Gathers Many Insects Entomology Professor Returns From Mexican Expedition

By STEVE AMES leaders, two physicians, a dentist, entomologist in the ground beetle. and published in a recognized The honeymoon is over. an archaeologist, a herpetologist, "The big job is mounting these journal. Dr. J. Gordon Edwards, pio. an ornithologist, a photographer- things," said Erwin. "Next we Erwin said that the insects will lessor of entomology, has returned artist, a navigator and one other have to break the specimens down remain in the Insect Collection from an expedition to the Yucatan entomologist. into families, genera and finally Room of the Science Building Peninsula in southern Mexico with They were joined by a Mexican species." (room 239) and are not expected 0 a collection of several hundred in- archaeologist and several Mayan In order to classify the speci- to be on permanet display. sects and now must continue the Indians. mens, all existing literature on 'STRICTLY SCIENTIFIC' tedious task of pinning and label- 'FIRST OUTSIDERS' Yucatan Peninsula insects is now "This is strictly a scientific ref- being located by Dr. Edwards and erence collection," he said. "This ing them. "We became the first 'outsid- Erwin. is becausc if left out, the der- Initially, the specimens must be ers' ever to walk across this un- Next step is taking or sending mestid beetles will eat up the relaxed by softening their dried kown area and, in addition to the specimens to museums such as collection." muscles with humid atmosphere mapping it and indicating several the Academy of Science Dr. Edwards said that it is quite in a tight jar for a week. In this place-names of cenotes or wells, at Golden Gate Park in San Fran- possible that the collection might way, says Dr. Edwards, the in- we also investigated numerous cisco and the American Museum someday have an addition. sects' legs and wings may be previously unrecorded Mayan of Natural History in Washing- "Although it is good to be home t, spread without breaking. ruins." Assisting Dr. Edwards is Terry ton, D.C. again, we are all now planning Elwin, who received his M.S. in After Dr. Edwards captured the on ways in v,tich to get back to cynaide bottles, he 'COMPARE SPECIMENS' biological science in January at insects in Tankah with our families," he SJS. placed them in 15 cigar boxes be- "They compare the specimens said. tween layers of a treated tissue. with what they have at the mu- "It was a great experience and LONG WALK Erwin did most of the relaxing, seums and assist us in identifying left us all with a myriad of mar- Dr. Edwards captured the in- pinning and labeling in December them. They charge us nothing for velous memories. Maybe next sects while walking 100 miles and January while wrapping up their time or trouble. They work time we will be in for better across the Territory of Quintana his master's. in the 'name of science,' " Erwin weather. Roo from Chemax to Tulum in A specialist in the ground beetle, said. "In return we give them "In this last trip there was November. Erwin will leave SJS next month INSECT EXPEDITIONDr. J. Gordon Edwards, professor of specimens in a large series for a distinct lack of insects because In the "American Quintana for the University of Alberta in entomology, is shown prior to his departwe to Mexico on an their collection." of the dry weather and bitterly Roo Expedition" staff were 12 Canada to begin Ph.D. work un- insect collecting expedition. The collector now has the tedious Specimens rettrned to SJS cold nights. Perhaps next time we North Americans including two der Dr. George Ball, a leading task of pinning and mounting his specimens. vvithout a name are given a name will have better luck."

-----.11111a13 Close Votes PARTAN DAILY ""' SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Council Ends Debate Vol. 53 4111111. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 No. 83 On Election Code Tonight in Concert Hall By DON DIIGDALE campus political parties. Candi- of wording difficulties. Hendricks Spartan Daily Staff Writer dates may still display their party's has already approved the directive Student Council yesterday ended name on their own posters. introduced by Larson which sets discussion of proposed changes in The other committee recommen- up the program. the ASB Election Code after close dation was to retain in the code Larson's other proposed reso- votes on three issues in the pro- Fuller To Discuss World of Future a prohibition of candidates' names lution relating to Viet Nam, a posed bill of amendments. in Spat-tan Daily party advertise- measure reconunending that coun- By DICK DANIELS resources to serve 100 per cent of consequence of outworn, ignorant mated universe in which the en- After. almost two ntorths of dis- ments. The proposal to delete this Spartfui Daily staff Writer humanity instead of only 44 per biases of the old-timers. Let's join tire process is so successfully pre- cussion in committees and in coun- cil express its opposition to the cent of humanity today," Fuller forces and set things right!" designed that men didn't even cil meetings, decisions were prohibition failed 7-9-0. war, will apparently die in com- "Anything Buck Rogers can do adds. Electronic computers will be- know that they were automated," mittee, Larson said yesterday. The in his comic strips today, we will reached on all proposals in the EQUAL PUBLICITY The university student, he con- come more and more active in the he continued. bill. The final vote apparently resolution was designed to allow do better in reality tomorrow," R. tinues, is far more aware of his society of the future, Fuller pre- Fuller has many visions of the will come at next week's meeting. The intent of these two mea- council to get students' opinions Bucluninster Fuller. SJS' first to Junior Rep- dicts. world 35 years in the future. Since Approved were two recommen- sures, according on the war, rather than to sup- Scholar - in - Residence, promises resentative Margaret Davis, is to Automation isn't so new to man, the future necessarily concerns all dations made last week by coun- port or oppose it. Various meth- human- all candidates have man whenever he discusses Fuller maintains. "For at least two mankind, it seems it would be cil's Campus Policy and Finance insure that ods of polling students on the access to an equal amount of pub- ity's future. million years men have been mul- highly worthwhile to attend "Your Committees. By a vote of 8-7-1, issue were considered, including licity. Tonight at 8 Fuller speaks on tiplying on a little automated World of 2000 A.D." tonight. The candidates' names and pictures a referendum, a survey campaign, "Your World of 2000 A.D." in his space ship called Earth in an auto- admission chargean open mind. were prohibited from posters of In other changes, the number of and hearings. second campu.s-wide lecture in types of handouts available to a Morris Dailey Auditorium. single candidate was increased OTHER ACTION "My first campus-wide lectwv from three to six, by a 9-8-0 vote. In other action yesterday Stu- dealt with 'A Speculative History,' Steve Larson, graduate repre- dent Council: US. Disarmament Consultant sentative, said the measure was and now I'll discuss the future," Approved the following allo- a compromise between keeping Fuller said. The 70-year-old archi- cations for athletics: $700 to send the present limitation and stipu- tect, poet, inventor, engineer, au- one SJS participant to the NCAA lating that there be no limitation. thor and mathematician said he'd Gymnastics Championships; $2,600 Views Foreign Policy Today He said there should be as little discuss the present in relation to to send eight participants to the limitation as possible in campaign both the past and future in still NCAA College Division Swimming Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, consul- ernment, politics and international should not imitate "Soviet dogma- creativity. another campus lecture. "I'll tie Championships; $892 to send two tant to the U.S. Arms Control and affairs. The text also merited a tism," a sense of urgency should the past and future together when Sophomore Representative Vic- parricipants to the NCAA Wres- Disarmament Agency, wW analyze citation from the Overseas Press leaven our empiricism. tor Lee, however, said the change I discuss the present," he re- Club. The author further emphasized, tling Championships. These allo- marked. "Foreign Policy in a Nuclear Age" would increase the financial bur- cations were reconunended yester- In "Nuclear Weapons and For- "As the strongest and perhaps the den on candidates with limited outlined several today at 10:30 a.m. in Concert day by Financial Adv-Lsory Board. Fuller has eign Policy" Dr. Kissinger stated, mots vital power of the free world financial resources. trends which must be considered Hall. Sponsor is the ASH Lecture "Many of the difficulties of the we face the challenge of demon- Elected Miss Davis council when dealing with the prospect BUCKMINSTER FULLER Committee. non-Soviet world have been the re- strating that democracy is able to CODE CHANGES finace officer. Council's former fi- for humanity. . . . speaks tonight sult of an attempt to use the ele- find the moral certainty to act nace officer, John Brucicman, re- Dr. Kissinger was born in Ger- "Medical science. thmugh the ment of uncertainty as an excuse without the support of fanaticism In other Election Code changes, signed last week. development of interchangeable surrounding world today than 50 many and educated at Harvard for inaction." and to run risks without a guar- council deleted from the bill a human parts, may be about ready years ago. This trend will continue University where he is professor He added that while the U.S. antee of success." proposed definition of "handouts," with increased awareness and thus leaving the definition to the to develop a 'deathless' man," Ful- and of government and a member of ler predicts. Along with this, he intellectual and technical disci- Election Board. Today's Weather its Center for International Af- adds, man is learning to use nat- plines, he will ask himself, "Why In other action, council passed Saida ( Lira cioud3, ural resources more efficiently. can't we make the world work? fairs. Larson's resolution stating that good chance of rain today and negative nonsense is the past he ha.s also served as To Enter council is "in favor of' providing All the In the Five Students "Eventually, man will learn to use tomorrow. Predicted high tem- consultant to the National Secur- a Viet Nam information program perature today, 58-63. Predicted ity Council and the Weapons Sys- for the students. A similar reso- low temperature tonight, near tems Evaluation Group of Joint lution was vetoed last week by 50. l'arlithle uinds, 5-20 miles Student Group Sponsors Chiefs of Staff. Municipal Court Plea ASB Pres. John Hendricks because per hour. During World War II, the polit- * * * Forum on 'New Left' iCHI scientist was a member of the Five SJS students charged wit h The students WPM among a U.S. Counter-Intelligence Corps, disturbing the peace have had their group of seven persons arrested political left does the rest of the campus relate Nature of the new and from 1946 until 1959 he held cases continued in Municipal Feb. 28 after police were called an to it? the rank of captain in the Mili- Court until Tuesday when they Soph Rep Proposes End at SJS will be discussed at to quiet a party on llth Street. Bartko states that one of the tary Intelligence Reserve. will enter a plea. open-end forum sponsored by Stu- Those arrested were Gordon E. purposes of the panel is to "par- many works, Dr. Kis- dents for Publication and Research Author of Abreu, 429 S. Ninth St.; Francis ticularize debate going on all over singer's book, "Nuclear Weapons To Queen Sponsorship Friday, 7:30-11 p.m. in ED100. J. Bardsley, 446 S. llth St.; Rich- the country." There are conflicts and Foreign Policy," was awarded Play To Panel members include Dr. El- Continue within the left and there are some the 1958 Woodrow Wilson Prize ard F. Hilbert, 515 E. Williams; A proposed amendment to the Earlier in the meeting ASB At- dred Rutherford, assistant profes- manifestations of this on campus, for hest book in the areas of gov- In College Theatre Gordon T. Hunter, 515 E. Wil- ASB Election Code which would torney General Wes Watkin.s stat- sor of psychology; Dr. Henry he says, "such as political radicals llama; James A. Montgomery, 446 eliminate sponsorship of Home- ed his desire fnr just such a reg- versus emotional radicals, ideology Pitchford, assistant profeasor of Tho Drama Department's pres- S. Ilth St.; all SJS students; Paul coming Queen candidates was in- ulation. He said he feels sponsor- versus no ideology." sociology; and Mrs. Eleanor 'mak- Dorm Competition entation of "A Man for All Sea- Dyer, 411 F.. San Fernando; and tmduced at yesterday's Student ship hy campus organizations sett, instructor of eennoniies. Oth- "Thr left represents a signifi- sons" by Robert Bolt rontinues to- John D. E:gert, 429 S. Ninth St. Council meeting by Sophomore "cheapens the campaign." ers on the panel are David Eakins, cant element on campus," Bartko Hoover Hall, women's dormi- night at 8 15 in College Theatre. Dyer pleaded innocent of the Representative Tina Newton. Watkins said if sponsorship is assistant professor of history; Dr. stressed. Ile believes the forum tory, is sponsoring a drive to raise Other performances will he given charge and will have a trial March Miss Newton withdrew her pro- not pmhihited he would favor DaVid Newman, associate profes- should interest those within the money for Easter Seals tw hold- tomormw and Saturday nights, 29. posal, however, in order to ex- a stipulation of nn limit on the sor of mychology; and two stu- left., thase who may have some ing competition between the wings both at 8:15. In addition to the charge of pedite the passage of the bill of numbed of organizations allowed dents, Kim Maxwell and John "left" beliefs but feel alienated of the dorm. Tickets for the play may be pur- disturbing the peace, Ahreu and amendments to the code now be- to sponsore one candidate. The Ha nsen. from the left, and students inter- "Applications to compete in a chased at the College Theatre Box Bardsley are charged with ma- fore council. She will apparently proposed bill of amendments, as Paul Bartko, president of the ested in understanding more about talent show Thursday, March 24, Office, Speech and Drama Build- licious mischief. re-introduce the proposal in a sep- it stands now, limits sponsorship arate sponsoring group, says he hopes the left. fmm 8-10 p.m. are now available," ing, from 1-5 p.m. and again heizin- The police report on the incident bill next week. to one organization for each can- the discussion will cover such ques- Ile invites people to rnme to the Miss I.ibby McMahon, chairman of ning at 7:15 p.m. Prices are 75 stated that three bottles were The measure, AS presented yes- didate. tions as: Is there a left at San 11114(4.18if M with "ideas of eriticizing her wing's fund drive, said. cents for students with student thrown at officer Lawrence Le- terday, would direct the ASB tn Watkins said elimination of the Jose? Who is in it? Where is it thie part of the campus conunu- For further information, call body cards and $1.50 for general fall's vehicle and that subsequent conduct an information campaign limit would allow small organiza- 1 going? What is its structure? Hcnv tuty." Hoover Hall, 294-2822. investigation led to the arrestb. fur all candidatea. tions to compete with larger ones. 2-e. -SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, March 10, 1988 Rack East 1-(A PA RTAN DA I LY `See America' - um- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Cood Advice Fditor TOM MEAD Advertising Mgr. JERRY FORD lasszosso By JUDY W ALTER The first time I was introduced as being from "hack East," I was rather surprised. We Believe to say the least. I am, in fact, from the Iliddle est, which in most parts of the country iet distinguished front the Fast. and Let There Be Light Vl est. At the tinisersily I .iii,nded hot year, S111111.1112, frill-II the .1-1 V.,1, 1.1 New York or New Jtr,i., FD1TOR'S NOTE: Today's editorial is the fourth naming' and understanding of the I soon discovered, hom(ler, that 10 a in a fivepart series dealing with the lighting situation. I around campus. native Californian. California is California, The time to start taking some action and the rest of the country is lumped street lighting. like anything ! Good has been long mertitie. The north San er the terieback East." 1 was amazed else worthwhile, needs the interest and Jose area already has citizen groups to find that many people here lime acthe participation of citizens who pushing for better lighting. Surely the not been further east than Neyada are concerned about inadequate safety citizens living south of Santa Clara Wyoming. Alien this interest and par- Street lime some interest in their com- INTETIF:STS I must admit this is reasonably moiler- : ticipat' is lacking, the result is an munity. increase in situations which society standahle, since California offers such a The fraternities are not free of variety of attractions ihut it is not nec- inaulings anti rapes, depnis critical apathy either. According to Robert essary to travel otili-itle otaln 10 satisfy accidents, thefts et al. ; autmnobile Mukaney, engineering technician anti 0111.'8 interests. Apathy in anything is unfortunate, the man in charge of San Jose street At the same time, you should not fibrget but when it entails public health and lighting. petitions were circulated last that there are 49 otInr states in c ; safety. it is inexcusable. And it seems semester concerning lighting Most of try each one unique. Russian Venus Probe May Have Contaminated The Planet There iS SO 10 1 lo epallSiVe ; ttat apathy is responsible for the lack the sororities returned petitions, as did Of file SO111111%1,1, I lie fel 1 ile I ,,1- satisfactory, effective lighting sur- landlords, but several of the largest 1. greell Will I irrigating lite 00141 rounding areas of the campus. and in there was little response f the fra- Thrust and Parry inatst!, the South, %ills ils 0111 nrskitn eertain areas of the campus itself. ternities. Lack of understanding of the and battlefields, and the "real" East, so .Property assessment is the only gravity of the situation probably rich in history. ...answer to the lighting question. But prompted the male Greeks to pigeon- STATISTICS sore property owners surrounding hole the petitions. Nlorals, Support Viewed There is much more to the country the college seem reluctant to take any We need lighting now. These peti- stupid to think that individuals count when than is revealed by a flat( map in geog- More Philosophy About facts and action. We realize that these people tions must be completed and returned we have such a great show to put on? raphy class, much niore than Perceptive theological thought now looks statistics show. are not intentionally keeping the to City Hall. They may be obtained Life, Death and Hitler back at this as the error of idol-making and A trip to Europe may s0111111 from Assessment Clerk Ernie Walker idolatry: fixed, partial ideology, claiming to streets dark, and can only blame their Inn the U.S. has touch to offer, too es- Editor: tran.scend the value of the individual, vvhich apathy concerning lighting on lack of in Room 330, City Hall. pecially if you've never been outside your James Brescoll's letter (March 3) doesn't allows men to treat others as objects, not humans. Buber probably was the latest home state. make sense to me. Logically, the protestors as of the great reminders of men, in regard to "See America FirA" is more than a cannot (and do not) both "condemn the Con- this message. slogan. it is good ady is a big country, Guest Editorial stitution" and at the same time attack the I can't help thinking that Cole's position and it is worth seeing. 1 on may be sur- current administration, since a main argu- is closer to the better tradition here. This prised by what there is "back East." ment here is that this administration is mak- is nothing short of the moral question: can ing war on very shaky grounds, if any. I live with myself (save my soul, etc.) after 'Small Time' Budget uncritically giving my support, tax money, Moreover, I do not recall any attacks on and votes, to an action which "objectifies" the Constitution by these objectors; in fact, and callously burns my fellow humans to ifpp RTAN DA I LY The \lurching Band is one of give the band a chance to gain rec- if such attacks were to occur, one could only death? Answer for yourself. I - SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the finest organizations on this cam- ognition. laugh at. their stupidity, since the Constitu- A. R. D'Abbraed, asst. prof. Second class postage paid at San Jose. Californie. tion is the main point of support in the argu- Member California Newspaper Publishers Association pus. The calibre of its performance A band of the Spartan Band's cali- Philosophy llspartnisnt end Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published daily by is equal to that of the more famous bre is one of the biggest public rela- ment against the current administration. students of San Jose State College. except Satur- Actually, the objectors have acted quite day and Sunday, during college year. Subscription bands in the country, inclutling those tions deices a college can have. More eccepted only on a remainder-of-semester basis. Full logically in using the Constitution as basis Basketball Player Lauds academic year. $9; each semester, $4.50. Officampue iti the Big Ten Conference. Roger people see and hear the band than for attack on the administration, in the main, price per copy, 10 cents. Phone 294-6414Editorial Est. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2386. Advertising Ext. 2081. NItizzy, the band director, obviously any other campus organization. It is and not the reverse, as Brescoll would have Student Body Attendance 2082, 2083, 2084. Press of Globe Printing Co. Office the reader think. hours 1:45-4:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. is one of the most talented and capa- estimated that more than 50 million Editor: Another impression I got was that Bres- Editor ...... TOM MEAD ble men in his field. This band is one people see the band every time it ap- Advertising Manager JERRY FORD On behalf of this year's varsity basketball of the few things SJS can boast of pears on national television. coll's letter sounded even a shade more hos- Day Editor CAROL ARMSTRONG tile and condescending than Cole's. Cole's team, I would like to thank those students Makeup Editor PAT HEFFERNAN that approaches big-time standards, Associate Editor LAVELLE JACKSON Muzzy ltas done an amazing job with letter seemed to stand on a traditon which, who supported us this past season. Copy Editor SHARON OSAKI and yet is run on an extremely small- the bantl but lie has reached a point though it is less obvious Western history Saturday night in our last game against Sports Editor PAUL SAVOIA Campus Life Editor ...... SUE BETHARD time budget. where further iniprovement is im- and thought, is nonetheless abnost universally St. Mary's, I was suprised to see the gym Fine Arts Editor PAT SHARP less granted as the finer tradition, if I read the nearly filled. Our season had been a disap- Wire Editor DAVID LEBSCH The band's budget last year was possible under the present financial Photo Editor BOB REED let ter correctly. pointing one and certainly there was nothing titan one-fourth what it needed. In situation. Money is needed to increase Public Relations Director RICHARD SHYPERTT If Brescoll wants to refer to Hitler, then to be gained by a victory. Credit Manager BILL EWERTZ order to keep it at its present size and the staff, support at least one major Yet, those who did come not only inspired Business Maiinyer KAREN TODOROFF why not do it properly: it was precisely the National Advertising Mgr..... DEBORAH CALDWELL calibre, a budget must be provided trip per year, and keep up the interest lack of protest to Hitler's progressively in- us to victory, but also showed that student Classified Manager PETE WESTRUP that will enable the band to take at support is an integral part in the success Production Manager LEA ANN HERNAN in the band so that it will continue to human program vvhich allowed it to object. of any team representing SJS. Promotion Manager WALTER FINCK Also, least one major trip each year. attract competent personnel. it seemed a bit dewy-eyed to so I hope that, in the years to come, the stu- Office Manager SADAKO FUJI KAWA naively raise the question of what is right Classified Promotion CAROLINE WATTLES These trips serve several purposes: It's titne for SJS to support one of dents continue to support SJS athletic teams. or wrong in dealing with one's fellow hu- If they do, our school will come to be re- REPORTING STAFF. Steven Ames, Carol Armstrong, They seme as a recruitment device to mans its finest organizations by ghing it a at a time when something so much spected, not only on the West Coast as it Jim Bailey, Kris Blakely, Carolyn Bushnell, Anne bigger than the Carr, Larry M. Coy, Don Ougdole, Dick Daniels, attract capable musicians to fill the worth of the individual was is now, but across the nation as well. big enough budget for a big-time band. in question: the shay, the image, the power John Jackson, Lee Juillerat, Stephen Koch, Dave band's ranks: they provide much need- Koll, Linda Lamanno, Mary Putnam, Don Sevrens, of the great superstate. After all (we can Pete Newell Frank Sweeney, Judy Walter, Ted Weisgal, Gary ed competition for the band; and they David Satre almost hear the Nazis saying), who is BO A21583 Williams, Charlotte Wong.

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Thursday. March 10 1001 AttAft’fAN DAILT-4 Center Plans Peace Panel IWorld Forum Sociology Society Applications for membership In I growth of that interext" Tile San Jose Peace Center will Sullivan 1 explained. sponsor a panel discussion on Yorty To Run Alpha Kappa Delta, national so- Information concerning Alpha world peace at Grace Baptist LOS ANGELES 1UPD---Stunuel W. Yorty, maverick mayor of ciology honor society, are being Church, 484 E. San Fernando St. this third largest city in the nation, yesterday announced he would Kappa Delta and its activities is accepted in the Sociology and An- available on the bulletin tonight at 8. run against incumbent California Gov. Edmund G. Brown in this board thropology Department of f ic e, across from CI-1222. Discussing divergent viewpoints year's Democratic gubernatorial primary. CH211, John Sullivan, society on "What Are the Most Effective Yorty, 56, coupleti the long expected announcement of his can- president, said. Methods to Bring About World didacy with a multi pronged attack on Brown's handling of various In addition to regular meeting, Panel Discussion [ Peace?" will be Ray Gruenich, problems and a charge of "machine politics." and seminars with sociology pro- 1SJS student and counselor to con- fessionals, the society each year The International Students Or- scientious o';jectors, Dr. and Mrs. Brown Comments honors a senior and sophomore ' ganizetion i1S0.) will present a William Cox of Santa Clara, mem- SACRAMENTO tUPI 1 ---Gov. Edmund G. Brown said yesterday for outstanding achievement. "Our system 1.0M01TOW 3:30 p.m. in E326. berg of tile Committee For a Sane Los Angeles Mayor Samuel W. Yorty entered the wrong primary purpose is that of recognizing the and disadvantages of the grading Nuclear Policy; and Dr. Gail Put- in announcing his candidacy for governor on the Democratic ticket. superior student ill sociology and system 1,:inierow cat 3:30 p.m. In ney, SJS assistant professor of As expected, Brown immediately assailed Yorty for his support providing for the maintenance and sociology. of Republican Richard Nixon in the 1960 Presidential election. Dr. David Ne an, SJS asso- elate professor of psychology, will ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH moderate the discussion. Tuition Proposal San Fernando at Market SACRAMENTO tl2PII "Moderate tuition charges" at the Uni- versity of California and state colleges have been recommended by Tonight, March 10 the state Chamber of Commerce to help balance Gov. Edmund G. INQUIRY CLASS Club Plans Work Brovvn's proposed $9.6 billion budget. Informative lectures on the Ti ,f the Catholic Church designed The tuition charge proposal was a repeat of the one made a year especially for non.Catholic-, on ,r,ou,. evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ago by the chamber to raise SAO million at the now tuition free UC At Local Hospital and state college campuses. It pointed out the state spent an average Subject For This Weak MATRIMONY Students interested in working of $1,000 per year on higher education students. No cost, no obligation, everyone I Tcr Tether information or private , with patients at Agnews State appointment, please call 292.4124. Hospital should attend the Social Work Club meeting today, at 3:30 WHAT'S NEW, 'ANGEL'? p.m. in CH116. The club plans a series of Sat- Many Apply To Join Corps, Golden Totteli Beauty Salon Presents . . . Members of Angel Flight, an AFROTC-affiliated service organi- urday morning classes in English, zation, model both their old and new uniforms. From left are art, mathematics, sewing, cooking. COUPON DAYS until March 31. MI6 Miss Patricia Collins in the new pledge uniform, Miss Suzanne current events and recreat lot' But Few Actually Make It Marquardt in the old active uniform and Miss Sharon Stebbings, which will be taught by SJS stu- wearing the new active uniform. dents. Even though the number of placement test his chances of be- Flip Curl Permanent Wave $20 now 39.99 ing accepted for training is approx- SJS Peace Corps applications re- Custom Frosting watt $15 DOW 39.99 ceived by recruiters this week imately une in three. However, Knaebel points out, only about Style Haircuts was $3 DOW $1.50 may exceed 100, it is unlikely that one-half of those accepted actually Shampoo and Style wal' $4 110W $2.00 students will more than 20 of the decide to go through training. with this coupon Pros, Cons Expressed actually serve overseas. Once in training another 20 29 East Santa Clara 295.5535 This is the estimate of recruit- per cent either quit or are re ing accepted for training is approx. jected before the end of the three on the national average that only month program. one in five applicants actually see If the percentages hold, SJS with On W. E. DuBois duty. Clubs should have 20 more students in However this average is not [45 Cambug the Corps by October. By JIM BAILEY look at the move as "necessary enough support to work. The peo- actually as great a barrier to (By Mu author of Bully I{Jsind Huy, Buys!", Spartan Daily Staff Writer but belated." ple won't go for it." service as might first appear. One Ninety-one have signed up so "Dobie Gillis," etc.) What are the W. E. B. DuBois far to take the placement test. Last Friday U.S. Attorney Gen- Nationally the student-oriented factor that cuts down the num- Clubs? eral Nicholas Katzenbach declared ber of possible volunteers is the Sign ups are being taken at organization h a s approximately Descriptions of the club by local that the DuBois Clubs were creat- failure of many applicimts to take the Peace Corps booth in front cafeteria on Seventh Street. activists range from "a civil rights ed and are controlled by the Com- 2,600 members. the placement test. of the organization" to a "Communist munist Party and subject to party Hugh Fine of San Jose, an area According to Knaebel, once a Testing will continue daily WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER operation." Members of the con- possible volunteer has taken the through Tuesday in BT. discipline. coordinator for the John Birch So- The trouble with early morning classes is that you're too troversial organization c on t end To this, Jeff Walker. a 22-year- ciety, said that it was never any sleepy. At late morning classes you're too hungry. At early Department's pre- that the Justice old SJS psychology major and a secret that the DuBois Clubs were afternoon classes you're too logy. At late afternoon classes liminary move to compel it to well reg- member of the three-month-old the "primary building block for you're too hungry again. The fact isand we might as front organi- face itthere ia no good time of day to take a class. ister as a Communist San Jose DuBois Club, countered the Conununist party." zation is "dangerous" and ridic- What shall we do then? Abandon our colleges to the ivy? that although there are some Com- man- ulous." Nevertheless, Fine believes that I say no! I say America did not become the hope of munists within the various DuBois kind and the world's largest producer of butterfats and tal- Meanwhile conservatives tend to little will come of the Justice De- Clubs "this doesn't mean that they partment's move because "Com- low by running away from a fight! too hungry or too sleepy for class, then run the show. We are not a mono- munists are usually allowed to go If you're always let's hold classes when you're not too hungry or sleepy: Zny lithic organization; each club is or- on with no holds barred." namely, while you're eating or sleeping. i /I 1.'.11. Card ganized democratically and makes The view that Communists were Classes while eating are a simple matter. Just have a lec- its own decisions. I joined because But watch out for noisy instrumental in the founding of the turer lecture while the eaters eat. it is active in civil rights." can hear a lecturer lecture when every- 11 HOFFEE'S GARAGE foods. I mean who Dubois Club is supported by Bob that? Serve I Where Your VOLKSWAGEN A veteran civil rights worker body is crunching celery or matzo or like quiet I Armstrong, SJS Young Republican or steaming bowls who quit the local Dubois Club a stufflike anchovy paste on a doughnut, is in president of lamb fat. Good Hands week before the attorney general's learning while sleep- "I'm not one to g0 around yell- Now let us turn to the problem of for ALL proclamation because it was "inef- be done? Her NEEDS. ing 'commie,' but it was apparent ing. First, can it tD ficient and added nothing to the Yes, it can. Psychologists have proved that the brain is Call anytime the cause of civil rights," had harsh Communists dominated this definitely able to assimilate information during sleep. Take, ,N group when they got words for the attorney general. in on the for instance, a recent experiment conducted by a leading ground floor. I wouldn't go so far Eastern university (Stanford). A small tape recorder was KI 293-3144 Jack Bernstein, a San Jose elec- under the pillow of the subject, a freshman named IA as to say that other liberal organ- placed trical engineer, said the attorney izations are Communist dominated, Wrobert Wright. When Wrobert was fast asleep, the re- to 972 CHESTNUT ST. all through the night, it re- 2P general acted "ridiculously and ir- but the fact is that many of them Europe, round trip $298 corder was turned on. Softly, NEAR HWY. 17 ACROSS responsibly. You could expect peated three statements in Wrobert's slumbering ear: :H TF-IE FREEWAY FROM FMC don't really mind having Commu- something like this from (J. Ed- Icelandic Airlines from New York 1. Herbert Spencer lived to the age of 109 and is called nists around and this is when they Eclectic Philosophy." TT LOOK FOR THE gar) Hoover, but I had more re- "The Founder of English TZ gairi influence." 74 W. San Carlos 2. The banana plant is not a tree but a large perennial CAR IN THE SKY spect for Katzenbach." All three of the DuBois Club Phone 297-1700 herb. L.L Open 8 to 5, 6 Days a Week Bernstein further pointed out SI. afire .qavel Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914 at members interviewed were ex- 3. The Archduke JP that the Justice Department might Sarajevo by a young nationalist named Mjilas Cvetnie. EZ well have made the DuBois Club tremely bothered by the violence who has been called "The Trigger of World War i." that the attorney "a martyred cause lust when it general's state- A ment apparently has spawned. Du- z ES was on the verge of withering , 7 z away." Bernstein says he knows of Bois Club members in Brooklyn were attacked only one Communist in the club. and the national ie headquarters in San Francisco was Is, Tom Fink, 17-year-old senior at Lincoln High School and organiz- bombed. ing secretary for the 15 member Bernstein summed up their feel- nry SALE local club, says he joined the Du- ings best when he said, "political Bois Club because he saw it was Hell's Angel-types are always look- 1/2 OFF a "Socialist Youth Organization." ing for a reason to justify their Fink claims that he would never violence. Some nut vvith a bomb See register as a Communist. "This wants a popular target to throw Our move just won't be able to carry it at." Novel When Wrobert awoke in the morning, the psychologists Arrangements said to him, "Herbert Spencer lived to the age of 109. What Today is he called?" Wrobert promptly answered, "Perennial Herb." Next they asked him, "What has Mjilas Cvetnik been called?" Wrobert replied, "Perennial Serb." Finally they said, "Is the banana plant a tree?" "To be honest," said Wrobert, "I don't know too much about bananas. But if you gents want any information Save 65c on about razor blades, I'm your man." Carrying Portfolios "Well," said the psychologists, "can you tell ua a blade 23x31 size that shaves closely and cleanly without nicking, pricking, scratching, scraping, scoring, gouging, grinding, flaying or New style ... plastic handle and flensing?" SPECIAL SALE tension flap holder. Made of "Yes, I can," said Wrobert. "Personnel' Stainless Steel heavy fiberboard. Perfect fro Blades. Not only does Personna give you a true luxury ON ALL watercolor% and renderings. shave, but it gives you heaps and gobs and buahels and SWEATERS Regular $2.65 barrels of true luxury shaveseach one nearly as truly lux- urious as the first." (ENDS SATURDAY) Special $2 "Land's sake!" said the psychologists. NOTE. Art Majors may automat- A Gift From The Heart "Moreover," said Wrobert, "l'ersonna is available not tileoreless ically open a charge account on only in the Double Edge style blade, but also in the Injec- presentation of student body card. tor style blade." V-Neck Is Flowers From "Great balls of fire!" said the psychologista. "SINCE 1916" "So why don't you rush to your dealer and get some Crew-Neck Personnas at once?" said Wrobert. Cardigan "We will," said the psychologists, twinkling, "but there l-^U3 I is something we have to do first." Whereupon they awarded Wrobert an honorary L.L.B. VAUGHN'S 2 STORES (Lover of Luxury Blades) degree, and then, linking suns, 125 S. 4th Sf. Nroybri they sang and danced and bobbed for apples till the camp-

DOWNTOWN VALLEY FAIR fire had turned to embers. Across from SJS Library 112 S. 2nd St. Shopping Center "Fantous for line Flowers" * * * C UM, Ilbulm. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Free Parking Open 5 Nights Thursdays open until 9 p.m. Next to Store Perking Lot "O" 2nd and San Fernando If you're looking for an honorary degree yourself, we recorn. 292-7611 292.14.47 248-4171 Phone 292-9311 mend B.S. (Burma Shaves)from the makers of Personna. It soaks rings around any other /ether; it comes in regular or menthol. 4SPARTAN DATLT Thursday, March 10, 1fItle W-P.!'-r.v.T.117-7.,:.73.7'.1.7 , 77 7 7-f-I-7-7 V-ZUZZ-7.74-97.Zg37.V-N-IIT7-77-7 7111-r-Z17.113571.17:M.33A,W.,2,,r1MW..-n 4.-CYR-XLMVAZtrtUaAR31351SERH Shearing Displays Talent, Humor McFarland To Piay By PAT 811.%1(1` played at times .ingly and at said that is all right in the sum- Spartan Daily Fine Arts Editor the other points together. mertime when it becomes a At Benefit Concert "I'm amazed that the concert Shearing related the story of "hot tardy." left is starting" -here George Shear- an English pianist who had TWO HANDS Gary McFarland and Co., cert at Foothill College Gym- ing checked his Braille watch the sustaining pedal down all group which will join the Foot- nasium, Los Altos, Sunday at "on time. ' Thus began the through the rendition of a tune Demonstrating his ability to hill College Stage Band and SJS 3 p.m. will be used to send the Thursday night performance of called "Country Gardens." This, hear each note clearly, Shearing Jazz Ensembles at a benefit Foothill Stage Band to the the George Shearing Quintet, said the jazz artist, resulted In played two numbers at the same concert at Foothill College Sun- Notre Dame University Jazz thirki campus program sponsored "utter harmonic chaos," which tIme--one with each hand. day afternoon, is now playing Festival, South Bend, Ind., late by the Spartan Progrtuns Com- he then demonstrated. After With "What a Fool Am I," at the Cabana Motor Hotel in this month. Ittee Washington Square Pop that, the quintet played several Shearing exemplified the fugue, Palo Alto. Tickets, $3 for adults and Series at Morris Dailey Audi- variations of the tune, one in a form in which the musician Members of the group are $1.50 for students, are available torium. which the vibes added a light, begins the melody with one hand, McFarland, vibes; Gabor Szabo, at the SJS Music Department Blind since birth, Shearing, bouncy effect. then picks it up with the other guitar; , clarinet and Office, M108. in a lower or higher pitch. The Jazz pianist and composer-ar- alto SIM Al Stinson, bass. and SJS' Jazz Ensembles, directed NODDING IN UNISON hushed throughout ranger, punctuated the concert audience was Joe Cocuzzo, drums. California- by music instructor Dwight Can- with humor and good-natured Throughout the concert, one this number. born McFarland is a composer non, will aid the Foothill group puns. One who obviously enjoys couple in the audience sat nod- In contrast, litseners respond- conductor and arranger who in raising the $5,000 needed to music. the artist swayed with ding in time to the music and ed enthusiastically to the quin- has won a following for his send it to the jazz festival. Foot-

the music, tapped one foot and in unison possibly demonstrat- tet's performance of Shearing's "Latin-tinted jazz." Among his hill is the first West Coast col- audibly "ahhhed" at passages ing what others were repressing composition "Lullaby of Bird- are "Big Band Bossa lege invited to attend the In- which he particularly liked. or releasing in the more common land." Nova" and "Tijuana Jazz." diana festival with eight other form of foot-tapping. Retaining a warm sense of Proceeds from the benefit con- bands from throughout the Unit- 'HERE AND NOW' 4 Several times during the per- humor to the very end of the ed States. The quintet played selections formance Shearing literally program, Shearing responded to Director Herb Patnoe attrib- from its "Here and Now" , rocked the piano bench in his the audience's applause for an 'South Pacific' uted the band's invitation to its tunes made popular in the last enthusiasm with the music. But encore with "Gee, tanks." He re- "neophonic jazz style." Jim four or five years. One of these mixed with the performers' ob- introduced the members of the Lyons, disc jockey and director is "Call Me Irresponsible," or, vious enjoyment of what they quartet "and yours truly, Peter Opens in Palo Alto of the Monterey Jazz Festival, as Shearing put it, "Call Me Ir- were playing was an element of Nero." Then he added. "We will be the master of ceremonies respectful." He comemnted that concenration on the music. play music for the Nem-minded for thr event. GEORGE SHEARING, blind jazz pianisf and noted composer- all proceeds from the concert Shearing still retains a trace people." couple in the Tonight at 8:30 arranger, played at Morris Dailey Auditorium last week in the will go to a very worthy cause of his British accent, a speaking Oh yes, that nodding in .>1( third performance sponsored by the Spartan Programs Com- his bank account. habit which added charm to his audience was still Rodgers and Hammertsein's . uni- mittee Washington Square Pop Series. Throughout the concert, In addition to the piano, the comments thmughout the pm- time with the music and in "South Pacific" opens tonight at Glen Yarbrough Shearing entertained the audience with both his sense of humor quintet includes vibes, bass, gui- gram. Remarking on performers son as the quintet played its the Comedia Repertory Co., Ho-

and his musical talents. tar and drums, all of which were who begin their concerts late, he final number, "Day by Day." mer and High Streets, Palo Alto, at 8:30. To Sing at Aptos Ytr virvbetitf Nirro I17!: 7,1" ru'iMMIu-^MliiI iTta -2Elirciu'T`'''-ur - r I nirr vtrttratt WA% Performances will be _0321frealil given Glen Yarbrough will appear at Thursday, Friday and Saturday Cabrillo College, Aptos, tomor- nights at 8:30 and Sundays at row at 8:30 p.m. The college is 2:30 p.m. through May 8. 'Molly Brown' Musical Singers, Jazz Trio To Appear on Highway 1 south of Santa Price for students with stu- Cruz. dent body cards is $1.50. Regular Tickets are now on sale at the The group is famous for their formance is scheduled for 8:30 Tickets for the performance prices range from $3 to $2 for San Jose Box Office, 40 W. San versions of "Puff, the Magic p.m. Saturday, March 26. Ticket are available at tne door. Prices At Circle Star Theatre Tree" and prices are $2.50, $3.25, $3.75 Thursday and Sunday produc- Carlos St.. for the performances Dragon," "Lemon are $2 for students anl $2.30 for "500 Miles." Folk music has re- and $4.50. tions and from $3.50 to $2.50 the following forthcoming at- general admission. Currently playing at Circle of Peter, Paul and Mary and vived during the past 10 years The jazz musicians play a Friday and Saturday. tractions: Herb Alpert and the Among Star Theater in San Carlos is the Ramsey Lewis Trio at San in the United Stat rs, and with variety of tempos and tunes, in- Reservations may be made by the singer's recordings Tijuana Brass, March 31 -April Fall." "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," Jose Civic Auditorium. its rise Peter Yarrow, Paul cluding "My Ship," "Bye Bye phoning 326-6560. Tickets are are "Baby the Rain Must 3; Juliet Prowse Show with Folksingers Peter, Paul and Stookey and Mary Travers have Blackbird" and "Anything Goes." available at the box office, Appearing with Yarbrough will starring Jane Powell and Peter Frank Gorshin (The Riddler Mary will appear Sunday, March become one of the nation's out- Members of the trio are Ramsey Homer and High Streets, from be a comedian Biff lipse and a Palmer. It will continue through from "Batman") and singer 20, at 8 p.m. Prices are $2.50, standing folk-singing groups. Lewis, pianist; El Dee Young, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. jazz group, the Stanyan Street Sunday. Buddy Greco, April 5-10; The $3.50 and S,1.10. The Ramsey Lewis Trio per- bassist, and Red Holt, drummist. Monday through Friday Qtrirt et. Tickets may be purchased at Smothers Brothers and Roger Macy's. Sear s, Montgomery Williams, April 12-17; Jimmy '4.wiwiliezuzziwzmwsza232wz-Lr.i.T It7-.U2rF Ward and Greyhound Bus De- Dean Show with Molly Bee, April 19-24, and "The World of pot. Coupons for reduced ticket ANGELO'S _Au gentic german 300,/ I rates sent to SJS train Circle Suzie Wong," April 26-May 8. GASLIGHTEIS Star are tacked on the bulletin STEAK HOUSE board of the Student Affairs SPECIAL ZZ1 $1 69 THEATRE Business Office, Building R. Serving the students of STUDENT'S DINNER PRESENTS Cyril Ritchard will star in MELODRAMA AND OLIO San Jose State Fri. and Sat. P.:30 the West Coast premiere of "The a Seried STUDENTS $1.75 Roar of . the Greasepaint the for 14 years. 4:30-8 p.rn. Famous Smell uf the Crowd," which We Hofbrau Band opens at Circle Star Tuesday k Sunday: 72 E. Fri. & Sat. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BEER night. Riteharcl is known for his Santa Clara St. I I cm.-13 p.m. role of Captain Hook in "Peter Pan." Ile nriginated the role of e4"( Sir in the Broadway production L.! of "The Ftoar of Greasepaint ’ City -.11o/trau a Leslie Bricusse-Anthony garden ley musical. 51 S. Market 297-2002 Tickets are also on sale for DuET SCREEN SCENES \TrOtagdontrVrigaietodagiroon, THRATIRE CINEMA TOWNE WORLD'S FIRST THEA.TaF 441YH allt. MIMI' SEATS SF State Presents 552 South Bascom 295-7288 LIVE MUSIC K-LIV 1483 The tlameda 297-3060 and PRESENTS: Rita Tushingharn in Productions Radio "THE LEATHER BOYS" "THE TENTH VICTIM'. 'Herring' Opera also David Niven. William Holder in and JAMES \MAUREEN "THE CONJUGAL BED" present Benjamin Brittrn's comic opera "THE MOON IS BLUE" STEWART O'HARA "Albert Iletring." adapted from The RAMSEY LEWIS TRIO zt short soi y by: Guy de Maupas- SARATOGA STUDIO BRIAN KEITH sant, e:ill be introduced at San Big Baidn Way 867-3026 14502 S96 South First 292-6778 Franvisro State College tomor- Felix Green's and row at 8:30 p.m. in the Creative "CHINA" From the hit maker of Arts Auditorium. in color "Lawrence of Arabia" JEFFERSON AIRPLANE TECHNICOLOR ()I her presentations are sched- also The technicolor, panavision "JIGSAW" PANAVISION uled for March 12, 18 and 19. excitement of Sat. March 26 at 8 p.m. '+ Marlon Brando in '44411t7Itlb:L , U Ticket information and reser- San Jose Civic Auditorium intlti Far available at the col- G A Y ti lege's Creative Arts Box Office, First 294-CS44 THE CHASE" Tickets: $4.50, $3.75, $3.25, $2.50 Phone 738-1111 4 T.V.Aitos.'sstc",..-7,i'L), 1600 Holloway Ave., San Fran- ADAM AND THE SIX EVES" also Gary Lewis and the Playboys 738 EAST El. CAMINO REAL SUNNYVALE and the Righteous Brothers in cisco. The telephone number is also showing S.J. Box Office 40 W. San Carlos St. Between Wolfe Raul and Fair Oaks Avenue 1 JU5-7174. "TORTURED FEMALES" "A SWINGINI SUMMER" Dewey Camp, associate pro- fessor of music, conducts the performance. the college's tradi- tional spring opera. Stage di- rector is Geoffrey L. Lardner, 25cYo OFF assistant professor of drama. french fries The story concerns the crown- on ing of a village May king as a 9Ped! reward for virtue, David Frank- enberger, junior music tnajor s from Redwood City, plays the a title role. with the purchase of a hamburger All Pizzas Sarah Jane Champlin. Mill eaten on the premisee after 7 p.m. Valley:. and Janet Thayer, Oak- land, alternate in the role -of or any other sandwich. during the month of March Too Busy to Cook? ()or Specialty Lady Billows, who offers the "Burgers to 1,o." prize for purity. 0 Call 295-9487 and pick-up youi fuller ready to eat. Among the college's past Today thru Sunday only. Featuring Breakfast operas are "Orpheus in the 0 lh. Jumbo Burger 50e Underworld," Urokofief's "Du- Between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. with mayonnaise, lettuce, onions & lomatues enna" and "Le Coq rl'Or." Deluxe Burger 28c Tolsn Foot Long Hot Dog 28e Burger Free Delivery Creamy Milk Shakes 30e 460 East William St. 4th 1 KSJS Log 123 S. after 7 p Burger House Phone 286-5622 286-2484 within 1 mile of campus 388 E. Santa Clara St. 5.00 p in. I.%olution the Big 4 Band - . ************ ************************* ****** ********************************************************************************* 5:55 p.m. Lockheed Digest 4, 4. k...'#*!..7...;i -C.- _Ll 6.15 p.m. Union Voice , 'ellr 15 . , 6:30 p.m. Two Worlds of Jazz ''' caiseT; 7.1n fl Open End Forum: 71C "1...111..ation Automation." '1'..V R. .B. ' 41 *."' ..... Fuller. . WHERE THE FUN IS . %.3,..,i it*************************************************************************************************************************** USF Nine Visits SJS' Thursday. March 10. 1966 START Y.," IITLY Swimmers Off Blocks Today For Doublebill Today In Regionals Opening Round Spartan baseballers will be try- his only starting assignment to ing to get back on the winning beat San Francisco State 4-2 on By LEE Jt'ILLERAT The mert»en unproved from last for top finishings San Jose is track today when they meet the five hits. Spartan Daily Sports Writer season's poor 2-6 mark to 8-1-1 in to take the team championship. University of San Francisco Dons Hessler (0-1) has started twice. Competition begins today for 1966. Newcomers Hobert?, Mathew- Events for tomorrow include the in a doubleheader at Municipal He worked four innings against SJS swimmers in the College Divi- son and Steve Williams stand out 200 but terfly, 200 free. 100 breast- Stadium. Cal State at Davis and was sion Regionals at Northridge. as finners most responsible for the stroke, 100 backstroke, 400 indi- charged with the 4-3 defeat. The first of two seven-inning Spartan mermen hope to land surprise success. vidual medley and the His other start was in an ex- 400 free contests will begin at 1 p.m., with the team championship, but face All three are being counted on relay. hibition contest against Laney, the second to follow immediately. fleet tests from Long and he was touched for six runs Beach Saturday at Municipal Stadium, State. San Diego State and seven hits in four innings. and the the Spartans try to prove that University of California at Santa youth is superior to experience MYERS TOP HITTER Barbara. when they meet an Alumni team The big hitter in recent games The 500 freestyle, 200 individual in a 1 p.m. exhibition game. for the Spartans has been catcher medley, 50 free, one SPARTAN -meter diving /4' IRI-C Myers. The veteran receiver and 400-yard LYON STARTS Liwry medley relay are has had four hits in the Spartans' events for today's opening round. John Lyon, charged with one LEAPERS ANONYMOUSGene Zubrinsky (above) is one of TRI-C stands for "Christ, Campus. and Career." It i,. last two games, and was partic- Although no individual entries of the Spartans' four losses to the four SJS high jumpers with the potential to reach the magic 7- purpose of TRI-C, to integrate the Auden! into a ularly impressive in a losing ef- are finalized, coach Tom O'Neill realiza- Dons last year, will start for SJS foot barrier this season. tion of the Christian meaning of life, initially on fort against Santa Clara Tuesday. He is one of the reasons the Spartans expects Jack Likens, Greg Swan, Campus. in the first game today, with and later on in one's career. With this purpose n In addition to rapping out two expect to have the best high jumping corps in the nation. John Schmitt and Steve Hoberg . either sophornore Rich Kemmerle TRI-C wishes to invite you, the of SJS' six hits, he made the de- may go in student, to attend its weekkt the grueling 500 free. meetings. or junior college transfer Gene fensive play of the game by Hessler slated to begin the sec- IM ENTRIES crashing into a concrete hairier Hoberg may be scratched and ond game. to catch a pop foul. Four Potential Seven-Footers THIS SUNDAY ... go in his specialty, the 200 IM. Lyon will be trying to even his Freshman baseballers, still look- Ins t ea d. Larry Lefner, Kevin 9:45 a.m. Joy in Suffering season's record at 1-1 today. The ing for their first win, will play Currlin and Mark Peterson are by Barr Keiser. B.S., tit. M. right hander lost his only start Cal at Berkeley Saturday. Last Among Spartan High Jumpers other possibilities in the IM. 5:45 p.m. TRI.0 FAerting Forum of the season to California last Tuesday the Spartababes dropped Sprinters Mike Hansen, Nick and Sao Wiwi Streets Saturday, although all three runs a 6-3 decision to Monterey, al- strong pneu-i Schoenmann and John Kocal charged to him were unearned. though they outhit the opposition Regardless of how Doe, a 19-year old itudor, has will splash in the 50 free. Kemmerle went the distance in 4 to 3. nomia or the flu bug is, it will hit 6-11 before, and SJS coach take something much more power- Bud Winter feels he is just tapping San Jose's Ione diver, Steve ful to hamper the SJS track his potentiaL Hancock, carries Spartan hopes on squad's strength in the high jump. Gene Zubrinsky, a senior who the one-meter board. Achtung VOLKSWAGEN and Moderne Drug Co. The Spartans have possibly the was in the setvice since last jump- Hansen, Schoenmann, Currlin ing for SJS in 1961, also ha.s and Ted Mathewson are probable ANTHONY D. CAMPAGNA. Jr.. owner best collegiate high jump corps in Other Cur Owners With the Bug the nation with four potential reached 6-11 and is a definte threat members of the 400 medley squad. Professional Pharmacists seven-footers. to crack 7-0. O'Neill may shuffle swimmers in The Spartan leapers will be on The fourth potential 7-footer is all events, depending on entries display Saturday when SJS plays Bob L,ovejoy, who has a best of 6-9. by the other schools and compara- host to Sacramento State, UC Bill Fowler, who along with tive tbnes. He hopes to move men OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT Davis and UC Santa Barbara. Lovejoy placed in the Stanford to events where valuable team SJS high jump strength was dis- Relays to fill in for Johnson and points can be gained. PHONE 293-7500 played last Saturday when the Doe, has cleared S-4 'A and Winter O'NEILL OPTIMISTIC SECOND AND SANTA CLARA STREETS hopes to add 6-6 basketballer The short mentor expects the SAN JOSE Spartans swept all three places in the Stanford Relays despite the Frank Tararntts to his list for Spartans to be a "legitimate con- absence of two of the potential even more depth. tender" in the Sart Fernando Val- seven-footers. Tarrantts has cleared 6-4%, with ley swimoff. "I'm very optimistic J Ed Johnson, who has gone over Winter again believing he can go about the team's chances, but SPECIAL 7-0 twice, including an 84-incher much higher. everyone will have to show the SJ S STUDENTS in this year's Interclass meet, and It's not likely that the Spartans improvement they've shown all HAIRCUTS $2 Terry Doe missed the Stanford can continue to sweep all three season." meet with pneumonia and the flu, places with Johnson and Doe ab- Between sent, but there will be few squads 571 E. respectively. 12th & 13th if any in the nation that can Santa Streets boast the depth Winter prides in. = ntramurals Clara And, as Winter puts it: "It's (Near HAS THE BUG PCT A 293-9910 Golfers Down Cal tough to beat depth." BASKETBALL Spivey's) The first round of the fraternity STOP TO YOUR I'l \;? basketball tournament is tonight, Behind Don Keffer with eight teams scheduled to IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA? SJS Brown Belts compete. Spartan golfers are back to Well, Konrad would know what to d, He is a specialist when At 7 p.m. Sigma Phi Epsilon winning ways after topping the it comes to VW's and oth,r fo,cion cars. If your bug needs University of California meets Sigma Chi on the PER 1 anything from minor repairs and a bandage. to major Tuesday's match on the Orinda Compete Saturday court, while Sigma Nu battles Phi surgery, Kappa Alpha on PER 2. Konrad wants fo Country Club layout. Spartan brown and white belt do it for you. Hr also sells real good gas. Stop Delta Sigma Phi tangles with Don Keffer of SJS took medal- judokas get a chance to show their in and hay hi. Sigma Pi at 8 p.m. on PER 1 while ist honors by firing a 70 over the form Saturday wtten they com- PETICIE), Lambda Chi Alpha plays Kappa par-72 course. pete in the Northern California Sigma on PER 2. Keffer, Terry Small (75), Ross NCAA Brown Belt Champion- THREE "K" The top four Randall (71), Jim Troncatty (75) ships. seeded teams, Al- pha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha and Cam Andrews (77) were Spar- Colleges from all over Northern Epsilon, Omega Psi Phi and Theta tan winners. Best ball teams of California will send judokas to Flying "A" Imported C, r Service Chi all draw byes. They will play Randall-Troncatty and Keffer- the tournament which begins at the first-round winners Friday llfb and SANTA CLARA 294-1562 Pickett both took their Cal op- 2 p.m. in MG207. Admission is night. lattitati ponents 3-0. free. 'Tenable" enetsta" co registered treleaverlit whIch Identify only the product of The Co,o.Colo Compeof dr- -

Summer Session It frogs, fishes, cha cha's, 5 departure, June 18, 25, July 2, 9, 16 bossa nova's, monkeys, merengues, even twists without a wrinide. An Avrow Decton will look 60 DAYS just as fresh on the last Open to BOTH Co's 'N' Eds dance as it did on the first. Decton is Arrow's blend of 65% Dacron and 35% Pan United American $599 cotton that frustrates wrinkles. A wash-and-wear Package Includes that needs only a little Let's hear touching up. Available in I. Round trip via Pan Am and United JETS it for the solid or stripe styles. 2. Transfers round trip Neat tabber snap collar 3. Deluxe apartments for 60 days including maid

* Price !lased on two bedroom Suite for four


Write or call for reservations & folder

Name I You Pay the Gas . W Pay the Weave) Address :CALL FOR RESERVATIONS City 292t8000 Everybody cheers for ice-cold Coca-Colo. Coke has the taste you never get tired of ...always refresh- Phone ing. That's why things go better with Coke...after tad etvitt, Coke...after Coke. 223 SO. MIST ST., SAN 10SE POW under eohetily et The Cate(Cole Company by audit Limited Offer COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF SAN 10SE, SAN IOSE, CALIFORNIA B-SP ART AN TO tftlf Starch 10, 1966 Association Director Buxton Professor Job Interviews imm Alumni 11= I June and Summer graduates position.s in MK', 1E, IT, customer To Discuss may sign for interview appoint- service engr., prod. mgrnt., and mfg. trainees, sales trainees. Mili- ments now in the Placement To Tell College Story in 8 Cities tary complete or exempt. Center, ADM234. Equations City of Fremont; CE and trans- Richard 0. 1:iimori, in (billets SJS history.' 1.c.iilership" tour. The purpose is portation engineering majors for MONDAY director of the SJS Alumni Asso- growth, development and achieve- to "bring the alumni together with "Ordinary Differential Equa- positions as junior CE, asst. CE, ac- Foods Corp.; ChE, EE, ciation, will visit eight California ments. It also contains an aerial a common thought in mind," tions with Non-Unique Solutions" General and associate CE. U.S. citizenship

cities March 22-25 to meet alumni photograph of the campus and cording to Buxton. or "What Happened When P. S. IE and ME majors for positions required. slide pictures from the various depart- Ind present a 30-minute He said it gives them a chance Laplace Went Out to Lunch" will in production and engineering. Kidser Steel Corp.; Engineering .how. ments. the college is ac- to learn what he discussed today at 12:30 p.m. U.S. citizenship required. majors for positions as junior The show. titled "Excellence It is the second "Project Alumni complishing and is often "the first in ED100 by Dr. Donald Buschaw, Square D Cotnpany: EE, ME and engrg., IE, production assistants contact they have had with the mathematics professor at Wash- and maintenance asst. U.S. citi- IE majors for position.s in field school since graduating." ingnton State University. zenship required. the tour gives him engineering, application engineer- Buxton said Dr. Buschaw, guest speaker of alumni in ELECTRONIC a chance to talk with SJS Mathematics Department and ing and manufacturing and design establish con- the commtunties and Student Math Society, has written engineering. U.S. citizen.ship re- tact with leaders. "They seem ENGINEERS research papers, reports, transla- quired. I FREE GALLON pleased when the college goes to of tions and two books "Elements Sacramento Municipal Utility LENIIIIRT EIECTR/C them," he said. General Topology" and "Intro- District; EE majors for positions OF GASI iS col:Lit:L[1n on -campus interviews Robert D. Clark, SJS president, duction to Mathematical Ele- will be the keynote speaker Tues- ments." in EE, to assist with the engineer- with Purchase of MARCH 11 - Friday day., March 22, at a dinner in Sac- HP has served as mathematical ing design and planning of gener- 5 Gallons of Gas ramento. consultant to the Experimental Lenkurt Electric leads in the develop- ating, transmission and distribu- The tour includes stops In Sac- Towing Tank, Steven.s Institttte of ment and manufacture of multiplex, tion facilities for a power utility. rainento, Auburn, Chico, Yuba Technology, Stanford Research microwave, and data transmission sys- U.S. citizenship required. CLIP City, Stockton, Manteca, Tracy In.stitute and has been visiting tems for communications. ME, IE, IT, busi- and Concord. scientist at the Research Institute Owens Illinois; 'N' Lenkurt Engineers have made signifi- Last year the tour took Btucton for Applied Science, Baltimore, ness and liberal arts majors for cant contributions to the advancement through several cities in the San Md. SAVE of communications techniques. Joaquin Valley. He ate six steak Dr. Buschaw received his B.A. dinners in four days, which Bux- in mathematics from Washington Bands To Battle Our Training Programs for B.S. & M.S. ton said "made spaghetti look State and his Ph.D. from Prince- graduate Electronics The Up Setters and Me and AT Engineers build awfully good." ton. solid, practical foundations for the Others will play at San Jose TWO NEW growth in Development Engineering or City College's "Battle of the BEACON Marketing Engineering. Bands" Dance tomorrow night Spartaguide from 9 to 12:30 at the Women's they're STATIONS find out more about the exceptional Gym, 2100 Moorpark Ave., San careers awaiting you with the recog- TODAY Social Work Club, 3:30 p.m., Jose. nized leader in multichannel transmis- AsSocia- CH165. General admission is $1.50. a sion systems. Contact your Placement San Jose State Cycling I 2nd & East William Hon, 12:30 p.m., Seventh and San French Honorary Society (Iota in San Jose Office for an interview on campus. Fernando. Delta Phi), 7:30 p.m., at the home must! of Margaret Mulhollond. and LENKURT ELECTRIC Theta Sigma Phi, 6:30 p.m., JC20f3. Student Math Society, 12:30 SALE GEitlEfal. TELEPHONE & ELECTRONICS GM I 1170 N. 14th St. I p.m., ED100. Alpha, 6 p.m., 104 S. 13th Also in San Jose I 1105 County Road BOOKS San Carlos. California 94070 St.Chi Economics Club, 7 p.m., Cafe- nom um SJS Student Chapter American teria B. UP TO 95’o OFF Society of Civil Engineers, 8 p.m, Arnold Air Society, 6:45 p.m., E132. MH324. ra,Books Rho Epsilon, 7 p.m., Garden City Theta Sigma Phl, 6:30 p.m., Town & Country Village Attention Coeds Hofbrau. JC208, speaker, Bob Webb, as- sistant district attorney for Santa Stevens Creek & Winchester F'rench Club, 12:30 p.m., CH226. Clara County, deadline dinner re- Open Evenings and Sunday A.I.E.H.E.C. conunittee (SAM), port, new pledges. Miss San Jose State Pageant Begins 3:30 p.m., B334. TOMORROW Applications are NOM aailable for Smith ltli Street. Folk Music Club, 7:30 p.m., 300 BJEM S. 10th St. Alpha Eta Sigma (Accountants' THE JOKER Don't get caught without your JOse State pag- Anyone who has submitted an appli- the annual Miss San Honor Society), 6:30 p.m., Me- WHITE LEVI'S Angel Flight, pledge meeting-. THE PEN -they're the pants Frater- cation or is interested should attend morial Chanel, Golden Doors of eant, sponsored by Sigma Nu 6:30 p.m., actives 7 p.m., MH432. GOTHAM CITY to wear-unless you're sguarel nity, and niay he picked up in Room an oriental' meeting on either Los Gatos, cocktail hour 7:15 p.m., You'll like their long, lean lines- dinner and dancing 7:45 p.m. 242 of the lll i l tistration Building. March 12tli or 19th in the Engi- LABELS and the way they wear-and wear. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Spartan Oriccl, 9 p.m.-12:30 WHITE LEVI'S in popular Affairs (Arc a. %sell as neering Building Faculty Lounge at off-white Students a.m., Women's Gym, live music. and smart sportswear $89 all color Use 'ern on your books, colors. Sigma Nu Fraterim I 1111 11 a.m. International Students Orgiud- papers, tube of toothpaste, zation, 3:30 p.m., E326. JRS ENTERPRISES anywhere. WESTERN OUTFITTER For Further Information Phone 297-9976 Phone 286-5392 evenings BAWL Club, 8 p.m., 2:31 San MEN AND WOMEN 1000 Labels, $1.50 FOR Fernando. Order your labels frorn: Tau Delta Phi, 12:30 p.m., C.afe- The Illforlkirignicun's teria A. Poweirs Books Stationery so So. First St. 295-7633 Stone OR 218 W. Santa Clara Spartan Daily Classifieds Economics Club San Jose Academy Press 390 Auxerais 297-8217 OPEN UNTIL 9 p.m. MON. 8 THURS. MALE STUDENT over 21 with singing OR 2 MALE students over 21 to live TYPING IN MY HOME Sunnyvale area. AUTOMOTIVE t2) abiiity to act as community singa-long in large Los Gatos Hillside home. $40-60 IBM electric typewriter. Price per hour To Meet Tonight leader. Weekends. 'Roaring 70's Lounge.' a month. 354.3925. or page. 74S-7999. '61 VESPA 150 SCOOTER. 1966 license. Moonlit Lanes. Santa Clara. Apply in The Economics Club will hold MARRIED. I bedroom furnished or un- EXPERT TYPING. IBM electric. Theses, New paint. Eycellent condition. $175. person to George Afton. furnished not. Clean, quiet. $85 & $100. its first organizational meeting 243-3278, between 6 & 8 p.m. term pipers. etc. Work guaranteed. 378- 649 S. 9M. 297 6349 evenincp. 8577. Jo Vine. tonight at 7 in Cafeteria B. HOUSING (51 ifia3ler MG ID with '53 Studebaker Champion. The club will elect officers and LOST AND FOUND (61 New paint, tonneau. Engine just rebuilt. ANN DARLING Apts. I & 2 bedrooms. ASSISTANCE ON TERM PAPER WRIT- set up a program, according to $800 or best offer. 298.0349. No. 33rd & Marburg Way. ING. Flexible hours, attractive pay. Call LOST. SUPERHOUND. Black male Leh- Dan at 293-9877. 1-5 p.m. Dr. Edward Koziara, assistant (9ectieleid $69. Excellent cook. 1;tAAZ BOARD. '64 CHEVY IMPAL.A hardtop, full power, ROOM & redor with red collar. 298-5417 until 5 professor of economics. Clean rooms EXPERT TYPING. All kinds. Reaeonable. new tires r/h. 37,000 miles. $1750. 354. 2 blocks to SJS. No curfew. p.rn. CY 4-5184 thereafier. Reward. One objective of the club will 72 S. First St. Westgate Shopping Center 293-4275. Phone 294-3772. 3096 evenings. PERSONALS (71 be to organize a tutoring Program San Ione 1600 Saratoga Ave. I OR 2 MALE roomates needed to sheoe AUTOMOBILE & MOTORCYCLE IN- new. 1965 model. Low in which upper division students Phone 297-0920 Phone 379-3051 VESPA 90. Like 2 bedroom apt. with me. 1, $60. 2, $40. CUSTOM MADE contemporary wedding SURANCE for students. Chet Bailey, of extras. $300. Call 264- will help lower mileage, lots 560 S. 10th. See manager. rings. Original jewelry in cast gold & 286-5386. 449 W. San Carlos. division students. 3828. new. 2 Another objective will be to -- DELUXE STUDENT apts. Brand silver. G. Larimore 354.1273. elec- HONDA 250 CC. Excellent condi- bedroom, 2 bath. Danish furniture, TRANSPORTATION (9) inforrn members of graduate tion. Phone 258 6068 after 6 pfe. tric kitchen. large closets. $150. 4 per- SERVICES 181 school and job opportunities. Mem- sons. 1,1E0. 706 S. 9th. 294-9170. YOUNG MAN LEAVING for Alaska OLDS 811. 2 door herd top Bridi & 21 & MARRIED. Receive age 25 or over bers will have a chance to voice 'SS room 1, board. 10 meals. $21 per soon. need rider(s), male or female. motor needs work. $/5 or best MEN rates on auto Liability net opinions on impmve- tires good. week. 104 S. 13th. 286-1940. insurance. $67 354-3096. 295-2013, 915 N. 16th. annually. Dave Towle. 244-9600. offer. Cleu NEED RIDE to Scotland ments. 1 MALE student to share new 1 bedroom of '59. Dr. area in Sar- 4arff &ON& '99 TR.3. 296-2889 after 5:30 p.m. & furnished apt. Pool. $45. 297-6086. After atoga. After 3:30 p.m. Mon.. Wed., & FAST, ACCURATE, GUARANTEED TYP- weekerds. p.m. Mon. & Wed. 10 a.m. Tues., Fri. 867-0296. Lynn. DIAMOND ItINO 5 ING in my home. Thurs. & Fri. Editing upon request. RIDE FROM EAST MOTORCYCLES 65 CC & 50 CC. Al- 259-5118. SAN JOSE to SJS. NOW most new. good mileage. Reasonable NEW HOUSE. 3 guys need I Working hours 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 251-5248 LARGE TYPING. Pica Electric. Work price. Cell 293.5658 or 286.4i82. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, electric kitch guaranteed. after 7 p.m. SJS Switchboard 5.6 p.m. more. 243-6313 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. en. Quiet. $41.50. 259-2654. after 3 p.m. RIDE NEEDED to & from Centerville BIG '60 FORD CONVERTIBLE. T.Bird engine. WILL HALL contract for sale. Extra TYPE TERM PAPERS & REPORTS. (Newark) & SJS Mon. thru Fri. 7:30.2:30 equipped. Good condition. Original GORDON Fully Good discount. Must sell. CALL 736-2184. Call 357-7987. owner. $450. 377.9065. study room. Sue Welker, 293-9927. CHEVY BELAIR. Power steormg. 5 SKI 17 TAHOE SKI HOUSE for rent. April 2-9 rrew tires. New upholstery. Real sharp. Master Vacation). Sleeps 14. $150. Cell CLASSIFIED RATES Must sell, 292.7831. Linda Bleyle at 293-9898. To buy, sell. rent or '60 METROPOLITAN. Excellent condi- HOUSING CONTRACT. Apt. on 5th St. announce anything. Minimum SALE tion. Must see to depreciate. Best offer. Secrifice rest of semester. $55 total rent. just fill out and clip Three lines One time Three times Five times 293.9554 after 8 p.m. Getting married. 293-5909. Rich. this handy order One time must sell. 25% OFF FABULOUS DISCOUNT on Grace Hell blank 3 lines 1.50 2.25 2.50 contract. 3 nice roommates. Cell 293 '60 OPEL R/H, white wall tires. Body in 4 hontestic sholpe. Terrific geL mileage. 9919, Carol Dill. lines 2.00 2.75 3.00 TOP LINE SKIS 3550. 25A, IY3 I 3 1, k NEEDED. I or 2 girl students to share 5 lines 2.50 3.25 3.50 breed new large 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt. Send to: Spartan Daily Further reductions on 6 lines 3.00 FOR SALE 131 $48 per girl. 298.0423. CLASSIFIEDS. 3.75 4.00 Add this PARKAS, 1 IIEDROOM furnished or unfurnished-. 1206, San lose State amount for 50 PANTS & SINGLE DIAMOND SCHOLARS ENCYCLOPEDIA. 1 1th edi- Heated pool. 1/2 month free rent with 6 College. San lose, .50 MONACO A Protonic& each addi ' .50 gem (1915). 31 volumes & months lease. I month free with I year BOOTS EMBRACED BY TWO DELICATE Calif. 9511e. tional line study guide. Leather bound. A collector's lease. 356-5757 or 293-6352. 969.9357. PETALS WHICH MIRROR I1S /Ism. $25. & BOARD. Discounted MEN'S ROOM Print your ad here: BRILLIANCE PROM $100 WEDDING GOWN. I. Magnin original. price, 2 men per room. Elcellent food. CHECK A (Count approximately 33 Letters and Spaces Was $225. Now $100. Size 10 fitted satin 91 S. 126. 292.7278. for Each Line) floor length. 293.3012 after 6 p.m. CLASSIFICATION 1*,,c; HAVE VICTORIAN flat, 2 bedroom fur. Do Not Abbreviate NEAR NEW. Con Surfboard & rack. nished with antiques, pool. Will share 0 Announcements (I) No refunds possible on canceled ads. 9.7-. $75. Call Lou after 5.30 p.m. 253. with 1 male roommate. 2 blocks from El Automotive (2) 2550 t,not.. 408 S. 3rd, #3. $40. t You Are Cordially Invited to visit our Bridal Registry - O For Sale (3) ,,IRLS need anoWser for 2---bedroom Help Wanted (4) .4fio and see our 22 new patterns in Chinaware, featuring: HELP WANTID 141 'IV, plus phone & gas. 452 S. 3rd, ri 797.7901. f.-1 Housing (5) , 0 Syracuse Fine China Crystal Stemtuare by Holme I NEED 4 STUDENTS NEED MACI r-r;rnmete, to room wOls L] Lost and Found (6) gourd Ruda from Sweden. own., rna1n appoinitee. 1. rt i,111 3 other.. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. 148 E. Li Personals (1) num awnings, patio covers & screened Williem. #I6. Call 295.8188. Services (8) *<41 selling, n CEN rooms. No Transportation fur- NEED I FEMALE roommate to share nice nished from Transportation (9) our office at 466 Meridian. 1 bedroom apt. 485 E. Williams, *2. Applicants Mailer rnust be neat & available 298.2171 after 6 p.m. from 3 to 6 p.m. daily. $1.50 per hour Private entrance. Fur. guarantee plus. Call 295-6255 for inter- SUNNY ROOM. Nam* address Open Monday, Thurs., Fri. view. nace heat. wall to wall carpeting. 406 (Please Print) 10 to 9 Jealeferi S Ilth. 294.9687, Mrs. Hawkins. Tus., Wed , Sat. 10 to 6 HANDY MAN WANTED. To clo chores fully fur- CHI Phone Start ad on 185- CEASES 7 bruiroorn. 440 SO. WINCHESTER BLVD. 72 S. Fir., -ir. Wentente Shnpping Center hn,e. in pvcinnr,le r6f$4,10 & nished home el 440 Elisabeth St. N.,er SAN JOSE San lifilitieS. 61/2 miles from SJS. Must Clara St. Will Joe. 1600 Saratoga Ave. have corner of S. 10th & Santa For dsys Enclosed is $ Opensoe mystery mons. car. Non smoker, over age 25 preferred. sccommodate 4 college students. 2 Telephone 244-0880 Phone 29741020 Phone 379.3051 Cell 8684988 afternoons or evenings. blocks from 5J5. Zulpo Realty, 259.4230. 1