Final fantasy 9 walkthrough guide

Continue Opinions about an article or post go here. IX was developed along with Final Fantasy VIII and both were followed by the incredibly successful previous title, Final Fantasy VII. While 8 took a turn more realistic and action-packed, Final Fantasy IX brought the series back to its roots. This game is really a fantasy RPG - obviously both in history and settings. Final Fantasy IX received huge awards when it was released and is still listed as one of games in the series - although it's definitely not my favorite (as stated below). The gameplay is solid, the story and characters are a true throwback to previous Final Fantasy games. Review So let's take this aside from the beginning... Final Fantasy IX is my least favorite game in the entire Final Fantasy series. In saying this, I don't mean it's a bad game, but it certainly has more flaws and problems than any of its predecessors, and those flaws and problems were much harder to ignore. The FF9 is definitely still worth playing, and is still a good game overall, but that doesn't compare to some of the other games. This review will focus more on the negative aspects of the game, which is a reflection of the high standards that I expected from the series. Final Fantasy IX was developed at the same time as Final Fantasy VIII and the two games are vastly different. While the quality of the graphics is similar (as a result they are produced for the same system), the stylistic differences are immediately obvious once you start the game. The installation and plot of FF9 are a throw back to the more old-fashioned feel of the earlier titles in the Final Fantasy series. The game attracts many of its elements from previous games, including , , and even many of the character names and settings. Adding up to four characters to the battle screen (which may seem new to some players) is actually a throwback to earlier titles in the series (Final Fantasy 1-6 inclusive) as well. My main issues though with Final Fantasy IX are dealing with some key issues that really slow down the overall flow of the game down. For a start, the fighting sequences and frequency of fights in this game. Going from a world map or dungeon to a battle screen seems to be much slower, and the frequency of random encounters is much higher. By the time you get to the end of the game you start to absolutely fear the thought of being thrown into another random battle. New in this game is the introduction of Active Time Events (ATEs). As you play through the story, a small warning box will come, allowing you to watch other characters in real time that are not near zidane, the main character, by pressing the Select button. At first it seems like a very interesting and unique way to tell a story creatively. It won't take long before ATEs tend to feel like more of an interruption as one progresses through the game. They are often distracted by other characters whose actions have nothing to do with the progression of the plot, unless there is an argument that it helps with character development (hint: it is not). Mini-games and many of the side quests feel pretty tacked and lackluster - all the more so compared to Final Fantasy VII (but Final Fantasy VIII is pretty lacking as well). We've gone from a cool mini-game involving bike chases through the streets of Midgar and Racing to the Golden Plate, to Catch the Frogs side and a Hippaul Racing side quest (which are both very boring). One of the big mini-games, Tetra Master, which is somewhat similar to Triple Triad in Final Fantasy VIII, is on the full opposite spectrum in terms of its importance for advancement on the game. It could be argued that Triple Triad has too much influenced the flow of the game, allowing players who have mastered the game and played it regularly to align their characters and fold their stat-wise very early in the game. Tetra Master is the complete opposite - it offers very little in terms of rewards other than the satisfaction associated with being able to say that you have found all the cards. This is one of the worst spin-off quests in the Final Fantasy series. Fortunately, the music is still very strong. Some of the songs are clearly pulled from the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack, but the rest of the songs offer just as much history as in previous titles. The plot is also fantastic with well-written and well-rounded characters, at least in terms of character development. The game really leaves much to be desired in terms of character settings - each of the characters is specifically focused on and pigeon-holed in a certain class. Vivi, for example, is incapable of being anything but the Black Magician. And Final Fantasy IX suffers from the same problem as Final Fantasy VIII - the main villain/antagonist has a very limited background story (though not so bad). My last complaint is dealing with the Trance (Limit Break) system. Limit breaks have become one of the main products of the series. They are quite often implemented differently in each of the games, but the Trance system should be one of the worst. The Trance sensor fills in every time a character does damage, but the character automatically goes into a trance as soon as the sensor is full (rather than selecting them Limit Break, as in previous titles). As a result, characters often go into a trance right at the end of the battle or during the battle against a minor random fight on the world map. This system has made it almost impossible to use a character trance for any type of strategic advantage. Some Finals Fantasy fans still Final Fantasy IX is like one of their favorite titles in the series, but it's a bandwagon that I just can't get behind. I would still recommend giving it a pass as it is certainly a very unique addition to the series, but there is no doubt that this is my least favorite game, and unfortunately the slowness of the flow of the game will make me hesitate to play through it again. Total score: 8/10 (which is still not bad, but not up to the standards that I expect from The Final Fantasy game!) Strategic guides and step-by-step guides to will always be 100% free to read and use, but if you want to consider supporting the website in some way, consider visiting the Support section for more information. Any support you are able to provide, or even just a quick thank you note sent my way, is highly appreciated. Happy games! Alexandria Part 2 exit and check the grass in front of the tavern to collect 33 Gil and Goblin cards then head left. On the right side of the road is a shop for items; Enter to find 38 Gil on the floor. Continue on to the next screen, this area has a ticket booth in the center, but you don't need to go there yet. Enter the synthesis store on the right side of the screen, it's closed, but you can pick up the ether in the back corner. Walk down the hall to the gun shop. Go back to the corridor for a remedy. Get out of the store and talk to Hippaul (standing just to the left of the store near the path up). He will tell you that he hid his three precious cards. You'll find them in a bit. In the bottom left corner of the bridge is Phoenix Pinion. Continuing around the outer edge of the circle there is a hotel but nothing for you there except the extra stage. Outside the Inn some children play rope. Join them and you will get rewards when you reach a certain number of consecutive jumps. You can try this mini-game now or wait until drive 3. For the latter, you can only join if Vivi or Eiko are in your party. Awards: 20 jumps: 10 Gil; 50 jumps: Map of Kacusular; 100 jumps: Genji map; 200 jumps: Alexandria card; 300 jumps: Tiger racket card; 1000 Jumps: King Jump Rope.You can talk to a person at the ticket office now, or come back after picking up a few more items (If you don't want to miss items, move on to the next item). Some people on the next two screens will say different things before and after you have checked your ticket. Coming out of the circle to the left, the next screen is just a dialogue and a sign to read. Continue to the next screen. The first entrance on the right is Ilya's House. It will either run into it or out of it when you enter that area. When it is outside, you can enter and go upstairs to find 3 Gil near the window. Downstairs, in the corner of the stove, you Find eye drops.Exit house and enter the chapel next door. Walk on the inside of the outside wall for tents and potions. Potions. climb the stairs and pull the rope to get Ironite Hippol card, gobling card, and Fang Card. Get out of the church, head down the stairs and up the ramp to talk to little boy Tom. Tell him you're going to help him find his kitten. Mittens all the way back to the other end of Alexandria at the statue. Talk to the cat and Tom Weale. Follow him back to your original location and he will give you a bomb card.If you haven't already, go look inside the ticket booth - unfortunately your ticket is fake. However, the ticket seller will give you a goblin card, another Fang card, and a skeleton Card.To address vivi ticket problem, head to the alley where you will meet the rat baby again. If you haven't collected the items above, say no and go get them before talking to it again! Agree to be his slave and tell him that the coast is clear. The person who appears after Pak runs away from the stairs of Alleyway Jack (note that he can mug you if you're not fast enough to start talking so be careful). Talk to him to find out about the Final Fantasy 9 Tetra Master card game.The card game can be tricky and you haven't saved yet! I'd recommend not playing Jack now. Go through the tutorial, but head back to the chapel as soon as you're done. Inside the chapel there will be an ordinary and Stillskin. Regular moogle will do a lot of your save/load features and Stiltzkin is a travel merchant selling rare items ranging from items to equipment. Whenever you run to Stiltzkin, try buying from him, especially his bundle offers. Save your game and learn about Mognet, talk to Kupo.Also, whenever you encounter a moogle in a city or city, access the Mognet option to see if they have a letter for another moogle. Deliver each letter to the recipient and you can access Mognet Central at the end of the game. However, Kupo has a letter for Monty (who is in Angry Forest). Now that you've saved, you can go get any items you missed, play rope for prizes, or go back to the tavern and play cards against Alleyway Jack. When you're ready, climb the ladder and contnue after the puck, Rat Kid.Once you get in the far left, the puck will head up; Get 29 Gil that to bowl right in front of you. Follow the rat baby again, but before you finish the course take right down the stairs and follow the boards to get to 63 Gil. Go up the stairs and keep up; You will be at one of the houses, which is the furthest on top. Check the pot on the roof for 92 Gil. Go back down and head to the right and then before follow Pak to enter the castle. Castle.

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