Going to Primary School In 2020/21


Dear Parent or Carer

As Head of Paid Services we are pleased to introduce 'Going to School in Lincolnshire' to you and to thank you for considering one of our schools. Our standards are high and children thrive in our schools. We want every child to develop and achieve their full potential and we need your support as parents to help us. This partnership is vital in helping our young people become independent and responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.

Please take the opportunity to visit schools where you will find happy children with excellent staff working in a range of different ways to fulfill each child's potential.

I know our teachers will be pleased to show you round their school to see the wonderful work that is being done.

Debbie Barnes

The contents of this book were correct at the time of going to press in August 2019.


We are always happy to receive feedback on the usefulness of this book. If you wish to make a comment, please contact the Education Team on 01522 782030, or email [email protected]


General Information

This guide is for:

• Parents applying for a reception place at a primary or infant school with children born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 • Parents of Year 2 children at an infant school who require a place in Year 3 at a junior or primary school • Parents of Year 2 children at a primary school who require a place in Year 3 at a junior school


This booklet is produced by the County Council School Admissions Team. It contains information about schools, summaries of their admission policies and other useful information. This booklet tells you how to apply, the facts and figures but we recommend that you speak to schools, arrange visits and see first-hand how they operate.

You can ask schools about their curriculum, how children are monitored, equal opportunities, community cohesion, special educational needs, disabilities, religious worship, looked after children, behavior, attendance, school uniform, gifted and talented, and much more.

The school can also tell you about published reports, school inspections and how to find out about any attainment tables.

Who are the School Admissions Team?

We are part of Lincolnshire County Council and are responsible for coordinating the admission of children into schools. We provide information on the application process, provide various methods to apply and we will notify you of which school can offer a place.

How you can contact us

We provide a number of ways you can contact us:

• By phone: 01522 782030. Our customer service centre is open from 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday (less public holidays) to deal with your calls • Email us at: [email protected]

Interpreting Service

If you speak little or no English, we provide access to an interpreting service. Our staff will be pleased to help you in using the service if required.

What are our different types of schools?

Community and controlled schools

The local authority is the admission authority for these schools. The schools use the Lincolnshire County Council admissions policy. We have delegated decision on who should be offered a place to governing bodies but they must do this in line with the County Council policy.

Voluntary aided schools, foundation schools, free schools and academies

The governors of these schools are responsible for setting their own admissions policies. Each individual school can have its own separate admission policy.

When can my child start Reception?

Admission authorities must provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday. We process these applications on the basis that most children will start school at the same time.


You can request that the date your child is admitted to school is deferred until later in the academic year. You can also request that your child takes up their place part-time until they reach compulsory school age. If you intend to do this you must discuss it with the school. However, government rules say that if your child was born in the summer term they must start immediately after the Easter holiday or they may risk losing a place that the school is holding for them.

By law every child must be in school at the start of term after their fifth birthday.

When can I apply and what is the deadline?

For starting reception and juniors we open our online application system on 14 November 2019. Alternatively, from this date you can phone us for an application form or make a telephone application.

The closing date for receipt of applications in our office is 12 noon on the 15 January 2020 so that we can begin processing the many thousands of applications we expect to receive.

We lock down our system at 12 noon on the 15 February 2020, which means we cannot process any changes, new information or applications after this deadline. Anything received after this will be dealt with later in the process due to the amount of work we need to do and the volume of applications we have to deal with. These will be looked at in the week commencing 25 May 2020, which is after the offer date.

How do I apply for a Reception or Junior place?

You must apply through your home Local Authority. Over 95% of Lincolnshire parents apply using the online application system, but you can also apply by phone by contacting us on 01522 782030. Please apply using one method only.

If you live in Lincolnshire and want a school out of county you must still apply through Lincolnshire. We will liaise with the other local authority on your behalf. If you live out of county and want a Lincolnshire schools you must apply through your own local authority and they will liaise with us.

Lincolnshire residents can apply online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. If you apply online and enter a valid email address you will receive a confirmation receipt summarising your preferences.

If you apply by phone but provide a valid email address you will receive confirmation of your application via email. If you cannot provide a valid email address we will send you a confirmation receipt by post for you to verify and return.

Supporting reasons for applying

If your child is looked after or previously looked after you will be able to specify this on your application. You will also be able to state any sibling connections.

Some schools accept medical or faith reasons, you will need to specify this on your main application. If you apply online you will need to tick the relevant box if you are applying under religion, faith, or medical grounds. Please be aware that you may be required to submit additional documents to support your application on these grounds, for example a baptism certificate. Please contact the relevant school for further information.

Some schools give priority to children of staff members, if they do, this will be stated in their admissions policy. If you would like to apply on these grounds please either email [email protected] or send a supporting letter.

If you have any other supporting reasons you can either email [email protected] or send a supporting letter.

You can see which oversubscription criteria a school uses by reading their admissions policy, a summary of which is included in this book. To read a school's full policy which details what supporting documents they may require please visit our or the school's website.


Parental preference

We always try to offer you your highest preference, so think carefully about the order you name the schools. All schools have a limit and sometimes there are more applications than available places, in these circumstances the governors will apply the oversubscription part of their admission policy. The legislation we follow does not guarantee your child a place.

We can only give a summary of a school's oversubscription criteria in this booklet. If you want to see a school's full admission policy you can look at our website, the school's website or contact the school direct.

You can name a maximum of three schools on your application. We strongly recommend you put three preferences on your application in case we cannot offer your first preference school. We also recommend that you consider a local school. If we cannot offer a place at any of your preferences it may result in the School Admissions Team offering your child a school that is not in your local area.

Other local authorities' coordinated schemes may enable parents residing within their authority to express more than three preferences on their application. We advise parents residing in other local authorities that Lincolnshire county Council will accept no more than three preferences for Lincolnshire schools.

You should always bear in mind any transport costs when choosing your school.

When will I find out if my application has been successful?

You will receive your school offer either via email or letter from 16 April, depending on how you applied.

We will assume you wish to accept the offer. If you wish to refuse the offer please do so by 30 April.

How many children can a school admit?

Each school can admit a certain number of children, known as the published admission number. A school runs most efficiently when it has this number if children in it. Published admission numbers are printed with the 'Contacts Details' in this book.

Sometimes there are more applications than the school can admit and this is when the governors look at the oversubscription criteria in their admissions policy. We publish a summary of these in this book; full policies are available on our website and the school's website.

Reserve Lists

If we refuse a place at a school, your child is automatically put on the reserve list unless you have been offered a higher preference. For example; if you are offered your second preference your child will be on the reserve list for your first preference school. You also have the right to appeal.

We will notify you if a place becomes available for your child from a school's reserve list. If oversubscribed in the normal year of entry, a school has to keep a reserve list until the end of the autumn term, some may keep it longer. You should contact the school for further details.

What happens if none of my preferred schools can offer a place?

If none of your preferred schools can offer a place and you live in Lincolnshire we will make sure you have a school for your child. We will do this by offering the nearest school that has an available place. You also have the right to appeal and the option to submit a revised application.

We advise you not to refuse the school place offered so that your child has a secure place for September. If a school is unable to offer you a place, accepting an alternative offer does not affect your right to appeal.

If we cannot offer your child a school and you do not live in Lincolnshire, your home local authority will be responsible for offering your child a place at an alternative school.


Revised Applications

If you are not happy with the school your child has been offered you can submit a revised application to change your preferences. A revised application can only be made after you have received an offer of a school place. We must receive your revised application by 18 May in order to inform you of the outcome the week commencing 25 May 2020. Revised applications received after this deadline will be process at a later date.

You need to name any schools you wish to be considered for on the revised application. Your child will not remain on the reserve list for those schools who could not offer a place, if you do not list them on your new application. If a place can be offered at a school named on your revised application, your previous offer will automatically be withdrawn.

How do I appeal?

You have the right to appeal if a school you have named on your application has refused a place. Detailed information about appealing is available on our website and will be provided at the time you receive your offer of a school place.

If you have not applied online, or would prefer to appeal in writing you can request a paper form. For further information please call 01522 782030.

You can appeal for more than one school at the same time. If you are successful with an appeal we can cancel any outstanding appeals.

All admission authorities must post their appeals timetable on their website by 28 February each year.

The appeals process

After lodging an appeal you will be invited to an appeal hearing. Here you will speak direct to an appeal panel; these are the people who make the decision whether to offer your child a place. There will also be a clerk and representative of the school at the hearing, who take no part in the decision making.

An appeal panel is made up of at least three independent members, who have no connection to the school or local authority.

The panel's decision is binding and can only be overturned in a court of law. If you are unsuccessful you can only appeal again for the same school, for the same academic year, if there has been a significant change in circumstances relevant to the application, for example if you have moved address.

If you are appealing for a place in reception, year 1 or year 2 and the school is organized in classes of 30 with a single teacher, you should read the advice we send very carefully. There are very limited reasons why such an appeal can be successful.

Will my child transfer from the nursery to the main school?

This will not happen automatically, you will need to apply for a place in reception and there is no guarantee your child will be offered a place at the school. You should be aware that attendance at pre-reception, nursery or attached playgroup is not taken into account by the majority of schools when allocating places; if they do, it will be listed as oversubscription criteria in their admissions policy.

Nursery Schools

The Headteacher can give you details of any pre-reception, nursery or attached playgroup and how you can obtain a place. We also have five Local Authority nursery schools; details are given at the back of this book.

Linked Infant and Junior Schools

Some infant schools take account of a brother or sister at a linked junior school; this will be stated in the oversubscription criteria of a school's full admissions policy. Likewise, some junior schools give priority to children who have a sibling at the linked infant school.

Please remember to name the sibling on your application. 5

When allocating places some junior schools give priority to children who attend a feeder infant school, if this is the case it will be listed in the oversubscription criteria of the school's admissions policy.

Schools' full admissions policies are available on our website and on the schools' websites.

Listed overleaf are junior schools children usually transfer to when they attend a particular infant school. Transfer is not automatic and an application must be made.

Branston Infant School Branston Junior Academy Gainsborough Hillcrest Academy Gainsborough White's Wood Academy Harrowby Infant School Grantham The National Junior School Grantham Little Gonerby Infant School Grantham The National Junior School Holton-le-Clay Infants School Holton-le-Clay Junior School Lincoln Bracebridge Infants Lincoln Manor Leas Junior Academy Lincoln Manor Leas Infants Lincoln Manor Leas Junior Academy Lincoln Mount Street Academy Lincoln Westgate Academy Lincoln St Faith's Infants Lincoln St Faith & St Martin Junior Lincoln St Peter in Eastgate Infant Lincoln Westgate Academy Lincoln The Lancaster School Lincoln Birchwood Junior Lincoln Woodlands Infants Lincoln Birchwood Junior Louth Eastfields Infants Louth Lacey Gardens Junior Infant School Junior School Nettleham Infants Nettleham Junior School Infant Academy Skegness Junior Academy

Child's Home Address

For admissions purposes the address that counts is the one where your child lives for the majority of school term time. The only exception to this rule is for children of UK service personnel and other crown servants; there is more about this later in the book.

A full definition of the term 'home address' can be found in the school's full admissions policy. You will need to refer to a school's full admissions policy if your child's living arrangements aren't straightforward, such as you have more than one property, or your child splits their time between more than one home.

We have a duty to prevent fraudulent applications and will always look at an address closely as this is one of the biggest factors in deciding which school is allocated. Sometimes it may not be possible to accept a claimed new address; if this is the case we will write to you and explain why.

Moving Address

If you have submitted an application and your child moves address, you must immediately inform us. We can only take into consideration a new address if your child is living there, by 12 noon on 14 February 2020. You have notified us that you have moved before this date and we receive the appropriate proof of residency. We will not take into consideration an intention to move.

If your child moves after this deadline, but before national offer day, your new address will initially be used for correspondence purposes only. Once offer day has passed and we have received appropriate proof, your child's residence address will be updated.

If you are new to Lincolnshire, or if you want to change preferred schools, you must do this by 12 noon on 14 February 2020. If you apply after the deadline, it will be too late to take account of your new application, as at that stage our work will be too far advances. Any applications or changed to preference received after this deadline will be processed at a later date.

Fraudulent applications

The Local Authority and schools have the right to investigate any concerns they may have about your application. If there is evidence that you have made a fraudulent claim, or provided misleading information, government regulations allow for the withdrawal of a school offer even after the child has started. We reserve the right to check any address where the circumstances are not straight forward. 6

Can an offer be withdrawn for any reason?

Once we have made an offer we can consider withdrawing the place in the following cases:

• Where a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application led to an offer of a place. For example, a false address was given which denied a place to child with a stronger claim • Where you do not respond to our offer or any of our follow-up letters • Where an error has led to an offer of a place

Children with an Education Health & Care Plan

There is a different procedure for children who have an Education Health & Care Plan, you should speak to the staff in your child's early years setting or phone 01522 553332 for help.

Children who do not have an Education Health & Care Plan

Children who have special educational needs but do not have a Care Plan will be treated the same as any other child. This means their special educational needs will not be considered when allocating a place, you should apply in the usual manner as set out in this booklet.

Appeals for pupils with an Education Health & Care Plan

If you are not in agreement with the school named in your child's Education Health & Care Plan you should speak to the people named in the covering letter who will be able to discuss your concerns and advise on your right of appeal.

How can I find out more about admission arrangements for children with special needs?

If your child does not have an Education Health & Care Plan the best people to speak to will be the staff in the schools you are considering.

If your child as an Education Health & Care Plan you can seek advice from your child's current school, the schools you are considering and staff in Additional Needs at Lincolnshire County Council.

UK Service Personnel (UK Armed Forces and Other Crown Servants

Lincolnshire County Council and all schools in Lincolnshire support the Government's commitment to removing disadvantage for service children. However, in order to be able to do this and comply with Government schools admissions regulations we will need supporting documentation to demonstrate a posting if you wish your address to be accepted in advance of your move. We can also accept a unit postal address or quartering area address. This also applies to Crown Servants returning from abroad.

If you do not provide evidence of a posting then the application will be considered based on your current address. For routine admissions the application should be made to your home LA if you do not have a confirmed posting or you have a posting to a base outside Lincolnshire and do not have an address within Lincolnshire.

In all cases after national offer day the school admissions team will approach schools to ask that they consider whether to offer a place even if they are full. Schools are not obliged to do this and will follow their published admissions policy. Please refer to the school’s full admissions policy for further information on UK Service Personnel and other Crown Servants. These are available on our website and on the school’s website.

Please contact the school admissions team for full guidance on how your application will be dealt with if you would like more information.

What is the military covenant?

The government has entered a military covenant aimed at helping service personnel, and crown servants returning from abroad, and asked that we remove any disadvantage these families may suffer in finding school places for their children. We have worked with all school admission authorities in Lincolnshire to make sure that their admission arrangements support the government's commitment to removing disadvantage for these families; you can find their detailed arrangements in their admissions policies posted on their websites and ours.


What is the equal preference system?

We no longer use a system where schools prioritise applications that list their school as first preference; instead we use an equal preference system. This means we pass on your application data to your preferred schools, but do not tell them the order you have listed them. Only we know your order of preference. If multiple schools inform us that they can offer your child a place, we will offer you the highest preference available. You will not receive multiple offers.

What is a coordinated scheme?

A coordinated scheme is a document that lays out how your application will be processed, including;

• A timetable • Explanation of cross Local Authority coordination • Information on the application and offer process

The coordinated schemes are available on our website.

How do you measure distance?

The distance from your home to the school is often important in the school's oversubscription criteria. Our measuring system meets the government's regulations and we apply it in a fair and consistent manner.

We use an electronic measuring system and measure in most cases from the post office address point of your home to the post office address point of the school; these are not the same as postcodes and are individual to each property.

We provide schools with straight-line distance for all applicants and measure to three decimal places e.g. 1.256 miles. The oversubscription criteria of a school’s admissions policy will state what measurements they use.

We are aware there are other electronic systems and you can also use your odometer in your car, these may well produce different results.


Where two or more addresses have an identical measurement for the last remaining place, a tie-break is used. In this situation the majority of schools use random allocation as a tie-break, a school's admissions policy will state what tie- break is used. If random allocation is used, this will be drawn by a person who is independent to the School Admissions Team and independent to the school.

Admission of Children below Compulsory School Age

Schools provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday.

When a school has offered your child a place: • Your child is entitled to a full-time place in the September following their fourth birthday • You can defer the date their child is admitted to the school until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age and not beyond the beginning of the final term of the school year for which it was made, whichever is the sooner • Where you wish, your child may attend part-time until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age

If you are interested in deferring admission or arranging part-time attendance you must contact the school to discuss this.

Parents of summer born children deferring admission until the child starts Year 1 risk losing the offered school place.

Admission of Children outside their Normal Age Group

You may seek a place for your child outside their normal age group, for example, if your child is gifted and talented, summer born or has experienced problems such as ill health. To make a request you must contact your home local


authority for guidance on the procedure to follow.

It is important to note that you will have the opportunity and responsibility to provide whatever evidence you wish to support your request.

Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and in the nest interests of the child concerned.

This will include taking account of:

• Your views • Available information about the child's academic, social and emotional development • Where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional • Whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group • Evidence that the child may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely • The views of the head teacher • Whether it is the childs best interests to be admitted into reception or year 1 if parents wish to defer until the child is statutory school age

Midyear Applications – applying for a transfer to another school

If you want to move your child to another school you can submit a midyear application. Midyear applications can be made online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions or you can request a paper application. Usually a midyear application is made due to a house move.

If you are not moving address but want to change your child's school you should discuss this with your child's present Headteacher. We believe it is best to avoid a move whenever possible because moving schools can be an unsettling experience for children and affect the standards they achieve.

Headteachers cannot legally direct a pupil to find a new school in order to avoid permanent exclusion. If this is the reason for your mid-year application, you should call the pupil reintegration team on 01522 553318 or 01522 553510 or email [email protected].

If you are moving into Lincolnshire we may allocate a place six school weeks in advance of a confirmed move to the area, depending on the circumstances. In the first instance please contact your current local authority to apply for a place at a Lincolnshire school. Some local authorities choose not to coordinate the application process for midyear places, if this is the case you can apply directly through us.

You cannot apply for a place if your child is resident outside of the UK, unless you are UK service personnel or other crown servant and have an official document that declares a relocation date.

If you are moving out of Lincolnshire you should contact the local authority in that area for advice.

Occasionally a school will accept an application direct, please contact schools direct for further information.

Before applying we strongly recommend that you research the schools, including visiting them if practical. Our website www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions provides useful links to help you research.

If free home to school transport is important you will need to find out about this before completing an application. Useful information is available online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooltransport.

We will work with the schools you prefer to find the highest preference available. If none of your preferred schools can offer a place we will usually find and offer the nearest available school place in your child's year group.

Free School Transport

Transport can be granted according to the home to school transport policy. If school transport is an important factor then more information is available on our website www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooltransport or phone 01522 782020.


The school transport policy and school admissions policy use different measurements to define closest school so you should consider this when considering in which order to list schools if this is an important factor to you.

Briefly we will provide or pay for transport to the school within the designated transport area, or to a nearer school if the distance between your home address and the school is more than two miles (3218 metres). measured by driving distance.

We do not provide transport to nursery schools or classes. Children become eligible for free school transport in the year in which they are five and provided they meet the conditions of the home to school transport policy.

Fair Access Protocol

Local Authorities are required to have Fair Access Protocols in order to make sure that unplaced children who live in the home local authority, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the published admissions number to schools that are already full.

Full details of the Fair Access protocol can be found on our website.

Testing and Charging

There are no charges for a child to be admitted into any of our schools. There may be costs for school uniforms or school trips and you should speak to the individual school about these.

None of our primary school select by ability, so there are no tests for admission.

Complaints Procedures

All school staff have to give their pupils the best possible education and care properly for their health, safety and welfare at all times. If you feel something is not quite right and you have concerns or you want to complain you should talk to the Headteacher in the first instance.

Personal Matters

We do not have personal accident insurance cover for children. This can be offered by insurance brokers. The same applies to children's personal property. Schools do not have insurance to cover these items, including school uniforms.

Free school meals

School meals contribute to the development of good food habits and eating a healthy balanced diet has proven benefits for health and concentration. School meals can have significant benefits both for individual children and for the broader life of the school.

The government has announced that every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be offered a free school lunch. This follows a recommendation in the School Food Plan, which aims to bring about a significant increase in the number of children eating good food in schools.

Contact your child's school for information on menus and school catering. For information on the School Food Plan please visit www.schoolfoodplan.com

You can apply for free school meals by visiting our website or contacting your child's school for further information. You may also apply for free school meals based on your financial income for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If your child is eligible and registered for a free school meal due to financial income, their school received a pupil premium per pupil which is set by the government and can be spent on additional resources to help your child. If your child is in Year 3 or above and receiving free school meals this funding will automatically follow. If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 please talk to your child's school as they may not necessarily know that your child is entitled to pupil premium funding.

Free milk is provided in our nursery schools and nursery classes.


School attendance Attendance is vital to your child achieving good outcomes. Absence in term is not expected unless your child is ill. Other absences during term time would need to be proven as an exceptional circumstance, including holidays. The Education Welfare Services offer schools and families support to ensure attendance is maintained. Parents may not authorise absence, only the schools can do this. Schools are required to investigate if a pupil fails to attend regularly, or has been absent for a continuous period of 10 days, and where the absence is treated as unauthorized. For further information please visit link https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/parents/schools/at-school/school-attendance-and- penalty-notices/131943.article

Contact details

Useful contacts

School Admissions 01522 782030 Free School Meals 01522 782030 School Transport 01522 782020 Special Educational Needs 01522 553332

Other local authorities for School Admissions

Cambridgeshire County Council 0345 045 1370 Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council 01302 736000 Leicestershire County Council 0116 305 6684 Norfolk County Council 0344 800 8020 Northamptonshire County Council 0300 126 1000 Council 01472 326291 Council 01724 297133 County Council 0300 500 8080 Peterborough City Council 01733 864007 Rutland County Council 01572 722577

Useful websites www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/ www.ofsted.gov.uk www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/schooladmissions

What is an admissions policy?

An admissions policy provides information on the admittance of children to a particular school or schools. An admission policy contains the oversubscription criteria that the admission authority will apply if there are more applications than places available, therefore it is these criteria that determine which child is offered a place.

Meeting a part of the criteria, does not guarantee your child a place, for example, the school is the nearest one to your home address.

This book contains a summary of the oversubscription criteria for Lincolnshire schools. Definitions may differ from school to school. You should always check the school's full admission policy for definitions of key terms such as 'sibling' or 'home address'. To read the full admissions policy for a particular school you must contact the school direct, look at their website or visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions, where a full copy of the policy is available.

Allocating Places

For entry into reception and junior in September all schools allocate places to parents who submit an application before we consider any parent who has not returned one.

Children with an Education, Health & Care Plan

In accordance with legislation the allocation of places for children with the following will take place first for all schools; where the school is named in the child's Education, Health and Care Plan (Children and Families Act 2014). After 11

these children have been allocated a place, the remaining places will be allocated in accordance with the school's oversubscription criteria.

Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

The majority of schools give highest priority to these children; further information is available by reading the school's oversubscription criteria.

Sometimes referred to as a child in public care, a looked after child is a child in the care of the local authority, or is provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in accordance with section 22(1) of the Children's Act 1989, at the time of application. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order.

Faith Schools

Some schools give priority in their oversubscription criteria based on faith, if they do it is stated in their oversubscription criteria in this book. If you are applying to a school on faith grounds you will need to specify this on your main application and complete an additional form, which you must obtain directly from the school. This is explained in more detail in 'Supporting Reasons for Applying' earlier in this book.

Their full admissions policy provides definitions and stated additional evidence you need to submit. The following two definitions are standard:

• Who is a communicant member of the Church of ?

The Church of England states this is a person who is baptized and has declared themselves to be a member of the Church of England or a church in communion with it, and has received communion according to the use of the Church of England or of a church in communion with the Church of England. If a school uses this criterion, this definition will apply.

• Who is defined as Catholic?

All of the Catholic schools in Lincolnshire use the following definition: o A child baptised in the Catholic Church (Roman or Eastern rites) whose members are in full ecclesial and canonical communion with the Bishop of Rome. Further advice available from Diocesan Education Service; a child baptized in another Christian denomination who has been received into full ecclesial and canonical communion with the Catholic Church; a child who, with his or her family, is participating in a recognized course of preparation leading to baptism or reception into the Catholic Church.

Regular Worshippers

Church schools require evidence that you attend church 'regularly'; you must check the school's admission policy as this definition varies from school to school.

Medical or Social Grounds

Some schools give priority in their oversubscription criteria based on medical or social ground, if they do it is stated in their oversubscription criteria in this book. If you are applying to a school on medical grounds you will need to specify this on your main application and complete an additional form, which you must obtain direct from the school. This is explained in more detail in ‘Supporting Reasons for Applying’ earlier in this book.

When applying on medical or social grounds you should supply a supporting letter from the professional specified in the school’s full admissions policy. The supporting letter should set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the most suitable school for your child and the difficulties that would be caused if they had to attend another school. If you do not produce the required evidence governors will not give your child any higher priority under their admission arrangements.

Designated Transport Area

For transport purposes Lincolnshire has been divided into different designated transport areas. Some schools choose 12

to give priority in the oversubscription criteria of their admissions policy to children who live within their designated transport area. To find out your designated transport area school you can contact the School Transport Team on 01522 782020 or by emailing [email protected]. if school transport is an important factor. The County Council's policy on home to school transport gives the rules about who can claim free home to school transport.


The majority of schools choose to give priority to children who have a sibling connection with their school. In general terms a sibling is a brother or sister; however, schools have their own definition of the term sibling. A school's full admission policy will state what they mean by the term sibling, brother and sister, and will define if this means full, half, step siblings, etc.

A school will also state if the sibling has to be attending when the child is due to start or if they need to be on roll at the time you apply, some school also give priority to children who previously had siblings attending their school.

Siblings from a Multiple Birth

If you are applying for places for children from a multiple birth, if one or more can be admitted within the published admission number the school will be allowed to go above its admission number as necessary to admit all the children; unless this would make the class too large.

The Government's School Admissions Code makes an exception to the infant class limit in this situation.

Siblings in the Same Year Group

If you are applying for places for children not from a multiple birth, but they were born in the same academic year the following applies. Where there is only one place available in the school the children will be considered together as one application. The school will be allowed to go above is admission number as necessary to admit all the children except in cases where infant class regulations prevent this from happening. If this happens we can only legally offer one place because the Government's School Admissions Code makes no exception to the infant class size limit for siblings in the same year group. We will offer one place for one child and a different school for the other child or children.

Admissions Policies and Oversubscription Criteria

If a school is Community or Controlled then Lincolnshire County Council, the Local Authority, is classed as the Admission Authority. These schools use the Lincolnshire County Council primary school admission policy when allocating places, a summary of oversubscription criteria from this is printed on the following pages. Our full admissions policy is available on our website. You can find out if a school is Community or Controlled by referring to the 'Contact Details' section in this book.

For Academies, Foundation and Aided Schools the Governing Body or Trust is the Admission Authority, these schools have their own admission policy which includes their oversubscription criteria. A summary of these schools' oversubscription criteria is shown in this book. A copy of a school's full admission policy can be viewed on our website or the school's website.

The admission authority will apply the oversubscription criteria if there are more applications than places available, therefore it is this criteria that determine which child is offered a place.


Lincolnshire County Council Primary – Oversubscription Criteria for Community and Controlled Schools

In accordance with legislation the allocation of places for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (Children and Families Act 2014) where the school is named will take place first. We will then allocate remaining places in accordance with this policy.

The oversubscription criteria are listed in the order we apply them. If it is necessary to distinguish between more than one applicant in any criteria, the next criteria will be applied until the tie-breaker is used.

Definitions of terms indicated by numbers are given separately below.

Oversubscription Criteria

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. (1) B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition in the case of infant schools a brother or sister attending the associated junior school or will be attending the associated junior school at the expected time of admission. (2) C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. (3) D. Church criterion where in operation at certain Voluntary Controlled schools. (5) E. Increasing order of straight line distance. (4)

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the school or working in the Local Authority Children's Service Directorate.

The intended overall effect of the proposed oversubscription criteria is to maximize the likelihood that local children will gain places at their local school in an oversubscribed year; it is not possible to guarantee this however.

Definitions and Notes

1. A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time if making an application to a school.

Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order). This includes children who were adopted under the Adoption Act 1976 (see section 12 adoption orders) and children who were adopted under the Adoption and Children's Act 2002 (see section 46 adoption orders). Child arrangements orders are defined in s.8 of the Children Act 1989, as amended by s.12 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Child arrangements orders replace residence orders and any residence order in force prior to 22 April 2014 is deemed to be a child arrangements order. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a 'special guardianship order' as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child's special guardian (or special guardians).

2. Brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In all cases both children must live at the same address. We include in this criterion: o a brother or sister who shares the same biological parents o a half-brother, half-sister, step-brother or step-sister o a legally adopted child, a child legally adopted by a biological or step-parent


We take account of sibling links across certain infant and junior schools, these are:

Associated Infant and Junior Schools

Infant School Associated Junior School Holton-le-Clay Infants' School Holton-le-Clay Junior Schools Lincoln St Faith's Church of England Infant School Lincoln St Faith & St Martin Church of England Junior School Lincoln St Peter in Eastgate Church of England Lincoln Westgate Academy Infants' School Lincoln Woodlands Infant and Nursery School Lincoln Birchwood Junior School Louth Eastfield Infants' and Nursery School Louth Lacey Gardens Junior School Marshchapel Infant School Grainthorpe Junior School

Twins and other siblings from a multiple birth – In these cases all the children will be considered together as one application. If one or more can be admitted within the published admission number the school will be allowed to go above its admission number as necessary to admit all the children, unless this would make the class too large. The government's school admissions code makes an exception to the infant class limit in this situation.

Brother and sisters in the same year group – Where there is only one place available in the school the children will be considered together as one application. The school will be allowed to go above its admission number as necessary to admit all the children except in cases where infant class regulations prevent his from happening. If this happens we can only legally offer one place because the government's school admissions code makes no exception to the infant class size limit for siblings in the same year group. We will offer the parent one place for one child and a different school for the other child or children.

3. The nearest school is found by measuring the straight line distance from the child's home address to all school admitting children in the relevant year group. Measurements are calculated electronically from the Post Office address point of the home to the Post Office address point to the school. We measure distance to three decimal places, e.g. 1.256 miles.

4. Measurements are calculated electronically from the Post Office address point of the child's home address to the Post Office address point of the school by straight line distance. We measure distance to three decimal places, e.g. 1.256 miles.

We use the distance calculated in this way to apply the final oversubscription criterion.

Home Address By home we mean the address where the child lives for the majority of term time with a parent as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 who has parental responsibility for the child as defined in the Children Act 1989.

Where a child lives normally during the school week with more than one parent at different addresses, the home address for the purposes of school admissions will be the one where the child spends the majority of term time. If a parent can show that their child spends an equal amount of time at both addresses during school term time, they can choose which address to use on the application.

If a parent has more than one home, we will take as the home address the address where the parent and child normally live for the majority of the school term time.

We do not take into an account an intention to move.

5. The following table shows the schools where Church criterion is in operation and gives the local details of how parents can gain priority for this reason.

Parents applying on these grounds must claim this priority in their application. Attendance at worship must be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship. Schools will verify claims for priority on this ground by contacting parents for details of the person who can provide written confirmation that they meet the test set below. 15

If you have only recently moved to the area the school can also consider written evidence of an equivalent commitment to a place of worship at your previous address, provided you have started to worship in the area you have moved.

School Name Voluntary Controlled School's Church Criteria

Barrowby Church of England Primary School Priority will be given to children of:

1. Regular worshippers at the local Parish Church of All Saints Barrowby 2. Regular worshippers at Barrowby Baptist Fellowship

Regular is defined as at least once a month at the place of worship for at least a year by the date of application. This will be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship.

Boston St Nicholas Church of England Primary School Children of regular worshippers at St Nicholas, Skirbeck, Boston.

Regular worshippers would require at the least – 'Regular monthly attendance'. This involves the child attending a regular act of worship at the qualifying Church at least once a month and for at least one year prior to the application for a school place being made. Attendance should be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minster at the qualifying Church. Parents must indicate in their application that they are claiming this.

Lincoln St Peter in Eastgate CofE Infant School Children regularly attending worship at any of the following Churches in no order of priority: • St Peter in Eastgate or • St Peter in Carlton or • St Mary Magdalene Church, Bailgate or • Bailgate Methodist Church or • St Nicholas Church Newport

'Regular monthly attendance' involves the child attending a regular act of worship at the qualifying church at least once a month and for at least one year prior to the application for a school place being made. Attendance should be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the qualifying church. Parents must indicate in their application that they are claiming this priority and must complete the form naming the person who can verify that they attend Church.

In the event of a move to the area within a year of the time of application the school can also consider written evidence from an officiating minister at a place of 'Christian worship' at the previous address, provided the parent and child have begun attending a regular act of worship at least once a month at one of the above qualifying churches.

'Christian worship' is defined as a regular act of worship at a Church of any Christian denomination which is a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland at the time of the application for a school place. 16

School Name Voluntary Controlled School's Church Criteria

Louth St Michael's Church of England Primary School Priority will be given to children of regular worshippers at a local Christian Church which is a member of 'Churches Together in Louth & District'. These are:

• St James Parish Church • St Michael's & All Angels • Holy Trinity • • Welton-le-Wold and South Elkington • Louth Methodist Church • South Elkington Methodist Church • Salvation Army • Louth Generations Church • Eastgate Union (URC/Baptist) • St Atelheards (Orthodox) • St Mary's (Catholic)

Regular is defined as at least monthly attendance at the place of worship for at least a year before making your application. This will be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship.

Skellingthorpe St Lawrence Church of England Primary Priority will be given to regular worshippers in a Christian School Church. Regular will be defined as at least once a month at the place of worship for at least a year before making your application. This will be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship.

A "Christian Church" is defined as a church that subscribed to the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.


Oversubscription Criteria for Academies, Foundation and Aided Schools

Academies, Foundation and Aided schools have their own admission policies which includes oversubscription criteria. The following pages contain a summary of the oversubscription criteria for Academies, Foundation and Aided Schools. Schools not listed individually use the Lincolnshire County Council policy given earlier in this book.

Definitions may differ from school to school. You should always check the school’s full admission policy for definitions of key terms such as ‘sibling’ or ‘home address’. To read the full admissions policy for a particular school you must contact the school direct, look at their website or visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions, where a full copy of the policy is available.

Barkston and Syston Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children B. Children living within the civil parishes of Barkston, Syston, Belton and Honington. C. Children living within the civil parishes of Hough on the Hill, including Gelston and Brandon. D. Children living within the civil parishes of , Welby, Oasby, Aisby and .

(A map is available on the school website.)

E. Priority is given to children of staff in either or both of the following circumstances: a) Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. F. If further places become available for allocation then preference will be given to a child with a sibling who will still be attending the school when the child is due to start. G. If there are any further places available for allocation the preference will be given to the child living the shortest distance from home to school measured by straight line distance.

The tie-break will be by straight line distance. The child living closer to the school will be offered. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Bassingham Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the school or working for the Aspire Schools Trust.

Blyton Cum Laughton Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. There is a sibling who will still be attending the school when the child is due to start. C. Children whose parents are actual communicant members of the Church of England and attend St Martin's Church, Blyton and All Saints Church, Laughton. D. Children whose parents attend any other Christian Church. E. Children who live within a radius of 1.5 miles of either of the school sites, measured in a straight line. F. Home to school distance as measured by straight line distance from a central point between the two sites.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston Carlton Road Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Boston Park Academy

A. Looked after and all previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start, or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston Pioneers' Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston Saint Mary's Catholic Primary School

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside the parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website.

If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight-line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to the academy, priority will be given to the child living closest

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to the academy, priority will be given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston Tower Road Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling who will still be attending the school when the child is due to start. 19

C. The straight-line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If the distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Boston West Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sister or brother on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The child is the child of a member of staff who: a. Has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or b. Is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The child is the child of a member of staff who: a. Has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or b. Is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Bourne Westfield Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother of sister on roll at the academy at the time of application. C. Children of staff members employed at the school. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Bracebridge Heath St John's Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Children of part or full-time staff members working at the school. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Branston Church of England Infant School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition in the case of infant schools a brother or sister attending the associated junior school, or will be attending the associated junior school at the time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Branston Junior Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application C. Children attending Branston Cof E Infant School, prior to starting at Branston Junior Academy. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling attending the school. C. Children from Butterwick, Freiston, Benington and parts of Fishtoft, namely Hilldyke, Long Hedges, Willoughby Hills and Wythes Lane. D. Children from Leverton. E. Children with at least one parent who is a confirmed member of the Church of England. F. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If straight line distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Caythorpe Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Chapel St Leonards Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If straight line distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Cherry Willingham Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. . C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. 21

D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Colsterworth Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The child is the child of a member of staff who: a. Has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or b. Is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Coningsby St Michaels Church of England School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Cowbit St Mary's Endowed Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. A child whose parent is a faithful and regular worshipper at St Mary’s Church, Cowbit. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. The straight-line distance from home to the school, priority is given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Cranwell Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Sibling currently attending and who will still be attending when the child starts. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Edenham Church of England School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Fishtoft Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. 22

D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Friskney All Saints Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Sibling will be attending at the time a place is required. C. The school is the nearest one from the home address by straight line distance D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Frithville Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough Benjamin Adlard Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children with a sibling attending the school at the time of application. C. Children where the parent has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough Castle Wood Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough Hillcrest Early Years Academy

1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. 2. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition, in the case of infant schools, a brother of sister attending the associated junior school, or who will be attending the associated junior school at the expected time of admission 3. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance 4. Increasing order of straight line distance 5. Children of staff members. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough Mercer's Wood Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest. 23

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough Parish Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling already attending the school when the child starts. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gainsborough White's Wood Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling on roll at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gipsey Bridge Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority will be given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Gosberton Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start or on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham Harrowby Church of England Infant School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Siblings or stepsiblings of those attending Harrowby C of E Infant School, Little Gonerby Infant School or The National C of E Junior School at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Children whose home address is within the civil parishes of Harrowby and St Wulfrum's for which communities the schools were originally founded.

A map is available to view at the school.

D. Children of Staff at the School (a) Where the member of staff has been employed at the Trust for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made, and/or (b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham Huntingtower Community Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. 24

C. Children of staff employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time of application or who are recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school's main gate, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham Little Gonerby Church of England Infant School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children who will have a sibling attending Little Gonerby School, or attending the National Junior School at the time of application. C. Children of a current school staff member who has a permanent contract of employment and has been employed at the school for at least two or more years at the time of application, or if the member of staff is recruited to a fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight-line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham Poplar Farm School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Priority will next be given to the siblings of pupils attending the school at the time the application is received. Where an older sibling is in Year 6 siblings will not be prioritised under this criterion. C. Straight line distance from the home to the address point of the main reception entrance. Priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham St Mary's Catholic Primary School

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked after. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available in the school website.

Grantham The Isaac Newton Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. Where there are medical reasons, supported by a doctor’s certificate, stating why the school is most appropriate for the child’s needs. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Grantham The National Church of England Junior School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Siblings or stepsiblings of those attending Harrowby C of E Infant School, Little Gonerby Infant School or The National C of E Junior School at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Children whose home address is within the civil parishes of Harrowby and St Wulfrum's for which communities the schools were originally founded. A map is available to view at the school. D. Children of Staff at the School a. Where the member of staff has been employed at the Trust for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made, and/or b. The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grantham Bluecoat Meres Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children who have siblings on roll at the time of application. C. Children who have medical or social ground supported by appropriate professional evidence. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Great Gonerby St Sebastion's Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sister or brother who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Great Ponton Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sister or brother attends the school at the time of admittance. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Grimoldby Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Sibling already attending the school or is former pupil in Year 7 at secondary school. This takes no account of children who are in year 8 or above by the time the child already applying for a place starts. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Heighington Millfield Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister who is on roll of the academy at the time of application. C. Children of school staff employed for two years or more at the time of application, or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post with a demonstrable skill shortage. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority will be given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Hogsthorpe Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the time of application. C. Children of staff employed at the academy D. Straight line distance from the home to those living closest, to the address point of the main school gate.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Holbeach Bank Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Holbeach Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority will be given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Holbeach William Stukeley Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. All school staff who have worked at the school for over two years at the time of application or a member of staff who has been recruited in order to fill a post where the school can demonstrate a specific skills shortage. D. Nearest school measured by straight line distance. E. Faith criterion. F. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Horbling Brown's Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest school measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Huttoft Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sister or brother currently attending at the time the place is required. C. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Ingoldmells Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application and admission. C. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight-line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Ingoldsby Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Keelby Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister who are already at the academy. C. Children of staff employed at the Academy D. Straight-line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Kirkby-la-Thorpe Church of England Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority will be given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Kirkby-on-Bain Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll in school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. The straight-line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lea Frances Olive Anderson Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling will be attending the school when the child is due to start C. Applicants living in the parishes of Lea, Knaith, Kexby, Upton or Gate Burton. D. Whether the child's parent is a member of staff employed for at least two or more years at the time of application, or if they are employed to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable shortage. E. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority will be given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Leadenham Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time the child is due to start. C. Residents of Leadenham, Fulbeck, Brauncewell. D. Parent(s) who are regular worshippers at a Christian Church. E. Parent(s) who are regular worshippers in another faith.


F. The straight-line distance from home to the school, priority given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Community Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children living in the ecclesiastical parishes of St Botolph’s and St Peter at Gowt’s with St Andrew. C. A brother or sister already in the school and who will still be attending at the time the place is required. D. Children whose parents can provide clear evidence of a religious affiliation which will be verified by a signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship. This will be assessed using the following criteria: • Parents are faithful and regular worshippers at a Christian Church. • Parents are practising members of another faith and wish their children to attend a Christian school because of its religious emphasis and ethos. • The child is transferring from a church school and parents wish to maintain the continuity of a church school. E. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority will be given to the child living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Bracebridge Infant and Nursey School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Carlton Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling attending the school at the time of application. C. Children of staff members either employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority to those who live nearest. In blocks of flats, priority is given to the lowest flat number.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Ermine Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. Children where the parent has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Whether this is the closest school to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Hartsholme Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Children of school staff employed for two years or more at the time of application, or the member of staff is 29

recruited to fill a vacant post with a demonstrable skill shortage. D. The school is the closest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Manor Leas Infant School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition a brother or sister attending Manor Leas Junior School or will be attending Manor Leas Junior School at the time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance D. Children of school staff where they have been employed at the school for at least two years at the time of application. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority will be given to the child living closest the school

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Manor Leas Junior Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Mount Street Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children with a sibling attending Mount Street Academy at the time of application. C. Children of school staff employed for two or more years at the time of application or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to the child living closest. In flats, priority is given to the lowest flat number.

If the final criteria is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked after. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted. Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website.


Lincoln Saint Hugh's Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked after. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G. If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website.

Lincoln St

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln The Lancaster School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Children who live in Lincoln City Council Birchwood Ward. C. Children where there is a clear medical reason for attendance at the school supported by a letter of recommendation from a qualified medical practitioner. D. A sister or brother already attending the school at the time the place is needed. E. Straight-line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Lincoln The Priory Witham Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Siblings of pupils who are on the roll of the Academy at the time of the application. C. Children eligible for the early years pupil premium, or the service premium who are in a pre-school class in the Priory Witham Academy. D. Children of a member of staff of the academy who has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time of the application.

In the event of more applicants than places under criteria b, c or d above, children living nearest to the school have priority, using criterion e.

E. Straight-line distance from the home to the post office address point of the academy’s main entrance, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Lincoln Westgate Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling already at the school and who will be on role at the time the place is required. C. Attendance at our feeder infant schools: Mount Street Academy & St Peter in Eastgate Infant School. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Long Bennington Church of England Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Children of staff members employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time of application. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Louth Eastfield Infants & Nursery Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition, in the case of infant schools, a brother of sister attending the associated junior school, or who will be attending the associated junior school at the expected time of admission. (These are shown on the school's full policy) C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Louth Kidgate Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Louth Lacey Gardens Junior Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A sibling already at the school and who will still be attending when the place is required. C. A child who attends Eastfield infants school, Louth in Year 2 D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Mablethorpe Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application and admission. C. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Market Deeping William Hildyard Church of England Primary and Nursery School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling attending the school at time of admittance. C. Parents who are faithful and frequent worshippers, at least once a month for a year at time of application at St Guthlac’s Church. D. Children for whom this is the nearest school by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living nearest.

Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Children who live in the civil parishes of Marston and Hougham. C. A brother or sister who will still be on roll at the time when the child is due to start. D. Children whose families are regular worshippers at a local church or group of churches with which the school has close ties. E. Children whose families are worshippers at another Christian church. F. Straight line distance from the home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

Tie break will be by driving distance. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Marton Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Morton Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Nettleham Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Children living within the combined civil and ecclesiastical parish boundaries of Nettleham. C. A sibling or stepsibling currently attending the school and who will be attending when the place is required. D. Where there is evidence and expression of a clear religious affiliation. This will be assessed using the following criteria: a. Parents are faithful and regular worshippers at a Christian Church. (Applicants are asked to provide written evidence of their commitment from their priest or minister) (Regular will be defined as at least once a month) b. Parents are practising members of another faith and wish their children to attend a Christian school because of its religious emphasis and ethos. (Applicants are asked to provide written evidence of their commitment from a recognised religious leader). E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest. 33

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Nettleham Infant School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition in the case of infant schools a brother or sister attending Nettleham Junior school or will be attending Nettleham Junior School at the time of admission C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

New York Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

North Hykeham Fosse Way Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

North Hykeham Ling Moor Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister on roll at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Children of staff employed at the academy for 2 or more years at the time of application. E. Straight line distance from home to school's main entrance, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

North Hykeham Manor Farm Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children B. There is a brother or sister on roll at the academy at the time of application C. A child whose parent has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the academy is made or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

North Somercotes Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school.


C. Significant medical reason supported by a doctor’s certificate indicating why the school is most appropriate to their needs. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

North Thoresby Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children.

B. There is a brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start, or a brother or sister who previously attended the school in the last 10 years. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted

Old Leake Primary and Nursery School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sister or brother on roll at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Partney Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Children living within our traditional catchment area (defined as the ecclesiastical parishes of Ashby-by- , , Dalby with Dexthorpe, , Gunby, Partney, Langton, , -cum- Grebby, , Welton-le-Marsh). If there are more children from this area than available places the following criteria will be applied in order. • Children with siblings who are on the school roll at time of application. • Any other children. C. If any of the subcategories are oversubscribed priority will be given to the child living closest, measured by straight line distance from the home to the school.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Pointon St Gilbert of Sempringham Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling already attending the school and who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Children of parents who are regular worshippers at a Church of England Church. E. Children whose parents are worshippers of another Christian Denomination. F. Straight-line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Rauceby Church of England School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Children whose home address is within in the civil parishes of North Rauceby and South Rauceby. C. Where a child has a sibling currently attending the school at the time an application is made. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.


If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Ruskington Chestnut Street Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the closest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Scothern Ellison Boulters Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister already attends the school at the time a place is needed. C. Children whose home address is in the ecclesiastical parishes of Barlings, Scothern, Stainton by Langworth and Sudbrooke. D. Children of staff members. E. Straight line distance from the home address to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Skegness Beacon Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application and admission. C. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest. If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Skegness Infant Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application and admission. C. A child with a sibling on roll at the linked Skegness Junior Academy at the time of application and admission. D. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance E. Straight line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Skegness Junior Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A child with a sibling on roll at the academy at the time of application and admission. C. A child with a sibling on roll at the linked Skegness Infant Academy at the time of application and admissions. D. The Academy is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to the academy, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Skegness Seathorne Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. . 36

C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Sleaford Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website. If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight-line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Sleaford The William Alvey Church of England School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister will be attending the school at time of admittance. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

South Witham Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school or one who attended the school within the last five years. C. Children of staff employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spalding Parish Church of England Day School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children B. A brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of application. C. Children whose home address is within the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary and St Nicolas, Spalding. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spalding Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Children with siblings still at the school when the child starts. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.


If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spalding Saint Norbert's Catholic Voluntary Academy

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website. If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight-line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spalding St John the Baptist Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister who currently attends the school and will still be on roll at the time of admission. C. Church attendance at the parish church of St John the Baptist, Spalding. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spalding Wygate Park Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start, or on roll at the time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Spilsby Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children B. Brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Stamford Malcolm Sargent Primary School

A. A Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister who will be attending when the child is admitted. C. Children of staff at the school who have been employed for two years or more at the time of application or where they have been recruited to fill a post with a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest. 38

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Stamford Saint Augustine's Catholic Voluntary Academy

First priority in all categories will be given to siblings, that is children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

A. Catholic children looked after or Catholic previously looked after children. B. Catholic children living in the parishes served by the school. C. Catholic children living outside these parishes served by the school. D. Other children who are looked after or previously looked. E. Catechumens, Candidates and members of Eastern Christian Churches F. Children of other Christian denominations whose membership is evidenced by a minister of religion. G. Children of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a religious leader H. Any other children not within categories A-G.

Parish boundaries are as shown on the map available on the school website. If any of the categories are oversubscribed the tie break will be straight-line distance measured from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Stamford Saint George's Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling who will still be attending the school when the child is due to start. C. Children whose parents or carers are regular monthly worshippers for a year at time of application at St George’s Church. D. Children for whom this is the nearest school, by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those who live closest.

Stamford St Gilbert's Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at time of application. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Tattershall Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Theddlethorpe Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children B. A sibling who will still be attending the academy at the expected time of admission. C. Children of staff at the school who have been employed for two years or more at the time of application or where they have been recruited to fill a post with a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest. 39

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Tydd St Mary Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister who will still be attending the school, when the child is due to start. C. Children of staff employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Utterby Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start, or a brother or sister who previously attended the school in the last 10 years C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Waddington All Saints Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. A child whose parent is a member of staff and has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the academy is made or a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Waddington Redwood Primary Academy

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. Siblings of pupils who are on the roll of the academy at the time of the application. C. Children of a member of staff of the academy who has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time of the application, or who has been appointed to a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. D. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the academy's main entrance to home, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Wainfleet Magdalen Church of England / Methodist Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. Brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance D. Straight-line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Washingborough Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children B. A sibling who is attending at the time of application and who will be attending when the child is due to start. C. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Welton St Mary's Church of England Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. Children of staff employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or where they have been recruited to fill a post with a demonstrable skill shortage. D. Children who live in the parish of Welton. E. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living nearest.

Weston St Mary Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight line distance from home to school, priority given to those living closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Whaplode Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Nearest School: measured by straight line distance. D. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be conducted.

Witham St Hughs Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. There is a brother or sister on roll at the academy at the time of application. C. A child whose parent is a member of staff and has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the academy is made or a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. D. The academy is the nearest school to the home address by straight line distance. E. Straight line distance from the home to the academy, priority will be given to the child living closest the academy.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Woodhall Spa St Andrew's Church of England Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A brother or sister currently attending the school, who will still be attending when the child is due to start. C. The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance. D. Pupils where one or both parents are faithful and regular worshippers at the local Parish Church of St Peters. E. Pupils where a parent worships at least once a month at an alternative Christian Church.


F. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Wrangle Primary School

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling attending the school the school when the child is due to start. C. Children living within the boundaries of Wrangle Parish or surrounding villages. D. Medical or other grounds, supported by relevant professional evidence that the child would benefit from attendance at the school. E. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

Wyberton Primary Academy

A. Looked after or previously looked after children. B. A sibling attending the school at time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. C. Whether this is the school closest to the home address by straight line distance. D. Straight-line distance from home to school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.


Guide to the List of Schools in Lincolnshire

All our infant, junior and primary schools are listed on the following pages. They all admit both boys and girls.

Contact Details This gives the various ways you can contact the school, including the Headteacher’s name.

Category, Admission Authority, Type and Age Range This gives the type of school, whether the governing body or local authority decide on the admission policy, and the age range they will admit.

Admission Number Also known as the published admission number, this column tells you the number of places the school will offer for the normal year of entry or to the nursery if they have one.

School Size This tells you approximately how large the main school is. This doesn’t include any nursery classes.

We have included the school number, which you will need to fill in the paper application form.


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Alford Primary School Community 60 361 Hanby Lane Alford LN13 9BJ Local Authority Phone:01507 463414 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.alford.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs V Ross School Number: 9252142

Allington with Sedgebrook Church of England Primary School Controlled 16 113 Marston Lane Allington Local Authority Grantham NG32 2DY Primary Phone:01400 281685 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.allingtonsedgebrook.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Barr School Number: 9253000

Ancaster Church of England Primary School Controlled 25 158 Mercia Drive Ancaster Local authority Grantham NG32 3QQ Primary Phone:01400 230871 Fax:01400 230871 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.ancasterprimary.org.uk Headteacher: Mr S Eden School Number: 9253001

Bardney Church of England and Methodist Primary School Controlled 30 218 Henry Lane Bardney Lincoln LN3 5XJ Local Authority Phone:01526 398255 Fax:01526 396255 Primary Email:[email protected] 3-11 Website:www.bardneyschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr G Hicks School Number: 9253154

Barkston and Syston Church of England Primary School Aided 15 113 Church Street Barkston Grantham NG32 2NB Governing Body Phone:01400 250553 Fax:01400 251625 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.barkstonsyston.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S A Caunter School Number: 9255222

Barrowby Church of England Primary School Controlled 34 240 Church Street Barrowby Grantham NG32 1BX Local Authority Phone:01476 566121 Fax:01476 563031 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.barrowby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr L Batey School Number: 9253004

Bassingham Primary School Academy 30 215 Lincoln Road Bassingham Lincoln LN5 9HQ Governing Body Phone:01522 788395 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.bassinghamschool.org Headteacher: Mr I Howells School Number: 9252002


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Baston Church of England Primary School Controlled 25 190 103a Main Street Baston Peterborough PE6 9PB Local Authority Phone:01778 560430 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.baston-school.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Mills School Number: 9253005

Billingborough Primary School Community 20 120 Victoria Street Billingborough Sleaford NG34 0NX Local Authority Phone:01529 240437 Primary 20 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.billingborough.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs Coyle School Number: 9252003

Billinghay Church of England Primary School Controlled 25 137 Fen Road Billinghay Lincoln LN4 4HU Local Authority Phone:01526 860786 Fax:01526 860786 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.billinghayprimaryschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr R Allen School Number: 9253007

Binbrook Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 86 Orford Road LN8 6DU Local Authority Phone:01472 398340 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.binbrook.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Miss A Hall School Number: 9253116

Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School Aided 23 152 High Street Blyton Gainsborough DN21 3Jx Governing Body Phone:01427 628342 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.blyton.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr K Duke School Number: 9253350

Boston Carlton Road Academy Academy 60 477 Carlton Road Boston PE21 8QX Governing Body Phone:01205 364674 Fax:01205 366099 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.carltonroadacademy.net 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs T Brown School Number: 9252234

Boston Hawthorn Tree School Community 60 420 Toot Lane Boston PE21 0PT Local Authority Phone:01205 363031 Fax:01205 355037 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.hawthorntree.co.uk Headteacher: Mr J R G Kelwick School Number: 9252113


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Boston Park Academy Academy 60 370 Robin Hood's Walk Boston PE21 9LQ Governing Body Phone:01205 368805 Fax:01205 361826 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.parkacademyboston.net Principal: Miss S Gray School Number: 9252237

Boston Pioneers' Academy Academy 60 360 Fydell Crescent Boston PE21 8SS Governing Body Phone:01205 353062 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.bostonpioneersacademy.net Headteacher: Miss J Bland School Number: 9252010

Boston Saint Mary's R.C. Primary Academy Academy 30 210 Ashlawn Drive Boston PE21 9PX Governing Body Phone:01205 362092 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.bostonstmarys.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Gleed-Thornley School Number: 9253342

Boston St Thomas' CE Primary Academy Academy 60 420 Wyberton Low Road Boston PE21 7RZ Governing Body Phone:01205 362860 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.gofederation.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr G Booth School Number: 9253085

Boston St Nicholas Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 241 Woad Farm Road Boston PE21 0EF Local Authority Phone:01205 363210 Fax:01205 369911 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.bostonstnicholas.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs R Sykes School Number: 9253162

Boston Staniland Academy Academy 90 610 Pack Avenue Boston PE21 8DF Governing Body Phone:01205 365527 Fax:01205 357801 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.stanilandacademy.net 3-11 Executive Head: Mr A Reed School Number: 9252239

Boston Tower Road Academy Academy 90 618 Ashlawn Drive Boston PE21 9PX Governing Body Phone:01205 365922 Fax:01205 360565 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.towerroadacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs J French School Number: 9255221


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Boston West Academy Academy 60 420 Sussex Avenue Boston PE21 7QG Governing Body Phone:01205 366013 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.bwacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mr S Morley School Number: 9252116

Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy Academy 90 618 Abbey Road Bourne PE10 9EP Governing Body Phone:01778 422163 Primary 38 Email: [email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.bourneabbey.lincs.sch.uk 2-11 Executive Head: Mrs S J Moore School Number: 9253510

Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy Academy 30 210 Sandown Drive Elsea Park Bourne PE10 0WP Governing Body Phone:01778 426968 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.elseaparkacademy.lincs.sch.uk Executive Head: Mrs S J Moore School Number: 9252016

Bourne Westfield Primary Academy Academy 90 626 Westbourne Park Bourne PE10 9QS Governing Body Phone:01778 424152 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.bournewestfield.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs E Radley School Number: 9252072

Bracebridge Heath St John's Primary Academy Academy 60 418 Grantham Road Bracebridge Heath Lincoln LN4 2LD Governing Body Phone:01522 530954 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.stjohnsprimaryacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Marcer School Number: 9252009

Branston Church of England Infant Academy Academy 40 112 Beech Road Branston Lincoln LN4 1PR Governing Body Phone:01522 791907 Infant Email:[email protected] 4-7 Website:www.branston-infant.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Ms C Roberts School Number: 9253009

Branston Junior Academy Academy 45 180 Station Road Branston Lincoln LN4 1LH Governing Body Phone:01522 880555 Junior Email: [email protected] 7-11 Website:www.branston-junior.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs R E Shaw School Number: 9252074


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Brant Broughton Church of England and Methodist Primary School Controlled 15 94 Mill Lane Brant Broughton Lincoln LN5 0RP Local Authority Phone:01400 272035 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.brant-broughton.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs E Bedford School Number: 9253163

Bucknall Primary School Community 8 46 Main Road Bucknall LN10 5DT Local Authority Phone:01526 388233 Fax:01526 388233 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.bucknallprimary.org.uk Headteacher: Mr G Hicks School Name: 9252146

Burgh-le-Marsh St Peter and St Paul Church of England Controlled 30 227 Primary School Local Authority Wainfleet Road Burgh-le-Marsh Skegness PR24 5ED Primary Phone:01754 810241 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.burghschool.org.uk Headteacher: Mr David Hurdman School Number: 9253118

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Aided 45 283 Primary School Governing Body School Lane Butterwick Boston PE22 0HU Primary Phone:01205 760256 Fax:01205 760256 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.butterwick.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Towers School Number: 9255216

Bythams Primary School Community 12 94 Creeton Road Little Bytham Grantham NG33 4PX Local Authority Phone:01780 410275 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.bythams-school.co.uk Headteacher: Mr R Clarke School Number: 9252243

Caistor Church of England and Methodist Controlled 45 295 Primary School Local Authority Southdale Market Rasen LN7 6LY Primary Phone:01472 851396 Fax:01472 851265 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.caistorprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs Z Hyams School Number: 9253156

Caythorpe Primary School Academy 20 105 High Street Caythorpe Grantham NG32 3DR Governing Body Phone:01400 272600 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.caythorpe.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Brockington School Number: 9252012


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Chapel St Leonards Primary School Academy 30 194 Amery Way Chapel St Leonards Skegness PE24 5LS Governing Body Phone:01754 872429 Fax:01754 871387 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.chapelstleonards.eschools.co.uk Headteacher: Mr G Almond School Number: 9252045

Cherry Willingham Primary School Academy 30 300 Lime Grove Cherry Willingham Lincoln LN3 4BD Governing Body Phone:01522 751148 Fax:01522 751166 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.cherryprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Evans School Number: 9252241

Claypole Church of England Primary School Controlled 25 155 School Lane Claypole Newark NG23 5BQ Local Authority Phone:01636 626268 Fax:01636 627997 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.claypoleprimary.org Headteacher: Mr M Wells School Number: 9253078

Coleby Church of England Primary School Controlled 12 70 Rectory Road Coleby Lincoln LN5 0AJ Local Authority Phone:01522 810627 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.coleby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Espin School Number: 9253015

Colsterworth Church of England Primary School Academy 25 157 Back Lane Colsterworh Grantham NG33 5NJ Governing Body Phone:01476 860569 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.colsterworth.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S J Moore School Number: 9252049

Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Academy 60 300 Primary School Governing Body School Lane Coningsby Lincoln LN4 4SJ Primary Phone:01526 342312 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.coningsbyprimary.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs K Hodson School Number: 9253119

Corby Glen Community Primary School Community 20 120 Station Road Corby Glen Grantham NG33 4NW Local Authority Phone:01476 550260 Fax:01476 550260 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.corbyglen.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Waites School Number: 9252013


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Corringham Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Controlled 12 113 Primary School Local Authority Middle Street Corringham Gainsborough DN21 5QS Primary Phone:01427 838270 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.corringham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs E Watt Jones School Number: 9253120

Cowbit St Mary's (Endowed) Church of England Primary School Aided 12 76 Barrier Bank Cowbit Spalding PE12 6AE Governing Body Phone:01406 380369 Fax:01406 380369 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.cowbit.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr B Johnson School Number: 9253337

Cranwell Primary School Foundation 60 322 Cranwell Sleaford NG34 8HH Governing Body Phone: 01400 659001 Fax:01400 262217 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.cranwell.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr C Wilson School Number: 9255207

Crowland South View Community Primary School Community 60 420 Postland Road Peterborough PE6 0JA Local Authority Phone:01733 210361 Fax:01733 211472 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.southviewprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs J M Tomlins School Number: 9252084

Deeping St James Community Primary School Community 30 215 Hereward Way Deeping St James Peterborough Local Authority PE6 8PZ Primary Phone:01778 342314 Fax:01778 348277 4-11 Email: [email protected] Website:www.deeping-st-james.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr I Wilkinson School Number: 9252062

Deeping St James Linchfield Community Primary School Community 60 433 Crowson Way Deeping St James Peterborough Local Authority PE6 8EY Primary Phone:01778 347450 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.linchfield.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr A Fawkes School Number: 9252232

Deeping St Nicholas Primary School Community 10 57 Main Road Deeping St Nicholas Spalding PE11 3DG Local Authority Phone:01775 630280 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.dsnschool.org.uk Headteacher: Mr T.W. Emery School Number: 9252085


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Denton Church of England School Controlled 10 70 Church Street Denton Grantham NG32 1LG Local Authority Phone: 01476 870649 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.dentonceschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Edwards School Number: 9253017

Digby Church of England School Controlled 15 75 Church Street Digby Lincoln LN4 3LZ Local Authority Phone:01526 320630 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.spiresfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs E Negus-Hill School Number: 9253018

Digby The Tedder Primary School Community 15 120 Trenchard Road Ashby-de-la-Launde Lincoln LN4 3JY Local Authority Phone:01526 320088 Fax:01526 321130 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.tedder.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Crawshaw School Number: 9252017

Donington Cowley Endowed Primary School Controlled 40 257 Towndam Lane Doddington Spalding PE11 4TR Local Authority Phone:01775 820467 Fax:01775 821866 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.cowley.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs M J Faulkner School Number: 9253098

Donington-on-Bain School Community 15 101 Main Road Donington-on-Bain Louth LN11 9TJ Local Authority Phone:01507 343240 Fax:01507 343240 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.dobprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Anyan School Number: 9252149

Dunholme St Chad's Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 220 Ryland Road Dunholme Lincoln LN2 3NE Local Authority Phone: 01673 860597 Primary Email:[email protected] Website:www.dunholme.lincs.sch.uk 4-11 Headteacher: Mrs P Ruff School Number: 9253121

Dunston St Peter's Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 84 Back Lane Dunston Lincoln LN4 2EH Local Authority Phone:01526 320027 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.spiresfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs E Negus-Hill School Number: 9253021


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Eagle Community Primary School Community 12 85 Scarle Lane Eagle Lincoln LN6 9EJ Local Authority Phone:01522 868354 Fax:01522 868354 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.eagleprimary.org.uk Headteacher: Hayley Adams School Number: 9252019

Edenham Church of England School Academy 17 120 School Lane Edenham Bourne PE10 0LP Governing Body Phone:01778 591207 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.edenham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Radford-Rea School Number: 9253022 Part of Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust

Faldingworth Community Primary School Community 10 70 High Street Faldingworth Market Rasen LN8 3SF Local Authority Phone:01673 885366 Fax:01673 885366 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.faldingworth.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Grummell School Number: 9252151

Fishtoft Academy Academy 10 70 Gaysfield Road Fishtoft Boston PE21 0SF Governing Body Phone:01205 363139 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.fishtoftacademy.co.uk Head of School: Miss J Bland School Number: 9252007

Fiskerton Church of England Primary School Controlled 12 102 Ferry Road Fiskerton Lincoln LN3 4HU Local Authority Phone:01522 751049 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.fiskerton.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Rycroft School Number: 9253122

Fleet Wood Lane School Community 25 162 Wood Lane Fleet Spalding PE12 8NN Local Authority Phone:01406 423351 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.fleetwoodlane.com Executive Headteacher: Ms R Cotton School Number: 9252087

Friskney All Saints Church of England (Aided) Primary School Aided 30 150 Church End Friskney Boston PE22 8RD Governing Body Phone:01754 820324 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.friskneyprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Ms E Taylor School Number: 9253353


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Frithville Primary School Academy 10 56 West Fen Drainside Frithville Boston PE22 7EX Governing Body Phone:01205 750291 Fax:01205 750291 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.frithville.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr P Bargh School Number: 9252152

Fulstow Community Primary School Community 10 43 Churchthorpe Louth LN11 0XL Local Authority Phone:01507 363226 Fax:01507 363226 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.fulstowprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mr J Grant School Number: 9252153

Gainsborough Benjamin Adlard Primary School Academy 40 192 Sandsfield Lane Gainsborough DN21 1DB Governing Body Phone:01427 612562 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.benjaminadlard.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr S Coy School Number: 9252247

Gainsborough Castle Wood Academy Academy 60 80 The Avenue Gainsborough DN21 1EH Governing Body Phone:01427 811516 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.talloaksacademy.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Wilson School Number: 9252018

Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School Community 30 210 Baines Road Gainsborough DN21 1TE Local Authority Phone:01427 613812 Fax:01427 811339 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.charles-baines.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr S Woolley School Number: 9252214

Gainsborough Hillcrest Early Years Academy Academy 60 139 Heapham Road Gainsborough DN21 1SW Governing Body Phone:01427 613483 Fax:01427 678023 Infant (with Nursery) 25 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.hillcrestearlyyearsacademy.co.uk Principal: Mr L Loveleidge School Name: 9252208

Gainsborough Mercer's Wood Academy Academy 30 210 Ropery Road Gainsborough DN21 2PD Governing Body Phone:01427 612572 Primary Email:[email protected] or 4-11 [email protected] Website:www.talloaksacademy.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Wilson School Number: 9252008


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Gainsborough Parish C E Primary School Academy 45 300 Acland Street Gainsborough DN21 2LN Governing Body Phone:01427 612554 Fax:01427 811923 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.parishchurch.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs T J Fulthorpe School Number: 9253354

Gainsborough St George's CE Community Primary School Controlled 30 210 Lindsey Close Gainsborough DN21 1YN Local Authority Phone:01427 612553 Fax:01427 612553 Primary Email:enquiries@gainsborough-st-georges. 4-11 lincs.sch.uk Website:www.gainsborough-st-georges. lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Barry School Number: 9253169

Gainsborough White's Wood Academy Academy 60 220 White's Wood Lane Gainsborough DN21 1TJ Governing Body Phone:01427 613097 Fax:01427 677898 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.talloaksacademy.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Wilson School Number: 9252207

Gedney Church End Primary School Community 15 81 Church End Gedney Spalding PE12 0BU Local Authority Phone:01406 362383 Fax:01406 362383 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gedneychurchendprimary.org Headteacher: Mr S Pearson School Number: 9252088

Gedney Drove End School Community 10 40 Main Road Gedney Drove End Spalding PE12 9PD Local Authority Phone:01406 550242 Fax:0844 443 2692 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.griffinfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Miss K Wiles School Number: 9252089

Gedney Hill Church of England (Controlled) Primary School Controlled 15 58 North Road Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0NL Local Authority Phone:01406 330258 Fax:01406 331079 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gedneyhillschool.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Buddle School Number: 9253088

Gipsey Bridge Academy Academy 15 103 Leagate Road Gipsey Bridge Boston PE22 7BP Governing Body Phone:01205 280240 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gipseybridgeschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs T Cockram School Number: 9252157


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Gosberton Academy Academy 20 128 High Street Gosberton Spalding PE11 4NW Governing Body Phone:01775 840414 Fax:01775 841437 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gosbertonacademy.net Headteacher: Mr T Baxter School Number: 9252043

Gosberton Clough and Risegate Community Primary School Community 13 85 Chopdike Drove Gosberton clough Spalding PE11 4JP Local Authority Phone:01775 750297 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.clough-risegate.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs B Rooney School Number: 9252091

Grainthorpe Junior School Community 15 50 Fen Lane Grainthorpe Louth LN11 7JY Local Authority Phone:01472 388248 Fax:01472 388248 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.grainthorpe.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Turner School Number: 9252158 Part of Fenland Federation

Grantham Belmont Community Primary School Community 30 189 Harrowby Lane Grantham NG31 9LR Local Authority Phone:01476 567939 Fax:01476 404039 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.belmontprimary.com Headteacher: Mr M Davidson School Number: 9252070

Grantham Belton Lane Community Primary School Community 45 285 Green Lane Grantham NG31 9PP Local Authority Phone:01476 400520 Fax:01476 404884 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.belton-lane.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Mason School Number: 9252054

Grantham Cliffedale Primary School Community 45 315 Northcliffe Road Grantham NG31 8DP Local Authority Phone:01476 568740 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.cliffedale.org Headteacher: Mrs L Smith School Number: 9252055

Grantham Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School Controlled 50 335 Gonerby Hill Foot Grantham NG31 8HQ Local Authority Phone:01476 565800 Fax:01476 569647 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gonerbyhillfoot.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs C Stylianides School Number: 9253029


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Grantham Harrowby Church of England Infant School Academy 60 138 New Beacon Road Grantham NG31 9LJ Governing Body Phone:01476 564417 Fax:01476 564417 Infant Email: [email protected] 4-7 Website:www.harrowbyinfantschool.com Headteacher: Mrs A Platt School Number: 9253310

Grantham Huntingtower Community Primary Academy Academy 60 420 Huntingtower Road Grantham NG31 7AU Governing Body Phone:01476 564291 Fax:01476 400102 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.huntingtowerprimary.co.uk Twitter@huntingtower Headteacher: Miss E Harkins School Number: 9252020

Grantham Little Gonerby Church of England Infant School Academy 60 180 Sandon Road Grantham NG31 9AZ Governing Body Phone:01476 564112 Infant Email:[email protected] 4-7 Website:www.little-gonerby.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs H P Hilton School Number: 9253311

Grantham Poplar Farm School Academy 60 120 (Take reception, year 1 & 2 only for intake in Sept 2020) Hemsley Road, Grantham, NG31 8XF Governing Body Phone: 01476 850680 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.poplarfarm.eschools.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs B King School Number: 9252048

Grantham St Anne's Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 210 Harrowby Road Grantham NG31 9ED Local Authority Phone:01476 564505 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-annes.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Austin School Number: 9253026

Grantham St Mary's Catholic Primary School Academy 30 213 Sandon Road Grantham NG31 9AX Governing Body Phone:01476 562017 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.stmarysrcprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Wheatley School Number: 9253330

Grantham The Isaac Newton Primary School Academy 60 417 Dysart Road Grantham NG31 7DG Governing Body Phone:01476 568616 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.isaacnewton.eschools.co.uk Headteacher: Mr C Heathcote School Number: 9252024


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Grantham The National Church of England Junior School Academy 128 465 Castlegate Grantham NG31 6SR Governing Body Phone:01476 563895 Junior Email: [email protected] 7-11 Website:www.nationaljuniorschool.com Headteacher: Mrs A Platt School Number: 9253308

Grantham Bluecoat Meres Primary Academy Academy 60 340 Trent Road Grantham NG31 7XQ Governing Body Phone:01476 579808 Primary Email: [email protected] (with Nursery) Website: www.bluecoatmeresprimary.co.uk 3-11 Executive Principal: Kate Hodson School Number: 9253027

Grasby All Saints Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 82 Vicarage Lane Grasby DN38 6AU Local Authority Phone:01652 628343 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.grasbyprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs Z Hyams School Number: 9253123

Great Gonerby St Sebastian's Church of England Primary School Aided 15 125 High Street Great Gonerby Grantham NG31 8LB Governing Body Phone:01476 565896 Fax:01476 565896 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-sebastians.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L K Baldwin School Number: 9253313

Great Ponton Church of England School Aided 10 67 Mill Lane Great Ponton Grantham NG33 5DT Governing Body Phone:01476 530306 Fax:01476 530306 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.greatpontonprimaryschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr K Leader School Number: 9253314

Great Steeping Primary School Community 16 109 Great Steeping PE23 5PT Local Authority Phone:01754 830251 Fax:01754 830703 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.greatsteeping.org.uk Headteachers: Mrs A Ackrill & Miss C Spencer School Number: 9252159

Grimoldby Primary School Foundation 30 195 Tinkle Street Grimoldby Louth LN11 8SW Governing Body Phone:01507 327393 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.grimoldbyschool.net Headteacher: Ms A Brooks School Number: 9255217


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Hackthorn Church of England Primary School Controlled 8 58 Main Street Hackthorn Lincoln LN2 3PF Local Authority Phone:01673 860295 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.hackthorn.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Appleby School Number: 9253124

Halton Holegate Church of England Primary School Controlled 10 60 Station Road Spilsby PE23 5PB Local Authority Phone:01790 752575 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.haltonholegateprimaryschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr A Leeman School Number: 9253125

Harlaxton Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 204 Swinehill Harlaxton Grantham NG32 1HT Local Authority Phone:01476 561077 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.harlaxton-lincs.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Edwards School Number: 9253031

Heckington St Andrew's Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 200 Howell Road Heckington Sleaford NG34 9RX Local Authority Phone:01529 460633 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.heckington.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Bentley School Number: 9253033

Heighington Millfield Primary Academy Academy 30 296 Mill Lane Heighington Lincoln LN4 1RQ Governing Body Phone:01522 872625 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.millfield.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Beaven School Number: 9252075

Helpringham Primary School Community 25 112 Highgate Helpringham Sleaford NG34 0RD Local Authority Phone:01529 421676 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.helpringhamschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr A Canadine School Number: 9252025

Hemswell Cliff Primary School Community 15 83 Capper Avenue Hemswell Cliff Gainsborough Local Authority DN21 5XS Primary Phone:01427 668383 Fax:01427 668142 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.hemswellcliff.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Waplington School Number: 9252210


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Hogsthorpe Primary Academy Academy 10 47 Thames Street Hogsthorpe Skegness PE24 5PT Governing Body Phone:01754 872323 Fax:01754 872323 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.hogsthorpeprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Nicholls School Number: 9252161

Holbeach Bank Academy Academy 15 65 Holbeach Bank Spalding PE12 8BX Governing Body Phone:01406 423375 Fax:01406 423375 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.holbeachbankacademy.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Boor School Number: 9252047

Holbeach Primary Academy Academy 45 290 Boston Road Holbeach Spalding PE12 7LZ Governing Body Phone:01406 422397 Fax:01406 425986 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.holbeachprimaryacademy.co.uk Principal: Mrs S P Boor School Number: 9252093

Holbeach St Mark's Church of England Primary School Controlled 10 42 Main Road Holbeach St Mark's Spalding PE12 8DZ Local Authority Phone:01406 701266 Fax:0844 4432692 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.griffinfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Miss K Wiles School Number: 9253089

Holbeach William Stukeley Church of England Voluntary Aided Aided 40 280 Primary School Governing Body Spalding Road Holbeach Spalding PE12 7HG Primary Phone:01406 422102 Fax:01406 426907 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.williamstukeley.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr T W Emery School Number: 9253167

Holton-le-Clay Infants' School Community 45 102 Church Lane Holton-le-Clay DN36 5AQ Local Authority Phone:01472 822065 Fax:01472 822065 Infant Email:[email protected] 4-7 Website:www.holtonleclayschools.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs D Hunt School Number: 9252162

Holton-le-Clay Junior School Community 45 145 Picksley Crescent Holton-le-Clay Grimsby DN36 5DR Local Authority Phone:01472 826432 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.holtonleclayschools.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs D Hunt School Number: 9252229


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Horbling Brown's C of E Primary School Academy 15 84 Sandygate Lane Horbling Sleaford NG34 0PL Governing Body Phone:01529 240367 Primary 15 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website: www.brownscofeprimaryschool.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs S Howley School Number: 9253317

Horncastle Community Primary School Community 90 550 Bowl Alley Lane LN9 5EH Local Authority Phone:01507 522662 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.horncastleprimary.co.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr S Bladon School Number: 9252244

Huttoft Primary School Academy 23 191 Church Lane Huttoft Alford LN13 9RE Governing Body Phone:01507 490284 Primary Email: [email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.huttoft.lincs.sch.uk 2-11 Headteacher: Mrs A P Hurrell School Number: 9255209

Ingham Primary School Community 17 115 The Green Ingham Lincoln LN1 2XT Local Authority Phone:01522 730244 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ingham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr I Tyas School Number: 9252166

Ingoldmells Academy Academy 20 138 Simpson Court Ingoldmells Skegness PE25 1PS Governing Body Phone:01754 872989 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ingoldmellsacademy.org Principal: Mrs P Maycock School Number: 9252004

Ingoldsby Academy Academy 15 50 Ingoldsby Grantham NG33 4HA Governing Body Phone:01476 585278 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ingoldsbyacademy.co.uk Associate Principal: Mrs M Capes School Number: 9252035

Keelby Primary Academy Academy 30 187 Manor Street Keelby Grimsby DN41 8EF Governing Body Phone:01469 560366 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.keelby.lincs.sch.uk Principal: Ms A Cowling School Number: 9252168


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Kelsey Primary School Community 15 100 Chapel Street North Kelsey Market Rasen LN7 6EJ Local Authority Phone:01652 678387 Primary 13 Email: [email protected] (with Nursery) Website: www.kelseyprimary.co.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr A Cook School Number: 9252182

Kirkby-la-Thorpe Church of England Primary Academy Academy 20 147 Church Lane Kirkby-la-Thorpe Sleaford NG34 9NU Governing Body Phone:01529 302595 Fax:01529 302595 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.kltprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Gravil School Number: 9253036

Kirkby-on-Bain Church of England Primary School Aided 15 101 Wharf Lane Kirkby-on-Bain Woodhall Spa LN10 6YW Governing Body Phone:01526 352715 Fax:01526 352715 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.kobps.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Miss G Day School Number: 9253359

Kirton Primary School Community 90 453 Station Road Kirton Boston PE20 1HY Local Authority Phone:01205 722236 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.kirton-boston.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Executive Headteacher: Mrs N Donley School Number: 9252094

Langtoft Primary School Community 30 211 Manor Close Langtoft Peterborough PE6 9NB Local Authority Phone:01778 343419 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.langtoft.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J McCullough School Number: 9252028

Lea Frances Olive Anderson Church of England Primary School Aided 30 190 The Grove Lea Gainsborough DN21 5EP Governing Body Phone:01427 612827 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.olive-anderson.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Woolley School Number: 9253361

Leadenham Church of England Primary School Aided 9 58 Main Road Leadenham Lincoln LN5 0QB Governing Body Phone:01400 272702 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.leadenhamprimaryschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr M Nicholson School Number: 9253319


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Leasingham St Andrew's Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 187 Lincoln Road Leasingham Sleaford NG34 8JS Local Authority Phone:01529 302388 Fax:01529 304260 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-andrews.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr D Hodgson School Number: 9253037

Legbourne East Wold Church of England Primary School Controlled 17 116 Station Road Louth LN11 8LD Local Authority Phone:01507 610060 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.east-wold.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Ms B Dhami School Number: 9253168

Legsby Primary School Community 10 43 Main Street Legsby Market Rasen LN8 3QW Local Authority Phone:01673 843268 Fax:01673 843268 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.legsby.lincs.sch.uk Co-Headteachers: Miss L Dabb and Mr B Murray School Number: 9252169

Lincoln Birchwood Junior School Community 90 302 Larchwood Crescent Lincoln LN6 0NL Local Authority Phone:01522 800971 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.birchwood.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs T Bowman School Number: 9252245

Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Aided 60 217 Community Primary School Governing Body Kingsway Lincoln LN5 8EU Primary 26 Phone:01522 880094 (with Nursery) Email:[email protected] 3-11 Website:www.bishopking.org.uk Headteacher: Mrs H Wheatley School Number: 9253505

Lincoln Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School Academy 30 77 Francis Street Lincoln LN5 8QG Governing Body Phone:01522 520591 Fax:01522 520591 Infant (with Nursery) 26 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.bracebridge.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Wilson School Number: 9252122

Lincoln Carlton Academy Academy 60 300 Carlton Boulevard Lincoln LN2 4AG Governing Body Phone:01522 522633 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.lincolncarltonacademy.com Headteacher: Mrs B Malam School Number: 9252006


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Lincoln Ermine Primary Academy Academy 60 363 Redbourne Drive Lincoln LN2 2HG Governing Body Phone:01522 781030 Fax:01522 781036 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) 39 Website:www.ermineprimaryacademy.co.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr A Sale School Number: 9253508

Lincoln Hartsholme Academy Academy 60 420 Carrington Drive Lincoln LN6 0DE Governing Body Phone:01522 683705 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.hartsholmeacademy.com 3-11 Headteacher: Mr D Callaghan School Number: 9252058

Lincoln Leslie Manser Primary School Community 40 266 Kingsdown Road Doddington Park Lincoln LN6 0FB Local Authority Phone:01522 688328 Fax:01522 501363 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.lesliemanser.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr A Jones School Number: 9252246

Lincoln Manor Leas Infant School Academy 60 171 Hykeham Road Lincoln LN6 8BE Governing Body Phone:01522 681810 Infant Email:[email protected] 4-7 Website: www.manorleasinfant.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Kirwan School Number: 9252137

Lincoln Manor Leas Junior Academy Academy 90 325 Hykeham Road Lincoln LN6 8BE Governing Body Phone:01522 881370 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.manor-leas-junior.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Greenwood School Number: 9252136

Lincoln Monks Abbey Primary School Community 75 317 Monks Road Lincoln LN2 5PF Local Authority Phone:01522 527705 Fax:01522 510522 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.monksabbey.org.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs V Johnson School Number: 9252124

Lincoln Mount Street Academy Academy 90 258 Mount Street Lincoln LN1 3JG Governing Body Phone:01522 527339 Fax:01522 827103 Infant (with Nursery) 30 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.mountstreetacademy.com Executive Head: Mrs M Bretherton School Number: 9255227


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Lincoln Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Academy School Academy 30 210 Laughton Way Lincoln LN2 2HE Governing Body Phone:01522 527500 Fax:01522 546043 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ourladylincoln.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Desforges School Number: 9253347

Lincoln Saint Hugh's Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy Academy 35 278 Woodfield Avenue Doddington Park Lincoln LN6 0SH Governing Body Phone:01522 501137 Fax:01522 501145 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.st-hughs-catholic-primary.co.uk Headteacher: Mr G J Hughes School Number: 9253346

Lincoln St Faith & St Martin Church of England Junior School Controlled 90 240 Hampton Street Lincoln LN1 1LW Local Authority Phone:01522 528063 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.sfsm.co.uk Headteacher: Mr M Kyle School Number: 9253107

Lincoln St Faith's Church of England Infant & Nursery School Controlled 90 161 West Parade Lincoln Ln1 1QS Local Authority Phone:01522 888988 Fax:01522 523598 Infant (with Nursery) 78 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.st-faiths.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Konrath School Number: 9253108

Lincoln St Giles Academy Academy 60 458 Addison Drive Lincoln LN2 4LQ Governing Body Phone:01522 785760 Fax:01522 785761 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.stgilesacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mr D Milner School Number: 9252027

Lincoln St Peter at Gowts Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 210 Pennell Street Lincoln LN5 7TA Local Authority Phone:01522 880071 Fax:01522 880072 Primary 52 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.st-peter-gowts.lincs.sch.uk 2-11 Headteacher: Mrs C Hickerton School Number: 9253111

Lincoln St Peter in Eastgate Church of England (Controlled) Controlled 30 88 Infants' School Local Authority Greetwellgate Lincoln LN2 4AW Infant Phone:01522 526280 4-7 Email:[email protected] Website:www.st-peter-in-eastgate.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Marshall School Number: 9253105


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Lincoln The Lancaster School Foundation 60 185 82 Jasmin Road Birchwood Lincoln LN6 0QQ Governing Body Phone:01522 685078 Fax:01522 690374 Infant (with Nursery) Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.lancasterschool.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs T Bowman School Number: 9255219

Lincoln The Meadows Primary School Community 60 363 Calder Road Lincoln LN5 9BB Local Authority Phone:01522 721708 Fax:01522 721596 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.themeadows.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Simmons School Number: 9253507

Lincoln The Priory Witham Academy Academy 60 420 De Wint Avenue Lincoln LN6 7DT Governing Body Phone:01522 882900 Fax:01522 882929 All Through Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.priorywitham.co.uk 2-11 Headteacher: Mr A Madge School Number: 9256905

Lincoln The Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School Community 90 411 Bristol Drive Lincoln LN6 7UE Local Authority Phone:01522 520359 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.sir-francis-hill.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr G Nichols School Number: 9252120

Lincoln Westgate Academy Academy 120 410 Westgate Lincoln LN1 3BQ Governing Body Phone:01522 528308 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.westgate.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr R Stock School Number: 9255224

Lincoln Woodlands Infant & Nursery School Community 60 137 Whitehorn Grove Off Regent Avenue Local Authority Birchwood Lincoln LN6 0PF Infant (with Nursery) 26 Phone:01522 683557 3-7 Email:[email protected] Website:www.woodlands-infants.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs T Bowman School Number: 9252135

Long Bennington Church of England Academy Academy 40 280 Main Road Long Bennington Newark NG23 5EH Governing Body Phone:01400 281353 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.longbenningtonacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mr D Nicholson School Number: 9253040


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Long Sutton Primary School Community 60 423 Dick Turpin Way Long Sutton Spalding PE12 9EP Local Authority Phone:01406 363381 Primary 28 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.longsutton.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr B Lord School Number: 9252095

Louth Eastfield Infants' and Nursery Academy Academy 90 252 Lacey Gardens Louth LN11 8DQ Governing Body Phone:01507 603376 Fax:01507 608900 Infant (with Nursery) 39 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.eastfield.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Akhurst Head of School Miss C Knowles School Number: 9252170

Louth Kidgate Primary Academy Academy 60 415 Kidgate Louth LN11 9BX Governing Body Phone:01507 603636 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.kidgateprimaryacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mr P Lidbury School Number: 9252171

Louth Lacey Gardens Junior Academy Academy 90 360 Lacey Gardens Louth LN11 8DH Governing Body Phone:01507 602082 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.laceygardens.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Smith School Number: 9255206

Louth St Michael's Church of England Primary School Controlled 45 315 Monks Dyke Road Louth LN11 9AR Local Authority Phone:01507 603867 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-michaels.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr P Fox School Number: 9253128

Lutton St Nicholas Primary School Community 15 83 Marriots Gate Lutton Spalding PE12 9HN Local Authority Phone:01406 363392 Fax:01406 364137 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.luttonstnicholasprimary.org Headteacher: Mr S Pearson School Number: 9252105

Mablethorpe Primary Academy Academy 60 331 High Street Mablethorpe LN12 1EW Governing Body Phone:01507 472472 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery Website:www.mablethorpeprimaryacademy.org 3-11 Principal: Miss C Teale School Number: 9252005


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Mareham-le-Fen Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 85 School Lane Mareham-le-Fen Boston PE22 7QB Local Authority Phone:01507 568304 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.mareham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Moore School Number: 9253130

Market Deeping Community Primary School Community 45 226 Willoughby Avenue Market Deeping Peterborough Local Authority PE6 8JE Primary 26 Phone:01778 343654 (with Nursery) Email:[email protected] 3-11 Website:www.mdcp.org.uk Headteacher: Mr M Ratchford School Number: 9252065

Market Deeping William Hildyard Church of England Aided 30 210 Primary & Nursery School Governing Body Godsey Lane Market Deeping Peterborough Primary 13 PE6 8HX (with Nursery) Phone:01778 343119 3-11 Email: [email protected] Website:www.williamhildyard.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs F Griffiths School Number: 9255228

Market Rasen Church of England Primary School Controlled 45 291 Mill Road Market Rasen LN8 3BL Local Authority Phone:01673 842395 Fax:01673 843866 Primary Email: [email protected] Website:www.marketrasen.lincs.sch.uk 4-11 Executive Head: Mr A Smith School Number: 9253131

Marshchapel Infant School Community 15 57 Sea Dyke Way Marshchapel Grimsby DN36 5SX Local Authority Phone:01472 388371 Fax:01472 388371 Infant (with Nursery) 15 Email:[email protected] 2-7 Website:www.marshchapel.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Turner School Number: 9252174

Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England School Aided 10 78 School Lane Marston Grantham NG32 2HQ Governing Body Phone:01400 250583 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.marstonthorolds.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Marshall School Number: 9253321

Martin Mrs Mary King's Church of England (Controlled) Controlled 15 101 Primary School Local Authority Linwood Road Martin Lincoln LN4 3RA Primary Phone:01526 378330 Fax:01526 378330 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.carrdykefederation.co.uk/marykings Headteacher: Mr A Sewell School Number: 9253041


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Marton Academy Academy 15 90 Stow Park Road Marton Gainsborough DN21 5AG Governing Body Phone:01427 718224 Fax:01427 718224 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.themartonacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor School Number: 9252175

Metheringham Primary School Community 40 260 Prince's Street Metheringham Lincoln LN4 3BX Local Authority Phone:01526 320039 Fax:01526 323329 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.metheringhamprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs E McMenemie School Number: 9252030

Middle Rasen Primary School Community 15 94 North Street Middle Rasen LN8 3TS Local Authority Phone:01673 843250 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.middle-rasen.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Moreton School Number: 9252176

Morton Church of England (Controlled) Primary School Academy 30 200 Station Road Morton Bourne PE10 0NN Governing Body Phone:01778 570389 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.morton.lincs.sch.uk 2-11 30 Headteacher: Mr G Trafford School Number: 9253044

Morton Trentside Primary School Community 30 210 Crooked Billet Street Morton Gainsborough Local Authority DN21 3AH Primary Phone:01427 613472 Fax:01427 613472 (with Nursery) Email:[email protected] 3-11 Website:www.mortontrentside.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs B Riddle School Number: 9252177

Moulton Chapel Primary School Community 10 57 Eaugate Road Moulton Chapel Spalding PE12 0XJ Local Authority Phone:01406 380440 Fax:01406 380440 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.moultonchapel.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Sexton School Number: 9252096

Moulton The John Harrox Primary School Community 40 272 Broad Lane Moulton Spalding PE12 6PN Local Authority Phone:01406 370426 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.johnharroxprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mr D Pilsworth School Number: 9252097


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Navenby Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 191 East Road Navenby Lincoln LN5 0EP Local Authority Phone:01522 810628 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.navenbyschool.com Headteacher: Mr C Elliott School Number: 9253045

Nettleham Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior School Aided 60 240 Mill Hill Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2PE Governing Body Phone:01522 750376 Fax:01522 753794 Junior Email:[email protected] 7-11 Website:www.nettleham-junior.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr D Gibbons School Number: 9253364

Nettleham Infant School Academy 60 180 All Saints Lane Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2NT Governing Body Phone:01522 750964 Fax:01522 595603 Infant Email: [email protected] 4-7 Website:www.nettleham-inf.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs N Driffill School Number: 9255223

Nettleton Community Primary School Community 10 80 Moortown Road Nettleton Lincoln LN7 6AA Local Authority Phone:01472 851455 Fax:01472 851455 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.nettleton.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr A Smith Head of School: Miss R Morgan School Number: 9252178

New Leake Primary School Community 8 50 Fodderdyke Bank Boston PE22 8JB Local Authority Phone:01205 270285 Fax:01205 270285 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.new-leake.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs R Thompson School Number: 9252179

New York Primary School Academy 8 43 Road New York Lincoln LN4 4XH Governing Body Phone:01205 280320 Fax:01205 280320 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.newyork.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr P Bargh School Number: 9252180

Newton-on-Trent Church of England Primary School Controlled 10 52 High Street Newton-on-Trent Lincoln LN1 2JS Local Authority Phone:01777 228365 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.newtonontrentcofeprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Riley School Number: 9253132


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Nocton Community School Community 15 68 School Lane Nocton Lincoln LN4 2BJ Local Authority Phone:01526 320234 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.spiresfederation.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs E Negus-Hill School Number: 9252031

Normanby-by-Spital Primary School Community 10 69 Main Street Normanby-by-Spital Market Rasen Local Authority LN8 2HE Primary Phone:01673 878216 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.normanbyprimary.org.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Grummell School Number: 9252181

North Cockerington Church of England Primary School Controlled 12 84 School Lane Louth LN11 7EP Local Authority Phone:01507 327258 Fax:01507 328651 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.north-cockerington.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Ms B Dhami School Number: 9253134

North Cotes Church of England Primary School Controlled 11 25 Sea Lane North Cotes Grimsby DN36 5UZ Local Authority Phone:01472 388379 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.northcotes.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr J Grant School Number: 9253133

North Hykeham All Saints Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 210 Ravensmoor Close Moor Lane North Hykeham Local Authority Lincoln LN6 9AB Primary Phone:01522 681417 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.allsaints-northhykeham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Norton School Number: 9253047

North Hykeham Fosse Way Academy Academy 75 521 Ash Grove North Hykeham Lincoln LN6 8DU Governing Body Phone:01522 682020 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.fosse-way-academy.org 3-11 Headteacher: Mr R Cowling School Number: 9252057

North Hykeham Ling Moor Primary Academy Academy 60 385 Richmond Drive North Hykeham Lincoln LN6 8QZ Governing Body Phone:01522 682602 Fax:01522 697526 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ling-moor.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Sisman School Number: 9252064


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

North Hykeham Manor Farm Academy Academy 30 0 Tiber Road North Hykeham Lincoln LN6 9ST Governing Body Phone:01522 681892 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.manor-farm-academy.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths School Number: 9252036

North Scarle Primary School Community 10 58 School Lane North Scarle Lincoln LN6 9EY Local Authority Phone:01522 778724 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.northscarleprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs N Lang School Number: 9252033

North Somercotes Church of England Primary School Foundation 30 180 Warren Road North Somercotes Louth LN11 7QB Governing Body Phone:01507 358221 Fax:01507 358125 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.nspri.co.uk Headteacher: Mr P C Floyd School Number: 9255225

North Thoresby Primary Academy Academy 10 81 High Street North Thoresby Grimsby DN36 5PL Governing Body Phone:01472 840295 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.norththoresbyprimaryacademy.org Executive Headteacher: Mr T Hawkins School Number: 9252183

Old Leake Primary and Nursery School Foundation 30 195 Old Main Road Old Leake Boston PE22 9HR Governing Body Phone:01205 870425 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.oldleakeprimary.co.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs S Rayner School Number: 9255215

Osbournby Primary School Community 15 101 Road Osbournby Sleaford NG34 0DG Local Authority Phone:01529 455375 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.osbournby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs B Burn School Number: 9252034

Osgodby Primary School Community 15 98 Main Street Osgodby Market Rasen LN8 3TA Local Authority Phone:01673 828323 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.osgodbyschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr A Taylor School Number: 9252185


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Partney Church of England Aided Primary School Aided 13 72 Maddison Lane Partney Spilsby PE23 4PX Governing Body Phone:01790 753319 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.partneyschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Kay School Number: 9253366

Pinchbeck East Church of England Primary School Controlled 60 375 Fennel Road, Pinchbeck, Spalding PE11 3RP Local Authority Phone:01775 723841 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.pinchbeckeast.lincs.sch.uk Executive Head: Mr A Raistrick School Number: 9253091

Pointon St Gilbert of Sempringham Church of England Academy 15 66 Primary School Governing Body West Road Pointon Sleaford NG34 0NA Primary Phone:01529 240465 Fax:01529 240465 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.stgilbertspointon.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs E Hunt School Number: 9253322

Potterhanworth Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 108 Main Road Potterhanworth Lincoln LN4 2DT Local Authority Phone:01522 791031 Fax:01522 794409 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.potterhanworth.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs D Challinor School Number: 9253050

Quadring Cowley and Brown's Primary School Controlled 16 110 Church End Donington Spalding PE11 4SQ Local Authority Phone:01775 820302 Fax:01775 821173 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.quadringprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Jameson School Number: 9253093

Rauceby Church of England Primary School Academy 26 182 Tom Lane North Rauceby Sleaford NG34 8QW Governing Body Phone:01529 488667 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.raucebyschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr D Wallace School Number: 9255202

Reepham Church of England Primary School Controlled 25 178 High Street Reepham Lincoln LN3 4DP Local Authority Phone:01522 750601 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.reepham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr I Randall School Number: 9253136


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Ropsley Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 105 School Lane Ropsley Grantham NG33 4BT Local Authority Phone:01476 585379 Fax:01476 585878 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ropsley.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Cook School Number: 9253052

Ruskington Chestnut Street Church of England Primary School Academy 60 250 Chestnut Street Ruskington Sleaford NG34 9DL Governing Body Phone:01526 832424 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.chestnutstreet.co.uk 3-11 Executive Headteacher: Mrs K Hodson School Number: 9255226

Ruskington Winchelsea Primary School Community 30 206 Sleaford Road Ruskington Sleaford NG34 9BY Local Authority Phone:01526 832060 Primary 13 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.winchelsea.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Miss H Duckett School Number: 9252224

Saxilby Church of England Primary School Controlled 50 316 Highfield Road Saxilby Lincoln LN1 2QJ Local Authority Phone:01522 702669 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.saxilby.lincs.sch.uk Head of School: Mrs C Stratton School Number: 9253139

Scamblesby Church of England Primary School Controlled 10 66 Old Main Road Louth LN11 9XG Local Authority Phone:01507 343629 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.scamblesby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs C Tacey School Number: 9253140

Scampton Church of England Primary School Controlled 13 88 High Street Scampton Lincoln LN1 2SD Local Authority Phone:01522 730340 Fax:01522 731864 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.scampton.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr C Hebborn School Number: 9253141

Scampton Pollyplatt Primary School Community 30 102 School Lane Scampton Lincoln LN1 2TP Local Authority Phone:01522 730393 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.pollyplatt.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr S Jackson School Number: 9252187


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Scothern Ellison Boulters Church of England Academy Academy 38 277 Sudbrooke Road Scothern Lincoln LN2 2UZ Governing Body Phone:01673 862392 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.ellisonboultersacademy.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S E Scott School Number: 9253166

Scotter Primary School Community 40 263 High Street Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3RY Local Authority Phone:01724 762259 Fax:01724 764453 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.scotter.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs E McCaffery School Number: 9252188

Shepeau Stow Primary School Community 15 76 Dowsdale Bank Shepeau Stow Spalding PE12 0TX Local Authority Phone:01406 330395 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.shepeaustowschool.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Buddle School Number: 9252107

Sibsey Free Primary School Controlled 25 168 Old Main Road Boston PE22 0RR Local Authority Phone:01205 750335 Fax:01205 751463 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.sibseyprimaryschool.squarespace.com Headteacher: Mr G Wright School Number: 9253170

Skegness Beacon Primary Academy Academy 30 210 Off Churchill Avenue Skegness PE25 2RN Governing Body Phone:01754 879211 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.beaconprimaryacademy.org Headteacher: Mrs C Wright School Number: 9252014

Skegness Infant Academy Academy 90 265 Cavendish Road Skegness PE25 2QU Governing Body Phone:01754 762059 Infant (with Nursery) 30 Email:[email protected] 3-7 Website:www.skegnessinfantacademy.org Principal: Mrs R Pryme School Number:9252190

Skegness Junior Academy Academy 90 360 Pelham Road Skegness PE25 2QX Governing Body Phone:01754 879166 Junior Email: [email protected] 7-11 Website:www.skegnessjunioracademy.org Executive Principal: Mrs R Pryme School Number: 9252000


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Skegness Seathorne Primary Academy Academy 60 370 Count Alan Road Skegness PE25 1HB Governing Body Phone:01754 764689 Primary Email:enquiries:seathorne.lincs.sch.uk (with Nursery) Website:www.seathorne.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Interim Headteacher: Mrs C Wright School Number: 9252191

Skegness The Richmond School Community 60 420 Richmond Drive Skegness PE25 3SH Local Authority Phone:01754 766639 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.therichmondschoolskegness.com Headteacher: Mrs C J Wellsted School Number: 9252219

Skellingthorpe St Lawrence Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 210 Lower Church Road Skellingthorpe Lincoln LN6 5UZ Local Authority Phone:01522 682689 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-lawrence.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs M J Watson School Number: 9253056

Skellingthorpe The Holt Primary School Community 30 195 Swallow Avenue Skellingthorpe Lincoln LN6 5XJ Local Authority Phone:01522 683236 Fax:01522 696342 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.holt.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Leach School Number: 9252067

Sleaford Church Lane Primary School and Nursery Community 30 216 Church Lane Sleaford NG34 7DF Local Authority Phone:01529 302696 Primary 24 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.churchlaneprimary.org.uk 3-11 Executive Headteacher: Mr C Clay School Number: 9252038

Sleaford Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School Academy 25 175 The Drove Sleaford NG34 7AT Governing Body Phone:01529 304373 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.sleafordourlady.schools.uk.com Headteacher: Mrs M Parker School Number: 9253331

Sleaford St Botolph's Church of England School Controlled 60 380 Rookery Avenue Sleaford NG34 7FE Local Authority Phone:01529 302698 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.stbotolphsquarrington.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs D Wilson School Number: 9252248


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Sleaford The William Alvey Church of England School Academy 90 630 Eastgate Sleaford NG34 7EA Governing Body Phone:01529 302772 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.williamalvey.net Headteacher: Mr S Tapley School Number: 9255203

South Hykeham Community Primary School Community 20 150 Wath Lane South Hykeham Lincoln LN6 9PG Local Authority Phone:01522 681919 Fax:01522 681919 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.south-hykeham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Richardson School Number: 9252039

South Witham Academy Academy 15 154 Water Lane South Witham Grantham NG33 5PH Governing Body Phone:01572 767233 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.south-witham.lincs.sch.uk 2-11 Executive Headteacher: Mrs S Milner Head of School: Mrs E Hill School Number: 9252042

Spalding Monkshouse Primary School Community 60 352 Pennygate Spalding PE11 1LG Local Authority Phone:01775 722006 Fax:01775 766300 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.monkshouse.lincs.sch.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mrs S Goodsell School Number: 9252114

Spalding Parish Church of England Day School Aided 90 570 Clay Lake Spalding PE11 2QG Governing Body Phone:01775 722333 Fax:01775 712983 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.spaldingparish.lincs.sch.uk Acting Headteacher: Mrs D Mulley School Number: 9253338

Spalding Primary School Foundation 60 480 Woolram Wygate Spalding PE11 1PB Governing Body Phone:01775 769445 Fax:01775 762786 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.spalding-pri.lincs.sch.uk Head of School: Mrs J Grimble Executive Headteacher: Mr A Raistrick School Number: 9255211

Spalding Saint Norbert's Catholic Voluntary Academy Academy 30 210 Tollgate Pennygate Spalding PE11 1NJ Governing Body Phone:01775 722889 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-norberts.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Withers School Number: 9253343


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Spalding St John The Baptist Church of England Primary School Aided 60 429 Hawthorn Bank Spalding PE11 1JQ Governing Body Phone:01775 722644 Fax:01775 766196 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-john.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr P Reid School Number: 9253339

Spalding St Paul's Community Primary and Nursery School Community 30 245 Queen's Road Spalding PE11 2JQ Local Authority Phone:01775 723326 Fax:01775 723326 Primary 52 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.spaldingstpauls.org.uk 2-11 Headteacher: Ms K Nicholls School Number: 9252109

Spalding Wygate Park Academy Academy 30 224 Witham Road Wygate Park Spalding PE11 3WT Governing Body Phone:01775 714506 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.wygateparkacademy.net Headteacher:: Dr C Early School Number: 9252021

Spilsby Primary Academy Academy 30 210 Woodlands Avenue Spilsby PE23 5EP Local Authority Phone:01790 752503 Primary email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.spilsbyprimary.org.uk Headteacher: Mr A Clarke School Number: 9252193

Stamford Malcolm Sargent Primary School Academy 90 630 Empingham Road Stamford PE9 2SR Governing Body Phone:01780 756056 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.malcolmsargentschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr T J Revell School Number: 9255205

Stamford Saint Augustine's Catholic Voluntary Academy Academy 30 131 Kesteven Road Stamford PE9 1SR Governing Body Phone:01780 762094 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-augustine.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs R de Wet School Number: 9253332

Stamford Saint George's Church of England Primary School Aided 30 197 Kesteven Road Stamford PE9 1SX Governing Body Phone:01780 763654 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-georges-stamford.lincs.sch.uk Executive Head: Mrs F Griffiths School Number: 9253325


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Stamford St Gilbert's Church of England Primary School Academy 45 315 Foundry Road Stamford PE9 2PP Governing Body Phone:01780 762400 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website: www.stgilberts.co.uk Headteacher: Miss F Dicker School Number: 9253077

Stamford The Bluecoat School Community 30 161 Green Lane Stamford PE9 1HE Local Authority Phone:01780 764202 Primary 26 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.bluecoatprimaryschool.com 2-11 Headteacher: Mr B Bloor School Number: 9252066

Stickney Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 177 Main Road Stickney Boston PE22 8AX Local Authority Phone:01205 480254 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.stickneyprimary.co.uk 2-11 26 Executive Headteacher: Mrs R Thompson School Number: 9253171

Sturton by Stow Primary School Community 30 165 School Lane Sturton by Stow Lincoln LN1 2BY Local Authority Phone:01427 788210 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.sturtonbystow.org.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Simmons School Number: 9252195

Surfleet Primary School Community 15 75 Station Road Surfleet Spalding PE11 4DB Local Authority Phone:01775 680373 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.surfleet.lincs.sch.uk Head of School: Mr R Chipperfield Executive Headteacher: Mr A Raistrick School Number: 9252102

Sutterton Fourfields Church of England School Controlled 20 157 Park Avenue Sutterton Boston PE20 2JN Local Authority Phone:01205 460547 Fax:01205 460906 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.fourfields.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs C Collett School number: 9253103

Sutton Bridge Westmere Community Primary School Community 45 268 Anne Road Sutton Bridge Spalding PE12 9TB Local Authority Phone:01406 350205 Fax:01406 351638 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.griffinfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Miss K Wiles School Number: 9252238


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Sutton St James Community Primary School Community 20 110 Bells Drove Sutton St James Spalding PE12 0JG Local Authority Phone:01945 440209 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.sutton-st-james.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Miss C Willows School Number: 9252104

Sutton-on-Sea Community Primary School Community 30 193 Station Road Sutton-on-Sea Lincs LN12 2HU Local Authority Phone:01507 441319 Fax:01507 443578 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.sutton.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr D Pearson School Number: 9252196

Swinderby All Saints Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 75 High Street Swinderby Lincoln LN6 9LU Local Authority Phone:01522 868287 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website: www.swinderbyallsaints.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs Z Longstaff School Number: 9253066

Swineshead St Mary's Church of England Primary School Controlled 40 267 Abbey Road Swineshead Boston PE20 3EN Local Authority Phone:01205 820356 Fax:01205 821106 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.suttertonswinesheadfederation.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs C Collett School Number: 9253102

Tattershall Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Academy 20 120 Curzon Estate Tattershall Lincoln LN4 4LD Governing Body Phone:01526 342349 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.holytrinitytattershall.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Liley School Number: 9253146

Tattershall Primary School Community 20 140 Clinton Park Tattershall Lincoln LN4 4QZ Local Authority Phone:01526 342045 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.tattershallprimary.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Davey School Number: 9252215

Tealby School Community 10 70 6 Front Street Tealby Market Rasen LN8 3XU Local Authority Phone:01673 838330 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.tealby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs Z Humberstone School Number: 9252197


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Tetford The Edward Richardson Primary School Community 17 112 East Road Horncastle LN9 6QQ Local Authority Phone:01507 533686 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.edward-richardson.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs H A Wines School Number: 9252198

Tetney Primary School Community 20 124 Humberston Road Grimsby DN36 5NG Local Authority Phone:01472 812074 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.tetney.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Miss S Addison School Number: 9252199

Theddlethorpe Academy Academy 15 88 Mill Road Theddlethorpe Mablethorpe LN12 1PB Governing Body Phone:01507 338215 Fax:01507 339894 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.theddlethorpeacademy.co.uk Principal: Mrs R Scott School Number: 9252040 Part of Tollbar Multi Academy Trust

Thorpe-on-the-Hill St Michael's Church of England Primary School Controlled 30 180 School Lane Thorpe-on-the-Hill Local Authority Phone:01522 681923 Fax:01522 697875 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.stmichaels.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs N Weaver School Number: 9253068

Thurlby Community Primary School Community 30 190 Lawrance Park Crown Lane Thurlby Bourne Local Authority PE10 0EZ Primary Phone:01778 423311 Fax:01778 421314 4-11 Email: [email protected] Website:www.thurlby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs K Finch School Number: 9252046

Toynton All Saints Primary School Community 15 150 Main Road Spilsby PE23 5AQ Local Authority Phone:01790 752242 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.toynton-all-saints.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs L Coulthurst School Number: 9252201

Tydd St Mary Church of England Primary School Aided 15 105 Church Way Tydd St Mary Wisbech PE13 5QY Governing Body Phone:01945 420269 Fax:01945 420269 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.tydd-st-mary.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Ely School Number: 9253340


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Uffington Church of England Primary School Controlled 15 105 School Lane Uffington Stamford PE9 4SU Local Authority Phone:01780 756236 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.uffingtonprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs H Simms School Number: 9253070

Utterby Primary Academy Academy 10 48 Utterby Louth LN11 0TN Governing Body Phone:01472 840280 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.utterbyprimaryacademy.org Executive Headteacher: Mr T Hawkins School Number: 9252202

Waddingham Primary School Community 15 81 The Green Waddingham Gainsborough DN21 4SX Local Authority Phone:01673 818239 Fax:01673 818239 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.waddingham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Miss S Marsden School Number: 9252203

Waddington All Saints Academy Academy 60 403 Mere Road Waddington Lincoln LN5 9NX Governing Body Phone:01522 820099 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.all-saints.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr P Martin School Number: 9252240

Waddington Redwood Primary Academy Academy 45 315 Redwood Drive Brant Road Waddington Lincoln Governing Body LN5 9BN Primary Phone:01522 721156 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.redwood.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs F Kent School Number: 9252061

Wainfleet Magdalen Church of England/Methodist School Academy 30 191 Magdalen Road Wainfleet Skegness PE24 4DD Governing Body Phone:01754 880371 Fax:01754 881304 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.magdalenwainfleet.co.uk Headteacher: Mr G Smith School Number: 9252015

Walcott Primary School Community 12 77 Pinfold Lane Walcott Lincoln LN4 3SX Local Authority Phone:01526 860400 Fax:01526 860400 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.carrdykefederation.co.uk Headteacher: Mr A Sewell School Number: 9252050


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Washingborough Academy Academy 45 286 School Lane Washingborough Lincoln LN4 1BW Governing Body Phone:01522 801355 Primary 24 Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.washingboroughacademy.org 3-11 Headteacher: Mr J O'Rourke School Number: 9255212

Welbourn Church of England Primary School Controlled 10 79 High Street Welbourn Lincoln LN5 0NH Local Authority Phone:01400 272798 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.welbournprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs T Boulter School Number: 9253071

Welton St Mary's Church of England Primary Academy Academy 60 345 Phone:01673 860339 Governing Body Email:[email protected] Primary Website: www.weltonstmarysacademy.co.uk 4-11 Headteacher: Mrs N Gough School Number: 9253158

West Pinchbeck St Bartholomew's CE Primary School Controlled 15 108 Leaveslake Drove West Pinchbeck Spalding Local Authority PE11 3QJ Primary Phone:01775 640357 4-11 Email:[email protected] Website:www.stbartholomews.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Shawley School Number: 9253092

Weston Hills Church of England Primary School Controlled 20 142 Learning Lane Weston Hills Spalding PE12 6DL Local Authority Phone:01406 380309 Fax:01406 380309 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.westonhills.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs J Fitzgerald School Number: 9253096

Weston St Mary Church of England Primary School Academy 8 56 Small Drove Weston Spalding PE12 6HU Governing Body Phone:01406 370333 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.weston-st-mary.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Flack School Number: 9252023

Whaplode Church of England Primary School Academy 30 210 Mill Lane Whaplode Spalding PE12 6TS Governing Body Phone:01406 370447 Primary Email: [email protected] 4-11 Website:www.whaplodeprimary.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs A Flack Head of School: Mrs E Adie School Number: 9253097


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Willoughby St Helena's Church of England Primary School Controlled 20 135 Main Road Willoughby Alford LN13 9NH Local Authority Phone:01507 462367 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-helenascofe.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs S M Belton School Number: 9253151

Willoughton Primary School Community 10 90 Northfield Lane Willoughton Gainsborough DN21 5RT Local Authority Phone:01427 668381 Fax:01427 868381 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.willoughton.lincs.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mrs J Lees School Number: 9252205

Witham St Hughs Academy Academy 60 287 Muntjac Way Witham St Hughs Lincoln LN6 9WF Governing Body Phone:01522 869590 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.witham-st-hughs.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths School Number: 9253506

Withern St Margaret's Church of England School Controlled 10 70 Main Road Alford LN13 0NB Local Authority Phone:01507 450375 Fax:01507 450375 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.st-margarets-pri.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr J Siddle School Number: 9253152

Woodhall Spa St Andrew's Church of England Primary School Academy 42 320 King Edward Crescent Woodhall Spa LN10 6RQ Governing Body Phone:01526 352705 Primary Email:[email protected] (with Nursery) Website:www.standrews-woodhallspa.org.uk 3-11 Headteacher: Mr J Whalley School Number: 9255208

Wragby Primary School Community 30 178 Silver Street Market Rasen LN8 5PJ Local Authority Phone:01673 858477 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.wragby.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Osgodby School Number: 9252206

Wrangle Primary School Foundation 15 71 Main Road Wrangle Boston PE22 9AS Governing Body Phone:01205 870509 Fax:01205 870567 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.wrangleprimaryschool.com Headteacher: Mr M J Petch School Number: 9255218


Category, Admissions Authority, Admission School Contact Details Type & Age Range Number Size

Wyberton Primary Academy Academy 30 210 Saundergate Lane Wyberton Boston PE21 7BZ Governing Body Phone:01205 364797 Primary Email:[email protected] 4-11 Website:www.gofederation.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr G Booth School Number: 9255214


Local Authority Nursery Schools

Boston Nursery School Church Road, Boston, PE21 0LJ Phone: 01205 358647 Fax: 01205 356741 Email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs N Donley

Gainsborough Nursery School North Marsh Road, Gainsborough, DN21 2RR Phone: 01427 811610 Email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs J Noble

Grantham Wyndham Park Nursery School Hill Avenue, Grantham, NG31 9BB Phone: 01476 563966 Email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs L Cook

Lincoln Kingsdown Nursery School Kingsdown Road, Doddington Park, Lincoln, LN6 0FB Phone: 01522 684335 Email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs K Marnoch

Lincoln St Giles Nursery School Addison Drive, Lincoln, LN2 4LQ Phone: 01522 531876 Email: [email protected] Headteacher: Amy Stancer