city's Eastern L q a ^ represenU- '*^***^0AA1 SenrlCOA aaaa.agggg II 34 VK7TOR1A ROAD— Six rooms-^nclosed porch, tile under' Director Billy Taylor tivc.. .Tom MonoMn, Bristol High's North JPAtlorlBg—“Dyelnr—O eaelns #g 14 Coach John Newell of Hartford popular athletit coach with the Vbllet Goode and Service •••••• II liath, oak floors and trim. Garage. $ 0 5 0 0 In excellent condition. PubUe. he took his first plunge. shiny kcalp, gives everytxidy but ■v-»aw WAAted— Boalnaaa Service M g g g g g I t Tyler didn't take to the water himself c i ^ t for tbe Bell Chty’s . EdoeatfoBAl 543 X koraae AAd Claaaoa -...... IT McLEAN H ILL— New five-room’ bungalow, steam heat right away, and in fact recads his brUUsint spOrts teiuna. ^VAte ^AetmettObA ggg#agaagga I t first race vividly. It was a 50-yard With "pyier aiming for Yaie und AMBULANCE and room for two cars in basement. ^ C O / \ r k dash tn which '1 mlissil tha turn L ...... Peter n e k and Ralph Flahaagan. C • " 5 1 5 -^lead— DrAttAtle ...... It U rg e lot three times and finished a bad lasL" two ^ the nation's greatest swlm- VAAtOd“—'XAAtmetlOAA aggggagg.. M (Dougaii) NOW_> WEU. . them OLD] C )U 0 L W E LOOK WHO'S &5TT1N6 By tha tlnnk reached high lowwouf naaAelAl maiw virtually ast to snroU ta the ^ . CRDNNi CANT GOT TO GET OEF t h a t TR liC K £ ada—at MIDDLE TU RN PIKE EAST— New six-room. steam school, he was coming along olcaly •InaaaStoeka^liortKaAeA . . g g * 9l Nm Haven Institution, we'ra ready o q n e A . in s u l t m e . OUT OFTOWM Baynnaee ta OpportoatUae ...... It 5630 heat oak floors. A good buy and has developed -rapidly under w g lv e KiphuOl tha title of being PIPE: bowM. 7 ^ Bpep to Loaa ...... $ 1 — . _ S rlp aad aitaatlaM (Holloran) a t ...... -...... $4200 Orach Amann. His biggest thrill, Die poeeesso. of the most snvlaUe eouff^YTOo ____ Htlp Wanted—Ptmala ...... t l until bis showing In tha National Ay Job among the coaching fraternity BOMTE-yEH ('I DO "WO Halp Wantad—Mala ...... |« CAMPFIELO ROAD— New Bungalow, four rooms with •H a a i^ a Waatad ...... H -g A. U. meeL occurred last month M .. .or do they go there because ol lojcwWHAT yHwowJ im *6,1 W ip W » t e d —Mala or Trmml*.. IT 3060 bath, steam heat oak floors. Crosby High's pool la WaterMuy BobTT7...1acldaataily, state hgh a v a p l e t Jt h 'm c m e d ■ W a e ^ ...... iT-A (Quishl'v Price for a quick s a le ...... v a 3 0 U \ / where he churned through tha/T■a- school swlihmlng coaches art /ant­ ■taatlnne Waatad— Famala it ters In 53.6 seconds for the K^yard ed that Hartford Public, state l» !l y ' TH®!' y a a tlo a a W aaud—Mala •a free style tesL / “ 'aploymaai Agaaetaa ...... m 4340 AU of these houses are vacant and ready for'bccupancy. champions, hss two potential stars *TMSM •tv«h— kata Paaltry— Tahlelaa Tyler iovee to swim a i^ m fact aad succesaoia to Tyler la >ne of QCMTLEMKHiB ...... 41 Bonding Lota In all parta of the town. Priced from $100 probably would have besc a briUlant hla younger brothers aad John g ... ktoch—Vahlelaa...... «■ (Q E H TL K M E H ! aad gapBlIaa ...... « i HOSPITAL upwardis. football back kad be nht ehoaan to Bonao, Jr., aoa of Judge Bonea.. .or waatad— Pata— Paaltyy—gtaok 44 cast his balk : in favor of swimming did you know thatT ' PdB *-*- — - iH aaiiM which hs says 1a after an. aa all- . elaa P ar' dal# ...... dd 5131 year round sporL Our debut aa aa angler didn't J.*?. Ped AooaaaoHaa ...... M Sldlag Matarlala ...... «T EDWARD J. ROLL Dave Isn't quits so sure hla choice provide quit# tbe trout dinner we waa such a wlas one from the atead- Wauhaa ~. Jawalrp „ at WATER DEPT. Telephone 4642 had anticipated, but the family nad C rW W IlU A M S nrleal Appllaaaaa—Radio . . . at 865 Main Street polnt of furthering hla education taken precautlona anyrway ay ,Av- ^pping rope-they’re so nice lor little rria“ *1 aad Food ... a. •. •..... • •. .at-A when ba aeaa how hla fOotbad play- Awl I want it lor Chucit The champ t itarting spring training.* ^ F a r * — Dairy Pradaata Id lag tba fiah peddler laava “aoma,” FRONT. - ^ I d O o ^ ...... t l 3©77 —^ » a ^ aad Toola ...... u •Sffl®*! tawramaau ...... it (After 5 P. M.) By HAM LIN I aad StaiB BaafpaaaM ta MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE ALLE Y OOP Bleadiing Bones Along the Trail -----itA At tko StoreA aasggggwg M Man Overboard By THOMI»SON AND COLL 7 8 6 8 - — « F— -'J: BY GOLLV. rr AIUS1A JUMPBD ’ HMMff UNLEBB FM MWIAKBN, ---- a a g • • • HEME DAseouprr. fMRD0N,VDUR EXCEU.ENCV*] ANCHESTER YLL D4AMIC A T TV4AT 9JSMNT, THE l'_ ? WUV, ) HSLKKMC W H O S A Y S [ INTO TH RIVES! WELLTHERS'5 , IT WAS TN SAME KIND OF A BUT THE PRISONERS VOUTD MIND ^ BOKT l u r c h e s AND you tDO o u UBLE r - ' EWTEI»»AWD SAYE: e*NOSAUB ) CR ITTER THAT CARRICO Ml/ HIM THAT, REMS NOTHIN TOO BUT CROSS WIthoBt Board X ATER CO. l i eOOfff MOHT TMEV NOT VOUROWN A S BREESe HASTILV ' V^CgQS57N6 P! t h is CAW- BONES?/ / r a L AWAY.' IT WC FIND CAPE vOUON BUSINESS, PtkBOC CtABCOURTT OVER AN set IF WC CAN Btry JMatrd—Kaaarta ORABS fOR SUPPORT, THE OORPORALK q o o u i* I A S .. PICK UP T H ' TR AIL ON WAS -^OOT / ^ ata .... SWRA AND \^>VKNLANDT CORPORAL/ STEEL OAUNTLET RiOXS «A C E 04A-IHE JhkCk TKSMAH 5974 TO THS FLOOR. E0OWS 6<=HOOL AND AN IO N BAUTE VWTH 5111,100/J l '* ^ ® * * ata riata. Taaaaaata.l at e>RECSE. TUB B O A R D ? IF~* Loaatloaa Car Boat . .. aa GAS CO. For Raat at ACCOMrS^N* SUDDEN. Far Boat ...... mb. M ■ED BV realization Baaiaa Far Beat ...... at ta Boat ...... aa 5075 HySTERS THAT ORXTCRLV. H E h a s Balldlag Car gala ... at ELECTRIC CO. iC AD E D BEEN ••••• fs FOR TH E PUPED BW for BaIa bbmm n MAINLAND NJSTERS BaIA waaaggggBBVEseW 5181 tbf BaIa a a g^g • g a g*MRev#ee •4 TME PRISONEesf Frepertr (w Rala ft S M A L L f o r -Sa IA gaaggggBEMEBe VS for BritkASPS mmmrn BVEMNG HERALD MOTOR g g * « « # •V s o v r ^ 2 1 *59?*4La«detdeaMB*deded. ■* a .JmL ea9fcM»9tfcai .'3 •: »