Thorparchestate.Co.Uk to LET

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Thorparchestate.Co.Uk to LET Thorp Arch ESTATE SIZES & SPECIFICATIONS TO LET Description: • Refurbished office. • Plastered walls, dado trunking, part suspended ceiling with inset lighting and LPG fired central heating. • Warehouse with roller shutter door. • Off road parking. • Ladies and gents WC’s and kitchen facility. • Superfast broadband available. Terms: Annual Rent: £19,000 pa Business Rates: £15,000 RV Legal Costs: Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction VAT: Unit 429, Birch Park All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT 2,838 sq ft (263 sq m) Refurbished office with central heating, welfare facilities and warehouse with roller shutter door. 429 TO LET Description: • Modern development of 21 industrial/warehouse units • 3m wide up and over loading doors • First floor office with plastered walls, dado trunking, suspended tiled ceiling and inset lighting • Power, lighting and BT cable fitted • WC with disability pack • Beverage facility Terms: Annual Rent: £7.50 psf Business Rates: £68 - £70 sq m (UBR 2019/20 49.1p in £) Legal Costs: Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction VAT: Moat House Square All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT 1,204 - 1,375 sq ft (112 - 128 sq m) Modern industrial unit with roller shutter door, office and welfare facilities. Wood, Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby LS23 7FF TORef 707LET TO LET Location • Well established business park in parkland setting • Close proximity to A1(M) motorway Description: • Refurbished insulated industrial building • A1(M) provides direct connections to the national motorway • Office with plastered walls, dado trunking andsuspended tiled ceiling network • WC with disablity pack • Equidistant between Leeds, Harrogate and York • Beverage facility • On site Retail Park, health spa, MOT station, gym and • Ample off road parking children's soft play • Power, lighting and BT cable fitted • On site management and security Terms: • Over 160 existing businesses employing approximately 2,000 Annual Rent: £6.76 - £7.50 psf. people Business Rates: £68 - £70 sq m (UBR 2019/20 49.1p in £) • Superfast broadband available Legal Costs: • Population of 500,000 within 30 minute drive time Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction Description VAT: • Refurbished insulated industrial building All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT • Office with plastered walls, dado trunking andsuspended tiled Chapel ceilingWood 831 - •2,584WC with sqdisablity ft (77 pack - 240 sq m) • Beverage facility Refurbished industrial units with roller shutter • Ample offChapel road parking Wood, Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby LS23 7FF doors,• officesPower, lighting and and BTwelfare cable fitted facilities. Terms RefurbishedRent: industrial units with£6.50 roller - £shutter7.00 psf doors, offices and welfare facilities Service Charge: Fixed at 7.5% of rent Insurance: 831£ -150 2,584 - £300 pasq appro ft x(77 - 240 sq m) Business Rates: RV = £68 - £70 sqm (UBR 2017/18 is 46.6p in the £) Deposit: On Application Fixed term or 5 year flexible lease Legal Costs Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction. VAT All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT. Josh Holmes / Ian Greenwood - 0113 2451447 Chris Hilton / Tim Munns - 01937 845919 Tom Asher / Richard Harris - 0113 2446440 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Agents for the Lessor of these properties give notice that: These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of any contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending tenant should not rely on them as statements or representation of facts, but must satisfy themselves as to the correctness of each of them. The Agents for the Lessor have no authority to make representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. TO LET Description: • Insulated profile metal roof • Roller shutter loading door • W.C. and beverage facility • Skip stand and off road parking • Superfast broadband available Terms: Annual Rent: £11,500 pa Business Rates: £10,000 RV (UBR 2019/20 is 0.491p in £) Legal Costs: Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction VAT: All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT Unit 430, Birch Park 1,928 sq ft (179 sq m) Refurbished industrial unit with roller shutter door, office and welfare facilities. 430 Chris Hilton / Tim Munns - 01937 845919 Zach Mehdizadeh / Richard Harris - 0113 2446440 Tom Asher / Matt Ewin - 0113 2440100 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Agents for the Lessor of these properties give notice that: These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of any contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending tenant should not rely on them as statements or representation of facts, but must satisfy themselves as to the correctness of each of them. The Agents for the Lessor have no authority to make representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. TO LET Description: • Refurbished office • Plastered walls, dado trunking and part suspended tiled ceiling with inset lighting and LPG fired central heating • Partitioned offices • Ladies and gents WC’s, kitchen facility • Ample road parking Terms: Annual Rent: £16,500 pa Business Rates: £13,750 RV (UBR 2020/2021 is 49.9p in £) Legal Costs: Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction VAT: All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT Unit 701 Avenue E West 1,652 sq ft (154 sq m) Refurbished office with central heating and welfare facilities. 701 TO LET CURRENTLY NO UNITS AVAILABLE TO LET TO LET Description: • Fibre superfast broadband • 7 metre eaves • Floor loading of 40kn/sq m • Office with kitchenette and toilet facilities • Insulated cladding and roof • LED lighting to both warehouse and office • Sectional electronically operated loading doors • Ample allocated parking spaces • All mains services Terms: Annual Rent: £67,750 pa Business Rates: £51,000 RV (estimated RV to be confirmed) Deposit: £16,000 Legal Costs: Unit 7 Ash Way Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction 9026 sq ft (838 sq m) VAT: All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT Unit 7 Ash Way, Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, LS23 7FA New warehouse/industrial business unit UNDER CONSTRUCTION - AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2019 New warehouse/industrial business unit 9026 ft² (838 m²) Josh Holmes / Ian Greenwood - 0113 2451447 Chris Hilton / Tim Munns - 01937 845919 Tom Asher / Richard Harris - 0113 2446440 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Agents for the Lessor of these properties give notice that: These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of any contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending tenant should not rely on them as statements or representation of facts, but must satisfy themselves as to the correctness of each of them. The Agents for the Lessor have no authority to make representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. TO LET Description: • Insulated profile metal roof • Roller shutter loading door • Office with plasterboard walls, central heating, dado trunking and part suspended tile ceiling • WC and beverage area • Skip stand and off road parking • Superfast broadband available Terms: Annual Rent: £38,000 Business Rates: Estimated £30,000 RV. Actual RV will be determined following completion of refurbishment Legal Costs: Each party is responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction. Unit 156 Avenue B VAT: All prices and rates are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT. 5779 sq ft (365.0 sq m) Refurbished industrial unit with 2 roller shutter doors, office and welfare facilities. 156 TO LET CURRENTLY NO UNITS AVAILABLE TO LET Description: • Constructed of brick with flat concrete roofs • Previously used for storage of fireworks under license from HM Inspector of Health & Safety (Explosives) • Alarmed and lightning conductors fitted • Covered loading dock with secure access door to warehouse Terms: Annual
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