.. . news R A B I SUMMER 2015 THE MAGAZINE OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION Supporting farming families www.rabi.org.uk

Great British Beef Week Pages 6-7 £6m invested in Manson House Pages 10-11 FromFrom the the chairman chairman It’s been a busy year..... We are probably best known for supporting elderly people - very often, people with no families and no one to help them. However, much more of our work now revolves around helping people get what they are entitled to from the benefits system. It never fails to amaze me the stories coming Awards time through our system. Sometimes, you think a bad situation might be avoided by better management but in the majority of cases sheer at the AGM bad luck is the key cause of hardship. Pages 4&5 Manson House in Suffolk is in the final stages of a major renovation that has cost £6 million. The flats in the grounds are spectacular and the new wing is tremendous too. It’s fair to say the redevelopment has been a challenge. There have been lots of issues with the building work, because we’ve uncovered things that were covered up long ago, but the final results are going to make everything worthwhile. Manson House and Beaufort House, our other residential home in Burnham-on-Sea, are certainly Sports star’s two very special places. Beaufort House is a flagship for the charity and testimonial the average age of residents has gone up from Page 14 85 to 94 in the past 10 years. That’s good, but it does change the way we work when people become less able to move around. When Manson is fully up and running I think we will see a similar pattern. There will be a formal reopening of Manson in July and it’s going to be a fabulous facility. Finally, the ‘meet the chairman’ tour of G’s in Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Ely was fascinating and it was good to catch up We are a welfare charity that helps farming people in with so many dedicated committee members. financial difficulty. Every year we support approximately To all of our volunteers and supporters across 2,000 individuals and families and give out around £2 and Wales I say thank you for all you do million in grants. We also offer practical help and always for R.A.B.I – you are the bedrock of our charity. work in confidence, with compassion and discretion. In whatever ways we are able to assist, it can only be done through the generosity of so many Registered office: Shaw House, 27 West Way, Oxford OX2 0QH people – whether it’s members of hard-working Registered charity number: 208858 and imaginative county committees, always Freephone helpline: 0300 303 7373 coming up with new fundraising initiatives, General enquiries: 01865 724931 or our generous corporate supporters. Your Fax: 01865 202025 contributions to raising awareness and funds are Email: [email protected] extremely important to our work. Patron: Her Majesty The Queen President: His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester Chris Riddle, Chairman R.A.B.I

R.A.B.I News is published quarterly by R.A.B.I and edited by Rob Harris. Telephone 01865 811600, email [email protected] Cover image: Beaufort House resident Delmene Daniell makes a presentation to HRH The Duke of Gloucester during his tour of the Somerset residential care home.

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2 Nati nal news Hardship caused by delays in payments

R.A.B.I remains concerned about the LEFT: Regional welfare officer Suzie length of time it is taking for those Paton says people are being left in need to receive state benefits. without money for more than a year. The charity says it has seen a rise stress being added is enormous. The in the number of farming people case is still not resolved. They are requiring help because they are managing financially thanks to ESA waiting for assessments for Personal and the support of R.A.B.I. Independence Payment (PIP). “This case is just one of many we are Trish Pickford, R.A.B.I Head of Welfare, seeing – a lot of applications are taking said: “We have been kept busy by eight or nine months. the effects of the changing welfare benefits system. Much time and “For every person we are helping there effort is spent on helping people must be many others in the same boat. with Employment and Support “We (R.A.B.I) will visit and talk face to Allowance (ESA) claims and Personal face. We can help with applications Independence Payment (PIP) in and the paperwork and we will particular. We have seen people in also attend appeals. We can help need waiting more than six months financially with interim payments. for claims for PIP to be dealt with and the situation does not seem to be “We soon become relied upon. People improving.” turn to us for support, because they need someone on their side.” PIP is intended to provide financial “We made the application in the usual support for disabled people to help way – I was there when they rang up In June, the High Court ruled that the them remain as independent as and I helped complete and send the Government acted unreasonably possible. The benefit replaced Disability paperwork. A year later, nothing has and unlawfully in failing to award Living Allowance and is paid to people happened. Personal Independence Payment in and out of work, aged 16-64. (PIP) to disabled claimants within a “I drove an-hour-and-a-half for an reasonable timescale. Irwin Mitchell’s R.AB.I regional welfare officer Suzie arranged home visit at this person’s specialist public law team brought a Paton said: “People are being left house but no one from Atos (one of judicial review on behalf of two clients without any money. PIP, in particular, is the organisations currently responsible affected by PIP delays. The two PIP a new benefit still trying to find its feet. for arranging medical assessments on claimants are known as C and W. behalf of the Department of Works & Claimant C had to wait 13 months “Seventeen months ago I helped Pensions) turned up. with an application for a farmworker for a decision and claimant W had to with a respiratory illness, anxiety and “The local MP is now involved in this wait 10 months. Mrs Justice Patterson depression. Life is very difficult for this case. This person already thinks no one ruled that, in both cases, the delay was person and they cannot work. cares about them and the emotional unlawful. Flood-hit Somerset receives most money during 2014 In 2014, R.A.B.I gave out more money to Somerset than The picture of need in 2014 was more complex than in any other county. 2013 – with more grants given to making up shortfalls in housing benefit, helping with state benefit delays and Throughout England and Wales, R.A.B.I handed out topping up residential care fees. More time was also £1,936,920 in the shape of some 11,563 grants – helping spent helping people with debt problems and the work 1,394 individuals and families. of welfare staff helped those in The five counties that received the most help were: need claim £380k in tax credits Somerset (£149,845); North Yorkshire (£147,097); Devon and state benefits. Regional (£111,396); Shropshire (£93,734) and Norfolk (£92,625). welfare officers made more than Ten per cent of all grants in 2014 – around £300k – went to 1,800 visits throughout the year. working farmers. 2014 saw fewer new referrals to R.A.B.I Trish Pickford, Head of Welfare at than the previous year, largely due to the high number of R.A.B.I (pictured), said: “I think claims in 2013 as a result of the well documented extreme it’s important to remember that weather. During the first three months of 2014 new referrals what matters is the difference were running at an average of four per working day, we can make to people’s lives. settling back to around two per working day for the Sometimes a small grant is all it remainder of the year. takes to make that difference.”

For enquiries about welfare call the Freephone helpline: 0300 303 7773 3 AGM News: College principal now on board AGM News: Award winners named for 2014 Farewell to Carol and Pat as two new trustees are elected Two new members have been elected to the Council of Trustees.

Jeanette Dawson OBE is currently principal and chief executive of Bishop Burton College Group in Beverley, East Yorkshire. The college is a Beacon award winner for agricultural education and the only national centre of vocational excellence (CoVE) in and in equine. Bishop Burton by Ofsted. Jeanette also has a law College is among the top five per cent degree from Nottingham University. ABOVE LEFT: The trustees, pictured of colleges nationally for leadership at the AGM. ABOVE: Jo Turnbull, Pat and management and among the Jo Turnbull is qualified solicitor and Stanley, Carol Rymer and Jeanette top two per cent for finance as well runs a 60-acre farm in Barnard Castle, Dawson. as being designated as ‘Outstanding’ County Durham with husband Tony. Jo is chairman of County Durham and Darlington Priority Services Trust which provides a mental health and learning disability service to a population of Help might only be a phone call away 0.5m. She is a lay member of The British Veterinary Association Ethics was diagnosed with a visit, Sally had to sit on Committee and a member of The terminal illness and his the floor for five hours Farmers Club. Previously, she was wife was struggling to because they had a member of County Durham and cope with his needs, no furniture. She was Darlington Health Authority, OFWAT run their farm and look concerned about Mr Customer Services Committee and after two children. Brown’s mental state part of the Farm Animal Welfare She was at breaking as he frequently talked Council. point. The family about suicide. couldn’t claim state Sally phoned the Sadly, Pat Stanley and Carol Rymer, benefits because the left the Council of Trustees having accounts hadn’t been Citizens Advice Bureau and helped get the completed their final four-year terms. done since Mr Smith Summing up Carol’s contribution, fell ill. Sara arranged family’s paperwork together, including up Stephen Miles, a fellow trustee, said: for an accountant to “When I became a trustee Carol made sort out their books to date debt statements. She requested records me feel very welcome. She has been and backdated VAT a very busy lady, involved with many returns provided a from HRMC, urged Mr Brown to visit his GP and committees including the Manson At the annual meeting, vital injection of cash House committee. welfare officers Sara to the business. R.A.B.I arranged for food bank vouchers. Mr Brown “She was chair for three years, Garner and Sally arranged for someone coinciding with the upgrade, and had Hubbard spoke to sit with Mr Smith and was put on medication by his GP and given the task of reporting back unforeseen passionately about give his wife some time problems. On behalf of the trustees I their work to a packed to herself. Sadly, Mr Employment Support Allowance instead of would like to thank you for all you’ve marquee. Smith died but Mrs Smith done and wish you well for the future.” still continues to run the Jobseekers Allowance, Sara (above), who farm enthusiastically which eased the covers the Midlands, pressure on having to Paying tribute to Pat Stanley, William with the help of her Cumber said: “Where on earth have joined R.A.B.I 14 years teenage son. find work. With Sally’s ago when farms were help, the Browns the last eight years gone? reeling from Foot and Sally Hubbard, who were rehoused by the “My associations with Pat go back Mouth. She says the covers East England, housing association 20 years and as well as being an problems encountered joined R.A.B.I in 2008. despite significant rent enthusiastic and energetic trustee today are different She told the story of arrears. When they she has supported the health & but very real. She the Browns (name moved R.A.B.I helped safety, welfare and Manson House provided case studies, changed), who fell on out with a bed, washing committees. including the plight hard times and had machine, cooker, “Personally, her membership of the of the Smiths (name very little left to their fridge freezer and other welfare committee is where she’s been changed). Mr Smith names. On her first household items. most appreciated. Pat, we will all miss you and thank you very much.” 4 AGM News: Award winners named for 2014 Make your d views heard Devon presented with shiel Minette Batters, one of the founders of Ladies in Beef and deputy-president of the NFU, was guest speaker at R.A.B.I’s AGM.

Minette called on farmers to challenge their politicians, saying: “Farmers are resilient and resourceful but challenge your PRIZE BUNCH: R.A.B.I award winners, pictured in the grounds of The Manor Hotel, near Oxford. politicians, don’t just accept what Having raised more than for their fabulous off-farm immediately. Later in the they say. We £91,000 for R.A.B.I during 2014, event – a dinner for 300 guests year, Ed Ford, vice-chairman, have the autumn the Devon committee was at Christ Church College that presented R.A.B.I with a spending review fittingly awarded the Beaufort raised more than £24,500. cheque for £7,500. Jeremy approaching Shield at this year’s annual Committee chairman Richard Fulcher accepted the award. and we need to meeting. Binning collected the award The trustee awards are challenge them.” on behalf of the committee. given to those who deserve Every year, R.A.B.I recognises special recognition. David Burke received an award Minette spoke the incredible achievements The R.A.B.I Cup – given of those who work on behalf to the most progressive for his many years of service passionately about as chairman of the North the need to get of the charity. The Beaufort county committee – went Shield is presented to the to Cornwall, who came Yorkshire committee. He British agriculture retired as chairman in April at the heart of committee that raises the into their own in 2014 with a most money and Devon’s range of new and high profile 2015 but remains on the government committee. Mervin and Trish discussions. She remarkable efforts brought fundraising events and a lot of due recognition. corporate networking. Mullard collected an award said talking about for their work on the Shropshire farming was no committee and Celia Hyland longer enough - A group of intrepid fundraisers The Sleight family from was also recognised for her the public debate from NFU Mutal North East Etton in East Yorkshire was work across the South West, had to be about scooped the Dennis Brown presented with the Hunter particularly in Devon. food. Shield, awarded to the Farm Challenge Cup for their organisation / company that successful tractor run. The

She said: “We raised the most money last seventh annual run in 2014 year. North East NFU Mutual generated more than £3,000. • Deputy chairman Malcolm constantly need Thomas was re-elected to to keep building brought in more than £4,500 with a four-day 300-mile cycle serve as a trustee for a second new alliances. The The R.A.B.I YFC Cup went four-year term at the AGM. NFU is extremely ride undertaken by group to the Essex Federation of secretaries and supporters. Chris Riddle continues as powerful but it Young Farmers Clubs for sums chairman. is not powerful raised when Sam Iddision The Clwyd committee was chairman in 2013/14 enough and has BELOW LEFT: Devon picked up the Bryn Davies and R.A.B.I was a chosen not been good committee representatives Bowl, awarded to the Welsh charity. Essex YFC members enough at saying with Minette Batters (right). individual / organisation were quick to respond to the all the good things BELOW RIGHT: Richard which made the greatest flooding crisis in Somerset in we are doing.” Binning collects the Sam contribution to R.A.B.I. The February 2014 and organised Taylor Cup for Oxfordshire. • To download a Oxfordshire committee fully £25k worth of copy of R.A.B.I’s deserved the Sam Taylor Cup fodder almost 2014 annual review and 2014 report and financial statement please see the website www.rabi. org.uk To request a printed copy please ring 01865 724931.

Visit the website: www.rabi.org.uk 5 Great British Beef Week: April 23-May 3

College hosts St George’s roast The St George’s day ‘Host a Add static bikes to bucket list Jethro with a Roast’ lunch was organised by A great team hint of Elvis R.A.B.I supporters and Ladies in Beef. effort saw Dorset Ladies in Beef has been a crew of holding the event during Great • Cornish comedian volunteers Johnny Cowling was British Beef Week for the last three in Bakewell, years at the Kingston Maurward the star attraction at a British beef week College near Dorchester. R.A.B.I rack up regional manager for the South dinner at The Pavilion more than Centre at the Royal West, Pam Wills, said: “We were 100 miles on looked after very well by the team Cornwall Showground static bikes. in Wadebridge. at the college. The committee The bikers works hard to raise funds for farming Who is Johnny and friends Cowling? Well, mix a families who are experiencing raised more difficult times and the lunch is a pinch of Jethro, a dab than £100 region’s eight auction great way to bring supporters of of Michael Barrymore, in bucket collections marts had been planned British farming together to enjoy a spoonful of Tommy in just four hours to but lead cyclist Alastair good food and good company in Cooper and a hunk promote Great British Sneddon unfortunately beautiful surroundings.” of Elvis and standing Beef Week. Angela broke a bone in his foot Jean Coates, Dorset R.A.B.I before you would be Sargent also secured in an accident. Pictured committee treasurer and organiser the 6ft 1in Cornishman. £500 in donations from are Alastair Sneddon, of the event, added: “It’s lovely He’s been working on support at the NFU. Angela Sargent and Kate to see so many people gathered the comedy circuit for Originally, a 300-mile Wainwright on their bikes together enjoying a wonderful meal 10 years and his credits bike ride around the at the auction market. for a good cause.” include supporting Paddy McGuiness on tour and studio warm- up work for Celebrity Juice, Strictly Come Retailers back beef drive Dancing and Britain’s For the third year 1,578 by 2014. The Got Talent. running, R.A.B.I was decline has been He’s also helped raise chosen by Ladies accelerating. The thousands of pounds in Beef to help total UK decline over for various charities promote and drive the last decade and has cycled awareness of the is 10%, from 1,751 London to Paris for the quality and versatility suckler cows in the Meningitis Trust. The of British beef. UK in 2005. evening raised £2,000 Agricultural students for R.A.B.I. Around 150 guests at the Bishop Burton The start of Great attended and main College in Yorkshire British Beef Week organiser Sue Kessell were keen to get coincided with St (Cornwall R.A.B.I involved with the George’s Day on committee) did a campaign and April 23 and R.A.B.I fantastic job, aided by supported the regional managers Dawn Cardell and the launch event. The promoted the ‘British rest of the committee. college is developing is best’ message to its own beef unit, the full. Sally Conner producing beef featured on Gareth • ‘Bert’s Roast from both dairy cross Barlow’s farming Beef Bash’ at and pure-bred beef programme on BBC Bert’s Restaurant in cows. Radio York and Milly Brandesburton, East Fyfe did a piece on Yorkshire on April 23 Yorkshire beef BBC Radio Lincoln. was attended by 104 farmer Rosey Dunn Generally, there people, who sat down was the face of the was widespread to a three-course campaign. Rosey coverage of the meal including a main said: “We’ve lost campaign across of roast beef and more than 200,000 the media – on day Yorkshire pudding. British beef breeding one alone, Beef A raffle and an auction cows in the last Week campaigners were held and the 10 years and over featured on slots night raised £1,500 for 100,000 in the last on 18 different R.A.B.I. three years alone. local radio and TV The restaurant’s chef UK beef farmers, FACE OF THE CAMPAIGN: Rosey Dunn of stations reaching offered his services like much of the Ladies in Beef with R.A.B.I regional manager millions of people. as an auction prize – farming industry, Sally Conner. Retailers Morrisons agreeing to buy the are facing tough Defra stats based on by 6.5% over the last championed the ingredients, go to the times at present, not the Cattle Tracing three years. In 2011 cause by taking buyer’s house with a least because of the System, the suckler there were 1,687 out a double page waiter and cook and decline of the suckler herd in the UK as a suckler breeding spread in The Sun serve a meal. herd.” According to whole has declined cows – falling to newspaper. 6 Great British Beef Week: April 23-May 3

Team effort at ‘Our partnership is special’ Lygon Arms HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO attended a dinner • Gloucestershire at Frogmary Green Farm Ladies in Beef, R.A.B.I in South Petherton on April regional manager 30 as the Somerset farming Jenni Thompson, community came together Julia Bovill and Sarah to celebrate the best of British Righton organised a beef. beef supper at The Lygon Arms, Chipping The dinner was hosted by Campden. Minette award-winning farmers Nick Batters was guest and Claire Bragg, the first speaker and the generation of farmers to live evening was a sell-out at Frogmary Green. They with all 60 tickets going have built their business quickly. Diners came up from nothing and now from Worcestershire, have more than 500 acres Warwickshire and of arable crops, growing Dorset as well as potatoes as well as maize Gloucestershire. The and grass leys as fodder for Aberdeen Angus local dairy farmers. Their SOMERSET DINERS: From left to right, Chris Riddle, R.A.B.I beef came from the business also raises 620,000 chairman, Minette Batters, deputy-president of the NFU, Claire farm of pub landlord Freedom Food chickens and Nick Bragg and Paul Burrows, R.A.B.I chief executive. Ivor Potter and was cooked to perfection per year. His Royal Highness the determination of farmers got to engage with those by his daughter and received a tour of the farm in Somerset to fight back from opportunities.” Minette said pub manager, Sandra prior to the dinner, which was the floods that had rocked the support from Morrisons Davenport. R.A.B.I attended by more than 90 their businesses. She also – who took out a two page Welfare Officer Suzie guests including the Lord- said there was still a need to spread in The Sun – was a Paton attended and Lieutenant of Somerset, Mrs champion British beef. highlight of the 2015 beef helped with the raffle. Annie Maw. A two-course “Building a herd is a week campaign. She also beef dinner was prepared lifetime’s work and to build praised the work of R.A.B.I by 2014 MasterChef finalist a beef suckler business you and the special links between • A total of 107 Angela Langford and her absolutely have to love your the charity and Ladies in guests attended team. Guest speaker was cows,” she said. Beef. She added: “What I’m Northamptonshire Minette Batters, one of the “My message is ‘champion most proud of is the link with R.A.B.I’s Sunday founders of Ladies in Beef British beef’. We’ve got R.A.B.I, they have the most lunch at East Haddon and deputy-president of wonderful farms, fantastic hardworking, tremendous Lodge on May 3, by the NFU. The evening raised stories and businesses people and when you kind permission of the money for R.A.B.I and Minette and there are massive see what they do it is very Wrathall family. The saluted the charity’s work and opportunities. But we’ve humbling.” event raised more than £2,500 thanks Keswick lunch for ladies’ group to sponsorship from £1 donated per kilo of rump sold Grant Thornton and A St George’s Day beef lunch at Lyzzik Hall Howkins and Harrison, Gloucester Services the Westmorland in Keswick was enjoyed by Cumbria Ladies plus a donation of supported R.A.B.I Family, the (pictured below). Rev Chris Blackshaw gave meat from WT White during Great British company behind a talk on Amish farming to the group of 37 Butchers. Charles Beef Week by Tebay Services in and the afternoon raised £200. Morton, chairman of donating £1 from Cumbria. Since 1972 the committee, said: every kilo of rump Tebay has been “We are thankful to all steak sold in their offering homemade those who attended in-house butchery. food to travellers. and supported our A motorway service Cumbrian farmers lunch. Ian Brodie station is not your John and Barbara did a fantastic job usual stop-off for Dunning set up cooking the lunch and locally sourced Tebay Services when everyone had a great produce but the the new M6 ran afternoon.” service area on the next to their land. M5 sells homemade Mark Chamberlain, • A beef and St cakes, hand-baked Gloucester George’s quiz night at pies, regional Services operations The Anchor in Whixley, cheeses and wild manager, said: York was held by the boar sausage rolls. “Beef Week is an Question time across north west East Committee of There are no chain important cause Quizmaster Phil Smallwood took charge of North Yorkshire and coffee shops or that we’re very close many quizzes across the north west, including generated £325.50. The fast food joints. to as a business. We one at The Royal Oak in Nantwich which evening was rounded Gloucester Services hope that we can raised £400. A quiz at Cubley Hall in Penistone off with hot beef is the brainchild of make a difference.” during Beef Week attracted 50 people and sandwiches. brought in another £500 for R.A.B.I. Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/rabicharity 7 Young Farmers Clubs & Colleges Charity work is still on the agenda

A sell-out quiz, organised by the Newton St Cyres Young Farmers Club and the Crediton/Witheridge branch of the National Farmers Union raised £1,745 for R.A.B.I and the Farming Community Network (FCN).

Andrew Goodridge, representing R.A.B.I, said: “Devon Young Farmers are a real credit to the organisation. As a former member of Exeter Young Farmers, the evening brought back many happy memories and it was good to see the tradition of charity work still high on the agenda of the young farmer.”

Fifty teams took part in the quiz, which was written by Tom Davie. Drinks and FINDING ANSWERS: Left to right, Millie Murphy, Emma Davie, Georgina Davie, pasties were served by members of the Alex Turner, Robert Cheriton and Richard Hill. young farmers club. Georgina Davie, who organised the YFC member Alice Giles organised quiz, said: “It was great to see lots of another quiz to raise money towards The top three teams won cash prizes people support our night, especially their Three Peaks Challenge. with the money donated by the NFU. those who made such an effort to John Deeres came first with 103 points, travel from across the county.” five ahead of Complete Harmony. The The three girls are also putting on Happy Campers finished third with 92 events to raise money for the Farming points. Georgina, her sister Emma and Bow Community Network. Notable date on Boroughbridge calendar Pies sky high • The Wotton & Dursley Boroughbridge YFC YFC pie night raised £680 produced a calendar for R.A.B.I and The James for 2015 and half the Hopkins Trust in February. proceeds went to R.A.B.I. At the North Yorkshire AGM, Alice Gill • North Holland YFC presented a cheque for invited R.A.B.I to give £750 to North Yorkshire a presentation to club chairman David members and regional Anderson. manager Milly Fyfe made the trip. The club gave her a £30 Just ploughing on... 24 hours in the cab donation. Members of the University of • Anglesey YFC raised Reading Agricultural Society took £121.54 for R.A.B.I and to the tractor and ploughed presented a cheque to continuously for 24 hours to raise regional manager Mel more than £400 for R.A.B.I and Jones. the Farming Community Network (FCN). • Jason Scriven, chairman of Wedmore The event would not have been YFC, gave R.A.B.I a possible without John Textor at cheque for £2,000 on the Southern Harvesters Claas behalf of his club. The dealership, who provided the money was raised at the students with a Claas 650 Arion annual Welly Disco. tractor, and James Winfield at Shorts Agricultural Contractors, who Clawton YFC in lent a five furrow Kuhn plough. • Devon gave £750 to R.A.B.I, while Weston & Tom Copas at COPAS Farms Banwell YFC in Somerset generously let the students use one presented over £100. of his trailers. 8 A big thank you to our business supporters

What R.A.B.I Keeping the shelves stocked means to me Volunteers and staff got the UK, USA and Europe producing a diverse range a close-up look around from its complete farming of crops in huge quantities, the G’s agricultural operation based on The including radishes, potatoes operation in Barway near Fens. G’s boasts the biggest and celery. On The Fens in Ely, Cambridgeshire – the mushroom farm in the UK Ely, farming takes place over hugely successful business and also supplies Tesco with more than 620 hectares. A with a worldwide turnover of 50% of all their onions. The 120 million gallon reservoir £400m. company sells two million and state-of-the-art lettuces per week. With techniques and machinery The G’s business was started other major plants across means the supermarkets in 1952 by Guy Shropshire. the world, including Spain, never go short. Today, it employs some Poland, Senegal and the 6,000 people and supplies Czech Republic, G’s farms R.A.B.I staff and volunteers all the major retailers in more than 11,000 hectares, received a personal tour around the G’s plant from Outgoing trustee Pat Charles Shropshire, a third Stanley sums up her generation farmer from eight years with the the family-owned business. charity. Mr Shropshire said: “We need to supply every week, whatever it takes. We Being involved with cannot let the customer R.A.B.I has been a life down.” changing experience. It has taught me an awful lot and shown The tour around G’s also me different sides gave dedicated R.A.B.I of people’s lives. It committee members from truly is an incredible Essex, Cambridge, Norfolk, organisation. I feel Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire very fortunate to have and Suffolk the chance to been a trustee and sat meet charity chairman Chris on three committees; Riddle and chief executive Manson House, health Paul Burrows. Chris answered LIFE ON THE FENS: Charles Shropshire leads the tour of G’s. & safety and welfare. questions from the floor. Welfare is the most important and is what Leading hop supplier’s Breadmaker’s rising contributions it’s all about – to be able Board of Agriculture to make a difference • R.A.B.I would like website order pledge – a forerunner of to everyday lives is to thank Warburtons Throughout May, one of of Britain’s Defra. R.A.B.I members amazing. When I joined for their continued leading hop suppliers gave £1 to R.A.B.I can obtain a copy R.A.B.I I knew about the support. Regional for every website purchase. at the special rate organisation but had manager Georgina Lamb collected a of £5 (including no idea of the scale Hops have been grown at Stocks Farm donation of £350 postage), of which of things. Still, a major in the village of Suckley – on the border from Distribution £1 will be donated to proportion of the industry of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Manager James Yates R.A.B.I. Please email doesn’t understand. – for more than two centuries. In 1962, at the Burnley site. lovedenbooklet@ I love agricultural history Mark Capper bought the farm and Warburtons previously gmail.com for details. and R.A.B.I has a great today it is run by his son Richard and teamed up with tradition in helping wife Ali. The business supplies hop R.A.B.I to hold college Essex committee people. The help never merchants and craft beer brewers with • open days and other member Rob Stacey stops being needed. hops straight from the fields of their 100- Aside from major fundraising events. received a donation of acre farm. As one of the largest hop £235 from Mike Porter disasters, agriculture has producers in the country, they generate to deal with fluctuations • Proceeds from a of Technology Crops. enough hops to brew around 46 million The money was raised and some people don’t pints of beer. Their customers include new booklet on the life have the padding to of Edward Loveden at a Technology Crops major supermarkets and breweries, but dinner. withstand these ups and their venture is also a flagship for craft will be split amongst downs. Looking into the and home brewing. a number of charities, future there is a lot of including R.A.B.I. • Charles Tassell, Kent uncertainty and I think Edward Loveden chairman, accepted a Last October, the farm began selling R.A.B.I may be called (1750-1822) built Buscot cheque for £1,125 from small vac-packs of HomeBrew hops upon more often to help Park in Oxfordshire, Graham Marshall at to customers direct from their website, the working farmer. It’s which is now a a function at the Kent www.stocksfarm.net/shop. In May, they sad to say goodbye. I’ve National Trust property. County Showground. donated £1 to R.A.B.I for every website made some amazing He was also a pioneer Graham is relationship purchase. Web orders are growing fast, friends and I will never in farming methods manager for with repeat customers across the world, forget you. and a member of the Agriculture at Lloyds. including Spain, Sweden and the USA. For enquiries about welfare call the Freephone helpline: 0300 303 7773 9 Future of home is rosy thanks to £6m project Back in 2012, work began on a major project to bring Manson House into the 21st Century. Three years on, the end is finally in sight - with a £6m investment creating something very special in the heart of Bury St Edmunds. Rob Harris visited the residential home for retired farmers.

The redevelopment of Manson House in Bury St Edmunds has been the biggest construction project in R.A.B.I’s long history…. but the end is finally in sight. The work, led by Kier Construction, began in April 2012 and the last three years have certainly been challenging for all those involved in the project. More than £6m has been invested into the scheme and many unforeseen hurdles have had to be overcome. However, the final results will provide staff and residents with something they can be truly proud of. This summer, the new-look home will be shown off to charity supporters and committee members with a two-day official opening. Manson House dates back to the 16th Century and is a Grade II* listed building. One of two Home manager Carole Smith has residential homes owned and ABOVE: Manson House in Bury St had the unenviable job of running run by R.A.B.I, it is part of the Bury St Edmunds, a residential care home to be a residential home in the midst of a Edmunds community. proud of. building site for three years. Carole and R.A.B.I has been involved with Manson her staff have done remarkably well, “The revamp will give us four extra House since the 1950s. In the 1960s, the but she says it would not have been charity built Manson Court – a block flats and better accommodation. possible without the co-operation of We’ve our own little community, here. of eight independent living flats in the residents. grounds – and later, R.A.B.I took on Residents are still encouraged to overall responsibility for the home. “At the outset we thought the project live independently and because we would take 18 months but it soon are slap bang in the middle of town Updating Manson House has meant became clear that it was going to take everything is close by.” creating 23 self-contained apartments longer,” she said. in independent blocks and refurbishing With features such as vinyl flooring, 31 en-suite residential rooms, plus a “We asked the residents if they wished refurbished sash windows and sprinkler kitchen, dining room and seating areas to stay – and they did.” systems, Manson House is now much that overlook the gardens. The main better prepared to cope with the Carole has been at Manson House Georgian house has been transformed demands of modern living. since 1991. She joined as a carer and old, tired rooms stripped out and but left in 1996 to study for an Open Paul Burrows, chief executive of furnished anew. University degree and have a baby. R.A.B.I, added: “What we have done Residents and staff had to live and She returned 11-years ago and says is safeguard the long-term future of work around the disruptions. Initially, the demands of working in a home Manson House. We have not shirked the project was delayed by an have changed over the years. away from our responsibilities and archaeological findings survey. the finished buildings are far better She said: “When I started, residents equipped to meet the needs of Site manager Phil Cook said: “When had to be independent and they were residents. To everyone involved in we opened up areas that had not tested to see if they could bend down making this project happen, and been touched for years we found and tie their shoes. Now, things are all those affected by the work, I say a lot of things, some of them very very different and people often come thank you for your patience and challenging. We have confronted the to us in their 90s when they are much understanding. It’s taken a while to get problems and dealt with them.” frailer. there, but it’ll be worth it.” 10 Building for tomorrow - how Manson House is shaping up

The work at Manson House. Above, centre, Phil Cook, Kier site manager and former trustee Carol Rymer. BOTTOM LEFT: Carole Smith, home manager.

Staff News Beth is welcome addition ‘Thanks Chris... it’s been an absolute pleasure!’ Beth Steiner (pictured) has joined Senior care the charity as an administrative nurse Chris assistant. Beth has settled in Aston has quickly and is already proving a retired after valued member of the Fundraising 14 years at & Development Department. Beaufort Originally from the Cotswolds, House in she has lived in Oxford for around Burnham- seven years. She has completed on-Sea. two Masters degrees in mythology Home and theology as well as a PhD in manager Old Testament theology. Summing Sue Luck herself up, Beth said: “I grew up said: “I with lots of sheep, I’m 30, naturally have only blonde (non-naturally redhead) ever heard and went to university in Bristol good things Paul Burrows added: Beaufort is a happy before moving to Oxford to do about Chris. She’s been “We are very lucky to home and that’s down my PhD which I finished in 2013. I a pleasure to manage have such a good team to people like Chris.” drink ale, like country music and and we will all miss her.” at Beaufort, we have Chris is pictured with exercise as much as I can as long no agency staff and colleagues on her final as it doesn’t interfere with pub R.A.B.I chief executive very little staff turnover. day. night. I have a pet tortoise called Agamemnon, one older brother who lives in Toronto and a lot of Newly-weds explore the magical islands of New Zealand shoes!” regional manager Milly Wastie married long-term partner Andrew Fyfe at Yelvertoft Parish Church in Northamptonshire on Saturday May 2 and 250 guests attended a reception and enjoyed home reared beef and Gloucester old spot sausages. Milly is looking forward to married life having now become a farmer’s wife. Their honeymoon was spent exploring New Zealand.

Visit the website: www.rabi.org.uk 11 Beaufort House flies flag for first royal visit HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO visited Beaufort House on April 30, R.A.B.I’s flagship residential care home in Burnham-on-Sea.

Beaufort House is a former school set in two acres of landscaped grounds, a short distance from the seafront. Over the past five years Beaufort House has undergone a complete refurbishment. The home now has 33 en-suite rooms/apartments and 12 sheltered flats at the adjoining Beaufort Court.

Also visiting Beaufort as part of the royal visit were The Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset, Mrs Annie Maw; The High Sheriff of Somerset, The Honourable Mrs James Nelson and the chief executive as did Beaufort House management of Sedgemoor District Council, Mr Kerry committee member Anne Elder. The Rickards. kitchen staff prepared a superb lunch for the dignitaries and His Royal Highness was presented with a gift of chocolates ABOVE: His Royal Highness on R.A.B.I chairman Mr Chris Riddle was by resident Delmene Daniell before his tour of Beaufort House. present along with fellow trustees James signing the visitors’ book in the entrance BELOW: Inside the kitchens. Orme, Malcolm Thomas and Joshua hall. Chris Riddle said: “It was a real BOTTOM: His Royal Highness Hosier. James chairs the Beaufort House pleasure to have His Royal Highness, who with resident Margaret Strang. management committee. is the president of our charity, wiith us Margaret’s husband Bill was a top at Beaufort House. This was his first visit aerospace engineer who was the R.A.B.I vice-presidents Rosemary Nash here and his interest in R.A.B.I is greatly chief designer on the project to and Andrew Densham attended too, appreciated.” build Concorde. Generous legacy led to home’s refurbishment Sir John and grounds, and Lady escorted by Sue Lushington Luck and Peter (pictured Mason, facilities with home manager. manager Sue Luck) George Munns were is a farmer from among the Cambridgeshire guests at who organised Beaufort support for House Somerset for the farmers affected royal visit. by flooding Sir John in 2014. He and Lady where the money would subsequently Lushington have been make a real difference gave a generous R.A.B.I supporters for and we know R.A.B.I does donation to Beaufort many years. Sir John that. Beaufort House is just House. Chris Musgrave got to know Beaufort superb and such a happy took an interest in R.A.B.I particularly well when, as place.” and Beaufort House when executor of his cousin’s he initiated a substantial estate, he chose to His Royal Highness also donation from his family assign £175,000 (part met R.A.B.I supporters firm’s charity to renovate of the discretionary George Munns, Chris the kitchen. Alan is a legacy) to the residential Musgrave and Alan and farmer and was chairman home to enable major Janice Read and spent of Bucks R.A.B.I for 20 refurbishment work to much time amiably years. He is married to begin. Sir John said: “We chatting with residents Janice, also a committed wanted to select charities on his tour of the home R.A.B.I supporter.

12 Regi nal News

R.A.B.I has county committees across England and Wales, who work at a local level to raise awareness of the charity as well as funds. Committees are the lifeblood of R.A.B.I and we very much value the time and effort that people put into supporting us. Problems of rural poor are ‘serious’

Mark Spencer MP says the problems of the rural poor are just as serious as those faced by people in deprived urban areas of Nottingham.

The Conservative MP hosted a rural support lunch in Bleasby, Nottingham, on March 13 which was jointly organised by R.A.B.I and Nottinghamshire Rural Support. Wright Vigar provided free lunches to all who attended the workshop, which aimed to provide those in the farming community with more information about the support services available to them.

Mr Spencer comes from a strong farming background. He qualified at Shuttleworth Agricultural College in ABOVE: Pictured at the Nottingham rural support lunch are, left to right, Lesley Bedfordshire before joining the family Sharpe (Nottinghamshire Rural Support), Michael Arlington (Nottinghamshire farm business. A former dairy farm, the business has developed and now Rural Support), Mark Spencer MP, R.A.B.I’s Milly Fyfe, Rob Bower employs around 50 people, growing (Nottinghamshire R.A.B.I chairman) and Geoff Bower (Nottinghamshire R.A.B.I potatoes, vegetables and producing president). free range eggs for a farm shop. The He said: “While the profile of urban He applauded the work of volunteers MP for Sherwood told delegates of deprivation in Nottingham was much and said raising awareness of the his concern for the pockets of rural higher, the problems of the rural poor issues was ‘an important step in deprivation in his constituency. were just as serious.” providing co-ordinated support’. More than 3,500 people for lambing day Last frog king of the lily pads Horses might have were made out of dominated the wood and belonged racing scene in to the Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Frog racers, AKA Di in March with the and Rob Dewbery from Cheltenham Festival, Moreton-in-Marsh, who but just a short hop a have helped various way it was green for go charities raise more for the county’s racing than £300,000 since frogs! launching their frog An evening of frog racing idea in 1995. racing was held at Sir The first frog sale of the Thomas Rich’s School in night raised £50 – with Longlevens, Gloucester. the last frog finalist It was organised by snapped up for £130. Nigel and Janet Rome opened the chance to learn about the Gloucester R.A.B.I It was a shrewd call as the gates of their Manor Farm sheep and lambing, hold lambs committee and he emerged king of the in Morborne for their lambing and see the tiny chicks. An generated £2k. These lily pads by beating all day. This event has been a estimated 3,500-4,000 people frogs weren’t yearning rivals to the champion’s popular date on the calendar attended, helping to raise more for their lily pads – they crown. for 20 years and visitors got than £8,000 for R.A.B.I. Find us on facebook.com/rabicharity1 13 Welsh rugby prop’s generous big push 21st Shropshire lunch tops £10,500

A Totnes show It’s a long way from the of true support • The Totnes Show scrum to the catwalk! committee handed over £5,900 to 10 local charities LEFT: Presenter Eleri Sion, at this year’s annual Rev Canon Dorrien Davies, meeting and R.A.B.I was R.A.B.I trustee Malcolm one of the charities to Thomas, rugby ref Derek benefit. The funds were Bevan, John Davies and raised from last year’s R.A.B.I regional manger show and an auction Linda Jones. at the show chairman’s annual dinner dance. proceedings by TV and Other charities to benefit BBC Radio Wales presenter included the Devon Air Eleri Sion. Following a three Ambulance Fund and course beef meal, Derek Totnes Rotary Club. Bevan, World Cup final referee, was in sparkling form, detailing stories from • Huge thanks to the Former Welsh international were designs by Lampeter- his career. There were a few Suffolk committee for rugby player John Davies based boutique Lan Llofft, risqué anecdotes relating their Sunday spring lunch chose R.A.B.I as one of four farming workwear specialists to John and he also spoke on April 26, which raised charities to benefit from Kiwikit and leisurewear about meeting Nelson an impressive £2,500 for his testimonial events in retailers Big Beach Surf Mandela at the South R.A.B.I. More than 125 Crymych, Pembrokeshire. Shop, Pendine. Models African Rugby World Cup in guests enjoyed a great for the evening included 1995. The Reverend Canon lunch and there was also a presentation to former The ex-prop forward Meinir Howells, presenter Dorrien Davies added to of the Welsh language TV the mirth with a selection R.A.B.I regional manager / farmer from North Bob Archibald. Pembrokeshire played more farming programme Ffermio of jokes and tales. A superb than 600 first-class matches and popular TV and radio auction consisting of 22 lots in his career for Neath, presenter Ifan Jones Evans. raised more than £15,000 • The Cambridgeshire Richmond and the Scarlets. Current Welsh internationals and an additional raffle committee held a ‘Dine He won 34 caps for Wales Josh Turnbull and Gareth on the night generated an and Taste Wine’ evening and returned to his local Davies also made guest extra few thousand pounds. which included five club Crymych to end his appearances. A selection of courses and wine carefully playing days as captain. fine Welsh cheeses, biscuits, On Saturday May 2, a John matched for each dish. John also won Y Cymro grapes and wine were Davies XV took on Crymych The wine was supplied Cryfa (Wales Strongest donated by local businesses Rugby Club in a charity by Amps Fine Wines. The Man). He published his along with some fabulous rugby match, with John’s event raised £1,500. autobiography Dala’r raffle prizes. The raffle alone team emerging victorious Slac yn Dynn in 2013. His raised more than £2,000. by 19-17 with tries from • Norfolk R.A.B.I’s testimonial events kicked off international team-mates quiz and supper night with a fashion show on April A black tie gala dinner on Chris Wyatt, Hemi Taylor and attracted 15 teams. It was 30 compered by Mari Grug Friday May 1 attracted Scott Williams. A pre-match a general knowledge quiz in a marquee the size of a more than 450 people meal and auction attracted although you needed rugby pitch. On the catwalk who were guided through more than 250 people. to know your Norfolk landmarks for the picture round. Liz’s Truss was the Shining Joules hidden amongst the jumble New role for Rob winning team. A sum Bargain hunters At the annual of £1,800 was raised for wrapped up breakfast at the NFU R.A.B.I. warm in Joules north west HQ at designer clothes Skelmersdale, guests • Devon committee for a sale event in received an update vice-chair Philip Wrayford Northamptonshire. about the work of the rallied local farmers to The county charity in Lancashire. have a spring clean- committee hosted Thanks to regional out of tools and other the sale, which director Rob Sheasby equipment. Rendells was sponsored and his staff at the Auctioneers got involved by Towcester- office for promoting and the lots raised £2,000. based estate piles. Further Charlotte Gore, the event and helping agent Michael proceeds on the Isabel Russell, out on the morning • Racing enthusiasts Graham and door and from Stuart Cross, R.A.B.I which raised £300 for generated more than held at Towcester sponsorship meant regional manager R.A.B.I. We wish Rob £1,000 at the South West Rugby Club. More a tremendous Milly Fyfe, Sheena every success as he race day at Taunton. than 300 shoppers figure of £2,000 was Harris, Charles leaves the region to Guests had a track side rifled through raised. Morton and Louise become NFU director view of the action. the bargain Pictured are Dobson. in the east of England. 14 21st Shropshire lunch tops £10,500

Tea is served up in a Singing farmers wedding marquee a hit up north • The Singing Farmers East Yorkshire afternoon tea at Street concerts at Northallerton, committee members Farm, Full Sutton, York, Malton and Skipton raised Jimmy Nightingale by kind permission around £4,000. The Singing and Sarah Ivinson of the Nightingale Farmers have been got married on family. Around 100 performing in Yorkshire, Saturday May 9 people attended County Durham and and offered their with entertainment Cumbria for 10 years. They wedding marquee provided by Swing were brought together by to their committee’s Thing. Franks Chris Berry in 1994, who afternoon tea event Curtis (agricultural said: “It was only meant the following day. equipment suppliers) to be for one year but Approximately £1,000 sponsored the it has mushroomed into was raised at the entertainment. an annual social event that everyone in the rural community looks forward Ploughing matches have become staple on Leicestershire’s calendar to. The Singing Farmers Once again, Richard away. With sponsorship from Milly Fyfe said: “We’re have raised more than Hewitt and members of Mole Valley and Market grateful for Richard’s £100k for R.A.B.I since they the Leicestershire R.A.B.I Bosworth NFU, plus a raffle continued support. started, a phenomenal committee organised a and the proceeds from entry Ploughing matches have achievement. The Singing charity ploughing match fees, a sum of £1,200 was become a fantastic Farmers are: Chris Berry, at Nailstone near Market raised. Special thanks to fundraising-staple on the Phillip Holden, Ken Bosworth. host Andy Crawford. Leicestershire calendar Jackson, Lloyd Lockwood, There were more than 85 Richard Hewitt farms in enabling us to continue our Charles Marwood and entries and Richard had to Ashby-de-la-Zouch and welfare work in the farming Tony Richards. turn several further enquiries R.A.B.I regional manager community.” • The annual Whitechapel dinner and dance in Lancashire was attended by 100 people and raised Muck under the hammer £614 for R.A.B.I. A three A shed full of manure sold for six at their Shifnal home, extremely grateful to course meal was enjoyed for £750 at the annual while Jill Evans offered an everyone who contributed by all and people danced Shropshire NFU lunch! auction prize of a meal for to the NFU lunch - the the night away to Dennis 12, which was bought for overwhelming generosity Westmorland on his Shrewsbury couple Helen £800. of so many is incredible.” accordion. and Tudor Davies donated the unique ‘prize’ of 70-80 Kate Jones, R.A.B.I regional Kate, left, is pictured with • The Butland family tons of ‘mature’ chicken manager for the West Mervin Mullard and Jen opened their farm gates manure as an auction lot Midlands, said: “We are Parry. for R.A.B.I at Buckland at the event hosted Monachorum on by Bruce and Dartmoor. They invited Rosemary Udale at people to see their robotic Eyton Park Farm, milking system and a Telford. pasty lunch with tea and cakes helped raise more The 21st Shropshire than £500. NFU lunch was supported by • All the tickets were more than 300 sold for Merionethshire’s people and raised county committee Sunday an incredible supper at The Eagle Inn £10,568.41 for in Llanuwchllyn on May R.A.B.I. Hosts Bruce 10. A profit of £430 was and Rosemary generated. also donated a pheasant shoot prize to the • Bucks Farmers gathered auction. Neale for the 92nd annual Dalton took up Bucks Farmers Ball at The the gavel and the Doubletree, near Hilton. auction itself raised Jenni Thompson said: £4,000. Charles “The Bucks Farmers Ball is and Wendy Dakin a wonderful event and donated a meal a feature of the county’s social calendar.”

For enquiries about welfare call the Freephone helpline: 0300 303 7773 15 Lloyds bankers conquer new heights Radio show spreads word in

Ex-gamekeeper is an inspiration to others Black Sheep for He used to work clay shoot at his way of saying thank you. the early risers 16 hours a day but the Nettleton Steve said: “You never know now, because of ill Lodge Shooting what’s around the corner. • A farmhouse breakfast health, Steve Smith Ground in Caistor, Sometimes, things can get at the Black Sheep (inset) would struggle Lincolnshire, you down but you’ve just got Brewery in Masham, North to work 16 hours a on May 9 for to pull yourself up by your Yorkshire was attended by week. R.A.B.I and the bootstraps and get on with 90 people, including local Gamekeepers life.” writer and broadcaster The retired farmer from Welfare Trust. A previous Mike Keeble, who kept Lincolnshire, who has clay shoot raised more than Milly Fyfe, Regional Manager everyone entertained. worked on the land for most £1,100 for the two charities. for the East Midlands, said: Coles Solicitors sponsored of his life, has had some Steve also organised a “Steve is just an inspiration. the event, which tough times of late, but still charity 24-hour plough-a- He’s a farmer through and generated more than wants to give something thon. He plans to repeat that through who is always keen £800. back to the charities effort again in 2016. to help R.A.B.I.” that have helped him by supporting other farming Steve was able to access Steve would like to thank • Horncastle NFU branch families in need. financial and practical Dave Grant Engineering and held their annual ball and assistance to improve his E-Quip Agricultural Spares raised £1,150, while the Former gamekeeper quality of life through R.A.B.I. for their support of the clay Coningsby NFU branch’s Steve organised a charity Raising money for others is shoot. annual dinner dance raised a further £1,000 for R.A.B.I. Climbers in peak condition • A great night was had by all at the Leicestershire A group of agricultural was Lloyds Bank head of the walk. He said: “I am quiz evening at Fenn bankers from Lloyds Bank agriculture, Andrew Naylor, delighted that the Lloyds Lane Farm. Gill and Alf (pictured below) left their who said: “We had a good Bank agriculture team has Oliver hosted the event offices and headed for the mix of walkers in terms of rallied to raise funds for which raised £473. hills on May 19. levels of ability, but it’s true R.A.B.I again by taking on Committee member Twenty-two walkers and to say our day job is more the gruelling challenge of Mark Astill proved a a back-up crew of five about sitting around the the Yorkshire Peaks, as they terrific quizmaster and tackled the Yorkshire Three farmhouse kitchen table did two years ago. the chairman’s team Peaks Challenge in order discussing how we can help “These events do not just ‘Clueless’ won the quiz. to boost funds for R.A.B.I. rural businesses, not tackling happen and there is a The group walked 38.5km a demanding challenge great deal of work to make • A farmhouse (24 miles) in just under 12 such as this. them a success. Lloyds has breakfast, organised hours, climbing 1,614m “Supporting farming families been extremely supportive, by the Northumberland (5,297ft) from their start in through the bad times as helping to raise the profile committee, was attended Horton-in-Ribblesdale and well as the good is very of R.A.B.I. We are delighted by 45 guests and made reaching the summits of important to us so we are to be their preferred more than £500. The Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside delighted to have the charity and that they are event was held at and Ingleborough before chance to contribute to committed to supporting the Wheelbirks in Stocksfield, returning to Horton. They such a great charity, which farming community.” Northumberland, which split into four groups, with a does some brilliant work.” Lloyds Bank Agriculture is owned and run by leader in each. employees have raised the Richardson family. Among those doing the R.A.B.I chief executive more than £30,000 for R.A.B.I Michael Richardson is walk in the Pennine Range Paul Burrows was also on and RSABI. on the Northumberland Committee.

• The West Sussex committee whist drive event was attended by 35 people and raised more than £200 for R.A.B.I. Thanks go to supporters Pauline Matthews, Amanda Harman and NFU Pulborough for arranging the evening at Northcapel Village Hall.

• Tom Shepherd took Coming soon... a new-look website! part in the Squires and Spires Cyclosportive in Our website is being relaunched this summer to bring you more news, features and Northamptonshire on May information about R.A.B.I . See www.rabi.org.uk for updates. 10 to raise funds for R.A.B.I. 16 Radio show spreads word in Sheffield

It’s a breeze for Notts top guns Volunteers cook for 70 guests Nottinghamshire R.A.B.I to the strong wind. A A farmhouse “We are very Lucky 13 teams held their annual clay joint top gun score of breakfast at grateful to our shoot at Whaley Farm 37/50 was achieved Winkworth Farm hosts Melanie at Kent shoot near Langwith, thanks by Ben Mellors and in Malmesbury and Jeremy to Ian Longden and Charlie O’Brien. In attracted Newman who • More than £3,000 Nigel Foster. More than total, £905 was raised. 70 people were so generous was raised for R.A.B.I 40 guns turned up to There was generous who enjoyed in their support. and MacMillan Cancer take part in the 50-bird sponsorship from ADAS award-winning The £1,000 raised Support at a West Kent day, which proved and Sherwood Lime produce from today will go Shooting School event quite a challenge due Company. local businesses directly toward in April. Simon Ayshord including Thomas helping farming from the Kent R.A.B.I Motor club fundraisers in top gear Butchers of people in the committee did a great job to organise the event, the money Malmesbury, Wiltshire area.” Tracklements Pictured is Philip attracting teams from as to R.A.B.I, far afield as Hampshire. saying: and Sherston Gilder of Manor “The motor Free Range Eggs. Events, who club relies The breakfast volunteered his • North Cardiganshire heavily on provided a time to serve up Ploughing Society the goodwill useful networking breakfasts to 70 donated £150 to the of many opportunity for guests. R.A.B.I committee in farmers in businesses Ceredigion. The money the area for such as Old Mill came from a ploughing the use of Accountants, competition held in March their land.” HSBC and at Morfa Mawr Farm, Ilkley Motor Club The cheque the NFU to Llanon. donated £1,500 from was presented to understand the fundraising events R.A.B.I Regional support offered • Aled Jones, assistant held over the past two Manager Sally Conner by R.A.B.I. chief executive of the years. Former Motor in February at a Regional Royal Welsh Agricultural Club president Sioned celebratory evening in manager Jenni Society, presented Kath Kitching chose to give Otley. Thompson said: Shaw, secretary of the Brecon & Radnor R.A.B.I county committee, with a cheque for £250. The Urban concerns in spotlight money was raised from the Sunday evening church service preceding the .

• Warwickshire R.A.B.I chair Helen Moore gathered cakes and volunteers at Wren Hall in Wroxall, raising £365.

• Regional manager Georgina Lamb accepted a cheque for £1,355 from the outgoing chair of Mid-Cheshire Farmers Club, Royston Ford. The money was raised through a raffle at their annual dinner. Georgina attended their Regional Manager Georgina Sheffield Group Secretary going on all around them AGM at the Staytham Lamb featured strongly on for the NFU and author and agriculture is often Lodge Hotel in Cheshire BBC Radio Sheffield – taking and researcher Dr Wayne overlooked. and spoke about the work part in a three-hour outside Martindale joined the “We talked a lot about the of R.A.B.I. broadcast of the station’s debate, along with BBC DJ dairy industry and subsidies, breakfast show. The main Toby Foster. environmental stewardship thrust of the discussion was Georgina said: “The focus schemes and what farming • More than 80 people ‘what do farmers do for was really on urban farming means to the general took part in the annual us….and how important are and the fact that Sheffield public. quiz at Hadnall Village they’? has 20,000 jobs associated “Sadly, some of the Hall in Shropshire in The outside broadcast took with agriculture within a questions from the public February, raising £900 for place at Bowshaw Farm, 40km radius of the city, yet highlighted a complete lack R.A.B.I. Quizmaster was , which belongs to is not really considered a of understanding about the Mervin Mullard, aided by farmer Steve Walker. farming area. People don’t industry, but overall it was a wife Trish. Richard Houldsworth, really see that farming is good experience.”

Visit the website: www.rabi.org.uk 17 Former England goalie at branch dinner Dorset celebrity debate generates £12k

Natalie, 19, runs Great saver boosts spending four 13-milers Some great saving helped Gordon Banks make his name in football, First year university but the World Cup winning • student Natalie Plummer goalkeeper got people spending at ran four half-marathons a Staffordshire R.A.B.I dinner at The in a month to raise funds Ingestre Suite. for R.A.B.I. Natalie, 19, is Banks was England’s number one a first year student at the when they won the World Cup in 1966. University of Reading, He played for his country 73 times and studying Agriculture with was named Football Writers’ player Industrial Training. She ran of the year in 1972. He was guest half-marathons in Bath, speaker at a dinner of the R.A.B.I Devizes, Reading and Staffordshire branch, which raised TOP TEAM: Gordon Banks, second from left, front Yeovil throughout March £8,232 for the farming charity. A raffle row, with members of Staffordshire R.A.B.I. – her time in Reading was brought in more than £1,000 thanks meal vouchers to a holiday. More than 380 a highly respectable 1hr to ticket sellers from Staffordshire Young guests heard Banks talk about his glittering 21mins 42mins. Money is Farmers’ Club, while a table raffle raised an career as a footballer, which ended still coming in but Natalie’s additional £1,400. An auction generated abruptly when he lost the sight in an eye Just Giving page has £2,335 with the prizes including a bottle of following a car crash. Kate Jones, R.A.B.I already generated more House of Commons whiskey signed by the regional manager for the , than £800. Prime Minister. Barclays Bank generously said: “I am so proud of my committee and donated £3,000. Auctioneer Mike Williams extremely grateful to Barclays Agriculture for sold various lots ranging from hampers and their match funding of £3,000.” • The ‘Duchy Nuts’ took on the Rock Solid Race in Exeter for R.A.B.I. The Blood is thicker than... mud? Carrots for the treasure hunters! Duchy Nuts are Oliver The Thwaites family “I chose R.A.B.I as A Lancashire Thanks to Jim and Lee, Faith Ogilvie, Megan was out in force on a cause because treasure hunt Sarah Holding and Thorn, Fraser Pendreigh the Gelt Gladiator it stands proud for attracted 115 Richard and Liz and Craig Ledger. The Mud Run in Cumbria all that my dad was hunters, searching Seed for setting the Rock Solid Race featured in May. about.” the picturesque hunt which raised many obstacles, mud and The picturesque Gelt The Thwaites forest of Bowland £550 for R.A.B.I. freezing cold water. woods, which follow competed in around Chipping the River Gelt through Cumbria wearing and Longridge for Pictured left to • Jane Smith, vice- a deep sandstone their own family prizes. The ‘Brindle right, looking chairman of the Bucks ravine, provided t-shirts. Ruth added: Bad Boys’ sadly for clues, are committee, ran the the course for the “We are a massive won the booby Lancashire R.A.B.I London Marathon to raise infamous Gladiator family. My parents prize – a box of chairman David around £700 for R.A.B.I. – a tough test of Bill and Dorothy had carrots to no doubt Clarke, West Jane said: “Training was grit, determination, eight children and help them see Yorkshire R.A.B.I a little challenging after stamina and Pat is the eldest. I better! vice-chairman falling three times in teamwork. am number seven Victory went to Frank Chislett, January but thanks to the Competitors tackled and there are 17 the team called Barbara Rowland, advice and support of 30 obstacles and a grandchildren ‘No Turning Back’. Longridge YFC others I completed the run through the wood and eight great The night was chairman Stephen marathon in 3hrs 55mins before the muddiest grandchildren. finished off with Graham and YFC 18secs. I’m feeling very of finishes on terrain “Taking part in the supper at Ferrari’s member Jack chuffed with myself.” usually reserved for Gladiator were in Longridge. Briggs. motorcross. myself, two brothers, • Matthew Southall, Ruth Thwaites – sister seven of my nieces Freddie Sandercock and of R.A.B.I trustee Pat and two in-laws. Our George Dakin undertook Davies – explained: ages ranged from the Harper Adams “When I was small 23 to 55. Some are University RAG Jailbreak I never knew I was regular gym-goers for R.A.B.I. The students poor. and others new had to get as far away “I never knew how mothers. from the university as my family struggled, “Our team contained possible in 36 hours, on I was just loved. I stubborn farmers and very little money. lived on the farm and even one recovering learned to respect from a ruptured Competing for the Savills Trophy Rochester NFU hosted and love people and appendix, but the • On May 10 there deer / vermin their annual Kent clay nature. My dad sold one thing that united were seven teams control shoot with shoot at Willow Farm near his stock so we could us is that we are for a shoot on the targets from 160- Tenterden. Thirteen teams have a present at Thwaites! Froyle Estate near 360 yards. A team of four competed with Christmas and my “It was an amazing Alton in Hampshire from Holland & £495 raised for R.A.B.I. mam’s love could day and we were – all competing for Holland won the The winning team was encapsulate the proud to do it for the Savills Trophy. trophy and the Rochester Ram Jam. world! R.A.B.I.” It was a simulated event raised £560. 18 Dorset celebrity debate generates £12k

Survival battle in balloon You need Hedd The creator of Downton Actor and writer Julian Adie joined the Antique for the heights Abbey, a leading BBC news Fellowes, who wrote the Roadshow’s Christopher correspondent, an antiques script for the Oscar-winning Payne and Lady Rachel • Caernarfon and expert and an eminent film Gosford Park as well Billington in a fundraising Anglesey NFU Cymru British author got into a spat as creating the TV hit debate for R.A.B.I. Group Secretary Hedd over who should be thrown Downton Abbey, and BBC Andrew Densham chaired Rhys plucked up the out of a sinking air balloon! news correspondent Kate the discussion in which the courage to tackle the speakers chose a well- longest zip line in the known character and northern hemisphere to argued the case as to why raise £1,000 for R.A.B.I. they should not be thrown Hedd, along with his out of a sinking balloon. father Olaf Davies and The battle was hard fought eight other R.A.B.I charity but only Mata Hari survived supporters, scaled heights – thanks to Kate Adie’s of 500m on a mile-long powers of persuasion. zip line at Bethesda. Hedd The event took place at said: “Taking part in this Melbury House in Melbury challenge was certainly Sampford by kind permission an experience, the of Mr James Townshend nearest thing to flying. I’d and the Honourable Mrs like to thank everyone for donating – this money will UP, UP AND AWAY: Debate speakers, left to right, Kate Adie, Charlotte Townshend. More go a long way in helping Christopher Payne, Rachel Billington, Julian Fellowes and than £12,000 was raised for R.A.B.I, which operates Andrew Densham. farmers in financial difficulty. throughout England and Wales.” Go-karting caps memorable year Breathing fire Hedd’s £1,000 contributed to the group’s total of A go-karting event organised David Chantler (left). Also on the island more than £2,600 – with by Kent committee chairman pictured is Claire Webb of another £600 pledged. Charles Tassell was held at Emilia’s Little Heart (right). The Isle of Wight Ball A further £1,000 was also Buckmore Park in Kent, with Mayor Luck said: “I am got underway with recently donated to proceeds going to R.A.B.I and delighted to have been the Ryde Extreme R.A.B.I by the NFU Cymru the charity Emilia’s Little Heart. able to support The Royal Performers breathing Mid-Gwynedd Trustees. Both charities were chosen Agricultural Benevolent fire on the lawns as for support by the Mayor of Institution and Emilia’s Little guests arrived! Tonbridge & Malling, Sasha Heart this year. I greatly High Sheriff Ron Holland • Audrey Emanuel, the Luck, during her year in office. admire the dedication of gave an informative daughter of Ceredigion The mayor hosted a variety of those who give up their time to speech and the meal committee member Keith charity events during the past make such a vital difference was cooked by the Whitehead, tackled the year. Twenty-nine teams took and it’s been a privilege to team at The Channel Pembrokeshire sprint part in the go-karting day at raise money for two such View Hotel in Shanklin. triathlon in Fishguard in Buckmore Park and nine were worthy causes. It has been Most of the produce May to say thanks for from the farming and rural a wonderful year and I have was locally sourced the support given to her business community, including many happy memories of the with the beef from parents by R.A.B.I. She Canterbury YFC and Vigo events I’ve attended and the Kemp Hill Farm, owned raised £608. YFC. There was also a charity inspirational people I have met by Mr and Mrs Ron Holland. Around 100 dinner at the Oast Theatre, along the way.” Guests gathered at people attended the • with a display Eathorpe Village Hall for ball, which raised of Nepalese a talk by Henry Marriott £1,500 for R.A.B.I and dancing. and a buffet supper RIWAS (Royal Isle of Mayor Luck provided by Rosie Reeve Wight Agricultural presented a and helpers. The night Society). Organisers cheque for was very informative and would like to say a £5,338.29 to raised £900. The guests massive thank you to Charles Tassell, enjoyed learning about all who attended and Kent county the history of Thornley’s the event sponsors, chairman Ales. (second including NFU Mutual, from left) Mole Country Stores, She may have retired and former Garlic Farm, Wight Fit, • as Shropshire chairman, Kent county Green and Forster and but Heulwen Charles will chairman R Hunts. still be fundraising for R.A.B.I. Heulwen stepped Want to receive R.A.B.I News? down as chairman in March but will be tackling Contact Rob Harris on 01865 811600 or email [email protected] to receive a copy of a zipwire challenge in R.A.B.I News direct to your home or business. A digitial copy can also be emailed. Wales on July 31.

Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/rabicharity 19 Diary Dates Regional Managers EAST - LUCY BELLEFONTAINE June 25 Skittles evening, Daylands Farm, Ashurst Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, 12 Leicestershire golf day, Market Bosworth 25 Mid Devon Show, Tiverton Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire 12-14 Three Counties Show 25 Penrith Show Mobile: 07739 297374 13 Aberystwyth Show 26 Totnes Show, Devon Tel: 01728 638 877 13 NFU Mutual dinner & dance, Halifax 26 Lowland Games, Muchelney, Somerset Email: [email protected] 14 Essex R.A.B.I Sunday lunch 28-30 New Forest Show, Brockenhurst NORTH EAST – SALLY CONNER 16 NSA Sheep Show, North Tawton, Devon 29 Yealmpton Show, Devon North Yorkshire, County Durham, 16 Cream tea with Bishop of Carlisle, Keswick 29 Cardigan Show Northumberland, East Yorkshire 17 Nottinghamshire farm walk, Gleadthorpe 29 Nantwich Show Mobile: 07818 093506 17 Brockton Gun Club shoot, Much Wenlock 30 Forde Abbey Summer Fair, Chard Tel: 01964 541400 19 R.A.B.I trip to Lundy 31 CLA Gamefair (until August 2) Email: [email protected] 19-20 Cothi Bridge concert and whist drive 20-21 Harden Moss sheepdog trials August SOUTH EAST – SALLY FIELD 21 Open garden day, Hilltop Farm, Braunston 1 Blakesley Show, Northamptonshire Hampshire, IOW, Berkshire, Surrey, 21 Classic car day and cream tea, Frosterley 1-8 National Eisteddfod of Wales, Meifod Sussex, Kent 21 Bowood country fair and dog show 2 Cream tea, Offham, East Sussex Mobile: 07799 798441 22 Golf day, Driffield, East Yorkshire 6 Honiton Show, Devon Tel: 01903 882741 23 Auction evening at Hansons of Etwall 7-9 Email: [email protected] 24-25 Lincolnshire Show 8 Ellingham Agricultural Show, Ringwood WEST MIDLANDS - KATE JONES 24 Farm Walk at Ragley Hall 8 Minsterley Show, Shropshire Staffordshire, Shropshire, West 24 Agri Industry clay shoot, Goole 10 Gloucestershire picnic and cream tea Midlands, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, 24 Stowell Park estate tour and garden party 13 Okehampton Show, Devon Herefordshire 27 Isle of Wight Show 14 Lampeter Show Mobile: 07876 492839 27 Twmpath, Dolwen, Llanwenog 16 Allonby charity ploughing match Tel: 01743 892892 27 Midsummer Bash, West Sussex 16 Duck race, Glanwern, Talsarn, Ceredigion Email: [email protected] 27 Brymore open day 18-20 Pembrokeshire County Show 27-28 Shrewsbury Food Festival 19 Joules clothing sale, near Buxton NORTH WEST - GEORGINA LAMB 28 Blaston Show near Market Harborough 19 Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show Cumbria, Lancashire, South & West 28 Barn Service, Fosse Way, Chesterton 20 Chagford Show, Devon Yorkshire Merseyside, Cheshire 28 Pandy Show 20 Denbigh & Flint Show Mobile: 07917 114250 23 Tony Garside’s farm party, Huddersfield Email: [email protected] July 26 Merionethshire Show, Harlech 1-2 Norfolk Agricultural Show 27 Bucks County Show, Aylesbury SOUTH CENTRAL – JENNI THOMPSON 2 Strawberries & cream, Halifax 27 Melplash Show, Dorset Buckinghamshire, Wiltshire, 3 Hertfordshire clay shoot 29 Talybont Show Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire 4 Leicestershire Show 29 Llanfair Caereinion Show Mobile: 07919 478518 4 Skelton Show 30 Gateridge open farm day near Brackley Tel: 01935 826726 5 Shuffleboard afternoon, Lancing, W Sussex 31 Glendale Show, Wooler, Northumberland Email: [email protected] 5 Talk by Rose Patterson, Shrewsbury EAST MIDLANDS – MILLY FYFE 5 Bucks cream tea, Creslow Manor September Lincolnshire, Rutland, Nottinghamshire, 6 Cream tea, Lavender Farm, Selbourne 1 Dorset steam fayre barbecue, Blandford Leicestershire, Derbyshire, 6 NRSN AGM 5 Alresford Show, Hampshire Northamptonshire 9 Warner Edwards gin tasting, Harrington 5 Turnditch and Windley Show, Derbyshire Mobile: 07525 323450 9 Wiltshire R.A.B.I estate tour, Fonthill Bishop 5 Wolsingham Show, County Durham Tel: 01788 823739 11 Liskeard Show, Cornwall 5 Moreton Show Email: [email protected] 11 Tivyside Show 5 Kingsbridge Show 11 Capestone charity ball, Pembrokeshire 5-6 Harvesting the old fashioned way, Lavant SOUTH WEST - PAM WILLS 12 Essex R.A.B.I horse ride 5-6 Dorchester Show Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Somerset 12 Ashby Show, Leicestershire 6 Apley Estate Walk, Shifnal Mobile: 07825 336224 12 British 10k run, London 6 Lancashire Sunday lunch Tel: 01398 361819 14-16 Great Yorkshire Show, Harrogate 9 Golf day, Kirbymoorside, North Yorkshire Email: [email protected] 19 Summer luncheon, Whalton Village Hall 10 Westmorland Show 20-23 Royal Welsh Show 12 Frome Show WALES - LINDA JONES 22 Driffield Agricultural Show, East Yorkshire 12 Penistone Show Mobile: 07557 363016 23 Auction at Malton, TBC 12-13 Art exhibition, Copston Magna Tel: 01559 364850 Email: [email protected] Regional Welfare Officers For welfare enquiries please contact our Freephone helpline 0300 303 7373 (Oxford)

TOM ARMSTRONG SARA GARNER PAT DOBSON Caernarfon, Denbighshire, Flintshire, NORTH MIDLANDS SE ENGLAND Merionethshire, Shropshire, Northumberland, County Warwickshire, Northants, Berkshire, Surrey,Sussex Montgomeryshire Durham, Scotland Nottinghamshire, (east & west), Kent, Bedfordshire, Middlesex, Essex, MERIEL EDWARDS JOHN BASNETT Leicestershire, Hertfordshire, London SOUTH WEST WALES NE ENGLAND Buckinghamshire, West Midlands Carmarthenshire, Yorkshire, Derbyshire CATHY DENSLOW Ceredigion, SALLY HUBBARD SOUTH ENGLAND Pembrokeshire JILL LINE EAST ENGLAND Somerset (south), Dorset, NE ENGLAND Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Hampshire, Isle of Wight CLAIRE CRICHARD Lincolnshire, East Norfolk SOUTH EAST WALES & Yorkshire Riding LIZ HOARE BORDERS SOUTH WEST ENGLAND Brecon & Radnor, JACKIE CLEGG SUZIE PATON Cornwall, Devon Glamorgan, Monmouth, NORTH WEST ENGLAND SOUTH CENTRAL Worcestershire, Gloucestershire Cheshire, Lancashire, ENGLAND (north), Herefordshire Cumbria, Staffordshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, MEL JONES Merseyside Somerset (north), NORTH WALES & All enquiries to our welfare Gloucestershire (south) SHROPSHIRE department will be dealt with in the Anglesey, Conwy, strictest confidence

Thank you to everyone who supports R.A.B.I. Your efforts really do make a difference to people’s lives 20