CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E460 HON
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E460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 26, 2004 IN RECOGNITION OF HANK Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to rise to The Council of Khalistan has issued a very CARTER ON THE OCCASION OF pay tribute to Hank Carter. He is truly an informative letter in honor of Vaisakhi Day, THE COLER-GOLDWATER SPE- American treasure. which contains a lot of useful information CIALTY HOSPITAL AND NURSING f about the occasion and the atrocities that FACILITY’S NAMING OF THE have been committed by India against the HANK CARTER REHABILITATION VAISAKHI DAY: GREETINGS TO Sikhs and others. Therefore, I would like to CENTER IN HIS HONOR THE SIKH NATION—COUNCIL OF put it in the RECORD now, Mr. Speaker. Thank KHALISTAN ISSUES VAISAKHI you. MESSAGE TO SIKH NATION HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY VAISAKHI DAY MESSAGE TO THE SIKH NATION: OF NEW YORK (By Dr. Gurmit Sigh Aulakh) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS In 1699 on Vaisakhi Day, 305 years ago, OF NEW YORK Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa Thursday, March 25, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Panth. The Guru granted sovereignty to the Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Sikh Nation, saying ‘‘In Grieb Sikhin Ko Thursday, March 25, 2004 tribute to Hank Carter, who has single- Deon Patshahi.’’ It is this spirit instilled in handedly transformed the Color-Goldwater Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, next month the the Sikh Nation by Guru Gobind Singh that Sikhs will celebrate one of their most impor- led them to fight tyrants like lions until Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility’s Reha- they defeated them. We always remember it bilitative Medicine Department into one of the tant holidays, Vaisakhi Day. On this day in by reciting every morning and evening, ‘‘Raj best-equipped in the nation. In honor of his re- 1699, Guru Gobind Singh constituted the Sikh Kare Ga Khalsa.’’ Now is the time to act on markable achievements, the hospital has de- Nation. He issued a blessing of sovereignty to it. Do we mean what we say every morning cided to rename the department the ‘‘Hank the Sikhs, a blessing they are looking to re- and evening? Carter Rehabilitation Center.’’ claim. Punjab is the gateway to India. Many in- New Yorkers are truly fortunate that Henry Vaisakhi Day is one of the most important vaders have come from the West—the Mo- ″ ″ Sikh holidays and there are over 500,000 guls, the Afghans, and others—to conquer Hank Carter chose to devote his life to rais- and established their rule in Delhi. Sikhs ing money for wheelchairs and other equip- Sikhs in this country, so I would like to take saw this unprecedented persecution at the ment for the disabled, but it was a tragedy that this opportunity to wish them all a happy hands of invaders and rulers. Banda Singh led him to that decision. In 1968, his best Vaisakhi Day. Hopefully, they will use the oc- Bahadur established the first Khalsa Raj in friend Al Fogle was shot and left paralyzed casion to work for freedom for their people. Punjab in 1710, lasting until 1716. Then the from the waist down. Mr. Carter stayed with It is an interesting coincidence that Vaisakhi Sikh missals again established their rule in his friend through his recovery and rehabilita- Day happens to fall on the birthday of Thomas the various regions of Punjab in 1765. Maha- Jefferson, author of our Declaration of Inde- rajah Ranjit Singh established Sikh Raj with tion. When he discovered how difficult it was Lahore as its capital in 1799, 100 years after for him to obtain a wheelchair, Mr. Carter pendence, who wrote: ‘‘We hold these truths the initiation of the Khalsa Panth. Sikhs raised the money to pay for it. For some, the to be self-evident: that all men are created ruled Punjab under Maharajah Ranjit Singh effort would have ended there. Hank Carter equal; that they are endowed by their Creator in the true Sikh tradition, the well being of looked around the hospital and saw dozens of with certain inalienable rights; that among everybody (Sarbat Da Bhalah). Hindus, Mus- other individuals whose lives had been struck these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- lims, and Christians were all part of the Sikh by tragedy, and he made it his life’s mission ness; that to secure these rights, governments government. The Sikh army included Hin- are instituted among men, deriving their just dus, Muslims, and Christians. A Christian, to help them. General Ventura, was in charge of the infan- To the surprise of the hospital administra- powers from the consent of the governed; that try. The period from 1799 to 1839, when Maha- tors and doctors, he asked if the hospital whenever any form of government becomes rajah Ranjit Singh died, was the Golden Age could provide him with a space for his fund- destructive of these ends, it is the right of the of Punjab. The sovereign Sikh state of Pun- raising efforts. Asking nothing in return, he has people to alter or abolish it and to institute jab was recognized by China, Russia, and the selflessly raised millions of dollars to help the new government, laying its foundations on European countries. It was the dominant hospital and its residents. A large portion of such principles and organizing its powers in power in South Asia at that time. Sikhs con- the funding comes from the Wheelchair All- such form as to them shall seem most likely quered Kashmir from Afghanistan in 1819, making it part of Punjab. Star Basketball Classic he organizes at Madi- to effect their safety and happiness.’’ The British conquered us in 1849 with the son Square Garden each year featuring top Mr. Speaker, the Indian government has help of their planted agents the Hindu Dogra NBA basketball players. done everything it can to destroy the safety brothers, Pahara Singh, etc., who connived Over the last 30 years, he has made the dif- and happiness of Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, with the British and betrayed the Sikh Na- ference for thousands of people—helping and other minorities living within the country. tion. As a reward to the Dogra brothers for them to become independent, and providing Is it any wonder that all these groups are their betrayal, the British sold them Kash- the means for them to connect with the world. seeking their freedom from India’s brutal rule? mir for Rs400,000. At the time of independ- India has murdered over a quarter of a mil- ence in 1947, the Sikh leadership was fooled He has helped make Color-Goldwater Hos- into taking their share with India by the dis- pital one of the premier centers for rehabilita- lion Sikhs in the past 20 years. It holds over honest Hindu leaders Nehru and Gandhi, tion. Thanks to Hank Carter, Color-Goldwater 52,000 of them as political prisoners. More while the Muslims got their own sovereign gives more wheelchairs to patients than any than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland have country, Pakistan. Nehru and Gandhi prom- other facility in the country. been murdered by the Indian government, and ised that Sikhs would have the glow of free- Realizing that rehabilitation requires more Christians seem to be targets everywhere else dom in Punjab, but instead we got unprece- than wheelchairs, Mr. Carter branched out, in India too. India has killed over 85,000 Kash- dented persecution at the hands of the In- raising funds for exercise and physical therapy miri Muslims since 1988, and that doesn’t dian government. In June 1984 they attacked the Golden Temple and 127 other Gurdwaras equipment, computers that can be used by the count the thousands who have been killed in throughout Punjab. Over 20,000 Sikhs were severely handicapped, technology that en- places like Gujarat. murdered in those attacks, known as Oper- ables machines to speak for those who have Yet India continues to proclaim loudly that it ation Bluestar, including Sant Jarnail Singh lost the capacity to communicate, four wheel- is a democracy. As Jefferson noted, the cen- Bhindranwale, General Shabeg Singh, Bhai chair accessible buses and a rehabilitative tral principle of a democratic state is ‘‘the con- Amrik Singh, and over 100 Sikh religious greenhouse. His enthusiasm and hands-on at- sent of the governed.’’ How can India claim to students ages 8–13 who were taken out into titude toward philanthropy make him a beloved have the consent of the minorities it governs the courtyard and shot. If Sikhs cannot pro- tect the sanctity of the Golden Temple, then fixture at Coler-Goldwater, recognized by so brutally while killing tens of thousands of the Sikh Nation cannot survive as a nation. every patient and staff member in the hospital. them? It doesn’t make sense to me. The es- The Golden Temple attacks set off a wave Best of all, he has spent time with them and sence of democracy is the right to self-deter- of repression and genocide that resulted in knows most of them. mination. the murder of over 250,000 Sikhs at the hands It is truly an astonishing record—one all We must do what we can, Mr. Speaker, as of the Indian government. Over 50,000 Sikh Americans should be very proud of. For the a country dedicated to the principle of liberty. youth were picked up from their houses, tor- disabled, a wheelchair means independence, We should stop U.S. aid to India until it re- tured, murdered in police custody, then cre- mated by being declared ‘‘unidentified bod- selfreliance and the freedom to explore the spects human rights and we should use what- ies.’’ Their remains were never even given to world.