Library Consortium . 311186 0016 33439 ( 6810 South Cedar Street, Suite 8, Lansing, Michigan 48910 . __ • r ee ~AUTOMATION HIGHLIGHTS OCTOBER 30, 1989


During the week of October 6, BRS began moving its computer facility from Latham, NY (near Albany) to Oak Park, IL (near Chicago). The move was intended to increase and improve their computer power on the same computer used by the Offlcal Airlines Guide (OAG). OAG and BRS are now part of Maxwell Online, Inc. along with ORBIT. For a few days over the Columbus Day weekend, only a core set of 40 databases were available. A list of these databases were sent out to all BRS users in advance of the move. All databases are once again availahle. Have you noticed a difference in the response time? MLC would like to know what your experiences have been so give us a call.

All training and customer service (including billing) personnel also moved about the same time, but from Latham to McLean, VA where ORBIT has been based. Billing from BRS to MLC IIlay be delayed a bit so be patient while we scramble to get them out the door as soon as possible. NEW BROCHURE C Maxwell Online, Inc. (the parent of BRS and ORBIT) has produced a new brochure that describes each of their services. This includes the ORBIT Search Service which specializes in patents, chemistry, engineering, and other types of technology. BRS Information Technologies, which IIlost MLC members are familiar with, is especially strong in the health and social sciences as well as a good balance of business databases. Copies of original patents can be obtained through the Pergmnon Search Center based in the U.S. P&TO. Many international business databases are available on the Pergamon Financial Data Services which was previously know as Infoline before many of the science & technology databases were moved over to ORBIT a few years ago. To request a copy of this brochure, call 800456-7248 and ask for the publication that says "Bringing Together The World's Information Resources."

MLC continues to support BRS through all levels of training and discounted access and ORBIT through discounted access. If you are interested in ORBIT training, please give MLC a call to let us know.


The 1988 edition of the County and City Data Book (CCDB) on CD-ROM has recently been released by the Bureau of the Census. The files are in dBase III format. It includes over 200 subjects for every county and state. A few of the subjects are area & population, crime, education, housing, building permits, banking, and electioIlS. City data is provided for areas with populations of 25,000

- 1 - or more in 1980 and includes all of the county data plus climate and residential electric bills. Population and income infol1nation is also described for areas of 2,500 or more.

In terms of equipment, CCDB on CD-ROM requires an IBM or compatible (ine.luding PS/2s), DOS 3.1 or higher, at least 640K RAM, CD-ROM drive, and MS-DOS Extensions 2.0 or higher.

So what is the price for all of this wonderful information? $125 including shipping.

For more information, call 301-763-4100 or write to: Data User Services Division, Customer Services, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233.



The second CD-ROM Teleconference from the College of DuPage will be uplinked/downlinked on November 15 from Noon to 2:30 p.m. CD-ROM II is free to all participants. Registration is encouraged since packets must be ordered ahead of time fOl' each participant. ( ) Tentatively, from Noon to 1:30 p.m. there will be four modules: Practitioners' Forum, Networking News, Future Developments, and a Vendor Forum. The Practitioners' Forum will include first-hand experiences from librarians in the field. One of those will be Elaine Didier from U-M, Kresge Business Administration Library. Various experts will discuss CD-ROM OPACs, licensing agreements, training & technical support, LANs, and WANs (Wide Area Network) during the Networking News portion. Industry consultants and experts will discuss where the technology is headed and what it will be like for information providers. Representatives from EBSCO, H.W. Wilson, ON-UNE, UMI, and Disclosure will discuss CD-ROM software and technology. A phone line will be provided at each host site for any participant to call with questions. Finally, a CD-ROM Showcase will be presented from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. featuring various vendors.

Many MLC members are once again hosting the conference via satellite. Here are a list of locations, contact persons, and telephone numbers for you to contact about attending:

Bay de Noc Community College (Escanaba) - Chris Holmes, 906-786-5802 Central Michigan University (Mt. Pleasant) - David Ginsburg, 517-774-6428 Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti) - George Grimes, 313-487-2220 Jackson Community College (Jackson) - Cliff Taylor, 517-787-0800 X312 Kellogg Community College (Battle Creek) - Fran Marz, 616-965-3931 X2248 Lansing Community College (Lansing) - Terri Westmoreland, 517-483-1659 Macomb Community College (Warren) - Dr. Kul Gauri, 313-445-7418 Michigan State University (East Lansing) - Marty Com·tois, 517-355-8494 l Northwestern Michigan College (Traverse City) - Ronda Edwards, 616-922-1076 . Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo) - Annette LaVier, 616-387-5001

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For those who aren't able to make it, MLC will have a videotape ropy of the conference for loan. We also have a copy of the first conference that was transmitted April 27, 1988 for anyone who wants to borrow it.



As a result of the closer connection between DIALOG and VUffEXT" five newspapers have been (or soon will be) added to DIALOG, enhancing their full text database offerings. This includes the Los Ange[es Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, San Jose Mercury News, Free Press, and the Miami Hera[d. As of this writing, the first two are up on DIAWG. Each of these provide strong regional coverage of their respective areas. They all continue to be available on VUrrEXT as well.


CD-ROM editions of three popular online databases will be available soon. Considered one of the preeminent sources for all areas of engineering and technical literature, Engineering Information's (Ei) COMPENDEX database can be ordered now. A workstation and a stand-alone version will be available. The Ei workstation will ( include document ordering and a "fu[fillment system" using document images and FAX transmission direct form Ei in New York. The familiar Thomas Register of American Manufacturers will debut as the "Thomas Register." Comprehensive company descriptions & profiles plus product indexing will be included on the disc. Information on mergers & acquisitions (M&As) will be available on CD through the 100 M&A Transactions database.

These databa~es will use the same software that is used by other OnDisc databases. An "e."pert mode" similar to the DIALOG commands used online (you even type "[ogoft" to exit out of this mode on the COl) and a menu-driven "Easy Search" mode for novice users is available. An online interface is useful for searching for the latest information between disc updates.

An annual subscription to COMPENDEX with quarterly updates for the current year plus 1 back year is listed at $3450 (MLC members - $3278) and $4920 (MLC members - $4674) with 4 back years. An annual subscription for Thomas Register with two updates/year is $1495 (MLC members - $(420). Update frequency and pricing for 100 M&A Trausactions has not been announced.

For more information on these databases (including demonstration diskettes and 30-day evaluations of the real disc) or any other DIALOG OnDisc product, contact the MLC office.

- 3 - H.W. WILSON


During the week of October 23, Wilson began shipping Version 2.2 of the· WILSONDISC software to all current users. This version replaces the current version in use, 2.11. The new software includes a number of enhancements. WILSONLINE and Expert WILSONLINE search modes have been combined into one. Display screens of citations are uniform across the BROWSE, WILSEARCH, and WILSONLINE modes. Each mode has also been stremlliined and simplified to eliminate steps necessary in doing a search. In addition to printing, citations may be downloaded to floppy disk. Users running other RAM-resident progrmns on their WILSONDISC workstation will appreciale WILSONDlSC's 30K decrease in RAM required. Exiting from WILSONDISC to other applications has also been made easier. When upgrading to 2.2, all setup data files, saved search strategies, and saved references used in 2.11 will be retained. After each use of a disc, usage statistics are written 10 a file which can be displayed or printed out.

Each current WILSONDISC user should receive the following items: 2 5.25" floppy diskettes & I 3.5" diskette (for users of either media format), letter {mm Steve Force (new Director of Library Relations - the area that supports WILSONDlSC), New Features of '¥lLSONDlSC Version 2.2, Attention! All Users of IBM Personal Syslem/2 Model 30/286, WILSONDISC Version 2.2 Installation Guide, How to Use the New WILSONLINE mode, and WILSONDISC Version 2.2 Troubleshooting Notes.

Additional information on the new WILSONDISC software and any discounted WILSONDISC database is available from MLC.


MLC has received word that the first WILSONDISC Religion Indexes (REL) originally to be shipped in September will be out by December 1st. We hope this doesn't inconvenience any member who has ordered REL.· All subscriptions will be started when the first disc is shipped so the renewals will be December or January of each year. The annual subscription list price of REL continues to be $795 (MLC members - $725 1st year, $760 subsequent years)

,WILSONDISC NETWORKING POLICY ANNOUNCED In response to requests from libraries wishing to use WILSONDISC in a network envirolUllent, Wilson has announced that the subscription price to any Wilson-produc.ed database includes the right to use it in a local area network (LAN) without additional charges. This policy will provide libraries with greater flexibility in configuring CD-ROM workstations especially in offering a broad range of Wilson and non-Wilson CD-ROM databases to users.


- 4 - Michigan Library Consortium ( \

This announcement of a no extra charge polil'Y for subscriptions comes at a time when Wilson is developing software for a CD-ROM network system. This announcement is in mark contrast to LAN policies established by other CD-ROM producers. The Wilson Networking System will be designed for use with any IBM PC, PS/2 or strict compatible and allow for a mix of SCSI and native mode CD­ ROM drives of multiple brands with a single network server. It will also allow use of different retrieval software on each workstation (on the network) and switching fron one database to another with ease. I'rices for Wilson's networking software and/or hardware options will be announced at the time of availability.

Additional infonnation on the Wilson Networking System is available from MLC. Also, infonnation on Wilson Database Licensing for use on a mainframe is also available from MLC.


Wilson continues to work on a version of WILSONDISC that will run on the Apple Macintosh. During the Microsoft conference in March, MLC's Mike Conway had the opportunity to review a prototype of this version which is quite different from the IBM. The Pnltotype operated on a Mac SE with an Apple CD SC CD-ROM drive. It contained 1987 records only from Readers' Guide Abstracts. Like many Mac software applications, the BROWSE 1lI0de used icons which you / - move your mouse to and click on "Find Citations." Three search options were "-- _ then offered: subjects (find or quick index), author, and title word. A Find can be used for a specific subject or a quick index could be displayed for a condensed listing of subject headings. The citation screen allowed for continuous scrolling or paging. Hyperte.'l:t had been applied to the citation screen by allowing a user to click on a term to get citations for that term. For example, you could retrieve a record on "commerce" and click on "Soviet Union" in the abstract. A little wristwatch with hands spinning appeared on the screen to let the user know something was happening while the disc was being searched. Good help screens were present throughout. MLC will announce further infonnation about the WILSONDISC Macintosh version when it is available.



During the summer, MLC mailed out two surveys to all MLC members. The first one in June was for continuing education. It was intended to help MLC staff plan for OCLC workshops, ARS seminars, and other related activities in the fall. Planning a direction for future services was the purpose of the interest survey that was sent out in July. Due to the excellent return rate of 30%, we were able to accurately measure your interests in terms of training and services. Thank you to all MLC members who returned the surveys. We hope to do this periodically to find out where you want us to devote our efforts.

- 5 - PBS


Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc. has announced the release of Pro-Search· for the Macintosh (a new product) in addition to two new upgrades, Pro-Search (IBM) version 1.08 and DIALOG (IBM) Biblio-Link version 3.0.

Pro-Search for the Macintosh allows you to easily search DIALOG databases using a menu driven interface. Both novice and e.'(perienced searchers can save time and money with this powerful searching tool.

Pro-Search (IBM) version 1.08 is an upgrade that has been modified to adapt to the accounting changes recently made by BRS and DIALOG in their online cost displays. Furthenno.·e, the accounting option can be set to automatic in order to avoid missing important session information. Pro-Search can be run without a modem to prepare searches offline at home or for presenting an offline demonstration on a PC without a modem. I n addition to those for BRS and DIALOG, preconfigured logons are also available for BRS AfterDark, Knowledge Index, ORBIT, STN, VUITEXT, and WI LSONLINE. Generic logons for Dialnet, Telenet, and TYMNET are also available for setting up other services. An intelligent configuration makes it easy to upgrade from 1.07 to 1.08. For more infomlation on ordering this upgrade, call PBS at 313-996-1580.

Converting data from all DIALOG services including OneSearch, Knowledge Index, Dialmail, and DIALOG OnDisc products is now possible with the new DIALOG Biblio-Link version. Various other features have also been added. For more information on ordering this upgrade, call PBS at 313-996-1580

Pricing for each of the three items above is: Pro-Search for the Macintosh, - $295 List, $236 MLC members; Pro-Search (IBM), 1st time purchase - $495 List, $396 MLC members; DIALOG Biblio-Link, 1st time purchase - $195 List, $146 MLC members. Additional information and order forms on any PBS product (except upgrades) is available from MLC.



During the summer, SilverPlatter began a controlled release program for its Macintosh search software, MacSPIRS. Numerous requests from libraries to be test sites were received by SilverPlatler. Testing has been completed and orders for use with MEDLlNE, ERIC, PsycLlT, MathSci, Peterson's College Database, OSH-ROM, and CANCER-CD may be placed now through MLC. A 1990 release is planned for use with all other SilverPlatter databases.

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All IBM (or compatible) SilverPlatter users will soon receive the newest version of the SilverPlatter Infomtation Retrieval Software (SPIRS), 1.6. Shipping began the week of October 23. Since its introduction in 1986, the SilverPlatter. software has required minimal hardware and memory. Due to increased system requirements, 1.6 will require 640K RAM OR a hard disk with SI2K RAM. The ne."t version will require at least 640K RAM and a hard disk.

With the distribution of 1.6, SilverPlatter will begin distributing tutorials on floppy diskette. The decision . to place the tutorials on floppy is based on subscriber feedback about the heavy use of SilverPlatter workstations. Floppy-based tutorials can be used at any available PC workstation, thereby freeing time at SilverPlatter workstations. With the tutorials on floppy, new users can sit down at any PC to get acquainted with SilverPlatter's databases and software (SPIRS). Subscribers can copy the tutorials so they can be used at more than one PC.

The new tutorials are essentially the same as the current CD-ROM based tutorials. They simulate interaction with the compact disc and show software screen displays, prompts, and messages. With the new fonnat, SilverPlatter can take advantage 'of visual tools and layouts that are currently not part of SPIRS which will enable them to produce improved tntorials in the future.

The tutorials (on floppy) can be used at the SilverPlatter workstation. However, users will not be able to access tutorials from within SPIRS. To help with the' transition to the new medium (floppy), the current CD-ROM based tutorials will be maintained, but not updated, until Winter 1990.

Subscribers to MEDLINE, ERIC, sociofile, or POPLINE can expect to receive their new -tutorial concurrent with the addition of a' thesaurus to the compact disc. Thus, when 1.6 is shipped to all MEDLINE users, the floppy tutorial and thesaurus (exploding will be possible!) capability will also be possible. In addition to these four databases, CINAHL, ClinMED-CD, PsycLIT, SPORT Discus will have this capability added this fall and winter. Due to the popularity of the tutorials, SilverPlatter will continue to add them to new and e."isting databases.


New reference guides for use with SilverPlatter's Peterson's College Database and Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) discs have been produced. The Quick Reference Guides contains information about the various fields in the Peterson's College Database & CINAHL and how to use them to build searches. In addition, the Guide provides infomtation about how to use SPIRS.

To request a copy of either guide, call SilverPlatter at 800-343-0064.



All current CANCER-CD subscriptions have been extended four months at no extra cost, effective June 1989. SilverPlatter provided this extension due to their delay in delivering the February 1989 update. Moreover, they took this unusual step because they value their subscribers and are concerned about the effects this delay had on the subscriber's ability to research information.

Because of a vast increase in data, SilverPlatter was forced to split CANCER-CD into two discs, a current and an archival. The current disc, covering January 1988 through the present was shipped in July. The archival disc, containing information from January 1984 through December 1987 was delivered in August. Both discs will continue to be updated annually with the latest MeSH vocabulary changes.

Finally, SilverPlatter has reduced the annual subscription from $1650 to $1500 (MLC members - $1448).


SilverPlatter recently announced that it will enhance sociofile with the Social PlanninglPlanning and Development Abstracts (SOPODA). This will be added to the sociofile disc in late· 1989 at no exh'a cost or increase in the subscription rate. (BRS and DIALOG searchers who use Soc. Absts. automatically retrieve SOPODA records unless specified otherwise.) SOPODA add.·esses the topics of social welfare services and professionals, family problems, mental-health related problems, community development, and program evaluation and risk assessment. The file is retrospective to 1979 and is updated three time a year. The annual subscription price of sociofile continues to be $1950 list (MLC members - $1882) or $1750 list (MLC member - $1689) for subscribers to other SilverPlatter databases.

On a related note, sociological abstracts, inc. has produced a new quick reference guide for use with the socifile disc. All fields with examples and sample records are included as will as basic SPIRS commands. For a copy, call sociological abstracts, inc. at 800-752-3945.


SilverPlatter has recently signed agreements to distribute the popular databases CAB Abstracts and BIOSIS on CD-ROM. CAB-CD will be on two CDs: Volume I will contain 1984-1986 and Volume II will include 1987-1989 data. The first demonstration of this will be at Online '89 in Chicago at the SilverPlatter booth. Pricing and availability have not been annOllnced. BlOSIS, to be called BA on CD, will have a demonstration disc ready in December and the full disc available in the Winter 1990.


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